Detailed biography of Bunin. Unfortunate road home

Detailed biography of Bunin. Unfortunate road home
Detailed biography of Bunin. Unfortunate road home

Creativity Ivan Bunin (1870-1953)

  1. Start of creativity Bunin
  2. Love Lyrics Bunin
  3. Peasant Lyrics Bunin.
  4. Analysis of the story " Antonovskaya apples»
  5. Bunin and revolution
  6. Analysis of the story "Village"
  7. Analysis of the story "Sukhodol"
  8. Analysis of the story "Mr. San Francisco"
  9. Analysis of the story "Dream Chang"
  10. Analysis of the story "Light breath"
  11. Analysis of the book "Casting Days"
  12. Emigration Bunin.
  13. Foreign prose Bunin
  14. Analysis of the story "Sunshine"
  15. Analysis of the collection of stories "Dark Alleys"
  16. Analysis of the story "Clean Monday"
  17. Analysis of the novel "Life Arsenyev"
  18. Bunin's life in France
  19. Bunin and Great Patriotic War
  20. Loneliness Bunin in emigration
  21. Death Bunin.
  1. Start of creativity Bunin

The creative path of the outstanding Russian prose and poet of the late XIX - the first half of the 20th century, recognized by the classic of the domestic literature and its first Nobel laureate I. A. Bunin is of great difficulty, to figure out which is not easy, because in his fate and writer's books in their own way The fates of Russia and its people, the most acute conflicts and contradictions of time.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born 10 (22) October 1870 in Voronezh, in the impoverished noble family. His childhood passed on the farm of the boty of Yezky County of the Oryol province.

Communication with peasants, with her first educator, home teacher N. Romashkov, who was a love for elegant literature, painting and music, life among nature gave the future writer inexhaustible material for creativity, identified the subject of many of his works.

Studying in Yelets Gymnasium, where Bunin entered in 1881, was interrupted due to material needs and illness.

He ended the gymnasium course of the houses at the Yelets village of Lake, under the leadership of Brother Julia, a man perfectly educated and distinguished democratic views.

Since the autumn of 1889, Bunin began to cooperate in the newspaper "Orlovsky Bulletin," then she lived in Poltava for some time, where, according to his own confession, "a lot of corresponding to the newspaper was diligently, wrote ...".

A special place in the life of the young Bunin is a deep feeling for Varvar Paschenko, the daughter of the Yeletsky doctor, with whom he met in the summer of 1889.

The story of his love for this woman, a complex and painful, ending with a complete gap in 1894, the writer will later tell the story of the "Lika" who made the final part of his autobiographical novel "The Life of Arsenyev".

Literary activity Bunin began as a poet. In poems written in adolescent years, he impulsed Pushkin, Lermontov, as well as the idol of the then youth by Poet Sushon. In 1891, the first poetry book was published in Orel, in 1897 - the first collection of stories "on the edge of the world", and in 1901 - again the poetic collection "Listopad".

The prevailing motifs of poetry of the Bunin of the 90s - early 900s is the rich world of native nature and human feelings. In landscape poems expressed the author's vital philosophy.

The motif of the human existence, sounding in a number of poete poems, is balanced by the opposite motive - the approval of eternity and the inhaulic nature of nature.

My spring will pass, and this day will pass,

But fun to wander and know that everything passes,

Meanwhile, how happiness will not die every way, -

he exclaims in the poem "Forest Road".

In the poems of the Bunin, unlike decadents there is no pessimism, disbelief in life, aspirations in the "Mira of Others". They sound the joy of being, the feeling of beauty and the life-giving power of nature and the surrounding world, the paints and the colors of which the poet seeks to reflect and capture.

In the Poem "Listopad" (1900), dedicated to Gorky, Bunin brightly and poetically painted the autumn landscape, handed over the beauty of Russian nature.

Bunin descriptions of nature are not dead, frozen wax casts, but dynamically developing paintings filled with various smells, noise and paints. But nature shifts the rioon not only a variety of shades of colors and smells.

In the world around the world, the poet draws creative strength and vigor, sees the source of life. In the poems "Thaw" he wrote:

No, not a landscape entails me

Do not paint, I strive to notice,

And the fact that in these paints is shining, -

Love and joy of being.

The feeling of beauty and grandeur of life is due to the poems of the Bunin with the religious globility of the author. They are gratitude to the Creator of this living, complex and diverse world:

For all of you, Lord, thank you!

You, after the day of anxiety and sadness,

I give me an evening dawn,

Last fields and mildness of blue were given.

The man, on the thought of Bunin, should be happy for the fact that the Lord gave him the opportunity to see this dissolved in God's world of unprecedented beauty:

And flowers and bumblebees, and grass, and ears,

And azure, and a meal stern-term will come -

The Lord of the Son of the Produal asks:

"Have you been happy in the life of the earth?"

And I'll forget everything - I remember only these

Field Ways between Courses and Grass -

And from sweet tears I will not have time to answer

To the merciful knees of surpass.

("Flowers, and bumblebees" ")

Bunin poetry is deeply national. The image of the Motherland is captured in it through nonsense, but bright paintings of nature. He lovingly describes the expanses of the middle strip of Russia, the attribute of native fields and forests, where everything is fired by light and warm.

In the "satin brilliance" of the Bereznyak, among the flower and mushroom smells, watching the late autumn sometimes stretch to the south of the cranes, the poet with a special force feels a chemless love of his homeland:

Native steppes. Poor serenities -

My depreciation: I returned to her,

Tired of lonely wicked

And understood beauty in her sorrow

And happiness - in sad beauty.

("In the steppe")

Through the feeling of bitterness about the troubles and adversity undergoing his homeland, in poems of the Bunin sounds his love and gratitude to her, as well as a harsh submission to those who are indifferent to her fate:

They mock over to you

They, about their homeland, cores

Your simplicity is

Love of black hut.

So son, calm and cheeky,

Mother's mother is ashamed -

Tired, timid and sad

Environment of the city of his friends.

Looks with a smile compassion

On the one hundreds of verso beat

And for him, for the day of Svidanya,

The last grossik burned.


  1. Love Lyrics Bunin

Equally rosary, transparent and concrete bunin poems about love. Love Lyrics of Bunin in quantitatively small. But it is distinguished by healthy sensuality, restraint, bright images of lyrical heroes and heroines, distant from the beautiful and excessive enthusiasm, avoiding strongest, phrases, poses.

Such are the poems "I entered her at the midnight hour ...", "Song" ("I am a simple girl on Bshtany"), "We met by chance at the corner ...", "loneliness" and some others.

Nevertheless, in the Bunin lyrics, despite the external restraint, the variety and fullness of human feelings, a rich range of moods are reflected. Here and bitterness of separation and unrequited love, and the experience of the suffering, lonely person.

For the poetry of the beginning of the 20th century, extreme subjectivism and increased expressiveness are characterized. It is enough to remember the lyrics of the block, Tsvetaeva, Mandelstam, Mayakovsky and other poets.

Unlike them, the poeton-poet, on the contrary, is inherent in the artistic secrecy, restraint in the manifestation of feelings and in the form of their expression.

An excellent model of such restraint is the poem "loneliness" (1903), which tells about the fate of a person, abandoned by beloved.

... I wanted to shout for the age:

"Thrust, I cried with you!"

But for the woman of the past there is no:

Sobbed - and became her strangers

Well! Fireplace flooding, I will drink ...

Well would buy a dog!

In this poem, attention is drawn to primarily an amazing simplicity of artistic agents, the complete lack of paths.

Stylistically neutral, intentionally prosaic vocabulary emphasizes everybody, the events of the situation - an empty cold cottage, a rainy autumn evening.

Bunin uses here only one paint - gray. Similarly, the syntactic and rhythmic patterns. A clear alternation of three-sized sizes, a calm narrative intonation, the absence of expression and inversion create even and, it would seem indifferent to the tone of the entire poem.

However, a whole number of techniques (depart, with the repetition of the word "one", using impersonal verb forms "I am dark", "I wanted to shout", "good to buy a dog").

Bunin emphasizes the acute spiritual constrained pain of a person worried about the drama. The main content of the poem left, thus, in the subtext, hid behind a deliberately calm tone.

Bunin lyric range is quite wide. He addresses in his poems to Russian history ("Svyatogor", "Prince Vslav", "Mikhail", "Medieval Archrest"), recreates the nature and life of other countries, mainly the East ("Ormazon", "Eschil", "Jericho" , "Flight in Egypt", "Ceylon", "off the coast of Malaya Asia" and many others).

This lyrics is a philosophical for its basis. Looking at the human past, Bunin seeks to reflect the eternal laws of being.

Bunin did not leave his poetic experiments all his life, but he is known for a wide range of readers, "first of all as a prose, although the poetic" vein "definitely affected him in his prosaic works, where a lot of lyrism, emotionality, undoubtedly introduced into them the poetic talent of the writer.

Already in the early prose of Bunin, his deep meditation was reflected above the meaning of life, over the fate of the native country. His stories of the 90s clearly suggest that the young prose shatterously captured many of the most important parties to the then reality.

  1. Peasant Lyrics Bunin.

Main topics early stories Bunina is an image of the Russian peasantry and the ruining of a small-position nobility. There is a close connection between these themes, due to the author's worldview.

Incommunicable paintings of the resettlement of peasant families are drawn to them in the stories "on a foreign side" (1893) and "on the edge of the world" (1894), the huge life of peasant children is displayed in the stories of "Tank" (1892), to "lead from homeland". Men's life, but no less unpromising and the fate of the local nobility ("New Road", "Pines").

All of them - and peasants, and nobles - threatens the fart in the village of the new owner of life: Hamovitogo, Breakless, not knowing pity for the weak world of this bourgeois.

No methods, nor the consequences of such capitalization of the Russian village, the Bunin is looking for an ideal in the direction of life when, on the thought of the writer, there was a strong blood connection with a man and landlord.

The launching and degeneration of the noble nests causes a feeling of deepest sadness about the departed harmony of patriarchal life, the gradual disappearance of the whole class that created the greatest national culture.

  1. Analysis of the story "Antonovsky apples"

Especially bright epitaph of the old village leaving in the past sounds in a lyrical story "Antonovsky apples" (1900). This story is one of the wonderful works of the writer.

After reading him, Gorky wrote Bunin: "And thank you very much for" apples. " It's good. Here Ivan Bunin, like a young God, sang. Beautiful, juicy, sincerely. "

In "Antonovsky Apples" amazes the subtlest perception of nature and the ability to transfer it in clear visual images.

No matter how idealizes the Bunin ancient life, this is not the most important thing in his story for the modern reader. The feeling of the motherland, born from the feeling of its unique, peculiar, slightly sad autumn nature, invariably occurs when you read "Antonovskaya apples."

These are the episodes of collecting Antonovsky apples, grinding and especially masterfully written scenes of hunting. These paintings are organically combined with the autumn scenery, in the descriptions of which frightening riot signs of new reality in the form of telegraph pillars, which "only one make up the contrast with everything that was surrounded by the staple-plated nest of the aunt".

For the writer, the parish of the predatory ruler of life is a brutal, unearthly force, carrying with him the dead, noblefish. In the face of such a danger, this way becomes even more expensive for the writer, his critical attitude to dark sides The past, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe union of peasants and landowners, whose fate is the same, according to Bunin, is now punch.

Bunin writes a lot in these years about the old men ("saucepan", "Meliton", etc.), and this interest in old age, the sunset of human existence, is explained by the heightened attention of the writer to the eternal problems of life and death that did not cease to worry him until the end of days .

Already in the early work of the Bunin, his uncommon psychological skills manifests itself, the ability to build a plot and composition, forms its special way of image of the world and spiritual movements of a person.

The writer, as a rule, avoids sharp plot strokes, the action in his stories develops smoothly, calmly, even slowly. But this slowness is only external. As in the lifetime itself, in the works of Bunin they boil passion, there are various characters, conflicts are tied.

Master of extremely detailed vision of the world, Bunin causes the reader to perceive the surrounding literally by all feelings: vision, smell, hearing, taste, tanging, giving the will a whole flow of associations.

"Easy chill dawn" smells from him "sweet, forest, flowers, herbs", the city in a frosty day "All creaks and squeals from the steps of passersby, from the polozing of the man's sledge", the pond glitters "hot and boring", the flowers smell with "feminine Luxury ", the leaves" lay a quiet flowing rain for open windows ", etc.

The text of the riot is saturated with complex associations and shaped connections. A particularly important role in this image of the image is played by the artistic part, which reveals the copyright view of the world, the psychological state of the character, the beauty and complexity of the world.

  1. Bunin and revolution

The revolution of 1905, Bunin did not accept. She terrified the writer with her cruelty both with the same and on the other side, an anarchic peppervilion of some part of the peasants, the manifestation of wildness and bloody malice.

The myth about the union of peasants and landowners was shaken, the ideas about the peasant as a tearsal, humble creature collapsed.

All this aggravated the interest of Bunin to Russian history and to the problems of the Russian national nature, in which the Bunin now saw the complexity and "multitude", weave positive and negative features.

In 1919, after the October Revolution, he will record in his diary: "There are two types of people. In one prevailing Russia, "in the other - Chud, Merry. But in that, and in the other there is a terrible change of moods, appearance, "sharpness", as they said in the old days.

The people himself said to herself: "Of us, like from the tree, - and a dubb, and icon," depending on the circumstances, from who this tree processes: Sergius Radonezh or Emelyan Pugachev. "

These are "two types in the people" Bunin and will deeply explore in the 1910s in their works "Village", "Sukhodol", "Ancient Man", "Night conversation", "Merry Dvor", "Ignat", "Zakhar Sparrow "," John Rydlets "," I'm all silent "," Prince in Princes "," Lucky Grass "and many others, in which, according to the author, he was" the soul of a Russian man in a deep sense, the image of the psyche of Slavyanina " .

  1. Analysis of the story "Village"

The first of these works was the story "Village" (1910), which caused a squall of disputes and readers, and critics.

Very accurately estimated the meaning and value of the Buninsky work bitter: "Village," he wrote, - was the impetus that made the broken and stunned russian Society Seriously think about not about the man, not about the people, but above the strict question - to be or not to be Russia?

We have not yet thought about Russia as a whole, this work indicated us the need to think exactly about the whole country, thinking historically ... so deep, so historically nobody took the village ... ". The "village" of Bunin is dramatic meditation about Russia, its past, present and the future, the properties of the historically established national nature.

The new approach of the writer to the traditional peasant theme for him has identified the search for them with new means of artistic expressiveness. To change the penetrated lyrics, characteristic of the former stories of the Bunin about the peasantry, in the "village" came the harsh, sober narration, capacious, concise, but at the same time economically saturated with the image of everyday detour of the rustic life.

The aspiration of the author to reflect in the story of a long period in the life of the village of Durunovka, symbolizing, in the rendering of the Bunin, the Russian village in general, and wider - all of Russia ("Yes, she is the whole village," says about Russia, one of the characters of the story), - demanded from him and New principles for building a work.

In the center of the narration - the image of the lifestyle of the brothers Krasovy: who knocked out of the poor landowner and the Tikhon's Zabatchik and a stray poet self-taught Kuzma.

The eyes of these people show all the main events of time: the Russian-Japanese war, the 1905 revolution, the post-revolutionary period. There is no single continuously developing plot in the work, the story is a series of paintings by rustic, and in part and district life, which has been observed by Krasov for many years.

The main phaance line of the story is the history of the life of the brothers of Krasovy, grandchildren of a serf peasant. It is interrupted by many plug-in novels and episodes telling the life of drancing.

An important role for understanding the ideological meaning of the work is played by the image of Kuzma Krasova. He is not only one of the main characters of the work, but also the main expressant of the author's point of view.

Kuzma is a loser. He "all his life dreamed of learning and writing," but his fate has developed in such a way that he had always had to engage in alien and unpleasant matter. In his youth, he was a boxer traders, I wandered around Russia, wrote articles in the newspaper, then served in the candle shop, was a railway and, in the end, moved to his brother, with whom she once cruelly rushed.

The soul of the Kuzma and the consciousness of the aimlessly lived life, and insane paintings of the surrounding reality lie in the soul. All this encourages him to reflect on who is warned in a similar device of life.

A look at the Russian people and his historical past was first expressed in the story of the Kuzma teacher - the traded Balashkin. Balashkin utters words that are forced to remember the famous "martyrologist" of Herzen: "God is merciful! Pushkin killed, Lermontov was killed, Pisarev was drowned ... Ryleeva was removed, Polezhaev in the soldiers, Shevchenka for 10 years in the soldiers' nervous ... Dostoevsky taped to shooting, Gogol was crazy ... and rings, reshetnikov, Nikitin, Pomonyovsky, Levitov? ".

The list of the best representatives of the nation departed from the life of the best representatives of the nation is rarely convincing, and the reader has every reason to divide the indignation of the Balashkin against such a position of things.

But the end of the Tirada suddenly rethinks all the above: "Oh, whether there is still such a country in the world, such people, whether it is cursed three times?". Kuzma hotly objects to it: "Such people! The greatest people, not "such", let you see ... After all, the writers are these - the children of this nation. "

But Balashkin in his own way determines the concept of "people", setting next to Plato Karataev and Razawayev with Coluvayev, and Saltychihu, and Karamazov with broom, and Klezlekov, and Nozdrev. Subsequently, editing a story for a foreign edition, Bunin made the following characteristic words to the first replica of Balashkin: "say - the government is guilty? Yes, because on the holope and barin, in Senka and the hat. " Such a look at the people becomes further decisive for Kuzma. He is inclined to divide and the author himself.

No less important is in the story of Tikhon Krasova. The son of a serf peasant, Tikhon Radikae on the trade, opened the Kabak, and then bought the Lord's Lord Vernik, who had an attacked descendant of his past.

From the former beggar, the orphans turned out the owner, the thunderstorm of the entire county. Strict, hard in handling servants and men, he stubbornly goes to his goal, rich. "Lyut! But the owner, "said Tikhon Durunsev. The sense of the owner is really - the main thing in Tikhon.

Any slacker causes a sharp feeling of hostility: "In employees would be this Lodody!" However, the all-consuming passion of accumulation deposited from him a variety of life, distorted feelings.

"We live - do not wash, you will find it," the beloved saying, who has been leading to action. But over time, he begins to feel the uselessness of his efforts and the entire lived life.

With sorrow in the soul, he is recognized by Kuzma: "My life, Bratus, disappeared! I was, you see, the strangue is dumb, I gave her, Dura, a handkerchief, and she took and inspired him inside out ... Do you understand? From Duri yes from greed. It is a pity to wear on weekdays, - the holiday, they say, wait, - and the holiday came - the rags alone remained ... So I ... with my life. "

This woven shit-spontaneous sweep - a symbol of aimlessly lived life is not only a Tikhon. It applies to his brother - the loser Kuzma, and on the dark existence of many peasants depicted in the story.

We will find a lot of gloomy pages here, where the darkness, accuracy, ignorance of peasants are shown. Such is gray, hardly the most nourishing man in the village, who did not get out of his need, having lived the whole century in a little curly hollow, rather like Berloga.

These are episodic, but bright images Karaulchikov from the landowner estate suffering from diseases from eternal malnutrition and wretched existence.

But who is to blame for this? This is the question of which the author is fought, and its central heroes. "Who to recover something? - Asks Kuzma.- Unhappy people, first of all - unfortunate! .. ". But this statement immediately refuted by the opposite course of thoughts: "Yes, but who is to blame for this? The very same people! "

Tikhon Krasov reproaches his brother in contradictions: "Well, you already don't know any measures. Delicate yourself: the unfortunate people, the unfortunate people! And now - the animal. " Kuzma and in fact confused: "I don't understand anything: it's not that unfortunate, not that ...", but the author is inclined (AU and author) to the conclusion of "guilt."

Take again the same gray. Having three tenths of the Earth, he cannot and does not want to process it and prefers to live in a poverty, indulging in idle thoughts that, maybe, the wealth itself sails into his hands.

Bunin Especially does not accept the hope of Durunsev at the grace of the revolution, which, according to them, will give them the opportunity "do not plow, do not mow - to wear jacket girls."

Who, in the Buninsky understanding, is " driving power Revolution "? One of them is the son of a gray peasant, Builder Deniska. This young slacker was antered with his city. But he did not fit and there, and after a while he returns back to the retirement father with an empty kittomboy, and pockets stuffed with books.

But what is this books: the songwriter "Marusya", "Wife-Removers", "An innocent girl in the chains of violence" and next to them - "The role of the proletariat (" Protainlariat ", as Deniska pronounces) in Russia."

Extremely ridiculous and caricature of their own written exercises of the Denis, which he leaves Tikhon, causing a replica: "Well, the fool, sorry, Lord." Deniska is not only stupid, but also cruel.

He "mortal fighting" beats his father just for having struck the ceiling on the treasure, which Deniska saves newspapers and pictures.

However, there are also bright folk characters drawn by the author with explicit sympathy. Not deprived, for example, the attractiveness image of the peasant of the one-piece.

In the scene, when Kuzma sees a one-friendly at night, removing the shields from the railway, which it uses on fuel, this deft and span peasant reminds something bold and winsted women from the people in the early stories of Gorky.

With deep sympathy and sympathy, a bunin is drawn and the image of the widow of the bottle, which comes to Kuzma to dictate letters forgot her son Mishe. Of considerable strength and expressiveness reaches a writer in the image of the peasant Ivanushki.

This deep old man, who firmly decided not to succumb to death and retreating before her only when he learns that for him, seriously ill, already harvested by the coffin relatives, the figure is truly epic.

In the image of these characters, sympathy for them both the author himself and one of the main characters of the story - Kuzma Krasova is clearly visible.

But these sympathies are especially fully expressed in relation to the character, which passes through the entire story and is of paramount interest to understand the positive ideals of the author.

This peasant is nicknamed young. It stands out from the mass of Durnovsky women primarily by their beauty, which Bunin speaks more than once in the story. But the beauty of the young appears under the pen of the author as beauty.

The young, we know, "daily and everybody" hits the husband of the face, it beats Tikhon Krasov, her nude, tie to the tree, finally, are married to the ugly Denis. The image of a young is an image-symbol.

The young Bunin is an embodiment of the valid beauty, good, hardworking, she - a generalization of light and good began peasant life, the symbol of young Russia (this generalization is already affected in the nickname itself - young). The "village" of Bunina is a story-warning. She does not accidentally ends with a wedding Denis and young. IN buninsky image This wedding resembles a funeral.

The final of the story is irrependent: a blizzard raging on the street, and the wedding triple flies unknown where, "in the dark torment." The image of a blizzard is also a symbol, meaning the end of the bright Russia, which is personifies young.

So a whole range of symbolic episodes and paintings Bunin warns what can happen to Russia if she "will be engaged" with ribs, similar to Denis in gray.

Later, Bunin wrote his friend, the artist P. Niluus, about what happened to Russia as a result of the February and October coup was tragedy, he predicted in the story "Village".

For the story "Village" followed a number of stories of Bunin on the peasantry, continuing and developing thoughts on the "motley" of the national character, depicting a "Russian soul, its peculiar plexuses."

With sympathy draws a writer of people of good and generous hearts, hardworking and caring. The carriers of the anarchic, rebar began, people are self-removed, cruel, lazy cause him unchanged antipathy.

Sometimes the plots of bunin works are built on the collision of these two began: good and evil. One of the most characteristic works in this regard is the story "Merry Dvor", where two characters are contrasting: a humble, who lived a bitter life, a hard-working peasant Anusya and her mentally worn, unava-free son, "emptolit" Egor.

Dolvaria, kindness, on the one hand, and cruelty, anarchicity, unpredictability, toastly, on the other hand, two starts, two categorical imperatives of the Russian national character, as Bunin understood it.

The most important in Buninsky creativity positive folk characters. Along with the image of a stupid submission (the stories "Lychadda", "I am all silent" and others) in the works of 1911-1913 characters appear who have humility of a different plan, Christian.

These are people with meek, multiple and at the same time attractive with their kindness; spiritual warmth, beauty internal appearance. In a nondescript, fit, at first glance, the man detects courage, moral durability ("Cricket").

The deepest spirituality is opposed to deep spirituality, the mind, an outstanding creative talent ("Libernik Rodion", "Good Blood"). The story "Zakhar Vorobyev" (1912), which the author reported to the writer N. D. Teleshov, reported by the writer N. D. Teleshov: "He will protect me."

His hero is the peasant bogatyr, the owner of huge, but unbearable opportunities: thirst for the feat, longing for unusual, giganic power, mental nobility.

Bunin frankly admits his character: his beautiful, spiritualized face, an open look, an article, force, kindness. But this warmer, a man of a noble soul, burning the desire to do something good people, does not find applies to his forces and dies ridiculous and meaningless, drinking a quarter of vodka to the dispute.

True, Zakhar - Unicum among "small norinal". "There is one more kind of like me," he said sometimes, "yes, so far, under Zadonsky." But "in the old man, they raise, there were many people like him, but this breed is translated."

In the image of Zahar, the inexhaustible forces are symbolized, but still really not come to the desired movement. Noteworth of a dispute about Russia, who leads Zakhar and his random drinking companions.

Zakhara sunk in this dispute word "Our oak dub grew up ...", in which he pulled a wonderful hint of Russia.

One of the most remarkable stories of Bunin - "Lucky Grass" (1913). With heartfelt, the spiritual world of Batrakka Averkia is revealed here.

Heavily ill after 30 years of hard work, Averki gradually leaves life, but perceives death as a person who has fulfilled his destination in this world, living life honestly and worthy.

The writer shows in detail the parting of his character with life, his rejection from the whole earthly and fussy and climbing the great and bright truth of Christ. The Averkie Road Bunin in that, having lived a long life, did not become a slave of stying and the profit, did not get out, did not seduce in concern.

Its honesty, softness, kindness Averki closest to the Buninsky concept about the type of Russian simple manwho was especially common in ancient Russia.

It's not by chance, the epigraph to the collection "John Rydlets", which also entered the story "Huda-grass", Bunin elected the words of Ivan Aksakov, "there was no more ancient Russia." But this story and this story, and the entire collection is not facing the past, but to the present.

  1. Analysis of the story "Sukhodol"

In 1911, the writer creates one of the largest works of the Dooktyrab period - the Tales of "Sukhodol", called the bitter "Panir" on the noble class, a pahinist, which Bunin "Despite the anger, for contempt for powerless, who died, served with the Great Heart pity for them. "

Like "Antonov's apples", the story "Sukhodol" is written by the first person. According to its spiritual appearance, the Buninsky narrator from "Sukhodola" - all the same person forgiving former magnitude landlord estates.

But unlike the "Antonovskiy apples", Bunin in Suhodol, not only regrets the dying noble nests, but also recreates the Sukhodoli contrasts, the disarray of the yard and the self-smuggling of landowners.

In the center of the narration - the history of the Khrushchev's noble family, the history of its gradual degradation.

In Suhodol, Bunin writes, terrible things were going on. Old Barin Peter Kirillych was killed by his illegitimate son Gerauska, his daughter Antonina went crazy against undivided love.

Printing of degeneracy lies on the last representatives of the kind of Khrushchev. They are depicted by people who raise not only ties with the outside world, but also related ties.

Pictures of Sukhodolsk Life are given in stories through the perception of the former serf Natalia. The poisoned philosophy of humility and humility, Natalia does not rise not only to protest against the Lord's arbitrariness, but even to a simple condemnation of the actions of his owners. But her whole fate is an indictment against the owners of Sukhodol.

When she was still a child, her father was given for their provinces in the soldiers, and the mother died from a heartbroken, the punishment for the fact that the turkey, whom she was grained, interrupted Grad. Leaving orphans, Natalia becomes a toy in the hands of the Lord.

She was still a girl for his whole life loved the young owner of Peter Petrovich. But he is not enough that he swept her arapnik when she "came across at his feet," but also skeiled with a shame into a deaf village, accusing a mirror in the steal.

According to mine art features "Sukhodol" more than any other product of the Bunin-Prosaika these years is close to Buninskaya poetry. The rigid and sharp maneer of the narrative, characteristic of the "village", is replaced in the "Sukhodol" mild memories lyrics.

In considerable measure of lyrical sound, the work contributes to the fact that the author of the author commenting on and complementing the stories of Natalia is included in the story.

1914-1916 - an extremely important stage of the creative evolution of Bunin. This is the time of final design of his style and worldview.

His prose becomes the tank and sophisticated in his artistic perfection, philosophical - in meaning and meaning. The man in the stories of the Bunin of these years, without losing his household connections with his world around him, simultaneously turns on to a writer in space.

This philosophical idea Bunin later clearly formulates in the book "Liberation of Tolstoy": "A person must be aware of his personality not as something opposite to the world, but as a small part of the world, huge and forever living."

This circumstance, on the thought of Bunin, puts a person in a difficult situation: on the one hand, he is part of the infinite and eternal lifeOn the other hand, the human happiness is fragile and illusively before incomprehensible cosmic forces.

This dialectical unity of the two opposite aspects of the world term is determined by the main content of the Buninsky creativity of this time, telling simultaneously and about the greatest happiness to live, and on the eternal tragedy of being.

Bunin significantly expands the range of its creativity, turning to the image of far from Russia and peoples. These works were the result of numerous studies of the writer in the countries of the Middle East.

But not tempting exotic attracted a writer. With great skill, depicting the nature and life of distant edges, Bunin is primarily interested in the problem of "man and peace". In the poem of 1909, "Dog" he confessed:

I am a person: like God, I am doomed

To know the longing of all countries and all time.

These sentiments clearly affected the Bunin masterpieces of the 1910s - the stories of the "brothers" (1914) and "Mr. from San Francisco" (1915), united by the overall concept of life.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthese works by the author formulated the epigraph to "Mr. from San Francisco": "Mount to you, Babylon, a strong city" - these terrible words of the Apocalypse sounded relentlessly in my soul, when I wrote the "brothers" and wondered "Mr. from San Francisco", a few months before the war, "the writer admitted.

Owned by Bunin in these years, the acute sense of catastrophicity of the world, cosmic evil reaches here the apogee. But at the same time, it is deepening and rejection by the writer evil social.

The dialectical image of these two evils, bouncing over the person, the bunin subordinates the entire articulated system of works, which is characterized by pronounced biblosity.

Landscape in stories - not only the background and place of action. This is simultaneously the concrete embodiment of the space life that human fate is fatal.

Symbols of space life are the images of the forest, in which "everything chased each other, rejoiced by a short joy, exterminating each other," and especially the ocean - "bottomless depths", the "plenty of pests", "about which the Bible says so terrible."

The source of unpleasuries, catastrophicity, the fragility of life, the writer simultaneously sees in the evil social, which is personified in his stories in the images of the English-Colonizer and American businessman.

The tragedy of the situation depicted in the story "Brothers", emphasizes the epigraph to this work, taken from the Buddhist book "Sutta Nipata":

Look at brothers, beating each other.

I want to talk about sadness.

He also defines the tonality of the story enveloped by intricate the omse of oriental style. The story of one day from the life of the young Ceylon Rickshaw who committed suicide, because rich Europeans took away his beloved, sounds in the story "Brothers" as a sentence of rigidity and egoism.

With dislike paints the writer of one of them, the Englishman, for which merciless, cold cruelty is characteristic. "In Africa, he is cynically recognized, - I killed people, in India robbed by England, which means partly and me, I saw thousands of dying with hunger, in Japan I bought girls in monthly wives, in China beat a stick on the heads of defenseless monkey-like olden , on Java and on Ceylon to death, Rickshaw ... ".

Bitter sarcasm is heard in the title of the story, in which one "brother", located on the top of the social staircase, suffers to death and pushes on the suicide of another, who has a foot.

But the life of the British-Colonizer, being devoid of a high internal purpose, appears in the work meaningless, and therefore also fatally doomed. And only in the final of life it comes to it.

In a painful excited state, he denounces the spiritual devastation of his civilized contemporaries, speaks about the miserable impotence of the human person in the world, "Where every or killer, or killed": "We are assessed our personality above the heavens, we want to focus on the whole world in it to There they spoke about the coming worldwide fraternity and equality, - and only in the ocean ... Feeling, as melting, the person dissolves in this black, sounds, smells, in this terrible Jewish, only there we understand and weakly, which means this is our personality. " .

In this monologue, Bunin undoubtedly invested his perception of modern life, torn by tragic contradictions. It is in this sense that it is necessary to understand the words of the wife of the writer V. N. Muromsky-Bunina: "What felt it (Bunina.- A.F.) An Englishman in the" brothers ", autobiographical".

The coming death of the world, in which "from the century the winner of a strong fifth stands on the sore of the defeated", in which the moral laws of the human fraternity ruthlessly dug, symbolically foreshadows in the story of the story of the ancient Eastern legend of the Voronene, greedily pounced on the carcass of the Dead Elephant and the dead, being attributed together With her far away in the sea.

  1. Analysis of the story "Mr. San Francisco"

The humanistic thought of the writer about the viciousness and sinfulness of modern civilization is even more acutely expressed in the story "Mr. from San Francisco".

Noteworthy already poetics of the name of the work. The hero of the story is not a man, namely "Mr.". But he is Mr. San Francisco. The exact designation of the national affiliation of the Bunin character expressed his attitude towards American businessmen, even then for him for him by synonymous with antgumanism and confusion.

"Mr. from San Francisco" is a parable about life and death. And at the same time, the story of who living was already spiritually dead.

The hero of the story is consciously not endowed with the author name. Nothing personal, the spiritual is not in this person, all his life devoted to the increase in his condition and turning to fifty eight years in the semblance of a gold idol: "Dry, low, unbelieving, but firmly stitched ... The golden fillings glittered his large teeth, an old ivory - strong bald head".

Deprived of any human feelings, an American businessman himself alien to everything around. Even the nature of Italy, where he goes to relax and enjoy the "love of young neapolitanoks - even if not completely disinterestedly," meets it unlucky and cold.

Everything that surrounds him is desira and disastrous, everything he carries death and Tlen. In an effort to give a private case, a large social generalization, to show the defensive person the power of gold, the writer deprives his character of individual signs, turning it into a symbol of confusion, defense and practicality.

Confident in the correctness of the choice of life path, Mr. San Francisco, who never attended the thought of death, suddenly dies in an expensive capry hotel.

This clearly demonstrates the collapse of his ideals and principles. The strength and power of the dollar, to which the American worshiped the whole life and which he turned into an end in itself, was ghostly in the face of death.

Symbolized and the ship itself, on which a businessman drove to have fun in Italy and who is lucky, is already dead, in a drawer from under soda, back to the new light.

The steamer sailing among the boundless ocean is a micromoderel of that world, where everything is built on sales and falsehood (which costs, for example, a beautiful young couple, hired to portray lovers), where we are taking away from heavy work and humiliation of ordinary people's labor and spend time in luxury and fun strong Mira This: "... In the deaths of Siren, suffocated to the fog of Siren, froze from the jewel and sage from the inspired voltage of attention to the attention on their tower, gloomy and burning underworld, her last, the ninth circle was like a Underwater womb ... And then, in the bar, carelessly The legs were thrown on the handles of the seats, We were cognac and liqueurs, swam in the waves of spicy smoke, everything was shining in the dance hall and poured light, warmth and joy, the couples were spinning in the wals, they were bent in Tango - and music persistently, in some sweet -Wellic sadness prayed everything about one thing, all about the same ... ".

The author's attitude towards the life of those inhabiting this noev ark is superbly transmitted in this capacious period.

The plastic clarity of the depicted, diversity of paints and visual impressions is what is constantly inherent in the Bunin art style, but in these stories acquires special expressiveness.

Especially great in the "Lord of San Francisco" the role of the details in which through private, concrete, domestic, the general patterns are shied, contains a large generalization.

So, the scene of disguise to the dinner of Mr. San Francisco is very specific and at the same time wears the character of a symbolic foresight.

The writer will paint in detail how the hero of the story skeins himself in a skiing "strong senile body" suit, buttons "squeezing the throat is not a tight collar", painfully catching a cufflink, "firmly biting the jamble skin in the deepening under Kadyk."

A few minutes later, the lord would die of choking. A suit in which the character is killed is an ominous attribute of the false existence, like the ATLANTIDA ship, like the entire "civilized world", the imaginary values \u200b\u200bof which is not accepting a writer.

The story "Mr. San Francisco" is completed by the same picture with which he began: the giant "Atlantis" makes its return route to the ocean of space life. But this ring composition does not mean the consent of the writer with the thought of the eternal and unchanged cycle of history.

The whole system of symbols, Bunin asserts just the opposite - the inevitable death of the world, mired in egoism, sales and confusion. This is evidenced by the epigraph to the story, conducting the parallel between the modern life and the sad outcome of the ancient Babylon, and the name of the ship.

Daving the ship symbolic title Atlantis, the author oriented the reader for direct comparison of the steamer - of this world in miniature - with ancient mainland, without a tracely disappeared in the bunch of waters. Binds this picture the image of the devil, who follows the rocks of Gibraltar for the ship go on the night: Satan "rules the ball" on the ship of human life.

The story "Mr. San Francisco" was written during the First World War. And he quite clearly characterizes the mood of the writer of this time.

The war forced the Bunin is more closely at the depths of human nature, in a thousand-year history marked with despotism, violence, cruelty. September 15, 1915, Bunin wrote P. Niluus: "I do not remember such stupidity and the depression of the spiritual, in which I have long been ...

War and Tomit, and tortured, and worries. Yes, and another much too. " Actually about the First World War, the Bunin works are almost no, except for the stories "Last Spring" and "Last Autumn", where this topic finds certain lighting.

Bunin wrote not so much about war as, in the words of Mayakovsky, "wrote the war", exposing in its pre-revolutionary creativity tragedy and even catastrophicity of being.

  1. Analysis of the story "Dream Chang"

Characterized in this regard and the story of Bunin 1916 "Dream Chang". Dog Chang is chosen by the writer as a central character not at all from the desire to cause good and tender feelings for animals than they were usually guided writers-Realistic XIX century.

Bunin from the first lines of his work translates the story to the plan philosophical reflection On the secrets of life, the meaning of earthly existence.

And although the author exactly indicates the actions of the action - Odessa, describes in detail the attic on which Chang lives with his master - spinning retired captain, on equal rights with these paintings, enter the story of memories, Snah Chang, giving the work of the philosophical aspect.

The contrast between the paintings of the former happy life of Chang with his owner and their present miserable "stagnation is a specific expression of the dispute of two vital truth, the existence of which we will learn at the beginning of the story.

"There were once two truths in the world that constantly replaced each other, -weet Bunin, the first one that life is extremely beautiful, and the other is that life is thought only for crazy. Now the captain claims that there is, there was only one truth in the eyelids, the latter ... ". What is this truth?

The captain tells her friend about her: "My friend, I saw the whole globe - life everywhere is as follows! All this is a lie and nonsense, as if people live: they don't have God, nor conscience, no reasonable goal of existence, nor love, no friendship, no honesty, is not even simple pity.

Life is a boring winter day in a dirty kabaska, no more ... ". Chang essentially inclined to the conclusions of the captain.

At the end of the story he dies with a spoke captain, orphaned Chang gets to the new owner - the artist. But his thoughts are fixed to the last owner - God.

"In the world, there should be only one truth in the world," the third, "the author writes," and what she - the last one knows about that. The owner, to which Chang will soon have to come back. This conclusion is completed.

He does not leave any hopes for the possibility of reorganization of earthly life in accordance with the laws of the first, bright truth and relies on the third, the highest, unearthly truth.

The whole story permeates the feeling of the tragedy of life. A sudden fracture in the life of the captain, who led him to death, occurred due to the treason of his wife, which he loved herself.

But the wife, in essence, is not to blame, it is not even bad, on the contrary, it is beautiful, the thing is that it is so predetermined by fate, and you will not leave anywhere.

One of the most discussion issues of Buninov Studies is the question of the positive aspirations of the writer of pre-revolutionary years. What contrasts Bunin - and does the general tragedy of being, catastrophic life?

The Buninsky concept of life finds its expression in the formula of two truths from "Snov Chang": "Life is extremely beautiful" and at the same time "the life of thought is only for crazy."

This is the unity of opposites - a light and fatally gloomy look at the world - coexist in many works of the Bunin of the 10th, determining the kind "tragic major" of their ideological content.

Condeming the inhumanity of the poor-minded egoistic world, Bunin contrasts him the moral of ordinary people living hard, but morally healthy, labor Life. That older Ricksha from the story "Brothers", "driven by love is not for himself, and families, for his son wanted happiness that it was not destined, he did not give himself."

The grim flavor of the narrative in the story "Mr. from San Francisco" is inferior to the enlightened place when it comes to ordinary people of Italy:

about the old man-boatman Lorenzo, "carefree walking and handsome", famous in all of Italy, about the corridor Caprios hotel Luigi and especially about two Abruzzian mountaineers who pay "humbly joyful praises of the Virgin Mary": "They walked - and the whole country, joyful, beautiful , Sunny, stretched over them. "

And in the nature of a simple Russian man, Bunin is persistently looking for a positive start, without leaving the image of his "Pepreaty". On the one hand, he with merciless sobility of a realist continues to show the "dense rustic life."

And on the other hand, it depicts the healthy, which makes the way in a Russian peasant through the crowd of ignorance and darkness. In the story "Spring Evening" (1915), ignorant and black man kills the sake of money of the nagged old man.

And this is the act of despair of a person, when "at least with the hunger." Having committed the crime, he realizes the whole horror of the deed and throws incense with money.

The poetic image of a young peasant girl of Paras, whose romantic love was rudely trampled by the predatory and cruel eraseman Nikanor, creates a bunin in the story "On the road"(1913).

Researchers who emphasize the poetic, folk basis of the image of Paras, personifying the bright parties of Russian folk nature.

A large role in identifying the life-affirming began life belongs to the stories of the Bunin nature. It is a moral catalyst of light, optimistic traits of being.

In the story "Mr. from San Francisco", nature is updated and cleared after the death of the American. When the ship with the body of rich Yankee left Capri, "on the island, the author emphasizes - peace and peace reigned."

Finally, the pessimistic forecast for the future is overcome in the stories of the writer by apotheosis of love.

Bunin perceived the world in the indecomposable unity of his contrasts, in its dialectical complexity and contradictions. Life is both happiness, and tragedy.

The highest, mysterious and sublime manifestation of this life is love for Bunin. But the love of Bunin is a passion, and in this passion, which is a vertex manifestation of life, a man burns. In the flour, the writer claims, there is bliss, and happiness is so piercing that akin to suffering.

  1. Analysis of the story "Light breath"

In this regard, the Buninskaya novel of 1916 "Easy breath". This is a high lyrism narrative about how the flourishing life of a young heroine - the gymnasics of Oli Meshcherskaya - was unexpectedly interrupted by a terrible and at first glance an inexplicable disaster.

But in this surprise - the death of the heroine - there was its own rock pattern. To expose and identify the philosophical basis of the tragedy, his understanding of love as the greatest happiness and at the same time the greatest tragedy, Bunin is typical of his work.

The start of the story carries the news about the tragic junction of the plot: "In the cemetery, over fresh clay mounds there is a new cross, strong, heavy, smooth ...".

It was "done ... a convex porcelain medallion, and in the medallion - a photographic portrait of a gymnasium with joyful, strikingly alive eyes."

Then the smooth retrospective story begins, the full joy of life, which the author slows down, restrains the epic detail: the girl Olya Meshcherskaya "did not stand out in the crowd of brown gymnasium dresses ... Then she began to flourish ... not by day, but by the hour. ... Nobody danced on the bala like Olya Meshcherskaya, no one ran so on the skates, as she, for whom they did not care for the balls as much as it.

Olya Meshchersa, the last winter, was completely crazy from the fun, as they spoke in the gymnasium ... ". And once, on a big change, when she was swirl on the school hall from the first-graders enthusiastically driven after her, she was unexpectedly called to the boss of the gymnasium. The boss commands her for not a gymnasic, and the women's hairstyle that she wears expensive shoes and ridges.

"You're no longer a girl ... But not a woman," said Ole's boss annoyedly, "... you absolutely overlook that you are only a gymnasics ...". And then the sharp phaance fracture begins.

In response, Olya Meshcherskaya pronounces a significant word: "Sorry, Madame, you are mistaken: I am a woman. And you know who you know? Friend and neighbor Pope, and your brother is Alexey Mikhailovich Malyutin. It happened last summer in the village. "

At this point, the highest reader's interest is breaking sharply. And not filling with any pause, the author fits us with a new stunning surprise, externally in no way connected with the first - words that Olya shot a Cossack officer.

All that led to the murder, which should seem to be the plot of the story, outlined in one paragraph, without details and without any emotional color - the language of the judicial protocol: "The officer said the judicial investigator that the Meshcherta was set to him, was close to him , I swore to be his wife, and at the station, on the day of the murder, accomplishing him in Novocherkassk, suddenly told him that she did not think to never love him ... "

The author does not give any psychological motivation of this story. Moreover, at that moment, when the reader's attention rushes along this - the most important storyline (Olya with an officer and her murder), the author breaks it and deprives the expected retrospective presentation.

The story of the earthly path of the heroine is finished - the bright melody of Oli - girls, filled with happiness, waiting for love is broken into the story.

Cool lady Oli, overripe Virgo, who walks every holiday on the grave of his student, remembers how one day she unwittingly overheard the conversation of Oli with her friend. "I'm in the same dadget," says Olya, read what beauty should have a woman.

Black, boiling resin eyes, black, like night, eyelashes, gently playing blush, thin mill, longer than an ordinary hand ... Little leg, showy shoulders ... But most importantly, do you know what? - Easy breath! But I have it, "you listen, as I sigh," because the truth is, there is? ".

So convulsive, with sharp breaks outlines the Fabul, in which much remains unclear. What is the purpose of Bunin intentionally does not comply with the temporary sequence of events, and most importantly, violates the causal relationship between them?

To emphasize the main philosophical thought: Olya Meshcherskaya died not because life was picked up her first with the "old slavery, and then with a rude officer. Therefore not given scene development These two love meetings that the reasons could get a very concrete, everyday explanation and lead the reader from the main thing.

The tragity of the fate of Oli Meshcherskaya in it itself, in its charm, in its organic fibony with life, in full subordination with its natural impulse - benevolent and catastrophic at the same time.

Olya was directed to life with such a frantic passion that any collision with her should have caused a catastrophe. An overvoligated waiting for the ultimate completeness of life, love as a vortex, as self-dedication, as a "light breathing" led to a catastrophe.

Olya burned out like a night butterfly, frantically rushed to the sewing fire of love. Not everyone is given such a feeling. Only those who have light breathing - a frantic waiting for life, happiness.

"Now this is a slight breath," concludes Bunin's narration, "the world was scattered again, in this cloudy sky, in this cold spring wind."

  1. Analysis of the book "Casting Days"

February, and then the October revolution Bunin did not accept. On May 21, 1918, he left his wife from Moscow to the south and for almost two years he lived first in Kiev, and then in Odessa.

Both of these cities were the arena of the fierce civil war and more than once passed from hand to hand. In Odessa, Bunin writes his diary in Odessa to the stormy and terrible months - a peculiar book, called "Casting Days".

Bunin saw and reflected the civil war only on the one hand - by the Red Terror. But about white terror we know enough. Unfortunately, the red terror was the same reality as white.

Under these conditions, the slogans of freedom, fraternity, equality were perceived by Bunin as a "mockery sign", because they were tested by the blood of many hundreds and thousands often in any other people.

Here are some Buninsky records: "D.-fled from Simferopol. There, says indescribable horror, soldiers and workers go straight along the knee in the blood.

Some old-man-colonel was fried alive in the locomotive firebox ... Robbing, rape, stubborn in churches, cut the belts from officers from the officers, walked with the mares of priests ... In Kiev ... Several professors were killed, among them the famous Yanovsky diagnostic. "Yesterday was an" emergency "meeting of the Executive Committee.

Feldman offered to "eat bourgeois instead of horses for the transport of weights." Etc. Bunin diary Pottite records of this kind. Much here, unfortunately, not fiction.

Certificate for this is not a single Bunin diary, but also the letters of Korolenko to the Lunacharsky and Gorky "untimely thoughts", Sholokhovsky " Silent Don.", Epopea I. Shmelev" The Sun of the Dead "and many other works and time documents.

In his book, Bunin characterizes the revolution as an unleashing of the lowest and wild instincts, like a bloody prologue to inexhaustible disasters, who expect the intelligentsia, the people of Russia, the country as a whole.

"Our children, grandchildren," Bunin writes, "they will not even imagine that Russia ... truly fabulously rich and with a fabulous speed who flourished, in which we once (that is, yesterday) lived, which we did not appreciate, not Understood - all this power, complexity, wealth, happiness ... ".

Publicistic and literary-critical articles, notes and notebooks of the writer, just recently published in our country (Sat. "Great Duram", M., 1997, are recently published by the same feelings, thoughts and sentiments.

  1. Emigration Bunin.

In Odessa, before the Bunin, an inevitable question arose: what to do? Run from Russia or, no matter what, stay. The question is painful, and these flour selection also affected the pages of his diary.

Imaging formidable events lead Bunin at the end of 1919. To the irrevocable decision to go abroad. January 25, 1920 on the Greek Variety "Patras", he is leaving Russia forever.

Bunin left the homeland not as an emigrant, but as a refugee. Because I carried Russia, her image with me. In the "appeal days" he will write: "If I didn't love this" icon ", I didn't see this rus, did not see, because of what I would go crazy all these years, because of what I suffered so continuously, so Lyutu? "10.

Living in Paris and in the seaside town of Grass, Bunin felt sharp, tight pain in Russia. His first, the first, created after almost a biennial break, poem, permeated.

A special bitterness of the loss of the motherland filled his poem of 1922. "The bird has a nest":

The bird has a nest, the beast has a nora.

How bitterly was a young heart,

When I left the father's yard,

Say forgive your home!

The beast has a nora, the bird has a nest.

How the heart beats, sore and loudly,

When you enter, peeling, in someone else's hired house

With his versa cotton!

Acute nostalgic pain in his homeland causes the rioon to create works that are facing old Russia.

The theme of pre-revolutionary Russia becomes the main content of his creativity for as many as three decades, until death.

In this regard, Bunin divided the fate of many Russian emigrant writers: Kuprina, Chirikova, Shmelev, B. Zaitseva, Guseva -Onenburg, Grebenshchikov and others who devoted all his work with the image of old Russia, often idealized, purified from all conflicting.

To the Motherland, to the memories of her Bunin appeals in one of the first stories created abroad - "Kostes".

Naruting the beauty of Russian folk songwho sing, working in a young birch forest, Ryazan Kosov, the writer reveals the origins of that wonderful spiritual and poetic power, which is in this song: "The charm was that we were all the children of their homeland and all were together and all of us were Good, calmly and lovingly, without a clear understanding of your feelings, for they do not need to understand when they are. "

  1. Foreign prose Bunin

Foreign Prose I. Bunin is developing in the advantage of both lyrical, i.e., the prose of clear and clear expressions of copyright feelings, which was largely determined by the acute longing of the writer on an abandoned homeland.

These works, mostly stories, are characterized by a weakened story, the ability of their author is subtly and expressively conveying feelings and sentiment, deep penetration into the inner world of characters, a compound of lyricism and musicality, language deposit.

In Emigration, Bunin continued the artistic development of one of the main themes of his work - the topics of love. She is devoted to the story "Mitina Love",

"CERFORM CERINE ELAGINA", STORY "SUNNYK", "IDA", "MOROVSKY SARAGAN" and especially the cycle of small novel under the general name "Dark Alleys".

In the illumination of this eternal for the art of the topic Bunin is deeply original. In the classics of the XIX century - I. S. Turgenev, L. N. Tolstoy and others - love is usually given in an ideal aspect, in its spiritual, moral, even intellectual entity (for the heroine of Turgenev novels, love is not only a sense school, but also a school of thought ). As for the physiological side of love, the classics almost did not touch it.

At the beginning of the 20th century, in a number of works of Russian literature, another extreme was marked: an uncomfortable image of love relationships, the lining of naturalistic details. The originality of the Bunin is that spiritual and physical thing is merged in inseparable unity.

Love is depicted by a writer as a rock strength that akin to the pristine natural element, which, who bestowed a man with dazzling happiness, then inflicts him cruel, often a deadly blow. But nevertheless, the main thing in the Buninsky concept of love is not a pathos of tragedy, but apotheosis of a human feeling.

Moments of love is the top of the life of Bunin's heroes, when they know the highest value of being, harmony of the body and spirit, the completeness of earthly happiness.

  1. Analysis of the story "Sunshine"

Image of love as passion like a natural manifestation of cosmic forces is devoted to the story "Sunstroke" (1925). The young officer, having met the young married woman on the Volga steamer, invites her to go to the pier of the town, by whom they swim.

Young people stop in the hotel, and their proximity is happening. In the morning the woman leaves, without even calling her name. "I give you an honest word," she says, saying goodbye - that I am not at all what you could think about me.

Never even similar to what happened to me was not and will not be more. I found an eclipse for me ... or rather, we both got something like a solar strike. " "In fact, exactly some sun blow," reflects, remaining alone, the lieutenant, stunned by the happiness of the night.

The fleeting meeting of two simple, unremarkable people ("And what's special about it?" - asks himself a lieutenant) gives him a feeling of such a huge happiness that they are forced to admit: "Never have anything like that neither "

It is not so important how these people lived and how they will live after their fleeting meeting, it is important that a huge all-consuming feeling suddenly entered their lives - it means that this life took place, for they learned such that was given not to everyone.

  1. Analysis of the collection of stories "Dark Alleys"

The philosophical and psychological understanding of the topic of love is devoted to the collection of stories of the Bunin "Dark alleys" (1937-1945). "I think this is the best and most original of what I wrote in life," the author of these works responded.

Each collection story is quite independent, with its heroes, plots, circle of problems. But there is an internal connection between them, which allows us to talk about the problematic and thematic cycle unity.

This unity is determined by the Buninsky concept of love as a "sunshine", superimporing the imprint on the entire life of a person.

The heroes of the "Dark Alley" without fear and loans rush to a hurricane passion. In this short moment, it is given to comprehend life in all its completeness, after which another burn without a balance ("Galya Ganskaya", "Paarboat" Saratov "," Heinrich "), others vocata everyday existence, remembering how the most expensive in life who visited them Once Last Love ("Rusya", " Cold fall»).

Love in understanding Bunin requires a person to maximize the tension of all his spiritual and physical forces. Therefore, it cannot be long: often in this love, as already mentioned, one of the heroes dies.

Here is the story "Heinrich". The writer Glebov met a wonderful thought and beauty, a thin and charming woman-translator Heinrich, but soon, after they experienced the greatest happiness of mutual love, she was unexpected and ridiculously killed from jealousy to another writer - Austrian.

The hero of another story - "Natalie" - loved the charming girl, and when she, after a number of Peripetias, became his actual wife, and he would seem to achieve descendant happiness, she was overtaken by a sudden death from childbirth.

In the story "In Paris" two. Lonely Russians - a woman who worked in an emigrant restaurant, and former colonel, "happiness met by chance, found each other, but soon after their rapprochement, the colonel suddenly dies in the metro car.

And yet, despite the tragic outcome, love reveals in them as the greatest happiness of life, incomparable with any other earthly joys. The epigraph to such works can be taken by the words of Natalie from the story of the same name: "Is unhappy love, isn't the most sorrowful music gives happiness?"

For many stories of the cycle ("Muza", "Rusya", "Late Hour", "Wolves", "Cold Autumn", etc.) is characterized by such a technique, as a memory, the appeal of their heroes to the past. And the most significant in his former life, most often at the time of youth, they consider the time when they loved, brightly, hotly and without a rest.

The old retired military from the story "Dark Alleys", who still retained the traces of the former beauty, having happened by chance with the hostess of the inn, he learns the one that thirty years ago, when she was an eighteen-year-old girl, loved hotly.

Looking at her past, it comes to the conclusion that the minutes of proximity to her were "the best ... Truly magic minutes", incomparable with his entire subsequent life.

In the story "Cold Autumn", a woman telling O of his life at the beginning of the First World War, a hot beloved man. Remembering many years after the last meeting with him, she comes to the conclusion: "And that's all that was in my life is the rest of the unnecessary sleep."

With the greatest interest and skill, Bunin depicts the first love, the origin of love passion. This is especially true of young heroines. In similar situations, he reveals completely different, unique women's characters.

These are Muza, Rusya, Natalie, Galya Ganskaya, Stepa, Tanya and other heroines from the same stories. Thirty-eight novel of this collection represents us a great diversity of unforgettable female types.

Next to this inflorescence, male characters are less designed, sometimes only outlined and, as a rule, static. They are characterized rather reflected, in connection with the physical and mental appearance of the woman they love.

Even when in the story acts mostly only "he", for example, a love officer from the story "Steamer" Saratov, "" she "remains in the memory of the reader -" she "-" long, wavy ", and her" naked knee in the context Hood.

In the stories of the cycle "Dark Alleys", Bunin writes a little about Russia itself. The main place in them is occupied by the topic of love - "Sunny blow", passion, giving a person a feeling of higher bliss, but sewing it, which is associated with the Bunin submission of Eros as a mighty natural strength and the main form of manifestation of space life.

The exception in this regard is the story "Clean Monday", where through the external love plot shines deep reflections of Bunin about Russia, its past and possible ways of development.

Often, the Buninsky story contains in itself two levels - one plot, upper, the other - the depth, subtext. They can be compared with icebergs: with their visible and main, underwater, parts.

We are visible in "easy breath", and to some extent, in the "brothers", "Mr. from San Francisco", "Snakh Chang". This is the story of "Clean Monday", created by Bunin on May 12, 1944.

This work itself was the writer himself as the best of everything that it was written. "I thank God," he said, "that he gave me the opportunity to write" Clean Monday. "

  1. Analysis of the story "Clean Monday"

The external event canvas story does not differ in great complexity and fully fits into the subject of the "Dark Alleys" cycle. The action takes place in 1913.

Young people, he and she (Bunin does not call their names anywhere), once at the lecture in the literary and artistic circle and fell in love with each other.

He will open in his feeling, she restrains the attraction to him. Their proximity is still going on, but by spending just one night together, the lovers lie forever, because the heroine is in a clean Monday, that is, on the first day of the Pred Easter post of 1913, he takes the final decision to go into the monastery, parting with his Past.

However, this plot writer with the help of associations, meaningful details and subtext enters his thoughts and forecasts of Russia.

Bunin considers Russia as a country with a special development and a peculiar mentality where European features with the features of the East, Asia, were intertwined.

This thought of red thread passes through all the work, which is based on a historical concept that detects the most significant aspects of Russian history and national character for the writer.

With the help of household and psychological details, which replete a story, Bunin emphasizes the complexity of the Ukrainian life defendant, where the Western and oriental features intertwined.

In the apartment of the heroine, there is a "wide Turkish sofa", next to him - "expensive piano", and above the sofa, the author emphasizes, "I somehow hung a portrait of a barefoot."

Turkish sofa and expensive piano is the East and West (symbols of the eastern and western way of life), and Bosoy Tolstoy is Russia, Russia in its unusual, peculiar, not stacked in any framework.

Once in the evening for forgiveness Sunday in the beginning of the century, who really existed in Moscow, who really existed in Moscow at the beginning of the century, the girl says, showing the Icon of the Virgin-Three-Ruchitsa in the corner: "Good! At the bottom of the wild men, and then pancakes with champagne and the Virgin Troochitsa. Three hands! After all, this is India! "

The same duality is emphasized here by Bunin - "Wild men", on the one hand (Asiance), and on the other - "pancakes with champagne" - a combination of national with European. And it is necessary to all this - Russia, symbolized in the image of the Virgin, but again unusual: the Christian Virgin Mary with three hands resembles Buddhist Shiva (again a peculiar combination of Russia, the West and the East).

The characters of the story most significantly embodies the combination of Western and eastern damns of the heroine. Her father is "an enlightened man of a noble merchant race, lived on the rest in Tver," Bunin writes.

The house of the heroine wears Arhaluk - oriental clothing, the genus of a short caftana, broken off by Sobility (Siberia). "The inheritance of my Astrakhan grandmother," she explains the origin of this clothing.

So, the Father - Tverskaya merchant from the Midnight Russia, Grandma from Astrakhan, where the Tatars were bentonally lived. Russian and Tatar blood merged together in this girl.

Looking at her lips, on the "dark guns over them," on her camp, on the grenade velvet dresses, smelling some kind of spicy smell of her hair, the story hero thinks: "Moscow, Persia, Turkey. She had some kind of Indian, Persian, "concludes a hero.

When they once arrived at Kamatnik Mkhat, the famous actor Kachalov approached her with a glass of wine and said: "Tsar-maiden, Shamakhanskaya Tsarina, your health!" In the mouth of Kachalova, Burnin put his point of view on the appearance and character of the heroine: she is at the same time "tsar-girl" (as in Russian fairy tales), and at the same time "Shamakhan Queen" (like the eastern heroine "Tales of the Golden Cockerel" Pushkin) . What is filled with the spiritual world of this "Shamakhan Queen"?

In the evenings, she reads Snitzer, Hoffman-Steel, Pshibyshevsky, plays "Lunar Sonatu" Beethoven, that is, closely approached western European culture. At the same time, it entails all the original Russian, primarily ancient Russian.

The story hero, on behalf of which is conducted by the story, does not cease to be surprised that his beloved visits cemeteries and the Kremlin cathedrals, perfectly understands the Orthodox and split Christian ceremony, loves and is ready to infinite the old Russian chronicles, immediately commenting on them.

Some inner intense work is constantly accomplished in the shower of the girl and surprises, sometimes discourages her lover. "She was mysterious, incomprehensible to me," not once notices the story hero.

To the question of his beloved, from where she knows so much about ancient Russia, the heroine answers: "You don't know me." The result of all this work of the soul was the care of the heroine in the monastery.

In the image of the heroine, the search for the answer of the Bunin itself is focused on the question about the paths of salvation and development of Russia. Turning in 1944 to the creation of a work, where the action takes place in 1913 - from the original for Russia, Bunin offers its way of salvation of the country.

Once from the West and East, at the intersection point in something opposing historical trends and cultural instructions, Russia retained the specific features of his national life embodied in the chronicles and in Orthodoxy.

This third side of the spiritual appearance and turns out to be dominant in the behavior and the inner world of his heroine. Uniting the features of Western and Eastern in his appearance, it chooses the life of the service of God, that is, humility, moral purity, conscientiousness, deep love for ancient Russia.

It was this way that Russia could go, in which, as in the heroine of the story, three forces were also united: Asian spontaneity and passion; European culture and restraint and original national humility, conscientiousness, patriarchalness in the good sense of this word and, of course, Orthodox humanity.

Russia, unfortunately, did not go on Bunin, mainly the first way, which led to a revolution in which the writer saw the embodiment of chaos, an explosion, universal destruction.

The act of his heroine (care of the monastery), the writer offered another and quite real way out of the situation - the path of spiritual humility and enlightenment, curbing the elements, evolutionary development, strengthening the religious and moral identity.

It was on this path that he saw the salvation of Russia, approval by her place in a number of other states and peoples. According to Bunin, it is truly original, not affected by ingenic effects, and therefore a promising, saving way, which would have strengthened the national specificity and mentality of Russia and its people.

So peculiar, in Buninsky, it was fine, the writer told us in his work not only about love, but, the main thing about their national historical views and forecasts.

  1. Analysis of the novel "Life Arsenyev"

The most significant work of the Bunin, created on a foreign land, became a novel. "LIFE ARSENEVA", On which he worked over 11 years old, from 1927 to 1938.

Roman "Life Arsenyev" Autobiographies. It reproduced many facts of childhood and youth of the Bunin himself. At the same time, this is a book about childhood and adolescence of a landlord family at all. In this sense, the "life of Arsenyev" adjoins such autobiographical works of Russian literature as "childhood. Defense. Youth". L. N. Tolstoy and "Children's Years of Bagrova-grandson" S. T. Aksakova.

Bunin was destined to create the last in the history of Russian literature the autobiographical book of the hereditary writer-nobleman.

What topics are the Bunin in this work? Love, death, power over the soul of man memories of childhood and adolescence, native Nature, debt and vocation of the writer, his attitude to the people and the Motherland, the attitude of a person to religion is that the main circle of topics that are illuminated by the Bunin in the "Life of Arsenyev".

The book tells about twenty-four years of the life of the autobiographical hero, young man Alexey Arsenieva: From birth to a break with his first deep love - a face, the prototype of which was the first love of the Bunin himself, Varvara Pashenko.

However, essentially, the time framework of the work is significantly wider: they are spreading excursions in the prehistory of Arsenyevsky family and individual attempts to the author to stretch the thread from the distant past to modernity.

One of the features of the book is its monological and airlessness of the characters, unlike the autobiographical books of L. Tolstoy, Shmelev, Gorky and others, where we see a whole gallery of various actors.

In the book Bunin, the hero narrates predominantly about himself: its feelings, sensations, impressions. This is a confession of a person who has lived in his own interesting life.

Another characteristic feature of the novel is the presence of stable, passing through the entire product of the images - leitmotifs. They bind the heterogeneous paintings of the life of a single philosophical concept - reflections not as much hero, how much the author himself about happiness and at the same time tragic life, her short-term and frequency.

What are these motifs? One of them is passing through all the work of the motive of death. For example, the perception of Arsenyev in the early childhood of the mother's image is combined with the subsequent memories of her death.

The second book of the Roman also ends the topic of death - the sudden death of the relative of Arsenyev - Pisareva. The fifth, the most extensive part of the novel, which was originally printed as a separate work called "Lika", tells about the love of Arsenyev to a woman who played a significant role in his life. The head of the face death is completed.

With the theme of death is connected in the novel, as in all late works of Bunin, the topic of love. This is the second leitmotif of the book. These two motifs are connected in the end of the novel by the message about the death of the face shortly after she left the exhausting of the love of love and jealousy Arsenyev.

It is important to note that death in the work of the Bunin does not suppress and does not subordinate love. On the contrary, it is love that the highest feeling triumphs in the representation of the author. In his novel, Bunin again and again speaks by the singer of healthy, fresh youthful love, leaving a grateful memory in the soul of a person for life.

Alexei Arsenyev's love hobbies pass in the novel as if three stages corresponding to the general stages of the formation and formation of a youthful nature.

His first love in the mummy of Ansh is only a hint of a feeling, the initial manifestation of the thirst for love. A brief, suddenly interrupted carnial relationship Alexey with a thinner, maid brother, devoid of spiritual principle and is perceived by himself as the necessary phenomenon, "when you have been 17 years old." And, finally, love for the face is the all-consuming feeling in which the spiritual and sensual beginning is not restlessly merged.

The love of Arsenyev and Liki is shown in the novel comprehensively, in complex union and at the same time disorders. Lika and Alexey love each other, but the hero increasingly feels that they are very spiritual ware different people. Arsenyev often looks at her beloved as Mr. Slave.

Union with a woman seems to him an act in which all rights definitely identified, but there is almost no duties. Love, he believes, does not tolerate peace, habits, she needs to constantly update, involving sensual attraction to other women.

In turn, the Lika is far from the world in which Arsenyev lives. She does not share his love for nature, sadness on the outgoing ancient manor life, deaf to poetry, etc.

The spiritual incompatibility of heroes leads to the fact that they start tired of each other. Ends all this gap of lovers.

However, the death of Lika exacerbates the perception of the hero of the failed love and is perceived by him as the wrong loss. The final lines of the work telling about what Arsenyev experienced, seeing the face in a dream, many years after a break with her: "I saw her vaguely, but with such a power of love, joy, with such bodily and mental intimacy, which is not Tried to anyone never.

In the poetic statement of love as a sense, even death is not authorized, is one of the most remarkable features of the novel.

Beautiful in the work and psychologized paintings of nature. They combine the brightness and juquality of paints with the penetrating the feelings and thoughts of the hero and the author.

Landscape is Philosophic: He deepens and reveals the author's concept of life, the cosmic principles of being and the spiritual essence of a person for which nature is an integral part of existence. She enriches and develops man, the doctor's soul wounds.

The topic of culture and art, perceived by the consciousness of young arsenyev, is also significant in the novel. Hero tells himself about the library of one of the neighboring landowners, which turned out to be a lot of "wonderful volumes in thick bindings from dark golden skin": works of Sumorokov, Anna Bunina, Derzhavin, Zhukovsky, Venevitinova, Langua, Baratyan.

With admiration and drinking, he remembers the hero on the first works of Pushkin and Gogol in childhood.

The writer pays attention to his work and on the role of religion in strengthening the spiritual principles of the human person. When not at all calling for religious asceticism, the Bunin nevertheless indicates a person's doctor's arrow for religious-moral self-improvement.

In the novel a lot of scenes and episodes related to religious holidays, and all of them are imbued with poetry, discharged carefully and spiritualized. Bunin writes about Bure delight, invariably arose in the soul of Arsenyev at every visit to the Church, about the "Our explosion higher Love And to God, and to the neighbor. "

Arises on the pages of the work and theme of the people. But as earlier, Bunin poets the peasants of a humble, kind heart and soul. But it is worth Arsenyev to talk about the people of the protesters, especially the sympathy revolution, as tenderness is replaced by irritation.

Here affected political Views The writer himself who has never taken the path of revolutionary struggle and especially violence against the person.

In short, the whole book "Life of Arsenyev" is a peculiar chronicle of the inner life of the hero, starting with infancy and ending with the final formation of character.

The main thing is that defines the originality of the novel, its genre, artistic structure - This is a desire to show how in contact with heterogeneous life phenomena - natural, household, cultural, socio-historical - there is a detection, development and enrichment of emotional and intellectual features.

This is a kind of thought and conversation about life, which accommodates many facts, phenomena and mental movements. In the novel "The Life of Arsenyev" through the thoughts, feelings, the mood of the main character sounds the poetic feeling of the Motherland, which has always been inherent in the best works of Bunin.

  1. Bunin's life in France

How is the personal life of the Bunin in the years of his stay in France?

Setting up from 1923 in Paris, Bunin Most of the time, summer and autumn, holds together with his wife and a narrow circle of friends in the seaside Alps, in the town of Grass, buying a dilapidative villa "Jeannet" there.

In 1933, an unexpected event invaded the scarce existence of Bunins - he was awarded to the Nobel Prize - the first of the Russian writers.

This somewhat strengthened the material situation of the rioon, and also attracted widespread attention to it not only emigrants, but also to the French public. But it lasted for a short time. A significant part of the award was distributed to the disaster to emigrants-compatriots, and the interest of French criticism to the Nobel laureate was a non-national.

Tosca at home did not let the rioon. On May 8, 1941, he writes to Moscow his old friend to the writer N. D. Teleshov: "I'm sad, dry, but still poisonous. I really want to go home. " He writes about this and A. N. Tolstoy.

Alexey Tolstoy took an attempt to help Bunin in his return home: he sent a detailed letter to Stalin. By giving a deployed characteristic by the Buninsky talent, Tolstoy asked Stalin about the possibility of returning the writer to his homeland.

The letter was handed over to the Kremlin's expedition on June 18, 1941, and after four days the war began, who moved away to all that did not have a relation to her.

  1. Bunin and Great Patriotic War

During the Great Patriotic War, Bunin without hesitation took a patriotic position. According to radio channels, he eagerly followed the course of the Great Battle, unfolding at the expanses of Russia. His diaries of these years will die from Russia, because of which the Bunin from despair moves to hope.

The writer does not hide his hatred for fascism. "Owl people continue their devils - killing and destruction of everything, everything! And it began by the will of one person - the destruction of the entire globe - or rather, who embodied the will of her people, who should not be forgiveness up to 77 knees, "he records in the diary on March 4, 1942. "Only Crazy Creatin can think that he will reign over Russia," Bunin is convinced.

In the fall of 1942, his meeting was taken with Soviet prisoners of war, which Nazis used to work in France. In the future, they repeatedly visited Bunins, secretly listening to the Soviet military radio channels together with the owners.

In one of the letters, Bunin notices about his new acquaintances: "Some ... were so charming that every day kissed them with them, as with relatives ... They danced a lot, sang -" Moscow, beloved, invincible. "

These meetings exacerbated the long-standing Buninsky dream of returning to their homeland. "Often I think about returning home. Do you live? " - he recorded in the diary on April 2, 1943

In November 1942, the fascists occupied France. Using the heavy material position of the Bunin, the opposite newspapers in vains offered to him cooperation, Sulle Golden Mountains. But all their attempts were in vain. Bunin reached frustrations from hunger, but did not want to go for any compromises.

The victorious completion of the Soviet Union of the Patriotic War was met with great joy. Bunin carefully looked after Soviet literature.

His high assessments of the poem of the Twardovsky "Vasily Terkin", the stories of K. Powestovsky. By this time, his meetings in Paris with journalist Yu. Zhukov, writer K. Simonov. He visits the USSR ambassador in France Bogomolov. He was issued a passport of a USSR citizen.

  1. Loneliness Bunin in emigration

These steps caused a sharply negative attitude towards the riot of anti-Soviet emigrant circles. On the other hand, it was impossible to return the writer in Soviet UnionEspecially after the repressive party decree in the field of literature of 1946 and the report of Zhdanov.

The lonely, patient, the midnight bunin was between two lights: many emigrants turned away from him, the Soviet side, irritated and disappointed that the Bunin does not beg for sending to their homeland, kept deep silence.

This bitterness of the offense and loneliness strengthened the thoughts about the inexorable approach of death. The motives of farewell to life sound in the poem "Two wreath" and in the last prosaic works of Bunin, the Mistral philosophical meditations, "in the Alps", Legend with their characteristic details and images: the density of the coffin, the soul crosses, dead facesimilar to a mask, etc.

In some of these works, the writer seems to summarize its own earthly works and days. In a small story, "Bernard" (1952) he tells about a simple French sailor, who worked not to twist the hands and left of life with a feeling of honestly executed debt.

The last words were: "I think I was a good sailor." "What did he want to express these words? The joy of consciousness, that he, living on earth, did the benefit of the neighbor, being a good sailor? " - asks the author.

And answers: "No: the fact that God gives any of us with the life of one or another talent and imposes a sacred debt on us to the ground. Why, why? We do not know that. But we need to know that everything in this incomprehensible for us must certainly have some meaning, some highly intention, aimed to ensure that everything in this world "is good" and that the diligent execution of this God's intention is all Our merit in front of him, and therefore and joy, pride.

And Bernard knew and felt it. He all his life is diligently, worthy, rightly performed a modest duty entrusted to him by God, served him not for fear, and for conscience. And how did he not tell what he said to his last minute? ".

"It seems to me that Bunin completes his story, - that I, as an artist, deserved the right to say about myself, in my last days, something similar to what he said, Diya, Bernard."

  1. Death Bunin.

November 8, 1953 at the age of 83, Bunin dies. Did not become outstanding artist Words, a wonderful masters of prose and poetry. "Bunin - in time, the last of the classics of Russian literature, whose experience we have no right to forget," wrote A. Tvardovsky.

Creativity Bunin is not only a filigree skill, the stunning power of the plastic image. This is love for native land, to Russian culture, to the Russian language. In 1914, Bunin created a wonderful poem, which emphasized the incredit meaning of the word in the life of every person and humanity as a whole:

Silent tombs, mummies and bones, -

Only the word life is given: from the ancient darkness, on the world grade,

Sound only letters.

And we have no other tenor!

Detect to take care of at least a measure of the forces, in the days of the evil and suffering,

Our gift is immortal - speech.


The ministry of this immortal gift is a native word - and dedicated the whole life Russian writer-Classic Ivan Alekseevich Bunin.

Creativity Ivan Bunin

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Bunin Ivan Alekseevich (1870-1953) - Russian writer, poet. The first of the Russian writers became the laureate of the Nobel Prize (1933). Part of life spent in emigration.

Life and art

Ivan Bunin was born on October 22, 1870 in the impoverished family of the nobleman in Voronezh, from where the family was soon moving to the Oryol province. The formation of the Bunin in the local helican gymnasium lasted only 4 years and was discontinued due to the inability of the family to pay for their studies. Ivan's education took on his older brother Julius Bunin, who received university education.

Regular appearance of poems and prose young Ivana Bunin in periodical started from 16 years. Under the wing of an older brother, he worked in Kharkov and Orel by the corrector, editor, journalist in local print publishers. After an unsuccessful civil marriage with Barbara Paschenko, Bunin leaves for St. Petersburg and follows to Moscow.


In Moscow, Bunin enters the circle of famous writers of its time: L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov, V. Bryusov, M. Gorky. The first recognition comes to a novice author after the publication of the story "Antonovskiy apples" (1900).

In 1901, for the published collection of poems "Listopad" and the translation of the poem "Song of Guyavate" G. Longfello Ivan Bunin was awarded Pushkin Prize from the Russian Academy of Sciences. The second time the Pushkin Prize was awarded the Bunin in 1909 along with the title of Honorary Academician of Elegant Literature. Poems Bunin, who were in line with the classical Russian poetry Pushkin, Tyutchev, Feta, are characterized by special sensuality and role of epithets.

As a translator Bunin addressed the writings of Shakespeare, Byrone, Petrarki, Heine. The writer perfectly owned English, independently studied Polish.

Together with the third wife, Vera Muromseva, the official marriage with which was concluded only in 1922 after the divorce with the second wife of Anna Tsakney, Bunin travels a lot. From 1907 to 1914, a couple visited the countries of the East, Egypt, Ceylon Island, Turkey, Romania, Italy.

Since 1905, after the suppression of the first Russian revolution, the topic of historical fate of Russia appears in the prose of Bunin, which was reflected in the story "Village". The narrative of the non-identity life of the Russian village was a bold and innovative step in Russian literature. At the same time, in the stories of the Bunin ("light breathing", "clash") are formed women's images with hidden passions in them.

In 1915-1916, Bunin's stories come out, including Mr. San Francisco, which finds the reason for the doomed fate of modern civilization.


The revolutionary events of 1917 were caught by Bunins in Moscow. Ivan Bunin belonged to the revolution as the collapse of the country. This look disclosed in his diary records 1918-1920 - Legted the basis of the book "The Okayan Days".

In 1918, the Bunins leave for Odessa, from there to the Balkans and Paris. In Emigration, Bunin spent the second half of his life, dreaming to return to his homeland, but without fulfilling his desire. In 1946, to issue a decree on the provision of Soviet citizenship, a bunin caught fire with a desire to return to Russia, but criticism soviet power The same year in the address of Akhmatova and Zoshchenko made him abandon this idea.

One of the first significant essays completed abroad became autobiographical Roman "LIFE ARSENEVA" (1930), dedicated to the world of Russian nobility. For him in 1933, Ivan Bunin was awarded the Nobel Prize, becoming the first Russian writer, awarded such a honor. A significant amount of money obtained by Bunin as a premium, in its most part was distributed to them in need.

During the years of emigration central theme The creativity of Bunin becomes the theme of love and passion. She found an expression in the writings "Mitin Love" (1925), "Sunny blow" (1927), in the famous cycle "Dark Alleys", which was published in 1943 in New York.

In the late 1920s, Bunin writes a number small story - "Elephant", "Petuhi" and others, in which his literary language is hosted, seeking the most concisely express the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition.

In the period 1927-42. Together with Bunin, Galina Kuznetsova lived, a young girl that Bunin represented by his student and receiving daughter. She was associated with the writer, which the writer himself and his wife Vera were experiencing quite painfully. Subsequently, both women left their memories of Bunin.

The years of World War II BUNNY was worried about Paris's suburb and carefully followed the events in the Russian Front. Numerous offers from the Nazis entering him as a famous writer, he invariably rejected.

At the end of his life, Bunin did not publish anything because of long and severe illness. The last essays - "memories" (1950) and the book "About Chekhov", which was not completed and published after the death of the author in 1955.

Ivan Bunin died on November 8, 1953. Extensive necrologists of the memory of the Russian writer posted all European and soviet newspapers. He was buried in the Russian cemetery near Paris.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - the personality is very extraordinary and in many ways turned over the development of everything literary world. Of course, many critics with their characteristic skepticism belong to the achievements of the Great Author, but it is simply impossible to deny its importance in all Russian literature. As with any poet or writer, the secrets of creating great and memorable works are closely connected with the biography of Ivan Alekseevich himself, and his saturated and multifaceted life In many respects, he influenced its immortal lines, and on the whole Russian literature as a whole.

Brief biography Ivan Alekseevich Bunina

The future poet and the writer, but for now, just young Vanya Bunin, was lucky to be born in a pretty decent and secured family of a notable nobleman, which had the honor to live in the gorgeous noble estate, which fully corresponded to the status of the noble family of his family. In early childhood, the family decided to move from Voronezh to the Oryol province, where Ivan and spent his early years, without visiting any educational institutions until eleven years old - the boy successfully studied at home, read books and improved his knowledge, deepening in good, high-quality and informative Literature.

In 1881, at the request of the parents, Ivan still entered a decent gymnasium, however, training in an educational institution did not bring the boy completely no pleasure - he already in the fourth grade on vacation he stated that he did not want to return to school, but he was much more pleasant to learn at home and more productive. He still returned to the gymnasium - perhaps the wishes of the father-officer's father, perhaps a simple desire to get knowledge and raised to the team, but already in 1886 Ivan returned home, but did not throw an education - now his teacher, mentor and leader In the educational process, the elder brother, Julius, was followed by the success of the future of the famous Nobel laureate.

Ivan began writing poetry even in perfectly early age, However, then he himself, being read and educated, understood that such creativity is frivolous. In seventeen years, his work went to a new level, and then the poet realized that it was necessary to be knocked out into people, and not to fold their works of art in the table.

Already in 1887, Ivan Alekseevich first publishes his works, and, pleased, the poet moves to the eagle, where he successfully arranges to work as a corrector in a local newspaper, gaining access to interesting and sometimes closed information and ample opportunities for development. It is here that he meets Varvaru Paschenko, in which he falls in love with unconsciousness, together with her, he throws everything that is hug away by unbearable labor, re-with the opinion of his parents and others and moves to Poltava.

The poet meets and communicates with many famous personalities - for example, he is pretty long time Consisted with Anton Chekhov already famous at that time, with which, in 1895, Ivan Alekseevich was lucky to meet and personally. In addition to personal acquaintance with the old penpal friend, Ivan Bunin makes acquaintance and finds common interests and points of contact with Balmont, Bryusov and many other talented minds of their own modernity.

Ivan Alekseevich was a rather short time married to Anna Tsakni, with whom, unfortunately, his life did not work at all - the only child did not live and several years, because the couple rapidly broke up on the soil of burning grief and differences in the surrounding reality, but already in 1906, in the life of Bunin, his big and pure love appeared - Vera Muromtsev, and this novel was launched for many years - the first time a couple simply cohabitated, without thinking about the official conclusion of marriage, but in 1922 the marriage was still legal.

A happy and measured family life completely did not interfere with the poet and the writer to travel a lot, recognize new cities and countries, write their impressions on paper and share their emotions with their surroundings. Trips, which were held during these years of the writer, were largely reflected in his creative way - often Bunin created their works either on the road, or at the time of arrival at a new place - in any case, creativity and travel were associated inextricably and tightly.

Bunin. Confession

Bunin was represented to the surprising set of a wide variety of awards in the field of literature, due to which, during a certain period, it was even subjected to rectilinear condemnation and tough criticism from the outside - many began to notice the Writer arrogant and overestimated self-esteem, however, on the fact, creativity and talent Bunin quite corresponded to his ideas about themselves. Bunin was even awarded the Nobel Prize in the field of literature, but the money received has spent not on himself - already living abroad in exile or deliverance from the culture of the Bolsheviks, the writer helped the same creative people, poets and writers, as well as people, in the same way as he escaped from the country.

Bunin and his spouse were distinguished by a kindness and an open heart - it is known that in the war years they even hid in their homely plot of runaway Jews, defending them from repression and destruction. Today, there are even opinions that Bunin must be provided to high awards and titles for many of his actions related to humanity, kindness and humanism.

Almost all his conscious life after the revolution Ivan Alekseevich was quite sharply expressed new powerThanks to which it turned out to be abroad - he could not tolerate all that was happening in the country. Of course, after the war, his dust was a little cold, but, nevertheless, until the most recent days, the poet worried about his country and knew that she was going on something wrong.

The poet died calmly and quietly in a dream in his own bed. It is said that there was a Tomik book of Lion Tolstoy at the time of death.

The memory of the great literary figure, the poet and the writer was immortalized not only in his famous works, which from generation to generation transmit school textbooks and a variety of literary publications. The memory of Bunin lives in the names of the streets, intersections, Alley and in every monument, erected in memory of the Great Personality, which created real changes in all Russian literature and nominated it completely to a new, progressive and modern level.

Creativity Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

Creativity Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is the necessary component, without which today it is simply impossible to imagine not only the domestic, but also all world literature. It was he who made his constant contribution to the creation of works, a new, fresh look at the world and endless horizons with which the poets and writers of the whole world are still taken.

Oddly enough, today the work of Ivan Bunin is much more revered abroad, for some reason he did not receive such widespread recognition, even though his works are quite actively studying in schools from the most lower classes. In his works, there is absolutely everything that is looking for a lover of an exquisite, beautiful syllable, an unusual game of words, bright and clean images and new, fresh and so far actual ideas.

Bunin with his inherent skill describes his own feelings - here even the most sophisticated reader it is clear that it was that the author felt at the time of the creation of a particular work - the experiences are so bright and openly described. For example, one of the poems of the Bunin talks about serious and painful parting with the beloved, after which only it remains that to start a faithful friend - a dog that will never betray, and give in to a reckless drunkenness, Himself without stopping.

Female images In the works of Bunin, it is described especially bright - each heroine of his works is drawn in the reader's minds so in detail that the impression of personal acquaintance with a particular woman is created.

The main distinguishing feature of the entire creativity of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is the versatility of his works. Find something close and native can representatives of the most different classes and interests, and his works will capture both experienced readers and those who generally took up the study of Russian literature in life.

Bunin wrote absolutely about everything that he was surrounded, and in most cases the themes of his works coincided with different periods of his life. Early works Often described Rustic simple life, Native expanses and the surrounding nature. During the revolution, the writer, of course, described everything that happened in his beloved country - this is exactly what has become a real legacy of not only Russian classical literature, but also of all domestic history.

Ivan Alekseevich wrote about himself and about his life, he was warm and described in detail his own feelings, often dipped into the past and recalled pleasant and negative moments, trying to understand himself and at the same time convey to the reader deep and truly great thought. In his lines a lot of tragism, especially for love works "Here the writer saw tragedy in love and in her death."

The main topics in the works of Bunin were:

Revolution and life before and after her

Love and her whole tragedy

Surrounding the writer himself world

Of course, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin left the contribution of unthinkable scale in Russian literature, because his heritage is alive today, and the number of his admirers never decreases, but, on the contrary, is actively progressing.

The name of the writer Ivan Bunin is well known not only in Russia, but also far beyond. Thanks to its own works, the first Russian laureate in the field of literature deserved world glory Living! To better understand what a man was guided by creating his unique masterpieces, it is necessary to study the biography of Ivan Bunin and his view of many life things.

Brief biographical essays from early childhood

The future great writer was born in the distant 1870, October 22. His homeland became Voronezh. The Bunin family was not hot: his father became an impoverished landowner, so from early childhood, the little Vanya experienced many material deprivation.

Biography Ivan Bunin is very unusual, and this has been manifested from the early period of his life. Back in childhood, he was very proud of what was born in the noble family. At the same time, Vanya tried to not focus on the material difficulties.

As the biography of Ivan Bunin is evidenced, in 1881 he entered the first class. Ivan Alekseevich began his school training in Yelets Gymnasium. However, due to severe financial Regulations His parents were forced already in 1886 to quit school and continue to learn the basics of science at home. It is thanks to the training of the house, the young Vanya meets the work of such famous writers as Koltsov A. V. and Nikitin I. S.

A number of interesting entertaining facts about the start of the creative way of Bunin

The very first of their poems Ivan Bunin began to write in 17 years. It was then that his creative debut took place, which turned out to be very successful. No wonder the printed editions published works by the young author. But it is unlikely that then their editors could assume how stunning successes in the field of literature await the Bunin in perspective!

In 19 years, Ivan Alekseevich moves to the eagle and arranged in the newspaper with the eloquent name "Orlovsky Bulletin."

In 1903 and 1909, Ivan Bunin, whose biography is represented by the reader in the article, is honored by Pushkin Prize. And on November 1, 1909, he is elected by Honorary Academician to St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, which specialized in exquisite literature.

Important events from personal life

Personal life Ivan Bunin is replete with many interesting momentswhich should be paid attention to. In the life of the great writers there were 4 women to whom he experienced tender feelings. And each of them played a certain role in his fate! We will pay attention to each of them:

  1. Barbara Paschenko - with her Bunin Ivan Alekseevich met in 19 years. This happened in the editorial office of the newspaper "Orlovsky Bulletin." But with Barbaroi, who was older for one year, Ivan Alekseevich lived in a civil marriage. The difficulties in their relationship began due to the fact that Bunin was simply not able to provide her that the material standard of living, to which she sought as a result of this barbarian Pashchenko changed him with a wealthy landowner.
  2. Anna Tacani in 1898 became the legitimate wife of the famous Russian writer. He met her in Odessa during the rest and simply was fighting her natural beauty. However, family life quickly gave the crack due to the fact that Anna Tsakney always dreamed of returning to his native city - Odessa. Therefore, the whole Moscow life for her was in a burden, and she blamed her spouse into indifference to her and worn.
  3. Vera Muromtseva is a beloved woman of Bunin Ivan Alekseevich, with whom he lived for longer than all - 46 years old. They officially issued relations only in 1922 - 16 years after the acquaintance. And Ivan Alekseevich met with his future wife in 1906, during the literary evening. After the wedding, the writer, together with his wife, moved to live in the southern part of France.
  4. Galina Kuznetsova lived next to the wife of a writer - Vera Muromseva - and was not completely confused by this fact, however, as the wife of Ivan Alekseevich itself. She lived for 10 years in French villa.

Political views of the writer

Political views of many people have a significant impact on public opinion. Therefore, they paid a lot of time certain newspaper publications.

Even though, to a greater extent, Ivan Alekseevich had to deal with his own creativity outside of Russia, he always loved his homeland and understood the meaning of the word "Patriot." However, Bunin alone was belonging to any particular party. But in one of his interviews, the writer somehow mentioned that in spirit he was closer to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Social Democratic system.

Personal life tragedy

In 1905, Bunin Ivan Alekseevich had a serious grief: his son Nicholas died, who he gave birth to Anna Tsakney. This fact can definitely be attributed to personal life tragedy Writer. However, as follows from the biography, Ivan Bunin held persistently, was able to postpone the pain of loss and donate, despite the sad event, the whole world many literary "pearls"! What else is known about the life of the Russian classic?

Ivan Bunin: interesting facts from life

Bunin very much regretted that he graduated from only 4 classes of gymnasium and could not receive systematic education. But this fact did not prevent him from leaving a considerable trace in literary world creativity.

Long period of time Ivan Alekseevich had to stay in emigration. And he dreamed of returning to his homeland all this time. This dream Bunin baunized actually until his death, but she remained uncomfortable.

At 17, when he wrote his first verse, Ivan Bunin tried to imitate his great predecessors - Pushkin and Lermontov. Perhaps their creativity and had a great influence on the young writer and became an incentive to create their own works.

Now few people know that in early childhood the writer Ivan Bunin poisoned Belena. Then he was from the right to death, a nanny saved, who sent little Vanya Milk in time.

Human appearance The writer tried to determine the limbs, as well as the head.

Bunin Ivan Alekseevich was passionate about collecting various boxes, as well as bottles. At the same time, all his "exhibits" he fiercely worried over the years!

These and other interesting facts characterize Bunin as an extraordinary person, capable of not only to implement their talent in the field of literature, but also take an active part in many areas of activity.

Famous collections and works of Bunin Ivan Alekseevich

The largest works that Ivan Bunin managed to write is the stories "Mitina Love", "Village", "Sukhodol", as well as the Roman "Life of Arsenyev". It was for Roman Ivan Alekseevich who was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Very interesting for reader Collection of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin "Dark Alleys". It contains stories affecting the topic of love. Over them, the writer worked in the period from 1937 to 1945, that is, when it was in emigration.

Samples of creativity of Ivan Bunin are also highly rated, which entered the collection "Okayan Days". It describes the revolutionary events of 1917 and the entire historical aspect that they carried in themselves.

Popular poems Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

In each of his poems, Bunin clearly expressed certain thoughts. For example, in the well-known work "Childhood", the reader meets the thoughts of the child relating to the world around him. A ten-year-old boy reflects how magnificently around nature and what is it small and insignificant in this universe.

In verse "night and day" poet masterfully describes different times The day and focuses on the fact that everything gradually changes in human life, and only God remains eternal.

The nature of the "rafts", as well as the difficult work of those who send people every day to the opposite bank of the river every day.

Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize Ivan Bunin was awarded for the novel "The Life of Arsenyev", which actually talked about the life of the writer himself. Despite the fact that this book came out in 1930, Ivan Alekseevich tried to "throw out the soul" and his experiences about certain life situations.

Officially, the Nobel Prize in the field of literature was awarded Bunin on December 10, 1933 - that is, 3 years after the release of his famous novel. He received this honorary award from the hands of the Swedish king Gustav V.

It is noteworthy that for the first time in the history of the Nobel Prize conquered a person who is officially in emigration. Up to this point, no genius who became its owner was not in exile. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin just became this "pioneer", which noted the world literary public with such a valuable promotion.

In total, the laureates of the Nobel Prize of 715,000 francs in cash were assumed. It would seem, a very impressive amount. But it was pretty quickly cleaned by the writer Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, since she provided financial assistance to Russian emigrants, which he fell asleep with many different letters.

Death of writer

Death to Ivan Bunin came quite unexpectedly. His heart stopped during sleep, and this sad event occurred on November 8, 1953. It was on this day that Ivan Alekseevich was in Paris and could not even assume his ambulance.

Surely Bunin dreamed of living for a long time and one day die on his native land, among his loved ones and large number Friends. But fate ordered somewhat differently, as a result of which the writer spent most of his life in emigration. However, thanks to his unsurpassed creativity, he actually provided his name immortality. Remember the literary masterpieces written by Bunin, there will be many more generations of people. The creative person, similar to him, acquires world glory and becomes a historical display of that era in which she worked!

Ivan Bunin buried on one of the cemeteries in France (St. Genevieve de Boua). Here is such a rich and interesting biography Ivan Bunin. What is his role in world literature?

Role of Bunin in world literature

It can be safely argued that Ivan Bunin (1870-1953) left a noticeable mark in world literature. Thanks to such advantages, like ingenuity and verbal sensitivity, which possessed the poet, he perfectly managed to create the most appropriate literary images in his works.

By his nature, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was a realist, but despite this, skillfully complemented his stories with something exciting and unusual. The uniqueness of Ivan Alekseevich was that he did not attribute himself to any well-known literary grouping and a fundamental "flow".

All the best robes of the Bunin were devoted to Russia and narrated about all that the writer connected with it. Perhaps, thanks to these facts, Ivan Alekseevich's stories were very popular among Russian readers.

Unfortunately, the creativity of Bunin is not fully investigated by our contemporaries. Scientific studies of the language and style of the writer are still ahead. Its influence on Russian literature of the 20th century is not yet disclosed, maybe because, like Pushkin, Ivan Alekseevich is unique. From this situation there is a way out: the appeal is back and again to the texts of the Bunin, to the documents, archives, memories of the contemporaries about it.

"Through a century says
The poet - and the syllable rings him -
In the crust painted autumn.
And the cemetery is sad sleeping,
Where in a foreign land he lies.
And sad looking at the top of the plead ... "
From the poem of Tamara Hangina Memory of Bunin


An amazing fact, but this talented, brilliant, educated and sophisticated person did not receive good education in the youth. Most Knowledge and interest in literature, philosophy and psychology Ivan Bunin instilled his elder brother, who graduated with honors from the university and did a lot with a boy. Perhaps, it is thanks to Brother Julia Bunin and was able to uncover literary talent in himself.

Biography Bunin You can read like an affair with an exciting story. All his life, Bunin changed cities, countries and, that is not a secret, women. One remained unchanged - his passion for literature. He published his first poem for another 16 years and already at 25 - shone in literary circles both capitals of Russia. Greek Anna Tsakney became the first wife of Bunin, but this marriage lasted for a long time, the only son of the Bunin died at a five-year-old age, and after a writer later met main woman In his life - faith Muromtsev. It was with her who later became the official wife of Bunin, the writer emigrated to France and could not take the Bolshevik authorities.

Living in France, Bunin continued to write, there he created his best works. But he did not cease to think about Russia, herself for her, heavily experiencing his renunciation. However, these experiences were only going to favor his work, no wonder the stories, poems and stories of the Bunin today are considered the golden heritage of Russian literature. For the skill with whom he developed the traditions of Russian classical prose, the Nobel Prize in the literature was awarded to the eightiest Bunin - the first of the Russian writers. All the years of emigration near Bunin was his wife, faith, which resistant tolerant and hard character of her husband, and his hobbies on the side. Until the very last day, she remained a loyal friend to him, and not just his wife.

While in France, Bunin constantly thought about returning to Russia. But seeing what happens with his compatriots who believed in the favor of the Soviet government and returned home, the writer year after year he refused this venture. The death of Bunin came on the 84th year of his life in his humble apartment in Paris. The cause of the death of the Bunin, by conclusion of the doctor, has become a whole bouquet of diseases - heart failure, cardiac asthma and lung sclerosis. The funeral of Bunin passed in the Russian church in Paris, then the body was placed in the zinc coffin in a temporary crypt - the Bunin's wife hoped that he could still bury her husband in Russia. But, alas, this was not given to happen, and on January 30, 1954, Bunin's funeral was held with the transfer of his coffin from the temporary crypt. The grave of the Bunin is located in the Russian cemetery of St. Geneviev de Boua near Paris.

Wives Bunin - the first wife Anna (left) and the second wife Vera (right)

Life line

October 10, 1870 The date of birth of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin.
1881 Admission to Yeletic Gymnasium.
1892 Moving to Poltava, work in the newspapers Poltava provincial statements, Kievanin.
1895 Success in the literary society of Moscow and St. Petersburg, acquaintance with Chekhov.
1898 Marriage with Anna Tsakney.
1900 Parting with Tsakney, a trip to Europe.
1901 The output of the collection of poems of the Bunin "Leaf Frals".
1903 Awarding the Bunin Pushkin Prize.
1906 The beginning of relationships with faith Muromseva.
1909 The award of the Bunin of the Pushkin Prize, the election of the Honorary Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences on the category of graceful literature.
1915 Publication complete assembly The writings of the Bunin in the appendix to the magazine "Niva".
1918 Moving to Odessa.
1920 Emigration to France, in Paris.
1922 Official marriage with faith Muromseva.
1924Writing the story of the Bunin "Mitina Love".
1933 Awarding the Bunin of the Nobel Prize in Literature.
1934-1936 Publication of Buunin Works Assembly in Berlin.
1939 Moving to Gras.
1945Return to Paris.
1953 Completion of the collection of stories Bunin "Dark Alleys".
November 8, 1953Date of the death of Bunin.
November 12, 1953 Evailing, body room in temporary crypt.
January 30, 1954 Funeral Bunin (reburial).

Memorial places

1. The village of Ozerki, the former estate of the Bunins, where the childhood of the writer passed.
2. Bunin's house in Voronezh, in which he was born and lived the first three years of his life.
3. The literary-memorial Museum of Bunin in Yelets, in the house where Bunin was led by a gymnasium.
4. House-Museum of Bunin in Efremov, where Bunin lived periodically and worked in 1906-1910. and on which the pounin memorial memory board is installed.
5. St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Honorary Academician of which Bunin was elected.
6. Bunin House in Odessa, where Bunin lived together with Muromseva in 1918-1920. Before his departure to France.
7. House Bunin in Paris, where he periodically lived from 1922 to 1953. And where died.
8. Bunin's house in Grass, Villa "Jeannet", at the entrance to which a pounin memorial memory board is installed.
9. Bunina House in Grass, Villa "Belvedere".
10. Monument to Bunin in Moscow.
11. Monument to Bunin in Orel.
12. Monument to Bunin in Voronezh.
13. Cemetery of St. Geneviev de Boua, where Bunin is buried.

Episodes of life

Bunin possessed not only literary, but also acting talent. He had a very rich Mimica, he moved perfectly and danced, was an excellent rider. It is known that Konstantin Stanislavsky himself invited Bunin to play the role of Hamlet's role, but he refused.

The last years of the life of Ivan Bunin lived in almost poverty. Those money that he got like nobel laureate, the writer immediately descended to parties and techniques, help immigrants, and then unsuccessfully invested in some reason and completely burned.

It is known that Ivan Bunin, like many writers, conducted a diary. He made the last entry on May 2, 1953, a few months before the death, which, apparently, has already been premeditated due to the deterioration of health: "It is still striking to the tetanus! After some, very small time I will not be - and things and fates of all will be unknown to me! "


"What a joy is to exist! Only see, at least see only one smoke and this light. If I had no hand and legs and I could only sit on a bench and look at the setting sun, I would be happy with it. One thing is necessary only to see and breathe. "

Documentary film dedicated to Ivan Bunin, from the cycle "Genius and Village"


"The Great Mountain was King Ivan!"
Don Amonniend (Aminodav Pisakhovich Shpolyansky), Satir poet

"Unusual was a writer. And an extraordinary man was. "
Mark Aldanov, Prose, Publicist

"Bunin - a phenomenon of the rarest. In our literature, in the language - this is the top, above which is not climbing anyone. "
Sergey Voronin, Proser

"All my life, Bunin waited for happiness, wrote about human happiness, looking for ways to him. He found him in his poetry, prose, in love for life and his homeland and said great words that happiness was given only knowing. Bunin lived a complex, sometimes conflicting life. He saw a lot, knew, loved a lot and hated, worked a lot, sometimes brutally mistaken, but the whole life of the greatest, the most unbelievable love of his love was his native country, Russia. "
Konstantin Poist, writer