The path of the fisherman from an honest person to the traitor. Can I forgive betrayal? According to B.

The path of the fisherman from an honest person to the traitor. Can I forgive betrayal? According to B.

The story of "Sotnikov" was written in 1970. The real lead heroes never existed in reality, but the case that lay down the basis of this work occurred in real life.

This happened in August 1944, when our troops broke through the defense and surrounded Germans. Among the prisoners turned out to be a person who had long been considered dead. Without taking terrible tests, he went to betrayal, went to it consciously. It seemed to him that it was only for the time that at a convenient moment he would return to his. But fate did not provide him with such an opportunity. Probably, it is a betrayal that he does not have an excuse. Vasil Bykov recognized this person, and then he wrote a story in which the moral problems about the meaning of life, about the spiritual power of a man who had in a hopeless situation. The heroes get a choice - to die decently or survived.

Already at the very beginning, the abyss is exposed between the heroes of the story. The fisherman cannot understand why the patient will go to the task, because he had the opportunity to refuse. And "therefore did not refuse that others refused." That's what it can not be in a sense fisherman, he does not understand this, because there is no debt feeling that is so necessary in war.

Unsuscated centurion is opposed to energetic and decisive fisherman's natural nature. But how did it happen that the fisherman becomes a traitor? Bulls holds a reader throughout the path of simply looking for a fisherman. His choice is the result of advancement to betrayal. Once in captivity, it is experiencing a panic fear of death. Can we blame him that until the last moment there was hope to survive? After all, he did not want to be a traitor, did not want to give his comrades, but he tried only to deceive the Germans. However, I betrayed, without noticing, was in the camp of the policemen. Nothing forced him to stop in front of betrayal: nor the life of Peter, nor the detects who had children. For the sake of their own salvation, he is ready to sacrifice everyone. The fisherman is looking for benefits even in the death of a friend with which so much passed. The execution of Sotnikova becomes the last stage on the path of betrayal until the last moment of the centuries can not believe in the betrayal of the fisherman. "Of course, people are capable of any betrayal from fear and hatred, but the fisherman seems to not be a traitor, as was not a coward. How much opportunities were presented to the police, and there was plenty of cases, but he kept adequately. At least, no worse than others. " Yes, and in a shootout with policemen, the fisherman does not leave a friend, something forced him to return to the wounded centurion. But this is something, probably too little to preserve human dignity, go worthy of life.

In this story, we see not only a traitor, but also a person whose name, selfless feeling and courage cannot leave indifferent readers. If the fisherman worried only how to save his skin, then the Sotnikov thinks that "his death, whatever she - to meet with soldiers' dignity - it became the main goal of his last minutes." Not only a fisherman, but also the Sotnikov, but there are higher values \u200b\u200bfor him: civil debt, human dignity. Once in the face of death, the centuries want to save people doomed with him to death, trying to take all the blame on themselves. This state of the hero is accurately reflected in the title of the art film, filmed on this story. "Climbing" - so called the director L.heatko this film. And indeed, the Sotnikov makes climbing moral altitudes. His actions - the path, ascent to the feat.

It is quite difficult from the very beginning to predict the outcome of the story. Sometimes it seems that the fisherman is worthy of big sympathies than the centuries. But gradually in unfolding events we see how in the actions of the heroes their characters are revealed. The fisherman betrayal causes hatred and contempt. The feat of Sotnikova gives rise to admiration and pride in the heart.

In the story of "Centulties" Vasil Bulls gives us a lesson of humanity, teaches us to be loyal to themselves, their conscience even in the most difficult and difficult situations in life. History Sotnikova and Fisherman is a story about what a person leads to relief in fundamental issues, the absence of important moral foundations in relations with the outside world. It is a harsh and honest reflection of the writer about the life choice of every person. The situation of the war is only sharp exposed to this eternal problem: as a person must live his life. Thanks to the writer for his lesson.

Literature lesson


"The problem of moral choice in the story V.V. Bykov "Sotnikov"

During the classes

Moral man makes a lot for

his friends and for the sake of the Fatherland, even if

at the same time he had to lose his life.


20 century - century of global change, catastrophe, age of revolutions and cruel wars. This is a turning point in the history of mankind. People who have fallen in the story of history were forced to make their moral choices: to make a noble act and die, abandon their moral principles and to preserve their lives. What is more important - everyone solved it for himself. Sometimes this choice was unbearable litter, crushing a person who retreated from the concepts of honor, justice and good. Sometimes decent, honest people could not cope with the natural desire to save their lives by anything. The epoch broke the human souls and spoke a person's ideas about morality, ethics, forcing me to renounce familiar moral values. And only those people who managed to preserve human dignity, which remained faithful to their beliefs that did not betray their ideals, they deserve to be called heroes.

In the story of Vasil Bykov, as in many other works of the 20th century, the problem of moral choice is the main one. We devote a discussion of this problem today a lesson of literature. Disclose the theme of moral choice is impossible without the comparative characteristics of the main characters of the story - Sotnikova and Fisherman.

(On the board) "... First of all, and mostly I was interested in two moral points, which simplified can be defined as follows: What is a person before crushing power of inhuman circumstances? What is he capable when the opportunity to defend his life is exhausted to them to the end and it is impossible to prevent death? "

Word about writer

Vasil Vladimirovich Bulls (1924 - 2003)

Born in the village of bullies of the Ushach district of the Vitebsk region in the peasant family. In June 1941, externally passed the exams for the 10th grade. The war found him in Ukraine, where he participated in defense work. During the retreat, in Belgorod, lagged behind his column and was arrested and almost shot like a German spy. Fought as part of the army engineering battalion. Called to the army in 1942, graduated from the Saratov infantry school. In the autumn of 1943, the title of younger lieutenant was awarded. He participated in the liberation of Romania, with the existing army passed through Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Austria; Senior lieutenant, commander of the platoon, then army artillery. About the war in the book of memories "Long road home" remembered:

In 1955, he finally demobilized from the army. Since the end of 1997, he lived abroad in political emigration in Finland, Germany, the Czech Republic. Buried in Minsk.

Analysis of the work

The story of "Sotnikov" was written in 1970.

Comparative characteristics of Sotnikova and fisherman

- Compare portraits of heroes. What conclusion can be done?

Parameters Sotnikov Fisherman
Portrait, physical condition Physically unhealthy Full of vitality
Social origin Intelligent, before the war he worked as a teacher Rustic guy, used to severe peasant labor
Endurance, ability to cope with life difficulties Overcomes the difficulties of guerrilla life thanks to the power of the Spirit, persistence. Before you get into the environment, got a few tanks. Overcomes the partisan life of life due to physical strength and strong health
As it turned out to be in the partisan detachment Ideological reasons; After three times attempted to get out of the environment; sought to deal with the enemy in any conditions I went to the partisans, because many did this; It was dangerous to stay in the village - he could send him to German slavery

What character qualities have to fisherman?

At what point in relation to it appears alertness?

In old ages

How in the refusal of the fisherman to shoot the head of Peter, contrary to the requirements of Sotnikov, the difference between the moral positions of the comrades? Which side the author?

Facial to compromise

Shooting with policemen

(Only the idea of \u200b\u200bhow he will explain the detachment commander, forced the fisherman to return for the wounded)

Attitude to comrades

3) in the hut at the Dimukha

How does Detechich behave during the arrest of partisans?

Compare the behavior of a woman and fisherman.

(Dymcha does not blame the partisans in his tragedy, despite the fact that her children will remain round orphans.)

- What is disturbing each of the heroes?

Images of policemen

As depicted in the story of the police: Stas, walked, ports?

Find the words in the text that give the expressive characteristics of these characters.

(The author deeply despises traitors. Recovering from moral laws, they stopped being people. The police officers "weigherize", "bring up", "are decent", i.e. behave like gallings that are serviced in front of their owners. More Language, speaking on the wild mix of Belarusian with German ":" Yavol in the basement! Beatte I ask! ")

In captivity

(It is impossible to assign evil in the name of good. Having entered the path of betrayal, you will not cage from it. The colonel failure from any compromise has become his last victory over the enemy. Colonel's deed is the ideal of the behavior of a true patriot.)

- What was horrified by the fisherman when he saw Sotnikov, who returned after the interrogation?

(Peter: "Beasts." Fisherman: The same will be with him.)

- What position during the interrogation chose a fisherman?

(Adapt, sick.)

- What annoys him in Sotnikov? (Principle.)

- And Sotnikova? (Silence. At first I wanted to take everything to close the others.)

- Why did not the fisherman tortured?

- How will his path end?

- What does the cattle of the reason for the fall (betrayal) of the fisherman? (Parisan is good, and human qualities do not reach.)

Moral choice

What moral choice do the centuries and fisherman?

Sleep Sotnikova

Comment on the Hero's sleep.

Sleep: Father in a dream says: "There was a fire, and was the highest justice in the world ..." There is a supreme court, which are responsible for all without exception. The boy in Budozhenka is the personification of the upcoming generation: the centuries must repeat the feat of the Russian colonel in the face of the future, pass the covenant to the coming generations.

(Sotnitsa takes on all the blame, trying to save other people - it is important for him to die adequately, doing good.)

The final

Pay attention to how the vocabulary of the hero is changing in the final. He retreats to the background physical displacement. We hear the voice of the wise, tired man. In his speech, high spiritual words sound, timeless.

(Conscience - Merilo actions. Grace, tolerate, conscience, morality, BTLIL)

No word God, no prayer sounds, but the words of prayers are read in the semantics of the text. Prophet Isaiah:

Mount the topics that evil is called good, and good evil, darkness is revered by light, and light dirty, bitter worship sweet, and sweet bitter!
Mount the topics that wise in their eyes are intelligent to themselves! ..
Okay, clean; Remove your evil acts from my eyes; stop doing evil;
Learn to do good; Look for truth ...
(Book of the Prophet Isaiah: Ch. 5: 20-21; Ch. 1: 16-17)

- As if the lines from the Father's Bible sound. It seems that the Sotniki did not rise on the scaffle, but on some inconceivable height, with which he could see without anger even on the fisherman.

- Confirm the text of this height of Sotnikov and the fall of the fisherman.

- What does the Sotnikov sees from this height?

(Nature, the eye of the child, the church - the world that will not betray him.)

(The fisherman is selflessly executed the comrade. And although he is saved from physical death, he tries himself for a long, shameful death of the traitor, Judah. \u200b\u200bFisherman, like Judas, is trying to hang out, and anywhere else, as in the restroom, among the vony human waste, even ready to rush Head down, but not solved. The humiliating slave existence becomes life sentence for him.)

On the board, an image of an old church.

"Church ... Describe her ... (" Abandoned by people, but not far from the village "- Hope for what could be, people will back their eyes on her, and then again will return what they lost their souls.)

- Boy's eyes. In Russian literature, there is an artistic technique that the block will call the "meeting of the eyes" later. Spark - spiritual understanding - continuity here.

L.N. Thanks to such a meeting, the French officer did not send a French officer to the death of Pierre Lesukov. Dostoevsky meeting the light eye of the Sonchi and Dark Skolnikov combines them.

- In a difficult situation, the fisherman was Juda, betrayed by Sotnikov, and comrades, he himself determined the price of his life in the face of the threatened death. Sotniks in the face of inexorable death makes the only possible choice of the covenants of the Father - the salvation of honor, conscience, soul. And, as to know, maybe, in the last minutes of the life of the Sotnikov, the Bible of the Father, he would reread exactly these lines ...

Listen and you are to them. Try to find Otzvuk in your own soul:

When will betray you, do not take care how or what to say; For that hour will be given to you, what to say ...
And do not be afraid of killing the body, the souls who cannot kill themselves; And be afraid of anyone who can and the soul and the body will destroy in Geenne ...
Come in close gates; Because the widespread gates and the path of the destroy, and many go them;
Because the grinds are crowded and narrow the way leading to life and few find them.
(Gospel otmatfay: ch. 10:19, 28; ch. 7: 13-14)

How do you understand the finals of the story?

(Having stuck once, a person can no longer stop, no matter how he wanted. Life bought by betrayal is worthy of only contempt. A person who has not changed his moral beliefs, even perishing, remains forever alive in the memory of descendants.)


BUT) The word teacher

For prose, Bykov is characterized by opposition to the physical and moral health of a person. However, the damage to the soul is not disclosed immediately, not in everyday life: it is necessary "The moment of truth", situation categorical moral choice. Two partisan is explorable: Two: the full life forces fisherman and the intelligent centurifs that is not distinguished by the power, which caused the task itself, despite the birth. Sotnikov is a purely civilian man, before the war, who worked as a teacher at school. Physical strength to him replaces stubbornness and power of character.

The fisherman has been engaged in heavy peasant labor from 12 years, it easier tolerated the physical exertion and partisan life. Fisherman is more prone to moral compromise. He refuses to shoot the head of Peter, who served the fascists. But what is good in peaceful life, destroying in the conditions of war. Sotnikov perfectly understands the laws of war, he learned that such a captivity, betrayal, because there was no compromise with conscience.

Bykov does not regret the black paints for the image of the policemen: people who retreted from moral laws cease to be people for him.

The fisherman is trying to overcome his enemy, without understanding that he has already entered the path of betrayal, because he put his own salvation above the laws of honor, partnership. Step by step, he gradually inferior to the enemy, betraying first to the Dumachu, then Sotnikova. Sotnikov, unlike the fisherman, trying to take the guilt of other people to save them, it is important for him to die adequately. As Christ, the Sotnikov goes to death for "his own", in the name of mankind. Like Christ, he will be devoted to a comrades.

B. ) Evaluation of speeches and student work at the lesson.

(Report on the decision taken in the Group, how the Group worked. Evaluation of work in groups is carried out by students themselves.)

C) Task for those who failed to express themselves during the seminar:

Give the interpretation to the following words and expressions: morality, moral choice, honor, betrayal, nobility, patriotism.

D) Record the output on the lesson in the workbook.

10) Homework:

Write an deployed answer to questions:

- « What is the essence of the Sotnikov's fit?»

- « How does the fisherman become a traitor?»


Task for lesson in groups

Task for all groups:

Find the Test Portraits of Sotnikov and Fisherman in the text, compare them. What is the difference between the heroes of the story from each other? How did each of them fell into the partisans?

How do you understand the finals of the story? Explain its meaning.

1 Group:

How in the refusal of the fisherman to shoot the head of Peter, contrary to the requirements of Sotnikov, the difference in the moral positions of comrades was manifested? Which side the author?

How do heroes show themselves in the episode of shootout with policemen?

2 Group:

Why was the fisherman before the fisherman returned to the revenue comrade?

What role in the story play the interrogation scene of the Russian colonel, whose witness turned out to be centuries during interrogation in captivity?

3 Group:

How does Detechich behave during the arrest of partisans? Compare the behavior of a woman and fisherman in this situation?

As depicted in the story of the police: Stas, walked, ports? Find the words in the text that give the expressive characteristics of these characters.

4 Group:

What moral choice makes a fisherman trying to escape?

Is it possible to call it a shortwater scoundrel?

What moral choice makes the Sotnikov? How does he behave on the eve of death? Comment on the Hero's sleep.

Why did the Sotnikov looking at the loop cooked by him, thinks: "one for two"?

Similar information.

The newest period in the work of V. Bykov revealed his wonderful work of "Centobes" - the deepest of the works about the war not only the author himself, and in the entire Soviet multinational literature. "Sotnikov" firmly connected to the previous stories of the writer. More famous critics A. Adamovich, Naumova, Lazarev was noticed by "Sotnikov" with the "Krugan Bridge".

The inhuman selection rises from Sotnikov: "It is better to die a man than to live cattle." I wrote about the idea "Sotnikov" V. Bykov: "First of all, and mostly I was interested in two moral problems that could be formulated as follows:" What is a person before destroying inhuman circumstances? What is he capable when the ability to protect life is exhausted to them to finish and prevent death it is impossible? "These questions from their combat experience are equally memorial, when they had to decide not mentally, but practically, the price of blood, putting on the card Life. But no one wanted to lose my one and therefore an expensive life. And only the need to remain a person forced to go to death. At the same time, there were people who tried to combine incompatible: to save life and sin against humanity that in the tragic setting incredibly heavy, if not quite hopeless.

In many respects, the centuries are the usual worker of war. He is actually one of the ordinary representatives of the multi-millionth army. Sotnikov - by nature not at all the hero, and when he dies, then, first of all, because his moral basis in such circumstances does not allow him to make it different, to look for another end. Sotnikova is noticeable, even cruelty to people. Only by the end of the work of the centuries overcomes the straightness in itself, becomes much higher.

The feat of Sotnikova, which, above all, the moral, spiritual meaning, is: humanity, high spirituality, in which, as unconditional cost, is necessarily the dedication to the Motherland, and the centuries defend it until the very end, before the last breath, confirming the ideals Death itself. "For me, the Sotnikov is a hero. Yes, he did not defeat the enemy, but he remained a man in the inhuman situation." As the feat is considered by its resistance and those of several dozens of people who have witnessed his last minutes.

Sotnikov, too, "I was afraid sometimes for my life when I could easily die in battle." "Going out of the fight alive, he fed the quiet joy as a bullet he passed it." All this was humanly understood and natural. It is known for centuries, like other heroes V. Bykov, could fight the enemy "until the last minute." In the partisans, he stopped being afraid of death. It was important for him to live when he was the army commander. Getting captured to the fascists, he thinks about death with a weapon in his hands as a big luxury. Here he almost envied thousands of those lucky that they found their end on numerous fields of battles.

Before Halp, Sotnikova appears again very natural for a person hatred for death, unwillingness to say goodbye to life. Sotnik, before the death, wanted to laugh, but he grinned at last his exhausted, miserable smile. Going to death, the Sotniks are not so much thinks about himself, as is concerned about to "do something for others." And even the death is not dirty.

Fisherman is a former companion combat, and now the traitor. The fisherman in the first sections is shown to us with a good partisan, which is completely in a friendly companion with Sotnikov, thinks about other partisans. In the army, the fisherman, thanks to his termination from the ordinary, reached the post of seniority. In a word, he is very good, if you take it on the household level, in ordinary, human circumstances. We can say that there is no price here. But the fact is that the war presented his cruel demands, very often offered inhuman. Fisherman understood this and tried to hold. He, when he got along with Sotnikov in a shootout, and then, when she sacted for a while, sighs with relief, thinks that everything is over that the centuries died. So, not pain for his death arose in the fisherman first of all, but a sense of relief caused by the fact that in this case it is already at all exactly necessary to risk once again.

The author associates betrayal with the insignificance of the moral and ethical ideas of the fisherman, with the insufficient development of his spiritual world. He turned out to be very small human, spiritual potential, not enough moral embroidery to be not only a good partisan, but even to end in difficult circumstances. Fisherman could not pay such a price of his life, because it was more important for him to survive, no matter what. Bykov wrote: "The fisherman is also not a book for kind: Frequently the circumstances are different, perhaps a completely different side of his character manifest itself, and he would have imagined people in a different light. But the inexorable power of military situations forced everyone to make the most decisive choice in human life - better To die or stay to live is inflounted. And each chose yours. " Spiritual deafness does not allow him to understand the depth of his fall. Only at the end, he sees with irreparable late that in some cases it is not better to survive than to die. In captivity, the fisherman begins to carefully approach the polysyamam, sick with them and get out. And rolls, rolls down, more and more losing humane in himself, passing one position after another. Already inexorably rolling into the abyss of betrayal, the fisherman all the time soothes himself, that this is not the end that he can also blow the policemen.

Bulls depicts the latest action by Sotnikova: "Before the punishment, he knocks out a stand from under his feet, so as not to let it make it a fisherman who betrayed him." Sotnikov very much I would like, so that the fisherman, who had not yet caught his hands with a draw of his blood, had the opportunity to make it, not to lose the finally and irrevocably his own soul. The nationwide ethics of human-loving decency constantly presented strict demands, especially categorically hung the betrayal, which pulled the death of innocent people.

V. Bykov - Tale of "Centoo". The theme of spiritual durability and betrayal, the expansion of the concept of "heroism" is characteristic of the Town of V. Bytnikov. There are no grandiose tank battles, nor scenes of impressive fighting. All his attention writer pays to the inner world of man in war. Recall the story story. Winter night two partisans, fishermen and centurifs, go on the road. They must get food for their squad. Their path turns out to be very dangerous, as there are no villages free from police posts in the district. Finally, it is possible to get a car wash, but the policemen are found here. The partisans are shooting out, trying to break away from persecution, but due to the injury, Sotnikov falls to the Germans. And here they disagree their ways: the Sotnikov chooses death, and the fisherman is a betrayal, thanks to which he retains his life. Analyzing the behavior of the fisherman, the author notes: "The opportunity to live is the main thing. Everything else - then. " What are the reasons for the betrayal of the fisherman? The writer himself thought about it: "I think that the reason for the fall of the fisherman in his mental omnivo, non-formation ... moral deafness does not allow him to understand the deafness of the fall. Only in the end, he with irreparable late detects that in other cases it is no better to die than to die ... As a result, spiritual death, which is prettier and shameful physical death "(V. Bykov).

Here were looking for:

  • fisherman betrayal in the production of centuries
  • centuries betrayal
  • centuries betrayal fisherman

What a feat made centuries in Mistow Vasil Bykov and received the best answer

Answer from a dampardone [Guru]
On the first pages, there are two fighters of one of the partisan detachments - centuries and a fisherman who are frosty, windy at night to task. They are entrusted with anything to get food for tired, exhausted comrades. But we see that fighters in an unequal position: the centuries go to the task with a heavy cold. And the question of fisherman, why he did not refuse to go, if sick, responds: "Therefore, he did not refuse that others refused." These words of Sotnikov tell us about his strongly developed sense of debt, consciousness, courage, endurance.
In the course of the narration, we see that the main characters persecutes one failure after another. First, it turned out to be burned farm, where they hoped to get food. Secondly, Sotnikova wounded in a shootout with the enemy. It is interesting to such a detail - the author external action accompanies the effect of internal. This is especially noticeable in the development of the image of a fisherman. At first, the fisherman is a bit displeased by Sotnikov, his ailment, which does not allow them to move quite quickly. This light discontent is replaced by pity and sympathy, then involuntary irritation. But the bulls show a completely decent behavior of a fisherman, which helps the Sotnikov to carry the weapon, does not throw him alone when he cannot go due to injury.
By nature, the fisherman is by no means a traitor and the more disguised the enemy, but a normal person with his advantages and disadvantages. Fisherman is a strong and reliable guy in which the feeling of fraternity, partnership, mutual arms live. But he is in an ordinary fighting atmosphere. Remaining alone with an injured coughing in the wounded hundreds of coughing, without food and in constant alert to be captured by the fascists, the fisherman breaks down. And when he captures, in his soul there is a dorm. He wants to live. The fighter does not want to betray their homeland, trying to find a way out of the situation in which he was. Noteworth of his conversation with Sotnikov after interrogation:
"You're listening," Having spoiled, the fisherman whispered. - It is necessary to assure smirny. You know, I was offered to the police, "somehow I did not want to say myself, the fisherman said. Weeks from Sotnikov shuddered, her eyes flashed with anxious attention. - That's how! So what - run? - Do not run, do not be afraid. I fell with them. "Look, you are trying," the Sotnikov glazedly seized. "
Fisherman agrees to serve the police. He hopes to take advantage of this to run to his. But the Sotniks were not mistaken, anticipating the fact that the powerful Hitler's car would destroy the fisherman that the trick would turn the betrayal.
The final of the story is very tragic: the former partisan on the orders of the Nazis executes his former comrade for the detachment. After that, the life of a fisherman, previously such
dear to him, suddenly loses his meaning, it turns out to be so unbearable that he thinks about suicide. But it does not manage to do it, since the policemen removed the belt from him. Such is the "insidious fate of a person who worked in the war," writes the author.

Answer from 3 response[guru]