The idea of \u200b\u200bthe happiness of Matrena Timofeevna Korchaginina. Matrena Timofeevna as a bright representative of the peasant woman

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe happiness of Matrena Timofeevna Korchaginina. Matrena Timofeevna as a bright representative of the peasant woman
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe happiness of Matrena Timofeevna Korchaginina. Matrena Timofeevna as a bright representative of the peasant woman

One of the studied in russian schools The works of Russian literature is the poem Nikolai Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia" is perhaps the most famous writer in the work of the writer. Many studies are devoted to the analysis of this poem and its main characters. Meanwhile, there is in it and minor charactersrepresenting no less interest. For example, the peasant Matrena Timofeevna.

Nikolai Nekrasov

Before talking about the poem and her heroes, you should at least briefly stay on the personality of the writer himself. A person known to many first of all as the author "Who in Russia live is good," a lot of works wrote for his life, and began to create from eleven years - from the moment the gymnasium threshold overshadowed. Studying at the Institute, he wrote poetry to order - copied the money for the publication of his first collections of poems. Going out into the world, the collection failed, and Nikolai Alekseevich decided to pay attention to prose.

He wrote stories and stories, published several magazines (for example, "contemporary" and " Domestic notes"). IN last decade composed such life such satirical worksAs already repeatedly mentioned poem "Who in Russia live well", "contemporaries", "Russian women" and others. He was not afraid to expose the suffering of the Russian people, who deeply sympathized with, wrote about their troubles and destinies.

"Who lives in Russia": the history of creation

It is significant unknown when Nekrasov began to create the poem who brought huge fame. It is believed that it happened at about the beginning of the sixties of the nineteenth century, but long before the writing of the work, the writer began to do sketches - therefore the time of the plan of the poem does not have to speak. Despite the fact that in the manuscript of its first part, 1865 is listed, part of the researchers is inclined to the opinion that this is the end date of work, and not started it.

Be that as it may, the prologue of the first part was published in the "Contemporary" at the very beginning of the sixty-sixth year, and the next four years with interruptions in the journal came out and the whole first part. The poem was printed difficult due to disputes with censorship; However, the censorship "imposed veto" and for many other editions of Nekrasov, and in general on his activities.

Nikolai Alekseevich, relying on his own experience and the experience of his colleagues predecessors, was found to create a huge epic work on the life and destinies of various people relating to the most diverse layers of society, show their differentiation. At the same time, he necessarily wanted to be fully read by the simple people - this is determined by the language of the poem and its composition - they are understandable and accessible to the most ordinary, the lowest segments of the population.

By initial design The author, the work should consist of seven or eight parts. Travelers, passing through all their provinces, had to reach St. Petersburg himself, having met there (in order of priority) with an official, merchant, minister and king. This plan was not given to be taken due to the disease and death of Nekrasov. However, three more parts of the writer managed to create - at the beginning and mid-seventies. After the departure of Nikolai Alekseevich, there was no instructions from life in his papers on how to print written by him (although there is a version that Chukovsky found a record in the documents that after the "follower" goes "Pier on the whole world") . the last part I saw the light only three years after the author's death - and that with censored blots.

It all begins with the fact that "on the postal traffic" met seven simple rustic men. They met - and brought a conversation about their lives, joy and charts. They agreed that the usual man lives not much fun, but who had fun - did not decide. Expressing various options (from the landowner to the king), they decide to figure it out in this matter, chat with each of the voiced people and learn the right answer. And until then - home either step.

Having traveled to the path with the found-based self-balancing tablecloth, they first meet the Barskaya family headed by the owner mad, and then in the city of Klin - a woman-a peasant named Matrena Korchagin. The men were talking about her that she and kind, and smart, and happy - which is important, but just in the last Matrain Timofeevna and dissuade the unexpected guests.


The main characters of the poem are ordinary peasant men: Prov, Pahom, Roman, Demyan, Luka, Ivan and Metrodor. In their path, they managed to meet as the same peasants as they themselves (Matrain Timofeevna Korchagin, a prosper, Sidor, Yakov, Gleb, Vlas and others), and landowners (Prince Utyatin, Fogel, Obolt-Owdow and so on). Matrena Timofeevna is hardly the only one (and at the same time very important) female Character Works.

Mature Timofeevna: characteristic of the hero

Before talking about Matrey Korchaginina, you need to remember that Nikolai Alekseevich throughout his life was worried about the fate of the Russian woman. Women in general - and the peasant and is inexpressible, because she, just that was a powerful fortress, it was also a slave to her husband and her sons. It was on this topic that Nekrasov sought to attract public attention - so the image of Matrena Timofeevna appeared, in whose mouth the writer has invested the main words: that "the keys from female happiness" have long been lost long ago.

With Matrey Korchagin, readers get acquainted in the third part of the poem. Wearing men leads to her, they say, it is this woman that is happy. The characteristic of Matreina Timofeevna is manifested immediately in its friendliness unfamiliar people, in kindness. From her subsequent story about his life it becomes clear that the person she is amazingly persistent, patiently and courageously demolishing the blows of fate. The image of Matrena Timofeevna is given some heroicity - and there are a lot of contributing to this children whom she loves all-consuming maternal love. She, among other things, hardworking, is honest, patient.

Matrena Korchagin is a believer, she is humble, but at the same time decisive and brave. She is ready to sacrifice the sake of others - and not just donate, but even if you need, give life. Thanks to his courage, Matrona saves her husband, pocked in the soldiers, for which he gets universal respect. More none of the women is daring to such actions.


The appearance of Matrena Timofeevna is described in the poem as follows: she is approximately thirty-eight years old, it is high, "ospanic", dense physique. The author calls her beautiful: big strict eyes, thick eyelashes, dark skin, in her hair - early appeared gray.

History Matrena

The history of Matrena Timofeevna is told in the poem from the first person. She herself operates the veil of his soul in front of the men, so passionately wishing to know whether it is happy and if so, then what is her happiness.

The life of Matrena Timofeevna could be called sweet only in the greatness. Parents loved her, she grew up "like God for the sinus". But the peasants are early granting, so Matrey had yet, in essence, a teenager, to leave for the house. And in the family of her husband, it was not too affordable to her: the beetor and mother-in-law were not loved, and the spouse himself, who promised to offend her, after the wedding changed - once even raised her hand on her. In the description of this episode, the patient of the image of Matrena Timofeevna is emphasized: she knows that husbands beat their wives, and does not complain, and humbly accepts what happened. However, she respects her husband, perhaps partly even loves him - no wonder he saves from military service.

Even in a difficult married life, where she has many duties, and the unfair reproaches are supreme as from the bucket, Matrona finds a reason for joy - and also tells about it to his listeners. Whether the husband arrived, whether the new handkerchief brought, whether he was rolled on his sled - everything causes her delight, and resentment forgotten. And when the first child is born - true happiness comes to the heroine. The image of Matrena Timofeevna is the image of a real mother, disgracelessly loving their children dissolving in them. The hardest to experience her loss when a tiny son dies in a ridiculous accident.

Much in life to his thirty-eight years had to go through this peasant woman. However, Nekrasov shows it that did not surrendered to fate, strong spiritstagnant to all over everything. Spiritual powers Mature of Kurchagin seems truly incredible. She cope alone with all the misfortunes, because it is no one to regret it, she has no one to help her - her husband's parents do not like her, their own parents live far away - and then she loses them. The image of Matrena Timofeevna (which, by the way, according to some sources, is written off with one of the acquaintances of the author) causes not only respect, but also admiration: she is not amenable to despond, finding the strength not only to live on, but also to enjoy life - although rarely .

What happiness heroine

Matcher herself does not consider himself happy, expressing this to his guests. In her opinion, among the "Bab" is happy not to find - they have too hard life, too much difficulties, the sorrows and offend them go. Nevertheless, Human Molva talks about Kurchagina as happy. What is the happiness of Matrena Timofeevna? In her strength of the Spirit and Resistance: she persistently transferred all the troubles, which fell into her share, and did not ropat, she sacrificed for the sake of people close to her. She raised five sons, despite the constant humiliation and attack, she did not bother, did not lose his own dignity, retained such qualities as kindness and love. She was left strong man, but weak person, forever displeased with his own life, can not be happy by definition. To Matrey Timofeevna, this is definitely nothing.


Censorship perceived the works of Nikolai Alekseevich "in the bayonets", but colleagues responded about his writings more than favorably. He was called a man close to the people - and therefore knowing how and what the people tell about this. They wrote that he "knows how to create wonders" that his material is "skill and rich." The poem "Who in Russia live well" was called a new and original phenomenon in the literature, and its very author himself is the only one who has the right to be called the poet.

  1. Nikolay Alekseevich poorly studied at school.
  2. By inheritance, he was given love for maps and hunting.
  3. He loved women, in his entire lives had many hobbies.

This poem is a truly unique work in Russian literature, and Matroin is a synthesized manner of a real Russian woman with a broad soul, from those who speak - "and will enter the burning horse, and will stop the horse."

Almost every writer has a hidden topic, which exciting it especially strongly and leitmotifting through all the creativity. For Nekrasov, the singer of the Russian people, the fate of the Russian woman became such a topic. Simple fortress peasants, printed princes and even fallen women, sowned on the social bottom - for each of the writer there was a warm word. And all of them, so different at first glance, combined the complete permissibility and misfortune, which was considered the norm at that time. Against the background of a universal fortification, the fate of a simple woman looks more terrible, because it is forced to "be a slave to the coffin" and "to be the mother of the son-slave" ("Frost, red nose"), i.e. She is a slave in a square. "The keys to the happiness of female", from their "free violence" a long time is long lost - this problem I tried to attract the attention of the poet. So an incredibly bright and strong image of Matrolena Timofeevna appears in the poem "Who in Russia live is good" Nekrasov.
The history of the fate of Matrery is set forth in the third part of the poem and called: "Peasant woman". The Woman's Woman leads to the Solva, claiming that if some of the women can be called happy, then exclusively "governor" from the village of Klin. However, Matrena Timofeevna Korchagin, "Osanoy", a beautiful and strict woman, having heard the question of men about his happiness, "twisted, wondered" and did not even want to talk about anything initially. It was already dark, and a month with the stars came out on the sky, when Matrena still decided to open the "soul".

Only at the very beginning, life was good to her - recalls Matrena. Native Mother and Father cared for her daughter, called the Casatushku, Holly and cherished. Pay attention to great amount Words with dimensional suffixes: LateXonko, sunshine, crust, etc., characteristic of oral folk creativity. It is noticeable to the influence on the poem of Nekrasov of Russian Folklore - in folk songs, as a rule, it is time for a carefree motivality, sharply contrasting with the subsequent heavy live living in the family of her husband. The author uses this plot to build a mature image and almost literally transfers from the songs description of the life of a girl with parents. Part of the folklore is introduced into the text directly. These are wedding songs, crying-keeping over the bride and the song of the bride itself, as well as detailed description Svatanya rite.

No matter how hard mom tried to extend his free life, but still she is married to a man, also someone else, not from native village. Soon the girl together with her husband Philip leaves the house and goes to an unfamiliar region, in a big and unlocking family. There she falls "with the maiden holi" in hell, which is also transmitted by folk song. "Sonline, happily, incidental!" - so called Matrene in the family, and everyone tries to ask her more work. There is no hope and for the intercession of the husband: even though they are one of the same, and Philip relates well to his wife, but sometimes sometimes he picks up ("whistling whispered, blood burst") and will not think to alleviate her life. In addition, he is almost all free time Holds on earnings, and Matreus "no one to love."

In this part of the poem, an outstanding nature and internal mental resistance of mattres are clearly becoming visible. Another would be desperate for a long time, and she does everything like ordered and always finds a reason to be glad the easiest things. Husband returned, "Brought Silk's handkerchiefs / yes, rolled on Santochki" - and Matrena Popper joyfully, as she had spoiled in the parent home.

The only happiness of the peasant woman is in her children. So the heroine of Nekrasova appears the firstborn, whom she cannot appear: "How the writer was Dymechka!". The author very convincingly shows: it is children who do not give the peasant to stumble, support the angelic patience in her. The great calling is to raise and protect your children - raises Matreus over a gray everyday life. The image of a woman turns into heroic.

But the peasant is not destined to enjoy his happiness for a long time: you need to continue work, and the child left for the elderly, because of tragic chance Dies. The death of a child at that time was not a rare event, this misfortune often fell on the family. But Matreya is heavier than others - not only that this is her firstborn, - so also the power of the city decides that this is the mother in collusion with a former convict Saveli's former convict killed her son. No matter how Matrén is crying, it has to be present at the opening of Demechka - he was "born", and this terrible picture was forever imprinted in maternal memory.

The characteristic of Matrena Timofeevna would not be complete without one more important detail - her willingness to sacrifice themselves for others. Her children are that it remains for the peasant in the sacred, "only do not touch the kids! For them, I stood the mountain ... " Indicatively, the episode is indicative when Matrena takes on the punishment of the son. He, being a subpask, lost the sheep, and he should have carved for it. But the mother rushed to the feet of the landowner, and that "graciously" forgave the teenager, Velives in return to make a "boldbaby". For the sake of their children, Matrain is ready to go even against God. When a stranger comes to the village with a strange requirement, do not feed the children with breasts on Wednesdays and Fridays, the woman turns out to be the only one who did not obey her. "Who tolerate, so the mother" - in these words, the whole depth of her is expressed in these words maternal love.

Another key feature of the peasant is her determination. Poor and compliant, she knows when you need to fight for your happiness. So, it was Matrena from all over a huge family that it is decided to make a husband when taking into the soldiers and, falling into the legs of the governor, leads him home. For this act, she gets the highest award - popular respect. Hence, her nickname "Governor". Now it is loved in the family, and in the village they consider it a happy. But adversity and the "mental thunderstorm", who passed in the life of Matrey, do not give her the opportunity to respond to themselves as happy.

Determining, selfless, simple and sincere woman and mother, one of the many Russian peasants - such appears in front of the reader "Who lives well in Russia" Matrain Korchagin.

Description of the image of Matrena Korchaginina and its characteristic in the poem will help students in grades before writing an essay on the topic "The image of Matroin Timofeevna in" Who lives well "in Russia."

Test on the work

Poem A.N. Nekrasov "Who in Russia live well" was written in the second half of the nineteenth century. The work was created in the period coinciding with the abolition of serfdom in Russia.

It tells about the peasants who went to the journey. Seven wanderers wanted to find a person who lived happily. Nothing in the poem specifically indicated the place and time of action. However, it was easy to guess that everything happened in Russia immediately after the cancellation of serfdom. Each of the wanderers had its own opinion on this. Among happy people They considered landlords, officials, popov, merchants, ministers, boyars and king himself.

Along with the main characters of the poems, secondary images were created. This is a character Matrun Timofeevna Korchagin. In the people, she walked happy. The wandering searches for the truth heard about her, being in the village Naggedino. So seven peasants went to Wedge, where Matrius lived. Without finding happy people among men, travelers expedited to see at least a happy woman.

And what is happiness for a simple Russian woman? Nepteful, working husband, healthy kids and peace in the family. And Matrion Timofeevna did not consider herself happy. Only humid, in the greatness of her lived well. Young, healthy and worker, she was born in a good family. Marriage did not bring the heroine of female happiness. The well-established life began to collapse. The death of his son became the first misfortune that walked Matriol family. And soon and the husband was taken into the soldiers. But a series of misfortunes did not cease. She and rods sequels, and the fire she survived twice. Not lucky with the health of Matrion Timofeevna. Three times hurt the Siberian ulcer.

So why did people consider her happy? What was her happiness? And everything is simple to banality. A strong Russian woman fought for his life and his happiness, not lowering hands. Protecting the Son, saved him from punishment with a whip. His husband was killed from the 25-year service in the army. With great advantage, this simple Russian woman suffered all the tests that had not fallen. She didn't just stand under the heaviness of the burden. This woman managed to save the family. She used her spiritual and physical strength to it.

A.N. Nekrasov was convinced that happy can only be free man. And only in free society is possible positive development dynamics. Therefore, with such love he describes ordinary peopleResisting slave positions. His respect is caused by people who, despite all the life of the peripetics, managed to survive and be happy in their own way.

Writing what happiness in understanding Matrena Timofeevna

The image of Russian women, especially peasants, are traced throughout the work of the poet, since he always sought to attract public opinion to this problem.

The image of Matrena Timofeevna is one of the central and on his example, the author reveals the concept of simple female happiness.

Middle-aged woman who has preserved youthful beauty, statism, with great strict eyes and the smarter in the hair does not consider itself happy, but the human Molver refers it to the category of those who happened to know the Indian happiness.

Mature childhood passed in the atmosphere parental Love In a caring stepfather house, but coming out the married young woman experienced all the tights and adversity of married life. The family of the husband does not accept Matrene and she has to tolerate humiliation, resentment from the mother-in-law and mother-in-law. A young husband at this time disappears on earnings, returning home only for the winter. The woman is forced with humility, tolerate patience not easy life, including not only injustice from parents of her husband, but also his anger, and find a sip of joy even in trifles, be it brought as a gift to your handkerchief, or rare roller skiing.

Otrada for Matrery becomes the birth of her firstborn, son, but in early age The boy ridiculously dies and the woman is hard to experience the death of a child, forced to continue to live on.

After some time, other children appear in the family and Matroin dissolves in the image of the disgracelessly loving mother's kids.

But life tests The peasants do not end on it, and fate prepares her new blows. Matrene has to go through a dozen years of serious diseases (three times it is cured of Siberian ulcers), survive a few fires, bury parents, and also know the hunger because of the loss of crop and hopelessness from the impossibility of feeling good to feed their children.

Being a deeply believer man, mature despite the circumstances possesses a decisive and brave character, ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of loved ones.

In one of the life moments, she takes the guilt of the eldest son for the deceased cattle and takes over the pain from the blows of the rogue. And when her husband is going to send it to military serviceMatrona realizes that one will not be able to grow children, boldly rushes to the local authorities and saves her husband from the recruitous service, causing unacted respect among fellow villagers.

According to Matrena, the Russian women can not be happiness, because there are too many misfortunes and misfortunes on their Babskaya share, and the key for happiness of a woman, since Matrain, has long been lost. But the woman does not grow, does not complain about fate, but just steadyly perceives all the burden of his life path.

However, the people are confident in the happy fate of Matrena Timofeevna, which consists in her strength of will, a persistent character, courage, self-esteem and inherent in women qualities consisting in the immense all-consuming maternal love, deep respect for her husband, kindness and friendliness to others.

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"Who lives well in Russia" - the final work of N.A. Nekrasov, in which the poet wanted to state all his reflections on the people of Russian. That is why it is so organically enters the poem. One of the main topics of Nekrasovsky creativity is the fate of the Russian woman.

Especially thoroughly represented a Russian woman in the head of the "peasant". It tells about the fate of the wonderful Russian woman Matriyna Timofeevna Korchagin. It is to her that the inhabitants of the surrounding villages refer to the men's men who have conceived to find the "who lives having fun, freely in Russia." Why exactly this woman is considered happy?

To respond to the questions, it is necessary to determine copyright. Russian woman has always been an embodiment for Nekrasov national Character, the main carrier of the foundation of the people's life. That is why for the poet it was so important to show in the poem, what is the position of the Russian woman. After all, the happiness of the mother, his wife, the keeper of the home focus and eternal worm is the key to happiness and well-being of any society at all times.

In the head of the "peasant woman" we do not hear the copyright - this is the story of Matriyna Timofeevna about their fate. This allowed the poet to achieve special sincerity and reliability of the image. At the same time, the contrast arises in the assessment of his life Merriot Timofeevna with the opinion of its surrounding people. Only a successful confluence of circumstances led to the fact that the heroine and her not yet born baby did not die, and the governor's wife became a patroness for them - the shag of a small lodelik.

But this is the happiness of the pronounced life. The fate of Matriol Timofeevna fell grave tests: the subanely life of daughter-in-law in the family of her husband, the "resentment mortals", the flap, exhausting work, hunger and the worst thing - the death of a child. And all this is typically for every peasant woman! It's not by chance that there are a lot of songs in this chapter, folklore images And the motives, and in the episode associated with the death of the Dzymushki, the poet uses the estimation (funeral crying) of the famous teacher Irina Fedosova. All this allows you to come to the conclusion, which is especially bitterly sounds in the mouths of Matriot Timofeevna: "The keys from the happiness of female, from our free violence are abandoned, lost from God himself."

Nevertheless, the question of the happiness of the Russian woman is not so unequivocal. After all, numerous sorrows and misfortunes did not break her persistent spirit, did not undermine inner power And the will to life. She managed to preserve the inner strength and will of life. She managed to preserve spiritual warmth and beauty, not lost even under the nest of grave labor and worries. It is motherhood that helps her withstand the "abyss of violence and evil." Her role in some extent can be called Messianic. In order to preserve the kindness and love of Fedotushka in the Son Fedotushka, Matriot Timofeevna itself falls under the rose.

« In slavery saved heart free ... "(on the poem" Who lives well in Russia ")

Poem-epic "Who in Russia live well" reflected painful thinking of N.A. Nekrasov about the fate of the Russian peasantry in the flame era. The problem is raised by the problem of popular happiness. Still in the poem "Elegy" question about folk happiness sounded rhetorically:

The people are released, but are the people happy? ...

Indeed, the reform of 1861 became new form Economic cable. On the plight "Liberated" indicate at the beginning of the poem "Who in Russia live well" the eloquent names of the province, county, villages ...

Nekrasov sincerely sympathized with a serious share of the Russian peasantry. He created folk poem. The main pathos of the work is the awakening of the consciousness of the people, the topic of the inevitability of liberation. The composition itself reflects the author's faith in the victory of justice. The most significant part of "PIR - on the whole world" completes Epopea Poem. The work shows numerous representatives of the peasantry. But the poet does not idealize the people. Slavery corrupted peasants. The slave psychology of the peasant-holding peasant can be represented by reading the pages of the poems on which we get acquainted with the "favorite slave of Prince Peretyeva," with the holopas of Prince Utyatin, etc. Summarizing the characteristic of the "People of the Kholopsky title" is given next words:

People of the Khopovsky title -

Sunny dogs sometimes:

Than heavily punishment

Thus, the mile of the Lord.

However, among the "Halls, by conviction", a passive protest sprouts appear. Even the "faithful yakov" dares to protest against the Bar ashoma. Protesting against the decision of the landowner to give Grisch to recruits, hero committed suicide.

It is quite different to protest the peasants of the village of Corrodin - they are brutally straighted with the German Fogel. But twenty years of strict cavities, long years The settlements did not break the Bogatyr Spirit of one of the participants of the Bunt Savelia. He proudly declares its homework: "Stimpy, yes not a slave!"

In the finals of the poet, the poet talks about fate folk intercessor Grisha Dobrozlonov. The most fully helps to imagine the spiritual appearance of the hero of his song. They feel a huge belief of the hero in their compatriots who seek to find civilian courage and determination ... ..

Explore various layers of Russian society: peasants, landowners, clergy. The fate of the Russian peasant becomes a special topic, for it is still hard that the fate of the remaining peasants. "It's not about the battles / happy to look for," Matren Timofeevna, the heads of the peasant, who appeal to the wanderers appear to the wanderers. But women-peasant women, enslaved and serfdom, and the despotism of the husband's family, worries Nekrasov more.

Most fully, this type was revealed to Nekrasov in the poem "Who lives well in Russia" in the form of Matroin Korchagin. The bitter share of the peasant woman, forever humiliated poverty, inspisirmally working and not seeing, causes a deep sympathy in the soul of the poet, but, at the same time, he notes in her character and human dignity, and pride, and unshakable moral purity. The image of Matrena Timofeevna is given in the poem in dynamics, in development.

The heroine had a happy, carefree early, and from five years old began to come to the accumulating work: "Father wore breakfast, grazing stools," "hay twisted" and so on. And even - caught good husband. Matrene did not have to be like many other peasants, to live with the "pushed", to endure beatings. Mature with her husband lived in love and harmony. Here is this way in the family and helped the heroine to endure troubles and misfortunes. Philip was a cook, constantly leaving for earnings in St. Petersburg. Matrena was hardly experienced permanent separation. She had to adapt to life in someone else's family. Young beautiful woman In the absence of a husband, the Governor persecuted. None of the relatives, except for century Santa Savelia, the heroine did not find support.

The character of Matrena Timofeevna hardened precisely in grave tests. This is a smart woman, selfless, volitional, decisive. This image of the peasant woman is not only a strong spirit, but also gifted, talented. Matrena about their lives is a story about the fate of any peasant, a long-suffering Russian woman. The head itself is not named after her name, but the "peasant". This emphasizes that the fate of Matroin is not an exception to the rules at all, but the typical fate of millions of Russian peasants. Best soul quality "Will strength, the ability to love, loyalty to Matreus with the heroines of the poem" Russian women ". The long story of Matrena Timofeevna about her (still quite prosperous and extremely lucky!) Fate is both the beauty of the soul of the Russian peasant, and the accusation by those who obstructed her on terrible flour.

Like Ermil Girin, Matrena is known to the entire district. But in the poem she talks about his life itself, and only seven wanderers listen to her. The truthfulness of the story is emphasized by the request of the wanderers: "Atta lay out the soul!" And the heroine itself promises: "I will not hide anything."

The extraordinary creative gifold of Matrena Timofeevna allows it not only to store folklore in memory, but also to update it. The story is replete with elements folk Worksdevoted to the bitter share of a woman: songs, "proverbs, sayings, crying, due.

Songs play a special role in describing the life of a Russian woman (not by chance the second chapter of this part of the poem is called the name "Songs"). Nekrasov depicts the life of the peasant woman in its entirety, from childhood, until the moment when she meets with a happy man seekers. In the life of Matrain Timofeevna there are a few moments when they are about to spill out the outside of the feelings that could lead it to decisive action. The first time - when, contrary to her plea, Lekari begins to open the body of Demech. But becoming the mother then orders the mother. The second - when the elder decides to punish her son Fedotos, who spare Hungry Wolf.

Barin decides to forgive the child, but punish the "Baby Baby" itself. And Nekrasov shows a very important feature of the volitional character of the heroine: she proudly falls. Under Roga, without humiliated to the request for forgiveness, makes pain and disgrace of public punishment. And only the next day she looked her grief over the river. The only time when Matroin Timofeevna decides to fight for his happiness, is when they take her husband's soldiers. She draws a frantic prayer to God's MotherAnd this prayer apparently gives her strength: Matrena Timofeevna finds the courage to turn to the governor, which not only helps the peasant, but also becomes the godmother of her child. After this incident, Matrena is beginning to call happy. So, it turns out that the happiness of the peasantics: not to become a soldier, find the forces to be silent and tolerate yes to raise children.

The keys to the happiness of the female, - from our free volatilushka, abandoned, lost ... - this is the weightless result of the conversation of Matrena Timofeevna with seven wanderers. Outdoor, cordiality, intelligence, glory are happy with the opportunity to talk about Matrey Timofeev, as an unique, exceptional personality.

Through the image of the fate of Matrena Timofeevna, the author makes deep generalizations: Russian women live in constant work, joys and maternity chants, in the struggle for the family, for the house. Subject female Staff The poem merges the theme of the Motherland. Women's characters Heroine Nekrasov speaks of strength, clean and integrity simple people. Those inhuman living conditions, against the background of which these images are identified, indicate the urgent need for change in orders, style and lifestyle in the villages and cities of eternative Russia.

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