Forms of government government are. Form of State Board

Forms of government government are. Form of State Board
Forms of government government are. Form of State Board

The form of state reign is the system of higher gossi authorities. This concept includes the structure of their formation and the procedure for the distribution of powers between them. Monarchy and the Republic are the main forms of government.

The first - monarchy is characterized alone (or almost sole) by power. With such a system, power is usually inherited.

The origin and development of the monarchical form of state administration was held in the conditions of a slave-ownership. In the feudal period, this system has become the main one. It is believed that the most ancient monarchical dynasty in the world is Japanese.

The classic monarchy is endowed with the following basic characteristics:

The presence of the sole chapter of the state, endowed with the authorities and I use it for life (Pharaoh, Sultan, Emir, Shah, Emperor, King, King);

Implementation of the continuity of the power of hereditary order;

The presence of legal irresponsibility at the monarch (the inability to apply to the head of the state of the impeachment process (accusations)). It should be noted that in history there is quite a lot of examples, both conspiracies against monarchs and the creation in the country in order to overthrow the self-adjustment.

They call such a form of government, in which all the supreme power in accordance with the law belongs to a fully one person.

With the constitutional autocracy, the authorities of the head of state are largely limited to a representative body. As a rule, such restrictions defines the constitution, which, in turn, approves the Parliament. Change the constitution is not entitled.

In allocate dualistic and parliamentary forms of state reign.

Under the parliamentary system of government, the formation of a government comes from representatives of a particular party (or several parties), which most votes received in the elections. The head of state is the leader of the party that has the largest number of deputy places. For the parliamentary form of state reign, the lack of the monarch of the actual authority in the judicial, executive and legislative field. With such a system, parliament takes legislative acts, the head of state formally signs them. The Constitution provides for government responsibility not before the self-container, but before parliament. This public administration system exists, for example, in Denmark, Belgium, Great Britain.

It has a dual character. The actual and legal is carried out in the government, which is formed by the Parliament and the monarch.

The republic is called the form of government in the state, in which election bodies carry out the supreme power. Elected these bodies with the population for a prescribed period.

The general features of such a form of state reign include:

The presence of a collegial or sole chapter of the state;

The election of the supreme authorities (including the heads of state) for a certain period;

Implementation of management (power) on behalf of the people, and not at its discretion;

The obligation of all solutions to the Supreme State Requirement;

The presence of legal responsibility provided for by the law in the head of state.

There is a parliamentary and presidential form of government in the state. Both varieties are modern power systems.

With a dominant role in the formation of life in the country belongs to parliament. In the presidential form of the board, together with parliamentarism, the powers of the government and the state chapter are connected.

Form of government - This is the legal characteristics of the state that determines the conditions for the formation and structure of the highest authorities, as well as the distribution of powers between them.

The form of state reign provides an opportunity to understand:

How are the highest state bodies and which is their structure;

How the relationship between the highest and other government agencies is being built;

As the relationship between the Supreme State Power and the population of the country is being built;

To what extent is the organization of higher state bodies to ensure the rights and freedoms of the citizen;

There are two main forms of government distinguish:

- monarchy(one-chip, heredity)

- republic (Collectivity, election)

Monarchy - This is a form of government at which the supreme power is carried out alone and passes, as a rule, inherited.

The main features of the monarchical form of the Board:

The existence of the sole chapter of the state, which uses its authority for life (King, King, Emperor, Shah);

Concentration in the hands of the monarch of all completeness of power;

The absence of any responsibility of the monarch for how he manages the country;

Hereditary procedure for the continuity of the supreme power;

There are two inheritance systems of the throne : personal and family.

In the personal system, the throne inherits a specific person in advance by law. Personal system has several varieties:

a) the salicial system - in which only men (Japan) can be heirs;

b) Castilskaya (English) system - when women and men can be among the heirs. But men have an advantage (United Kingdom, Spain, Monaco, Portugal);

c) Austrian (semi-shared) system - in which women have the right to occupy the throne only if there are no men (Austria, Russian Empire, Greece, Bavaria in all generations of dynasty;

d) the Swedish system - in which men and women inherit the throne on equal terms at the right of birth agenven (Sweden (from 1980), Belgium, Denmark);

The essence of the family (clan) system of inheritance is that the monarch chooses the reigning family itself (often together with higher spiritual persons) or reigning monarch, but only from those belonging to this dynasty (Saudi Arabia).

Main types of monarchy:

Absolute (unlimited);


Parliamentary (constitutional);

Absolute monarchy - This is such a form of a monarchy, in which the power of the monarch legally and actually nobody is limited. In the absence of parliament, the legislative power is concentrated in the hands of the monarch, the decrees of which have the power of the law. He also owns the executive power: the government is formed by the monarch and brings responsibility to him. An example of an absolute monarchy in the modern world is the Sultanate Oman. In the history of these countries were Russia XVII - XVII and France to the revolution of 1789.

Dualistic monarchy- This transitional form of the monarchy, which is characterized by two centers of power, the power of robust is divided between the parliament and the monarch. The dualistic monarchy is formed in the conditions of exacerbation of the political struggle of the bourgeoisie and the nobility, being a kind of compromise between them. Legislative power is actually divided between the monarch and parliament: no law can be accepted without approval of the representative body. However, the head of state remains in their hands such effective levers of impact on the legislative power, as in fact, not the limited right of the dissolution of parliament, the right of the absolute veto on its decisions, as well as the right to publish decrees that have the power of the law in breaks between the sessions of the parliament or emergency situations . The monarch focuses in his hands the executive power, appoints and shifts the government. The mechanisms of parliamentary control over the actions of the Cabinet of Ministers are absent. The judiciary belongs to the monarch, but may be more or less independent. Dualistic monarchies were the Russian Empire in 1906-1917. Hermann Empire in 1871-1918, Japan in 1889-1945. Some modern monarchies (Jordan, Morocco, Nepal) are inherent in certain features of dualism, but in the "pure" form of dualistic monarchies today in the world does not exist.

Parliamentary monarchy (Constitutional) is such a form of a monarchy, in which the power of the monarch is limited in the legislative sphere by Parliament, and in the executive - the government ("Monarch reigns, but does not manage").

The power of the monarch is limited in all spheres of state;

The executive authority is implemented by the government, which is responsible to the parliament;

The government is formed from representatives of the party who won the elections to parliament;

The head of the government is becoming a party leader who has a majority deputy seats in parliament;

The laws are accepted by the Parliament, they are signed by the monarch, but this is a purely formal act, since he does not possess the right of veto.

Legislative power belongs to Parliament. Monarch has the right of veto to the laws adopted by the Parliament, but does not use it. The monarch's extremely indicated legislation is provided, but also not used. He cannot issue laws. All acts emanating from the monarch are usually prepared by the government, they must be fastened (contrast) signed by the head of the government or the relevant minister, without which they do not have legal force. The right of dissolution of parliament, the head of state enjoys only on the recommendation of the government. Formally it is he is the head of the executive power, although it really implements the government. The Cabinet of Ministers is formed following the parliamentary elections by the victorious party or coalition. The government is responsible to parliament.

In the conditions of the parliamentary monarchy, the king has no real power and does not interfere in politics, but this does not mean that he does not play any role in the state. His powers that traditionally belong to the head of state (an declaration of emergency and military situation, the right to announce the war and the conclusion of peace, etc.), sometimes called "sleeping", as the monarch can use them in the situation of the occurrence of the threat to the existing system. This was exactly what Spanish king in 1981, when he, being on the Constitution of the Commander-in-Chief, played a decisive role in suppressing the coup of the right officers who were striving to restore the fascist order in the country. The presence of the monarchy is considered one of the factors

internal stability of the state system. Monarch is standing by a wrestling and demonstrates political neutrality. In his appeals to parliament, he can put the problems important for the state that require legislative decisions and consolidation of society. Parliamentary monarchies - United Kingdom, Belgium, Japan, Denmark, Spain, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Thailand, Nepal, etc.

Ultipical forms of the monarchy.

Waying monarchy- the king is elected for 5 years from among the hereditary Sultans 9 states, combines elements of the monarchy and the republic (Malaysia);

Collective monarchy- the powers of the monarch belong to the Council of Emirov Seven united in the Federation of Emirates (United Arab Emirates);

Patriarchal monarchy- where the king is essentially the leader of the tribe (Swaziland);

Monarchy of the British Commonwealth- The head of state is formally the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor General, but really all of its functions are carried out by the Government (Australia, Canada, New Zealand).

Especially it should be noted theocratic monarchy - This form of the monarchy, in which the highest political and spiritual power in the state is concentrated in the hands of the clergy, and the head of the church is both the secular head of state (Vatican).

Republic - This is such a form of government, in which the supreme power is carried out by elected bodies elected by the population for a certain period.

The main signs of the republican form of the Board:

The source of the authorities recognizes the people;

Collective (collective) decision-making principle;

All higher state authorities are elected by the population or formed by the Parliament (the principle of election);

State authorities are elected for a certain period, after which their powers (the principle of replaceability) are found;

The highest power is based on the principle of separation by the authorities, a clear distinction between their powers;

Officials and government agencies are responsible for their actions (principle of responsibility).

Currently, the republican form of government is the most common in the world. There are two main varieties of the republican form of government:

Parliamentary Republic

Presidential republic

Mixed Republic

Parliamentary republic - This is such a form of the republic, in which the central place in the system of the highest bodies of state power is occupied by parliament, which forms the government and assigns to other top posts.

The most significant feature of the parliamentary republic is that any government only to properly manage the state when it enjoys the trust of parliament.

Characterized by the following main features:

The executive body of state power is formed by Parliament;

In the state there is a presidential position, but the real power belongs to the Prime Minister;

There is no possibility of dissolution of parliament;

The government is responsible to parliament. Manifests itself in a constructive vote of confidence in the vote of distrust;

Parliament is endowed with broader powers in the field of economic, social, political and external relations.

In such a republic, the government is formed only by parliamentary way from among the leaders of the party who received the majority in parliament, and remains in power until it has the support of the parliamentary majority. The party leader is headed by the government. Parliament can by voting to express a vote of confidence or a vote distrust of the government's activities in general, the head of government (Prime Minister, Chairman of the Council of Minister, Chancellor), a separate minister. The government is collective responsibility to parliament about its activities.

Officially, the head of state is the president, who is elected either by parliament or the collegium of electors, or by direct voting of the people. However, in the system of state authorities, it occupies a modest place: his duties are usually limited to representative functions that differ little from the functions of the head of state in constitutional monarchies. The appointment of the head of state is the main type of parliamentary control over the executive. The procedure for electing the head of state in modern parliamentary republics of Nativeinakov. In Italy, for example, the President of the Republic is elected by members of both chambers at their joint meeting, but at the same time three deputies from each region chosen by the regional council participate in elections. In the federal states, the participation of parliament in the election of the head of state is also divided with representatives of the Federation members. So in Germany, the President is elected by the Federal Assembly, consisting of members of the Bundestag, and the same number of persons selected by land landscapes on the basis of proportional representation. The election of the head of state in the parliamentary republic can be carried out on the basis of universal election law, which is characteristic of Austria, where the President is elected for a period of six years.

The main function of parliament is the legislative activity and the implementation of control over the executive. Parliament has important financial powers, since it develops and adopts the state budget, determines the prospects for the development of the country's socio-economic development, solves the main issues of external, including defense policy. The parliamentary form of republican rule is such a structure of the highest bodies of state power, which actually ensures the democracy of public life, the freedom of personality, creates fair conditions of the human hostel, based on the principles of legal law. The parliamentary republics include Germany, Italy (according to the 1947 Constitution), Austria, Switzerland, Iceland, Ireland, India, etc.

Presidential republic - This is such a form of the republic, at which the president elected at the head of state, elected by the general voting and connecting the powers of the head of state and the head of the executive.

Characterized by the following main features:

The President is elected on general elections, thereby he gets his mandate from the people;

The President shares the government alone. Often he heads him;

Extensive economic and externally political authority.

The responsibility of the government to the president, and not before the parliament.

The president may be elected by a national vote, parliament or any institute (a constituent meeting, congress of people's deputies, etc.). After the election, the President in the Presidential Republic receives the following benefits: it cannot be recalled, re-elected without emergency circumstances provided for by the Constitution; enjoys the constitutional law of the convening and dissolution of parliament (subject to certain procedures); the right of legislative initiative; The dominant participation in the formation of the government and in the selection of his chapter is the Prime Minister. He is the Supreme Commander, announces a state of emergency, approves laws by signing them, often represents in the government, appoints members of the Supreme Court.

The United States of America is the classical presidential republic. In accordance with the US Constitution, which is based on the principle of separation of the authorities, it is clearly determined that the legislative power belongs to Parliament, the executive to the president, the judicial - the Supreme Court. The US President is elected by the population of the country by indirect voting (elections) - through the electoral collegium. The number of selectors must correspond to the number of representatives of each state in Parliament (Congress). The government is formed by the victim in elections by the president, from persons belonging to his party.

The presidential form of government in various countries has its own characteristics. In France, the President is elected by a general vote. Favorites are considered a candidate who received the absolute number of votes. The same procedure for electing the president was established in Russia in 1991.

In civilized countries, the presidential republic is distinguished by strong executive power, on a par with which, according to the principle of separation of powers, legislative and judicial authorities are functioning normally. The effective mechanism of costs and counterweights that exist in modern presidential republics, contributes to the possibility of the harmonious functioning of the authorities, avoids the arbitrariness from the executive authority.

The species of the Presidential Republic is "SuperPresident republic."

Characterized by the following main features:

The powers of the head of state are unlimited;

The state leadership relies on the power bodies and structures;

There is no procedure for rejugging the head of state;

This form of government is practically independent, weakly controlled by the legislative and judiciary. This is a special conglomerate of traditional shape with the floor dictatorial control (Latin America; Belarus; Turkmenistan).

Mixed (Semupresident) Republic - Such a form of government, in which the signs of parliamentary and presidential republics are combined and coexist. As in the presidential, and in the mixed republic, the head of state is elected by an extra-parliamentary way, that is, in a nationwide vote. The government is formed by the president on the results of the parliamentary elections and should get the vote of the trust of the Supreme Representative Body. Heads the Government of the Prime Minister. The constitution establishes the dual responsibility of the government: to the Parliament and the President. In the cases provided by law, the president has the right to dissolve parliament. Although the president in the mixed republic is the head of state, its powers in the implementation of the executive branch are limited by the government. Examples of mixed republics - France, Russia.

In all the varieties of the republican form of government, the President has the right of an undenna veto, which can be overcome by a qualified majority of parliamentarians. However, this right to the head of state is widely used only in presidential and mixed republics.

Ultipical species of republics:

Theocratic Republic -the boarding system in which important public affairs is solved by divine instructions, revelations or laws. According to another definition, the political system in which religious leaders have a decisive influence on the state policy (Iran, Afghanistan).

Presidential Monocratic (United) Republic- For some countries, Africa is characterized by a peculiar form in the context of the one-party political regime. The leader of the party proclaimed by life president, the parliament of real authority did not have (Zaire, Malawi).

Republic of Soviet - For a long time in the domestic legal science, the special form of the republic was considered . Its signs were: class character (dictatorship of the proletariat and the poorest peasantry); lack of separation of the authorities, when forth the councils; Hard hierarchy of the latter (obligatory solutions of higher councils for lower-level). The right to revoke by the voters of deputies of the Council before the expiration of their powers (imperative mandate); Real redistribution of power from episodically gathering advice in favor of their executive committees. But the collapse of the socialist building in the USSR led to the approval of a mixed type in our country.

In the modern civilized society, the principal differences between the forms does not exist. They are brought together with common tasks and goals.

3. Form of the State Device: Concept and Types.

Form of the State Device -this is a way of a territorial device of the state, which determines the procedure for the relationship between the central, regional and local authorities.

Unlike the forms of the Board, the state organization is considered in terms of the distribution of state power and state sovereignty in the center and in the field, their separation between the components of the state.

The form of the state device makes it possible to understand:

What parts are the internal structure of the state;

What the legal position of these parts and the relationship of these organs;

How the relationship between the central and local government agencies is being built;

What state form is expressed by the interests of each nation living in this territory.

The following main forms of the state device distinguish:

- Unitary state;

- federal state;

- Confederate State (Lazarev V.V. Malko A.V)

Unitary state - This is a simple, unified state, parts of which are administrative-territorial units that do not have signs of state sovereignty. The territory of the unitary state is directly divided into administrative-territorial units that do not have any political independence. However, in the economic, social and cultural spheres of their authority can be wide enough.

Unitary state is characterized by the following features:

The state apparatus is a single structure throughout the country. The competence of the highest state bodies is either legally nor actually limited by the powers of local authorities;

Citizenship - one, the administrative and territorial formations of their own citizenship do not have;

The unified system of law is functioning. There is one constitution, the norms of which operate throughout the country without any seizures;

Local authorities are obliged to apply all regulatory acts adopted by the central authorities. Their own norms are purely subordinate character, distributed only to the relevant territory;

A single judicial system exercises justice throughout the country, guided by the general legal norms. Judicial bodies - united centralized system links;

Tax system - single-channel: Taxes enter the center, and from there are distributed by region;

It has uniform armed forces, which are carried out by the central authorities of state power;

The main types of unitary state:



Centralized unitary state (Simple) - a small territory, the presence of a single constitution and single legislation, the real power in the field belongs to the officials appointed from the Center, who control the work of local governments (France; Netherlands; Norway).

Decentralized unitary state(complex) - within the framework of the state there are autonomous education, there are only election bodies or officials (Ukraine; Turkmenistan; Italy).

Unitary state, in the territory of which the small number of people live, admits the formation of autonomies. Autonomy - This is an internal self-government of the states of the state, characterized by geographic, national, household peculiarities (Crimea in Ukraine, Corsica in France, Azores in Portugal).

There are two forms of territorial autonomy:

- administrative (local)

- Political (legislative).

IN political autonomy Its authorities have the right to publish local laws on strictly defined issues, accurately recorded in the Constitution or other laws of the state. The autonomy of this kind exists, for example, in Finland (the Aland Islands, inhabited mainly by the Swedes).

Administrative autonomy It does not have the right to publish its own local laws (it can only issue decisions and other regulations), but compared with ordinary administrative-territorial units are endowed with some additional rights (for example, in China such autonomy can participate in foreign economic relations with other states).

In some countries, where nationalities live is not compact, but fragmented, created national and cultural autonomy. Such autonomy are extraterritorial. Representatives of a certain nationality of these autonomies create their own election bodies, sometimes send their representative to Parliament, have their own representative office under government. They consult with them in solving issues relating to language, life and culture.

Federation- representing a complex union state resulting from the association of a number of states or state entities with relative political independence.

The federal state device is heterogeneous. In various countries, it has its own unique features, which are determined by the historical conditions of the formation of a specific Federation and primarily the national population of the country's population, the originality of the life and culture of the peoples in the Union State.

The federal state is characterized by the following features:

The territory of the Federation includes the territories of the subjects of the Federation , who have their own administrative division. The subjects of the federation have partial sovereignty defined by political independence.

Two levels of the state apparatus: the federal and level of the subject of the federation. Parliament has a two-chand structure, and one of the chambers reflects the interests of the subjects of the Federation and in its formation, the principle of equal representation of all subjects of the federation is used, regardless of the population living on their territory.

Citizenship - double: every citizen is a citizen of the Federation and the corresponding subject of the federation.

There are two legal systems: a federal system and a system of subjects of the Federation. The latter has the right to adopt its own constitution. The principle of the hierarchy of laws was established: the Constitution and the laws of the subjects of the Federation should not contradict federal legislation.

Along with the federal judicial system, the subjects of the federation may have their own courts. The Federal Constitution establishes only the general principles of judicia and legal proceedings.

Tax system - two-channel: along with federal taxes entering the federal treasury, there are taxes of subjects of the Federation.

The Federal State Device is characterized by the United States, Germany, Russia, India, etc.

Distinctive features of the Federation:

1. Big territory;

2. Multinational;

3. The absence of a unified system of legislation;

4. There may be no unified constitution;

5. Subjects are endowed, as part of their competence, sufficient authority.

Main species of federation:

National state;






National-state - Usually take place in a multinational state, and its creation is predetermined by national factors. Subjects in such a federation are formed at a national-territorial basis (partially in the Russian Federation).

Administrative-territorial - The basis, as a rule, is economic, geographical, transport and other territorial factors (Germany, USA, etc.).

The main difference between the territorial and national federation consists in varying degrees of sovereigues of their subjects. The central government in the territorial federations has the supremacy towards the highest government agencies of the members of the Federation. The National State is limited to the sovereignty of national state entities.

Symmetric federations - All subjects have the same legal status, use the same powers.

Asymmetric federations - Subjects have a different legal status.

Contractive Federations - Created as a result of the free association of a number of states and state entities enshrined in the Treaty (USA, USSR).

Constituent federations - arise as the result of the transformation of unitary states or contractual federations, they themselves create their own subjects, emphasizing them with part of sovereignty (Russian Federation).

One of the complex issues of the federation is the question of the right of nations on self-determination and exit from the federation (the right of the compression). Sérestsia - This is a one-way exit of the subject of the federation from its composition. In the absolute majority of modern federations, this is the right to constitutionally enshrined (the exception is Ethiopia). However, in the Constitution of the USSR, 1977, such a right of the Union republics was, which was a formal basis for their release in 1990-1991.

After World War II, a new form of a territorial-political device arises, which is also different from a complex unitary state with autonomy, and from the federation. The territory of such a state consists of autonomous entities that have the right to take local laws, but the area of \u200b\u200blocal legislation is clearly discharged in the Constitution and is controlled by a special representative of the Center. However, in contrast to the federation, they have no joint competence with the central authorities. Lawyers call it Regionalisticaland consider this form as transitional from the toiletarian to federalism.

Confederation- This is the permanent legal alliance of sovereign states created to ensure their common interests.

Some scientists - lawyers identify this species as the form of a state device . But, this is the interstate association of sovereign states and the new state they do not form.

The confederation is characterized by the following features:

It does not have its own territory - it consists of the territories of the states within its composition.

Subjects of the Confederation are sovereign states with the right to free output from its composition.

This union forms the central bodies that are endowed with the authorities delegated to them by the Member States of the Confederation. These bodies do not have direct power over States parties to the Confederation. Their decisions are made on the principle of unanimity and are carried out only with the consent of the authorities of the respective states. Confederative bodies can take regulations only on those issues that are included in their competence. These acts do not act directly on the territory of the Member States of the Confederation and need to ratify them with parliaments.

Citizenship in the Confederation is absent: each Member State has its citizenship.

There is no single judicial system.

The budget of the Confederation is formed from voluntary contributions of the Member States of the Confederation, taxes are absent.

The latter of the existing confederations were Serbia and Montenegro (Serbia + Montenegro, 2003-2006).

In recent decades, many forms of economic, political, cultural and other association of states have emerged in the world: Community, Community, and others. To their number, the European Union also includes the Economic Community, then simply by the community. As a result of strengthening integration processes, this union evolves towards the confederation.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) appeared on its geopolitical space. Today, the CIS includes 12 members - former Union republics. Another example of the Supervision Association is the British Commonwealth of Nations, consisting of England and former colonies. It was formed after World War II as a result of the collapse of the British Empire.

Ultipical forms of the state device:

Union ("Monarchical Union") - the Union (community) of states headed by one monarch. The international significance of Ulya is not great, more noticeably affects the state, but the form of government. Political significance is also not noticeable, but manifests itself in the case of war. ENIA participants retain their statehood, and the sovereignty of their monarch increases. One person becomes the owner of the sovereign rights of several states. There is a personal study and real-life, differences in the conditions of participation and exit of them (Australia, New Zealand, etc.).

Protectorate "One side recognizes the Supreme Sovereignty of another, primarily in international relations, while maintaining autonomy in domestic affairs and its own dynasty of the rulers (Georgia in 1786-1801, under the patronage of Russia; British Protectorate was Bahrain, modern Botswana.)

Empire - Inheritant association of states carried out either by conquest, or by creating a different type of pressure (economic; political). But there is a voluntary (negotiable) entry into the empire, this happens when the people of the state threatens the destruction by another state (Russian Empire; Byzantine Empire; France at Napoleon; Third Reich).

There are about two hundred states in the world. They can be classified depending on the level of economic, political development, from the ideological, religious orientation, from what funds are carrying out international policies, etc. But and within the same group, having a single essence, the same tasks, States differ in their form.

When we talk about the form of the state, we mean its structure, which is manifested in the aggregate of its external signs.

Not only economic factors, but also natural, climatic conditions, religious views, national peculiarities, cultural level of people, historical traditions, etc. have great influence on the form of state.

The form of the state includes three interrelated elements: the form of government, the form of government and political regime.

The form of the Board is characterized by the organization of state power, the system of higher state bodies, as well as the procedure for their education, relationship between themselves and with citizens.

So, in Nepal, the whole full of power belongs to the king, in the UK Queen rules only formally, and actually the parliament and the government led by the Prime Minister; USA - Republic with strong presidential authorities; In Italy, the parliament plays a decisive role. However, with all the diversity of states on the form of government, they can be divided into two groups: monarchies and republics.

Monarchy (In the lane. With Greek. - The power of one) as a form of government can otherwise be called as a personal one. Its distinguishes the following signs:

  • the existence of the sole chapter of the state;
  • possession of the monarch of the whole of the fullness, which is the supreme, inseparable and sovereign (independent);
  • hereditary order of transfer of power;
  • indefinite rule of the monarch;
  • lawlessness of the monarch.

There are unlimited (absolute) and limited monarchy.

For an absolute monarchy, the absence of representative institutions of the people, the concentration of all state power in the hands of the monarch. He gives the laws, appoints officials, controls the collection of taxes and consumes them at its discretion. The punitive feature is also in his hands. A variety of absolute monarchy is theocratic monarchy (for example, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman), for which the concentration of the monarch and state and religious power in the hands of the monarch and state and religious power is characteristic.

Limited monarchy is divided into dualistic and parliamentary (constitutional), depending on the degree of restriction of the powers of the head of state.

In the dualistic monarchy there are two political institutions: the monarch courtyard (Institute of the Monarchy), the Forming Government, and Parliament, who does not have any influence on the Government, as, for example, in Russia before the 1917 revolution, the monarch has a strong influence on parliament: can impose a veto For the laws taken by him, to publish emergency decrees that have the power of the law, and even the parliament.

The parliamentary monarchy (it is sometimes called the constitutional), the restriction of the power of the monarch is characteristic of both the legislative and executive sphere. Despite the fact that the head of government and ministers appoints the monarch, the government is not responsible for him, but before the parliament. The monarch here is a symbolic figure here, which is a kind of tribute tradition, rather than power. He reigns, but not rules (Japan, Sweden, United Kingdom).

There are several inheritance systems of the throne:

  1. castilskaya, adopted in Scandinavia, does not distinguish between a man and a woman. The gender of the heir is not crucial in the inheritance of the throne, but seniority. Consequently, the presence in the family of the monarch of the eldest daughter does not make it possible to become the king of the younger son;
  2. salician, allowing women to the throne only if the king has no sons. In other words, younger brother eliminates the possibility for the older sister to occupy the throne;
  3. the Austrian is the most rigid system adopted in Russia after the Board of Catherine II, which allows women to the throne only if men will not remain in the royal genus.

Republic (In Per, from Lat. - Case Public) As the form of the Board arose later the monarchy and became dominant in the modern world.

The following signs are inherent in the republic:

  1. the Board is carried out collectively, i.e. not one person, but by the system of state bodies;
  2. republican Board is based on the principle of separation of authorities to legislative, executive and judicial;
  3. the people participate in the formation of power; In the process of elections, various electoral systems can be applied, one less, other more democratic;
  4. representative bodies and senior officials are elected for a certain period;
  5. the highest officials are responsible to the authority, or by the people.

The practice of state-owned construction is known two main types of republic.

Presidential republic It is characterized by a significant role of the president in the system of state bodies, the compound in his hands the powers of the head of state and the head of government. Since the president and the government are elected by the extra-parliamentary way, these institutions of government in certain situations can politically resist parliament. The Presidential Republic creates favorable prerequisites for focusing in the hands of the President of great powers, which stabilizes state power. This is usually extremely necessary at transitional stages (Mexico), in states where monarchical traditions (Romania) are strong, in situations that are not distinguished by stability (Ukraine), during the reform (Chile), in states with extensive territory or multinational composition ( USA), in the presence of emergency events, such as war (Syria). Most of the listed factors are inherent in modern Russia, so the question of choosing the type of republic here should be resolved, of course, in favor of the Presidential Republic.

Parliamentary republic It is characterized by the proclamation of the principle of the rule of parliament, in front of which the government carries the full responsibility for its activities. The participation of the president in the formation of the government is minimal: it is formed by a party who received the majority in parliament. Although the president is formally empowered by great powers, in practice he does not have a serious impact on the implementation of state power, as, for example, in Germany. Parliamentary Republic is a less common form of government than the Republic of Presidential. It exists in countries that are distinguished by the developed, largely self-regulating economy (Italy, Finland, Turkey, etc.). There are not many such countries in the world. Russia is still very far from the introduction of this form of government.

There are other types of republics: SuperPresident, mixed (semi-represented or semi-parliamentary) republic.

It should be noted that the form of the board cannot be selected arbitrarily. In many ways it depends on the level of consciousness of people living in this state.

The form of state reign is the organization of higher state authorities, the nature and principles of their interaction with other state bodies, with political parties, classes and social groups.

For the form of reign, all states are divided into two large groups: - monarchies; - Republic.

The monarchy is such a form of government, in which the authority of the supreme power belongs to one person: King, King, Sultan, Shah, Emperor, etc. With this form of government, all higher legislation, executive and judicial authorities belong to the monarch. Vlad Monarch is transmitted, as a rule, inherited.

Sometimes the monarch can be elected. For its state activities, the monarch is not reported to anyone and is not legal responsibility. As a rule, such monarchs are responsible only before God.

All monarchies are divided into: absolute, limited, dualistic, theocratic, estate-representative.

With an absolute monarchy, the power of the monarch is not limited and has all the characteristic features that are set out in the definition. Such monarchies were most common in the era of slavery and feudalism. Today they remained very little, in particular in Morocco, Arab Emirates, Kuwait, etc.

Last century, the most common is limited to monarchies. Sometimes they are called parliamentary or constitutional. They are characterized by the fact that the power of the monarch is limited to the Parliament or the Constitution. For such forms of the Board of the monarch - the head of state, but it can significantly affect the legislative activities of the Parliament and the formation of the government. Sometimes the monarchical form of government is formal. Limited monarchies include Spain, Sweden, Japan, which can still be called constitutional monarchies. The parliamentary monarchies include England.

The dualistic monarchy is such a form of government when the monarch - the head of state itself forms the government and appoints the Prime Minister. In such a monarchy, there are two higher state authorities - the monarch and the government led by the Prime Minister. It can exist other higher state bodies, in particular judicial.

Theocratic monarchy is such a form of government when the absolute power of the religious leader merges with state power. The religious leader is both the head of state. For example, Vatican, Tibet.

The estate-representative monarchy is characterized by the fact that there is some advisory representative body of certain classes near the monarch - the head of state or the entire population. These States can be attributed to Russia until 1917, Poland in the XVII-XVIII century.

The Republic is such a form of government, in which the powers of higher state bodies carry out representative election bodies. The republic does not have a monarch. In the republic, the highest representative bodies and their senior officials are elected for a certain period. They change periodically, re-elected. For their activities, they report to the people and are legal responsibility (constitutional, criminal, civil, administrative and disciplinary).

The republic as the form of the Board began to intensively arise after bourgeois revolutions in the XVI-XVII centuries and is the dominant form of government in the modern period. Now, all republics are divided into three types: the Presidential Republic, the semippets (or mixed), parliamentary.

Their names to a certain extent conditional, together and the fact that each of them has its own specifics. There were also other types of republics: the Soviet Republic. People's Democratic Republic, Republic of Paris Commune, Islamic Republics and others.

The presidential republic is characterized by the fact that the President is elected to the whole population, since the parliament. In such a republic, the president forms and heads the government, is the head of state and formally not accountable to parliament. For example, in the USA, Mexico, Iraq.

Semoupresident or mixed is such a republic when the president - the head of state is elected by the people, as the parliament. In such a Republic, the government is elected (appointed) by Parliament on the recommendation of the president. Government accountable at the same time to the President and Parliament. The President does not lead the government and is not legal responsibility for its activities. For example, France, Finland, Ukraine, Russian Federation.

The Parliamentary Republic is characterized by the central position of the Parliament (legislative), which elects the head of state - the President and the Government - the executive power. They are accountable to parliament. Sometimes the president is not elected, the Prime Minister becomes the head of state. For example, Italy, Germany.

The form of state reign is the basis for determining the structure of the device and the functioning of the country. The main scheme of the management form is enshrined in the Constitution of many countries of the world. For modern Russia, the establishment of an optimal hierarchy of power is a relevant issue, since the country is characterized by complex economic, administrative-territorial, religious and national problems. It is impossible to build a legal state until the indicated problems are solved.

Definition of concept

The state management form is an important element of the country's structure that determines the system of authorities, sources of their formation, powers, dates and the relationship of the elements of the state apparatus among themselves and the population. Concept The "Form of State Board" is close to the definitions "political regime" and "form of a state device", but they differ and have their own nuances. In the aggregate, these elements define a complete set of the characteristic features of the territorial administrative and political device of a certain country. The management form indicates:

  • the source of the creation of the main bodies of the state and their hierarchy;
  • the relationship between the branches of the government as a whole and their divisions;
  • institutions of influence by citizens to power;
  • institutes of Protection of Law.

The study of the basic ways of government began in the ancient world. Aristotle on the example of the cities and policies has developed a basic classification. At different stages of history, the management form was endowed with a certain meaning: under feudalism, it displaced the structure of the inheritance of power. With the emergence and development of capitalism, which was accompanied by the complication of public relations, the definition of the form of government has gained significantly greater importance.

Modern political science allocates several major species of the forms of the Board. You must briefly list them:

  • monarchical;
  • republican;
  • hybrid.

Types of monarchy

Monarchy - a kind of method of government, a characteristic feature of which is a related inheritance of power and a lifeflaper board. The ruler is not legal responsibility to citizens. This type of government includes:

  1. Absolute monarchy is a system in which all branches of government authorities are in submission of the ruler. The latter is able to cancel the decisions of state bodies. Monarch concentrates the main legislative, executive and judicial functions.
  2. Limited monarchy is the following type of device, which represents the symbiosis of the activities of the highest ruler and the power of the authorities. Rights and powers are demarcated by law.

The type of monarchy also applies to this type:

  1. The estate-representative monarchy is the type of system at which the highest authorities are formed by representatives of a certain class, caste or organization.
  2. The constitutional monarchy is the type of government, in which the powers of the monarch are limited. And also exist independent from the ruler elective authorities.

The constitutional monarchy varies:

  1. A dualistic monarchy is a boarding system in which election bodies can engage in legislative activities, but the ruler has the right to impose a veto on their decisions. Monarch has extensive powers in all three branches of government.
  2. Parliamentary monarchy is a type of system at which the ruler has no real power levers. The elected bodies conduct legislative activities and form executive bodies, and the judicial is an independent branch.

Signs of the Republic

Republic - a management form at which source of power Speakers population. The latter delegates its rights to the elective authority for a certain period. This type of government is characterized by certain features:

  • the presence of independent branches of power;
  • the elected head of state is the president;
  • responsibility of representatives of power before the people.

According to the structure of the formation of the executive power of the Republic, they divide:

  • Presidential - type of management, in which the president forms and heads the government. The impact of the parliament on the executive power is minimal.
  • Parliamentary - type of management, in which the Parliament has means of controlling the activities of the president and government. The elected body is the source of the formation of the highest executive bodies. The head of state has limited powers.
  • Mixed republic - the structure of the Board at which the first person and parliament have broad authority to control the government.
  • Directory - type of management, in which the executive power is distributed among several persons.

Ultipical forms of government

Monarchy with elements of the republic - a federal union management system, in which the ruler is elected for a certain period from the list of rulers of the parties to the association.

The republic with monarchical elements - the old days, in which the elected head of state was usurped by power. Formally there are signs of democracy, but in fact is an authoritarian system.

The Coratic Republic is a type of management, in which the authority is concentrated in the hands of religious organizations. Simultaneously there may be elected legislative and executive bodies.

The classification of control types has a complex structure. We present the general scheme forms of the state of the state:

Table. States by type of management.

Management type Supreme authority Examples of countries
  • Absolute;
Monarch. UAE, Oman, Qatar.
  • Limited;
  • Estate-representative;
Monarch under the authorities from representatives of individual estates. Poland during the Common Commonwealth.
  • A constitutional monarchy.
A constitutional monarchy:
  • Dualistic;
Monarch, and the elected body has limited powers. Jordan, Morocco.
  • Parliamentary.
The elected body, and the monarch has limited powers. United Kingdom, Japan, Denmark.
  • Presidential;
The president, and the parliament is limited by legislative activities. United States of America
  • Parliamentary;
Parliament. The president has a limited terms of reference. Israel, Greece, Germany.
  • Mixed;
President and Parliament. Russia, Ukraine, France.
  • Directory.
College of a small group of persons Switzerland.
  • Monarchy with republican elements;
The first person is elected for a certain period from the rulers of the Union Association. UAE, Malaysia.
  • Republic with monarchical elements;
President with lifeflore reign. DPRK, Kazakhstan.
  • Theocracy.
Religious organization. Iran

Structure of management of Russia

Since modern Russia is not inherent signs of a unitary state, the Russian Federation is a federal state. The president and parliament have broad powers, so the management form is a mixed republic. Territorial administrative subjects of the country have the right to legislative activities and state symbolism. The management structure has three branches of power. People are a single legitimate source of power.

Russian Federation is a democratic federal republic with a mixed type of management. However, to name Russia by the Republican country is difficult. This is unconventional form of government. Therefore, in the process of life, a large number of problems arise, the solution of which requires an integrated approach.