Household comedy "Lader" D. and

Household comedy "Lader" D. and

P. A. Vyazemsky, from the book "Fonvizin"

In the comedy "Nepalosha" the author had already the goal of the most important: the disastrous fruits of ignorance, thin education And the abuse of homework is exhibited by the hand to them! Boldly and painted with the paints with the most hated ... in the "inexpensive" he is no longer joking, does not laugh, but it is indiges to the vice and stick it without mercury: if the spectators have a picture of the exposure and fools, then And then the laugh inspired by him does not entertain the impressions of deeper and regrettable ...

Ignorance, in which Mitrofanushka grew, and the homework should be prepared in it the monster, what is his mother, Prostakova ... All scenes in which there is a prostakova, fulfilled life and loyalty, because its character is settled to the end with non-plain art, With immutable truth. A mixture of impudence and lowness, cowardice and anger, vile inhuman to everyone and tenderness, equally benut, to his son, with all that ignorance, from which, as from a turbid source, expire, all these properties expire, agreed in the character of its painter with a racifiable and observant.

The success of the Comedy "Lady" was decisive. Its moral action is undoubtedly. Some of the names acting persons Made a nucleany and are used by Dynam in popular circulation. In this comedy, so much reality that provincial legends also refer to several persons who have served as originals to the author.

N. V. Gogol, from the article "What is finally a creature of Russian poetry and what is its feature"

The comedy of Fonvizin is striking the harboring atrocity of a person who has occurred from a long insensible, unimpressed stagnation in remote corners and the outfits of Russia. She put up so scary Craer Okruben, which in it almost do not recognize the Russian man. Who can learn something Russian in this evil creature, performed by Tirans, what Prostakakova, the Peresitelnica of the Peasants, her husband and everything, except for his son ... This crazy love for his brainchild and there is our strong Russian love, which in a person who has lost its own Dignity, put in such a perverted form, in such a wonderful connection with trirant, so, the more she loves his child, all the more hates everything that is not her child. Then the character of cattle is another type of coastal. His clumsy nature, without having received any strong and frantic passions for his share, turned into some kind of calmer, in its kind art love To the cattle, a man of man: pigs became the same as for an art lover picture gallery. Then the spouse is a simple - unfortunate, killed being, in which the weak forces that kept, clogged with the pudukany of the wife, - the full dullness of everything! Finally, Mitrofan himself, who, nothing "concluding an evil in its nature, not having a desire to inflict any misfortune, becomes insensitive, with the help of marships and balobiness, Tiran of all, and all those who love him stronger, that is, mothers And nanniki, so to apply an insult - it has already been enjoyed.

V. O. Klyuchevsky, from the article "Lady" Fonvizin (experience of historical explanation of the training play)

In the comedy there is a group of figures led by Uncle Street. They stand out from the comic play staff: these are noble and enlightened resonants, academics virtue. They are not so many actors of the drama, how much of its moral situation: they are delivered near the actors, so that their light contrast is sharply drawing their dark physiognomy ... Streets, Milon, Pravdin, Sophia ... were walking, but still lifeless schemes new, good The morals they put on on themselves as a mask. We needed time, efforts and experiences to awaken the organic life in these, while dead, cultural preparations ...

"Lady" - comedy not persons, but provisions. Her comedic faces, but not ridiculous, comical as a role, but are not at all funny as people. They can amuse when you see them on stage, but anxious and disappear when you meet them outside the theater, at home or in society.

Yes, Mrs. Prostakova Master to interpret the decrees. She wanted to say that the law justifies her lawlessness. She said to nonsense, and in this nonsense, the whole point of "adopted"; Without it, it would be a comedy of nonsense ... A decree on the liberty of the nobility is given to the nobleman of the Waves to bring his servants when he wants ...

Mitrofan is synonymous with stupid nonsense and Mamenikina Balovna. The inexpensive of Fonvizin is a caricature, but not so much stage, how much domestic: the upbringing of Mesurodoval him more than the comedy swam.

The originality of the comedy Dmitry I. Fonvizin "Lady". Fonvizin executed in his comedies Wild ignorance of the old generation and a rough gloss of the superficial and external European semi-formation of new generations. The Comedy "Nepodliva" was written by D. I. Fonvizin in 1782 and still does not come down from the scene. It is one of best comedians author. M. Gorky wrote: "In the" inexpensive "first brought to light and on the scene, the importance of serfdom and its influence on the nobility, spiritually empty, degenerated and corrupted by the slavery of the peasantry".

All heroes of the Comedy of Fonvizin "Nepodliva" are conventionally divided into positive and negative. Negative refers to the family of spacecraft. Moral people positive representing Pravdin, Straighs, Sophia and Milon.

Some literary critics It was believed that the positive heroes of "inexpressible" were too ideal that in fact there were no such people and they were just invented by the author. However, documents and letters of the XVIII century confirm the existence real prototypes Heroes of the Fonvizyn Comedy. And about negative characters, such as spacecraft and cattle, it is safe to say that, despite the unconditional generalization, they often met among the Russian provincial nobility of that time. In the work - two conflicts. The main one is love, since it is he who develops the comedy's action. Sophia, Mitrofanushka, Milon and Natilin are involved in it. Different are heroes to questions of love, family, marriage. Senior wants to see sophia married to a person worthy, wishes her mutual love. Prostakova wants to marry Mitrofan profitable, to heat sofyaine money. Mitrofan's motto: "I do not want to learn, I want to marry." This phrase from the comedy "inexpensive" became a winged. Perrykov, who do not want to do anything, do not want to learn and dream only about pleasures, are called Mitrifa-1 nushkami.

Another conflict comedy is socio-political. It affects very important questions Education and education, morality. If the beginnings believe that the upbringing comes from the family and the main thing in man honesty and favorabies, then Prostakova is convinced that it is more important that the child is satisfied, dressed and lived in his pleasure. The comedy "inexpensive" is written in the traditions of Russian classicism. It complied with almost all the main features of classicism as literary direction. There is also a strict division of heroes on positive and negative, the use of speaking surnames and the application of the rule of three unities (unity of place, time and action). The unity of the place is observed, since the entire effect of the comedy occurs in the village of space-made. Since it lasts within 24 hours, the unity of time is observed. However, the presence of two conflicts in the comedy violates the unity of action.

Unlike Western European classicism, there is a connection with Russian folklore, civil patriotism and satirical orientation. All this takes place in "inexpressible". A satirical bias of the comedy does not cause anyone any doubts. Proverbs and sayings, occurring often in the text of the comedy, make it true people's Comedy ("Golden Caftan, yes a lead lead", "the braveness of the heart is proved at the battle's hour," "the stupid son is not to help wealth," "respects are worthy of the one who is not in the money in the money, but for nobles not by ranks"), Pushkin called "inexpressible" "the only monument of folk satire." It is imbued with the spirit of civil patriotism, since her goal is to raise a citizen of his fatherland. One of the main advantages of the comedy is its language. To create the characters of their heroes, Fonvizin uses speech characteristics. Vocabulary Natilin and Mitrofan is significantly limited. Sophia, Pravdin and Starodules speak correctly and very convincing. Their speech is somewhat sketchy and as if enclosed in a strict framework.

Negative characters, in my opinion, turned out to be more alive in Phonwan. They say simple spoken languagein which even the faded vocabulary is sometimes present. The language is not different from the language of serfs, in her speech a lot rude words and common expressions. Tsyfirkin in his speech uses the expressions that were used in military life, and Roffan tells a broken Russian language. IN modern Fonvizin Society reigned a worship before abroad and contempt to their Russian. The upbringing of the nobles walked much better. Often the young generation turned out to be in the hands of ignorant foreigners, which, in addition to the backward views on science and bad qualities, could not instill anything. Well, what could teach Kucher-German Mitrofanushka? What knowledge could get a Green Child to become an officer or official? In the "inexpensive" Fonvizin expressed his protest against cattlein and spaced and showed how you can not educate young people, which spoiled it can grow in an environment, corrupted landlord power, increasingly adopted in front of foreign cultural. Comedy is of an instructive character, has a big educational meaning. It makes think about moral idealsThe attitude to the family, love for their Fatherland, raises the issues of education, landlord arbitrariness.

The poster itself explains the characters. P. A. Vyazemsky about the comedy "inexpensive" ... Truly public comedy. N. V. Gogoper about the comedy "Nepodelnaya" The first appearance of the comedy "inexpensive" on theatrical frames in 1872 caused, according to the memories of contemporaries, "throwing wallets" - the audience threw on the scene the wallets filled with Chervonians, such was their admiration seen. Before D. I. Fonvizin, the audience almost did not know the Russian comedy. In the first public theater organized by Peter I, the plays of Moliere was put, and the emergence of the Russian comedy is associated with the name A. P. Sumarow. "The properties of the comedy - the mock rule" - these words of A. P. Sumarokov Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin and embodied in his plays. What caused such a rapid reaction of the viewer? The liveliness of the characters, especially negative, their figurative speech, the author's humor, so close to the people, the topic of the play - Satira on the principles of life and education of landlords, the impact of serfdom. Fonvizin departs from one of the golden rules of the classic comedy: observing the unity of the place and time, the unity of action is lowered. The play actually does not have the development of the plot, it consists of negative conversations and positive characters. In this - the impact of the modern author of the European Comedy, here he goes on Sumaro. " French comedy. Perhaps quite good ... There are great actors in the comedy ... When you look at them, then, of course, forget that they play a comedy, but it seems that you see a direct story, "says Fonvizyn sister, traveling in France. But phonvizin in no case cannot be called the imitator. His plays are filled with truly by the Russian spirit, they are written in a truly Russian. It was from the "cheap" Basnya I. A. Krylova "Tryshkin Kaftan", it was from the speeches of the heroes of the play, "Matushkin Son" aphorisms came out, "I don't want to learn, I want to marry", "I woke up the abyss of wisdom" ... main idea Pieces - show the fruits of bad education or even his absence, and it grows to the frightening painting of wild landlord. By opposing the "griming characters", taken from reality, presenting them in a funny form, the author's comments Fonvizin invests in the mouth of positive heroes, unusually virtuous people. As if not hoping that the reader himself will understand whether he was bad and the bad writer main role Assign positive heroes. "True - incense, Milon, Pravdin, Sophia not so much livers, how many moralistic mannequins; But after all, their valid scripts were no longer than their dramatic pictures ... They were walking, but even lifeless schemes of a new good morality ... We needed time, amaged and experiments to awaken the organic life in these while dead cultural preparations, " I wrote about the comedy historian V. O. Klyuchevsky. The characters negative appear in front of the viewer are completely alive. And in this - the main artistic dignity of the play, the goodness of phonvizin. Like positive heroes, negative wear speakers, and the surname "Skalinin" grows to a full-fledged artistic image. In the first action, cattle is naively surprised by his special love for pigs: "I love pigs, sister; And we have such large pigs in our window that there is no one, which, becoming on the hind legs, would not be above each of us the whole head. " The author's mock is the stronger that it is invested in the senior hero, we laugh over which we laugh. It turns out that love for pigs is a family trait. "SPASTINA. A strange thing, a brother, like a relative to the birth can be like! Our Mitrofanushka is all in Uncle - and he is to the pigs of dying the same hunter as you. As for another three years, so it happened, seeing the pig, trembles with joy. . Cattlein. It is truly wondering! Well, let the brother, Mitrofan loves pigs for the fact that he is my nephew. There is some similarity: yes why did I add to the pigs so much? Spacecraft. And here there is some kind of similarity. I'm so reasoning. " The same motive is played by the author and in the replicas of other characters. In the fourth act, in response to the words of Catignin, that the genus of his "great and old", Pravdin ironically notices: "So you arouse us that he is the old Adam." Do not suspect anything cattle falls into the trap, readily confirming this: "What do you think? Although a little ... ", and the stories interrupt it:" That is, Prasratur is created, though in the sixth day, and a bit of Adam's straight. " Elders directly refers to the Bible - in the sixth day God created the animals first, then man. Comparison of caring for pigs with concern about his wife, sounding of the same cattle, causes an indignant replica cute: "Which scotch comparison!" Kuteikin, cunning church, invests author's characteristic In the mouth of the Mitrofanushka himself, forcing it to read it by chapter: "Az Yesh Cattle, not a person, the realization of people." Representatives of the genus of cattle with comical simplicity are reworked about their "scot" nature. "Prostakova. After all, I am on the father of cattle. The deadman, the father married her mother's bed; She was on the nickname of the rating. They had children eighteen people ... "Skalinin speaks of her sister in the same expressions, in what and about his" cute pigs ":" That sin to tate, one litter; Yes, you walked like ... "Prostakova itself likes his love for the son of the affection of the dog to his puppies, and he says about himself:" I, BRATCH, I can't hit you "," Ah, I'm a dog's daughter! What have I done!". The peculiarity of the play "inexpensive" also in the fact that each of the heroes speaks by its tongue. It was appreciated by the contemporaries of Fonvizin: "Each in its character is distinguished." The speech of the retired soldier Zyfirkin is overflowed by military terms, the speech of Kuteyukin is built on church-Slavic turns, the speech of the madman, the Russian German, subwinning with the owners and arrogant with servants, is filled with a meticible characteristic features of pronunciation. The bright typical of the heroes of the play - Prostakova, Mitrofanushki, Natilin - goes far beyond its limits in time and in space. And A. S. Pushkin in Evgenia Onegin, and M. Yu. Lermontov in the Tambov Treasury, and M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in the "Lord Tashkent" we meet the mention of them, still Alive and the essence of serfs, so talentedly revealed by phonvizin.

"Lady" is the first socio-political comedy in the Russian scene.

The artistic peculiarity of "inexpensive" is determined by the fact that the features of classicism and realism are combined in the play. Formally, Fonvizin remained within classicism: compliance with the unity of place, time and action, conditional division of characters on positive and negative, schematism in the image of positive, " speaking surnames", Fees of resonance in the form of an old man and so on. But at the same time, he made a certain step towards the realism. This is manifested in accuracy of reproduction of a provincial noble type, social relationship in the fortress village, loyalty to the recreation of typical traits negative characters, Life accuracy of images. For the first time in the history of Russian drama, the love intrigue was moved to the background and acquired a secondary meaning.

The comedy of Fonvizin is a new phenomenon, because it is written on the material of Russian reality. The author of Novatorski approached the problem of the character of the hero, the first of the Russian playwrights sought his psychologization, to individualization of the speech of the characters (here it is worth the examples of the text!).

In its work, Fonvizin introduces the biography of heroes, comprehensively comes to solving the problem of education, denoting the trinity of this problem: family, teachers, environment, that is, the problem of education is delivered here as a social problem. All this allows us to conclude that "inexpensive" is a work of educational realism.

K. V. Pisarev: "Fonvizin sought to generalize, typing reality. IN negative images Comedy he was brilliant.<...> Positive characters "inexpensive" clearly lack artistic and life-like conviction.<...> The images created by him were not enhanced by living human flesh and, indeed, are kind of horn to the "voice", "concepts" and "way of thoughts" both the Fonononovin himself and the best representatives of his time "

Critics doubted the art of phonvizin to build a dramatic effect and talked about the presence of "extra" scenes in it, which must certainly be united:

P. A. Vyazemsky: "All other [except space-friendly] minor persons; Other of them are completely outsiders, others only adjoin the action. Of the forty phenomena, among which are somewhat rather long, you can hardly be a third in the drama, and then the short, part of the acting "
A. N. Veselovsky: "The inefficiency of the building of the play, forever the remaining weak Party Fonvizinsky writing, despite the school of European samples "; "Widespread desire to speak not by images, but rhetoric<...> It gives rise to stagnation, fading, and the viewer will learn the look of Milon to the true continuousness of war in peace and in peaceful life, then the sovereigns hear the unaccusted truth from virtuous people, or the thoughts of the senior about the upbringing of women ... "

The word, the initial constructive material of the drama emphasizes in the "inexpensive" in double functions: in one case the lifting, the plastic-visual function of the word is emphasized (deny. Characters), creating a model of the world of physical flesh, in the other - his self-concrete and independent ideal nature (Put. Characters), for which the human character is needed only as an intermediary, translating an affordable idea of \u200b\u200bthe matter of the sounding word. So the center of the aesthetics and poetics "inexpensive" put forward the specificity of its dramatic word, initially both fundamentally double-digit and ambiguous.

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Receiving the destruction of phraseologism, facing traditional-aggregated portable with a direct literal meaning of the word or phrase.

The poster itself explains the characters. P. A. Vyazemsky about the comedy "inexpensive" ... Truly public comedy. N. V. Gogoper about the comedy "Nepodelnaya" The first appearance of the comedy "inexpensive" on theatrical frames in 1872 caused, according to the memories of contemporaries, "throwing wallets" - the audience threw on the scene the wallets filled with Chervonians, such was their admiration seen. Before D. I. Fonvizin, the audience almost did not know the Russian comedy. In the first public theater organized by Peter I, the plays of the Moliere was put, and the emergence of the Russian comedy is connected with the name of A.P. Sumaro. "The properties of the comedy - the mock rule" - these words of A. P. Sumarokov Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin and embodied in his plays. What caused such a rapid reaction of the viewer? The liveliness of the characters, especially negative, their figurative speech, the author's humor, so close to the people, the topic of the play - Satira on the principles of life and education of landlords, the impact of serfdom. Fonvizin departs from one of the golden rules of the classic comedy: observing the unity of the place and time, the unity of action is lowered. The play actually does not have the development of the plot, it consists of negative conversations and positive characters. In this - the impact of the modern author of the European Comedy, here he goes on Sumaro. "French comedy is perfectly good ... There are great actors in a comedy ... When you look at them, then, of course, forget that they play a comedy, and it seems that you see a direct story," says Fonvizyn sister, traveling in France. But phonvizin in no case cannot be called the imitator. His plays are filled with truly by the Russian spirit, they are written in a truly Russian. It was from the "cheap" Basnya I. A. Krylova "Tishkin Kaftan", it was from the speeches of the heroes of the play, "Matushkin Son" aphorisms came out, "I don't want to learn, I want to marry", "I woken the abyss of wisdom" ... the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe play - show the fruits There is no bad education or even his absence, and it grows to the frightening painting of wild landlords. By opposing the "griming characters", taken from reality, presenting them in a funny form, the author's comments Fonvizin invests in the mouth of positive heroes, unusually virtuous people. As if not hoping that the reader himself will understand who is bad and the bad, the writer leads the main role to positive heroes. "True - incense, Milon, Pravdin, Sophia not so much livers, how many moralistic mannequins; But after all, their valid scripts were no longer than their dramatic pictures ... They were a walking, but still lifeless schemes of a new good morality ... We needed time, amplifying and experiments to awaken the organic life in these while dead cultural preparations, "wrote about the comedy historian IN. O. Klyuchevsky. The characters negative appear in front of the viewer are completely alive. And in this - the main artistic dignity of the play, the goodness of phonvizin. Like the positive heroes, negative are talking about the names, and the surname "Catninin" grows to a full-fledged artistic image. In the first action, cattle is naively surprised by his special love for pigs: "I love pigs, sister; And we have such large pigs in our window that there is no one, which, becoming on the hind legs, would not be above each of us the whole head. " The author's mock is the stronger that it is invested in the senior hero, we laugh over which we laugh. It turns out that love for pigs is a family trait. "SPASTINA. A strange thing, a brother, like a relative to the birth can be like! Our Mitrofanushka is all in Uncle - and he is to the pigs of dying the same hunter as you. As for another three years, so it happened, seeing the pig, trembles with joy. . Cattlein. It is truly wondering! Well, let the brother, Mitrofan loves pigs for the fact that he is my nephew. There is some similarity: yes why did I add to the pigs so much? Spacecraft. And here there is some kind of similarity. I'm so reasoning. " The same motive is played by the author and in the replicas of other characters. In the fourth act, in response to the words of Catignin, that the genus of his "great and old", Pravdin ironically notices: "So you arouse us that he is the old Adam." Do not suspect anything cattle falls into the trap, readily confirming this: "What do you think? Although a little ... ", and the stories interrupt it:" That is, Prasratur is created, though in the sixth day, and a bit of Adam's straight. " Elders directly refers to the Bible - in the sixth day God created the animals first, then man. Comparison of caring for pigs with concern about his wife, sounding of the same cattle, causes an indignant replica cute: "Which scotch comparison!" Kuteyukin, a cunning church, invests the author's characteristic in the mouth of Mitrofanushka himself, forcing it to read it by chapter: "Az Esm Cattle, not a person, the realization of humans." Representatives of the genus of cattle with comical simplicity are reworked about their "scot" nature. "Prostakova. After all, I am on the father of cattle. The deadman, the father married her mother's bed; She was on the nickname of the rating. They had children eighteen people ... "Skalinin speaks of her sister in the same expressions, in what and about his" cute pigs ":" That sin to tate, one litter; Yes, you walked like ... "Prostakova itself likes his love for the son of the affection of the dog to his puppies, and he says about himself:" I, BRATCH, I can't hit you "," Ah, I'm a dog's daughter! What have I done!". The peculiarity of the play "inexpensive" also in the fact that each of the heroes speaks by its tongue. It was appreciated by the contemporaries of Fonvizin: "Each in its character is distinguished." The speech of the retired soldier Zyfirkin is overflowed by military terms, the speech of Kuteyukin is built on church-Slavic turns, the speech of the madman, the Russian German, subwinning with the owners and arrogant with servants, is filled with a meticible characteristic features of pronunciation. The bright typical of the heroes of the play - Prostakova, Mitrofanushki, Natilin - goes far beyond its limits in time and in space. And A. S. Pushkin in Evgenia Onegin, and M. Yu. Lermontov in the Tambov Treasury, and M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in the "Lord Tashkent" we meet the mention of them, still Alive and the essence of serfs, so talentedly revealed by phonvizin.