How to correctly determine the apparent offers in English.

 How to correctly determine the apparent offers in English.
How to correctly determine the apparent offers in English.

In a complex proposal, the apparent proposal performs a number of functions: circumstances, registered part of the composite facility, subject to definition and additions. Puttinglee offers in English are introduced into a complex proposal. For this are used unions that., if, before., because., as, unless Whether., though Till., when., since, after etc.

Classification of pressing offers

Puttinglements are divided into many species.

1. Subject Clause (Subject Clause). Perform the functions of the suggestion and answer the questions who? what? Connect to those who are subject to unions that., whether, i.f, who (WHOM), whose, what, which, when., where., How., why.

Where i Live Is a Wonderful Place. (Place where I live, wonderful)

How He Behaves Drives Me Mad. (His behavior drives me crazy).

2. Pressure Clause (Predicative Clause). These proposals perform the functions of the nominal part of the composite. The faugables are connected by the same unions as subject to, and answer the question: what is the subject? (What is it? What is subject to?).

The PROBLEM IS Whether They Are Aless to Study. (The problem is whether they can learn)

The Result Was That We Hadn't Got Any Presents. (As a result, we did not receive any gifts)

3. Additions (Object Clause). In the offer, they fulfill the function of direct or proposed indirect addition. These proposals answer the question of what?

They SAID THAT THEY DID ALL THE TASKS. (They said they did all tasks)

I WAS TOLD THAT I WAS A STRANGE PERSON. (I was told that I am a strange person)

4. Definitions (Attributive Clause). In the proposal, they perform the definition functions and answer the questions what? which the? whose? In turn, they are connected by unions who, whose, which, that., where., wHEN, why.

I Like The Song That I Heard In The Club. (I like the song I heard in the club)

HE WEARS THE COAT WHICH HE BOUGHT LONG AGO. (He carries the coat that he bought a long time ago)

5. Circumstances (Adverbial Clause). These proposals perform the functions of various circumstances. Do they answer questions when? Where? where to? why? as? and etc.

In English, this kind of proposal that performs the functions of circumstances is divided into 8 species in their meaning:

  • time;
  • places;
  • the reasons;
  • consequences;
  • image and comparison;
  • seeds;
  • goals;
  • conditions.

Of time

Among themselves they are connected by alliances when., while, AS, AS SOON AS, SINCE, TILL, Untill, After and others.

I WON'T EAT UNTIL YOU JOIN ME. (I won't eat until you join me)

You Haven't Slept Since Morning. (You did not sleep since the morning)


The main proposal is connected by alliances where., wheraver..

She Leaves Where The Forest Grows The Biggest. (She lives where the most thick forest grows)

Wherever I Lived, I Was Always Satisfied. (Wherever I live, I was always pleased)

The reasons

With the main proposal they are connected by unions because., since, as, now, for.

I CAUGHT A COLD BECAUSE I WAS RECKLESS. (I was catching up because it was careless)

Since You Study Well, You May Get Some Privileges. (Since you study well, you can get some privileges)


The main proposal is connected by the Union so That. (So \u200b\u200b... that), instead of which SO is often used in conversational speech.

I WAS A GOOD BOY SO I CAN GET SWEETS. (I was a good boy, so I can get sweets)

Image and comparison image

I'll Think AS Want To. (I will think as I want)

Comparative proposals with the main connected unions than., aS ... As., nOT SO ... as, the ... The.

He is AS Handsome As His Father. (He's the same beautiful as his father)


Unions are connected though., although., however., whorever other.

She Never Was In Love Though Many Boys Like Her. (She never fell in love, although many guys liked)


Unions are used so That., in order that, lest.

Do This Work Right Now So That We May Start Another Work. (Make this work now so that we can start another job)


Unions are used if, in Case., unless, provided (THAT) other.

If We Try Better, WE'LL FINISH THE Work by Noon. (If we better try, we will finish work to noon)

Pressure offers in English differ in their functions in the proposal and value.

The use of apparent offers in English has its own characteristics. Let's look at what appendant offers are and how to use them correctly.

How to recognize the apparent offer

Pressure offer in English (CLAUSE) is also called dependent, it begins with either the relative pronouns and contains. In itself, it does not form a complete statement, but only reports additional information to the reader.

List of subordinate unions:

Take a look at these examples:

  • After Bob Came Home From School

After - subordinate union; Bob - subject; Came is a failed.

  • Once John Climbed The Mountain

Once - subordinate union; John is subject to; Climbed is a failed.

  • Until He Watches His Favourite Film

Until - submission union; He - subject; Watches - failed.

The apparent offer in English cannot be independent, as it does not express the complete thought. It makes the reader think: "What's next?". If the group of words begins with a capital letter and ends with a point, it should contain at least one. Otherwise it will be a rough grammatical error.

  • After Bob Came Home From School (after Bob came from school) - What happened next? He began to do lessons or went to play with friends?
  • Once John Climbed The Mountain (when John climbed on the mountain) - what then? He began to descend down or put the flag?
  • Until He Watches His Favourite Film (until he looks his favorite movie) - He will not sleep? Or does not happen to work?

How to connect an appropriate offer with the main

If the apparent offer in English stands before the main thing, you need to share their comma: an apparent offer +, + main proposal

  • After Bob Came Home From School, He Had Dinner.
  • Once John Climbed The Mountain, He Put Up the Tent.

If, punctuation marks are usually not required: the main offer + Ø + Pressing Offer

  • Bob Did Poorly On His Math Test Ø Because He Did Not Review The Material.
  • John Went Straight Back to the Camp Ø Where His Friends Were Waiting for Him.
  • He Turned off the TV Ø Once The Film Was Over.

Punctuation of presidation offers

Pay attention to the punctuation when the appropriate offer in English begins with.

Puttinglements can begin with relative pronouns (then they are called the apparent determinants). When the apparent determination begins, for example, with WHO, Whose or Which, there are some nuances in punctuation.

Sometimes the comma is needed, sometimes no, depending on whether the apparent offer is individualizing or descriptive.

When the information contained in the appropriate proposal specifies the overall noun, it is individualizing and not separated by the comma.

proposition + Ø + Individualizing Pressing Offer

  • The Old Woman Always Left Some Milk for the Cat Ø Who Lived Near Her House.

Cat - general noun. What kind of cat is we talking about? Pressing offer This explains - Who Lived Near Her House. Thus, it is individualizing and does not require a comma.

When an appropriate offer in English follows a specific noun, punctuation changes. Information in the pressing offer is no longer so important, and it becomes descriptive. The descriptive proposal is separated by the comma.

the main offer +, + descriptive relative offer

  • The Old Woman Always Left Some Milk for Her Cat Missy, Who Lived in Her House.

Missy is the name of a particular cat, and we immediately know about whom we are talking. Information in this presidency is optional to understand the meaning. In this case, it needs to be separated from the main offer of the comma.

The apparent definition can also be inside the main one. Again, an individualizing offer in this case, punctuation is not required. If the offer is descriptive, it needs to be allocated with commas on both sides. Take a look at these examples:



Use a subordinate link to combine two thoughts in one.

Writers often use a supervisory connection to combine two thoughts in one sentence. Take a look at two simple sentences:

  • Elizabeth Gasped. A Giant Tree Crashed OnTo The Sidewalk In Front Of Her.

As they are interrelated, you can combine them into one to describe what is happening more expressive:

  • Elizabeth Gasped When Giant Tree Crashed Onto The Sidewalk In Front of Her.

If two thoughts are unequivocal in importance, put more meaningful to the end so that the reader best remembers it. If you rewrite an example, changing fragments in some places, the emphasis will shift:

  • When a Giant Tree Crashed Onto The Sidewalk In Front Of Her, Elizabeth Gasped.

However, the reader is important not the reaction of Elizabeth, but a tree that collapsed onto the pavement.

Knowing the rules for the use of departing proposals in English, you can more competently and clearly express your thoughts. This, in turn, will allow you to significantly improve your level. If you have questions about how from two simple proposals to make one difficult, we will be happy to answer them in the comments!

As often, in our speech, we assume, we build plans, argue for what purpose they committed this or that action, regret the missed opportunities. If you do not learn the topic of apparent offers, then you will not be able to conquer all the linguistic vertices.

Sentence - This is not just a set of words, but an independent part of speech. Each of them has its own character: someone is simple, and someone is complicated. Let's find a common language with the second speech units.

Complex Sentences Sentences or COMPOUNTED SPOUNES SENSENTS Already their names say that they consist of two parts. The main difference is in the interaction of parts between themselves. So, in the first type there is the main and apparent, in the second, all relationships are built on equality. Let's compare:

The Music Stopped and The Couples Took Their Places. - Music stopped, and the couples took their places (equal).

I Thought That He Would Return On Monday. - I thought he would return on Monday (the main and dependent).

So, we are interested in complex phrases, namely, their dependent part. First of all, let's deal with what is called Putting proposals in English. In our speech, we often use turnover explaining the main action that reveal more information that gives us the opportunity to diversify our speech. In other words, the apparent means a secondary action. Compare:

He Said Something. IT Was Very Important. - He said something. It was very important (two simple)

What He Said Was Very Important. - What he said was very important. (Used apparent)

Types of pressing offers

If we want to explain subject, then we use alliances or allied words "Who" (who), "What" (that), "that" (that), "Whose" (whose), "Which" (which), "how" (as), " Wether "/" if "(if). To determine the type of offer, ask a question. So, Subject Clauses answer who? what?.

How He Made a Mistake isn't clear to us. - As he made a mistake, it is not clear to us. (This is unclear?)

Explan English predicate It is possible with the help of the same unions as subject. But Predicative Clauses will answer the question what did you do?

This is. what He Has Done BY 6 O'Clock. - That's what he did to six o'clock.

Podid supplements Answer what?, who? for what?. The main proposal is associated with all the same unions or by the non-union way. Podid definitions answer what question? which the? And introduced with the help of "WHO", "Whose", "Which", "That", "Whom", "When", "Hower".

She Smiled AT. what I Said. . - She smiled at what I said.

I Know The Girl who HAS WORN THE PRIZE . - I know the girl who won the first prize.

Pressure offers in English, characterizing circumstances of actionare the largest group.

  • Adverbal Clauses Of. place. (places) answer questions where? where to? where? And joined the alliances "WHERE", "FROM WHERE", "WHEREVER" (wherever no where no). Adverbal Clauses Of. time. You can learn in the unions "When", "Afterter", "Till / Untill", "While", "Since", "By The Time", "Before", "Whenever" (whenever). Adverbal Clauses. Of. Manner (image image) Attached to the main thought using the unions "AS If", "As", "As Though" and answer questions like? how?. The Great Language of Exceptions is English - and here makes us think. So, pressing time have features when expressing a real time.

THEY WENT TO THE STREET where The Famous Writer Was Killed . - They approached the place where the famous writer was killed.

I Haven't Written Him sINCE WE LEFT THE SCHOOL . - I did not write him since we graduated from school.

HE LOOKED AT ME aS If He Saw Me for the First Time. - He looked at me as if he saw for the first time.

  • Adverbal Clauses Of. reason. (the reasons) Included in a complex offer Unions "BECAUSE", "SINCE" (in meaning), "AS" (as) and answer the question why?. Adverbal Clauses Of. purpose answer the question why? for what purpose? and joined the unions "That", "In Order That", "So that" - in order for the "LEST" to the Union - so that not. The infinitive is most often used to explain the basic action.

AS WE HADN'T Any Food We Couldn't Continue Our Trip. - Since we did not have more products, we could not continue our journey.

SHE WENT TO ENGLAND to learn English. - She went to England to learn English.

She Sent Her Children Into The Garden In Order To Work a Little. "She sent children to kindergarten to work a little."

  • Adverbal Clauses Of. RESULT (consequences) Express the result of the action from the main offer. Puttinglements of this type are adjacent to the main way with the help of "So that" unions, "That", "SO" (so). This species is not as simple as the rest. When connecting the main and secondary parts, do not forget about the coordination of times.

HE SPOKE FOR SUCH A LONG TIME that We Began To Think That He Never Stop. "He spoke so long that we started thinking that he would never finish."

  • Adverbal Clauses Of. concession (concessions) answer the question despite what? And joined the unions "Though", "However" (no matter how), "Whorever" (whoever), "Whatever" (so that neither, no matter how), "Even If" (even if). Adverbal Clauses Of. condition (conditions) - "If", "Unless", "In Case".

HOWEVER RICH PEOPLE ARE THEY ALWAYS WANT TO MAKE MORE MONEY. - No matter how people were rich, they still want to earn more money.

IF He Cleans His Shoes IT Means He is Having a date. - If he cleans shoes, then he has a date.

Note: Conditional proposals have several types that require careful learning.

Despite the large amount, the apparent offers in English is quite easy to understand and remember. Determine the main thought and explaining circumstances, put the question, look at the connecting Union - and you found the answer.

Consulatory Puttinglements (Adverbial Clauses) Perform functions of various circumstances. They respond to the following questions. wHEN? - When?, why? - Why? where? - Where?, Where?, how? - as?

According to the value, pressing offers are divided into:

  1. circumstantial offerings,
  2. circumstantial sentences
  3. circumstantial sentences
  4. consulatory proposals of the investigation,
  5. consulatory proposals of the image and comparison,
  6. conscious suggestions,
  7. circumstantial goals
  8. consumer suggestions Conditions.

notethat circumstantial appropriate proposals are separated by the comma only if they are before the main sentence.

Pressure offerings. Adverbial Clauses of Time

1. Pressure offers of Time

  • wHEN? - When?
  • sINCE WHEN? - C what pores?
  • howl Long? - how long?
  • wHEN - When;
  • whenever - whenever;
  • while - while when, while;
  • aS - when, while;
  • after - after;
  • before - before;
  • till, Until - So far, as long as ... not;
  • aS SOON AS - so far;
  • sINCE - Since otherwise;

Examples:I Learned to Read wHEN I WAS ABOUT 5 YEARS. - I learned to read when I was about 5 years old.
BEFORE IT GREW DARK, WE HAD REACHED HOME. - Before hemnelted, we got to the house. (The circumstantial attachment we separated the comma, as it is facing the main proposal).

2. B. appendency of the Time The verb in the future is never used.
Remember: replaced by, replaced by, and replaced by.

Examples:WHEN THEY RETURN HOME, She'll TELL THEM THE NEWS. "When they return home, she will tell them the news."

Pressure offers. Adverbial Clauses of Places

1. Pressure offers Respond to the following questions:

  • where? - Where? / Where?
  • from where - where?

They will connect with the main proposal using alliances:

  • where - where, where;
  • wHEREVER - wherever, wherever;

Examples:WHEREVER I MEET HIS BROTHER, He is always troubled. - Wherever I met his brother, he is always alarmed.
This Is The House where i Live in. - This is a house where (in which) I live.

Candidate sentences. Adverbial Clauses of Cause

1. Puttinglements Causes answer the question:

  • why? - Why?

They are connected to the main proposal using alliances:

  • because - because;
  • as - since;
  • fore - since;
  • now that is now when, since.

Examples:THERE WERE MANY PEPLE IN THE STREETS bECAUSE IT WAS A HOLIDAY. - There were a lot of people on the street, because there was a holiday.
We Decided to Camp There aS IT WAS TOO DARK TO GO ON. "We decided to break the camp there, because it was too dark to go further."

Candidate proposals of the image and comparison. Adverbial Clauses of Manner and Comparison

1. Pressure Proposals answer the question:

How? - How? / How?

They are connected to the main proposal using alliances:

  • as - as;
  • aS if (as though) - as if, as if;
  • that - what.

Examples:PRONOUNCE THE WORD. aS I DO.. - Say the Word as I (I do it).

2. In comparative proposals that are entered by alliances aS if, as Though.Supplied Subjunctive II.

Examples:HE ATE aS If He Were Starving for Months. - He eaten as if he was hungry for months.
SHE TALKS ABOUT PARIS aS Though She Had Been There Herself. - She speaks of Paris as if she was passing there.

3. K. pressure proposals relate puttinglements comparisonThey are connected to the main proposal using alliances:

  • than - than;
  • as ... as - just ... like / the same ... like;
  • nOT SO ... AS - (not) so / such ... how;

Examples:IT's. nOT SO Bad. aS HER MOTHER THINKS IT IS. "Not everything is so bad as her mom thinks."

Candidate proposals of the investigation. Adverbial Clauses of Result

1. Applying proposals of the investigation Express the consequence arising from the main offer. They are connected to the main sentence of the union so that, such that - soThe conversational speech often uses the Union sO..

Examples:They Had. such A Fierce Dog. tHAT NO ONE DARED TO GO NEAR THEIR HOUSE. - They had such a sharp dog that no one dared to pass by their home.
The Weather Was. sO. Warm. tHAT I DID NOT WEAR A JACKET. - The weather was so warm that I did not get a jacket.

Pressure offers are gradious. Adverbial Clauses of Concession

1. Sustainable additives Indicate the circumstance, contrary to which the main offer is committed. They are connected to the main offer of alliances:

  • thought (although although) - although;
  • in Spite of the Fact That - Despite the fact that;
  • hOWEVER - as if either;
  • whorever - whoever
  • wHATEVER - whatever;
  • whichever - whatever;
  • no Matter What - Whatever;
  • no Matter How - as if either dr.

Examples:DON'T CHANGE YOUR PLANS whatever Happens. - Do not change your plans to not happen.
ALTHOUGH I LIKE INSECTS, I do not Wish to Study Entomology. - Although I love insects, I do not want to study entomology.
In Spite of Having No Qualifications, HE GOT THE JOB. Despite the fact that he has no qualifications, he got a job.

Applying goals. Adverbial Clause of Purpose

1. Candidate sentences Indicate the fact that the main offer is performed. Candidage proposals are responsible for the following questions:

  • what for? - Why? What for?
  • for What Purpose? -for what purpose?

They are connected to the main proposal using alliances:

  • so that, so, in order that - in order to;
  • in Order That - (for Togo) to.

Soyuz so That. - Most Used, and in colloquial speech often used the Union sO..

The faithful of these proposals is expressed by verbs may (might) and should + infinitive without to. This design is translated.
May (Might) It is used when the leakage of the presidency has a shade of the possibility. Shld It is used when there is no shade absence.

Examples:HE TOLD US TO GET INTO THE BACK OF THE CAR sO That We Could Talk. - He told us to sit on the rear seat of the car so that we could talk.

SHE GAVE ME THE KEY sO That I Could Open The Door. - She gave me the key so that I could open the door.

Puttinglements Conditions. Adverbial Clauses of Condition

1. Puttinglements Conditions Connect with the main proposal using alliances:

  • if - if (the most common union);
  • in case - in the case;
  • supposing (THAT), Suppose (THAT), suppose (what);
  • unless - if ... not;
  • provided (THAT), providing (THAT), on Condition (THAT), provided that, provided that.

Examples:I Wouldn't do it iF I WERE You. - I would not have done this in your place.
I'll Be at The Flat All Evening in Case You Shald Change Your Mind. - I will be at home all evening in case you change your mind.

Please note that the conditions are considered in detail the conditions only in the context of everything. Detailed information on conditional offers can be viewed.

The English proposal can be compared with the Russian that their structure is partially similar, and we are not talking about the members of the sentence, but about the parts of one phrase. So, in the language there are. The second, which will be affected in this article, in turn, are complex, where all parts are equal and independent, and complex. A complex proposal is called this because one or more of its parts are obeyed by another, and these supervisory parts themselves may respond to different questions and act as different components of the phrase. These features led to the emergence of such a concept as Clauses, and determined the classification of Types of Clauses in accordance with the role in the proposal. This will be discussed in this article. We will look at what attachments are in English, which types of their types are allocated and what they differ from each other.

General information about pressures

The word Clause will be a "part", and then we are talking about those parts of a complex proposal that can transmit different meaning and respond to different questions. In general, there are main / principal - the main and subordinate clauses are the apparent offers in English (parts). Very clearly, such a division is visible in the subjunctive tilt, because conditional proposals in English are directly from such components: the main proposal carries the main essence, and the apparent part is condition.

It is worth noting that parts of the complex proposal can be connected both by means of unions or other binding words and have no connecting units. An example of union connection:
She Was Sure. tHAT NOBODY WOULD COME TO SEE HER OFF - she was sure that no one would come to spend her

An example of non-union communication:
I Wish. I HAD BEEN THERE A FEW DAYS BEFORE - It is a pity that I was not there a few days before

It should not be noted that the fact that there is no more than a certain place, i.e. they can either precede the main parts or stand after them:

· IT WAS Hard to Overcome The Problem bECAUSE THE TASK WAS TOO DIFFICULT - It was difficult to overcome the problem, because the task was too complicated

· WHEN HE PHONED IN THE EVENING, I Was Watching My Favorite TV Program - When he called in the evening, I watched my favorite

The translation clauses today can also be considered all the apparent, including those in which the main members of the sentence. It is due to this, it is possible that the Types of SubordInate Clauses is very numerous, and when the conversation goes about parts of a complex proposal, it is important to emphasize all the fragments of the phrase without exception. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the types of Clauses in more detail, lead examples from different categories and determine which questions are answered by one or another type.

Main types of suppression parts

It is customary to allocate such types of departing offers in English:


or, simply speaking, a part that is in its composition subject. It shows the attitude of this clause to the lean and can stand either at the beginning, or at the end and have different unions or connecting words (Who, What, Which, Where, That, etc.):

What He Wants To Do Is To Go Away Right Now - what he wants to do is go right now

2. Predicative Clause - Pressure Taled

They are largely reminded by the previously described subject clauses, as they also contain one of the two main members. In addition, approximately the same alliances and binding elements are also used in front of them - WHO, What, That, How, Why, etc. The only difference is that those supplements in English, which have Predicative, are usually standing in the second half:

The Problem Was. hOW THE BOYS COULD REACH THAT PLACE - the problem was how the boys could get to that place

3. Object Clause - Additional Additional

In essence, they perform a full-fledged addition function. To connect with the main part of additional additive offers can be through various unions and binding elements - THAT, IS, What, WHO, WHATER, WHOEVER, ETC. Such parts are also called anonymous and answer questions of indirect cases: what? O Com? etc.:

He Always Does. what His Mother TELLS HIM TO DO - He always does what he tells him to make his mother

4. ATTRIBUTIVE CLAUSES - Puttingular Deadlines

Perform the role of definitions and associated either with nouns or pronouns that stand in Main Clause. Definition proposals in English can contact Main Clauses through different elements: it can be relative pronouns (Who, that, Which, etc.), relative adverbs (WHEN, WHERE), and the method may be non-union. Complex proposals with apparent definition are quite popular due to the possibility of different ways to match the main part; Usually the apparent definition answers the question what? and may have the following form:

He Started in the Hope tHAT EVERYONE WOULD Support Him - He began in the hope that everything will support him

5. Adverbial Clauses - Putitive circumstances

which make up perhaps the largest subgroup. Complexed proposals with pressing circumstances are very common, as they transmit a lot of values \u200b\u200band have several separate subtypes. It is logical to assume that the PPP with the apparent circumstances is inside the circumstance in the function, which may have different meaning and used to display different situations. So, any table with such types will propose the following options:

a) Adverbial Clause of Time - Pressing time in English

Quite often, part of time and conditions are standing together, since the apparent conditions, and the time has found their bright reflection in the subjunctive inclination, where they have special grammatical standards for the formation of time. Temporary Clauses Unions, which precede them - as, As Soon As, Till, Until, When, etc.:
AS SOON AS I SAW HERI Called My Friends to Tell Them This News - as soon as I saw her, I called friends to let these news

b) Adverbial Clauses of Place Pressure places

They usually do not have anything complicated, and the words that they precede, one way or another are connected with the place - Where, Wheraver:
I feel good where i Live. - I feel good where I live

c) Adverbial Clauses of Purpose - Purpose Proposals

Their essence is in the title: they transmit the goal with which the action is performed. They are preceded by such well-known structures as in order, SO That, etc.:

I LOOKED AT HIM sO That He Could Understand The Seriousness Of My Intention - I looked at him so that he could understand the seriousness of my intention

d) of Cause - Causes

This part is designed to show a one or another reason in relation to the main part. Can begin with Because, For, Since, As, etc.:

I Decided Not To Go There sINCE I DIDNT KNOW AnyOne AT THAT PARTY - I decided not to go there, because I did not know anyone on that party

e) Of Condition - Conditions Conditions

They are quite well acquainted to those who remember about Subjunctive Mood and conditional sentences. Conditional conventional usually begin with such unions as if (whether), Unless, in Case, etc.:

IN CASE SHE COMES, Nobody Will Meet Her - In the event that it comes, no one will meet her

f) of comparison - comparisons

Their essence is pretty simple: their translation begins with the words "as if", "as if", which are usually expressed through the Identical Union of AS IF / AS Though or other structures: AS - AS, SO - AS, ETC.:

HE LOOKED aS IF NOTHING COULD FRIGHTEN HIM - He looked as if nothing could scare him

g) of result - result or, as they are also called, consequences

The translation of such structures is "so much that ...", "such that ...". Such clauses are usually expressed through the SO That structure, but it is not worth confused by this case of its application with Adverbial Clause of Purpose, where the essence will be completely different. Here is what the apparent effect looks like:

We Were Deeply Involved In Working On The Project so That We Didn't Hear He Come - We were so involved in the work on the project that they did not hear how he came

h) of manner - image image

The AS Union usually shows how the action is performed, i.e. the method of its execution. For example:
He Did Everything. aS You Ordered Him - He did everything as you ordered him

i) Adverbial Clause of Concession - concessions

A typical translation from which such part will begin - "although", "despite", etc. Express such values \u200b\u200bthrough Although, Though, However, Despite, etc.:

Though He Was Free, He refused to Help US - Although he was free, he refused to help us

As can be seen from all over the above information, the types of pressure parts of the proposal are quite a lot, but each of them has individual distinctive features in the form of unions, which are administered, therefore, large problems and difficulties, the study of this deployed topic does not usually cause.