Give a characteristic inexpensive. Characteristic of heroes

Give a characteristic inexpensive. Characteristic of heroes
Give a characteristic inexpensive. Characteristic of heroes

Initial design The comedies of Fonvizin "Nepodliva" - the disclosure of the theme of education, very relevant in the era of the enlightenment, a little later, socio-political issues were added to the work. The name of the play is directly related to the decree of Peter the Great, who put under the ban on the possibility of serve and marry young uneducated nobles-inexpensive.

History of creation

The first manuscripts of the sketches of "inexpressible" date back to the 1770s year. To write a play, Fonvizin had to recycle many works with relevant idehesis - the works of Russian and foreign modern writers (Voltaire, Rousseau, Lukina, Chulkov, etc.), articles from satirical journals and even comedies written by Empress Ekaterina's second. Work on the text was fully completed in 1781. A year later, after some obstacles from censorship, the first stage of the play took place, and Fonanovin himself was the director, and the first publication of the play took place in 1773.

Description of the work

Action 1.

The scene begins with a stormy discussion of the caftan coil for Mitrofanushka. Mrs. Prostakova scolds his tailor Crush and Preluchi supports it in the desire to punish a negligible servant. The situation is saved by the appearance of cattle, it justifies the grief-tailor. Further, a comical scene with Mitrofanushka - he manifest itself a infantile young man, besides, very loving to eat tightly.

Cattlenin discusses with a clear prostacle prospects for his marriage with a sofya. The only relative of the Girl of the Stools unexpectedly sends the news about the acquisition of Sofia of an impressive inheritance. Now, the young young lady from the grooms there is no postboy - now "inexpensive" mitrofan appears in the list of candidates for husbands.

Action 2.

Among the soldiers who stopped in the village, the will of the chance turns out to be the fiance of a sofya - officer Milon. He turns out to be a good acquaintance of Praddina, an official who came to deal with lawlessness worked in the estate of spacen. At a random meeting with the beloved Milon, he learns about the plans to arrange the fate of her son by marriage to now a wealthy girl. Next follows a quarrel of cattle and mitrofan due to the future bride. Teachers appear - Kuteukin and Zyfirkin, they are divided with the truthful details of their appearance in the space of spaces.

Action 3.

The arrival of the old man. Pravdin first meets a relative of Sofia and reports him about the desires, creating in the house of space-made in relation to the girl. The entire master family and cattle with hypocritical joy greet a senior. Uncle's plans to take the softeushka to Moscow and to marry her. The girl conquers the will of his relative, not knowing that he chose her to Milon's husband. Prostakakova begins to praise Mitrofanck as a diligent student. After everyone diverged, the remaining teachers of Zyfirkin and Kuteukin discuss the taciousness and the aspiration of their inexpressure. In parallel, they accuse the rifleman, the former Konya of the Storagan, the briefness is that he is his dormant ignorance prevents the process of learning and without that stupid Mitrofanushka.

Action 4.

Stariodes and Softube are talking about high moral principles and about family values - genuine love between spouses. After conversation with Milon, making sure the high moral qualities young man, Uncle blesses the niece for marriage with the beloved. The comical scene follows, in which the unfortunate grooms Mitrofanushka and Cattlenin are exhibited in a very unfavorable light. Learning about the departure happy coupleThe simpler family decides to intercept the sophia on the departure.

Action 5.

Stariodes and Pravdin lead pious conversations, having heard noise, they interrupt the conversation and soon learn about an attempt to abduct the bride. Pravdin accuses space-made in this atrocity and threatens them with punishment. Prostakova on his lap defense of Sofia, but as soon as he receives him, immediately accuses servants in a non-historical ability to abduct the girl. Government paper comes, stating about the transition under the custody of PRESINT Total Prostaki property. The debt payment scene is completed with fair decoupling - opens a hoard of a brief, generously gifted by a modest working of the Tsyfirkin, and Nveza Kuteyukin remains with anything. Happy young and senils are preparing for departure. Mitrofanushka hesitates the Council of Praddina to go to the service in the soldiers.

main characters

Considering the images of the main heroes it is worth noting that the speaking names of the characters of the play express the one-centers of their nature and keep no doubt about the moral assessment by the author of the comedy's acting persons.

Full-awake mistress of estates, a despotic and ignorant woman, who believes that all cases without exception can be solved with the help of power, money or deception.

His image is the foolishness and uneducation. It has amazing inappropriateness and reluctance to make decisions. Ignorable Mitrofanushka was not only charged by age, but also because of its total ignorance and low level of moral and civil education.

Kind, responsive girl a good educationpossessing high levels inner culture. Lives in spacen after the death of parents. With all my heart, he was predicted to his fiance - officer Milon.

Man who persongower vitality truth And the word of the law. Being a government official, he is in the estate of spaced in order to figure out the lawlessness there, in particular, unfair cruelproof With servants.

The only relative of Sophia, her uncle and guardian. A succeeding person who managed to realize his highly oral principles.

Beloved and long-awaited fiance of Sofia. Brave and honest, distinguished by a high virtue of a young officer.

Nearby, greedy, uneducated person who does not be bent than the sake of profit and distinguished by falsehood and hypocrust.

Analysis of the work

Fonvizin's "cheap" is a classic comedy in 5 actions, all three unities are strictly complied with the unity of time, place and actions.

Solving the problem of upbringing - the central moment of the dramatic act of this satirical play. The accusatory sarcastic scene of the Mitrofanushki exam is genuine culmination in the development of an educational and educational topic. In the comedy of Fonvizin there is a clash of two worlds - each of them with different ideals and needs, with different styles Life and speech dialects. The author of the innovation shows the preventive life of the time, the relationship between the owners and the simple peasant people. Complex psychological characteristic Heroes gave impetus to the first development of Russian household comedy As the theater and literary genre of the era of classicism.

Final output

Fonvizin's comedy has become unique for contemporaries markic work. The play takes a bright oppression of high moral principles, real education and laziness, ignorance and dealerships. In the socio-political comedy "inexpensive" three topics rise to the surface:

  • the theme of education and education;
  • theme of serfdom;
  • the topic of condemnation of despotic autocratic power.

The purpose of writing this ingenious work is clear - the eradication of ignorance, the upbringing of virtues, the fight against vices, struck russian Society and the state.

Pushkin really appreciated the work of Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin, who wrote under Catherine II. He saw his successor in Gogol. The main character Fonvizin - the lowest Mitrofanushka - led Alexander Sergeevich in full delight.

The Herzen, Belinsky spoke highly spoke about the artistic and social style of this comedy. Gogol perpetuated the image of his teacher, Fonvizin (though, without specifying name), in the story "Night before Christmas". Remember when the Kuznet Vakula appealed to the Empress, she translated the conversation on a middle-aged person with a full pale face and suggested that it was to reflect in the next essay "this is the folk simplicity." There was a poor caftan with pearl buttons on a person. So Fononovin looked like.

So, created according to the classic canons of the comedy (Fonvizin, "inexpensive"). The characteristic of heroes, however, turned out to be innovative for the XVIII century. Piece characters and is dedicated to this article.

Negative images

Undoubtedly, she lays the traditions of the Russian national comedy represented by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin characteristic of heroes. "Lady" boldly and openly beats the self-serving of destroyers. Most negative way Comedy is Mrs. Prostakov. It manages its fortress hard hand, rather, even cruel. Do not be sick of the heroine ignorant and malicious. And to talk on elevated tones with a servant for her - the case is usual. The habitual landowner appeals to his fortress Trishka: "Cattle", "Vorovskaya Kharya", "Bollan", "fraudster". Nurse of his son, Eremeevna, who in this obtol, "grateful" Mom says "Canal", "Dog daughter", "Bestia". And this is to the most close, "yard" people! With the rest of her conversation - and in short. Prostakova threatens to "squander them to death." She is confident, because the laws are always on the side of the landowners.

True, this megera has a sweat in the soul: she loves her 16-year-old son. True, the feeling is blind, for which Mrs. Prostakova paid to the end of the comedy. Really original Author's, "Phonvizinskaya", characteristic of heroes. "Lady" is a comedy, where every hero uses its unique vocabulary and a certain vocabulary.

Mr. Prostaki - quiet, calm podkinnik. He obeys the spouse in everything; Without having his own, it follows her opinion. However, he is not cruel, loves his son. But in fact, it does not affect the house, including the child's education.

It is originally and interesting, with the observance of individual vocabulary, created by phonvizin characteristic of heroes. It does not accidentally carry it in a Greek, as "such a mother". By the way, relative to the name of the comedy. In Russia, young nobles, who have no written evidence of education were inflicted.

Mitrofanushka will keep away his studies, he is Hamit to people, kindly belonging to him. Eremeevna says: "Old Krychovka". Tutorial Tsifikin - "Garrison Rat". The crown phrase of the young Balbes is that he does not want to learn, but wants to marry - undoubtedly, is a creative find of Fonvizin, she really became a winged. Ignorable unhappy mind, rude and ignorant. His laziness is fascinating everything in the house.

Brother Prostaya, Mr. Catninin, in comedy depicts caricature. He relates to the lower class with contempt, but for him - the real passion and purpose of life. All its horizons are limited to the problems of pigsty. About these animals he does not get tired of talking. In addition to everything, he wants to marry Sofye.

Positive comedy heroes

However, no less in the comedy of positive images. Submitted to check the estate of the Prostaya official official of Pravdin is an embodiment of justice, legality and mind. It is outraged when people who have power over serfs use it "evil and inhumanly." He seeks to help "decent people", promote proper upbringing. As a result of his verification, the Prostaya property is requested by the state.

Positive and the beginners, which has absorbed an honest attitude to the service since Peter I. The service in the army, and then the bureaucratic share not only brought him a state, but also formed him with an honest, decent person. It is equally considered to be unacceptable and treating power by property, and violation of human rights of disadvantaged.

Honest and formed his niece Sophia. It has an insightful mind, therefore it is going to build his life in such a way as to deserve the confidence of "decent people." Honest, modest and opened the bridegroom Sofia - a young officer Milon. He showed his bravery in hostilities. The young man has really knightly education. War did not turn him into a soldier. He considers his love for Sofier to be the greatest wealth.

Among secondary characters There are also positive - decent and direct zyfirkin, a former codat; And negative - cunning and greedy cuteukin, a seminarist - the debauchement, Adam Adamovich Torleman - with a sub-paradise of a lacquer, praising Mitrofan to earn mercy from the prostata.


Fonvizin, undoubtedly, was a wise and observant person. In comedy, they are given a destroying and accurate characteristic of heroes. "Lady" makes think about the need to stop mockery of serfdom. Therefore, the Fonvizin comedy is not distracted, not for the fun of Ekaterininian nobles and favorites, and isoshritic, socio-directional. Labor over such works for the comedy himself was ungrateful, demanded nerves. Denis Ivanovich began to resign due to severe illness - paralysis. Even Empress Catherine II, the woman is progressive, disliked the caustic Saty of Fonvizin and did not always towards the petitions of the classics.

The comedy of Fonvizin "Nepalm" is written in the best traditions russian classicism. In accordance with classic canons, the actors in the work are clearly divided into positive and negative, and their names and surnames are characterized and exposed the main features of the characters. However, unlike traditional images classic PiecesThe heroes of "cheap" are deprived of templates than attracting modern readers and spectators.

To positive actors include Pravdin, Sophia, Starodules and Milon.. Each of them supports the ideas of enlightenment, considering the main human values Virtue, honesty, love for homeland, high morality and education. Their full opposite depicted negative heroes - Prostaki, Skalinin and Mitrofan. They are representatives of the "old" nobility, which all forces are enough for outdated ideas of the serf and feudal device. Their basic values \u200b\u200bare money, position in the public hierarchy and physical strength.

In the play of Fonvizin "Nepodlit" the main characters are divided into peculiar dual couples in which the author depicts people with similar social roles, but by depicting them in a mirror distraction. So, besides the pair of "children" - Sofia and Mitrofan, you can allocate "educators" - incense and prostakov, "grooms" - Mylon and cattle, as well as "owners" - spacecraft and Pravdin.

Mitrofan - The cheap and protagonist of the comedy is the spoiled stupid young man for sixteen years, for whom everyone always did a mother, nanny or servants. Given the love of money from the mother, rudeness and disrespect for their relatives (prostakova is ready to deceive native Brother, If only to settle the marriage beneficial for her), and from his father a complete dryness, he behaves like a little child - does not want to learn, while the marriage finds fun fun. Full opposite Mitrofan is Sophia. This is an educated, intelligent and serious girl with not easy fate. Having lost early age Parents and living on the care of the prostacle, Sophia does not adopt their values, and, in fact, becomes the "White Voron" in their society (Prostakova is even indignant that the girl knows how to read).

Prostakova It appears in front of readers on the one hand as an uneducated, the tricky woman, which is ready for the sake of accompanying almost everything, and on the other - as a practical mistress and a loving mother, for which happiness and carefree future of her son is above all. Prostakova brought up Mitrofan as they brought up her, so I could convey and show our own example of outdated, which have long exhausted ideas and values.

W. Stokelum A completely different approach to upbringing - he does not apply to Sofier as to little child, chatting with her on an equal footing, instructing it and advising on the basis of his own experience. In the matter of marriage, a man is not taken to finally decide for the girl, as it does not know whether her heart is free. In the form of a Starodam, Fononovin depicts his ideal of a parent and educator - authoritative strong personalitywho herself passed the decent path. However, analyzing the system of characters "inexpressible" from the point of view of the modern reader, it is worth noting that the image of a senior as an educator is also not ideal. All the time, while he was absent, Sophia was deprived of parental care and granted itself. The fact that the girl learned to read, appreciates the morality and the virtue of the merit of her parents who pledged it at a small age.

In general, the topic of kinship is important as for positive heroes Pieces "Nepal" and negative. Sophia - Daughter of decent people Milon. - son good friend Stoke. Prostakov, only after marriage received this name, in fact she is cattle. Brother and sister are very similar, by them both driven thirst for profit and cunning, they are not formed and cruel. Mitrofan is depicted by the real son of his parents and the pupil of uncle, who inherited all of them negative traits, including love for pigs.

Characters, whose relationship in the play is not mentioned - Prostak and Pravdin. Spacely differs fundamentally from his wife, compared to the active and active prostacular, it looks silent and passive. In a situation where he should show himself to the owner of the village, a man is lost against his wife. This leads to the fact that the owner of the lot is becoming more active Pravdin, who was able to pacify the prostacle. In addition, prostabs and Pravdin act on some "auditors" of what is happening. Pravdin is the voice of the law, the simpler - the opinion of a simple (remember the "speaking" names of the play) of the people who do not like how the "old" nobility in the person of his wife and Shurin behaves, but their wrath is afraid, so he speaks only aside and not Contracting.

The last pair of characters is Cattle and Milon. Men personify obsolete and new ideas about marriage and family life. Milon knows Sophia since childhood, they love each other, and therefore their relationship is built on mutual respect and friendship. Cattle is not even trying to know the girl closer, only his dowry worries him, while he is not even going to equip her good conditions After marriage.

In addition to the main characters, there are secondary actors in the play - teachers and teachers of Mitrofan-lowered. Characteristics of the heroes of the second plan - Eremeevna, Tsyfirkin, Kuteukina and Ryshtman - related to their social role in the play. The nanny is an example of a serf person who truly serves her hostess all his life, suffering and injustice. On the example of the same images of teachers, the author exposes all the problems of education in Russia of the 18th century, when children are taught by the retired military who have not graduated from a seminary or hanged harsh.

For the 18th century, the innovation of Fonvizin was that the author depicted the existing persons "inexpressible" without excessive pathos and the patterns inherent in many works of classicism. Each comedy hero is undoubtedly a prefabricated image, but not created by the finished "stencil", but possessing its individual features. That is why the characters of the work "inexpensive" even in our days remain brightest images Russian literature.

Test on the work

As it was taken in classicism, the heroes of the Comedy "Nepalm" are clearly divided into negative and positive. However, the most memorable, vivid are still negative characters, despite their despotic and ignorance: Mrs. Prostakov, her brother Taras Skalinin and Mitrofan himself. They are interesting and ambiguous. It is with them that comic situations are connected, full humora, bright liveliness of dialogues.

Positive characters do not cause such bright emotions, although they are resonants reflecting copyright. Educated, endowedly positive featuresThey are ideal - can not create lawlessness, they are alien to lie and cruelty.

Heroes are negative

Mrs. Prostakova

The history of upbringing and education in the family, distinguished by extreme ignorance. Not received any education. I did not care from childhood any moral rules. In her soul, nothing good is laid. Strong influence are served: its position of the full owner of the fortress peasants.

The main features of character cutting, unbridled, ignorant. If the resistance does not meet, becomes brazen. But if it comes into force, becomes a cowardly.

Attitude towards other people's attitude to people, it leads a rough calculation, personal benefit. Ruthless to those who are in her power. It is ready to humiliate before those who depends on who is stronger than it.

Attitude towards education is unnecessary: \u200b\u200b"Without science, people live and lived."

Prostakova as a landlord superstar, he considers serfs full of his property. Always dissatisfied with its serfs. It is indignant even the disease of the fortress girl. The peasants, she absorbed: "Since all the peasants, we have selected, we can not contempt. Such trouble! "

Attitudes towards relatives and relatives to his husband, the attitude towards his own and relatives of Lyudajamdepotic and rudeness, she wonders.

Attitude towards the son, Mitrofanuchelybite him, gentle to him. Caring for his happiness, well-being is the content of her life. Blind, unreasonable, ugly love for the son does not bring either Mitrofan, nor the most spacelike anything good.

Features of Rocio Trishka: "Fraudster, thief, cattle, thieves kharya, chick"; Turning to her husband: "What did you deal with today, my father?", "The whole century, sir, walk your ears"; Turning to Mitrofanushka: "Mitrofanushka, my friend; My heartfelt friend; son".

No moral concepts: she does not have a sense of duty, philanthropy, feelings human dignity.


(Translated from the Greek "revealing his mother")

On the upbringing of the Education to the idleness, accustomed to satisfying and abundant food, free time spends on dull.

The main devilharacteractored "Mamenkin Son", which has grown and established in an ignorant environment of a serf local nobility. Not deprived of the nature of tricks and intelligence, but at the same time rude and capricious.

Recalling other people respects other people. Eremeevna (nurse) calls the "old hrycut", threatens her harsh violence; With teachers, it does not speak, but "bodies" (according to the expression of Tsyfirkin).

Captivity Enlightenment development is extremely low, experiencing an irresistible disgust for labor and teaching.

Attitude towards his relatives, Lyudammitrophan does not know anyone, even to the closest thing - to mother, father, Nyanyushka.

Features speech is monosyllant, in its language there are many spacious, words and revolutions borrowed from the yard. The tone of his speech is a capricious, dismissive, sometimes rude.

The name of Mitrofanushka became nominal. So you will call young people, nothing knows and nothing else to know.

Cattlenin - Brother Prostaya

About the education and education of the family in the family, extremely hostile to enlightenment: "Do not be that cattle, who will want to learn something."

The main features are characterized, it is not mentally developed, Zhaden.

Attitude towards a friend, a fierce serf, who knows how to "contempt" the lifts from his crease peasants, and there are no obstacles in this lesson.

The main interest in the life of the day, breeding pigs. Only pigs cause looseness and warm feelings in it, only to them he manifests warmth and care.

The attitude towards relatively and relatives of Lyudamrad is profitable to marry (learns about the state of Sophia) to destroy their opponent - the native nephew of Mitrofan.

Features of a speechless speech of an uneducated person often uses gross expressions, in speech there are words borrowed from the yard.

This is a typical representative of smaller serve landlords with all their shortcomings.

Teacher of the Russian and Church Slavonic language. The uncleaned seminarist "I was afraid of the abyss of wisdom." In his own way, Heather, Zhaden.

Teacher of history. German, former Kucher. He becomes a teacher, as he failed to find a place of Kucher. An ignorant person who can not teach his student.

Teachers do not apply efforts to learn Mitrofan at least something. They are more likely to indulge the laziness of their student. To some extent, they, using the ignorance and the uneducation of Mrs. Sprostova, deceive it, realizing that she would not be able to check the results of their labor.

Eremeevna - Nyanyushka Mitrofan

What a place is occupied by the prostata house, its distinctive draws of the Nogotinina House serves over 40 years. Unlessly be dedicated to his owners, slaves are tied to their home.

Attitude towards Mitrofanun, Mitrofan protects himself: "He died on the spot, and the child will not be issued. Sun, sir, just excuse. I smell those lumsion. "

What was Eremeevna for long years The serfdom of it is strongly developed a sense of duty, but there is no sense of human dignity. There is not only hate to their unnoticed oppressors, but even protest. Lives in constant fear, trembles in front of his Lord.

For his loyalty and devotion of Eremeevna, only beatings and hear only such appeals as "Bestiya", "Dog Daughter", "Old Witch", "Old Krychovka". The fate of Eremeevna is tragic, because it will never be assessed by their masters, will never receive thanks for his loyalty.

Heroes positive


On the meaning of Nameshelovk, thinking in an old, respecting preference to the preferences of the previous (Petrovsk) era, preserving the tractions and wisdom, accumulated experience.

Education is an old-phase and advanced person. Pupil in the spirit of Petrovsky time, he is closer and acceptable to the thought, the morals and activities of the people of that time.

Civil Position Heroaeto Patriot: For him, an honest and useful service of Fatherland is the first and sacred duty of the nobleman. Requires limitations of the arbitrarian-serpentineers: "Understand the slavery to themselves so unplanned."

Attitude towards other Lyudumchelovka, according to his service, the Fatherland, for the benefits that a person in this service brings: "The degree of knowledge I expect by the number of cases that the big gentleman did for the Fatherland ... Without noble deeds noble state."

What qualities worship as human dignity defender of humanity and enlightenment.

The thoughts of the hero about the upbringing education gives more price than education: "Mind, if he is only the mind, the most strap ... The direct price of the mind gives faithful. Without him smart man - monster. Science in a depraved person has a troya weapon to do evil. "

What features in people cause fair indignation of particlensity, wildness, grieving, inhumanity.

"Having a heart, I have a soul - and you will be a person at all time."

Pravdin, Milon, Sophia

Pravdnechnic, impeccable official. The auditor, endowed with the right to reflect the landlords of the estate in custody.

The officer's milillywested debt is patriotically.

Sophiasova, modest, prudent girl. It is raised in the spirit of respect and worship the elders.

The appointment of these heroes in the comedy, on the one hand, is to prove the righteousness of the student's views, and on the other hand, it is grieving and the uneducation of such applicants such as prostacle-cattle.

Menu Articles:

"Cheap" - play in five actions belonging to Peru Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin. Cult dramatic work XVIII century and one of the most vivid samples of classicism. It entered B. school ProgramRepeatedly put on theatrical layouts, got a screen embodiment, and his lines disassembled the quotes, which today live autonomously from the original source, becoming the aphorisms of the Russian language.

Plot: Summary of the Piece "Lady"

The plot "cheap" is well known to everyone else school years, however, we still remind summary Pieces to restore the sequence of events in memory.

The action unfolds in the village of space-made. His owners - Mrs. and Mr. Prostaki and their son Mitrofanushka - live a relaxing life of provincial nobles. Also in the estate dwells the sofya, which Mrs. sheltered in his house, but, as it turns out, not from compassion, but because of the inheritance, which she regards the rights of the self-proclaimed guardian. In the near future, Sophia is planning to give for the brother of the Prostaya Taras Catynin.

Mrs. plans swear when Sophia receives a letter from his uncle Storas, who still considered the dead. Study is alive and live well and goes on a date with a niece, and he also informs about the state of 10 thousand incomes, which is inherited by a hot beloved relative. After such news, the prostakkova is accepted to catch the sophia, which I still had little complained, because now she wants to suck her for his beloved Mitrofan, and the cattle is left with anything.

Fortunately, the beginners turned out to be noble and honest personwishing the niece of good. Moreover, Sofia has already been a narrowed - officer Milon, who just stopped with his regiment in the village of spacen. Starodub knew Milon and gave a young blessing.

In desperation, Prostakova is trying to organize the abduction of Sofia and forcibly marrying her with her son. However, and here the treacherous mistress suffers Fiasco - Milon saves the beloved in the night of the abduction.

Preluchno generously forgively forgiveness and do not go under the trial, however, her estate that has long aroused suspicions, transmit a state guardian. Everyone is traveling and even Mitrofanushka throws mamma, because he does not like her, as in general and anyone in the world.

Characteristics of heroes: Positive and negative characters

As in any classic work, the characters in the "cheap" are clearly divided into positive and negative.

Negative heroes:

  • mrs. Prostakova - Mistress of the village;
  • mr. Prostakov - her husband;
  • Mitrofanushka - Son of spacen, inexpensive;
  • Taras Skodinin - Brother of spacen.

Positive characters:

  • Sophia - orphan, lives in spacen;
  • Starods - uncle her;
  • Milon - officer, beloved Sophia;
  • Pravdin is a state official who came to control cases in the village of Prostakov.

Secondary characters:

  • Tsyfirkin - Teacher of Arithmetic;
  • Kuteikin - Teacher, a former seminarian;
  • Malman - the former Kucher, gives himself to the teacher;
  • Eremevna - Nanny Mitrofan.

Mrs. Prostakova

Prostakova - the brightest negative character, and indeed the most outstanding actor Pieces. She is the hostess of the village of space-made and it is Mrs., fully suppressing the willed spouse, establishes the Bar region and makes decisions.

At the same time, she is absolutely ignorant, devoid of manner, often rude. Prostakova, like other members of the family, can not read and despise science. Mitrofanushki's mother is engaged only because it is supposed to be in Novosvetsky society, but true value Knowledge does not understand.

In addition to ignorance, prostakova is distinguished by cruelty, falsehood, hypocrisy, envy.

The only creature she loves is her son Mitrofanushka. However, the blind suggestive love of the mother only spoils Chado, turning it into a copy of himself in a male dress.

Mr. Prostakov

The figurative owner of the estate estate. In fact, everyone leads his own wife, whom he is madly afraid and does not dare to pray the word. Prostaks have long lost its own opinion and dignity. He can not even say, good or bad caftan, stitched by a tailor trichka for Mitrofan, because it is afraid to say not what the Madam expects.


Son of spacen, inexpensive. In the family it is lovingly called Mitrofanushka. But, meanwhile, this young man is time to go out adult life, But he absolutely has no idea about it. Mitrofan is spoiled maternal loveHe is capricious, tough towards serving and teachers, pompous, lazy. Despite the many years of classes with teachers, young Barin is extremely stupid, he does not show the slightest desire for study and knowledge.

And the most terrible, that Mitrofanushka is a terrible egoist, nothing really matters for him, except for his own interests. At the end of the play he easily throws Mama, so unrequitedly loved him. Even she is empty place for him.


Mrs. Brother. Narcissist, limited, ignorant, cruel and greed. Taras Skalinin nourishes a huge passion for pigs, the rest is little interested in this nearby person. He has no idea about relatives, cardiac attachment and love. Having painted how well his future wife healed well, the cattle says only that he will highlight her better beelock. In its coordinate system, this is this concludes marital happiness.


Positive female image Works. Very raised, kind, meek and compassionate girl. Sophia received a good education, it has an inquisitive mind and thirst for knowledge. Even in the poison atmosphere of the house of the prostacle, the girl is not likened to the owners, but continues to lead the way of life that she likes - she reads a lot, reflects, with all the friend and polite.


Uncle and guardian Sophia. Stoys - the author's voice in the play. His speeches are very aphoristic, he argues a lot about life, virtues, mind, law, government, modern society, marriage, love and other urgent issues. Streets are incredibly wise and noble. Despite the fact that he obviously negatively applies to the space-like and similar, the beginners do not allow himself to descend to the rustic and unbridled criticism, and that to the light sarcasm - it cannot be recognized by his climbing "relatives".


Officer, beloved Sophia. The image of the defender hero, the perfect young man, her husband. He is very fair, not tolerate with meanness and lies. Mylon was bold, and not only in battle, but also in his speeches. It is deprived of vanity and low-cost calculation. All the "grooms" of Sofia spoke only about her state, Milon never mentioned that his narrowed was rich. He sincerely loved Sophia before her had an inheritance, and therefore in his choice a young man was not guided by the size of the annual income of the bride.

"I don't want to learn, but I want to marry": the problem of upbringing in the story

The key problem of the work is the topic of provincial nobility education and education. The main hero of Mitrofanushka is obtained only because it is fashionable and "so instituted." In fact, neither he nor his ignorant Mother understands the true purpose of knowledge. They must make a man smarter, better, serve him throughout life and benefit society. Knowledge is mined by difficulty and can never be forcibly placed in someone's head.

Home education Mitrofan is a dummy, fiction, provincial theater. For several years, the maternity student did not make a reading or writing. A comic test that suits Pravdin, Mitrofan fell up with a crash, but because of his stupidity cannot even understand this. He calls the word the door is adjective, because they say to the mind, the science is confused with the stories who tells him in abundance, and the word "geography" Mitrofanushka cannot even speak out ... too wisdom.

To show the grotescia of the formation of Mitrofan, Fonvizin introduces the image of the briefman, which teaches "French and all sciences." In fact, the torchman (surname is talking!) No teacher, but a former coachman of the senior. He easily deceives the unfolding simpler and even becomes her pet, because he professes his own teaching technique - not to force the student to do anything through force. With such a zeal, like Mitrofan, a teacher with a student simply loomed.

Hand in hand with the receipt of knowledge and skills is upbringing. For him, mostly answers Mrs. Prostakov. She methodically imposes his rotten moral Mitrofan, who (here he is diligent!) Excellently absorbs Mother's advice. So, during the solution of the task of dividing prostakov, he advises his son to not share with anyone, but to pick up everything. Arguing about marriage, Mother speaks only about the prosperity of the bride, never mentioning mental attachment and love. The concept of both courage, courage, the valor will not be familiar with Mitrofan. Despite the fact that he is no longer a kid, he is still flowing in everything. The boy can not even stand up for himself during the skirmish with uncle, he immediately takes to call Mama, and the old nurse of Eremeevna rushes on the offender.

The meaning of the name: two sides of the medal

The name of the play has a straight and figurative meaning.

Direct name
The adolescents, young men who have not achieved adulthood have not reached public service.

Figurative meaning Names
He also informed the fool, ignorant, near and uneducated person, regardless of his age. FROM light hands Fonvizin is this negative connotation and entrenched for the word in modern Russian.

Anyone is reborn from a minor Yunz in an adult man. This is a growing, the law of nature. However, not everyone turns out of the dark inexpressible-fertility into an educated self-sufficient personality. For such a transformation, efforts and perseverance should be applied.

Place in literature: Russian literature XVIII century → Russian dramaturgia XVIII. Century → Creativity Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin → 1782 → Piez "Lady".

"Lady" - Piez Dmitry I. Fonvizin. Analysis of the work, main characters

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