Sofia Rotaru age year. Sofia Rotaru

Sofia Rotaru age year. Sofia Rotaru
Sofia Rotaru age year. Sofia Rotaru

Sofia Rotaru is one of the most popular performers of the Soviet and Russian pop. Her charming smile conquered the hearts of hundreds of thousands of fans throughout the country and abroad. She rarely became the object of scandals. Almost always, friends and colleagues characterize it only positively.


In this article we will tell you the most interesting facts from the life of the celebrity.

Biography Sofia Rotaru

On August 7, 1947 was born. However, due to the error, when issuing documents in the passport there is a mark that the birthday of the celebrity is August 9. It did not embarrass the future star. She celebrates his birthday twice.

2. Inheritance talent

The older sister and the girl's father had an unsurpassed musical hearing and taught her singing. At a young age, the future performer sang in the church church, because of what many problems arose in school. Sofia threatened to exclude from pioneers.

3. Love for sport

From the small years, the girl was engaged in several sports. There was a champion in all-around. With age, love for singing and the theater turned out to be stronger than the desire to express himself in a sports field.

Career Sofia Rotaru

For the first time, the girl performed at the district competition, where he ranked first. He received the nickname "Bukovinsky Solovy" for an unusual voice. After went to a major festival and won again. A photograph of the girl was placed on the cover of a popular magazine.

From that moment on, it was decided to maximize their efforts to give singing and aimed at pop execution.

5. Path to world recognition

After the end of the music school received a gold medal and won the first place at the contest of the performers. After it began to work as a teacher. In 1971, took part in the music art film, where she got the main role.

In 1973, she again won the musical contest and was recognized as a deserved artist of the Ukrainian SSR. From this point on, Sofia worked in several ensembles, participated in the filming of films, changed the image several times, experimented with the repertoire.

6. Sofia and Hardock

In 1991, the performer became quite popular, switched completely into Russian, for which she received disapproval in his homeland. In the same period, the performer produces the album "Caravan of Love", where it was decided to experiment and significantly drag music. Fans the decision had to do.

In the two thousandth singer acknowledged by one of the best Ukrainian and Russian performers. Her compilations went out with huge circulations. The star regularly took part in all sorts of festivals and fully competed with the Primadonny Russian pop -.

Personal life Sofia Rotaru

7. The only husband

In 1968, the girl married Anatoly Evdokimenko. Lived with him for more than 30 years. Spouses were supporting and support for each other in work, in everyday life and in the complex daily difficulties of that time.

After the death of her husband, the singer stopped appearing at public events and did not go into light for more than a year.

Interesting facts about Sofia Rotaru

8. Romantic story

The future husband of the star first saw her on the cover of the magazine and fell in love with first glance. After firmly decided to find a girl, to meet her and marry her. So it happened.

9. Phonogram

In one of the interviews, Joseph Kobzon admitted that he hated to perform songs under the phonogram. The singer noted that such a manner of execution is inherent in Rotaru. Occasioned with a journalist, he stated that she brilliantly falls under the recorded material and even professionals could not understand, she sings in a living or this setting.

The statement caused a violent public reaction. Fans of the performer began to protect the star, but many admitted that they were disappointed.

10. Family scandal

In 2012, Rotaru's relatives began to be interviewed, where they said that the singer was trying to illegally take the apartment from them after the death of his own husband's mother. They reproached the star in the fact that most of the time the woman paid a career, forgetting about the difficulties and health of his own spouse. According to one of the relatives, it is Sophia that he is guilty of his husband's death.

11. Scandal with Pugacheva

It is believed that Rotaru and Pugacheva have always competed with each other. However, the coming friends and relatives say that the confrontation provoked. According to one of the versions, the latter was jealous of the next husband to Sofia, so ceased to invite it to most of the music events. This caused a stormy negative reaction of fans.

In 2006, a strong and serious scandal broke out, in which Alla Pugacheva again participated. Sofia Mikhailovna learned that the next music event would be involved in Primaudonna. At the same time, the organizers promised that completing the performance, to fulfill the final song will be Sofia.

Such a position of things organized both stars until Rotaru learned that a large amount was promised Pugacheva for the performance, while Rotaru should play for free. The woman decided to fully refuse to participate in the event, than once again upset fans and convinced the detractors in their mercyfulness.

12. Scandal with Serdyuchka

In 2008, there was an unpleasant case with Danilko, which was in the form of Verka Serdyuchka. The latter behaved extremely disrespectful and all sorts provoked Sofia. Colleagues say that Danilko, by that time, the star disease was actively progressed and this behavior was noticed for him not for the first time.

Announced Rotaru's outlet, Danilko, in the image of Serduchka, I began to yell "Sonya, come out", which I highly insulted the singer, because even recently he was a fan of the star, and now appeals to her publicly in such a tone.

13. Russia and Ukraine

Due to the complex political situation, some concerts of Sofia had to move or completely cancel. Such a decision is made by persons who are in senior positions. It very much upsets the fans of the singer. Rotaru says it is ready to perform absolutely in any country, any city, regardless of the political situation.

She sings for people and politics for this has nothing to do. However, part of the Instagram users accuse Rotaru that her concerts help earn money for Russia and call on boycotting speeches in Ukraine. Representatives of the singer resemble fans that by the origin of Rotar is not Ukrainian, and Moldavanka and this conflict is provoked in an empty place.

Sofia Rotaru is the owner of 18 orders of the USSR, Ukraine, Moldova and countless honorary titles, premiums and awards of various song contests.

Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru can be attributed to the most outstanding Soviet singers. She performed in collective farm clubs and in hot spots, on the Kremlin scene and in international song contests, and everywhere they met and accompanied with stormy ovations. Ukraine and Moldova argue, who belongs to the honor of calling Rotar with his native, however, Ukrainian, and Moldovan songs in her performance were clearly understood without translation. For more than 40 years of concert activities, Sofia Rotaru performed more than 500 songs in different languages, became the highest paid performer in the countries of the former USSR, gave a ticket to life to such well-known teams like "Chervon Ruta" and ballet "Todes". Unique voice Rotaru (contralto with a range of Bol

its three octave) allows the singer to execute the compositions in any style - folk, jazz, rock, etc. It is the first of the USSR pop executors with a recitative and applied a rhythm computer for arrangement.

Nightingale from Bukovinsky village

In the birth certificate, Sofia Rotaru has several inaccuracies. The girl from the ethnic Moldavian village of Marinsha (Novoselitsky district of Chernivtsi region) registered in the village council as Sophia Mikhailovna Rotar, born on August 9, 1947. The real birthday of Sofia falls on August 7, and she began to use the Moldavian version of his surname after the start of concert activities, on the advice of the famous Odita Piekhi. Father singer, Mikhail Fedorovich Rotar, graduated from war in Berlin, where b

ryal was injured, subsequently worked as brigadier of winegartes; At the same time he had absolute hearing, he sang well and played on the accordion. Six children grew in the family, and everyone had musical abilities. However, the life of the family was not easy - all his homework was delivered to children. Sonya Dailed a cow, cleaned the hay, worked on the garden, stood darkened to take the vegetables to the market. And late in the evening hurried to school clubs, where he learned to dance, play at Domre and Bayan. Sofia was the decoration of school choir (she tried to hide his participation in church church church), and often performed in concerts. In 1962 and 1963, the girl became the winner of the district and regional sightings, and in 1964 he participated in the festival of folk

lants in Kiev, where he also ranked first. The Matcher of the Ukrainian Song Dmitry Gnatyuk predicted Sofia a brilliant future, and her portrait appeared on the cover of the magazine "Ukraine". Sofia was sent to study in Chernivtsi Music School. The mother of the girl, Alexander Ivanovna, initially objected to the artistic career of his daughter, but the word of the Father was in the family law.

Being a student of the conductor-choir department, Sofia Rotaru performed on the scene of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Soon there was her meeting with a future husband. Anatoly Evdokimenko, the native of Chernivtsi, was served in Nizhny Tagil and saw a magazine with a beautiful countrywoman on the cover. Upon returning to his native city, he found the girl liked, and the love broke out between them

literally at first sight. Anatoly studied at Chernivtsi University and played the pipe in the student orchestra, which began to accompany Sofia's speeches.

Rapid takeoff

1968 was marked by many iconic events in the life of Sofia Rotaru. She graduated from the music school and was sent to Sofia, the World Festival of Youth and Students. From there, Sofia brought the first place, many enthusiastic reviews and prophetic words of Lyudmila Zykina presiding in the jury: "You will become a great singer." But so far the future celebrity has become his wife Anatoly Evdokimenko, and even postponed the year entering the Institute of Arts, having left with her husband to Novosibirsk. There Anatoly passed pre-diploma practice, and Sophia

served in the cult spots.

In 1970, they had a son Ruslan.

However, the boy was brought up mainly by Parents Anatoly.

In 1971, after the release of the Music film "Chervon Ruta", in which Sofia Rotaru and young musicians Vladimir Ivasyuk starred, Vasily Zinkevich and others were created, the ensemble "Chervona Ruta" was created, which was unusually popular in all of the USSR and was successfully toured in Poland .

In 1973, Sofia Rotaru won the Golden Orpheus contest in Bulgaria. In 1974, she graduated from the Chisinau Institute of Arts and won the second place on the song festival in Sopot. Since that time, the cooperation of the singer with composers Evgenia Martynov and Evgeny Doga began.

In 1975, Rotaru with ensemble

"Chervona Ruta" moved to Yalta. The official reason was its health, although conflicts with Chernivtsi party leadership played a major role in the crossing.

In 1976, Sofia Rotaru became a People's Artist of Ukraine, the first of the Soviet singers recorded a disc in the Munich company "Ariola-Eurodisc GmbH" and began to take part in touring tour in Europe.

In 1979, Vladimir Ivasyuk was tragically died with unclear circumstances. The singer continued to touring, successfully participate in international and all-union competitions, to film, but Canadian touring 1983 made Rotaru "Right". In 1986, the singer changed the direction of his creativity - swaying with "Chervona Rueta", she began

motion cooperation with Vladimir Matetsky, performing songs in the style of Europrop and even hard rock.

In 1988, Rotaru assigned the title of People's Artist of the USSR. It did not affect the collapse of the USSR affected by many artists, Sofia Mikhailovna continues to successfully perform in the post-Soviet space, Europe and the United States. Since 1995, she has become a regular participant of Musiclov films, songs of which became hits.

Currently, Sofia Rotaru lives in Yalta, where its sound recording studio and its own hotel is located. Anatoly's beloved husband died in 2002, and the singer retains his memory loyalty. Sofia has two grandchildren: Sofia Jr. (2001) and Anatoly (1994), which already works in one of London's model agencies


Ukraine became the birthplace of Sofia, the girl was born in the village of Marinsha, in the summer of 1947. Girl's parents were ordinary rural residents. Father held a brigadier, mother worked on the market. The sonorous singer speaks about her Moldovan roots. Interestingly, first the birth of the baby mistakenly recorded on August 9, instead of 7. So, the actress has become two birthdays instead of the laid one, she continues to celebrate both of these happy days.

Do not forget their roots, parents talked to Moldovan, calling the children to remember their origin. In addition to Sofia, the family had four more children: three brothers and two sisters. A talented girl received her inheritance data, the father of the singer and the older sister had excellent hearing and voice. Having lost his eyesight at a young age, the sister began to train the future star of the performance of songs in Russian. That is so Sofia Rotaru began his musical path, in the excellent future of which she believed her father.

Because of the death of Sister's sister in the family, Sofia was considered that it was naturally forced her to fulfill a large amount of home work and help his relatives. The family reigned the atmosphere of love and help to each other.

Being extremely active and inquisitive, the girl from childhood was fond of many different classes. To achieve success in all his endeavors, Rotaru received the title of school champion in all-around. In addition to sporting success, she was engaged in the theater and learned the game on musical instruments. Masured the game at Domre and Bayan.

Having good vocal data, Sofia Together with the natives performed many songs during homemade gatherings. His nickname "Solovya" young features was obliged to be a beautiful counterparto, who remained without the attention of the listeners during the tour of the area.


  • Fame came to a young performer at the age of fifteen years with a victory in the district competition of amateuria. The victory gave a young girl the opportunity to experience himself in the championship at the area level. After winning a year at the regional level, Rotaru in seventeen years old becomes a member of the republican festival of performers and won there. Having gained great fame, the young singer successfully holds a speech in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Having received all-union recognition, the actress falls on the cover of the magazine "Ukraine".
  • At the age of twenty-one, the young Sofia Rotaru becomes the winner of the International Festival held in Bulgaria and hits the pages of all publications of the country.
  • Three years later, the Chervona Ruta film was coming to the courts of listeners, the songs performed by the Ukrainian singer for this musical tape bring Sofia nationwide success. So, the star of the musical scene becomes a member of the pop ensemble belonging to Chernivtsi Philharmonic.
  • An artist starts his annual participation in the "song of the Year" from twenty-six years after the victory in the Golden Orpheus competition. Only one day she will not take part in a speech, the reason for this will be the premature concent of the spouse of the singer in 2002. Together with the participation in the final of the song of the Year, Rotaru gives the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.
  • A year later, the first song album comes out, and at twenty-eight years the singer moves to live in beautiful Yalta. The change in the place of residence brings work in the Crimean Philharmonic and the well-deserved title of folk artist.
  • From 1976 to 1983, the singer produces a number of albums recorded in foreign languages \u200b\u200bthan provokeing a ban on traveling abroad, continuing to work in the Crimean region. At the age of thirty-six, Rotaru gets the title of People's Artist of Moldova.
  • Sofia Mikhailovna starts his solo career in 1986, the next fifteen years cooperation with the composer Matetsky brings a large number of hits in the work of the famous singer. Already two years after the start of the solo career, Sofia Rotaru becomes a folk artist of the USSR.

During his work, Rotaru collaborated with the ballet "Todes", celebrated the twentieth anniversary of their creative activity in the Concert Hall "Russia" and, without losing popularity after the collapse of the Soviet Union, continued his singer's career. In addition to success in creativity, the actress became the owner of a multitude of awards and ranks.


Together with the assignment of one of the most significant titles - the hero of Ukraine, the tragedy comes in the seven of the artist - the spouse dies.

With a future husband, Sofia met after the release of the magazine's release in 1964 with his face on the cover. Seeing a young singer on the front of the publication, Anatoly decided that the girl was perfect for the role of soloist in his musical team. Four years later, the couple got married, retaining their relationship to the death of the spouse. The loss of his husband's husband Sofia Rotaru was experiencing hard, reervav at the time of its creative activity.

In the family life, Sofia Mikhailovna was happy, the spouses had a son who today is engaged in musical producing. Ruslan is married and has two children.

The artist and today adds young, remaining always in good shape. The star of Music Olympus does not advertise his personal life, information about the life of the artist fans take the social networks of her relatives. Continuing his creative activity, it produces beautiful compositions, certainly becoming hits.

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Biography, history of life Sofia Rotaru

... In the crowded hall of the Palace of Sports, the light went out, the tense silence reigned, and then he was acute, with which the audience was waiting for her ... Sophia sounded, Sophia Rotaru appeared in a mosaic ...

Family and childhood

So, let's start with the beginning of the beginning - why at home. On August 7, 1947, Sofia Rotaru in the Song region was born in the village of Marinsha Chernivtsi region. Without songs there is no triumph, no rite. It seems the Earth itself gives birth to songs. Such pure, beautiful voices, like Mikhail Fedorovich (he was born 11/22/1918) and Alexandra Ivanovna Rotaru (04/17/1920-16.09.1997), there was no more in the Marshinians.

Mikhail Fedorovich The first in the village joined the party, passed the whole war, being a machine gunner, and reached Berlin. It was wounded and returned home only in 1946. Now the soldier's memory is increasingly and more often returns the Father in those terrible years, fights are remembered, the faces of the dead friends.

In the family, except Sofia, there were five children: two brothers and three sisters. Zina's older sister (born 11.10.1942), who had suffered a severe illness, lost sight in childhood.

Zina, having an absolute hearing itself and easily remembering new songs, taught Sophia to many folk songs and in general became the younger and second mom, and a favorite teacher. Then Sofia, without fear seem enthusiastic, say: "... And we all studied with her - such a musical memory. And the soul!"Zina, spending a lot of time from the radio, together with the songs learned Russian. And he taught him brothers and sisters. At home, Rotari was spoken only on Moldovan. Naturally, as the oldest, Sofia was the first assistant Mom. In the morning Sonya with mom went to the market Trade - for something I had to live.

- Mom darkened me, - remembers Sofia, - and I wanted to sleep terribly. She says: "And who will help me?". All the way I slept. By six in the morning approached. It was necessary to take a place in advance on the market, decompose everything. And only when trading began, I came to my senses. It was interesting to me. There was always a queue near us, because my mother was cleanly, she knew and waited. She had regular buyers.

Continued below

Sofia Mikhailovna is never traded in the market. And prohibits it to do to your friends and relatives. " This is hellish work, "she says to her husband, - do not dare".

Often, very often I had to replace my mother, working for her in the field. It was during these years that its character was formed.

- With its formation as singer and, probably, personality, - tells Sofia Rotaru, - i most likely obliged exactly those women with whom worked in the village, it was from them that I learned to understand the meaning of life. In difficult moments from them, simple and generous - I received help.

In this environment, Sofia Rotaru finds for its future songs the most human, the deepest and sincere notes. Sofia began to sing from the first class in the school choir, also sang in church choir.

In his youth, Sofia attracted the theater, she was engaged in the drama and simultaneously singing folk songs in amateur-in-law. Sofia, for example, loves to remember how the only button accordion took at school and at night, when a kerosene lamp was in the house, went to the barn, chose the loved melodies of Moldovan songs. Father, Mikhail Fedorovich, about thirty years old worked by Brigadier of winegriets, remembers how professional artists came to the village for the first time, and he led to their sonyy's scenes and proudly reported: " Here is my daughter. It will definitely be an artist!"

Being very lively and moving Sofia loved the sport, and especially athletics, and of course she did progress: there was a school champion in all-around, went to the regional Olympiads. Once, on the regional sports department in Chernivtsi, she became the winner in running at 100 and 800 meters ...

The victory of Sofia Rotaru in the district competition of artistic amateur in 1962 opened the road to the regional review. For her charging voice, countrymen then gave her rank of "Bukovinsky Nightingale". The voice was really amazing - struck his strength and latitude, extraordinary sound saturation. It was so much charm and passion, so he was discovered and excited that the young singers did not have to doubt the happy fate.

1963 brought a diploma of the first degree at the regional view of artistic amateur in Chernivtsi. As a winner, she goes to Kiev to participate in the republican competition.

1964, in turn, pleased the victory at the Republican Folk Talent Festival. On this occasion, her photo was placed on the cover of the magazine "Ukraine" No. 27 for 1965. By the way, this photo then played in her life not the last role. After that contest, the People's Artist of the USSR Dmitry Gnatyuk said fellow countrymen: " This is your future celebrity. Remember my words". Looking, contests, - Are the 17-year-old girl did not turn his head from success? But no, parents always taught her to critically evaluate their business and persistently go to the goal, despite the difficulties. After graduating from school in 1964. Sonya firmly decided to go In Chernivtsi enter the music school.

The beginning of an adult life

To great unfortunately, Sofia found out that there is no vocal faculty in the music school. Well, he entered the conductor-choral ... In 1964, Sofia was first sang on the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, - and Moscow was conquered. " And who will marry you? - Speaking, happened, Mom. - One music in my head"Meanwhile, in the Urals, a young guy from Chernivtsi - Anatoly Evdokimenko, the son of the builder and teacher, who also had" one music "was in the head: he graduated from music school as a child, played a pipe, dreamed of creating an ensemble . And the Magazine "Ukraine" with a photo of a beautiful girl on the cover was hit to the part of the Cover. He showed a photo to colleagues: " Look, what girls in our villages! Imagine that in the city is done?"And attached the cover on the wall near his bed. And then he returned home and began to search for Sofia. I was looking for a long time, finally found a school, Sonyna girlfriends ...

In fact, Sonya did not assume that it would ever sing with a pop orchestra. In addition to the violins and cymbal, she did not recognize other support tools until she met his future husband Anatoly Evdokimenko, a student of Chernivtsi University and at the same time trumpeter in the student pop orchestra. Anatoly intuitively understood that only music and once again the music can be conquered by the heart of Sofia. He was the initiator of the appearance of a soloist in the orchestra. True, at first, only folk Ukrainian and Moldovan melodies were selected for Sofia. By the way, today the folk songs occupy a significant place in its repertoire: " Without them, I can not live. How to hear - tears ..."But Anatoly persuaded Sophia to try himself as a soloist of the pop orchestra. And once Sofia still succumbed to persuasion, risked - performed the song" Mom "; armored person and the song turned out.

In 1968, at the graduation party at the Music School, the Associate Professor Pulinets assured: " Already now you can talk about it as a pop actress, which will have a great success in the widest audience".

Start of a song career

It is curious that in 1968 S. Rotaru met his birthday, winning the title of Laureate of the IX World Festival of Youth and Students in Sofia (Bulgaria). Thus held a debut on the stage then another amateur singer. Sofia Rotaru was sent to the IX World Festival of Youth and Students as a participant in the folklore competition. Tolik firmly removed to go with her at the festival. They urgently needed a double bassist for Bulgaria. And then Tolera mastered the double bass in two months. True, from his fingers, it was not for a long time for a long time. Cheerful success, first place. When Sofia was handed a gold medal, it was literally filled with Bulgarian roses. And one orchestrant joked: " Flowers Sofia for Sofia". And the newspapers Pretty headlines:" 21-year-old Sophia conquered Sofia. "So it was assessed by the execution of the Ukrainian folk song" On the Kameni "and Moldavian" I love spring ", as well as the" Stepham "A. Pashkevich and Valentina G. Georgic . The last song was dedicated to the Hero of the Soviet Union Valentina Tereshkova present in the hall of the first woman-cosmonaut. Chairman of the jury said then: " It is a singer with a great future".

Then the time has come for another debut: after graduating from a music school, she became a teacher. Until now, Rotaru recalls this day with excitement and joy, as if re-experiencing those feelings that experienced before the first lesson ...

September 22, 1968 in the Marshin Sofia and Anatoly played a wedding. Parents did not object. Mom just said: " You only, Sonya, think well, you get married - it means for life!". The wedding was" modest "- a man on two hundred. By the evening it was raining, but even he did not interrupt fun: happy bride in a long dress, wet to the thread, continued to dance before you fall ...

They spent the honeymoon in Novosibirsk - since at that time Anatoly ends the university and was directed there to practice. He worked at the Lenin factory, and the young family lived immediately, in the hostel of the 105th military plant. Sonya prepared for all food, and in the evenings sang in the club "Rest". Newlyweds left after 3 months.

However, in thoughts, Sofia had only one ...
Sofia Mikhailovna somehow shared: - In the year of our marriage, I began to dream of a child. And hinted from time to time about this Tolik. And he built great creative plans and did not hurry with the child. In addition, we lived together with parents in a 2-room apartment, he did not graduate from the University. There was not enough money, the parents ask them in our family is not accepted. We are adults. Well, okay, okay I think ... and somehow I tell him: "Listen, the doctor said that I would soon become a mother." Although in fact, in the position I was at that moment - I had to go to the little female trick. Tolik shook his head: "Well, well, good." He relaxed, lost his vigilance and began to wait for the heir to be born.

That's just waiting for him did not have to nine months, but eleven, because Sonya became pregnant only two months after the conversation.

- Now, I suppose everything did it right, - smiles slyly by Rotaru. - Then I just did not have time - these endless tour began ...

Rotaru fell into the hospital on the night from Sunday for Monday. On the eve of the day before she looked away: Tolik did not take her with him on fishing. His parents rebelled: " Where are you still going? Sonya, give birth from minutes for a minute, and you go karpov to catch?". Tolik returned in the evening with an unprecedented catch, and together with Sonya, they went to spend familiar musicians. The contractions began on the way home. Do you think Rotari immediately hurried to the hospital? No matter! She hurried home to stroke the dress, in Which went with her husband in the hospital. It was awesome in any situation was her lifestyle.

On the twenty fourth of August 1970, the son was born. He was given the name Ruslan. He turned out to be an absolute copy of the Father.

This in Chernivtsi has not yet seen! Tolik met his wife and son with the orchestra. All musicians of the city gathered under the windows of the hospital and played. Who on the pipe, who is on the violin, who is on the flute. People traveling past cars, trolleybuses and buses stayed, people were poured out of all nearby homes ... When Sonya appeared, there was a firework of champagne tubes in the air. All the way to home, happy father danced with her son in his arms ...

And in 1971, a musical film about the gentle and pure love of Girl Girl and Donetsk guy "Chervona Ruta" was removed on the Ukrtelefilm by the director Roman Alekseev. Songs V. Ivasyuk and other authors were performed by V. Zinkevich, N. Yaremchuk and others. Sofia Rotaru became the main heroine. The film had considerable success. And when in October Sofia received an invitation to work in Chernivtsi Philharmonic and create his ensemble, the name of the ensemble appeared by itself - "Chervon Ruta" ...

Also because one of the first songs of the ingenious composer and the poet Vladimir Ivasyuk was called. In the songs of Volodya, the beauty and romance of the Bukovinsky region, the freshness and chastity of the first love were surprising, the freshness and chastity of the first love, the endless faith in happiness. Sofia considers a meeting with composer Ivasyuk a happy gift of fate. None of the composers with which she will work later did not feel so deeply soul singers, her understanding and perception of life. Most of his songs were written specifically for her, for her extremely wonderful voice. They were modern, but at the same time were built on a multinational smallness of peoples living on Bukovina. It was a new, surprisingly bright word in the song culture of Ukraine. Indeed, the songs of Volodya gave the singer's wings, it was with them the pop star spurled.

Assessing the role of Sofia Rotaru in the popularization of songs Volodya, his father, the famous Ukrainian writer M. Ivasyuk will say in front of a crowded audience of countrymen literally the following: " We must bow low to the Moldavian girl Sona, separating the song of my son around the world.".

Really throughout the light, because in thousands of different concerts of Sofia in many and many countries they always sounded and songs of Volodya, many of which became the classics of song art.

Chervona Ruta - the name of the flower taken from the ancient Carpathian legend. The root blooms only on the night of Ivan Kupala, and the girl who will be able to see the flowering root will be happy in love.

Anatoly Evdokimenko became the head of the ensemble. Despite the fact that he worked for a while at the Department, he had scientific articles, he changed his profession. Madly loving his wife, he then graduated from the directorial faculty of the Kiev Institute of Culture, became the director of all its concert programs.

The debut of "Chervona Ruta" was a performance in a star town from Soviet cosmonauts. It was there that Sofia Rotaru and the "Chervona Ruta" ensemble also announced itself as an outstanding representatives of the whole direction of Soviet pop art, a characteristic feature of which is a combination of the repertoire and style of elements of folk music with modern rhythms. Only she finished singing "Chervonu Ruta", as the hall literally shuddered from the applause. So unexpectedly warm welcome, she was extremely excited. For some reason, she thought: if these are unusual people in her representation find joy in her songs, it means that she is obliged to sing, stubbornly go to the chosen way. And then more cosmonaut V. Shatalov on behalf of his colleagues wished her great success in the song creativity.

Sofia only strengthened in his desire. Then she sang on the stage of the Central Concert Hall "Russia", the Kremlin Palace and on the stage of the stage theater. Debuting on the metropolitan scene, Rotaru least reminded the timid novice. It was quite a mature master confident in his strength. The external restraint of the singer, which did not leave the place for the fussiness and unjustified gesticulation, was surprisingly harmonized with the flight of its super-expressive voice. She sang as if it were the most important concerts in her life. It seemed that she had long made peace of mind for a long time, so that today, now express all his passion, all joy and pain without a residue. The stunning creative "generosity" by Rotar is unusually excited by the audience, causing a hot wave of a response ...

Growth popularity

This was the beginning of widespread recognition of Sofia Rotaru. It is since 1971 that it is counting his professional creative activity.

Her authors became V. Ivasyuk, a student of a music school of Valery Musolov, the head of VIA "Measurer" Levko Dutkovsky. And the deputy director of Chernivtsi Philharmonic Pintek Abramovich Falik and his wife, Honored Artist of the Ukrainian Sidi Lvovna Tal was then her second parents. Filik was at that time one of the largest administrators with world recognition. Even before the war, he was the producer of the famous English singer Jeri Scott.

The very first professional program of the "Chervona Ruta" is not approved. Then it was necessary to withstand a certain line. For example, "Love, Komsomol and Spring" i.e. All performance should have soaked joy, optimism. And she sang " Enemies burned native hut". It did not like the Commission of the Ministry of Culture, the program was banned. In fact, they were blocked oxygen. Saved Falik. He called Moscow, and Chervonu Ruta, bypassing all permits, included in the program" Stars of Soviet and foreign pop ". They hit The company to the Germans, Bulgarians, Czechs, Yugoslavam. In Tashkent, people after the concert asked if she liked the Soviet Union, where she learned so well to sing in Russian. It turned out, she was taken for the Bulgarian. There were unforgettable and funny, funny cases at concerts.

It was in Grozny at the stadium: reached the stage - slim, in a red fitting dress with zipper on the back. And here, just during the execution, the "lightning" burst. Spectators, of course, noticed. She sticks with his dress with his hands, so as not to fly away, and suddenly some kind of candy citizen with a huge pin run on the scene. Deployed her back to the public and under the common fun savage.

In 1972, Sofia Rotaru and Chervona Ruta participated in Poland in Poland with the program "Songs and Dancing Country of Soviets".

In 1973, the Gold Orpheus competition (Bulgaria) took place a competition "Golden Orpheus", Rotaru was received by the first award on it, fulfilling the song of E. My City and Bird - a song in Bulgarian, dedicated to the memory of Pasha Christ, the authors of which are . Rushev and D. Demyanov. The same year brought her the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. Songs in its execution "Codres" and "My City" in Moldavian language were recorded in the film "Spring Consonance - 73".

At the festival "Song - 73" Song E. Dogs "My City" performed by Sofia Rotaru became a laureate ...

When Sofia Rotaru goes on stage and starts singing, forget about everything in the world. Her transparent, charming voice penetrates into the soul, worries and conquers everyone who loves the stage, loves the song. It is standing in front of the microphone in the light of the spotlight - slender, festive, like a spring twig. How many charm, beauty, how many sincerity and excitement, when in the beautiful language of music and poetry, it is confidentially sharing with us all that it is happy and sad ...

In the May Day "Festive Evening in Ostankino" in 1974 she sang along with the artist from GDR Michael Hanzen. In the same year, Rotaru graduated from the Chisinau Institute for Arts and became the participant of the Burshtin Nightingale festival in Sopot (Poland), where he performed the "memoirs" B. Rychkov and "Vodograya" V. Ivasyuk. For the execution of the Polish song from the repertoire of Khalini Frontskovyk "Someone" (Russian Text A. Dementeyeva) received II Prize. On the "Song-74" Sofia Mikhailovna performed the "Ballad of Mother" by E. Martynov on poems A. Dementieva.

At the Festival "Song-75" in the final, "Swan loyalty" and "apple trees in bloom" came out. The song "Darkovanka" was performed with the Yugoslav singer Mickey Efremovich. A year later, the next festival sounded the songs "Verney Music" and "Dark Night". The second was performed with Anatoly Mokrenko.

In the work, the most important for Sofia Rotaru contact with the song, with its creators. They wrote songs to her and other composers. Evgeny Doga wrote "My City", Arno Babajanyan - "Return to me music", Oscar Feltsman Song "Just You", Yuri Saulsky - "Ordinary Story" ...

Sofia proudly says: " I was the first performer of many songs of one of the favorite composers by Evgeny Martynov. I love his "swan loyalty", "Ballad about the mother." In my repertoire of songs of different genres, but almost always - a dramatic plot, a dramatic melody. Song for me is a little novel with your world of feelings, dramaturgic, heroes ..."

Nevertheless, her main attractiveness for students is that the singer remains faithful to the people's manner of execution. The nationality is also manifested in the formulation of the voice, and in the simplicity, restraint of behavior on stage, and finally, in the choice of the repertoire: Rotaru's songs are always lyric, sowing. And yet, in a folk song, you will not meet random, no meaningful, empty words, and it undoubtedly taught Sofia among many new modern songs to choose only those that are filled with deep meaning, cause reflections. After all, in her opinion, for those three or four minutes, what a song lasts, the artist should have a lot to tell the listener, make it richer.

The song "Chervona Ruta" is still a calling card of Sofia Mikhailovna. For she found her Chervon Ruta ...

1980-1985: takeoff actresses and new cooperation

In 1980, Sofia Rotaru won the first award at the international competition in Tokyo for the execution of the Yugoslav song "Promise" and was awarded the Order of the Honor Sign.

The singer continued to experiment on his image and appeared on the scene for the first time among domestic women artists in a trouser costume, performing the song "Temp" Alexandra Pakhmutova to the verses of Nikolai Dobronravov. The song "Temp" and "Waiting" was written to the 1980 Summer Olympic Games, held in Moscow and entered the cultural program of games. "Temp" also became a soundtrack for the art film "Ballad on Sport" Director Yuri Lakes. In 1980, the singer again went to the final of the song of the year, fulfilling "my edge" by N. Mozgovoy and "Waiting" of Y. Saulsky and L. Zavaleku.

In 1980, the film "Where are you, love?" (The initial name "Year of Calling"), shot at the Moldova-Film Studio, in which, among many songs, the singer performed the song "First Rain", without a duckly driving in the back seat of a motorcycle in a narrow embankment in the middle of the sea. According to the autobiographical plot, the rural singer is invited to the ensemble, together with which the Grand Prix wins at the International Festival with the Song "Where are you, love?" R. Pauls on poems. At the box office, about 22 million spectators looked at the film. In the same year, a double album was released - "Songs from the movie" Where are you, love? "" With songs from the eponymous film of composers E. Martynov, O. Feltsman, A. Babajanyan, D. Tukhmanov.

The composition of A. Majukova "Red Arrow" in 1980 became the debut of the young poet Nikolai Zinoviev in the pop genre. The song was banned at the All-Union Radio by the head of the music edition Gennady Cherkasov because he did not like, as Sofia Rotaru sings. But since the premiere of the song took place on television, she managed to become famous even without a radio. In 1981, the film received a prize of the jury for the popularization of the song creativity of the Soviet composers at the XIV All-Union Film Festival in Vilnius in the section of art films. This film was the first experience of Sofia Rotaru in artistic cinema. Many critics called this role to fail, nevertheless, the film won the audience love, and the songs sounded in the film became legendary: "Red Arrow" (music Alexei Majukova, poems Nikolai Zinoviev), "Where are you, love?" (Music Raymond Pauls, poems Ilya Reznika), "Dance on the drum" (Music of Raymond Pauls, verses of Andrey Voznesensky).

The next stage of creativity began with the search for a new style - rock music and with the film "Soul" with the "car time" of 1981 with songs and. Having received the first sentence in Yalta to play in the film, Sofia Rotaru refused, so it was sick and doctors did not recommend not only shooting, but also further performances.

This pushed Alexander Borodyansky and Alexander Stefanovich on the description of the autobiographical plot about the dramatic situation in the life of the singer, about the loss of voice, and the disclosure at that moment her soul (dialogue on a pier with an elderly person) followed by reassessment of values. Seeing the new rewritten scenario, as well as songs written in a completely new for singer style, Sofia Rotaru agreed, moreover, I agreed to refuse some time from concert speeches to play in the film. Thus, the film became a musical melodrama, affecting not only the privacy of the artist and human relations, but also the question of the attitude towards the talent and the responsibility of the talent before those whom he is creating. The actor, the lyrical character was played by the Rotaru on the film, the Leningrad Actor, Rock Group "Time Machine" - a new group of singer Victoria Freedomy. The film looked at about 57 million viewers.

In the final "Song of the Year" in 1982, Sofia Rotaru came out with the songs "Melancolie" P. Theodorovich and the city of Vira and "Stop!" R. Amirkhanyan and H. Zakyan. In the song 1983, the songs of "Happiness, My Land" were held, Y. Saulsky and L. Zavaleku and "A music sounds" A. Majukova and N. Zinoviev.

After the concerts in Canada and the release of the Canadian album in Toronto CANADIAN TOUR 1983 in 83 Sofia Rotaru and its team for five years became non-rigging. There was no official reason, but when there were challenges from abroad, refused under the pretext of what " such does not work here" During the record of the record in Germany, the State Correspondent appointed it a bet 6 rubles per minute of sound. The German side was supposed to pay 156 brands and called back to Moscow. The next day, the translator handed over Sofia Rotaru: " Our chief decided to make you a small present, because Moscow does not allow the bid to increase ... "" I regret one thing - that it fell into young years, when so much could be done"," Sophia Rotaru said.

In 1983, Sofia Rotaru gave 137 concerts in collective farms and state farms of the Crimea. The Kolkhoz "Russia" of the Crimean Region and the Ministry of Culture of the Moldavian SSR put forward by Rotaru's concert programs 1983-1984 for the USSR State Prize. However, the Prize of the Eminty Singer was not awarded, since all its solo concerts from the late 1970s pass exclusively under the advantageous phonogram.

In 1983, Sofia Rotaru received the title of People's Artist of Moldova. In the same year, while listening to the poet, the Vier was specially written for her by composer by Cyrian melody, Rotaru insisted in words about romantics. She supported her husband and artistic director Anatoly Evdokimenko, and the poet wrote, but about the singer. Romantică - the adjective on Romanian means "romantic".

In 1984, she introduced Romantică on the "Song of the Year" festival. This song is included in most solo programs. The second performed song has become "I can not forget" (composer D. Tukhmanova per verses V. Kharitonova). The singer performed it in the dramatic image of a courageous nurse of the Second World War. Rotaru was invited to the program of the TV GDR "Penister Boiler", where he performed a song in German.

In 1984, LP "Delicate Melody" comes out. The album became a return to the original image with the song "Melancolie" ("Tender Melody") Viper. In 1985, Sofia Rotaru received the Golden Disc prize of the All-Union Melody Firm for Albums "Sofia Rotaru" and "Tender Melody" - the best-selling plates of the year in the USSR, separated by a circulation of more than 1,000,000 copies. In the same year, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the Order of the Friendship of Peoples.

In the final "Song-85", the audience, together with the singer, sang a stork on the roof of D. Tukhmanov and A. Transverse and "In My House" D. Tukhmanova and A. Seda Shah.

1986-1989: New Wave - Europrop and Hard Rock

In the mid-1980s, a certain turning period has emerged in creativity. The search for a new aesthetics of creativity was penetrated by the musical film "Monologue about love" (1986), in which, in contrast to the previous, "Sofia Rotaru invites you" (1985) Only the composition I. Poklada "Water flows" carried the former folk character and the image of a collective farm girl, ranked star. In the film "Monologue about love" Sofia Rotaru performed the song "Amor" as Windsurfer, in the open sea and without a duckly. "Monologue about love" - \u200b\u200bthe album released in 1986 with soundtrakes and songs from the eponymous musical film, became the last work of Rotaru with the original Ukrainian composers. The "Chervon Ruta" ensemble returned to the Ukrainian song and left the singer, which became for Rotaru and Anatoly Evdokimenko, the artistic director "Chervona Ruta", a big surprise. In one of the interviews Sofia Rotaru to the question of the journalist " Have you ever been terribly scary?"Replied:" When I betrayed me. It was connected with the team of "Chervon Ruta", which Tolik (A. Evdokimenko) organized at one time. It was a peak of popularity when we were worn on their hands when the cars were raised at concerts. The guys seemed to be that they could count on success and without me that I was wrong with them, not the repertoire that they get a little money ... When we went to my homeland with Tolik, they gathered and decided that we were not needed. They went with a scandal and named "Chervon Ruta».

A sharp change in the direction of Creativity by Rotaru occurred after the start of cooperation with the composer Vladimir Matsky in 1986. Lavender and Moon, Moon, Moskvich Vladimir Matecksky, have already appeared - the two most popular Sovies of the USSR 1986. The joint album of Rotaru and the Matec "Golden Heart" was recorded already with Moscow studio musicians. Sofia Rotaru moved to Europrop's style compositions ("was, but", "Moon"), right up to the elements of Hard-rock ("time of my", "only this little"). Matsky and his co-author Poet Mikhail Shabra practically monopolized the right to cooperate with Rotaru over the next 15 years, producing talented work, in large numbers included in concert programs of 1990-2000, and became popular at the expense of the charismatic personality Rotaru and its outstanding vocal data. .

The beginning of this cooperation laid the song "Lavanda", written by V. Matsky in 1985 for her duet with Yaak Joalo and still not lost its popularity. The Lavender followed the "Luna, Moon", "was, but", "wild swans", "Farmery", "Spass", "Lunar Rainbow", "Stars like stars", "Night Moth", "Golden Heart "," My life, my love "and many others.

In 1986, the composer V. Migulya wrote specifically for the singer's song "Life", which very rarely sounded.

Active touring activities and constant presence in the musical ether led to the fact that by the end of the 80s S. Rotaru objectively became the leader of Soviet song art. On May 11, 1988, Sofia Rotaru for great merits in the development of Soviet musical arts assigned the title of People's Artist of the USSR, the first of the modern pop singers.

At the same time, the transition to a Russian-language repertoire caused a certain rejection in Ukraine. The accusations of the treacherism of the national culture, in addition to the overall growth of nationalism, they were actively warmed by Soviet state production structures, philharmonic and concert associations, which were led during economic reforms to control the financial side of the Rotari's concert activity. In order to avoid large-scale provocations, Rotaru refused to participate in the festival "Chervon Ruta", held in her homeland in 1989. In the late 80s, the exacerbated interethnic relations led to the fact that in 1989, at the national concert in Lviv at the Friendship Stadium, a part of the audience, tuned against Sofia Rotaru, met the singer posters " Sofia, waiting for you a car!"And a whistle, which led to clashes with her fans.

Nevertheless, Sofia Rotaru continued to sing Ukrainian songs and constantly included them in the first branches of concert programs. The new songs of this period in the Ukrainian language were the works of N. Brain ("Edge", "Minaє Day"), A. Klenyuk ("Echo of Loyalty"), E. Rybchinsky ("Tchech Water"), Y. Rybchinsky ("Rabbed Hearts "), and later - R. Quinta (" Chekay "," One Kalina "," Fog "). At the same time, it was prepared and represented by the viewer in 1991, the new program, which was in the album Romance half consisting of remakes of Songs Ivasyuk and other famous Ukrainian composers and poets in Ukrainian, in particular, "Chervon Ruta", "Cheremshina", " Klenovy Vogd "," Edge "," Siecocrilies of Ptah "," Zhovsti Leaf ", which became the classics of the Ukrainian pop song, after which such accusations were crumbled.

In 1991, the next work was published by Rotaru and Mateck - LP "Caravan Love" (Sintez Records, Riga, Latvia), also with a noticeable influence in hard rock and metal stylistics, which was at that time at the peak of its popularity. Simultaneously with the album comes the same musical television and the concert program Golden heart, which has become the last program of the singer of the USSR.

The disintegration of the Union was reflected in the geography of Sofia Rotaru's travels. The USSR Ministry of Culture obliges artists to perform touring hot-points. Refusing at the beginning, Rotaru, prepared "Friends remain friends" and "Caravan of Love" presented in Vilnius, Riga, Tallinn, Tbilisi, Baku and Yerevan. Concerts were held in premises with the lack of relevant conditions, which led to inflammation of the lungs. Sofia Rotaru said: " I was warned - do not go into the hall, you never know what. Even the guard attached. And I think: with what you go to a person, he will repay you and will repay».

In the late 80s, participating in the national concert, Sofia Rotaru drew attention to the performance of the ballet "Todes" and invited him to cooperate. Todes dances made her songs more spectacular from a stage point of view. In concert programs of this period, Sofia Rotaru almost all songs danced with Todes. This creative union has existed for about five years. Alla Dukhova, artistic director of the ballet said that it was with Rotar "Todes" began successful activity.

1991-1999: New time

In 1991, Sofia Rotaru presented the anniversary program dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the creative activity of the singer, decorated with laser graphics, candles and fantastic scenery in the form of a moving red flower from the legend of Chervona Ruta, from which the singer went on stage. The anniversary concerts "Flowers Sofia Rotaru" were held at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia". Central television has broadcast this program, and she entered the video in the TV version of the concert. Staying the correct preparation of the first branch of its concert programs, the singer sang a song of youth, but already in remix versions of the songs of Ivasyuk and other famous Ukrainian composers and poets in Ukrainian, in particular, "Chervon Ruta", "Cheremshina", "Klenovy Vogd", "Edge", "Siecocrilies of Ptah", "Zhovsti Leaf", which became a classic Ukrainian pop song, as well as new "Tango", "Wild Swans" and others. The concert also participated in the "Measuring" ensemble, who was filmed with Rotaru in the film "Chervon Ruta". Closing the second branch became the song "Echo."

After the collapse of the USSR and the commercialization of the musical space, the singer did not lose the leading position in show business, has a stable audience, including in the Russian-speaking diaspora in Europe and the United States. In 1992, a super-hit performed by Rotaru - "Farmanka" (Music Vladimir Matsky, verses Mikhail Shabovra).

The singer left the philharmonic and continued to record songs on his own studio in Yalta. In 1993, the two first CDs of the collection of the best songs of the singer - "Sofia Rotaru" and "Lavender", then - "Golden Songs 1985/95" and "Farmanka". In 1995, Sofia Rotaru starred in the music film "Old songs about the main" ORT television company (director Dmitry Fix, producer Konstantin Ernst), fulfilling the song "How was you" (Music I. Dunaevsky, verses M. Isakovsky). In August 1996, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the honorary sign of the honors from the President of Ukraine. In the same year, Sofia Rotaru is recognized as the "best pop singer of 1996" and awarded the name of the name. In 1996, the song "Night of Loop" Laura Quint on the verses of M. Denisov and "There are no place in the poems of M. Denisov" Night of the Competition "Night" in the verses of M. Denisova and me. The "swan loyalty" was also executed, however, however, in tele-ester.

In 1997, Sofia Rotaru starred in the music film "10 songs about Moscow" of the NTV television company (Project Leonid Parfinus and Janika Fayziev), with the song "Moscow May" (music D. and DM. Paints, verses V. Lebedeva-Kumacha) with a group "Ivanushki International.

In 1997, Sofia Rotaru became an honorary citizen of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea; The owner of the honorary prize of the President of Ukraine L. Kuchma for an outstanding contribution to the development of pop-art "Pisennia Vernіsazha" and Kavaler "Order of the Republic of Moldova".

On September 16, 1997, the mother of Sofia Rotari died at 77, Alexander Ivanovna Rotaru. In front of these events, Sofia Rotaru repeatedly canceled speeches in concert chart, anniversary concerts, shooting, and other tour.

On the shooting of the "Song-97" finals, the singer performed the songs of "Your sad eyes" (Vladimir Matsky on the poems of Liliana Vorontsova), and also "there was time" (Vladimir Matsky on the poems of Mikhail Faybushevich) and "Sweater" (Vladimir Matsky on the verses of Alexander Shaganova ).

In 1998, the first official (license room) CD Sofia Rotaru was released, the album "love me", released on the Extraphone label. In April of this year, the premiere of the new solo program Rotaru "Love Me" took place in the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow. Also in 1998, Sofia Rotaru was awarded "Order of Nikolai Wonderworker" "For the multiplication of good on earth." Sofia Rotaru becomes an honorary citizen of the city of Chernivtsi. The song "Sparebly" is executed in a duet with Nikolai Rastorguev.

In 1999, the label "Star Records" released two more CD-collectors of the singer in the "Star Series". According to the results of 1999, Sofia Rotaru is recognized as the best singer of Ukraine in the "Traditional Estrada" nomination, having received the Golden Fire-Bird, as well as a special award "For the contribution to the development of domestic pop music." In the same year, the singer for special personal merits in the development of song creativity, many years of fruitful concert activities and high executive skills awarded the "Order of Holy Princess Olga III degree". "Russian Biographical Institute" recognized the singer "man of 1999".

2000-2006: Music leadership in 2000s

In 2000, in Kiev, Sofia Rotaru is recognized by the "man of the 20th century", the "best Ukrainian pop singer of the 20th century", the "golden voice of Ukraine", the laureate of the Prometheus - Prestige Prize, "Women of the Year". In the same year, Sofia Rotaru became the laureate of the "Ovation" award, "for a special contribution to the development of Russian pop." In August 2000, the official site of the singer opened.

In December 2001, Sofia Rotaru released a new solo concert program "My life is my love!" On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of its creative activity. The expression of the 70s, Lorism of the 80s, Drive 90s, and the game of halftones, on which Rotaru-director, Rotaru-singer built his program, united new songs and hits of past years, read in new ways. Many of her songs, no matter how many years ago, they were, do not fit into the format of "retro", continuing to modernize the singer in every new concert program. The premiere of the program took place on December 13-15 at the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow. My new solo program "My life is my love ..." Sofia Rotaru also presented in other cities of Russia, Ukraine and Germany. In this program, the singer first made independently as a director's director, where Boris Krasnov worked for the first time as an artist-director.

In front of solo concerts in Moscow, the film-winning "Close-plan" presented the video version of the film "Soul" of the filmed film studio "Mosfilm" in 1981 with Sofia Rotaru in the lead role. The film took the 5th place in the Office in the USSR and is considered at the moment (2009) the most successful Rotari filmmaker.

In 2002, the song "My life, my love", opened the "New Year's light" on the ort channel. On January 20, the premiere of television rules of the jubilee solo program Sofia Rotaru "My Life is my love", I also released on the video. On March 2, Sofia Rotaru first made a club concert at the Metliament Entertainment Complex, which became an event in the cultural life of Moscow. On March 6, President of Ukraine L. D. Kuchma awarded Sofia by Rotar Order "Holy Princess Olga" for "weighty labor accomplishments, high professionalism and on the occasion of the international day of the rights of women and the world." In April, the first part of the Greater All-Russian tour of the singer, who had engulfed most of the regions of Russia from the Far East to the south of Russia. The second part of the tour took place in September 2002, before touring through the cities of Germany.

In 2002, a new album "I still love you" was released. The official release of the album took place on April 23 at the Extraphone studio in Moscow. This album was the first production experience of Ruslana Evdokimenko, which was attracted to the creation of songs of talented young authors Ruslan Quintu and. Nevertheless, most of the compositions, as in the previous album "love me" in 1998, is the work of the composer Vladimir Matec. The difference of every song and the youth drive "Girls with a guitar" (considered musical critics of the weakest, and which Sofia Rotaru dedicated to the birth of his granddaughter) For the first time appeared for more than 30 years of creativity Sofia Rotaru, together with remixes, "You will not ask" (by Rimma Kazakov) and "My life, my love" (in the style of R & B). Part of the circulation was published in the gift decoration, which includes a bonus track of the new song "Let go" and an exclusive gift poster with autograph Sofia Rotaru.

On May 24, in Kiev, a solemn opening ceremony of the Ukrainian Alley of Stars took place in front of the building of the International Culture and Arts, among which the "star of Sofia Rotaru" was lit. On August 7, on the birthday of the singer, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the highest title of Hero of Ukraine " for significant personal merits to the Ukrainian state in the development of art, selfless work on the Niva conservation of national cultural traditions, the increase in the heritage of the people of Ukraine" On August 9, 2002, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the Order of Honor by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation " For a great contribution to the development of pop art and strengthening Russian-Ukrainian cultural ties».

On August 17, in Yalta, at the bottom of the city, Sofia Rotaru presented more than 6 thousand spectators at the Avangard Stadium of the show with light, laser and pyrotechnic special effects, specially brought from Kiev. Also in the summer on the label "Extraphone" (Moscow, Russia) remasterized versions of the albums "Golden Songs 85-95" and "Farmers" came out. Part of this circulation came out in a gift design with a bonus track and a singer's poster with an autograph.

October 23, after another stroke, in the Kiev clinic, the husband of Sofia Rotar Anatoly Kirillovich Evdokimenko (producer and artistic director of the Chervona Ruta group, director of most concert programs of the singer) died. Sofia Rotaru canceled all concert performances and televisions, refused to participate in the shooting of the musical "Cinderella", for the first time in 30 years he did not take part in the Festival of the Song of the Year. After severe loss, Rotaru for a while stopped active touring activities.

On December 25, the official release of the collection of Sofia Sofia Sofia Rotaru "Snow Queen", released on the Extraphone label (Moscow, Russia). Part of the thrust of the album came out with an exclusive gift - the poster of the singer.

In 2002, the official release of the video version of the film "Where are you, love?" Directed by Valeriu Hajiu, released by Moldova-Film film studio in 1980. The film's video version was published by Arena Corporation. Starring Sofia Rotaru, Grigor Grigoroi, Konstantin Konstantinov, Evgeny Menshov, Ekaterina Kazemirova, Viktor Chucek. The singer begins cooperation with Gitarist Vasily Bogatyrev.

At the end of 2002, Sofia Rotaru took the 2nd place in popularity among all domestic performers and groups in Russia (the study was conducted by the sociological service of the Gallup Institute).

On April 11, 2003, Sofia Rotaru had a composition "White Dance", Ukrainian authors of Oleg Makarevich and Vitaly Kurovsky. The new stage of her creativity began with speeches in the Concert Hall "Russia" in Moscow in honor of the bookmark of the nominal star on the Alley before the hall. The main authors working with Rotaru became composers Ruslan Quinta ("One Kalina"), Oleg Makarevich ("White Dance") and ("I loved him", "one in the world"), as well as the poet Vitaly Kurovsky. In the same year, an album-dedication "one", memory of Sofia Rotaru's husband, with new songs and arrangements in Ukrainian and Moldavian languages, as well as a collection of "List Falls" was published.

In 2004, after a four-year break, Sofia Rotaru gave two large solo concerts in Chicago and Atlantic City, where he spoke in one of the most prestigious halls - the Taj Mahal Theater Casino (in 2001, the tour was torn there due to the fact that The sound engineer did not receive a visa).

In 2004, the album "The Sky is me" and "Lavender, Farmers, then everywhere ...", in 2005 - "I loved him."

In 2004, 2005 and 2006, Sofia Rotaru became the most beloved singer in Russia on polls of one of the rating sociological agencies.

2007: 60th anniversary - present

On August 7, 2007, Sofia Rotaru noted the 60th anniversary. Hundreds of fans, as well as famous artists and politicians arrived in Yalta from different ends of the world to congratulate the singer. The President of Ukraine awarded Sofia by Rotar Order "For Merit" of II degree. The solemn reception on the occasion of the anniversary took place in the Livadia Palace.

Honoring the singers continued in September in Sochi, where on the music competition of young executors "Five Stars" one of the competitive days was devoted to her work. And in October 2007, the Jubilee Concerts S. Rotaru were held at the State Kremlin Palace, in which popular Artists of Russia (A., and others) and Ukraine took part (Evgenia Vlasov, Torok on the Maidan Congo, and others).

The last non-discredited single 2007 "I am your love" ranked first, being four weeks in the chart "Golden Gramophone" of Russian Radio. From March to May 2008, Sofia Rotaru was in the jubilee tour in Russia.

Currently, Rotaru participates in prefabricated concerts and television programs, sometimes leaving for small tour. Located in excellent physical and vocal form, has a huge authority in Ukrainian and Russian musical circles. Doctors banned Rotar to make plastic faces.

In October 2011, Sofia Rotaru conducts anniversary concerts in Moscow (Kremlin) and in St. Petersburg (Ice Palace). Concerts are confined to the 40th anniversary of creative activities. Especially for these dates, Rotaru is preparing a special program with premieres and new remakes. Due to the poor quality organization, high prices for tickets, insufficient advertising concerts pass in incomplete halls. And if in the Kremlin for 2 days the halls were filled with 80%, then in the Ice Palace of Peter, Rotaro was able to collect only a few more than half of the hall. The concert organizers suffered great losses, including the dealers who returned tickets to the first rows of the parquet with almost the task. The singer itself, climbing with the organizers, the scenes stated that she would never give solo concerts in the capitals. Over the past 20 years, these were the first tour of the singer in the capitals with such a low occupancy.

After counting all the songs of Rotar, performed in the final of the Song of the Year Festival, it turned out that Rotaru owns an absolute record among all the participants in history - 83 songs performed on 38 festivals (1973-2011, except 2002).

A family


FEDER - Rotary Mikhail Fedorovich (22.11.18 - 12.03.04)
Mom - Rotary Alexander Ivanovna (17.04.20-16.09.97)


Rotary Anatoly Mikhailovich (08.08.55)
Rotary Evgeny Mikhailovich (03.02.57)


Rotary Zinaida Mihaylovna (11.10.42g)
Rotar (Hlyabich) Lidia Mikhailovna (04/08.51)
Rotar (Pigach) Aurika Mikhailovna (22.10.58g) Ukrainian pop singer

Evdokimenko Anatoly Kirillovich (01/20/1942-23.10.2002) People's Artist of Ukraine, musician, Hood head of the team "Chervona Ruta" ..


Evdokimeno Ruslan Anatolyevich (24.08.70)

Video Sofia Rotaru

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News Sofia Rotaru

Sofia Mikhailovna Evdokimenko-Rotaru decided to celebrate the day of his 67th anniversary this time in Spain. On August 7, this year she spent only in a close circle of the most approximate people. Aurelia Mikhailovna Rotaru, native 55-year-old se ...

Sergey Lavrov, director of Sofia Rotaru, shared with the public with the information that Sofia Rotaru never had Russian citizenship. She is often blackmail due to the fact that she allegedly refused Russian citizenship ....

Photos of Sofia Rotaru

Popular news

2017-10-07 21:58:17

Pavel (Sochi)

Rotaru + phonogram \u003d creativity for many years! And you need to pay for such concerts by candy candy!

2016-03-03 16:46:27

Asterisk (Kiev)

My opinion about the star is the best. It is the best, the brightest and beautiful. This man is very great. Her heart is a great clean, kind and energy - colossal))) And the fact that it is written below ... Then do not ask where the bad ride and black stripes come from, it will return to the boomerang several times stronger, life will punish. Do not be poisonous))

2015-11-24 17:49:52

Asterisk (Kiev)

People, how are you not ashamed to insult people? Do not like you, do not listen and go past. Who are you to judge her that you yourself have done a good life and achieved so that there is nasty to talk and judge a person. I have unloved people, but I do not go to them and do not write nasty, and you ... it is low. Be kindness and treat others with respect. To whom she likes, those love it. Do you think you all like or your taste musical need to understand and take? You do not decide where and what) you are on the fig that other wound the souls, because others love. Be kinder, be people and do not be rotten soul) she should not like everyone, she did nothing wrong with anyone, so that it was spoken about her. And how can you judge and know what she is per person? We are all not perfect and not everyone likes our work, but this does not mean that someone has a bad taste, they are just different. You need to understand and respect other opinions, and people)) and you are not entitled to judge. Introduction to cover is low.

2015-11-24 17:43:57

VVV (Moscow)

Grandma Sonya on "Honorary" 117th place! I am glad! It has long been time to sit at home, will soon be a great-grandmother, and all songs about love sings! I would not like such love from the old woman! Already leaving worthy!

2015-10-27 19:23:49

Dmitry (Stalingrad)

And on TV she led the transmission. Nobody remembers how the transmission was called?

2015-09-28 16:21:32

Nyuta (Saransk)

I did not love her since childhood. The eyes all their life were evil. She is angry nationalist. Right brother husband wrote in the newspaper that, thanks to her anger, her husband died. She is wondering who is.

2015-07-23 15:48:46

Igor (Moscow)

The old Sonya was performed in the "95 quarter" and did not want to answer questions about Ukraine. Heathwood, Heathwood, Baba Sonya!

2015-03-12 15:13:19

Stanislav (Moscow)

Take the eraser and erase it from the TV screen! And itself, it seems, it will not leave the stage, there will be a pane of up to 100 years!

2015-02-18 11:42:26

Gulchachak (Almaty)

Sofia, sing until 100 years! I adore you and appreciate how the singer! You are irresistible!

2015-02-17 17:46:27

Marina and Irina (Moscow)

In old age, no longer need to sing such songs - "Two Suns", etc. Well, already age is not that! Well, the grandmother Sonya must already understand that the songs must correspond to age. After all, she is almost 70 years old! In 80-90 years, what will she sing? In general, a pension is not prescribed. Retired - Sit at home!

2015-02-17 13:19:34

Vasnetsov (Moscow)

With the USSR sang political songs. Received titles! The times have changed and now it is already filming with the flag of Ukraine, etc. Here the Pugacheva never had political songs in creativity and it was honest than Rotaru - to sing that where the wind blows! Honesty in everything should be!

2015-02-07 13:08:25

Vasnetsov (Moscow)

Oh, well, the granny was put on TV !!! Babular tired to nausea! At least sang, otherwise all the same as the record !!!

2015-02-06 19:06:22

Smirnov (Moscow)

That's who is tired, so tired of this Rotaru. Well, how much else can you blow under the phonogram? How much can you sing songs about love when the granny is already 70? Well, all your time! It was young and beautiful, but the years take their own! It is necessary to explain to the singer that the plaster is like a smearing, but all the movements on stage are already senile! All shelters and exclamations "Where are your hands?" Tired! Same. No promotion for this singer! Well, everyone, say goodbye to the scene and sit at home, grandma Sonya!

2015-01-14 18:39:41

Matvey (Moscow)

Songs have become like crows on a branch - all the same, all on one melody. Well, the young singers song are exactly the same, but those at least with young bodies attract! And then neither the voice is already nor repertoire, but about age already silent! Stop singing already. Well, let's take another 10 years with a farewell tour. Ride how Allegrova !!!

2014-12-27 19:13:09

Olga (Omsk)

Dear Sofia Mikhailovna! You would have new authors with your voice, as before Matetsky, Shabra. I love you, now I enjoy a voice, not a song. Songs are not very, but it is with new authors that you will sing your main song. I want to hear the songs "repentance", "remember me always", "Ryabina", "Days fly", "Fortune", "Our Life" and a good new song about Yalta. Successes to you and health!

2014-12-22 18:07:25

AAA (Moscow)

Dear Rotaru! Give the way young! Well, already enough to sing under your plates! Well, everyone has long seen what you sing under Paneru! Go away with dignity as Pugacheva left! Well, do not arrange a pensioner theater from the scene! You are already almost 70 years old !!! Well, how much else to sing!

2014-12-08 19:44:34

Cyril (Sochi)

The last of her concert was horror !!! More for her concerts will not go, although she loved her! Plywood and all! Well, how not to be ashamed to deceive people, and even in such an old age?! Can not sing, let him sit at home! It is a pity that I rolled to such a deception!

2014-12-05 17:59:42

Svetlana (Penza)

Unique !!! Through my life past. Slender, cute, best as singer and just like a woman !!!

2014-11-22 21:22:26

Starkova A. (Ekaterinburg)

Smiles, and the eyes are always evil and always plywood. Sandy Rotaru!

2014-11-09 07:50:14

Maria (Moscow)

If this madam is so bad in Russia, so no one holds her! Let it go anywhere, can even go to America (just who needs it?)! Let's goodbye!!!

2014-09-15 20:13:01

Daniel (Moscow)

Galcins! Having you! And I do not know what you came on! And I comment and I have the right to my opinion! And not like you, you hang noodles on your ears (phonogram), and you are yelling "Bravo!". And once again proved - all the fans of Rotaru Rustic Hamlo, who cannot even write, but only stupidly hamat.

2014-08-13 15:45:57

Galkyonok (Mozdok)

What is the gavkay on a person, like a dog, which came on the tail?

2014-08-13 03:39:58

Daniel (Moscow)

She had such evil eyes! And I would like to hear at least one song, the spat live ... And then all plywood.

2014-07-28 11:44:48

Ildar (Chelyabinsk)

Hello, singer Sofia Rotaru. You us, all Russians like. We are very proud of you. And we respect you and love you. Very nice my Sophia Rotaru. Thanks for your songs and concerts. I watch your concerts on the Internet. Very good songs. We love you, Sofia Rotaru, very. Thank you for the songs.

2014-06-25 21:48:48

Natalia (Perm)

You know little, and so loudly judge. She is the perfect person and outwardly, and in the shower. Such as she, units. Build your life, achieve the heights that she achieved. From simple rural people got out. Read the biography, it is more useful than balls in a chum (although the places of Pugacheva and Rotar do not occupy anyone). And she will live forever (I adore it from 9 years old, now I am 17). While alive, I will be alive, that's for sure. And such as me, millions!

2014-06-16 19:26:52

Galchok (Mozdok)

Cute Sofia Mikhailovna, I love you since childhood

To get rid of the ex-wife, Vasily Bogatyrev had to give her a few apartments

An unexpected surge of interest in the privacy of the 70-year-old People's Artist of the USSR Sofia Rotaru recently opened the singing hairdresser Sergey Zverev. "Rotaru? Is it free? She is married, "he stated in an interview with the" Lighting "edition. The son of the singer Ruslan Evdokimenko hurried to speak with refutation. "This causes only laughter," Ren TV channel brought him. - She has a heart busy her husband, though late. Forever, believe me. " But did the Sofia Mikhailovna sibling? Did she always be so faithful to the deceased in 2002 Anatoly Evdokimenko?

It is not a secret for a long time that even in the life of her husband, Rotaru was associated with a very close relationship with the patron Alimzhan Takhtakhunovknown in criminal circles as Alik Tyvenchik. According to eyewitnesses, the singer not only took dear gifts from him, but also in the absence of Evdokimenko invited to her hotel rooms.

Then the morning did not differ from others, - testified in his book "One day tomorrow" the deceased today's concert director Oleg NepomnyazhamAt the beginning of the 70s, he who was rotary on tour. - I was habitually knocked on the door of a three-bedroom "Lux", which was served by Sonya and Anatoly, but, despite the usual, no one responded to my knock. I automatically pushed the door, she swung open, I entered and stopped, unable to move away. She was stunningly beautiful in his height. I made an incredible effort to get out of the stupor and bless it. She sawingly asked not to look at her and ran into the bedroom to dress.

Alimzhan Tachtakhunov is close to Sofia ...

I asked where Anatoly, she answered something, and immediately he had a knock at the door. I went to open. In front of me stood a low young man with an oriental incision of the eyes and a narrow, fastened by a pointed face. In her hands, he kept an accident from which conviliures, bottles and fruits sticking out. "My name is Tyatanychik," Vizier introduced himself. "Let go," Sonya responded. He walked into the room and began to delve the contents of the tracks on the table. The abundance of products would be quite useful for light lunch for two. According to some phrases, I realized that the Tatanchik was directly related to the criminal medium. I was terribly curious to know how and when he met Sonya, but I had enough mind not to ask stupid questions. I was waiting for things, and I was forced to spare.

... since the 70s. Photos from a personal archive

Rescued from arrest

For us on shooting, it often came to the famous Alik Tivanchik, - recalled former husband Alla Pugacheva - film director Alexander StefanovichWith whom Rotaru in the early 80s was filmed in the film "Soul". - He was accused of a breakdown of the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. They say, bribed the judges for victory Marina Anisina. He even sat under the investigation in prison in Venice.

We met when I was still married to Alla. Once he brought her flowers and gifts as a sign of respect for her talent. Seeing it on the set "Soul", I at first could not remember where we met before. "Who is this person?" I asked Sony. "This is my friend Alik," she explained. It turned out that they are familiar for many years. Once we sat in the hotel "South" on the balcony of my "Lux" and suddenly saw that black "funnels" approach the entrance, and militiamen with guns come out of them. "This is followed me," Alik said quietly.

It turned out, he was declared all-union wanted list. It seems to be pursued for the card game. We all did not even sympathize with the authorities. And they took to save Alik from the arrest. Hid him in the room where our operator with his wife lived, and did not allow police officers there. Alik constantly brought on our shooting a basket of delicacies and bouquets for Sony. And when in Moscow it became cold, he gave her a fur coat. Sony has since remained with Alik a very warm relationship. She even sang on his 60th anniversary in Moscow.

The only son of the singer Ruslan and his wife Svetlana categorically against that the man got a man. Photo:

And after deathAnatoly Evdokimenko Sofia Mikhailovna stubbornly attributed a novel with a young musician Vasily, Or, as he called himself, Vassie Bogatyrevwho accompanied her on the guitar during television filming.

Moreover, himself was not publicly admitted in gentle feelings to Rotar. And even in one interview with 2012, it was mentioned about the intention to play with her wedding in Las Vegas. I didn't he mean Sergey Zverev, talking about the existence of a secret husband's singer?

Invite to the work of Bogatyreva, Rotaru advised I and her daunt of Svetlana, - the former concert director of the People's Artist told Olga Konyakhina. - Once Sofia Mikhailovna sent to him to record a song for the next teleproject. We observed with Svetlana, like Vasily steering a record. And we had the idea that he would have looked beautifully with a guitar next to Rotaru and one could not carry the musicians from Kiev every time on shooting Moscow and not pay them insane money. Sofia Mikhailovna approved this thought. And Bogatyrev immediately took advantage of the situation to attract attention.

Crystal Rosa

Despite the presence of a wife and child, Vasily began to carely care for Rotaru, "Konyakhina continues. - gave her a crystal rose, then some more crazy gifts. And in every way played the press, thirsting to see their lovers. Sofia Mikhailovna smiles supported favorably and did not stop his games. Apparently, she was nice that everyone spoke about her relationship with a young interesting guy. But nothing serious between them could not be. Her son Ruslan would not close to her mother to her mother so that her money would not give God! - did not go to the side. He did not even allow her to meet her old love - a former musician from the "Chervon Ruta" group, which was announced after the death of his father. "Sonya, he is old and terrible," Ruslan said. - Why do you need him?". "I would just like to see him and talk to him," she tried to arouse. But the son did not listen to her.

Bogatrev with the young wife of Isless Allen. Photo: