The brightest pictures of the artists of the world. Painting masterpieces (33 masterpieces of world painting - selection)

The brightest pictures of the artists of the world. Painting masterpieces (33 masterpieces of world painting - selection)
The brightest pictures of the artists of the world. Painting masterpieces (33 masterpieces of world painting - selection)


Today we will talk about the most famous paintings of the worldwho are immortal masterpieces of world art. The cost of the picture does not always displays its true value, therefore the most expensive canvas of the world, which was discussed last time, are not always worldworm and famous. Those works we will tell about today are invaluable painting samples and are stored in the most famous and revered museums of the whole world.


This is the only sold famous picture From this list, the winner of which was billionaire Leon Black, posing for it at $ 119.9 million. The picture is written by the Norwegian artist expressionist Edward Munk. It took about 27 years old on her, the period from 1983 to 1910 and later the artist even created a lithograph, following the plot of the paintings. The person shown on the canvas is distinguished by an unusual appearance: a big head, a frightened look, open mouth and hands attached to the face symbolize despair.

The Persistence of Memory

Pretty young creation of small size - 24x33 cm. Image famous painting It originated in the imagination of the genius Salvador Dali, when he watched a piece of melted cheese. The picture was written in 1931, and since 1934 it is the property of the New York Museum of Art.

Sistine Madonna

The work of Raphael, created by order of Pope Julia II. The main character of the painting is Madonna, who holds in the hands of a baby. On both sides, Dad Sikst II and Barbara are located on both sides, and there is a couple of angels with a thoughtful look. A cloth of 256x196 cm decorates the altar of the Church in the Monastery of St. Sict. It is included in the top 5 most famous paintings of the world.

Cossacks write a letter to Turkish Sultan

This monumental canvas size is 2.03? 3,58m Great Russian artist Ilya Repin wrote whole eleven years. The picture is captured by the moment of writing with Cossacks, led by Koshest Ataman Ivan Serko, a response letter to Turkish Sultan Mehmonda IV. There are several options for this painting written by Repin. One of them is represented in St. Petersburg, and the second is located in Kharkov.

Adam's creation

The cloth "Creation of Adam" is a masterpiece of the Italian artist Michelangelo, written in 1511. This picture is very deep and symbolic, the artist expressed her view to the appearance of life on Earth. On the composition, which is part of the Sicastin Capella, is shown by God surrounded by the woundless angels, he concerns the hand of Adam and inhales his life into his body, after which Adam comes to life and stretches his hand towards God. Opens Troika most famous paintings of the world.

Mystery evening

Duke of Lovovico Sforza ordered this picture from Leonardo da Vinci. The picture tells us about the last dinner of Jesus Christ. In the center of the web depicted Jesus, sitting at the table, and around him there are apostles and Maria Magdalena, or is it possible to this apostle John? Leonardo da Vinci wrote this picture in the interval between 1495 and 1498, but the exact date of writing the masterpiece is still not installed.

Mona Lisa (Jocona)

Authorship of this the most famous painting of the world Beloved Leonardo da Vinci brushes. Many painting connoisseurs consider this work of the top of his work. Probably, every person at least heard something about Monet Lisa or saw this mysterious image, a mysterious smile. The full name of the picture is "Portrait of Mrs. Liza Del Joconda." It depicts Lisa Gerardini, the wife of a silk merchant. Now every connoisseur of painting can see this masterpiece of world art in the Paris Louvre.

The names and creativity of these artists will be known for centuries.

10 Leonardo da Vinci (1492 - 1619)

Leonardo Di Sum-Piero Da Vinci entered the story as an outstanding architect, inventor, researcher, philosopher, mathematician, writer, musician, and, of course, the artist. His masterpieces "Mona Lisa" and "Last Supper" are known worldwide. It is also noted by his merits in other sciences - in geology, astronomy and anatomy.

9 Rafael Santi (1483 - 1520)

Italian Rafael Santi, a representative of the Renaissance era (end of the XV - the beginning of the XVI centuries), was one of the greatest painters and architects. One of his famous works - "Athens School" is now in the Vatican, in the Apostolic Palace. Rafael's name stands next to the names of the great artists of the era, such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.

8 Diego Velasquez (1599 - 1660)

Diego de Silva-I-Velasquez is known for his portraits. The Spanish painter became popular thanks to a large number of works depicting royal family, historical events and famous European personalities, which deserved to be considered one of the symbols of the golden eyelid painting. Velasquez worked on his paintings at the courtyard of King Philip Fourth, drawing his most famous picture of "Menin", depicting his family.

7 Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973)

The compatriot of Diego Velakes Picasso made an invaluable contribution to the visual arts of the twentieth century. He laid the beginning of a completely new direction in painting - cubism. His painting and sculpture gave him the title of the best and "most expensive" artist in the last century. The amount of his work is not read - it is measured in tens of thousands.

6 Vincent Van Gogh (1853 - 1890)

The sixth place in the ranking was taken by the well-known painter Vincent Villem Van Gogh from the Netherlands. Unfortunately, his fame, as one of the most outstanding post permissions, he acquired after his death. Its works are distinguished by a unique, recognizable style. Painting Van Gogh: landscapes, portraits and self-portraits - are valued incredibly high. For his life, Vincent Van Gognappisal more than 2100 works, among them especially allocate its series of works "Sunflowers".

5 Michelangelo (1475 - 1564)

The Italian Michelangelo Buonaroti brilliantly became famous for his works in sculpture, painting, architecture. He is also a famous philosopher and a poet, which has enormous influence on the entire culture of mankind. The creations of Michelangelo - the sculpture of Petiet and David are among the most famous in the world. But great fame acquired, undoubtedly, its frescoes located on the ceiling of the Sicastine Chapel. Michelangelo also developed the design for the domes of the Basilica of St. Peter, leaving his imprint in architecture.

4 Mazaccho (1401 - 1428)

The outstanding riddle of Mazacho, whose biography of which we know very little, made an invaluable contribution to the visual arts, inspiring many artists. The life of this artist was broken very quickly, but even over this time, Mazaccho left a great cultural heritage. His fresco "Trinity" in Italy, in the Church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence is one of the preserved four, which became world famous. It is believed that the rest of his work Mazacho could not be preserved and were destroyed.

3 Peter Paul Rubens (1577 - 1640)

The "bronze" of our rating rightly receives Peter Paul Rubens - an artist from the Southern Netherlands, who worked in the Baroque era, famous for its special style. Rubens brilliantly passed on the canvas, his paintings fascinated with their liveliness. Each, considering his paintings, could find something in scenery, portraits. Rubens also wrote historical paintings telling about myths or religious plots. Thoroughly written for four years Triptych "Removing from the Cross" won the attention of the whole world. The special style of Painting Rubens glorified it all over the world.

2 Caravaggio (1571 -1610)

The second place of the rating was received by another Italian artist who worked by the Epoch of the Early Baroque Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, founding European realism. He loved to depict on the canvas of ordinary people from the streets, carefully concentrating on important trifles: the game of light and shadows, colors and contrast. He portrayed them in religious, holy images. As Karavago himself mentioned, he was proud of his work "Butterist", written at the very end of the XVI century. His paintings "Appeal Sawla", "Evangelist Matthew", "Vakh" and others are also mentioned.

1 Rembrandt (1606-1669)

The honorable first place is occupied by the world-famous Netherlands artist Rembrandt Harmers Wang Rain. The artist loved experimenting with lightness in his works. Its works are about three thousand different paintings, drawings and etchings. At the moment, the most famous work of Rembrandt is being kept in the State Museum of the city of Amsterdam - the picture "Night Watch", completed in the middle of the seventeenth century and having a giant sizes - four meters.

Art is almost as old as humanity itself, and in all centuries of our existence, countless unique works were created.

Probably it would be too boldly to draw up a list of the most prominent masterpieces, because the criteria for evaluating creativity are too subjective. That is why in our ranking, paintings and sculptures are collected, which are certainly the most recognizable in the world, which does not mean that they are something better than other ingenious works.
What creatures are the most famous? Learn right now! Perhaps you are not familiar with everyone, and time to test your erudition and horizons.

25. Batters, author Paul Cézanne (Paul Cézanne)

This picture is considered a real masterpiece of contemporary art. "Buckles" - one of the most famous works of the Cezanne field. For the first time, the work was submitted to the general public at the exhibition in 1906. Oil painting Cezanne paved the path for the artists of the future, allowing them to move away from traditional templates, and raised the bridge between postpressionism and the art of the XX century.

24. Discobol, author Miron (Miron)

"Discobol" - the legendary Greek statue performed by the famous Greek sculptor Miron from Elevfer (Eleutherae) in the period from about 460 to 450 BC. e. The work of a lot was admired by the Romans, and they even made several copies of this sculpture before her original disappeared. Subsequently, the "discobol" became a symbol of the Olympic Games.

23. Apollo and Daphne, author of Bernini (Bernini)

"Apollo and Daphne" is a natural magnitude sculpture created by the Italian artist Giana Lorenzo Bernini (Gian Lorenzo Bernini) approximately in 1622-1625. The masterpiece depicts a semi-naked woman trying to escape from his pursuer. Sculpture clearly demonstrates the high mastery of his Creator, recreated the culmination of the famous Ovid history (OVID) about Daphne and Feba (Daphna, PhoeBus).

22. Night Watch by Rembrandt

The masterpiece of the world-recognized Danish artist Rembrandt, "Night Watch" is one of the most famous paintings by the XVII century. The work was completed in 1642, and on the order on it was captured by the group portrait of the rifle company Captain France Banning Coca and Lieutenant Villem Van Rytenburga (Frans Banning Cocq, Willem Van Ruytenburgh). Today the picture decorates the exhibition of the Rijksmuseum Museum in Amsterdam.

21. Beating innocent, author Rubens

"The beating of innocent" is a picture telling about the terrible order of the Jewish Tsar Herod, on the command of which all infants of Bethlehem and its surroundings were killed by age up to 2 years old. Tyrant believed in the prediction that the day comes when the king of Israel will deal with him from the throne, and hoped that his future competitor would be among the dead children. The representative of Flemish Baroque, Rubens wrote two versions of the famous biblical history with a difference of 25 years. The first version of the picture is now in front of you, and it was written in the period from 1611 to 1612.

20. Campbell - Low Soup with beef, author Warhol (Warhol)

Warhol written by the American artist in 1962, the picture "Campbell - onion soup with beef" is one of the most famous examples of contemporary art. In his work, Warhol masterfully demonstrated the monograph of the advertising industry, reproducing many copies of the same product on his gigantic canvas. Warhol also told that he ate these soups every day for 20 years. Perhaps therefore the bank of the onion soup and became the object of his famous work.

19. Starry night, author Van Gogh

Oil painting "Starry Night" belongs to the brush of the Danish postmiprecionist Vincent Van Gogh, which completed this legendary work in 1889. The artist inspired on writing a picture, looking at the night sky through the window of his room in the hospital Saint-Paul, Saint-Remy city, South France (Saint-Paul Asylum, Saint-Remy). It was there that the famous Creator at one time was looking for a rest from the emotional suffering pursuing him until the end of the days.

18. Shawn Cave Figures

Pictures found in the south of France in the seam cave (Chauvet) are one of the most famous and better than all preserved prehistoric masterpieces of world art. The age of these works is approximately 30,000 - 33,000 years. On the walls of the cave masters, hundreds of prehistoric animals are depicted, including bears, mammoths, cave lions, Panther and Gien.

17. Kiss, author Rodin (Rodin)

"Kiss" is a marble statue created by the famous French sculptor with an Auguste Rodin in 1889. At the plot of the masterpiece, the author was inspired by the sad story of Paolo and Frances, the characters from the legendary work of Dante Aligiery "Divine Comedy" (Paolo, Francesca, Dante Alighieri). Beloved were killed by her husband Ferni, suddenly made young people when they were fascinated by each other the guy and the girl exchanged their first kisses.

16. Pissing boy, authorship is unknown

Mannecken Piss or Pissing Boy is a small bronze sculpture that has become a real attraction of the fountain in the center of Brussels. The initial authorship of the work is unknown, but in 1619 it was finalized by the Belgian sculptor Jerome Duquenoy (Jerome Duquesnoy). The business card of the city, Mannequen-Pure was allegedly established in memory of the events of the Grimbergen War, during which a pissing baby for one version was pushed into a soldier, and on the other, she extended enemy ammunition, threatening the destruction of a whole city. For holidays, the sculpture is dressed in thematic suits.

15. Constancy of memory, author Salvador Dali

Written in 1931 by the famous Spanish artist Salvador Dali, the picture "Constancy of Memory" is one of the most recognizable masterpieces of surrealistic art in the history of painting. At work depicts a gloomy sandy shore, covered with melting hours. On such an unusual plot was given inspired the theory of relativity of Albert Einstein.

14. Pieta or mourning Christ, the author of Michelangelo

"Pieta" - the famous sculpture of the Renaissance era, created by the Florentine Creator Michelangelo in the period from 1498 to 1500. The work describes the biblical scene - Maria holds the body from the Cross of Jesus on his hands. Now the sculpture is in the Cathedral of St. Peter in the Vatican. "Pieta" is the only job of Michelangelo, which he signed.

13. Water lilies, author Claude Monet (Claude Monet)

"Water lilies" is a whole series of about 250 paintings, written by oil, and the authorship of which belongs to the world-famous French impressionist Claude Monet. The collection of these works is recognized as one of the most outstanding achievements of the art of the early XX century. If you arrange all the pictures together, it creates the illusion of an endless landscape filled with water lilies, trees and water-reflected clouds.

12. Creek, author Edward Munch (Edvard Munch)

"Creek" is a cult masterpiece of the Norwegian expressionist Edward Minka. He wrote 4 different versions of this plot from 1893 to 1910. The famous artist's work was inspired by the real experiences of the author connected with the walk in nature, during which the Mukka left his companions (they are also depicted in the picture in the background).

11. MOAI, authorship is unknown

MOAI statues are massive stone monoliths found on Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean, West Polynesia. The sculptures are also known as the head of Easter Island, but in fact, everyone has bodies hidden underground. Statues of the MOAI are dating about 1400 - 1650 years and supposedly disassembled from the stone by the Aboriginal, who have ever been on the island of Rapa Nui (Rapa Nui, the local name of Easter Island). In total, about 1000 such giganic antiquity masterpieces were found in the area. The mystery of their movement on the island is still unemployed, and the most severe figure weighs about 82 tons.

10. Thinker, author Roden

"Thinker" is the most famous work of the French sculptor Auguste Rodin. The author finished his masterpiece in 1880 and originally called the poet's sculpture. The statue was part of the composition called the "Gate of hell" and personified Dante Aligiery himself, the author of the famous "Divine Comedy". According to the initial idea of \u200b\u200bRolan Aligiery leans over the circles of hell, reflecting on his work. Subsequently, the sculptor rethought the character and made a universal image of the creator from it.

9. Gernik, author Pablo Picasso

Oil painting with a size of a whole fresco, "Gernika" is one of the most famous works of the famous Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. The black and white picture is the Picasso Reaction on the Nazi bombardment of the Basque town of Gernik during the Civil War in Spain. The masterpiece demonstrates all the tragic, the horrors of war and the suffering of all innocent citizens in the face of just a few characters.

8. Last Supper, author Leonardo da Vinci

You can admire this picture today during a visit to the Dominican Monastery of Santa Maria Delle Grazie in Milan. Legendary painting Leonardo da Vinci, "Last Supper" - one of the most famous masterpieces in the world. The artist worked on this fresco from 1494 to 1498, and depicted on it a well-known biblical scene of the last dinner of Jesus Christ, surrounded by his disciples, which is narrated in detail in the Gospel of John.

7. Statue of Liberty, Authors Eiffel, Bartholdi (Eiffel, Bartholdi)

The cult sculpture is located on the island of freedom in New York, and once she was a gift in friendship between the people of France and the United States. Today, the statue of freedom is considered an international symbol of freedom and democracy. The author of the composition was French sculptor Bartholdi, and designed and built her architect Gustav Eiffel. The gift was presented on October 28, 1886.

6. Hermes with the infant Dionysis or Hermes Olympic, the author Praxitel (Praxiteles)

"Hermes with a baby Dionysis" is an ancient Greek sculpture, found during the 1877 excavations in the midst of the ruins of the temple of the goddess Gera in Greece. Hermes' right hand is lost, but the archaeologists believe that in the plot, the God of commerce and athletes kept in it a grape vine, showing her baby to Dionysus, God of wine, orgies and religious ecstasy.

5. Creation of Adam, the author of Michelangelo

"Creation of Adam" is one of the most famous Fresco Michelangelo. It was created in the period from 1508 to 1512 and is considered the most popular composition of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, the cult Catholic center located in the Vatican. The painting illustrates the moment of the biblical creation of the first person in the history described in the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament.

4. Venus Milos, or Aphrodite from Milos Island

Venus Miloskaya was born about 130 and 100 years before our era and is one of the most famous ancient Greek sculptures. The marble statue was discovered in 1820 on the island of Milos (Milo), which is part of the Cyclades Archipelago archipelago in the Aegean Sea. The personality of the heroine is still definitely not established, but the researchers suggest that the author of the masterpiece carved from the stone from Aphrodit, the Greek goddess of love and beauty, which was often portrayed precisely semi-native. Although there is a version that the statue is blinded in the image of the marine goddess Amphitrite (AMPHITRITE), which was particularly read on the island, where the artifact was found.

3. Birth of Venus, author Sandro Botticelli (Sandro Botticelli)

"Birth of Venus" - the work of the Italian artist Sandro Botticelli, written in the interval between 1482 and 1485, and it is considered one of the most famous and valuable masterpieces of art in the world. The picture illustrates the scene from the famous Metamorphosis Ovid's poem, in which the goddess Venus first goes ashore from the marine foam. The work is at the exhibition in the Uffizi Gallery (Uffizi) in Florence.

2. David, the author of Michelangelo

The legendary sculpture of the Renaissance was created in the interval between 1501 and 1504 by the ingenious Creator of Michelangelo. To date, David is considered the most famous statue in the world. This delightful masterpiece is a biblical hero David captured in stone. The artists and sculptors of the past traditionally depicted David during the battle, the winner of the Terrible Goliath, a militant husband and hero, but Michelangelo chose the image of the charming young man who had not yet known the art of war and murder for his work.

1. Mona Lisa, author Leonardo da Vinci

Perhaps some of the work from this list were unknown to you, but by "Mona Lisa" Leonardo da Vinci know exactly everything. This is the most famous, the most discussed, the most memorable and most visited picture in the world. The brilliant master wrote it in 1503-1506, and posed for Canvas Lisa Gerardini, the wife of Silk Francesco, Francesco Del Giocondo, Francesco Del Giocondo. The mona Lisa famous for his mysterious facial expression is the pride of the Louvre, the oldest and richest museum of France and the world.

Every year hundreds of paintings leave the hammer in private collections. Collectors spend millions of dollars to replenish their private collections. Not always the most famous paintings are the most expensive pictures. The most famous paintings of the world belong to the world famous museums, and in the literal sense of the word, they are priceless. Let's look at different museums of the world, and look at these famous works.

"Birth of Venus"

This picture was written by the Great Florentine artist Sandro Botticelli in 1485-1487. It depicts the goddess Venus (in Greek mythology - Aphrodite), published from the sea foam. Today, this picture is presented in the Uffiz Museum in Florence.

"Water lilies"

43 years of his life Monet lived in the lively (a small place in 80 km, from Paris), he rented a house from the Norman landlord, and the neighboring plot of land on which the pond was located - bought. Subsequently, on this site, the artist broke two gardens, one of which was on the water. The motifs of the water garden occupy a weighty place in the work of the artist. Works from this series scattered over museums around the world, however, a decent work team is presented in the Metropolitan Museum in New York. One of the most famous paintings in the world.

"The night Watch"

Completed in 1642, at the peak of the Dutch Golden Age, the picture "Night Watch" is one of the most famous paintings by the Dutch artist Rembrandt Wang Raina. The picture shows the performance of rifle company Captain France Bannang Coca and Lieutenant Villem Van Ryuitenburg. The picture is presented in the State Museum in Amsterdam.


This picture from a series of works of the Norwegian artist is an expressionist Edward Minka. The picture shows the suffering figure, against the background of a bloody-red sky. Edward Munk created several variations "Cry". The presented picture was written in 1893 and was located in the National Gallery of Norway. However, in 1994, the work was abducted, but after a few months found and returned to the museum.

"Girl with pearl earring"

Sometimes this picture is called "Dutch Mono Liza". "Girl with pearl earrings" was written in about 1665 by the Dutch artist Jan Vermeer.

"Starlight Night"

"Star Night" was written by a Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh. Despite the fact that in life the artist sold only one of his work, the field of his creative activity is very rich. "Starry Night" is one of his most famous works. It depicts the village of Saint-Remy. Since 1941, the picture is located in the Museum of Contemporary Art in New York.

"Mona Lisa"

The most famous picture of the world is still considered "Mona Lisa", which was written by Leonardo da Vinci in the Renaissance Epoch of Florence. He began writing this masterpiece B1503 (1504) and finished it shortly before his death in 1519. In 1911, Mon Lisa was kidnapped by an employee of Louvrey Vincenzo Perugia, an Italian patriot, who believed that "Mona Lisa" should be returned to Italy. After 2 years of storage, the picture at home, Perugio was caught, while trying to sell the picture to the director of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. Today "Mona Lisa" hangs again in the Louvre in Paris, where 6 million people see the picture every year.