Is a man of bugs? Could it be superfluous man? The composition of "obcomments and" extra person "on the novel of Goncharov.

Is a man of bugs? Could it be superfluous man? The composition of "obcomments and" extra person "on the novel of Goncharov.

Maslov Kirill, 10g1

Is a man of bugs? Can be superfluous good man?

In Russian literature halves XIX. century you can find a lot interesting heroes. But, it seems to me, the most colorful and ambiguous is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - the protagonist the novel of the same name I. A. Goncharov.

"How many people are so many opinions" - says folk wisdom. Everyone can evaluate Ilya Ilyich in accordance with his feeling. I consider Oblomov a good person. This opinion was based on the assessment of the relationship between the main character with other characteristics of the novel.

Oblomov can not be submitted outside the sofa. The essence of Ilya Ilyich is brightly manifested at home, where he lives with the old servant. The main character Well, in a friendly thing refers to Zahar, who knows from the youngsters. Sometimes it suits the "pathetic scenes", but it does not go further. Even noticing the theft of the old man, does not sharpen much attention on this. Lazy obfomov He knows that one cannot exist alone, and therefore loves Zakhar for his patience.

FROM early childhood Another of the main character is Andrei Ivanovich Stolz. What could be an interesting energetic and independent gallery in the broom? Andrei Ivanovich appreciates Ilya Ilyich for his mind, simplicity, tenderness and sincerity and "pulls out" the hero from a different kind of "fading". For this, bugs love and immensely respects the gallery. In addition, Andrei Ivanovich introduces Ilya Ilyich with Olga Ilinskaya.

Oblomov does not pursue low targets in relationships with a young young lady. Everything in his soul occurs simply and naturally. If the thoughts and phrases of Oblomov, said Olga, would belong to someone else, they could be considered vulgarity and pretense. But we understand the sincerity of Ilya Ilyich: "Olga realized that his word had a breaking ... and that it was truth." Ilyinskaya herself, first only wanted with the help of the hero to rise in his own and other people's eyes, falls in love with such a meek, decent, somewhat naive man. He is really different. Ilya Ilyich thinks about other people's people, even if it is unprofitable. What is only one letter of the hero to Olga: "You can't love me." In order to, God forbid, do not disappoint an inexperienced girl in her feelings, he is even ready to give up his love: "Before you not the one you've been waiting for, about whom you dreamed ..." Oblomov primarily thinks about strangers, it is afraid that it is disappointed.

This is the defining line of relations of Ilya Ilyich with other "Oblomov" characters. His house is very rarely empty. All nice to society of the hero. Oblomov does not refuse anything: who needs a council, gives advice; Who needs to eat, will invite to dinner. Tarantyev always takes from Ilya Ilyich everything he needs: Frak ... His simplicity gives some reason to fraud, but it seems the Lord himself on the side of the hero. From each grip, the breakfasts comes out safely. Forced to sign a "borrowed letter" - Saved Stolz, seeded a fraudster into the estate - saved galley, did not have a relationship with Olga, Stolz did not help - found Agafia Matveyevna. Nothing can distract Ilya Ilyich from "rest and peaceful fun."

Goncharov showed a smart, calm, decent, simple, at the same time able to love, sincere, somewhat naive hero, for which "Lena - lifestyle".

Can a person endowed with such qualities be bad? I think there is no. Moreover, so beautiful hero I have not yet met in any literature.

You might think that it is definitely positive character If there is, it will definitely be "superfluous", but it only seems. Oblomov left behind a living reminder - Andryushenka. After the death of Ilya Ilyich, Agafia Matveyevna thought about his aimlessly lived life. Olga was formed as a personality as a result of the influence of Oblomov. No wonder about the dead hero, the Agafia Matveyevna, and the spouses of the gallery, are remembered every day. A good man, especially if he is bugs, can not live without a trace. What could happen if all good people were superfluous? Our world would be filled with the results of the acts of scoundrels and the merrys. But we see that it is not. Therefore, I believe that a good person cannot be unnecessary.

The main hero of Roman I. A. Goncharova is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - a kind, soft, a kinderman who can experience a feeling of love and friendship, but unable to cross over yourself - get up from the sofa, to do any activity and even settle your own business. But if, at the beginning of the novel, the bugs appeases with us as a lessel, then with each new page We are increasingly penetrating the hero's soul - light and clean.
In the first chapter, we meet with insignificant people - familiar Ilya Ilyich, surrounding it in St. Petersburg, engaged in a barren bustle, creating the visibility of action. In contact with these people, the essence of Oblomov is increasingly revealed. We see that Ilya Ilyich has such important qualitywho have a few how conscience. With each line, the reader knows the wonderful soul of Oblomov, and it is this that Ilya Ilyich stands out from the crowd of the busy, calculating, heartless, concerned only by his person's person: "The soul is so open and easily glowing in the eyes, in a smile, in every movement of his head, his hands" .
Having beautiful personal traits, Oblomov is also educated, smart. He knows what is true values life is not money, not wealth, but high soul quality, Flying feelings.
So why so smart and educated person Does not want to work? The answer is simple: Ilya Ilyich just like Onegin, Pechorin, Rudin, does not see the meaning and purpose of such labor, such a lifetime. He does not want to work so much. "This is not a permitted question, this dissatisfied doubt is depleted by the forces, go on activities; Hands are lowered by his hands, and he throws work without seeing him of the goal, "wrote Pisarev.
Goncharov does not introduce a single extra person in the novel - all the heroes with each step more and more open to us Oblomov. The author introduces Jas with the gallery - at first glance, the perfect hero. He is hardworking, calculating, practical, punctual, he himself managed to pierce his way in life, I got caught, deserved respect and recognition in society. Why does he all need it? What good brought his works? What is their goal?
The task of the gallery is to get a job in life, that is, to gain sufficient livelihoods, family status, rank, and, having achieved all this, he stops, the hero does not continue its development, he is content with what has already has. Is it possible to call such a person perfect? Oblomov can not live for material well-being, he must constantly develop, improve his inner worldAnd this can not reach the limit, because the soul in its development does not know borders. It is in this bugs that surpasses gallets.
But the main thing scene line In the novel are the relationship between Oblomov and Olga Ilinskaya. It is here that the hero is revealed to us with best sideOpened its most cherished corners of the soul. Olga awakens in the soul of Ilya Ilyich top QualitiesBut they live in Oblom Move for a short time: too different were Olga Ilyinskaya and Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. It is characterized by harmony of mind and hearts, will, which hero is not able to understand and accept. Olga Full vital energyShe strives for high-art and awakens the same feelings in Ilya Ilych, but he is so far from her lifestyle, which soon changes romantic walks on a soft sofa and a warm bathrobe. It would seem that there is not enough breakdown, why not marry Olga, who adopted his proposal. But no. He does not go like everything. Oblomov decides to interrupt relations with Olga for the sake of her good; He comes as many people familiar with us: Pechorin, Onegin, Rudin. All of them leave loved ones, not wanting to hurt them. "In relation to women, all the bumps behave equally shamefully. They do not know how to love and do not know what to look for in love, just as in life in life ... ", - writes Dobrolyubov in his article" What is the breakdown? ".
Ilya Ilyich decides to stay with Agafie Matveyevna, to which he also feeds feelings, but completely different than to Olga. For him, Agafya Matveyevna was closer, "in her eternally moving elbows, into carefully stopping in all her eyes, in eternal walking from the kitchen in the storage room." Ilya Ilyich lives in a cozy, comfortable house, where in the first place was always located, and his beloved woman would be a continuation of the hero. It would seem to live and live a hero long and happily. No, such a life in the wheat house was not normal, long, healthy, on the contrary, she accelerated the transition of Oblomov from sleep on the sofa to the eternal sleep - death.
Reading the novel, unwittingly ask for a question: why does everyone pull to the bummer? It is obvious that each of the heroes finds in it a part of good, purity, revelations - all of what is so lacking people. All, starting with Volkova and ending Agafie Matveyevna, was looking for and, most importantly, they found the necessary for themselves, for their heart, soul. But anywhere, the bugs were not his own, there was no such person who was truly agrees the hero. And the problem lies not in the people around him, but in it itself.
Goncharov in his novel showed different types People, they all went before the broom. The author showed us that Ilya Ilyich has no place in this life, as well as Onegin, Pechorin.

Miracle happened: the man was born. Who will he be? Does he benefit society? Will be happy? So far, no one else knows ...

A miracle happened: they were raised from a man man. What was laid by nature: Golden Heart, the ability to experience strong feelings, kindness, but at the same time laziness - it remains. Thank you, nanniki-mothers. You have grown someone's sun. And here is a breakdown for 30, but it is still afraid to look at the world - because it can be painful. Ilya - obcomments in the nominal sense of the word. What I dreamed about, was not done. He is a slave sofa and a bathrobe. The slave of principles and habits: he - Barin, Zakhar - servant ... It will then arrive gallets and lit a fire in his extinctness from spiritual old age. This then she flashes with a flame: Olga will love broils. In the meantime, he died for society, he dies morally, and soon he would die physically ... so far he suffers because of faith in people and nevertheless believes in them. Difficult to understand? Decrypt? He does not know how to refuse the elder-manager (fraudster), and allows everyone without disaster to the house. Trust people who cannot be trusted is a tragedy. You can not trust people who can hit the back. So - not to believe them? Move through yourself? Painfully. And wrong.

But you can hit someone in someone inadvertently! And do not feel your guilt - only the pain of the other will not decrease. Here are the bugs and suffer because of faith in people, and still believes in them. This breakdown I am madly sorry, just to help him there, until he himself does not attach any effort ... And then the brooms have been revived. He was almost stretched from the bog love. But he was still afraid to stretch his hand to happiness. Retreated without a fight. Gave him to someone. And this one will be galley. But all this - then. In the meantime, the Sun Oblomov rose over the Wheat House. That's just ... for a deaf wall, behind the Black Gorge of Oblomovshchina.

Died bugs. The sun rolled out, so as never to get up ... But his rays were shusted in someone's memory. And some understand what they lost. And the sun has already rolled out. We make the same errors. And always it happens: in life - we accept a person as proper or, even worse, forget. And when we lose - we understand who they lost. And begin to appreciate. And forgotten, minor shortcomings become irrelevant. Only a person will not return.

On the life path Oblomov was a lot of passersby. Everyone received from him what he needed. You need attention - you hit you. Want to console your pride - they will believe in your boast. But these people did not understand that it was a man-sun. And who walked in his rays? Stolz, Olga, Zakhar, Wentycane. Total four people! But at least they appreciated Oblomov? Not. And from it on the soul is still pretty. But isn't there four people warmed in the rays of Oblomov? We also drink from the bottomless well left to us Goncharov. And as if hearing laughter of stars.
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    I. A. Goncharov entered Russian literature due to its three novels, who brought him success and recognition: " Ordinary History"," Oblomov "," opening ". These are the most significant works of the author readers involuntarily paid attention to the Fonic AnaFor ...

The main hero of Roman I. A. Goncharova is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - a kind, soft, a kinderman who can experience a feeling of love and friendship, but unable to cross over yourself - get up from the sofa, to do any activity and even settle your own business. But if at the beginning of the novel, the bugs appear before us as a lessel, then with each new page we are increasingly penetrating the hero in the soul - light and clean.
In the first chapter, we meet with insignificant people - familiar Ilya Ilyich, surrounding it in St. Petersburg, engaged in a barren bustle, creating the visibility of action. In contact with these people, the essence of Oblomov is increasingly revealed. We see that Ilya Ilyich has such important quality that few people have as a conscience. With each line, the reader knows the wonderful soul of Oblomov, and it is this that Ilya Ilyich stands out from the crowd of the busy, calculating, heartless, concerned only by his person's person: "The soul is so open and easily glowing in the eyes, in a smile, in every movement of his head, his hands" .
Having excellent internal qualities, bugs are also educated, smart. He knows what constitutes the true values \u200b\u200bof life - not money, not wealth, but high mental qualities, flight of feelings.
So why does such a smart and educated person do not want to work? The answer is simple: Ilya Ilyich just like Onegin, Pechorin, Rudin, does not see the meaning and purpose of such labor, such a lifetime. He does not want to work so much. "This is not a permitted question, this dissatisfied doubt is depleted by the forces, go on activities; Hands are lowered by his hands, and he throws work without seeing him of the goal, "wrote Pisarev.
Goncharov does not introduce a single extra person in the novel - all the heroes with each step more and more open to us Oblomov. The author introduces us with a gallery - at first glance, the perfect hero. He is hardworking, calculating, practical, punctual, he himself managed to pierce his way in life, I got caught, deserved respect and recognition in society. Why does he all need it? What good brought his works? What is their goal?
The task of the gallery is to get a job in life, that is, to gain sufficient livelihoods, family status, rank, and, having achieved all this, he stops, the hero does not continue its development, he is content with what has already has. Is it possible to call such a person perfect? Oblomov cannot live for the sake of material well-being, he must constantly develop, improve his inner world, and this cannot be achieved, because the soul does not know the borders in its development. It is in this bugs that surpasses gallets.
But the main storyline in the novel is the relationship between Oblomov and Olga Ilinskaya. It was here that the hero is revealed to us from the best side, its most cherished corners of the soul opens. Olga wakes up the best qualities in the soul of Ilya Ilya, but they live in a broomstorm for a short time: too different were Olga Ilyinskaya and Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. It is characterized by harmony of mind and hearts, will, which hero is not able to understand and accept. Olga is full of vital energy, she strives for high - art and awakens the same feelings in Ilya Ilich, but he is so far from her lifestyle, which soon re-changed romantic walks on a soft sofa and a warm bathrobe. It would seem that there is not enough breakdown, why not marry Olga, who adopted his proposal. But no. He does not go like everything. Oblomov decides to interrupt relations with Olga for the sake of her good; He comes as many people familiar with us: Pechorin, Onegin, Rudin. All of them leave loved ones, not wanting to hurt them. "In relation to women, all the bumps behave equally shamefully. They do not know how to love and do not know what to look for in love, just as in life in life. "," Writes Dobrolyubov in his article "What is a breakdown?".
Ilya Ilyich decides to stay with Agafie Matveyevna, to which he also feeds feelings, but completely different than to Olga. For him, Agafya Matveyevna was closer, "in her eternally moving elbows, into carefully stopping in all her eyes, in eternal walking from the kitchen in the storage room." Ilya Ilyich lives in a cozy, comfortable house, where in the first place was always located, and his beloved woman would be a continuation of the hero. It would seem to live and live a hero long and happily. No, such a life in the wheat house was not normal, long, healthy, on the contrary, she accelerated the transition of Oblomov from sleep on the sofa to the eternal sleep - death.
Reading the novel, unwittingly ask for a question: why does everyone pull to the bummer? It is obvious that each of the heroes finds in it a part of good, purity, revelations - all of what is so lacking people. All, starting with Volkova and ending Agafie Matveyevna, was looking for and, most importantly, they found the necessary for themselves, for their heart, soul. But anywhere, the bugs were not his own, there was no such person who was truly agrees the hero. And the problem lies not in the people around him, but in it itself.
Goncharov in her novel showed different types of people, they all went before the broom. The author showed us that Ilya Ilyich has no place in this life, as well as Onegin, Pechorin.

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IN early XIX. century works in Russian literature central problem which is the conflict of the hero and society, man and environment that has eagled it. And how the result is created new image - The image of the "superfluous" person, someone else's among his rejected environment. The heroes of these works are people of the inquisitive mind, gifted, talented, who had the opportunity to become writers, artists, scientists, and became, in the expression of Belinsky, "smart unnwashes", "suffering from egoists", "egoists inevitable." Image " excess person"Changed as the society develops, acquired new qualities, until finally, did not reach the full expression in the Romana I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov".

In Goncharov's novel, we have the history of a person who does not have a decisive fighter in which there are all the data to be a good, decent person. "Oblomov" - a peculiar "figure of the results" of the interaction of the personality and society, moral beliefs and social conditions in which a person is set. In the Roman Goncharov's whole phenomenon public Life - Oblomovshchyna, who gathered the vices of one of the types of noble youth of the 50s of the XIX century. In his work of Goncharov, "I wanted to achieve a random image that flashed in front of us to build in type, give him a generic and constant meaning," wrote N.A. Dobrolyubs. Oblomov is not a new face in Russian literature, "but before it was not exhibited before us so simple and naturally, as in Roman Goncharov."

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - Peaceless, sluggish, torn off from real life. "Lying ... was its normal state." Oblomov's life is a pink nirvana on a soft sofa: slippers and a bathrobe - integral satellites of the Oblomovsky existence. Living in the narrow world created by him, fell apart from the actual cycling life with dust curtains, the hero loved to build unrealized plans. He never brought nothing to the end, any of his undertaking was comprehended by the fate of the book, which was reading for several years on one page. However, the inaction at Oblomov was not elevated in the extreme degree and the rights were Dobrolyubov, when he wrote that "... obcomments are not stupid, apathetic nature, without aspirations and feelings, and a person is also a seeking in his life, about something Thinking ... "Hero Goncharova in his youth was a romantic that thirsty of the ideal, grown from the desire for activity, but" the color of life was blown and did not give fruit. " The brooms were disappointed in life, cooled to knowledge, realized all the timelessness of his existence and lay down on the sofa, believing that in this way he could preserve his moral integrity. So he "walked" his life, "Impressed" love and, as the gallery said his friend, "his trouble began to wear stockings and ended in a sleeper to live." The originality of the image of Oblomov is that he "protested" on the sofa, believing that it was best image Life, but not about the fault of society, but because due to their own nature, its own inaction.

Relying on the features of life Russia XIX. Century, we can say that if the "extra" people met everywhere, regardless of the country and the state system, then the breakdown is a phenomenon of pure Russian, generated by the Russian reality of that time. It is no closer to Dobrolyubov sees in the Oblomov "Native People's Type".

Many critics of the time, and the author of the novel seen in the image of Oblomov "Sign of Time", arguing that the image of the "extra" person is typical only for the XIX century serfs. The root of all angry they saw in state device countries. But I cannot agree that the apathetic dreamer of brookoms is a depletion of an autocrete-frostal system. Proof of this can be our time, where many are not in their place, do not find the meaning of life and, like brooms, kill best years Life lying on the sofa. So the breakdown is a phenomenon not only of the XIX century, but also the XXI century. Therefore, I believe that in the tragedy "unnecessary" guilty not serfdomIn particular, and the society in which the true values \u200b\u200bare distorted, and the vices are often worn by a virtue mask, where the personality can be trampled by a gray, silent crowd.