Karamzin Historical words of praise to Catherine II. M.N

Karamzin Historical words of praise to Catherine II.  M.N
Karamzin Historical words of praise to Catherine II. M.N

The most complete collection of sayings, quotes, aphorisms and sayings of Empress Catherine the Great

For those who have not learned in their youth, old age is boring.

Since we make mistakes, we have to make them beautifully.

Every parent should abstain in front of his children not only from deeds, but also from words that tend to injustice and violence, such as: abuse, oaths, fights, all cruelty and the like, and not allow those who surround his children, give them such bad examples.

Teaching in happiness beautifies a person, but in misfortune it serves as a refuge.

To carry something to the heart that the other could not bear is the experience of a firm soul, but to do something good that the other could not do is a commendable deed.

A skillful shooter, not hitting the target, does not put the blame on the bow or arrows, but requires an account of himself: however, for this he does not lose his courage and desire.

Study people, try to use them, not trusting them indiscriminately; look for true dignity, even if it is at the end of the world: for the most part it is modest and remote. Valor does not climb out of the crowd, does not get greedy, does not fuss and lets you forget about yourself.

Labor is overcome by labor.

Idleness is the mother of boredom and many vices.

Love for the fatherland, shame and fear of reproach are the means of taming and able to abstain from many crimes.

Lying among all the most harmful is a vice.

Laziness is a bad teacher.

Books are the essence of a mirror, although they do not speak, they declare guilt and vice to everyone.

Keep in yourself those great spiritual qualities that make up the distinctive identity of an honest man, a great man and a hero. Be afraid of all artificiality. Let not the contagion of vulgarity darken in you the antique taste for honor and valor.

Conscience is an inner, closed luminary, which only illuminates the person himself, and speaks to him with a quiet voice without sound; gently touching the soul, brings it to life, and following a person everywhere, does not give him mercy in any case.

A reasonable person does not impute as a shame to study even in perfect years, which he did not complete his studies in his youth.

Double-mindedness is alien to great people: they despise all baseness.

If you see the vices of your neighbor, do not show him your condemnation.

A person with a mediocre mind, if the work is done, may be skillful.

Do good in order to do good, not in order to gain praise or gratitude. Good deeds bring rewards of their own accord.

The most reliable, but also the most difficult way to make people the best is to perfect upbringing.

Petty rules and pathetic finesse shouldn't have access to your heart.

He who has fun and cannot be merry is sick, or surrenders to his thoughts for oppression.

It should ... arouse in them (the youth) a hunt for hard work and so that they fear idleness, as the source of all evil and delusion.

In his labors and suffering, it is proper for a person to have patience, but generosity to human guilt and errors.

Be gentle, humane, approachable, compassionate, and generous; let your greatness not prevent you from kindly condescending to small people and putting yourself in their position, so that this kindness never diminishes either your power or their respect. Listen to anything that deserves any attention; let everyone see that you think and feel the way you should think and feel. Act so that the good people love you, the evil people are afraid and everyone respects you.

Swear words offend the lips from which they come as much as the ears that enter.

A person with a good heart tries to turn every thing and deed into good; a person with a bad heart tries to find evil in good.

An intelligent person can always find exercise.

Trust only those who have the courage to cross you on occasion and who prefer your good name to your grace.


Having overcome any kind of work, a person feels pleasure.

Those who are happy with their condition have fun.

For those who are accustomed to work, work is facilitated.

He who is envious or desires this and that cannot wait for fun.

Every child is born unlearned. It is the duty of parents to teach children.

It is much better to prevent crimes than to punish them.

The child expresses gratitude to his parents by humility and respect.

Talking with the ignorant is sometimes more teaching than talking with scientists.

Better to acquit ten guilty persons than to accuse one innocent one.

Happiness is not as blind as people imagine it to be. It is often the result of a long series of correct and precise measures.

If you do your neighbor a favor, you will do yourself a favor.

Never let flatterers besiege you: let us feel that you do not like either praise or baseness.

It is better to study for the whole century than to remain ignorant.

There is no shame in admitting your mistake to a person.

People are often the cause of their own happiness and unhappiness.

Winners are not judged.

It is an inevitable law that error always follows truth.

There is debauchery at home: if the hostess loves to listen to ... various lies, and after listening, with the addition she tells her husband, and the husband believes him.

Interesting information:

Catherine II the Great (Sophia Frederica Augusta of Anhalt-Zerbst), was born on April 21, 1729, in the city of Stettin, Prussia. Empress of All Russia (1762-1796). The period of her reign is often considered the "golden age" of the Russian Empire. The Senate of the Russian Empire presented her with the epithets of Catherine the Great and the Wise Great Mother of the Fatherland. She died on November 6, 1796 in the Winter Palace, the city of Petersburg.

Winners are not judged.

To manage is to anticipate.

There is nothing perfect in the light.

Minor weaknesses go away on their own.

Lying among all the most harmful is a vice.

Honor your parents at all ages.

The people who sings and dances do not think evil.

There is no shame in admitting your mistake to a person.

If you do your neighbor a favor, you will do yourself a favor.

For those who have not learned in their youth, old age is boring.

A great state cannot live without taking into account the population.

If you see the vices of your neighbor, do not show him your condemnation.

Better to acquit ten guilty persons than to accuse one innocent person.

It is much better to prevent crimes than to punish them.

The child expresses gratitude to his parents by humility and respect.

He who is envious or desires this and that cannot wait for fun.

It is an inevitable law that error always follows truth.

Having overcome any kind of work, a person feels pleasure.

Every child is born unlearned. It is the duty of parents to teach children.

Books are a mirror: although they do not speak, they declare guilt and vice to everyone.

It is much easier to do something pleasant for everyone than to please everyone.

The first rule is to make people think they want it themselves.

A person with a mediocre mind, if he will put in work, cannot be skillful.

Petty rules and pathetic finesse shouldn't have access to your heart.

He who has fun and cannot be merry is sick or surrenders to his thoughts for oppression.

If I were a man, I would certainly have been killed before I reached the rank of captain.

Swearing words offend the lips from which they proceed, as much as the ears that enter.

They rob me just like everyone else, but this is a good sign and shows that there is something to steal.

A cure for stupidity has not yet been found. Reason and common sense are not like smallpox: you cannot vaccinate.

Never let flatterers besiege you: let’s feel like you don’t like praise or meanness.

In his labors and suffering, it is proper for a person to have patience, but to human guilt and errors - generosity.

Trust only those who have the courage to cross you on occasion and who prefer your good name to your grace.

A person with a good heart tries to turn every thing and deed into good; a person with a bad heart tries to find evil in good.

There is debauchery at home: if the hostess loves to listen to various lies, and after listening, she tells her husband with an addition, and the husband believes that.

Must. arouse in them (youth) a hunt for hard work and so that they fear idleness, as the source of all evil and delusion.

Do good in order to do good, not in order to gain praise or gratitude. Good deeds bring rewards of their own accord.

To carry something to the heart that the other could not bear is the experience of a firm soul, but to do something good that the other could not do is a commendable deed.

If a statesman is mistaken, if he thinks badly, if he takes erroneous measures, then the whole people will experience the pernicious consequences of this.

States in which there is no respect for the sovereign, rulers, in which they have no respect for either the elderly or fathers and mothers, are close to collapse.

A skillful shooter, not hitting the target, does not put the blame on the bow or arrows, but in himself in the hole requires an account: however, for this he does not lose his courage and desire.

Study people, try to use them without trusting them indiscriminately; look for true dignity, even if it was at the end of the world: for the most part, it is modest and "hiding somewhere" in the distance. Valor does not climb out of the crowd, does not get greedy, does not fuss and lets you forget about yourself.

Every parent should abstain in front of his children not only from deeds, but also from words tending towards injustice and violence, such as: abuse, oaths, fights, all cruelty and the like, and not allow those who surround his children giving them such bad examples.

Be gentle, humane, approachable, compassionate, and generous; let your greatness not prevent you from kindly condescending to small people and putting yourself in their position so that this kindness will never diminish either your power or their respect. Listen to anything that deserves any attention; let everyone see that you think and feel the way you should think and feel. Act so that the good people love you, the evil people are afraid and everyone respects you.

A good hostess has a position: to be quiet, modest, constant, careful; to God diligent, to the father-in-law and respectful mother-in-law; treat your husband with love and decency, teach small children to justice and love for their neighbors; to be courteous to relatives and in-laws, to listen willingly to kind speeches, to abhor lies and guile; not to be idle, but caring for every product and thrifty in spending.

) - November 6 (17)

Coronation: September 22 / October 3 Predecessor: Peter III Successor: Paul I Citizenship: Russian empire Religion: Orthodoxy Birth: May 2
Stettin Castle, Kingdom of Prussia Death: November 6/17(67 years old)
Winter Palace, St. Petersburg, Russian Empire Burial place: Peter and Paul Cathedral, Saint Petersburg Genus: Askania Birth name: German Sophie Auguste Friederike von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg Father: Christian August of Anhalt-Zerbst Mother: Johann-Elisabeth of Holstein-Gottorp Spouse: Peter III Children: Pavel I Petrovich
Anna Petrovna
Alexey Grigorievich Bobrinsky Autograph: Monogram: Awards:

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases Catherine II the Great

Catherine II Alekseevna the Great (née Sophia Augusta Frederica of Anhalt-Zerbst, German Sophie Auguste Friederike von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg, in Orthodoxy Ekaterina Alekseevna) - Empress of All Russia from 1762 to 1796. The daughter of Prince Anhalt-Zerbst, Catherine came to power in a palace coup that overthrew her unpopular husband Peter III from the throne. The Catherine era was marked by the maximum enslavement of the peasants and the comprehensive expansion of the privileges of the nobility. The borders of the Russian Empire were significantly extended to the west (sections of the Commonwealth) and to the south (the annexation of Novorossia). For the first time since the time of Peter I, the system of public administration was reformed. Culturally, Russia finally became one of the great European powers, which was greatly facilitated by the empress herself, who was fond of literary activities, collecting masterpieces of painting and corresponded with French enlighteners. In general, Catherine's policy and her reforms fit into the mainstream of the enlightened absolutism of the 18th century.

I have the honor to be Russian, I am proud of it, I will defend My Homeland and language ohm, and pen, and sword - until I have enough life ...

No people a, about which so many lies, absurdities and cool things would have been invented you like the Russian people.

Study people, try to use them, not trusting them indiscriminately; look for true dignity, even if it were on the edge of the world: for the most part, it is modest and hides somewhere in the distance. Valor does not climb from the crowd, does not greed, does not fuss, and allows you to forget about yourself.

He who is envious or desires this and that cannot wait for fun.

Russian people there is a special people in general light e, which is a different dog hell which, mind, strength. I know this from twenty years experience at. the God gave the Russians special properties ... I believe the star of the East will rise, from where the light should shine, for there (in Russia) pain she than anywhere else is stored under the ashes spirit a, power and strength.

  • The cure for stupidity has not yet been found. Reason and common sense are not like smallpox: you cannot vaccinate.
  • Never let flatterers besiege you: let’s feel like you don’t like praise or meanness.
  • In his labors and suffering, it is proper for a person to have patience, but to human guilt and errors - generosity.
  • Trust only those who have the courage to cross you on occasion and who prefer your good name to your grace.
  • A person with a good heart tries to turn every thing and deed into good; a person with a bad heart tries to find evil in good.
  • There is debauchery at home: if the hostess loves to listen to various lies, and having listened, she says it to her husband with an addition, and the husband believes that.
  • Must. arouse in them (youth) a desire for hard work and so that they fear idleness, as the source of all evil and delusion.
  • Do good in order to do good, not in order to gain praise or gratitude. Good deeds bring rewards of their own accord.
  • To carry something to the heart that the other could not bear is the experience of a firm soul, but to do something good that the other could not do is a commendable deed.
  • If a statesman is mistaken, if he thinks badly, if he takes erroneous measures, then the whole people will experience the pernicious consequences of this.
  • States in which no respect is given to the sovereign, the rulers, in which they have no respect for either the elderly or fathers and mothers, are close to collapse.
  • A skillful shooter, not hitting the target, does not put the blame on the bow or arrows, but in himself in the hole requires an account: however, for this he does not lose his courage and desire.
  • Study people, try to use them, not trusting them indiscriminately; look for true dignity, even if it was at the end of the world: for the most part, it is modest and "hiding somewhere" in the distance. Valor does not climb from the crowd, does not get greedy, does not fuss and lets you forget about yourself.
  • Every parent should abstain in front of his children not only from deeds, but also from words tending towards injustice and violence, such as: abuse, oaths, fights, all cruelty and the like, and not allow those who surround his children giving them such bad examples.
  • Be gentle, humane, approachable, compassionate, and generous; let your greatness not prevent you from kindly condescending to small people and putting yourself in their position so that this kindness will never diminish either your power or their respect. Listen to anything that deserves any attention; let everyone see that you think and feel the way you should think and feel. Act so that the good people love you, the evil people are afraid and everyone respects you.
  • A good hostess has a position: to be quiet, modest, constant, careful; to God diligent, to the father-in-law and respectful mother-in-law; treat your husband with love and decency, teach small children to justice and love for their neighbors; to be courteous to relatives and in-laws, to listen willingly to kind speeches, to abhor lies and guile; not to be idle, but caring for every product and thrifty in spending.

Biography: Catherine the Great; Sofia-Frederica-Augusta
On May 2 (April 21, O.S.), 1729, in the Prussian city of Stettin (now Poland), Sophia Augusta Frederica of Anhalt-Zerbst was born, who became famous as Catherine II the Great, the Russian empress. The period of her reign, which brought Russia to the world stage as a world power, is called the "golden age of Catherine."

The father of the future empress, the Duke of Zerbst, served the Prussian king, but her mother, Johannes Elizabeth, had a very rich pedigree; she was a great-aunt to the future Peter III. Despite the nobility, the family did not live very richly, Sophia grew up as an ordinary girl who was educated at home, played with her peers with pleasure, was active, mobile, courageous, loved to be mischievous.

A new milestone in her biography was opened by the 1744th - when the Russian Empress Elizaveta Petrovna invited her to Russia with her mother. There Sofia was to marry the Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich, the heir to the throne, who was her second cousin. Upon arrival in a foreign country, which was to become her second homeland, she began to actively learn the language, history, and customs. Young Sophia on July 9 (June 28, O.S.) 1744 converted to Orthodoxy and at baptism received the name Ekaterina Alekseevna. The next day she was betrothed to Pyotr Fedorovich, and on September 1 (August 21, O.S.), 1745, they were married.

Seventeen-year-old Peter was little interested in his young wife, each of them lived their own lives. Catherine not only enjoyed horseback riding, hunting, masquerades, but also read a lot, was actively engaged in self-education. In 1754, her son Paul (the future Emperor Paul I) was born, whom Elizaveta Petrovna immediately took from his mother. Catherine's husband was extremely unhappy when, in 1758, she gave birth to a daughter, Anna, being unsure of her paternity.

Catherine had been thinking about how to prevent her husband from sitting on the throne of the emperor since 1756, counting on the support of the guards, Chancellor Bestuzhev and the commander-in-chief of the army Apraksin. Only in time, the destroyed correspondence between Bestuzhev and Catherine saved the latter from being exposed by Elizaveta Petrovna. On January 5, 1762 (December 25, 1761, O.S.), the Russian empress died, and her son, who became Peter III, took her place. This event made the gap between the spouses even deeper. The emperor began to live openly with his mistress. In turn, his wife, evicted to the other end of the Winter, became pregnant and secretly gave birth to a son from Count Orlov.

Taking advantage of the fact that her husband-emperor took unpopular measures, in particular, went to rapprochement with Prussia, had not the best reputation, rebuilt the officers against himself, Catherine, with the support of the latter, made a coup: July 9 (June 28, O.S.) 1762 In St. Petersburg, the guards units gave her an oath of loyalty. The next day, Peter III, who saw no point in resisting, abdicated the throne, and then died under circumstances that remained unclear. On October 3 (September 22, O.S.), 1762, the coronation of Catherine II took place in Moscow.

The period of her reign was marked by a large number of reforms, in particular, in the system of government and the structure of the empire. Under her tutelage, a whole galaxy of famous "Catherine's eagles" - Suvorov, Potemkin, Ushakov, Orlov, Kutuzov, and others moved forward. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and others. A new era began in the cultural and scientific life of the country. The implementation of the principles of an enlightened monarchy contributed to the opening of a large number of libraries, printing houses, various educational institutions. Catherine II was in correspondence with Voltaire and the encyclopedists, collected art canvases, left behind a rich literary heritage, including on the topic of history, philosophy, economics, and pedagogy.

On the other hand, its internal policy was characterized by an increase in the privileged position of the nobility, an even greater restriction of the freedom and rights of the peasantry, the harsh suppression of dissent, especially after the Pugachev uprising (1773-1775).

Catherine was in the Winter Palace when she suffered a stroke. The next day, November 17 (November 6, O.S.), 1796, the great empress passed away. Her last refuge was the St. Petersburg Peter and Paul Cathedral.

Statements, quotes and aphorisms of Catherine II
He who is envious or desires this and that cannot wait for fun.

He who has fun and cannot be merry is sick or surrenders to his thoughts for oppression.

In his labors and suffering, it is proper for a person to have patience, but to human guilt and errors - generosity.

If a statesman is mistaken, if he thinks badly, if he takes erroneous measures, then the whole people will experience the pernicious consequences of this. You should often ask yourself: is this undertaking fair? Is it helpful? First of all, the statesman should keep in mind the following five subjects: 1. It is necessary to educate the nation, which should be governed. 2. It is necessary to introduce good order in the state, support society and force it to comply with the laws. 3. It is necessary to establish a good and accurate police force in the state. 4. It is necessary to promote the flourishing of the state and make it abundant. 5. It is necessary to create a state formidable in itself and inspiring respect for its neighbors. Every citizen should be brought up in the consciousness of duty to the Supreme Being, to himself, to society, and it is necessary to teach him some arts, without which he almost cannot do in everyday life.

There is a position for a good hostess: to be quiet, modest, constant, careful; to God diligent, to the father-in-law and respectful mother-in-law; treat your husband with love and decency, teach small children to justice and love for their neighbors; to be courteous to relatives and in-laws, to listen willingly to kind speeches, to abhor lies and guile; not to be idle, but caring for every product and thrifty in spending.

It should ... arouse in them (youth) a desire for hard work and so that they fear idleness, as the source of all evil and delusion.

Study people, try to use them, not trusting them indiscriminately; look for true dignity, even if it was at the end of the world: for the most part, it is modest and "hiding somewhere" in the distance. Valor does not climb from the crowd, does not get greedy, does not fuss and lets you forget about yourself.

A skillful shooter, not hitting the target, does not put the blame on the bow or arrows, but in himself in the hole requires an account: however, for this he does not lose his courage and desire.

Books are a mirror: although they do not speak, they declare guilt and vice to everyone.

It is much better to prevent crimes than to punish them.

States in which there is no respect for the sovereign, rulers, in which they have no respect for either the elderly or fathers and mothers, are close to collapse.

The child expresses gratitude to his parents by humility and respect.

For those who have not learned in their youth, old age is boring.

Every parent should abstain in front of his children not only from deeds, but also from words tending towards injustice and violence, such as: abuse, oaths, fights, all cruelty and the like, and not allow those who surround his children giving them such bad examples.

More quotes from Catherine II: 1 2

Labor is overcome by labor.

Lying among all the most harmful is a vice.
Honor your parents at all ages.
I praise loudly, but I condemn in an undertone.
For those who are accustomed to work, work is facilitated.
Idleness is the mother of boredom and many vices.
Whoever says what he wants will hear what he does not want.
There is no shame in admitting your mistake to a person.
Those who are happy with their condition have fun.
An intelligent person can always find exercise.
The human race is generally inclined towards injustice.
If you do your neighbor a favor, you will do yourself a favor.
It is better to study for the whole century than to remain ignorant.
For those who have not learned in their youth, old age is boring.
There is nothing more dangerous than wanting to make regulations for everything.
Double-mindedness is alien to great people: they despise all baseness.
Deep down, every Russian does not like a single foreigner.
People are often the cause of their own happiness and unhappiness.
He who is envious or desires this and that cannot wait for fun.
If you see the vices of your neighbor, do not show him your condemnation.
The child expresses gratitude to his parents by humility and respect.
It is much better to prevent crimes than to punish them.
It is better to acquit ten guilty persons than to accuse one guilty person.
Having overcome any kind of work, a person feels pleasure.
When promulgating the law, put yourself in the place of the one who must obey it.
Books are the essence of a mirror, although they do not speak, they declare guilt and vice to everyone.
Every child is born unlearned. It is the duty of parents to teach children.
Talking with the ignorant is sometimes more teaching than talking with scientists.
Teaching in happiness beautifies a person, but in misfortune it serves as a refuge.
A person with a mediocre mind, if the work is done, may be skillful.
The first rule is to make people think they want it themselves.
Courtesy is based on not having a bad opinion of yourself or your neighbor.
Thoughts caused by the very course of events arise at once in more than one head.
The rules of education are the first foundations that prepare us to be citizens.
Petty rules and pathetic finesse shouldn't have access to your heart.
He who has fun and cannot be merry is sick, or surrenders to his thoughts for oppression.
Laws that do not preserve the measure in good are the reason that immeasurable evil is born from here.
No cure for stupidity has yet been found. Reason and common sense are not like smallpox: you cannot vaccinate.
A very bad policy is that which alters by law what is to be changed by custom.
Swearing words offend the lips from which they proceed, as much as the ears that enter.
Men at twenty make love more passionately, but at thirty it is much better.
A reasonable person does not impute as a shame to study even in perfect years, which he did not complete his studies in his youth.
They rob me in the same way as others, but this is a good sign and shows that there is something to steal.
Never let flatterers besiege you: let us feel that you do not like either praise or baseness.

In his labors and suffering, it is proper for a person to have patience, but generosity to human guilt and errors.
Fear can kill crime, but it also kills virtue. Whoever does not dare to think, dares only to grovel.
The most reliable, but also the most difficult way to make people the best is to perfect upbringing.
Love for the fatherland, shame and fear of reproach are the means of taming and able to abstain from many crimes.
Trust only those who have the courage to cross you on occasion and who prefer your good name to your grace.
There is debauchery at home: if the hostess loves to listen to ... various lies, and having listened, with the addition she tells her husband, and the husband believes that.
A person with a good heart tries to turn every thing and deed into good; a person with a bad heart tries to find evil in good.
It also happens that people claim something that they really do not know, in order to find out if they have guessed correctly.
Do good in order to do good, not in order to gain praise or gratitude. Good deeds bring rewards of their own accord.
To carry something to the heart that the other could not bear is the experience of a firm soul, but to do something good that the other could not do is a commendable deed.
A skillful shooter, not hitting the target, does not put the blame on the bow or arrows, but requires an account of himself in the hole: however, for this he does not lose his courage and desire.
Happiness is not as blind as people imagine it to be. Often it is the result of a long series of measures, correct and accurate, not noticed by the crowd and preceding the event.
The people are naturally restless, ungrateful and full of informers and people who, under the pretext of diligence, are looking only for how to turn everything suitable for them to their advantage.
It seems that I am becoming like Shah of the Bahama, who always ended his reasoning with the words: "It's not my fault if you don't understand me, but I understand myself very well."
You forget only one thing, namely the difference that exists between your position and mine: you work only on paper, which endures everything ... but I, poor empress, I work on human skin, which is extremely sensitive and ticklish.
Although the Senate sent decrees and orders in the provinces, the tamos carried out the decrees of the Senate so badly that it almost became a proverb to say: "they are waiting for the third decree," but they did not comply with the first and the second.
My desire and my pleasure would be to make everyone happy, but since everyone wants to be happy only in accordance with his character or understanding, my desires often met with obstacles.
Keep in yourself those great spiritual qualities that make up the distinctive identity of an honest man, a great man and a hero. Be afraid of all artificiality. Let not the contagion of vulgarity darken in you the antique taste for honor and valor.
Conscience is an inner, closed luminary, which illuminates only man's self, and speaks to him with a quiet voice without sound; gently touching the soul, brings it to life, and following a person everywhere, does not give him mercy in any case.