Haruki Murakami: "I learned to write books in many ways thanks to daily jogging." Biography Haruki Murakov Haruki Murakami emphasis

Haruki Murakami:
Haruki Murakami: "I learned to write books in many ways thanks to daily jogging." Biography Haruki Murakov Haruki Murakami emphasis

Haruki Murakov is the most writer who opened the country of the rising sun for a foreign look. The brilliant author writes not only about thoughts and feelings, but also about his homeland, people, culture and mentality. His books became particularly popular with us thanks to a special outlining and the opportunity to look at the new side on mysterious Japan.

If you are in the spirit of Murakami, then website offers the top 10 books that it is worth reading.

1. "Listen to the song Wind" (1979)

The famous novel writer, opening the cycle of the works of "Rats". In the center of Roman, the narrator and his friend's buddy, who work, drink beer, think about the opposite field and expect something to happen to happen soon.

Join the epic paintball battle on the real military landfill. Feel yourself a hero of a movie or game.

2. "Pinball-1973"

The second novel in the "Rat trilogy", which tells all the same story about the storyteller, who this time will attend two twins, and his companion rat. The main character goes to seek an antique playing machine that he will be able to find on an abandoned poultry farm.

3. "Sheep Hunt" (1982)

The third book from the Rat series, based on the Chinese legend about the relocation of the sheep's soul in humans. In this story, it was the narrator who chose the man who moves the sheep.

4. "Good day for kangaroo" (1983)

An excellent collection of stories, where you definitely meet a sheep man, a poultry and even seals that are experiencing unrestrained weakness to business cards.

5. "Country of miracles without brakes and the end of the world" (1985)

Initially, it will seem to you that the two main storyline lines are not connected. In even chapters, it is told about a strange city with high walls that interfere with people to escape. And in odd about a person who can use your brain as a key to encryption systems and data processing. This work is considered one of the best creations by Murakami.

6. "Norwegian forest" (1987)

The main character remembers his student years in Tokyo University, when two completely different girls were present in his life: beautiful, but psychologically injured Naoco and bright and lively Midori. On this work there is a selection of the 2010 screening.

7. "DENS-DENS- DENS" (1988)

Mystical detective, which is a continuation of the "Sheep Hunt" and the final book in the "Rat Trilogy". According to the author himself, the writing of this work gave him a lot of pleasure, because he always dreamed of doing it.

8. "My favorite Sputnik" (1999)

A novel about the lesbian relations of Sumirome student with a woman much older than himself. Going together with her to the Greek Islands, Summime disappears. According to Murakami, it is "the story of the abnormal things taking place with normal people."

9. "Subway" (1997)

Documentary novel dedicated to the terrorist act in the Tokyo metro in 1995. All narration is very structured. 62 Eyewitnesses retell their opinion on the event without any literary gloves.

10. "Kafka on the beach" (2002)

This book is included in the list of the top 10 novels of 2005 according to The New York Times. In the center of history - a teenager who ran out of the house to avoid the gloomy prophecy of his father. Many plots are woker to resolve in one mystical outcome.

One of the leading writers of the postmodern of modernity, the laureate of many literary awards and the nominee on the Nobel Prize in literature, an unusually productive author of Haruki Murakami continues to delight fans with their works. "Harukists" of all over the world are looking forward to widespread revenue for the sale of the book "Murder of the Knights Commander" (English. Killing Commendatore). For seven years, who have passed from the output "1Q84", fans re-read the author's previous creations and chose their favorite.

What is the best book by Haruki Murakov? The question is not simple. Perhaps you first need to get acquainted with the work of this outstanding Japanese, and after choosing your and only your best book Haruki Murakami.

Unexpected writer

Haruki himself said that the desire to write appeared as a ridicule, on April 1, 1974 at the time of watching the baseball game at Dzing Tokyo's stadium. The desire was clear and obvious. Five years later, a novel "Listen to the song of the Wind", who received a premium appeared. Then "Pinball 1973", which author also considered a pen break.

Both novels immediately acquired many fans and subsequently entered the "Rat Trilogy" Haruki Murakov. "Sheep hunting" - a novel who completed the trilogy and received another award. The author himself, it was this work that was the beginning of his writer's career. Then the fourth part appeared - "Dance Dance Dance" Haruki Murakami. Not so many years have passed, and the light saw the novel who committed a victorious procession in literary sites. In the circulation of 2 million copies, the reader was represented by the "Norwegian forest" of Haruki Murakami.


Russian translator works of the Japanese author Dmitry Kovayenin in the book "Muraikov" confirms the conviction that nothing will be different from nothing. In the case of Haruki, the premises were.

The boy grew up in the family of teachers of Japanese literature, which could not not affect the formation of addiction to read, because he often heard parents at the table discuss the poetry and military to the Middle Ages. And it was not by chance that he studied at the Theater Faculty and specialized in the classic drama in the prestigious University of Vasaea. Although the study did not please him, but reading the huge number of scenarios did not accurately passed without a trace. And on sudden illumination, it was certainly influenced by proximity and close communication with Buddhist philosophy thanks to his grandfather - the priest of his little temple.

And then traveling to Italy and Greece, after - the Center for the Study of Foreign Cultures and Literature in Princeton. It was far away from Japan, according to the author, he felt a great need to write about Japan itself.

Now Haruki Murakami lives at home in Tokyo. Passionate fan of running from 33 years old, he made a publicist in the book "What I'm talking about when I speak about running." Essays with fascinating humor are devoted to all earth runners.

Rest of youth

Next door to the House of Family Haruki there was a book shop with inexpensive books that foreigners handed over. It was from her that the author's passion for Western literature and jazz music began. For conservative Japan of that time, his passion for American culture was truly a Bunlet act. The family did not approve the preferences of Haruki. It was then that he took the beginning of his famous collection of vinyls when the boy saved on breakfasts to buy discs with a love jazz.

The rebellion manifests itself in history with marriage, when, contrary to traditions, Murakami marries, not yet standing on his feet. His opposition to traditional family polls will fall out in the opening of the bar, which Haruki, according to him, opened, only to listen to music.

Only lived for a long time away from the homeland, in a mature age he will discover new traditional Japan.

Translation activities

Japanese writer Haruka Murakama translated into Japanese books F. S. Fitzgerald and T. Capote, D. Irving and J. Sallinger, all the stories of Carver and Tim O. Brine, translated the fairy tales of Ursula Le Guin and Chris Wang Ollsburg. His translation of the novel "Above the Absurement in Rye" Francis Scott Fitzgerald 2003 became the record holder for sales in the category of foreign literature.

What is the best book by Haruki Murakov from early works

How many readers are so many opinions. Very productive author, in a baggage of which more than 50 stories and novels with lighting the music and food, collapse of Japanese traditions, love and death. All "Harukists" has their own Book of Haruki Murakami. We offer an overview, and the choice is still followed by the reader.

Let's start with the novel, which (as the author believes) has become a point of the creative reference of the writer Haruki Murakami. "Sheep hunting" - the third book of "Rat Trilogy", according to critics, combined the Zen-philosophy and improvisation of jazz. This is the first book that the Russian reader read. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe main heroine of the sheep, exciting and endowing the power of the essence of different people to completely absorb their strength, is borrowed from the ancient tradition of China. Weaveness and uncertainty, the style of the Apocalypse today "Coppola absorbs the reader, like the insidious essence of the sheep.

In obviousness, as it should be going on in Dance Dance Dance, Haruki Murakami. Mystical detective, destroying our reality, parallel world and dance as a sense. Dance at the limit, on the verge of ecstasy, with tears in the eyes. The whole world is a dance floor, we are all dance ... I stopped - death. Think - forbidden. The metaphor is impressive.

Signal novels

The novel "Norwegian forest" Haruki Murakami is celebrated by critics and readers as the most closest to reality. It was this book that was shielded in 2010 that provided the author's financial well-being. The weirdness of the love of Buntar Torora Vatanabe with two such different women and a polygamy sexual revolution. Fighting spirit and flesh.

"Chronicles of the Wrinking Bird" Haruki Murakami compared with the "war and the world" of Lion Tolstoy not only for the number of volumes in the novel, and for the detailed, as under a microscope, the study of self-knowledge and human self-improvement. A leisurely narration first, the growing of mystical phenomena as the "Chronicle of the Wrinkling Bird" readings are permeated with the universal values \u200b\u200bof good and evil, the knowledge of their own values. The meaning of life with small glimpses of love, peace and truth.

It is impossible to bypass the works of "Kafka on the beach" and "Thousand Eightness of eighty-four" with their grandiose success from readers. When in the late spring of 2009, the first and second volume of the novel "Thousand Eighth Four Four" fell on the shelves, the author's admirers in Japan attended the circulation in one day. The third volume appeared in a year, and the millionth edition disappeared from the counters over a week and a half.

A greater success is projected at the last dual square of Haruki Murakami "Murder of the Knights Commander", whose publishing house will be held in 2017. Earls are supposed to be a million copies with printeing as needed. The plot of the novel is a mystery, but the author says that he created a single story, including the views of different people.

Jazz in the books of Murakami

The book "Jazz portraits" of Haruki Murakov is a mansion. A passionate fan of jazz with adolescence, proud of a collection of 400 thousand vinyl records, which began to collect at the age of 15 after visiting the living concert Art Blake and Jazz Messengers. It is natural that he prepared a gift to readers in the form of descriptions of 55 jazmes of the 20th century, starting with the Chet Biker and finished by Gille Evans. After reading or listening to the collection, everyone wants to hear the music of those who have so vividly described Haruki Murakami.

It is significant that Murakami himself has repeatedly said that if it were not for jazz in his life, maybe he would not write anything ...

Raper family man

Even at the University of Haruki Murakami met his future wife in Eko. They participated in the anti-war rallies, speaking against the War in Vietnam. Twisted Peter Cat jazz bar, traveled around Europe and lived in America. In the family life of Haruki - True Japanese. Photos iko almost won't meet, but she is always next to her husband and remains his first reader. In 2002, the pair founded the Traveler Club "Tokyo Dried Caracatia" and, together with like-minded people, attend those corners of the world, where the Japanese had not yet been. Ekoko is interested in photography and then illustrates family reports in gloss.

Instead of pre-school

The best book of Haruki Murakami, apparently not yet written. Kumir Haruki in an interview call Fedor Dostoevsky. A sixty-year-old Japanese author of bestsellers in connection with this said: "He became more productive than over the years and wrote the" brothers Karamazov ", when he has already been raised. I would like to do the same. "

He himself does not know when he wanted to become a writer. In one of the interviews, Haruka Murakami said that he always believed that he could write books. He claims to write for him as natural as to breathe. In the biography of Haruki Murakami, it is almost impossible to find some outlining facts. He did not have numerous novels, connection with the criminal world and addiction to drugs. He just wrote a book, because he liked it.


Haruki Murakami was born on January 19, 1949 in Japan in the village of Kayako, not far from the cultural and historical center of Kyoto. Like all the Japanese, the writer behaves restrained and evades many answers, so in the biography of Haruki Murakov there is only general information about his life.

Grandfather Murakov preached Buddhism and even was the abbot of the temple. Father was school teachers of the Japanese language and literature, in his free time, also helped at the temple. In 1950, the family moves to the city of Asia, not far from the port of Kobe. Therefore, the childhood of the boy passed in the port city. It is at this time that he begins to be interested in American and European literature.

Student years and youth

An important stage in the biography of Haruki Murakami was student years. In 1968, he became a student of the prestigious University of Vasaea. It is not known for what reasons he chose the specialty "Classic Drama", because he had no interest, no zeal to reading old scenarios.

During the period of study, he frankly missed, but, as it relies, the hardworking Japanese, successfully defended the degree of modern drama. The student years took an active part in the protests against the War in Vietnam.

In 1971, Murakami marries. His wife became classmate Yoko Takahasi. He lives happily and today. There are no children from spouses. On this information about personal life in the biography of Haruki Murakami is exhausted. He did not have mistresses, and in curious scandals, the writer was never noticed.

Wines all jazz

Haruki Murakami was always delighted with jazz music, so I decided to turn my passion for business. In 1974, the future writer opens a jazz bar in Tokyo called "Peter Kat". The institution has been successful and brought good income for seven years. Then I sold it to Murakami. How did this happen? In the biography of Haruki Murakami, brief information about this is also present.

The bar successfully functioned, life slowly walked and, it seemed that nothing would change. But one day, Haruki Murakami visited the baseball match, watching the game, he suddenly realized that he could write books. So suddenly came to the writer an insight that it's time to create. After that day, he increasingly began to linger in the bar after the closure, making sketches for future books. Sometimes the thought that came suddenly can radically change their lives. From the day when it was decided to write books, literature became an integral part of the biography of Haruki Murakami.


In 1979, the world saw the first story of Haruki Murakami "Listen to the Summer Song." She immediately noticed. This work received the Gundsosyndzin-CE premium, which is awarded by the beginners and the Noma Prize, which the writers of the Bungay literary magazine award. This book is still known as the first part of the Rat Trilogy Cycle.

As for the author, Murakami himself strongly underestimated his works. He considered his works weak: they can still be sold in Japan, but they definitely not be interested in. But these were only the thought of the writer, the foreign reader did not agree with them. Haruki Murakami's work quickly won the attention of visitors to bukinistic stores in America and Europe. Readers very impressed the original style of the author.

Time to travel

In 1980, a continuation of the "Rat Trilogy" cycle was on sale - Pinball 1973 (Tale). Two years later, the final part of the cycle was published - "Sheep Hunt" (Roman, 1982). The work of 1982 was also awarded the Noma Prize. It is from this period that the formation of Murakami as a writer begins. He decides that it was time to sell the bar, and wishes to completely devote himself to literature.

For your first books, the author received decent fees that allowed him to travel in Europe and America. His journey lasted for several years. He returned to his homeland only in 1996. When Murakami left the country of the rising sun, he managed to publish four compilations with stories:

  • "Slow boat in China";
  • "An excellent day for a kangaroo";
  • "Mortal Agami Carousel with Horses";
  • "Firefly, burn shed and other stories."

In addition to the mistakes, he managed to publish another collection of fairy tales "Christmas lamb" and the novel in the genre of fantasy "Country of Miracles without brakes and the end of the world" (1987). Roman gets a prestigious award - the award to them. Junichiro Tanidzaki.

When Murci traveled in Italy and Greece, the impressions were delivered to his writing of the Norwegian forest. In the biographies and works of Haruki Murakami, the work played a key role - this novel brought the writer world famous. And readers, and critics in one voice call this work as the best in the work of the writer. A circulation of two million copies of MiG scattered in Europe and America.

In the novel "Norwegian forest" describes the student life of the main character in the 60s. In those days, student protests were common, Rock and Roll became more popular, and the main character met with two girls at the same time. Despite the fact that the story is conducted from the first person, this is not an autobiographical novel at all, just the author is so much more convenient to write.


In 1988, a new stage begins in the biography of Writer Haruki Murakami. He moves to London, it remains there to write a continuation to the cycle "Rat Trilogy" - Roman "Dance, Dance, Dance" comes out in the world.

In the 1990s in the country of the Rising Sun, the next collection of stories with an entertaining name "Tweet Shift of Telepusiks" is coming up. In 1991, Murakami offered to become a teacher at Princeton University (USA). A little later, he receives a degree of adjunct professor. While Murakami is engaged in teaching activities, in Japan, eight volumes of writer essays produce. The meeting includes all the things written by the writer over the past decade of creative activity.

Only in someone else's country, the writer had a desire to tell the world about his country, its inhabitants, traditions, culture. It is worth noting that he used to do this before. Apparently, only being far from the native country, truly begin to appreciate it.

In 1992, Murakami moved to California, there he continues to teach activities: reads at the University of Howard Taffeta lectures on modern literature. Meanwhile, a new novel "south of the border, west from the Sun." is preparing for the Writer's country. This time the author attributed to the chief hero of something from his biography. Haruki Murakov (photos of the writer are presented in the article) wrote a story about the owner of the jazz bar.


In 1994, the novel "Chronicle of the Wrinkling Bird" comes on sale. He is considered the most difficult in the work of the writer: many different literary forms are combined here, which are competed by a good portion of mysticism.

In 1995 in Japan, and if rather, in Kobe, an earthquake and a gas attack of the AUM Sinnick sect occurred. A year after the tragedy, Murakami returns to Japan, now he lives in Tokyo. Being under the impression after the tragedy in Kobe, he writes two documentaries - the "subway" and the "edge of the promised".

More books

Since 1999, Haruki Murakami begins to publish every year on the book. In the biography of Haruki Murakov comes the fruitful period. So, in 1999, the novel "My favorite Sputnik" comes out, in 2000 - a collection of narratives "All God's children can dance."

In 2001, Haruki Murakami and his wife move to the village of Oiso, which was located on the ocean, they live there and now.

It is worth noting that the works of Murakov are translated into 20 languages, including Russian. True, in Russia the author's work is late for several years (dozen years). So, only in 2002, a novel "Country of Miracles without brakes" appeared in the bookstores of Russia.

In 2003, Murakami visited Russia. While he traveled, in Japan, Roman "Kafka on the beach" comes out. He consisted of two volumes, was the tenth novel on account in the writer's bibliography and received the Fantasy World Prize.

"Legends" and bestsellers

In 2005, a collection of "Tokyo Legends", where not only new stories have come, but also those writer wrote in the 80s of the last century. In 2007, the writer writes memoirs "What I'm talking about when I speak about running". When he turned 33 years old, he threw smoking and began to run, swimming and baseball. From time to time, Murakami takes part in marathons. Permanent sports and became the source of inspiration that spilled out in peculiar memoirs. In 2010, this book was transferred to Russian.

In 2009, the release of a new trilogy was noteworthy - "1Q84". Two parts of the book were bought up literally on the first day of sales. In this novel, the author considered topics such as religious extremism, conflict generations, inconsistency of reality illusions. A year later, Murakamov add the third volume - another bestseller appeared in the world.

About everything in the world

The next book came out only in 2013. It was the philosophical drama "Colorless Tsukur and Years of Travel." Murakami writes about a lonely engineer who designed railway stations. As in all children, in the distant childhood he had friends, but over time they began to turn away from him one by one. Tsukur cannot understand what cause is such behavior. His new girlfriend advises to find old friends and find out everything directly.

In 2014, another interesting compilation is coming out - "man without a woman." In these novels, the main characters are strange men and the most real fatal women, and the main topic is a relationship between them.

In addition to writing

In addition to writing activities, Murakami was engaged in transferring books of European authors. Just thanks to him in Japan, readers discovered the works of Raymond Carver, Truman Kopote, John Irving, and the translation of the product of Sallinger "Above the Gone in Rzya" broke all records of sales.

Created several photo albums and guidebooks in which I realized all my love and interest in Western culture. Created two volumes of the book "Jazz Portraits", where he told about 55 jazz performers.

Our days

In 2016, Murakami received a literary premium to them. G. H. Andersen. As they said at the awards ceremony, he received a premium:

"For a bold combination of classical narration, pop culture, Japanese tradition, fantastic realism and philosophical reflections."

Of course, it was expected that the Nobel Prize would also be squealing, but until it happened. In the meantime, he continues to write. In 2017, the novel "Murder of Commander" comes out, and perhaps the writer will delight something in 2018, but so far it is a mystery.

Perhaps the most important in the biography of Haruki Murakami briefly managed to mention. As you can see, write to him really mean to live.

Haruki Murakami can not be confused with his named Ryu Murakami. These are completely different people and writers. However, Haruki is much more popular all over the world. It is primarily associated with this name. Murakov is one of the main modern postmodernists in the literature.

He wrote 14 novels, 12 collections of stories, one book of children's fairy tales and five works in the genre of non-Fickshen. His books are translated more than 50 languages \u200b\u200band sold by millions of circulation. Murakami received many Japanese and international awards, but while bypassing him, although almost every year he is one of its main favorites.

Murakami is a continuer of traditions and its founders like Natsuma Soseks and Ryunca Akutagawa. However, with the filing of the Nobel laureate Yasunari Kavatabatim, the reputation of the "Europeans from Japanese literature" was entrenched. Indeed, the Japanese culture and traditions do not play in his books the same role that in the works of the same Cavate, Yukio Misima or Kobo Abe.

Murakov grew under the great influence of American culture, the Americans have always been his favorite writers. In addition, Haruki lived for many years in Europe and the United States, which also affected his work.

For Japanese book literature, Murakami is a unique example of how the Japanese looks at his homeland through the eyes of a western man.

The action of books Murakami occurs mainly in modern Japan. His heroes are people of the era of globalization and mass culture. If you do not take into the calculation of Japanese names and names, the events of novels Murakami could happen anywhere. The main characteristic of its artistic universe is cosmopolitanity. In many ways, therefore his books are so popular all over the world.

What is the features of his work?

1. Almost all books have elements of fiction and surrealism. So, in the novel "Country of Miracles without brakes and the end of the world" events occur in the city, the inhabitants of which do not have shadows, and the story reads dreams in the turtles of the dead unicorns. Very often in the books of Murakami described completely ordinary people with whom unusual things are happening. According to the writer himself, such a plot (ordinary people in unusual circumstances) is the most beloved for him.

2. Many works of Murakami - Antiutopia.The most striking example is the three-volume book of the writer "1Q84", the name of which refers to the classics of the genre - the novel of Orwell "1984".

3. Murakami novels - postmodern work.For wiser, he would reveal her, he will reveal it into an adhesive manner, without taking some particular position, and allowing the reader to choose himself that it is more important and closer.

4. Music.The writer himself is a great connoisseur of jazz and is known for its unique collection of 40 thousand jazz plates. According to his own confession, Murakami listens to jazz for 10 hours a day for many years.

The Norwegian Forest tells the story of friendship, love, suffering and joy of several Japanese students. The protests of the 60s occupy an important place in the novel, when students of the whole world went to the streets and rebelted against modern order. But the main theme of the novel is and how it affects people.

In the center of the narrative "Kafka on the beach" - two heroes: a teenager named Kafka Tamura and an old man. Their fates are associated with a mystical way, both are attached to the otherworldly peace and live on the verge between reality and space outside. This is typical Murakami mystical novel, raising a huge number of philosophical topics and questions.

If you choose the most monumental book of the writer to understand one work all its main ideas and stylistic features, it is worth noting "1Q84", which in Russian translation has a subtitle "Thousand Eighth Four".

The book tells about two heroes - the woman's instructor's fitness club and teacher of mathematics. Both characters represent two different branches of this extensive history. The first of them is related to alternative worlds, and the second is more realistic, but hides a deep subtext.

The main thing in the book Murakami is how two stories are intertwined and associated with each other in a single message. This triple epic touches numerous topics: from love and religion to conflict generations and problems of suicide. According to the writer, when creating this "Giant Roman" he was inspired by the "Karamazov Brothers" of Dostoevsky, which he considers one of the best works in the history of world literature.

What books with Murakami undeservedly undervalued?

Each writer has books that everyone knows about. And there are those that are either forgotten or known to be a very narrow circle of fans. Murakami also has such works. Despite small fame, it is no less interesting to read than recognized masterpieces.

The novels "My favorite Sputnik" and "Sellegis" - Typical things for Murakami on the verge of reality and fiction, but both plot writer reveals in a very original manner. The first is associated with the mysterious disappearance of the main character in the Greek Islands, and the second unfolds in Tokyo for one night.

Little-known and the book written in the genre of non-Fickshen is a collection of autobiographical essays called "What I'm talking about when I speak about running". The name of the collection refers to the work of one of the favorite writers Murakam Rammond Carver, whose work "What we say, when we talk about love" Haruki translated from English to Japanese.

The work is memories of a writer about classes, which, in addition to literature and jazz, is its main passion. According to Haruki, "sincerely write about the run means sincerely write about yourself."

Why read Murakami?

Murakami is the author who speaks of all his books either about modernity, or about the future of mankind. And he does it as much as possible. Some of his books can be regarded as warnings to society. They should be read, not to make mistakes that Japanese describes.

His books read millions of people around the world, so the creativity of Murakami is indeed global and influential.

In addition, much in the works of the author is able to truly expand the human consciousness. In his books there is something that can shock, striking and admire the reader. Murakami is a real master of the word, whose style fascinates and delivers true pleasure.

Who can like the creativity of Murakami?

The flourishing of creativity Murakov coincided with the growth of its popularity among Russian readers. These events fell in the 90s. However, in contrast to many other authors, love for Murakami did not fade. It still remains one of the most readable foreign authors in Russia.

When Murakov began to translate from us, his audience was mostly young people with a rich imagination and wide views. Now these people, almost those who grew up on the books of the Japanese, remain its loyal fans, but new fans appeared at the books.

Murakami is still interested in young people, because he is not lagging behind, and every new novel becomes relevant and modern. Therefore, to start reading Murakami is never too late. All people who live today and at the same time as directed to the future, his work will definitely have to taste.

The final part of the "1Q84" trilogy of the Japanese Prosaika Haruki Murakami, in which, as it is clear from the title, the action takes place in a thousand, eighty-fourth year in the world, on which two moon hang out. The characters are the same - the instructor of the Fitness Club of AOMAME, which is painted with husbands mocking over their wives; Mathematics teacher and not too successful Writer Tango; Young Fuchery, who wrote a debut novel who won a prestigious premium; Representatives of a certain dangerous and powerful sect ... Although the heroes change - for example, AOMAME "is no longer a helpless child who impose someone faith. No need for all intestines to hate men who beat their wives. The unrestrained anger, then the case booming in it earlier ... imperceptibly disappeared somewhere ... What is Aomama is very glad. She no longer wants to hurt anyone. Equally, how to hurt yourself. "

Read completely

Easy to bore

The Eksmo Publishing House after a year and a half still publishes the book in Russian, although it is so about 12 months and translated Japanese authors. Another thing is that the eternal translator Murakov Dmitry Kovayenin, from under the pen of which the Russian-speaking world recognized the author "Hunt for Sheep", this time was replaced by several more speedy Tolmach, and the speed of appearance on the market still did not happen.

Fans Murakami probably know how the first and the second part of the novel went out with what hype. These stories about bought in Japan on the very first day the whole circulation has already become a bike. As well as about the idea of \u200b\u200b"1Q84" with seven years old, as well as the entry into the discharge of bestseller in 12 days. Eminent authors by tradition are increasingly overgrown with legends, and their works are less and less thanks to pay attention. In exceptions, only units. However, Murakami did not exception this time.

Soft prose with Murakami, full of harmony, beauty, contradictory moments and attractiveness of the unfamiliar world, has not been so many as many as many as the hearts of the Russian-speaking reader. I don't even fully understand what is actually a speech that reads is immersed in the world of the author, who is not embarrassed by the frankness, everywhere, but it remains a romantic, which is called to the bone's brain.

"1Q84", the name of which should be understood as "Thousand Eightness of the Eighty Fourth Year", converted to the Orwellov Date, - famously swirling story around the woman - the serial killer of the AOMAME, a religious cult, mixed in inhuman acts, as well as an unknown young beauty fuchery, writing a mysterious novel . There is also a dotted story of love, which tied in school years and continued even 20 years later. The story begins pretty calmly, but soon the world is quite typical of Murakami widely breaking over the reader, the militant parallel lines, multi-layered, mixing styles. If you remove one layer, "1Q84" is a novel, figuratively speaking, one foot is firmly standing in the real world, and the other in the field of science fiction and illusion, but more like more like fiction.

The first two books "1Q84" produced a rather strong effect, and if they really dive into reading, it seemed even that the world changes around. And this new, the greatest work from the author of the Norwegian Forest, which frank all signs of the Japanese writer, even claimed his reference work.

Murakami guess here easily. It is not dominant at all, but the reader is a spoonful of alternative reality, this is a completely landed household Japan today and its history from the past, it is more than an unusual relationship of a man and a woman. Not to say long - just very detailed. Not to say that too vulgar, rather, only modern. You can say, all the best from Murakami "In one bottle".

Against this background, the third book became incredibly expected and because of a slightly mysterious. What did readers be surprised this time? It turned out that the author was not going to amaze and was going, but "spreading his thoughts on the tree" and as if he traveled in place, retraced the old plot not so much with new details, as with undisguised bore. The plot action of the first part of the final book "1Q84" is completely a description of the dying loneliness of the main character of Aomame with the romance of the prunuer, which from boredom is sharpened, and the blowing of a gun in his mouth will be drunk, so that at least somehow cheer up. Yes, and traditional Murakami thorough feeding of food on each page, and neat sex, enhanced by carnal details. Emotions appear only in the second half of the volume when, with the external "Japanese" tranquility, Murakami suits psychological strains, like their compatriots-directors who frighten the world "calls". Here are the parallel reality in which the heroes of the novel will finally come together. And the criminal drama will go into the category of socio-psychological fiction.

But in general, the final book of the epic "1Q84" is a sluggirl analysis of flights and the repetition of the material traveled this time by a private detective. This is the murder of the leader of the religious sect, which happened in the second volume. And the maturation of the situation is still in the first, where we were told to write a story, and the main characters - a teacher of mathematics and a fitness teacher turned the novel.

The most important thing has already happened in the previous two volumes, and in the third part even the shift of the alternative world does not save the picture. Even take the musical part of the novel, which Murakami has always paid special attention, - His heroes listened to Jazz with rock, and in Kafka on the beach, even on bobbins like Bitles. In "1Q84" everywhere sounds "Symphony" Yanachek. Listen - again the impassive bore.

"Aomame's killer girl, who at the end of the second volume remained on the bridge with the blow of the pistol in the mouth, and could not finish with him after the main task. Representatives decapitated by her religious sect seeking to manage the psyche of people are already following the trail, but Aomama is not in a hurry to leave his transshipment item, all day later sitting on the balcony of a small apartment with binoculars and a revolver. Binoculars - In order not to miss the appearance of Tango, which one day was already here. Revolver - just in case. Meanwhile, the strange girl Fukaeri is as quietly hiding in another apartment, who prompted Tango plot "air cocoon". Tango himself disappears in a feline city, the days have been reading the dying father aloud. Soon all lines will cross at one point. And now everything hovered under the two moons. The more powerful the upcoming storm, the oldest silence per minute before it, "says the annotation of the publishing house to the novel.