The most important vice cowardice master and margarita. Why in the novel m

The most important vice cowardice master and margarita. Why in the novel m

The topic of cowardly binds the two lines of the novel. Many critics will attribute the cowardice and the Master himself, who failed to fight for their novel, for their love and their lives. And it is this that will explain the award of the master after the completion of the entire history of the rest, not the light. Let's focus on this.

At the end of the novel, when Woland leaves Moscow, it is with the assignment of Levi Matvey (ch. 29).

"" He read the writing of the master, "Levi Matvey spoke," and asks you to take you to make a master and awarded it to peace. " Is it really difficult for you to do, the spirit of evil?

"He did not deserve Light, he deserved peace," Levia said in a sad voice. "

The question is why the master does not deserve light, it remains and today is not completely clarified. It analyzes in detail V. A. Slavina. She notes that the opinion is most often found that the Master is not awarded the Light precisely because it was not active enough, which allowed himself, unlike his mythological twin to break itself, burned the novel "," did not fulfill his debt: the novel remained unfinished. " Leskis, in the comments to the novel, expresses such a point of view: "The principal difference between the second novel's protagonist is that the Master turns out to be untenable as the tragic hero: it lacks the spiritual strength that Ishua detects on the cross as convincing, as well as Interrogation at Pilate ... None of the people dares to reproach the exhausted man for such a surrender, he deserved peace. "

Interest and other point of view, expressed, in particular, in the works of the American scientist B. Pokrovsky. He believes that the Roman "Master and Margarita" shows the development of rational philosophy, and the Master of the Master himself transfers us for two millennia in the past, and at the beginning of the XIX century, in the point of historical development, when after the "Cleaver Critics" of Kant began The process of demiatologization of the sacred texts of Christianity. The master, according to Pokrovsky, is located in a number of these demi-physicians, and therefore loses light (the master freed the gospel from the supernatural - no resurrection of Christ). Moreover, he is given a chance to atone for sin, but he did not see him, did not understand (meaning the episode, when Ivan homeless in the clinic of Stravinsky tells the master about the meeting with Bolland, and he exclaims: "Oh, how I guess! How I guess! "

He perceived the Devil's testimony about the truth - and this is his second sin, more seriously, Pokrovsky believes. And what many critics see the cause of the punishment of the Master of the Master, Pokrovsky calls the act of heroism, because the hero did not go on any compromises with the world alien to him even in the name of his salvation. Here the master just corresponds to the idea of \u200b\u200b"goodwill" and "categorical imperative", which calls for the author of the novel "Master and Margarita" after Kant. In the first chapter, when the heroes argue about the existence of God, Woland, referring to Kant, says that he first destroyed all the evidence of the existence of God, and then "built his own sixth proof." Kantian sixth proof is the doctrine of a kind will, the essence of which, by definition of Vladimir Solovyov, is "the universal reasonable idea of \u200b\u200bgood, acting on a conscious will in the form of unconditional debt or a categorical imperative (according to Cant terminology). Simply put, a person can do well besides and contrary to mercenary considerations, for the very idea of \u200b\u200bgood, from one respect for debt or moral law.

We emphasize what is important in our opinion, Bulgakov. In his novel, Yeshua is the carrier of goodwill. And then we ask the question: Can Yeshua, following the "categorical imperative", punish the master for the fact that that is not so strong, how is he himself? He would rather forgave this flaw, as he forgave Pontius Pilate, what helped and the master finish his novel. Then Pokrovsky's right, who saw the sin of the master in the destruction of faith: "No matter how paradoxically, such a statement, but historically the master is the predecessor of the" educated "theorist of Berlioz and ignorant practice of Ivan the homeless, Ivan before his rebirth. Pokrovsky is closer to the truth, in our opinion, but it is impossible to agree with him, because his truth is in faith, in religion only, and he believes that the mind of everything is good ("Nightmare absoluting the mind").

According to V. A. Slavina, that Bulgakov is not quite so. Although ideas and theories are often the causes of misfortunes (remember the "fatal eggs" and "dog heart"), although it denies social revolutions, preferring "favorite and great evolution," yet it is on the conscious and reasonable will on the way to good . And this is the essence of his philosophy embodied in brilliant artistic form - in the novel "Master and Margarita".

In the archive of M. Bulgakov, the magazine "Literary Study" (1938) is kept with Article Mirimsky about the Hoffman. It was about her Bulgakov wrote Elena Sergeyevna to Lebedyan: "I accidentally attacked the article about the fiction of the Hoffman. I am the shore for you, knowing that she will amaze you just like me. I'm right in the "Master and Margarita"! You understand what it costs this consciousness - I'm right! " In this article, among the marked Bulgakov there are such words: "He (Hofman) turns art into a combat tower, with which the artist creates a satirical massacre over reality." This is obvious and for the Bulgakovsky novel, so first of all the work so long and hard went to the reader.

We stopped in detail in biblical chapters, as they contain the philosophical quintessence of the novel. No wonder the first replica of Ilf and Petrov after reading the Roman Bulgakov was: "Remove the" ancient "chapters - and we take to print." But this is by no means increasing the content of the chapters about modernity - one without another and is not read. The post-revolutionary Moscow, shown by the eyes of Voland and his suits (Koroviev, Hippo, Azazello), is satirco-humorous, with fiction elements, an unusually bright picture with focus and dressing, with sharp replicas in the course and comic scenes. .

For three days of stay in Moscow, Woland explores habits, behavior and life of people of different social groups and layers. He wants to know whether the Moscow population has changed and how much, moreover, it is more interested in whether the townspeople changed internally. " The gallery of such Gogol Heroes is held in front of the readers of the novel, but only the smallest of those, although the metropolitan. Interestingly, each of them in the novel is an impartial characteristic.

The director of the theater Various Stepa Lyarkheev "Drives, comes in connection with women, using his position, not the feature does not do, and there can be nothing ...", Chairman of the residential council Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoya - "Eastern and Plut", Maigel - "Headphone" and "Spy", etc.

In total, the "Master and Margarita" novel is more than five hundred characters - it is not only those who are allocated by some individual or specific features, but also "collective characters" are the audience variety, passersby, employees of various institutions. Woland, although he, by the conviction of Margarita, and the omnipotent, uses his power, not in full force and, rather, only to emphasize and brighter show human vices and weaknesses. These are tricks in Vary and Cabinet with an empty suit, signed paper, singing the institution and constant transformation of money in simple pieces, then in dollars ... And when the "Chairman of the Acoustic Commission" theater, Arkady Apollonovich Sampler, demands from Voland the exposure of focus, this expose the exposure of those present In the variety of citizens.

"I am not an artist at all," says Woland, "I just wanted to see Muscovites in the mass ..." and people do not stand the tests: men rushing for money - and in a buffet, and women are behind rags. As a result, a well-deserved and fair conclusion "... They are people like people. They love money, but it has always been ... Humanity loves money, of which they would be made, from leather leather, from paper, from bronze or gold. Well, frivolous ... Well, well ... and mercy sometimes knocks on their hearts ... Ordinary people ... in general, remind the same ... the apartment only spoiled them ... "

It is noteworthy that the action of the novel begins with the acquaintance of Voland with Berlioz, the head of the writer's organization, the editor of a Tolstoy magazine, can be said, even the theoretical and ideologist, and Ivan the homeless, the poet, who, by order of Berlioz, writes an antireligious poem. The confidence of the educated Berlioz in his theoretical postulates and the blind followed by the poet scares, like any dogmatism, which leads to thoughtless obedience and as a result - tragedy. The tragedy is not a separate person, but a complete society forced to submit a false totalitarian idea. The lies are relied on retribution, "retribution as part of the Earth's Justice Law" (V. Lakshin). This retribution in the Bulgakovsky interpretation sounds like the thesis "Everyone will be given by his faith," which is revealed by the example of Berlioz in the scene on the Ball at Satan.

"Mikhail Alexandrovich," Woland turned to his head quirky, and then the eyelids raised, and on the dead face of Margarita, shuddering, saw the living, full thoughts and suffering eyes. - Everything came true, isn't it? - continued Woland, looking into the eyes of the head, - the head is cut off the woman, the meeting did not take place, and I live in your apartment. It is a fact. And the fact is the most stubborn thing in the world. But now we are interested in further, and not this fact that has already accomplished. You have always been a hot preacher of the theory that, by cutting off the head, life in a person stops, it turns into asha and goes into oblivion. I am pleased to inform you in the presence of my guests ... What is your theory and solid and witty. However, all theories are one different. There are among them and that according to which everyone will be given by his faith. " Berlioz goes into oblivion - he believed it, he promoted it. He deserved this punishment. Interesting fate and interlocutor Berliosis Ivan homeless. In the final version of the novel, his punishment is much easier than in early editors. He cannot cope with the spring full moon. "Only it begins to approach, only just begins to grow and pour out the golden luminaire ... Ivan Nikolaevich becomes worried, nervous, loses appetite and sleep, waiting for the moon." But in the "great chancellor" - an early version of the "Master and Margarita" - the fate of Ivan the homeless is more difficult. He turns out to be dead (as he died, we do not know) before wave and the question: "What do you want, Ivanushka?" "Replies:" I want to see Yeshua Ga-Nozri, "you turn your eyes." "In other land, in other kingdoms," says him on this, "you will walk on the fields blind and listen. You will hear a thousand times how silence is replaced by the noise of flooding, as in the spring shouting the birds, and beyond them, blind, in verses, and for a thousand for the first time, on Saturday night, I will open your eyes. Then you will see him. Get into your fields. " Ivan Homeless because of ignorance believed in Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz, but after the events on the patriarch ponds, in the clinic of Stravinsky, he admits that he was wrong. And although Bulgakov holds the idea that "blindness due to ignorance cannot serve as an excuse of unrighteous actions," at the same time he understands that Berlioz's fault can not be equated to the actions of Ivan the homeless.

In this regard, the fate of Pilate Pilate is interesting. In the last chapter of the "Master and Margarita", which is called "forgiveness and eternal shelter", there is a connection of two novels (Master and Roman Bulgakov's novel), the Master meets with his hero:

"" Your novel read, "Woland spoke, turning to the master," and they said only one thing that he, unfortunately, was not over. So, I wanted to show you your hero. About two thousand years he sits on this site and sleeps, but when the full moon comes, as you can see, insomnia torments him. She torments not only him, but his faithful guard, a dog. If it is true that the cowardice is the greatest vice, then, perhaps, the dog is not to blame. The only thing that was afraid of a brave dog is thunderstorms. Well, the one who loves must share the fate of whom he loves. "

Pontius Pilate suffer from the fact that he did not agree on an important arrestant with whom he dreamed of going along the lunar road. This moment in the novel seems very important, as well as the "full thoughts and suffering" of the head of Berlioz's head. Suffering because I did something or said wrong, but it is impossible to return. "Everything will be right, the world is built on this," says Woland Margarita and offers the master to finish the novel "one phrase".

"The Master as if it would have been waiting for that while stood still and looked at the sitting prosecutor. He folded his hands with a mouthpiece and shouted in such a way that the echo dug through the deserted and brazed mountains:

- free! Free! He is waiting for you!"

Pontius Pilate receives forgiveness. Forgiveness, the path to which lies through the suffering, through the awareness of his guilt and responsibility. Responsibility not only for actions and actions, but also for the thoughts themselves, ideas.

Here were looking for:

  • the problem of cowardiness in the novel Master and Margarita
  • cowardice in the novel Master and Margarita
  • cowardice in the Master and Margarita

I. The unusualness of the novel "Master and Margarita".

II. Cowardice - the basis of all human vices.

1. Woland opens the "curtain" of time.

2. Master - the servant of truth.

3. The strength of the Spirit of the Watching Philosopher.

4. Pontius Pilate is a representative of the power of the Imperial Rome.

5. The power and weakness of Margarita.

III. "Master and Margarita" - a novel about omniplicity of good.

Roman "Master and Margarita" is the main work of M. Bulgakov. There is hardly a person, even a well-known creativity of the writer, who would say that I found the keys to all mysteries in the novel. A. Akhmatova One of the first to highly appreciated the novel "Master and Margarita" and about Bulgakov said: "He is a genius." It is impossible to disagree with such a writer characteristic.

M. Bulgakov in the novel "Master and Margarita" raises questions about a person and time, about equilibrium of light and darkness, about the intelligence of good and evil. Among everything is the topic of human vices.

The words of the Hero of Roman Ga-Nochri approves the idea that one of the main human vices is cowardice. This thought is traced throughout the novel. All-seeing wave, opening the "curtain" of time, shows that the course of history does not change the human nature: Judah, aliasis (traitors, judosters) exist at all times. But at the core of betrayal, too, most likely, there is a cowardice - a vice, which existed always, a vice, which lies at the heart of many serious sins. Do not traitors do not panties? Is the lets not panties? And if a person is lying, he is also afraid of something. Even in the eighteenth century, the French philosopher K. Helvetia argued that "after courage, there is nothing more beautiful than confession in cowardice."

In his novel, Bulgakov argues that a person is responsible for improving the world in which he lives. Position non-participation is not acceptable. Is it possible to call the masters a hero? Most probably not. The master failed to remain a fighter to the end. Master is not a hero, he is only a servant of truth. There can be a master of the hero, since he Strestil - refused his book. He broke with adversity who fell on him, but he broke himself and himself. Then, when I fled from reality to the Stravinsky clinic, when she assured himself that "no need to wonder the big plans." He commence himself to the inaction of the Spirit. He is not a creator, he is only a master, so he is given only by "peace."

Yeshua - a wandering young philosopher who came to the Urshalim to preach his teaching. Yeshua is a physically weak man, but at the same time he is a person, he is a man of thought. He is above the wizard. And the teachings of Yeshua, and the work of the master - these are peculiar moral and art centers. Masters, unlike Yeshua, suffered heavy tests still broke, forced to abandon creativity. He Strestil, burned the manuscript and found shelter in the clinic for mentally ill. The opportunity for creative life Master acquires only in the other world. Yeshua is weak physically, but Silen is spiritually. Under no circumstances refuses his views. Yeshua believes that a person can be changed for a better good. It is very difficult to be kind, so good is easy to replace all sorts of surrogates, which often happens. But if a person does not bewit, will not refuse his views, then such good is all possible. The "tramp" managed, "weak man" to turn the life of Pontius Pilate, "Almighty Ruler".

Pontius Pilate is a representative of the power of the Imperial Rome in Judea. The rich life experience of this person helps him understand Ga-Nochri. Pontius Pilate does not want to ruin the life of Yeshua, trying to incline him to a compromise, and when it fails, he wants to persuade the high priest Caifa to pardon Ga-Nozri on the occasion of the festival of Easter. Pontius Pilate manifests itself to Yeshua and pity, and compassion, and fear. It is fear that ultimately determines the choice of Pittius Pilate. This fear is born by the dependence on the state, the need to follow his interests. Pontius Pilate for M. Bulgakov is not just a coward, apostate, but he is also a victim. He retreating from Yeshua, he ruins himself and his soul. Even after physical death, he is doomed to the mental suffering, from which only Yeshua can save him.

Margarita is a weak woman. But she is above the wizard. After all, in the name of his love and faith in the talent of his beloved, she overcomes fear and their own weakness, even the circumstances concern. Yes, Margarita is not an ideal person: becoming a witch, she is losing the house of writers, participates in Satan Ball with the greatest sinners of all the times and peoples. But she did not hold. Margarita is fighting for his love to the end. Not in vain the same Bulgakov based on human relations to put just love and mercy.

In the novel "Master and Margarita", according to A. 3. Bulisa, there is a philosophy of retaliation: what he deserved, and received. The biggest vice is cowardice - it will definitely entail retribution: the flour of the soul and conscience. Back in the "White Guard" M. Bulgakov warned: "Never run away between the rat winning to the unknownness from danger."

All that I survived the Bulgakov in my century, and happy, and heavy, all our main thoughts and discoveries, the whole soul and all the talent he gave the novel "Master and Margarita." Bulgakov wrote "Masters and Margarita" as a historically and psychologically reliable book about his time and about people, and therefore the novel became a unique human document of the remarkable era. Many problems are presented on the pages of Roman Bulgakov. Bulgakov highlights the idea that everyone pays to merit, what he believed - then you will get. He affects it in connection with this and the problem of human cowardice. The author considers the cowardice to the biggest sin in life. This is shown through the image of Pilate Pilate. Pilate was the procurator in Ershalaim. One of those he judged, is Yeshua Ga-NCRP. The theme of cowardly the author develops through the eternal theme of an unfair trial of Christ. Pontius Pilate lives according to its laws: he knows that the world is divided into Misbish-H (their and obeying them that the formula "Slave is subordinate to Mr." is unshakable. And suddenly a person appears, who thinks differently. Pontius Pilate perfectly understood that Yeshua did not commit Nothing such, for which he needed to execute. But for an exclusive sentence there was little one opinion of the procurator. He personified the power, the opinion of many, and in order to be recognized innocent, Yeshua had to adopt the laws of the crowd. In order to confront the crowd, need a large Lastly strength and courage. Heshua had such qualities, boldly and fearlessly expressing his point of view. Yehhua has its own vital philosophy: "... There are no evil people in the world, there are people unhappy." So unfortunately there was a Pilate. For Yeshua the opinion of the crowd It does not mean, even being in such a dangerous situation, seeks to help others. In the innocence of the GA-NCRP, Pilate was convinced immediately. Moreover, Yeshua was able to remove the strongest headache, Which tormented the procurator. But the pilat did not obey his "inner" voice, the voices of conscience, and went on the crowd. The procurator tried to save the stubborn "prophet" from an imminent execution, but he strongly did not want to give up his "truth." It turns out that the omnipotent ruler is also dependent on the opinions of others, the opinions of the crowd. Because of the fear of the denunciation, fear to destroy his own career Pilate goes against his beliefs, the voices of humanity and conscience. And Pontius Pilate shouts so that everyone heard: "The criminal!". Yeshua executed. Not for life his pilat is afraid - nothing threatens her, - and for his career. And when he has to decide whether to risk a career or send a person to death, who managed to conquer his mind, the amazing force of his word, something else unusual, he prefers the last. Cowardice - here is the main trouble Pontius Pilate. "The cowardice, undoubtedly, one of the most terrible vices" - hears in the dream of the Pondi Pilate the words of Yeshua. "No, philosopher, I object to you: this is the most terrible vice!" - Suddenly intervene and says the author of the book. Bulgakov condemns cowardice without mercy and refinement, because it knows: there are not so dangerous people who have become the goal of evil, "such, in essence, a little, - like those that would probably have to suggest goodness, but custody and cowardles. Fear makes good and personally brave people blind tool evil will. The procurator understands that he made a betrayal, and is trying to justify themselves before himself, deceiving himself that his actions were correct and the only possible. Pontius Pilate for his cowardice was punished by immortality. It turns out that his immortality is punishment. This is a punishment for the choice that a person does in his life. Pilate made his choice. And the biggest problem is that the actions were led by petty fears. He seen two thousand years old on his stone chair in the mountains and saw the same dream for two thousand years - the flour is terrible not to come up, especially since the dream this is his most intimate dream. He claims that he did not agree something then, the fourteenth month of Nisana, and wants to go back to fix everything. The eternal existence of Pilate cannot be called life, this is a painful state that will never end. The author still gives the pilot the possibility of liberation. Life began when the master folded his hands with a mouthpiece and shouted: "Free!". After long torment and suffering, the pilat is finally forbidden.

In the novel MA Bulgakov "Master and Margarita Two plots. In Moscow chapters, shows a modern writer reality of the thirties of the twentieth century. The novel was created in the era of the totalitarian state, during the period of Stalinist repression. At this terrible time, people disappeared without a trace of their apartments and no longer return there. Fear People, and they were afraid to have their own opinion, openly express their thoughts. Society was covered by mass psychosis of spyware. Atheism became part of the state policy, and the bonds built into the rank of virtue. Evil and violence, meanness and betrayal celebrated. Writer - Humanist believed in power And I was sure that the evil should be punished.

Therefore, in Moscow of the thirties by the force of his imagination, he places the devil, which in the novel wears the name of Voland. Bulgakovsky Satan is different from the traditional image of the devil existing in the religious consciousness. He does not inclined people to sins at all, does not tempt temptations. He exposes already existing vices and punishes sinners, carrying fair retribution and thus serving the case of good.

The second plot is represented as a matron of Master about Pontius Pilate. To approve eternal spiritual values, the writer appeals to evangelical images.

Christian motifs are associated with the images of Yeshua, Pontius Pilate, Levi Matvey and Judas.

Pontius Pilate appears on the pages of the novel throughout the greatness of a person with a huge power, "in the White Cloak with a bloody approach, a screaming cavalry gait" It turns out in the covered colonnade between the two wings of the Palace Herod of the Great. Roman governor is the fifth prosecutor of Judea. He has the right to sign death sentences. And at the same time, M. Bulgakov empowers his hero with physical weakness - a painful head disease - "hemikrani", at which the half harms hurts. He terribly suffers from the "invincible" disease, from which there is no funds, there is no salvation. In such a painful condition, Pontius Pilate's interrogation "course from Galilee" begins. The procurator must approve the death sentence of Sedrion.

The image of Pilate Pilate in the novel is the most complex and controversial. With the name of this hero, the problem of conscience is associated very acute. On the example of the image of the omnipotent procurator, the idea that "cowardice is the most terrible vice" is approved.

Pontius Pilate - a man brave and courageous, he boldly fought in battle "under idystaviso, in the Valley ofv". "The infantry manipool got into the bag, and if she had not been handed a cavalry tourmaya from the flank, but I commanded it," you, the philosopher, would not have to talk to the rat, "he says Yeshua. In the battle, the procurator is not afraid of death and is ready to come to the revenue to a comrade. This man is endowed with great power, he claims death sentences, the life of condemned in his hands. But, nevertheless, the pondi of Pilate allows weakness and shows the troubles, condemning the death of a person, in the innocence of which he did not doubt a minute.

To understand why Inemon took such a decision, you should contact the interrogation scene in the Palace of Herod. Great.

Episode interrogation can be divided into two parts. In the first part of the pondi, the Pilate decides to cancel the death penalty, since in the actions of a stray philosopher he does not see anything criminal. Yeshua did not sentenced the people to destroy the Ershalaim temple. He spoke in a figurative sense, and the collector of filters misunderstood and distorted the thought of philosopher. In the second part of the interrogation of Pontius, Pilate is facing the moral problem of conscience, the problem of moral choice. On a piece of parchment, the procurator reads denunciation on Yeshua. Judas from Kiriaf asked a provocative issue of state power. Stray philosopher replied that all power is violence that there will be no power in the future, and the kingdom of truth and justice will come.

The prosecutor is a choice: not to sign a death sentence - it means to violate the law on insulting Majesty; Recognize Yeshua guilty - it means to save yourself from punishment, but to might the innocent person to death.

For Pith Pilate, this is a painful choice: the voice of the conscience tells him that the arrested is not to blame. When the prosecutor read the denunciation, it seemed to him that the head of the arsant was saved somewhere, and instead of her, Herod's head with rare-faced golden crown appeared. This vision symbolizes that choice that will make Pontius Pilate. He tries to somehow save Yeshua, sending "signals" to give up his words about Great Caesare, but the stray philosopher is accustomed only to the truth. The Roman procurator is internally free, is afraid of punishment and therefore is insincere. "There was no greatest and wonderful power in the world than the power of Emperor Tiberia," says Pilate and looks at the secretary and a convoy. He utters words to which I do not believe, fear of denunciation of witnesses to his interrogation. Pontius Pilate made his choice, approving the death sentence, because he is not ready to take the place of a stray philosopher, he showed little and cowardice.

The main thing is not to change, and the prosecutor seeks to change at least secondary circumstances to drown out the flour of conscience. Showing sympathy for a convicted one, he gives the order to kill Yeshua on the cross, so that he did not suffer for a long time. He orders to kill the judah's juduary and return the money to the high priest. The procurator tries at least as \u003d then to block his guilt, to remove the remorse.

An important role in the novel is played by the dream, who saw the Roman procurator after the execution of Yeshua. In a dream, he goes accompanied by his dog Bangui - the only creature to which he is attached. And next to him on a transparent blue road there is a stray philosopher, and they argue about something complicated and important, and none of them can defeat the other. In the dream, the procurator convinces himself that there was no execution. He recalls the words spoken by Yeshua before the penalty, who transmit the head of the Afani service: "... Among the human defects, he considers the cowardice." In a dream, the procurator objects the stray philosopher: "... this is the most terrible vice!" He recalls his courage in battle: "... I didn't climb the current procurator of Judea, and the former tribune in the Legion, then, in the Valley of the Dev, when the fierce Germans almost bred rats - Giant." In a dream, the procurator makes the right choice. In the morning, he would not destroy his career because of the man who committed a crime against Caesar. But at night he weighed everything and came to the conclusion that I agree to destroy myself, to save from the execution "I strongly could not be guilty of a mad dreamer and a doctor." Here it is shown that the procurator repents in his cowardice. He understands that he made a terrible mistake. But he is capable of a feat and self-sacrifice. If you could change everything or turn the time ago, Pontius Pilate would not sign the death sentence. "We will always be together now," says Ga-Nochri. We are talking about the very immortality, which for some reason the procurator thought when I read the Juda denunciation. Immortality Yeshua is that he remained faithful to the preaching of good and climbed the cross for the sake of people. This is a feat of self-sacrifice. The immortality of Pilate is that he showed the troubles and from the cowardice signed a death sentence to an innocent person. No one would want such immortality. At the end of the novel, the procurator claims that "most of all in the world hates his immortality and unheard of glory." He says that he wouldingly changed his fate with the torn-bored Leviem Matvey. "

In 2005, when this legendary film came out, I was 13 years old. In such an early age, little you understand and realize so deeply to understand it to the end. After all, the truth is said that the work "Master and Margarita" In different ages are understood in different ways. So happened to me. It took 10 years - and I look at the same movie, only with other eyes.

Evil people are not in the world, there are only people unhappy

At first it seemed to me that "Master and Margarita" - This is a work of love with an admixture of history. After all, for the sake of love, Margarita decided to go through this difficult path, which eventually gave her the second chance to be happy next to his beloved man. But actually everything is much deeper. The novel shows how the meeting with Woland changes the fate of people. It remains a mystery, for example, would Ivan the homeless in a psychiatric hospital, do not meet a mysterious foreign consultant on the patriarchal ponds?

Today, on the patriarching ponds you met with Satan

Now about the film itself.

It seems to me that the 2005 film is without exaggeration the most brilliant work domestic cinema. Vladimir Bortko is the greatest talented producer who managed to convey the entire atmosphere, which is saturated with a novel. And, of course, it is worth noting the composer Igor Kornelyuk - his music is great. I listen to her!

An important role was played by the cast. What a pity that some actors are no longer alive. Personally, I really lack in modern films of my favorite Cyril Lavrov and Vladislav Galkina

We will now always be together. Since one - so, it means, right there and the other ... I will remember me - they will immediately remember you ...

I was always very impressed with the game Oleg Basilashvili. In this film he played amazing!

Never be afraid of anything. It is unreasonable.

Sergey Bezrukov is also very talented - "got into the right note." But the only minus - it seems to me that for Yeshua he is a little complete but this is my subjective opinion.

- Cowardice is one of the most terrible human vices.
- I dare to argue. Cowardice - the most terrible human vice.