Hero of our time read the internal qualities of Pechorin. Quotation characteristic of Pechorin

Hero of our time read the internal qualities of Pechorin. Quotation characteristic of Pechorin
Hero of our time read the internal qualities of Pechorin. Quotation characteristic of Pechorin


School works

Image of Pechorin in the story "Bal"

Based on the text of the story of M. Yu.Lermontova "Bal", about the personality of the main character of Pechorin Grigoria Alexandrovich, the following conclusions can be drawn:
This is a young man, an officer, attractive outdoor, pleasant at first sight in all respects, has a good education, brilliant mind, beautiful taste; He is an esthete, true aristocrat, star secular society.
The extraordinary contradiability of his character (p.587) predetermines that with him "... there should be different unusual things ...". Contradictions permeate all its nature: ardent passion and logical prudence, volitional purposefulness and fatalism, emotional enthusiasm and apathy, romanticism and cynicism, a democratic latitude of views and authoritarianism, direct complicity in events and dismissions.
The actions of the main character are impulsive, adventurism, curiosity and experimentalism.
The latitude of Pechorin's views is not peculiar to people of his time, and in the first place - this is nihilism inherent rather heroes Romanov end XIX. in. Orthodox faith For him, a tradition is more likely than a guide to action: "... Allah for all tribes is the same, and if he allows me to love you, why will it forbid you to pay me reciprocity? ...", do not forget about it numerous novels In Petersburg.
It is not surprising that Pechorin shows a living interest in the traditions of the Caucasian peoples, but this is only the interest of the researcher. Know - does not mean respect and follow. Like Russians national traditions Not for Pechorin leadership to action and all other norms of behavior and customs cause only cognitive interest.
The mind of our hero is inventive, Pechorin is similar to a scientist, putting experiments (but, alas, on living people). This is a brilliant psychologist (Freud's Forerun), a man, brilliantly building logical chains (able to weave intrigue).
He is an unusually targeted person, but to achieve his goal uses often dishonest means: provocation, bribery, blackmail. He is interested in the process of achieving the goal, but as soon as the desired carried out, interest disappears.
Despite all of the foregoing, Pechorin appears in front of the reader being extremely spoiled, in high degree Egoistic and, to all, absolutely infantile. He himself - adult childwho knows the world, constantly needs new impressions and new "toys." Perhaps, his life credo can be expressed by lines of poem of my friend, widely known in the narrow circles of the poet Pavel Budkina:

"I want to!" - and above there is no law,
I have no other laws,
This word for me icon,
Lips on the lips flow like wine.

"Let me!" - I do not need much,
I wanted not much - everything
I am pleasing to me only one fence -
On my body grave.

No shadows! I am alive among living things
Do not touch the hands and lips.
I drink to the fingers warm giving,
Those who will come back!

I drink for that tormenting and beat,
To rush thoughts into pieces,
In order for something in this life,
In addition to boredom, malice and longing!

I drink a little place
So that the stamps and cliché crack.
I want the body tired,
Not giving tired soul!

My glass is almost to the edge full,
I drink, pour still half!
Let always be crowned with the table:
Life is a game, desire - bet in it!
By the way, Paul's large admirer of creativity M.Yu. Lermontov
Especially badly that Pechorin is quite aware of its limitless sinful egoism, but it does not try to fight him, on the contrary, it cultivates it in every way.
It is not sad, but in this person there is a arrogance, not only in relation to the "savages", but also to their own comrades and colleagues. His self-conceit is extremely high, sometimes he just feels like God.
But why is the peopling personality so attractive for others?
Our hero, following its egoistic motivations, is a childish sincere in all its manifestations. He sincerely falls in love, sincerely bold and bravely, sincere in the stories about his disappointment in life. He even want to sympathize and somehow console.
However, does an adult right reasonable personYes, even with such a mind and logic to go exclusively about own desires?
The result of such actions, alas, is crying, the result becomes death of innocent people (Bal, her father, without missing teenage brother, spoiled, by the way to say, the same pepper). The denial of all the norms of behavior in society makes Monster from Pechorina, he is even worse than the Kazbich's robber (he did not allow himself to steal Bal from the family, changing the horse)
For the sake of performing their own ambitious goals, Pechorin is not ready to be considered either feelings or the lives of others, even expensive people. For our hero, the train of death and destruction stretches, contact with him brings others to others and misfortunes, which, in turn, makes Pechorina, too unhappy, does not allow to have long-term attachments, turns it into a cynical wanderer on this land.
Pechorin is a lonely, ridiculous, restless, "travelable world of a wanderer," throwing a deadly, tragic, fatal shadow on loved ones and loving his people.

P.S. My brief judgments about Pechorin's thoughts:
Love is a game
Friendship - burden,
Affection - trifle,
Fate - Fatum (Fatalism),
Life is a lonely journey ...

Speaking about the characteristic of Grigory Pecherin, first of all it should be noted that the author of the work of Mikhail Lermontov clearly showed his attitude towards the hero Grigory Pechorin. Pechorin does not fit into society, he, as it were, "falls out" from him, and the case is not at all his appearance. Indeed, Gregory Aleksandrovich Pechorin Cute officer, possesses acute mind, Live and kipping nature, has an explosive character. However, Mikhail Lermontov himself, mentioning the characteristic of Grigory Pechorin, notes: "This is a portrait made up of the vices of all our generation, in full development."

Gregory Aleksandrovich Pechorin is certainly collected together the image of people of the time, namely the 30s of the XIX century.

So, Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin is certainly collected together the image of the people of the time, namely the 30s of the XIX century. What is interesting to say about the characteristic of Grigory Pechorin?

He leads a sufficiently boring lifestyle, he is lonely, take himself hard. Although one time Pechorin rotates in the best circles of society, but it all anniversary: \u200b\u200band courting for the ladies, and silent fun.

On the one hand, Grigory is afraid that society will negatively affect him, so internally, he will avoid his influence, but on the other hand, Pechorin does not worry about the good and well-being of others. Not only does he appreciate true love and friendship so much the main character Lermontov is not experiencing that he ruins the fate of close people next to him by his behavior. This fact, of course, significantly overshadows the characteristic of Grigory Pechorin.

Characteristics of Grigory Pechorin in the chapter "Bal"

In the course of reading the book and analyzing the Hero, Lermontov Pechorina it becomes clear that Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin is started in the recklessness just because he is bored. But when the passion of the adventure masters them, he is calculating and ready to go to everyone - to sacrifice the friendship, to hurt someone's feelings, reversal something inside him. For example, in the chapter "Bal" Pechorin flaves passion for the girl Bale, and does everything possible to achieve its location. It seems that Grigory Pechorin loves Bal, but how can it be explained by what he ruthlessly crashes her family, forcibly kidnapped the girl, pushes on the madness of Brother Bali Azamata, and then dresses the larva and is trying to cause sympathy and pity? It is unlikely that such actions can be explained by this love.

Reflecting on the characteristic of Grigory Pecherin after reading this chapter, it can be seen that in fact Bal was the hero of Lermontov Pechorin is not needed, she became a fleeting boredom and for a while he sought her, dispersed his longing.

True, Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin is not deprived of compassion. Understanding that Bal He is not needed, but he conquered her heart, Pechorin continues to deceive her, only now his deception is that he, allegedly, he loves her.

Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin is started in the recklessness simply because he is bored. But when the passion of the adventure masters them, he is calculating and ready to go to everything.

Conclusions about the characteristic of Grigory Pechorin

Speaking simple language Oh Hero Lermontov Pechorin, let's say that Pechorin - bad personcombining the defects of its generation and modern society. But still, from his actions and thinking, it is possible to make important conclusions about the morality of people in general, and to look through the prism of the vicious nature of Gregory Alexandrovich Pechorin on himself.

BALA - Portrait of Pecherrine's eyes Maximich: "A young man of twenty-five years old. He was so thin, whlen, on it the uniform was so new" "nice was small, only a little strange" could have a little day to withstand on the hunt, but hunting from draft; Alone went to the boar, but "Stone Stupid, he will flock and pale"; He could be silent for hours, and could be the soul of the company knows how to play people's weaknesses. Uses the love of Azamat to the money and the desire to have a horse Kazbich to achieve their goal (abduction of Balla) is stubborn, selfish, is about his desires. Trying to win the love of Bals by anything, concludes with Maxim Maxim Maxim. On the reproach about Bale from-ware: "But if I like her?

"It can be seen, in childhood I was empty" (Maxim Maximych about Pechorine) has changeable nature, can not find his place in life. "Ignorance and simplest" Bals are tired of Pechorin, as before "Swiftness of secular ladies." He is "boring" yipod "Chechen bullets". He considers travel to exotic countries - America, India, Arabia.

"Avos somewhere die on the road" remains a mysterious figure for Maxim Maxim. Maxim Maxima is incomprehensible to Pechorin's response to the death of Bale - in response to the comfort of Pechorin laughs.

"After all, it is, the right, such people who have written in the family that various unusual things should happen to them" "Maxim Maximych" Portrait of Pechorina through the eyes of the author-narrator Attractive appearance, strong physique "Slim, thin mill and wide shoulders argued strong addition, able to transfer all the difficulties of nomadic life and climate change, not defeated by the depravity of the metropolitan life, nor the stormists" Aristocratic traits. Thin pale fingers, soft skin, pale, noble forehead. "Despite Para light color His hair, his mustache and eyebrows were black - a sign of the breed in a man "the elusiveness of the image" at first glance on his face I would not give him more than twenty-three years, although after I was ready to give him thirty "unusual eyes. Pechorin's eyes did not laugh When he laughed - "a sign or evil in the same way, or a deep constant sadness."

Glitter his eyes "Dazzling, but cold." "His look - a short, but insightful and heavy, left an in itself a pepreicious impression of an indiscreet question and might seem must appear if it was not so indifferent calm" "Taman" The tragity of the personality of Pechorin - in the gap between the mind and feelings. Symbolized in this regard in the final "Taman" figure abandoned by everyone, crying blind boy Janko.

In the same position it turns out and Pechorin when living life, clinging, leaves him with anything

In the story of "Princess Meri", Pechorin speaks of himself: "The whole life was only a chain of sad and unsuccessful contradictions of the heart or Ruse-ku," in me two people: one lives in the full sense of the word, another thinks and judges him " "Some worship me worse, others are better than I really ... Some will say: he was kind small, others - a bastard! .. and that and the other will be false."

As can be seen from these statements, Pechorin very objectively appreciates himself and its actions. Lermontov endowed his hero with a huge analytical mind. He dismantled in humans, comprehends their weak and strengths And therefore, apparently, it turns out the winner of all the challenges with them. He strictly and mercilessly judging himself, scrupulously analyzing his actions sometimes worries him not only a personal fate, but the fate of the modern generation him.

Although Pechorin is repeatedly recognized that he lives his head, not a heart, nevertheless, he is not deprived of heart gusts. He painfully experiencing the death of Bail, rejoices with faith: "My heart painfully sank, as after the first parting," said Pechorin. "Oh, as I thought this feeling!". So he rake jumps on a tortured horse to once again see the faith, "say goodbye, shake hands ..." "Losing last hope"Pechorin is crying bitterly," not trying to hold tears and sobbies. " Pechistan shook the suffering Mary, he almost "fell to her legs." He is ready to rush on the neck of the Pereshnitsky. Material from site.

Pechorin thinly feels the greatness and beauty of the nature of the Caucasus, especially indicative of this in the story "Princess Mary" when describing the early morning in the mountains during a duel. I would also like to note his imbibular power, determination, courage and courage. Yes, Pechorin - a man unusual. He knows it himself: "... and, right, there was a high appointment, because I feel in my soul of my strength." He is smarter and noble for people of secular society, to which it belongs by birth and on the position - all these "brilliant adjutants, pale Muscovites", Aristo-Kratov, gathered on the water to have fun ...

But the mind can only manifest itself in action. "He, in whose head more ideas was born, that more than others acts: from this genius, chained to the official table, must die or go crazy, just like a person with a powerful physique, with sedentary life and modest belief, Dies from apoplexic shock, "said Pechorin so reason.

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • quotation characteristic of Pechorin on the chapter Bella
  • quotation characteristic Pichorina
  • it is a text to felt quotati for the characteristic of Pechorіn.
  • quotation characteristic of Pechorin in Mary
  • characteristic of Pechistan in the novel of the hero of our time quotes

Pechorin - ambiguous personality

The image of Pechorin in the novel "Hero of Our Time" Lermontov is an image of ambiguous. It can not be called positive, but he is not negative. Many of his actions are worthy of condemnation, but it is also important to understand the motives of his behavior before making an assessment. The author called Pechorina the hero of his time is not because he recommended to be equal to him, and not because he wanted to ridicule him. He simply showed a portrait of a typical representative of that generation - " excess person"- In order for anyone to see, a public device that causes an irrigation personality.

Quality Pechorina.

Knowledge of people

Is it possible to call bad such quality of Pecherin, as an understanding of the psychology of people, the motives of their actions? Another thing is that he uses him not for its intended purpose. Instead of doing good, help others, he plays them, and these games, as a rule, are tragically end. It was such an end that the story with the Goriana Balley was received, to paint the Pechistan of her brother. Having achieved love of the freedom-loving girl, he lost interest to her, and soon Bal had fell victim to vengeful Kazbich.

The game from Prince Mary also did not led anything good. Pechistan intervention in her relationship with the Pereshnitsky was the result broken heart Princesses and death on the duel of Pereshnitsky.

Ability to analyze

The brilliant ability to analyze Pechorin demonstrates in a conversation with Dr. Werner (chapter "Princess Mary"). He completely logically calculates that his person was interested in Princess Ligovskaya, and not her daughter Mary. "You have a big gift of considerations," Verner notes. However, this gift again does not find decent applications. Pechorin may have might do scientific discoveries, But in the study of science, he was disappointed, because he saw that in his society knowledge was not needed to anyone.

Independence from the opinions of others

The description of Pechorina in the "Hero of Our Time" novel gives many reason to accuse him in spiritual severity. Not good, it would seem, he did in relation to the old buddy Maxim Maxim. Having learned that his colleague, with whom they eaten not one salty, stopped in the same city, Pechorin did not hurried to meet him. Maxim Maximach was very upset and offended by him. However, Pechorin is guilty, in fact, only that the old man did not meet the expectations. "Is I not the same?" He recalled, after all, the friendly introducing Maxim Maximich. Indeed, Pechorin never tries to portray himself someone who is not, just to please others. He prefers to be, and not seem, always honest in manifestation of his feelings, and from this point of view, his behavior deserves all approval. He is also indifferent to them, they will say others, - Pechorin always comes as it seems necessary. IN modern conditions Such qualities would be invaluable and would help him quickly achieve their goal, fully realize themselves.


Bravery and fearlessness are characteristics of character, thanks to which it would be possible to say "Pechorin - the hero of our time" without any ambiguity. They are manifested on the hunt (Maxim Maximych witnessed as Pechorin "walked one on one kaban"), and on duels (he was not afraid to shoot with the Grucnitsky on knowingly losing conditions for him), and in a situation where it was necessary to pacify the swirling Drunk Cossack (head "Fatalist"). "... Worse than death will not happen anything - but death is not passing," says Pechorin, and this belief allows him to bolder to go forward. However, even the deadly danger, from which he came across daily at the Caucasian War, did not help him cope with the boredom: he quickly got used to the buzz of the Chechen bullets. It's obvious that military service It was not his vocation, and therefore the brilliant abilities of Pecherin in this area did not find further use. He decided to travel in the hope of finding a remedy for boredom "With the help of storms and bad roads."


Pechorina can not be called a vain, falling to praise, but he is quite proud. Its hurts very much if a woman does not consider it the best and preference to another. And he all forces, by any means, seeks to win her attention. So happened in the situation with the prince Mary, who first liked the Hushchnitsky. From the analysis of Pechorin, which he himself does in his magazine, it follows that it was important for him not so much to achieve the love of this girl, how much to beat it off from a competitor. "I confess, the feeling is unpleasant, but a friend ran slightly at this moment in my heart; This feeling - it was envy ... It is unlikely that there is a young man who, having met a pretty woman who focused his idle attention and suddenly, with him distinguished by another, she is equally unfamiliar, it is unlikely, I say, there is such a young man (of course, who lived in a large world And accustomed to pampering his pride), which would not be affected by this. "

Pechorin loves to seek victory. He managed to switch the interest of Mary to his own person, make his mistress proud Bal, to get a secret date from the faith, to replay the Huschnitsky on a duel. If he had a decent matter, this desire to be the first would allow him to achieve tremendous success. But he has to give a way to his leadership to the leaders such as strange and destructive way.


In writing on the topic "Pechorin - a hero of our time" should not be not to say about such a feature of his character like egoism. He is not very baked about the feelings and destinies of other people who have hostages his whims, it matters only to satisfy their own needs. Pechistan did not even spare faith - the only woman who, as he believed, really loved. He substituted her reputation under the blow, having visited her at night in the absence of her husband. A bright illustration of his dismissive, selfish relationship is his favorite horse, he did not manage to catch up with the carriage with the faithful faith. On the way to Essentuki, Pechorin saw that "Instead of the saddle on his back, two crow sites." Moreover, Pechorin sometimes enjoys the sufferings of others. He presents how Mary after his incomprehensible behavior "will spend the night without sleep and will cry," and this thought delivers him "immense pleasure." "There are moments when I understand the vampire ..." he confesses.

Pechorin's behavior - the result of the influence of circumstances

But is it possible to call this bad property of the character congenital? Is Pecherskin initially done or did it make such living conditions? That's what he himself told the prince of Mary: "That was my fate since childhood. Everyone was read on my face signs of bad feelings that were not; But they were assumed - and they were born. I was modest - I was accused of a villaness: I became secret ... I was ready to love the whole world, - no one understood me: and I learned to hate ... I told the truth - I did not believe me: I began to deceive ... I was made by moral cripples. "

Once surrounded by not corresponding to his inner essence, Pechorin is forced to break itself, to become one who is not really. That's what this is from internal contradiabilitywhich put the imprint and its appearance. The author of the novel paints the portrait of Pechorina: Laughter with the sinking eyes, daring and at the same time indifferent-calm opinion, a straight mill, asymorant, like the Balzak Baryshni, when he sat down on the bench, and other "inconsistencies".

Pechorin and himself realizes that it produces an ambiguous impression: "Some worship me worse, others better than I really ... Some will say: he was kind small, others - bastard. Both will be false. " It is true that under the influence of external circumstances, his personality has undergone so complex and ugly deformations that it is impossible to separate in it a bad one that is already impossible.

In the novel of the "Hero of our time", the image of Pechorin is moral, psychological portrait whole generation. How many of his representatives, not finding in the surrounding response "Souls with beautiful gusts", were forced to adapt, to become the same as everyone around, or - to die. The author of the novel Mikhail Lermontov, whose life was triggered tragically and prematurely, was one of them.

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