Leo tovy. Hobbies and military service

Leo tovy. Hobbies and military service
Leo tovy. Hobbies and military service

Lion Tolstoy (1828-1910) is among the top five most readable writers. His creativity made Russian literature recognizable abroad. Even if you did not read these works, you will certainly know Natasha Rostov, Pierre Probrelov and Andrei Bolkonsky at least from films or jokes. The biography of Leo Nikolayevich can cause interest among each person, because the personal life of a well-known person is always of interest, parallels are held with his creative activity. Let's try to trace the life path of Lion Tolstoy.

There was a future classic from the famous from the XIV century noble rhodation. Peter Andreevich Tolstoy, the ancestor of the writer from the Father, he deserved the favor of Peter I, investigating the case of his son, who was suspected of treason. Then Perth Andreevich headed the secret office, the career went to the mountain. Nikolai Ilyich, Father Classic, got a good education. However, it was combined with unshakable principles that did not allow him to advance at the court.

The state of the Father of the Future Classic was upset because of his parents' debts, and he married the elderly, but the wealthy Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya. Despite the initial calculation, in marriage they were happy and started five children.


Lev Nikolayevich was born the fourth (there was also a younger Maria and Senior Nikolai, Sergey and Dmitry), but after birth he received a little: the mother died two years after the birth of the writer; Father moved for a short time with children to Moscow, but soon he also died. The experience of the trip was so strong that young leva created the first essay of the Kremlin.

Brought up children at once several guardians: first TA Ergolskaya and A. M. Osten-Saken. A. M. Osten-Saken died in 1840, and the children went to Kazan to P.I.Yushkova.


Yushkova house was secular and cheerful: techniques, evenings, external shine, Higher society - it was all very important for the family. Tolstoy and himself sought to shine in society, be "comme il faut", but the shyness did not allow to turn around. Real entertainment Lero Nikolayevich replaced reflections and self-analysis.

The future classic was studied at home: first under the leadership of Goover-German Saint-Tom, and then the Frenchman Reselman. For example, the lion brothers decides to enter the Imperial Kazan University, in which Kovalevsky and Lobachevsky worked. In 1844, Tolstoy began to study at the Eastern Faculty (the admission committee was amazed by the knowledge of the "Turkish-Tatar language"), and later I was transferred to the Faculty of Law.


With a home teacher of history, a young man conflicted, so the assessments on the subject were unsatisfactory, in the university it was necessary to listen to the course. In order to avoid the repetition of the past, the lion switched to Jurfak, but did not finish, left the university and left for a clear clearing, the parent estate. Here he is trying to keep the farm for new technologies, tried, but unsuccessfully. In 1849, the writer goes to Moscow.

During this period, the diary begins, the records will continue until the death of the writer. They are the most important document, in diaries Lev Nikolayevich and describes the events of his life, and is engaged in self-analysis, and argues. Also, the goals and rules that he tried to follow.

History of success

The creative world of Leo Tolstoy was still in adolescence, in his emergence of constant psychoanalysis. Systemically, this quality manifested itself in diary records. It is as a result of constant self-analysis and the famous "Dialectics of the soul" appeared in Tolstoy.

First work

Children's work was written in Moscow, and real works were written. Tolstoy creates a story about the gypsies, about his daily routine (unfinished manuscripts are lost). In the early 50s, the story "Childhood" is created.

Lion Tolstoy - a member of the Caucasian and Crimean Wars. The military service gave the writer a lot of new plots and emotions described in the stories of the "raid", "logging of forests", "demoted", in the story of "Cossacks". Here, "childhood", which brought fame. The impressions of the battle for Sevastopol helped write the cycle "Sevastopol stories". But in 1856, Lev Nikolayevich parted with the service forever. Personal story Lion taught him a lot of thoroughly: after seeing bloodshed in the war, he realized the importance of peace and real values \u200b\u200b- family, marriage, their people. It is these thoughts that he will subsequently invest in his works.


The story "Childhood" was created in the winter of 1850-51, and published in a year. This is a work and its continuation "adolescence" (1854), "Youth" (1857) and "youth" (never was written) were to make a novel "Four Epochs of Development" spiritual formation man.

The trilogy is talking about the life of Nicholya Irtenyev. He has parents, the elder brother of Volodya and sister Lyubochka, he is happy in his home world, but suddenly his father reports to move to Moscow, Nikoleka and Volodya ride with him. As much unexpectedly dying their mother. The stern blow of fate breaks childhood. In the alert, the hero conflicts with others and with himself, trying to comprehend itself in this world. The grandmother dies in Nikolenka, he not only flashes about her, but he also notices with bitterness that only her inheritance cares. In the same period, the hero begins to prepare for the university and meets Dmitry Nehhludov. Enrolling at the university, he feels adults and rushes into the Out of secular pleasures. This pastime does not leave time for study, the hero fails at the exams. This event led him to the thought of the wrong path of the chosen path leads to self-improvement.

Personal life

The families of writers are always difficult: a creative person may be impossible in everyday life, and he is also always not until the earthly, it is covered by new plans. But how did the family of Leo Tolstoy lived?


Sophia Andreevna Bers was born in the family of the doctor, she was smart, formed, simple. The writer met the future wife when he was 34, and she was 18. Clear, bright and clean girl attracted the experienced Lion Nikolayevich, who had already seen a lot and was ashamed for his past.

After the wedding, the thick began to live in a clear clearing, where Sofia Andreevna was engaged in the economy, children and helped her husband in all matters: rewritten the manuscript, was engaged in the publication of works, was the secretary and translator. After opening in a clear clearance, she helped and inspecting patients. Tolstoy's family held at her concerns, because all economic activities She led it.

During the spiritual crisis, Tolstoy came up with a special charter of life and decided to renounce property, depriving the children of the state. Sophia Andreevna opposed this, the family life gave a crack. Nevertheless, the wife of Leo Nikolayevich is the only one, and she made a great contribution to his work. He referred to her doubly: on the one hand, he respected and guarded, on the other, she rejected her for the fact that she was engaged in material affairs more than spiritual. This conflict was continued in his prose. For example, in the novel "War and Peace" last name negative hero, evil, indifferent and suspended on the accumulation, - Berg, which is very consonant with the virgin family name.


Children in Lion Tolstoy was 13, 9 boys and 4 girls, but five of them died in childhood. The image of the Great Father lived in his children, they were all connected with his work.

Sergey was engaged in the work of his father (established the museum, commented on the work), and also became a professor at the Moscow Conservatory. Tatiana was a sequence of father's teachings and also became a writer. Ilya led a messy life: he had no needed, did not find suitable jobAnd after the revolution, I emigrated to the United States, where lecture on the worldview of Leo Nikolayevich was read. The lion also followed the ideas of holiance first, but later became a monarchist, so I also emigrated and engaged in creativity. Maria shared the ideas of the Father, refused the light and was engaged in educational work. Andrei highly appreciated his noble origin, participated in the Russian-Japanese war, after his wife had led his wife, and soon he died suddenly. Mikhail was musical, but became the military and wrote memoirs about life in a clear glade. Alexandra helped his father in all matters, then became the keeper of his museum, but because of the emigration of her achievements in Soviet time Tried to forget.

Creative crisis

In the second half of the 60s - early 70s, Tolstoy is experiencing painful spiritual crisis. Writer several years accompanied panic attacks, Thoughts about suicide, fear of death. Answer to tormenting his questions of being Lion Nikolayevich could not find anywhere, and he created his own philosophical teaching.

Change of worldview

The path of victory over the crisis was unusual: Lion Tolstoy created his moral teachings. His thoughts were presented to them in books and articles: "Confession", "So what we do", "what is art", "I can't be silent."

The teaching of the writer was not an antarodine character, as Orthodoxy, according to Leo, Nikolayevich, perverted the essence of the commandments, his dogmas are not allowed from the point of view of morality, and are imposed on age-old traditions, forcibly grafted by the Russian people. The holiashide found a response to the commoner and in the intelligentsia, pilgrims from different classes for the council began to arrive in a clear clearing. The church responded sharply on the spread of the Tsvette: in 1901, the writer was excited from her.


Morality, morality and philosophy are connected in the teaching of Tolstoy. God is the best in man, his moral center. That is why it is impossible to follow the dogma and justify any violence (that the church did, according to the author's teachings). Brotherhood of all people and victory over world evil - the ultimate goals of humanity, which can be achieved by self-improvement of each of us.

Lev Nikolayevich was different looking not only for his personal life, but also on creativity. Only the simple people are close to truth, and art should only separate good and evil. And this role is performed by one folk art. This one leads to the abandonment of past works and the maximum simplification of new essays with the addition of edging ("Holtomer", "Death Ivan Ilyich", "Host and Worker", "Resurrection").


Since the beginning of the 1980s, family relationships are exacerbated: the writer wants to refuse the copyright to his books, his property and distribute all the poor. The wife sharply opposed, promising to blame her husband crazy. Tolstoy realized that he could not solve the problem peacefully, so I came up with leave a house, go abroad and become a peasant.

Accompanied by Dr. DP. Makovitsky writer left the estate (later his daughter Alexander was joined). However, the writer's plans were not destined to be implemented. In Tolstoy, the temperature rose, he stopped at the head of the station Astapovo. Ten days later, the writer died.

Creative heritage

Researchers allocate in the work of a lion thick three periods:

  1. Creativity of the 50s ("Young Tolstoy") - during this period there is a writer style, his famous "Dialectics of the Soul", he accumulates impressions, helps and helps military service.
  2. Creativity of the 60s (70s) (classical period) - It is at this time the most written famous works Writer.
  3. 1880-1910 (time period) - They carry the imprint of the spiritual coup: renunciation from past creativity, new spiritual principles and problems. The style is simplistic, as well as plots of works.
Interesting? Save on your wall! Family life Fracture

Childhood ... Advocacy ... Youth ...

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born on September 9 (August 28, in the old style) of 1828, in the manor of the Casual Polyana Tula province. Tolstoy was the fourth child in a large noble family, he had three older brothers - Nikolai, Sergey and Dmitry, and the younger sister Maria. Their mom, nee Princess Volkonskaya, died when Levushka was not two years old.

The writer's vague memories remained about her, but her spiritual appearance, according to the stories of loved ones, Tolstoy kept the whole life. "She seemed to me such a high, clean, spiritual being that I often prayed her soul, asking her to help me, and this prayer always helped a lot." And one more amazing feature attracted Tolstoy - she never condemned anyone. The servants recalled that, facing injustice, Maria Nikolaevna, it happened, "the whole turns, even pay, but never tells the rude word."

Father Tolstoy, a participant in the Patriotic War, who remembered by the writer with a good-natured-mocking character, love for reading, to the hunt, also died early (1837). The rapid relative of Tatiana Alexandrovna Yergolskaya was engaged in the education of children. Up to five years, Levushka was brought up with girls: the sister of Masha and the adopted daughter of thick - dunechka. When the boy turned five years old, he was transferred to the nursery, to the brothers. In childhood, Tolstoy surrounded the warm, family atmosphere. Here we treated related feelings and willingly gave the shelter to loved ones.

Tolstoy often recalled his childhood: "Happy, happy, irrevocable time of childhood! How not to love, do not cherish memories about her? Memories are refreshing, tower my soul and serve for me the source of the best pleasures." Family legends, the first impressions of the nobility estate served as a rich material for his works and reflected in the autobiographical story "Childhood".

When L. Tolstoy was 13 years old, the family moved to Kazan, in the house of relatives and guardian of children P. I. Yushkova.

In 1844 Tolstoy entered the Kazan University for separation eastern languages Faculty of Philosophy, then transferred to the Faculty of Law, where he studied the incomplete two years: the classes did not cause him a living interest and he looked away with passion secular entertainment. In the spring of 1847, submitting a petition for dismissal from the university "on upset health and home circumstances," Tolstoy went to a clear pool with a solid intention to study the entire course of law (in order to pass externally), "practical medicine", languages, agriculture, story, geographical statistics, write the dissertation and "achieve high degree Perfections in music and painting. "

After the summer in the village, disappointed with the unsuccessful experience of the management on new, favorable for fortress conditions (this attempt was captured in the story "Morning landlord", 1857), in the fall of 1847, Lion Tolstoy went to Moscow, then to Petersburg to keep candidate exams at the university. The image of his life during this period often changed: he was preparing for days and passed the exams, he was passionately given to music, he intended to start an official career, he dreamed of entering a junker to the Connogvardeysky regiment. For Tolstoy, it was the time of searches yourself. Religious moods that have reached asceticism alternated with couments, cards, rides to the gypsies. In the family he was considered "the most trivial small", and then he managed to give only many years later. However, these years are painted with tens of self-analysis and the struggle with them, which is reflected in the diary, which Tolstoy led throughout life. At the same time, he had a serious desire to write and appeared the first unfinished artistic sketches. Lion Tolstoy himself played well on the piano and really appreciated the favorite works performed by others. The favorite composers of Tolstoy were Bach, Handel and Chopin. In the late 1840s, Tolstoy in collaboration with his acquaintances, I composed Waltz, who at the beginning of the 1900s performed with composer Taneyev, who made a note record of this musical Work (the only, painted thick).

An outstanding Russian writer, a philosopher and thinker Count known worldwide. Even in the farthest corners of the world, as soon as it comes to Russia, Peter the first, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and a few of russian history.

We decided to collect the most interesting Facts From life TolstoyTo remind them to you, and may even surprise some things.

So, let's start-with!

  1. Born Tolstoy in 1828, but died in 1910 (lived 82 years). He married at 34 years at 18-year-old Sophia Andreevna. They had 13 children, five of whom died in childhood.

    Lion Tolstoy with his wife and children

  2. Before the wedding, the Count gave the future spouse to re-read his diaries, in which his numerous prodigal ties were described. He considered it honest and fair. According to the wife of a writer, she remembered their content for his whole life.
  3. At the beginning family life The young couple was full harmony And mutual understanding, but over time, the relationship began to deteriorate more and more, reaching the peak shortly before the death of the thinker.
  4. Tolstoy's wife was a real mistress and the exemplary business led.
  5. Interesting is the fact that Sophia Andreevna (Tolstoy's wife), rewritten almost all the works of her husband in order to send manuscripts into the publishing house. It was necessary because no editor would disassemble the handwriting of the Great Writer.

    Diary of Tolstoy L.N.

  6. Almost all the life of the wife of the thinker rewritten and her husband's diaries. However, shortly before the death of Tolstoy began to lead two diaries: one that he read the wife, and the other personal. Elderly Sophia Andreevna came to the rage of what could not find him, although I broke the whole house.
  7. Everything significant works ("War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", "Resurrection") Lion Tolstoy wrote after marriage. That is, under 34, he did not deal with serious writing activities.

    Tolstoy in youth

  8. The creative heritage of Leo Nikolayevich is 165 thousand sheets of manuscripts and ten thousand letters. Full collection Works published in 90 volumes.
  9. An interesting fact is that in the life of Tolstoy I could not have tolerate when the dogs are naked, and also did not love the cherry.
  10. Despite the fact that he was from birth graph, he always had a soul to the people. Often, the peasants saw him on their own lush field. On this occasion there is funny joke: "Lion Tolstoy sits in a cracking shirt and writes a novel. Included in the livree and white gloves. - Your shiny, plow filed, s! "
  11. From childhood he was an incredibly gambling man and a gambler. However, like another great writer.
  12. Interestingly, one chart of Tolstoy lost one of the buildings of his estate, one of the buildings of his estate. His partner disassembled the property turned to him to the carnation and everything took out. The writer himself dreamed of buying back this extension, but did not carry it out.
  13. Superbly owned English, french and german languages. I read in Italian, Polish, Serbian and Czech. He studied Greek and Church-Slavic, Latin, Ukrainian and Tatar, Hebrew and Turkish, Dutch and Bulgarian languages.

    Portrait of a fatty writer

  14. Anna Akhmatova in childhood taught the letters in the bookbank, which L.N. Tolstoy wrote for peasant kids.
  15. Having tried to help the peasants in everything that he had his strength.

    Tolstoy with assistants is the lists of peasants in need of help

  16. The novel "War and the World" was written for 6 years, and then 8 times rewrote. Separate fragments Tolstoy rewrited up to 25 times.
  17. The work of "War and Peace" is considered the most significant in the work of the great writer, but he himself spoke in a letter A. Fetu as follows: "I am happy that I will never write again verious drebény like "war".
  18. An interesting fact about Tolstoy is also in the fact that the count, by the end of life, developed several serious principles of its world. The main ones are reduced to the absence of evil by violence, denial of private property and complete ignoring any authorities, whether church, state or what else.

    Tolstoy in a family circle in the park

  19. Many believe that Tolstoy was excommunicated from the Orthodox Church. In fact, definition holy Synod sounded literally:
  20. "Therefore, testifying to the disappearance of it (Tolstoy-Avt.) From the church, together and pray, let the Lord give him repentance in the mind of truth."

    That is, the Synod simply witnessed that Tolstoy "self-emitted" from the church. In fact, it was the case, if analyzing the numerous statements of the writer in the address of the church.

    1. In fact, by the end of his life, Lev Nikolayevich really expressed beliefs very far from Christianity. Quote:

    "I do not want to be a Christian, as I did not advise and would not want to be Buddhists, Confuciusists, Talesist, Mohammedan and others."

    "Pushkin was like Kyrgyz. Pushkin everyone is still admired. And think about the passage from his "Eugene Onegin", placed in all the texts for children: "Winter. Peasant, triumph ... ". That neither storm, then nonsense!

    And, meanwhile, the poet obviously worked a lot and for a long time. "Winter. Peasant, triumph ... ". Why "triumph"? - Perhaps it goes to the city to buy salts or mahors.

    "On the woods updates the path. His horse, I expect snow ... " How can this be "Daring" snow?! After all, she runs through the snow - so with what is the flair? Further: "I tried somehow ...". This is "somehow" - historically stupid thing. And got into the poem only for rhyme.

    It wrote the great Pushkin, undoubtedly smart man, I wrote because it was young and, like Kyrgyz, sang instead of talking.

    The question was asked for this Tolstoy: But what, Lev Nikolaevich, do? Is it really to leave Pisan?

    Tough: Of course, throw! I tell everyone from beginners. This is my usual advice. Not this is now time to write. It is necessary to do it, live approximately and learn on your example to live others. Throw literature if you want to obey the old man. I am! I will die soon…"

    "Over the years, Tolstoy, more and more often expresses his opinions about women. Opinions are terrible. "

    - Just if a comparison is needed, the marriage should be compared with the funeral, and not with the name days, said Lion Tolstoy.

    "The man walked one - five pounds were tied to his shoulders, and he rejoices. What is there and say that if I go alone, then I am free, and if my leg is tied with a baba, she will drag behind me and interfere with me.

    - Why did you marry? - asked the Countess.

    - And did not know then. "

    Lion Tolstoy with his wife

    Despite the interesting facts described above about Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy, he always declared that the highest value in society is a family.

    "Indeed, Paris does not at all fall into his spiritual building; He is a strange man, I did not meet anyone and I do not quite understand it. A mixture of the poet, Calvinist, Fanatik, Barich - something resembling Rousseau, but more honest Rousseau - highly moral and at the same time a non-fair creature. "

    If you want to get acquainted with more detailed information from the biography of Tolstoy, then we recommend that you read his own work "Confession". We are confident that some things from the personal life of an outstanding thinker you just shock you!

Russian cultural heritage The nineteenth century includes many world-famous musical works, achieve choreographic arts, masterpieces of ingenious poets. The creativity of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy-Great Writer-Prosaika, a philosopher-humanist and a public figure takes not only Russian, but also in world culture a special place.

Biography of Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy contradiction. It indicates that he did not immediately come to his philosophical view. And the creation of artistic literary works, which made it a world-famous Russian writer, was far from the main acquaintance of activity. And the beginning of it life path It was not cloudless. Here are the main milestones of the biography of the writer:

  • Children's years of life Tolstoy.
  • Army service and the beginning of the creative path.
  • European travel and pedagogical activity.
  • Marriage and family life.
  • The novels "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina".
  • Thousand eight hundred eighties. Moscow census.
  • Roman "Resurrection", excommunication from the church.
  • Finishing years of life.

Childhood and adolescence

The date of the writer is September 9, 1828. He was born in the noble aristocratic family, in the estate of the Mother "Clear Polyana", where the childhood of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was passed to nine years. The father of Lion Tolstoy, Nikolai Ilyich, took place from the ancient graphic genus Tolstoy, who led the pedigree from the middle of the fourteenth century. Lion's mother, Princess Volkonskaya, died in 1830, after a while after the birth of the only daughter, who was called Maria. Seven years later the Father died. He left for the care of relatives of five children, among whom Lev was a fourth child.

Changes several guardians, the little leva settled in the Kazan house of his father Yushkova, her father's sisters. Live in new family It turned out to be so happy that he pulled the tragic events to the background early childhood. Later writer This time recalled as one of the best in his life, which was reflected in his story "Childhood", which can be considered part of the autobiography of the writer.

Having received how it was taken at the time in most noble families, homemade primary education, Tolstoy arrived in 1843 to study at Kazan University, choosing the study of eastern languages. The choice was unsuccessful, due to weak performance, he changes the Eastern Faculty of law on jurisprudence, but with the same result. As a result, in two years, the Lion returns to his homeland in a clear clearing, deciding to engage in agriculture.

But the required monotonous continuous work has failed, and the lion leaves to Moscow, and then to St. Petersburg, where he is trying to prepare for admission to the university, alternating this training with the kits and gambling, more and more fade by debts, as well as with musical classes and diary. Who knows what could all this end, if not to arrive in 1851 Brother Nicholas, an army officer who persuaded him to enter military service.

Army and the beginning of the creative way

Army service contributed further revaluation by the writer public relationsexisting in the country. It was started here writing Careerconsisting of two important stages:

  • Military service in the North Caucasus.
  • Participation in the Crimean War.

For three years L. N. Tolstoy lived among the Terek Cossacks, participated in the battles - first volunteer, and in the future officially. The impressions of the life were subsequently reflected in the work of the writer, in works dedicated to the lives of North Caucasian Cossacks: "Cossacks", "Haji Murat", "Rieza", "Riding Forests".

It is in the Caucasus, in the breaks between military shocks with the mountaineers and in anticipation of admission to the official military service, Lev Nikolayevich wrote his first published work - the story "Childhood". With her, the creative growth of Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy as a writer began. Published in the "contemporary" under the pseudonym L. N., she immediately brought the beginning to the author fame and recognition.

Having spent two years in the Caucasus, L. N. Tolstoy with the beginning of the Crimean War was translated into the Danube Army, and then to Sevastopol, where he served in the artillery troops, the battery command, participated in the defense of Malakhov Kurgan and fought with black. For participation in the battles for Sevastopol, Tolstoy was repeatedly awarded, including the Order of St. Anne.

Here the writer begins to work on " Sevastopol stories", Completing in St. Petersburg, where it was translated at the beginning of the fall of 1855, and publishes them under his name in the" contemporary ". This publication enshrines the name of the representative of a new generation of writers.

At the end of 1857, L. N. Tolstoy resigns, having the rank of lieutenant, and goes into its European journey.

Europe and pedagogical activities

The first trip of Lion Tolstoy to Europe was introductory, tourist. He visits museums, places related to the life and activities of Rousseau. And although he was delighted with the feeling of social freedom, inherent in the European lifestyle, his overall impression from Europe was negative, mainly due to the contrast between the wealth and poverty hidden under the cultural gloss. The characteristic of the then Europe is given Tolstoy in the story "Lucerne".

After the first European journey, Tolstoy has been engaged in public education, opening peasant schools in the vicinity of Casual Polyana. He had the first experience in this when he had a rather chaotic way of life in his youth, in search of her meaning, during the unsuccessful classes of farmers, he opened the first school in his estate.

At this time, work continues on the "Cossacks", Roman "Family Happiness". And in 1860-1861, Tolstoy goes back to Europe again, this time to explore the experience of introducing public education.

After returning to Russia, he develops his pedagogical system based on freedom of personality, writes many fairy tales and stories for children.

Marriage, family and children

In 1862 a writer married Sofary Berswhich was younger than him for eighteen years. Having university education Sophia in the future helped her husband in his writing work, Including rewriting clean draft manuscripts. Although the family relationship was not always perfect, they lived together forty-eight years. Thirteen children were born in the family, of which only eight lived to the majority.

Lifeline L. N. Tolstoy promoted increasing over time problems in family relationship. They became particularly noticeable after the completion of Anna Karenina. The writer plunged into depression, began to demand from the family to keep lifestyle approached peasant lifeWhat caused a permanent quarrel.

"War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina"

To work on the most famous works of "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina", Lev Nikolayevich left twelve years.

The first publication of the passage from the "war and the world" appeared in 1865, and the three first parts were printed at sixty-eight. The success of the novel was so big that it took an additional publication of the already published parts, even before the completion of the work on the last volumes.

No less success fell and the next novel of Tolstoy - "Anna Karenina", published in 1873-1876. In this work of the writer, signs of the mental crisis are already felt. The relations of the main heroes of the book, the development of the plot, his dramatic finals testified to the transition of L. N. Tolstoy to the third stage of his literary creativity, reflecting the strengthening of the dramatic look of the writer on being.

1880s and Moscow census

At the end of the seventies, L. N. Tolstoy gets acquainted with V. P. Schegg, on the basis of folklore Story Which writer creates some of his works "than people are alive", "prayer" and others. The change in its world-plating to the eighties was reflected in the works of "Confession", "What is my faith?", Creicherova Sonata, which are characteristic of the third stage of Tolstoy's creativity.

Trying to improve the life of the people, the writer in 1882 participates in the Moscow census, believing that the official publication of data on plight ordinary people It will help to achieve changes in their fate. At the plan issued to the plan, it collects statistical information in the territory of the most difficult plotlocated in a flowway alley. Under the impression of seeing the article "On the Census in Moscow" seemed in Moscow slums.

Roman "Resurrection" and redemption from the church

In the nineties, the writer writes the treatise "What is art?" In which he justifies his view to the purpose of art. But the top of the writer's labor of the Tolstoy this period is considered to be the Roman "Resurrection". Image in it church Life As a mechanical routine later, it became the main cause of the lion of the lion of Tolstoy from the Church.

The response of the writer on it was his "Synod Answer", which confirmed the rupture of Tolstoy with the Church, and in which he justifies his position, pointing to contradictions between church dogmas and his understanding of Christian faith.

The public response to this event was contradictory - part of the society expressed L. Tolstoy sympathy and support, from the other, the threats and Rugan were heard.

Finishing years of life

Deciding to live the remaining life, not the contradict of his beliefs, L. N. Tolstoy in early November 1910 secretly leaves the clear Polyana, accompanied by a personal doctor. There was no definite ultimate goal. It was assumed to go to Bulgaria or the Caucasus. But in a few days, feeling unreasoning, the writer was forced to stop at Astapovo station, where the doctors diagnosed he had inflammation of the lungs.

Attempts by doctors to save him did not succeed, and the Great Writer died on November 20, 1910. The message about the death of Tolstoy caused excitement throughout the country, but the funeral passed without incident. He was buried in a clear clearing, on the beloved place of his children's games - at the edge of the forest ravine.

Spiritual searches of lion Tolstoy

Despite recognition literary heritage Writer all over the world Tolstoy belonged to the works written by him with disregard. In a truly important, he considered the spread of his philosophical and religious views, which was based on the idea of \u200b\u200b"non-resistance of evil violence", known as "Tolstsia". In search of an answer to the worried questions, he communicated a lot with people of spiritual title, read religious treatises, studied the results of the research of the exact sciences.

In everyday life, this was expressed by a gradual refusal of the luxury of the landlord life, from its property rights, the transition to vegetarianism, - "care". In the biography of Tolstoy, it was the third period of his work, during which he finally came to the denial of all the then social and state-owned, and religious forms of life.

World recognition and study of heritage

And in our time Tolstoy is considered one of the greatest writers World. And although he himself considered his literature on the literature minor, and even in certain life periods, insignificant, useless, it was the stories, the story and novels made his name to famous, contributed to the spread of the religious and moral teaching created by him, known as the Treatment, which for Leo Nikolayevich was The main outcome of life.

In Russia, a project to study the creative heritage of Tolstoy launches already with junior classes general education school. The first presentation of the writer's creativity begins in the third grade when the initial acquaintance with the biography of the writer occurs. In the future, as it is studied by his works, students write abstracts on the theme of creativity of the classic, they make reports both by the biography of the writer and on its separate works.

The study of the writer's creativity, the preservation of memory about it contributes to many museums in memorial places Countries associated with the name L. N. Tolstoy. First of all, this museum is the Museum-Reserve Clear Polyana, where the writer was born and buried.

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Biography, Life History of Tolstoy Leo Nikolaevich


It took from the nobleman known, according to legendary sources, from 1351. His ancestor in the father's line, Count Peter Andreevich Tolstoy, is known for his role as a result of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, for which he was raised at the head of the secret office. The features of the great-grandfather of Peter Andreevich, Ilya Andreevich, are given in the "war and the world" a good-forming, impractical old Count Rostov. Son Ilya Andreevich, Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy (1794-1837), was the father of Leo Nikolayevich. Some of the character properties and facts of biography, he looked like a father Nicholya in the "childhood" and "adolescence" and partly to Nikolai Rostov in the "War and the World". However B. real life Nikolai Ilyich was distinguished from Nikolai Rostov not only good formationBut also beliefs that did not allow to serve under Nicolae. A participant in the overseas campaign of the Russian army against Napoleon, including the "Battle of Peoples" at Leipzig and visited the French, after the conclusion of the world, he retired in the rank of lieutenant colonel of Pavlograd Gusar regiment. Soon after the resignation was forced to go to the official service, so as not to be in a debt prison because of the debts of the Father, the Kazan governor who deceased under investigation for official abuses. Negative example of the Father helped to develop Nicholas Ilyich his life ideal - Private independent life with family joy. To bring your upset affairs in order, Nikolai Ilyich, like Nikolai Rostov, married no longer very young princes from the kind of Volkonsky; Marriage was happy. They had four sons: Nikolai, Sergey, Dmitry, Leo and daughter Maria.

Grandfather of Tolstoy Mother, Catherine General, Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky, had some similarity with a harsh Rigorist - the old prince Bologkoe in the "War and the World". The mother of Leo Nikolayevich, similar to the princess to the princess depicted in the "war and the world", owned a wonderful gift of the story.

In addition to Volkonsky, L. N. Tolstoy consisted of close relationship with some other aristocratic childbirth: princes of Gorchakovy, Trubeta and others.

Continued below


On August 28, 1828, in the Krapvensky district of the Tula Province, in the hereditary estate of the mother - Casual Polyana. Was a fourth child; He had three older brothers: Nikolai (1823-1860), Sergey (1826-1904) and Dmitry (1827-1856). In 1830, sister Maria (1830-1912) was born. His mother died with the birth of the last daughter when he was not 2 years old.

The rapid relative of T. A. Yergolskaya was engaged in the upbringing of orphaned children. In 1837, the family moved to Moscow, settling on the spoken, because the eldest son had to prepare for admission to the university, but soon a father died suddenly, leaving the case (including some related to the property of family, litigation) in an unfinished state, and Three younger children were again settled in a clear Polyana under the supervision of Yergolskaya and aunt for the Father, Countess A. M. Osten-Saken, appointed guardian children. Here, Lev Nikolayevich remained until 1840, when Countess Osten-Saken died, and the children moved to Kazan, to a new guardian - the sister of Father P. I. Yushkova.

Yushkov's house belonged to the number of fun in Kazan; All family members highly appreciated the external shine. "My goodworm," says Tolstoy, - the purest creature, always said that she would not want anything to me so that I had a connection with a married woman "

He wanted to shine in society, but the natural shyness and lack of external appeal prevented him. The diverse, as they determine the tolstoy, "clarification" about the main matters Our Being is happiness, death, God, love, eternity - painfully tormented him in that era of life. Temptified by him in "adolescence" and "adolescence" about the aspirations of IRTENEV and Nehludov to self-improvement was taken by Tolstoy from the history of his own ascetic attempts to this time. All this led to the fact that Tolstoy created a "habit of constant moral analysis", as it seemed to him, "destroyed the freshness of feelings and clarity of reason" ("Defense").


His formation was first under the leadership of the Gootner-French Saint-Tom (Mr. Zerom "Advocacy"), who replaced his good-natured German Deselman, whom he portrayed in the "childhood" under the name of Karl Ivanovich.

In 1841, P. I. Yushkova, taking on the role of guardian of his minor nephews (only the eldest - Nikolai was adults) and the niece, brought them to Kazan. Following the brothers, Nikolai, Dmitry and Sergey Lev decided to enter the Imperial Kazan University, where Lobachevsky worked on the Mathematical Faculty, and on East - Kovalevsky. On October 3, 1844, Lion Tolstoy was enrolled by a student of the category of Eastern Literature as a silent .. on entrance exams In particular, he showed excellent results on the obligatory "Turkish Tatar language".

Because of the conflict of his home with the teacher of the Russian and universal history And the history of philosophy, Professor N. A. Ivanov, as a result of the year had the impossibility of relevant subjects and should re-pass the first course program. In order to avoid full repetition of the course, he switched to the Faculty of Law, where his problems with estimates on Russian history and German continued. At the Law Faculty of Lev Tolstoy spent less than two years: "It was always difficult for him to be all implied by other education, and everything that he learned in life, he learned himself, suddenly, quickly, strengthened labor," writes fat in his "materials to Biographies L. N. Tolstoy. " In 1904, he recalled: " ... I am the first year ... I did nothing. For the second year I began to engage ... There was a professor Meyer, who ... gave me a job - a comparison of Catherine with "Esprit des Lois" Montcape. ... This work was carried away, I went to the village, began to read Montcape, this reading opened to me endless horizons; I began to read Rousseau and threw the university, precisely because I wanted to engage».

While in the Kazan hospital, began to keep a diary, where, imitating, put the goals and rules for self-improvement and noted the successes and failures in the fulfillment of these tasks, analyzed its shortcomings and the course of thoughts, the motives of their actions.

In 1845 in Kazan, L. N. Tolstoy appeared a skeleton. 11 (23), according to other information - November 22 (December 4), 1845 in the Kazan Savior Transfiguration Monastery Archimandrite Clement (P. Mozharov) under the name Luka Tolstoy was baptized by a 18-year-old Jew-cantonist of Kazan battalions of military cantonists Zalman ("Zelman") Kagan, great father Which in the documents was a student of the Imperial Kazan University Count L. N. Tolstoy. Prior to this - September 25 (October 7), 1845 - his brother student of the Imperial Kazan University Count D. N. Tolstoy became a perception of the 18-year-old Jew-Cantonist Nuchima ("Nohima") Besaen, Kresthennye (with the advent of Nikolai Dmitriev) Archimandrite Kazan Assumption (Zilantov) male monastery Gabriel (V.N. Voskresensky).

The beginning of literary activities

Throwing the University, Tolstoy since the spring of 1847 settled in a clear Polyana; Its activity there is partly described in the "Morning of the landowner": Tolstoy tried to establish a new relationship with the peasants.

His attempt to smooth out the blame of Baria with something in front of the people, besides the same year, when "Anton Gorryka" Grigorovich and the beginning of the "Hunter's notes" of Turgenev appeared.

In his diary, Tolstoy puts himself great amount goals and rules; It was possible to follow only a small number of them. Among those who have passed - serious classes english language, music, jurisprudence. In addition, nor in the diary, nor in letters did not affect the beginning of the classes in thick pedagogy and charity - in 1849, for the first time, he opens a school for peasant children. The main teacher was the Foca Demidych, Serf, but also Lev Nikolayevich often conducted classes.

Having left for St. Petersburg in February 1849, he spends time in Kutzhi with K. A. Islavin - the uncle of his future wife ("My love to Islavin spoiled for me as many as 8 months of life in St. Petersburg"); In the spring, he began to keep the exam for a candidate; Two exams, from criminal law and criminal proceedings, passed safely, but he did not pass the third exam and went to the village.

Later came to Moscow, where he often succumbed to the game, a lot upseting his money affairs. During this period of life, Tolstoy was especially interested in music (he himself played a piano and really appreciated the favorite works performed by others). An exaggerated with respect to most people is a description of the action that produces "passionate" music, the author of Crazero Sonatata learned from the sensations excited by the world of sounds in his own soul.

Favorite composers were Tolstoy, Handel and. At the end of the 1840s, Tolstoy in collaboration with his acquaintances, I composed Waltz, who at the beginning of the 1900s performed with the composer Taneyev, who made the record record of this musical work (the only one painted by Tolstoy).

The development of the love of Tolstoy to music was assisted that during a trip to Petersburg in 1848, he met in a very little suitable setting of the danceclass with the Darovyt, but the German-musician who came down on the way, who later described in Albert. Tolstoy came the idea to save him: he was in withdrawing him to a clear glade and playing a lot with him. Much time went on the couments, the game and hunt.

In winter, 1850-1851. Began to write "Childhood". In March 1851 he wrote a "history of yesterday."

After leaving the university passed 4 years, when the brother of Lion Nikolayevich Nikolai, who invited himself in the Casual Polyana younger brother Join the Military Service in the Caucasus. The lion agreed not immediately until the major loss accelerates in Moscow final decision. The writers' biographers mark a significant and positive influence of Brother Nicholas on the young and inexperienced in the life of the lion. The elder brother in the absence of parents was his friend and mentor.

To pay for debts, it was necessary to reduce their expenses to a minimum - and in the spring of 1851, thick thoroughly left Moscow to the Caucasus without a definite goal. Soon he decided to enter military service, but there were obstacles in the form of the lack of necessary securities, which were difficult to get, and Tolstoy lived for about 5 months in full privacy in Pyatigorsk, in simple hollow. He spent a significant part of the time on the hunt, in the society of the Cossack Bishk, the prototype of one of the heroes of the story of "Cossacks", which appears under the name of the Eroshki.

In the fall of 1851, Tolstoy, passing the exam in Tiflis, entered the Junker to the 4th battery of the 20th artillery brigade, which was standing in the Cossack Stanza Stanogladov, on the bank of the Terek, under Kizlyar. With a slight change in details, it is shown in the "Cossacks" in the whole half of originality. The same "Cossacks" transfer the picture of the inner life of the young Barin fled from the Moscow life.

In a deaf village, Tolstoy began to write and in 1852 he sent the first part to the editorial office of the "contemporary" future trilogy: "Childhood".

A relatively late start of the field is very characteristic of Tolstoy: He never considered himself a professional writer, understanding the professionalism not in the sense of the profession that gives the means to life, but in the sense of the prevalence of literary interests. He did not take the interests of literary parties close to the heart, reluctantly talked about literature, preferring conversations about the issues of faith, morality, public relations.

Military Career

Having received the manuscript "Childhood", the editor of the "contemporary" of Nekrasov immediately recognized her literary value and wrote a courteous letter to the author who had entered him a very encouraging way.

Meanwhile, an encouraged author is taken for the continuation of the tetralogy "Four Epochs of Development", the last part Which is "youth" - never took place. In the head, the plans of the "landlord" plans are pioneering (the finished story was only a fragment of the "Roman of the Russian landowner"), "raid", "Cossacks". Printed in the "contemporary" on September 18, 1852, "Childhood", signed by modest initials L. N., had an extreme success; the author immediately began to rank with the cinder literary school Along with the loud literature, Turgenev, Goncharov, Grigorovich, Island, is already loud loudsperture. Critica - Apollo Grigoriev, Annenkov, Druzhinin, Chernyshevsky - appreciated the depth of psychological analysis, and seriousness of the author's intentions, and a bright bulge of realism.

In the Caucasus, Tolstoy remained two years, participating in many shoes with the mountaineers and exposed to the dangers of military Caucasian life. He had right and claims to the St. George Cross, but did not receive it. When at the end of 1853 flashed Crimean WarTolstoy turned into the Danube army, participated in the battle at Oltenitz and in the siege of the Silistria, and from November 1854 to the end of August 1855 was in Sevastopol.

Tolstoy lived for a long time in the dangerous 4th bastion, commanded the battery in the battle of black, was when bombarded during the assault of Malakhov Kurgan. Despite all the horrors of the siege, Tolstoy wrote at this time the story of the Rubbing of the Forest, which reflected Caucasian impressions, and the first of three "Sevastopol stories" - "Sevastopol in December 1854". He sent this story to the contemporary. Immediately printed, the story was read with the interest of all Russia and made an amazing impression of the picture of the horrors, which dropped out the defenders of Sevastopol. The story was noticed by Emperor Alexander II; He ordered to take care of the darisy officer.

For the defense of Sevastopol, Tolstoy was awarded the Order of St. Anna with the inscription "For the honor", the medals "For the defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855" and "In memory of the war 1853-1856". Surrounded by shine of fame, using a reputation of a brave officer, Tolstoy had all the chances of his career, but he spoiled her himself, writing several satirical songs stylized under the soldiers. One of them is devoted to the failure of military operations 4 (16) August 1855, when General Read, incorrectly understood the orders of the commander-in-chief, attacked Fedyukhin heights. A song called "As the fourth number, we are not necessary to select the mountain," the whole range of important generals, which had a huge success. Lion Tolstoy kept the answer before the assistant chief of headquarters A. A. Yakimakh. Immediately after the assault on August 27 (September 8), Tolstoy was sent by the courier to St. Petersburg, where he graduated from "Sevastopol in May 1855" And he wrote "Sevastopol in August 1855", published in the first issue of the "contemporary" for 1856 already with the full signature of the author.

"Sevastopol stories", finally strengthened his reputation as a representative of the new literary generation, and in November 1856 the writer will forever part with the military service.

Traveling in Europe

In St. Petersburg, he was welcomed in high school salons and in literary circles; He was especially close to Turgenev, with whom she lived on one apartment for some time. The latter introduced it to the "Contemporary" circle, after which the thick was installed friendly relations With Nekrasov, Goncharov, Panayev, Grigorovich, Druzhinin, Sologube.

At this time, "Misel", "Two Husar" were written, "Sevastopol in August" and "Youth" was completed, the writing of future "Cossacks" was continued.

Merry life did not slow down to leave a bitter precipitate in the soul of Tolstoy, all the more so that he began with a strong disorder with a closeup of the writers. As a result, "People aphibited himself and he himself annoyed" - and in early 1857 Tolstoy left St. Petersburg and went abroad.

In the first trip, Paris visited the border, where the cult was horrified ("Corming the villain, terrible"), at the same time he visits balls, museums, his "sense of social freedom" admires him. However, the presence on guillotine produced such a serious impression that Tolstoy left Paris and went to the places associated with Rousseau to the Lake Geneva.

Lev Nikolayevich writes the story "Albert". At the same time, friends do not cease to be surprised by His County: In his letter, I. S. Turgenev in the fall of 1857, P. V. Annenkov, tells the project of Tolstoy for the appearance of all Russia forests, and in his letter V.P. Botkin Lion Tolstoy reports how it was very happy That which was not only the writer, contrary to the advice of Turgenev. However, in the interval between the first and second trips, the writer continued to work on the "Cossacks", wrote a story "Three Death" and Roman "Family happiness".

The last novel was published in the "Russian Bulletin" Mikhail Katkova. The collaboration of Tolstoy with the magazine "Contemporary", lasting since 1852, ended in 1859. In the same year, Tolstoy took part in the organization of the Literary Fund. But his life is not exhausted by literary interests: December 22, 1858, he hardly dies on a bear hunt. At about the same time, he was tied with a novel with the peasant Aksinyi, marrying plans.

At the next trip, it was most interested in popular education and institutions that are able to raise the educational level of the working population. The issues of public education, he intently studied in Germany and France and theoretically, and practically, and by conversations with specialists. Of outstanding people Germany him most interested in Auerbach as the author of dedicated folk beed "Schwarzvalian stories" and as a publisher folk calendars. Tolstoy himself a visit and tried to get close to him. In addition, he also met with the German teacher dysterweg. During his stay in Brussels, Tolstoy met Proudhon and a Leleshel. In London, hezen visited, was at Dickens lectures.

The serious mood of Tolstoy During the second journey to the south of France, it was also facilitated by the fact that his favorite brother Nicholas died from tuberculosis on his hands. The death of his brother made a huge impression on a thick.

The lines and essays written by him in the late 1850s include "Lucerne" and "three deaths". Gradually criticism for 10-12 years, before the appearance of "war and the world" she holds to Tolstoy, and he himself does not seek to rapprochement with the writers, making an exception for Feta Athanasia.

One of the reasons for this alienation consisted in a grinding of Lion Tolstoy with Turgenev, which occurred at the time when both prose was visiting Feta in the estate of Stepanovo in May 1861. The quarrel almost ended in duel and spoiled relations between writers for many 17 years.

Treatment in the Bashkir Korans

In 1862, Lev Nikolayevich was treated by Kumysh in the Samara province. Initially, I wanted to be treated in the satellite satellite near Samara, but because of large number Vacationers went to the Bashkir Koral Karalyc, on the Karalyk River, in 130 versts from Samara. There he lived in a Bashkir kibitke (yurt) ate lamb, he was fucked in the sun, drank Kumys, tea and played checkers with Bashkirs. For the first time he stayed there a month and a half. In 1871, Lev Nikolayevich came again due to the deterioration of health. Lion Nikolayevich lived not in the village itself, but in a kibitka near it. He wrote: "The longing and indifference passed, I feel coming to the Scythian state, and everything is interesting and new ... New and interesting, much: Bashkirs, from which Herodot smells, and Russian men, and villages, especially adorable in the simplicity and kindness of the people . In 1871, in love with this edge, he buys near the Colonel N. P. Tuchkov estates in Buzuluksky district of the Samara Province, near the village of Gavrylovka and the Patrovka (now - Alekseevsky district), in the amount of 2500 tents for 20,000 rubles. Summer 1872 Lev Nikolayevich has already spent in his estate. In several seedlings from the house there was a fan in which the family of Bashkira Muhammedsha lived, who did Kumys for Leo Nikolayevich and his guests. In general, Lev Nikolayevich visited 20 years 10 times on the dressing.

Pedagogical activity

Tolstoy returned to Russia shortly after the liberation of the peasants and became the world mediator. Unlike those who looked at the people as the younger brother, whom to raise to themselves, Tolstoy thought, on the contrary, that the people are infinitely higher than the cultural classes and that the gentlemen should borrow the heights of the spirit from men. He actively engaged in the school of schools in his Casual Polyana and in the whole of Krapivsky.

The Yasnocation School belonged to the number of original pedagogical attempts: in the era of worship before the German pedagogical school, Tolstoy strongly rebelled against any regulation and discipline at school. According to his thoughts, everything in teaching should be individually - both the teacher, and the student, and their mutual relations. In the Yasnocation School, children sat, who wanted, who wanted how much and who wanted. There was no definite teaching program. The only task of the teacher was to interest the class. Classes went successfully. They were tolly himself with the help of several regular teachers and several random, from the nearest friends and visitors.

From 1862 he began to publish the pedagogical magazine "Clear Polyana", where he himself was the chief officer. In addition to the articles of theoretical, Tolstoy also wrote a number of stories, fables and translating. United, pedagogical articles of Tolstoy compiled a whole volume of collections of its writings. At one time they remained unnoticed. On the sociological basis of the ideas of Tolstoy on education, the fact that the tolstoy in the formation, science, art and success of the technique only saw the facilitated and improved methods of exploitation of the people with high-grades, no one paid attention. Not only: from the attacks of Tolstoy to European education and "progress", many have concluded that Tolstoy - "Conservative".

Soon Tolstoy leaves the pedagogy classes. Marriage, the birth of own children, plans associated with writing the novel "War and Peace", for ten years pushing his pedagogical events for ten years. Only in the early 1870s, he proceeds to the creation of his own "alphabet" and publishes it in 1872, and then releases a "new alphabet" and a series of four "Russian books for reading", approved as a result of long weary by the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment as a manual For primary educational institutions. Learned classes in the Yasopolyan school.

It is known that the Yaspolyansk School had a certain influence on other domestic teachers. For example, it was it as a sample when creating his own school "Cheerful Life" in 1911. Initially, C. T. Shatsky initially took.

Speech as a defender in court

In July 1866, Tolstoy spoke at the military-field court as a defender of Vasil Shabunin, a regular writer who standing near the clear glade of the Moscow Infantry Regiment. Shabunin hit an officer who ordered to punish him with rods for drunk. Tolstoy argued the insaneness of the Shabunin, but the court recognized him guilty and sentenced to the death penalty. Shabunin was shot. This case produced big impression on thick.

Lev Nikolaevich S. youth years He was familiar with love Alexandrovna Islavina, in marriage Bers (1826-1886), loved to play with her children Liza, Sonya and Tanya. When the daughters were grew up, Lev Nikolayevich wondered to marry on elder daughter Lisa, hesitated for a long time until he had chosen in favor of the middle daughter of Sofia. Sophia Andreevna answered consent when she was 18 years old, and Count 34 years old. On September 23, 1862, Lev Nikolayevich married her, after admitting him in his breastings.

For a period of time for Tolstoy, the brightest period of his life comes - the use of personal happiness, very significant thanks to the practicality of his wife, material well-being, outstanding literary creativity and in connection with the All-Russian and World Glory. It would seem that in his wife his wife, he found a helper in all matters, practical and literary - in the absence of the secretary, she corresponded for several times scored his husband's drafts. But very soon, happiness is overshadowed with inevitable small bitters, mumbling quarrels, mutual misunderstanding, which over the years has only been aggravated.

Also, the wedding of the older brother Sergey Nikolayevich Tolstoy with younger sister Sofia Andreevna - Tatyana Bers. But the unofficial marriage of Sergei and Gypsy made the impossible marriage of Sergey and Tatiana.

In addition, the father of Sofia Andreevna Life-Medic Andrei Gustavi (Eustafievich) Bers before marriage with Islavina had daughter Barbar from V. P. Turgenev - Mother I. S. Turgenev. Mother Varya was native sister I. S. Turgenev, and on Festa - S. A. Tolstoy, so, together with the marriage, Lion Tolstoy acquired the relationship with I. S. Turgenev ..

From the marriage of Leo, Nikolayevich with Sophia Andreevna was born a total of 13 children, five of whom died in childhood. Children:
- Sergey (July 10, 1863 - December 23, 1947), composer, musicologist.
- Tatiana (October 4, 1864 - September 21, 1950). From 1899 married to Mikhail Sergeyevich Sukhotyn. In 1917-1923 was the keeper of the museum-manor Clear Polyana. In 1925 with daughter emigrated. Daughter Tatyana Mikhailovna Sukhotn-Albertini (1905-1996).
- Ilya (May 22, 1866 - December 11, 1933), Writer, Memoist
- Lion (1869-1945), writer, sculptor.
- Maria (1871-1906) is buried in with. Kočaki Krapivsky County (Sovr. Tul.Obl., Shchekinsky district, der. Kočaki). From 1897 married to Nikolai Leonidovich Obolensky (1872-1934).
- Peter (1872-1873).
- Nikolai (1874-1875).
- Varvara (1875-1875).
- Andrey (1877-1916), official special instructions under the Tula governor. Participant russian-Japanese war.
- Mikhail (1879-1944).
- Alexey (1881-1886).
- Alexandra (1884-1979).
- Ivan (1888-1895).

As of 2010, there were a total of more than 350 descendants of L. N. Tolstoy (including both the living and those who already died) who lived in 25 countries of the world. Most of them are the descendants of the 10 children of Lev Lvovich Tolstoy, the third son of Lev Nikolayevich. Since 2000, once every two years in Casual Polyana are the meetings of the descendants of the writer.

Flowering creativity

During the first 12 years after marriage, he creates a "war and peace" and "Anna Karenina". At the turn of this second era of the literary life of Tolstoy, there are still conceived in 1852 and completed in 1861-1862. "Cossacks", the first of the works in which the talent of Tolstoy was most realized.

"War and Peace"

Unprecedented success fell to the share of "War and Peace". An excerpt from the novel called "1805" appeared in the Russian Bulletin of 1865; In 1868, three parts came out, followed by the rest of two soon. The "War and the World" exit was preceded by the Roman "Decembrists" (1860-1861), to which the author was repeatedly returned, but which remained unfinished.

In the novel of Tolstoy, all classes of society are presented, from emperors and kings to the last soldier, all ages and all temperatures in the space of a whole reign of Alexander I.

"Anna Karenina"

There is no infinitely happy to be used by the bliss of being in the "Anna Karenina" belonging to 1873-1876. There are still a lot of pleasant experience in the almost autobiographical novel Lewin and Kitty, but already so much bitterness in the image of family life Dolly, in the unfortunate conclusion of the love of Anna Karenina and Vronsky, so much anxiety in mental life Lyowin that in general this novel is already a transition to the third period of the literary activity of Tolstoy.

In January 1871, Tolstoy sent A. A. Fetu letter: " How happy I am ... What to write a thoughtty of a verbose kind of "war" I will never be more» .

December 6, 1908 Tolstoy recorded in the diary: " People love me for those trifles - "War and Peace", etc., which they seem very important»

In the summer of 1909, one of the visitors of the Casual Polyana expressed his delight and thanks for the creation of the "war and the world" and "Anna Karenina". Tolstoy answered: " It's like something came to Edison and would say: "I am very respecting you for what you are well dancing Mazurka." I attribute the importance to completely different my books (religious!)».

In the field of material interests, he began to talk to himself: " Well, well, you will have 6000 tents in the Samara province - 300 heads of horses, and then?"; In the field of literary: " Well, well, you will be norchal than Gogol, Pushkin, Shakespeare, Moliere, all writers in the world, - Well, well!" Beginning to think about raising children, he asked himself: " what for?"; Arguing "On how people can achieve welfare", he " suddenly spoke to myself: what is your business?"In general, he" i felt that what he stood on, wore, that what he lived, no longer. " The natural result was the thought of suicide.

« I, happy man, hid the lace from myself, so as not to hang on the crossbar between the cabinets in my room, where I was one every day, undressing, and stopped walking with a rifle to hunt, so as not to be seduced too easy way to get rid of myself from life. I myself did not know what I want: I was afraid of life, I sought away from it and, meanwhile, I was still hoping for it».

Other works

In March 1879, in the city of Moscow, Lev Tolstoy met Vasily Petrovich Scheggoli and in the same year, at his invitation he came to a clear clearing, where he stayed around a month and a half. Just told a lot of many folk tales And the epic, of which more than twenty were recorded by Tolstoy, and the plots of some, Tolstoy, if not recorded on paper, I remember (these records are printed in t. XLVIII anniversary edition of the compositions of Tolstoy). Six thick works written by the source of the legend and the stories of the sggie (1881 - "What people are alive", 1885 - "Two old" and "three elders", 1905 - the "roots of Vasilyev" and "Prayer", 1907 - "Old man in church") . In addition, the Graph Tolstoy diligently recorded a lot of sayings, proverbs, individual expressions and words told by a sggie.

Last journey, death and funeral

On the night of October 28 (November 10), 1910 L.N. Tolstoy, fulfilling his decision to live last years Accordingly, his eyes, secretly left the clear clearing, accompanied by his doctor D.P. Makovitsky. Honey last journey He began at Schekino station. On the same day, recreated at the Gorbachevo station to another train, I drove to Kozelsk station, hired a yamchik and headed for the Optio desert, and from there the next day - to the Shahoredinsky monastery, where Tolstoy met with his sister, Maria Nikolaevna Tolstoy. Later, the daughter of Tolstoy, Alexander Lvovna and his girlfriend arrived in Shamordino.

On the morning of October 31 (November 13) L.N. Tolstoy and accompanying went from Shamordino to Kozelsk, where they sat down in the train station number 12, following in the southern direction. Ticket when landing did not have time; Driving to Bellya, purchased tickets to Volovo station. According to testimonies of the accompanying fat, a certain goal of the journey was not. After the meeting, decided to go to Novocherkassk, where to try to get foreign passports and then go to Bulgaria; If it fails to go to the Caucasus. However, on the road, L. N. Tolstoy fell ill with inflammation of the lungs and was forced to get out of the train on the first large station near the settlement. This station turned out to be Astapovo (now Lion Tolstoy, Lipetsk Region), where 7 (20) L. N. Tolstoy and died in the house of the head of the station I. I. Ozolin.

November 10 (23) November 1910 was buried in a clear glade, on the edge of the ravine in the forest, where in his childhood he was looking for a "green wand" with his brother, which stored "secret", how to make all the people happy.

In January 1913, a letter of Countess Sophia Tolstoy was published on December 22, 1912, in which she confirms the news in the press that his span of a certain priest was committed on the grave of her spouse (it refutes rumors that he was unreal) in Her presence. In particular, the Countess wrote: "I still declare that Lev Nikolayevich never expressed his desire to be offended, and before he wrote in his diary of 1895, as if the testament:" If possible, then (bury) without priests and funerals. But if it is unpleasant to those who will bury, then let them bury, as usual, but as you can cheaper and easier. ""

Report by the head of the St. Petersburg Security Department Colonel Background Cotten Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire:

« In addition to the reports from 8th of November, I report to your high-speed information about the unrest of young people who took place on November 9 ... On the occasion of the burial day of the deceased L. N. Tolstoy. At 12 o'clock in the afternoon, it was served in Armenian church Panhid on the late L. N. Tolstoy, on which about 200 people praying, mostly Armenians, and a minor part of young people. At the end of the memorial, the prayers were separated, but in a few minutes the church began to arrive students and ridges. It turned out that entrance doors The university and higher female courses were posted by ads that the Panhid on L. N. Tolstoy will take place on November 9 per hour in the one in the above-mentioned church. The Armenian clergy interpreted secondly, by the end of which the church could no longer accommodate all praying, a significant part of which stood on Parity and in the courtyard at the Armenian Church. At the end of the memorialist, all those who were on the poverty and the church yard were sanging "Eternal memory" ...»

There is also an unofficial version of the death of Lion Tolstoy, outlined in the emigration of I. K. Sursky since the official of the Russian police. According to her, the writer before his death wanted to reconcile with the church and arrived for this to opto the desert. Here he was expected by the order of the Synod, but, badly feeling, was taken away from his daughter and died on the post office of Astapovo.