Interesting facts about writers. Interesting facts about writers

Interesting facts about writers. Interesting facts about writers
Interesting facts about writers. Interesting facts about writers

The image of Russia on the scale of world literature is unthinkable without these names. And on the shelves of any more or less decent book and the books of these Russian writers from pride are exposed to everyone in sight.

But what we know about our favorite writers, the books of which are considered mandatory for reading at any conscious age. Modern man Little to read the author's book, he, please, still give a book about the author.

In the continuation of the article on two great Russian classics L. N. Tolstoy and F. M. Dostoevsky, I post another no less interesting selection of interesting facts about Russian writers:

A. S. Pushkin

- I smoked a lot.

Shocked by the ladies of Ekaterinoslav translucent palsions without idle.

He was the father of four legitimate children and at least one illegitimate.

Was sure that he would die from white man or white horse.

He himself chose a place for his grave.

Poorly studied in a lyceum.

I ordered a lunch behind the soul of the slave of God George, that is, Bairon.

Gave to a friend Delvig Skull.

I lost a lot in the card, but always found the means to cover card debt.

Dantes was a relative Pushkin. At the time of the duel he was married to native sister Wives Pushkin - Catherine Goncharova.

Before the death of Pushkin, he asked for forgiveness for the violation of the royal ban on a duel: "... I wait for the royal word to die calmly ...".

M. Yu. Lermontov

- It was low, broadly, Conguest, Bolshaya and laughed like Lord Byron.

Most of all loved his grandmother, and she was.

Participated in a duel with a Frenchman who granted guns to Pushkin's fight with Dantes.

He considered himself the descendant of Scots Lermont.

He took the bride from a friend, and then he himself wrote an anonymous blister to get rid of the boring girl.

Showed courage in battles in the Caucasus.

He taught Azerbaijani language.

Vividly interested in various kinds of predictions, fortune tells and symbols.

It was peeled, bold, merciless to the weaknesses of others, malicious and arrogant.

In his short 26-year-old life, Lermontov participated in three duels, four more people managed to avoid, thanks to common sense of others.

For the sake of fun, he adored to frustrate preparing marriages, depicting himself in love with his alien bride, and had chosen her with flowers, verses and other signs of attention. Sometimes threatened, promising to commit suicide if his "love" comes out for another. And then confessed in the draw ...

He managed to lose in all games and competitions, only the fall of the Frenchman of the Bayrant in the decisive attack could save the wounded Lermontov on the first duel. During the return from the Caucasian link, the poet decided to pay and threw a half-story - where to go: to the service or it is still worth walking, having stopped for a short time in Pyatigorsk. And he fell his way to Pyatigorsk. There (July 15, 1841), near Mashuk Mount, he killed him on the duel of the retired cavalidist Martynov, who, as it turns out, was a shooter - an amateur. It turned out that in front of this duel he just shot the pistol three times ...

A. P. Chekhov

- worked in the shop of his father.

Brought from the Islands of Ceylon hand-made mangoste nickname.

In the gymnasium for the sake of Phantaja, the pants of the causing color belled under the uniform.

As a child, he was changed in a beggar, grated and received alms from his own uncle.

Gave the cities wrapped in paper Salty watermelon, saying that this is a bomb.

I received a fee of furniture from the editorial board "Alarm".

He studied the tailoring craft at a county school. At the request of his silent brother, Nikolai sewed gray gymnasium pants, and such narrow, that they were nicknamed by Macarona.

Performed home church chants. As for the voice, Anton Pavlovich spoke with a loud bass.

The army of fans followed him everywhere. When in 1898, Chekhov moved to Yalta, many of his fans followed him to the Crimea. As newspapers wrote, the ladies were literally worn for the writer on the embankments, just often to see their idols, "they studied his costume, gait, and tried to attract his attention to something." Girls for such devotion to the local secular chronicle laughed with "Antonovkov".

It is one of the top three authors in the world. More than 287 shields.

At first glance, I saw a suicide person in an unfamiliar to him.

Chekhov had about fifty pseudonyms. Well, one of them is definitely known from school times - Antosha Chekhonte, of course. There were still: Schiller Shakespearer Goethe, Champagne, brother of my brother; Nut number 6; Nut number 9; Rook; Man without spleen; Akaki Tarantulov, Someone, Arkhip Indykin

Grandfather Chekhov was fortified, and the writer himself refused hereditary nobility. Egor Mikhailovich Chekhov was able to redeem himself and his family to the will. Subsequently, his famous grandson never forgot about his origin. At the same time, in 1899, when the emperor Nicholas II, his decree, assigned the title title of the hereditary nobleman and the Order of the Saint Stanislav third degree, Anton Pavlovich this privilege simply ... did not accept. The highest decree remains without attention and the consequences - as well as the title of Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which Chekhov also considered it useless.

To be continued…

According to the magazine

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We recently published. Today we offer to your attention the continuation of all that will be useful to know the present lover of books. As always, pleasant reading!

1. One of the most unusual books – « The Divine Comedy»Dante, created by G. Chelani on one sheet of paper size 800x600 mm. 14 thousand poems fit on it, while reading them without special magnifying equipment. If you look at the book from the distance, then the map of Italy is obtained. The monk Gabriel spent 4 years.

2. The largest fee of the Roman Empire received the poet Oppian. Mark Aurelius paid him on a gold coin for every line of the poem. For his work, he received 20 thousand gold coins.

3. In order for books to be the same cheap as cigarettes, Penguin publisher began using a soft cover. The first such books were distributed in churches.

4. Biblipletan is a person who steals the book. Stephen Bloomberg, the most famous book thief, stole more than 23 thousand rare copies of books. Now his collection costs about $ 20 million.

5. B. medieval Europe A book so that it is not taken out of the public library, they caught a chain to the shelf. Their length allowed to shoot books from the shelves and read, but not to carry out. This method of protection against thefts was used until the XVIII century, since the books at the time were very expensive.

6. According to Google estimates, there are almost 130 million titles of books in the world (all artistic, journalistic and scientific works included here).

7. The book of a famous Dutch doctor Herman Burhava called "The only and deepest secrets of medical art" was sold for 10 thousand dollars. When the seal on it was revealed, it turned out that her pages were clean. Only title page Personal: "Keep your head in the cold, legs warm, and you will make the poor doctor's poor."

8. The well-known and close "book worm" appeared thanks to the small insects, who eat the roots of books.

9. In the works of Shakespeare, the word "love" is found almost 10 times more often than the word "hatred" (2259 and 229 times, respectively).

10. Labor Leonardo da Vinci about water, land and heavenly bodies Under the Lester Code, is considered one of the most expensive books in the world. To become its owner, Bill Gates spent more than 30 million dollars. The book itself needs to be read only with a mirror, as it is written by a mirror handwriting.

What facts did you like most? Do you know anything interesting about books? We are waiting for your answers in the comments!

Today I will tell you 20 facts about writers and poets that you did not know. And maybe they knew, of course. The fact that all this is true, I do not guarantee you, and no one can. Will Your - believe or not.

20 facts about writers and poets that you did not know

Fact number 1. Alexander Pushkin was blond!

True, just 19 years old. In memories little Pushkin. They call the "frisky blond boy", in childhood he was blond. Blond Locks Pushkin lost due to illness. In 19 years, he struck him with hot, the poet was shaved. For a long time, Alexander Sergeevich wore Red Ermolka, and then the cap was replaced with dark blond hair. And he began to look like we were accustomed to you.

Fact number 2.. Alexander Duma is Pushkin

There is a version for which our favorite Pushkin did not die at all, but he stated death and left for France, since he owned in French. Evidence is a whole busy. One of them - they say, while Pushkin died, Dumas and could not write anything, and after 1837 one after another began to scribble brilliant novels. "Count Monte Cristo", "Three Musketeers", "Twenty years later", "Queen Margo" ...

Fact number 3. Conan Doyle believed in the winged faces

Yes, yes, a man who invented Sherlock Holmes believed in the existence of fairies. He wrote the book "Coming Fay", which published photos of the winged faces and expertise, proving the authenticity of the pictures. Believed in existence little populist The writer spent more than a million dollars on these studies.

Fact number 4. Pets of Chekhov was a mangoste

Wastened animal The writer brought from Travel on Ceylon Island. Chekhov himself called the Mongosus "Cute and Independent Jerlery", and the home nicknamed him "bastard." By the way, then Chekhov exchanged a bastard for a free ticket to the Moscow Zoo.

Fact number 5. Nikolay Gogol invented the first attraction

The writer reddished a windmill in the ferris wheel and ride peasant children. Yes, the trouble - Gogol did not think about reliable insurance. Further, everything is as in the book: "The auditor is going to us!". In general, the moon-park was covered.

Fact number 6. Feers for "Master and Margarita" received a St. Petersburg journalist

Dying, Bulgakov bequeathed to give part of the fees for the book of the one who after the publication of the "Master and Margarita" will bring flowers to the grave of the writer, and not ever, but a day when he burned the first version of the manuscript of the novel. Vladimir Nevelsky, a journalist from Leningrad became this person. It was his wife Bulgakov who gave a check on a decent amount from the author's fee.

Fact number 7. Lewis Carrolo invented a three-wheeled bike

The author of "Alice in the Wonderland" was a mathematician, a poet and a big inventory. He invented a three-wheeled bike, a mnemonic system for memorizing names and dates, an electric handle (by the way, what is it?!), A super bind, the prototype of all the favorite game of Scrabble, which in the Russian analogue is called "Erudite".

Fact number 8. Edgar on studied in the cemetery

And, by the way, terribly afraid of darkness. The school in which the little Edgar studied was very poor, and there were no textbooks. And the resourceful mathematics teacher drove schoolchildren in the cemetery, where they recalculated the graves and counted the years of the life of the dead.

Fact number 9. Hans Andersen was autograph Pushkin

The Danish storyteller received it from the wife of the owner of the "Kopnivoy Tetradi", in which Pushkin rewrote the poems selected by him with his hand. One leaf of a woman's notebook broke out and sent Andersen, who was immensely happy. By the way, this leaflet is now stored in the Copenhagen Royal Library.

Fact number 10. Nikolai Gogol perfectly knitted on the needles

Gogol experienced a passion for cooking and needlework. He treated friends personally cooked dumplings and dumplings, knitted on the spokes and sewed her headscarves. But photographed refused flatness - it closed the face with a cylinder, then in every possible way. Therefore, he was rarely invited to secular events.

Fact number 11. The army of Chekhovsky fans nicknamed "Antonovkov"

When Anton Chekhov moved to Yalta, his enthusiastic fans also moved to the Crimea. They ran after him throughout the city, studied his gait and suit, tried to attract attention. In January 1902, the newspaper "News of the Day" wrote: "In Yalta, a whole army of stupid and unbearably hot fans of his artistic talent here, called" Antonovkov ".

Fact number 12. Mark Twain invented suspenders

I was not worse than Carrol. On his share of patents for self-regulating suspenders and album for clippings with adhesive pages. Also, Mark Twain invented a notebook with tear-off leaves, a wardrobe with sliding shelves, but its most brilliant invention - the machine for tie ties. Apparently, she did not get spread ...

Fact number 13.Lewis Carrolol - Jack-Ripper

Journalist Richard Wallis, author of Jack Ripper, Windy Friend, claims that Jack Ripper, brutally killing London prostitutes, it is Lewis Carroll. And Carrolol himself in his diaries constantly swore in some sin. But in what - no one learned, because Rodarol's relatives destroyed all his diaries. From sin away.

Fact number 14.. Boxing gloves helped Vladimir Nabokov emigrate

Nabokov became interested in boxing in the army. When he emigrated to America in 1940, on the border, three customs officers began to extract his baggage. But when they saw boxing gloves in the suitcase, they immediately put them on and began to boux each other into a joke. In general, America and Nabokov liked each other.

Fact number 15. Jack London - Millionaire

Jack London became the first american writer, earned with its work a million dollars. London lived only 41 years old, but began to work for 9 years - selling newspapers. Becoming a writer, London worked for 15-17 hours a day and for his short life wrote about 40 books.

Fact number 16. John Tolkin terrible snores

His snoring was so loud that he slept in the bathroom, so as not to break his wife's sleep. And the author of the trilogy "Lord of the Rings" bequeathed never, never make films on his books. But, apparently, the thirst for money took up the wills of the brilliant father, and the children of Tolkien gave consent to the adaptation. Well, that of it came out, we all know.

Fact number 17. Vladimir Mayakovsky - Puhn

Mayakovsky horror as she loved different "cats and dogs", as he called them. Once, on a walk with a lily brick, they picked up a homeless red puppy. They took him home and called Puhn. Later, Lily began to call the Mayakovsky puppy. And he in letters and telegrams have since subscribed to "puppy" and always drew a puppy at the bottom.

Fact number 18. Balzac drank 50 cups of coffee per day

And he wrote exclusively at night. He sat down at midnight, dressed in a white robe, he wrote for 15 hours in a row, drinking only at night to 20 cups of strong Turkish coffee or just chewed coffee beans. So at night he wrote his 100 novels of the literary epic "Human Comedy".

Fact number 19. Alexander Duma opened the first skewer in France

Yes, it was he who introduced France with a kebab. For the first time, Dumas tried a kebab while traveling around the Caucasus. Dish so he liked that he made it in his "big culinary book." Yes, Duma and so. There are rumors that the writer was preparing the French kebabs even from Raven. Those praised.

Well, if you believe FACT number 2, then this Alexander Pushkin was so tary with a fan of fried meat on skewers ...

Fact number 20.. Dickens slept only head north

And he sat down, too, only when his face was turned north. And he could not work at all if the chair and the table in the office were not as much as he wanted. Therefore, before you start writing, he always rearranged furniture.

Illustrations of Katerina Karpenko

(except for illustration to the fact about Vladimir Mayakovsky)

Writers are called people writing text works that are intended to familiarize themselves the rest. When we want to plunge into another universe, we always turn to these creations of writers. Their activities largely helps us in life, teaches to be useful society, mutual execution.

Facts about writers

Any connoisseur of literature is familiar with. According to rumors, he was very loving, but at the same time full and chrome, but it did not interfere with him to lure women into his networks.

Was not a child with happy childhood. His father was sent to a debt prison, and the boy himself had to work to feed the family. He was taken to the plant for the production of Vaksa, where every day from morning to night he glued labels on banks. Many will say that the work is not dusty, what's that? And you try to do this all day instead of familiar children's games and understand. That is why the images of unfortunate children from Dickens were outstanding.

We are all familiar with creativity. He was afraid of darkness to death. Maybe the reason for this was the fact that future writer He studied at the cemetery. The school was too poor, so the mathematics teacher brought children to where the children chose a monument and counted how many years had lived. Now the themes of the works of Allan by are not so surprised.

Was another inventor who was considered the most secretive person His time. Twain even invented a couple of things.

It was dependent on narcotic substances, and he also supported the ideas of terrorists. Perhaps it was because of his drug addiction, who knows?

The whole team of proofreaders worked on. The thing is that he absolutely did not own spelling and punctuation knowledge. Since he wanted his work to be published in good videoI had to hire people who ruled his mistakes.

In the UK, a little less than the queen will be honored. It is also called the symbol of the country. The circulation of its sales is almost the highest, it is inferior only to Shakespeare.

It was so popular that by the end of his life, loving readers sent letters with the address "Avenue V. Hugo", although the street had a specific name. However, the parcel always found its addressee.

About Russian writers and poets

About Russian writers and poets can only be said that they are loved all over the world. Each connoisseur literary works He says that the Russian classic is the necessary basis for any person.

The most popular poet of Russia, was very ugly, which distinguishes him from his wife - Natalia Goncharova. He was ten centimeters below her. That is why, at Balah, Alexander Sergeevich tried to keep as far as possible from the beloved so that such a contrast was not strongly distracted by people.

Being young, spent a lot of time on gambling. Once he even lost his estate in Casual Polyana. He wanted to buy her back, but for some reason he did not.

Collect things in evacuation helped. He rewound her suitcase strong rope, joking that you can even hang on it. It is on her Tsvetaeva and hanged in the end.

Gogol was not indifferent to needlework. On the summer, even sewed the neck scarves, which he loved very much.

A few years before his death, he wrote that he was not buried until the body began to decompose. He was not listened and buried almost immediately. After, I dug the body, they said that the skull was turned the side. Another version states that the skull was absent. The writer was very afraid that he was buried alive. It happened or not, no one knows.

The only word that was described by his homeland was the word "steal" when he was asked about Russia in another country.

Tolstoy had a terrible handwriting. He could only understand the wife of the writer, who repeated him several times famous Roman "War and Peace". He wrote quickly, so the handwriting became unintelligible. Looking at the volume of its works, the theory seems real.

The most read handwriting was at that he was thanked many times.

It has a sensitive sense of smell. Once he laid out the fragrance of one French perfume in the ingredients, to which the latter just sighed disappointed, sorry, that the Kuprin is just a writer.

- By the formation of a philologist.

From the life of writers and poets

Writers are the same people, they have a lot of fun in their lives:

For the sake of Sir joke, he chose the twelve richest people of London, who used the reputation of honest and decent bankers, and wrote them notes, which said that everything popped out. The next day, all bankers up to one left the city. So they revealed their criminal atrocities, and it was just a joke.

In the first years of its activities, Mark Twain worked as a journalist in Nevada. Once he went to the billiard club, but argued with one young man 50 cents, which will win him in the game. The stranger said he would play with his left hand, so he's a pity, who he played worse. Mark decided to teach him a lesson, but still lost, giving his money. He then said he would like to see how the guy plays right handIf the left is so good, to which the latter told that he was actually left-handed.

Pushkin was Azarten, he had big debts. When the time was pressed, he was entertained by drawing caricatures on creditors in his notebooks. One day it surfaced out, there was a huge scandal.

Once on the Embankment of the Fontanka River, three students of the local university caught up. One of them said: "Look, the cloud is coming," hinting at the fullness of the Basinista. The latter did not remain in debt, saying that the toads rank.

Somehow once faced a cyclist, both were separated only by a light fright. When the guy began to apologize to the writer, he laughed and said:

"How well, that you did not kill me, otherwise there would be forever who killed Bernard Shaw."

About children's writers

Children's writers are only a name. Their works are often loved to read adults. There is even a list the best writers Children's literature:

Hans Christian Andersen is one of the most famous fairy tales in the world. However, he always believed that his works were for an adult audience. He did not even love children. When he decided to put a monument, he demanded that the figures of children and close next to nearby.

Works are familiar to each of us. He changed many professions before he became a writer. During the Great Patriotic War Dragunsky took part in the protection of Moscow.

- Man whose poems we teach first. His fairy tales became very firmly in the life of any person. Playing with children, he himself became a child. The children adored him for the simplicity of the soul.

It is part of the childhood of every person. She was a very decisive woman: if he hit himself something in the head, do not doubt, the goal will achieve.

The work of the writer takes a lot of time and effort. People dealing with literature in this veneer are spiritually developed much better than others. Their talent instills us love for the beautiful.

  • For the fact that Mayakovsky wrote his poems by the Lesteno Colleague - the poets accused him of fraud, because at that time payment for the poems was made on the basis of the number of lines. Because of this location, Mayakovsky verses were paid 2-3 times more.
  • Oddly enough, but Cuban Julian del Casal, who was the author of infinitely pessimistic poems, died from laughter. On a friendly dinner, he began the attack of a non-controlled laughter from his anecdot. Unfortunately, it caused the bundle of aorta, bleeding and death.
  • Russian writers and poets have invented a lot of words rooted in circulation: Lomonosov came up with a substance, Karamzin - industry, Saltykov-Shchedrin - a dottyness, Dostoevsky - to knock, Northerner - Crane, Khlebnikov - pilot and exhausted.
  • In China, in the emperor, Qianlun executed poets writing sad poems.
  • The poet of the East was invented female name Svetlana, for the first time he used him in the novel "Svetlana and Mstislav". Popularity This name gained after publishing in 1813. Svetlana's ballads.
  • Pushkin owns at least 70 epigraphs, Gogol and Turgenev - more than 20.
  • Sometimes Pushkin wrote poems to order, for example, verses in honor of Prince Orange or Oda "on the return of the emperor's sovereign from Paris."
  • In Ecuador, there is a statue of the local poet José Olmedo. However, do not everyone know that due to the scarce budget, the Ecuador government decided to acquire a used sculpture of the poet Bairon.
  • On the home house of Lord Bayron lived four goose, which loved to accompany him on walks. They walked with him even on public meetings.
  • Byron refers to the number of attractive and energetic people of that time, this did not prevent strong closet and overweight.
  • The Russian poet and the diplomat of the 18th century Hariton Maentin wrote under the pseudonym Antihai Kantemir, who was an analog of his name.
  • There was no longer any descendants of William Shakespeare left on Earth.
  • Shakespeare came up with several in different ways Printing own name.
  • A row from Gamlet Shakespeare "All Runle in the Danish Kingdom" was translated in different ways. Somewhere she sounded like "I will foresee," or "know, something evil happened here."