Autobiographical works of Astafieva. "On creativity in

Autobiographical works of Astafieva.
Autobiographical works of Astafieva. "On creativity in

Astafyev Viktor Petrovich (1924-2001), writer.

Born on May 1, 1924 in the village of Oatmeal of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Father in 1930 smoked, then the mother died. The childhood of the writer was severe, orphans, even the school did not happen to end. (Afterwards he will talk about early lifestyle in the cycle "Last Bow", 1968-1975)

In 1941, Astafiev entered the school factory-factory learning school, and in 1942 he went to war; There received two heavy injuries and contusions. In the hospital, he met the nurse Maria Semyanov Koryakina, who became his wife.

In 1945, demobilized together, the spouses went to the homeland of his wife - to the city of Chusovoy (Perm region). Here Astafiev worked as a loader, Wakhterom, studied at the school of working young people, entered the literary circle with the newspaper "Chusovskaya worker."

In 1951, he published his first story "Civil man" in this newspaper. His first books went out in Perm (then Molotov) and Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg). In 1962, the magazine "New World" published a review on the story of the regional writer Astafieva "Starfall".

In 1968, the first book of the writer appeared in the capital - a large collection of stories "Blue Twilight". In 1976, the book "Tsar Fish" was published, uniting many stories, sometimes similar to parables. This is a "narration in prose" on how the degradation of civilization into the life of the Yenisei depthion (and for nature, and for a person), not only readers extinguished. Astafeva spoke leading critics, taken by him to the village writers.

There was a close relationship of Astafieva with the "Our Contemporary" - a magazine who wouldingly printed the "village prose". Astafiev allowed himself to say what he thought. The story "Catching Pescase in Georgia" (1986), filled with derogatory characteristics of local residents, caused a real scandal in literary circles.

Was for Astafyev the topic main, passing through all his work: the war, seen by the eyes of the Russian village man. In the novel "Cursed and killed" (1994), the life of the educational regiment is very reminded by prison. Tale "Shepherd and Custle" (1971) and "So I want to live" (1995) make it clear that sharp assessment that Astafiev gave victory in one of the articles: "We simply poured them (Germans. - Approx. Red .) His corpses and drowned in our own blood. " The ambiguity of the relationship to the Great Patriotic War manifested itself in many of his journalistic performances. He died on November 29, 2001 in his native village.


    He writes very well especially the story of a horse with a pink mane recovered

    Good biography, just needed to add.

    I read his novel "Cursed and killed." My father fought in that war, but not when he did not tell about it. If I told, then some funny stories. I read a lot before that the novel about the war. After reading this, I realized that many or lied, or did not want to tell the truth. Named Viktor Astafieva Writer a villagers. Funny! Apparently because he did not end the literary institute or the relevant Faculty of University. And those who ended up, those - writers are urban, it is necessary to understand ....Viktor Astafiev graduated from the chief institution - the war!

Victor Astafiev A brief biography for children will help draw up a message about the writer.

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev Brief biography

Viktor Astafiev was born May 1, 1924 In the village of Osseanka (Krasnoyarsk Territory). He quickly lost his mother (she drowned in Yenisei), brought up his grandmother and grandfather's family, then in an orphanage. He ran away from there, wandered, hungry ... The boy turned out to be an orphan with a living father, who after the death of his wife soon started another family and did not care about his son. This writer will tell about the "Theft" and "Last Bow" posts.

Shortly before the Great Patriotic War, he graduates with the FZO School, will work at the railway station, and in the fall of 1942 he will go to the front. Three times wounded, contused, he will still survive, will create a family. He will tell about the difficult post-war years in the story of the "funny soldier." In these hard years, V.P.Astafyev with his family lives in the Urals - it was easier to find a job.

The first story "Civilian man" about the fate of the Svintsev Moti's fate was published in the newspaper "Chusovskaya worker" in 1951. And from that moment on, V.P. Astafyev dedicated literature.

The main theme of the writer's creativity was military and rustic prose. One of the first works was written in school as an essay. Then he turned him into the story "Vatukino Lake." Astafiev was often published in the magazine "Change".

The writing

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev (1924-2001) began to write very early. Working correspondent in various newspapers, Astafev declared itself as a prose in 1953, releaseing a collection of stories "to future spring". Books for children were followed by: "lights" (1955), "Vastekino Lake" (1956), "Uncle Kuzya, Lisa, Cat" (1957), "Warm rain" (1958). The writer worried the problem of becoming a person in hard life conditions. This topic was reflected in the works: "Starfall", "theft", "Round somewhere". In the following stories, Astafiev wrote about the people of the village, the works of the writer Criticism began to count to the village prose. The genre of a short or approximate story becomes a favorite for the writer.

A great place in the work of the writer was taken by work on the prosaic cycles "Last Bowl" and "King Fish". The idea of \u200b\u200bthe "last one" (1958-1978) created for two decades was born from the wisest of the writer to tell about Siberia, about the impressions of childhood. The author called the collection "Page of Childhood". The main character of the cycle, uniting all the stories, is the child of Vitka Potylitsyn. The first book is filled with a description of children's games, fishing, rustic fun. Vitka's boy is emotionally discovered to understanding beauty, through his perception the writer transmits a songbarrow. The stories written by the first person are filled with a sense of gratitude to the fate for communicating with the beautiful nature, for meeting with extraordinary people. The writer gave the last bow all the good things that was in this world. Pages of the book are imbued with confession and lyricism.

The new Tsar-Fish cycle (1976) talks about the relationship of man and nature. The plot of books is associated with the venue of the author in Siberia's native places. The action of each story takes place on one of the tributaries of Yenisei. People change, circumstances, the river remains unchanged, personifying the course of life. In several stories rises the problem of poaching. This, in the opinion of the writer, not only poachers from the village of Chush, ruthlessly destroying river wealth, not only government officials, so designed the dam that the river gotten into and all the living in it died, but also Gogle Hertse, who split the hearts of lonely women. "Tsar-fish" is a book - a warning of an impending environmental catastrophe, reflection of the writer about the confusion of modern society. "The scream of the soul" called Vasil Bulls Roman Astafieva "Sad detective" (1986). The author himself considered him an unusual novel who connected artistry with journalism. The hero of the novel is the police officer, the Opera Complainable Leonid Cosnine. The action takes place in the provincial Russian town of Wais for several days. In the novel, nine chapters telling about the individual episodes from the Hero's life. Memories of the hero are intertwined with the real episodes of his professional activity. It appears a terrible picture of violence, robbery, murder. The conflict of the work is laid in the collision of the main character with the world of immorality, lawlessness.

Astafyev meditated a lot about the war and repeatedly appealed to this topic. The first work telling about military events was the story "Starfall" (1961). At the beginning of the 70s, according to critics, the most perfect work of the writer is the story "shepherd and a shepherd" (the subtitle "Modern Pastoral", 1867-1971). In the center of the story of Boris Kostyaev and Lucy relationships. The writer parallelly describes the delicate relationship of lovers and terrible paintings of death and blood in war. His myth about the Great Patriotic War of Astafyev created in the novel "Cursed and killed" (1992, 1994). The work is sharply different from the whole created about the Great Patriotic War: the writer destroys the established stereotypes of the image of the people in war.

Whatever Astafyev wrote the main theme in his work was always the fate and character of a simple person, the life of the people "in the depths of Russia".

Astafev Viktor Petrovich is a famous writer whose books are known not only in Russia, but also abroad. His works are translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. His books in the Soviet Union, as well as at present, went out with great editions and quickly understood readers. The classic of this writer was recognized during his lifetime. For his successful and talented literary activity, he was awarded prizes.


Viktor Petrovich was born in early May 1924 in a small village of oatmeal of the Krasnodar Territory. In the family of Peter Pavlovich Astafieva and his wife Lydia Ilinichna, the future writer was a third child.

It is known that childhoods were tragic. So, the two senior sisters of Victor died at heart age. And when the boy was barely seven years old, his father was in prison. Planted him for "insepass". The mother of the future writer tried to attend his father in prison, although it was not easy. To get on a date, she was forced to swim on the boat through the Yenisei.

Once, with one of these crossings, misfortune happened: the boat turned over, and the mother of the future writer was in the water. In addition, she caught his braza overboard boats and could no longer be saved. Her body was found only in a few days. The boy remained alone.

He immediately took his mother's parents, and the time he spent in their house, he considered the most happy children's years. Ilya Evgrafovich Pylishlycin and his wife, Katerina Petrovna, loved her grandson and tried to surround his care and love. About grandparents, about life in their house, he will then write in one of his works. The story "Last Bow" is autobiographical.

But when the father went out of prison, then a happy time in the life of the boy ended. Father took him to himself, and soon he married the second time. At this time, the family of Astafyyev was smoked and sent to Igark. In the second marriage, the boy Kolya is born.

In Igarkka, Victor helped his father, engaged in fishing fishery. But soon feather fell ill. As soon as Peter Pavlovich was in the hospital, stepmother put up a boy from home. So he found himself on the street, thrown and no one needed.

Astafiev Viktor Petrovich: brief biography and fate

Some time, being on the street, Victor Stunovnich. He found an abandoned building, where he began to live, but he went to school constantly. For the next misconduct, the boy was sent to the orphanage.

After graduating from the Children's House, six classes, Astafev Viktor Petrovich began training in the factory-starting school. In parallel, he worked as a Coupler, and then on duty at the railway station. But fate prepared new tests for a teenager.

When the war began, Viktor Petrovich went to the volunteer to the front. At first he fell to training in the car unit, which was located in Novosibirsk, and then went to the front. In many fronts, since 1943, Viktor Petrovich Astafiev fought. Briefly about this, he mentions in his books. In Voronezh, Bryansky and Steppe Fronts, he was a connection, and a driver, and even an intelligence in artillery.

It is known that Viktor Petrovich Astafiev, whose biography is always interesting to readers, was not only contused, but also several times wounded. For courage and heroism, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star and such medals as "for the courage", "for the liberation of Poland" and "For the victory over Germany."

In the post-war time to help the family, I tried yourself in different professions. For the sake of his wife and children, he worked and the washer of carcass, and a mechanic, and a watcher, and a loader, and even simple black-worker. And all this time he wrote.

Literary debut

In the school years, Astafev Viktor Petrovich, whose biography is saturated with events, meets the teacher Ignatius Christmas, who not only wrote poems himself, but noticed a literary talent in a difficult teenager. With his help, the boy began to write, and soon his small work "alive" was printed in one of the numbers of the school journal.

It is known that this story was edited by Viktor Petrovich several times, and he was known to modern readers called "Vastekino Lake".

Literary activity

In 1951, Astafev Viktor Petrovich decided to sign up in a literary circle. Having visited the first meeting of this mug, he worked hard all night over his work and wrote a "civilian" story in one night. But later he frowned him a little more, and from the press this story appeared already with the name "Sibiryak".

Soon the young writer was noticed and invited to work in the local newspaper "Chusovskaya Worker". By this time, Viktor Petrovich has written more than twenty stories and essays. In 1953, Astafev Viktor Petrovich was able to publish his first book. The first published collection of stories was called "to the future spring," and after a couple of years, the second collection for children - "lights" came out.

After that, almost every year, his work was published almost every year: 1956 - "Vatukino Lake", 1957 - "Uncle Kuzya, Fox, Cat", 1958 - "Warm rain".

Features of creativity and books

In 1958, the first novel of Viktor Petrovich comes from the press. The work of "melting snow" tells about how collective farms converted. In the same year, other changes occur in the life of the writer. So, he goes to the capital for training in the courses of writers who were held in the literary institute. In the same year, Viktor Petrovich becomes a member of the Writers' Union.

By the end of the 50s, the work of Astafieva becomes known to the whole country, the writer receives not only success, but also popularity. At the same time, other works of the writer are published from the press: "Pass", "Starodub", "Starfall" and others.

In 1962, Viktor Petrovich Astafieva's life changes dramatically, as he, together with his family, moves to permanent residence perm. In a new place, he writes a few miniatures and immediately prints them in various magazines. In 1972, he collects all these miniatures in one book and publishes it. The main topics of his miniature is a war, rustic life, heroism and patriotism.

In 1967, Astafiev works on the story "Shepherd and Cinema." He thought about the idea for a long time, but when the work was ready, the censorship did not miss him in the print. Viktor Petrovich had a lot to delete from his work, and despite the fact that it was still printed, in twenty he returned to him to return the former text.

In 1975, for his successful literary activity, the writer Astafyev becomes the winner of the State Prize and soon receives it. Inspired, he immediately began his new work, and the next year the Roman "King Fish" was created, which is popular today. But at that time censorship did not want to skip this novel to print. As a result, this led to the fact that the famous writer was due to stress in the hospital.

In 1991, the writer Astafyev begins work on his new product. The book "Curses and Killed" will be published only after 3 years. The book about the meaninglessness of the war, I liked readers, and the literary critics had different opinions.

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev "Horse with a pink mane"

The story is based on real events when the writer himself, being another child, remaining without parents, lived at Grandparents.

The story story is very simple: Vitya asked the grandmother a sweet and fragrant gingerbread, but she can only buy it, which will sell a strawberry that the boy must collect in the forest. Vitya scored a strawberry, but, arguing, he pouring her to the ground and the village guys immediately eat her. Vitya, wanting to get a gingerbread, stuffing a basket with any nonsense and gives her grandmother. In the morning, the grandmother leaves for the market, and the boy becomes a shame for the act.

When the grandmother returned, he strongly scolded Vitu. But the grandfather taught him how to properly ask for forgiveness. The boy, repenting, follows the advice of the grandfather and for his act gets a gingerbread in the shape of a horse with a pink mane. And all his remaining life boy, becoming already adult, remembered this gingerbread.

Personal life

With his wife, the famous and talented writer met at the front. Maria Koryakina was a nurse. After the war, they got married. In 1947, the daughter of Lydia was born in their young family, but after six months she died. In her death, the writer vinyl doctors, and his wife believed that Viktor Petrovich earned little and could not feed the family, so the girl died.

In 1948, the daughter of Irina was born in the family, and in two years the son Andrei was born. But it is known that the writer had an extramarital daughter. About children, the wife of Astafieva did not know, but he was constantly jealous and to women, and books.

Astafyev left the family several times, but every time he returned. Together they lived over 50 years. In 1984, unexpectedly and suddenly died from a heart attack of the daughter of Irina, leaving the orphans of two children. Viktor Petrovich and his wife Maria Semenovna took Wit and Polina to themselves, brought up and raised them.

Death of writer

In the spring of 2001, Astafyev was bad. In the hospital he was taken with stroke. After spending about two weeks in resuscitation, he returns home. He, it seems, it became better, he could even read the newspaper. But in the fall, he again falls into the hospital. At his last week of life, Viktor Petrovich is completely blind.

The Great and Talented Writer died at the end of November 2001. Buried him near the village of oatmeal, where he was born. And after a year there was also opened the Museum of the Astafeva family. After eight years, the writer Viktor Astafiev was awarded the Solzhenitsyn Prize. Diploma and money received a widow of a writer who survived him for ten years.

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev was born May 2, 1924 In the village of Oatsean (now Krasnoyarsk Territory) in the peasant family.

Father - Peter Pavlovich Astafiev. Mother, Lydia Ilyinichna Potylitsyn, drowned in Yenisei in 1931 . Brought up in the family grandfather and grandmother, then in the orphanage in Igark, often unreserved. After graduating from the 6th grade of high school, I entered the FZO railway school by graduating which in 1942., I worked for a while the trains in the suburbs of Krasnoyarsk. From there in autumn 1942. Run to the front volunteer, he was a driver, an arthrismer, television. He participated in the battles on the Kursk arc, dismissed Ukraine from the fascist invaders, Poland, was seriously injured, contuge.

After demobilization in 1945. Together with his wife - subsequently writer M.S. Koryakina - settled in the Urals, in Chusov. He worked as a loader, a mechanic, a loaf, a carpenter in the wagon depot, a washer of meat carcasters on a sausage factory, etc.

In 1951. The first story "Civil man" appeared in the Chusovoy Worker newspaper (after refinement, the name "Sibiryak" was called). The craving for "writing" manifested itself in Astafiev very early.

From 1951 to 1955 Astafiev is a literary employee of the newspaper "Chusovoy Worker"; Published in the Perm newspapers "Star", "Young Guard", Almanaja "Prikamye", the magazine "Ural", "Banner", "Young Guard", "Change". The first collection of stories "to the future spring" came out in Perm in 1953.Behind him followed books for children: "lights" ( 1955 ), "Vatukino Lake" ( 1956 ), "Uncle Kuzya, Fox, Cat" ( 1957 ), "Warm rain" ( 1958 ).

In 1958. Roman Astafieva came out about the life of the collective farm village "melting snow", written in the traditions of fiction in the 1950s.

Since 1958. Astafiev - a member of the joint venture of the USSR; in 1959-1961 He studied on the highest literary courses in the joint venture of the USSR. Turnover in the work of Astafiev turned out to be 1959, When they appeared in the press, the story "Old-Oak" and "Pass", the story "Soldier and Mother". Leonid Leonov's story "Starodub" (the action unfolds in the ancient Kerzhatsky settlement in Siberia) was a source of copyright reflections on the historical roots of the Siberian character. Criticism reproached Astafieva in the ambiguity of the ethical ideal, in the triviality of issues based on the opposition of society and the "natural person."

The story "Pass" began the cycle of works of Astafieva about the formation of a young hero in difficult life conditions - "Starfall" ( 1960 ), "Theft" ( 1966 ), "Somewhere Round War" ( 1967 ), "Last Bow" ( 1968 ; initial chapters). They told about the difficult processes of a hand of an inexperienced soul, the breakdown of the character of a man left without the support of relatives to the scary 1930s and in no less terrible 1940s. All these heroes, despite the fact that various surnames are marked by the features of autobiogram, are similar to the fates, the dramatic search for the life of the "truth and conscience". In the standards of Astafieva 1960s It was clearly discovered by the gift of a narrator who knows how to captivate the reader with the subtlety of a lyrical feeling, an unexpected solonish humor, philosophical absence. A special place among these works is the story of "theft".

Hero Tale - Tolya Mazov - from the detached peasants, whose generation dies in the northern edges. The scenes of the orphanage, "herd" life are recreated by Astafyev with compassion and cruelty, presenting a generous diversity of the broken time of children's characters, impulsively flowing into a quarrel, hysterical, mockery of weak, then suddenly, unexpectedly uniting in sympathy and kindness.

With the story of "Soldier and Mother", by the definition of Critica A. Makarov, a lot of thinking about the essence of the Talent of Astafieva, a series of stories about the Russian national character begins. In the best stories ("Siberian", "Old Horse", "Hands of Wife", "Spas Branch", "Zakharko", "Anxious Sleep", "Life to live", etc.) a person "from the people" is recreated naturally, reliably. Creativity Astafieva in the 1960s It was counted for criticism to the so-called. "Rustic prose", in the center of which were thinking of artists about the foundations, origins and essence of people's life.

Tale Astafieva "Shepherd and Cowgirl" ( 1971 ; The subtitle "Modern Pastoral") was unexpected for literary criticism. The already established appearance of Astafieva-narrator, working in the genre of socio-domestic narration, has changed in front of the eye, acquiring the features of the writer, aspiring to the generalized perception of the world, to symbolic images. For the first time in the work of the writer, the topic of war appears. Love plot (Lieutenant Kostyaev - Lucy) was surrounded by a fiery ring of war that shades the catastrophicity of the meeting of the beloved.

Yet at the very beginning of the 1970s Astafyev argued the right of every person who had front-line experience, in memory of his "his" war. The philosophical conflict of the story was realized in the opposition of the pastoral motive of love and the monstrous sewing element of the war; The moral aspect concerned relations between soldiers. The most controversial responses of critics were devoted to the genre and composition of the story. The annular composition of the story seemed hard, unnecessary rationalistic. Weathered in the style of popular crying and the extension and the "final" of the work, according to some researchers, "not entirely conjugate with the plot-conflict basis of the story." It was criticized by this bright, which became the classical story of Astafieva and for "Mostovism", and for "pacifism", and for pastorality, for "degeneration", for the "romantic" "non-military" hero dying from love.

Tale "Oda Russian Garden" ( 1972 ) - A peculiar poetic anthem of the farming of the peasant, in whose life harmoniously combined expediency, utility and beauty. The story imbued with sadness of the lost harmony of agricultural labor, which allowed a person to feel a life-giving connection with the Earth.

Created for two decades "Last Bow" ( 1958-1978 ) It is an epochable web about the life of the village in the difficult 1930 -40 and confession of the generation, whose childhood had to be for the years of "the great fracture", and youth - "on firing forties." The stories written from the first person about the difficult, hungry, but beautiful rustic childhood unites the feeling of deep gratitude to the fate for the possibility of living, direct communication with nature, with people who knew the "world", saving the children from hunger, raising in them hard work and honesty. In the chapter "The Burunduk on the Cross", which went to the "Last Bow" in 1974 , the terrible history of the collapse of the peasant family is told, in the chapter "Soroka" - the story of the sad fate of the bright and talented man Uncle Vasi-Soroki, in the chapter "Without a shelter" - about the bitter wandering of the hero in Igarka, about the streets as a social phenomenon of the 1930s.

After entering the light of "sad detective" ( 1986 ), "Manochki" ( 1989 ), the final chapters "last two" ( 1992 ) The pessimism writer intensified. The world appeared before his eyes "in evil and suffering", full of vice and crime. The events of modern and historical past began to be considered from the position of the maximalist ideal, the highest moral idea and, of course, did not correspond to their embodiment. This hard maximalism was exacerbated by pain for the failed life, for having lost himself and indifferent to the public revival of man.

In parallel with artistic creativity in the 1980s Astafyev is engaged in journalism. Documentary stories about nature and hunting, essays about writers, reflections on creativity, essays about Vologda and where the writer lived from 1969 to 1979, about Siberia, where he returned in 1980., amounted to the collections "Ancient, Eternal ..." ( 1980 ), "Memory Staff" ( 1980 ), "All your hour" ( 1985 ).

In 1988. Published the book "Semichi Staff", dedicated to the memory of Critica A. Makarov. In their stories, Astafiev creates the drama "cherry" ( 1977 ), "Forgive me" ( 1979 ), writes filmcenery "Do not kill" ( 1981 ).

Roman about the war "Cursed and killed" (Part 1. 1992 ; Part 2. 1994 ) Not only striking the facts that had not yet been accepted about, it is distinguished by an amazing even for Astafyev, passionism, categorical of author's intonation.

In 1995. Published the story of Astafieva "So I want to live" about the bizarre frontal fate and the post-war life of a simple Russian soldier Khakhalin's strollers, and later the story "Oberton" ( 1996 ) and "cheerful soldiers" ( 1998 ). Created in the genre of socio-household and even naturalistic narration, these things connect and balance contradictory author intonations, returning the writer to the state of wisdom and sadness. "Thanks to the Almighty," said Astafev in one of the last interviews that my merciful memory, in ordinary life a lot of heavy and terrible is erased "(literary Russia 2000. №4).