Satyric works Zoshchenko list. Zoshchenko - a regrettable case - story

Satyric works Zoshchenko list. Zoshchenko - a regrettable case - story

He became a way of his self-disclosure. Language comic has carried with him not only the election element - he opened the emergence of the centaur of consciousness: this is "mockery over a non-free person" - shouting passengers.

Phraseologythe new time becomes the onset of the onset in their lips, it gives them strength, due to her they assert themselves - morally and financially ("I always sympathized with central convictions," says the hero of the story of "charms of culture" .- Even when in the era of military communism, NEP was introduced , I did not protest. NEP is so NEP. You are more visible. " This is a self-satisfying sense of involvement in the events of the century and becomes the source of their militant, about relations to other people. "You never know in the light of the middle man!" - exclaims the hero of the story "Wonderful rest." Proud attitude to the "case" - from time to the era; But his real content corresponds to the scale of the thoughts and feelings of the "middle man": "You understand: then you will drink a little, then the guests are worn, then you need to stick the leg to the sofa ... The wife also starts the claim to express."

Form Zoshchenkovsky tale It was the same mask that tiny mustache and a cane in the hands of the Chaplin hero. But happens to randomly that with the indisputable similarity of the comium receptions in two artists of our time, absorbed by the fate of a "little man", - Chaplin and Zoshchenko, is so straightened by the types created by them? Zoshchenko managed to split the passive stability of the moral complex of the former "little man" and reveal the negative aspects of his consciousness. Pity and compassion who happened once the opening of the topic of a "little man" Gogol and who were so close to the Talent of Chaplin, passing through the complex sense of sympathy and disgust in Dostoevsky, striking how much there is a lot in humiliated and offended terrible, turned into a surviving revolution Zoshchenko in an exacerbated sensitivity to the imagination of the hero, which now would never agree to be called a "little man": "Middle" - he himself says about himself and secretly invests in these words a proud meaning.

So satyr zoshchenko Formed a special, "negative world", - with how he believed that he was "Roszyan and pushed out of himself." If Zoshchenko remained only a satirist - waiting for changes in a person who "should with the help of satire to raise in itself a disgust for the ugly and vulgar parties of life," could be all-consuming. But deeply hidden behind the satirical mask moralism of the writer discovered himself in the persistent desire for the reformation of the morals.

« Sentimental stories"Written by Zoshchenko in the 20s - early 30s, not only the material that was subjected to satirical ridicuity in the stories of the writer, but as it were, they focused on his ethical program, the scissors in the multi-line invoice and pain, and Despair, and the hopes of the writer. However, his positive program acted as unusual for Russian literature. Wherever openly announces its existence, whether it is an entry into "sentimental stories" or unexpected, but precisely calculated emotional breakthroughs of the author through the strict boundaries of the objective narration, "he says somehow apologizing and justifies.

Reservations, self-esteem, fitted with an apologetic intonation - all this is concentrated around one statement of the writer, the statements that he does defiantly - and at the same time restrained, persistently and convinced: "This specially written about a small man, about the intelligence in his entire unsightly Gras. "

Intonationhe emphasizes that fundamentally conscious inability to think high, philosophical categories that Zoshchenko rejected as distracted, abstract, alien to "simple person". But no matter how much Zoshchenko reduces the benefits of human life, no matter how I raised over enviable ease of thinking about "further culture" and the "universe," it was impossible not to notice that the heroes of his "sentimental ages" were not alien to attempts to "penetrate the essence phenomena "and understand -" For which a person exists or the existence of his worm and meaningless. " With a rare certainty and at the same time, with a clear reluctance, Zoshchenko opens in the story "Apollo and Tamara" a veil over the theme that will torment him throughout life: "Why is there a person? Is there an appointment in his life, and if not, it is not meaningless? "

How could happenWhat a writer, so acutely felt gap with an old life and old literature, in the era of the revolution focused his attention on the topic of the death of human in man? Chukovsky's roots, bearing in mind, first of all, "sentimental stories", it correctly noticed that "a person who lost the human appearance", at the end of the twenties and at the beginning of the thirties "became ... Literally to pursue Zoshchenko and took it in his work almost a central place" . Rabechkin in an early story "Goza", which Zoshchenko has always published with his "sentimental posters", Boris Ivanovich Kotofeev in the "Scary Night", Apollo in the story "Apollo and Tamara", Ivan Ivanovich Blokops in "People" - they are all on our Eyes turn into devastated, lonely, corrosive people.

Need a cheat sheet? Then save - "Common and Satire in the stories of Zoshchenko. Literary writings!

Mikhail Zoshchenko, the 120th anniversary of which is celebrated these days, was his own style, which is not confused with anyone. His satirical stories of brief, phrases without the slightest delights and lyrical deviations.

A distinctive feature in his manner writing works was exactly the language that at first glance may seem rude. Most of its works are written in a comic genre. The desire to replace the flavors of people who could not even remake the revolution, initially perceived as a healthy criticism and was welcomed as implanting satire. Heroes of his works became ordinary people with primitive thinking. However, the writer makes fun of people themselves, but emphasizes their lifestyle, habits and some character characteristics. His works were directed not to combat these people, but to help them get rid of their drawbacks.

Critics called his works of literature "for the poor" for his deliberately rustic syllable, full of words and expressions, which was distributed in the environment of small owners.

M.zoshchenko "Bad Custom".

In February, I, my brothers, fell ill.

Lea to the city hospital. And here I'm lying, you know, in the city hospital, I'm treated and the soul rest. And the circle of quiet and smooth and God's grace. The circle is clean and order, even lying awkward. And you want to spit - the seaker. We want to want to sit down - there is a chair, you want to smolden - miserably on health in your hand, and in order to the sheet - nor my God, you do not allow a sheet to the sheet. Order, they say, this is not. Well, we humble.

And it is impossible not to terms. Such around care, such a caress, which is better and not to come up.

Lies, imagine some kind of lousy man, and he and lunch fiber, and the bed is cleaned, and the sidewars are put under the mouse, and the clinies are pushing themselves, and even interested in health.

And who is interested? Important, advanced people - doctors, doctors, sisters of mercy and again, Feldsher Ivan Ivanovich.

And I felt such a gratitude to all the staff that I decided to bring material thanks. Everyone, I think, do not give - bulls not enough. I'll give, think alone. And to whom - began to look closely.

And I see: there is no one to give more, otherwise as Feldeshru Ivan Ivanovich. A man, see, is a large and representative and best of all tries and even from the skin is climbing. Okay, I think I will give him. And he began to think about how to bother him, so that and the dignity would not insult him and so as not to get for it in the face.

The case soon introduced himself. Feldsher comes to my bed. He greets.

Hello, says how health? Was there a chair?

Age, I think, pecked.

How, I say, there was a chair, but someone from the patients took. And if you sit down hunting - sit down on your feet on the bed. Ceiling.

Lying the paramedic on the bed and sits.

Well, - I tell him - how do you write, whether to work greatly?

The earnings, says, are small, but which are intelligent patients and at least with death, strive to suck in the hand.

Ensure, I say, although not at death, but I do not refuse. And even a long time I dream about it.

Take out money and give. And he kindly accepted and made a knuble handle.

And the other day everything began. I lay very calmly and good, and no one disturbed me up to it, and now Feldsher Ivan Ivanovich seems to be walked from my material thanks. During the day there are ten or fifteen, he tries to my bed. That, you know, the pads will correct, then in the bath it will be kicked, then the enema will offer to put. He suffered some thermometers to me, Sukin Cat. Previously, the degrees or two will deliver - only and everything. And now fifteen times. Previously, the bath was cool and I liked, and now the hot water will sweat - even though Karaul shout.

I am already a point, and so - in no way. I, for him, the money, the money still fools - leave only, make mercy, he is still in the rash and tries.

Week went - I see, I can not more. I was glad, pounds fifteen lost, lost weight and appetite lost. And Feldsher tries everything.

And since he, the tramp, almost even in boiling water. By God. Such a bath, a scoundrel, did - I already had a corn on my leg and the skin came down.

I tell him:

Why do you, baim, do you cook people in boiling water? There will be no more material thanks.

And he says:

Will not - do not. Dry, says, without the help of researchers. - And came out.

And Terecheric again goes everything is still: the thermowners put once, with the enema as needed. And the bath is cool again, and no one bothers me anymore.

No wonder the fight against tea is happening. Oh, brothers, not in vain!

Wouldn't Zoshchenko himself, if it were not for his letter manner. It was unknown literature, and therefore did not have his spelling language. Zoshchenko was endowed with absolute hearing and brilliant memory. For the years spent in the thick of poor people, he managed to penetrate the secret of their conversational design, with characteristic vulgarism, the wrong grammatical forms and syntactic structures managed to adopt the intonation of their speech, their expressions, turnover, speech - he studied this language to subtlety and Already from the first steps in the literature began to use it easily and easily. It could easily meet such expressions as "Plotour", "Okromya", "Hash", "etot", "in it", "Brunetochka", "fell", "for a bouus", "Hut cry", " This poodle, "Animal Wordless", "At the Plate", etc. But Zoshchenko is a writer not only a comic syllable, but also comic positions. Comic not only his tongue, but also the place where the history of the next story was unfolded: a commemoration, a communal apartment, the hospital - all such a friend, their own, is familiar. And the story itself: a fight in a communal apartment because of the scandalous hedgehog, the scandal on the commemoration due to a broken glass.

In the 20s, there is a flourishing of the main genre varieties of the work of the writer: a satirical story, comic novella and satirco-humorous story. Already at the very beginning of the 20s, the writer creates a number of works that have received a high assessment of M. Gorky. Published in 1922 "Stories of Nazar Ilyich Mr. Sinebrühova"

Attracted all attention. Against the background of the emellisters of those years, the figure of the hero-fairy tale, grated, the experienced man of Nazar Ilyich Sinebrühova, who has passed the front and a lot of people who had ever seen in the world. M. Zoszogenko is looking for a peculiar intonation, in which the lyric and ironic start and intimate confidence-taking note, eliminating any barrier between the narrator and the listener. Sometimes the story is quite skillfully constructed by the type of famous nonsense, beginning with the words "there was a high man of low growth." This kind of incomcom creates a certain comic effect. True, until he has the distinct satirical orientation, which will acquire later. In the "Stories of Sinebryukhov" there are such a certain zoskoskhenkov turnover of comic speech in the memory of the reader, as "as if suddenly, the atmosphere smelled of me," "observed as a sticky and give up for his kind, nothing that his relatives", "a podoruk wow, But the bastard "," breaks unrest ", etc. Subsequently, a similar type of a stylistic game, but already with an incomparably more acute social sense, will manifest itself in the speeches of other heroes - Semenovich Semenovich and Gavrilych seeds, on behalf of whom the story was conducted in a number of the most popular comic novel zoshchenko of the first half of the 20s. The works created by the writer in the 20s were based on concrete and very topical facts, hoped either from direct observations, or from numerous reader letters. Themes of their PESTRAY and diverse: riots on transport and in dormitories, grimaces of Nap and Grimasa of life, mold of mesh and sorting workers, swelling pompadurry and threshing lactas and much, much more. Often, the story is built in the form of a relaxed conversation with the reader, and sometimes when the disadvantages acquired a particularly flagrant nature, frankly journalistic notes sounded in the vote. In the cycle of satirical novel M. Zoshchenko, the evil ridiculed the cynical and calculating or sentimentally thoughtful miners of individual happiness, intelligent scoundrels and khamov, showed vulgar and worthless people in the true light, ready to embody all true human well-being ("Matrenica", "Grima Napa", "Lady with flowers", "Nanny", "Marriage for the calculation"). In the satirical stories of Zoshchenko there are no effectary techniques for the pointing of the author's thought. They are usually deprived of and acute intrigue. M. Zoshchenko performed here by the accuser of spiritual ocherskina, satyric of morals. He elected the object of the analysis of the co-owner - a drive and a chaser, which from the direct political enemy became an opponent in the sphere of morality, a selection of vulgarity. The circle acting in satirical works Zoshchenko is extremely narrowed, there is no image of a crowd, mass, visibous or invisibly present in humorous novels. The pace of development of the plot is slowed down, the characters are deprived of the dynamism, which distinguishes the heroes of other works of the writer. The heroes of these stories are less coarse and are unkind than in humorous novels. The author is interested in primarily the spiritual world, the system of thinking outwardly cultural, but even more so disgusting essentially traded. Oddly enough, but in satirical stories Zoshchenko almost missing, grotesque situations, less comic and there is no merry. However, the main element of Zoshchenkovsky creativity of the 20s is still humoroustics. Zoshchenko writes about drunkenness, about housing affairs, about losers offended by fate. Zoshchenko has a small story "Beggar" - about a hefty and arrogant entity, which having sought regularly to go to the hero-storyteller, extorcting adulthint. When it was tired of all this, he advised the enterprising getter of Portiges to look with unreasonable visits. "He didn't come to me anymore, she was probably offended," the storyteller noted melancholically in the final. The relationship between the cause and consequence is a traditional source of comic. It is important to catch the type of conflicts characteristic of this environment and era and transfer them to satirical art. Zoshchenko dominates the motive of the disaster, the life of the Nelpitsa, some tragic inconsistency of the hero with the pace, rhythm and spirit of time. Sometimes the Zoshchenkov Hero really wants to keep up with progress. Hurryly learned modern trend seems to be a respected citizen riding not just loyalty, but a model of organic cooling in revolutionary reality. Hence the addiction to the fashionable names and political terminology, from here the desire to approve his "proletarian" by the latter by the briefs of rudeness, ignorance, rudeness. The domination of the trifling, slavery of the smallest, the comicity of the fan and ridiculous - this is what the writer is noted in a series of sentimental ages. However, a lot here and new, even unexpected for the reader, who knew the zoshchenko-novelist. Satira, as the entire Soviet artistic prose, has changed significantly in the 30s. The creative fate of the author "Aristocrats" and "Sentimental Age" did not make exceptions. The writer, who exposed the meshness, ridiculed the man in the middle, ironically and parody wrote about the poisonous scale of the past, draws his eyes very differently. Zoshchenko capture and carries the tasks of the socialist transformation. It works in Militia Leningrad enterprises, visits the construction of the Belomorsky-Baltic Channel, listening to the rhythms of the grandiose process of social update. There is a fracture in all his work: from worldview to the tonality of narration and style. During this period, Zoshchenko covers the idea to merge the satir and heroic together. Theoretically, this thesis was proclaimed at the very beginning of the 30s, but practically implemented in the "returned youth" (1933), "stories of one life" (1934), the story "Blue Book" (1935) and a number of stories of the second half: 30s. Satiri saw the striking life chain of all sorts of social weeds and did not understand the disabilities of the traded and man in the mimicry and adaptation. However, in the 30s, new prerequisites arise about human happiness to solve the eternal question about human happiness, due to giant socialist transformations, the cultural revolution. It has a significant impact on the nature and direction of the writer's creativity. Zoshchenko appears teacher intonations that were not at all before. Satirik not only and not even so much ridiculed, heaks how much patiently teaches, explains, spreads, turning to the mind and conscience of the reader. High and pure didactics with special perfection embodied in a cycle of touching and affectionate stories for children written in 1937 - 1938.

As you wish, comrades, and Nikolay Ivanovich, I am very sympathetic.

This cute person has suffered for all six hryvnia, and nothing particularly outstanding for this money has seen.

He just turned out to be soft and compliant. Another would be on his place all the cinema, may have scattered and published the audience from the hall. Because six hryvnias are not lying daily on the floor. It is necessary to understand.

And on Saturday, our darling, Nikolai Ivanovich, a little bit, of course, drank. After paying.

And this man was extremely conscious. Another would have drunk a man began to close and upset, and Nikolai Ivanovich Ginno and noble passed on the avenue. Suck something there.

Suddenly looks - in front of him a movie.

"Give me, thinks, anyway - come to the movies. Man, thinks, I am cultured, a half-attile degree, what should I be in vain on the panels in a drunken look and hob passersby? Give it, thinks I'll look in a tape in drunken. I never did".

He bought for his preching ticket. And sat down in the front row.

Selo in the front row and chino-noble looks.

Only, maybe he looked at one inscription, suddenly he went to Riga. Therefore, it is very warm in the hall, the audience breathes and the darkness of the psyche is favorable.

I went to Riga our Nikolai Ivanovich, all the gentle-noble - does not touch anyone, the screen does not have enough hands, the light bulbs do not twist, but it sits and quietly in Riga rides.

Suddenly, it became a sober public to express dissatisfaction about, which means Riga.

"Could," say, "comrade, for this purpose in the lobby walk, only, they say looking at the drama distract to other ideas.

Nikolai Ivanovich - a cultural man, conscious - did not, of course, in vain to argue and warmly. And I got up and went quietly.

"What, thinks, to contact sober? From them you will not turn the scandal. "

He went to the exit. Drawn to the cashier.

"Just that," says, the lady, you have a ticket, please return the money back. Because I can't look a picture - it delivers me in the dark.

Cassisch says:

- We can't give money back back, if you are delivered - go quietly sleep.

The noise and passage rose here. Another would be on the site of Nikolai Ivanovich for the hair would be an automatic cassier from the cashier and would return his most predist. And Nikolai Ivanovich, the man is quiet and cultural, only, can once and shoved the cashier:

"You," says, "understand, infection, I did not watch your tape. Give, says my more precent.

And everything is so chinno-noble, without a scandal, - asks to return his own money at all. Here the head resorted.

"We," says, "do not refress money back - since, says, taken, be kindly to watch the tape.

Another on the site of Nikolai Ivanovich would spit in the dawn and would go to inspect her more precent. And Nikolai

Ivanovich became very sad about money, he began to be very expensive and back to Riga went.

Here, of course, I grabbed Nikolai Ivanovich, like a dog, walked into the police. Until morning lasted. And in the morning they took the treshka penalty from him and released.

I am very sorry for Nikolai Ivanovich. Such, you know, a regrettable case: a person can be said, and the tapes did not look, just he was holding a ticket - and please chase for this small pleasure three six hryvnia. And for what, asks, three six hryvnias?

The writer saw some Harny processes of modern reality in his own way. He is the creator of the original comic novel, who continued in the new historical conditions of the tradition of Gogol, Leskov, early Chekhov. S created his own, unique thin style.

In his work, you can highlight 3 main stages.

1 Then two wars and revolutions (1914-1921) - the period of intensive spiritual growth of the future writer, the formation of his literary and aesthetic beliefs.

2Grezhdanskoye and moral formation of seeing humorist and saticaries, the artist of a significant social topic falls on the Pokelyabryan period. The first falls on the 20s - the heyday of the writer's talent of the writer, who has exhausted the pen of the observer of public defects in such popular satirical magazines of the pore, like "Behemoth", "Buzoter", "Red Raven", "Auditor", "Chudak", "Monkhach ". At this time, the formation of Zoshchenkov novels and a story takes place. In the 20s, there is a flourishing of the main genre varieties in the work of the writer: a satirical story, comic novel and satirco-humorous story. Already at the very beginning of the 20s, the writer creates a number of works that have received a high assessment of M. Gorky. The works created by the writer in the 20s were based on concrete and very topical facts, hoped either from direct observations, or from numerous reader letters. Themes of their PESTRAY and diverse: riots on transport and in dormitories, grimaces of Nap and Grimasa of life, mold of mesh and sorting workers, swelling pompadurry and threshing lactas and much, much more. Often, the story is built in the form of a relaxed conversation with the reader, and sometimes when the disadvantages acquired a particularly flagrant nature, frankly journalistic notes sounded in the vote. In the cycle of satirical novel M. Zoshchenko, the evil ridiculed the cynical and calculating or sentimentally thoughtful miners of individual happiness, intelligent scoundrels and khamov, showed vulgar and worthless people in the true light, ready to embody all true human well-being ("Matrenica", "Grima Napa", "Lady with flowers", "Nanny", "Marriage for the calculation"). In the satirical stories of Zoshchenko there are no effectary techniques for the pointing of the author's thought. They are usually deprived of and acute intrigue. M. Zoshchenko performed here by the accuser of spiritual ocherskina, satyric of morals. He elected the object of the analysis of the co-owner - a drive and a chaser, which from the direct political enemy became an opponent in the sphere of morality, a selection of vulgarity. The main element of creativity of the 20s is still humoroustics.

1 In 1920-1921 Zoshchenko wrote the first stories from those that were subsequently printed: Love, War, Old Wrangel, Fish female. (1928-1932).

2k the mid-1920s Zoshchenko became one of the most popular writers. His stories of the bath, an aristocrat, a history of illness, etc., which he often read himself to numerous audiences, were known and loved in all layers of society. Activity (customized fabrics for the press, plays, filmceneuria, etc.), the genuine talent Zoshchenko manifested itself only in stories for the children he wrote for the magazines "Chizh" and "Hedgehog".

Stories M.M.Zoshchenko

Significant place in the work of Zoshchenko occupy the stories in which the writer directly responds to real events of the day. The most known among them: "Aristocrat", "Glass", "History of Disease", "Nervous People", "Montor". It was unknown literature, and therefore did not have his spelling language. Zoshchenko was endowed with absolute hearing and brilliant memory. For the years spent in the thick of poor people, he managed to penetrate the secret of their colloquial design, with characteristic vulgarism, incorrect grammatical forms and syntactic constructs managed to adopt the intonation of their speech, their expressions, turns, of the word - it is up to the subtleties of studied language and already From the first steps in the literature began to use it easily and easily. It could easily meet such expressions as "Plotour", "Okromya", "Hash", "etot", "in it", "Brunetochka", "fell", "for a bouus", "Hut cry", " This poodle "," Animal Wordless "," At the Plate ", etc. But Zoshchenko is a writer not only a comic syllable, but also comic positions. Comic not only his tongue, but also the place where the history of the next story was unfolded: a commemoration, a communal apartment, the hospital - all such a friend, their own, is familiar. And the story itself: a fight in a communal apartment because of the scandalous hedgehog, the scandal on the commemoration due to a broken glass. Some zososechenkovsky turns remained in Russian literatures with Eaforism: "Such a suddenly the atmosphere smelled of me," "observed as a sticky, I think for my kind, for nothing that my relatives", "pursuit of yourself, but a bastard", "breaks unrest". As long as his stories wrote, he himself hurt. Yes, so that then, when I read the stories to my friends, never laughed. Singing the gloomy, sullen, as if not understanding, on what can be laughed.

Overhabited while working on the story, he then perceived him already knocking and sadness. Perceived as the other side of the medal.

Hero Zoshchenko is a man in the street, a man with a wretched morality and a primitive look at life. This atmosphere personified a whole human layer of today. The man in the street often spent all his strength on the struggle with a different kind of small-sided disadvantages, instead of something to do something for the benefit of society. But the writer ridiculed not by the person himself, and the philistine traits in it.

So, the hero of the "Aristocrats" (1923) was carried away by one particular in the filled stockings and a hat. While he "as the official" face "visited the apartment, and then walked down the street, experiencing inconvenience because I had to take a lady at hand and" to do so that Pike ", everything was relatively safe. But it was worth the hero to invite an aristocrat to theater, "she and

i unfolded my ideology throughout the volume. "Seeing the cakes, aristocrat in the intermission, is suitable for a depraved walking to a dish and a Cop with cream and eats."

The lady ate three cupcakes and stretches over the fourth.

"It hit my blood in my head.

Lodge, say, - back! "

After this climax, the events are deployed avalanche-like, engaging the Avivo orbit an increasing number of actors. As a rule, in the first half of Zoshchenkov, one or two are presented, many are three characters. And only if the development of the plot passes the highest point when the need arises and the need to type the described phenomenon, it is satirically sharpened, a more or less discharged group of people appears, sometimes crowd.

So in the "aristocratry". The closer to the final, the greater the number of persons withdraws the author on the scene. At first there arises the figure of a buffetcher, who is on all the assurances of the hero, which is hot proving that only three pieces are eaten, since the fourth cake is on the dish, "keeps indifferent."

No, - answers, "although it is located in a dish, but a scope for it is made and crumpled."

Here and expert lovers, some of which "say - a scope is made, others - no." And finally, the crowd attracted by the scandal, which laugh at the form of an unlucky theater, convulsively turning his pockets with all sorts of junk in her eyes.

In the final, there are again only two acting persons who finally find out their relationships. The dialogue between the offended lady and dissatisfied with her behavior is the story.

"And at home she tells me with his bourgeois tone:

Pretty pigs on your part. Which without money - do not go with the ladies.

And I say:

Not in money, citizen, happiness. Sorry for the expression. "

As you can see, both sides are offended. Moreover, and that, and the other party believes only in his truth, being firmly convinced that the wrong side is not the right. The Hero of the Zoshchenkovsky story invariably honors himself with an infallible, "respected citizen", although in fact he actually speaks by a chumped man in the street.