Bashkir national dwelling. Abstract on the topic: "Bashkir national dwelling - yurt

Bashkir national dwelling.  Abstract on the topic:
Bashkir national dwelling. Abstract on the topic: "Bashkir national dwelling - yurt

Entertainment and leisure contain elements of an economic, labor, educational, aesthetic, religious nature. Their main tasks were to strengthen the unity of the people and preserve the identity of culture.

What language is spoken in Bashkiria?

Bashkirs speak Bashkir, which combines features from the Kypchak, Tatar, Bulgarian, Arabic, Persian and Russian languages. He is also official language Bashkortostan, but it is also spoken in other regions of the Russian Federation.

The Bashkir language is divided into Kuvanki, Burzyan, Yurmatinsky dialects and many others. There are only phonetic differences between them, but despite this, the Bashkirs and Tatars easily understand each other.

The modern Bashkir language took shape in the mid-1920s. Most of the vocabulary consists of words of ancient Turkic origin. There are no prepositions, prefixes and gender in the Bashkir language. Words are formed using affixes. Stress plays an important role in pronunciation.

Until the 1940s, the Bashkirs used the Volga Central Asian script, and then switched to the Cyrillic alphabet.

Bashkiria as part of the USSR

Before joining Bashkiria, it consisted of cantons - territorial and administrative units. The Bashkir ASSR was the first autonomous republic on the territory the former USSR... It was formed on March 23, 1919 and was ruled from Sterlitamak in the Ufa province due to the lack of an urban settlement in the Orenburg province.

On March 27, 1925, the Constitution was adopted, according to which the Bashkir ASSR retained the cantonal structure, and the people could, along with Russian, use the Bashkir language in all spheres. public life.

On December 24, 1993, after the dissolution of the Supreme Soviet of Russia, the Republic of Bashkortostan adopts a new Constitution.

Bashkir people

In the second millennium BC. NS. territory modern Bashkortostan settled by ancient Bashkir tribes Caucasian race... Many peoples lived on the territory of the Southern Urals and the steppes around it, which influenced the customs and traditions of the Bashkirs. In the south lived the Iranian-speaking Sarmatians - herders, and in the north - the landowners-hunters, the ancestors of the future Finno-Ugric peoples.

The beginning of the first millennium was marked by the arrival of the Mongol tribes, which provided great attention on the culture and appearance of the Bashkirs.

After Golden Horde was defeated, the Bashkirs fell under the rule of three khanates - Siberian, Nogai and Kazan.

The formation of the Bashkir people ended in the 9th-10th centuries A.D. e., and after joining the Moscow state in the 15th century, the Bashkirs rallied and the name of the territory inhabited by the people was established - Bashkiria.

Of all the world religions, Islam and Christianity are most widespread, which had an important influence on the Bashkir folk customs.

The way of life was semi-nomadic and, accordingly, housing was temporary and nomadic. Permanent Bashkir houses, depending on the locality, could be stone brick or log houses, in which there were windows, in contrast to temporary ones, where the latter were absent. The photo above shows a traditional Bashkir house - a yurt.

What was the traditional Bashkir family like?

Until the 19th century, a small family dominated among the Bashkirs. But it was often possible to find an undivided family, where married sons lived with their father and mother. The reason is the presence of common economic interests. Usually families were monogamous, but it was not uncommon to find a family where a man had several wives - with bais or representatives of the clergy. Bashkirs from less prosperous families remarried if the wife was childless, seriously ill and could not take part in household work, or the man remained a widower.

The head of the Bashkir family was the father - he gave orders regarding not only property, but also the fate of the children, and his word in all matters was decisive.

Bashkir women had in the family different position, depending on age. The mother of the family was respected and respected by everyone, along with the head of the family she was initiated into everything family matters and she was in charge of household chores.

After the marriage of the son (or sons), the burden of household chores fell on the shoulders of the daughter-in-law, and the mother-in-law only watched over her work. The young woman had to cook food for the whole family, clean the house, look after clothes and look after the livestock. In some areas of Bashkiria, the daughter-in-law did not have the right to show her face to other family members. This situation was explained by the dogmas of religion. But the Bashkirs still had some degree of independence - if she was mistreated, she could demand a divorce and take away the property that was given to her as a dowry. Life after the divorce did not bode well - the husband had the right not to give up the children or demand a ransom from her family. In addition, she could not remarry.

Today many wedding traditions are being revived. One of them - the bride and groom wear the Bashkir national costume. Its main features were layering and a variety of colors. made from home cloth, felt, sheepskin, leather, fur, hemp and nettle canvas.

What holidays do Bashkirs celebrate?

The customs and traditions of the Bashkirs are vividly reflected in the holidays. They can be conditionally divided into:

  • State - New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Flag Day, Day of the City of Ufa, Republic Day, Day of the adoption of the Constitution.
  • Religious - Uraza Bayram (holiday of the end of fasting in Ramadan); Eid al-Adha (holiday of sacrifice); Mawlid an Nabi (birthday of the Prophet Muhammad).
  • National - Yynin, Kargatui, Sabantui, Kyakuk Syaye.

State and religious holidays are celebrated almost the same throughout the country, and there are practically no traditions and rituals of the Bashkirs. In contrast, nationals fully reflect the culture of the nation.

Sabantuy, or Habantuy, was observed after sowing from about the end of May to the end of June. Long before the holiday, a group of young people went from house to house and collected prizes and decorated the square - the Maidan, where all the festive actions were to take place. The most valuable prize was a towel made by a young daughter-in-law, since the woman was a symbol of the renewal of the clan, and the holiday was timed to coincide with the renewal of the earth. In the center of the Maidan, a pole was installed, which was oiled, and an embroidered towel fluttered at the top, which was considered a prize, and only the most dexterous could climb up to it and take it. There were many different fun on Sabantui - wrestling with bags of hay or wool on a log, running with an egg in a spoon or sacks, but the main ones were racing and wrestling - kuresh, in which the rivals tried to knock down or drag the opponent with a towel wrapped around them. The elders watched the wrestlers, and the winner, the batyr, received a slaughtered ram. After the fight on the Maidan, they sang songs and danced.

Kargatui, or Karga Butkakhy, is a holiday of the awakening of nature, which had different scenarios depending on geographic location... But common traditions can be considered cooking millet porridge. It was held in nature and was accompanied not only by a collective meal, but also by feeding the birds. This pagan holiday there was even before Islam - the Bashkirs turned to the gods with a request for rain. Kargatui also did not do without dancing, songs and sports competitions.

Kyakuk Saye was women's holiday and also had pagan roots. It was celebrated by the river or on the mountain. It was celebrated from May to July. Women with treats went to the place of celebration, each one made some wish and listened to how the bird cuckoo. If it is loud, then the wish was fulfilled. Various games were also held at the festival.

Yinin was a men's holiday, as only men took part in it. It was celebrated on the day of the summer equinox after the people's meeting, at which important issues related to the affairs of the village were decided. The council ended with a holiday, for which they had prepared in advance. Later it became a general holiday in which both men and women took part.

What wedding customs and traditions do the Bashkirs observe?

Both family and wedding traditions have been shaped by social and economic changes in society.

Bashkirs could marry relatives no closer than the fifth generation. The age of marriage for girls is 14 years, and for boys - 16. With the advent of the USSR, the age was increased to 18 years.

The Bashkir wedding took place in 3 stages - matchmaking, marriage and the holiday itself.

Respected people from the groom's family or the father himself went to woo the girl. Upon agreement, the kalym, wedding expenses and the amount of the dowry were discussed. Often, children were wooed while still babies and, having discussed their future, the parents reinforced their words with bata - diluted kumis or honey, which was drunk from one bowl.

The feelings of the young were not taken into account and could easily pass the girl off for an old man, since the marriage was often concluded on the basis of material considerations.

After collusion, families could visit each other's homes. The visits were accompanied by feasts of matchmaking, and only men could take part in them, and in some areas of Bashkiria also women.

After most of The kalyma was paid, the bride's relatives came to the groom's house, and a feast was held in honor of this.

The next stage is the wedding ceremony, which took place in the bride's house. Here the mullah read a prayer and announced the young men as husband and wife. From that moment until the full payment of the kalym, the husband had the right to visit his wife.

After the kalym was paid in full, the wedding (tui) was held, which took place in the house of the bride's parents. On the appointed day, guests came from the girl's side and the groom came with his family and relatives. Usually the wedding lasted three days - on the first day everyone was treated to the side of the bride, on the second - to the groom. On the third, the young wife left Father's house... The first two days were horse racing, wrestling and games, and on the third day ritual songs and traditional lamentations were performed. Before leaving, the bride went around the houses of her relatives and gave them gifts - fabrics, woolen threads, scarves and towels. In response, she was given cattle, poultry or money. After that, the girl said goodbye to her parents. She was escorted by one of her relatives - maternal uncle, older brother or friend, and there was a matchmaker with her to the groom's house. The wedding train was led by the groom's family.

After the young woman crossed the threshold of the new house, she had to kneel down three times in front of her father-in-law and mother-in-law, and then give out gifts to everyone.

On the morning after the wedding accompanied by younger girl in the house, the young wife went to a local spring for water and threw a silver coin there.

Before the birth of the child, the daughter-in-law avoided her husband's parents, hid her face and did not speak to them.

In addition to the traditional wedding, bride kidnapping was not uncommon. Similar wedding traditions of the Bashkirs took place in poor families, who thus wanted to avoid wedding expenses.

Birth rites

The news of the pregnancy was received with joy in the family. From that moment on, the woman was freed from hard physical labor, and she was protected from experiences. It was believed that if she looked at everything beautiful, then the child would certainly be born beautiful.

During childbirth, a midwife was invited, and all other family members left the house for a while. If necessary, only the husband could go to the woman in labor. The midwife was considered the second mother of the child and therefore enjoyed great honor and respect. She entered the house with right leg and wished the woman an easy birth. If childbirth was difficult, then a number of rituals were carried out - in front of the woman in labor, they shook an empty leather bag or gently beat it on the back, washed them with water, which they rubbed the holy books.

After the birth, the midwife performed the following maternity rite - she cut the umbilical cord on a book, board or boot, since they were considered amulets, then the umbilical cord and afterbirth were dried, wrapped in a clean cloth (kefen) and buried in a secluded place. The washed things that were used during childbirth were buried there.

The newborn was immediately laid in the cradle, and the midwife gave him a temporary name, and on the 3rd, 6th or 40th day, the name-naming holiday (isem tuyy) was held. The mullah, relatives and neighbors were invited to the holiday. Mulla put the newborn on a pillow in the direction of the Kaaba and read in turn in both ears his or her name. Then lunch was served with national dishes. During the ceremony, the baby's mother presented gifts to the midwife, mother-in-law and her mother - a dress, a scarf, a shawl or money.

One of the elderly women, most often a neighbor, cut off a bun of the child's hair and put it between the pages of the Koran. Since then, she was considered the “hairy” mother of the baby. Two weeks after birth, the father would shave off the baby's hair and store it with the umbilical cord.

If a boy was born in the family, then in addition to the naming rite, a Sunnat was carried out - circumcision. It was carried out in 5-6 months or from 1 to 10 years. The ceremony was obligatory, and it could be performed either by the eldest man in the family or by a specially hired person - babai. He went from one village to another and offered his services for a nominal fee. Before circumcision, a prayer was read, and after or a few days later, a holiday was arranged - Sunnat Tui.

How was the deceased seen off?

Islam had a great influence on the funeral and memorial rites of the Bashkirs. But there were also elements of pre-Islamic beliefs.

The funeral process involved five stages:

  • rituals related to the protection of the deceased;
  • preparation for burial;
  • seeing off the deceased;
  • burial;
  • commemoration.

If a person was about to die, then a mullah or a person was invited to him, knowing prayer and he read Surah Yasin from the Koran. Muslims believe that this will ease the suffering of the dying person and drive away evil spirits from him.

If a person had already died, then they would put him on a hard surface, stretch his arms along the body and put something rigid on his chest over his clothes or a sheet of paper with a prayer from the Koran. The deceased was considered dangerous, and therefore they guarded him, and they tried to bury him as quickly as possible - if he died in the morning, then before noon, and if in the afternoon, then until the first half of the next day. One of the remnants of pre-Islamic times is to bring alms to the deceased, which was then distributed to the needy. It was possible to see the face of the deceased before washing. The body was washed by special people who were considered important along with the grave diggers. They were also awarded the most expensive gifts... When they began to dig a niche in the grave, then the process of washing the deceased began, in which from 4 to 8 people took part. First, those who were washing performed a ritual ablution, and then they washed the deceased, poured water over them and wiped them dry. Then the deceased was wrapped in three layers in a shroud of nettle or hemp fabric, and a sheet of paper was placed between the layers so that the deceased could answer the angels' questions. For the same purpose, the inscription “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet” was imitated on the chest of the deceased. The shroud was tied with a rope or strips of fabric over the head, at the waist and on the knees. If it was a woman, then before wrapping in a shroud, a scarf, bib and trousers were put on her. After washing, the deceased was transferred to a bast covered with a curtain or carpet.

When the deceased was taken out, they gave a gift of living creatures or money to the one who would pray for the soul of the deceased. They usually turned out to be a mullah, and alms were distributed to all present. According to beliefs, so that the deceased did not return, he was carried forward with his feet. After the removal, the house and belongings were washed. When 40 steps remained to the cemetery gate, a special prayer was read - yinaza namaz. Before burial, a prayer was read again, and the deceased was lowered into the grave in his hands or towels and laid facing the Kaaba. The niche was covered with boards so that the earth did not fall on the deceased.

After the last clod of earth fell on the grave, everyone sat around the mound and the mullah read a prayer, and at the end alms were distributed.
The funeral process was completed by a commemoration. They, unlike funerals, were not religiously regulated. They were celebrated on 3, 7, 40 days and a year later. On the table, in addition to national dishes, there was always fried food, since the Bashkirs believed that this smell drove away evil spirits and helped the deceased to easily answer the angels' questions. After the memorial meal at the first commemoration, alms were distributed to everyone who participated in the funeral - the mullahs who guarded the deceased, washed and dug the grave. Often, in addition to shirts, bibs and other things, they gave skeins of thread, which, according to ancient beliefs, symbolized the transmigration of the soul with their help. The second commemoration was held on the 7th day and was held in the same way as the first.

The commemoration on the 40th day was the main one, since it was believed that until this moment the soul of the deceased wandered around the house, and at 40 it finally left this world. Therefore, all relatives were invited to such a commemoration and a generous table was laid: "guests were received as matchmakers." A horse, ram or heifer was necessarily slaughtered and national dishes were served. The invited mullah recited prayers and alms were given.

The commemoration was repeated a year later, which completed the funeral rite.

What customs of mutual assistance did the Bashkirs have?

The customs and traditions of the Bashkirs also included mutual assistance. Usually they preceded the holidays, but they could be a separate phenomenon. The most popular are Kaz Umahe (Goose help) and Kis Ultyryu (Evening gatherings).

Under Kaz Umakh, a few days before the holidays, the hostess visited the houses of other women she knew and invited them to help her. Everyone happily agreed and, putting on all the most beautiful, gathered in the house of the invitee.

An interesting hierarchy was observed here - the owner slaughtered the geese, the women plucked, and the young girls washed the birds at the ice hole. On the shore, young men were waiting for the girls, who played the accordion and sang songs. The girls and boys returned back to the house together, and while the hostess was preparing a rich soup with goose noodles, the guests were playing forfeits. To do this, the girls gathered things in advance - ribbons, combs, scarves, rings, and the driver asked a question to one of the girls, who stood with her back to her: "What is the task for the mistress of this fantasy?" Among them were such as singing, dancing, telling a story, playing the kubyz or looking at the stars with one of the young people.

The hostess of the house invited relatives to Kis Ultyryu. The girls were engaged in sewing, knitting and embroidery.

Having finished the work brought, the girls helped the hostess. Be sure to tell folk legends and fairy tales, music sounded, songs were sung and dances were performed. The hostess served tea, sweets and pies to the guests.

What are the national dishes?

Bashkir National cuisine formed under the influence of wintering in villages and the nomadic way of life in summer. Distinctive features- a large amount of meat and lack of a large number spices.

Has led to the emergence of a large number of dishes for long-term storage - horse meat and lamb in boiled, dried and dried form, dried berries and cereals, honey and fermented milk products - horse sausage (kazy), fermented milk drink made from mare's milk (kumis), bird cherry oil (muyil mayy ).

Traditional dishes include beshbarmak (meat and large noodle soup), wak-belish (pies with meat and potatoes), tukmas (goose meat soup with thin noodles), tuyrlgan tauk (stuffed chicken), kuyrylgan (potato salad, fish, pickles, mayonnaise and herbs, wrapped in an omelet).

Bashkir culture today is a reflection historical path of the people, as a result of which it has absorbed only the best.

The Russian Federal Republic is a multinational state, representatives of many peoples live, work and honor their traditions here, one of which is the Bashkirs living in the Republic of Bashkortostan (the capital of Ufa) on the territory of the Volga Federal District... I must say that the Bashkirs live not only in this territory, they can be found everywhere in all corners of the Russian Federation, as well as in Ukraine, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Bashkirs or as they call themselves Bashkorts - the indigenous Turkic population of Bashkiria, according to statistical data on the territory autonomous republic about 1.6 million people of this nationality live, a significant number of Bashkirs live in the territory of Chelyabinsk (166 thousand), Orenburg (52.8 thousand), about 100 thousand representatives of this nationality are located in Perm Territory, Tyumen, Sverdlovsk and Kurgan regions. Their religion is Islamic Sunnism. Bashkir traditions, their life and customs are very interesting and differ from other traditions of the peoples of the Turkic nationality.

Culture and life of the Bashkir people

Until the end of the 19th century, the Bashkirs led a semi-nomadic lifestyle, however, they gradually became sedentary and mastered agriculture, the Eastern Bashkirs for some time practiced trips to summer nomad camps and in the summer preferred to live in yurts, over time, and they began to live in wooden log cabins or adobe huts, and then in more modern buildings.

Family life and celebration folk holidays Bashkirov almost until the end of the 19th century was subject to strict patriarchal foundations, in which, in addition, the customs of the Muslim Sharia were present. In the system of kinship, the influence of Arab traditions was traced, which implied a clear division of the line of kinship into maternal and paternal parts, this was subsequently necessary to determine the status of each family member in hereditary issues. The right of the minority was in effect (the priority of the rights of the youngest son), when the house and all property in it after the death of the father passed to youngest son, older brothers should have received their share of the inheritance during the life of their father, when they got married, and their daughters when they got married. Previously, the Bashkirs gave their daughters in marriage quite early, the optimal age for this was considered to be 13-14 years old (bride), 15-16 years old (groom).

(F. Roubaud's painting "Hunting Bashkirs with falcons in the presence of Emperor Alexander II" 1880s)

Wealthy Bashkorts practiced polygamy, because Islam allows to have up to 4 wives at the same time, and there was a custom of conspiring children while still in cradles, parents drank bata (kumis or diluted honey from one bowl) and thus entered into a wedding union. When entering into marriage for the bride, it was customary to give kalym, which depended on the material condition of the parents of the newlyweds. It could be 2-3 horses, cows, several outfits, a pair of shoes, a painted scarf or a robe, a fox fur coat was presented to the mother of the bride. In marriage, ancient traditions were honored, the levirate rule was in force ( younger brother must marry the elder's wife), sororata (the widower marries younger sister his late wife). Islam plays a huge role in all spheres of social life, hence the special position of women in the family circle, in the process of marriage and divorce, as well as in hereditary relations.

Traditions and customs of the Bashkir people

Major festivities Bashkir people spends in the spring and summer. The people of Bashkortostan celebrate Kargatui "rook's holiday" at a time when rooks arrive in the spring, the meaning of the holiday is to celebrate the moment of awakening of nature from winter sleep and also a reason to turn to the forces of nature (by the way, the Bashkirs believe that it is the rooks that are closely related to them) with a request for the well-being and fertility of the coming agricultural season. Previously, only women and the younger generation could participate in the festivities, now these restrictions have been removed, and men can also dance in circles, eat ritual porridge and leave its remains on special boulders for rooks.

The Sabantuy plow holiday is dedicated to the beginning of work in the fields, all residents of the village came to the open area and participated in various competitions, they fought, competed in running, rode horses and pulled each other on ropes. After determining and awarding the winners, a common table was laid with various dishes and treats, usually it was a traditional beshbarmak (a dish made of chopped boiled meat and noodles). Previously, this custom was carried out in order to appease the spirits of nature, so that they make the land fertile, and it gave a good harvest, and over time it became common spring holiday, which marked the beginning of heavy agricultural work. Inhabitants Samara region revived the traditions of both Rooks and Sabantui, which they celebrate every year.

An important holiday for the Bashkirs is called Jiin (Yiyin), residents of several villages participated in it, during which various trade operations were carried out, parents agreed on the marriage of children, fair sales were held.

Also, the Bashkirs honor and celebrate all Muslim holidays that are traditional for all adherents of Islam: these are Eid al-Adha (the end of fasting), and Eid al-Adha (the holiday of the end of the Hajj, on which a ram, camel or cow must be sacrificed), and Mawlid -bayram (Prophet Muhammad is famous).

The skeleton of the yurt consisted of folding wooden lattices (rope), which were placed in a circle. A cone-shaped roof was attached to them, formed of thin wooden perches (uk), supported by the lower end on the grates, the upper (pointed) - to a wooden circle (sagarak), which was both a window and a smoke hole for the release of vapors from the yurt that accumulated under her felt vault from the steaming cauldron in her midst.

The top of the yurt was covered with five or seven felts (felt). “The rugs that cover the wagon (yurt) are tied to the frame with special ropes sewn to them at the corners and in the middle of the edge, and for greater strength, the entire wagon is tied outside with long hair ropes (lasso) and tied to two or three small pegs driven in into the ground outside it "(S. I. Rudenko)

Interior decoration of the yurt The most important element of the Bashkir yurt was the curtain (sharshau), which divided the dwelling into two parts: male and female. On the floor of the yurt, they slept, ate, rested, received guests, celebrations, weddings, commemorations were held here, people were born and died. Therefore, the floor of the yurt was covered with patterned felts, woolen rugs, and carpets.

The female half of the yurt Curtain (sharshau) divided the dwelling into two unequal parts. The (smaller) part to the right of the door was for women, there were kept household items, leather and wood utensils, food supplies, women's and children's everyday clothes, etc.)

Male half Left, most of the part was intended for men, it was also a guest part. Ornamented military equipment of a rider (quivers, cases and bags for shot and gunpowder), horse harness, festive clothes were hung on its lattice walls. For the male half, along the wall opposite the entrance, there was a traditional place of honor - uryn.

Evil forces, according to the ideas of the ancient Bashkirs, could penetrate into housing through front door, the junction of the different parts of the yurt. Therefore, first of all, the line was decorated where the lattice frame with the dome is connected: a wide woven ribbon with a geometric pattern was fixed on it. The frame itself, as noted, was decorated with patterned fabrics and rugs.

Permanent dwellings of the Bashkirs B winter time the Bashkirs lived in houses, which, in a semi-nomadic cattle-breeding economy, represented simple log cabins, mostly without decor. Noticeable changes in construction techniques and methods of decorating dwellings took place in the second half of the 19th century. When building a house, the Bashkirs proceeded from the principle: a dwelling should not only be durable and comfortable, but also artistically attractive.

The most decorated on the facade were window frames, shutters, pediments, i.e. parts that closed the joints through which harmful perfume could enter the house. The window frames, though not intricately carved, enlivened the facade of the house, giving it an attractive look. Perhaps that is why for a long time they were the main, often the only object of decoration. Particular attention was paid to the decoration of the upper part of the platbands. Their lower part, as a rule, hidden from the eye by a hedge, a fence separating the house from the street, was less ornamented.

Due to the narrow specialization of the community (which is great), here I will gradually transfer selected materials from my travels 2007-2008. And I would like to start with a rather poorly studied area in terms of wooden architecture - the mountains of the South Urals. Indeed, in the vast mountain areas, mainly in Bashkiria, there was traditionally a lot of forest and there were no big cities, and inhabited Southern Urals Bashkirs are nomads and Muslims. Therefore, the local wooden architecture should be of certain interest.

It will be about the rural houses of Russians and Bashkirs, about wooden mosques and graves, as well as about beekeeping and log beekeeping, which also left monuments here. wooden architecture.

South Ural - territory historical settlement Bashkir, formerly part of a single Great Steppe, which also included Altai, Sayan, Tien Shan and many other highlands. The Bashkirs were an ancient Kypchaksik population, mainly cattle breeders - some of the Bashkir tribes roamed the steppes of the Trans-Volga and Trans-Urals (their nomad camps once stretched from the Volga to the Irtysh basin, and the Bashkirs themselves were then often called "Kirghiz"), some were mountaineers. The Bashkirs adopted Islam in the 11th century - they were baptized by the missionary Husseinbek from Turkestan. By the 16th century, Bashkiria was in the power of the Kazan Khanate, and the relations between the Tatars and the Bashkirs were hostile - the Tatars considered the Bashkirs to be primitive savages. From the east, they were attacked by the Nogais - and it is no wonder that Bashkiria became part of Russia voluntarily. Despite numerous wars and uprisings of the 17-18 centuries (when the Nogai threat was eliminated), over time, Bashkiria became very close to Russia and Tataria.

Typical rural landscape Mountain Bashkiria:

This is the village of Sargaya in the Burzyansky district (about 150 km south of Beloretsk). It is interesting as a rare example of a village with a mixed Russian-Bashkir population. The frame below shows two estates: Bashkir on the left, Russian on the right.

Until the 19th and 20th centuries, the Bashkirs lived in yurts (which were traditionally painted green), but they gradually switched to a sedentary economy and began to settle in huts. In principle, the Bashkir hut is a variation of the Russian hut, and yet there are some differences: the Bashkir huts are usually smaller, the roof is gable, and are always brightly colored, as can be seen in the frame above.

Bashkir village Usmangali - Bashkir villages are characterized by a disorderly layout, intricate curved streets, and a small distance between houses.

The Russian village of Uzyan - straight streets and a clear layout are clearly visible.

Russians appeared in Mountainous Bashkiria in the 1770s, with the penetration of the Demidovs here, who began to build mining plants along the Belaya Valley.

The largest and most picturesque Russian village in Mountainous Bashkiria is Kaga. It is located 100 km south of Belortsek and was in the past the informal capital of Mountainous Bashkiria. However, in 1911, a terrible fire that started at a copper smelter destroyed the village, and it was never revived. Once upon a time 11 thousand people lived in Kage - now about 900.

However, the authenticity and safety of the wooden buildings are striking - many buildings were obviously built before the war, and maybe immediately after the fire.

Typical estates that belonged to the Orenburg Cossacks, who traditionally constituted the "backbone" of the Kagi population - the memory of the Pugachev uprising is passed on from generation to generation for many.

There is also a stone church and a wooden chapel in the Kage - but about Orthodox architecture later.

Bashkir villages look completely different. For example, Kagarman (30 km north of Kagi) is the capital of Tamyan, one of the seven Bashkir tribes.

Or Starosubkhangulovo (Subkhangol, among the Burzyan people) is the center of the Burzyan region and the capital of the tribe of the same name. Now the largest village in the mountains - 4,000 inhabitants, hiding in a secluded valley.

Typical Bashkir huts. If on the plain the Bashkirs mostly moved to brick houses, then in the mountains huts still prevail.


Wooden mosques, the design of which was borrowed from the Tatars, differ little from houses. Such mosques are inherently self-built, because in the 16-18 centuries, from Ivan the Terrible to Ekatrina II, Islam was banned, and the Tatars rebuilt ordinary rural houses for mosques. Such a mosque was created with minimal cost and in the shortest possible time, therefore in Gornaya Bashkiria there is a wooden mosque in almost every village. But stone, capital, in comparison with rural Tatarstan, here are few.



In remote villages, ancient wooden cemeteries also survived: the Bashkirs built special grave log cabins, the meaning of which was the frailty of existence: "we came from nowhere, we will go nowhere" - the graves must decay, like those who are buried in them.

But the Orthodox architecture of the South Urals is very poor. In principle, there were no masterpieces here even before the Revolution. It is interesting that if earlier the Bashkirs learned from the Russians to build houses, now the Russians are learning from the Bashkirs to build temples - a church in the village of Uzyan or a chapel above the well in Kage - the same "unauthorized construction" as the Bashkir mosques.

Pay attention to the construction of the source, and in the chapel there is an amazing iconostasis made of paper icons, Orthodox calendars, etc. (they are sold in church shops), simply glued to the wall in accordance with the canons of the iconostasis.

Another of the wooden architecture of Mountain Bashkiria is the complex of buildings in the upper part of the Kagi: before the Revolution, it was a Zamsk hospital (survived a fire), in Soviet time- a village school, and now - a camp site. Very, I must say, comfortable.

Finally, last group monuments associated with the protected place Shulgan-Tash in the Burzyan region. This reserve is now famous for the petroglyphs of the Kapova cave, which are at least 14-15 thousand years old, but initially (before the discovery of the petroglyphs) Shulgan-Tash was created to protect the Burzyan bee and the bee-keeping and beekeeping associated with it.

In the reserve under open air old authentic decks are exhibited:

Including richly decorated ones made by folk craftsmen:

In a special pavilion, a board is presented - that is, an artificial hollow for bees, hollowed out in the trunk of a living tree:

And also tamgas - generic signs with which each beekeeper marked a new tree as his property:

The South Urals, and Mountainous Bashkiria in particular, is one of the regions where wooden architecture still dominates over stone, and most importantly, it does not degrade, but, on the contrary, develops. In the local villages, people still prefer to live in huts, local religious traditions contribute to the creation of churches and mosques by "people's forces", and in general, although the Southern Urals cannot compare in their wooden heritage with the Russian North or the Gornozavodsky Urals, local traditions are in many ways unique.

If in the northwestern agricultural regions most villages arose even before joining the Russian state, then in southern and eastern Bashkiria, where first nomadic, then semi-nomadic cattle breeding prevailed, settled settlements appeared only 200-300 years ago. They settled in clan groups of 25-30 households. Since the 20s of the nineteenth century. the administration began to redevelop the Bashkir auls like Russian villages.

All Bashkirs have houses, live in villages, use certain land plots, on which they are engaged in arable farming or other trades and crafts, and in this respect they differ from peasants or other settled foreigners only in the degree of their well-being. One thing that could give rise to the consolidation of the name of a semi-nomadic tribe for the Bashkirs is the custom, with the onset of spring, to move to the so-called koshas, ​​that is, to felt wagons, which they camp in their fields or meadows in the form of a camp.

In treeless places, these summer rooms are made of wooden gratings 2 yards high, covered with a circle of felt, and others are placed on them with a vault, putting them at the top in a wooden circle that is not closed with a felt mat, but forms a hole that serves as a pipe for smoke from the hearth dug in the middle of the kosh. However, such a felt tent is only the property of the rich, while in the middle state, people live in alasyk (a kind of popular print hut) or in simple huts made of twigs and covered with felts. In places teeming with forest, summer premises consist of wooden huts or birch bark tents, which always remain in the same place.

In terms of external architecture, Bashkir villages are no different from Russian or Tatar villages. The type of hut is the same, as well as the layout of the streets, but for all that, an experienced eye will distinguish a village from a Russian one from the very first time, even if we do not take into account the mosque. On the turn of the XIX-XX centuries among the Bashkirs one could find a wide variety of dwellings, ranging from a felt yurt and ending with log huts, which is explained by the complexity ethnic history people, characteristics of the economy and diversity natural conditions... Bashkir houses everywhere bear the imprint of some kind of incompleteness or half-destruction; they do not show that economic coziness and solicitude as in Russian houses. This, on the one hand, is explained by poverty, poor farming, on the other, by negligence, lack of homeliness and the love for his home with which the Russian peasant dresses him up.

Modern rural dwellings of the Bashkirs are built from logs, using logging equipment, from bricks, cinder concrete, concrete blocks. The interior retains traditional traits: division into household and guest halves, bunk bed arrangement.