Brief biography Daniel Defo in Russian. Brief biography of Daniel Defo

Brief biography Daniel Defo in Russian. Brief biography of Daniel Defo
Brief biography Daniel Defo in Russian. Brief biography of Daniel Defo

Daniel Defo was born in 1660 in London in the family of a wealthy merchant Meat James Fo. It is famous for the adventure novel "Robinson Cruzo", a big life path passed, tried himself in business, journalism and even in politics. The pseudonym defo (Daniel Defoe) took the writer, being an adult.

In 1666, a terrible fire happened in the city. The fire destroyed the church and the church-parish book stored in it with a birth record, so the exact date is unknown. When the boy was 8 years old, his mother died.

The father saw her son by the minister of the Presbyterian Church, so the future writer went to study at school, who was preparing the clergy and even finished the Academy. During his studies, he was interested in classical literature, studied several foreign languages. Some believe that Defo spoke Russian, although, never was in Russia. Already on the school bench, the young man was engaged in writing poems on religious topics. However, it was not destined to become a servant of the Church - the idea to engage in trade was attracted more.

Daniel was an adventure crawler and traveled a lot. Affairs related to trading activities made it often to be in Spain, Portugal and France, where he had the opportunity to hone his knowledge in languages.

The fact of finding a writer in Algerian pirates, to which he got along the way to Holland. Having received a redemption for him, the pirates quickly released it. Paul other data, DEFO released the British watchdog frigate.

In 1684, Daniel received a rich dowry, marrying Mary Tuffley. Mary and Daniel gave life to eight children. For money, received as a bred family, a family could have a meeting, however, in 1692 all the state absorbed bankruptcy. According to Defo, he rich and ruined 12 times, but it never managed to cope with this commercial failure.

The first poem "Purebred Englishman" was printed in 1701. The society was very contradictory reacted to the poem, but King Wilhelm III highly appreciated the essay. The death of the monarch led to a hurricane of attacks from all sides.

The church painfully responded to the exit of the opus "how to rip the inventory." In 1703, the defo stood three times in a shameful pillar and paid a rather money fine. The punishment did not cause moral damage, but the reputation of the merchant was caused serious damage.

For the pilot speech, Defo went to prison, from where he came out soon, thanks to the protection of Minister Robert Harley.

The passion for prose came to D.Defo in 1719. The first work that came out from under the pen was the book "Life and amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo".

In 1720, the "Cavallar Notes" and "Captain Singleton" appear.

In 1724, the writer finishes work on Roxana.

No less significant works: "Journey throughout the UK island", "Universal History of Piracy", "Perfect English Trader" and "Marine Trade Atlas".

Biography 2.

Daniel was born in 1661 in the area of \u200b\u200bLondon Cryptgate. The family of the future novelist was not from the poor - the father was engaged in meat trading. Relatives saw for the boy the career of the pastor. Therefore, having reached 14 years old, Daniel began training in the spiritual seminary. After graduating from training in the seminary, Daniel enters the Protestant Academy. But the young man himself never seen himself as a pastor. It was attracted to commerce and trade. By 20 years, Daniel opens his first case, which brought him a profit of as many as 10 years. It was a billion firm. After he was engaged in wine, construction materials, as well as tobacco and tobacco, leading a matter not only in the homeland, but also in some European countries.

Daniel was actively interested in politics. Fame in the world of literature, he also received thanks to his works on the topic of politics and the public after 1699. Along with fame, supporters and hostile critics came. The politically oriented creativity of Daniel Defo once led him to arrest and verdict to the "shameful post." This punishment had to lead to hells and shame, but worked in the opposite direction. The writer praised and trembled with flowers, the crowd hooked them the same written "Hymn of a shameful pillar."

Later, the writer was offered to work secretly to the government, and also made the secret agent of Britain in Scotland. The purpose of his work was to inform his government on the activities of the Scottish opposition and influence public opinion by publishing their works. In return, the government repaid a fine of Daniel and his debts of his family, thereby saving Daniel, his wife and eight children from hungry death.

Later, in 1719, the most famous work of the writer was published. "Robinson Cruzo" conquered the reader with the scale of the plan and fascination with the plot. After the success of the book, Daniel publishes the continuation of the novel, which did not cause such a furore, but also paid due attention. The third series of Robinsonads was also released, but she also did not bring initial success.

The novelist died, being in the run, being lonely, in 1731 his sons have long been engaged in their affairs, and daughters lived in their families. The funeral took on the owner of his removable apartment.

Biography and episodes of life Daniel Defo. When born and died Daniel Defo, memorable places and dates of important events of his life. Writer, Images and video quotes.

Years of life Daniel Defo:

born in 1660, died on April 24, 1731



The life of the famous writer and the great adventurist Daniel Defo seems to contemporary a series of real mysteries. It is primarily important to the founder of the modern genre of the narrative and the father of economic journalism, suspected of international espionage and political intrigues of medieval England. The moral foundations of the defio are regarded very ambiguously: it seemed to balance between two extremes, personifying the Puritan piousness and bourgeois power simultaneously. But the unprecedented talent of Daniel Defo is no doubt, because his brainchild is the story of Robinson Cruzo - became a cult novel of world importance. And, probably, in a civilized world, there is hardly a person who has not had abandoned the adventures of a lonely sailor.

Daniel Defo was born in London in the family of English Protestants. Since childhood, she was preparing in pastors and received an appropriate spiritual education in one of the most elite metropolitan academies. But contrary to the sentiments of the parents, the future writer chose a worldly life, with the most adventurous. Hardly Daniel exceeded twenty, as he opened his own business, putting almost all the money in him. In business, Defo did not like to exchange on trifles, preferring only large and truly risky transactions. Moreover, the writer perfectly understood in matters of economics and politics, which helped him to win trust in the highest circles. And it is not so much about the bourgeoisie, how much about the royal family itself. It is known that the defo in every way contributed to the end of the king of the king of Orange, and during his board, respectively, "walked in favorites."

And as long as Daniel Defo was entertained by the field of politicians and commerce, looking for himself in literature and journalism, shone in a secular society, his wife Mary Tauffley brought up Kagagala children almost alone. When the children grew up, none of them had a special feeling of love for his father. And the defo by that time has already been raised and, pretty a study from a rapid life, began to experience a need for simple family happiness. It is probably here in the life of Daniel Defo a certain fracture happened: he seemed to realize that his time would expire, and most importantly life happiness was irretrievably lost. Then a new literary defense was born - not a bold pamphletist-provocator, and a sensitive infinitely touching psychologist describing his own tragedy of loneliness. "I clearly felt how my present life, with all her suffering and adversity, happier than that, shameful, filled sin, a disgusting life, which I led before. I changed everything in me, I understood the grief and joy now completely differently, I had no desire, passion lost our sharpness, "the writer was recognized by the mouth of Robinson.

The last years of the life of the defense was held in illness and loneliness. Sometimes the writer had to be hidden from lenders and deceived publishers, felt at the removable London apartments. When the writer died, even his loved ones did not know about the fact of death. It is believed that the cause of the death of the defense was the lethargic fountain. The funeral of DEFO organized the hostess of the house in which Daniel stayed at that time. To reimburse the burial costs, she had to sell part of the writer's personal belongings. Daniel Defo's death dedicated several necrologists of the mockery of the mockery, and the grave of the defo on the London cemetery Bahille Fields was covered with a simple tombstone, which soon the grass turned out and was inconspicuous. And only over a hundred years later, the granite monument of the memory of the DEFO was opened at the site of the scribe of the writer.

Life line

1660 Year of birth of Daniel Defo.
1673 Admission to the Nonconformist Academy in London.
1683 Opening your own haberdashery store.
1684 Wedding with Mary Tauffley.
1685 Participation in the mute against King Yakov II.
1692 Bankruptcy and temporary suspension of commercial activities.
1701 The yield of the first satirical poem of the defio. The beginning of a literary career.
1703 Sentenced to imprisonment for the bold criticism of royal power.
1719 Entering the seal of the famous Roman Daniel Defo - "Robinson Cruzo".
April 24, 1731 Deniel Defo's death date.

Memorial places

1. Cryptgate district in London, where Daniel Defo was born.
2. District Stoke Newington in London, where Defo studied at the seminary.
3. Westonzoiland, where the writer participated in the famous battle at Sedzhmore.
4. Murfield area in London, where Daniel Defo died.
5. Cemetery for Bahikill Fields in London, where Defo is buried.
6. Monument to Robinzon Cruzo - the chief literary hero of Defo - in Tobolsk.
7. Easter Island (Chile), where a monument to Robinzon Cruzo is installed.

Episodes of life

The publication of the novel on Robinzone Cruzo provided defo authority in the literary world. So, the Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy himself translated the book into Russian. In the modern world, Daniel Defo is recognized as one of the founders of the novel as a genre, and his hero - Robinson - put in one row with Faust and Don Kikhot.

For the pamphlet "The shortest way to repristenly with sectarians", the defense was sentenced to prison and placing to a shameling post. In this work, the writer undertook the arguments of the dominant church actually to the absurd, for which, in fact, was punished. Note that the "shameful punishment" was extremely offensive, because a person could be mocked on a person chained to the post. But in the case of Daniel, everything happened on the contrary. The pillar gathered an aristocracy, inspired by the hot satire, and from the legs to the head squeezed the writer with flowers.


"It's never late to wisely."

Film About Daniele Defo from the transmission cycle "Project Encyclopedia"


"In the face of Daniel Defo - a talented publicist, a journalist, a writer, the novel of the new time novel - Enlightenment in England at the early stage gained one of the most striking representatives."
Larisa Sidorkchenko, writer

"Defo gives Robinson with his thoughts, putting educational views in his mercy. Robinson express ideas of violence, he freedom and humane, hates war, condemns the cruelty of the extermination of the natives living on the lands captured by white colonizers. He finally inspires his work. Depicting the working feats of Robinson, the defo expresses unshakable faith in a person who was characteristic of enlighteners. "
Elena Kornilova, writer

"Without reading good books it is impossible to do: they help our upbringing, develop our mind and enjoy the soul and heart. There is one book, which, in my opinion, is the best treatise on education ... What is this wonderful book? Ariosto, Pliny or Buffon? No, it is "Robinson Cruzo"! "
Jean Jacques Rousseau, philosopher

The future writer was born on April 26, 1660 in the English city of Bristol, where his father, James Fo had a small trading business.

Fictional nobility and ancient (allegedly Norman) origin, later fictional by Daniel, gave the right to join the common "FO" - particles "de". Later, the future writer will call himself "Mr. De Fo", and the surname of the surname will occur even later. Designed by Daniel Defo The surname coat of arms will consist of three ferocious griffins against the background of red and gold lilies and near the Latin motto, which says: "Praise Dostooin and Gord."

When Defo turned twelve years, he was given to school, where he stayed to sixteen-year-old age.

His father tried to give his only son to education, thanks to whom he could become a priest. Daniel was educated in a closed educational institution, which was called Newington Academy. It was something like a seminary, where they taught not only theology, but also a fairly wide range of objects - geography, astronomy, history, foreign languages. It was there that the boy's abilities were noticed. Daniel not only immediately became the first in foreign languages, but also turned out to be a very talented polemicist.

However, studies at the Academy did not contribute to the strengthening of faith in a young man; On the contrary, the further, the more he was frustrated in the Catholic faith, and the desire to become a priest disappeared.

At the exit from the Newington Academy, he became a clerk at a merchant who promised to make Daniel a few years by a member of his business. Daniel conscientiously performed his duties. He traveled to Spain, Portugal, France, Italy and Holland. However, trade soon he was tired of him, although he brought good profits.

Subsequently, the defo himself was the owner of the cycle production, and later - the manager, and then the owner of a large brick-tiled plant, but broke. Defo was an entrepreneur with an adventurous vest.

At the age of twenty, Daniel Defo entered the ranks of the Army of the Duke of Monmaut, who rebelled against his uncle, Yakova Stewart, who held progenzus politics during his rule. Yakov suppressed the uprising and severely dealt with the rebels. And Daniel Defo had to hide from persecution.

It is known that on the way between Harij and Holland, he captured to Algerian pirates, but escaped. In 1684, Defo married Mary Tauffley, who gave him eight children. The wife brought the dowry for 3,700 pounds sterling, and for some time he could be considered a relatively wealthy person, but in 1692 and the dowry wife, and his own savings swallowed bankruptcy, which took 17 thousand pounds sterling.

Defo has become bankrupt after the death of the chartered ship. The case ended with another flight from the inevitable debt prison and walnings in the Ministry of Minutes - the shelter of London criminals. Defo secretly lived in Bristol under someone else's name, fearing officials who were arrested by debtors. The defo bankrupt could go outside only on Sundays, "arrests were prohibited by law these days. The longer it was immersed in the whirlpool of life, risking with his state, public situation, and sometimes life itself - the ordinary bourgeois Daniel FD, the more removed from the life of the facts, characters, situations, problems that argued on reflections, writer Defo

Returning to England, Defo, who became a Protestant, began to speak with pamphletes directed against the Catholic Church. That is why in 1685, when the Duke of the Montmouth Protestant was executed, the King of Yakov II climbed onto the throne, the defio had to hide and even leave the limits of England. True, the link lasted for long, because already in 1688 the bourgeois revolution occurred in England and the King became Wilhelm III, allowing Protestantism.

From this time, the defense is included in the circle of famous English publicists. He writes pamphlets, small writings in verses or prose for modern political and public topics, and even publishes its own newspaper "Review".

He was also one of the most active politicians of his time. Only the literary work of DEFO provided him with glory not only in contemporaries, but also in subsequent generations. A talented publicist, a pamphletist and publisher, he, who does not officially occupy any state position, at one time had a great influence on the king and government.

In the literary activity, the defio showed itself as a talented satirist. He wrote to different political topics. In one of its works, "project experience", he proposes to improve the paths of the message, open banks, savings cash registers for poor and insurance societies. The value of his projects was huge, if we take into account that at that time almost nothing of the proposed existed. The functions of banks were performed by usurists and jewelers changed. "English Bank", one of the centers of global financial capital at present, only opened at the time.

The defense has become particularly widely popular with the appearance of his pamphlet "True Englishman". Eighty thousand copies were sold semiably on the streets of London for several days. The appearance of this pamphlet is due to the aristocracy attacks on defending the interests of the bourgeoisie King Wilhelm III. The aristocrats attacked in particular on the king for the fact that he was not an Englishman, but a stranger, even who even spoke in English. The defense spoke in his defense and, not so much by the king, as attacking the aristocracy, argued that the ancient aristocratic childbirth began their origin from the Norman pirates, and new ones from French Laces, hairdressers and governors who gone to England during the restoration of Stuarts. After the publication of this Pamflet, Daniel Defo was close to the king and enormous services of the British bourgeoisie to receive trade privileges and consolidate them by parliamentary acts.

In 1702, the Queen Anna asked the English throne, the last of the steirty, which was influenced by the party of conservatives. The defo wrote his famous satirical brochure "the most reliable tool to get rid of the dischangers." The Protestant sectarians called the discs in England. In this brochure, the author advised the parliament not to be shy with those who worry him innovators and hang them all or refer to galleys. First, in parliament, they did not understand the true meaning of satire and were delighted that Daniel Defo sent his feather against the sectarians. Then someone drew the actual meaning of satire.

The aristocrats and fanatics from the clergy of this satire took seriously, and the Council to deal with the dissidents of the gallows considered the revelation equal to the Bible. But when it turned out that the defense brought the arguments of supporters of the dominant church to the absurdity and the finally they discredited, the church and aristocracy considered themselves to be scandalized, the arrest of DEFO and the court over him, who he was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment, fine and three years of imprisonment to shameful post.

This medieval method of punishment was especially painful, since he gave the right to street seva and voluntary clergy lacquer and aristocracy to mock the convicted. But the bourgeoisie was so strong that he managed to turn this punishment into the triumph of his ideologue: the defo was messed with flowers. By the day of standing in a shameful pillar, in prison, the defense was able to printed the "Hymn of a shameful pillar." Here he is thorn aristocracy and explains why he was put on a shame. This pamphlet crowd sank on the streets and on the square, while the sentence over the defio was performed.

Two years later, Defo was released from prison. Although the deposit of the shameful post turned into a demonstration of enthusiastic support, his reputation suffered and the prosperous business for the production of tiles during the time, while the owner was in prison, came to a perfect disorder.

Threatened poverty, and perhaps the link. To avoid this, the defo agreed to the dubious proposal of the Prime Minister to become a secret agent of the conservative government and only externally remain a "independent" journalist. So the double life of the writer began. The role of the defio in the backstage intrigues is not clear. But it is obvious that the political chameleonism of defo finds itself if not an excuse, then an explanation in the peculiarities of the political life of England. Both parties that were alternating in power - Tory and Vigi, were equally unprincipled and korestolubiv. The defense perfectly understood the essence of the parliamentary system: "I saw the wrongness of all parties. All this appearance, simple pretense and disgusting hypocrisy ... Their interests dominate their principles. " The defense gave himself a report and in how his people enslaved, although he lives in a country where there is a constitution. In his pamphlet "The Poor" pellets, he protested against the new Divine - gold, in front of which the law is powerless: "The English law is a web, the small flies are confused, while the big easily break through."

The defo was sent to Scotland with a diplomatic mission - to prepare the ground for the connection of Scotland with England. He turned out to be a talented diplomat and brilliantly fulfilled the task assigned to him. For this, the defio had to even write a book on the economy in which he justified the economic benefit of the future association.

Upon accession to the English throne of the Hannover House, Daniel Defo writes another poisonous article for which the parliament awarded him a huge penalty and imprisonment. This punishment made him forever leave political activities and devote himself exclusively fiction.

Robinson's first novel about the adventures of Robinson, the full name of which - "Life and the amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo, a sailor from York, who lived twenty-eight years in full alone on the uninhabited island off the coast of America, near the mouths of the Orinoco River, where he was thrown by shipwreeling during Which is the entire crew of the ship, besides him, died, with the presentation of his unexpected liberation with pirates written by him by himself "- DEFO wrote in 59 years.

The first edition of Robinson Cruzo published in London on April 25, 1719 without the author. The defo issued this work for the manuscript, left by the hero of the narration. The writer went more likely if necessary than calculating. The book promised a good sales, and Defo was, of course, interested in her material success. However, he understood that his name of a journalist who writes sharp journalistic articles and pamphlets would rather hurt the success of the book than would cause attention to it. Therefore, he initially hid his authorship, waiting until the book did not gain the unprecedented glory.

In his novel, the defo reflected the concept that many of his contemporaries shared. He showed that the main quality of any personality is reasonable activities in vivo. And only she can keep human in man. It is the power of the Spirit Robinson and attracts the younger generation.

The popularity of the novel was so great that the writer released the continuation of the history of his hero, and in a year he added to her a story about Robinson's travel to Russia.

Other novels were followed by the works about Robinzone - the "Adventures of Captain Singleton", "Mall Flenders", "Notes of the Plague Year", "Colonel Jacques" and "Roxan". Currently, his numerous works are known only to a narrow circle of specialists, but Robinson Cruzo, readable both in major European centers and in the most crucible corners of the globe, continues to reprinted in a huge amount of copies. Occasionally in England, more "Captain Singleton" is reprinted.

Robinson Crusoe is the brightest sample of the so-called adventurous sea genre, the first manifestations of which can be found in the English literature of the XVI century. The development of this genre, reaching its maturity in the XVIII century, is due to the development of English shopping capitalism.

From the XVI century, England becomes the main colonial country, and in it the fastest pace develops bourgeoisie and bourgeois relations. The Robinson Crusoe Rodonarchists, as well as other novels of the named genre, can be considered descriptions of genuine travel, claiming accuracy, and not on artistic. It is very likely that one such work was very likely to write "Robinson Cruzo" - "Travel around the light from 1708 to 1711 Captain Woods Rogers," - where it is narrated about how a soros Selkirk, Scot, by origin, has lived on one uninhabited Island over four years old.

The history of Country, which existed in reality, made a lot of noise at that time and was, of course, a well-known defio. The appearance of descriptions of travel is due primarily to the production and economic need, the need to acquire skills and experience in the seafling and colonialism. These books used both guidebooks. They corrected geographical maps on them, a judgment was made about the economic and political profitability of the acquisition of a particular colony.

In such works, the maximum accuracy dominated. Documentary genre of travels before the appearance of "Robinson Cruzo" discovered the tendency to go to the artistic genre. In "Robinson Cruzo" and this process ended the change in the genre by the accumulation of elements of fiction. The defo uses the style of "travels", and their features that have had a certain practical importance, in Robinzone Cruzo become a literary admission: the defo language is also simple, accurate, protocol. He is completely alien to the specific techniques of artistic letters, the so-called poetic figures and trails.

In the "travels" you can not meet, for example, the "Infinite Sea", but only exact indication of longitude and latitudes in degrees and minutes; The sun rises in some "apricot fog", and at 6 h. 37 m.; The wind does not "caress" the sail, not "lightly", and blows from the northeast; They are not compared for example on white and elasticity with breasts of young women, but are described as in the textbooks of nautical schools. The impression of the complete reality of the adventures of Robinson is due to this manner of the letter. The defo interrupts the narrative form of a dramatic dialogue (the conversation of Cruise with Friday and the sailor Atkins), the defense introduces the diary into the fabric of the novel and the record of the office book, where the debt is recorded, on credit - evil, and the balance is still a solid asset.

In its descriptions, the defo is always accurate to the little things. We learn that the chalk board is Cruzo makes 42 days, the boat - 154 days, the reader together with him is going through step by step in work and how much difficulties overcome with him, and fails. For whatever point of the globe, he found himself, everywhere he looks at the host of the host, the organizer. In this work, he with the same tranquility and perseverance resolves the ship and pours a hot wraine of savages, blocking barley and rice, drowning extra kittens and destroys the cannibals that threaten his cause. All this is done in the order of ordinary daily work. Cruzo is not cruel, he is humane and just in the world of bourgeois justice.

The first part of Robinson Cruzo was separated immediately in several publications. The defo bribed readers is the simplicity of the descriptions of real travel and the wealth of fiction. But Robinson Crusoe never enjoyed wide popularity in the aristocracy environment. The children of the aristocracy were not brought up on this book. But "Cruzo", with his idea of \u200b\u200bthe rebirth of a person in labor, always was a favorite book of the bourgeoisie, and on this "ErziehungsRoman" E "built whole systems of education. Just Jacques Rousseau in his" Emile "recommends" Robinson Cruzo "as the only work, which should be brought up by youth.

For us, Robinszon, primarily a wonderful creator, worker. We admire them, even those episodes seem poetic, where Robinson burns clay pots, invents frightened, tames a kids, fries the first piece of meat. We see how frivolous and the quiet young man turns under the influence of labor in a hardened, strong, fearless man, which has a great educational value.

Not only for contemporaries, but in the memory of all subsequent generations, Daniel Defo remained, above all, as the creator of this amazing book, which still enjoys great popularity worldwide.

Daniel Defo can be considered one of the most prolific English writers, Peru, which is now established, belongs to about four hundred separately published works, not counting many hundreds of poems, polemical and journalistic articles, pamphlets, etc., printed in periodicals. The creative energy of the defio was exceptional and almost unparalleled for his country and time.

The impact of the defense novel on European literature is not exhausted by the Robinsonad generated by them. It is wider and deeper. The defense of his work introduced an extremely popular subsequent care of the patrimony, loneliness of a person on the Nature Lon, the beneficialness of communication with her for its moral improvement. This motive was developed Rousseau and was many times varying by his followers (Bernarden de Saint Pierre, etc.).

Many are obliged to "Robinzon" and the technique of the Western European novel. The art of images of characters at the defio, its ingenuity, expressed in the use of new situations - all this was a great achievement. With its philosophical, etc., the deviations, skillfully intertwined with the basic presentation, the DEFO raised the value of the novel among readers, turned it from the book for an occupational pastime to the source of important ideas into the engine of spiritual development. This technique was widely used in the XVIII century.

In Russia, Robinson Kruzo became known in a hundred years after his appearance in England. This is explained by the fact that the mass non-monistocratic reader in Russia appeared only from the second half of the XIX century.

It is characteristic that the contemporary defo - Swift, became known in Russia from the middle of the XVIII century, and the works of Bairon and V. Scott were read almost simultaneously in England and Russia.

By the end of his life, he was alone. Defo lived her days in the countryside. The children went out - sons were traded in City, daughters married. Defo himself lived in well him familiar slums of London.

He died on April 24, 1731 in the 70th year of life. Miss Brocs Cultural Miss - Mistress at home, where Defo lived, buried him on her own money. The newspapers were dedicated to him short necrologists, mostly of the mockery of the mockery of which, in the mostst of which he was honored to be called "one of the greatest citizens of the Republic of Grab Street", that is, the London Street, where the then borzains and rhythmoplets juts. On the grave of the defo put a white tombstone. Over the years, she threw up, and it seemed that the memory of Daniele was a free citizen of the city of London - covered with grass of oblivion. Over a hundred years have passed. And the time, whose vessels so feared the writer, retreated before his great creations. When the magazine "Chrischen Warld" appealed to the "boys and girls of England" with a request to send money to the structure of the granite monument on the grave of Defo (old slab split zipper), thousands of admirers, including adults, responded to this appeal.

In the presence of descendants of the Great Writer, the opening of the granite monument was held, at which it was carved: "In the memory of the author" Robinson Cruzo ".

Daniel Fo was born around 1660 near London in the family of a wealthy merchant. The aristocratic console "de" he added to his last name much later. Parents wanted to see Daniel Pastor, so the living and inquisitive boy graduated from school, and then the seminary. But the defio suddenly engaged in entrepreneurship.

He was the owner of the cycle factory, a plant for the production of tiles, got involved in many other commercial adventures. According to Daniel's own words, he was 12 times rich and ruined. According to the affairs of the defio, traveled almost all of Europe, learned several foreign languages. He successfully married a girl with a rich dowry, which gave birth to him 8 children.

Since 1701, the sharp political pamphlets defio began to be gained and quickly conquered. From 1704 to 1713, he edited the popular newspaper "Review". The defense made a lot of new things in journalism, in particular, used the genre of interviews and criminal chronicles. And his economic and political articles were written at a high professional level.

In 1705, after a large-scale commercial adventure, DEFO was finally broken up and went to jail, from where his Minister Robert Harley was resulted. At high rank, Daniel's project was impressed about the organization of intelligence special services. The DEFO was asked to lead this service. Daniel then not only led the agent network, but also often participated in operations.

In 58 years, Defo left the political arena and completely devoted himself to literary activities. His first novel "Life and amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo" had a phenomenal success. Defo wrote two continuations of "Robinson Cruzo", as well as several other novels. But not one of them did not become so popular.

The prototype of Robinson was the sailor Alexander Selkirk, who lived on a desert island of four years. In this work, the interaction of a person with nature is reliably depicted, the formation of character under the influence of external circumstances. On the example of his heroes, the defo shows that a person is able to persistent labor to overcome any natural forces, subjugate to them, enriching and amazing, and not destroying.

Robinson feature courage, willpower and tremendous hardworking. The best human qualities in the novel represents Aborigine Friday. It has a great influence on Robinson, changing his worldview and forcing it with greater kindness and understanding to people.

The French enlightener Jean-Jacques Rousseau paid special attention to the educational meaning of "Robinson Cruzo" and recommended it for compulsory reading to adolescents. By the end of the XVIII century, this novel was transferred to the main European languages \u200b\u200band endured countless publications. Robinson Cruzo spawned a variety of alterations and imitation, creating a special cycle of Robinsonad.

Feature of artistic works of defo - faith into huge human opportunities. His novels are written by a simple and clear language, almost without landscape scenes, and the story is always conducted on behalf of the main character. Thanks to this reception, defo novels are perceived by readers as genuine adventures of real people.

In the novel, "joy and sorrow Moll Flenders" defo traces all the ups and downs of a woman under the influence of a social situation. Mall is forced to stand up for a criminal path. The author reliably depicts how the nature of the main character changes, shows its transformation into a well-known teem, tracks all the circumstances that lead to the fall of a woman. And the heroine of another novel "Happy Kurtyzanka, or Roxan" on the path of vice pushes no poverty, but a passion for luxury.

Realistic sketches of the heroes of criminal society are also depicted in the novels "History of Colonel Jack" and "Life, Adventure and Pirate Expositions of the Illustrated Captain Singleon". The defo raises the problem of a fair and intelligent social device, in which such volitional, uncommon personalities do not become pirates and robber, and benefit the state.

Daniel Defo - English writer-publicist, journalist and pamphletist, the most famous for the novel "Robinson Cruzo". Born in 1660 in London, Kryptgate district. The writer's father was a merchant and Presbyterian named James FD. Daniel also wore the name FD at birth, but subsequently pseudonym defio. Initially, he was preparing for the career of Pastor, but then refused and entered the Newington Academy, where he studied classical literature and foreign languages.

By nature, Defo was an adventurer and an adventure lover. He often traveled to Western Europe on shopping affairs, participated in political campaigns, although the official position did not have, and was also an entrepreneur. According to some information, he once captured to Algerian pirates, but was soon released. In 1684, Defo married a girl with a rich dowry named Mary Tauffley. She gave birth to height of eight children. Her dowry gave the possibility of a comfortable existence. However, in 1692 they were ruined due to the negligence of the defio. He subscribed to the fleet insurance obligations, after which he never managed to recover.

The first poem of the writer appeared in 1701 - "Purebred Englishman." It raised prejudice about racial superiority and caused conflicting reactions in society. Soon he wrote a caustic essay "How to rip the Inactive", which caused a storm of indignation by the High Church. In 1703, he was accused of political relegations and was forced to stand at a shameful pillar, as well as to pay a fine. Then he made an exposure speech, for which he was sent to prison. Soon, thanks to the spiker of the community chamber, he was released. The prose of defo was carried away in 1719. It was during this period that the book "Life and amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo" was published. And followed by "Cavallar's notes", "Good luck and misfortune of Moll Flenders", "Captain Singleton", "Marine Trade Atlas" and other well-known works. Daniel Defo died on April 24, 1731 in London.