Country of education. Fiction as a means of developing a speech of preschoolers

Country of education. Fiction as a means of developing a speech of preschoolers

The development of the child's connected speech occurs in close relationship with the development of the sound side, the vocabulary, the grammatical structure of the language. Important part of Nutritional work is the development of figurative speech. Education of interest in the artistic word, the ability to use the means of artistic expressiveness in an independent statement lead to development in children of poetic hearing, and on this basis its ability to verbal creativity is developing.

Senior preschool age fertile for the development of creativity, cognitive activity and interests of children. This should contribute to the entire atmosphere of the life of children. For children of this age, it is important to emphasize the role of the book as a source of new knowledge.

The subject of special attention of the educator is the socio-moral development of children, the formation of their relationship with others. An adult example of literary heroes, and his should show examples of a good, caring attitude towards people, to encourage the state of the heroes of works of art and others (offended, is distressed, misses) and show sympathy, willingness to help. An adult must push the child to the manifestation of care, compassion, attention, help. It enriches moral experience Children.

Senior preschoolers are able to master the rules of culture of behavior and communication. They become understood by the motives of rules. Supporting positive actions and actions, adult relies on a sense of self-esteem developing in the child and its growing independence. Learn knowledge about the culture of behavior and communication we can like in everyday lifeand with fairy tales, flies, risks.

A characteristic feature of the senior preschoolers is the appearance of interest in the problems going beyond the kindergarten and personal experience. Children interested in the events of the past and future, life of different nations, animal I. floral world different countries.

Discussing these problems with children, an adult seeks to raise children in the spirit of peacefulness, respect for the whole living on Earth. He shows the children like their good acts make life better and beautiful. .

The condition for the full development of senior preschoolers is reading fiction, an analysis of read, meaningful communication.

The works of fiction reveal the world of human feelings before children, causing interest in personality, to the inner world of the hero.

Having learned to empathize with the heroes of artistic works, children begin to notice the mood of the people close and surrounding it. They begin to awaken humane feeling - The ability to take part, kindness, protest against injustice. This is the basis on which fundamentality, honesty, real citizenship is raised.

Feelings of the child are developing in the process of assimilating the language of those works with which his tutor introduces. Artistic Word helps the child to understand the beauty of a sounding native speech, it teaches his aesthetic perception of the surrounding and at the same time forms its ethical (moral) submissions.

Acquaintance of a child with fiction begins with a miniature of folk art - Pleeshek, songs, then he listens to folk tales. Deep humanity, extremely accurate moral orchestration, living humor, language imagery, features of these folk thumbnails. Finally, the baby read copyright fairy tales, poems, stories available to him.

According to F.A. Sokhina Artistic literature opens and explains the child's life and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. She develops the thinking and imagination of the child, enriches his emotions, gives excellent samples of Russian literary language.

In the senior preschool age, children begin to realize events that were not in their personal experienceThey are interested in not only the actions of the hero, but also the motives of actions, experiences, feelings. They can sometimes catch the subtext. The emotional attitude towards heroes arises on the basis of comprehension by the child of the entire collision of the work and accounting for all characteristics of the hero. Children has the ability to perceive text in unity of content and form. Complicated understanding literary hero, some features of the work form are realized (sustainable revs in a fairy tale, rhythm, rhyme).

All subsequent acquaintance with a huge literary heritage will rely on the foundation that we are laid in preschool childhood.

From the book, the child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to listened, using comparison, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expressiveness.

The literary work is drawn simultaneously to the feeling, and to the thought of the reader, helping him to master the rich spiritual experience of mankind.

The characteristic feature of the perception of the artistic work by children is the unity of the feeling and thinking.

The perception of fiction is considered as an active volitional process, which implies not passive contemplation, and the activity that is embodied in the internal assistance, empathizing the heroes, in the imaginable transfer of events, resulting in the effect of personal presence, personal participation in the events.

Three stages can be allocated in the development of perception of artwork:

direct perception, recreation and experience of images (based on the work of imagination);

understanding ideological content Works (based on thinking);

the effect of fiction on the identity of the reader (through feelings and consciousness).

One of the peculiarities of the perception of the literary work by children is to empathize with the heroes. Perception is extremely active. The child puts himself in place a hero, mentally acts, fights his enemies.

High level Speech culture includes such signs as wealth, accuracy, expressiveness. The wealth of speech implies a large amount of dictionary, understanding and relevant use in speech words and phrases. Speech accuracy can be considered as optimal wording: this is a choice of such words that the best way transmit the content of the statement, reveal its topic and main thought in a logical sequence. And finally, the expressiveness of the speech implies the selection of language means corresponding to the conditions and tasks of communication.

The most important sources of development of expressiveness of children's speech are the works of fiction and folk art, including small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, riddles, functions, readers) and phraseologism.

Fiction is a versatile educational tool, withdrawing a child beyond the directly perceived, immersing it in possible worlds with a wide range of models of human behavior and orienting in them, providing a rich linguistic environment.

Artistic texts allow emotionally, intuitively grab the holistic picture of the world in all the diversity of connections of things, events, relations.

The artistic system of Russian folklore is peculiar, as it has a variety of genre shapes (epics, fairy tales, legends, songs, legends), as well as small forms (chastushki, sweeps, riddles, proverbs, sayings), whose language is simple, accurate and expressive.

Samples of fiction are different in their influence: in the story, children will know the laconicity and the accuracy of the word; in verses they catch musicality, observance, rhythm of Russian speech; Folk fairy tales reveal the accuracy of the language and expressiveness of the language, shows how rich native speech by humor, alive and figurative expressions, comparisons.

That's what I wrote about the strength of the word k.d. Ushinsky: not the conditional sounds only a child learns, studying his native language, but drinks spiritual life and strength from the birthplace of his native word. It explains to him in nature, as not to explain to her any naturalist, it introduces him with the nature of his people around him, with the society, among which he lives, with his story and aspirations, as no historian could be introduced; It introduces it to folk beliefs, to popular poetry, as no aesthetics could enter; It finally gives such logical concepts and philosophical views, which, of course, could not tell the child to any philosopher. In these words, the Great Teacher is indicated not only the expected result of the assimilation of the native language, but also the study method: the confidence of the "teacher language", which not only teaches a lot, but also teaches surprisingly easily, according to some unacceptable to the facilitating method.

The conceptual analysis of artistic works contributes to the allocation of signs of the concept of "text", general damn W. different texts The same type or style of speech. He helps the educator to organize work on training preschoolers to see common in a separate, disassemble a specific text as one of the similar texts. With the help of the conceptual analysis, the educator forms an idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of the text, about the overall structure of such texts with which they can use when creating their text relating to the same group.

In accordance with the fact that work is underway on his assimilation, three types of analysis are distinguished:



In the artistic text, the words and their combinations acquire additional values, create bright images. Fine tags of the tag language, emotional, they revive speech, develop thinking, improves children's children.

Literary and artistic texts in read books give numerous examples, samples that allow you to acquaint preschoolers with the stylistic wealth of the Russian language.

Kindergarten does not set itself a goal to give preschoolers theoretical information about the means of figurative expressiveness of the language. All work is practical and obeys the system of development of thinking and speech.

Summarizing said, let's call the main techniques of work on fine means Language in the process of speech development:

detection in the text of figurative words;

explanation of the values \u200b\u200bof the words and revolutions of speech found in the text of the children themselves or the specified educator;

illustrating wonderful drawing, Recreation of the image on the issue of the teacher: What picture do you imagine?

the use of analyzed and understood images in retelling, in its own story, in a written writing or presentation;

testing of intonation, preparation for expressive reading of artistic texts;

special exercises on the selection of comparisons, epithets, drawing up mysteries, etc.

The language of artwork serves as an excellent example for children: on the basis of reading, analysis, learning excerpts is formed by speech students, their linguistic flair is developing, taste.

It is impossible, however, to forget that excessive attention to the details of the language can destroy overall impression From the artwork. Therefore, analysis artistic means language at all interest to it should not turn into chief View Work in the process of speech development. It should be strive to ensure that the work on the visual means of the language is organically woven into the system of ideological and artistic analysis of works, emphasizing their ideological content.

Work on the visual means of the language brings attention to the word, sensitivity, understanding of the shades of its meaning, its hidden, allegorical meaning, its emotional paints. The preschooler is attached, therefore, to the stylistic of artistic speech, herself mastering it the simplest means. These purposes, in essence, serve other areas in the general system of dictionary work: the appeal of children's attention to synonyms, antonyms, winged words, multivalucy of words; exercises for their use in speech, story, in his own story; testing of intonation, preparation for expressive reading of artistic texts; Special exercises for the selection of comparisons, epithets, drawing up mysteries.

Thus, we note that the use of various kinds of artistic works in modern speech determines the possibility of effective and fruitful development of preschoolers, contributes to replenishment vocabulary The latter thereby forming the communicative culture of the preschooler.

Development of a connected speech as one of the components of the process of preparing the child preschool age School training is one of the activities of the teacher for this program. The basis of this area is the development of connected speech by means of development of the perception of works artistic culture, means of organizing interaction between different participants educational process.

Among the many important tasks of education and training of preschool children in children's garden Learning native language, speech development, speech communication is one of the main. One of the most important conditions for the development of the speech of the child of preschool age is the use of artistic works in this process.

The formation of speech communication of the child in the process of familiarization with works of fiction begins with emotional communication. It is a rod, the main content of the relationship of an adult and the child in the preparatory period of development of speech. It seems to be infected with the emotional state of the work. Heroes lives, learns new vocabulary, replenishes the content of their active dictionary. These are emotional communication, not a speech, but it contains the foundations of future speech, future communication with the help of meaninglessly pronounced words.

Work on the development of the speech of children of preschool age Pedagog should not be considered as a solution to the task of warning and correction in their speech of grammatical errors, to configure individual difficult grammatical forms. We are talking about creating conditions for a complete assimilation by the child of the grammatical structure of a language based on spontaneous approximate, search activity in the field of grammar, the use of language funds, different forms Communication in the process of acquaintance with works of artistic culture.

Thus, from the book, the child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to listened, using comparison, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expressiveness.

Conclusions on the first chapter

After examining the psychological - pedagogical, methodological literature on the problem of the formation of the lexical side of speech, in senior preschoolers with means of fiction, it is possible to draw the following conclusion that the development of a dialogic and monologic speech in life, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, and determines the level of readiness for school training. Lexica is a set of words of any language or dialect. Speech is a historically established form of communication - people through language structures created on the basis of certain rules.

The rules of language design have ethnospecific features, which, we can say that it is important: the enrichment of the dictionary of children by a new vocabulary; activation of the dictionary; clarifications the values \u200b\u200bof individual words and phrases; Replacing dialectisms, dialects with the words of the literary language, the development of figurative speech, this is the enrichment of the active dictionary of children with a figurative expression by sayings, proverbs, patters, riddles, epithets, metaphors; familiarization of children with the meaning of the word, learning to understand the meaningfulness, synonymity and the figurative meaning of words; The absorption of generalizing concepts. Exploring the features of the formation of speech from senior preschoolers with means of fiction, using in practical activities to expand the vocabulary of fairy tales, fun, rhymes and. etc. I made sure that they have an effective impact on the formation of the lexical side of speech from senior preschoolers.

To the older preschool age, the quantitative dictionary of the child can reach 3500-4000 words. This is due to the fact that the identity of the child is developing in general, consciousness is growing and developing. The senior preschooler begins to think based on general representationsHis attention becomes more focused, sustainable. The circle of interest is expanding, activities are being improved. On this basis, there is a further expansion and deepening of the circle of representations and the growth of the dictionary

Children 5-7 years old have a domestic dictionary at the level of adults of adults, uses words not only with generalizing, but also with a distracted value - grief, joy, courage. They appear great interest in the word, to his meaning. The speech of children by the five-year-old age becomes a full-fledged means of communication, because The lexical stock of a normally developing child of five years allows him to communicate freely, to express his thoughts, telling fairy tales, to make stories. The formation of speech communication of the child in the process of familiarization with works of fiction begins with emotional communication. It is a rod, the main content of the relationship of an adult and the child in the preparatory period of development of speech. It seems to be infected with the emotional state of the work. Heroes lives, learns new vocabulary, replenishes the content of their active dictionary. These are emotional communication, not a speech, but it contains the foundations of future speech, future communication with the help of meaninglessly pronounced words. In the artistic text, the words and their combinations acquire additional values, create bright images. Fine tags of the tag language, emotional, they revive speech, develop thinking, improves children's children.

It is necessary to use all the possibilities in the work on the visual means of the language of artistic works:

the main types of trails (comparison, epithet, metaphor, metonymy, periphesom, hyperbole), stylistic figures.

Literary and artistic texts in read books give numerous examples, samples that allow you to acquaint preschoolers with the stylistic wealth of the Russian language.

The vocabulary as the most important part of the language system has a huge general education and practical importance. The richness of the dictionary is a sign of high development of the child's speech. With violations of the formation of a lexical stock, the speech of children cannot be considered quite developed. Correction speech violations, enrichment of the vocabulary are prerequisite For the development of communicative skills of children.

Artistic literature as a means comprehensive development preschooler

Educator: Chrykova Natalia Pavlovna

"Literature is also needed

talented readers,

like writers "

S. Ya. Marshak

« Literature serves as a representative of the mental life of the people "

N. A.Nekrasov

Every year different children come to kindergarten: intelligent and not very, contact and closed. But all of them are united by one - they are surprised and admired less and less, the interests of them are monotonous: the cars, the dolls of Barbie, some gaming consoles. Further to the background is interested in the artistic literature, to the poetic Russian word.

The process of developing the speech of the child of preschool age is complex and multifaceted and for successful implementation of its implementation requires a combination of all components that affect the quality and meaningful side of speech. One of these is artistic literature.

Artistic literature, an effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children, by virtue of their emotionality and imagery. Literature has a great influence on the development and enrichment of the child's speech, accompanying a person from the first years of his life. Artistic literature puts the task - to lay in childrenlove for artistic word, Specifies that circle of works that must be told, retell, read, memorize.

Features of the perception of fiction, in the process of developing speech, preschoolers are investigated in the works: L.S.Vigotsky, A.V. Forecorption, E.A. Fleurina, L.M.Gurovich, T.A. Rupina, K.D. Yushinsky, E.I.Ticheva et al. The main result of their research is to identify the links of the mechanism of mastering a connected speech by a child. Speech - appears on the early steps children's age, intensively improving in preschool, younger school and adolescence. Adults surrounding the child are simply obliged to learn him correctly since infant age, presenting beautiful samples of the Russian literary language - it is quite important in preschool age, since the child develops intellectually, he appears the ability to represent, then think, imagine and with each age The step of these abilities are improved. Of particular importance in this period of time acquiresacquaintance S. native literature, with texts of artwork, What allows you to develop and enrich the speech of children. This is one of the main conditions for mastering the child speech, the condition for its development and improvement.

If the child of preschool age does not understand, it will not feel that it is very interesting to read a good book, then at school, sitting on the textbook and computer, it will never love fiction.

Appeal to the problem of the admission of preschool children to fiction, as a means of developing a speech, is due to a number of reasons: first, familiarity with literature in the family is used in insufficient volume or superficially, secondly, the social system has changed, all traditional values \u200b\u200bare shakelablaned. Thirdly, the education of preschoolers of artistic literature not only brings them joy, emotional and creative rise, but also to becomean integral part of the Russian language.

After all, it is still the most effective component in the upbringing is an artistic word. The child learns to apply grammatical skills and skills in a dialogic (answers to questions, conversation) and monologic ( verbal creativity, told) speech, use the means of artistic expressiveness of the language and its grammatical means. Therefore, children need to be attached to the world of fiction, from an early age, since the acuity of the word perception is lost, the ability to admire the beauty and a miracle of human speech.

At the "shoulders" of the kindergarten assigned one of most important tasks - The formation is correct oral speech Children based on the literary language of their people.

It is very important in connection with this correctly present the child of this or that literary work. Children of preschool age - listeners, not readers.

Before the educator is an important task - every work convey to children as a work of art, to understand and feel, able to analyze the content and shape, to reveal its idea, infect listeners with an emotional attitude to literary characters. The teacher must own the technique of reading and telling - a clear dickey, means of intonation expressiveness and theatrical art. Responsibly approaching the choice of literary works for the presentation of their children. The famous proverb says: "Another book of the mind will add, and the other and the last hurts."

The world of reading helps an adult to saturate child imagination, provides an example of creativity and creative attitude towards the real world. The book tells about the most important, most beautiful, makes more receivable and responsive for a children's soul, so children can not love her, they are always happy to meet with her. The desire to listen to the loved work else and once again contributes to the upbringing of interest and love for the artistic literature.

"The book is the opening of the world." A book as one of the most affordable media communications serves as a source of various intellectual and aesthetic information and a channel of transferring its child, helps to choose a certain estimated, emotional, practically an effective attitude of the child to the world around the world.

The artistic book gives the child wonderful samples of the Russian literary language. These samples are different: expressive language folk fairy tales about animals saturated with fabulous "ritualness"; Language of magical fairy tales V. M. Garshina, S. Perero, G.Kh. Andersen; Laconic and accurate language of children's stories L.N. Tolstoy; Light and transparent verses A.S. Pushkin and A. A. Feta; figurative language of small descriptions K.D. Shushinsky; Simple and at the same time rich, with a large share of humor modern language In the works of Marshak, Mikhalkov. Enough and these examples in order to understand the need to know artistic works and understand a positive impact on the development of children's speech.

Work on the use of fiction as a means of development of speech shouldbuilding principles: focus, individualization (it is impossible to compare the successes of children from each of their potential), sequences, visibility, availability (age, level of training of children), morality, integrated approach and strength (consolidation of knowledge).

To achieve the goal for the development of speech by means of fiction, the following are allocatedtasks:

Education of love and interest in fiction, formation careful relationship to the book;

Awakening the curiosity of children and the electoral relationship to artwork;

Raising the ability to listen to the work and analyze;

Development of creativity, intensification of the dictionary, independence in the artistic and speech and theatrical gaming activity;

Development of the emotional sphere of the child;

The ability to carefully consider illustrations and relate them to the text;

Control and direct home reading process.

These tasks are solved in all age groups of kindergarten, only their specific content, it depends on the age characteristics of children, and also take into account the requests of a modern child.

The professional competence of the teacher is important - the quality of actions, life experience, which ensures an effective solution to the tasks.

As the preschooler develops, its perception is changing, targets and attitudes towards literature.

Children 3 - 4 years old.

Do not fully understand the experiences and motives of the host of the main characters, they need to help in the ability to identify the main action of the main characters, their relationship and actions (for this it is important to consider questions to conversation after reading). At this age, a brightly painted emotional attitude towards the heroes of the work, thrust to the rhythmically organized speech warehouse. At 3-4 years old, children are easy to realize communication when the events in the work follow each other. It is important to teach children to evaluate the actions of heroes, determine their correct qualities, select the expressions that determine their nature. Learn children to listen tales, stories, poems.

Children 4 - 5 years old.

Capably more deeply comprehend the content of works and understand the features of the form. Children can determine their attitude towards negative and positive in the work, to establish causal relationships in the plot. It is also important to learn to compare heard with the facts of life, respond to questions related to the content of the text.

Children 5 - 7 years old.

Here you should pay a special role to the analysis of text.

Children capture the hidden meaning of the work (subtext) and perceive the text in the unity of the content and form.

Children know the portrait of a writer (poet) and should know what he wrote.Discerge the genres of works, express their attitude to the actions of the heroes, the emotional attitude towards them, to see the properties of artistic expressiveness in the text, respond to questions on the content of the text, be able to retell well and read by heart, participate in the dramatization.

In addition, all new words are needed in the work (Vityaz, Kudel, Dosor, etc.) to explain the child before reading the text.

Introduction GEF allows teachers to vary in their work form and methods for familiarizing children with fiction as they consider it necessary, since the main goal of GEF -integration of education (Development of personality, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological abilities).

Familiarity with fiction can not be limited to nodes, itmust be carried out at all moments of the life of children In kindergarten (game, walk, work, home activities).

Building a system for the development of the speech of preschoolers, for the means of fiction, it is necessary to create a good speech developing environment, given the individual and social conditions. This preparation and development perspective planning On the topic, the selection of didactic and moving games and exercises, the abstracts of classes, visual doedactic benefits and albums ("Portraits of writers and poets", "Antonyms", "Seasons", "Spear Practigs", "Riddles", etc.). As well as the acquisition of a variety of literary works, discs and cassettes for a hearing, dolls for theatrical activity and various types of the theater, the creation of a literary center, very interesting is the organization of exhibitions of children's drawings, homemade books and crafts made based on read works. A lot of important condition in resolving the development of speech on the agents of fiction is the involvement of parents, they must be aware of significance and seriousness. this issue (meetings, consultations, joint exhibitions, memo, booklets, etc.). Working - with society (with libraries, museums, theaters, etc.)

Thus, we note that the systematic and purposeful use of various kinds of artistic works as a means of developing speech, as well as properly organized work, determines the possibility of effective and fruitful development of the speech of preschoolers, contributes to the recharge of the vocabulary, forming the communicative culture of the preschooler, makes a speech of a child more expressive Bright and emotional. Children actively manifest themselves in different kinds artistic activities and creatively active, they have a self-awareness, they know how to understand and take humor and become much friendlier, which is quite important in modern society.

Artistic literature can be regarded as the most affordable type of art contributing to the development of the speech of children.

Artistic literature as a means of developing the speech of preschoolers.

"Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development".

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Fiction - This is a kind of art that uses as the sole material of the word and the design of the natural language. The specificity of fiction is detected in comparison, on the one hand, with species of art using other material instead of verbally language (music, art) or along with him (theater, movie, song, visual poetry), on the other hand, with other types of verbal text: philosophical, journalistic, scientific, etc. In addition, fiction, like other types of art, unites the author (including Anonymous) works in contrast to the fundamentally having author of the works of folklore.

Artistic literature accompanies man from the first years of his life. She opens and explains the child's life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. V.G. Belinsky once said that the children's book was written for education, and "Education - a great deal: they are solved by the fate of a person." Okay developed speech Helps the preschooler is better to convey its thoughts, emotions, experiences, explain their own position. If for any reason the child is not developed enough, then in the future it will make it difficult for educational activities. Fiction - a powerful effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children providing a huge impact on the development and enrichment of speech. In poetic images, artistic literature opens and explains the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It enriches emotions, brings up imagination, gives the child wonderful samples of the Russian literary language. These samples are diverse in its influence: in stories, children will know the laconicity and accuracy of the word; in verses capture musical hopication, rhythm of Russian speech, in folk fairy tales Before children, the ease and expressiveness of the language, the wealth of speech by humor, alive and figurative expressions, comparisons are revealed. Having learned to empathize the heroes of works, children begin to notice the mood of the people around them. In children are awakened by humane feelings - the ability to take part, kindness, protest against injustice. According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky, reading books is a path, according to which a skillful, intelligent, thinking teacher finds the path to the heart of the child and all subsequent acquaintance with a huge literary heritage will rely on the foundation that is laid in preschool childhood. In the kindergarten of younger preschoolers, they introduce literary works of different genres: stories, fairy tales, poems, proverbs, sayings, sweepings, etc. Before the educators put the purpose of mastering children with constructive ways and means of interaction with environmental people through solving the tasks of free communication with adults and peers, the development of all the components of the oral speech of children: the lexical side, the grammatical system of speech, spoken parties, connected speech in various forms of children's activities. Encouraged to the artistic literature, the child of the younger preschool age accumulates a certain margin of words that contains all parts of speech. The tools of the artistic word, the child masters the grammatical norms of the language in unity with his vocabulary. From the book, the child receives many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps to state their attitude to the listened, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets, other means of figurative expressiveness, which in turn serves as the development of the artistic perception of literary works. A feature that is noted by childhood researchers is characteristic of the younger preschooler, is an extraordinary traction to a rhythmically organized speech warehouse, sonorous rhythms and rhymes, expressive intonation. Man, according to K.I. Chukovsky, begins to speak not prose, but verses. The first words that the child pronounces, according to the symmetrical location of vowel sounds, are the coinciding rhyme: Ma-ma, Pa Para, Bo-Bo, etc. The nature of the child's early and younger preschool needs a poetic material. Children love to listen and read poems, obviously preferring their prose. At the same time, they are, above all, to rhythms dynamic, melody joyful, dance. Because of the kids like the works children's folklore, whose poetic nature, harmoniously combining the word, rhythm, intonation, music and action, accurately corresponds to the emotional needs of the child. Each of the songs, similar to "ladys", "Goat", "Forty-Belobok", is a brilliant mini-performance, where the child and the audience, and the singer, and the dancer, and the actor, and the reader. Particular attention should be paid to the development of the figurative speech of children in the process of familiarization with different genres of literature (fairy tale, story, free, poem, fable) and small folklore forms. Primary literary education Children also contribute to the festive events, leisure festivals, evenings of fairy tales, poems, mysteries. All this work should be permeated with creativity, love of the teacher himself to the literature and the desire to transfer this love to children. In the younger group of kindergarten, children are taught to listen to fairy tales, stories, poems, as well as monitor the development of action in a fairy tale, sympathize positive heroes. It is necessary to use the acceptance of unfamiliar words, providing a full perception of the work. It is necessary to explain the meaning of those words, without an understanding of which there are obscure basic meaning of the text, the nature of the images, the actions of the characters. Explanation options are different: the formulation of another word while reading the prose, the selection of synonyms (the hut is a lubyana - wooden; Horny - Room, etc.); consumption of words or phrases as an educator before reading; During the dating of children with a picture; Question to children about the meaning of the word and others. Expressiveness of reading, the interest of the tutor himself, its emotional contact with children increases the impact of the artistic word. While reading should not distract children from the perception of the text with questions, disciplining comments, it suffices to increase or lower the voice, pause. There is a viewing of illustrations that deepen the understanding of the text, clarify it, fully reveal art images. In order to cause interest in children to books, you can offer different games. "Hire with a book" - children show new book And they ask to close the eyes. Hiding a book somewhere in the group room. Children will be happy to go on her search, and when they find, they will read this book with a reward. "Heroes come to us" - In active communication, include characters from familiar fairy tales. For example, a bunny comes to visit children and asks children to execute the ball's applique or draw it. "Guess the Hero of the fairy tales" - offer children to consider illustrations in the book that is not yet They read, and ask to guess, about whom this is a work. "Little artists" - after reading the book, they offer children to become artists and draw the most memorable and favorite episode of the work. "Finish a fairy tale" - tell children the beginning and middle of a familiar fairy tale, for example, about Masha . Children need to come up with another end of the fairy tale (for example, the bear turned Masha for separated from girlfriends, and took home).

Thus, the familiarization of the younger preschoolers with fiction is the formation developed personality, the future of a large reader, culturally educated person.

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Retelling the fairy tale "Tale of dandelion"

A task. Dictionary: learn correctly in the sense to call the quality of items, fix in the active dictionary name of the field flower.

Dictionary: dandelion, sad, brave, grass, thin, long, air, breeze, field, scatter).

1. Taking the work as an educator. 2. Single words for flower characteristics. 3. Attandaling attention in words carrying the main semantic load. 4. Electric analysis of the language of artwork (identification of non-knowledge words and expressions, clarifying the shades of words used in figurative sense, analysis of the image of the text language).

Theme of the week: "Flower Taramas".


Finger game "Our Scarlet Flowers"

Dictionary: flowers, scarlet, bloom, closed, petals.

1. Accent attention in words carrying the basic semantic load.

2. Explanation of the teacher of words of words.

3. Talking words to children.

5. Floasting words for the characteristics of the hero;

Memorizing poem A.K. Tolstoy "Bells"

Dictionary: Bells, beautiful, ring, stand, bloom.

Reading a quatrain to a dance game "Rewit Mac"

Dictionary: Mac, scarlet, raging, swing.

1. Embossion to the teacher of words values.

2. Writing words by children.

4. Single words for the characteristics of the hero.

Reading the poem Yelovikov Diana "Astra"

Dictionary: Pestry, beautiful, sunny, playfully, Astra, Astra, thoughtful.

1. The tutorial of the poem. 2. Ranking phrases with children.

3. Consumption of words in different context due to a conversation in the content of the poem.

4. Employment of the teacher of words.

5. Individual and choral progress of phrases by children.

The story of the tutor's story "On how Georgina appeared"

Dictionary: Georgin, legend, bright, dahlia, Georgy.

1.Rextrough the tutor of the content of the work.

2. Questions for children on the content of the work.

3. Application by the educator is not familiar words.

4. Choral and individual writing words by children.

Theme of the week: "Joyful autumn".


Reading the story "Forest in autumn"

A task. Dictionary: update and enrich their dictionary. The development of observation, the ability to focus on the main signs of the described object and call it.

Dictionary: Early, autumn, yellowed, light, weightless, which has fallen.

1. The tale of the story.

2.The corresponding behavgement of words by children.

3. Application by the tutor's value of the word.

4. Indication of the teacher on choral and individual prison articulation by children.

5. Speech sample tutor.

Heat finger Games "Fall"

A task. Dictionary: Enrichment of the dictionary of children different parts Speech (adjective, noun, verbs).

Dictionary: yellow, red leaf, autumn, leaves, fingers, play, walk, collected.

5. The word of the children's words.

Reading poem A.Fet "Autumn"

A task. Dictionary: enrich the dictionary, fix the exercise of children in a clear pronunciation of words.

Dictionary: Through, spreading, clear, distant, not sad, frightening.

1.Expressive reading Educator.

2. Explanation of not familiar words as an educator.

3. Questions for children in content. 4. Individual and choral writing words by children.

the artistic word "autumn treasure" I. Bivovarov, proverbs about autumn for children.

Dictionary: Autumn, treasure, vegetables, survived, harvest, slept, litter, early, late, rich.

1. Express reading teacher.

2. The point of the meaning of the proverb and its content.

3.Mong proverbian proverb to children.

Theme of the week: "The benefits of vegetables".


Reading the tale of the Fairy Tazzle "Pink".

Dictionary: pulls pulls, repa, ran, planted, grew, large with a big one.

1. Expressive reading of the teacher.

2. Questions aimed at restoring the plot of fairy tales.

3. The use of words in a different context due to a conversation on the content of the work.

The story of the tale of the fairy tale "Man and Bear"

Dictionary: tops, roots, smart, harvest, chitter.

1. Excellent tagging story.

2. Accent attention in words carrying the main semantic load.

3. Drawing up proposals by children with multi-valued words.

4. Chorans and individual prison articulate children.

Exhausting Peshechik "Okuchikchik - Tunechik".

Dictionary: Okuchechik, the horse, lives, springs.

1.Monal pronigrating fun children.

2. Contains in content.

3. Application of unfamiliar words as an educator.

4. Individual writing words by children.

Reading the teacher of the poem of Tuvim Julian (Per. S. Mikholkov "Vegetables"

Dictionary: Vegetables, sleek, fit, seas, cabbage, carrots, beets, potatoes.

1. The use of words in a different context due to a conversation on the content of the work.

2. Drawing up proposals with multi-valued words.

3. Reinforcement on the topic of a multi-valued word.

Reading the tutor reader "Useful vegetable".

Dictionary: Useful, vegetable, tasty, fresh, rich, vitamins.

1. Express reading words as an educator.

2.Shorovoy writing words to children.

3. Selection of words for characteristics of the hero.

application 10

Article for parents: "Rich, well-developed child speech -

it is important".

Dear Parents!

Of course, you want your children and grandchildren to speak correctly and beautiful, without having difficulties

What is it connected with? This is due to the insufficient level of development of speech. Many children hardly build phrases, do not know how to grammatically correct proposals, they have a poor vocabulary, violated sound-proof.

Such shortcomings are not noticeable at home, but are detected in classroom in kindergarten. In order to prevent these difficulties, it is necessary to develop a child's speech in preschool age.

It is important to remember that it is in the preschool period that the child's speech is developing most intensively, and most importantly, it is the most flexible and militia. Therefore, all speech defects are overcome easier and faster.

Starting from the very early years There is a clear, leisure, grammatically and phonetically correct speech in its formation in life, therefore a large role in its formation plays a major role in its formation.

Some parents are unimpressive in assessing the speech of their child. Often in the family, challenged to the toddle's tongue, they will overcome long time with him, distort the words, imitating children's speech, as they say soyukate.

Such a manner of communication not only does not stimulate the child to master the correct sound, but also the shortcomings for a long time. And it is absolutely unacceptable!.

In the family for a child, it is necessary to create such conditions under which it will experience satisfaction from communicating with adults, not only to receive new knowledge from them, but also to enrich your vocabulary, learn correctly, to build suggestions, correctly and clearly pronounce sounds and words, interesting narrate.

Speech is a wonderful gift of nature and is not given to a person from birth. Must be time to keep the baby to start talking. And we, adults, should make a lot of effort so that the child's speech develops correctly and in a timely manner, i.e. It is very important to help, as you can successfully master the perfect gift ..

application 11

Report K. parental Assembly: « Didactic game - Effective Cre.d.vocabulary.

At the preschool age, one of the main tasks of education and education is the training of the native language. Right speech - The most important condition for the comprehensive development of the child. In system work DOU According to the development of speech, the enrichment of the dictionary, its consolidation and activation occupy a great place. And it is natural. The word is the main means of communication and the form of the child's self-expression. It serves as a means of regulating his behavior. With the help of the word baby learns the natural and subject environment. Improving speech communication is impossible without expanding the vocabulary stock of the child. For the development of the dictionary, constant communication with the child is important. The volume and quality of the vocabulary of the preschooler depends on how complete is its communication. The active lifestyle of the child provides a gracious material for the expansion of the dictionary: excursions to the theater, circus, zoo, etc.

The development of speech in a child occurs with a certain graduality. So the assimilation of speech parts is happening with the following sequence: Nouns are usually the first words, the verbs appear almost simultaneously with noucent, adveria - a little later. Some forms of pronouns appear very early and firmly absorbed. Adjectives begin to be used in speech much later, then adverch, numerical and service words. Communions and greetings are absorbed only at school age.

Linguists subdivide children on age groupsHaving highlighting the stages of the formation of vocabulary in children.

Second junior group. In children of three years, the process of increasing the dictionary is continuously. If in two years in a child, the vocabulary is 250 - 300 words, then in three years it has, as a rule, 800 - 1000 words.

Medium group. By four years, the active dictionary reaches 1900 - 2000 words.

Senior age. By five years, the supply of words increases to 2500 - 3000 words. In the active dictionary, summarizing words appear, children correctly call a wide range of household items.

Preparatory group. Senior Preschool Children have a large vocabulary -3000 - 3500. These are predominantly the words that are most often used when communicating with others.

Thus, in preschool age, the child must master such a dictionary that would allow him to communicate with peers and adults, to successfully study at school, understand the literature, television and radio broadcasts, etc. Therefore, pre-school pedagogics considers the development of a dictionary in children as one of the important tasks of speech development.

In preschool age great importance In the speech development of children has a game ..

"The game is a fantastic world, freed from the despotism and suppressing adults, the world of opening of disheveled desires, the world of implementing the unrealizable" (A.S.spirovakovskaya). Gaming methods are quite diverse. The most common reception is the didactic game. These games contribute to the development cognitive activity. Didactic game is a strong stimulator of the mental and communicative activity of children. It allows you to consolidate the knowledge and skills of preschoolers, to apply them in practice, taught on independence in work, compliance with the norms of speech etiquette, activates creative activities. For the didactic games, the presence of a learning task is characterized. It is guided by adults, applying one or another didactic game, but lumbering her in an entertaining form for children.

Didactic games are used in kindergarten to solve all tasks speech Development. They secure and clarify the dictionary, changing and education of words, exercise in the compilation of connected statements, develop explanatory speech. In these games, the child falls in a situation where he is forced to use acquired speech knowledge and dictionary in new conditions. They manifest themselves in words and acts of playing. Didactic game - effective tool Fixing grammatical skills, as due to the emotionality of the holding and interest of children, they make it possible to exercise a child many times in repetition of the necessary word forms.

Depending on the material, the didactic games can be divided into three types: games with objects (toys, natural material etc.), desktop printed games and verbal games. It should be noted that all these games can be successfully used to activate the vocabulary of preschoolers. Games with objects are most accessible to children of junior preschool age, as they are based on direct perception, correspond to the desire of a child to act with things and thus get acquainted with them, in addition, the child with the desire calls the items. To play these games, the child begins at an early age and does not lose his interest in them throughout the preschool childhood. In the younger preschool age, many games with toys are accompanied by movements, which corresponds to the peculiarities of perception and thinking of the child.

Desktop printed games, just like games with objects based on the principle of visibility, but in these games children are not given the subject, but its image. Content board games Diverse. Some types of lotto and paired pictures introduce children with individual objects (transport, clothing), with animals, birds, vegetables, fruits, their qualities and properties. Others clarify the ideas about the seasonal phenomena of nature (Lotto "Seasons"), about various professions ("What do you need?"). Like didactic toy, the desktop printed game is good when it requires self-mental work.

The most complex verbal games are the most complex: they are not related to the immediate perception of the subject, children must operate in them by ideas. These games are of great importance for the development of the child's thinking, since in them children learn to express independent judgments, draw conclusions and conclusions, without relying on the judgments of others, notice logic errors. For example, "Finish Proposal", "Say on the contrary", "Nazi Laskovo".

The verbal games are held mainly in the senior groups and are very important to preparing children to school, as they require and, therefore, develop the ability to listen carefully, to quickly find the right answer to the question, accurately and clearly formulate their thoughts, apply knowledge. Independent use of a variety of dictionary, obtained in classes and in didactic games, is carried out in the domestic communication of preschoolers. The role of the caregiver here is to organize meaningful communication, in attention to the speech of children, to her vocabulary, to ensure that the child uses all the wealth of the accumulated dictionary.

In pre-school educational institutions, teachers actively use various types of didactic games for the development of the vocabulary of preschoolers. It should only be noted that the teachers should select gaming material in accordance with individual and age features Children and tasks of vocabulary work.

Dear Parents: - Play more often with children in a variety of didactic games: Desktop, verbal, games with objects;

If the child asks you to play with him, do not deny himself in this pleasure;

Become a partner for a child in the game;

Do not forget to rejoice in the success of children, keep praise them.

Thus, the use of didactic games contributes to the development of children's speech activity. Development during the gaming activities of the speech of preschoolers - an attempt to teach children light, joyfully, without coercion. .

application 12

Table 8 - Control Stage Plan

application 13

Table 9 - Diagnostics Results "Doll" at the control stage

Evaluation of each task

in order in points.

average rating

General level

Kristina A.

Kristina K.

Ruslan I.

Oksana K.

Milisa B.

Milan Sh.

application 14

Table 10 - Diagnostic results "Drawing up proposals with multi-valued words" at the control stage

F. I. Child

average rating

In points.

General level of development

Kristina A.

Kristina K.

Ruslan N.

Oksana K.

Milisa B.

Milan Sh.

application 15

Table 11 - Diagnostic results "Definition of the word value (answers to questions" What? "," What does it mean?) "At the control stage

F. I. Child.

Average scores in points.

The overall level of development.

Kristina A.

Kristina K.

Ruslan N.

Oksana K.

Milisa B.

Milan Sh.

application 16

Table 12 - Schedule of the study of the vocabulary stock of children of middle preschool age at the control stage

Common score for the first task.

Common score for the second task.

Common score for the third task.


Kristina A.

Kristina K.

Ruslan I.

Oksana K.

Milisa B.

Returning from kindergarten or school, doing household chores, parents have great opportunities to prepare a child to a meeting with a new book or talk about the already read fairy tale or history. Then reading becomes welcome, expected. In addition, in the day mode, it is necessary to highlight a certain time so that the child is adjusted to the perception of the book: during the day it always will always be 15-20 minutes to calmly read the child. Reading should be held in a relaxed atmosphere, when nothing distracts the child, and the surrounding belong to his exercise "respectful."

Well, if the situation of the ritual family reading Enhances perception. Late in the evening, when the window is dark, it is good to read a fairy tale in the shaded room with the light of a table lamp. The twilight adjusts the fabulous, fantastic way.

Children 5 - 5 years old read no more than 15-20 minutes, because then their attention dissipates - no matter how much the book is like a child, you need to give him rest. But how happy a new meeting will be happy with the same book, as it will focus it will listen to her and treat it!

Remember:a child can not be a passive listener all the time, on this, while reading it is necessary to activate his attention! Let him repeat the words for you, answers questions, considers illustrations. Children are very loved. You can offer a child together (choir) to tell a fairy tale. So, repeating the lines of the poem, children learn to speak on samples of artistic words, poetry and prose.

Especially should be part of children's love for re-reading. Everyone knows that the child literally "brings" his loved ones to exhaustion, demanding read more and the same work again. Children crave repeated readings to survive joyful excitement again and with greater force: they are worried about the plot, and heroes, and figurative words, and expressions, and music of speech. Repeated readings train memory and develop speech. After repeated readings, the child will remember the book and will be able to show so desirable independence for him: to read the poems, retell stories and fairy tales, draw pictures to them, etc.

Rules that will be read out loud attractive:

1. Show the child that reading out loud gives you pleasure. Do not let down, as if by serving a long-standing service. The child will feel and will lose interest in reading.

2. Demonstrate the child respect for the book. The child should know that the book is not a toy, not a roof for a puppet house, and not a wagon you can carry around the room. Teach children carefully handle it. Consider the book preferably on the table, take clean hands, carefully turn the pages. After viewing, remove the book in place.

3. While reading, keep visual contact with your child.

Adult while reading or story should stand or sit in front of children so that they can see his face, watch the facial expression, an expression, gestures, since these forms of feelings complement and strengthen the impressions of reading.

4. Read the children leisurely, but also not monotonously, try to pass the music of rhythmic speech. Rhythm, music speechs the child, they enjoy the title of Russian tale, rhythm verse.

In the process of reading, children need to periodically give the opportunity to talk about their feelings, but sometimes you can also be asked to "listen to yourself."

5. Play a voice: Read that faster, then slower, then loud, then quietly - depending on the text content. Reading children poems and fairy tales, try to transfer the character of the characters, as well as a ridiculous or sad situation, but do not "remove". Excessive dramatization prevents the child to reproduce in the imagination of paintings drawn by words.

6. Redclude text if it is clearly too long. In this case, it is not necessary to read everything to the end, the child still ceases to perceive the heard. Briefly retell the end.

7. Read the fairy tales when the child wants to listen to them. Maybe for parents it is boring, but for him - no.

8. Read the child out loud every day, make a favorite family ritual from this. Understand the joint reading and then when the child learn to read: the value of a good book depends in many respects from the parents reacted to the book and will find a proper place for it in their family library.

9. Do not persuade to listen, and "seduce" him. Useful trick: Let the child choose books itself.

10. Since Sam early childhood The child needs to pick up his personal library. More often go with the child in book Shop, to the library. Buying books should be gradually, choosing what interests children that they are understandable, consulting with the educator.

11. Read aloud or retell the book of the book that you yourself liked in childhood. Before reading the child unfamiliar to you, try to read it yourself to direct the attention of the child in the right direction.

12. Do not leave the child from reading or viewing books with pictures. Again and again, attract the attention of children to the content of the book, pictures, every time revealing something new.

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Ziganshina Almira Zadatovna,

Russian language and literature teacher

Maou - "School №17" Almetyevsk RT

slave. 45-60-03


Fiction as

As a means of patriotic education

The upbringing of patriotism is a tireless work on the creation of a sense of pride in schoolchildren for their homeland and their people, respect for his great accomplishments and decent pages of the past, and the role of Russian literature in this regard is impossible to overestimate.

One of the tasks in the formation of the personality of students is to enrich its moral ideas and concepts. The degree of mastering them in all children is different, which is related to general Development, his life experience. In this regard, the role of fiction on patriotic topics is great and significant.

Patriotic theme Has a long-standing rich traditions, it starts from the heroic epic of peoples, from a wonderful monument of the ancient Russian culture "Word about the regiment of Igor" and Georgian national Poem "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure" sh. County, from Poltava A.S. Pushkin and Borodina M.Yu.Lermontova, Taras Bulba N.V. Gogol and "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy.

The defense of the Fatherland, the struggle for the freedom and independence of their people, the feat in the name of the Motherland is considered in the works of fiction as the most vivid manifestations of a patriotic feeling.

In a modern situation, when a military conflict between individual states is a real threat to all mankind, the expression of a patriotic feeling becomes the movement of supporters of the struggle for peace for the preservation of life on our planet.

In the forefronts of the world, writers are also standing for the world. Certificate of this is their constant interest in the problems of war and peace, huge educational potential the best works modern literaturedevoted to the Great Patriotic War.

What problems are you worried about today's schoolchildren in the artistic literature about the war? What are the motives for their appeal to works about the war? I will give the statement of schoolgirl: "I read a lot about the war. Often think about what is waiting for our planet in the future, and therefore I read our and foreign science with interest. I am struck by the fantastic situation described by Ch. Aytmatov in the novel "Brons of the Film". This is some kind of special, very life fiction, not in order to think about the present. " (Elephimova Aigul, grade 11).

A systematic work on the patriotic education of schoolchildren will certainly give its results, because the younger generation will be brought up not to negate the culture of its country and ridicuing the history of its state, but will learn to find the right benchmarks, to form a system of relationships to one or another events. Literature has great potential in patriotic education.

Oral creativity Any people contains the richest material for education in the spirit of friendship, mutual understanding, hard work, patriotism. This goal is proverbs, sayings, riddles, songs, epics.

Studying "Life of Alexander Nevsky" in grade 8, students talk about the grave expansion of Alexander Nevsky and his spiritual feat Self-sacrifice, the protection of Russian lands from the invasions and raids of enemies. A hot call for the unity of Russia in the face of the external danger, the call for the protection of the peaceful creative work of the Russian population is the main conclusion to which nine-graders come when studying the word about the regiment of Igor. "

For students, enormous material for patriotic and civil education is the episodes of military history of Russia.

So, studying the heroic pages of the history of our country in the poem M.Yu.Lermontov "Borodino" in the 5th grade, students reveal the thoughts and feelings of ordinary soldiers who defended their homeland from the enemy, reflections to the author about the meaning of the Borodino battle and the role of a simple people, Russian national character, About who real people are, which price is mined by the glory of the people. The lessons talk about the war of 1812 and the meaning of the Borodino battle, we are talking about Lermontov not only as a poet, but also the direct member of the battle in the Caucasus. The main thing when analyzing the poem is the answer to the question: "Why did the feelings of the participants of the distant events of 1812 continue to worry us and now? Why during the Great Patriotic War Moscow defenders often uttered words: "Guys! Not Moscow, for us? " Text Analysis is well complemented by the reproduction slides of P. Grebo Panorama of the Borodino battle, "Kutuzov under Borodin" S.Gerasimov and the slides of other authors prepared by the students themselves.

The story of N.V.Gogol "Taras Bulba" (Grade 6) is a glorification combat partnership, condemnation of betrayal. Pupils celebrate the heroism and dedication of Taras and his comrades - the Cossacks in the struggle for their native land, the patriotic pathos of the story. The exploits of Taras and his son Ostap causes students a sense of sincere admiration and gives specific ideas about such features of patriotism as selfless dedication to the homeland, courage and courage in defending her honor and independence. When studying this work, I use video phrases of the film "Taras Bulba" in the lesson as an illustration of a piece, comparison of fragments of artistic text and video phrase. View episodes is accompanied by a conversation in content.

A special place in the literature lessons is working with historical documents. For example, when studying Roman A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter" Students learn to compare, compare, analyze, for example, comparison of the leader of the uprising in different works: The image of Pugachev in folklore, in the works of A.S. Pushkin, S.A. Jeshenina "Pugachev". This work allows students to independently receive knowledge, on the basis of certain beliefs and through an evaluation of events to form a value system. All this leads to the emergence of the child's positive civilian properties.

The fate of the Motherland and the fate of a person is merged into one in the story of M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". Grade 9 students detects such qualities as durability, dedication, the spirit of the partnerships, which have long been inherent in the Russian soldier. Bright example Such a soldier became Andrei Sokolov. The leitmotif of the work is the words of the hero: "... You and the man, that and the soldiers, to all endure, to demolish everything if the need called." Reading and analyzing is completed by watching the film, which gives the opportunity for schoolchildren to feel the extraordinary nature of the Russian person. Analyzing text, students get tasks to find the facts of manifestation of courage and heroism of Russian people in additional literature; Viewing certain actions of our fellow citizens, answer the question: "What would you do in his place?" This question gives rise to a sense of a child's conclusion to the events of the distant past.

To know, understand and feel a person, the event is always easier through art. The formation of patriotic feelings contributes to performance in the lessons creative tasks: draw an illustration for a historical event, make crosswords, voice the dialogue of historical figures, write a movie script, oral drawing. The use of musical fragments, theatrical elements allows you to create a special emotional attitude in the lesson, which will largely determine its success.

The use of ICT-technologies is the result of the formation of a more efficient learning model, is a time requirement that allows you to diversify the lesson, intensify the work of students. The success of training depends on the creative personality of the teacher, from his ability to use ICT, aimed at the formation and development of students' information culture.

Effective use of the newest pedagogical technologies, educational possibilities of forms and teaching methods ensures the education and development of the personality of schoolchildren, contributes to the manifestation of their own moral and civil position, participation in the activities of the patriotic orientation.


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