Conversation what is the homeland. My homeland is Russia (conversation on a patriotic topic with children of the senior preparatory group)

Conversation what is the homeland. My homeland is Russia (conversation on a patriotic topic with children of the senior preparatory group)

Class hour "My Little Homeland"

Compiled by:

Lambina Ekaterina Vasilievna,

primary school teacher

MBOU Berezovskaya initial

comprehensive school

Class: 2Target:
    Formation of holistic ideas of children about their native land, its wealth. Raising love and respect for the small homeland, for the native nature. Development of communication skills.
    Teach children to see the beauty of their native land. Develop interest in the history of the native land, the general outlook of schoolchildren, enrich the child's cognitive experience. Learn to interact in a group, listen and hear others, express your point of view, argue your answer.

Equipment: Multimedia presentation "My Little Homeland", puzzles by the number of groups, details for making a house, cups with berries.

Course of the lesson .

I. Introduction .

Teacher : Hello guys. How quickly the summer flew by. Today we all got together again in our class. I am very glad to see everyone and congratulate you on the start of the new academic year. I hope you all had a good rest, gained strength. And first, I would like to know how you spent the summer: how did you relax, where did you go? (Student stories about summer vacations)

Teacher : According to your stories, you spent your holidays wonderfully, well rested: someone spent the summer in our wonderful village, someone traveled to the cities of Russia, and someone visited abroad.

Wherever we are, we are always drawn home, to our homeland. We will devote our first lesson this academic year to talking about our Motherland.

    Talk about the Motherland .
Teacher : So what is Homeland? (Children's sayings)What do we call the Motherland?The house we live in.And birches along whichWe walk hand in hand. What do we call the Motherland? Sun in the blue sky And fragrant, golden Bread at the festive table.

Teacher : In the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, the following definition is given: “Motherland….

Teacher : Which country is the Motherland for us? (Russia)

Teacher : Name the capital of our Motherland. (Moscow)

Teacher : ( On the background of slides with views of Russia are the words of the teacher )

Russia is the largest country in the world. Its territory stretches from the snow and ice of the Far North to the southern seas. When it’s evening in Moscow, it’s day in Chukotka. On the territory of our Motherland there are both high mountains, deep rivers, and endless fields, dense forests. We are proud of our great Motherland, its nature, hardworking and talented people.

    Conversation about the small homeland .

    Teacher : Guys, have you ever heard of a small homeland? How do you understand the meaning of these words? (Children's sayings)

Teacher : Our Russia is beautiful, but each of us has a place, that corner of the earth where he was born, lives where our relatives live. This place is called - Small Homeland. Everyone has their own place: a region, a city, a village or even a street. We all live with you in the same district, in one dear and beloved village.

Teacher : Guys, what district do we live in? (In the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug)

Connecting taiga and mountains,

Lakes, rivers and fields

Spread out in the vastness of our

Khanty-Mansiysk land. (Slide show with views of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug)

Teacher : The Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug was formed on December 10, 1930. Initially, it was called Ostyako-Vogul from the name of the indigenous inhabitants: Ostyaks - Khanty, Voguls - Mansi.

Guys, how else can you call the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug today? (Ugra)

The territory of our district is very large and in area exceeds the territory of any European state. (Slide)

    Work in groups "Assemble puzzles"
Teacher: Now I offer all of you a familiar game "Collect the puzzles". Whose will the group cope faster? In the meantime, I propose to parents to answer questions.

Parent Quiz:

    Who conquered Siberia? (Ermak Timofeevich)

    What is the name of the long, narrow sleigh used by the indigenous people for riding reindeer sleds? (sled)

    Name the governor of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug? (Komarova N.V.)

    What are the names of the forests of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug? (taiga)

    What is the largest river in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug? (Ob)

    What is the largest city of Ugra in terms of area? (Surgut)

    Working with the assembled puzzle picture.

Teacher : Guys, take a close look at the picture that you got, look what is shown on it. Think about what questions you could ask your comrades. (Children can ask questions: what state symbols are depicted? What do the colors on the flag of the district mean? What animal is depicted? How many districts are part of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug? Etc.)

Teacher : Pay attention to the flag. What colors are displayed on it? Why? (The blue color symbolizes the numerous rivers in our district, rich in fish; green - the forests in which various animals live.)

Teacher : Guys, why do you think there are spruce branches around the shield on the coat of arms? (Children sayings)

Teacher : What is the name of the forests of our district in one word? (taiga)

    Guessing riddles.
Teacher : Who lives in the forests of our district?
    Jump-jump coward
The tail is shortEars along the back,Curled eyes. (Hare)
    Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forestHe walks boldly and easilyHorns spread wide. (Moose)
    Flies, squeaks,
Long legs are dragging.Do not miss the chanceWill sit down and bite. (Mosquito)
    This beast has a huge height,
Behind the beast has a small tail,In front of the beast there is a large tail.Who is this? Who is he? (Elephant) -trap
    Even though I'm not a hammer, I knock on wood:
I want to explore every corner in it.I walk in a red hatAnd the acrobat is beautiful. (Woodpecker)
    Conversation about berries.

Teacher : Which of these animals in the forest do you meet more often? (Komarov)

Why do you go to the forest? (For mushrooms, for berries)

Name the berries that grow in the forests of our district. (Children list)

Who knows which berry is called the queen of berries? (Duchess)

Which berry changes color three times in its short life? (Cloudberry)

What kind of marsh berry can be picked both in autumn and spring? (Cranberries)

Teacher : And now we will check if you can determine the taste of the berry. (One person comes out from each group and with closed eyes tastes the berry and names it)

Teacher : Guys, what else is our region famous for, what natural resources? (Oil Gas)

6) Sights of the village.

You all know that in the territory of our village of Berezovo in 1953, for the first time, a gas fountain started flowing on the territory of the Berezovsky district. Last year we celebrated the 60th anniversary of this event. And another 420 years since the founding of our wonderful village with a rich history.

Guys, what sights are there in our village? (Museum, monument to A. Menshikov, Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, historical square, etc.) (Slides)

    Conversation about sports .

Teacher : Every year, our district and village are developing: new houses, social and cultural facilities are being built, various festivals, sports competitions of different levels are held. Since 1997, in the capital of our district, Khanty-Mansiysk, an open biathlon championship of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug for the Yugra Cup has been held annually, in which the stars of the world biathlon participate.

Now I suggest you warm up a little. Game "Pantomime" (The child shows the movements that characterize any kind of sport, the rest must guess).

Teacher : Guys, who of you knows how boxing is connected with our village? (A famous boxer Ruslan Provodnikov lives in our village) (Slide).

Teacher : In our village there are many not only famous, but also simply wonderful people of different ages, different nationalities. Guys, do you want our village to develop and get better? Who does it depend on? How should people live, we are for this? (In peace and harmony, friendship, creating coziness)

    Work in groups "Building a house"

Teacher : We started our lesson today by talking about where we had been during the summer holidays, how we had a rest. But as the proverb says: “It's good to be away, but ... (it's better at home)

Guys, what do you think, can our small homeland - our district and village be called our home? (Statements of children). What could be more important than a cozy home? I suggest you play builders. We will build a cozy house.

Task for 1 group : Creation of the foundation. Write on the bricks as many words as possible that can be associated with the word "Motherland". (Russia, Yugra, Fatherland, home….)

Task for group 2 : Create walls. Write words

Task for group 3 : Create windows. Write the words in the windows - the feelings that a person experiences in relation to his homeland. (Love, kindness, pride ...

Task for group 4 : Create a roof. To preserve our home - our homeland, all residents must follow the rules. Come up with these rules. (Be kind, be hardworking ... ..)

Children work in groups and take notes (5-7 minutes). After that, a representative of each group comes out and announces the result.

Teacher : Well done boys! Each of you did your best. Our house is built. You have chosen a durable material. Peace and harmony reign in the house. You can be calm for our Motherland if it has such wonderful owners.

    Lesson summary.

Teacher : Guys, what did we talk about today? What do we call our small homeland?

Today is the day of knowledge. Tell me, what new have you learned? What did you remember? What would you like to learn more about?

    Homework .

Write a mini-essay "I invite you to my small homeland"

Topic: I love you, Russia

Target: to cultivate love for the motherland, a sense of pride for their country, Russia; to acquaint children with the Russian coat of arms, flag, anthem; develop an interest in the historical past of Russia.

Course of the lesson

Guys, look at the illustrations at our exhibition. (The illustrations depict a variety of nature, various landscapes of our endless homeland at all seasons.)

(Children look at the illustrations, admire the beauty of fields, meadows, mountains, forests, seas, rivers, lakes, villages, farms, large cities, etc.)

Guys, all you see is our boundless country, Russia. Russia is the largest and one of the richest countries. Each country has its own flag, coat of arms, anthem. (The teacher shows the children the coat of arms, the Russian flag, tells where the children can meet them, everyone listens to the Russian anthem together.) Russia also has other symbols that are characteristic only of our country.

These are Russian nesting dolls, the song "Kalinka", the round dance "In the field there was a birch ...". This round dance was performed many, many years ago, and modern children still know it.

(Round dance game "There was a birch in the field.")

And here the guests came to us. (The group includes dolls Masha and Vanya in Russian national costumes. Children examine the characteristic details of the national costume.)

Our distant ancestors wore such costumes. Do you want to hear a story about Russian antiquity? (We want.)

Residential areas in old Russia were a city, a suburb, a posad, a settlement, a village, a hamlet, a village. Originally the word “city” meant “enclosed area”. In the old heroic times, human dwellings were often threatened by enemies. Courtyards in old Russia were very spacious, they were surrounded by high fences with sharp points. Wooden houses were made of solid pine and oak beams. The beams were folded with great skill. Wealthy people built high houses for themselves, with attics. The commoners' huts were black, without pipes. Images were the main decoration of the houses. The floors were covered with matting and felt. Benches served as seating. Beds were neatly made for the holidays. Baby cradles were made hanging, and icons and crosses were always hung inside them. The huts were lit with torches. Dishes for food were made of wood and decorated with carvings. The food was simple and not varied. Russians ate mostly rye bread. Of the dishes made from dough, the first place is occupied by pies, then pancakes, cheese cakes, pancakes, brushwood, etc. Porridge was prepared from oat and buckwheat groats. Millet porridge was rare. The Russian state abounded in fish, there was a lot of game and it was cheap. Our ancestors, both noble and simple, got up early: in summer - with sunrise, in winter - a few hours before light. Getting out of bed, the Russian person immediately looked for the image with his eyes in order to look at them and cross himself, then proceeded to pray. After the prayer, everyone got down to their business: the merchant went to the shop, the craftsman took up his craft, the clerks went to the clerks' huts, and the boyars in Moscow went to the tsar and were engaged in state affairs.

The Russian people astonished foreigners with their patience, firmness, indifference to any deprivation of conveniences in life. Russian people learned from childhood to endure hunger and cold. The children ran in only shirts, without hats, barefoot in the snow in the bitter frosts. Fasts accustomed the people to coarse and meager food. For diseases, the Russian people looked for remedies in church rituals and resorted to the help of herbalists.

Godly people considered it a sin to seek help from misfortunes in anything other than prayer, and attribute them to anything other than God's wrath.

The Russians had their own national musical instruments: gusli, beeps, snuffles, pipes, domras, bagpipes. The play on them amused the Orthodox people by buffoons. The buffoons were not only musicians. They used various means of entertainment in themselves: some played the whistle, others beat tambourines, others danced ... They played roles, dressed up in old dresses and put on masks. On holidays, in the streets and markets, people gathered for fistfights. People fought, ran a race, rode horses, threw a spear into the ring, fired a bow at the target. The girls danced in circles. Their favorite pastime was riding on swings and merry-go-rounds. The fairs exhibited products by Russian craftsmen who were excellent at using an ax, a saw, and knew how to work with clay, paints, needles, threads, straw, birch bark, metal, bone, and glass.

The Russian man can do everything: turn iron into elegant dishes; stone - in a necklace and a box; wood - in dishes, toys; bone - into jewelry. The fame of talented Russian craftsmen spread all over the world. Foreigners marveled at the patience and courage, fearlessness and devotion of the Russian people. It is not for nothing that epics were composed about Ilya Muromets, about Alyosha Popovich. Do not count the heroes - defenders of the Fatherland, who faithfully served their Russia during the Kulikovo battle, during the war with Napoleon, during the Great Patriotic War with Hitler.

The great Russian generals A. Suvorov, M. Kutuzov, G. Zhukov, ordinary soldiers who defended their Fatherland in battles, their Motherland - beloved Russia, are always an example for us.

Great Russian artists captured their love for Russia in their paintings: I. Levitan, I. Shishkin, A. Savrasov, V. Polenov; in verse - the great Russian poets A. Pushkin, S. Yesenin, A. Blok; in music - the great Russian musicians P. Tchaikovsky, S. Prokofiev.

And at present, the Russian people continue to amaze the whole world with their deep wisdom, sensitivity, kindness of hearts. This is especially evident when you touch the multifaceted wealth of Russian fairy tales, Russian proverbs and sayings, tongue twisters and phrases, riddles and nursery rhymes, jokes and jokes.

And we - Russian people - should proudly bear our worthy name!

Conversation: "My homeland is Russia"

Compiled by: Dreval E.V.

Target : the formation in children of ideas about Russia as a native country.Tasks: Educational: to give children an idea of ​​their homeland - Russia, its capital; to consolidate knowledge about the symbols of our country: flag, coat of arms, anthem;

Educational: to instill in children an interest in the history of their country, a sense of love and pride in their country;

Developing: develop in children the ability to navigate the world map.

Vocabulary work : Russia, coat of arms, anthem, mace, scepter.


Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.

The teacher reads poem "Motherland" V. Orlova

Motherland is a big, big word!

Let there be no miracles in the world

If you say this word with a soul,

It is deeper than the seas, higher than the heavens.

It fits exactly half the world:

Mom and dad, neighbors, friends,

Grandma, school, kitten. And I.

Sunny bunny in the palm of your hand,

Lilac bush outside the window

And there is a mole on the cheek -

This is also the Motherland.

Educator: Guys, what is this poem about? And what is Motherland? How does it start? (Answers of the children.)

Each person has a homeland - this is the place where he was born, spent his childhood, grew up, studied.

“Mom and Dad, neighbors, friends,

Dear city, dear apartment,

Grandma, school, kitten. And I. "

And for us, the Motherland begins from our home, from the trees in our yard, garden; from our street on which we walk every day.

And you probably know the name of the place where you were born ??

What do you like about our village? What can we be proud of? (Answers of children)

For us, the Belovsky District is a small homeland.

Also, every person, besides a small homeland, has a big homeland - this is a certain state or country in which a person lives. What is the name of our big Motherland? (Answers of children).

We live in a country called Russia. Russia is the largest country in the world! Thirteen seas and two oceans wash Russia. There are more than a thousand cities in Russia, many villages, villages, stanitsas. Our country is rich in natural resources such as oil, gas, coal, timber. But this is not the only thing our country is rich in, its main wealth is the people who live in it.

Many people of different nationalities live in Russia: Russians, Bashkirs, Tatars, Chuvash, Mordovians, Buryats, Kalmyks, Yakuts, Nenets ... and all peoples have their own language, culture, national dress, cuisine.

Physical education

They stood together 1, 2, 3!

We are now heroes.

We will put our palm to our eyes,

Let's put our strong legs apart.

Turning to the right

They looked back majestically.

And you have to go to the left too

Look out from under your palms.

And right, and more

Over the left shoulder.

Let's put our legs apart with the letter "L"

As if in a dance - hands on hips.

Our country, like all countries in the world, has its own national flag, coat of arms and anthem. What are the colors of the flag of our country? What do the colors of the Russian flag mean? (Answers of children)

White means peace and freedom, nobility; blue - heaven and truth, honesty;

red - courage and courage, the courage of our people.

Educator: tell me, why does the country need a flag and coat of arms? (unite people) .

What is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia? (Answers of children)

The emblem of our country depicts a golden two-headed eagle, mighty and proud. And next to him is George the Victorious. He, sitting on a horse, pierces a serpent with a spear.

The figure of a horseman means the victory of good over evil. The eagle symbolizes the sun, the unity and independence of our country. Crowns - the union of the republics that are part of Russia;

The rod and the ball mean strong power, protection of the state and its unity.

Game "Find the flag and coat of arms of Russia"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the state flag and coat of arms of Russia.

Two teams are invited to select the flag and coat of arms of Russia from other similar flags and emblems of countries as soon as possible.

Educator: Guys, what is the national anthem? (Answers of children)

The anthem is the main song of our country. It is very solemn and sounds when the national flag of our country is raised.

(Children listen to the audio recording of the Anthem of the Russian Federation and sing along)

What have we just listened to? What was the hymn about? What is glorified in the hymn? (Answers of children)

Educator: Each country has a main city - the capital. Which city is the capital of Russia? (Answers of children)

Moscow is a very ancient city. There are many beautiful churches, theaters and monuments in Moscow. The main square of the country is called Red Square, where military parades and holidays are held. To the west of it is the Moscow Kremlin, where the president of our country, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, works.

Game "My question is your answer"(with a ball)

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children gained during the lesson.

Is our country called?

What is the name of the capital of our country?

What does the white color of the flag of our country mean?

What does the blue color of the flag of our country mean?

What does the red color of the flag of our country mean?

What is depicted on the coat of arms of our country?

What is the national anthem?

What is the main square of our country called?

Is the President of our country called?

Bottom line.

Educator: Did you guys like our lesson? What were we talking about today? What new have you learned today (Answers of the children) And I would like to end our lesson with these words

You will not find on the world map

The house you live in

And even dear streets

We will not find that on the map.

But we will always find on it

Our country is our common home.

The material is taken from Internet resources.

Conversation Topic: MY HOMELAND - RUSSIA


Lead children to the understanding of the concept of "Motherland";

To give an idea of ​​the native land, of the Motherland; to acquaint with the concepts of "citizen", state symbols: flag, coat of arms, anthem;

To instill in students a sense of patriotism, a respectful attitude towards state symbols;

To reveal some possible forms of manifestation of love for their Fatherland, both by adults and children;

Develop self-esteem, positive ka
personality traits.


Posters with state symbols, a photograph of the President of the Russian Federation, an audio recording of the national anthem of the Russian Federation, an audio recording of the song "Corner of Russia"; cards with the words Motherland, Fatherland, Motherland, Russia, Russia, poems by poets, a proverb, drawings of students.


Draw pictures on the theme: "My Motherland is Russia."

Learn poems about the Motherland.


1. E.V. Bees. State symbols of Russia.

Uch. allowance. M. Russian word.

Y. Yakovlev. "My Motherland" M. Enlightenment 1989

Collection of poems about the Motherland. Moscow 1997

Encyclopedia for children. Russian history.

Moscow "Avanta +" 1995

5. Encyclopedia for children. Geography of Russia.

Moscow "Avanta +" 1995


(On the blackboard poster)



Guys, how do you understand the meaning of the word Motherland?

Homeland is the place where a person was born, where he lives, works, studies, where his relatives, friends and relatives live.

Choose words close in meaning to the word Motherland (cards with the words: Motherland, Fatherland, Fatherland, Russia, Russia are used.)

For clear dawns, washed with dew,

For a light brown field with mature ears

Behind the rivers pouring in blue flames

You were named Russia in Slavonic.

A. Levushkin. Teacher:

We live in the Russian Federation, in Russia. We are residents of Russia,
Russians, each of us is a citizen of Russia. Citizen - resident
a country that recognizes her laws, loves her, is proud of her successes,
together with her she experiences sorrow and joy.

The main law of the country is the Constitution. It was adopted on December 12, 1993. It contains the rights and obligations of every inhabitant of our country.

What symbols does our country have? (Coat of arms, flag, anthem)

Why do you think the country needs symbols?

What are the colors of the State Flag of the Russian Federation? (White, blue, red) Teacher:

The flag is over 300 years old. White means peace, purity of conscience. Blue is the sky, fidelity, truth, pure, high. Red is fire, courage, a symbol of life.


  • to consolidate the knowledge of pupils about the state symbols of Russia, about the rights and obligations of young citizens in society;
  • develop oral spoken language, monitor pronunciation;
  • develop interest in Russian history;
  • foster a sense of pride in your country.

Equipment: a map of Russia, pictures, cards, photographs of smuggled heroes, a film about the war, audio recordings of songs.

Course of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

What's your mood?

a) Hardware setup. * Names.

b) Phonetic charging * Installation

a _ o _ y _ that to that constitution ra ro ru Russia, Russia

Constitution - ... (Basic Law)

Our Motherland - ... (Russia)

Add orthoepy marks.

The result of f.z.

II. Message of the topic of the lesson.

* Attitudes towards activity.

What do we call the Motherland?

Student. The house where you and I live
And birches along which
We are walking next to my mother.

Where do you live, …?

Ask ... where does he / she live? (Organization of dialogue)

What city do you study in?

Student. In the city of Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo region. (Work on the map)

Homeland is the place where you live with your parents and friends. Each person has a city or village where he was born, lived and studied. This is his little homeland. Our common, great homeland consists of many such small corners.

What is the name of our homeland?

Student. Our Motherland is Russia. The capital of Russia - the city of Moscow (work on the map)

So, the topic of our lesson "Our Motherland - Russia"

III. Conversation.

1. State symbols, rights and obligations of young citizens.

What do we call the Motherland?

Student. All that we cherish in our heart
And under the blue-blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin.

The constitution says that we must respect the state symbols of the country.

D / and "State symbols"

Student. White color - birch,
Blue is the color of the sky
The red stripe is a sunny dawn. (About the flag)

Student. Russia has a stately
There is a double-headed eagle on the coat of arms,
To the west and east
He could have looked at once. (About the coat of arms)

What else do you know about the constitution?

Student. The Constitution is the main law of the state, where the rights and obligations of citizens are recorded.

Guys, and children, as citizens of Russia, what rights do they have?

Children create a stand "Children's Rights"

Now remember what responsibilities schoolchildren have.

Children create a stand "Responsibilities of schoolchildren"

2. Holidays in Russia.

What do we call the Motherland?

Student. A field with a thin spikelet
Our holidays and songs
Warm evening outside the window.

D / and "Holidays of Russia"

3. Physical minutes. (Muz. "My Motherland")

4. Russia is a multinational state.

Russia is the largest state in the world. All citizens living in Russia are, according to the Constitution, Russians. More than 180 nationalities live on the territory of our country. And they all make up a single and friendly family. There is a proverb:

When the people are one, they are invincible (choral reading)

Poems (read by children)

Different peoples have been living in Russia for a long time.
Some like the taiga, others like the steppe space.
Each nation has its own language and dress.
One wears a Circassian coat, the other put on a robe.

D / and "Russia is a multinational state"

5. Heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Many trials fell to the lot of the Russian people. One of them is the Great Patriotic War.

When did the Great Patriotic War start?

When did the war end?

Name the heroes - smoked.

Students. Azarov Evgeny, Dyuzhev Mikhail, Chechenev Mikhail, Shelomtsev Nikolay, Gnedin Victor, Chernov Grigory, Zonov Panteley, Schultz Mikhail, Maltsev Mikhail, Shishkin Mikhail, Ulanin Dmitry, Buslov Fedor, Selivanov Evgraf, Kolpakov Peter, Chernykh Ivan, Martekhov Vasily.

Poems (read by children)

How many children have their childhood returned,
Gave joy and spring
Privates of the Soviet army,
People who won the war.
The bright memory of them is alive,
And we will always remember the dead.
Honor, honor, praise to all heroes.
We remember the dead while standing.

Music, a film about the war, everyone honors the memory of the victims standing.

IV. Lesson summary.

Poem (read by a student)

Autumn is lovelier to some, spring is lovelier to others.
And we all have one homeland, Russia.

I wish you to grow up as real citizens who know and respect the history of their country, its national characteristics. And so that you are proud of your Motherland - Russia.

Gifts for children (notebooks "I am proud of Russia")

- * What did we do?

How do you think, how did you speak today, how did you work?

Assessment of the activities and speech of pupils.


1. E.N.Stepanov "Planning educational work in the classroom", Moscow, 2002

2. I.V. Koltunenko “Development of speech of deaf schoolchildren”, Moscow, 1980

3. VA Stepanov “Our Motherland - Russia”, Smolensk, 2008