Grammatically correct speech. How to develop speech: simple exercises

Grammatically correct speech.  How to develop speech: simple exercises
Grammatically correct speech. How to develop speech: simple exercises

One of the most important elements in assessing a person is the voice. Most often, if we are pleased with the way a person speaks, then we will enjoy communicating with him, and we will listen to him with pleasure. Therefore, a competently delivered speech and, moreover, a beautiful one is the key to success in any communication - even personal, even business. And often she even attracts attention and presents a person in an advantageous light in comparison with those who do not know how to correctly structure their speech. But how do you deliver the speech? Almost everyone can cope with this task - you just need to perform certain exercises, which we will now tell you about.

How to deliver the right speech

The basic rule here is to read regularly. If your speech is really bad, then you need to read aloud for at least 20-30 minutes a day. This simple exercise will help you deal with unnecessary traits such as shyness and self-doubt, as well as acquire the necessary skills. By reading aloud, you will undoubtedly teach yourself to speak aloud, but with the difference that it will be a beautiful literary speech, and not a simple spoken language. Of course, for reading aloud, it is best to select classical fiction, which is saturated with expressive means of language. Children are usually the pickiest listeners, so having them in your home is great. If your children listen to you carefully, then you, in fact, have nothing to worry about, although this does not mean that you no longer need to improve your speaking skills. This must be done constantly. Well, and, of course, read more and regularly so that the skill of correct pronunciation is not lost. And now about another good way to deliver a competent speech.

Choosing a sample

Choose a person whose voice and speech style you like. It is best to choose from a TV or radio presenter, as these people are specially trained to speak correctly. Once you've chosen, start imitating him (or her). To do this, record the voice of the presenter and your own voice and compare the result. Particular attention should be paid to the pronunciation of consonants, because "clumsy" speech looks precisely because of their incorrect pronunciation. Most often, a kind of "porridge" is observed in the mouth, because of which a person begins to mumble and speak almost inarticulate. It is by comparing the pronunciation of consonants that you will see the shortcomings that need to be corrected in order to succeed.

How to deliver speech correctly - tongue twisters

Tongue twisters, which need to be pronounced as quickly and clearly as possible, help very well. Choose the tongue twister that has the most difficult sounds to pronounce. For example, the formulation of sounds such as "b", "p", "g" and "k" is facilitated by a tongue twister: "The bull is stupid, stupid goby, the bull had a blunt lip", for whistling and hissing "s" and "w "The equally famous tongue twister" Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying "will do, and so on. Of course, you need to start with simple tongue twisters (like the above), and then gradually move on to more complex ones. By the way, for greater effect, you can pronounce tongue twisters and / or read with a full mouth. For this purpose, nuts are well suited, only it is best to stuff your mouth with peeled hazelnuts, or if they are not peeled, then at least wash them before class. Well, and some more useful recommendations. When talking, you do not need to grit your teeth, since such a position of the teeth does not allow you to clearly pronounce words, and this can lead to misunderstanding on the part of others. Finally, try to communicate regularly and regularly increase your vocabulary (especially through reading). Very often people cannot find the right words, replacing them with various not very articulate sounds like "mmm", "eee", "ummm", etc. It sounds and looks not very nice from the outside, believe me, and at times it is just ridiculous.

The ability to speak beautifully will be useful to every person, regardless of profession. The interlocutors always react positively to the delivered voice, good diction, well-constructed phrases and justified intonations. We master the introduction to the art of rhetoric.

Among the professions in demand recently, most are based on the ability to speak beautifully and correctly. Lawyers, politicians, announcers on numerous television and radio channels, teachers, those who work with clients - in a word, representatives of a huge number of successful people should speak in such a way that they will be listened to, listened to and admired.

Therefore, work on your speech includes three main areas:

  • diction training (clear pronunciation);
  • work on the technique and content of speech;
  • increasing your vocabulary and developing speech.

In addition to verbal (verbal) means of speech, there are non-verbal means of speech: intonation, facial expressions, communication with a glance, etc. True, these means will begin to "work" if the main tool - your beautiful speech - will bear fruit.

The correctness of speech, the clarity of the origin of vowels and consonants, the change in intonation, the emphasis in voice - all these characteristics of your speech will help you to influence almost any person, to win him over, to convince him that he is right or in the need to continue further cooperation with you.

Diction training

You need to start your workout with correct breathing. If you breathe incorrectly, then this can lead to a breakdown of the voice, prolonged pauses, a distortion of the meaning of the phrase. Therefore, during public speaking, speakers do not use ordinary breathing, but speech. Normal breathing may simply not be enough, so it is important to learn how to use air correctly and restore it in time. In this case, diaphragmatic breathing is used. It develops with a whole system of breathing exercises, but they require perseverance and great patience.

  • Record your reading of any text on a dictaphone.
  • Listen to the resulting recording.
  • Let others listen to it.
  • Compare your opinion and someone else's.
  • Highlight the main disadvantages.

The most common pronunciation mistakes are:

  • incorrect pronunciation of vowels in a weak position (without stress);
  • "Eating" individual consonants;
  • loss of vowel sounds;
  • incorrect connection of consonants when connecting them;
  • indistinct pronunciation of hissing and whistling sounds;
  • incorrect pronunciation of soft sounds, etc.

It is advisable to correct diction with the help of specialists. Now there are many organizations where speech therapists work. Of course, mainly, classes are designed for children, but you can take private lessons in order to quickly achieve the desired effect.

All classes should begin with exercises to relax the muscles responsible for correct articulation. It is better to follow a certain sequence of exercises. You need to start the exercises with the simplest ones, gradually moving on to more complex ones. You need to do it every day. Proceed to working out the next exercise only after complete assimilation of the previous one. Every day you need to set new goals and objectives. The results achieved should be maintained from time to time by repeating the basic exercises.

Work on the content and technique of your speech

One of the most common mistakes in speech is speaking too fast. When a person is in a hurry, as they say, chattering, it is difficult to perceive him. You need to learn to control the pace of your speech. To begin with, you can pronounce some speech material at a very slow pace that does not require special understanding. It can be a sequence of numbers, for example, up to a hundred, names of months, cities or countries, a list of male or female names.

It is better to write this sequence so that you can pronounce the words in forward and backward order. Over time, having memorized this sequence, it is better to reproduce from memory, while simultaneously training memory. Then you need to move on to repeating the text by ear. Moreover, it should be recorded at a fast pace, but you will need to repeat it at a slow pace.

How to "put" a voice

Of course, the term "voice acting" refers more to musicians, actors and other creative professions. It means that you need to train the strength of the voice, its range and timbre. The strength of the voice can be trained by pronouncing texts of a different nature loudly and clearly: poems, fables, odes, prose verses.

The range can be expanded by pronouncing a variety of text exercises in the highest or lowest tones. In this case, the voice, ideally, should become higher or lower, depending on the ultimate goal. The timbre of the voice depends on overtones, that is, on an additional tone that sounds like a kind of echo. The overtone appears at the moment of sound reflection from the wall of a natural resonator (own skull, chest cavity, larynx, and others).

Speech development

Unfortunately, modern people are becoming more and more tongue-tied, they cannot correctly express a thought, they get confused in the meanings of words. There are many reasons for this.

Firstly, they don't read much now, as they spend more time in front of a computer monitor or TV screen.

Secondly, they hear too little samples of literate speech. It's no secret that even from a TV screen you rarely hear samples of correct and beautiful speech. There is no need to talk about radio stations at all: DJs communicate with radio listeners in the same way as they used to communicate with friends - interspersed with their speech with slang words and expressions.

Thirdly, theatrical performances are rarely watched. After all, a theater requires a special style of clothing, there you need to behave culturally, the most important thing is to understand the content of individual mise-en-scenes, the complexity of the characters' character. All this requires extra effort from people, so it is much easier to go to the movies, eat popcorn and "neigh".

However, if you are firmly convinced that your speech is distinguished by a poor vocabulary, an abundance of speech errors and incorrect sentence construction, and you intend to learn how to hold the audience's attention, then you just need to urgently start working on your own speech.

Learning to speak beautifully

So, here are some tips to help you learn to master beautiful and competent speech.

1. Build sentences correctly

Illiterate and monotonous speech is betrayed primarily by incorrectly constructed sentences. When a person painfully chooses words to continue the thought he has begun, makes long pauses, and as a result gets a "clumsy" thought, this indicates that he does not possess the technique of correct construction of sentences.

To learn the correct construction, you need to start with written exercises, writing down interesting thoughts, observations, aphorisms in a separate notebook. In the future, immediately before the speech, you need to compose the text in advance on paper, retelling according to the prepared plan, repeating individual expressions.

You can generally keep a diary (this is fashionable, judging by TV shows like "The Diary of Dr. Zaitseva" and others like him), writing down impressions of the day, some of your observations, reasoning. All this contributes to the development of speech in general, and of the correct construction of sentences in particular.

2. Increase your vocabulary

Poor speech betrays meager vocabulary. If a person expresses his assessments, judgments, remarks with the same words, this suggests that it is difficult for him to express his thoughts due to lack of knowledge. Therefore, such a speech makes a repulsive impression, and the person himself will not have authority, especially among those who are fluent in speech.

Agree, in our time, say, a tongue-tied headmaster is nonsense. He simply will not be able to speak in front of teachers, which means that he will not be able to gain prestige either among colleagues or among students of his own school. After all, even illiterate students understand that teachers, and even more so the director, must be literate in every sense of the word.

How to diversify your speech? Of course, first of all, work with an explanatory dictionary. Having heard a new word for yourself, you need to find its meaning in the dictionary, write out and remember. Moreover, you need to memorize a word only in context, that is, in a sentence. Used without context, the word may be incomprehensible or perceived in a distorted meaning.

It's not bad to solve at least crosswords or scanwords, because the meanings of words are also given there, and sometimes in an allegorical or ironic sense, which helps to learn to understand the polysemy of a word. It is also important to read articles in various magazines - not only in glossy ones.

For example, reading economic news will help you understand the financial and legal areas and will greatly enrich your speech with terms from these areas. If you are interested in medicine, even while watching programs like "Living Healthy" and the like, you can understand a variety of medical concepts, ranging from an elementary injection to highly specialized terms.

Reading articles on psychology, you can expand your vocabulary with a variety of fairly modern concepts, because now almost everyone is either his own psychologist or his own doctor. Ideally, it's best to expand your social circle. After all, while maintaining relationships with lawyers, IT specialists, doctors, teachers, etc., you, willingly or unwillingly, will hear new words for you, starting to gradually understand their meaning, and then introducing them into your own speech.

3. Learn to highlight the main thing

Attention to detail is good for observation. But, especially in the public, excessive detail can lead to weakening of interest and boredom. Therefore, it is important to learn how to compress any information. It is quite easy to compress the amount of information with the help of computer programs. How to do this with text?

You need to learn how to control the rate of speech so that there is time to stop before you have time to blurt out something like that. Let it be better to have a short pause than "ecane" and "flop". This requires self-discipline from a person, constant self-control, but the result is certainly worth the sacrifice.

5. Expand your speaking practice

Now, in the age of testing and cheating homework, it is rarely possible to give a monologue speech. That is why former schoolchildren and students then come to work tongue-tied. Therefore, if you set yourself the goal of learning to speak correctly, it is important to use all the opportunities for public speaking already at school.

Oral answers in the classroom, speeches at various scientific and practical conferences, speeches in front of classmates, on stage - all this will help not only to become self-confident, but also make them speak coherently, competently, and convincingly.

Of course, reading classic fiction or non-fiction literature will also help, because you can always give examples from books or modern reality. And nothing makes a speech more convincing than bringing a lot of arguments.

Use gestures that will make you feel more comfortable in front of the audience, and the audience will evoke the right associations. If at first you will speak, peeping at the notes, then frequent and lengthy speeches will soon help you feel confident even during direct communication with the audience or a certain circle of people.

Competent oral speech will greatly help you in life when speaking in public or in a personal conversation, when applying for a job and defending a diploma. Poor vocabulary and difficulties in communicating thoughts coherently, on the contrary, can do a disservice.

Any skill, like the skill of competent conversation, can be acquired. This is helped by reading quality literature. You should not rely on reading books, consisting of one-day books. Their authors, at times, themselves are guilty of illiteracy. You should focus on reading classics, on the works of the world's best authors.

The retelling of books or films that have sunk into the soul helps to acquire literacy. Try to make the retelling detailed and watch those who listen to you so that they do not get bored. If this suddenly happened, it means that you were not able to convey to them your impressions of the film. Perhaps the listener is confused about the personal pronouns with which you are trying to convey the essence. He already does not understand who "he" or "she" is and why there are so many of them.

Superfluous words clogging up speech need to be removed from everyday life. They do not make any sense and do not carry useful information. Examples of such words and expressions are the tautology: "minute of time", "lift up", "not May month". After all, May cannot be an hour or a year, why then use the superfluous word “month” next to it?

A tautology is an unnecessary repetition of words that are close in meaning or have the same root. Vivid examples of tautology: "ask a question" and "oil oil". Try not to use such expressions. Watch the speech of TV presenters, politicians, or your closest acquaintances. Analyze their mistakes, try to find a replacement for their unsuccessful turns. Then it will become easier for you to catch speech incidents in your conversation.

Try to avoid words you don't understand the meaning of. Otherwise, you will be like Shchukar, who believed that a modest girl is called a "lampshade", and a girl of easy virtue is called a "curb". The dictionary of foreign words and the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language perfectly enrich the lexicon. But do not forget about the correct stress in words!

Slang, both professional and youth, is far from always appropriate. If it is acceptable at work or in a circle of friends, then it is hardly worth using it in formal conversations.

Constantly monitor your speech, and then it will gradually become beautiful and competent.

Throughout the development of mankind, the ability to speak correctly, beautifully aroused admiration. The names of the great orators have survived to this day: Cicero, Plato, Aristotle, Demosthenes. They were great orators, thinkers, philosophers.

The ability to speak correctly is needed by a modern person more than ever. Hundreds of modern professions require competently formulating thoughts, clearly presenting a topic that is important to convey to the listener.

Professions that require communication with a person, a group of people, an audience: lawyers, sales managers, politicians, teachers and teachers. The list goes on.

To be able to master a word, master the art of persuasion, speak competently, clearly, interestingly, so that every word reaches the listener - these are the principles of the art of speaking beautifully.

How can this be achieved? There are three basic principles, the observance of which will allow you to succeed in this direction:

  1. Clear pronunciation of words (diction).
  2. Speech technique, content.
  3. Large vocabulary.

Imagine a person who does not pronounce some of the letters. It is impossible to understand what he is talking about, the meaning of what was said is lost. Remember the phrase of the famous speech therapist played by Rolan Bykov. "I live on Kievskaya Street, and she is on Kievskaya (Kirovskaya)." Pronounce each vowel and consonant in a word clearly, clearly.

In addition to obvious speech defects, there are pronunciation errors that do not adorn the speech and make it less convincing.

These include:

  1. Incorrect pronunciation of unstressed sounds.
  2. Loss of pronunciation of individual consonants.
  3. "Eating" vowel sounds.
  4. Indistinct pronunciation of hissing sounds.
  5. Incorrect connection of sounds.
  6. Incorrect pronunciation of soft sounds.

This is caused by the peculiarities of pronunciation in the area where the person lives. You need to correct diction with a speech therapist. You can negotiate and take private lessons.

It's important to know! To learn how to pronounce the letters correctly, work on articulation - relaxation of the facial muscles.

An important condition is the rate of speech. A fast-speaking person is chattering, so it is difficult to understand what he is saying. To fix this, speak slowly. For example, count to a hundred, pronounce a list of names, cities. Doing this by regularly speaking the words in sequence: forward and backward.

Develop your speech, replenish your vocabulary. This is done only by reading literature. You need to read a lot. Desirable classical literature - an example of literate speech.

Make it a rule to read two or three pages aloud a day, always with expression. Watch classic productions: films, performances. There is no other way to improve your vocabulary.

Beautiful speech: lessons and exercises

You can learn to speak correctly and beautifully on your own. This requires daily training. Let's look at five exercises to help you develop your speech.

Write and repeat words with matching consonants: platoon, colander, swagger, and so on.

Learn by heart and repeat tongue twisters that combine hard-to-pronounce consonants.

Pronounce sayings with hard-to-pronounce consonants P and S. Read slowly at first, pronouncing each word. Gradually increase your chanting speed.

Take a sentence and, repeating, accentuate each word in turn. "The student did the exercise right." First, accentuate the stress on the first word, then on the second, third, fourth. Watch as the meaning changes.

After taking a short breath, while exhaling, pronounce the consonants clearly (aaauuuoooeeeee). After that, as you exhale, count to five, clearly pronouncing the numbers.

Fast way

When talking, try to be laconic. Do not use words whose meaning you do not know, so as not to seem ridiculous.

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Nowadays, correct speech, unfortunately, is gradually losing its meaning. It is being replaced by combinations of foreign words, neologisms and slang expressions, which appeared as a result of technological progress and development in the scientific field. The more expressive, brighter and richer your language is, the higher your abilities and talents will be evaluated. And then it will be easier for you to communicate with people.

How important is the ability to speak correctly?

Modern man does not pay enough attention to the development of his speech. Even in schools, the formation of correct and competent speech in children has receded into the background. The result is sad - we are losing the speech skills that our compatriots possessed. After all, they used to demonstrate all the primordial beauty of the Russian language to those who are unfamiliar with its features.

Correct phrases speak of a person's culture and undoubtedly contribute to a good first impression.

It is a noble goal to learn how to speak correctly. Speaking clearly and beautifully will help you stand out from those around you, even if you are not dreaming.

It should be said that grammatically correct speech is not a talent given to a person from birth. Almost every one of us can easily begin to speak correctly. The main thing is that you have the desire and free time, the opportunity to work and improve your skills.

"If you can't control your speech, then don't expect to control your mind." This is why correct speech is so important in everyday life.

Speech right and wrong

Correct speech with negative connotation means neglect of four types of harmful speech:

1. Lies

These are words spoken for the purpose of distorting the truth.

2. Harsh speech

It is pronounced when they want to hurt the feelings of the interlocutor.

3. Discordant speech

Pronounced with the intention of generating animosity between people.

4. Empty chatter

It is a spoken speech without any purpose at all.

Correct speech with a positive coloring means mastering a speech that will be open, harmonious and comfortable for you. Those around you will be more willing to listen to your words, owning such a speech. They are likely to reciprocate your questions and suggestions.

For many of us, the hardest part of practicing speaking correctly is expressing our sense of humor. We are used to joking with a bit of exaggeration and sarcasm, which is wrong in speech. People get used to this kind of frivolous humor and stop listening carefully to what we have to say. Thus, we belittle our own speech. But in fact, the world is full of irony and sarcasm. And we need to exaggerate things or be sarcastic. A good humorist is one who is able to look at ordinary things from an unusual angle.

When we show our sense of humor efficiently and intelligently, which requires much more effort, then it will be successfully appreciated by others.

Thus, pay attention to what you are saying and why you are saying it.

Learning to speak correctly

Now in many cities courses of correct speech are conducted. If you are confused about how to deliver a speech correctly, sign up for them. There you will be able to master the skills of cultural communication, get acquainted with the culture of correct speech and understand how to build sentences to bring them in line with the norms of the Russian language. Both adults and children can attend such lessons of speech literacy. A child can improve their academic performance, increase self-confidence and gain respect from their peers. If your child has speech problems, explain to him that mastering the correct speech is an important human dignity that helps him in life, at work and in other areas of activity.

Correct speech lessons will help you not only improve your knowledge, but also succeed in a particular area. A person who speaks beautifully and at the same time is understandable for others will always be heard by the interlocutors - whether they are business partners or.

After a couple of lessons, you will see a positive result: the correct Russian speech in your communication will replace the trendy words that tire the listener and do not command respect for the speaker. Because he uses them too often, forgetting that a good selection of competent words is the key to success in public speaking.

1. Your answers should be concise. Better to answer no, yes, or of course than uh-huh or no. However, a monosyllabic answer always seems too straightforward, so it was a good idea to add a few more words.

2. Don't mumble or speak too fast. The manner of speaking characterizes a person no less than what he says.

3. Learn to pronounce words clearly. A person who mutters to himself does not make a very good impression. Sometimes it is an indicator of a lack of knowledge and culture.

5. Listen to how people speak, whose speech is literate and is considered a standard.

6. Encourage the use of proverbs, phraseological units, and sayings of the language in speech.

7. Study the origins of words, thereby developing your vocabulary.

8. Reading fiction will also help you improve your speech.