In which age, Euspensky lived. Such different works of Assumption

In which age, Euspensky lived. Such different works of Assumption
In which age, Euspensky lived. Such different works of Assumption

Nikolayevich is one of the most popular children's writers in the post-Soviet space. Not one generation of children has grown, reading the books written by them.

Children's and youthful years of Assumption

The future writer was born in 1937 in the small town of Egoryevsk, which is located in the Moscow region. His parents were educated peopleThey had Edward - not the only child in the family, the boy had an older brother Igor, and later Yuri appeared. After the start of the war, young Eduard, together with his mother and brothers, was evacuated. Until 1944, the family lived in the Urals.

Returning to Moscow, future writer I went to school, but I was not very good. Only in the seventh grade, he began to do progress in study, it was best enough to mathematics. Big role In the hobby of Edward reading, Schifi Nikolai Stepanovich Privier played, who had a huge library, carefully kept the book and forbade them to exchange them for food.

The first experiments in the renovation refer to the time when young Uspensky studied in the ninth grade. At that time, writing was fashionable hobby. The poetic works of Assumption were published in literary newspapers And they sounded from radios. A big role in the formation of Assumption as a writer of children's books played experience in camps as a pioneerweave.

Adult Uspensky

Becoming a student of the capital Aviation Institute, Edward Uspensky continued to engage literary activities. After graduating in 1961 higher educational institutionHe went to work at the plant in his specialty. Together with Gorin, A. Arkanov and F. Kamov, the writer took part in the creation of a "four under one cover" book, which in a short time became popular. Thanks to this, Edward Uspensky and Felix Kamov organized the "TV" student theater. Success was colossal.

Later, the writer made the founder of the gear " Good night, kids "," Abvgdaka "," Radionan "," ships came to our harbor. " For their own creative activity He was awarded the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree.

Edward Uspensky was married three times. From the first marriage, he has daughter Tatiana, from the second brother - daughters Irina and Svetlana. The third marriage with collapsed in 2011, there were no children from the pair.

Creative activity writer

1965 was marked by the release of a collection of poems Edward Uspensky "Everything is in order", which immediately received recognition of readers. However, the most famous works Assumption - books for children's audience. Crocodile Uncle Fedor, Matroskin and the Ball, Postman Pechkin - It is unlikely to find a child who does not know these characters. It is thanks to the Uspensky for the world a children's cartoon series "Fixy", which is so loved by modern young viewers. It is based on the story of the Assumption "Warranty Mens", which appeared in 1974.

Children's writer Uspensky

Cheburashka is one of the most famous heroescreated by this author. Together with her friends, a crocodile, Gaja, Dumb Galya, Dima's Dima, an excellent staff Marius - he opened the friendship house. This event was based on the story "and his friends." This work was written in prosaic form, before that, Assumption wrote poetic texts. The heroes of the writer were so loved by the audience that, from under his pen, a few more stories came out, ones and plays, in which friends were waiting for new fascinating adventures.

In 2012 russian ministry Education and science included the first story about the adventures of the crocodile genes and Cheburashka in a list of a hundred books, which are recommended by the student middle aged for independent reading.

Cycle Assue on Uncle Fedor

Already long years A great success among readers enjoy the works of Uspensky about the boy named Uncle Fedor and his friends - animals: the cat on the nicknamed Matroskin and the PSE named the ball. The first story of this cycle saw the light in 1974. In total, seven books entered the cycle. Assumption's fairy tales were so popular that they will form cartoon films. In the period from 1975 to 2011, five cartoons who tell about the adventures of the smart boy Uncle Fedor and his speaking friends were attached to the TV screens.

The latter was the cartoon "Spring in Prostokvashino". Matroskin and the ball receive a letter from Uncle Fyodor, in which the boy reports that he will soon come. His parents will be followed. but an old house Too small to accommodate all guests. And then Uncle Fedor appeals for help to one construction company.which quickly built a modern cottage.

The audience met the cartoon ambiguously. Spectators criticized the rice, which is very different from the original. The plot and also caused a lot of discontent.

Adventures of faith and anfisa

The works of Assumption about the little girl faith, her parents and annex also have many fans. The author describes the life of this wonderful family in a cheerful and fascinating form. Readers are happy to follow the adventures of the girl and monkey in kindergarten, school and clinic. On the example of his heroes Assumption explains young readersWhat to do if you are lost.

Uspensky Eduard Nikolaevich is a man who knows all the inhabitants of our country. He made a significant contribution to the development of children's domestic literature. Uspensky's fairy tales can be found in every home, they teach children friendship and care for animals.

Edward Uspensky is currently very sick - outstanding writer Cancer the fourth stage, he is confident that his third wife Eleanor Filina left him because of a terrible diagnosis and quickly found a lover.

In the program "New Russian Sensations" on NTV, Edward Uspensky spoke in detail about the tragedy, which occurred in his family. An 80-year-old writer, playwright and screenwriter, the author of children's books and the TV presenter suffers very much as due to illness and because of the fact that Eleanor Filina threw him in the hardest moment of his life.

Currently, the sick writer caresses his second spouse Elena, which he left for Eleonora in 2005, however, she found her strength to forgive her husband's betrayal and helps him fight a dangerous disease.

Edward Uspensky is now undergoing the fourth course of chemotherapy and hopes for recovery soon, because doctors note a positive dynamics, although the author of such popular books, like "Crocodile Gena and his friends" and "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat".

At the same time, the writer and his former third spouse, a 55-year-old TV presenter Eleanor Filina, with which they met on the set of the program "Ships in our harbor", after a while they still have been recalled, and there are no disagreements yet - everyone lives their lives .

Eduard Assumption Biography

Edward Fedorovich Uspensky was born on December 22, 1937 in the city of Yegoryevsk in the Moscow region in the family of Nikolai Mikhailovich (1903-1947), an employee of the office of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), and Natalia Alekseevna (1907-1982), engineering engineer.

After graduating from school, Edward entered the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), receiving a diploma of which he became an engineer. At this time, he also begins to write scripts and stories for children as a hobby. In addition, he creates and conducts student cabbage and speeches of the local "club fun and resourceful."

After some time, Edward Fedorovich realizes that the work of the engineer is not for him and completely devotes his time writing stories and poems for children, as well as humorous sketches and stories for the Satira block.

The first book of Assumption about the currently well-known Uncle Fedor "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat" was published in 1974. Multipliers drew attention to the children's book and offered the author to remove the series of cartoons on the book.

As a result, thanks to them, Assumption gains recognition and world fame. Its stories are translated into more than 20 languages \u200b\u200bof the world and are actively published and reprinted many years after their appearance. The writer is invited to the Writers of Sweden. They admire others famous writers, such as Astrid Lindgren, Tuva Jansson and Anna Schmidt.

Improving creative heritage Writer, the scriptwriter looks impressive:


Crocodile Gena and his friends (1966, 1970)
Multicolored family (1967)
So School (1968)
Crocodile Gena (1970)
Balloons (1971)
Down the magic river (1972)
Hollyde (1973)
Inheritance Bahram (1973)
Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat (1974)
Academician Ivanov (1974)
Leave Crocodile Gene (1974)
Warranty men (1975)
Crocodile Gena (1975)
All right (1976)
Repeat (1976)
Amazing business (1976)
Crocodile Gena (1977)
Crocodile gene and other fairy tales (1977)
Down the magic river (1979)
Clown School (1981)
Hollyde (1982)
If I were a girl (1983)
Vacation in Prostokvashino (1983)
Over our apartment (1980, 1981, 1984)
Faith and anfisa in the clinic (1985)
Faith and Anfisa get acquainted (1985)
Cloown Ivan Bull (1987)
Kolobok walks along the trail (1987)
25 professions Masha Filipenko (1988)
About Sidorov Vova (1988)
Fur board (1989)
Red Hand, Black Sheet, Green Fingers (1990)
Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat (Dialogues on Political Affairs) (1990)
"Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat, and Politics (1991)
Lectures of Professor Tearnova (1991)
Gram: A book for one reading and ten illiterate (1992)
Business Crocodile Genes (1992)
Year of a nice child (1992) (co-author E. de Ground)
Underwater Berets (1993)
Aunt Uncle Fyodor, or Escape from Prostokvashino (1995)
Winter in Prostokvashino (1997)
Favorite girl Uncle Fedor (1997)
New Orders in Prostokvashino (1997)
Uncle Fedor goes to school, or Nancy from the Internet in Prostokvashino (1999)
Lhadmitriy Second, Real (1999)
Spring in Prostokvashino (2001)
Cheburashka Mushrooms (2001)
Crocodile Gena - Militia Lieutenant (2001)
Pechkin against mustache (2001)
Chetburashka Abduction (2001)
Holidays in the village of Prostokvashino (2001)
Prostokvashino (2002)
Stepanid Case: Stories (2002)
Bite Vijuki (2002)
Casal from Prostokvashino village (2004)
Mysterious Guest from Cosmos (2004)
Birthdays in Prostokvashino (2005)
Acid rain in Prostokvashino and others funny stories (2005)
New Life in Prostokvashino (2007)
Error postman Pechkin
Cheburashka goes to the people "
Ivan - Tsarsky Son and Grey Wolf
About faith and anfisu
Zabs Zabych Skovorodkin
The son of Zhabsha's son
History with an overshaver
Corobci leads
Magnetic house under Vladimir
Household dog on the Belarusian farm
Incidents in Prostokvashino, or Inventions Postman Pechkin
Stories about the girl with strange name (2009)
Warranty men return (2011)
History about Geviechik, Gutta-Perfect Man (2011)
Ghost from Prostokvashino (2011)
Spanish series
Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat (1976)
Warranty men (1979)
Teacher Girl (1983)
New Year in Prostokvashino
Island of scientists
Vacation of Santa Claus
About the buyer of the extension
Lost white elephant
Corobci leads

Art films:

1982 - There, on the unknown paths (according to the story "down the magic river")
1991 - year good baby (based on the eponymous stories of E. Suspensky and E. de Ground)
Scenarios of cartoon films
1969 - Antoshka ( Cheerful carousel, № 1), crocodile gene
1971 - Cheburashka
1971 - defeat (fun carousel, No. 3) (director V. Ugarov, Composer Sh. Kalloos, Text read: A. Livshits, A. Levenbuk)
1971 - Redhead, Redhead, Konopatoy (fun carousel, № 3)
1972 - Loser (scenario: R. Kachanova, E. Uspensky, director V. Golikov)
1974 - Shapoklyak
1974 - Bird Market (director M. Novogrudskaya)
1975 - Picture. Vanya rode
1975 - Bahram Wizard Inheritance
1975 - Wonderful day
1975 - Elephant Dilo-Soyn (director B. Ardov)
1975 - Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat: Matroskin and Ball (film first)
1976 - Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat: Mitya and Murka (film second)
1976 - Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat: Mom and Dad (film Third)
1976 - Osmontozhi
1978 - Three from Prostokvashino
1979 - Uncle AU (film first)
1979 - Uncle AU error (film second)
1979 - Uncle Au in the city (film Third)
1979 - Pro refrigerator, gray mice and warranty men (director L. Domnin)
1979 - Olympic Character
1980 - Vacation in Prostokvashino
1980 - Klyaksa
1980 - Canoeing (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympiad-80) (director R. Strautmann)
1980 - Dzu-to (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympiad-80) (director Yu. Butrina)
1980 - equestrian sport (from the series of microfilms about sports for the Olympics-80) (director Yu. Butrina)
1980 - Gymnastics (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympiad-80) (director B. Akulinichyev)
1980 - Walking (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympiad-80) (director O. Churkin)
1980 - Hockey on the grass (from the series of microfilms about sports for the Olympiad-80) (director O. Churkin)
1980 - Baba Yaga against! (film first)
1980 - Baba Yaga against! (movie second)
1980 - Baba Yaga against! (Film third)
1981 - Plasticine Crow
1981 - Ivashka from Piano Palace
1982 - Teleglas (Screensaver to a cycle of economy transmission) (director A. Tatar)
1983 - Cheburashka goes to school
1983 - The investigation leads kolobki (film first) (director Aida Zyablov)
1983 - Corobci leads (film second) (director Aida Zyablov)
1983 - Santa Claus New Year's Song
1984 - Winter in Prostokvashino
1985 - about Sidorov Vova
1986 - Academician Ivanov
1986 - about faith and anfisu
1986 - Corobca leads (film first, second) (Directors: Igor Kovalev, Alexander Tatar
1987 - Corobci leads (the film Third, Fourth) (Directors: Igor Kovalev, Alexander Tatar)
1987 - about faith and anfison: faith and anfisa extinguish a fire
1988 - About faith and anfison: faith and anfisa in school lesson
1988 - Riddle (merry carousel, № 19)
1989 - Today in our city
1989 - Happy Start 1 (film about dolphins)
1989 - Happy Start 3 (film about dolphins)
1989 - Lake at the Day of the Sea (film about dolphins)
1989 - Miko - Son Pavlova (director E. Prophetov) (film about dolphins)
1989 - Superwater part of Iceberg (film about dolphins) (director A. Gorlenko, composers: T. Khayen, E. Artemyev)
1989 - Secret Ocean Pumps (film about dolphins)
1990 - Happy Start 4 (film about dolphins)
1991 - Underwater Berets [ full-length film About dolphins]
1993 - Three types and violinists (director N. Lerner, composers: M. Meerovich, I.-S. Bach, A. Vivaldi)
2011 - Spring in Prostokvashino (director V. Sprinin, composer E.Krylatov)
2013 - Cheburashka (director Makoto Nakamura)

TV serials:

2001 - "Tips of Professor Tearnov", television series for children (director Oleg Ryaskov, MNVK, TV6).

Since the late 1970s, Edward Uspensky begins to work on radio and television - reads his poems and stories, and also releases a telecast cycle for children.

The writer famous for the whole world has received many premiums:

1991 - Prize and Diploma them. A. Gaidar for the story "Year of a Good Child" by the writer Eles de Ground and the writer Eduard Asspensky.
1997 - Prize of the magazine "Ogonosk"
1997 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree
2005 - gold medal World Intellectual Property Organization
2010 - Government Prize Russian Federation In the field of culture for the book "History about a girl with a strange name"
2010 - Prize them. K. Chukovsky in the nomination "For outstanding creative achievements in domestic children's literature"
Laureate of the All-Union Competition for the Best Children's Book
2015 - Prize them. Lion Copelleva for the struggle for peace and human rights
2015 - National Award "Telegrand" for an outstanding contribution to the creation of children's television programs and significant merits in the development of animation cinema

Eduard Assumption Personal Life

An outstanding personality was married three times, while his family: wives and children always inspired him to search for new ideas and creating regular characters. So Shapoklyak - a copy of the first Rimma wife. According to the writer himself, his spouse was distinguished by harm. Although he laid into the image of Shapoklyak and his own character traits that he was not very proud of.

The marriage with Rimma existed for 18 years, the daughter of Tatyana was born, who in turn gave birth to the daughter of Ekaterina and the son of Edward, named after the Grand Grandfather.

Russian writer, playwright, screenwriter. The author of children's books, TV presenter.

Among Eduard Assumption Characters invented by Edward, Crocodile, Gena and Cheburashka, Cat Matroskin and Uncle Fedor, Postman Pechkin, Dog Ball, Grandfather Au, Brothers Koloboki and many others.

Eduard Asspensky. Biography

Edward Uspensky Born on December 22, 1937 in the city of Egorievsk, which is located in the Moscow region. Father of the future writer - Nikolai Mikhailovich Uspensky. He worked in the office of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), but he left too early: at the time of death he was 44 years old. Mother Edward Uspensky - Natalia Alekseevna Uspenskaya - worked as an engineer-machine engineer. Eduard Nikolayevich had two brothers - Igor and Yuri.

Edward Uspensky graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) and became an engineer, but he earned his life writing scripts to cartoons. In addition to children's books, Uspensky was engaged in writing poems and writing theatrical scenes that went out within the cycle " Crocodile Gena and his friends».

The first book of Assumption " Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat"On a six-year-old boy, whom all called Uncle Fedor for being too independent, saw the light in 1974. The plot of books lay down the cartoons that have become extremely popular: " Three from Prostokvashino"," Vacation in Prostokvashino "and" Winter in Prostokvashino ".

In 2010, Uspensky was awarded the Kornea Chukovsky premium, established for children's writers, in the main nomination "For outstanding creative achievements in domestic children's literature."

Edward Uspensky was the chairman of the Russian jury national Prize in the field of children's literature " Cepete dream" In 1986, Assumption was a member of the jury in the first games of the revived Higher League KVN.

Uspensky was one of the creators of the gear "Good night, kids! "," ABVGDIKA "," Radionnya ", as well as the program on the author's song" Ships came to our harbor ", in 2000 marked by the Thafi Prize.

In 2018, Edward Uspensky was indignant to the exit of the continuation of "Prostokvashino" wrote a letter to Vladimir Putin. Uspensky in an open letter to the President of Russia argued that the representatives of Soyuzmultfilm "" intended to screen the stories about the "village of Prostokvashino Edward Uspensky" without any consent from this very Eduard Assumption. And even made several shields. "

"But the" Soyuzmultfilm "came the decisive Julian Slotheva. She immediately decided that "all rights" belongs only to the studios, and not only the right to old films, but also the rights to any things that have entered them or those preceding them works and characters, no matter when and by whom they were created, as well as rights Create new films and books without any permissions from the authors, including the authors of the works, on the basis of which films were once created, "Putin wrote outstanding Putin.

Uspensky also appealed to actors voicing characters " Return to Prostokvashino"(, And) with a request to voluntarily abandon this work. Representatives of Soyuzmultfilm claimed that the Assumption was proposed to conclude a contract on the transfer of rights to an unprecedented amount of 5 million rubles.

In early August 2018, conflict between the Assumption and Studio "Soyuzmultfilm" was settled. Writerprovided "Soyuzmultfilm" exceptional rights to use original scenarios "Prostokvashino" and a license for trademarks With the names of the heroes of these cartoons. "Soyuzmultfilm", in turn, assumed the obligations to pay a royalties author from the revenue licenses received from the use of licenses.

Eduard Asspensky. Personal life

First wife Assumption becameRimmawho gave him a daughter Tatiana. Tatiana was born daughter Catherine And the son, which was dug in honor of the famous grandfather - Edward. The second wife of the writer, Elena Uspenskaya, gave him dopes-twins Irina and Svetlana. From 2005 to 2011, Edward Uspensky was married to the TV host Eleanor Filin.

IN last years Assumption's life struggled with heavy oncological disease. In August 2018, he returned after treatment, which took place in Germany. Next to him was his ex-wife Elena.

Eduard Asspensky. Filmography

  • Cheburashka (2013)
  • Fixy (serial, 2010-2015)
  • Cheburashka (2009)
  • Tips of Professor Tearnov (serial, 2001)
  • Three types and violinists (1993)
  • Oh, guys, Ta-ra ray (1992)
  • Underwater Berets (1991)
  • Year of a good child (1991)
  • Vera and Anfisa in school lesson (TV, 1988)
  • Riddle (1988)
  • About faith and anfison: faith and anfisa extinguishes fire (TV, 1987)
  • Corobca leads (TV, 1986)
  • Academician Ivanov (TV, 1986)
  • Useful Tips Professor Tearnova (Series, 1985-1986)
  • About Sidorova Vova (1985)
  • Winter in Prostokvashino (1984)
  • Cheburashka goes to school (1983)
  • Corobca leads. Corollary first (1983)
  • Corobca leads. Abduction of the century (1983)
  • Teleglase (TV, 1982)
  • New Year's Sanding Santa Claus (TV, 1982)
  • There, on unknown tracks ... (1982)
  • Plasticine Crow (TV, 1981)
  • Ivashka from Piano Palace (1981)
  • Olympiad-80. Walking (1980)
  • Olympiad-80. Sport gymnastics (1980)
  • Equestrian sport (exit) (1980)
  • Horse Riding (1980)
  • Kleaksa (1980)
  • Dzuu-to (1980)
  • Canoeing (1980)
  • Uncle Au in the city (TV, 1979)
  • Baba Yagi against! (mini-series, 1979)
  • Uncle AU Error (TV, 1979)
  • Uncle AU (TV, 1979)
  • Three from Prostokvashino (1978)
  • Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat. Mitya and Murka (1976)
  • Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat. Mom and Dad (1976)
  • Octopus (TV, 1976)
  • Inheritance of the wizard of Bakhram (1975)
  • Vanya was driving (1975)
  • Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat: Matroskin and Ball (1975)
  • Wonderful day (1975)
  • Elephant Dilo-Slank (1975)
  • Picture (TV, 1975)
  • Bird Market (1974)
  • Shapoklyak (1974)
  • Cheburashka (1972)
  • Redhead, Red, Crope (TV, 1971)
  • Roll (TV, 1971)
  • Wings Uncle Marabu (1969)
  • Cheerful Carousel (Series, 1969-2014)
  • Merry Carousel № 1 (1969)
  • Antoshka (TV, 1969)

Edward Uspensky

(1937 - 2018)

Children's writer, playwright and screenwriter Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky was born on December 22, 1937 in the city of Egoryevsk in the Moscow region in the family of employees. Still at school, studying in high school, was appointed counselors to the baby. Since then, the plot to this little woman for life. Always was the startup, the organizer, the leader. Received to study at the Moscow Aviation Institute, where no longer rocket student studied, but organized cabbagers and KVN. It was here that the talent of Eduard Nikolayevich as a writer manifested. He wrote a humor, comic poems. He graduated from the Institute in 1961, three years worked in the Design Bureau, and then went into literature.

The creative path began as a humorist, wrote and released several humorous books. According to his own recognition, the children's literature came by chance. His children's poems began to print in a newspaper, as humorous, they sounded in a radio personary "with good morning!".

Assumption gained wide fame as the author of children's books, many of which became the classics of children's literature: "Crocodile Gena and his friends"(1966), "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat" (1973) and others. Images invented Cheburashkah, crocodile genes, uncle Fedor, Cat Matroskin, the balls like children of several generations.

Based on these works, the cartoons were removed: "Crocodile gene" (1969), "Three from Prostokvashino", "Vacation in Prostokvashino", "Winter in Prostokvashino" (1975-91).

All the heroes of the works of Edward Uspensky, one way or another reflect the author himself. For example, known to all the main character In a fairy tale about Cheburashka, which was found in the box with oranges, appeared not just like that. This is a trace of a strong childhood impression on the little then Edika a huge chameleon, whom the child saw in the Odessa port next to the bananas boxes. It is this mysterious and previously unprecedented creature that prompted the writer to create an image of such a wonderful being.

And the name of this unknown science, the animal helped to come up with pleasures, who called their daughter Cheburashka because of her clumsy falls. The girl has long grown long ago, and the shaggy fidget Cheburashka became the favorite of millions of children in different countries World.

It is worth noting, Cheburashka almost the first domestic Hero in the country of our childhood. Motherland Pinocchio and Chipollino, the wizard of the Emerald city and even Dr. Aibolita and Murzilki remaining distant countries - Italy, America. Only Dunno Nicholas Nosov and Cheburashka Eduard Uspensky - our Russian heroes.

Assumption's characters, as a rule, have vital prototypes. There was a prototype at Cheburashka, he was written off from the composer Jan Frenkel Crocodile Gena. One judicial six-year-old girl pushed the writer to writing the story "Twenty-five professions Masha Filippenko" (1988).

In 1980-1990, Assumptionsky publishes a series of wonderful children's books: "About faith and anfisu", "Kolobok goes on the trail", "School of clowns", "Multicolored family", "Fur board", "Red Hand, Black Sheet, Green Fingers (terrible stories for fearless children) "," lectures of Professor Tearnov "and others.

The works of the writer were transferred in more than 25 languages \u200b\u200band the heroes have won the whole world since childhood since childhood: Matroskin's cat pissed in Europe Carlson, the old woman Shaboklyak "captured" America, Cheburashka has already conquered Japan and China. Uspensky's books went out in Finland, Holland, France, Japan, USA.

In 2000, Assumption wrote the continuation of his most successful leaders about the crocodile Geno and Uncle Fedor, as well as the stories "case with Stepanid", the story "The Mysterious Guest from Space", "History about a girl with a strange name", "Ivan - Tsarsky Son and Gray Wolf, "Zabs Gorych Skovorodkin", "History with an Overweight Hawk", "The investigation is leading kolobki", "Magnetic house under Vladimir", "Bite of Viuki", "Economic dog in the Belarusian farm".

Why are all the stories of Assumption children meet with delight? The answer is simple enough - in order to be interested in writing for children you need to be a little child yourself in the soul. According to the author himself, his favorite character is clown. Always kind, cheerful, he is not afraid to search and find justice, fight for the truth, make fun of human vices.

In recent years, the writer lived in the Moscow region, in his house, away from the Moscow bustle. Eduard Nikolayevich left the life of August 14, 2018, he was 80 years old.

Personal website writer:

Ask the works of Eduard Assumption

in children's libraries

Uspensky EN Magic River down / E.N. Uspensky.- M., 2006. - 133c.: Il.- (School Library)

Uspensky EN Twenty-five professions Masha Pillipenko / EN Uspensky.- M., 2006. - 133c.: Il.

Uspensky EN Uncle Fedor, dog and cat : Tale tale / E.N. Uspensky.- M., 2006. - 111c.: Il.- (our favorite cartoons)

Uspensky EN How to love dogs / E.N. Asspensky.- M., 2009.- 64c.: Il.- (read at home and in children's garden. 5-8 years)

Uspensky EN Kolobok goes on the trail / E.N. Uspensky.- M., 1994. - 118C.: IL.

Uspensky EN Crocodile Gena and his friends / E.N. Uspensky.- M., 2008. - 72c.: Il.- (Children's Classic Library)

Little Edik had Cheburashka. Toy such, plush. The ears are large, the tail of the go. We will not understand - not that bear, not that hare, not the dog. In short unknown science beast.
When Edik was an unfeasured child, he played in this Cheburashka. And then he gone and forgot about her teddy beast. Other cases in humans appeared. For example, it was necessary to urgently dug a wide and long snowy course in the mill "enemy". Or pour into the courtyard some "non-hazardous" old woman and scare it with a blowing piston.
Time, it was clear, was cut. It was not enough for her lessons. Because Edik and studied badly. And that parents do not really scold, mastered one important and right art. How two from the diary cut. Unnoticed so, the razor.
No, Edik was not going to stay a two-way all his life. In the depths of the soul, he cherished the dream - to become a minister or academician. At worst, very lucky gold descendant!
Since academics-two do not happen, Edik was going to "swept" - from Monday to study well. But it didn't get to "swept".
Recovered the schoolboy of the Assumption case. Once the boy was not too thoughtfully jumped from the roof. And as a result, he fell with a broken foot to the hospital. There was nothing there, so he asked his parents to bring him different books And, to the amazement of others, began to engage. Yes, so hard that I was able to finish well subsequently and school, and to act in the aviation institute, and even become an engineer.
Three years worked by Asspensky in the specialty. And then suddenly realized what she was doing something wrong. The engineer from it turned out to be active, but stupid. Edward Nikolaevich thought-thought ... and became an adult humorist. And then as quickly retrained in the children's writer.
He helped him and this time case.
Once in the summer worked Uspensky in the pioneer camp. And in order to calm the detachment of the detachment, read different interesting books. Then all interesting books unexpectedly ended, the boring squad did not want to listen, and Assumptionsky did not have anything, how to start to invent: "In one city, a crocodile lived on the name of the gene, and he worked in a crocodile zoo". The phrase is so walked in his head.
And suddenly…
And suddenly, from behind the corner, two long noses seemed - hand-made rats of lalaries and a hooligan old woman with a chap. Slammed door telephone boothAnd from there, the incomprehensible teddy beast got out. "This is Cheburashka!" - Assumption guessed. And he began to tell his famous fairy tale.
The story about Cheburashka and Crocodile Genn really liked little listeners. But for some reason did not like to adult chiefs at all. "Cheburashka has no birthplace!" They exclaimed. "And in general it is unknown, what kind of fruit (that is, sorry, beast)!"
In spite of everything, the book is still printed. And then another appeared, not less famous essay - "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat."
But numerous readers have rejoiced early. Because adult uncle and aunt once decided not to publish books Edward Uspensky (paper, what was missing at all?). But for some reason they were allowed to remove several cartoons on them (they themselves, probably, watched cartoons with grandchildren).
And Uspensky continued to compose to compose. Not only poems and fairy tales, but also plays, filmcensory; Leading on radio and television. Of course, "Radionyan" and "ABVGHUKOM" are not remembered now that the dads and moms or even grandparents, but the ships came to our harbor, which Eduard Nikolaevich came up with and leads twenty years old, great amount Full young fans.
But what there is television and radio programs! One day, the Assumption whole book publishing house was invented - "Samovar" is called. Eduard Nikolayevich has a lot of all sorts of ideas. For example, he is now dreaming about his own animation studio and this Disneyland in the city of Anapa. There will definitely be a jungle with a crocodile Geno, the slides of the "blue car" and a lot more, and it will be called the "Assumption Park".
What about books? With them from a writer full order. Eduard Nikolayevich writes and publishes them with enviable constancy. So his company literary heroes All the time grows. Recently, a girl appeared there with a strange name McShana and a gutta-first boy heavicchik.
how good father, Edward Uspensky looks after his extensive family and always knows what is happening with whom and who travels. For example, "Finns adore uncle Fedor, in America a favorite - the old woman Shapoklyak. Everything is in love with it. Well, the Japanese just missed the Cheburashka ... " Who will be the next hero? Only the writer can answer this question. But he does not like to answer such questions. He does not like all sorts of interviews.
That he truly loves, so it has left the city away from the city, to lock in his house so that no one bothers, and write, write, write ...

Nadezhda Voronova, Irina Kazyulkin

Works of E.N.Usupensky

General Meeting of Heroes, Hangs, Stories, Poems and Plays: 10 tons / Edward Asspensky. - St. Petersburg: Comet, 1993-1994.
For twenty years now, it has passed since this is the first collection of works by Eduard Assumption. Over the past years, the author wrote a lot of new books, so it has long been time for the next, more extensive edition.

Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat: [Pieces] / Eduard Asspensky; Preface B. Goldovsky; Illustrations M. Belova. - Moscow: Art, 1990. - 175 p. : IL.
Heroes of Fairy Tales Edward Nikolayevich Asspensky live not only on the pages of books and in cartoons, but also on the stage puppet theatersFor which the author specifically redid his story in the play. In this collection of such plays, smoothly seven: "Leak of Crocodile genes", "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat", "Guarantee men", "about faith and anfisu", "The investigation leads kolobki", "Girl-teacher" (according to the book " Fur board ") and" terrible Mr. Au "(according to the book Hannah Mr. Mr. Ay).

- Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena, their friends and enemies -

All fabulous stories about Cheburashka: [Stories-Tales] / Eduard Asspensky. - Moscow: Astrel, 2012. - 544 p. : IL.
"Our heroes are not in a hurry walked down the street. They were very nice to go and talk.
But suddenly he was heard: B-boom! - And something prestructs the crocodile on the head.
- That's not you? - asked the gene from Cheburashka ...
At this time again he was heard: b-boom! - And something prestructs the Cheburashka himself.
What could it be?"
And really, what could it be? Or, more precisely, who Would it be? You, randomly, did not guessed?
By the way, the heroes of the Tales of Assumption are known not only to our readers. In Sweden, for example, a whole magazine was published - "Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka".

All about Cheburashka and Crocodile Genze: Tale tales and fabulous stories / Eduard Asspensky. - Moscow: AST, 2006. - 527 p. : IL.
Crocodile Gena and his friends: in 2 kN. / Eduard Asspensky; Pictures of S. Bordyuga, N. Treplek. - Moscow: Planet of childhood, 2008. - (We read at home and in kindergarten. 5 years).

Cheburashka rides in Sochi in search of the old woman Shapoklyak: [Stories, fairy tales] / Eduard Asspensky; [Art. M. Zotova et al.] - Moscow: Childhood planet, 2010. - 127 p. : IL.

- Prostokvashino and its inhabitants -

All stories about Prostokvashino, or Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat / Eduard Assumption. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 784 p. : IL.
Eh, in vain Parents of a none cat from home kicked out! They came once from work, and on the table a note:
"Father and mother!
I love you very much ... and this cat too. And you do not allow him to start it ... I leave to the village and will live there ... And I will not soon go to school. Only for the next year.
Your Son - Uncle Fedor ".
What happened next, you know without us. Cartoons about Prostokvashino Everything, Of course, watched. However, cartoons by cartoons, but after all, after them, Edward Nikolaevich came up with a lot of all sorts of stories from the life of Prostokvashino village.

All Prostokvashino: Fabulous Stories and Stories / Eduard Asspensky. - Moscow: AST, 2005. - 672 p. : IL.

Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat: [Tales] / Eduard Asspensky; Artist O. Bogolyubova. - Moscow: Astrel, 2012. - 200 p. : IL.

Uncle Fedor goes to school, or Nancy from the Internet in Prostokvashino: [Tale-Tale] / Eduard Asspensky. - St. Petersburg: the world of child, 1999. - 95 p. : IL.

Three in Prostokvashino / Eduard Asspensky. - Moscow: AST: Astrel: Harvest, 2010. - 48 p. : IL. - (Soyuzmultfilm represents).

Vacation in Prostokvashino / Eduard Asspensky. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2011. - 48 p. : IL. - (Soyuzmultfilm represents).

Incidents in Prostokvashino, or inventions of the postman Pechekin: Fabulous Tale / Eduard Assumption; Artist O. Bogolyubova. - Moscow: Astrel: AST, 2009. - 63 p. : IL.

The newest stories about Prostokvashino: [Fabulous Tale] / Eduard Assumption. - Moscow: Childhood Planet, 2011. - 479 p. : IL.

Aunt Uncle Fedor, or Escape from Prostokvashino: Tale-Tale / Eduard Asspensky. - Moscow: Onyx, 2001. - 120 s. : IL. - (Favorite book).
Aunt Uncle Fyodor was a woman serious, militant. No wonder thirty years in the army served. Now I went to the reserve and decided to raise your nephew, uncle Fyodor, close to do. And at the same time, life in Prostokvashin in a new way to organize ...

- Such different heroes! -

Down the magic river: [Tale-Tale] / Eduard Asspensky; Figures Olga Ionatis. - Moscow: Childhood Planet, 2009. - 129 p. : IL. - (Family Library).
Once in the summer, Mita's boy went to grandmothers to swim in the village. One grandmother turned out to be the most ordinary, and the other is a real fabulous Baba Yaga. Only for the rarity is good.

All about Zhabschka / Eduard Asspensky. - Moscow: AST, 2007. - 272 p. : IL.
When Edward Uspensky asked who Jäbich's toad, he replied: "In the biological laboratory stuck in the device a frog, and when the electroencephalogram was removed, then the consciousness of the elder researcher Switched to her. And she became a thinking frog. I immediately escaped from the institute, came in one family and said: "I will not return back there. I will live with you! " "What are you going to do?" - asked her. "I will guard the house!" - "How?" - "And I will call the police if the robbers come" ".

Warranty men: [ fabulous story] / Eduard Asspensky; Artist V. Dmitryuk. - Moscow: Childhood Planet, 2011. - 159 p. : IL.
If your parents brought home television or, let's say, a new refrigerator, know that a tiny warranty man came to you with him. Just do not try to find it. Warranty strictly-setting punished children to the eyes not to come across.

Warranty men return: [Fairy Tale] / Eduard Asspensky; Artist V. Dmitryuk. - Moscow: Childhood Planet, 2011. - 110 s. : IL.
Each self-respecting warranty man has its own main thing: the refrodiline is a refrigerator, the bobbin is a sewing machine, the vacuumosy is a vacuum cleaner. True, this time they have a common thing. They will have to combine their strength against a terrible enemy to save themselves and all of humanity.

25 Professions Masha Filipenko: Tale / Edward Assumption. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2006. - 222 p. : IL. - (Favorite reading).
The third grader Masha is so many professions because she was invited to work "Improvement" - Naughty "Unmanduted brains" It improves things where adults brought them to "to the handle": in agriculture, in a vegetable store, in a trolleybus park ...

Stories about the boy Yasha / Eduard Asspensky. - Moscow: Omega, 2006. - 48 p. : IL.
Yasha "Always loved to climb and climb everything.", "I drew everywhere", "Loved walking on the puddles", "He ate bad, "All myself slept in my mouth". In general, the most ordinary boy.

History about GEVEYCHIK, Gutta-Perfect Man / Eduard Asspensky; [Artist of Sokolov]. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2011. - 159 p. : IL.
At first, Gale presented an amazing toy - a small rubber boy of the heviechik. Then suddenly the cat's cat appeared Assyrius and ghost from a pirate chest and, finally, flew forty Zoyake, a very distinguished teacher. That's it all started!

History about a girl with a strange name / Eduard Asspensky; Artist I. Pankov. - Moscow: AST, 2009. - 127 p. : IL.
Yes, with the name of the girl, it was definitely lucky, no one has this - Maksha! And she has "Sharply green eyes with two tablespoons" and independent character. In the life of McChi, all kinds of extraordinary things happen: it is invited to act in advertising Macaron, then she participates in television show "I and my dog", then Boy Youngwa, the heir of the Ministry of Oil Service Nigeria, and with all his retinue comes to visit.
Well, if something goes wrong, Maksha can always say: it is not considered!

Kolobok goes on the following: Detective Tale / Edward Uspensky; Artist Y. Pronin. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2007. - 63 p. : IL. - (Fairy-cartoons).
The consequence of Koloboki / Eduard Asspensky; Artist E. Nitalkina. - Moscow: Rosman, 1999. - 127 p. : IL. - (We read at school and at home).
Famous detectives of Koloboki virtuate any business: they can find even a preschooler Lesch, at least the missing white elephant.

Fur board: instructive story about the teacher's girl and her fluffy friends / Eduard Asspensky; Artist V. Chizhikov. - Moscow: Childhood Planet: Astrel, 2000. - 157 p. : IL.
"The fur board needs a teacher good behavior And letters. Girls from the third-fourth grades are invited. The wings will be on Sundays. Payment by Hendriks, how many agree ". Such a strange announcement hung in one of the country's villages. What is it? Joke? Or seriously? ..

Plastic grandfather: fantastic story / Eduard Asspensky. - Moscow: Dragonfly, 1999. - 92 p. : IL. - (schoolchild library).
One day, a space rocket from the constellation abandoned balls was landed. Space grandfather, Professor Konstantin Mikhailovich, Chief Specialist on the planet Green Yula, flew to study the earthlings. Thus called our land inhabitants of abandoned balls.

Underwater Berets: Fantastic Tale / Edward Assumption. - Moscow: Bamboo, 1999. - 109 p. : IL. - (schoolchild library).
"That in one quiet bay Pacific Ocean A new special sabotage-underwater school opens, few people knew from the despicable land shower.
Because the announcement of this school was placed under water.
A sabotage school from his cadets, mostly dolphins, was to prepare special underwater troops with such blurred name "Underwater Berets". The task of "Beretov" included: liquidation, destruction, seizure, sweating and search. For such a dangerous and difficult work, guys were needed with iron nerves, flippers and brains. Downtar Dolphin Henry did not have anything like that ... "

About the girl faith and monkey anfisa / Eduard Asspensky; Artist G. Sokolov. - Moscow: Childhood planet, 2010. - 144 p. : IL.
They are so easy to confuse - a girl and a monkey!

Redhead, Redhead, Horseful / Eduard Asspensky; Artists I. Glazov, O. Zotov, I. Oleinikov. - Moscow: Planet of childhood: Astrel: AST, 2001. - 181 p. : IL.
Poems and stories about red. And it is not necessary to tease.

- Very country-a-Ashnyh stories! -

Big Book of Horror / Eduard Asspensky, Andrei Usachev. - Moscow: AST: Astrel: Harvest, 2007 - 384 p. : IL. - (childhood planet).

Nightmarket horrors: Surrealist horror stories, the most terrible / A. Usachev, E. Uspensky; Artist I. Oleynikov. - Moscow: Childhood Planet: Astrel, 2001. - 78 p. : IL.
What is there to say here? Horror and only!

Creepy Children's Folklore / Eduard Asspensky; Artist E. Vasilyev. - Moscow: Rosman, 1998. - 92 p. : IL.

Red hand, black sheet, green fingers: a terrible story for fearless children / Eduard Asspensky, A. Usachev. - Moscow: Brought books, 2003. - 160 p. : IL. - (Eduard Asspensky. Horror).
Hands ... sheets ... fingers ... what is it? Aliens from space? Devil's forces? Or maybe just a whim of nature?
For these questions, the investigator-trainee Viktor Rakhmanina has not yet had a response ...

- Cheerful universities -

Business Crocodile Genes / E. Uspensky, I. Agron; Artist V. Yudin. - Moscow: Rosman, 2003. - 92 p. : IL.
A peculiar benefit for beginner millionaires. This is how young businessmen will achieve the young businessmen of 6-9 years old, if, together with the old familiar crocodile, Geno will try to comprehend the meaning of such "adults" of concepts as "stock", "Bank", "Patent", "Corporation" ...

Digure for Koshiya: A book for one reading and ten illiterate / E. Asspensky. - Moscow: Books "Seeker", 2002. - 158 c. : IL. - (library of children's literature).
Children are more expensive to learn literacy along with loved ones fabulous heroes. Then the very first and most important words are remembered much easier: "Dad, Mom, Grandmother, Assumption".

How to love dogs: stories / Eduard Asspensky; Pictures K. Pavlova. - Moscow: Childhood Planet, 2009. - 63 p. : IL.
About dogs Edward Nikolaevich Uspensky knows no obstacle. Four-legged friends live in his house for many years. So who is better to know what kind of dog breeds, how to care for them and how to love them? ..

Lectures of Professor Tearnov / E. Uspensky. - Moscow: Bamboo, 1999. - 138 p. : IL. - (schoolchild library).
"If the TV disassemble, the little men will remain in it?" Hearing this question, Professor Doodles realized that the country needs lectures on radio waves and electronics.
You're probably remember that by the first profession the author of this book Edward Nikolaevich Asspensky is an engineer, so, together with Professor Teapot, they will be able to answer many complex and amazing issues.

Adventures of a little man: (Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Retelling for Children and Adults) / A. Usachev, E. Uspensky; Artist A. Shevchenko. - Moscow: Samovar, 1997. - 94 c. : IL. - (merry textbooks).
It turns out about such serious thingsLike human rights, you can fold the cheerful story-fairy tale.

School of clowns: Tale / E. Asspensky. - Moscow: Planet Childhood, 2001. - 191 p. : IL.
Once in Moscow opened at all unusual school: For those who love to mix and cheer people, the school of clowns. Of course, you understand that learning in such a school is very fun. Even the alphabet and score.

- Poems -

Or maybe a crow ... / Eduard Asspensky; Artist O. Gorbushin. - Moscow: Samovar: Teremok, 2005. - 107 p. : IL. - (children's classics).

One simple fairy tale
Maybe not a fairy tale
Or maybe not a simple
I want to tell.

I remember her since childhood,
Maybe not since childhood
And maybe I do not remember
But I will remember ...

Take care of toys: verses / E. N. Uspensky; Artist I. Glazov. - Moscow: Childhood Planet, 2008. - 11 s. : IL.

Everything is in order: verses / Eduard Asspensky. - Moscow: Eksmo-Press, 2005. - 48 p. : IL. - (Ladybug).

Blue car: verses / Edward Asspensky. - Moscow: Astrel: AST, 2004. - 174 p. : IL. - (schoolboy's readings).

Plasticine Crow and other verses / Edward Uspensky. - Moscow: Olma-Press, 2002. - 156 p. : IL. - (Golden Pages).

Poems for the smallest / Eduard Asspensky; Pictures B. Tremetsky. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 47 s. : IL. - (childhood planet).

Nanny is required: Poems / Edward Uspensky. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2005. - 48 p. : IL.

- retells from other languages \u200b\u200b-

Edward Nikolaevich Ospensky not only looks at his heroes, but ready to take care of others. In any case, the uncle Ayu of the Finnish writer Hanna Mekekel, and the best in the world Carlson Astrid Lindgren sometimes speak Russian with it:

Uncle AU: Tale-tale / H. Mekekel, E. Uspensky; Artist V. Korkin. - Moscow: Drop, 2000. - 92 p. : IL. - (Tale for a fairy tale).
At first, this uncle Au with a Finnish accent may seem to someone harsh, scary and gloomy. But it is just at first ...

Carlson from the roof, or the best in the world Carlson: Fabulous Tale / Astrid Lindgren; Retelling E. Uspensky. - Moscow: Astrel: AST, 2008. - 446 p. : IL.

Nadezhda Voronova, Olga Murgin, Irina Kazyulkin

Literature on the life and work of E.N.Uspensky

Uspensky E. From the life of brands: [Interview with the writer E. Uspensky] / Conversation Vyl V. Svyudowich // Russian newspaper. - 2010. - July 29. - P. 26-27.
Uspensky E. Letters from Yalta // Kukarek. - Moscow: SP "Word" ,. - P. 26, 51, 79, 97, 115, 132-133, 163, 199.
Uspensky E. "His children read the books of all good writers": [O OSR. Children. Literature and his creativity] / Conversation, M. Koryabina, I. Bezuglenko // Pre-school education. - 2002. - № 6. - P. 20-22.
Uspensky E. Cheburashka is a man! : [To the 70th anniversary of the birth of a writer] / Conversation Vyul I. Svinarenko // Russian newspaper. - 2008. - April 3-9. - P. 20-21.

Arzamasseva I. Guarantee Talener Eduard Assumption // Children's literature. - 1993. - No. 1. - P. 6-12.
Begak B. Joy good // Begak B. Pravda Tales. - Moscow: Children's literature, 1989. - P. 102-110.
Valkova V. Eduard Nikolaevich Asspensky: (to the 65th anniversary of the writer) // Primary School. - 2002. - № 12. - P. 10-12.
GOLDOVSKIY B. Theater Eduard Assumption // Uspensky E. Uncle Fedor, dog and cat. - Moscow: Art, 1990. - P. 7-21.
Lobanova T. Creativity E. N. Uspensky in evaluation of criticism // World Literature for Children and Children: Part 1. - Moscow, 2004. - P. 160-164.
Sakai H. The secret of the popularity of "Cheburashka" // World Literature for Children and Children: Part 2. - Moscow, 2004. - P. 261-262.
Sivokon S. The best, of course, ahead of // Sivokon S. Merry your friends. - Moscow: Children's literature, 1986. - P. 232-249.
Tubelskaya G. Children's Writers: One hundred thirty names: Bibliographic reference book / N. Tubelskaya. - Moscow: Russian School Library Association, 2007 - 492 p. : IL.
Biographical essay on Edward Uspensky read on with. 350-353.

N.V., O.M.

E-shielding works of E.N.Uspena


Year of a good baby. Based on the stories of E. Suspensky and E. De Ground. Dir. B. Konunov. USSR-FRG, 1991.

There, on unknown tracks. According to the story of E. West "down the magic river." Dir. M. Yuzovsky. Comp. V.Dashkevich. USSR, 1982. Cast: R.Monastrsky, T. Peltzer, A.Zueva, L. Garitonov, A. Filippenko, Y. Chernov, etc.


Academician Ivanov. According to the poem of E. Shrensky. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. V.Popov. Comp. E.Krylatov. USSR, 1986. Roles voiced: O.Tabakov, S. Spachenko.

Antoshka: [from the almanac of the "fun carousel": vol. one]. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. L.Nosrev. USSR, 1969.

Baba Yagi vs!: Vol. 1. Scenes. E. Shrensky, Stera, A. Kurlyandsky. Dir. V.Pekar. Comp. E. Artemyev. USSR, 1980. Babu Yagu is voiced by O. Aroseva.
Baba Yagi vs!: Vol. 2. Scenes. E. Shrensky, Stera, A. Kurlyandsky. Dir. V.Pekar. Comp. E. Artemyev. USSR, 1980. Babu Yagu is voiced by O. Aroseva.
Baba Yagi vs!: Vol. 3. Scenes. E. Shrensky, Stera, A. Kurlyandsky. Dir. V.Pekar. Comp. E. Artemyev. USSR, 1980. Babu Yagu is voiced by O. Aroseva.

Wonderful day. Scenes. A. Khrzhanovsky, E. Suspensky. Dir. A. Khrzhanovsky. Comp. V. Martynov. USSR, 1975.

Uncle ay. According to the fairy tale of the Finnish writer X. Mykel. Scenes. E. Suspensky, X. Mikel. Dir. I.Duksha, M. Bousinova. Comp. A.jurbin. USSR, 1979. Roles were voiced by: V. Vivanov, Try Oshetnikov, M. Blobanov, V. Spepontov, A. Agrow.
Uncle Au in the city. Scenes. X.Mykel, E. West. Dir. M.MAUT. Comp. A.jurbin. USSR, 1979. Roles were voiced by: V. Vanov, A. Agrieve, Trybushentikov, S.Kryuchkova.
Uncle AU: Error Uncle Au. Scenes. E. Suspensky, X. Mikel. Dir. L. Surikova. Comp. A.jurbin. USSR, 1979. Roles were voiced by: V.Vanov, A. Agrow, B. Linson, A. Bichin.

Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat: Matroskin and Ball. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. L. Surikova, Y. Klepatsky. Comp. A. Bakanov. Text of songs I.Chefefer. USSR, 1975. Roles were voiced: Z. Yandreev, E. Khromova, V. Bikov, S.harlap, A.Gorunova, A.Verbitsky.
Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat: Mom and Dad. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. Y. Klepatsky, L. Surikova. Comp. A. Bakanov. Song text (poems) I.Sheferane. USSR, 1976.
Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat: Mitya and Murka. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. Y. Klepatsky, L. Surikova. Comp. A. Bakanov. Text of songs I.Chefefer. USSR, 1976.

Riddle: [from the almanac of the "fun carousel": vol. nineteen]. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. E. Födorova. Comp. M. Link, grinding. USSR, 1988. Text reads A. Filippenko.

Why camel orange? Scenes. A.Tyan. Dir. Y. Kalisher. The authors of the text of E. Shunsky, V.lunin. USSR, 1986.

Ivashka from the Palace of Pioneers. Scenes. Sokolsky, E. Suspensky. Dir. Sokolsky. Comp. M. Meerovich. USSR, 1981. Roles voiced: Bardin, E. Karov, S. Kharlap.

Picture. Vanya was driving. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. F. Pyfanova. Comp. M. Ziv. USSR, 1975.

Blot. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. A.Reznikov. USSR, 1980.

Crocodile Gena. Scenes. E. Suspensky, R. Kachanova. Dir. R. Kachanov. Comp. M. Ziv. USSR, 1969. Roles voiced: V.Rautbart, K. Grumina, T.Dmitriev, V.Vanov.
Cheburashka. Scenes. E. Suspensky, R. Kachanova. Dir. R. Kachanov. Comp. V.Shinsky. USSR, 1971. Roles were voiced by: K. Grumina, T. Dmitriyev, V.Vanov, V. Spepontov.
Shapoklyak Scenes. R. Kachanova, E. Suspensky. Dir. R. Kachanov. Comp. V.Shinsky. USSR, 1974. Roles were voiced by: V. Volinov, I. Mazing, K. Urimanova, V. Spepontov.
Cheburashka goes to school. Scenes. E. Suspensky, R. Kachanova. Dir. R. Kachanov. Comp. V.Shinsky. USSR, 1983. Roles were voiced by: K. Urimanova, G. Kurkov, V.Vanov, Yu.andreyev.

The inheritance of the magician of Bakhram. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. R. Kachanov. Comp. M. Meerovich. USSR, 1975. Roles were voiced: R.Mirenkov, Visin, M. Vinogradova, V.Vanov.

Jonah. Scenes. R. Kachanova, E. Suspensky. Dir. V.Golikov. USSR, 1972.

New Year's song Santa Claus. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. A.Tatar. Comp. A.jurbin. USSR, 1983.

Olympic character. Scenes. V.Vinnitsky, E. Shupnsky, Yu.Shmalko. Dir. B.Akulichichyev. Comp. M. Minkov. USSR, 1979.

Octopus. According to the poem of E. Shrensky. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. R. Sustman. Comp. I.Fremov. USSR, 1976.

Plasticine crow. Scenes. A.Tatar. Dir. A.Tatar. Comp. Grinding. The text of songs (poems) E. West. USSR, 1981. Roles were voiced by: A. Lenbook, A.Pavlov, L. Bronieva, grinding, L. Meshelov.

Underwater berets: [Collection of plots about Dolphins-Ranger based on the film "Secret Ocean Missing", "Superwater Part of Iceberg", "Lake at the Day of the Sea", etc.]. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. P.Lobanova, V. Tarasov, A. Mazaev, R.stortman, A.Gorlenko. Comp. E. Artemyev. Russia, 1991.
Secret Ocean Lumping: [From the series about dolphins]. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. R. Sustman. Comp. F.koltsov, T.Khayen. USSR, 1989.
Superwater part of the iceberg: [from the series about dolphins]. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. A.Gorlenko. Comp. T.Khayen, E. Artemyev. USSR, 1989.
Lake at the bottom of the sea: [from the series about dolphins]. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. A. Mazaev. Comp. T.Khayen. USSR, 1989.
Miko - Son Pavlova: [from the series about dolphins]. Scenes. I. Magolina, E. Suspensky. Dir. E.Prorokova. USSR, 1989.
Happy Start-1: [From the series about dolphins]. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. V. Tarasov. Comp. T.Khayen. USSR, 1989.
Happy Start-2: [From the series about Dolphins]. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. V. Tarasov. Comp. T.Khayen. USSR, 1989.
Happy Start-3: [From the series about dolphins]. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. V. Tarasov. Comp. T.Khayen. USSR, 1989.
Happy Start-4: [From the series about dolphins]. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. V. Tarasov. Comp. T.Khayen. USSR, 1990.

About faith and anfries: [The first film of the trilogy about the girl faith and monkey Anfis]. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. V. Phomin. Comp. Grinding. USSR, 1986. Text reads O. Basilashvili.
About faith and anfison: Faith and Anfisa extinguish fire: [the second film of trilogy]. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. V. Phomin. Comp. Grinding. USSR, 1987. Text reads O. Basilashvili.
About faith and anfison: faith and anfisa at school lesson: [concludes. Movie trilogy]. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. V.Fomin. Comp. Grinding. USSR, 1988.

About Sidorov Vova. Based on the poem of E. Suspensky. Scenes. E. Suspensky, E.Nazarova. Dir. E.Nazarov. USSR, 1985. Text reads S.Jursky.

About the refrigerator, gray mice and warranty men. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. L. Domunin. THE USSR. 1979.

Bird Market. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. M.Novogrudskaya. USSR, 1974.

Roll: [from the almanac of the "fun carousel": vol. 3]. According to the poem of E. Suspensky. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. V.Uugarov. Comp. Sh. Callos. USSR, 1971. Text is read: A. Lelshitz, A. Lenbook.

Redhead, red, caprosh: [from the almanac of the "fun carousel": Iss. 3]. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. L.Nosrev. USSR, 1971. Roles voiced: Dudnik, S.Shurhin, Yu.üulskaya, T.Dmitriev, A. Babaeva, K. Urimanova, M.Krabelnikova.

Today in our city. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. E. Födorova. USSR, 1989. Text reads A. Filippenko.

Corobca leads. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. A.jablov. Comp. N. Bogoslovsky. USSR, 1983. Roles were voiced by: T. Deltzer, V. Nynaya, V. Abdulov, L. Korolev, Z.Naryshkin.
Corobca leads. Robbery of the century. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. A.jablov. Comp. M. Meerovich. USSR, 1983. Roles were voiced by: V. Abdulov, Visin, V. Zhenin.
Corobca leads. Abduction of the century. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. A.jablov. Comp. N. Bogoslovsky. USSR, 1983. Roles were voiced by: T. Peltzer, Visin, V. Abdulov, V. Nernin.

The consequence of Koloboki: [Series 1 and 2]. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. I. Kovyov, A.Tatar. Comp. Y. Chernavsky. USSR, 1986. Roles voiced: L. Bronieva, S. Fedos, A.Ptitsyn.
The consequence of Kolobki: [Series 3 and 4]. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. I. Kovyov, A.Tatar. Comp. Y. Chernavsky. USSR, 1987.

Elephant Dilo-Soyn. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. B.Adov. Comp. I. Katayev. USSR, 1975.

Three types and violinists. Based on the poem of E. Suspensky. Scenes. N.Lerner, E. Suspensky. Dir. N.Lerner. Comp. M. Meerovich. The film uses the music of I.-S. Bach, A.Vivaldi. Russia, 1993.

Three from Prostokvashino. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. V.Popov. Art. N. Raykalov, L.Hachatryan. Comp. E.Krylatov. USSR, 1978. Roles voiced: B. Novikov, Kachin, M. Vinogradova, V. Talizina, O.Tabakov, L.Durov.
Vacation in Prostokvashino. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. V.Popov. Comp. E.Krylatov. USSR, 1980. Roles were voiced: B.Novikov, Kachan, M. Vinogradova, L.Durov, V. Talisin, O.Tabakov.
Winter in Prostokvashino. Scenes. E. Suspensky. Dir. V.Popov. Comp. E.Krylatov. The authors of the text of Yu.nttin, E. Suspensky. USSR, 1984. Roles voiced: B. Novikov, Kachin, M. Vinogradova, Z.Naryshkin, O.Tabakov, V. Talisina, L.Durov.