Pencil drawings on the theme of autumn. Drawing on the theme of autumn in kindergarten

Pencil drawings on the theme of autumn.  Drawing on the theme of autumn in kindergarten
Pencil drawings on the theme of autumn. Drawing on the theme of autumn in kindergarten

Now we will have a pencil drawing lesson autumn landscape in stages. Autumn is the most inspiring time of the year for writers, photographers and artists. The abundance of colors gives artists the opportunity to convey their feelings huge amount shades. However, simple pencil you can convey the autumn mood. The first thing that came to my mind about Autumn is sadness, rain, bench, umbrella, leaves.

Step 1. We start drawing from the bench. Since it is located slightly at an angle to us, draw perspective lines. On the bench, mark the location of the umbrella. It is not necessary to try to draw the oval too even, as these lines will be removed later.

Step 2. Add knitting needles and a cane to the umbrella. We modify the bench a little and draw the legs.

Step 3. Pull the fabric over the knitting needles.

Step 4. Draw a background - a lantern, trees. Add a reflection in the puddles to the asphalt. You can add leaves on the ground or on a bench.

Step 5. Add shadows and halftones. Foreground subjects should be more contrasting than the background.

Step 6. Draw rain with cross strokes on the asphalt and straight strokes in the air, pencil or sharp eraser.
Hopefully now you have some idea of ​​what you can paint on the Autumn theme without resorting to bright colors.

In this tutorial, we will look at how to draw an autumn landscape with a pencil step by step. This lesson is suitable for all ages, both schoolchildren, children and adults. What is the autumn landscape like? Autumn is different, so let's take late autumn... The autumn landscape in late autumn is almost bare trees, there are very few leaves left on the tree, there is a lot of fallen leaves around the tree, the weather is gloomy for rain and everything around is gray and not pleasant, the birds fly south. This is a typical late fall pattern.

Here is our drawing of an autumn landscape, autumn.

Draw a straight line of horizon and perspective.

Draw trees on foreground, we mark the tree trunks with lines.

Now we draw the right bank of the river.

How to draw autumn as believable as possible? It is important to be inquisitive and attentive, to even notice small parts... For example, to prevent trees from hanging in the air, you need to "tie" them to the ground using a small mound covered with stunted grass.

In the fall, life practically freezes, with a pencil stroke, show the unhurried flow of the river, the blurred silhouette of the forest.

We draw clouds in the sky, because we said above that autumn is always associated with rain and gloomy.

We also draw a silhouette of birds that fly south. But with the arrival of spring, they will again fly to our region.

To revive the drawing a little, you can show the remnants of a cobweb in which a forest dweller, a spider, fell asleep and fell asleep.

With the help of glare, we give the drawing a cold look, the sun practically does not warm, frost glistens on the fallen leaves... Use an eraser for this.

Autumn landscape with children: step-by-step description drawing, creative tasks for children, examples of children's drawings.

Autumn landscape with children: step by step drawing

Autumn landscape is delightful picture... How you want to capture bright colors, interesting lines, the special beauty of the autumn sky and the colorful foliage of the trees! Let's draw an autumn landscape with children today - autumn tree in the clearing - and we will complete creative tasks.

This master class was held in a kindergarten and features children's drawings made by older preschool children.

Materials for drawing an autumn landscape

To paint an autumn landscape with children, you will need:

- Paints with gouache or watercolors

- White album sheet (better for watercolors)

- Brushes

- Palette

- Exercise book, office or newsprint

Step-by-step description of drawing an autumn landscape with children

First step. Drawing the autumn sky

Prepare a palette, paints and wide brushes for the children.

- On the palette, dilute white and blue paint and with a wide brush (in this case, flat brush # 12) paint the sky. It will take up half a sheet of paper. The movement of the brush should go from left to right, tear off the brush from the sheet.

In the upper part of the picture, the sky is bluer, the lower we go down in the picture, the lighter the background becomes.

How to make the sky brighter:

- Option A: for gouache. Add white paint to blue.

- option B: for watercolors. We blur the paint. To do this, we do not collect paint on the brush, but dip it slightly in water and thus wash out the paint on the brush.

Towards the horizon, the sky in the children's drawing will be almost white.

We've got the sky background for the autumn landscape.

Second phase. Drawing an autumn field

At the second stage, the children and I paint the field with yellow-orange paints. Let's draw a hill with a curved line. Apply individual strokes with green paint.

Helpful advice: Draw the attention of the children to the mixing of colors. If you brush the wet orange paint with a brush with in green, we get a brown earthy color.

Stage three. Drawing the trunk and branches of a tree

Let's start drawing with children main element autumn landscape - a tree in a meadow.

Take a thin brush and paint a tree trunk and branches with brown paint: first, with light lines, outline the tree trunks by moving the brush from top to bottom. We draw the branches not symmetrically, but randomly.

We draw the attention of children to the fact that the trunk in the upper and lower parts is of different width, because the tree grows from below and near the ground its trunk has the widest part.

Then paint over the trunk with brown paint.

Draw thin lines along the trunk with black or brown paint of a different color, giving the texture of the bark.

Stage four. Drawing autumn foliage with stamps

Step one. First, together with the children, we will prepare homemade stamps for drawing leaflets. To do this, we take ordinary office paper or a notebook sheet (of course, you can make stamps from a newspaper).

To make a stamp, you need to tear off and twist a small piece of a sheet of paper into a tube with a diameter of approximately 7-10 mm. Then bend it in half and wrap it with thread. Moreover, it is desirable to fix it closer to the fold of the paper, because during operation the paper will get wet and the width of the stamp will increase. Although this also has its own charm, because the leaves on the tree are not the same size.

Helpful advice: It is advisable to use used paper, introducing children to frugality. After all, a forest is cut down for the production of paper! If everyone keeps one clear sheet paper, the tree will be saved from cutting down. This is also saving the family budget. Teach children to respectful attitude to the world from an early age.

Step two. Dip the resulting stamp with a fold in red paint and make prints imitating leaves on tree branches.

Step three. Take another stamp and dip it in green paint and in a similar way apply green leaf prints to the crown of the tree. Do the same job with orange paint.

Step four. And the last stamps to fulfill yellow... Of course, the sequence of application of paints may be different - this is the child's choice! If desired, stamp fallen leaves under the tree.

The autumn landscape with a tree in the meadow is ready. You can add any details to it.

Creative tasks for drawing an autumn landscape with children

Drawing an autumn landscape with children is always based on the life experience of a child. , his observation of nature, viewing paintings about autumn nature, photographs, listening to poems in which poets expressed their autumn mood.

To help you - a few creative tasks that will prepare children for drawing an autumn landscape.

  • Watch the autumn sky. What color is it? What color are the clouds? Think and discuss with the children how you can depict such a sky in the drawing of an autumn landscape, what colors you need. Draw the autumn sky with your child coming home from a walk.

Helpful advice: You can take a picture of the sky while walking with your child. mobile phone... At home, before drawing the sky, look at your photos so that the kid can clearly see the features of the autumn sky and autumn landscape and convey them in his drawing.

  • Think about how and from what you can make your own stamps for drawing leaves on a tree.
  • Draw autumn tree in the meadow. Observe and draw other autumn landscapes as you walk along with the children.
  • Assignment for children 6 years old and older. Read a poem to the children about autumn as an artist. How does autumn draw its picture? How does autumn “interfere with the colors,” how does it “tear the drawing to shreds” (for example, can a child be explained that when the wind blows, the leaves fall off and the drawing changes, as if the autumn has torn its drawing with the wind)? What does "dropped the crimson" mean? What picture did the fall look like? What does it mean "it is impossible to take your eyes off" - this means, what is the picture?

Autumn - artist
Autumn just got down to work
just took out a brush and a chisel,
put some gilding,
dropped a crimson here and there,
and hesitated, as if deciding
to take it this way or so?
It despairs, mixing colors,
and in confusion will retreat a step ...
It will go to pieces with anger and to shreds
will tear everything with a merciless hand ...
And suddenly, on a painful night,
will find stately peace.
And then, gathering together
all efforts, thoughts, ways,
will paint a picture like this
that we cannot take our eyes off. (Margarita Aliger)

These are the drawings that preschoolers made when they drew an autumn landscape in a kindergarten in an art circle.

Note - how different the mood is conveyed in the drawings. Some of the children have an alarming autumn landscape, the wind is blowing, nature is tense, the lines are intermittent. And someone got a sunny autumn. Do not drive your child into templates - let him express his mood and his perception of the autumn landscape!

Autumn landscape - this is a great opportunity to discuss with your child the changes in autumn nature, talk about autumn moods and different perceptions of autumn by people, poets, and artists. Use this opportunity and rediscover the world and its beauty with your children!

You will find another option for drawing an autumn landscape with children in the video below:

More about drawing autumn paintings with children, you will learn from the articles on the site:

Absolutely any novice artist sooner or later thinks about how to paint an autumn landscape. It is this time of the year that makes nature unusually bright and beautiful, inspiring painters to create truly magnificent landscapes. Of course, learning how to draw an autumn landscape in stages is best done by sketching from nature somewhere in the park or outside the city. But, if this is not possible, then photographs can be used. But to understand how to draw an autumn landscape in stages for beginners without nature, or a photo, most likely, will not work. After all, drawing a landscape from imagination, you can easily make various mistakes.
Before drawing an autumn landscape with a pencil, you should prepare:
1). Pencil - you can use either a regular, but well-sharpened pencil, or a mechanical one;
2). A pen with a black gel refill;
3). Colour pencils;
4). Eraser;
5). A piece of paper.

If everything you need has already been prepared, then you can start studying how to draw an autumn landscape with a pencil in stages:
1. Draw the horizon line with light lines and outline the fence;
2. Draw the outlines big trees and small bushes;
3. Draw the fence;
4. Draw two birches and sketch their foliage. Mark a path leading into the distance;
5. Circle the drawing with a pen for details. When drawing bushes and trees, avoid excessive detailing - you should not draw every leaf. Draw large cumulus clouds in the sky. Draw a bird on the fence;
6. Using an eraser, remove the pencil sketch;
7. Shade the grass with shades of green, yellow and light brown;
8. With pencils of gray-brown scale paint over the path and stones;
9. Paint over tree trunks with black, gray and brown pencils;
10. Using pencils of bright, saturated colors, paint the foliage of bushes and trees;
11. Paint the fence with gray and brown pencils;
12. Paint the forest in the distance with green, yellow and orange;
13. Shade the sky with a blue pencil. Blue and purple shades Lightly paint over the clouds.
Now drawing a bright autumn landscape is completely ready! Having understood how to draw an autumn landscape, you can paint it with paints. For this, paints such as watercolors and gouache are best suited, which have extremely bright hues, mix easily and are economical to use.

We have selected for you 3 simple, but completely different image techniques. autumn nature... Choose the one that you like.

Autumn landscape watercolor in monotype technique

A traditional autumn landscape - a colorful forest on the shore of a reservoir, reflected in a water mirror, can be painted using an original and easy-to-use technique.

You will need:

  • watercolor paints (preferably honey-based);
  • water;
  • natural brush (squirrel) - recommended size 2.5;
  • a sheet of thick paper for watercolor painting;
  • palette for mixing paints.

Technique for drawing an autumn landscape in stages:

Apply a thin layer of water to the paper with a brush. Leave the sheet to dry.

Draw a line for the horizon. Determine where the sky will be in the drawing, allocating more space for it than for objects located on the ground. Paint the sky in a light blue tone, applying paint from bottom to top, heading from the horizon.

Draw water. To do this, choose a more saturated shade of blue and apply it, heading from top to bottom from the horizon line. When drawing a surface of water, make movements with a brush horizontally. Leave the sheet to dry - the paint should dry completely!

Draw the sky. Paint with a brush in yellow and draw a stripe across the sky, approximately in the central part of it. Draw the exact same crimson stripe closer to the horizon line. These lines represent solar reflections.

Apply enough white paint to the brush, dilute it a little with water. Draw several oblique stripes across the sky and blend them in the same direction. These will be clouds.

Draw water on the brush and blur the raspberry and yellow streaks, moving the brush horizontally.

Dip a brush in brown paint, depict a wide stripe on the horizon. It will be a forest in the distance. Wait for the paint to dry completely.

With orange paint, paint the silhouettes of the trees that will be in the foreground - directly on the shore. You can do this not only with a brush, but also directly using leaf prints.

Fold the sheet in half, bending it up and down. Run your hand over the paper and unfold the drawing. You have imprinted the reflection of the trees in the opening mirror.

Draw the sun behind the trees, silhouettes of birds flying across the sky. Wait for the drawing to dry

Brush with yellow paint and paint the silhouettes of the trees at the top of the sheet. Fold the drawing in half again, swipe and unfold.

At the top of the landscape, paint the trees in orange and yellow and the grass in yellow.

Draw the trunks and branches of the trees.

Autumn drawing in monotype technique is ready!

Autumn landscape in pencil

Using a pencil, it is best to depict late autumn, when there is practically no foliage on the trees, the weather is frowning, and the artist's mood is a little sad. We suggest you depict two thin autumn trees bending under the gusts of the cold autumn wind on the bank of the river.

Autumn landscape technique in stages:

Outline straight horizons and perspectives

In the foreground, depict tree trunks.

Draw the left and right banks of the river

To prevent the trees from "hanging in the air" draw a small mound at their foot, covered with dry and sparse grass.

Draw in detail the silhouettes of both trees - rhizomes, trunks, branches

Draw some fallen leaves on the ground and draw a few remaining leaves on the branches of the trees. Draw reeds along the banks of the river.

Use horizontal lines to depict the flow of the river.

Cover the mound on which the trees grow with shading of varying intensity.

Draw the silhouette of a forest on the far bank of the river with the same shading.

Draw clouds in the sky and silhouettes of birds flying away to warm lands.

Draw a thin autumn cobweb among the branches of the tree.

Use the eraser to add highlights to the landscape for an even colder mood.

Create an autumn landscape using natural materials

Children will surely enjoy working on this landscape, because original technique execution involves the use of real autumn leaves.

You will need:

  • watercolor paints;
  • gouache;
  • simple pencil;
  • thick paper for drawing watercolor;
  • natural brushes (pony, squirrel No. 2.6);
  • masking tape;
  • autumn leaves of various shapes.


Mark the horizon line with a simple pencil

Tear the paper tape into free-form pieces and stick them above the horizon - these will be clouds floating in the sky

Paint the skyline with watercolor yellow color... When depicting the horizon, brush with more water so that the line is blurred.

Paint the sky with rich yellow, moving the brush from left to right.

Gradually introduce greenish shades into the general background of the sky. Remember to add plenty of water to the brush.

Accentuate the horizon with darker shades of blue and green. Thus, you will depict the forest located in the distance.

Paint the foreground of the landscape with blurred spots. different shades yellow and green.

Peel off the paper tape above the horizon line.

Prepare the autumn leaves that you will use to draw the trees in the distance.

Cover the leaves with orange, yellow, or brown gouache.

Attach the leaves to the background of the drawing, beyond the horizon line. Make prints.

In the same way, print out the outlines of the leaves in the foreground of the landscape. For the foreground, pick up leaves of a different shape and use richer shades of gouache.

Use a thin brush to paint the trunks and branches of the trees in the foreground.

The original autumn landscape is ready.

Creative autumn for you!