The abstract of the literature lesson "Taras Bulba". The historical basis of the story

Abstract lesson literature
The abstract of the literature lesson "Taras Bulba". The historical basis of the story

Report Grade 7.

Literary critic A.I. Herzen said: "... the stories with which Gogol spoke for the first time, represent a series of truly beautiful paintings depicting the morals and nature of Malorussess, - paintings, full of funness, grace, vitality and love. The story "Taras Bulba" is included in the Gogol Collection called Mirgorod. "In Mirgorod, he collided the norm, a high possibility of folk heroism with a terrible public reality that does not allow this opportunity to realize this opportunity, created, by Gogol, for the Great Affairs," wrote a literary critic G.A. Gukovsky. The historicism of the story "Taras Bulba" is close to folklore: creating such a historical work, Gogol not only carefully studied document-historical materials (chronicles, memoirs, research), but also folklore works. Not the simple role of historical materials, the championship should still pay folklore sources.

The focus of the writer of the era of the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people and heroic characters, and not specific events and real historical faces. To actual accuracy, the writer did not strive. Hence the conventionality of chronological data reported in Taras.

Taras Bulba was a native "Kozak" who lived in Ukraine. In those distant times, Ukraine was captured by Polish and Lithuanian knights. Some wealthy residents of Ukraine moved to the side of the invaders. Taras Bulba and other patriots of their homeland organized Zaporizhia and fought against the invaders. Taras Bulba "was created for a bluff alarm." He had a very difficult character. This was evidenced by everything: the decoration of his Svetlitsy, the attitude towards his wife, behavior in battle. Taras had two adults of the Son: Ostap and Andry. When sons arrived from Bursa (lyceum, school), Taras decided to take them to Sch. "They will be real kozacs," said Taras to his friends. The next day Taras Taras his sons in Sch.

The image of the people of the warrior in the story is inextricably linked with the way the people-worker. "Modern ingenians were then fairly unusual abilities of him. There was no craft that would not know the Kozak: to crush the wine, equipping the cart, nourish gunpowder, to play Kuznetskaya, plumbing work and, in addition to that, started to walk, - all this was on his shoulder. " The writer does not resort to any means of embellishment, softening, shaking the features of the era, the severity and the needles of the war. The historicism of the thinking of Gogol, who had said in the artist's noted by Belinsky skill, was compressed, as part of a small story, to express the content of the whole era, manifests itself in the fact that the author of Taras Bulba seeks to explain all the parties to the era of themselves, its features and conditions. There is a high objectivity of the historian artist, only if he has the right to his, subjective attitude towards people and events of the era favorite. Gogol draws all the greatness and heroic of the People's Liberation War and entirely, it is unconditionally joined the people. Belinsky Okhanzenized the value of "Taras Bulba", indicating that the author "has exhausted in it all the life of historical Little Mor. and in the wonderful, artistic creation forever captured her spiritual image: so scabel hurts in marble the features of man and gives them an immortal life ..." . Gogol took the history of the Ukrainian people at the time of her high rise, in this minute, when, just as it happens to the decisive moments of a person's life, the entire nature of the people is checked. The historian artist captured heroic folk character.

The story is imbued with high poetry of the undistribute fraternity of Russian and Ukrainian peoples. The main character itself is a living embodiment of this fraternity. Being an epic image of a wide generalizing historical significance, Taras Bulba absorbs many of the best features of historical figures of the national liberation movements of different periods of Ukrainian history, universal politicians, passionate patriots who have conducted Ukrainian people in the only possible way to save their nationality: by Ways of an inseparable union with Russia and the Russian people. Only in this union the Ukrainian people could hope for the preservation of national identity. The speech of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, addressed to the Cossacks, gave the material from Gogol to speech Taras Bulba, which he pronounces before the fight. Then the historical dilemma was then stood before Ukraine - either be conquered by the Shuttle Poland and Sultan Turkey, or go under the power of Russia. Poland was in stately feudally retarded, the royal authorities could not overcome the batch, centrifugal forces prevailed. Polish gentry was the cruel enemy of the Ukrainian people. The Moscow State reached the centralization by that time. The historic pathos "Tarasa Bulba" is to approve the Union of Ukraine with Moscow as the only path possible for the Ukrainian people. Taras's patriotism, his love to Ukraine is inseparable from his consciousness of the brotherhood with the people of Russian, the great intercessor of the Ukrainian people.

The people of Ukraine himself, the peasant, oppressed by the bars who, who endure the double oppression - from the Polish and "his" Panov, perturbed by the low betrayal of the tops of the domestic gentry, who went to "Polonization", subsected in front of Polish magnates in favor of self-grade interests, - the people of Ukraine for all soul It sought to the Union with the Russian people. And Taras Bulba expresses this folk desire. Zaporizhia Cossacks cooled nicely for the independence and honor of the Ukrainian people, and for the integrity and power of the Russian state. It enhances the motif of the brotherhood of Russian and Ukrainian peoples in Taras Boulebe. The character of the struggling people is the main thing that the author entails. The historical action committed by the people, thoroughly, deeply, and the characters of people involved in this historical action, deep and founder. "... Stop, stand! .." interrupted the cat, Dotlet was standing, drank his eyes to the ground, like all the Cossacks, who were never given to the first gust, but were silent and meanwhile, in silence, the formidable strength of indignation was silent .. ............. There was no longer an excitement of a frivolous people: all the characters were worried about the characters and strong, who did not soon have been gone, but, heaven, stubbornly and for a long time they kept the inner heat ... ".

Questions on the report:

1) What historical events formed the basis of the story N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"?

2) Are the main characters of the story N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" by persons historical or is this fictional characters? What is important for a writer?

3) As in the story of Taras Bulba, the people are depicted?

4) Why N.V. story Gogol "Taras Bulba" should be considered historical?

Entrance lesson on the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

Epoch and heroes: the historical basis of the story "Taras Bulba"

Class: 7.


Deepen knowledge about life and creativity N.V. Gogol;

Introduce the historical basis of the story of Taras Bulba;

Determine the ideological component of the work.

Equipment: Interactive board, computer.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time
  2. Repetition of the previous topic

Reception of "islands"

Fill out the "islands" by inserting suitable words and phrases.

"The song about (...) merchant Kalashnikov" is a historical __________, written in folk tradition. Lermontov chooses for the work form _____________ to add a plot of confidence.

The writer shows the harsh era of the king ______________________________. During his reign, the country was divided into two parts - _____________________________________________________. On the territory of ________________________ there were ancient government agencies, which, according to ______________________________, prevented him. On the territory ________________________________ These institutions had no strength. Representatives of the royal suite, devotees of the king and located in this territory, called ____________________. They had complete power on both diets and special differences: clothes _____________________ colors and attached to the saddles ___________________ heads that were a symbol ________________________, and meters that were denoted that all the traitors __________________ from the Moscow state. _________________________ were the favorites of the king and could make loose and murders with impunity.

  1. Conversation

Guys, how do you think, why during the study of the song about (...) merchant Kalashnikov, we first talked about the historical basis of the work?

It is true, therefore, the study of the story "Taras Bulba" we will also begin with a dating with the era, which Gogol wrote.

4. Short message of students about the biography and creativity N.V.Gogol (two rapporteurs, the implementation of an individual homework)

1. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol was born in the town of Great Sorochints of the Mirgorod County of Poltava province in the family of the landowner. Nikolai called him in honor of the miraculous icon of St. Nicholas, stored in the Church of the village of Dikanka.

Gogol, together with his brother Ivan, studied in the Poltava district school, and then entered the gymnasium of higher sciences in Nezhin. Here he is engaged in painting, participates in performances - as an artist-decorator and as an actor, with special success performs comic roles. Tries himself in various literary genres (writes an email poems, tragedy, historical poem, story).

2. However, the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting still "did not boil to the mind" Gogol, all his aspirations are associated with the "State Service", he dreams of a legal career.

In St. Petersburg, Gogol writes his first stories. "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka" cause universal admiration. Gogol becomes a famous writer.

The top of Gogol fiction - "Petersburg story" "Nose". The tale of "Taras Bulba" was contrast to the contrast to and the provincial and metropolitan world, which was captured by the moment of the national past, when the Cossacks defending their sovereignty were solid, together, and moreover, which determines the nature of the pan-European history.

  1. Work on the lesson. Teacher's lecture, historical comment on the story

Today we have to find out what the historical basis of the story "Taras Bulba" and who are such Zaporizhia Cossacks. The lecture you will have to submit to the notebook in the form of a scheme.

Let's start from afar. In the 13th century, the Mongol invasion led to the final decay of Kievan Rus.

Disintegration of Kievan Rus

Teacher shows on the map (slide)

Eastern lands were under the IGA of the Horde Hanov, and Western - under the rule of Lithuanian princes.

Mid XIII century - Mongol invasion

Disintegration of Kievan Rus

The population of Poland and Lithuania were Catholics, and most of Ukraine and Belarus are Orthodox.

1596 - in Brest Litovsk enclosed

(ie, association) Orthodox and

Catholic church

Ukrainian population refuses

Take Catholic

Poles began the persecution of those who

Refused to take Ulya

Because of these events, Polish shutters, the Ukrainian population began to perceive as the main enemies. To protect national independence and religion, the uprisings were arranged, the main force of which were the Cossacks.

Some Cossacks lived in the southern borders of the Moscow state, on the Rivers Don and YiIK, and some settled on the southern borders of Poland, on the Dnipro River. The center of the latter was Zaporizhia Sch. The church, economic buildings, residential premises were located in the Snish, also on its territory and laws also operated on its territory. Thus, Zaporizhzhya Schish was a kind of "Cossack State".

The life of the "Cossack republic"

  • cossacks themselves chose and they themselves shot their atamans;
  • did not recognize the orders of the Polish king;
  • independently made hiking against the Crimean Tatars and Turkey;
  • women in the Schish did not let.

Time actions - XV century.However, the events described in the story should have been either at the end of 16 or in the first half of the 17th century. Gogol deliberately chooses another time segment, since he had no goal to portray genuine historical facts or real historical faces.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work in another is to show true defenders of the Christian faith and the Orthodox Church, real patriots, brave fighters for national independence. In the second edition, the writer also stressed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of the Russian and Ukrainian people.

  1. Fastening material

Reception "Telegram"

To write a message in the telegram blanks, briefly told about what you learned in today's lesson.

Mid XIII century - Mongolian invasion of the collapse of Kievan Rus 1569 - Lithuania and Poland united in the state. People compounded 1596 - in Brest Litovsk. The Ukrainian population of the Orthodox and Catholic Church was concluded in Brestovsk. The Ukrainian population refuses to take the Catholicity of the Poles began to pursue those who refused to take Ulya

By the end of the XVI century, the mass of the Ukrainian population began to perceive the Polish Catholic gentry * as his main enemy. * Channel, gentry - Polish nobles.

end of the XVI century - uprising flare up in Ukraine. The main force in them is Ukrainian Cossacks *. * Cossacks - free people who lived in the steppe and not submitted to the state and its law.

Cossacks lived on the southern borders of the Moscow state, the Don and YiIK rivers settled on the southern borders of Poland, on the Dnipro River

The center of the Dnieper Cossacks - Zaporizhzhya Schish * * It was called that because it was located for the difficult Dnieper thresholds and was surrounded by interfacing (fortifications from the fallen trees). With a full "Cossack Republic"

The life of the "Cossack republic" of the Cossacks themselves chose and they themselves shot their atamans; N E recognized the orders of the Polish king; Motion against the Crimean Tatars and Turkey Women in the Schish did not let.

Time actions - XV century. With the seferences described in the story should have been either at the end of 16 or in the first half of the 17th century. Gogol deliberately chooses another time segment, since he had no goal to portray genuine historical facts or real historical faces.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work Show true defenders of the Christian Faith and the Orthodox Church, brave fighters for national independence. In the second edition, the writer stressed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of the Russian and Ukrainian people.

The historical basis of the story N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

I go to the lesson

Anna Popova,
G. Belogorsk,
Amur region

The historical basis of the story N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

The main character of the story - an expressive of the feelings and views of a hard and bloody time

Objectives lesson. Give students a concept about the historical features of the era, about the nrules, customs and traditions of the Zaporizhzhya Schash. Analyze the image of the main character, relying on the 1st and 2nd chapters.

Registration. Map, scheme, illustration for story, scenery near the board: woven, near him sunflowers, apple tree branch with fruits.

During the classes

To the music of "Slavic Dance No. 2" A. Dvorzhaka sounds the text of the Tale from the words "It was one of those characters that could only arise in the heavy XV century on the semi-coursing corner of Europe ..." To the words "... he was bounced from the folk breast of fire Bed ".

Literature teacher. Before you step on the trop of knowledge, listen to one Russian word, by itself emitting poetry: the Motherland is yours and your genus, relatives, parents, progenitor - your story. This is your hometown, where for the first time for you, as for N.V. Gogol, score a spring of creativity. These are the immense expanses of the native land - Russia. Russia, in whose name and blue dew, and the morning sky, and the power of Rusich, as long as the Russian people are called. Many writers, poets addressed the history of the Motherland. What did they move? Why is it so important to know and love your past? This problem question will be solved in the lesson. (Epigraph reads.) And now in the path of knowledge.

Teacher of history. No one knows exactly where the word "Cossack" comes from. Most scientists believe that it is Turkic origin and means "free man." Others believe that it takes his beginning in Mongolian, where the word "Co." means "armor", "Latvi", and the word "Zak" - "Mezha", "border", "Rubbe", that is, "Kazak" - "Border Protector".

The first appearance of this word in the documents refers to 1444.

The emergence of free Cossacks scientists belong to the XVI century.

Steppes, stoled from the low-level Dnieper to Don and Volga, in the XVI century they are detected. In Russia and in the neighboring Polish-Lithuanian state, this territory was named by a wild field. Gradually, Russian people start to settle on its outskirts. (Work with the card.) The forest-steppe lands rich in herbs, a beast, rivers with the unpretentious stocks of the fish trampled to themselves. These people, called themselves the Cossacks, lived in the fortified towns built along the banks of the rivers and on the islands. The danger of raids forced the Cossacks to unite into military communities. Such communities almost simultaneously appeared on Dnieper, Don and Volga.

In the 40s of the XVI century, Dnipro Cossacks founded Zaporizhia.

(Theatrical screensaver. Drafting the episode of the meeting of Taras Bulba with sons.)

Literature teacher. Discluded the heroes of the story? Let's watch what means the writer creates the image of a distant era. (Students read the description of Svetlitsa, costumes, customs and morals of that time.) How does the Svetlitsy description help to understand the character of the main character, his habits, attachment? (Responses of students.)

Teacher of history. You probably noticed the peculiar outfit of heroes? Listen to a small message from the costume story.

Pupil message. The Cossacks wore wide sharovari on Studkur, that is, on the cord, which supported them, and Beshmets. On top of Beshmet, the Chekken was put on - a fitted caftan, whose wide sleeves were pulled into the cuff. The headdress was most often served as a hat from a lame fur - "Trukhmenka", the closed top of which hung in the form of a wedge.

The Cossacks preferred long hanging mustache, and only strand of hair was left on a shaved head.

The armament of the Cossacks was different, guns and pistols were used in battle along with onions and arrows.

Teacher of history. At the beginning of the XVI century, Western and South-Western lands of Russia - Belaya Rus (Belarus) and Malaya Rus (Ukraine) were captured by the responding speech. The violent pushing of these lands, once part of the Kiev state, began. Polish laws, Polish, morals and customs were impaired everywhere. The nobles were located on the rich "magnates" and a small "gentle".

Poles Catholics led by King Sigismund III in 1596 by force imposed by Orthodox Ukraine "Ulya" - the compound of the Orthodox and Catholic churches under the rule of the Roman dad. After that, the open persecution of Orthodox began.

Work with a scheme


Cossacks shared on the city and grassroots. Zaporizhzhya Cossacks lived free, but at the same time pretty harsh life. Most of the time they were carried out in the campaigns. Military prey, which they captured, was one of the sources of their existence. Cossacks acted from ambushes, attacked Looy. Each Cossack since childhood was trained with horseback riding, possession of a saber and a peak, a shooting label from a rifle and onion. The main ideal of the young man became freedom of native land.

Literature teacher. In the center of the narration, the main character - Taras Bulba. Only part of the topic are recorded on the board: "The main character of the story - Taras Bulba." But what does he see the meaning of life? How shows his writer, what highlights his appearance and actions? It will determine and formulate a brief expression of the main output, to preform the subject of the lesson.

Find a description of Taras. When reading, select keywords and details helping to understand the character of the hero.

Filling table

Work with illustration

  • What do you see in illustrations?
  • What is the main thing in the Hero emphasizes the artist?
  • How does the author belong to him?

According to Taras, a man must be courageous, hardy, faithful. For him, a man only then becomes a man when he visited the battle: "In the current age, it was ashamed and vigorously thinking about the woman, about love, not taking the battle." Taras is a symbol of Malorus. All qualities that Gogol gives his hero, and the comrades of Taras are also inherent. They are present in the whole Russian people, they are typical.

Take a conclusion: what kind of people wanted to show Gogol, creating the image of Taras Bulba? (Responses of students.)

I add the topic of the lesson: "Taras Bulba is an expressive of the feelings and views of a hard and grave time."

Teacher of history. The peculiarity of the story in a wide range of Zaporizhzhya SECH, in the creation of heroic characters, in the show of the people as active force, which determined the outcome of the battle against Pansk Poland.

Literature teacher. Let us return to the problem, which we set at the beginning of the lesson.

Why is it so important to know and love your past? (Responses of students.)

The words of a remarkable person, a talented writer and a historian and the statesman N.M. can be confirmed by confirmation. Karamzin (two half board opens): "The history of ancestors is always curious for the one who is worthwhile to have the Fatherland." How do you understand these words? (Responses of students.)

One of the indicators of human spirituality and culture is the memory of the past, in which we draw the experience of life.

Summing up the lesson. Motivated estimates.

Homework. Give moral assessment of the main character of the story.

The historical basis of the story of N. V. Gogol "Taras Bulba".
In the story of N. V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" reflects the main events of the 16th century: in Ukraine, the Polish gentles - "Panya" became major landowners, which were introduced in their landmarks and planted "their faith" - Catholicism.
The bulk of the population of Ukraine professed Orthodoxy and did not want to go to Catholicism: the veratpers were always considered a terrible sin from the Russian people. In addition, the arrival of the Ukrainian lands of Polish Panov was accompanied by a deterioration in the life of the people: the peasants took the best land plots, the time immemorially belonged to their families, many simply drove them from their land or moved to unlikely for agriculture, non-fermentation lands. For free peasants, large taxes were introduced in order to make them sell their land in large landowner.
The "quiet" expansion of someone else's territory began: all Ukrainian, all the national persecution was persecuted, the language, life and morals of the Polish people were imposed. Some Ukrainian landowners adopted the customs and the lifestyle of the Poles, but the people resisted desperately, as he could have opposed polonization (Poland on Latin sounds like polonium) and, if possible, led against the new owners and the new faith, the open struggle.

Expansion (lat. Expansio) - expansion, dissemination of borders or influence for the initial limits, for example. Trade expansion - seizure of new markets. - (Newest
dictionary of foreign words and expressions. - M.: AST; Minsk: Harvest, 2002. - P. 933.)

In order to somehow "drag" to its side, the Ukrainian people, Polish and Ukrainian landowners under the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church invented "Ulya" - "Agreement" between Orthodox and Catholics, in fact, a new version of the Christian religion is a uniate. Many church rituals in the uniates outwardly resembled the ritual side of Orthodoxy, but in fact the uniate and remains a branch from the Roman Catholic Church with her dogmas and ideas about how Christian should live.
Against the encroachment on faith and the moral foundations of their people and Ukrainians were performed in
The XVI-XVII centuries, a fictional hero of Taras Bulba is configured against the same.
In the story of N. V. Gogol described Zaporizhzhya Schie - a real historical object,arriving in Ukraine in the Middle Ages: Often the peasants of the Western and Medical regions of Ukraine, escaped from the Polish oppression, went east, many settled in the lower reapers of the Dnieper. Here, at the Dnieper thresholds, on the island of Khortitsa, there was a large fortified camp of the Cossacks and runaway peasants from Velikorsia. (After the construction of the Dneprogacy in the 1940s, the island of Hortica, like a part of the thresholds, went under the water.) They began to be called Zaporozhye Cossacks.
Zaporizhzhya Cossacks usually surrounded their camps in the fears of conceded trees, pointed upwards. From the Ukrainian Word, Schish, (in Russian - Fight) the biggest camp on the chortea and got its name - Zaporizhia Sch.
Cossacks - the name is conditional, since there was no permanent population in Zaporizhzhya Sich: as a rule, in the spring, the main mass of the Cossacks in Schove was gathered, united in the smoke - a kind of detachment, who lived in one slash (Kurnie - Slash), chose her Kurennaya Ataman. For better control, such a national couple, Khutni, they were combined into mills, or Cauchy, who headed koshevy atamans. All the works of the Sifty were solved at the General Meeting - Rada.
Many Cossacks were engaged in livestock, hunting or various crafts, less often - agriculture. More often, they went to long-distance hiking to Poland or Crimea, Turkish cities or Tatar settlements on the Black Sea coast. Idealize Zaporozhtsev should not be: hiking them were robbed, in the spirit of Middle Ages.
However, by the end of the XVI century, Poland began to be unbearable for the population of all Ukraine, so Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, fluent peasants and the population of enslaved areas actively opposed the expansion of Polyakov: attacked the Polish land, Zhgli Sowing and cities, drone Polish landowners and "put on their place" His landowners.
So lasted almost a hundred years. In the second half of the XVII century, Ukraine voluntarily joined the Moscow State (1654). Now the strong Orthodox state defended the interests of their citizens, most of which were
Ukrainians - the relatives of the Russian people.

Gray and inexpressive validity of life in Ukraine in the first half of the XIX century did not inspire the imagination of the Great Talent, laid in the soul of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Writer, Ukrainian in the soul, more interested in the past. Its fully covered the times when Ukraine lived a stormy, filled with historical events, life. These were the clock of the origin of the free Ukrainian Cossacks, when the life of every Cossack without a residue was overflowed by the struggle for freedom, fatherland and faith of Christ.

So there was an idea of \u200b\u200bwriting a small, but capacious epic work from the life of the Ukrainian Cossacks of the end of the XV century. Gogol writes a bright historical narration "Taras Bulba". The whole essence of artistic images and acting persons derived in the pages of the work are real, almost epic Cossacks-heroes, towering the soul of the reader.

Gogol - a researcher of Ukrainian antiquity

Being an artist and poet, Gogol, like no one, managed to inspire the chants and legends of the people of Ukraine. It was this environment that influenced the formation of the spirit of the Ukrainian Cossacks. On the other hand, Gogol can be called the historic-researcher of the Ukrainian "long-standing". And this lesson was very organic for him. Another young historical experiences of the Gogol writer show how deeply and penetrating it was interested in almost mystical images of the same Pan Danil in the story of "terrible revenge" or Pan Chuba in a fabulous story "Night before Christmas".

Being an educated person of his time, Gogol conscientiously studied all the original sources that narrowed about the great past. And these were both the works of scientists, and folk work, and the records of contemporaries. But, first of all, he was interested in the Zaporizhia Sch. This is how the source for the historical, heroic and artistic understanding of the past of his homeland. Gogol, a romantic in his soul, could not pass by such a deep historical theme.

The idea of \u200b\u200bwriting a story

According to Gogol itself, the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting Taras Bulba appeared overnight. Shortly before that, Nikolai Vasilyevich finished writing "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka" - a programming ethnic work about the life of ordinary people with his lovely Ukraine. After that, he takes over the writing of the historical cycle called Mirgorod. Part of the first of this epic just consisted of two narches - "Taras Bulba" and "Starlavetsky landowners". They were printed in 1835. Such is the historical basis of the story of Taras Bulba.

The main character of the conceived story becomes an elderly Kazak, father of two beautiful sons, Colonel Troops Zaporizhia - Taras Bulba. It is in it that the author personifies the best qualities of the Zaporizhia Cossack end of the XV century. The story itself by genre, no doubt, is a historical work. It has a wide multipleness of both domestic and battle scenes with a description of a huge number of actors.

Plot story

The historical basis of the story "Taras Bulba" is confirmed by the story itself of this literary masterpiece. The narration begins fun and beautiful. Two former Bursa are coming to parents to parents. The father of Bursakov, the exhaust Cossack Taras Bulba, with the move arranging already adult sons of the test, checking their behavior in battle. Being a real Cossack, the Father seeks her sons to adopt courage and militancy from him. Therefore, immediately at the arrival of sons, they all go to Zaporizhia together together, despite the prohibitions of the mother.

Reading, re-reading the scene of the movement of Taras Bulba and his sons to Sich, you understand that Gogol just rested the soul when it wrote this work. What a colorful description of the steppe, nature, life, life and mood of the Cossack partnership! The scope of the creative alkali of Gogol in this little one is grandiose. In the images of the acting persons, the author managed to realize the entire epoch point of war and the history of all the people of Ukraine.

Siege fortress

The historical basis of the story of Taras Bulba is quite accurately revealed in episodes, where the siege of the fortress of Dubno is described. It is in these plots that the historical feature of Taras Bulba is checked and the main actors of the story. At first, Taras Bulba, along with his sons, fight bravely. Siblings behave very boldly, but on the approach the main test of their characters. The glorious Cossack Taras is proud of its sons. Yes, and he himself is faithful to his main purpose of the defender of his native land and faith Orthodox.

The image of Taras Bulby

Taras Bulba in the history of the Zaporizhia Cossacks is very organic. It is endowed with specific historical features and fully corresponds to the essence of the hero of the Hetmannie era in Ukraine. Historical events in Taras Bulba Tale reveal all the features of the nature of this extraordinary Cossack. In constant and intense struggle and in the actions of the Bulba, as in the mirror, the times of the glorious of the past Ukraine are reflected.

Cossack Colonel Taras Bulba. Historical Persons like him came to the forefront at a time when fierce liberation wars were walking throughout the territory. It was a grandiose time when the struggle with insatiable lyhas and uncontrollable Mongol-Tatars was led by one Ukrainian Cossacks - the main military and spiritual power of Hetmans.

The image of the Zaporizhia Cossacks

Artistic dominant story is romanticized by Gogol, the way of life of the Zaporizhia Cossacks. From this point of view, the historical basis of the story of Taras Bulba itself is questioned. But this is far from that. Historical penetration into the story story leads to awareness that Gogol in this case acts as the conglodent of the new original epics about the unique characters and the glorious exploits of our distant ancestors Cossacks.

The spiritual basis of the image of Taras Bulba is majestic, primarily by its deep and conscious sacrifice. Taras on fate falls out to bring the fourth victim for honoring his Cossack family, which in its scale flows sacrificing for nation and faith. The plot essence of this sacrifice is very cruel: the father of his own hand kills the son of Andrei, who committed a betrayal. The same father takes the heroic death of another son-richar Osta, and then the death of an expensive wife and mother of his sons. In our eyes, the father, her husband and warrior Taras turns into the spirit, which by all its strength opposes the enemies of his native land and faith.

Historical Persons

Gogol did not set itself the goal to describe specific historical personals in the story. It was enthusiastic, but in general, the heroes of the liberation movement of Ukraine at the end of the XV century. The historical basis of Taras Taras Bulba, "the author emphasizes the twelve chapter:" Young, but Hetman's a strong Spiritman's worshipers, he granted all the silence of Silo. "

It was in the rows of the narrative "Taras Bulba" reflected the powerful and unrestrained desire of the people of Ukraine to defend their independence and will. Through the historical century, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol appeals to all the Slavs brothers from the pages of his immortal story.

Taras Bulba - True Patriot of His Earth

The real spirit of patriotism permeates the entire story, emphasizing dramatic events. Taras Bulba - a hero who is not peculiar to oscillations. He is a warrior patriot and considers his highest debris serving. He is a courageous and fearless defender of his land and faith. Even the last moments of the life of Taras are overflowing with true love for their fellows to fight and faith.