Outline of the art lesson in the preparatory group for school Drawing in the technique "ebru. Calendar-thematic planning for drawing (preparatory group) on the topic: Advanced planning for fine arts (preparatory group)

Outline of the art lesson in the preparatory group for school Drawing in the technique
Outline of the art lesson in the preparatory group for school Drawing in the technique "ebru. Calendar-thematic planning for drawing (preparatory group) on the topic: Advanced planning for fine arts (preparatory group)

Greetings to you, my friends and casual visitors to my blog! Tatiana Sukhikh with you. Do you think sculpting, appliqué, drawing in the preparatory group are important for the future student, or is it better to focus on counting and writing classes? Why do we educators relate to pictorial views art in the system preschool education no less serious than teaching literacy and the basics of mathematics? Please, express your opinion, I am very interested to hear it!

Today I would like to talk about what a drawing lesson is for children who will very soon become first graders. I will focus on what gives five-six-year-olds the art of conveying the world around them on paper.

But first, as always, a review of materials from the Internet that are useful for educators and parents.

The traditionally rich assortment of online stores "UchMag" and "OZON.RU" cannot but please customers and me, of course, too.

So, I found the most interesting manuals for kindergarten teachers and active parents:

"Unconventional painting techniques in kindergarten"- great material about different ways draw, plus - the basic lexical concepts that children need for the development of speech. The book is designed for speech therapy preschool institutions, but it is perfect if you need to develop an interesting GCD outline for drawing in the senior and preparatory groups.

Until recently, printed workbooks were used only in schools, but today they can be introduced into the practice of kindergartens. For example, there is an interesting option - the series “Artistic Labor. Preparatory group ". Such a workbook will not only make classes on aesthetic development more interesting, but also prepare children for such activities that await them at school.

If you do not know how to entertain children in the summer when they are not attending kindergarten or school, invite them to do creative work right on the asphalt. The handbook "Drawing on the asphalt with children 4-7 years old", which is very timely for the summer, will help you. After all, it is not enough just to give the baby crayons, you need to be able to interest him so that he can spend time with enthusiasm on fresh air and for the benefit of overall development... The book contains a methodology for teaching children to depict various objects, landscapes, portraits with ordinary crayons.

Well, how can drawing take place without albums? "UchMag" offers colorful and inexpensive spiral albums from the series " Monster high"Which girls will like first of all.

I want to note that the proposed by me methodological materials developed according to the Federal State Educational Standard and can be easily applied in a preschool educational institution.

What do we do in art classes in kindergarten?

Let's imagine that we need to draw up a perspective drawing outline for the whole academic year... Do you want to see what is written there?

So, we start September by remembering the summer. We usually invite children of the preparatory group to draw on the topic: "How did I spend my summer?"

Children can depict different things, mainly they draw the sea, a river, a village, a summer cottage. If the kid is thinking about the sea and sand, you can offer the technique of wet watercolor painting. Who does not know - this is drawing with paint on wet paper... At the same time, the colors blur, the contours blur, which creates an amazing effect ...

What are the goals we are pursuing:

we teach children to transfer their ideas to a piece of paper, develop their imagination, suggest how to build a composition, teach different techniques drawing. In addition, the guys learn to work carefully, to bring their plans to the end.

After spending the summer, we will meet autumn!

Autumn drawing themes necessarily include the image of the gifts of autumn. The preparatory group draws still lifes: baskets with vegetables, jugs with autumn leaves etc. It is interesting to draw with the poke technique. Children draw sketches simple pencil, and then with a brush fill the sketch with color, making a brush poke on the paper. Pump, pump with gouache, first along the contour, then fill in the space inside the contour so that there are no gaps. It turns out beautifully, just like a real painting!

An unconventional drawing technique in the preparatory group is widely used, children of this age are already quite adept at using a pencil and a brush, therefore they easily perceive other ways of drawing. For example, if we want to draw autumn landscape, you can do this with the technique of prints. First we draw tree trunks, and then we put paint on a maple leaf and make an impression on paper - this is the crown of a tree. Or we put paint on the paper with our fingers, we get a lot of leaves on the trees.

What program tasks do children perform when drawing autumn? They experience an emotional uplift, trying to convey the beauty of autumn on paper, thus enriching personal experience perception of this time of year. In addition, children reinforce the skills of mixing paints, creating new shades, distinguishing between warm and cold colors.

We finish the autumn with Khokhloma - we draw characteristic patterns on paper of different shapes. These can be stripes, circles, triangles. Children learn to relate the elements of the pattern to the shape of the paper, imagining that they are painting a plate, ribbon, scarf.

Winter-winter has come!

The summary of the winter drawing lesson includes teaching the image of the cityscape - snow-covered streets hometown... Children learn to draw simple compositions where houses, city transport, and passers-by are present.

Unconventional drawing on this topic in kindergarten ( preparatory group) - for example, scratchboard. This is scratching the black background with a wooden skewer or an empty rod. ballpoint pen... In a nutshell: we rub a white or colored background with a candle, then paint over with black gouache with the addition of dishwashing detergent. When it is completely dry, we scratch the contours of the conceived pattern.

In winter, we often draw animals in winter forest, New Year's celebration, winter landscape. Be sure to depict birds at the feeder using different techniques.

We also deepen knowledge about folk species painting. We consolidate the skills of drawing with paints, pencils, we learn to draw animate and inanimate nature using different methods.

What do we paint in the spring?

Of course, March is associated primarily with women's day. We will definitely draw a portrait of mom in the preparatory group. What do we want to instill in the children during the lesson? We educate emotional perception the image of a mother, we develop the ability to portray a person's face close-up, we try to teach new drawing techniques, for example, using templates. You can prepare it yourself or buy ready-made templates elements of a person's face - eyes, lips, nose. This will facilitate learning to draw a portrait and diversify activities with children.

Further on the topic: "Spring" children draw drops. This can be done in different ways. I already, it seems, talked about drawing drops with plasticine? It is not difficult: we draw a house with snow on the roof. Then along the edge of the roof we smear vertically balls of white plasticine, imitating icicles.

What spring is without flowers? The flower theme is very interesting, children love to depict famous and fantastic buds of all colors of the rainbow. As for fiction, I advise you to invite children to draw fairy land colors - this is useful for the development of imagination and artistic taste. In addition, we develop the aesthetic perception of springtime, consolidate knowledge about color, about the possibilities various materials, learning to use white to create delicate shades.

Drawing lesson (spring) also involves illustrating fairy tales. We give the children a ready-made plot, or they themselves choose a fairy tale that they will draw, and the technique of drawing.

Here's how unusually you can depict a hedgehog with an apple: we draw the body and the apple with a brush, and the needles and grass with plastic forks. Simply place the fork tines perpendicularly to the paper. This is an imprint technique. It turns out very realistic and expressive!

Traditionally, the outline of the drawing on the theme: "Spring" is not complete without the plot of May 9th. Children draw on patriotic theme: composition "Victory", fireworks, Russian flag, war stories, etc.

What should a child learn in spring? A preschooler should be able to independently come up with a plot of a drawing, think over a composition, choose colors, make a sketch, decorate correctly, without leaving gaps and without going beyond the outline. He also knows how to mix colors in correct proportions and knows in advance what shade will turn out when mixing certain colors. The preschooler has mastered the transmission methods characteristic features living beings and objects. He knows what is characteristic of a landscape, portrait, still life, painting.

GCD in the preparatory group for fine arts is an important stage in the life of a future student. The child consolidates all the skills and knowledge that he will need in the future. He develops finger dexterity, pencil and brush skills, trains spatial thinking, strengthens interest in creativity. All this, undoubtedly, will be useful to him at school for successful adaptation.

The manual presents a program, brief guidelines, work planning and outlines of classes on visual activities with children 6-7 years old for a year.

The book is addressed to a wide range of workers preschool education as well as students teacher training colleges and universities.

T. S. Komarova
Classes on visual activity in the preparatory group for school kindergarten. Lesson notes


The book includes a program for visual activity and outlines of lessons with children 6-7 years old in drawing, modeling and application, arranged in the order in which they should be carried out. This does not mean, however, that educators must blindly follow the order suggested in the book. Sometimes life requires a change in the sequence, for example, the teacher makes changes in the subject of the classes, dictated by regional characteristics, the need to narrow the gap between two classes that are interconnected in content, the need to form formative skills, etc.

The lessons presented in the book are designed taking into account age capabilities and psychological characteristics children 6-7 years old and based on the following provisions.

Visual activity is part of all educational work in preschool educational institution and is interconnected with all its areas: familiarization with the environment the objective world, social phenomena, nature in all its diversity; With different kinds arts - both classical, modern and folk, including literature, etc., as well as with a variety of activities for children.

Especially essential for the upbringing and development of a child, it has a connection between drawing, modeling and application with a variety of games. A versatile connection with play increases children's interest in both visual activities and play. It is necessary to use various forms of communication: creating images and objects for games ("a beautiful napkin in a doll's corner", "treats for animal toys", etc.); the use of game methods and techniques; the use of game, surprise moments, situations ("making friends to the bear", "painting the wings of a butterfly - its decorations from the wings were washed away by the rain", etc.) in all types of activities (drawing, modeling, application). Children should be given the opportunity to depict how they played a variety of role-playing and outdoor games.

For the enrichment of figurative representations, the development of aesthetic perception and imagination, the successful mastering of visual activities by children, the relationship between classes and didactic games is important. You can learn more about this from the book "Continuity in the formation artistic creation children in kindergarten and primary school", which also provides outlines of lessons on creating with children didactic games, which can be used by teachers when working in senior and preparatory groups.

For development children's creativity it is important to create an aesthetic developmental environment, gradually including the children in this process, causing them joy, pleasure from the cozy, beautiful environment of the group, play corners; using in the design of the group, created by children, individual and collective drawings, applications. Great importance have an aesthetic design of classes, a thoughtful selection of materials, paper size for drawings, applications, corresponding to the size and proportions of the objects depicted in the color of the paper; thoughtful selection visual aids, paintings, toys, objects, etc.

The emotional well-being of children in the course of the lesson is of great importance, which is created by interesting content for them, the benevolent attitude of teachers to each child, the formation of his confidence in his abilities, a respectful attitude of adults to the results of children's artistic activities, using them in the design of group and other rooms children's institution, educating children of a positive, benevolent attitude towards each other, etc.

The development of any abilities of preschoolers is based on the experience of direct cognition of objects and phenomena, sensory education. It is necessary to develop all types of perception, to include in the process of mastering the shape and size of objects and their parts alternate movements of the hands of both hands (or fingers) so that the image of hand movement, sensorimotor experience is fixed and on the basis of it the child can subsequently independently create images of various objects and phenomena. This experience should be constantly enriched, developed, forming figurative ideas about already familiar objects.

In order to develop in children the freedom of creative solutions, it is necessary to develop in them formative movements, hand movements aimed at creating images of objects various forms, at first simple, and then more complex, in all activities (drawing, sculpting and applique). This will allow children to depict a variety of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. How better baby will master the formative movements in the second junior, and then in middle group, the easier and freer he will be in older groups to create images of any objects, showing creativity. It is known that any purposeful movement can be made on the basis of existing ideas about it. The idea of ​​the movement made by the hand is formed in the process of visual, as well as kinesthetic (motor-tactile) perception. The shaping movements of the hand in drawing and sculpting are different: the spatial properties of the objects depicted in the drawing are conveyed by the contour line, and in sculpting - by mass, volume. Hand movements when drawing differ in nature (pressure, range, duration), so we will consider each type of visual activity included in pedagogical process, separately.

If in previous groups the teaching of visual activity was carried out systematically and consistently, then in the preparatory group for school, children master generalized methods of image. This allows them to depict a variety of objects, which contributes to the freedom to choose the theme of drawing, modeling, application; freedom of creative solutions.

It is important to remember that all types of visual activity should be interconnected, because in each of them children reflect objects and phenomena of the surrounding life, games and toys, images of fairy tales, nursery rhymes, riddles, songs, etc. Creation of images in drawing, modeling, applications and the formation of creativity is based on the development of the same mental processes(perception, imagery, thinking, imagination, attention, memory, manual skill, etc.), which, in turn, develop in these activities.

In all classes, it is important to develop the activity and independence of children, to induce the desire to create something useful for others, to please children and adults. Children should be encouraged to remember what they saw interesting around them, what they liked; teach to compare objects; to ask, activating their experience, what similar they have already drawn, sculpted, how they did it; call the child to show how you can depict a particular object.

Of particular importance in the preparatory group is the examination and assessment of images created by children. The experience of children 6-7 years old in visual activity, considering the drawings they have created, modeling, applications, both individual and collective, gives them the opportunity to create the most different pictures, sculptural images, applications, using the acquired skills, knowledge and abilities, as well as consciously evaluate the resulting images. Gradually, from the general assessment of "like", "beautiful" children should be led to the selection of those qualities of the image that make up its beauty, cause a feeling of pleasure. To do this, it is necessary to draw the attention of children to how the image looks: what is the shape, size, arrangement of parts, how characteristic details are conveyed. When considering plot image the attention of children should be drawn to how the plot is conveyed, what images are included in it, whether they correspond to the content of the selected episode, how they are arranged on a sheet of paper, a stand (in sculpting), how the ratio of objects in size (in a composition) is conveyed, etc. By asking questions, the teacher activates children, directs their attention to the quality of the image, its expressiveness. Each lesson should end with an assessment of children's work. If there is no time left for the assessment, you can carefully review with the children and evaluate the work in the afternoon. It is advisable to supplement the assessment, this work children, emphasize something, highlight, summarize the lesson.

The classes offered in this manual are thought out in such a way as not to cause overload of children, their duration meets the requirements of SaNPin. In the preparatory group for school, 3 lessons on visual activities are held per week - 12 lessons per month. In months containing 31 days, the number of sessions can increase by 1–2. In this case, the educator independently determines which classes are better to conduct as additional ones. If the abstracts presented in the book are not enough, you can use the abstracts of the lessons offered in the book by TS Komarova "Visual Activity in Kindergarten" (Moscow: MOSAIKA-SINTEZ, 2009).

Lesson summaries include: program content, methodology, materials, communication with others educational areas and activities.

- To acquaint with the technique of drawing a photocopy.
- Formation of skills in the technique of drawing with a candle.
developing attention by observing frosty patterns in the winter;
fostering interest in winter natural phenomena;
education of accuracy when performing.
Equipment: sample patterns, album sheet; additional sheet, a piece of a candle; watercolor paints; wide-bristled brush; a glass of water, napkins, a letter.
1. Organizational moment.
Psycho-gymnastics: "Ray"
Stretched to the sun
They took a ray
Pressed to my heart
And they gave it to each other.
Message of the topic of the lesson.
Guys today, the topic of educational and organizational activities is "Frosty Patterns", and not just an exercise, but drawing with a candle
Surprising moment.
Guys, what time of year is it? Children meet winter
It's winter now. Winter is a wonderful time of the year! In winter, different miracles happen! So I received a small package. Who sent it to us?
Let's see what lies in it, maybe we can find out from whom it is.
Reading the attached piece of paper to the parcel
Guys, here is a snowflake with a riddle poem. Listen carefully to guess it. Whoever guesses will raise his hand:
Stars fall from the sky, fall on the fields.
Let the black earth hide under them.
Many, many stars, thin as glass;
The stars are cold, and the earth is warm.
What kind of master did he put on the glass?
And leaves, and herbs, and thickets of roses. Children answer this with snowflakes, because they cover the ground with snow and look like stars.
Well done, guys, you are very observant, so you guessed the riddles correctly.
Introduction to the topic.
And who is the faithful and irreplaceable helper in winter? Children meet frost
Right. With the onset of winter comes cold. Frost knocks on every house. He leaves his messages to people: either the door will freeze - they are poorly prepared for the winter, then he will leave his art on the windows - a gift from Frost. Let's see what messages he sent us
I take out pictures from the parcel - with the image of frosty patterns
What is shown in the pictures? Children answer Twigs, snowflakes, icy flowers, curls and icy hooks
True, there are children here and spruce twigs, decorated with hoarfrost.
This is how Frost painted our windows without brushes and paints.
Guys, how do you think Frost draws these patterns? Children put forward their assumptions Blowing cold on the glass, by magic, throws snowflakes on the windows, and they stick to the window.
In fact, from the cold, frosty air, droplets of water that are present in the air settle on the cold glass, freeze and turn into pieces of ice - needles. During the night, many, many of them are formed, they seem to build up on top of each other. And as a result, different patterns are obtained, which we have just observed with you.
Guys, do you think we could draw patterns in such a way that at first they were not visible, and then suddenly appeared, like in Frost? No.
But it turns out you can. And I will now introduce you to this method of drawing - it is called "photocopy".
2. The practical part.
Pick up the pieces of the candle and try to run them over the piece of paper.
Does the candle leave visible marks? Children answer No
Now cover the top with any watercolor paint. What did you do? Lines that we drew with a candle appeared under the paint.
Guys, why do you think the lines made by the candle are not colored? Children express their opinions
The candle consists of wax, which repels water, so a drawing made with a water-repellent material appears after applying a watercolor paint diluted with water on it. Today we will try to create a miracle - we will draw Frost patterns with a candle.
How do we start drawing? Children answer to draw from the top, going down.
Correctly, so that the elements being drawn do not overlap, it is best to draw the pattern from top to bottom. Cover the finished drawing with watercolor paint. I would suggest choosing blue or purple... And so that the sheet does not get soaked, apply the paint evenly over the entire sheet, but do not run it over the same place several times.
3. Independent work children.
I provide individual dosed assistance

4. Summing up
What is the name of the painting technique that we used to create these wonderful work? Children meet photocopy
What else do you think you can draw using the photocopy technique? Children answer flowers, patterns, sun.
Our lesson has come to an end, I am very pleased with you and I really want to know what surprised you today? And what you especially liked today.

Synopsis of the lesson on iso activities in the preparatory group on the topic: "Snowflake"

Author: Polukarova Svetlana Sergeevna, teacher of fine arts activities of MKDOU"Anninsky d / s" ORV "ROSTOK" Anna, Voronezh region

Material description: I offer you a summary of activities for children of the preparatory group (6 - 7 years old) on the topic "Snowflake". This material will be useful for teachers in kindergarten drawing.

Abstract on fine arts activities in the preparatory group on the theme "Snowflake"

Goals: Learn to symmetrically depict a snowflake. Learn to paint with the tip of a thin brush using different ways images (attachments).
Tasks: Teach children to notice the beauty of the winter landscape. Develop creative imagination... Foster a desire to draw, create an environment that helps reflect the image of a winter miracle - a snowflake.
Demo material: snowflakes 5 pieces, different in size and pattern, paintings with a winter landscape.
Handout: hexagon, tinted blue gouache, squirrel brush # 2 - 3 and # 5, white gouache, sippy.
Methodical techniques: conversation - dialogue, examination of illustrations and conversation on them, physical education, summing up.
Course of the lesson.
- Guys, tell me, what time of year is it now? (Winter).
- That's right guys. It's winter now. (showing illustrations with a winter landscape). And what changes in nature do we have in winter? (It's cold outside, there is snow, the sun does not warm, cold winds are blowing, the birds flew to warmer regions, some animals are in hibernation)
-. We have also prepared for winter. Put on your warm fur coats, hats, boots.
- What colors prevail? (children's answers)
- Guys, even in winter there is snowfall, when many beautiful, fluffy, sparkling, fragile snowflakes fly from the sky.
- Tell me, what else happens in a white winter? (snow, drifts, patterns on glass, trees in the snow, snowflakes).
- Hear how the music conveys the beauty of white, fluffy snowflakes. (children listen to music).
- Now guess the riddle:
An asterisk circled

A little bit in the air
Sat down and melted
On my palm. (Snowflakes)
I show a lot of different snowflakes.
- Guys, what kind of snowflakes do you see? What kind of rays do they have? How many rays do snowflakes have? Which of you saw more rays? Are the snowflakes the same?
I also prepared a poem by G. Abelian "Snowflake":
- Come down, snowflake,
On my palm:
You have been spinning for a long time
Get some rest!
- Look, how cunning!
Do you think I do not know:
On a warm palm
Immediately I will melt!

- What is this poem about? (About a snowflake.)
- Why did the snowflake not want to fall on the palm of your hand? (She melts from the warmth of her hands.)
Let's get some rest before we start to work!
Physiotka "Snowflake"
Snowflakes are falling from the sky (wave our hands)
As in a fabulous picture.
We will catch them with our hands (clap our hands)
And we'll show mom at home.
And around there are snowdrifts (sit down)
The roads were covered with snow.
Do not get bogged down in the field so that (we walk in place)
Raise your legs higher.

Independent work.
Well, that the guys have a rest? Now let's put on our aprons, sit down at the tables and start drawing. Each of you has on your table geometric figure, what is this? (hexagon). What do you think it looks like, what we talked about today? (on a snowflake). And two brushes (thin and thick). We will use a thick brush as a way of attaching, at the ends of the rays and in the middle of the snowflake, everything else is done with the tip of a thin brush. I explain the step-by-step execution of drawing.
The result of the lesson. Oh, what a beauty it turned out, all of you are great! I put all the drawings on one table. Children carefully leave the tables and admire the other children’s snowflakes.

Abstract of a lesson in fine arts in the preparatory group (painting on a wet layer of paper) Topic: "Flowers"
Software content:
To acquaint children with such a genre of painting as working with paints "raw".
Learn to classify reproductions of paintings by genre - landscape, portrait, still life.
Strengthen the knowledge and skills of children in mixing colors and obtaining new shades.
Encourage children to independently transfer images of objects using the means of expression available to them (stain, color, decor).
Develop imagination, imagination.
Teach children to evaluate their drawings and those of their comrades in accordance with the assignment
Materials and equipment: foam sponges, brushes, gouache, watercolors, sheets of thick white paper, water baths, rags.
Preliminary work:
- viewing paintings by artists,
- recall the genres of painting.
Course of the lesson:
(Children stand on a carpet with flowers of different colors.)
Educator: To begin with, I would really like to know what mood you came in today. We all know that mood has its own color, so many multi-colored flowers have grown on our fairy glade - each of you, please, choose a flower of such color that is similar to your today's mood.
What color did you choose the flower ...? Why?
What mood are you in ...? And you …?
I am very glad, guys, that you all chose bright and juicy colors, which means that your mood is joyful, good, light, and all the gloomy flowers remained in our meadow. Let's return our beautiful bright flowers to our fabulous meadow, let them grow and delight us.
Now let's stand in a circle, join hands, close our eyes and wish each other health, Have a good mood, kindness, happiness and so that everything will work out for you in class today.
Well done, and now we go quietly and sit down.
First, let's remember what genres of painting do you know? Landscape, portrait, still life.
Right. Here on the table I have reproductions of paintings. I ask three children to come out. From all the variety of paintings, let one choose still lifes, another - landscapes, and the third - portraits.
Children start to work. The teacher, together with the children, checks the correctness of the choice of paintings. Children read poetry about different genres painting.
If you see in the picture a river is drawn
Picturesque valleys and dense forests,
Blond birches, or old strong oak,
Or a blizzard, or a shower, or a sunny day.
Either north or south can be drawn.
And any time of the year, we can see from the picture.
Without hesitation, let's say: it's called a landscape!
Still life:
If you see in the picture, a miracle vase on the table,
It contains a bouquet of beautiful, snow-white chrysanthemums,
There are a lot of dishes, both glass and simple,
Maybe a cup or saucer, with a gilded border.
And it also happens, the game is drawn there,
Finally, put ripe peaches and plums.
And also in the picture there may be a cake drawn.
And therefore the picture will be called - still life!
If you see someone's profile or full face in the picture,
Or maybe a perky and cheerful someone's eye,
Maybe sad or brave, maybe good or bad.
In the painted picture, this is the main face.
Maybe dad or mom, maybe grandpa and me.
Drawn in a picture, maybe my whole family.
It is not difficult to guess here, there is no uncertainty.
What beautiful picture, called - a portrait.
Well done, guys, they divided all genres correctly. Today we will get acquainted with one more genre of painting - painting on a “wet” layer of paper. Let's remember what “painting” is all about.
"Painting" - this word is very easy to remember: it consists of two words vividly - to write. Paintings painted with different paints or other colored materials such as pastels, wax crayons is called painting.
Today we are going to paint on a "raw" sheet of paper. Our main tool today will be a foam sponge, we will wet our sheet with it. Today paints will not behave as usual. They will blur, spread, go beyond the boundaries of your drawing - you should not be afraid of this. This time you do not need to mark your drawing with a pencil, it is enough to imagine what you want to draw. The work is done very quickly, light movements... The hand moves freely.
For the technique “on the raw” the theme of drawing “Flowers” ​​is very successful, we will get beautiful fluffy flowers with many petals, similar to asters, chrysanthemums, dahlias - after all, fluffiness can be done only using the technique, “on the raw”. Today you will feel like a bit of a magician.
And to begin with, let's remember how you and I mix colors and play the game: “One, two, three - a little run”. Well done, well, now let's start working.
Children draw. When the work is finished, move them aside to dry, and spend a physical education with the children:
Our scarlet flowers are blooming petals.
The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway.
Our scarlet flowers cover the petals.
They shake their heads, fall asleep quietly.
Now let's continue working on our drawings, draw the stems and leaves of the flowers. What else can you add to the drawing? Well, now let's look at our work.
Review and analysis of works. When analyzing, note the beauty of the coloring of flowers, the gradual transition of the color of the petals from one tone to another, smoothly curved stems, different shape leaves, a good selection of the color of the core of the flower; successful additions to the drawing: stamens, bugs, butterflies, bees.
Assignment at home: Think about what else you can depict using the wet painting technique.

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