Where did Circassians come from. The origin of the ethnonym "Circass

Where did Circassians come from. The origin of the ethnonym "Circass

Adygi. (self-calf - Adyge, Used also circassians - as an Inonazva) - the people consisting of a group of nations (Adygei, Kabardians, Circassians) in Russia (713 thousand people - 2002, census), as well as in the countries of the Middle East, Balkans and Germany, where they are usually called as en: Circassians (i.e. Circassians) and en: adyghe, despite the fact that the first name often includes all the Abkhaz-Adygh peoples, and the second often indicates only Adygets. They say the only Adyg language (cm. Adygei language and kabardino Circassian), which is part of the Abkhaz-Adyg group of Iberian-Caucasian languages. Adygi - Correroids.

Currently, Adygei KCRs are, mainly Circassians, including Bespelessvyv, in Adygea and Krasnodar Territory - Abadzekhi, Bzcelli, Temirgoevtsi, Shapsuga, KBR - Kabardians.

1. Origin

The ancestors of the Adiegi - the tribes of the CSRKiva, Zikhiv, Meta et al. Are known from the ancient times. At the beginning of the 19th century. In the eastern tribes of Adygov (Hatukivziv, Beslesevziv, Bzcess) was, as in the kabardians related to them, the hierarchical feudal system; Western tribes (Natuhaians, Shapsuga, Abazdih) did not have princes, free community peasants prevailed here. In Adyg, there were generic traditions. According to religious views, the believers of Adygi - Muslims. Old housing - smear wicker sack. Clothes like Kabardian. Science, literature, public education in their native language has evolved in the 20th century. The main part of the Adygs - farmers, cattle breeders, gardeners; Work also in industrial enterprises.

2. Adygh (Cherkess) Substones

Of these, as a result of the Caucasian War disappeared hakuchi, Machosh, Khatukaji, And not so long ago slaughters.

3. History

In ancient times, Adygin tribes lived in the western part of the North Caucasus in the Kuban and the east coast of the Black Sea. Prikubansky tribes are usually mentioned by antique authors as a meter, and the Black Sea under its own names. Among them, Zihi and Kerkets later became common names. In about the 5th century, the Zikhiv tribe that was led by the Adyg Union tribes, which existed to the 10th century. At this time, the name Zikhiv spread to other tribes. But already from the 10th century, in Russia, Adygi is called Casogs, and in the Arab and Persian sources of Cashakami, Keshekami (Kh-K). Since the time of Mongolian invasion, the name of the ancient name Circass is distributed. For comparison, the Kerket tribe was known in the ancient times. In the 13-14th centuries, part of the Adygs spread to the East where the Alans lived, partially by the destruction of the Mongols, and the particles are ousted by them in the mountains.

3.1. Resettlement before and after the Russian-Caucasian War

After graduating from the Russian-Caucasian War - years, the Russian empire divided and raised Adygov (Circassians), the remaining and divided by one people to three: Adygei, Kabardians and Circassians. The name of Circass was given by Tatar-Mongols and Turkic nations, and the self-calm of all 12 tribes are adygov.

Before the conquest and eviction, Adygi occupied the so-called Kabardian plane, a significant part of both slopes of the Caucasian ridge, and the eastern shore of the Black Sea, the entire southern part of the current Kuban region, and the western part of the Teresk.

3.2. Genocide

May 21, 1864 ended the Russian-Caucasian war, which began in the year. On the same day, a parade of Russian troops was held on Red Polyana, where the last battle occurred. Mass deportation began to the Ottoman Empire. In the Caucasus left less than 10% of the population of Adygs. The rest died in the age war, from the outbreak of the plague, were ousted, many drowned in the Black Sea when crossing Turkey. Adygi in Turkey still do not eat fish from the Black Sea.

Now according to official data, about 2.9 million (according to informal data - 6-7 million) of Adygs live, and in the homeland, only 700-800 thousand. For the released places, they settled the poor Russian peasants, Cossacks, Greeks, Armenians.

Officially, this day is not marked in the Russian Federation. But it is celebrated annually in the three republics: Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia and Adygea. As well as the whole diaspora of the world. Various events are held, the procession, the laying of flowers on the monuments, lighting the fire of memory. The Day of the Genocide notes the majority of Adygei. Most Russians denies genocide [ ].

3.3. XX and XXI century

In the Soviet period, Adygi received the status of the title nation of Russia, but to limit the nationalism of autonomy were limited to the peoples that had another culture and origin. So the Adyg-Tatar Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia appeared. The territory also included many Cossack lands: the Upper Kuban, Maykop, etc., in the second world war of Adyg, despite the occupation by the German troops, most fought against the invaders, and as a result, they were saved from deportations of 1944.

In the late Soviet period, a number of concessions were noted: the transfer of extensive mountainous territory Adygei Autonomous Region, and during the "Perestroika" - a change to the status of the republic.

On August 31, 1999, at a crowded rally, convened by the Congress of the Circassian People (CNT), a question was again issued about the creation of the Republic of Circassia.

In addition to the requirements for the creation of the Circassian Republic, the International Circassian Association "Adyge Hase", which includes the CNT, is for the reunification of the near-good Adygei, Kabardian and Circassian peoples with the creation of the Unified Adyghe Republic.

The Government of the Russian Federation does not recognize the genocide and the destruction of the Adygs. Connecting the facts and documents on this subject. But the facts are confirmed by the preserved documents, these are European, Arab, Turkish, etc., for which history is studying.

In October 2006, 20 Adyg Public Organizations from Russia (in particular "Cherkess Congress"), Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Syria, USA, Belgium, Canada and Germany appealed to the European Parliament asking for recognition of the ADIG Genocide in the XVIII-XIX centuries. The appeal emphasizes that "The war that has led the Russian state in the XVIII-XIX centuries against Adygs (Circassians) in their historical territory should not be considered as ordinary hostilities": "Russia puts the goal not only the seizure of the territory, but also the full destruction or departure of the indigenous people with their historical Lands. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the causes of inhuman cruelty shown by Russian troops in the North-West Caucasus. "

From the first half of the I millennium BC. Thanks to the ancient Greek written sources, the names of the tribes who inhabited the steppe of the Northern Black Sea and the North Caucasus are becoming known.

These are steppe iconic nomads - Kimmerians, Scythians and their eastern neighbors of Savromat. The average and lower flow of the Kuban River, the Eastern Priazovye, Taman Peninsula and the Zebuban occupied the settled agricultural tribes, combined by the name "Meota".

For the first time, the metropolitan and Sindians are mentioned in the ancient Greek authors of the VI-V centuries BC. Hecatery of Miretsky, Gellanik Mitlensky, Herodota. In more detail about them, an ancient Greek geographer and historian Strabo, who lived at the turn of a new era.

According to the Black Sea coast, the antique authors indicate cerkets, treads, zikhs and other tribes, some of which are counted to the meotas. The main array of Meoti tribes is considered the indigenous population of the North-West Caucasus belonging to the Caucasian language family. Merotes refer to one of the remote ancestors of Adygs.

One of the main hypotheses about the ancient ancestors of Adygs suggests that they were meota. Tribal names of the ancestors of Mets: Keshak, Kashka, Cason and Abkhaz - Absell, Absila. Motionic tribes also attributed to Zykhov who were actively developing in the V-VI century in the Kuban. Scientists suggest that the ancient tribes who lived in the North-West Caucasus spoke on Abkhazo-Circassian. In the book Sheudjen A.H., Galkina G.A. Thakushinova A.K. and others. "Land of Adygov". Maykop, Greeping "Adygea", given several versions of the appearance of Adygs in the North Caucasus.

Among them: Arabian, Turkish, Egyptian, Krymskaya, Khazar, Ryazan, Greek, Greek, and also "Cossack Cossacks - Descendants of Pyatigorsky Circassians", "Adygi-Anty - Slavic tribes", "Adygi-Kabardians - descendants of Amazons", " Kabardians - descendants of Genghis-Khan "and others. But they all have no sufficient justification.

According to the Arabian version, Adygi moved to Kuban from Arabia.

According to the information collected in 1784, the Governor General P.S. Potemkin, the Kabardian princes "... The genus is removed from one prince, called Ces, who left Arabia and was learn by the owner of all the mountain peoples." The existing legend says: "Circassians lead their own genus from two brothers: Cher and Kes, who came from Arabia from the Kuresh tribe."

According to the work of S. Bronvorsky (1823), "according to its own legends of residents, a cabardium in ancient times was under the control of one prince under the name of Inal, who led his genus from Case, and this came out of Arabia and conquered Circass."

The history of Adygs during the early Middle Ages is today one of the most poorly studied and difficult for scientific research. This is explained by the fact that written sources containing information about the Adyghas during this period are extremely small and, as a rule, fragmented. The modern appeal to this topic is dictated by an acute need to identify the most complete picture of the historical development of adyg communities, which, like many other peoples, did not possess their own writing and therefore the restoration of their history largely depends on the accounting and study of written monuments left by others, By owned written culture, nations.

However, if you go after the scant sources dedicated to this time, reconstructing only what can be established with a particular degree of reliability, then we are not guaranteed from misunderstanding history, since historical life is undoubtedly richer than it can Submit by sources. In turn, the most stringent follow source is impossible without reconstruction element.

Some authors give us valuable materials on historical geography, other ethnography, toponymy and anthroponymics of the North-West Caucasus. The most complete information contains the works of the Arab traveler and the geograph of the 1st half of the X century. Al-Masidi, the Byzantine Emperor X in. Constantine of the Bagryanorogenic and Arab geographer, Sicilian who lived in the XII century. Al-Idrisi. Fragmentary information about the Adyghas in this period contains the work of the proofer of Caesarian, al-pragismi (VIII - IX century), Ibn Sarabiown and Al-Battani. When comparing the Byzantine and Arab sources, they are found, although not so obvious, nor very interesting coincidences of individual provisions.

The peoples that inhabited the territory of the North-West Caucasus were known to the Byzantine authors under the ethnonyms - Zykhov and Sagyn's proof, Zikhov, Papagov and Kakachov in Konstantin Bagryanorogennoe. The ethnonym "Zihi" appears in the "geography" of Sturora (I B BC. - I. AD). His Klavdy Ptolomy, Dionysius, Arrian and Stephen Byzantine know. Later, the Zika mention the Byzantine authors of the Epiphanas and Feofan confessor (VIII-IX centuries).

Rabnes medieval Zihi is one of the Adyg tribes or tribal associations, perhaps who gave their ethnic name to the entire Adygin array. More difficult to identify Sagins with Adygami. Prokokii Caesarian directly indicates: "Many Gunnov tribes dreamed behind the sages." In its construction, the survey was held by the territory that Konstantin Bagryanorogennoye was replied by Castogam (Kalokia), placing them on the border with Alanen in the silence in the depths of the mainland. For the first time, the ethnonym "CASS" in the form of Casogdian is mentioned in the "Break of Epiphanism" (VIII century).

These facts allow you to allow the likelihood of identification of Sagins - Casogdians - Kasov. Kastogi represented a group of Adyg Tribal associations, whose name in a number of sources of the X-XII centuries. Covered the entire Adyg Ethnic Substrate of the North-West Caucasus.

The Arab-Persian tradition, unlike the Byzantine, does not know the ethnonym of Zykhov, the name of Casa or Kashak meant all the Adygal community ("All Casa living in the country). Although in the earliest Arabic writings of Al-Bagismi, Ibn-Sarabine and Al-Battani, the coordinates of the country al-Yatiz, or Yazugus, located on the Black Sea coast and bordering the Tauqui peninsula.

We find a systematic description of the Caucasus and his tribes in the chapter XVII of the famous historical and geographical work of Mas'ondi, which begins the name "Gold meadows and the gems of precious stones." Mas'uda places cashars for the kingdom of Alanov, and calls them a coastal nation.

Konstantin Bagryanorogennoe, whose information about the North-West Caucasus is mainly upgraded by the information received by the Government of the Empire in the first half of the century., Delivers the country into three areas: Ski, Papagia and Calciah. However, Papagia is not an independent possession, but represents part of the Zikhi.

As follows from another fragment of the same composition of Constantine, these areas are divided by the Byzantium terminology on the fem. He calls the fems of Dervinis and Chilyaart. Here, he was known some villages (settlements): Sipaxi (Sapakia) settlement means "dust"; Humumuch village named by the name of an ancient husband who founded it; Episcomios village.16 All these places, according to Konstantin, will take on the day of the equestrian crossing from the sea and famous for their sources that produce rash about mouth. Probably there is a speech about mineral springs located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hot key.

Masidi especially emphasizes the fragmentation of cashakov, which are attacked Alan and retain independence thanks to the seaside fortresses. Konstantin Bagryanorovnoe reports about the raids of Alan on these territories, explaining that the Sea Coast of Sikia has islands, populated and cultivated. On one of them, oh. Athech, the most inaccessible and saved Zihi during Alan attacks. The weakness of cashakov in front of the Alanas Mas'udi sees that "they do not allow to appoint a king over themselves, which would unite them."

Both author give valuable information about the trade activities of Adygs in the x in. By virtue of objective circumstances, primarily the geographical factor, trade occupied one of the most important places in the life of medieval Adygs. One of the largest shopping centers of that time was Tamarha (Tmutarakan). Konstantin Bagryanorogenic somehow takes the question of who belonged to Tamarha. His last looks not only as a city, but also as an independent area extending 18-20 miles to r. Ukrich, in which Kuban is usually seen.

More complete information about Tamatarha or Matrah gives us Arabic author of the XII century. Al-Idrisi. A number of historians believe that Idrisi's information is borrowed from the sources of XI who missed us. floor. XII centuries. and belong to the Tmutarakan period.

According to the testimony of Al-Idrisi Matrachka is an ancient city, with many residents and a clear management system: "Lords of the city rule over those who are neighboring them. Courageous, prudent and decisive. "

Markets and fairs of the mattress, like a large shopping city, collected many people from both the nearest districts and from the most distant countries. The path from Constantinople to Matrah was the most important and developed trading route. This indicates the relative accuracy and fullness of information al-Idrisi.

It should be noted that the very fact of studying Arabic scientists of Adygs in the early Middle Ages is very noteworthy, since the traditions of Arabs were predominantly the largest political divisions and associations. Thus, the Adygh community in the early Middle Ages was a holistic ethnopolitical education, which presented a powerful union of tribes, united territory and a single language that had broad political, trade and ethnocultural relations with their surrounding the outside world.

(excerpt from the book Ruslan Betrozova "Adygi. The emergence and development of the ethnos")

Adygi, the general name of the numerous group of related groups by the origin of tribes. Caucasus, who called himself Adidit and famous to Europe. and east. LIT-RE from the time of the Middle Ages under the name of Circassians. From Sovr. The peoples of the Caucasus to A. include Adygei, Kabardians and Circassians talking to kinship. languages \u200b\u200bconstituting a special branch of Sev.-Zap. (Abkhazo-Adygh) Group Kavk. languages, and in their material and spiritual culture a lot of common elements. In antiquity, Adygh tribes lived on Yu.-Z. Sowing. Caucasus and the Black Sea coast. Cuba-Sky tribes are usually mentioned in antique authors under collecting. The name of Mets, and the Black Sea - under their own. names; Of these, the ethnonyms of Zihi and Ker-Keta became later collective. Approximately 5 c. Zhye headed existed to 10 V. The Union of the Adygh tribes, and the name of Zychov turned out the other tribal names of Adyg. In rus. Chronicles from 10 V. A. is referred to as Casogs, and in the eastern (agrabo and perrshoty-born) sources - cashaki, keris ("K-sh-k"). Since Mong. The invasions (13th century) spread the name of the Circassian (Wed. Ethnonym Antich. time - Kerkets), although in Zap. The literature was sometimes preserved and the term "Zihi". In 13-14 centuries. Part A. Promuls itself on V. - in Bass. R. Terek, where they lived before the alans, in fact, the parts exterminated during the invasion of the Mongols and partially supplemented in the mountains; The remaining on the spot was mixed with A. So the Kabardian nationality was formed, and from Dr. Adygh tribal - Adygei nation. The Adyg population of Karachay-Cherkess JSC is partly of the descendants of the Zap.-Adygh (Beslenevtsy) tribes, partly from those who moved to Kuban in the 20-40s. 19th century Kabardians.

B. A. Gardanov.

Used materials of the Big Soviet Encyclopedia

Adyghe, Adyge (self-esteem) - ethnic community, including adygei , Kabardians , Circassians. The number in Russia is 559.700: Adygei - 122.900 people, Kabardians - 386,100 people, Circassians - 50.800 people. Also live in many countries of the world, mainly in the Middle East, where, commonly referred to as Circassians, are compact compact and include Abazin, Abkhaz, Ossetians, and other immigrants from the Veser Caucasus, - in Turkey (150,000 people), Jordan (25.000 people ), Iran (15,000 people), Iraq (5.000 people), Lebanon (2.000 people), Syria (32,000 people with Chechens), just about 250,000 people. The total number of more than 1.000.000 people.

Languages \u200b\u200b- Adygei and Kabardinsky.

Believers - Muslim Sunnis.

The ancient history of Adygov and the formation of their community are associated with the areas of Eastern Black Sea and Zakuban. In the first millennium BC, the Old Haady tribes are already fixed in the Eastern Black Sea region. The process of the formation of ancient Hadgy community covered mainly the end of the first millennium BC - the middle of the first millennium of our era. The tribes of Aheev, Zykhov, Kerketov, Merkets (including Treads, Sindov) and other ethnically, apparently, not only the Old Hajdg. According to Strabo, these tribes inhabited the territory in the south-east of the modern Novorossiysk on the left bank of the Black Sea and in the mountains up to the modern city of Sochi.

The inhabitants of the coast were engaged in ignition, but their main fishery was a maritime robbery. In the VIII - X centuries, Adygi occupied land in Skubanye, including near the ancient Russian Tmutarakan principality. There is a number of military campaigns (,) Russian princes on Adygov-Kasov. As a result of the Mongolian conquests of the XIIIV, the population concentrated mainly in the mountain gorges, which led to a large population density, to the Mountain Mountains. The development of urban life was interrupted, the ethnic territory decreased mainly at the expense of the buban. In the XIII - XIV centuries, part of the Kabardians was alone. In the XVI - XVIII centuries, the territory of Adygov was the arena of numerous civil workers and wars in which Turkey participated, Crimean Khanate, Russia, Dagestan ruled. The area of \u200b\u200bthe resettlement of Adygov (Cherkessia) covered the Earth from Taman in the West to the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea in the East, including land in the Kuban basin and the Eastern Blackstone North-West from modern Sochi. However, a significant part of the land was the economic land, mainly pastures for Kabardian horse breeding, did not have a permanent population.

During the Caucasian War (-), there is an internal self-organization of Western Adygov - Adygei. In the first third of the XIX century, the Apidogsky (Kabardinsky) population is formed in the prubing, later the name of Circassians. The Caucasian War and the future reforms have largely changed the ethnic and demographic situation, especially this is due to Mahajihood - the resettlement of the mountaineers to the Ottoman Empire, which lasted before World War II, as well as the settlement of the mountaineers on the plain.

Adygi had a large general social string. In the 19th - early 20th centuries, many norms of the usual law remained - the customs of blood seas, atylism, hospitality, hunter, patronage, artificial kinship (milk adoption, twinthority). The lifestyle of the preferred estates was sharply different from the life of a simple people; Social differences have affected clothes, its color scheme, kitty. In public and family life, in addition to the removal law (adat), the norms of Muslim law (Sharia) were operating. To date, Adyg has largely retained a single traditional culture, the differences in which (especially in the economy, settlement, food) are determined mainly by natural and climatic conditions, vertical zonality. The community of spiritual culture of Adygov remained: Pantheon of the Deities, many traditions of public household (for example, creativity of singers-improvisers), traditional views. Adygi clearly realize their historical unity.

The materials of the article N.G. Volkova in the book: The peoples of Russia are used. Encyclopedia. Moscow, Large Russian Encyclopedia 1994.


Deopic V. B., Adygei tribes, in the book; Essays of the history of the USSR. III- IX centuries, M., 1956;

Foot Sh. B., History of the Adygei people ..., Nalchik, 1958.

See also:

Adygei - article article by Yu.D. Anchabadze and Ya.S. Smirnova in the book: The peoples of Russia. Encyclopedia. Moscow, Large Rossisy Encyclopedia 1994

KabardiansThe people in Russia, the indigenous population of Kabardino-Balkaria.

"Hyddled step by step with a plane in the foothills, from the foothills in the mountains, from the mountains to the seabed, the millionth population of the huts suffered all the horrors, terrible deprivation, hunger and cooking diseases, and, at the shore, should be sacrificed in relocation to Turkey »General Zisserman, T.II, p.396

The new textbook on the history of Kuban was created by a large copyright team edited by Professor V.N. Town Hall (kgu). It is written and published on the initiative of the governor of the region A.N. Tkacheva and allowed by the Department of Education and Science as a tutorial. The book is addressed to schoolchildren and a wide range of areas of interest to the history - a circulation - 30,000 copies.

"A lot of blood was spilled by the valiant warriors, many lives of Russians faded, before it came with our own. Many many great people worked here, extracting the Russian crown, the Russian people of this rule ... The widespread the noble blood of the Russian Vityazy, moisturizing and irrigating the land, conquered for their children and grandchildren. " Cossack enlightener I. Vishnevetsky. Nach The twentieth century. (Why don't we like others // Kuban regional statements. - 1911. - N 255).

Already the name of the tutorial is already the objection. The use of the definition of "native" apparently caused by the desire to attribute the territory and history of the region as its own, close. The desire is quite understandable, but at the same time requiring compulsory clarification - for the first time the Russian and Cossack population appeared in Kuban in the late XVIII century under Catherine II, who gave Taman and Right Bank of Kuban to the Black Sea Cossack tiles. The designated territory was inhabited by Adyghi, the Crimean Tatars and Nogai, who were expelled by the regular Russian army in the downturn - the mono-ethnic Adyg region until 1862 -64. Russian colonization of the skin and the entire North-West Caucasus began with the watervation of the Cossack centers on the lands of Adygs expelled to Turkey just these years (1862 - 1864). Therefore, with the biggest exaggeration of the Right Bank of Kuban, it became native to the Cossacks in 1792, and all the backbone, the mountain range and the coast (that is, Adygh lands) - in 1864. Although it is unlikely that the first migrants-the Cossacks could only perceive the land as their homeland. Rhoda - Zaporizhia - they have taken away all the same Catherine II. In the historic song dedicated to the resettlement of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks in Kuban, there is also no topic of the native land:

"Oh, for goodbye, Drawstro, Ti River Bastraia,

She will go to Kuban drinking a wreath clean.

Oh, goodbye, courtesy,

Treka kind of you poured on False Earth. "

The Russian population was formed in Kuban mainly after 1864. The overwhelming majority of Russians arrived in the Kuban region in the 80s - 90s of the nineteenth century and at the beginning of the twentieth century. Of course, Kuban is home to any person who was born here. Moreover, this edge is perceived as native people, whose families live here several generations. A very small percentage of modern Kuban Cossacks dates directly to those Cossacks, who at the order of the Empress appeared in Kuban in the late XVIII century. Thousands of peasants-jelicors, mobilized in the central provinces of the Empire, were credited in the Cossacks in the 40s and 50s of the nineteenth century - at the height of the Caucasian War. Their descendants do not have ethnic communications with the Black Sea Cossack Cossack of the end of the 18th - beginning. The nineteenth centuries and, moreover, have nothing to do with the Zaporizhzhya SECHS OF THE XVI - XVIII centuries.

In this historic background, the phrase native Kuban sounds not correct. It could be understood if the training manual was devoted exclusively to the period of the XIX - XX centuries. But the fact is that the authors begin to state the story of "Native Kuban" from the Stone Age and at the same time without a single mention of the aborigines of the region - Adyghah - up to the XI century! But throughout the text (when describing the period of Maykop culture, the period of the butterfly culture, antiquity and early Middle Ages) speaks of "our ancestors" and "native edge!" How do you like the appearance of books that would be called "Native Circassia" or "Our Cherkessia"? Such obsessive use of attributing definitions first causes a smile, and their frequent use of a nonzero reaction reaction.

"Since the Black Sea coast and the fertile foothill areas, Russia sought to hold through colonization, settling these lands of Christian displaced persons, most of those who lived here were exterminated or forcedly evicted from these places ... A little famous mass resettlement of residents of the Caucasus and Crimean Tatars from Russia was The tragedy, which in many respects anticipated the deportation of the XX century. "

Andreas Kappeler. Russia - Multiethnic Empire

The complete lack of maps is drawn to. This fact cannot be welcomed by both scientific and methodical point of view. Moreover, there is a huge number of professionally composed maps in monographs for all periods of the history of the North-West Caucasus. There are authentic cards of the XVIIII centuries. Ignore such a significant source reservoir at least not correctly. For the sake of the sake, we note that some kind of map is placed on the beads of the book. The "Map" is more like a drawing or collage, on which we see the figures in the predetermined poses, dressed in the outfits of the partly fiction, partly incorrectly read in the sources. These are representatives of ethnic groups of various epochs, who settled the Right Bank of Kuban, departed on Tamani and on the coast of Circassia. The most non-showeric look at the figure of Circass. Rider-Bulgarian and looks like Chingachguk at all, but not at the Turkic warrior VI - VII centuries. The collage does not clarify anything on the history of Kuban, but it is capable of completely confusing the young reader. Each figure is accompanied by a signature - the date of appearance and loss of the ethnos. The figure of Cakes was noted by the explanation: "With I thousand AD." Understand how you want: maybe Adygi and existed in the first century AD, and it could have fallen from somewhere in the second century - 20 years before the appearance of Prince Mstislava to Taman. Well, the likelihood of more ancient presence (or even genesis) of the ancients (BC) The authors of the study manual are completely excluding. We consider it necessary to remind you that the textbook is not a place for "scientific discoveries" of this kind. The content of the textbook in no way should contradict the established and recognized scientific picture of the historical past. You may doubt everything, but do it in your dissertations. And the textbook's text should not sharply contrast with the text in Encyclopedias, with the results of many years of research of internationally recognized specialists.

The collage on Forsetsse is accompanied by a very unequivocal text, according to which there has never been a permanent population to the emergence of Cossacks - "peoples replaced nations." This is the main thesis of the entire book. The peoples replaced the peoples only on the right bank of the Kuban, but do not forget that the Nogaitsa almost 300 years have occupied the space between Kuban and Don, and they would continue to occupy it today, if it were not for Valiant Suvorov.

We stopped so in detail on the title and the "map", placed on the mate, precisely because already on these two examples, it is clearly seen by the desire of the authors to deto the history of the North-West Caucasus, to the fullest default history of the unique Aboriginal edges - Adyg. In this regard, a detailed analysis of the content of the textbook loses its meaning, since one single paragraph of 5 pages is devoted to the political and ethnic history of Adygs in the textbook of 216 pages. And it is very characteristic that this paragraph is devoted to the Adygh embassies to Ivan IV. And since these embassies are mainly connected with the activities of the Kabardian princes, it turns out that the history of Western Adygs is almost completely presented in this edition.

All antiquity, antiquity and early Middle Ages, up to the XI century, are set out without a single mention of ADGA or even a hint of their existence. And from such a text, the student will only make an unequivocal conclusion: Adygi never lived in Kuban, nor them nor their remote ancestors were in the territory of the North-West Caucasus. But after all, the authors dropped one single mention of Adygov (to Ser. XVI century). This mention is done on with. 37 Due to the presentation of the history of the Tmutarakan principality. But what is this text? It turns out that Svyatoslav (and not Mstislav, as in the chronicles) is the founder of this principality, which automatically ledging it for 50 years. Russian Tmutarakan Multinational: The authors told us that the Slavs, Greeks, Khazara, Bulgarians, Ossetians and others lived in the principality! That is, anyone, but not Adyg. Mstislav, it turns out to go in 1022. In the march not on Tmutarakan (from his lot - Chernigov), and already rules in it and it went on a campaign on Katzov (Adygs - just as in the text, approx. S.Kh.). It does not report anywhere. But a tortured child, conducted by an experienced teacher, can find out the route on the "map" on the mate, where the figure of the Russian prince is on Tamani, and the figure of Castow (Adyga) in the Maykop area: serious 300 km. Throw! And moved, apparently, on uncomfortable nobody lands! A.V. Gadlo (SPBSU), Caucasian with a world name, completely in vain worked all his life over the problem of Tmutarakani: each line of the textbook contradicts each line at the Gadlo, and the chronicle source is no longer a source! After the mandatory conquest of all Adygov, Mstislav, which is narrated by one paragraph, Adygi completely disappear until 1552, when they urgently needed to go to Moscow.

"About 1.5 million Circassians were destroyed or deported. This tragedy and absolutely, and proportionally coincides with the one that has suffered by Armenians in 1915. Was it done with Circassians deliberately? Yes. Were there any ideological reasons for this? Yes. Russia practiced a massacres and mass deportation in the Crimea and in the Caucasus, and "ethnically cleaned" the Circassia specifically in 1862 - 1864. Throughout this period, Panxlavists, like Mikhail Katkova, supplied the Russian public with nationalist excuses in the spirit of imperial ambitions ("Third Rome") and strategic interests ("Exit to the sea").

Antero Leitzinger. Circassian genocide

Thus, the history of Adygs begins after coming to Kuban ancient Ruses. A vague hint of existence somewhere outside Taman Adygs is unlikely to be remembered by the reader, because The next 7 pages of Tmutarakan theme are outlined outside of any connection with Adygha. But much attention is paid to Polovtsy. It is said that the Russian principality "peacefully coexisted near the nomads." So nomads, but not adygi were Russian neighbors in the Caucasus, in Kuban. The large author's team did not include some of the main Krasnodar specialists in Casogam, from whose works is that Kasogi is not Adygi, and Slavs! We advise when reproving fixed with. 37 Taking into account this "theory."

So, in order to read about the Adygs again with a jump on s. 44th in 530 years. The section is called "so started friendship." The history of Adygs really begins in the XVI century. Paragraph consists of 5 pages. And it's all. That is, the entire Adyg story from it is not clear what period to the nineteenth century is set out on 5 pages. Apparently, it is those crumbs from the master's table, which will go to us continue! Very material drawing on with. 48: Pigmea's sortic house, slightly noticeably more cornted crate. On s. The 49th find out that in the XVI -XVIII centuries, 12,000 slaves were exported annually from the Caucasus. It turns out, 3 million 600 thousand for the entire period! Really gloomy era.

The largest section of the textbook - about the Caucasian War (p. 77 - 108). This in itself is questionable: whether it is worth the 6th grade to focus on a military topic to the detriment of the sections of culture, to the detriment of other periods. Is not enough 1 - 2 paragraphs at this age? We can assume that such an imbalance has developed due to the fact that most of the Krasnodar "Caucasian" is not engaged in the history and culture of the Caucasus, and the military historical problems of Russia in the Caucasus.

The whole era of the Caucasian War is set out without the political history of Adyg. The authors did not consider it possible to give at least a brief overview of the foreign policy history of the Circassia of this time, the nature and scale of the national liberation movement of Adygov, give information about the leaders of the Adygh resistance (Seferby Zane, Magomed Amina, Kazbiche Sherello, Haji Berzek). But there is a paragraph about the Adygh "enlighteners" - Shore of the foot, Khan-Giree, Umar Bersee - who served royal Russia. The enlightener is known to enlighten his people. Khan-Girey wrote "Notes about Circassia", in which he gave a detailed military topographic analysis of the country of Adygs. This work of the Adygh "enlightener" was intended for the highest military leadership of the Empire. Nicholas II, Benkendorf and a number of generals - that's all the reading audience of the "enlightener". Khan-Girea and Hammova, and all other "enlighteners" of the Caucasian War period can be considered the first Adygh historians, ethnographers, folklinists. Their proceedings were available only to the Russian audience. The Adyg Warcs and even the peasants during the Caucasian war did not read books in Russian in the evenings by the fireplace. That is, they did not read at all.

In the considered textbook, the Caucasian War in the North-West Caucasus is fully represented as the Cossak-Circassian conflict. The whole military merit in the conquest of Circassia is attributed to the Cossacks - as if there was no vast Russian regular army here and as if the Great Soldiers died less than the Cossacks. It turns out that the Black Sea Fleet did not participate in the conquest of Cherkessia, and the German officers did not command the troops. There is a statement in all this - the history of Kuban is the history of Cossacks. But also demographically, and economically in the Kuban from the 80s - 90s, the population dominates the population - Russians, Ukrainians, Armenians, Jews, Greeks, Germans, Bulgarians, Czechs, Estonians. Cossack coast colonization failed from the very beginning. In the Black Sea District (province since 1896) economically (and in significant areas of the Tuapse and Sochi districts and numerically) in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. - The beginning of the twentieth century. The non-Slavic population (Greeks, Armenians, Czechs, Estonians, Germans, Moldovans) prevailed.

The obvious desire to present the story of Russian Kuban after 1864 as the history of the Cossack Region is clearly visible on the example of the Civil War section of 1918 - 1920. Immediately we note that Adygi did not get into the Kuban history of the twentieth century. I would like to recall that not the Cossacks, and Circassians were the first associates of General Kornilov in August 1917, even before the founding of the White Army. Circassians risking their lives, shelted the Cossacks during the rampant red terror in the spring of 1918. No other ethnos in Russia gave the White Army of such a high percentage of volunteers (relative to its own number) as Adygi, who formed a Circassian regiment under the team of the Kuchuk leaving and division under the Klych-Hire Team. A.Nakt and M. Gatagogu were Vice-Chairman of the Kuban Rada. In the spring of 1920, when the Turkish authorities did not take steamboats with Belokeazaki, Circassian princes and generals made permission for their combat comrades to join the Anatolian coast. When Stalin hung on Red Square Krasnova and Schuro, didn't the executioner of the Klych-Garyra be executed with them? In the period of the Great Russian Troubles, Adygi was true to Romanov, although the king himself renounced the throne, destroying the empire, which his ancestors created. Circassians and Abkhazes in the revolution of 1905 - 1907 were among the few peoples loyal to the government. For this loyalty, Stolypin took off the status of the "guilty" people with Abkhaz. The paradox of the story is that the Christian, Orthodox countries of Transcaucasia - Georgia and Armenia - for the sake of saving which Russia joined the Caucasus, was the first to betray it in 1905 and in 1917. Recall how Georgian Social Democrats were active in the Russian left movement. Father Zviada Gamsakhurdia, the Russophobian Leader itself, in the entire post-Soviet space, the classic of Georgian literature Konstantin Gamsakhurdia was a volunteer in the German army in 1914. Such examples are thousands. The fascists did not have the Circassian regiment of the SS, but the Armenian regiment of the SS was, and in the vespriste was a whole Division of Georgians. Doesn't they deserve a mention in the textbook of Atech Kushmizokov, the commander of the partisan brigade, the competence of the Kovpak? Isn't worthy to be referred to in the Kuban tutorial Hazret Counsel who invests tens of millions in Krasnodar universities? No one has ever sacrificed for the needs of the education in the Kuban of such money. And this is against the background of large-scale falsification of the history of Kuban (North-West Caucasus), which "Creating" representatives of the KSU.

When presenting the events of the Caucasian War, the conservation policy is chased and the whole text is replete with attribute definitions - "Native" (Earth) "Our" (Motherland), and the like. On s. The 89th Cossacks-lines appear by the valiant defenders of their native land, that is, this war was not carried out to conquer the Adygh land (although we know that this goal was emphasized in hundreds of Russian documents - plans, regulations, rescripts, military operations, assumptions, reports and reports and etc.), but only to protect the native land. Dagestan - also the native land of the Cossacks! And the cabarda of course.

The extremely hostile tone of the authors attracts attention: on s. The 94th and 96th Circassians are named enemies! This tutorial is the only textbook not only in the region and RA, but also in the North Caucasus, where such a vocabulary is admitted. All other authors use an emotionally unpainted term "enemy". And it is right, because it is about the children's perception of the world. The authors are even more interested in the creation of an enemy's image represented by Cherkeces on with. 80th. Allegory was used by imposing on the ethnonym Circassians Zonim Snake: a terrible snake sails in the Kuban, threatening his native land. It turns out that Circassians are melted. This passage is one of the undisputed stylistic "achievements" of the authors of the book. Allegory is clearly inspired by watching the "13th warrior" (Hollywood film with A. Bandaras in the lead role based on the fairy tale of Ibn Fadlan, the Arab Encyclopedist, who visited Khazaria in Ser. X Century), where "snakes", consisting of cannibals, attacks the settlement of Vikings . Who should compare Cossacks with whom?

The textbook does not say a word about the national catastrophe, comprehended by the Adygh people in 1861 - 1864, at the final stage of the Caucasian War. Not a word about how the royal troops under the command of General Evdokimov sector beyond the sector, the valley for the valley "cleared" the entire North-West Caucasus from the Adyg population. A more detailed report on these actions of Evdokimov himself was apparently addable only to read it in Maykop, Sukhum, Cherkessk, Nalchik, and did wrong conclusions. So show us a sample of work on the source.

Honest and delicate conversation with children on this theme most important for the entire foreseeable history of the region (expressing the words of Evdokimov: "In this 1864, a fact was accomplished, which almost did not have an example in history ...") The authors were replaced by several quiet and even accurate proposals: " Years have passed. The Caucasian War ended, and the land where the fierce battles had once walked for the possession of the Caucasus coast (Circassians did not protect their native and settlements by them, and they were fighting for possession of the Caucasus coast! - approx. S.Kh.) began to populate peaceful people of many nationalities ( That is, all the good and peaceful, except for Circassians - approx. S.Kh.) "(p. 97).

"Nicely and non-stop to close the mountaineers to the sea, and at the same time, it is strongly moving the Russian population to the seats, just liberated by the running mountains" Prince Baryatinsky, T.II, p.372

This entire wonderful textbook ends with the text of the anthem of the Krasnodar Territory - this is the anthem of "peaceful people of many nationalities." There are such lines in it: "We will go to the enemy on Basurmann for the death fight." Basurmann is a Russian term borrowed from Tatar, denoting Muslim! What is it, if not the designation of Muslims as enemies? What was the need for a hymn of the subject of the Russian Federation (the subject of a multinational and multicornel confessional, occupying most of the North-West Caucasus, bordering Ukraine, Abkhazia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Adygea; closely related economically with Turkey) to argue the combat walking song of the Kuban Cossacks in the Turkish front of times World War II. Is this a violation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation? The text of the hymn should consolidate society - this is not an axiom, but in the modern world it is desirable that it was so. By the way, in the Adyg songs of the Caucasian war period there are such lines that cannot be spacing from the scene, and they do not sing them. Such texts are the subject of research of historians and folklorists, but it does not occur to them the idea of \u200b\u200brecommending them to daily listening.

Analysis of the latest Kuban literature on the history of the North-West Caucasus immediately makes you remember the Georgian "historiography" (more precisely: propaganda literature) of the late 80s - 90s of the twentieth century, striving to prove to its Georgian audience that: a) modern abkhazes are not the United States Aboriginals - Abkhazia; b) Medieval Abkhaza - Cartewill tribe. We offer to borrow Georgian experience. From their brochures and folirates, there is a modern Abkhaza - the backward Adygean tribe, descended from the mountains in the 19th century and assimilated the kartvels-Abkhaz in their many thousands of homeland from Tuapse to Inther. Accordingly, modern Adygi - the backward Abkhaz tribe, descended from the mountains (it is important to choose the site of the ridge away from Krasnodar, better outside the edge administrative boundary) in the XVI century (later it does not work because of these embassies to Ivan Grozny) and the assimilant Circassian-Slavs In their many thousands of homeland on the space from Taman to Elbrus.

The 90s presented another lesson. It turned out that the level of caucasics does not depend on the material saturation of the scientific centers, but is directly dependent on elementary human decency. Suede stamps from the focus of the 19th century are still sounding: predatory, lazy and idle Circassians experienced a chronic food crisis, and their raids were a significant economy factor! This stamp in different variations sounds from the highest departments and is replicated in millions of circulation. But after entering the light in St. Petersburg in 1897, the study of the major Russian scientist-agronomist Ivan Nikolayevich Klingen "Fundamentals of the Household in the Sochi District" this stamp can voiced either an amateur, or (if it comes to professional Caucasian) is a completely unfinished person.

In addition to Krasnodar, a significant number of works, frankly falsifying the history of the North-West Caucasus, in the 90s were published in Karachayevsk. It turns out that Sindo-Motor tribes VI in. BC. - V c. AD And Zihi (Casogi) - Karachay. Moreover, the Karachayes are proclaimed and Circassians who suddenly forget the Turkic and switch to Adyg's literally several years to the Caucasian War. The reasons for which the Krasnodar authors seems to be that Circassians were Slavs, and their Karachai viszzi - Turks, do not lie in the field of source studies.

By the way, about the source. Everyone knows that this is the basis of historical knowledge, research process. For all the time of stay of the AAO, as part of the region and for the entire post-Soviet period, Krasnodar historians did not publish a single source about Adygha. This indicates the lack of interest and reluctance to study the history of Adyg. For comparison: Victor Kotlyarov ("El Fa", Nalchik) during the post-Soviet period issued more than 30 sources with a total circulation of more than 50,000 copies.

One of the main questions you want to ask the writers of the textbook under consideration: for whom 200 years has been working for Russian and European Caucasics? Caucasics today can not be homegrown. And the content of the textbook should not be sharply different from the well-established scientific ideas achieved by the level of knowledge. Your tutorial completely contradicts everything that they wrote about the adigts scientists with world name: B.Grozny, N. Marr, I.A. Djavahishvili, G.A. Melikishvili, L.I. Lavrov, M.I.Artamonov, Sh.D.INAL-IPA, D.Ayalon, A. Polak, P.M. Cholt, N.V. Yanfimov, Yu.S. Krushkol, Ya.Fedorov, V. K.GARDANOV, N.G. Volkova, V.I. Markovin, G.V. Rogawa, A. Shobawa, J. Dyumesil, A.V.Gadlo, V. Allen, M.Gammer, M.V. Gorelik, M.O. Kosven, G.V. Vernadsky, V.V. Bartold, S.L. Nikolaev, S.A.Starostin, V.V. Bunak, G.A. Dzidzariya, V.G.Ardzinba, and many Others. By the way, it is good that you have not forgotten about the Abkhaz leader, a hittologist and Caucasian with a capital letter. Gentlemen, crossing adyg history, you still cross the Abkhaz history. And Abkhaza so strive to Russia! Hurry up to inform them that their ancestors have nothing to do with Maykop and dollemen cultures.

Undoubtedly, your tutorial is able to very much to harm the atmosphere of tolerance in two constituent entities of the Russian Federation - the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea. The textbook fully falsifies the history of the North-West Caucasus and is a sample of how tutorial or any book, addressed to children should not be. Obviously, the child, brought up on such a book, will not be reckoned with the problems of the aboriginal edges - Adygov - and will not take them as such.

Samir Khotko.
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher Arigi.