Text composition: units, principles, techniques. Concept of composition

Text composition: units, principles, techniques. Concept of composition
Text composition: units, principles, techniques. Concept of composition

The composition is the location of the parts of the literary work in a certain order, the combination of forms and methods of artistic expression by the author, depending on its plan. Translated by S. latin language means "drawing up", "Building". The composition builds all parts of the work into a single finished whole.

It helps the reader deeper to understand the content of works, supports interest in the book and helps in the final to make the necessary conclusions. Sometimes the composition of the book intrigues the reader and he is looking for a continuation of the book or other works of this writer.

Composition elements

Among such elements can be distinguished by story, description, dialogue, monologue, plug-in stories and lyrical deviations:

  1. Narration - The main element of the composition, the story of the author, revealing the content of the artistic work. It takes most of the volume of all the work. Transmits the dynamics of events, it can be retended or illustrated by drawings.
  2. Description. This is a static element. During the description of the event, it does not occur, it serves as a picture, background for the work of the work. Description is a portrait, interior, landscape. The landscape is not necessarily an image of nature, it can be a city landscape, a lunar landscape, a description of fantastic cities, planets, galaxies or a description of fictional worlds.
  3. Dialogue - The conversation of two people. He helps to reveal the land, deepen the characters acting persons. Through the dialogue of two heroes, the reader learns about the events of the last heroes of works, about their plans, it begins to better understand the characters characteristics.
  4. Monologue - Speech one character. In Comedy, A. S. Griboyedov through the monologues of the Chatsky, the author conveys the thought of advanced people of his generation and the experiences of the hero himself, who learned about the treason beloved.
  5. System images. All images of the work that interact in connection with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author. These are images of people fairy tale characters, mythical, toponymic and subject. There are no insurgent images of the image, for example, "nose" from the eponymous story of Gogol. Many images of the authors were simply invented, and their names became commonplace.
  6. Stick stories, story in the story. Many authors use this technique to tie intrigues in the work or during the junction. There may be several insertion stories in the work, the events in which occurs at different times. Bulgakov in the "Master and Margarita" was used by the reception of a novel in the novel.
  7. Copyright or lyrical deviations. Lot lyrical deviations Gogol in the work of "Dead Souls". Because of them changed the genre of the work. This is a great prosaic work called the poem "Dead Souls". And "Eugene Onegin" is called novel in verses because of a large number of author's digits, thanks to which the readers appear an impressive picture of the Russian life of the early 19th century.
  8. Author's characteristic . In it, the author talks about the character of the hero and does not hide his positive or negative attitude towards him. Gogol in his works often gives ironic characteristics to its heroes - such accurate and capacious that its heroes often become nucleating characters.
  9. Scene narration - This is a chain of events occurring in the work. The plot is the content artistic text.
  10. Fabul - All events, circumstances and actions that are described in the text. The main difference from the plot is the chronological sequence.
  11. Scenery - Description of nature, present and imaginary peace, city, planets, galaxies, existing and fictional. The landscape is a feature, thanks to which the character of heroes is deeper, the nature of the events is revealed. You can remember how the seascape is changing in the Pushkin "fairy tale about fisherman and fish," when the old man is again and again comes to the golden fish with the next request.
  12. Portrait - This is not only a description. external view Hero, but also his inner world. Thanks to the talent of the author, the portrait is so accurate that all readers are equally representing the appearance of the hero read book: what Natasha Rostov looks like, Prince Andrei, Sherlock Holmes. Sometimes the author attracts the attention of the reader to some characteristic feature Hero, for example, mustache at Poiro in the books of Agatha Christie.

Do not miss: in the literature, examples of use.

Composite techniques

Scene composition

In the development of the plot there are its own stages of development. In the center of the plot, it is necessary to conflict, but the reader does not know about it immediately.

The plot composition depends on the product genre. For example, the bass necessarily ends with morality. The dramatic works of classicism had their own laws of the composition, for example, they had to have five acts.

The composition of the works of folk folklore differs in its unshakable features. Songs, fairy tales, epics were created in their laws of construction.

The composition of the fairy tale begins with the promotion: "As at sea-ocean, yes on the island of Buyan ...". The surcharge often composed in the poetic form and sometimes was far from the content of the fairy tale. The storyteller attracted the attention of the listeners and waited when he would not be distracted. Then he said: "This surcharge, not a fairy tale. The fairy tale will be ahead. "

Then followed the stained. The most famous of them begins in words: "lived," or "in some kingdom, in the thirtieth of the state ...". Then the storyteller passed to the tale itself, to her heroes, to wonderful events.

Takers of a fabulous composition, a triple repetition of events: Bogatyr is fighting three times with the snake of Gorynych, three times the princess sits at the Terema window, and Ivanushka on horseback comes to it and breaks the ring, three times the king experiences a daughter in the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog".

The ending of the fairy tale is also traditional, about the heroes of the fairy tales say: "Live - and we are doing well." Sometimes the ending hints towards a treat: "You have a fairy tale, and I have a branch of a knitting."

Literary composition - This is the location of the parts of the work in a certain sequence, is a holistic system forms artistic image. The means and techniques of the composition deepen the meaning of the depicted, disclose the characteristics of the characters. Each artwork has its own unique composition, but there are traditional laws that are respected in some genres.

In the times of classicism, the rule system existed that the authors had prescribed certain rules for writing texts, and they could not be disturbed. This is a rule of three unity: time, places, plot. This is a five-act construction of dramatic works. it speaking surnames And a clear division on negative and positive heroes. Features of the composition of the works of classicism went into the past.

Composite techniques in the literature depend on the genre of the artwork and from the talent of the author, which has in stock species, elements, adoption of composition, knows its features and is able to use these artistic ways.

Features of the composition and design techniques.

Composition - the structure, location and ratio of components due to its content, problem, genre and appointment.

Text composition - This is a way to build it, the connection of its parts, facts, images.

Very often, the title serves as a key to understanding the entire text, since the title attracts, prepares the perception of the material itself, puts emphasis or intriguing.

Most texts in the composition consists of three pieces: Entry (Capital), main part and ending.

Introduction(Stained) Usually expresses the key idea of \u200b\u200bsaying. In the text system, this is the most independent, most significant proposal or suggestions. The function of introducing a new thought does not allow you to be caught in its composition of substitute words (pronouns or placed adverbs) or constitute incomplete sentences. All its members are usually expressed by lexically imperative words. Because Zsotin expresses a new thought, it seems to be syntactically open, open, it whatever invites you to continue reading and see how it turns out, the thought will be revealed, which is filed in it in a concentrated form. Staines grows around itself all other sentences that are to some extent depending on it. However, the autonomy is relative: it not only forms the text, subordinating all the subsequent proposals, but also depends on them, as they rely on it and develop his thought.

Main part It consists of completed proposals related to each other and with a chain or parallel link. The composition of this part must be thought out.

Ending summarizes what was said earlier. Often the ending is a generalizing sentence with a generalizing word. Here may be introductory wordspointing to completion, completeness, complete exhaustion of thought (finally, so, therefore, therefore, in one word). There are other grammatical means of designing the ending, such as the Union and, which can open the last sentence of the text or to close a number of homogeneous members.

Types of text composition:

1) Linear composition - a sequential statement of facts, events; Usually built by chronological attribute (autobiography, report).

2) Stepped composition - involves an accented transition from one position to another (lecture, report).

3) concentric composition - gives the author the opportunity to move from one position to another with the return to the above provisions (by type of spiral), in this case the already known to the reader or listener is emphasized, and a new one is added to this known, such a type of composition contributes to a good learning text. .

4) parallel - based on comparison of two or more provisions, facts, events (for example, school works On the themes "Chatsky and Molchalin", "Onegin and Lensky").

5) discrete - implies a skip of certain moments of the presentation of events; This is pretty complicated type Compositions typical for artistic texts (often such a composition underlies detectives).

6) ring - contains a repetition and ending text; This type of composition makes it possible to return to the already said in the insquiry of the text.

7) Contrast - based on a sharp opposition of two parts of the text.

It is quite clear that the composition of the text as a whole, its construction is determined common idea, text type and genre-style features.

The composition is based on those or other constructive techniques - Methods in which the logic of the relationship of text parts is enclosed. We comment on the features of the techniques that are most often found in the works and which you yourself could use when writing texts.

1) If the text of the text is opposed to each other, it means that the composition of the contrast is used in the composition. At this technique, Lermontov poem was built "I would not deny before you."

2) Dilemma as a constructive reception is also often found in the texts of different genres. The essence of the reception is to choose between two opposite positions (the famous monologue of Hamlet).

3) Receiving a question rate (when the author himself sets the question and answers it to it) is necessary to attract the attention of the addressee, caused by the desire to force the reader or the chapel first to answer the question, and then compare it with the author's answer.

4) Reception when the first and last phrase of the text part of the same or almost the same, contributes to greater expressiveness of the text.

5) Reception is used to enhance, allocate logical relationships in the text.

6) No less in demand and reception, called concretization, the essence of it is to use examples and evidence to confirm the thought.

7) Text composition can also be built at the reception of parallelism.

8) In some texts, you can observe the reception called the paradox built on the intentional violation of logic.

The skillful use of constructive techniques makes the text more understandable, convincing and memorable.

4.4. Semantic types of texts: description, reasoning and narration.

Legal speech in its composition is heterogeneous. The daily practice of a lawyer (investigation, counseling, evidence assessment, etc.) implies a constant search for ties between objects, events, individual judgments. This finds an expression in various functionally semantic types of speech: description, narration, reasoning.

Description - This is a verbal image of phenomena, reality items by consistently transferring their features (properties). The main question that is designed to meet the description is the question "What?" Description Composition Includes: 1) Item name, 2) Image of details, 3) overall impression About the subject or phenomenon. The description is characterized by static, the enumeration structure of homogeneous components, enumerable intonation. Often a speech error in the texts-descriptions is considered unjustified use of opposition instead of enumeration.

Narration It is a story about events, phenomena transmitted in a specific sequence. Such texts answer the question: "What happened?" and characterized by dynamicity, correlation of species-time forms of verbs-fag. The composition usually consists of the following components: 1) exposure (part preceding with string), 2) Proprietary (start of action), 3) Development of action, 4) Culmination (the moment of the highest voltage), 5) omission (end of action). It can be observed in the deployed epic genres: Hands, fairy tales, novels, but if the text-story is an episode of a full-scale work, not all components may be presented in its composition. Violation of the sequence is considered a serious speech error in narrative texts.

Reasoning - Functionally-semantic type of speech, which examines objects and phenomena, their internal signs are revealed, certain provisions are proved. The reasoning underlies the urgent speech and is a verbal justification for some thought, ideas. It is the evidence argument - distinctive trait Style thinking of a lawyer.

Any reasoning includes three interrelated components: thesis, argument, demonstration.

Thesis - This is verbally pronounced statement (position), the truth of which is justified in the process of reasoning.

Antithesis - This is verbally pronounced statement (position) opposite to the thesis. From a speech point of view, an argument is a separate and completed, verbally decorated thought that is assessed by the audience as true, correct and appropriate, this is an argument that serves to justify the thesis itself.

Demonstration - a way of logical connection between the thesis and arguments, i.e. The very reasoning.

For each component of the structure of the evidence argument, the argument makes its requirements:

1.Tezis should be formulated clearly and unambiguously.

2. Theses should not change in the process of this evidence or refutation (must be identical).

3. Arguments must be true.

4. Arguments should be sufficient grounds for the thesis, i.e. The author must provide such arguments that confirm the protected thesis. The adequacy of the arguments is regarded in the sense of their quantity, and taking into account their quality.

5. Arguments should not contradict each other and the thesis.

6. Demonstration should be the right argument based on the knowledge of the laws of logic: the law of identity, the law of contradiction (consistent), the law of an excluded third, the law of sufficient basis.

Failure to comply with these requirements leads to errors and tricks in argumentation.

Under logical error Usually they mean an unintentional violation of the rules of argumentation in the process of reasoning. Errors are possible due to ignorance, logical negligence, ignorance, unqualifiedness. TrickOn the contrary, it is a deliberate violation of the argument rules and is used to introduce an opponent to delusion, create visibility of victory in dispute.

I. Errors / tricks in relation to thesis:

Substitution of the thesis. The essence of the error is as follows: It is proved or the wrong thesis that was nominated first is proved.

II. Errors / tricks for arguments:

A) "The main misconception" ("Foundation") - the use of obviously false judgments as arguments, which give out or try to issue true.

B) "anticipation of the foundation" - the inclusion of arguments that are not obviously false, but they themselves need evidence.

C) "vicious circle" ("cyclic argument") - the thesis is justified by arguments, which are a paraphrassed thesis.

III. Errors / tricks regarding the demonstration.

A) "Imaginary following" ("not follows") - only the visibility of a logical connection is created between the thesis and arguments.

B) "From what has been said with the condition of what has been said certainly." The argument, true under certain conditions, is used as definitely true (i.e. always).

C) "hasty generalization". The error occurs in the case when the arguments have become not enough to derive the truth of the declared thesis.

The study of errors and tricks is necessary a lawyer in order to recognize them in the speech of his opponent and be able to confront them.

In the theory of argument, it is customary to allocate arguments on various criteria:

1. From the point of view morality and morality (Moral Criteria), arguments can be divided into correct (permissible) and incorrect (unacceptable).

2. Based on criteria Relevance (admissibility), it is customary to allocate two types of arguments: rational arguments (AD RES - argument to the merits of the case) and irrational arguments (ad hominem- arguments to person).

Rational arguments - Arguments based on mind and logic. Irrational arguments - These are arguments that are addressed to the interests and feelings of the audience.

3. According to exposure In the argumentative rhetoric distinguish the following types of arguments: 1) exhaustive(he is always one); 2) main(there may be several of them); 3) controversial (arguments that can be viewed from the standpoint "for" and "against"); four) spare.

Sources of rational arguments are statements about the facts; statistical data; authorities; Theoretical and empirical generalizations; previously proven provisions, axioms, postulates; Laws, scientific definitions.

Facts or actual data - These are single events or phenomena for which certain time, place and specific conditions for their occurrence and existence are characteristic.

Statistical data - Quantitative indicators of production and society development. Statistics helps specify the message, make it more accurate.

For example, for people believers appeal to the text of the Bible there is an argument to the merits of the case; For lawyers in their practice, undoubtedly, the authoritative source is the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

TO theoretical generalizations All legal laws and legal norms involved in consideration of the circumstances of the case and do not require evidence. Empirical generalizations In a different way, they call arguments from experience. Generalizing the data obtained by experimentally (measured, weighed). Empirical arguments are often absolute evidence in the investigative and judicial practice.

As previously proved arguments, testimony and evaluated testimony can be considered. The arguments are axioms, i.e. Obvious and therefore the position are unocclied in this area, for example: "part of the whole". In addition, arguments may be the definitions of basic concepts in a specific area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. In court practice, when considering a concrete criminal case, the content of such concepts as "crime", "intent", "wines", "aggravating circumstances" and many others is not established. References to such definitions means using them as arguments in legal reasoning.

Among irrational arguments Adopted allotment general and private.

The general includes an argument To tradition, an argument to authority, an argument for intuition, an argument for faith, an argument to common sense, the argument to taste (to fashion).

The tradition is a system of samples, norms and rules, which is guided in his behavior, a rather extensive and sustainable group of people. IN modern society Traditions are effective, for example, in the army, church, some political parties.

The argument to authority is a reference to the opinion or action of a person who has perfectly proven itself in this area by its judgments or actions. It should be remembered that the appeal to one or another authorities should be due to the specifics of the audience in front of which the speaker is.

Intuition is usually defined as a direct discretion of truth, comprehending it without any reasoning and evidence. In its pure form, intuitive argumentation is rare and in legal practice it is unlikely to be applicable. Intuitions are close to faith - deep, sincere, emotionally rich conviction in the justice of some kind or concept. Like all irrational arguments, it needs a certain audience, sympathizing with it perceived.

In arguments when discussing the problems relating to human life and activities, special role Plays common sense. First of all, common sense is manifested in judgments about the correct and incorrect, about the afflicted and unsuitable. The concepts of common sense of the concept of taste.

The argument to taste (or to fashion) is an appeal to the feeling of taste existing in the audience and can incline it to the adoption of the nominated position. The taste carries the imprint social Life And changes with it.

Private irrational arguments It can be addressed to both the procedural opponent and the entire audience present. Briefly describe the main types of arguments.

The argument to a person is an indication of the dignity of any person to cause sympathy to him, confidence and thereby take the suspicion of making negative actions, neutralize a bad opinion.

The argument to the person whose appointment is to cause a certain point of view from the audience, contains the characteristic of the negative parties of the person and thereby undermines the confidence of the listeners to his words.

The argument to the public is to appeal to feelings, moods, the prejudices of the listeners in order to incline them to adopt the proper decision.

The argument for pity is an argument designed to cause pity to the person discussed accused. Often it is used in the speeches of judicial defenders.

The argument to the physical well-being is designed for the natural desire of a person to live as he wants, comfortable and convenient, to be physically prosperous. In addition to the argument, the arguments affecting the material, social and economic interests of the audience are sufficiently effective, the arguments affecting the material, social and economic interests of the audience; self-esteem (argument to vanity).

The arguments of justice and the right suggest the appeal to generosity, the feeling of compassion to the weak, to the sense of duty and other noble gods.

In the process of argument, arguments are located according to a certain argumental schemes. This takes into account the specifics of the audience.

So, downward argumentationAt which the strongest argument is first driven, and then weak, effective in a low-prepared, not too interested audience or in an emotional environment.

Ascending argument (from weaker to stronger arguments) is effective in a relaxed atmosphere when discussing serious issues when the interlocutors are ready to listen and analyze.

One-sided argument (Only the arguments "for" or only the arguments "against") better affect the poorly educated people and are effective for the final conviction of the one who else fluctuates in making a decision. Bilateral argumentation (The use of arguments "for" and "against" followed by conclusion) is applicable in a prepared or negative configured audience.

The optimal number of arguments in the proof of the thesis is considered to be the number "Three": one argument is also just a fact; Two arguments - it is possible to argue, and on three arguments it is more difficult to do it. The third argument has a decisive effect: Starting from the fourth argument, the audience perceives the argument is no longer as a system, but as many arguments. At the same time, the impression arises that he tries to put pressure on the audience, "persuades." There is an old saying: who proves a lot, he proves nothing. "Many" begins with the fourth argument.

It is important that the speaker knew how to determine these priorities and take them into speech.

Composition - the structure, location and ratio of components due to its content, problem, genre and appointment.

Text composition - This is a way to build it, the connection of its parts, facts, images.

Very often, the title serves as a key to understanding the entire text, since the title attracts, prepares the perception of the material itself, puts emphasis or intriguing.

Most texts in the composition consists of three pieces: Entry (Capital), main part and ending.

Introduction(Stained) Usually expresses the key idea of \u200b\u200bsaying. In the text system, this is the most independent, most significant proposal or suggestions. The function of introducing a new thought does not allow you to be caught in its composition of substitute words (pronouns or placed adverbs) or constitute incomplete sentences. All its members are usually expressed by lexically imperative words. Because Zsotin expresses a new thought, it seems to be syntactically open, open, it whatever invites you to continue reading and see how it turns out, the thought will be revealed, which is filed in it in a concentrated form. Staines grows around itself all other sentences that are to some extent depending on it. However, the autonomy is relative: it not only forms the text, subordinating all the subsequent proposals, but also depends on them, as they rely on it and develop his thought.

Main part It consists of completed proposals related to each other and with a chain or parallel link. The composition of this part must be thought out.

Ending summarizes what was said earlier. Often the ending is a generalizing sentence with a generalizing word. There may be introductory words indicating completeness, completeness, complete exhaustion of thought (finally, so, therefore, thus in one word). There are other grammatical means of designing the ending, such as the Union and, which can open the last sentence of the text or to close a number of homogeneous members.

Types of text composition:

1) Linear composition - a sequential statement of facts, events; Usually built by chronological attribute (autobiography, report).

2) Stepped composition - involves an accented transition from one position to another (lecture, report).

3) concentric composition - gives the author the opportunity to move from one position to another with the return to the above provisions (by type of spiral), in this case the already known to the reader or listener is emphasized, and a new one is added to this known, such a type of composition contributes to a good learning text. .

4) Parallel - based on a comparison of two or more provisions, facts, events (for example, school works on the themes "Chatsky and Molchalin", "Onegin and Lensky").

5) discrete - implies a skip of certain moments of the presentation of events; This is a rather complicated type of composition characteristic of artistic texts (often such a composition underlies the detectives).

6) ring - contains a repetition and ending text; This type of composition makes it possible to return to the already said in the insquiry of the text.

7) Contrast - based on a sharp opposition of two parts of the text.

It is quite clear that the composition of the text as a whole, its construction is determined by the general design, type of text and genre-style features.

The composition is based on those or other constructive techniques - Methods in which the logic of the relationship of text parts is enclosed. We comment on the features of the techniques that are most often found in the works and which you yourself could use when writing texts.

1) If the text of the text is opposed to each other, it means that the composition of the contrast is used in the composition. At this technique, Lermontov poem was built "I would not deny before you."

2) Dilemma as a constructive reception is also often found in the texts of different genres. The essence of the reception is to choose between two opposite positions (the famous monologue of Hamlet).

3) Receiving a question rate (when the author himself sets the question and answers it to it) is necessary to attract the attention of the addressee, caused by the desire to force the reader or the chapel first to answer the question, and then compare it with the author's answer.

4) Reception when the first and last phrase of the text part of the same or almost the same, contributes to greater expressiveness of the text.

5) Reception is used to enhance, allocate logical relationships in the text.

6) No less in demand and reception, called concretization, the essence of it is to use examples and evidence to confirm the thought.

7) Text composition can also be built at the reception of parallelism.

8) In some texts, you can observe the reception called the paradox built on the intentional violation of logic.

The skillful use of constructive techniques makes the text more understandable, convincing and memorable.

Basically, the concept of composition is used to characterize artistic. It is due to the method, worldview, specifically aesthetic, incl. genre tasks that put. In most cases, the elements of the composition of the work make up the exposure, the label, the development of the action, and the disconnection. Achievous integer may consist not only from one novel, but from a whole cycle, a group of poetic or prosaic worksunited common hero, uniform problems, ideas or actions ("Tale of Belkin" A.S. Pushkin, "Evening on the farm near Dikanka" N.V. Gogol). Lingvostilistics The concept of "composition" invests the relationship of the dynamic and static aspects of the work, the process of dismissal text on specific blocks (paragraphs, chapters), semantia text. Therefore, there are two types of plans for composite construction of the work: logic-composite and self-composite. The first includes structural-semantic and structural-logical aspects, and the second is composite-meaningful and formal-composite. Composition text Inherent not only artistic works, but also uneximicient, too, and is understood as the sequence of three main parts: entry, main part and imprisonment. Introduction is an introduction to the topic, content text, formulation of the problem, presentation of the material. Sometimes, psychological goals (publicism, scientific and genres) are being pursued in the introduction to establish the readership, establishing contact with it. The topic is disclosed in the main part, basic information is reported, tasks are solved. Here is the ratio of private and general, specific examples and abstract concepts. In the main part, the author sets out the main material, exposes its assessment, analyzes other people's judgments, offers its understanding of the topic. The result of the whole thing is summarized in the conclusion, where conclusions are formulated, new problems are scheduled.

Composition (from lat. Compositio - compilation, binding, addition) - this is a connection different parts in a single whole. In our life, this term is found quite often, so in different areas Activities value changes slightly.


In the "Composition" the location and bounds of the artistic work, united by the author's intent. To its elements: parts and chapters, prefaces and scenes, dialogues and monologues, songs, etc. And portraits are also included in the composition. However, it cannot be considered as a sequence of elements, it is a holistic system forms due to the content of the work.

Science Ob. architectural composition General patterns of building a project and the object of architecture itself. The composition itself is created by three types of funds: the location of volumes in space; the ratio, proportions, symmetry, color, scale of architectural volumes and their, parts; The inclusion and use of elements of painting, sculpture, gardening art.

The composition is, which also carries a certain meaning. With the help of sounds, the internal state of the composer is transmitted, important life events, emotions (joy, sadness, etc.), etc. A plurality of techniques transmitting certain shades is created one holistic composition.

All kinds of compositions in different areas have their own characteristics that intersect in one: combining many components into one whole product that makes sense.

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Reference Group - social groupwhich is for a person a significant benchmark, the organization of both for itself and for others, as well as the initial point of development of value orientations and social norms.

The functions of the reference group are divided into comparative and regulatory. Regulatory acts as a source of norms, with which the resolution of people's behavior is carried out. They become a matter of solving significant problems. Comparative, in turn, is the standard for the individual with whom he identifies himself and surrounding people. The same group is capable of being comparative and regulatory at the same time.

Reference groups on the fact of affiliation are divided into ideal and presence. Presence is characterized by the fact that the individual is a member of the group. And the ideal will be for that group, which it is not included, but on the views and relationship of which it is focused on his behavior and evaluation of people and significant events.

The ideal group is like a fictional and really existing one. In the fictional group, life ideals and rates of ratings serve literary heroes, famous historical Persons. In any case, seeks to be a commitment of the ideal group.

The negative and positive reference groups are classified in accordance with the denial or personality consent with the values \u200b\u200band norms of the Group. From that man to meet disapprovingly estimates from the side of the group, what provisions he does not adhere to, and on the contrary - to get his own from that, whose norms are trying to respond.

E.V. Shchedrin has developed a special experimental procedure that detects reference groups - referentometry. It is intended to establish and identify the level of the reference of the group's participants for any individual incoming in it. That is, it defines a circle of persons whose opinion is the individual considers the most significant for himself.

In the social and concept of the reference group, it is usually applied to explaining the socio-psychological mechanisms that participate in the development of individual value-regulatory installations and the regulation of personality consciousness.

The influence of the reference group is important. Therefore, these groups are detected for sociological studiesrelated to the development of effective propaganda and pedagogical impacts. The referentometry helps to study the focus of the person and look for ways for its purposeful formation.

Organizations arose for quite a long time and over time became more complicated, growing up and gained increasing importance in life human society. In the simplest understanding, the organization is a group of people acting to achieve common goal. For their successful operation, the Group's activities should be coordinated.


Thus, the organization is the association of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve some goal. Organizations can be formal and informal. Formal organizations have the right of a legal entity, the goals of their functioning are enshrined in the constituent documents, and the procedure for activities - in regulatory acts that regulate the rights and obligations of each participant. Formal organizations are commercial and non-commercial. The goal of the first is to receive profits. Non-commercial organizations do not have their main goal. Informal organizations are groups of people who arise spontaneously, whose members come into account with each other.

In economic science, only a formal organization is meant under the organization. The organization may not have one goal, but several. Their implementation is ensured by the coordinated functioning of its individual parts. The key goal of any organization, without which its existence is not possible - own reproduction. If this goal of the organization is suppressed, it can quickly stop existence.

In the process of operation, the organization uses the resources that it converts to achieve the desired result. As part of the resources allocated human resources, capital, material resources and information.

The organization is closely related to the external environment, since it receives resources from it. In addition, in the external world there are consumers of goods and services produced by it. The external environment of the organization is quite diverse. It includes economic conditions, consumers, legislation, competitors, public attitudes, technology, etc. At the same time, the external environment is practically not affixing the organization. In this connection, the leaders of the organization have to take into account the impact of these factors on its activities.

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Development is, first of all, any process that is aimed at changing spiritual and material objects to improve their enhancement. This phenomenon can be observed in all spheres of life. After all, where there is no progress and development, regress and degradation occur. This is one of the most important concepts of all the universe.


Development occurs in almost all areas. For example, there is the development of the body. It is expressed in high-quality environment to the environment and other objects inside the system. For example, a newborn is not that the adult will prepare him. As it receives, anyway, it develops and adapts to changes around itself. From this process it is impossible to leave any person.

There may also be observed not only physical and social development, but also mental. They all inextricably go with each other. During the receipt of new information, a person develops memory, thinking, attention, will and emotions. Without these components, there would be no kind of "man reasonable".

Also under development understand the growth of the economy or social progress. It is impossible to maintain the demand for goods or services, if not increased. This is the main reason for the permanent growth of the macroeconomic system. Also as knowledge and creating new technologies accumulates, social development occurs. People are more opportunities to implement their potential and human needs to develop. Without this aspect, it is impossible to hope for the improvement of the world.

Development is also worth the dissemination of any process. Examples of such phenomena are the harmful habits of a person, illness, natural disasters, etc. Sometimes these processes occur for people. For example, cancer diseases from smoking are not manifested overnight. They need a certain time. But this aspect does not give people danger to feel the approximation of the tragic outcome. Therefore, sometimes, the degree of development of the process must be applied accurate devices (for example, medical).

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Tip 6: How the composition of love historical novels

To love story It did not become a dubious story developing against the background of abstract events, it is necessary to thoroughly explore the era described by you, learn about the most influential people of the time and pay attention to the little things that seemed insignificant at first glance.


Choose a country and a temporary segment in which your novel events will develop. Read the history textbooks, learn the political and military situation of that period. Remember that the state could be called in a completely different way.

Read the notes of contemporaries or studies of historians dedicated to major politicians, commander, monarchum, which will become participants in your narrative. This will make it possible to fill the romance to interesting descriptions.

Come up with the plot of the novel. Classical love story It is usually developed as follows. Two young I. beautiful people Are found in difficult for the country (region, kind or family) times. They may love each other at first glance, but may first be hated each other, because they belong to different estates or are offspring of warrant clans. In any case, you must plan the story in such a way that the circumstances and intrigues prevent in love to be together. Among such obstacles may be a war, engage in one of the main characters with an influential person, the status of an illegitimate child. In the end, all troubles will be overcome and lovers will reunite. Typically, the narrative ends on it.

Observe the temporary framework of your narrative. Events developing in the novel must comply with the historical events of the period in question.

Consider the status of a woman in a specific time period. It is quite possible, in the times of which you write about, all the representatives of weak sex were driving and embroidered tapestries. Therefore, a description of how the main heroine sat on the horse and cried to chop enemies, will be inappropriate for one reason - she just could not know how to sit on a horse. Although, of course, there were exceptions.

Finance the novel with reliable descriptions of cities and natural landscapes. To do this, you can refer to the history of a particular settlement, and the types of locality are examined by photographs, excluding modern buildings from consideration.

Examine the features of the costumes and clothes of your chosen era. This will make the story more reliable, especially if there are bed scenes in the novel.

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In classical political economy, any product has a dual character, which is determined by the abstract and specific Ohm laid in it. It is worth understanding what they are invested in these concepts.


Any product on the market, whether it is a car, a hammer or food product, has two high-quality features. First, the goods satisfy some kind of human needs. Secondly, the goods have a certain exchange value. His utility is expressed by consumer value. The exchange cost is a concept that characterizes the value of this product compared to another product, the consumer value of which is similar to the exchange.

Before the monetary exchange appeared, the seller understood the market that, for example, he would give him a kilogram of grain or one ax. It follows from this as one fish, and a kilogram of grain, and one ax possess a single exchange value and the number of social labor that was laid in all of these products. With the advent of money, each of these goods began to possess the same value, but by varying consumer value.

The greatest theorist in the formation of a dual nature of labor is Karl Marx. He expressed his theory of political economy in the two-volume work "Capital".

Abstract work

The cost of goods expressed by its exchange estimate is obtained by the so-called abstract work. It is expressed in labor costs as such. The more it was spent in the production of goods, the higher its exchange cost or value, expressed in monetary units. Thanks to the abstract work, the consumer has the opportunity to compare one or another product from the point of view of its cost, which is laid by the manufacturer.
Modern world Although prefers the cash exchange of goods, but there are still corners on earth, where the tribes still use natural exchange, evaluating goods from the point of view of consumer value.

Concrete labor

Labor, which is expressed with the help of physical, mental efforts, the cost of materials, is concrete. In other words, the form of expression of such labor is measurable. Thanks to this form of labor, any product has a consumer value. Thus, the work of the joiner is expressed in the furniture, in the dress - work, in the jug - the work of potter, etc.

Market product relations

Economics Although recognizes the dual character of labor laid in the product produced, but prefers to evaluate the goods from the point of view of abstract labor, as it allowed to move from the exchange exchange of goods to the monetary. Money has become a way to assess abstract labor, as the consumer value is quite a subjective value, whose assessment is not always possible.

The concepts of "farm" and "cut" today are practically not found in modern Russian speech, but they can be found in classical literature. These outdated terms, people enjoyed at the time of Gogol, calling small settlements and private peasant land tenure.


The farm was a very settlement or a separate peasant estate with a separate household. Usually in the farm included about ten, which were separate groupwhich is administratively related to larger inhabited. Gradually, the farm expanded, turning into a village or village, but their name often remained in the name of the settlement.

Estonians called their farms with mysses, while Poles and residents of some Eastern countries and central Europe used the name "Folvark".

Each farm could have from one to one hundred yards, but it was not - he was different from the village, where there could be only ten yards, but attended by necessarily. Don and Kuban called the farm settlement in the territory that did not have separate administrative management. Often the population of bed farms exceeded the number of central settlement arising from the farm. Large farms often became autonomous articles with a separate community territory and assigned to the Cossack population.


The concept of "cut" appeared at the beginning of the 20th century in Russia. They called a piece of land allocated from the community land territory transmitted to the peasant to sole use without transferring the main estate. Thus, the cut was the economic form of private land tenure with the most compact location. For the first time, the legal between the farm and the cut was held in 1906 in the regulatory act, where it was indicated that the village communities could move both to the cut and to the docking form of land tenure.

The difference is that the farm could be smoking, and the cut completely combined the valid peasant sections into the overall array.

The owner receiving a newly formed site could decide independently, the status of giving his land is robust or unreliable. It was an important pointSince the robust plot has somewhat limited its owner at its disposal. Restrictions allowed to preserve the peasant land fund from non-targeted elements penetrating the village. In addition, the recognition of the land of Nadelnaya dismissed it from loans, pledges and other financial burdens of private owners and lenders - except for the peasant record bank.

The man who decided to become the creator of articles for Internet sites, of course, wants to know how much he can earn, studying such a type of activity. As a rule, novice authors choose Reratit as the easiest way to create Internet content. But they face that payment of their labor can be very different and depend not on the quality of work, but from other factors that are difficult to take into account a newcomer.

What is rehyt?

To begin with, it is not bad to decide. Remitted to call the creation of an article for an Internet resource based on other materials taken at the network or from printed publications.

Currently, Refriting requirements are quite high. Quality rewritten is not just a statement of the material of the original article in your own words and, moreover, not a primitive change in words in the initial article by synonyms or the permutation of their order in the proposal. Reperate welcomes, when writing which the author used several sources, managed to creatively recycle them, and even better - add their own original thoughts and ideas.

But the main demand for the rewriting remains uniqueness. This means that the text obtained as a result should not meet on the Internet. Checking uniqueness is necessary with special programsBut the requirements for degree of uniqueness can be different.

In any case, the uniqueness below 80% does not allow the right to consider an article suitable for any Internet resource.

Reityta price

The price of any content is usually installed, repulscing from the cost of 1000 printed signs.

Some set the price for 1000 printed text signs taking into account spaces, however, it is still a fixed price for 1000 printed signs without registering spaces.
But there may be options: some customers establish the desired scope of article and fixed price For her, some are ready to pay depending on how many readers will type article.

But even if you focus on the cost of 1000 characters without spaces, it can differ very much depending on the desire and capabilities of the customer. So, on the stock exchanges, this price ranges from 10 to 200 or more rubles. Newbies, as a rule, are ready to try their strength even for a minimum fee, but quickly understand that it is impossible to earn any tangible amount in this way.

Some customers do not distinguish between the author's artwork and rewritten, others pay for Rerait somewhat less. The average price for reratit is 40-60 rubles. For 1000 printed signs excluding gaps, however, with a certain proportion of luck and the proper level of skill, you can find a customer, ready to pay much more for such work, so it will definitely say how much such or another article will cost, it is extremely difficult.

Another way to try to increase your income, engaged in rewritten - to put articles for sale on content or on the webmakers forum. But in order to get high payment, a person needs to establish itself as high quality and unique material. No customer will not buy articles expensive in humans, the possibilities and abilities he does not know.

In any case, only competent, unique material will be paid, regardless of whether it is a rewritten. For illiterate, heavy in reading, unreasonable text The author risks not to receive a penny.

The water-cement ratio primarily determines concrete strength. In order to find out how much fluid needs in one or another solution, attention should be paid to the quality of cement, the type of aggregate, its purity and humidity.

The water-cement ratio is the exact proportion of water and cement in the composition of concrete. It determines what its fortress will be, consequently, the quality.

Water influence on concrete characteristics

If there will be an excessive amount of fluid in cement-sandy solution, it will lead to the formation of pores in the structure of monolith and as a result, to a decrease in its strength. The liquid solution is quickly distributed in form (formwork) and soon begins to leak through the slightest slits. Emerging, water takes with them cement, as this binder is the easiest of weight component of the solution. Such a concrete is lifted for a long time that the fluid evaporation period is very significant. In most cases, this leads to the cracking of the building stone.

For rigid concrete M75, the optimal water-cement ratio is 0.6. Consequently, for the preparation of 1 m3 of this solution, 150 liters of water will be required. But so that the calculation is absolutely accurate, you need to understand the function of the fluid in the solution. In the water, there are two of them: takes part in chemical processes occurring during the hardening of cement, and provides mixtures with relative plasticities (fluidity).

This property is very important, as it ensures the absence of air bubbles in the structure of concrete. Therefore, for the rigid compositions, the sealing (rambling) of the cement-sandy solution is so necessary, regardless of which type of aggregate is used. This work is performed manually or using a special vibration tool (vibrating plants).

How to find out an exact waterproof ratio?

The water-cement ratio is most often determined by special tables. But experienced builders can do it by a solution in a concrete mixer. If the water in the composition of the mixture is small (no more than 30% of the total amount of cement), then a hard concrete is obtained. If much is flowing. The humidity and purity of the aggregate plays a major role in determining the watercraft ratio. For example, if the sand is raw with an admixture of clay, the proportion of cement-water needs to be corrected.

It is important to pay attention to the quality of cement. It should be understood that in the month of storage, it loses at least 10% of its properties of the binder. After three months, losses will increase to 20%, after six months - up to 30%. All this will affect the desired amount of water to obtain proper strength. As a major aggregate, it is not recommended to use limestone crushed stone, since this stone has a sufficiently high hygroscopicity, which does not allow with the necessary accuracy to determine the required water-cement ratio for concrete of a certain brand.

Oscilloscope is a device that clearly displays electrical oscillations. His name happened from the Latin and Greek words - "Ocio" and "Grafo", which is translated as "okay" and "write", which accurately displays the principle of its work.

History and classification

The very first oscilloscope was invented in France in 1893 by the physicist Andre Blondeem and was more primitive and less accurate than its modern variations.

Today's oscilloscopes make it possible to explore gigahertz frequency signals. To study, more high-frequency signals, as a rule, use more complex electron-optical cameras.

For the purpose and method of output information, oscilloscopes are divided into two types. The first have a periodic scan to directly monitor the waveform on the screen. The second, possessing the all the same continuous scan, register oscillations of the curve on the photo tape.

Oscilloscopes with periodic sweeps are divided into universal, speed, stroboscopic, memorable and special. The digital make it possible to combine the use of different functions.

It is also customary to distinguish oscilloscopes by the method of processing the input signal to analog and digital.

There are also classifications in the amount of rays: single-rigid, two-beam, etc. The number of rays can reach 16 or more.

In addition to the above variations, there are oscilloscopes combined with other measuring instruments. They are called scratometers.

Application area

As mentioned above, the oscilloscope is a device for studying the amplitude and temporal parameters of the electrical signal. That is why oscilloscopes are widely used and radio engineering, where they are used for a clearer diagnosis and understanding of oscillatory processes in electronic circuits.

With this device, it is possible to evaluate not only and not so much the frequency of oscillations, how much is the form and pattern of oscillatory processes. Also, with the help of an oscilloscope, you can find interference or distortion of the passage of the electrical pulse in various nodes of the circuit.

Today it is one of the most important devices in electronics. It is used in applied, laboratory and research purposes, to control and study electrical signals.

The application of the oscilloscope was found in broadcasting. In this area, it is used for periodic and operational control Qualitative indicators of the television tract and its individual links.

The oscilloscope left its mark in the gaming industry. It was his screen that served as a display for one of the first Tennis for Two video games. It was a virtual tennis version.

Modern production of all areas is increasingly referring to natural materials. Many of them have truly unique properties. One example can serve as textolit - entirely natural and used in many areas.

What is textolit

Textolite is a structural layered material that is obtained by hot pressing of cotton fabrics. The fabrics, in turn, are impregnated with a thermosetting binder based on phenol formaldehyde resin. Sometimes polyester, phenoloformaldehyde, epoxy, polyamide, furan, silicone resins or thermoplastics are used as impregnation.

However, it is due to the cotton fabric that has strength in compression, increased shock viscosity and tolerates mechanical processing well: drilling, cutting or stamping.

All these qualities determine the scope of the use of textolite - the manufacture of parts loaded by alternate electrical and mechanical stages or friction.

In addition, the textolite is an excellent electrical insulator.

In general, the properties of this material are largely dependent on the properties of tissues and the binder, of which the textolite is manufactured, as well as its manufacturing technologies.

In this regard, textolites, organothextolites, fiberglass, asbothextolites, acklecladium and basaltotetolites are distinguished. Yes, and the fabric themselves differ from the type of weaving, thickness and surface density.

Scope of application of textolite

Textolit found application in many areas. For example, it is widely used in and electronics as an insulating material or heat insulator.

Due to its wear and vibration resistance, friction details are created from it - bearings, sleeves, rings, washers, and so on. Some varieties of textolite are used in the chemical industry to work with aggressive media.

In addition, it is used to work in transformer oil and in air under conditions of normal environmental humidity at a current frequency 50Hz.

Machines and devices whose details are performed from the textolite and its derivatives, significantly increase the performance of the enterprise as a whole.

Distinguish with sheet and rod textolite.

Textolite sheet - polymer designed to lay the shock absorbing layer in electrical products. It is a composition compressed and soaked cotton fabrics compressed and impregnated.

Textolit rod is special form Laying all the same cotton material. This winding method allows you to use textolite in high-voltage-related industries.

The technology obtained in the 60s of the last century, the production of high-strength fibers to this day has widespread use. The trading mark, which is engaged in this production, was called Kevlar (Kevlar).

Kevlar and its properties

Kevlar refers to aramids - high thermal and mechanical strength fibers. The scientific name of this fiber polyparaphenylene-terephthalamide. The Kevlar is manufactured by Dupont. Kevlar has very high strength. He almost five times stronger than steel.

Kevlar strength and elasticity is preserved at sufficiently low temperatures up to -196 ° C. When exposed to low temperatures, Kevlar even becomes stronger.

Kevlar during heating does not melt. It begins to collapse at temperatures of 430-480 ° C. The rate of destruction depends on the temperature and duration of temperature effects. These parameters are very impressive. If the temperature is 150 ° C, then for 500 hours the strength of the kevlar will decrease by only 10-15%. However, it is easily destroyed with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet, so it is not worth exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. Kevlar loses its strength during wetting.

Kevlar is perfectly withstanding the strikes and confronts the spread of cracks. At high loads, kevlar fibers begged and form dents. By design, it reminds, but does not require processing.

The use of Kevlara

Thanks to its properties, Kevlar got widespread and use, despite its high cost.

The initial purpose of the kevlar fiber was to use it during the reinforcement of automotive tires. In this area, it has been successfully applied to this day. They also reprove the speakers and fibers of copper cables.

In the manufacture of mixed tissues, Kevlar is also used as a component for reinforcement. Protective gloves are made of these fabrics, proofless insoles, protective pieces of clothing designed for extreme sports, such as motorcyclist uniforms.

The high strength of Kevlar allows it to be used for the manufacture of body armor and helmets. This use of Kevlar became perhaps the most popular. Kevlar means of protection are relatively lungs, they have a huge speed of energy absorption. Most of the tests passed the body armor from Kevlar. To exclude the deterioration of the quality of the means of protection, for them, waterproof coatings were made, which were also protected from the effects of the Sun.

What is meant by the term "freight"

In a narrow sense, the word "freight", from it. "FRACHT" means the cargo delivered by the carrier on the leased transport, as well as directly transporting goods. But this term has more and more consumption.

Freight implies contractual relations between the two parties - the seller of the goods, which must be delivered to him to the destination, and the carrier chosen by it, which is taken for the delivery of this cargo. At the same time, in some cases, delivery and insurance of the goods delivered is paid by the seller in advance, before the cargo is shipped.

But most often the freight payment occurs after the goods will be delivered to the destination. This implies that the seller takes possible risks and other additional costs for the delivery of goods. But according to the established rules, the carrier also lies the duty to ensure insurance in favor of the buyer on such insured events as loss and damage to the goods transported.

The party that is called the "carrier" in the Freight Agreement, any person who, within the framework of the obligations assumed under this Agreement, should ensure the timely and safe transportation of goods by any type of transport. It can be railway, automotive, air, sea or inland water transport, as well as any combinations thereof.

From which the cost of freight depends

First of all, freight cost will depend on the duration of the route. It will affect the decor in the areas where it will pass. So, in cases of international transport, freight cost increases if the route is in close proximity to the fighting areas. When transportation is carried out by sea transport, the price can be increased if the ship will follow through Panama or the Bosphorus Strait - Panama and Turkey authorities are charged a rather reason for the passage of vessels through these channels. Increases freight costs and use for packaging of cargo containers of non-standard sizes and shapes.

The freight price also includes the cost of working on loading and unloading goods at the place of departure and destination. In the case when dangerous goods are transported, an increase in the coefficient is applied. In addition, various international and domestic duties and fees can be influenced by the cost of transportation, as well as seasonal price fluctuations in the freight transport market.

Careful work on the uniqueness of the text requires representatives of many professions. It's not so easy to find really useful information on this topic, so it's necessary to think about many things yourself.

Here are some simple ways to improve the uniqueness of the text.

When performing a text rewit, try to redo the sentences from the end. This approach allows you to get a new offer with the same meaning and high uniqueness. Follow this so that the text of the offer remains interconnected by meaning.

Do not use programs that increase uniqueness. First, most of them are paid. Secondly, the increase in uniqueness is mainly achieved by filling the source text with hidden symbols. The number of characters in the text will increase, but the uniqueness will not change. Synonymizers programs - these and generally give out uncomparable text, requiring so serious alterations that it's easier to do from the very beginning on their own. No customer will adopt such text, whether it is an artistic text for payment or student courses.

Those who are not just from time to time are forced to create unique texts (for example, students' work), and earn on it, know perfectly, "Schin". This term indicates the number of words used by the program to verify uniqueness. Most often for the standard, a check with the Schingle "3" is taken. By checking the text, the program with such settings will check the loaded text not through three, but four words. So that your text has been checking on uniqueness using this algorithm, the simplest option when working with it will be replaced by each fourth word. If it turns out not in all cases, count back the word or two, we change it, then begin to count down from the last corrected word.

Even if you fully write text yourself, without the use of any sources, there are still undisguised fragments in it. The output is simple - do not use the clichen-brought phrases, generally accepted cliches, and your texts will become not only unique, but interesting.

For a long time, the features of the composition of the text did not attract the attention of linguists, but were the sphere of interest of literary critics. At the same time, there were very significant moments out of the attention of the researchers, in many respects defining the artistic advantages of the work, its originality, and sometimes the meaning. When analyzing the composition from a literary point of view, they are considered as a rule, extralyingvistic ways of expressing content. But the language structure serves the same purpose, because it should also be subject to study.

Observations over the linguistic composition still begin, there are first analysis experiments, the first classification and generalizations, but not yet a strict and clear theory that would be applicable to any text. Nevertheless, it is necessary to try to determine at least the most common features of building text in its full analysis.

You can talk about the composition of the text as the entire artistic work. However, here we have no opportunity to analyze it is a very time-consuming and long process. In this regard, we are limited to observations over small parts of works, which also possess the micro composition.

Artistic text is not a set of proposals, the order of which is defined only by the real sequence of the described actions or events. Leaving the content, the writer seeks to find an ideal form for its expression, that is, in relation to the composition - to position the linguistic units so that they have the ability to express the meaning and impact on the reader. It has already been established that intuitively artists usually come to such a construction, which is determined by the laws of symmetry - as the basis of the aesthetic effects of any kind of art per person. The concept of symmetry is difficult, it appears in different types. When analyzing all the linguistic levels, we stayed on the peculiarities of repeating in the text of elements of various kinds: synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, words possessing the same stylistic Okraskaya,. All these phenomena can be considered the features of the text composition. When analyzing the syntax, we continue to study the text structure.

From the point of view of the Text composition, it is important, from which offers it consists of simple or complex, which represents their structure .. As already mentioned, these features are largely determined by the intonational pattern of text, the degree of expressiveness and semantic homogeneity.

The syntactic unit, greater than the proposal is a complex syntactic integer. When analyzing this unit, communication and semantic relations between its parts are usually in the focus. These are also the elements of the text structure, and the SCC itself can be considered a microtext. The most typical parallel and chain relationship between units in a complex whole, the same principles of the organization are also characteristic of texts consisting of several SCCs. It is difficult to say which method is more expressive. With parallel construction, expressiveness may occur due to the fact that the establishment of relations between individual proposals not defined directly lexically and grammatically, is a matter of the reader who is forced to perceive the text creatively, guessing why the author writes off objects in such a manner and what relations between them He wants to install. The expressiveness of the chain communication can be caused by the fact that, on the contrary, the relationship between the phenomena is underlined, their interdependence is focused, repeats often occur, which are interesting for themselves.

To comprehend the expressiveness of the text structure, stylistic figures are often used, a significant part of which is associated with the special location of the language material in the proposal or to the SCC. Sometimes all text can be one stylistic figure - first of all the period.

Of particular interest is the composition of poems. In addition to various kinds of stylistic, poets use techniques such as repetitions, for example, Yesenin in a number of poems coincide the first and last string In stubborn Essentially, the possibility of creating an original, aesthetically affecting the reader and helps convey the meaning of the composition of the text in poetry is inexhaustible.


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  6. Efimov A.I. Stylistics of artistic speech. - M., 1961.
  7. Kovalevskaya E.G. Analysis of artwork texts. -L., 1976.
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  13. Novikov L.A. Artistic text and its analysis. - M., 1988. Total rhetoric / Dubua J. and others. - M., 1965.
  14. Odintsov V.V. On the language of artistic prose. - M., 1973.
  15. Empty PG Word. Style. Form. - M., 1965.
  16. Shan N.M. Artistic text under a linguistic microscope. - M., 1986.
  17. Shan N.M. Linguistic analysis of artistic text. - L., 1990.
  18. Language processes in modern Russian fiction / ed. HELL. Grigoriev.- KN. 1. Poetry. - M., 1977.
  19. Language processes in modern Russian fiction / ed. HELL. Grigoriev.- KN. 2. Prose.- M., 1977.