Latin American surnames. Latin surnames

Latin American surnames. Latin surnames
Latin American surnames. Latin surnames

Spanish names consist of three main elements: a personal name (Span. nombre. ) And two surnames (Span. apellido. ). A feature of the structure of the Spanish name is the presence of two surnames at once: Father (Span. apellido Paterno. or primer Apellido. ) And Mother (Span. apellido Materno. or segundo. apellido. ). The choice of personal names in Hispanic countries is usually determined by church and family traditions.

From Wikipedia:

In addition to the name received from the parents, the Spaniards wear the names obtained by baptism from the cross-priest and shaft parents. Most of the names received by the Spaniard are not used, but only one or two names are used, for example, of the current king of Spain five personal names - Juan Carlos Alfonso Maria Victor (Span. Juan. Carlos. Alfonso. V.í ctor Mar.í a. ), But all of your life he uses only two of them - Juan Carlos.

According to the Spanish legislation, no more than two names and two surnames can be recorded in the documents in humans. In fact, when baptism, you can give any names as you like, depending on the desire of parents. Typically, the oldest son gives the first name in honor of the Father, and the second in honor of the grandfather on his father, and the eldest daughter is the name of the mother and the name of the grandmother on the maternal line.

The main source of names in Spain is Catholic sacraticles. There are few unusual names, because the Spanish registration legislation is pretty severe: not so long ago, the Spanish authorities refused to obtain a certain Colombian citizenship by name Darling Veles. On the grounds that her name is too unusual and it is impossible to determine the floor of its carrier.

There are no such restrictions in Latin America, and the fantasy of parents can work freely. Sometimes this fantasy generates absolutely wondrous combinations, like Taj Mahal Sanchez, Elvis Presley Gomez Morillo and even Hitler Eufemio Major.. And at the famous Venezuelan terrorist Ilyich Ramires Sanchez The nicknamed Carlos Jackal had two brothers who were called ... Vladimir and Lenin Ramirez Sanchez.

However, all these are rare exceptions. In the Spanish world, the hit parade of names that year is headed by familiar classic names: Juan, Diego, Carmen, Daniel, Camila, Alejandro and, of course, Maria.

Simply Maria.

For quite understandable reasons, this name is one of the most common in Spain. It is given both girls and boys (the latter - as an info to the male name: Jose Maria, Fernando Maria). However, many Spanish and Latin American Mary are not just Mary: they may have in the documents Maria de Los Mercedes, Maria de Los Angeles, Maria de Los Dolores. In everyday life, Mercedes, Dolores, Angeles, is usually named, which literally sounds for our ear rather strange: "mercy" (just like that, in the plural), "Angels", "sorrow". In fact, these names occur from various titles of Our Lady, taken from Catholics: Mar.í a. dE. las. Mercedes. (Mary's lovely, letters. "Mary of Vosta"), Mar.í a. dE. lOS. Dolores. (Maria Grown, letters. "Maria Sorrow"), Mar.í a. lA Reina. dE. lOS. Á ngeles. (Maria - Queen Angels).

In addition, children often give names in honor of the distortion icons or statues of Our Lady. For example, the famous opera singer Montserrat Cabel (which turns out to be catalyst, at the closest review of the name) is actually called Maria de Montserrat Vivian Concepcion Caballe and Folk, and called it in honor of the Mary of Martserrat's revered in Catalonia - the miraculous statue of the Virgin Mary from the monastery on Mount Montserrat.

Pancho, Honcho and Lupita.

Spaniards - Great Wizards to form diminutive names. The easiest way is to add dimincing suffixes: Gabriel - Gabrie lito, FIDER - FIDE lito, Juan - Juan it.. If the name is too long, then the main part "leaves" from it, and then everything is the same suffix: Concepcion - Copter, Guadalupe - Lupita and Lupil. Sometimes truncated forms of names are used: Gabriel - Gabi. or Gabri, Teresa - Tere. My favorite Penelope Cruz close name is simple "PE".

However, not everything is so simple. Sometimes identify the connection between the diminutive and full name on the hearing is generally impossible: for example, a small Francisco can be called at home Pancho, Paco or Kuro, Eduardo - Lalo, Alfonso - Honcho, Anunciasion - Chon or Chonita, Hesus - Chuchu, Chui or Chus. The situation is complicated by the fact that different names may be the same diminutive: Lencho - Florencio and Lorenzo, Chico - Salvador and Narso, Cheloe - Angeles and Consuelo (women's names), as well as Selio and Marsejo (men).

The diminutive forms are formed not only from individual names, but also from double:

Jose Maria - what
José Angel - Channel
Huang Carlos - Huang, Huankar, Huanki
Maria Louis - Marisa
Jesus Ramon - Hessr, Hera, Herra, Chuimoncho, Chuimchi

Man or woman?

Once, at the dawn of the popularity of soap operas, the Venezuelan series "Cruel World" was broadcast on our television, the name of the main character of which our audience at first hesitated as Rosary. A little later it turned out that her name is Rosari about , and diminishing - Charita. Then again it turned out that not Charit, and freak aboutBut our viewers who have already managed to get used to the deaths and estherscites, continued to call it "in the female kind" - Charita. So they said, retelling each other another series: "And Jose Manuel with Charitian yesterday was kissed ...".

In fact, soapy heroine was really called Rosario, not Rosary. Word rosario. in Spanish Language male genus and denotes rosarywhich is read by a special prayer of the Virgin Mary, which is also called Rosario. (in Russian - Rosary). Catholics even exists a separate holiday of the Virgin Mary, Queen Rosary (Span. Maria. del. Rosario.).

In hispanic-speaking countries, Rosario's name is very popular, it is given to girls, and boys, but traditionally it is considered female. And this is not the only one women's name- "Hermaphrodge": Names Amparo, Sokorro, Pilar, Salt, Consuelo Educated from Spanish words amparo., socorro., pilar., sOL., consuelo., grammatically belonging to the male race. And, accordingly, the diminutive forms of these names are also formed on the "male" way: Charito, Charo, Koio, Consulito, Man (although there are "female" forms: Consue regional, Pilarita).

The most common Spanish names.

10 of the most common names in Spain (all population, 2008)

Features of the Spanish surname.

And, finally, let's talk a little about Spanish surnames. The surnames of the Spaniards are two: paternal and maternal. At the same time, as already mentioned, father's surname ( apellido. pATERNO. ) is put in front of the maternal ( apellido. mATERNO. ): Federico Garcia Lorca (Father - Federico Garcia Rodriguez, mother - Vista Lorc Romero). For official circulation is used only by the father's surname: Accordingly, the Spanish poet contemporaries called Senor Garcia, and not Senor Lorca.

True, this rule is exceptions: Pablo Picasso (Full name - Pablo Ruiz Picasso) became known not under the father's surname Ruis, but under the mother - Picasso. The fact is that Rieshs in Spain are not less than Ivanovy in Russia, but the name Picasso meets much less often and sounds much "individual."

Inherited, only the main surname of the Father is usually transferred, but in some cases (as a rule, in the noble families, as well as the Basque), the parents of parents are also transferred to children (in fact - grandmothers surnames on both sides).

In some localities there is a tradition to add the name of the area, where the carrier of this name or his ancestors was born. For example, if a person is called Juan Antonio Gomez Gonzalez de San JoseIn this case, Gomez is the first, father's surname, and Gonzalez de San Jose is the second, maternal. In this case, the particle "De" is not an indicator of noble origin, as in France, but simply means that ancestors Mother of our Juan Antonio there were originally from the town or village called San Jose.

Sometimes the father's and maternal surnames are separated by a particle "and": Francisco de Goya-I-Luciates, José Ortega-and-Gasset. In Russian transcription, such names are customary to write through a hyphen, although they are usually written in the original without dividing signs: Francisco. dE. Goya. y. Lucientes., Jos.é ORTEGA. y. Gasset..

When marriage, the Spanish does not change the last name, and simply add a husband's surname to Apellido Paterno: for example, Laura Riario Martinez, having married a person by Marquez's name, Laura Riario de Marquez or Laura Riario, Señora Marquez.

The most common Spanish surnames.

10 of the most common surnames in Spain

Origin of the surname
1 García. (Garcia) From name

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Argentine men's names

Argentina (Argentina) - the state in South America.

Argentina occupies the southeast part of the mainland of South America, the eastern part of the island of the fiery ground and the nearby islands of Estados, etc.

It borders in the West with Chile, in the north with Bolivia and Paraguay, in the northeast - with Brazil and Uruguay. In the East is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

The nature of Argentina is diverse due to the high length of the country from north to south and differences in relief.

Official language - Spanish.

Capital - Buenos Aires.

The largest cities are Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Rosario.

State religion - Catholicism.

Currency - Argentine Peso.

Since Argentina is a Spanish country, then names in Argentina are mainly the Spanish origin.

In the list of names are not alphabetical, but in popularity (as descending).

Argentine men's names

Argentine men's names

Argentine men's names (rus.

Lucas Healy.
Jorge Garrido.
Lucas Daniel.
Matias Oliver.

Lucas Healy
Jorge Harrido
Lucas Daniel
Matias Oliver

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Historia Est Magistra Vitae

History, as stated in the epigraph, is a teacher of life. There are spheres in which history lives, and does not exist in the form of dusty books - for example, languages, or names ...

Latin has a fascinating effect on each of us. And it is not by chance. Even at the very skeptical, something fears in the shower when they hear or read the Latin statement. It seems that the one who knows Latin - has access to some special secrets, as if keys from history. And since the history means, and from life as a whole ... "forms formed, high-quality brand," may say skeptics. Latin means something high. Or scientific. Or waiver, as they call the most "simple" readers-listeners.

But the high-quality brand is not built on a scratch. And even seven or eight centuries will not help here, but rather there will be a hindrance. That's what you know about Etruski? Great, by the way, was a culture. And, moreover, judging by the fact that they remained completely unique: completely pacifists. But the century erased almost everything. About the language is unknown anything. And we can only assume that some part of the Latin language, distinguished among the total array of words and structures, was inherited by the Romans from them, their neighbors and predecessors.

Latinians ... Forky and sultry residents of the Apennine Peninsula. All of them inherited from their ancestors of the Romans passion and temperament, as well as an understanding of the beautiful. And - the cult of the family. Remember the Italian families with a second grandchildren's nephews and cousins \u200b\u200bwho came from the province (almost in Russian! Any resident of Moscow, St. Petersburg or a resort town is familiar with all his relatives almost to the seventh knee). So, even the very word "surname" came to us from Latin. In Latin, this means "family." In ancient Rome, the Society was formed not just in classes: the greatest importance had a generic principle. Generic Latin surnames were not just an application to the name, but even something like a generic title, sign of belonging to one or another influential race.

In ancient Rome, in the era, named classic, the names were formed from three parts. The first is a personal name similar to modern personal names. The first part was called Praenomen and modestly wrote in the abbreviated version, since it was a personal name. Among such names were VV, Guy, Deci, Lucius, Tiberius, Mark, Publists and some others.

The second part for the Romans was key, since it was a generic name. It was called Nomen, or - directly gentis ("Rod"). It was necessarily in the form of an adjective (like most surnames now), and showed belonging: Ovidius (belonging to the genus Ovidiev), Vergilius (belonging to the genus Vergiliev), Tullius, Tully (belonging to the genus Tulliev), Julius, Julius (belonging to genus Yuliyev). Usually, when "Latin surnames" say, meaning this part.

The third part of the Latin name broke the bright personality of the genus. It was called Cognomen (nickname). Such a nickname received someone from the ancestors of the genus, and it became common to a separate branch of the kind: for example, SCIPIO (SCIPIP - from Scepter), Cicero (Cicero - from Gorokh), Caesar (Caesar - from "Dark-haired") .

Actually, the second and third names subsequently merged into a single concept of the surname.

Think about yourself about yourself: from the depths of the centuries, your last name has risen to you, your title and sign of the kind - feel pride for your story and your ancestors? Romans knew about it. It was from them that the European custom went to give not only the name, but also surname (in other cultures the concept of the name was also formed, but the principles of its education were completely different. Almost all of us we are surnames formed by European, in the Latin principle).

The largest gods of Rome were Antonia, Yulia, Claudia, Fabia, Flavia, Cornelia, and some others (in total there were 300 initial clans, from which their origin was restful). In this regard, a worthy heiress of the culture of Latin surnames is a modern director Valery Guy Germanic. And even if it is even a pseudonym, but even the fact that people comes to mind to take exactly such a pseudonym, says that the culture of Latin surnames is alive. Despite the centuries-old break in time with the Ancient Rome itself.

It is worth remembering that the contacts of Russia and Russia with the Latin world were rich and diverse throughout the history of Rome, and much later than his fall. After the fall of Rome, the Latin language remained in Europe inherence in the church, universities, science and in courts. And if the church and the courts in Russia peak their job in Slavyansky, then ancient Russian language, then science retained an international tradition (she still preserves it. Even the most distant from science, for example, it is known what Homo Sapiens means). The Latin language and Russian universities, being borrowing from Europe, did not pay attention to the Latin language. Hallets of the Greater Scholars were sitting and sculpted hated Latin.

Most Russian surnames, in which Latin origin is clearly traced, are precisely their times when someone from scientists took themselves the pseudonym, someone commemorate students gave a nickname, and the educated prior of the shelter gave the surname to someone from his pets (for example , Benedicts - "blessed" - could easily get his surname as a sign of a special blessing for the future life).

If you wear Latin by origin, pay attention to its form. It can only be a latin root in it, if she rubbed - and then, most likely, she arose in those imperial times, and your ancestor who gave you a generic name, was a contemporary Lomonosov and Catherine Great. Maybe he lived and much earlier. Because there is another amazing path of "logistics" of Latin surnames. For example, the famous historian of L.V. L.V. Uspensky met in the Pskov diploma of the XVI century the surname of bicycles, while the word "bike" itself came to Russian only in the XIX century, when the vehicle itself was invented. As a scientist assumes, apparently, here we meet an example of alterations to a foreign foot of the Russian surname, like a quick-sided. There is such a path in the language, called "tracing". That is, almost translation. So our rapids passed through this: in the Latin language Vēlōx - "Fast" and Pēs (MN. Pedēs) - "Noga" ... known and later such changes, like Speransky ("Nadezhdin", from Spērans - "hoping" ), or Benevolensky ("Dobrovolsky", from Benevolēns - "benevolent").

Finally, it is worth noting that very many "invalid Russian" surnames (as, however, and their own names) have Latin roots. With the adoption of Christianity on Rus, a whole cultural reservoir has come, comprising, including calendar names. Over time, they received a folk form, were "recycled" by the Russian people and, having passed such a folk mass, fragile finally. And then, as it should be, surnames were actively formed from them. We mention here only some:

Valerian and Valeryanov go to the Latin "Valere" - Healthy,

Vikentyevs come from Latin to "win",

Kasyanov occurred from the generic name of the Roman Patrichesian Cassis (the surname was not transferred under the laws of kinship, but thanks to Saint Cassian),

Clemetyev and Klimov are formed from Latin "merciful, gracious".

Konstantinov - from the word "constancy",

Korneev, Kornilov and Korniliev are in themselves the Latin root "Horn", and lead genealogy from some ancestor named Cornelius or roots.

Lavrentiev - "Wedding (or crowned) laurels",

Lukyanov - It would seem that the old-Russian surname - contains the "Lux" root - "light" and refers to the ancestor named Lukian.

Maximov - from Lat. "Maksimus" - the "greatest".

Martynov - on behalf of Martyn, which, in turn, is due to the name of the Roman God of War Mars.

Mercury - on behalf of the Roman God of war Mercury.

Pavlov, Petrov and Romanovs carry roots, respectively, "the youngest son", "rock" and "Roman".

Patrikes - from Lat. "Patricia, Aristocrat."

Silantyev - from Lat. "silent".

Sergeyev and Sergienko refer to Roman citizens named Sergius (Sergius).

Terentyevs - from Lat. "Obony, stubborn".

Titov - from the Latin name of its own "Titus, Tit" - "Protecting Honor".

Ulyanovy - from the Roman kind of Juliyev,

Ustinovy \u200b\u200b- have the root of "YUST", talking about a pull to justice.

Frolov - from the Russian named Frol, which transformed Latin flora - "Flower".

Fortunate - if you believe Latin Korni - "Lucky, Balovni Fate."

Do not be lazy, try to find information about those people whose blood flows into you, and who handed you your last name - and you will open not only the history of the Russian state on the other, the personal side, but also some secrets of your character and addiction.


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Spanish surnames

Spanish surnames

Most Spaniards have two surnames (Father and Mother), but there are often cases when one person has more than two surnames, it is especially popular among the aristocracy.

Between the surnames may be a particle "de", "Y", and Artikl ("La", "Las", "Los").

Prefix "DE" is used as an indication of aristocratic origin.

Console " y " (and) appeared in the 16th century to separate the dual surname of a person. For example: Lopez Y Garcia (Lopez and Garcia).

The second surname can be formed from the name of the point of residence or place of birth, for example, Núñez de Balboa.

Many Spanish surnames There have been from personal names - Fernandez, Rodriguez, Gonzalez, Sanchez, Martinez, Perez, Gomez.

The most common Spanish surnames

Garcia (Garcia)

Fernandez (Fernandez)

Gonzalez (Gonzalez)

Rodriguez (Rodriguez)

Lopez (Lopez)

Martinez (Martinez)

Sanchez (Sanchez)

Perez (Perez)

Martin (Martin)

Gomez (Gomez).

Spanish surnames (list)

Aguilar Aguilar

Alonso. Alonso

Alvarez. Alvares

Arias. Arias.

Benitez. Benitez

Blanco Blanco

Bravo. Bravo

Caballero. Caballero

Calvo. Kalo.

Campos. Campos

Cano. Kano.

Carmona. Carmonica

Carrasco. Carraco

Castillo. Castillo

Castro. Castro

Cortes. Cortes

Cruz. Cruise

Delgado. Delgado

Diaz. Diaz

Diez. Diez.

Dominguez. Dominguez

Duran Durant

Esteban Esteban

Fernandez. Fernandez

Ferrer Ferrer.

Flores. Flores.

Fuentes. Fuentse

Gallardo. Gallardo

Gallego - Gally
Garci.a. Garcia

Garrido. Harrido

Gimenez. Zhimesis

Gomez. Gomez

Gonza.lez. Gonzalez

Guerrero. Germero

Gutierrez. Gutieres

Herna.ndez. Ernandez

Herrera. Yerrera

Herrero. Erorto.

Hidalgo. Hidalgo

Iglesias. Iglesias

Jimenez. Himenes

LO.pEZ. Lopez

Lorenzo. Lorenzo

MA.rquez. Marquez

Marti.nez. Martinez

Medina. Medina

Me.ndez. Mendes.

Molina. Molina

Montero. Montero

Mora. Mora

Morales. Morales

Moreno. Moreno

Navarro. Navarro

Nieto. Ntyo

ORTEGA. Ortega

ORTIZ. Ortiz
Parra. Parra.

Pascual Pasqual

Pastor Pastor

Pen.a. Pena

PErEZ. Perez


Ramos. Ramos.

Rey - Rei

Reyes. Reyes

Rodri.guez. Rodriguez

Romero. Romero

RUBIO. Rubio

Ruiz Ruiz

Saez. SAES.

SAnchez. Sanchez

Santana. Santana

Santiago. Santiago

Santos. Santos

Sanz. Sans.

Serrano. Serrano

SUA.rEZ. Suarez.

Torrez. Torres

Vargaz. Vargas

Vazquez. Vasquez

Vega. Vega

VelasCO. Velasco

Vincente. Vincent

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Spanish surnames


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