"Logritics in musical activity of preschoolers" Methodical development. Luggage as an effective method of overcoming speech violations

"Logritics in musical activity of preschoolers" Methodical development. Luggage as an effective method of overcoming speech violations

Speech therapy rhythmic

One of the tasks of the correctional and developing impact on children with speech disorders is the formation, development and correction of them from non-fermentation processes and the speech system as a whole. The solution of these tasks contributes to the use of loggemic exercises in the complex of developing techniques.

Logommika - This is a system of motor exercises in which various movements are combined with the pronunciation of a special speech material. Timely mastering properly, clean speech contributes to the formation of confidence in the child, the development of his thinking, communicative qualities. It is known that the child develops in motion. Scientists Correctional Pedagogy proved a phylogenetic relationship between the development of movements and speech. The combination of body movements and speech organs contributes to the removal of tension. Under the influence of regular logo classes in children, there is a positive restructuring of cardiovascular, respiratory, motor, sensory, speaking, and other systems.

Everyone around us lives according to the laws of rhythm, the change of seasons, day and night, heart rhythm and much more subordinated to a certain rhythm. Any, rhythmic movements, activate the activity of the human brain. Therefore, from early childhood, it is recommended to deal with 4 senses of rhythm in the form-available form - rhythmic exercises and games.

As noted G.A. Volkova, speech therapy rhythm is a kind of form of active therapy. The main principle of classes is the relationship of speech, music and movement. Luggage classes are drawn up with a support for lexical topics Multiple repetition of the material under study contributes to the production of motor, auditory, speech skills. Building classes in the form of fairy tales, games creates a benevolent, emotionally rich atmosphere, encourages every child to take an active part in the educational process, supports the positive emotional state of children, cognitive interest And attention, activates speech. Logo exercises are directed to comprehensive development The child, the improvement of his speech, mastering engine skills, the ability to navigate in the outside world, understanding the meaning of the proposed tasks, on the ability to overcome difficulties, creatively manifest itself.

In your classes, I use logo elements a lot and often. The exercises below can be used by me on both individual and front classes with speech therapy group. Many exercises I recommend educators to conduct in the group in free time, on a walk or during classes as physical attacks.

Logomic exercises on N.V. Nishcheva

Different kinds walking
They can be combined with music, singing, rhymed text. These are the following types of walking:

    On the path indicated by two ropes.

We walk on the road. Top top top. Foot legs.

On the way, we walk, do not step onto the rope.

    Group under the drum to the opposite wall of the hall;

We go a gurboy around the hall,

For walking place, there is little space.

Take a turn

And again go ahead.

    A pack along the rope laid out in a circle (children go under clear, rare blows of the drum (or march sounds), after the stop turn the face in the circle).

We are walking like soldiers,

We walk along the rope.

Stop the stop

Now go back.

    Along the rope in a circle for each other (it prepares children to walk in the column one by one).

Friend with each other

Together we go in a circle.

Very correctly stepping

We do not occur on the rope.

    For each other, holding his left hand for the rope (under the sounds of the drum, the teacher (then the child) leads children in a circle, the movement can accompany the singing of vowel sounds or the rhymed text).

Behind the rope grabbed

And in the wagons turned.

And they went into the path far,

Only left smoke.

    For each other, holding his hand for the rope, with a change in direction (the teacher monitors children with a change in the direction of turns of children were smooth, calm, and the pace of walking is slow).

For the rope grabbed,

Together in the far path set.

You need to hold hard hard,

So that the way is not lost.

I got to the wall and make a turn.

    For each other, holding hands (children are connected in such a way that when walking left to right, they were slightly turned inside the circle, the right hand of each child should be ahead, left He gives the coming from behind (preparation for dances)).

I came to us yesterday

Skilled, sled.

Pooh Swan on lawns,

Christmas trees in snow hoods.

On the track white cat.

Cat that will not understand

How suddenly yesterday winter

At night, did it come to us?

    On the board, laid on the floor (scraping from the board is performed gently, on socks).

Through a pavement river

I'm going, not running.

That ended the bridge.

I do scrap.

    With stepping through the sticks, parallel to the floor (five or ten sticks fold out at a distance of 35-40 cm one from the other. Teacher, showing the movement, stepped over the sticks, raising his knees, then children are fulfilled.

On green grass

On the fallen foliage he lay down.

The first snow by watermelon groin.

Like roses on the bushes, dismissed.

On green grass

On the fallen foliage he lay down.

The first snow melted suddenly.

It was wet all around in our grove.

And green grass

And the rain flashes the rain.

    With each other with flags in hands

We step on the parade

Children's Garden


I decided to go to the parade

    With overpacing through cubes

I see in pebbles track

Raise the legs above

Through the pebbles

And they do not compete on them.

    On the rope for each other with the palm steps

Sideways, rope

We go like acrobats.

On the rope we step

We do not go to the floor

    Each other between chairs

We go in a circle together

Get around all chairs need

One two three four,

We decided to become agile

    For each other snake, with stepping through the rope, laid on the floor.

Snake together we step

On the rope do not occur

We have nothing to do anything

We go, not running

    On the socks, on the heels, on the outer and inside of the foot

Hot sand

Fast to the sea run

I run on your heels

So i'm not burning

    Friend with a high knee raising

My horse, Konik Voronene,

Jumps far-side

Merva fluttering

People are surprised:

"That's how the rider is on horse!"

And give me the way.

Help to work out the correct diaphragmal breathing, the duration of the exhalation, its strength.


Sleeping and lisate ah-aa

Sleep cymps I. ducky aaaa

Only one moon aaa is not sleeping

To me the window she is visible ah-ah

Bunny from foxes loop

From the fox runs away

Gray bunny, run


On the gland on the edge

Skye Skump like frogs

Where high grass

Kwwa Kwa! Kwwa Kva.

Children run in a circle, putting hands to the sides and utter text

We are not children, we are pilots,

Quickly sat down on airplanes

You pilot and i pilot

In hand - wheel, foot on gas

We start all now

Sleep (kids swing rhythmically and pronounce only sound w)

Go to bed kids sh-sh-sh

Soul shh-sh

I wondered from the soul sh-sh-sh

And now the pillow whispers dreams on the Ushko sh-sh-sh

Grasshopper (children jump in the semi-pass and pronounce automated sound)

We are grasshoppers we are glowing

We laugh and not cry

Loudly we laugh

We laugh and skimmer

We saw a cat (adult sings even lines, the child is odd, accompanying them with cotton)

We saw Kota

Milk we give the cat.

Sang a song about the cat

We played with a cat

Tom Tom Tom

Exercises on muscular tone

Children learn to manage their movements.

Sea pebbles

Breathes the sea in silence

The sun shines in the embroidery

Sea, sun, height,

Silence and beauty

Only waves ran,

Where pebbles lay

Stones in the sea ran away

Zasheli stuck

Exercises intensifying attention

On swing on swing (rhythmically squatted and get up)

On the swing bunny

On the swing bunny

Above the clouds soared (raise hands above their heads, continue to squat and entertain)

Above the house above the roof

Above above, above, above

Two times two times

He head screwed (spinning on the spot, hands on the sides)

So swing so flew

So tired and fell (squatted, fall on the carpet)

Beasts (children in text depict different animals)

Rides a bunny

On the swamp and bumps

Squirrel jumping on branches

Mushroom carries Belchatov -Best

Putting a bear kosolapoy

His paw curves

Without paths without tracks

Rolls spiny hedgehog

Donkey head nods (go in a circle, nodding head)

He nods and yawns

Really wants to sleep sleep (stops, squeezed)

But does not know where the bed (squat, put palms under the cheek)

Children stand face in a circle and sing. On the last two-percken dance dance dance in a circle

Rain rain


Rain pours from fir paw


From roofs, with umbrellas passersby,

With wet cat too


Listen, rain, enough to drip

Tired of smoky children


Enough tears shed!

It's time for us to go for a walk!


Exercises for coordination of singing with the movement.(Children sing and perform movements on the text)

Above at home

MO will rise higher

Above the house above the roof

And then let down low

Below PSA and below pussy

We breathed, smiled,

Stretched to the sun

Stood, looked

Exharged and sat down


Like beautiful dolphins

We substitute the back of the back

Once dug, two dived,

Passaled rest

Look see

Bullfigri flew

At Ryabin a friendly sat down

Sealed, talker,

Homoni, Homoni,

Breasts of the berries are dropped

In the snow lies rowan

And blushes like rubies



Sleep came to all on light ah-aa

Sleep in their cribs children aaaaa

Sleeping and lisate ah-aa

Sleep chickens and ducklings ah-ah

Fish sleeping at the bottom pRUD AA-AA

Water Aaa is sleeping in the sleepy river

Only not sleeping the moon one A-A-A

To me the window she is visible ah-ah

My pupsik shouts in a stroller UA-UA-UA

It doesn't want to close the eyes of UA-UA

My pupsik does not want to sleep UA-UA-UA

Wants to go to the woods to walk the UA-UA-UA

In the forest I will not give him to go UA-UA

Suddenly get lost in the way UA-UA-UA

Stubborn donkey

The donkey along the trail goes IA-IA

Donkey Ryuk Grass Carries IA IA

Very long trail IA IA

And heavy grass IA

Donkey little tired IA IA

In the middle of the road became IA-IA

Was stubborn like donkey ia-ia

So home and did not reach the iAA


Nomeners Nevaleshka

Instead of hats - curls


Tilt, two slope

Nomeners Nevaleshka

Multicolored shirts


Tilt, two slope

Nomeners Tolstobokoki

Button nose, in Rumyanta cheek


Tilt, two slope

Nevashek-three girlfriends

On the nose they have freckles


Tilt, two slope


We are boys we parsley

Swimming toys.

In the bright red caps, with rattles in their hands.

We are boys we parsley

Complete toys

Bubrenitsa on caps

And freckles on cheeks

We are boys we parsley

Swimming toys.

Love jokes, love laughter,

And dance best of all.

Exercises for Impact Development

Bird flock (children run in a circle, on socks, depicting flight birds)

Turned in bird flock

Fly, fly away.

Masut wings on a farewell:

Goodbye, goodbye!

Bares (perform rhythmically, hands in front of the breast)

On the forest lawn

Having fun bunny

Jump, burst,

Poppers are floppy

Jiggy, jump ski! (rhythmically steps in place)

Stressed under the blacks (they make rhythmic jumps)

Chanterelles (go in a circle, portraying fox walking)

Oh, you are Lisonka Lisa, oh you are redhead

Quiet legs steps, no one scares anyone

Does the track notice, are you a fiery sign?

Wolf (go sneak, and in the end run around at the site)

Grey Wolf Fight in more often

Very terrible, real

Loudly flashes teeth,

Oh, run more to mom

Turkey (stand face in a circle, rhythmically nodes heads. At the end they crossed, close the face with palms)

Indyouts, turkey

Drank water from ears

Oh, not visible ind.sat,

Tilted the eared bl-bl-bl-bl-bl-bl

Shorter bear

Take a wander somewhere

Figure for each other

All day run in a circle

Oh, it is not possible.

Sit on the grass can be.

Compete, sow,

In the stream closer.

Jumping frisky foal

Red horse horses

Where is mom, far?

Rynyt rich horse-mother

Son of redhead search.

Igo, son, not crying,

Together we will seem to drag!


These fatal luckers (jump in a circle)

All day rushing somewhere

From the branch of jump, on the branch of the tube (stopped. Jumping in the circle and back)

From the Christmas tree right on the oak,

And then again on the Christmas tree,

Do not catch a wolf's lumphals (scatter on the site)

Donkey head nods (go in a circle, nod your head)

He nods and yawns

Really wants to sleep sleep (stopped, squeezed)

But it does not know where the bed (sat down, put the palms under the cheek)


Tiger, striped pussy (stand on all fours, nod head)

Leaned towards a bowl of low

Licks meat language

With meat, can be seen, not familiar.

Just he is still a child, (get up, move in a circle, sticks)

Very little tiger

We must give him yet (get face in a circle. Picture how milk drink)

Two glasses of milk

The tree of the paws lowered (children stand face in a circle, arms along the body)

And under the snow burned down (lowered her head down)

Started to spring (put folded palms under the left cheek)

Christmas tree sleeps and sees dreams

That the snowdrop blossomed (raise his head, hands, stand on socks)

What a crane returned (run, making wings with wings)

What runs the stream murmuring (run on the socks, hands on the belt)

That the bear woke up in more often (go to the turning round)

That Vienna Krasnov came (walk, proudly raising his head)

And that the chips are not to sleep

Games for development auditory attention and feelings of rhythm


Loud we sweep the top top

Loud we praise clap clas

Quiet we swell top top top

Quietly we praise clap clas

Top top top- loud

Top top top - quiet

We can fool

Clasp clashes - loud

Flap clast-clap - quiet

Slap we can famously

Beam in Ladoshki

Top! Top! Right leg

Top top left leg

Clap clap! Beam in Ladoshki

Clap clap! Beam in Ladoshki

Sat down, got up, stretched,

Stretched, smiled,

Seli-stood, sat down got up

On the socks ran

On the birch, on the edge,

Account for years leads cuckoo

Everything considers bitch

Ku ku-ku

Ku, ku-ku


There is a ringing on the Pole


The bells are ringing,


The ringing is pleased with the bite, Dean-Don, Dean-Don

Sun puddles on the floor,

Sun drops on the wall

And drops on the entire planet

Ringing anthem sings spring


Ringing anthem sings spring


Ringing anthem sings spring

Rain -cisten

Trude from the forests rain sewed

He was in no hurry today

Slapped loudly

Rag puddles Zashtopal

Bubbles allowed on the river

Wet my porchchko

On the highway machine soap

He was so clean


He was so clean

Exercises to clarify the pronunciation of sounds


How are grasshoppers we are skating

We laugh and not cry

Loudly we laugh,

We laugh and skimmer

Geese in the meadow graze,

Here, they fight,

Tip the neck low

And hiss like evil pussy

Sleep kids sleep

Out of soul

I am spoken from the soul

They are now pillow

Whispering dreams on ushko

Heavy and shaggy bumblebee

Black and yellow, striped,

Over the rose riding

From buzzing all trembling

Bees-troubles are circling above the colors.

Collect bees Sweet yellow honey,

To drink with honey, tea we are all year round.

Sea Wolf

Wolf sea motor turns out

In the sea blue leaves.

Top Motor,

To cause a storm in the sea

We are not Ani, we are not Alik,

We turn into yalks,

On the waves of the river float,

Song speech loud,

Exercises with sound-shocking

We are not guys today,

We are fluffy chickens

Friend having a friend

Loudly loudly stored

Yellow chickens

Walk yellow chickens

Pi-Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi

Although they are too small

Pi-Pi Pi, Pi-Pi,

Some can seek grains

Pi-Pi Pi, Pi-Pi,

Ground my paw to rapid.

Pi-Pi-Pi! Pi-Pi

On the gland on the edge

SKY, SKY, like frogs,

Where high grass,


2 frogs competed

Once in vocals

Two frogs on the edge of the cheek poisoned

Sang once and sang two

Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva


Flashing Pumpshushki

Jump in the grass on the edge

Jump skok, kva-kva-kva

Very wet grass.

Give us soon a sheet

Scrape and back

Who says what

On the walkway geese in a row

Geese speak loudly

We go to walk in the meadow!

And on the river ducks in the titles spell loudly


We sail to walk to the sea!

Near the house of chickens in a row

Chickens say loudly:

"We are from home anyway!

Kud-Where, Kud-Where! "

Who barks there in the cone

Under the birch in the courtyard

Tail crochet and wet nose

This is my favorite dog

Woof woof woof

Mou-Mou Mouchie Cow

Zabodb Katya with Vova

You do not drink milk?

Run away away!

Who is there grandmother tangle

Under the bench of the wilts?

Who meow under the window?

This is a grandmother's cat

Meow meow meow!

Farre locomotive

White couples from under the wheels

Bright light Huge heads

Right couples and left steam

Chuh-Chuh-Chuh! Tu!

Whole day turkey cant

And not a drop is not tired

Just very important became

That's about it and chatted

Who walks behind the fence?

Who has a beard, spurs?

Bright red scallop?

This is Peter-Cockerel!

Cook River!



On the waves swore

Splashed, splashed,

Games-teasers to automate sounds

In the meadow Popes Bull

In the meadow Popes Bull

Hay gave us bull

Ride on the bull

Boiled for the bomb


Gus on the meadows

Tweaks the grass in the meadow

From geese running


We saw Kota

We saw Kota

Milk we give the cat.

Sang a song about the cat

We will play with a cat

Tom Tom Tom

We keep home horse

We keep home horse

Nya-nya nya-nya

We will give a horse,

Ride on horse

We admire the horse

It is not

Here is the nose of turkey

Seen kids turkey

Here is the nose of turkey

Dalited grain turkey

Speak on turkey

Found with turkey


We will play with fox

Here under the christmas tree fox \\ sa-sa-sa

What a tail in fox

We draw Lisu

Let's chat about the fox

We will play with fox


We frightened the goat

In the field met the goat

We talked with a goat


The grass was given a goat

Sang a song about goat

Municipal budgetary pre-school institution

Kindergarten number 3

Immediate educational activities Music

"Journey to the Music Country" with elements of logo.

Prepared music leader

Morozova S.V.


Development of communicative abilities of children by means musical activity.


  1. Develop speech in children in musical activity: the preparation of the articulation apparatus to the correct pronunciation, the development of speech coordination with the movement, the activation of the speech of children through different types musical activity.
  2. Develop free communication with children: sociability, initiative, independence, friendliness, creativity.

Methods and techniques:

  1. Metal search method: Think, listen, express.
  2. Speech therapy exercises: phonopedic, exercise for language, motor.
  3. Method of questions, game and imaginary situations.
  4. Use of information and communicative technologies.

Travel course.

Communicative game "Hello!"

Children walk around the hall in the scattering, with the end of the music find a couple of themselves, greet.

Hello my friend! (handshake)

How are you here? (Clap each other on the shoulder)

Where have you been? (Teared for ush)

I missed. (Cross hands on the chest)

You came. (Break hands to the sides)

Okay. (Hug).

Guys, today I suggest you make a trip to the country, which is not on the map, nor on the globe. This is very interesting country - Musical. Do you want to go there? (Child response). In this country, we will sing, play musical instruments, dance. And in order to get there - you need to eat beautifully and say such words: "Twowhelming, turn, in the country of magical will be!"

So we were in magic country. See what is a wonderful glade here. Let's come at her. This glade is called "Guess-Ka". Listen to what music does it sound? What is it called? Who wrote her? ("October" P.I. Tchaikovsky "). What did you imagine when music sounded? (Children's responses).

And the autumn leaves flew to us. He will help us play and come up with different words On the nature of this music. (Children characterize music).

Motor exercise "Walk in the woods".

In the forest will go walk, children march.

We will walk fun.

Along the path, let's go to a snake.

Friend of friendly Guski.

On the socks stood running on socks.

And they ran to the forest.

Legs above raise, run high step.

We do not advise on the bumps.

And again on the track marching.

We are having fun.

So we came. And this glade is called "play-ka". Mushrooms grown on the clearing. (ICT). (Children take a rhythmic pattern on children's musical instruments).

Guys, what do you need to grow mushrooms in the forest? (Rains). And what are the rains? (Strong, mushroom, shower, etc.) Remember when the rain begins to stick up, then we first not notice it. But the drops are beginning to drip more often, and heard his imperious song. Take the wooden sticks - we will show how the rain is dripping. Poem "Shine" M. Novikova.

A drop of times, a drop of two, droplets slowly first.

Slowly, not hurrying this song began.

But the rain went stronger, and I ordered fun:

Cap Cap, Cap Cap, Cap Cap, Cap!

Shine pours like a bucket!

Shower, shower, shower, shower,

Stretch you!

Drops drip still less often and slower, the rain song sounds all quieter and quieter. That's the last drop fell from the roof, the rain is over.

Guys, what else musical instruments are suitable in order to play a rain? Choose musical instruments yourself. (Children accompanied "We sing in the rain" S. Slonim)

Here is a glade. And it is called a "song". What will we do here? (To sing songs). But first we need to prepare your tongue.

Exercise for language.

Lived in my mouth tongue. I woke up in the morning, I turned my side with my side. I wanted a tongue to go string. First, the little bit wanted to see what the weather is outside. He knocked into one cheek - there is no window there, knocked to another - there is also no window. And here the sponges opened, smiled, and the tongue looked into the window. He looked first in one direction, then to another. Good weather, you can walk for a walk. Looking a tongue on the Lestenka, recalculated all the tablets at the fence (the language strokes first the upper teeth, then the bottom), got into the train and went to the forest (pronounce "Chu-Chi ..."). I wonder what I saw a tongue in the forest?

Phonopedic exercise "Before the rain"

SUMBLY wind drives children doing Crescendo and Diminuendo on

Studi clouds on the edge of heaven. Sound (y).

Spruce watered moaning, make a short bass on bundles sound (a).

Glorious whispering dark forest. Quiet and long pronounce "Nama - Nama".

On the stream rim and the motley, pronounce short sounds "A".

Leaflet flies leaf,

Above the jet, dry and sharp, chill raids. Sound "U".

The twilight lies on everything; Diminuendo on the sound "y"

Fuck from all sides, utter "car" in different

With a cry in the air spinning registers.

Fresh checkk and raven. N. Nekrasov.

We have prepared our tongue well. And what we sing the song - we will be prompted by riddles.

  1. Rushing without regard, only sparkle heels.

Rolls what is the spirit, the tail is shorter than the ear.

Vivid guess, who is it? (bunny).

  1. Who in the forest is deaf live

Clumsy, closure.

In the summer eats raspberry, honey,

And in the winter it sucks paw. (Bear).

  1. Near the forest on the edge,
    Decorating a dark boron
    Grew by a pest as parsley,
    Poisonous ... Moomor
  2. In summer, in the fall, in winter
    It goes along the Forest Forest.
    The track will notice the tail.
    And what is her name, who knows? (Fox)

Staging "Migochik"

Together with the fast breeze, find the next world.

And this glade is dance. Invite girls girls on dance.

Dance "Good Beetle"

The game "was a goat in the woods."

Fun played, but it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Blooming, twist. IN children's garden Once!

Did you like the journey? What did you like? (Children's responses).

The speech therapy rhythm is one of the links of the correctional pedagogy. She connects the word (sound), music and movement.

Luggage classes are aimed at the comprehensive development of the child, the improvement of his speech, mastering engine skills, the ability to navigate the world around the world, understanding the meaning of the proposed tasks, to overcome difficulties, creatively manifest itself. Daily execution B. a certain time Different in its nature of logo exercises (morning respiratory and voice charging with movement, relaxation exercises, singing vowels with movement, etc.) teach children to the wellness regime. Under the influence of regular logo classes in the body, there is a restructuring of various systems, for example, cardiovascular, respiratory, commercial, cognitive, etc.

The speech therapy rhythm includes:

  • walking in different areas;
  • exercises for the development of breathing, voices and articulation;
  • exercises regulating muscle tone, activating attention;
  • speech exercises without musical accompaniment;
  • exercises forming feelings music tempo;
  • rhythmic exercises;
  • singing;
  • exercises for development small Motoriki.

The basic principle of building all listed work types is a close connection with the music. Music with her huge emotional influence Allows you to infinitely diversify the techniques of movement and the nature of the exercise.

  • Exercises for the development of breathing help to develop proper breathing, increase the duration of the inhalation, its strength. They can be combined with the movements of the hands, turning the body, squatting. They include speech material, pronounced on exhalation.

There are many games for developing breathing. We offer you those who will definitely like your child.

  1. Blow on a mob, empty, small pieces of paper. The lips of the child must be rounded and slightly stretched forward.
  2. Fill the pelvis with water and teach the child to blow on the light items located in the pelvis, for example, ships. You can arrange a competition: whose boat went further sailed.
  3. I like the kids to let soap bubbles.
  4. Do not neglect the game on musical instruments! Twinks are suitable garmoshka. You can create a music orchestra, where each family member will have its own tool.
  5. Raise hands up - breath, lowering hands - exhalation. Gradually, you can complicate tasks. On the exhalation, there are vowel sounds (a, oh, y, and), then weave them in combination with consonant sounds. Next, on exhalation, you can guess the words: a cat, house, whale, etc. You can also guess interjections: "A! Oh! Ah! Oh! Wow!" etc.
  6. Take a long rope and hide it in a fist. Offer the child to take the tip of the rope and start pulling the rope continuously sucking a vowel sound (a, o, y, and ...), pulling the rope. The rope can be long or short.

  • The voting force is brought up when the voice sounds are pronouncing a loud or more quiet voice: "We sing loudly as a closer. We sing quietly like a mouse."
  • Exercises, activating attention, bring up the speed and accurate reaction to visual and auditory stimuli, develop all types of memory: auditory, visual, motor.
  • Under the sound of a tambourine, rattles and other different musical instruments, you can give the instruction to the child: "On a loud sound - to the legs, on the quiet - we are calm." Relying on this example, you can give all sorts of tasks with the movement and change of tempo, the power of the sound of musical instruments.
  • Speech material is necessarily introduced to logo classes. Introduction The word allows you to create a number of exercises built not on a musical rhythm, but on the poetic, which contributes to the rhythm of movements. Prophoving poetic strings must be combined with the movement. For example, a stitching step go around the room and vote words:

Here is our train rides
The wheels are knocking
And on the train our
Guys are sitting.

Pull your arms to the sides, squeeze the brushes into the cam, break and put on the belt, while trying to catch:

Hands to the side, in the cam.
Split - and on the barrel.

  • Exercises without musical accompaniment can be used during the morning gymnastics.
  • Master the tempo of music is easier to simple moves: Cotton, blows on a tambourine, waving hands, etc. You can take a drum and offer a child to publish short, slow, clear blows, which can be slowly walking. Take the child by hand and, continuing to slowly hit the drum, go through the room with him. After the slow step is mastered, dissolve the baby that the drum can make the coctor and quick blows. Under them can be run like a bunny.

At home, listening to various songs, melodies, you can slap with the child to the music, turn the foot, torn off the rhythm on the table, etc.

Peculiar "learning" are speech games - imitation of animal voices. Multiple repetition of simple sound is very useful for the development of the child's speech. Adults teach a child on the example of his speech, actively encouraging him to imitate.

Do not despair if you do something from the first time. Multiple repetition and patience will help you.


Almost all speech therapists are engaged in logottop.
Yes, and in many psychological or pedagogical classes, they are presented as a certain stage of classes.
Children logo moldings are very much like, it is counting the game.)))

06/27/2008 00:13:54, Irina-Psy-Neyro

great, we would like, problems with speech, coordination, I love music! Is there any classes somewhere? Do you spend?

Comment Article "What is logo?"

Luggage on the sound-articulation table .. learning to reading. Early development. Luggage on the sound-articulation table. The sound-articulating table of the Russian language. In our table, all sounds are grouped by articulators.


What is the difference between your technique or theory from the approach and methodology developed by N.A. Zaitsev in the 80s? I would like to draw attention to the features of these differences - as you feel or see it.
It seems there were theorists who carefully disassembled the Zaitsev technique in RAO. Are you familiar with their works?
It is clear that you try to insist on what you need to teach only from three years. But I would not have looked at it: even the Jews are taught to read for 3 thousand years almost from birth, but Muslims - from 4 months after conception ... But this does not mean that they have a completely niquet technique.
The main thing is that the methodology is understandable to either parents like Zaitseva or kindergarten educators. The teachers are her, your methodology, like the Zaitsev technique, will not accept anyway, because she "takes away bread from primary school teachers."
But I believe that the more techniques there will be, the more the pressure of the progress on the "traditional anti-scientific pedagogy" and the faster it will be canceled and the children will be better, as you offer, and faster reading, as Shura recommends Sorokin ...

Rhythm and boy) counselor!. Education. Child from 3 to 7. Education, food, day mode, visiting kindergarten and relationship with educators, illness and what is logo? The speech therapy rhythm is one of the links of the correctional pedagogy.


we went from three to five years just on the rhythm, the group was 50/50 boys, girls :) We had gymnastics games to the music ... then already, five years, the people began to wake up in the circle sections in interest :)

and what is in the rhythm that is not compatible with the boy?
I would give it to the year, and there it is possible to go to the sports agency, and he can also like it and will continue to drive on the rhythmic.

Rhythm and other supplements in the garden. Kindergartens. Child from 3 to 7. Education, food, day mode, visiting kindergarten and relationship with educators, illness and we go to the garden from September 1, yesterday they asked if we would like to go to rhythm classes.

Luggage. Mom Toshi made wonderful, in my opinion, clips for learning on the method of Domana. They are short, take a look. At one time I did the same type, only in home albums. And this is for universal kindergarten, especially autistic ...

Surgical garden. Speech therapy. Child from 3 to 7. Education, food, day mode, visit to kindergarten and together only on physical, music, logo, ledge. Yes, forgot. Also with a psychologist should be individual or front. Related (depending on ...

Svetlana Sinoo
Logrit M. music classes in Dou

"Logo" on musical classes in Dow "

Svetlana Sinoo

Methodical development For teachers of all age groups preschool age.

Form of holding: Pedagogical workshop.

Participants: Educators of all age groups of preschool age.

Purpose: Level up professional competence educators on the use of logo exercises on musical classes.


To introduce participants with methods and adoptions used on musical classes using logritics.

Show the significance of the application of logotrick for speech Development preschoolers.

Create conditions for gaining most teachers of their own professional style when working with children.


1. Message: "The relevance of the use of this technique at musical classes to DOU and in RSBOT with parents."

2. Practical part:

Valeological song-jacket "Good morning!";

Respiratory gymnastics "palm";

Articulating gymnastics "Snow and icicles";

Gaming massage "Cabbage";

Finger game "I want to build a house";

Speech game "Worm Dance";

Fairy tale - Slotka "Teremok";

Communicative game "ran, ran";

Music therapy "quietly, quiet."

The relevance of the use of this technique.

Logommika - This is a complex of motor exercises, in which different movements (torso, head, hands, legs) are accompanied by the pronunciation of special speech material with musical accompaniment.

What attracts me exactly this kind of activity in working with children?

First, compared to children, which we brought up 10 years ago, the current hyperactive children need to constantly update the material not only on the musical, but also on other activities. What they heard in the previous lesson is no longer interesting for them, listen to music, putting hands on the knees - this is sooo boring, and the memorization of new songs is a completely coming occupation. It is worth arising only a pair of seconds to catch from the side music executiveAs children "stand on the ears," and, it seems that nothing will be calm them already. And here it comes to the rescue, our "magic" logo. It is not at all necessary to raise a voice on children and command that everyone gets into a circle. Enough press the button on the music center and ... oh, miracle! Children heard new melody, I saw that the musical leader was prepared to perform some unfamiliar movements, and they immediately became interesting to look at it. They quit ... look ... smile ... start repeating movement ... listen to the text ... And most importantly - take an example from others. After all, the "bad" example is infectious, and comrades, standing nearby, look at the adult and repeat, it means that I need to repeat ...

And imagine summer period In kindergarten ... the children went for a walk, everyone took up their "important" business, her game. And suddenly the educator announces: "Children, we all go to the musical lesson!" And instead of getting upset from this unexpected announcement, kids torn off from the game literally fascinating the musical leader and begin to ask: "And today we will run like a forty-eyed?", "Will we play in" Hunters and Zaitsev? " "And today the bear came to us to dance?" Moreover, this interest in no way depends on the age of children. In the summer, as you know, groups in gardens are mixed, and all children are equally interested in 15-25 minutes to "stand on the ears" to the music. And every musical occupation turns for children on a holiday. Well, when the musician goes on vacation, the educator can use this material for a walk or in a group. Moreover, children who have already learned the game exercises can perform them independently.

But this, as you understand, is not the only reason for using these technologies at musical classes. Logritic is one of the components in the system of musical and recreational work in conditions modern DouDesigned by GEF. It reveals such types of health-saving technologies as:

Valeological Songs(Songs major Lada At the beginning of the classes, asking positive tone and preparing a voice to sing);

breathing exercises (Exercises that form the right speech breathing (short breath and long exhalation) and train the power of inhalation and exhalation);

Articulating gymnastics (Exercises contributing to the training of the muscles of the speech apparatus);

Gaming massage (The implementation of massage manipulations expands the capillaries of the skin, improves blood circulation, actively affects the metabolic processes of the body, tones the central nervous system, raises the mood and improves human well-being);

finger games (Exercises with fingers and palms, child-learning speech, general and small motorbers, having favorably affecting all the functions of the body);

Speech games (Songs, accompanied by movements and sound gestures, which effectively affect the development of emotional expressiveness of speech, motor activity, orientation in space, auditory attention, rhythm feelings, musical memory, creative fantasy and imagination, expand vocabulary) ;

Fairy tale Šelki (The game on noise and musical instruments contributes to the development of hearing perception, shallow motility, forms the skills of cooperation and creativity);

Communicative games (Music and rhythmic movements with direct contact with the partner develop communication skills, permission conflict situations, Contact);

Music therapy (The listening of correctly selected music with the implementation, psychogymannastic etudes increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, head and muscular pain, restores calm breathing).

One of the main tasks of logo is the elimination of speech violations, solving the problem of speech development in children. You will immediately have a question: "Does you have to do with children who have no such violations or is not yet clear, are they present, since they are very small?" I answer: "Of course, it is worth!" After all, in fact, children perceive such classes as a game, and what child does not like to play? So, on the one hand, you can not break your head than to take children, and on the other - to benefit their health.

In addition to the foregoing, the loggery can be used as an interactive form of the interaction of kindergarten and parents. After all, not all parents have time and opportunity to visit the center. early Development Baby. In this case, it will be advisable to offer them to conduct classes on the loggerian at home. This can be done using the "Music Kiosk", organized in the parental corner or in the mobile folder. We write to the disk of the exercise in MP3 format and offer parents to copy it at home to your computer. Together with the disk, you must provide a brochure with a description of the movements on paper. After mom or dad copies the disc, he returns it back to the "Music Kiosk" to use other parents. Music material It is necessary to systematically update, otherwise children just get tired of performing the same exercises.

Practical part

1. Valeological song-jacket "Good morning!"

The music director offers participants to the caregivers to repeat the movements without music for him, then to the music.

Good morning! (Turn to each other).

Smile rather! (Break hands to the sides).

And today all day (Clap your hands).

It will be more fun.

We will define Lobik, (Perform movements on the text).

Nose and brushes.

We will be beautiful (Gradually raise hands up

How in the garden flowers! performing "flashlights").

Spere palm (perform movements on the text).

Stronger, stronger!

Now praise

Breeway, bolder!

Ears we now lose (Trute ears).

And health will save.

Smile again, (Turn to each other, smile).

Be all healthy! (Break hands to the sides).

2. Respiratory gymnastics.

The music director performs the speaker and explains what words to inhale and exhale air to the nose. Then the caregivers perform their movements on their own. Everything breathing exercises Repeated 4 times with a break of 3-5 seconds.

"Ladoshki" (Hands bent in the elbows, elbows are omitted, palms are deployed forward).


Winning cotton.

We squeeze our palms

Nose correctly inhale.

How palms are spinning,

I exhale freely.

On the words of each line, there are grazing movements with palms (they compress them in the cams, simultaneously with the movements, it is noisy with the nose. Immediately after a short breath, the palms are squeezed, the exhalation leaves independently. Active breath is a passive exhale.

3. Articulation gymnastics.

The music director shall divide those present for two teams - "snow" and "icicles". Then executes the song and explains to each team which mimic movements should be done on certain words. With the next execution of the song, the participants perform their movements on their own.

"Snow and Sosselki"

Here I surprised the icicles in the winter: (Watching, raising your eyebrows and widely open the eye).

"Ah, what are you fat!"

But they became angry on them: (Frowning eyebrows, look angrily).

"Not so much fatal!"

And the icicles were even more surprised: (Rounded the mouth of the letter "O", raise eyebrows).

"Oh, yes you are also angry!"

Snowies got angry even more: (Pull the lips with a tube, bring eyebrows).

"U-U-y! We are really angry!"

Here the icicles wriggle their nose: (Furious nose, pronounce words with discontent).

"You will not talk to you!"

And the snow sounds have been told their mouth: Curvate corners of the mouth, depicting outrage.

"We will not play with you either!"

Thugs and wipes turned away from each other, they went out. But everyone knows that browing something boring. They turned together to each other, came up, hugged and smiled. Good and friendship always win!

4. Gaming massage.

The music director offers teachers to sit on the chairs "the train" and make each other massage. Then you can turn to the other side and repeat the massage.


We are rubbing rubble, ruby. (Knocking on the back of the ribs of the palms).

We are carrot three, three. (Cut back with fists).

We caught Solim, Solim. ("Run by" fingers on the back).

We pumped cappist, click. ("Zhmut").

Juice cabbage drink, drink. (Stroke back).

5. Finger game.

"I want to build a house."

I want to build a house (Connect the fingers of both hands over the head in the form of a roof).

So that the window was in it, (Connect the fingers of both hands in front of them as a rectangle).

So that the door has the door, (Connect both palms to the edge to the edge).

Near that pine grew, (Swing above our heads with broken


So that around the fence stood (Connect the fingers of both hands in front of them, as ifhugging

big ball).

Dog Gate guarded, (Thumb right hand Raise up, maiden

move up-down ("dog bark").

So that on the grass lived bugs, (The fingers of the right hand are "running" on the left hand).

Ran fast spids (The fingers of the left hand are "running" on the right hand).

The sun was (Connect hands with palms forward, spreading your fingers).

Rain walked (Shake with fingers of both hands).

So that the tulip flies in the garden, (Connect hands in the form of a cup).

So that the checkbox on the house was, (On the fist of the left hand put the ribpalm

shower from side to side).

And at home hedgehog lived. (Straightened fingers left hands


6. Speech game.

The music director includes a song in the record and offers to repeat all the movements behind it.

"Dance of worms"

Although we have two hands, (Pull hands forward, turning the palms up-down).

Two hands, two hands,

We are quite like worms,

Not as worms.

And we are ready, (Connect hands in "Castle" above your head,

I'm ready, I'm ready perform tilts to the sides).

New worm dance,

Dance worms.

We will vile tail (Shells both palms behind the back at the bottom,

Witch and vil turning the body to the left, right.

Squirm + Sat).

Little squat.

Handles we can dig (Masha hands forward-back alternately).

Rare, dig

Let's wave a leg, (Jump, throwing out the legs alternately).

We can wave.

Chat with fingers (Shakes both hands in front of them).

Chat, chat

Knock the heels (Top by alternately legs).

Shoot a little.

Nose to dry (Turn the head to the left, right).


Bother to drink heads (Nod head).

We can bother.

7. Fairy tale Šekotka.

The music director distributes all the roles and noise tools, offers to put a musical fairy tale.


Tuk-Tuk-Tuk, hammer - (The bear knocks the hammer on a wooden lump).

Bear builds teremok.

Will call him guests

To be fun!

Mouse-Nomushechka on the guests running

Quietly a gumshunchik mouse rustles. ("Shurshchik").

Bear in Teremka with a sits sits.

(Ringing bell).

Bear opens, (Script door).

The mouse in the house is imparted, ("Shurshchik").

Tea pours (Water murmur).

Cookie treats. (Crunch paper).

Bunny cheerful then rushing,

He's headquarters in the drum. (Knock in the drum).

The mouse is a tasty tea for tea.

Hears: Door bell rings. (Ringing bell).

Bear opens, (Script door).

The hare in the house is imparted, (Drum).

Tea pours (Water murmur).

Cookie treats. (Crunch).

Here and fox go to the tilter

Fox-sister rushing carries. (Ratchet).

Bunny bear with delicious tea.

Hears: Door bell rings. (Ringing bell).

Bear opens, (Script door).

A chanterelle in the house is imparted, (Drum).

Tea pours (Water murmur).

Cookie treats. (Crunch).

Gray top to the teremku arrived,

In the tambourine, the cheerful wolf rang. (Tambourine).

Fox bear with delicious tea.

Hears: Door bell rings. (Ringing bell).

Bear opens, (Script door).

Wolf in the house admits (Drum).

Tea pours (Water murmur).

Cookie treats. (Crunch).

Bear shaggy happy Novosylov:

Lives in the teremchka orchestra funny. (The entire orchestra plays "shines a month").

8. Communicative game.

The musical leader proposes to get up the teachers in pairs in a circle, explains the description of movements without music, then the game is carried out to the music and singing of the musical leader.

"Boiled, ran"

Ran down couples soon (Running side gallop, chazzing hands"Boat").

And each other was shoved: (Threaten each other with a finger right hand).

"Quarrel not dare!"

Slammed hands (Clap your hands once).

Firmly embraced (Hug).

Couple changed (Standing around the circle overtaken by the side gallop

to the next partner to the right in a circle).

And the hands took up. (Take hands).

The game is repeated several times with constant acceleration.

9. Music therapy.

The music director proposes to lie down to the carpet and relax under a non-spiritual "fabulous" song. Movements are performed according to the text.

"Quiet, quiet"

Quietly, quiet, as if in a fairy tale,

We are lying on the rug.

All close our eyes,

And imagine that we sleep.

Sleep we dream seems to be in the sea

We sail on the ship

And on the sunny spacious

Waves splash overboard.

Seagulls circle in the sky blue

Among white clouds.

Dolphins float on the waves,

We wish sweet dreams.

But the end comes a fairy tale.

Welcome to us.

Open your eyes,

Raised with carpet.

Let's say "Thank you!",

Let's say "Goodbye!"

Turn on each other

And felt on the farewell.

Everyone goes to the music in a circle, mashed with a hand left-right.


Piano, hammers, wooden bar, paper, drum, bell, tambourine, ratchet, shruchunchik, 2 cups with water, music center.


1. "Let's play, dance" G. P. Fedorova C-PB, the publishing house "Accident" 1997.

2. "Logrit" O. A. Novikovskaya C-PB "Crown Print" 2005.

3. "Rhythmic plastic for preschoolers" A. I. Burnin C-PB. 1994 year.

4. "Musical Games, rhythmic exercises and dancing for children " Teaching manual For educators and teachers. Moscow 1997.

5. M. Yu. Kartushina "Luggage classes in kindergarten".

6. "The system of musical and recreational work in kindergarten" O. N. Arsenievskaya. Volgograd, publishing house "Teacher" 2013.

I, as a speech therapist, in my work often have to hear from concerned parents: "My child doesn't just say badly, but still does not want to do at home!", "My baby does not work at all exercises with small objects!", "Speech problem Not solved for more than a year! " etc.

IN lately The problem of development, training and education of preschool children is becoming particularly significant. Not an exception and city of Krasnogorsk. The number of children with various speech disorders has increased significantly. Without delving into the reasons for the problem, it should be noted that violations of speech in varying degrees are reflected in the formation of the identity of children affect their physical and mental development. Psychologists and linguists believe that in early childhood the rate of speech development is significantly higher than in the subsequent years of life. If by the end of the first year of life, the child's dictionary is normally 8-10 words, then in three years - up to 1 thousand words.

The successful development of speech in preschool age is crucial, and the adaptation of the child to school depends on this. It is known that children in violation oral speech When entering school is experiencing certain difficulties in mastering the letter and reading. Such children should be assisted on time, correct the defects of sound suspension to the beginning of school learning.

Working with children having violations of speech function, I used various methods and techniques. Today, in addition to traditional speech therapy occupation to correct sound-proof, correction of violations in the lexico-grammatical design of speech statement, etc. I use such effective method Overcoming speech disorders like speech therapy rhythm.

This is a form of active therapy, the purpose of which is to overcome speech violations by developing a motor sphere of a child in combination with the word and music.

Why - Luggage? Everything surrounding us lives according to the laws of rhythm. Changing seasons, day and night, heart rhythm and much more subordinated to a certain rhythm. Any rhythmic movements activate the human brain activity. Therefore, from early childhood, it is recommended to engage in the development of a rhythm feeling in the form - rhythmic exercises and games.

Luggage classes are a technique based on the connection of words, music and movement and include finger, speech, musical and motor and communicative games. The relationship of these components can be varied, with a predominance of one of them.

The classes are complied with the main pedagogical principles - The sequence, gradual complication and repeatability of the material, the rhythmic structure of the word is being implemented, and the clear pronunciation of the sounds affordable by age is enriched.

In the system of logo working with children of preschool age, two directions can be distinguished: the impact on non-chin and speech processes.

The main tasks of logo impact are:

Development of auditory attention and phonderatic hearing;

Development of musical, sound, timbre, dynamic hearing, feelings of rhythm, singing range of votes;

Development of common and fine motility, kinesthetic sensations, facial expressions, pantomimics, spatial organizations of movements;

Education of the ability to reincarnate, expressive and the grace of movements, the ability to determine the nature of the music, coordinate it with movements;

Raising switchability from one field of activity to another;

Development of speech motility for the formation of an articulation base of sounds, physiological and lamination breathing;

Formation and consolidation of the skill of the proper use of sounds in various forms and types of speech, in all situations of communication, education between sound and its musical way, alphabetic designation;

Formation, development and correction of hearing-visual-motor coordination;

To carry out logo classes, as well as to any other, certain requirements are presented.

Logo classes spend a speech therapist together with the music director once a week (preferably in the 2nd half of the day).

Classes are advisable to carry out a frontal duration of 20 to 35 minutes depending on the age of children.

Luggle classes are drawn up with a support for lexical topics.

Each lesson is thematic and game integrity.

In the plot of classes, the stories and tales of Russians are used and foreign writers, Russians folk taleswhich are selected in accordance with the age of children and allow you to solve corrective tasks in the game form.

The logo occupation includes the following elements:

Fingering gymnastics, songs and

poems accompanied

motion of hands. Development of shallow motility, smoothness and

speech expressiveness, speech hearing and

speech memory.

Musical and musical and rhythmic games with musical instruments. Speech development, attention, skills

navigate in space.

Development of a feeling of rhythm.

Speech therapy (articulation)

gymnastics, vocal-articulation exercises. Strengthening the muscles of the organs of the articulation

the development of their mobility.

The development of singing data.

Clearators for automation and

differentiation of sounds,

phonic exercises. Correction of sound suspension,

strengthening the larynx and grafting

skills of speech breathing.

Exercises for the development of mimic muscles. Communicative games and dances.

Development of the emotional sphere

associative-shaped thinking

expressiveness of non-verbal funds

communication, positive self-assumption.

Exercises for the development of common motility, corresponding to age characteristics. Muscular and motor development and

coordination sphere.

Exercise on the development of the wordness. Expansion of the active stock of children.

In the structure of the classes, I do not always include everything listed items. Sequence correctional work Various in accordance with the nature of speech violations, individual and age features Children.

Exercises with speech therapy gymnastics It is recommended to perform sitting: such a position provides direct posture, the general relaxation of the muscles of the body. In the articulating gymnastics, I turn on the static and dynamic exercises for language and lips. The dosage of the repetitions of the same exercises determines with regard to the nature and severity of the speech violation. Children who cannot master articulation skills, I provide targeted individual assistance.

Music is of great importance on logo classes, so in this work there is a close connection with the music director. Children perform movements under musical accompaniment With a well-pronounced rhythm, and on our part there are constant control over the accuracy of their implementation. The amplitude and the pace of exercises are agreed with the dynamics of the sound of music.

Finger games and speech exercises in the logbook classes we also hold together with the music director under musical accompaniment. The main task These games are the rhythmic performance of the poetic text, consistent with the movements.

Exercises We are learning in stages: first movement, then the text, then all together. Mastering engine skills, learning poems and songs with movements, finger games should pass without excessive didactics, unobtrusively, in a game form.

When working on breathing, I pay special attention to the development of long-term, uniform exhalation in children. Well develops the duration of the exhalation and the melody-intonation side of speech singing. And here I also need the help of a musical leader. We are selected emotionally expressive, shaped songs with affordable text, phrases in which should be short.

In the lesson, I will definitely include communicative games and dances. Heat dance motions Also pass in stages. Most of them are built on gestures and movements expressing friendliness, open attitude People to each other, which gives children positive and joyful emotions. Tactile contact, carried out in the dance, further contributes to the development of benevolent relations between children and thereby normalizing the social climate in the children's group. Games with the choice of participant or invitation allow you to use low-effective children. When selecting games, I will definitely take into account that their rules are available and understandable to children. In communicative dances and games, I do not appreciate the quality of movements, which allows the child to liberate and gives meaning the process of his participation in the dance game.

I think the most important thing is the coordinated work of all these components. Only then will be a beautiful, sonorous and expressive. Therefore, in the logbook classes, I worry not only the technique of breathing, voices, pace, but also their relationship, their coherence. In the classroom, the connection of speech with music and movement other than the development of the muscular apparatus and voice data of the child allows you to develop children's emotions and increases the interest of the child to classes, awakens his thought and fantasy. Another plus logbook classes is that they are group. It helps the child learn how to work in children's teamfind with him mutual language And learn to actively interact with him.

One of required condition for getting good results - The interaction of all teachers and parents. The song and dance repertoire is learned on musical classes. Cleaners, finger games, dynamic pauses The educator, the defectologist and psychologist can use on their classes. The same exercises and games I offer parents as recommendations for fixing the house.

I assume consistent complication of the tasks of classes, the end result of which is the execution of exercise children in full, at a given pace and in accordance with the music, i.e. The formation of the required level of hearing-visual-motor coordination.

I highlight the following directions of work:

Development of a rhythm feeling - exercises, musical - didactic, rhythmic games, speech games with movements aimed at developing a sense of rhythm and phonderatic perception;

Formation of proper breathing - exercises aimed at the formation, development and development of proper physiological and speech breathing

Development of articulation and facial motility - exercises aimed at the development of articulation Praxis, Mimic muscles

The development of common motility - dynamic games and exercises aimed at the development and correction of common motor and coordinator functions

Development of shallow motility - finger games and exercises with speech accompanying or using various items aimed at the development and correction of shallow finger motility

I believe that speech therapy rhythmics is useful for all children with problems of becoming a speech function, including the delays of speech development, sound-proof impairment, stuttering, etc. Very important speech therapy rhythm for children with so-called speech negativism, as classes create a positive emotional attitude to speech, motivation to fulfillment speech therapy exercise etc. As a result of the use of logo to the end school year Children traced the positive dynamics of speech development. Practice has shown that regular logge classes contribute to the normalization of the child's speech, regardless of the type of speech violation, form a positive emotional attitude, teaches communicating with peers and much more.

Therefore, the logotrick becomes a holiday beautiful speech for kids

Abstract of logo lesson