Popular board games in the world. Best board games for the whole family and all ages

Popular board games in the world. Best board games for the whole family and all ages
Popular board games in the world. Best board games for the whole family and all ages

Pleasant news - since your childhood with constant lotto, checkers and card fools in our life rapidly broke many relevant, fascinating board games - for every taste.

H Astol game is universal entertainment, because it works under all weather conditions. What is a modern family board game? This is a game that will be equally interesting and parents, and children, while its rules are simple and understandable to the child.

What are adults and children can compete on equal?

Of course, in the throws of cubes in the game Monopoly!

One of the oldest family board games. The history of its creation leaves in 1934, in the midst of the American Great Depression. Since then, players in which players with the help of cubes are moving along the playing field are bought by real estate sites and try to ruin competitors, remains invariably popular among the family audience. And it is clear why - the cast of a cube does not require great analytical abilities, and the child can take a stronger with adults. The trading process, when the winner is still non-obvious, is really fascinating and exciting, and the goal is to choose game millions and ruin the opponents - it seems quite achievable.

The game is definitely there are still disadvantages, which is not surprising, based on her respectable age. The first drawback follows from her dignity - the cube does not understand who is a strong player, and who is weak. And if it is a plus to enter the game, then for a player, by whose shoulders not one dozen parties, it is already minus.

The second drawback is delay. Very often, after the leader appeared in the game, the rest of the players retain the illusion that they have a chance to recoup. And in order to build competitors under zero, the leader may need not yet one hour of playing time.

From the game lasting go to the games very fast.

Dobble, Drip, Wild Jungle, Set, Panic Lab

In games for attentiveness and reaction, children are usually even more successful than adults. So this type of games is not suitable for joint games in the family. The general meaning is simple - to see something before others and grab it something.

The most popular game in this genre in Ukraine today is undoubtedly Dobbl. Round cards with bright drawings in a compact tin box immediately attract attention, and tear off a child or adult from the game will not be completely difficult.

It would seem that it is easier to find a pair of identical drawings on two cards? But the drawings are bright, multidirectional and just run away from the view! And around - rivals that can see the right pair before you. The result is a lot of drive, fun and adrenaline.


Unique game mechanics Associations made a board game Dixit One of the most popular all over the world. Children without adults to play this game will not definitely not be, however, thanks to the original design, the psychological component and low-alkality, it is wonderful for family leisure, since 8-10 years old and grandparents are inclusive. You have a deck of maps with beautiful surrealistic drawings. The player comes up with an association for one of the cards, and the rest are trying to guess the mandated map. In recent years, the game has confidently become in Ukraine No. 1 at parties, family game and psychological trainings.


Family of Games Alias. A vivid example of how popular game for youth audience migrated to a family format. In Alias, the player pulls the card with the words and must very quickly explain the team's partner as many words as possible. An important limitation: use single-handed words and pantomime - it is impossible.

The more words explained, the further promoting the chip of your team. Fun, dynamically, and for children is also useful. An important reservation is not all the game Alias \u200b\u200bis equally useful for a family evening. Alias \u200b\u200bPati. - definitely not your option. Alias. Say differently - Suitable for adults and children from 10 years. Well, for the game with children 7-8 - a specially created version of the game Alias. Family.

Scrappy / Erudes

Another game in which we are dealing with the words - popular all over the world "old man" Scrappy. The crossword-like game in which players from the letters are assembled on the playing field of the word and get glasses, interesting and adults for these, and children. And there is also an additional function - the expansion of the vocabulary.

And what is Erudes? Yes, the same scrappy, which in the USSR produced under a different name, so as not to bother with copyright.


One of the most popular games around the world - Carcassonne. It certainly does not leave indifferent parents and will understand the child already in 8-9 years. From cardboard squares with different types of terrain (tiles), players lay out the whole world.

The tiles on the principle of Domino are laid out: the road - to the road, the field - to the field, the city is to the city. Because the options where to lay out the tile, the player has a lot, you have to decide where it can be most beneficial to get victorious glasses. The game is a little conflict - the players cannot directly interfere with each other, therefore won popularity as calm, and at the same time exciting family game. And many additions and variations already created on the basis of Carcassonne and continue to appear, only confirm its relevance.

My cheerful farm

There is something boasting in family format and Ukrainian developers. My cheerful farm - These are some animals from each player who need to feed. The better you feed your pets, the more points it will bring you at the end of the game. But first it is necessary to purchase seeds, then sow them, then collect harvest and only then part of the crop to give it to the proximity.

And every move to decide which of the available actions to choose exactly now, not forgetting for the troubles on their farm to look at the neighbors to, if it turns out, to prevent them a little.

The game was fraught with fun and beautiful, so it is unlikely to leave your children indifferent. And the process of feeding animals, when an additional part of the body is added to the animal, and it gradually turns out of the rabbit in a long taxcrolite or from the sheep - in the oxusculation, invariably causes a smile.

At the same time, the game process is not primitive and guaranteed fond of adult players.

Uno, Swints

If in childhood you played an ordinary card deck in Bridge, then the game UNIS you already know. Yes, this is a special deck for this game. The goal of the game is to reset all the cards with your hands on a suit or raid. There are different special cards in the game - the passage of the course, change the direction of the stroke, the change of suit, etc., which not only make a variety of in the game, but also make you think about how to use cards - save for later use or quickly reset to reduce penalty points in late party.

Special excitement - Do not forget to shout "UNO!", When we drop the penultimate card. If you forgot - drag two penalties from the deck. It is elementary, but many forget to do this at the time when the victory is already so close :)

Swints - Popular option on UNO. Several changes in the rules made the gameplay more cheerful and dynamic. At the same time, it is worth keeping in mind "Viciously Swine" design - the base game Swints is designed primarily for the youth and teenage audience. And for the game with children of preschool and younger school age, more "good" young Swints will be better suitable.

Colonizers (Catan)

Unlike the "old woman" of the monopoly, which is based on the misunderstanding "economic", just Colonizers are the best economic game for a family audience. And although there are no familiar banknotes in the colonizers, there is a constant exchange of some resources to others in the game, and the course depends on both the player's special cities and from changing demand and suggestions for one or another type of resources. In general, to change one thing to another, and both at once - on the third for the development of your settlement on the island in this game is pretty.

However, as in the monopoly, the cubes in the colonizers also play an important role - it is the results of cubes of cubes that determine which territories will bring resources to the players. So all who love throwing cubes (and who of children does not love it? :) We will be glad.

A successful combination of accident factor and opportunities to choose a strategy and allows you to call it one of the best economic family games for parents and children aged 10 years.

Ticket to Ride (train ticket)

And in this beautiful and atmospheric game we have to lay railway routes. The game is not economic, but rather logistic. In the course of the game, we will receive glasses both for launching routes between neighboring cities and for the implementation of secret tasks for connecting cities distant from each other.

The magnificent game field, many plastic trailers, multicolored cards of wagons and routes - all this is made in the retro style of the beginning of the twentieth century, and immediately sets a cozy and a little fabulous mood. Additional bonus - teach geography.

Take your child on board games, and he will no longer have money for other drugs;)

Board games, despite the abundance of computer toys, are still very popular. Classic board games were the subject of entertainment for many decades and even a century. Here are the 10 most popular board games for all time.

10 photos

Chess are a logical desktop game that combines elements of strategy and tactics. Invented chess in India still in the V century

The game is a step-by-step strategy to play up to six players. The game field is stylized under the map of Napoleon times. The goal is to capture the territory of other players.

German board game Claus Toyberomom. The game was created in 1995. The player performs the role of an settler who masters the island of Katan.

The game was invented in 1944. The playing field imitates the country mansion in which the murder occurred. The goal is to investigate the crime.

Board game with elements of a military strategy. Game for two people. The goal of the game is the detection and capture of the flag.

The economic strategy is incredibly popular in the twentieth century, including in the USSR. The essence of the game is to achieve bankruptcy of other players using your capital. Much depends on the successfully abandoned cube. In this game, cards are used. Perhaps it was the monopoly that popularized the games with tasks on cards, like Swints (http://desktopgames.org.ua/286-svintus/) and other games.

Board game with elements of the strategy and economy. The player must step by step a gaming field and place the subjects on it.

Board game in which two players play. The game passes on a blackboard divided into two fields. The goal is to throw the bone and move the checkers, passing them the full circle earlier than your opponent does.

Logic game with strategy elements. The game appeared in ancient China. It is difficult to call age, but it is about 2-5 thousand years ago. The essence of the game is to exist as much as possible on the board with your stones, rather than the enemy.

Card board game that has received many world awards. Represents the game in the association. In Russia, the game was called "Imaginarium".


The most popular card and salon game is, of course, Mafia. The essence of it is as follows. Players are distributed cards on which their roles are written. Someone is a civilian inhabitant, someone - Mafia, someone - a doctor, someone - by the Commissioner, etc. Every night "Mafia" kills one civilian inhabitant. And peaceful peace is trying to calculate who mafiosi, and kill the suspect. The purpose of peaceful is to survive, the goal of the mafia is to kill all the peaceful. And in the game there may be a maniac, who eliminates one inhabitant every night and makes every batch completely unpredictable ... modifications of the rules of this exciting salon board game a great set, it will be suitable even to those companies in which there are tagne opponents of the "classic" desktop games.

"UNO". The name of this game comes from the Latin name "One" numbers. "UNO" is a little like a "three hundred" card game. The goal of the game is to get rid of all the cards, laying out the same color or dignity on the table. Intrigue will add such cards as "passing the opponent", "Taking 2 or 4 cards by an opponent", "Change of color", "sharing decks" or even "reverse direction". And when the player finds himself in a step from victory, that is, when he has 1 card in his hands, he should shout "UNO." If you forget - two penalty cards takes. The game is great for any company, the more players, the more interesting. Yes, and the rules can be modified.

"Double" is another game for the reaction and intelligence. The presenter distributes players by one card, then begins to drop the card from the main deck in the center of the table. On each card, 8 images are drawn, and some of them coincide. The goal of the players is to find on their card and discharged the same images. Even children play this exciting, dynamic and simple game with pleasure. The main thing is not to remember the cards in the gust of Azart!

"Chameleon" is a bit like "Double". But cards are completely different. Each card is present four elements. The goal of the players is to collect a "copy" of your card, finding similar elements in a dropped similar elements. The more sets gather the player, the more his chances of winning.

"Set" is not such a cheerful and awesome game, like previous. It requires a little strain brain. Players need to collect certain sequences from the cards posted on the playing field. In the sequence, as follows from the name, there must be 3 cards. This game develops mathematical thinking and is suitable for an intellectual company.

"Erudite", he "Wander", he "Scrabble" (Option: "Scrappy"), on the contrary, a very philological game. It has become popular after one of the series of the animated series "Smeshariki". Players try to post on the word board from their letters and get as many points as possible. The game is significantly expanding the vocabulary and allows fun and with benefit to spend time.

"Macchin" is one of the most famous "classic" desktop card games in the role-playing genre. Perhaps this is the simplest, cheerful and exciting from a number of similar games. She is easy to learn, and even those who have never played in the "Boards" can play. Your goal is to create the "steep" and pumped character who can go through any dungeon shaped with the most terrible monsters. Usually, "Machcheckkin" more like boys, but among there are a lot of beautiful warriors.

"Evolution" - a game invented by the Russian scientist-zoologist. It simulates the process of evolution of the animal world. Players will have to grow the most adapted to the life of the creature - here and climatic changes, predators, and disasters like a fire and ... Players by definition fight with each other, but you can create peaceful "ecosystems" in which various creatures live in harmony, And players support each other. However, no one bothers to grow mega-predatory and devour these greedy herbivores! Everyone as in real evolution ... Of course, this game is already intended for sophisticated players who mastered any card games.

"Pottery" is another game for cooperation and also Russian production. Now players can feel like real alchemists. From the "cabinet of elements" they take elements and form different potions of them, and even mythical animals, and, of course, seek to get a philosopher's stone. For each action, the player is accrued with glasses. In the final wins the one who scores the most points. The game requires a certain concentration, but it loved many millions of players for their originality and logic.

"Game" - a game made according to the famous book and television saga, exists in two versions: strategic and in the form of a collectible card game (KKA). Kki absorbed the best features of Magic: The Gatherin, "Berserka" and a number of similar games, while introduced the original mechanics based on the collection of points. Like not only the passage fans of the series, but also to all the lovers of Kki.

Board games - a worthy alternative to modern gadgets. Contrary to delusion, they have not only an entertainment goal, but depending on the species may also include learning and educational elements. In contrast to the Internet and television, where in most cases the child passively receives information and risks to acquire addiction, board games are offered with benefit to leisure both one and in the company of friends or family.

How to choose a desktop game - we turned to child psychologists with this question. This is what experts are advised to pay attention:

  1. Age. All board games on the packaging and / or in the instructions have a margin about the age group for which they are intended. Psychologists recommend not to lose sight of this aspect, however, do not forget about the conformity of the child's age of its development so that the chosen game is really relevant.
  2. Variety. Intellectual refer to the games of a strategic and logical nature - "Carcasson", "Cluedo", "Ticke to Ride" and others. In this case, the player won the victory, who managed to calculate the subsequent moves, and exceeded the opponent. In the board games of a gambling type, the outcome depends in many respects from lucky - "running run", "Uno", etc. In games for testing physical victory abilities, the most attentive, dexterous and fast reacting player ("Jenga", "Table Football") is honored. Games with communicative subtext ("Activiti", "Imaginarium", etc.) help to establish friendly contact and overcome the constraint.
  3. Purpose. Board games can be designed for solitary use, for two rivals, family pastry and for a friendly company. In addition, some manufacturers offer games with a gender division - for boys and girls. Traditionally, the boys prevail the military and automotive themes, the girls have doll and animalist.
  • characteristics (age limits) board games;
  • cost (price-quality ratio);
  • user reviews;
  • recommendations of specialists (children's psychologists).

Best board games for children 2-3 years

Children aged 2-3 years begin to actively learn everything around. For them, everything is in a novelty - animals, numbers, forms, etc. Board games presented in this category, will help parents make acquaintance of kids with the world's fascinating and informative.

3 Escape from the chicken coop

The smallest. Fast Party
Country Russia
The average price: 1 090 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

"Escape from the Chickentechik" is a cheerful and simple game for children from 3 years and older. The game is aimed at the development of shallow motility and concentration of attention. During the game, the child learns to coordinate the complex chains of actions and exciting time. The chicken coop suddenly jumps, after which 36 chickens of different colors are trying to escape. Children squeal from surprise, laugh and again and again send chicken in a chicken coop to see how they will jump off - users share in reviews.

The game participates from 2 to 4 people, the party takes an average of 5-10 minutes. All chicken are divided between players, after which each of the participants chooses three chickens and has them near the cube. Next you need to click on the chicken coop, so that he began to slowly prepare for the jump. At this time, players take turns throw a cube with multicolored faces. If the resulting color coincides with the color of the shit, they are sent to the chicken coop, and they choose others in their place. When the chicken bumps, the chicken in it will scatter. Your goal is to catch running away. The victory won the player who was able to help all his hens to escape, throwing into a chicken coop.

2 Dobbl

Developing. Find common
Country Russia
The average price: 1 190 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Board game Dobble "Figures and forms" is designed for children from 3 years. This is a developing card game that is suitable for friendly and family confrontation. This kind is the adapted children's version of the legendary game Dobble, has managed to eat it so much. The peculiarity is to combine the entertainment and training orientation. During the game, the kids will learn to distinguish between geometric shapes, numbers and colors.

The party takes, as a rule, not more than 10 minutes. The game can participate both by one player and five rivals.On round cards of the game, figures and numbers of different colors are depicted. And each of the cards always have only one general feature: a digit or a geometric shape of the same color. Player's task - as soon as possible find it similarity.

1 puzzle "Jungle"

For the smallest. Acquaintance with animals
Country Russia
Average price: 519 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The outdoor puzzle "Jungle" is a fascinating and informative game for kids from 2 years, which contributes to the development of sensory skills, attention and associative thinking. 34 elements of various shapes are complemented by 8 animal game figures. This puzzle has to do with the kids and their parents, allowing you to have time to spend together. During picking up the picture, the child meets animals living in the jungle. Users in reviews noted that great dignity is the large size of elements that allows you to carefully consider the inhabitants of the jungle, speak with the child the features of the appearance of animals, their coloring and character.

In comparison with desktop puzzles, outdoor definitely won, since the kids at the age of two are more willing moved during the game, and to focus for a long time in a sitting position at the table, it is still quite difficult for them. All you need is true to docile items to get a holistic image, which in the future you can hang on the wall as a picture, pre-gluing puzzles among themselves.

Best board games for children 4-5 years

4-5 years old - the age of age when children are incredibly active and inquisitive. The board games that are presented below will help to send energy to the peaceful bed. Among them are the most famous and favorite games that received the greatest number of positive feedback from parents and children.

3 Hungry Hippo

Best Road game. Accuracy
Country: USA
The average price: 490 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

"Hungry Hightotics" is the best road game, according to parents. An addictive game is designed for two players, starting from 4 years of age. This is a compact version of the original game, which is convenient to take with you on the road. Fishing balls is suitable for friendly and family confrontations, develops accuracy and contributes to the improvement of concentration. As users noted in feedback, you want to play again and again. Each batch is about 5 minutes. All items are stored inside, so you can not fear that the balls are lost.

Heroes of the game, Hippopotics are entry and a lumber, through the levers are trying to catch the balls. The only minus - for more accurate fishing is needed a flat surface, so on traveling by train or on an airplane Feeding hippo will be comfortable, but the game during travel by car will be difficult.

2 turtle running

The best "charity". High quality materials
Country Russia
The average price: 990 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

"Bega's turtle" - the desktop game subspecies "Food". This is a developing game that has been awarded a large number of reviews. Users indicate in the advantages of high-quality cutting of tokens, high-quality printing and tight paper. This is a simple and calm game that is capable of captivating the child for a long time. It is intended for children aged 4 years, designed for 2-5 players. The party lasts about 20 minutes.

The goal of the game is to bring your turtle to the cabbage field. The chip-turtle in pursuit of the cabbage moves in accordance with the raging cards. A feature that makes the game more interesting - movement is possible not only forward, but also back. In addition, the turtles love to ride on the girlfriends. The playing field is represented by 10 steps, thanks to which the game does not have time to get bored with a child.

1 table football

The most legendary. Leader survey
Country: China
The average price: 4 290 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The legendary table football (kicker) is a game, loved by many generations, as evidenced by the survey. The optimal age of the players is from 5 years. The uniqueness of the game lies in a gambling confrontation, developing agility, the rate of reaction, the ability to concentrate and promptly decide. This is a great gift for children to which the indifferent and adults will not remain.

Sports game is a football fieldon the steps with handles to manage football players. Rotating 360 degrees figurines, the presence of mechanical head meters, durable materials (wood), three additional balls - all these advantages are mentioned in user feedback. Due to the fact that the table is folding, it is easy to transport and store it.

Best board games for children 6-7 years

At the age of 6-7 years, children demonstrate the intelligence, rich in fantasy and improved coordination. For the most active and societies, the following board games will come up with positive reviews about which not only our users share, but also experts.

3 uno.

Best price. Azart and fun
Country: USA
The average price: 399 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

"UNO" is the most budget game from the ranking presented in the ranking, but not less fascinating. This card board game implies participation from 2 to 10 players aged 7 years. The party takes no more than 20 minutes. In Russia, the game is more famous called "One hundred One". As written in reviews, this is a great dealing solution - excitement, enthusiasm and fun!

At the beginning of the game, each player receives 7 cards. The essence of the game is to get rid of maps. The top map of the remaining deck becomes the start point. Movement occurs clockwise. Players must report from their cards that which will coincide with the top at that time on color or picture. Having got rid of the penultimate card, the player is obliged to scroll "UNO!", Otherwise he is fine - additional 4 cards from the deck. When someone dropped all the cards, the round ends and the points begins to count the points from those who have a card remained. Data is recorded. There are several rounds playing, while someone does not get 500 points in the amount, thus the victory wins the one who has the least amount of points.

2 Jenga

For the most deft and neat. Hit sales worldwide
Country: USA
The average price: 1 250 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Desktop mobile game "Jenga" is incredibly popular worldwide. The feature of the game is that it remains interesting both in single construction and when the tower is erected by a numerous friendly company. This game develops fine motility, accuracy, equilibrium, fast reaction and stress resistance. The tower can be built at home, in nature, take a visit with you, while not worrying that the blocks will be lost or break.

The rules of the game are extremely simple - after the tower of 54 elements is built, the players alternately begin to pull out blocks one by one, as well as attach the upper tiers. The game is completed by the tower collapse, the losers are recognized by the actions of which led to the fall of the building. If the tower collapsed in part, at the request of the players it is possible to continue the game.

1 imaginarium

Best associative game. Development of imagination
Country Russia
The average price: 1 750 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

IMADZHINARIUM - Associative board game for children from 6 years, in which 3 to 7 people participate. Specialists consider the game extremely useful for children, as it is aimed at developing imagination and logical thinking, expanding the associative series and improving communicative skills. On the game field, each player is indicated by a chicken-elephant. One person acts as a lead that explains to others its associations towards an elongated card. The right of the lead is transmitted to the next player in a circle, in this way all participants are involved equally.

The feature is that players choose from their cards the most responsible descriptions of the lead. The latter reports that card he explained. Maps are mixed and numbered, and already choosing from them, everyone votes for a card, which, as they seem to belong to the lead. Depending on whether the participant guessed or not, and whether someone prefers his map preference, it remains in place, retreats back or moves into several cells forward. The map found a place for additional fields, getting to which the host should, for example, come up with an association out of 5 words, tie with some brand or make a description based on the film.

Best board games for children from 8 years

For schoolchildren's children, the combination of entertainment and teaching nature of board games is especially important. Dry knowledge of knowledge leaves them indifferent, but a veiled educational message, whether it is a study of fractions or just games for the development of logic and strategic thinking, will be perceived by them, as evidenced by feedback, with a bang.

3 Erudes

The most intellectual one. Expansion of vocabulary
Country Russia
Average price: 952 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

"Erudite" is a game that, for sure, you have already heard more than once. Alternative name "Scrappy" and "Words". This is a developing desktop game based on the drawing of words from chips and letters. Experts recommend the game for children in order to expand the vocabulary and the development of logical thinking.

This game will be interested in children from 8 years. Also, they are often played in the company of friends or at a family evening. Azart, adults sometimes turn out to be even more involved in the process than children. Near each letter is indicated by the number - the number of points that is charged by the player for using this chip. In addition, on the playing field itself there are additional tricks - multiplication of points, accrualing additional points, etc., which makes the game more interesting.

2 Carcassonne

The most strategic one. Conquest
Country Russia
The average price: 1 990 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The strategic-economic board game "Carcasson" implies a step-by-step gaming field harvest and the subsequent placement of the chips of their subjects. On which the terrain of the chip is put, it depends on the knight, peasant, monk or robber. A feature is the tactical component of the gaming process. To win, it is necessary to think through the possible moves of other players and competently express priorities, for example, to complete your object or block the way to the opponent.

Squares of the area must be counted in exact accordance, for example, fields with fields, roads with roads. As you approach the end of the game, the voltage increases, because possible options for the development of events remains less and less, as well as the game figures. This game is perfect for children from 8 years old, helping them build chains of actions and developing strategic thinking. The victory remains for those who at the end for their constructed objects received the greatest number of points.

1 Delisamo

Best mathematical game. Easily learning
Country Russia
Average price: 790 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The best game with a mathematical bias is recognized by "deluximo". Being logical and developing, it is relevant not only in terms of entertainment, but also education. "There was never so easy to convey the child information about the fractions!" Parents are inspired. A child meets shares and fractions, having fun and easely mastered their features during the delivery of pizza.

The reviews emphasize that the game cards are made of dense cardboard. A big plus, according to buyers, is colorfulness and dynamic. The game is divided into three levels of complexity in accordance with age (from 5, 8 and 10 years), therefore remains relevant over the years. Each party takes from 15 to 20 minutes. The task of players is to collect the order of the visitors of the Italian restaurant, making up pizza in accordance with the list of ingredients and their number that are listed in shares and fractions. Soon the child begins to click the fraraty, like nuts, and included in the package in the game style will help to secure the material clearly.

Best board games for the whole family

If you are puzzled how to spend a celebration or a family evening, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with the list of the most interesting board games that leisure leisure. The feature of the Games below is that they are designed for a large number of Players, among whom children and adults can be together. In a word, no one will remain aside.

3 Ticket to Ride

Best strategy. Journey game
Country Russia
Average price: 2 990 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

"Ticket for train" - a fascinating board game in the genre travel for the whole family. Suitable for adults and children from 8 years. The game teaches to think sequentially, apply tactics and tricks. During the adventure, you can learn a lot about the railway device, as well as consolidate knowledge of geography. The party can take from half an hour to an hour.

Through the entire game players (2-5 people) enthusiastically move on the map, showing strategic skills. The task of the participants is to get as many points as possible, which are given for the implementation of missions and the construction by plastic trailers and route stations. Success depends on the selected strategy. Element of luck is present, but less pronounced than in games with cubes.

2 cluedo.

Best detective game. Fascinating plot
Country: USA
The average price: 1 460 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

"CLORDO" is a classic desktop detective game for adult children from 8 years. The game designed for 3-6 players is an imitation of the investigation of the murder. The playing field looks like a country house plan. The goal is to find out who, where and how killed the owner of the mansion. Under suspicion, each of the participating players turns out. The number of possible combinations is affected by the imagination - more than 324, so the game is completely unpredictable and mysterious every time, and it certainly does not get bored.

Players move through cells by raving around the house, putting forward the assumptions, who, with the help of which in which the rooms committed a crime. Pull the intrigues and rumors were called on thoughts. The one who first gives the right answers to the questions raised, becomes the winner.

1 activati

The most popular. Dynamic, team
Country: Austria
The average price: 1 990 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The most popular game for family pastry - "Activities". This board game is known worldwide. It fell in love with users due to simplicity, fascinating and dynamism. Big plus - the ability to use a large number of people. It can simultaneously play from 3 to 16 people. That is why this game is so in demand at parties and family gatherings.

Participants must be divided into commands. On the game field there are chips that move towards the finish line, if the command with the help of facial expressions, gestures and patterns will be able to explain the word specified in the task. How users say, time with the game flies unnoticed - active movements, fun and ringing laughter you are guaranteed!

With this game, our extensive collection of board games began. And I still consider the blue classic carcassonne the best game of all times and peoples.

This is a game with very simple rules. It is not dynamic, rather even meditative. The goal of the game is to build cities, laying roads, lay monasteries and make money on this glasses. There is even a place of light or severe competition, it's who likes to play. You can beat the contemporaries or roads from rivals.

Inspiration for the game was the real medieval fortress city of Carcassonne in the south of France. From 6 years.

Set. The best game on logic

This is not a game, but an explosion of the brain! I usually recommend it to everyone: both children and adults. You can even play in it alone. The man who came up with the game "Set" of genius. How can a fascinating game, where you need to carefully consider geometric shapes: Rhombick, Waveshechka, oval. The goal of the game is to make a set (a set of three cards), where each of the signs will either coincide on all three maps, or vary.

Frankly, after this game, I feel that I begin to make a move brains. It seems to me that the game set will use some cells brains, perhaps gray.

Dixit. The most beautiful game

This game, in which I am afraid to play with unfamiliar people. Still would! After all, the reception of the name of the association is very common in psychology. You call the Association and Batz! You have already confessed to the killer.

Very beautiful and smart game for the company more than three people. Very well suited for people with creative thinking. Play insanely interesting! The goal of the game is just a good time. Although he wins the one who fartered all of his rabbit on the counting field.

You need to make up your associations with cards, guess the associations of other players. I swear, you will know a lot about your friends in the game. It is a pity that it is so rarely it turns out to play it. About 7 years old.

Delisimo. Best mathematical game

A formal preposition to acquire the game "Dissisimo" - the study of fractions. In mathematics, this topic is always considered not the easiest. How to explain to the child what ordinary fractions? Something is divided into parts ... does not understand. But if a whole round pizza is divided into different number of pieces? If in half, then it is 1/2. If four parts, then 1/4. The process of knowledge immediately goes more fun.

The fraraty is absorbed by the flight, almost like hot pizza Margarita. After a couple of rounds, you will be surprised to find that your child, who seems to have just had no idea about some fraction, easily beats you. And that's fine!

The game has three options ranks ranging from 5 years.

Train ticket in Europe. The most gift game

Another insanely beautiful game. The field is stylized under an old map. You need to choose yourself rail routes and build them with pretty trays. By the way, I learned from this game that there is one more Brest, and he is in France. Very useful for geography.

We play this game only in the New Year holidays when there is a lot of free time. The game takes about an hour. You can play together, but, of course, the more players, the better. By the way, after all, Europe we have so small, and rivals do not strive to overlap the path to Barcelona or Athens.

Blitz. Day and night. The most gamble game

AAAA! I just accidentally looked at the site of the play and saw that the circulation of the game was over. Immediately ran to check, whether my two boxes were on the spot. UV, lie on the shelf.

All gaming games for the speed we prefer blitz in the family. This is a completely crazy game forcing the players to demonstrate the wonders of the reaction and speed.

Please, when you read the rules of the game and do not understand anything, do not throw and read it again and again while you will not fall insight. Play companies from three people.

Mr. Jack in London. Best detective game

I already wrote so many times about this detective game, which, admit, is tired. I will say briefly - the best detective game. The boring "key" rests. From 8 years.

Dobbel. The best game of attention and reaction

Amazing game of attention and reaction. Little five-year-old children and quite adults play with the same interest in it. On round cards depicts objects of different sizes. You can not believe, but any two cards have at least one identical symbol. Sometimes you look-look, and there is nothing in common between the cards, well, no. How suddenly the child is enough both cards. All the same with the reaction in children somehow better. From 5 years.

Timeline. Best historic game

I love such simple games with meaning. The goal of the game is to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhistory, about inventions, discoveries. I do not know a single person who would not suffer with historical dates. With the play timeline to learn them may be much easier. The game in which adults play with a big excitement.

Dwarf pests. The most harmful game