What is morality, the morality of the individual and moral degradation. The value of moral degradation in the main terms used in the book A.S. Ahiser criticism of historical experience Degradation of moral and moral values

What is morality, the morality of the individual and moral degradation. The value of moral degradation in the main terms used in the book A.S. Ahiser criticism of historical experience Degradation of moral and moral values

In the text of the famous Soviet writer, L. M. Leonov is considered complex the problem of moral degradation of mankind.

The main reason for the lack of spiritual well-being in the world The author considers the consequences of scientific and technological progress, which is considered in the article in two aspects. On the one hand, we should not panic: "Progress is in good health," as a result, life becomes more comfortable. On the other hand, as further displays the writer, it still felt that scientific and technical achievements impose us morally and morally. And to stop this process is not able to develop a rapidly developing science: "Knowledge helps to look into the abyss, but does not give instructions how not to break into it."

L. M. Leonov is confident: humanity is morally "wearing", and this may well lead even to the collapse of civilization. It is to such a position that the author comes, arguing about how our life changes in spiritual terms.

It is difficult to disagree with this thought: a person internally degrades, being surrounded by the newest benefits that allow him to move less, to remember less, to think less and completely differently communicate. Modern people weaken physically, degraded morally, inlet in their consciousness to promote consumerism and egoism "Tsar Nature", change not at the best side socially and intellectually.

The preservation of civilization is based on the transfer of moral and spiritual values \u200b\u200bthat ensure the integrity of the individual and all mankind, and in the face of technical progress, people do not have time to think about it. So, for a long period of time, the People of the Planet observed the rivalry of two powerful states - the United States and the former USSR - in the creation of nuclear weapons. Indeed, such powerful powers needed to have a mass lesion to the arsenal to maintain world domination. However, from a moral point of view, the armament race was criticized by many progressive scientists.

In my opinion, progress should not be discovered by the moral possibilities of a person. Otherwise, the situation described in Yevgeny Zamyatina "We" is possible. The heroes of the work - "Number" living in a single state. All life is subordinate to mathematical laws: "Numeral" live in a single schedule, inhabit glass-transparent apartments, they think the same way. Heroes do not know the thirst for beautiful, they are deprived of natural human feelings and experiences. Despite the fact that the state is technically developed, his citizens poor are spiritually.

Thus, the consequences of technological progress may be destructive for the spiritual life of people: enriched by scientific discoveries, high-tech goods and services, we meant themselves morally and morally.

annotation. Based on the findings of philosophers, economists, psychologists, lawyers, sociologists, etc. The moral level of Russian society began the beginning of the XXI century. - "moral degradation"; The developed quantitative indicators are used - the index of the moral state of society (INSO), on the basis of which the dynamics of the evolution of Russian society traced during the reform years; There are causes and consequences of the fall of morals; Ways of spiritual revival as a key factor and prerequisites for the recovery of the economy and in general the spiritual revival of the nation.

Keywords: Index of moral state (INSO) * Moral * Law * Moral Degradation * Suicide * Drug Addiction * Alcoholism * Corruption * Violence * Crime * Anomios * Liberalism, Pseudoliberalism * Freedom * Control - Social, moral * moral regulators * Social interactions.

Symptoms of moral degradation

Despite economic progress (pre-crisis), internal political stabilization and other positive trends, the general state of the modern Russian society of recent years looks very disturbing. Thus, the number of murders per 100 thousand inhabitants in our country is almost 4 times more than in the United States (where the situation is also very unfavorable) and about 10 times higher than their prevalence in most European countries (Lysova A. V., Shields N. G. Response Systems for Domestic Violence // Sociological Journal, 2003, N 3, p. 99-115). By the number of suicides, Russia is 3 times ahead of the United States, occupying 2nd place in Europe and the CIS not only among the population as a whole, but also among young people under the age of 17 (in this case, after Kazakhstan).

At the same time, for a number of reasons (for example, such as the desire of relatives to present suicide as an accident), no suicide in the Russian regions are about 13%; There are also anxious trends such as a decrease in the average age of committing suicide, committing them are increasingly cruel methods and others.

According to the corruption index for 6 years (2002-2008), Russia moved from the 71st to the 147th place in the world, and the total volume of corruption turnover in the Russian Federation is estimated by experts in 250 - 300 billion dollars per year. The number of accident victims, such as random alcohol poisoning and accidents, testify if not about the mass "reluctance to live" (psychoanalytic interpretation of such situations), then at least about the indifferent attitude of many of our fellow citizens to their own and someone else's life.

The annual number of victims in modern Russia exceeds the loss of our country for all the years of the Afghan war, and the situation on our roads is called "War on the Roads", "Civil War", etc.

In the aggregate, the data is lined up in a holistic picture (Table 1), testifying to the painful state of society, but it is surprising that in the public consciousness they are perceived with less sharpness than, say, the number of medals won at the Olympics (which in itself is an indicator The state of society, as well as fashioning expensive cars without that inlets of the winners).

Table 1. Indicators of the state of modern Russian society (2006)

Sources: a report on the development of man 2007/2008. Published for the UN Development Program (UNDP) / Per. from English M.: The whole world, 2007; Russian Statistical Yearbook 2007. M.: Rosstat, 2007; Transparency international.http: //www.transparency.org/

The indicators shown in Table 1 are complemented by other data demonstrating which society we have built under beautiful freedom and democracy slogans:

  • every year, 2 thousand children become victims of murders and get grave injuries;
  • every year, 2 million children suffer from cruelty of parents, and 50 thousand - run away from the house;
  • every year 5 thousand women are dying from the beatings caused by the husbands;
  • violence against wives, elderly parents and children is fixed in every fourth family;
  • 12% of adolescents use drugs;
  • more than 20% of children's pornography distributed throughout the world is removed in Russia;
  • about 1.5 million Russian children of school age at all at all attend school;
  • children's and adolescent "Social bottom" covers at least 4 million people;
  • the growth rate of child crime is 15 times ahead of the rates of increasing general crime;
  • in modern Russia there are about 40 thousand minors prisoners, which is about 3 times more than in the USSR in the early 1930s. (Analysis of the situation of children in the Russian Federation. M.: UNICEF, 2007; state report "On the situation of children in the Russian Federation", M.: Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, 2006) Quantitative data can be supplemented with household illustrations of society: the practice of criminal "roofs", raid trips, "black realiation", financial "pyramids", various types of fraud, etc. is still widespread. Organized crime was actually legalized, and the so-called "authoritative businessmen" - essentially legalized thieves - arrange the public presentations of their "literary" works, in which the hired writers paintly paint their criminal adventures (according to the public chamber survey, more than half of our fellow citizens do not feel ourselves as well protected from crime), corruption is truly total, and the officials of all levels of government and administrative posts themselves are sold; In schools you can buy drugs; Public speech, including television and radio, replete with an abnormative vocabulary and thorough jargon; Homeless - indispensable attribute of train stations, trains, metro, etc.

The Internet is filled with films where in detail it is shown as students beaten their teachers, the elderly kill in order to take possession of their apartments; Drunk mothers throw out of their babies out of the windows; There is a slave trade (in the XXI century!), and in direct, and not in the metaphorical sense of the word; Union-aggressive Yunsians demonstratively do not give way to the transport of older people, and sometimes they are able to kill the remark made by him (in the city of Kolchugino, the company of scum, sawing vodka at the memorial heroes of the Great Patriotic War, killed and burned a person in the "eternal fire", tested put them in); The sects practicing among other things and the human sacrifice, and the typical reactions of a significant part of our youth on a depletion of a person who has become a large part of our youth on a depletion of a person is ... laughter. All this is not a scene from the "horror films", but our life. Not only the likes themselves are affecting, but also tolerance to them, the perception of them as familiar, and not as from a series of outgoing, as the norms of our lives. "Daily facing the blatant facts of lawlessness and arbitrariness, people lose the sharpness of the reaction to them, gradually penetrate indifference to what is happening," writes O. T. Bogomolov. And K. N. Brutenz notes that " Russians almost without any protest and moral rejection(italics mine. - A. Yu.) Survive in the conditions of total corruption, comprehensive bribery, accompanying almost every step, rampant criminality, "so formed tolerance to eviland humility in front of him, contributing to its statement in increasingly cruel forms.

With all the diversity of the described phenomena, as well as processes characterized by the above statistical data, they can be tested under the general denominator. moral degradation»Modern Russian society or using the famous expression of E. Giddens," evaporation of morality" It is noted that "violations of public morality, the norms of social justice, ideas about civil honor and responsibilities are found at each step." And naturally, according to the results of sociological surveys, the fall of morals is perceived by our fellow citizens as one of the main problems of modern Russia, " damage morals » Regarding them as one of the worst results of our reforms.

The moral degradation of modern Russian society is stated by representatives of various sciences, and it can be considered genuinely "interdisciplinary" fact. Psychologists demonstrate that "Russia has turned out to be a" natural laboratory "for many years, where the morality and legal consciousness of citizens passed harsh tests"; Sociologists show that "At the end of the XX - early XXI century, the Russian society, which has been written by the state, first in the" Perestroika ", and then to the" radical reforms ", constantly experienced moral deviations and the deficit is not so much social, economic and political, how many moral landmarks, values and samples of behavior; The "moral aberration" of the thinking of our politicians is emphasized - its distancing from moral values \u200b\u200band landmarks, which in it are issued by categories of economic nature, such as economic growth, size of GDP, inflation indicators, etc.; Economists noted that "among the components of the exorbitant social price, which had to pay for radical economic reforms in Russia, is neglecting the moral and psychological world of man," emphasizing the "intensive eradication of the moral and ethical component of their social being"; Art historians state that "we have formed a total immoral system"; Philosophers associate what is happening in modern Russia with the obvious fact that freedom leads to the release not only the best, but also the worst in man, and, accordingly, should assume restrictions on the election of the worst. "What will make a person from political freedom who is not matured for her and is experiencing it as bulging? - asked by I. A. Ilyin and answered, - he himself becomes a dangerous enemy of someone else's and common freedom. " What happened in our country in the early 1990s.

Fig. Dynamics of the moral state of modern Russian society

Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in line with a quantitative macroxyology developed in it [see: 14, etc.], developed the index of the moral state of society (INSO), based on the integration of such indicators as the number (per 100 thousand inhabitants): 1) murders and 2) street children, 3) Corruption index, 4) Gini index expressing income distribution unevenness (see Appendix). The dynamics of quantitatively estimated in this way of the moral state of Russian society during the years of reforms is shown in the figure.

As can be seen, the moral state of our society (1991 -1994) has deteriorated annually, then improved to the "default" 1998, after which it has deteriorated again (until 2002), and then revealed a tendency to an annual improvement (for 2007 - The index is not calculated due to the fact that the relevant statistical data is not yet available - without interpretation of the identified dynamics, we note that it almost fully corresponds to the dynamics of the macroxyological state of the modern Russian society, estimated on the basis of other indicators [see: 11], as well as The temporary scan of its characteristics calculated by sociologists (social moods, social optimism, etc.), which indicates a synchronous manifestation of such dynamics in a wide variety of spheres)).

Attention and the fact that quantitatively estimated the moral state of our society has deteriorated in the first years of reforms, which indicates the connection of its deterioration precisely with reforms and with the events accompanying them, and during the following years, although he found nonlinear, " The wave-like "dynamics, the level of 1990 was inflamed almost 2 times.

Causes and consequences of the fall of morals

Among the main reasons for the fall of the morals in the Foreign Russia, the following are usually noted. The overall weakening of the control of citizens' behavior, the transformation of which, as the history and experience of other countries shows, is characteristic of "turbulent", changing societies, and inevitably accompany radical reforms. The moral qualities of the reformers, many of which were recruited to Democrats from the party and Komsomol workers, turned the resource of the administrative authority to access the property and their personal immorality summarized them in a convenient ideology of the "Nonsense of Morality" for a market economy.

Naturally, not all. It is customary to distinguish, for example, "Democratic Romantics", sincerely defending democratic values, and who came to the change of "Democratic Pragmatists", which used democratic slogans in personal interests, for example, to justify their privatization favorable.

The specific nature of the "three sources and three components" of the modern Russian business, which served as: a) the former Soviet "shopoviki", i.e. Underground manufacturers of goods and services, b) Representatives of the criminal world, in the Soviet years who had tribute to "Tsekhovikov" and applied their experience in the conditions of a market economy, c) party and Komsomol workers, with the striking ease, replaced by socialist morality on pseudocalistical, and, in fact, on criminal. Distribution in the early 1990s. Such an ideologue as "can be all that is not prohibited by law", "We must live by law, and not on conscience," "Main money, and no matter what ways they are earned," and others, essentially deny any morality - the decision An old Russian alternative "on conscience or by law?" In favor of the latter and leading to the fact that our society began to live and not conscientiously, and not by law, but "according to the concepts".

This result was inevitable: firstly, because "the holy place is not empty", and the rejection of the generally accepted morality in the context of the criminalization of the Company turned its replacement by the morality of the criminal world; Secondly, due to the fact that the law and morality are two main supporting systems, social order systems, and the destruction of one of them inevitably leads to the destruction of another, the law does not act without support for morality, and morality is destroyed without reinforcement by law. In particular, as Metropolitan Kirill noted, "the law has a chance to work only if it corresponds to the moral norm."

The pseudolyberal reform reforms ("Pseudo" - because it is very far from true liberalism, represents it strongly distorted (in the interests of the most immoral sectors of society). And the founders of Russian liberalism - B. N. Chicherin, M. M. Speransky, Xu. Witte, the followers of which call themselves the authors of the Russian Liberal Manifesta, developed by the leaders of the ATP, would be very surprised by those who are called "liberals" in modern Russia.), Based on the "doctrine of vulgar liberalism", understanding freedom as non-compliance Any rules and prohibitions, as dismissal and irresponsibility, willingly assimilated by some layers of our society.

Note that such an understanding of freedom is not our Russian "invention." So, for example, the freedom, promoted by French salons of the Epoch of Enlightenment, "wore a purely negative nature, turned into freedom of denial of all moral mains - faith, authority, traditions, experience, respect for power declared prejudice."

Criminalization (not only in the generally accepted - the increase in crime, etc., but also in the extended sense of the word - criminalization of "all social life"), including the abundance of movies about "good gangsters", the popularity of criminal vocabulary ("rags", "disassembly" and t .p.), tightening, "brutalization" of this life, the widespread power schemes for the resolution of controversial situations, prestiges emphasized aggressive behavior, etc.

Increased aggressiveness as the norm of our life even touched on the Internet, which naturally, since "culture sets the norms of aggression and is a primary source of formation of divincional behavior" [16, p. 65].

The attractiveness of the "amnesty of the past" of negative samples of the behavior created by the most successful people of modern Russia, which made their states due to violations of laws and the norms of morality (it does not matter that the name in the past gangster, now he is "a respectable businessman", and its past has no values).

Anomy is the destruction of the system of moral norms and their mismatch with each other, characteristic of all post-socialist societies and has replaced the hypernomy - excessiveness - socialist regimes.

Anomy of whole societies spoke relatively recently. Former, this concept was applied to individuals and was introduced by E. Durkheim to describe the condition experienced by a person to suicide. In this regard, it is appropriate to remember the thought of O. G. Drobnitsky that "the requirements of morality ... may be addressed to socio-historical processes and states."

Abolition social institutionsmoral control, in the role of which in the Soviet society, the party and Komsomol organizations, friendly courts, folk control, etc., which, with all their well-known disadvantages, performed a very important social function - moral control.

The domination of "economic determinism" in approaches to solving the main problems of our society.

This style of thinking and vision of what is happening in society, when the main thing is - the economy, and everything else, including morality, was secondary, subjected to destructive criticism A. Tokville, K. Polani and many other well-known thinkers, and M. Rats called him "bel to the Marxism", Stressing the production of "fondness of the economy" from the Marxist division of society to the economic basis and a secondary social superstructure.

The fact that although the unity of training and education was considered one of the cornerstone of the domestic education system, since the early 1990s. The state we essentially left the sphere of upbringing.

Without having in this context the possibilities for the detailed presentation and discussion of these reasons, we emphasize that moral condition of societywhich supporters of "economic determinism" tend to ignore, relating, according to their obviously derogatory expression, to the "so-called socialist", in the system of social processes, in essentially, multicomponent status, representing three aspects at the same time: a) the indicator of the state of society, ) The consequence of processes occurring in it, c) the basis of what is expected by this society in the future. The latter with particular durability is manifested in a low birth rate, which in recent years is indicated, including the authorities, as one of the key problems of modern Russia.

As studies show, purely economic fertility stimulation measures can give its growth in the range of 15-20%, since non-economic factors have the basic influence on unwillingness. Among them, as surveys are demonstrated, one of the first places occupies the reluctance to give birth to them. in such a country, the moral disadvantage of which is focused by respondents. A. Yu. Shevyakov cites evidence that "changes in the trends of fertility and mortality in Russia by 85 - 90% are due to excessive inequality and high relative poverty of the population," expressing the moral state of our society, and emphasizes that "the relationship between socio-economic The factors and demographic indicators are mediated by the psychological reactions of people and the behavioral settings arising from these reactions. " And V. K. Levashov "Catastrophic Depopulation" of modern Russia explains the "moral gap between society and the state" [there, p. 426].

According to surveys, most of our fellow citizens believe that the modern Russian state expresses mainly the interests of the state bureaucracy and rich layers, and not society as a whole. However, with a more positive idea of \u200b\u200bour state and attributing, the intentional intentions have to admit that "the state loses the war with public defects" [there, with. 426].

As R. S. Greenberg states, "demographic studies show that more than two thirds of the reasons for the depopulation of Russia are associated with such social and psychological phenomena in the post-Soviet period, as social depression, apathy and aggression," one of which (for example, mass aggressiveness) They are direct manifestations of moral destruction, others - apathy, depression, and others - a mass psychological response to its destruction. In particular, the permanent sense of immorality, hostility and environment aggressiveness causes people stress, apathy, depression, etc., in turn, generating mental disorders, nervous system diseases, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and other diseases. According to the World Health Organization, from 45% to 70% of all diseases are associated with stress, and such psychosomatic diseases, such as neurosis, violations of cardiovascular activities, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, immunodeficiency, endocrinopathy and tumor diseases detect direct dependence on it. .

The fall of the morals plays an important role among suicide motifs, and is also directly related to the depressing statistics of drug addiction, alcoholism, accidents, etc., which are the main manifestations of the physical self-destruction of our society. A. Yu. Soft and St. Erofeev note that "In theories of social integration, suicide growth is traditionally considered an important sign of strengthening tensions and self-structure in society, which, in turn, a consequence of deep deviations in social structures and the absence of value-normative unity"; It is stated that "the continuing growth of suicides is the price that we are still forced to pay for uncivilized forms of transition to the market" [ibid, p. fifty].

Similar patterns are traced in history, in particular, "history gives many examples, starting with the death of the Roman Empire, when, in general, economically prosperous states died as a result of the fall in the moral level of the population." And B. Kuzyk on the material of the most important historical cycles of the evolution of the Russian state shows that each of its political and economic rise and the decline has always preceded, respectively, the rise or decline in spiritual life and morality.

Contrary to proclaimed domestic reformers the thesis about the "unnecessaryness" of morality for a market economy, their close relationship is shown in the classic works of M. Weber and his followers. It is obvious for both the representatives of the modern Russian business. Thus, the President of the Rolf Group of Companies S. A. Petrov emphasizes that "the demands of morality are not some kind of bridges to business imposed by some public forces, that is, from the outside, and the key to its successful development." The pattern consisting in the fact that "the higher the level of spiritual and moral development of the majority of the population, the more successful the economic and political system of the country is developing," the state of the economy directly depends on the spiritual, moral state of the individual, "receives multiple confirmations. And the data we received demonstrate that the moral state of the Russian society, quantitatively estimated by the method described above, detects high correlations with various indicators of its innovation activity (Table 2).

The level of morality has a significant impact on socio-political processes. In particular, it is difficult to disagree with the fact that "ethics and there is a heart of democracy," since the latter implies confidence Citizens to its institutions, which is impossible without subordination of these institutions with basic ethical principles. According to the former president of the USSR, M. S. Gorbachev, "Without a moral component, any system will be doomed." And Metropolitan Kirill expressed even more categorically: "Morality is a condition for the survival of human civilization - no more and no less."

Table 2. Communication of the moral state of Russian society with indicators of innovation activity

Ways of revival morality

Despite the positive shifts of recent years, Russian society is still "injured by chaos", and one of his main problems is not a shortage of freedom in which we are constantly accused from the West (as always badly understanding what is happening in Russia), and directly the opposite - a deficit of control, first of all, controlinternal - moral. This key needmodern Russian society is refracted in the mass consciousness: the overwhelming majority of our fellow citizens, as surveys demonstrate, stands for tightening laws, moral censorship media(which her opponents give out for ideological, Making an intentional substitution of concepts) and other forms of moral control. Similar intents are observed in the authorities, as well as in the public chamber, whose members say that the "main problem of modern Russia is a drop in moral and moral culture", etc. All this suggests that in our society retroached the appropriate need .

Of course, try to give a simple answer to the traditional Russian question "What to do?" With regard to the moral state of our society would be absurd. Obviously, the fact that declarative calls for the revival of morality and morality sound like a voice of the blatant in the wilderness, and taking into account the nihilism of a significant part of our youth, accustomed to the pseudolibraral ideologies "do the opposite" regarding the appeals of the older generation, can give directly the opposite effect. "While the progressive public and we have, and in the West continues to beat the Nabat on the deep moral crisis. But there are no clear ways to overcome it, "says O. T. Bogomol."

Nevertheless, the key directions of the revival of the morality of the "effective therapy of the decline of morals" can be outlined.

Firstly, Revision of understanding freedomHe remained inherited from the first years of reforms and is extremely distorted in modern Russia. Freedom involves its reasonable restrictions, implanted in the mentality of citizens, in terms of psychological science, interiorizedthey. Such an understanding of freedom, prescribed in the works of I. Kant, I. A. Ilina and other outstanding thinkers, should be impaired in the minds of our fellow citizens with the help of the education system, which since the early 1990s. Practically abstract from solving moral and educational problems.

Secondlyrevival institutes of Moral Controlwhich in modern Russian society is practically absent. It is hardly necessary to strive for the creation of institutions resembling Soviet party and Komsomol organizations (in democratic society it is impossible), however, schools, and universities, and public organizations could carry out the functions of moral control, for which they need mandate of societyon their execution. (For example, admission to universities and stay in them addiction to addiction to the behavior of students in educational institutions and beyond. And public organizations, including our leading political party, should be given importance to the moral qualities of their members.)

Thirdly, in conditions of the internal deficit characteristic of the modern Russian society moral regulatorsIt would be necessary to resort to their "externalization" by making the status of laws by moral standards.

A bright example is the adopted GD law prohibiting the drinking of beer and other low alcohol drinks in public places. In this, very instructive, the case is internal - moral - the prohibition was translated into an external form. And it "worked", although in accordance with the Russian attitude to the laws: drinking beer in public places our fellow citizens, of course, did not cease, but still began to do it much less often than in the absence of a legally executed ban. The same should be done in relation to Mata in public places, which has already been done to some cities of Russia (under ridiculous media representatives who poorly understand the destructiveness of the influence on the society of "weak" forms of deviant behavior), demonstrative insults of the older in age and other forms of coarse Disorders of morality.

As O. T. Bogomolov writes, "so far the moral norms and principles will not become part of a common culture, it is necessary to force violators of the order to lawy, to comply with the rules of the hostel, using the authority of power, press, television."

Fourth, decriminalization of our society and its household culture. It is incorrect to think that this problem is only related to law enforcement agencies. In particular, decriminalization of mass consciousnesssuggests not only the cleansing of our vocabulary from the threatening jargon, etc., but also radical change in the system of relations between the population and law enforcement agencies, including attitudes towards their informs on violations of the law, which in our culture, under the obvious influence of the criminal world, are qualified as "denominations".

In this regard, the example of Finland recognized by the least corrupt country of the world is very instructive. One of the corruption anti-corruption stones in this country is simplicity and effectiveness of informing law enforcement agencies on any cases of corruption, i.e., in our terminology, "denunciations" on officials. Any citizen can do this using the Internet without filling out any papers and bureaucratic obstacles. There are also the "black lists" of officials who are shown in corruption, entering which deprives them of the opportunity to get a good job.

We have not yet learned how to distinguish ideological denunciations and reports of violations of the law, in fact that are an expression of civil liability, besides, considering it "small" violations of non-significant and not paying law enforcement structures. It is noted, in particular, that "the fact that some is called a law-hauning, the other - denunciation," "the infraredness is not welcome ... it is impossible to knock, because the law is" someone else's ". There is no such concept as a "professional criminal", although a significant part of our fellow citizens, being on freedom, is able to engage only criminal activities and does not hide it.

Fifthwidespread attracting scientists- sociologists, psychologists, etc. - to the development of lawswhich we are considered a sphere of competence of only professional lawyers and omnipresent politicians.

The fact that athletes and showmen are abundantly presented in our legislative bodies, expanding the social base of host laws, only worsens the situation.

Laws are not just legal norms, but the most common rules of social interactionwhich should be developed and introduced into account its social, psychological, economic and other patterns disclosed by the relevant sciences.

It is easy to predict which fierce resistance such measures would cause our pseudoliberals, extremely distorted a reasonable understanding of freedom, and those criminalized social layers that are beneficial. However, the risk of new ideological conflicts in this case is clearly justified, because "We want to recognize it or not, but morality really lies at the heart of everything," and, in particular, "it's time to realize that in Russia moral education, spiritual revival - the issue of survival of the nation And one of the necessary prerequisites for the improvement of the economy. "

From the editorial office of psychologos

We join the opinion of one of the readers: From the conversation "Who is to blame" it is important to move to the specifics of "what to do". Namely, it is necessary to determine what to do to each of us personally at least on the living houses to start correcting the situation and make a more decent country from Russia. For example, completely abandon alcohol, cigarettes and drugs - to have charging every morning - on the street you smile to people - to give way to the bus senior, pregnant women, etc.: Simple, clear and understandable things. Maybe someone will write such a work plan on yourself, such a list? We will be ready to publish it on a psychologism so that people can compare their lives with how to live.

Life make people. What do we do?

Why young moms throw children from the balcony

A resident of the Moscow region Last Sunday threw her two sons from the balcony of the 15th floor. At the interrogation, the mother explained his act that the children are tired of her. Psychologists are now in the go to the term "evaporation of morality." The Deputy Director of the Institute of Psychology, Ran, Andrei Yurevich, spoke about where and how evaporates Morality, "RG".

Andrei Vladislavovich, eyewitnesses of the recently recently show "Auto Exotic" told me a wild story. The driver of the jeep, performing some kind of awesome tricks, hit the tent, where there were two girls. The organizers did not pay the slightest attention to the tragedy, and the participants with joyful screams rushed past the ambulance on free drinking and disco. What happens to us?

Andrei Yurevich:Moral degradation or, in words of the famous sociologist Anthony Giddens, "Sparking Morals", which, by the way, confirms statistics. For example, violence against wives, elderly parents and children are fixed in our family in every fourth family. Think: In modern Russia, minor prisoners are three times more than in the USSR of the 1930s!

... We have already understood that you give bribes badly. True, I still give. Moral degradation evaporation moral moral degradation evaporation morality

Andrei Yurevich:Polls, by the way, show that not everyone understands that giving bribes is bad. And research relations to fraud gives amazing results. But that's not the point. In any society there are many people who do what is bad. It all depends on the ability of society to set the barriers to them. Equally, for example, the fact that we do not carry out key points of international agreements to combat corruption, say, the item on the confiscation of the property of the corrupt officials and their relatives. Moral degradation evaporation moral moral degradation evaporation morality

Which generations do you think the most omitted? Moral degradation evaporation moral moral degradation evaporation morality

Andrei Yurevich:We conducted a joint study with the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and found out that people who were formed as individuals in the 1990s and the 2000s have large gaps in a moral plan.

That is, those who are 30-40 years now?

Andrei Yurevich: Yes. It turned out that among these people is 80 percent absolutely normally relate to such things as fraud. They believe that "money does not smell" that "no matter what way they are earned, the main thing is that they are." These are people brought up on pseudoliberal ideologies of the 1990s.

"Gangster series", which at that time did not disappear from television programs, also probably played a role? ..

Andrei Yurevich:There was such a new phenomenon like a "good gangster", that is, you can kill, rob and reckon with a good person. Our study shows that today there is a broad layer of young people, which does not distinguish between the categories of good - evil and does not use such categories when evaluating actions. They use other categories: "Cool - not cool", "profitable is not profitable." When the outstanding Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov traveled to Africa, he asked the native, as he understood good and evil. He replied that "evil is when a neighbor attacks me, beat me up to death, takes away my wife, takes away my cattle, and good - when I attack your neighbor, I take it away from his wife, carries his cattle." This is such a pure pragmatic understanding of good and evil, the uniqueness of the face between them is very characteristic of a significant part of our current youth. However, when we are talking about generations, you need to take into account that this is the "average temperature in the hospital." In any generation there are many highly high-profile people, heroes, and I am sure that in this generation too. For example, an officer who closed a randomly obscured ordinary grenade. Moral degradation evaporation moral moral degradation evaporation morality

How and at what point morality disappears? Moral degradation is associated with economic processes? Moral degradation evaporation moral moral degradation evaporation morality

Andrei Yurevich:It disappears not simultaneously. Moral degradation is a sufficiently long process. And with economic growth, the state of the morals is very ambiguous. The expression "poor, but honest" does not express their need. Rich countries are far from always more immoral than poor.

And what about the moral appearance abroad? Consumption company can destroy moral laws?

Andrei Yurevich: They regularly complain about the gradual destruction of the traditional Protestant morality with its attributes such as modesty, the abbreviation in consumption, delayed motivation, the ability to long wait for remuneration, etc. This morality and ethics Western civilization is obliged to many of their success. Now she comes to a change in the company consumption. But the decline of morals in Western countries, by virtue of their civilization and the ability of citizens to a reasonable restriction of their freedom, is not expressed as in modern Russia. There are impossible many things that have become familiar with us. And vice versa. Can you imagine that, say, our new Cabinet of Ministers began its activities from a decision to reduce their salaries, how did the ministers in France made?

With difficulties. Moral degradation evaporation moral moral degradation evaporation morality

Andrei Yurevich:I, too, although our ministers are very poor people. And at posts ministers become richer. Do not fall behind them, more precisely, they are noticeably ahead of them, and their wives. This situation is characteristic of our country, expressing her differences from Western countries, where the line between "decent" and "indecent" is very pronounced for public people.

Who and how does the fashion on morality?

Andrei Yurevich:There are no "mods on morality" at all, there is only a fashion for immorality, which we ask the so-called party and some media. But there are people who set the norms of morality and samples of moral behavior. For example - Jesus Christ.

And now there are people able to ask these norms? Moral degradation evaporation moral moral degradation evaporation morality

Andrei Yurevich: As for the modern Russian society, there is such a concept as the moral elite, people who their own examples ask some norms, for example, Dr. Roshal.

Universal condemnation and pickets against representatives of provocative art are related to moral growth?

Andrei Yurevich: Rather, by rejection a significant part of the population of moral degradation. Especially when it comes to the art itself, even if they are "provocative", but, let's say, about the sexual term depicted on a diverse bridge.

Religious education capable of improving our moral appearance? Moral degradation evaporation moral moral degradation evaporation morality

Andrei Yurevich: Yes, capable. But the secular - too. Moral degradation evaporation moral moral degradation evaporation morality

Listen, but maybe everything is not so bad? On the Internet, unfamiliar people help each other, volunteering becomes lifestyle ...

Andrei Yurevich:Indeed, not everything is so bad, and the positive trends are also clearly, and there are also positive trends. The emergence of volunteer organizations, let's say, on finding missing children, is one of them. There are things to whose opportunity a few years ago it was difficult to believe. For example, that our motorists will start passing pedestrians ...

What else could it be hard to believe? Moral degradation evaporation moral moral degradation evaporation morality

Andrei Yurevich: A few years ago, any children's sandbox was packed with glass from beer bottles, any bus resembled a beer bar on wheels. Now it is almost never observed. That is, we are capable of leading enough civilized. What was considered to be the personal culture of each (drinking or not drinking beer in a children's sandbox), carried out to the level of the law, began to be fined for it, and it worked. The indicative example, by the way, Singapore is a country that has achieved amazing success in the difficult thing to combat corruption. It all started with a small one: people were banned to spit, throw cigarettes. It seems to be nonsense, introduced a fine, achieved about. After some time, such prohibitions move to the level of internal moral norms and people starting to behave differently - revise their attitude to such phenomena as corruption. It all starts with small. We also have shifts in trifles, maybe this is the beginning of the Renaissance.

Http://www.rg.ru/2012/06/26/arest-site.htm of the year-Russian newspaper "No. 5817 from 27.06 .12

Chekhov raises questions about the value of human life, about the moral duty of a person in front of the people, about the meaning of human life. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote: "In a person, everything should be fine: both face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts." This desire to see people with simple, beautiful and harmonious explains the intricacy of Chekhov to vulgarity, to moral and mental limitations.

The hero of the story "Ionch" is a young man full of unclear, but light hopes, with ideals and desires of something high. But the love failure turned him out of aspirations to clean, reasonable life. He lost all spiritual interests and aspirations. From his consciousness disappeared the time when he was characterized by ordinary human feelings: joy, suffering, love. We see how a man, intelligent, progressively thinking, hardworking, turns into a man in the "Living Dead". Such heroes of Chekhov, like heon, lose her human than their nature entered.

Remarkable story A.P. Chekhov "Gooseberry". Hero story - official, kind, meek man. The dream of the whole of his life was the desire to have a "leafing" with a gooseberry. It seemed to him that this was enough for complete happiness. But the view of Chekhov about this human happiness is different. "It is customary to say that a person needs only three ARSHINA LAND ... A person needs not three Arshina Earth, not a manor, but the whole globe, all nature, where on the square he could show all the properties and peculiarities of his free spirit," wrote Chekhov. And here the dream of the hero came true, he acquired a manor, the gooseberry grows in his garden. And we see that we are no longer the former timid official, but "a real landowner, barin." He enjoys what reached his goal. The more hero is pleased with his fate, the worst it is in his fall. And the brother of the hero can not answer the question of what kind of good need to do to get rid of vile proprietary happiness.

The problem of moral degradation of a person rises in the novel of Oscar Wilde "Portrait of Dorian Gray". This is a novel in which the story of the young man Dorian Gray is told. The despised morality "Estet" and Cynic Lord Henry, in whose merit the author will invest his own judgments about art and life, becomes a spiritual "teacher" Doriana. Under the influence of Lord Henry Dorian turns into an immoral lifespan and committing murder. Despite all this, his face remains young and beautiful. But on a particular property, the portrait of Dorian, once written by him by another artist Holord, and the cruelty and the immorality of the original were also reflected. Wanting to destroy the portrait, Dorian is stuck a knife in him - and kills himself. The portrait begins to shine the old beauty, the face of the dead Dorian reflects his spiritual degradation. The tragic omission of the novel refutes Lord Henry's paradoxes: immorality and soulless aesthetics are qualities that are rejected by man and bringing it to death.

* The history of the moral collapse of the personality of Andrei Guskova tells V. Rasputin in the story "Live and Remember." This man was in war, more than once was injured and contuge. But, after writing out of the hospital, she went not to his part, and thieves walked into the village, became a deserter.

* H Aitmatov in "Plakhe" wrote about the moral fall of Ober-Kandalovtsev and Anasi.

The problem of the influence of religion on human life

· In the story of A.S. Pushkin "Blizzard" The main heroine of Marya Gavrilovna, learning to live in accordance with God's commandments, becomes happy. Her mutual love with bumina is for both God's gift.

· The main thought of the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" is simple and clear. She is the embodiment of the sixth of God's commandments - "do not kill." The author proves the impossibility of committing a crime on conscience on the example of the history of Rodion Raskolnikov.

The problem of christian morality

· D. Orekhov in the book "Buddha from Benares" talks about the teaching, about the resettlement of souls, about the magical world of ancient Indian spirituality.

The problem of good and evil

* In the "White Clothes" V. Dudintsev tried to answer the question: how to recognize good and evil, how to distinguish white clothes of good from the masklalat, pounded over evil.

The problem of moral squeezing

· A bright example of an arrogant attitude towards the surrounding people is the heroine of Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and World" Helene Kuragin. Beautiful outward, she was empty empty, hypocritical, fake.

· In the story of the old woman Izergil, M. Gorky tells the legend of Lara, who was not enough for happiness of pride and confidence in its superiority. And the greatest benefit - life - it becomes a hopeless flour for him.

The problem of human miserness

* The features of manic stuffiness are presented in the form of Plushin - the hero of the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". Taking care of insignificant trivia, showing the papermaster, the landowner loses hundreds and thousands, put on the wind to his state, ruining his estate.

The moral and ethical problem of human attitude to what is called "to have more than others", "live a deposit".

· The famous publicist I.Vasiliev wrote that "with the category of self-satisfied, living on the bottom, the same as with" hiding ", - closure, distance, separation from people. Their valid loneliness, which is more interested in criminal punishment. "

· Have a lot, according to I.Vasilyev, becomes fashion. The desire to "have" turns into a painful passion of storage. But with a man there is a metamorphosis: acquiring more and more material things, he thorns the soul. "In the place of generosity, responsiveness, raining, kindness, compassion will stand up with a scrambledness, envy, greed."

· The famous publicist G. Smirnov wrote that "in the 21st century, humanity will have to have a painful refusal of the fictitious values \u200b\u200bof the material life and the difficult acquisition of the values \u200b\u200bof the Spirit."

· Hero of Roman V. Istafieva "Sad Detective" refers to people who "know how to live". The winch. He has a police salary, but acquired a cottage in two floors. And all because the principle adheres to: "We do not touch us, we will not be throne ..."

The problem of the true and false interest of man to culture

· Remember the story A.P. Chekhov "Pumping". The main thing is that Olga attracted Olga Ivanovna to the world of art, there was a desire to get acquainted with celebrities, and by no means spiritual need for beautiful. I admire the mediocre artists and writers, she failed to see the dynamic of a talented scientist, whose interest in art was really true.