Synopsis of the lesson "Telling the fairy tale" Teremok. Summary of the lesson "Telling the tale" Teremok A) Expressive reading of the tale by roles

Synopsis of the lesson
Synopsis of the lesson "Telling the fairy tale" Teremok. Summary of the lesson "Telling the tale" Teremok A) Expressive reading of the tale by roles

I am a little mouse. -I, frog-frog, and who are you? -And I'm a runaway bunny. -Come to live with us! Hare gallop into the teremok. The three of them began to live. -I am a mouse. -I, frog-frog, and who are you? -And I'm a runaway bunny. -Come to live with us! Hare gallop into the teremok. The three of them began to live.

I am a little mouse. -I, frog-frog. -I, runaway bunny, and who are you? -And I'm a little fox sister. -Come to live with us! The chanterelle climbed into the teremok. The four of them began to live. -I am a mouse. -I, frog-frog. -I, runaway bunny, and who are you? -And I'm a little fox sister. -Come to live with us! The chanterelle climbed into the teremok. The four of them began to live.

I am a little mouse. -I, frog-frog. -I, runaway bunny. -I, little fox-sister, and who are you? -And I'm a top-gray barrel. -Come to live with us! The wolf climbed into the teremok. The five of them began to live. Here they all live in a mansion, sing songs. -I am a mouse. -I, frog-frog. -I, runaway bunny. -I, little fox-sister, and who are you? -And I'm a top-gray barrel. - Come live with us! The wolf climbed into the teremok. The five of them began to live. Here they all live in a mansion, sing songs.

Suddenly a clumsy bear walks past. I saw the little house, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of my lungs: -Someone who lives in the little house, someone who lives in a low one? -I am a mouse. -I, frog-frog. -I, runaway bunny. -I, the fox-sister. -I'm a top-gray flank. And who are you? -And I'm a clubfoot bear. -Come to live with us! Suddenly a clumsy bear walks past. I saw the little house, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of my lungs: -Who- who lives in the house, who- who lives in a low one? -I am a mouse. -I, frog-frog. -I, runaway bunny. -I, little fox-sister. -I'm a top-gray flank. And who are you? -And I'm a clubfoot bear. -Come to live with us!

The bear climbed into the teremok. Climb-climb, climb-climb - could not get in and said: - I'd rather live on your roof. -Yes, you will crush us! -No, I won't crush. -Well, get in there! The bear climbed onto the roof and just sat down when the little house crackled, fell on its side and collapsed. The bear climbed into the teremok. Climb-climb, climb-climb - could not get in and said: - I'd rather live on your roof. -Yes, you will crush us! -No, I won't crush. -Well, get in there! The bear climbed onto the roof and just sat down when the little house crackled, fell on its side and collapsed.

Tatiana Nedobitko
Summary of the lesson "Telling the fairy tale" Teremok "


classes on the topic

« Telling a fairy tale« Teremok» , arr. E. Charushina

OO "Development of speech"

in the second younger group

Performed: educator

Nedobitko Tatiana Yurievna


Target: to develop the speech and creative activity of children by means of theatrical activities.


1. Learn to stage short passages from fairy tales.

2. Exercise children in the ability retell the most expressive passages from fairy tales.

3. Form friendly relationships, cultivate the ability to empathize with heroes fairy tales.

4. Enrich your vocabulary.


Verbal: reading and storytelling, questions.

Practical: play-dramatization.

Visual: storytelling based on pictures.

Preliminary work:

Reading and viewing illustrations for a fairy tale« Teremok» , drawing and modeling fairy tale heroes, games in pairs and joint games, repetition of selected excerpts from fairy tales« Teremok»


Dolls from fairy tales« Teremok» , house, table, screen, decorations, software presentation fairy tale« Teremok» .

Dictionary activation:

Play, screen, curtain, applause, finger theater.

Differentiated approach:

Attract to retelling selected excerpts by Arseny, Nastya, Sasha, Katya

Lesson course Children's activities

V: Guys, today you and I came to our little puppet theater, where the puppets live. There are many dolls here, and they are all different. All dolls are kind and love to play with children.

V: Today we will get acquainted with the dolls of the table theater.


Why are they called that?

V: Right. Well done.

Before our theater begins, the bell should ring 3 times.

The bell rings.

Do you know why he calls three times?

V: We will quietly approach

We will find our chairs.

The bell rings.

Q. Look what a beautiful screen in front of you. And behind the screen are little heroes who now tell us a story.

The bell rings.

Q. The last bell rang. Sit comfortably, our the tale begins... And, so that the screen would open and the tale has begun, you need to loudly clap your hands - this is called applause.

B. The screen opens,

The tale begins ....

Standing in the field teremok, teremok,

It is not low, not high, not high.

Suddenly across the field

With a long ponytail baby

Loves cheese and grains ...

Slide show.

V: That's right, little mouse.

Saw teremok, stopped and asks:

Q. Nobody responds. The mouse entered teremok and began to live in it.

Galloped to tower,

Below is a white belly,

And my name is ...

Slide show

V: Well done, frog-frog

Saw teremok, stopped and asks:

The frog jumped into teremok... How many are there?

V: Right, because it's more fun together, right?

Runs by

Running champion on white snow ...

Slide show.

V: Yes, it's a runaway bunny.

Had seen teremok, stopped and asked.

How many of them became in tereme?

V: Yes, the three of us are even more fun, right?

And who walks so quietly, covers up his tracks with his tail

Long tail, beauty itself

This is a redhead ...

Slide show.

Educator: That's right, little fox-sister.

She knocked on the window and asked.

The chanterelle climbed into teremok... They began to live ...

Ran to tower,

If the abdomen is empty for a long time,

At the moon he howls sadly.

Slide show.

V: Right guys, a top-gray barrel, looked through the door and asked.

They began to live.

Educator: Here they live in teremke, the songs are sung.

Suddenly he walks by

Clubfoot and big

He sleeps in a den in winter

Loves cones, loves honey ...

Slide show.

V: Of course, the bear is clubfoot.

Saw a bear teremok, heard the songs, stopped and roared at all be able:

Became them in how many?

V: That's right, and the six of them began to live, live, and make good money. Here and fairy tale the end - and who was listening well!

The curtain closes, the children applaud.

Educator: Well, guys, I liked it fairy tale?

Do you want to play with our dolls?

Physical education: "The bear got out of the den"

The bear got out of the den,

Looked around at the threshold.

He stretched from sleep:

Spring has come to us again.

To quickly gain strength,

The bear's head twisted.

Leaned back and forth

Here he is walking through the woods.

Looking for a bear roots

And rotten stumps.

They contain edible larvae -

Vitamins for the bear.

Finally the bear is full

And he sat down on a log.

V: Well done boys,

Please tell me which theater we met today?

V: Why is it called that?

V: Where are all the heroes fairy tales?

V: What should be done to open the curtain?

Educator: And when do you need to applaud and why?

Q. And we also prepared treats for our artists.

V: What did you like most about fairy tale?

V: What did this teach us fairy tale?

V: That's right, guys, you have to be friendly, live amicably and you must always help and help out your friend.

Our theatrical activity is coming to an end. You can go to the screen and consider the heroes... Children and a teacher are included in the group.

Children are considering dolls standing near the screen.

Children: Because all the dolls are on the table

Children: So that all viewers have time to come and take their places.

Children take seats in the group.

Children clap their hands.

Children: mouse

A child who plays with a toy mice:

Pee-pee, terem - teremok! Who in tereme lives?

Children: frog.

Frog: Kva-kva, terem - teremok! Who in tereme lives?

Mouse: I am a mouse! And who are you?

Frog: and I'm a frog-frog!

Mouse: come live with me!

Children: Two.

Children: bunny.

Bunny: terem - teremok! Who in tereme lives?

Mouse: I am a mouse.

Frog: and I'm a frog frog. And who are you?

Bunny: And I'm a runaway bunny.

Mouse: come live with us!

Hare skok in teremok!

Children: Three

Children: Yes!

Children: Fox.

Chanterelle: Terem - teremok! Who in tereme lives?

Mouse: I'm a mouse.

Frog: I'm a frog frog.

Bunny: I'm a runaway bunny. And who are you?

Fox: And I'm a little fox sister.

Bunny: Come live with us!

Children: four of us.

Children: Wolf.

Wolf: Woooooo ... terem - teremok! Who in tereme lives?

Mouse: I'm a mouse.

Frog: I'm a frog frog.

Bunny: I'm a runaway bunny.

Fox: I'm a little fox sister. And who are you?

Wolf: And I'm a top-gray flank. Let me in to see you too.

Fox: Aren't you going to offend us?

Wolf: She, I will not, I give my word.

Fox: Well, okay, if so, then come and live with us!

The wolf climbed into teremok.

Children: five of us.

Children: bear.

Bear: Rrrrr ... Terem - teremok! Who in tereme lives?

Mouse: I'm a mouse.

Frog: I'm a frog frog.

Bunny: I'm a runaway bunny.

Fox: I'm a little fox sister.

Wolf: And I'm a top-gray flank. And who are you?

Fox: And I'm a bear-father. Gu-gu-gu, how many of you are here, let me in too!

Fox: You’ll crush us.

Bear: And I'm so sad to live alone.

Wolf: Well, what should we do, what should we do with Misha, can we let him in at least from the edge?

So be it, come to us bear.

Bear: Thank you friends for giving me shelter. I'll live here on the edge and I'll guard you.

Children: six.

Children: Yes!

(Turns left and right.)

(Stretching - arms up.)

(Head rotation.)

(Tilts back and forth.)

(Slopes : touch the left foot with the right hand, then vice versa.)

(The children sit down.)

Children: Today we got acquainted with the tabletop puppet theater.

Children: Because the main characters in the play are dolls.

Children: Heroes fairy tales are on stage behind the screen.

Children: To open the curtain, you need to clap your hands - applaud.

Children: We need to applaud at the end of the performance to thank our artists.

Children- Artists come out of the curtain with dolls in their arms. Bow down. They put the dolls in the suitcase.

Handing out treats (candies).

All sit on the chairs.

Children: Children's Answers

Children's answers.

Planned educational outcomes:

Personal: ideas about good and evil, general moral categories and the moral content of their own actions.

Metasubject (criteria for the formation / assessment of the components of universal educational actions - UUD):

Cognitive: the ability to relate the illustration to the content of the text.

Regulatory: the ability to distinguish between the method and the result of an action; plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.

Communicative: the ability to use speech to compare works of fiction (author's or folk tales) and identify the author's point of view.

Belyaeva Irina Vladimirovna, 13.03.2017

3843 269

Development content

MKOU SOSH s. Kremovo

Inspiration for the lesson

The bell has already rung -

The lesson begins.

Now everybody turn around

And smile at each other.

Smile at me friends

And sit down in your seats.

Homework check

Competition of projects "City of Letters".

Lesson goal setting

Arrange the books in order and read the word

fairy tale

Speech warm-up

Lena was looking for a pin

And the pin fell under the bench.

It was too lazy to climb under the bench,

I've been looking for a pin all day.

Working with a book

Read the proverb

Why do they say

A fairy tale is the wisdom of the people,

his dreams and desires

- What letters are covered with cards?

Guess the fairy tale

The mouse has found a home for itself,

The mouse was kind:

In the end of the house

There were many tenants.

E. I. Charushin

“Have you looked at the pictures?

Have you read this book?

Did you learn how animals and birds teach their children to get food, to save themselves? And you are the man-master of all nature, you need to know everything. "

Animal storyteller

(animal painter.)


Dictionary work.


in te-re-piss


no answer


Reading a fairy tale

with. 33 - 36



little sister

Who do they belong to?

Chuk! Chuk!

Tyaf! Tyaf!

Peak! Peak!

Kwa! Kwa!

Guess the riddles

the names of the heroes of the fairy tale by E. Charushin "Teremok".

Small, but not sweet to anyone.

Master of the forest

Wakes up in the spring

And in winter, under the blizzard howl

He sleeps in a snow hut.

He looks like a shepherd dog.

White in winter, gray in summer

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his jaws bared,

The sheep is ready to attack.

The little animal is jumping

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Will fall into the trap

Both a mosquito and a fly.

Redhead, with a fluffy tail,

Lives in the forest under a bush.

What's the proverb?

  • In crowded but not mad.
  • In crowded but not mad.
  • The magpie knows where to spend the winter.
  • Harmony is stronger than stone walls.

The game "Whose nickname is this?"

gossip, sister;

priyuk, snatch, "snap teeth";

fat-footed, club-footed, “let's roar”;



runaway, oblique, gray, long-eared, boast;

gray forehead, goofy bob, purr;


Ryaba, tartarushka, pestle.

Where are the animals called that?

speech is measured, simple, firm, without fuss;

Lesson summary. Reflection.

What does this tale teach us?

What fairy tale have we met today?


with. 32 - 36

  • Drawing
  • Reading by Role





Methodical development

lesson literary reading

for class 1 on the topic

E. Charushin "Teremok"

Teacher of the highest

Vilkova N.N.

2015 year

Theme: E. Charushin "Teremok"

Target: to acquaint with the work of E. Charushin "Teremok"



learn to work with text, continue to work on reading skills: correctness, speed,

activate "thoughtful reading",


develop oral speech, imaginative thinking,


educate morality through the analysis of the content of the work.

Equipment: a textbook, a portrait of Charushin, cards with "scattered" words, envelopes with parts of proverbs and colored figures for the house.

Planned results:

Subject :

students will learn to predict the content of a section; read expressively fluently, in whole words, correctly highlighting stressed syllables; determine the sequence of events in a fairy tale; answer questions about the content of the work; distinguish between folk and literary tales.


Regulatory: select means of achieving performance

Cognitive: control the result of activities

Communicative: agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities.

Personal: the development of motivation for educational activities, the expansion of ideas about general moral categories.

During the classes:

    Organizing time. Greetings.

Terribly interesting

All that is unknown.

And what is unknown

We want to know.

But in order to get us knowledge,

We will show diligence

Then a lot is with you

We'll be able to understand.

2 preparatory exercises

1. Speech workout

Tongue Twisters

    Breathing exercises

Now imagine a beautiful cake with burning candles. Let's extinguish all the candles at once - fu, and then each candle, interrupting the breath - fu, fu, fu, fu, fu.

3. Actualization of knowledge. Goal setting.

Of course, we all love fairy tales. For the first time we hear them when adults tell us or read them, and then we read them with pleasure ourselves, getting acquainted with folk wisdom.

What are your favorite fairy tales?

Try to guess what we will talk about in the lesson. To do this, read the confusing phrase:

Fairy tale

Yes. We will talk about a fairy tale.

Guess what it's called?

The mouse has found a home for itself,
The mouse was kind:
In the end of the house
There were many tenants.

The plot that formed the basis of the fairy tale became interesting to many writers. It was retold by A. N. Tolstoy and Marshak. And today we will read the tale of Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin. This talented man was not only a writer, but also an artist of children's books.

4.Work on the topic of the lesson.
a) Conversation about the main characters.
- Remember the heroes of the fairy tale. To do this, let's read the "crumbled" words:







What are the features of their names? Remember the second parts of the words.

Read first syllables, then whole words:
little mouse
bouncing frog
runaway bunny
little fox sister
spinning top - gray barrel
clubfoot bear
- What features of the heroes do their names indicate?
- In what order did the heroes appear in the tale?
- Consider the illustrations for the Russian folk tale "Teremok". Arrange them in the order of the events in the tale.

b) Vocabulary work

Read the words on the chalkboard, first syllables and then whole words.
was-ta-no-vis-las- stopped
in te-re-piss- in the house
not-you-co-com- low
no answer- does not answer
dissolve- chant
u-ver-tysh- dodger
took it- climbed
-Explain the meaning of the word "dodge" (who knows how to dodge danger)

c) Reading a fairy tale by pre-prepared students.

- When reading, highlight words and sentences with intonation. Pay attention to the punctuation marks. Try to convey with your voice the features of the behavior and character of the characters in the fairy tale.

d) Analysis of the work.

- Did you like the fairy tale?
- What did you like more?
- What heroes of the tale did you like?
- How is E. Charushin's fairy tale "Teremok" similar to a Russian folk tale?
- Guys, there are so many heroes and they are all very different. How could they get along in such a small house?

How did the fox live with the hare? And the wolf could be next to the fox, and even sing songs?


Probably, they were inferior to each other, helped, etc.

And what could happen if they quarreled.

What does this tale teach?

The teacher demonstrates the diagram.

e) Working in groups

Try to come up with the continuation and ending of the tale orally.

How do fairy tales usually end? (good triumphs over evil)

5. Securing new material.

a) Expressive reading of a fairy tale by roles.

b) Guessing riddles.

White in winter, gray in summer.


The little animal is jumping

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Will fall into the trap

Both a mosquito and a fly.


Small, but not sweet to anyone.


Redhead with a fluffy tail,

Lives in the forest under a bush.


He looks like a shepherd dog.

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his jaws bared,

The sheep is ready to attack.


Master of the forest

Wakes up in the spring

And in winter, under the blizzard howl

He sleeps in a snow hut.


c) Work on proverbs.

Read the proverbs on the chalkboard.

> In the dark, but not offended.

> Magpie knows where to spend the winter.

> Harmony is stronger than stone walls.

Explain the meaning of these proverbs.

Which of them suits our tale the most?

G ) The game "Whose nickname is this?"

> gossip, sister (fox);

> priyuk, snatch, "click with his teeth" (wolf);

> fat-headed, club-footed, “let's roar” (bear);

> norushka (mouse);

> frog (frog);

> runaway, oblique, gray, long-eared, braggart (hare);

> gray forehead, stupid bob, purr (cat);

> Dereza (goat);

Find out the heroes of fairy tales about animals by their voices:

> speech is measured, simple, firm, straightforward (cat);

6. Summarizing.

What can you learn from heroes?


    Mutual assistance

    Ability to yield

    Desire to help

The fairy tale taught us a good lesson, living among people, we must be tolerant of them, learn to yield, negotiate with each other, get along in harmony.

7. Reflection.

Take the colored figurines from the envelopes. Let's build a friendly, hospitable Teremok from these bricks.

Brown - I worked with pleasure, at full strength

Green - worked, but I can do better

Yellow - did not want to work

The song "Strong friendship" is played

8 homework

* draw an illustration for a fairy tale;

* retell the tale.