Creation of a musical subject-developing environment in a kindergarten group consultation for educators. Equipping music corners in groups

Creation of a musical subject-developing environment in a kindergarten group consultation for educators.  Equipping music corners in groups
Creation of a musical subject-developing environment in a kindergarten group consultation for educators. Equipping music corners in groups

Musical subject-developing environment in preschool educational institution.

Boldankova Irina Gennadievna musical director
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten number 9 "Golden Key"

Target: to increase the level of competence of teachers in creating a musical subject-developing environment in groups (mini-centers, contributing to the harmonious musical development and self-development of children, followed by its formation and bringing compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.
1. Introduce into practice new approaches to the organization of musical subject-developing preschool environment ensuring the full-fledged musical development of preschoolers within the framework educational program Preschool education taking into account the requirements of the federal state educational standard for preschool education;
2. Organize a developmental musical environment that contributes to the emotional well-being of children, taking into account their needs and interests;
3. To create conditions for the provision of different types of musical activity of preschoolers (play, motor, intellectual, cognitive, independent, creative, artistic, theatrical), taking into account the gender characteristics of pupils;
4. To promote cooperation between children and adults to create a comfortable developing musical subject-spatial environment.

Everyone knows and has been proven by scientists that music enriches spiritual world child, has an impact on the development of his creativity... Development musical ability depends on the psychological - pedagogical conditions and, of course, from a well-organized subject-spatial environment.
Musical subject environment in groups should be focused on the material covered by the lessons and the individual capabilities of the children. Not a single type of musical activity can fully develop on a pure verbal level, outside the subject-spatial environment.
The content of the musical developmental environment should be guided by the leading type of activity of preschoolers, systematically become more complex by age, and be problematic in nature. All this allows children, acting with familiar and unfamiliar objects, to reflect, think, compare, simulate and solve problem situations, and create.

Musical subject-developing environment in preschool groups organized in three main blocks:
music perception
music playback
musical and creative activity.

Each block, in turn, provides for an orientation towards the integrity of a certain type of children's musical activity.
Decoration of musical mini-centers in junior groups preschool age has a plot basis, in the older - didactic.
The structure of mini-music centers is designed in the form of modules that have integrity and at the same time - transforming details that arouse keen interest in children. The musical object environment is commensurate with the eye, the actions of the hand, and the growth of the child. The benefits of the developmental environment are sound, aesthetic, attractive, easy to use, make you want to act with them.

Junior group
- Albums with pictures for songs learned on music lessons(or wonderful cubes)
- Flannelegraph, figurines for flannelegraph (large and small animals, birds, musical instruments, transport)
- Music library with recording of children's songs (tape recordings of songs learned and taught with children performed by the musical director, children, educator, sounds of nature)
- CD player
- Attributes to musically - didactic exercises on the development of pitch, dynamic and rhythmic hearing in children. For example, for the development of pitch hearing - "Bird and chicks"; timbre hearing - "Guests have come to us", rhythmic hearing - "Who is walking", dynamic hearing "Bells".
- Non-sounding instruments: balalaika, mute keyboard with stand, accordion.
-Sounding: accordion, drum, tambourine, spoons, rattles, rhythmic cubes, bells, singing tops.
-Land of 3 steps, hand signs.
-Any toys (2 ducks, 2 nesting dolls - large and small), handkerchiefs, masks, ribbons, sultans, elements of dressing.
- Noise instruments - jars, mittens with buttons, bottles with different fillers: peas, acorns, pebbles.
- Tree and 2 birds (above and below)

Average gru ppa
-Album with pictures for songs learned in music lessons in previous groups(several albums are possible: by the seasons, about animals)
- Children's drawings made at home for their favorite songs;
-Flanelegraph with figures of animals, birds, images of musical instruments, transport;
-Figures for tunes, jokes, to spread rhythmic patterns with their help on the flannelgraph. For example: big and small cockerels for the song "Petushok", suns for the r.n.p. "Sun", balls, flags, Christmas trees, airplanes, etc. (6 small and 4 large)
- A library of songs learned by children in this age group, in the previous groups, being learned at the present time (in the gramophone performed by teachers, children).
- CD player
-Music and didactic games for the development of emotional responsiveness, musical memory, musical thinking and games that help solve the problems of the previous age group... For example, on the development of pitch hearing - "Swing", on the development of rhythmic hearing - "Who's walking" (complication due to the introduction of different types of games); on the development of dynamic hearing - "Bells"; for the development of musical memory - "Sing a song from a picture."
-Mute turntable with records, balalaikas, violins, pipes, accordions, mute keyboard with stand.
-Toys-instruments: rattles, spoons, drum, tambourine, metallophone, rhythmic cubes, bells, maracas, whistles.
-Cards with tools, handkerchiefs, masks, elements of dressing.
-Land of 4 steps (2 toys large and small)
-Five removable elastic bands, stave.
-Hand signs (4 tbsp.)

Senior group pa.
-Flannelegraph, chips (stripes long and short, circles large and small, flowers, Christmas trees -6 small and 4 large), pictures for flannelegraph to create a plot of a song, dance (modeling)
- Albums with drawings for songs ("Musical ABC book")
-Albums with drawings for songs that children fell in love with (possibly author's, with drawings of one child)
-Attributes to muses. fairy tales (pictures for flannelograph), for dramatization ("Turnip", "Teremok")
-Pictures for the development of poetic and songwriting(for example, to the poems by A. Barto) "The Bee Buzzing", "The Steamer Buzzing", "The Doll Dances", "The Doll is Sleeping", "The Horse Rides", "Teddy Bear", "Airplane" "Magic Pictures"
-Toy microphone.
-Phone library with recording of songs: sounds of nature, muses. fairy tales.
- CD player
-Music and didactic games: for the development of pitch hearing "Three bears" or "Funny nesting dolls", for the development of dynamic hearing "Bells", for the development of the ability to distinguish the duration of sounds (long, short sounds, dotted rhythm) "Rooster, chicken, chicken" ; to distinguish between genres of musical works: song, dance, march "Three whales"
-Non-voiced instruments: balalaika, mute keyboard with stand, accordion -3 pcs. different sizes).
In the picture: pipe, violin, saxophone, button accordion, accordion, accordion, flute, whistles, trio.
-Instruments: rattles, spoons, drum, tambourine, metallophone, bells, maracas, rumba, triangle, rattles, xylophone, music. hammers, various noise home-made tools: keys, bottles, felt-tip pens, mittens with buttons on a hanger. Jars of kinder with different fillers, somewhat the same (Hoop No. 3 2006, "Musical hands. No. 3 2007)
- Plastic cubes (on the verge of sticking pictures by songs)
-Lesenka -5 steps (toy B. and M.)
- Handkerchiefs, masks, ribbons, elements of dressing.
- Music staff, sheet music.
-Hand signs (5st.)
-Portrait of composers D. Kabalevsky ("Bunny teases a bear cub"), P. Tchaikovsky ("Disease of a doll"), R. Schumann ("Soldier's march")

Preparatory work ppa
-Flannelegschraf, sheet music.
-A manual for teaching children the ability to determine the form of a work.
-Pictures for creating plots for familiar songs: to encourage poetry and songwriting.
--Ribs with names of notes in words
-Drawings with texts of nursery rhymes, for which you can come up with a song.
-Pictures with musical genres(song, dance, march) to encourage songwriting.
-Illustrations for muses. fairy tales
-Attributes to fairy tales and songs for staging them.
-Fon library (cassettes with recordings of songs performed by adults, children, individual cassettes for self-recording of your musical poetry)
- CD player
-Albums with drawings for songs learned with children in the current year, and in groups of previous ages.
-Albums with drawings of children to favorite songs.
-Plot pictures, encouraging songwriting.
- Musical and didactic games (the same as in senior group, but with complicated tasks)
-Non-voiced turntable with records, balalaikas, violins, pipes, saxophones, accordions.
-Instruments: rattles, spoons, drum, tambourine, metallophone, rhythm. cubes, bells, maracas, castanets, rattles, xylophone, button accordion, accordion, noise on a hanger (see in the older group)
-Land 7 steps, hand signs
- Sheet music (large), staff, stripes (6 small and 4 large)
- Handkerchiefs, masks, ribbons, kokoshniks.
-Portraits of composers.

The influence of music on the development of a child's personality in the period of its formation is noted by modern teachers and psychologists. Singing, dancing, playing music on instruments activate the child's thinking abilities, lay the foundations artistic culture and create a sense of beauty. For successful musical development in the subject-spatial environment of the group, the teacher draws up music corner for joint and independent activity children.

Creation and operation of a music corner in kindergarten: role, meaning, goals and objectives

Musical education is included in educational area"Artistic and aesthetic" and is aimed at developing the emotional qualities of children. As an art form, music includes instrumental performance, singing and dance. Thus, music lessons contribute to the diversified development of children: they improve their auditory perception and skill. oral speech, mastering a sense of tact and rhythm will come in handy in mathematical exercises in the future, replenished vocabulary.

Kids 1.5-3 years old learn to extract sound from simple instruments, get acquainted with the concepts of "melody", "rhythm"

Basic forms music education in kindergarten - standard and integrated lessons in the music room. The music director is responsible for decorating the hall and conducting classes. The teacher accompanies the group and performs an organizational function: he does rhythmic exercises with the pupils, if necessary, demonstrates any actions, joins the choral singing, distributes roles in musical games and dramatizations.

The teacher is present at the children's music lessons and performs organizational functions

The role of the educator in the musical education of children is to repeat the material studied with them, to improve the existing skills and abilities. Musical and rhythmic games, listening to audio recordings and performing songs are included in the lessons of GCD (direct educational activities), on walks, during leisure time in the afternoon. The subject-spatial environment of the group contains the necessary material base - a musical corner is being formed.

In the music corner, children consolidate the knowledge gained in the classroom with music director

At the center for musical development, the teacher conducts classes in a group form: the children, together with the teacher, remember dance moves, learn songs, continue to get acquainted with creativity famous composers... The atmosphere and content of the corner encourage pupils to self-study musical instruments, the manifestation of creativity in dancing, singing, composing melodies.

Children love to play and create in the music corner

The purpose of creating a musical corner in kindergarten is to develop the creative abilities of children, the formation of the ability to emotionally respond to song and musical images, fostering a culture of listening. Children listen to instrumental or vocal performances of melodies, try to convey with words or movements the feelings they experience. There are many psychological research on the importance of music in early development children. Those who from the first years of life actively listened musical works and revealed his talents in this area, it is observed high level intelligence, including mathematical abilities.

Psychologists and teachers note the influence of active musical activity in early childhood on the development of thinking skills

Educational and developmental tasks for the functioning of the corner are determined by the calendar-thematic planning of music lessons: in the corner, children repeat new information, consolidate and develop skills. The teacher coordinates the work of the corner with the music director: which works to include for listening, which requires mandatory repetition. Allowed to give to children Additional information in the music corner ("African rhythms", "What is a ukulele"), but not to conduct classes ahead of classes in the music hall.

Table: tasks of organizing and operating a music corner

Age group Tasks
Educational Developing Educational
Younger preschoolers (1.5-4 years old) Repetition of what was learned in music lessons:
  • Elementary ideas about melody, rhythm, tempo.
  • Names and sounds of musical instruments.
  • Development of auditory perception.
  • The development of an emotional response to musical images.
  • Development of coordination of movements.
  • Formation of the ability to play musical instruments.
  • Development of voice data.
  • Fostering Mindfulness in Listening and Performing.
  • Formation of responsibility in the performance of tasks.
  • Creation of sustainable motivation for collective activity.
  • Forming a sense of beauty, encouraging the desire to create beautiful images in everyday activities.
Middle group (4-5 years old) Work on the topics of music lessons:
  • Consolidation of the idea of ​​music as a form of art: means of musical depiction, genres.
  • Acquaintance with composers.
  • Acquaintance with groups of musical instruments (drums, winds, strings).
  • Teaching expressive and choral singing.
  • Development of skills to play music, dance, sing.
  • Development of the ability to improvise in various types of musical activities.
  • Encouragement to compose (melody, melody, dance composition).
Senior group (5-6 years old)
  • Inclusion in active vocabulary musical terms: legato, staccato, forte, piano, major, minor, etc.
  • Acquaintance with classical and modern composers, authors of children's songs.
  • Development of a sense of rhythm.
  • Formation of the ability to convey your mood in creative performance.
  • Development of solo performance skills.
Preparatory group (6-7 years old)
  • Expanding knowledge of musical culture countries and peoples of the world.
  • Acquaintance with the species musical theaters: opera, operetta, ballet, musicals.
  • Development of solo and collective performance of songs and dances.
  • Perfection different types hearing (rhythmic, pitch, etc.).

In the music corner, children become active participants in instrumental activities

Designing a music corner in kindergarten

The musical corner in the group's premises is designed taking into account age and individual characteristics children. The material base is replenished with every year of study in kindergarten. So, for younger preschoolers, musical toys are selected, and older children learn to play real instruments.

For the smallest, the instrumental base of the musical corner consists of toys: whistles, tumblers, hammers, rattles

Some of the items for classes in the music corner are made with our own hands. It is recommended to involve children and their parents in productive creativity: the motivation for playing music with those instruments that the pupils made on their own (maracas, drums, rattles, etc.) is strengthened. For example, containers from under the "Kinder Surprise" are filled with cereals, attached to sticks - rattles are obtained. Maracas are made according to the same scheme, only plastic containers of a larger volume (from under drinking yogurt) are needed. The likeness of a tambourine is made from bottle caps strung on a thick wire. A drum can be easily made from a wide plastic jar (mayonnaise), and tom-toms are made from a tall tube of Pringles chips.

Junk material and active imagination are what you need to make unusual musical instruments

In the music corner for all ages, there are fake musical instruments: painted on cardboard, made from papier-mâché. Sound cannot be extracted from them, but they transmit appearance complex instruments(piano, accordion, harp, for example) and can be used in play activities.

Dummy instruments perform an educational task (form ideas about real instruments) and serve as attributes for games

Furniture for the music corner is made of wood or plastic; you can use soft modules as seating. Didactic materials and tools are stored on shelves and in drawers, some of the tools can be placed on the wall.

Some of the tools can be nicely positioned on the corner wall

A musical corner for children 1.5-4 years old is designed for storyline, for pupils 5–7 years old - at the didactic school. Let's give an example. In the younger group, there is a corner "Theater of Papa Carlo": on the shelves of the rack there are musical toys and instruments from waste material, next to it there is a table with a screen, dolls-characters of the fairy tale "Buratino, or the Golden Key" are waiting for the children. In the senior group, a developing corner was organized " Music carousel»: A shelf with didactic and board-printed games is highlighted, the information stand is regularly updated with lyrics of songs, portraits of composers, photographs of various types musical art(opera, ballet, folk genres).

For younger preschoolers, the design of the musical corner is based on a storyline, in this case, on fabulous motives.

Requirements for the design of the music corner

  1. Optimally convenient location. The musical corner is organized in the zone of creative activity: next to the centers of performance and theatrical activities. Independent dramatization games, for example, often take place with children using materials at the same time from each of the named corners: in the dressing corner, children choose costumes and assign roles, in the theatrical corner they play a scene to the accompaniment of instruments from the musical corner.
  2. Correspondence of equipment and materials to the age of the pupils. The instruments that they learned to play during music lessons are freely available for children. Visual aids for younger pupils - singing toys, simple tools(organ, pipes, whistles, rattles), thematic albums with pictures; for seniors - more complicated instruments (balalaikas, xylophone), illustrated encyclopedias, mini-exhibitions.
  3. Aesthetics. The musical corner is outwardly attractive for pupils. They can participate in the decoration: draw posters with the teacher, decorate the stand and wall newspapers, create drawings and crafts on the theme of music.
  4. Security. For all areas of the subject-developing environment, furniture is selected from environmentally friendly materials. The display of tools is organized on a table (hanging shelves are not recommended). Children's balalaikas, guitars, harp should be with plastic strings (burst metal string dangerous). The speaker system or tape recorder for playing audio recordings, as well as power sources (electrical outlet, tee) are out of the reach of children.
  5. The presence of an audio player (tape recorder, acoustic system) and a collection of audio recordings: collections of children's songs, folk and classical music, musical audiokazki.

Video: music corner in the nursery group Video can’t be loaded: Music corner in kindergarten Nursery group(

Video: music corner in the younger group Video can’t be loaded: Kindergarten Music Corner Younger Group (

Video: music corner in the older group Video can’t be loaded: Kindergarten Music Corner Senior Group (

Video: music corner in a group of different ages Video can’t be loaded: Music corner in kindergarten in age group(

Music corner passport

The passport of the subject-development zone is an information document that gives a characteristic of the center of activity, a description of the material base and a list of games and exercises for children. The passport of the music corner is drawn up by the teacher of the group, coordinated with the music director and the administration of the kindergarten. This document is stored in the teacher's folder and is provided for familiarization to colleagues, young professionals, parents of pupils.

Music Corner Passport Template:

  • The name of the corner for which age category children is intended.
  • Corner tasks (briefly).
  • Furniture items, quantity.
  • Electrical appliances, if any (speaker system / turntable / tape recorder, TV, projector).
  • List of visual didactic aids (posters, illustrations, thematic albums with pictures, encyclopedias).
  • List of musical instruments, quantity.
  • Didactic and board games.
  • Sets for games-dramatizations and role-playing games.
  • Card file of musical rhythmic exercises and games.

Fragment of the passport of the musical corner of the first and second junior groups (list of material resources)

  • tumbler dolls;
  • figurative musical "singing" or "dancing" toys (cockerel, cat, bunny, etc.);
  • toys-instruments with a fixed sound - organs, barrel organs;
  • toy-instruments with a sound of an indefinite pitch: rattles, bells, tambourine, drum;
  • a set of non-sounded figurative instruments (accordions, pipes, balalaikas, etc.);
  • attributes to musical outdoor games: flags, sultans, handkerchiefs, bright ribbons with rings, rattles, autumn leaves, snowflakes, etc. for children's dance creativity (according to the seasons);
  • table screen with glove toys;
  • tape recorder and a set of program audio recordings;
  • singing and moving toys;
  • musical pictures to songs.

How to name a music corner

There are many options for the names of centers of creative activity. The very atmosphere of art and the aesthetics of the design of the corner activates imagination, therefore it is recommended to choose a name together with the pupils. You can give the task to come up with a name for the music corner and an emblem with the parents. Unusual names cause increased interest in the study of materials of the development center, traditional naming shows that the corner is a platform educational process, not entertainment.

Music corner design tools

One of the main requirements for the design of the music zone in the group's premises is aesthetics. Children are cozy and comfortable in the corner. Bright colors in the design create a good mood. Samples of children's productive creativity can decorate the corner: drawings, crafts, models. Parents are involved in the design of the development area: they draw posters and wall newspapers together with the children.

Plates: photo gallery

Funny characters on the sign set you up for a positive attitude to activities in the corner The content of the tablet reflects the direction of activity in the corner Characters of your favorite cartoons attract children

Development centers are designated accordingly. Each corner should have a nameplate or emblem. It is recommended to place pictures and symbols on the plate indicating the direction of educational activities in the corner. The presence of the characters loved by the children on the plate gives them joy. The emblems and signs are consistent in the same style in the group's premises as a whole or in creative corners.

Stand: design options in the photo

The music stand contains the lyrics of songs, the rules of rhythmic games The stand contains photos from past musical leisure and holidays Sketch of the stand of the music corner Important information is placed on the music staff Bright design attracts children to study the materials fixed at the stand The stand of the music corner contains information for parents: topics of classes, lyrics

The stand of the music corner contains text and graphic materials. It is convenient to place drawings, printouts, diagrams in plastic cell pockets, the use of pushpins in kindergarten is undesirable. When creating a stand with your own hands (a sheet of Whatman paper or cardboard), use musical symbols and bright colors for decoration. What is on the stand:

  • lyrics for memorization;
  • schemes of articulation and rhythmic exercises;
  • themes of future leisure activities, master classes;
  • drawings of pupils on the theme of music;
  • photos from musical events in kindergarten.

Decorative photo stickers

Bright stickers will decorate a plain wall. Cats are the favorite animals of children. Pictures on the wall are inexpensive and look impressive. Stickers in the music corner contain special symbols. Stickers on the wall can be used as a background for games (“In the Big concert", "Musical Theatre")

In modern kindergartens, hall walls concert hall, group rooms are decorated with drawings and graffiti. To decorate the corner, we advise you to use a much simpler and more economical option - decorative stickers. They are sold in creative stores (Hobby Hypermarket Leonardo), widely represented at Aliexpress, Pandao, Taobao. The advantages of these stickers are in the original design and ease of use. Decorative stickers are mobile: they can be easily removed and do not leave marks on the surface, do not lose their adhesiveness, the composition components can be interchanged. Decorative stickers for the music corner are selected with the image of notes, a violin and bass keys, musical instruments. Such images are used as a developing visual material, as a background for the games "Orchestra", "Concert", "Musical Theater".

Illustrative materials: photo gallery

Posters and pictures are used to repeat what was learned in music lessons Portraits of composers decorate the music corner as they learn new names in the world in music lessons Drawn musical instruments and a stave are the visual material of the corner.

The following illustrative materials are used to design the music corner:

  • posters: " Wind instruments"," Percussion Instruments "," Strings and keyboard instruments"," Folk Instruments "," Symphony Orchestra"," Dances of the peoples of the world ";
  • portraits of composers: Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Mussorgsky, Glinka, Beethoven, Bach, Grieg;
  • painted musical instruments: balalaikas, guitars, accordion, violins;
  • Hand-drawn posters: pictures on the theme of music, songs and dances, with inscriptions, poetic lines.

Dolls: options in the photo

With the help of the doll, it is shown how you can play the piano. Dolls are invited to get acquainted with musical instruments. Dolls in suits are waiting for the beginning of a musical fairy tale.

In the design of the musical corner, dolls are used as an aesthetic element: they can be part of the composition. Children can use them for performances. But, if you make them animated characters of the corner, it diversifies activities with children of younger and middle groups. The doll can show children new instrument and demonstrate how it is played. With the help of the doll, problem situation: "Katya forgot the words of the song that you learned in class, will we help Katya?"

Theatrical zone: photo

The atmosphere of the music corner encourages the manifestation of creative abilities The rack of the music corner has a screen in the middle for dramatization games The music and theatrical corners are sometimes combined into one developmental area in the kindergarten

One of the forms of work in the music corner is playing dramatization games with musical and song accompaniment. To create a small musical performance in the corner, a place is allocated for performances with dolls on hand, bibabos, simple puppets. As a rule, this is a table with a screen. If desired, the children supplement the space of the theatrical area with toys, building a kind of scenery: they put toys-trees, buildings from blocks and a designer, etc. The atmosphere of a musical corner, contact with the world of music, study musical fairy tales- all this encourages children to create, and the task of the educator is to create conditions for the manifestation of young talents.

Table: equipment of the music corner

First and second junior groups
  • Unsound musical toys: rattles, rattles, organs;
  • voiced singing and moving toys;
  • illustrations for children's songs;
  • musical ("singing") books;
  • children's musical instruments: pipes, tambourines, bells;
  • attributes for rhythmic and musical games: flags, artificial leaves and flowers, ribbons, handkerchiefs;
  • attributes for staging games: sets of figurines-characters of fairy tales, dolls for a hand or a finger.
Middle group
  • Children's musical instruments for younger preschoolers are preserved for independent music-making and games, to which are added: harmonicas, balalaikas, drum, metallophone;
  • collections of children's and folk songs with colorful illustrations;
  • didactic games of musical theme: “Find all musical instruments in the picture”, “Find the same notes”, “Guess the song from the picture”, “Who is superfluous in the orchestra?”;
  • addition to game attributes: animal masks;
  • for dramatizations, the set of glove puppets is replenished as pupils study literary works.
Senior group
  • Home-made instruments from waste material, toy-instruments: piano, flute, triangle, accordion are added to the objects for playing music;
  • illustrations for studying the cycle "Seasons";
  • posters with groups of musical instruments;
  • portraits of composers;
  • didactic games are supplemented with musical bingo and dominoes;
  • addition to the attributes of dance and music games: scarves, elements of folk costumes (kokoshnik, shawl, vests);
  • for dramatization: a set of folding screens, simple puppets.
Preparatory group
  • An extensive selection of children's musical instruments, including homemade ones;
  • illustrated albums "Russian Ballet", "Dances of the Nations of the World", "Encyclopedia of Instruments", "Symphony Orchestra";
  • replenishment in board-print games: "Musical puzzles", "Nota, I know you!", "Piano-karaoke";
  • collection of attributes and hats for dance improvisations and staging games.

A rough sketch of the design of the music corner

Thinking over the organization of the music corner, observe the principle of compactness. Zone for didactic games and dramatizations can be combined - it will be a table and chairs by age. There are shelves with a "window" for theatrical activities.

The Music Corner for younger preschoolers contains open access toys and tools that are understandable and safe for children.

Toys and tools are located on low shelves and a table; there is a convenient area for dramatization games

In senior and preparatory group a stand is required, children learn to work according to mnemonic tables and diagrams. Illustrative material is placed in the same place or on a shelf allocated for temporary exhibitions (by type of instrument, creativity of composers). Children 5–7 years old love to play board games; a desk is provided for this activity (and for performing didactic tasks). For older preschoolers, folding paper or cardboard screens are offered for dramatization; they can draw them together with a teacher in a creative workshop.

In older groups, it is necessary to have an information stand, space for didactic and board games, shelves / tables for temporary exhibitions

Work in the music corner of the kindergarten

The activity of pupils in the musical corner is carried out in joint classes with the teacher - individual or in a subgroup, and in an independent form. The teacher works with the children in the corner at the direction of the music director: with whom it is necessary to work on dancing skills, with whom to repeat the song, when to consolidate the studied material.

But more often children are independently active in playing music and dancing. The teacher thinks over and decorates the musical corner so that it is in demand by the children, takes an insignificant role in the organization independent games... Surprising moments help stimulate interest in classes in the corner (“A parcel was delivered to our corner with dancing caps!” you about them! ”), preliminary study of visual materials and listening to audio recordings.

Activities in the music corner

  1. Outdoor games. Conducted with the obligatory musical accompaniment... The teacher is the leader in outdoor games with younger and middle preschoolers; older children choose the leader on their own.
    An example of a game for toddlers: Carousel. The teacher puts on a belt with hanging wide ribbons, stands in the circle of children, the kids take up the ribbons. It sounds like music, children move in one direction to the music, spin ribbons around the teacher, change direction on command.
    An outdoor game for older preschoolers - "Pilots": the presenter gives a command, the children perform ("Pilots, start the engine!" - make rotational movements with their hands, "Take off!" , stop), each landing involves the inclusion of excerpts of national songs on the player, children must move to the beat.
  2. Dance improvisations. Children perform dance moves to the music. Seasonal dance improvisations are carried out with the appropriate attributes: in autumn - with artificial twigs, in winter - with paper snowflakes, in spring and summer - with flowers and wreaths. For improvisation with elements national dances tambourines (tarantella), castanets (Mediterranean dances), handkerchiefs and wooden spoons(Russians folk dances), maracas (Latin American motives).
  3. Musical improvisations. Usually children include them in role-playing games: "Orchestra", "Festive Concert". For the musical improvisations of older preschoolers, a presenter is chosen - a conductor, the roles of musicians are distributed among the rest of the participants of the game - violinist, drummer, flutist, accordionist, etc. The “conductor” gives the command when to start playing for each of the “musicians”, when to stop playing.
  4. Didactic games. With younger pupils, the teacher conducts games to recognize the sound of instruments (behind the screen he plays an instrument or turns on an audio recording, and the children name the instrument), to determine the nature of the music (children show pictures of an emotional state or symbol for sounding melody: sad, calm, cheerful), to reproduce a sound pattern (children are invited to show the pattern depicted with a voice: a line with bends - the melody is smooth, the line gradually tends downward - the transition from loud sound to quiet, etc.). For older children, games are suitable for determining the strong beat in a musical excerpt (they show the strong point on the card), for guessing acquaintances musical compositions(the game "Flower-seven-flower": on each petal there is an illustration for the work, the name of which must be remembered) and composers (the game "Gramophone records": after guessing the name of the composer whose work is being played, children stick a card with the author's portrait on the plate).
  5. Dramatization games. Drama familiar to children fairy tales involves the emotional disclosure of characters in accordance with sounding music... Musical dramatization games in kindergarten: "The Fox and the Hare", "Teremok", "Zayushkina Hut", "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Gray Neck".

Analysis of the design and operation of the music corner

The effectiveness of organizing the musical environment in a group and work within the developmental corner is determined by the demand for children, a steady interest in independent activity.

The teacher analyzes the musical corner according to the criteria:

  • correspondence of the materials of the corner to the age of the pupils;
  • a variety of musical toys and children's instruments, attributes for musical games;
  • variety of music library;
  • external attractiveness.

Children lose interest in the subject environment if objects for self-study difficult to learn, they do not know how to handle them. Older children are not attracted by the material base, consisting of musical toys, this content is for younger groups. The set of toys and tools must be constantly updated.

The same goes for the collection of audio recordings and attributes for dances and musical dramatizations: when a child has studied the material, played with it, danced to a song, he is unlikely to want to return to repetition.

The attractiveness of the design can be determined by the emotions that children experience in the corner. Are they curious to study the pictures on the walls and shelves, do they want to return to the corner, are they in a good mood when they leave it.

The teacher identifies flaws in the equipment and design of the corner, seeks to correct them and enrich the musical environment in the group.

The work in the corner is analyzed together with the music director:

  • assimilation and consolidation, obtained in music lessons;
  • the effectiveness of individual lessons with lagging pupils / experiencing difficulties in any types of musical activity;
  • the degree of development of musical abilities, creative self-expression in children.

The competent organization of the music zone for each age group contributes to the development of children's interest in the world of music. They feel the emotional side of melodies and songs more vividly, express their mood in dance improvisations. the main task musical education in kindergarten - to form a child's culture of listening and perception of sounding images.

Municipal budgetary preschool institution

"Kindergarten number 38"

Creation of musical subject-development environment in kindergarten groups




  • The musical development of a child is conditioned not only by classes with a teacher, but also by the opportunity to play independently, experiment with musical toys, and freely engage in creative music-making.
  • Independent creative activity of a child is possible provided that a special subject-developing environment is created.
  • For the development of independent musical activity of children, it is very great importance has a music corner in the group (music zone).
  • The development of the creativity of children largely depends on the equipment and its attractiveness.

MUSICAL CORNER Is a place where children learn about music and its beauty.


A creatively designed music corner will help:

  • not only to plunge into the world of music and expand ideas about it,
  • but also develop the imagination of children,
  • activates the emotional sphere, thinking, speech.


  • Compliance with age, the requirements of the Program, Federal State Educational Standard.
  • Rationality of location, accessibility, mobility.
  • The presence of a music library, audio library with songs, fairy tales, music
  • The presence of attributes from waste material, unconventional equipment.
  • Availability of illustrative material to familiarize children with different types of musical instruments
  • A variety of children's musical and noise instruments.
  • Aesthetics in the design of equipment and the corner itself.
  • Creativity (creativity) of teachers in the design of the corner.
  • Safety of equipment and materials for the corner of musical activities;
  • Variety of didactic games for different types musical activity and their compliance with the age characteristics of children;
  • Availability and variety of illustrative material on musical works;
  • Availability of portraits famous musicians in accordance with the program;

Important, so that the music corner is:

  • in a lighted, easily accessible place for children;
  • in addition, he should be isolated as much as possible, since, on the one hand, music lessons and children's games require concentration of auditory attention, and on the other hand, “sounding” activity should not interfere with other activities of preschoolers.

  • When designing a music corner, you need to remember the age and individual capabilities of children.
  • So, for children 3-5 years old, it is better to build on storyline ,
  • For older children - on didactic .

The musical subject environment should correspond to the eye, hand actions, and the child's growth.

The music corner should contain:

  • cupboard,
  • shelves for musical aids,
  • a couple of tables
  • chairs for didactic games.

Developmental environment benefits should be:

  • aesthetic,
  • attractive
  • easy to use,
  • evoke the desire to act with them.

It is better to put in the corner record player, with the help of which children will listen to music, as well as melodies that contribute to psychological relaxation and mental relaxation.

There should be toys in the music corner. musical instruments:

  • drum,
  • pipe,
  • miniature piano,
  • glockenspiel,
  • also musical toys.

Usually, stands are hung on the walls of the music corner.

They are fixed on:

  • photos of children's performances,
  • portraits of composers,
  • colorful posters,
  • pictures with musical instruments.

The equipment of the music corner is divided into two levels:

for the teacher and for children

  • Top shelf place tools that are used by children in a metered dose (for example, a metallophone), and those with which children can only work under the supervision of a teacher, in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological standards of the preschool educational institution
  • On the bottom shelf- drums, spoons, triangles, maracas. It is necessary to pay special attention to the sound quality of musical instruments. They should be well tuned and make sounds familiar to children. Remember that poor sound quality can cripple and clog your child's hearing experience!


  • Vanka - vstanka
  • Musical "singing" or "dancing" toys (cockerel, cat, bunny, etc.)
  • Musical instruments with fixed sound - organchiks, barrel organs
  • Noise instruments: rattles, bells, tambourine, drum
  • Unsound fake musical instruments (accordions, pipes, balalaikas, etc.)
  • Attributes to musical outdoor games
  • Flags, sultans, handkerchiefs, bright ribbons with rings, rattles, autumn leaves, snowflakes for children's dance creativity (replenished as needed)
  • Table screen with glove toys
  • Musical pictures for songs that can be performed on a cube, in the form of an album or separate colorful illustrations.


  • It is advisable to leave aids, attributes and musical instruments

from the younger group and add:

  • Glockenspiel
  • Noise instruments for children's orchestra
  • Books "Our Songs" (each book illustrates a song familiar to children)
  • Flannelgraph or magnetic board
  • Musical and didactic games: "
  • Musical Instruments "," Voiced Palms "," Rhythmic Sticks ", etc.
  • Attributes to outdoor music games:
  • "Cat and Kittens", "Zainka", "Hares and Bear", "Pilots" and others.
  • Musical ladders (three-stage, on which there are small and large birds or small and large nesting dolls
  • Ribbons, colored handkerchiefs, sultans, etc. (attributes to dance improvisations but the season)
  • Table screen and a set of toys
  • A tape recorder and a set of program audio recordings


  • In addition to the equipment of the music corner middle group the following is used:
  • Rattles, tambourines, drums, triangles
  • Musical instrument toys with chromatic and diatonic sound

(metallophone, piano, button accordion, accordion, flute)

  • Illustrations on the topic: "Seasons"
  • Musical homemade toys (Children will be happy to take part

in making instruments for a noise orchestra)

  • Musical and didactic games: "Learn a song by two sounds", "Bells", "Musical ladder", "Rhythmic loto", etc.
  • Attributes to outdoor games
  • Children's drawings for songs and familiar pieces of music
  • Table screen and screen for children's height
  • Musical ladders five-step and seven-step
  • Attributes for children's dance creativity: elements of costumes for familiar folk dances


  • In addition to the material used in the senior group, the following is added:
  • Musical instruments: maracas, tambourines, harp, children's piano,

metallophone, bells, triangles, flutes, drums.

  • Portraits of Composers
  • Album folders: "We are drawing a song" with pictures of children in which they

reflect emotions and feelings about the music you listened to

and favorite songs

  • Manual "Emotions" (cards, which depict faces with different emotional moods) to determine the nature of the melody when listening to music
  • Visual aids: "Symphony Orchestra", "Folk Instruments"
  • Homemade Noise Orchestra Instruments
  • Musical and didactic games


  • Material for creative role-playing games:

Stuffed Toys

soft musical toys;

dolls - tumblers,

figurative musical "singing" or

"Dancing" toys

  • Musical and didactic games:

  • Figurative aids
  • Portraits of composers (works of which children sing or listen to)

Tchaikovsky P.I.

Tchaikovsky D.B.

Prokofiev S.S.

Rachmaninov S.V.

2) Illustrations - manuals like "Lotto": cards

with pictures drawn or pasted on them

  • All kinds of pictures:
  • Little books "We sing",
  • Musical pictures to songs that can
  • be made in the form of a large album or separate colorful illustrations,
  • Illustrations on the theme "Seasons",
  • Illustrations musical instruments,
  • Pictures depicting animals singing, dancing
  • or playing musical instruments,
  • Albums "We draw a song"
  • Albums for viewing:
  • "Symphony Orchestra",
  • "Folk Instruments"
  • "Dances of the peoples of the world",
  • Graphic tutorial "Emotions"

  • Unsounded children's musical toys and instruments
  • Sounded musical instruments and toys
  • toy-instruments with sound of indefinite pitches
  • toy instruments that make only one sound
  • fixed melody instrument toys
  • toy-instruments with diatonic and chromatic scales for creative music making

  • Technical means

It is advisable to have a tape recorder in each group and arrange a music library of discs with musical repertoire

ATTRIBUTES for outdoor music games and for children's dance creativity

  • Theaters

Types of theaters:

THE ROLE OF THE TRAINER- to encourage children to apply the skills learned in music lessons in Everyday life kindergarten.

Whether this environment becomes a developing one, whether the child wants to and will be able to master it in his activities depends on:

  • from the competence of an adult,
  • his goodwill,
  • interested attitude towards children,

Child and adult

act together -

both of them should be

comfortable in a musical environment.

Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in a kindergarten
Recommendation for preschool teachers

Article 48. Pedagogical workers are obliged:
to develop students' cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creativity.



2.4. The program is aimed at:

creation of conditions for the development of the child, opening up opportunities for his positive socialization, his personal development, the development of initiative and creative abilities based on cooperation with adults and peers and age-appropriate activities;
to create a developing educational environment, which is a system of conditions for the socialization and individualization of children.


Artistic and aesthetic development presupposes the development of the prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world; the formation of elementary ideas about the types of art; perception of music, fiction, folklore; stimulating empathy for the characters of works of art; implementation of independent creative activities of children (visual, constructive-model, musical, etc.).

The creation of a creative zone in the group is necessary for the development of the musical and creative abilities of the preschooler. It is an integral part of everything pedagogical process, which is very important for the upbringing of aesthetic, cultural and moral qualities, as well as to identify and develop his creative and musical abilities.

Where to start creating such a creative zone?

II Together with the musical director select the equipment

by sections that correspond to this age group:

2.1. Hearing:

Purchase portraits of famous Russian, foreign (including contemporary composers (M. Glinka, P. Tchaikovsky, D. Kabalevsky, A. Mozart, L. Beethoven, I. Bach, Krasev);
-Fill up the music library for listening and perceiving music (classical, children's, thematic and modern musical works)
-Purchase DVD discs with cognitive information about art.
-Pick up illustrations of musical instruments, sheet music, pictures of animals singing, dancing or playing musical instruments.

2.2. Playing children's musical instruments:

Fake musical instruments - toys (made by teachers, together with children) are non-sounded flat musical instruments made of thick cardboard or thin plywood, which are needed to create a play situation in which children, fantasizing, imagine themselves as musicians (piano, accordion, balalaika);
- Material for creative role-playing games - these are soft toys, soft musical toys, tumbler dolls, figurative musical singing or dancing toys (dog cat, cockerel, bunny);
-Children's musical toys and instruments for creative music-making: a children's piano, an accordion, a metallophone is added from the middle group;
-Sound toys: ( musical hammer, barrel organs, guitars, rattles, musical tops) Children examine them, try to extract from them individual sounds or a fixed melody;
-Noise instruments: tambourines, rattles, drums, maracas, small and large bells, bells, spoons.

2.3 Singing and singing along:

Start a notebook for recording songs, poems, nursery rhymes learned in music lessons;
- Purchase audio recordings of pluses or minuses, learned song material.

2.4 Didactic games:

- "The sun or rain" (to distinguish the nature of the music
- "Quietly loudly" (to distinguish the dynamics)
- "Guess what I'm playing" (for the development of timbre and pitch hearing)
- "Rhythmic nesting dolls" (for the development of rhythmic hearing)

III Prepare a folder with theoretical material:

3.1 Advice for caregivers:
3.2 Consultation for parents:
3.3 Scenarios of musical matinees held in a group.

When designing a musical and creative zone, you need to remember the age and individual capabilities of children. So, for children 3-5 years old, it is better to build on a plot basis, and for older children - on a didactic basis.
The musical object environment should correspond to the eye, the actions of the hand, the growth of the child.
In the music corner there should be a wardrobe, shelves for musical aids, a table, chairs for didactic games. The benefits of the developmental environment are sound, aesthetic, attractive, easy to use, make you want to act with them. There should be carpets and soft ottomans on the floor. This creates coziness and contributes to concentration.
It is better to put a DVD player in the corner, with the help of which children will listen to music, various cartoons, as well as melodies that promote psychological relaxation and mental relaxation.
Usually, stands are hung on the walls of the music corner. The texts of songs, poems, ditties, photographs of children's performances, composers, colorful posters, pictures with musical instruments are fixed on them.
The musical corner can be decorated very interestingly and brightly - in the form of a stage podium, on the steps of which there are the necessary aids for musical education, also in the form of a pyramid, in junior groups- on various characters sewn from fabric, it can be Petrushka, a matryoshka, a snowman.
A creatively designed musical corner will not only help to plunge into the world of music and expand ideas about it, but also develop the imagination of children, activate the emotional sphere, thinking, and speech.
The musical corner can be designed in conjunction with other corners, for example, with speech or cognitive.
An interesting design option is to combine the musical and theatrical zones.
I suggest placing the following types of theaters in the musical corner:
1. Theater of pictures (Flanelegraph). (How to make) Cut out fairy tale characters from cardboard, and with back side glue the pieces of flannel, such figures will adhere perfectly to the plywood covered with flannel.
With the help of visual accompaniment of pictures and toys, children learn to follow the actions of the characters in short poems, nursery rhymes, and fairy tales.
2. Finger theater (a doll can be made from cut-off gloves, eyes, ears, pigtails can be attached). Games with finger puppets help your child learn to control the movements of their own fingers.
3. Table theater(Russian folk tales)
In order for children to be constantly interested in independent musical activity, it is necessary to update the manuals in the musical and theatrical zone 1-2 times a month, to bring in new equipment.

The musical development of a child is conditioned not only by classes with a teacher, but also by the opportunity to play independently, experiment with musical toys, and freely engage in creative music-making. Independent creative activity of a child is possible provided that a special subject-developing environment is created. For the development of independent musical activity of children, a musical corner in a group (music zone) is very important. The development of the creativity of children largely depends on the equipment and its attractiveness.

The Music Corner is a place where children learn about music and its beauty. A creatively designed musical corner will not only help to plunge into the world of music and expand ideas about it, but also develop the imagination of children, activate the emotional sphere, thinking, and speech.

It is important that the music corner is in a well-lit place that is easily accessible to children; in addition, he should be isolated as much as possible, since, on the one hand, music lessons and children's games require concentration of auditory attention, and on the other hand, “sounding” activity should not interfere with other activities of preschoolers.

The musical subject environment should correspond to the eye, hand actions, and the child's growth. In the music corner there should be a wardrobe, shelves for musical aids, a couple of tables, chairs for didactic games. Aids from a developing environment should be aesthetic, attractive, easy to use, and arouse the desire to act with them.

The music corner should be very conveniently located so that children can freely walk up and take instruments and aids. In order for the children to be constantly interested in independent musical activity, it is necessary to update the manuals in the music zone 1-2 times a month, to bring in new equipment.

The equipment of the music corner is divided into two levels: for the teacher and for the children. On the upper shelf, tools are placed that are used by children in a metered dose (for example, a metallophone), and those with which children can only work under the supervision of a teacher, in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological standards of the preschool educational institution

On the bottom shelf there are drums, spoons, triangles, maracas. It is necessary to pay special attention to the sound quality of musical instruments. They should be well tuned and make sounds familiar to children. Remember that poor sound quality can cripple and clog your child's hearing experience!

The musical corners should contain: Material for creative role-playing games - soft toys, soft musical toys; dolls - tumblers, figurative musical "singing" or "dancing" toys

All kinds of pictures: Little books "We sing", Musical pictures for songs, which can be performed in the form of a large album or separate colorful illustrations, Illustrations on the topic "Seasons", Illustrations of musical instruments, Pictures depicting animals singing, dancing or playing on musical instruments, Albums "We draw a song" Albums for viewing "Symphony Orchestra", "Folk Instruments", "Dances of the Nations of the World", Graphic guide "Emotions

Sounded musical instruments and toys toys-instruments with an indefinite pitch toys-instruments that emit only one sound toys-instruments with a fixed melody toys-instruments with diatonic and chromatic scales for creative playing

The role of the educator is to encourage children to apply the skills learned in music lessons in the day-to-day life of the kindergarten. It depends on the competence of an adult, his benevolence and an interested attitude towards children whether this environment becomes a developing one, whether the child wants and can master it in his activities. A child and an adult act together; both of them should be comfortable in a musical environment.

Self musical activity in a group is one of the indicators of the level of development of children, gives an idea of ​​the amount of skills, abilities, knowledge that children received as a result of the work carried out with them. There is a transfer of the methods of action, mastered in musical lessons, into completely new conditions, situations; the child is already acting on own initiative, in accordance with their interests, desires, needs.