Scenario of the New Year holiday "New Year's Circus" for children of senior or preparatory groups DOU. Scenario "New Year in a circus" for children of the middle group of kindergarten scenario of the New Year's matinee Circus performance

Scenario of the New Year holiday
Scenario of the New Year holiday "New Year's Circus" for children of senior or preparatory groups DOU. Scenario "New Year in a circus" for children of the middle group of kindergarten scenario of the New Year's matinee Circus performance

New Year's Circus

Adult actors:


Santa Claus












Snow Maiden


Leading: Beautiful holiday brought winter,

We like the noise, and the cattle.

And everything is spinning, everything laughs, and the song is ringing,

And the fabulous will come true!

Only you will sit together - the same hour

The presentation will begin for you.

And there will be our presentation

All guests are surprised!

Dance-dance under the song "New Year" by A. Kozlova

Children get up semicircle.


1. Silence and peace. It was hooked by a purgy.

Only a month glitters in the sky.
From a distant country where our dreams live,

New year to meet us in a hurry.

2. This starry night can adults to help

In carefree childhood go away.
And, probably, it's not for nothing that the lights are lit to us,

Lighting, for fairy tales.

3. On the white light is a new year,

Magic weather in the world.

And every one is wonderful waiting for

From this new year!

4. To us all year for the holiday was going to

Green beauty forests,
Then quietly in this hall dressed up

And now, now her dress is ready.

5. We all admire the Christmas tree today

She gives us a gentle fragrance,

And the best holiday of New Year

Comes with her to our house.

    New year comes,

Snowflakes fall

Blizzard is circling outside the window

And sparkle ice.

2) Christmas trees, beads, confetti,

Light lights everywhere,

The smell of needles, mandarin,

Expectation miracle.

3) New Year knocks at home

Magic wonderful

Soon he comes here

Found the song.

Children are grieved.

Leading: What do you whisper guys?

What is your secret there?

6. We want a surprise to arrange

There is no amazing!

Leading:Here surprise is interesting!

What do you show us?

Children together: Circus representation

We will show all guests!

7. For the first time! For the first time! Today now

Our circus present for you!

Special circus! This Circus in the New Year

Many miracles will bring us again!

8. For a holiday in our circus, come soon!

For the holiday call we are good friends!
Today you are waiting for fun and jokes,

Miss you will not be a minute!

9. We were invited to Santa Claus,

But, something he does not go to us,

Probably spreads gifts to the guys

And he will bring him a surprise.

Leading: Do not get upset, guys, Grandfather Frost be sure to get us. In the meantime, we start our New Year's view. So Parade - Alla!

Passage of children under the song "Circus, Circus, Circus" V. Shainsky.

Children sit down to the seats.

Leading: Attention! Ladies and gentlemen, Sudari and Sudari, Lady and Gentlemen! Our New Year Circus Program will behave known clowns Bim and Bom. We meet stormy applause!

Clowns run up to the music, faced with each other ..

Bim: (joyful) Bom!

Bom: (surprised) Bim!

Bim: How glad I am to see you!

Bom:And I'm even more glad!

Bim: Hello, bom!

Bom:Hello, Bim! (Long shake each other for hands, repeating "Hello!")

Bim: Bom, we have forgotten something with you

Bom:I did not forget anything.

Bim: We forgot to say hello to the guys.

Bom:It's true. Oh, how bad! It is you, Bim, vintage.

Bim: All the same, Bom, who is to blame, must be greeting. Start you.

Bom:And I do not know how

Bim: You can not? Then I will say hello first, and you learn. Look and listen. It is very simple. Hello guys! (Bow all sides)

Bom:Well, now I am. (Pause) It is very simple. Hello guys, hello! (Bow all sides)

Bim:(Comes to boma, takes it a little back, in a low voice says)"Very simple" - do not speak. Say only: "Hello, guys, hello!" So go!

Bom:Very easy to speak. Say only: "Hello, guys, hello!"

Bim: (irritably) You, bom, do not understand anything. Do not talk to the guys: "Very simple", tell me only: "Hello, guys!" How do you not understand, I teach you! Even small know how to greet, and you, because, not small.

Bom:A-ah! (crying)You teach well, just scold me (goes away. Bim runs up to him and pulls it back, to the center)

Bim: Well, good, do not be angry, let's say hello together. Repeat for me: "Hello, guys!" - And clangy

They say together and bow, children meet applause

Bim:So, the first number of our program is our disciples!

Bom:Meet, young clowns!

Dance cloudy

Bim: Something they loosened! Bom, help! (Bom brings a bag-tunnel) Well, climb rather in the bag! (Cloudy alternately climb into the tunnel, get out of the other hand, run away) Now the daddy will collect you and punish the pranks. (Bim and Bom want to tie a tunnel, but they find a hole in it, whistling in a whistle, run away for the scenes.)

Leading:While our teachers are looking for their wards, I will announce the next number of our program.

On rope Balkerinka,

Like light snowflakes,

And dance, and spin,

And at the same time they are not afraid.

We meet stormy applause!

Rattle truck: We are elegant -

Artists real.

Deftly go through the rope,

Not afraid of height.

No, you did not see guys

You're like a beauty!

Bim and Bom under the music take out and roll off the rope.

Rattle dance,

music A. Rybnikov from the movie "That Münhghausen"

(Sit on the places. Bim and Bom run away)

Bim: Think, run yourself along the rope ... everyone can. Maestro, music! (Sounds the theme of clowns. Imitate the dance on the rope, loses the balance, falls, rises, rubs off the bruised place)

Bom: Oh, you glanced! Look how necessary! (Whistles in the whistle, music is turned on. Mimics the dance on the rope, but also loses the balance, falls)Oh oh oh!

Leading:What are you doing here? Mount-rod. (Bim and Bom quickly grab the rope, run away for the scenes) Friends! The next number of our program. We meet the Gypsy Aza with a trained bear with a yashka!

Gypsy room with a bear,

music to the dance "Gypsy"

Gypsy:Well, Yasha, show how our people go to work.

The bear under the slow motion music dance goes, roll over with a side on the side, bowing.

Gypsy: And from work?

Bear under fast music passes in a circle, bowed.

Gypsy:And now show how our people are having fun after work?

The Bear takes the guitar, depicts the game on the guitar under the lyrical theme from the movie "Titanic", under any musical rock fragment shakes his head like a rock musician. Leave with gypsy under the applause.

Leading:Perfect continue

Again the number we present:

Solitis visiting us -

Greet them now!

Bim and Bom to the music rolled out weights, dumbbells, bar

Solitary number

Come under the circus musical theme by the power. The assistant makes a container with flour, strengths rub the hands with flour, drink armpits. Silica take the weight of the dumbbells, they are pressed several times up

Silacha 1: Always wanted to be a strong

To move the wardrobe to the shoulder.

Very strong I strongly understand Giri.

For me, they are like a ball - everyone knows about it!

Silacha 2: And I wanted to be a strongman,

So that the weights were nipple!

Truck I can raise me with one hand

And the clock 5 hold out - strong I am!

We take the weight of Hiri Gigantic, puts one on the back to the other, take the weight of the bar, after which Bim foams them with a towel, in advance with moistened with water, wipes sweat from the forehead and squeezes. Bom is also trying to take the weight of the bar, rushes, drops the bar. Strip laughs, the name of the boy, which they endured a container with flour. He comes out and takes weight. Bim and Bom scratch head. Silita go to the place. B and B barely disappear gravity.

Leading:In the arena very soon

You will see juggler

I declare number of Ya

Framely slap, friends!

Jongler 1: We throw rings up

We will arrange fireworks

Five, and six, and seven rings,

And twelve finally!

Jonggler 2: Surprised around

How do we have enough hands?

We give now answer:

Training - this is a secret!

Dance of jugglers with rings to the music "Tiko-Tiko"

Leading: And now the number is unusual

In kind of unit!

And they will show it - this is this girl from the first row, that's that boy in glasses, etc.

(Choose 5 parents. Bim and bom carry 5 inflated balls)

Leading:So, I explain the task. Jongler, as you know, juggles with your hands. But, the best juggler can throw objects anything: both legs, ears, and a population, and elbows. And since in our New Year's circus, the best artists speak - then you will be juggling - (pause) Nose! Bim and Bom demonstrate, please task. (Bim and Bom show.) Here you are a juggler props, on my team you start throwing the ball with your nose, only Chur, neither with my hands, not to help your ears, who will not drop the ball longer, the surprise is waiting for. Three two one. Go.

Game with parents "Ball on the nose"

The winning lead enrolls in the circus troupe, gives a certificate and chocolate medal.

Leading: And we continue. I declare the number - "Trainer with dogs"!

Bim and Bom lay on the floor numbers

Trainer: (bypassing a circle, welcoming viewers, calls dogs) Music! (One dog runs out, "Gav!") , Pusik (The second dog runs away, "Gav!") , Kusik (The third dog runs away, "Gav!") , Chushik (fastened the fourth dog, gets "Gav!") .

Trainer: How much will 1 plus 1?

Dog 1 runs up to the number "2", barks 2 times. Trainer praises a dog.

Trainer: How much will it be 2 plus 2?

The dog 2 runs up to the number "4", barks 4 times. Trainer praises a dog.

Trainer: How much will it be 2 plus 1? Dog 3 runs up to the digit "3", barks 3 times. The trainer also praises her.

Trainer: And how much will it be 5 minus 5? The dog 4 runs up to the figure "0", spreads his hands to the side and shakes his head. Trainer praises a dog.

Trainer:Well done they are with us!

They can be in the first class!

And now, please, blame

And you will hang guests!

Dance of the trained dogs under the "dog waltz"

Leading:And now the guys are quieter ...

Ringing buberer i hear

In warm fur fur

Going to us Frost gray!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden appear

Santa Claus: How many people in the hall!

Nice, you can see the holiday here.

So surely we were told:

With my granddaughter, the guys are waiting for us!

Through everyone passed obstacles,

Snow crawled us all.

He knew that we would be glad here,

Because hurried here!

Snow Maiden:This day we waited long

We have not seen all year.

Sat, link under the Christmas tree

New Year's dance!

Santa Claus:Becoming, guys,

All the rather in the dance.

Song, dance and fun

Meet with you New Year!

Song-dance with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Santa Claus: How did you grow up for this year guys!

10. Santa Claus, Santa Claus

Guess our riddles.

We are walked, and sing,

And we will show all the deposit.

Santa Claus:Oh well. Start.

Game "Guess-Ka"

(Children go in a circle and sing)


(Play on a pipe)

Santa Claus:It's you drink milk!

Leading:No, grandfather, these are the children on a snooker played.

Santa Claus:Eh, did not guessed!

Children(sing): Well, cute santa frost, admire you on us!

Guess, Santa Claus, what we do now! (Play on the guitar)

Santa Claus:This is you stomach chesh!

Leading:No, grandfather, these are children on the guitar played.

Santa Claus:Well done, I did not guessed again!

Children(sing): Well, cute santa frost, admire you on us!

Guess the Santa Claus, what we do now! (Play on the violin)

Santa Claus:You twitch me for the beard!

Leading:What are you, grandfather, these are the children on a violin played!

Santa Claus:Eh, an inaccessible, well, thank you, taught grandfather.

Children sit down to the seats.

Leading: Santa Claus We have for you another last "Guessing"!

Children:(sing on the ground) Well, cute santa frost, admire you on us!

Guess the Santa Claus, where you are now!

At the last riddle, Bim and Bom, whistling from behind in whistles, Santa Claus is frightened

Santa Claus:Oh, and this is who else. Really clowns.

Bim: We are glad to introduce yourself! Cloon Bim.

Bom: Cloon Bom.

Santa Claus:So I'm in the New Year Circus!

Bim: For sure, grandfather! (Blowing in the dull)

Santa Claus:Fu-you, Balover! So - in the circus ... well, I also have something to show you, but a little later, and now I want to relax and listen to poems.

Bim and Bom: Yes, yes, sit down, Santa Claus Listen to the poems. (Putting him chair, go)

Children read poems

Santa Claus:Well, thanks, here are well done.

Snow Maiden:Guys, I also love the circus very much, and today it is especially for you I brought my favorite circular number.

Rolling pigeons in a dance free

In the sunny sky without fuss.

Pigeons - Peaceful Children of Nature!

How much of their beauty in the flight!

Dance with pigeons under the song "Angel flies"

mUZ. E. Zaritsky, sl. I. Shevchuk

Leading: Thank you, Snow Maiden!

Bim: (coming out on the one hand)Bom! Bom! (kids) Have you seen Boma?

Bom: (comes out on the other hand with binoculars): I'm here!

Bim: What is this?

Bom: This is a magical binoculars. If you look at it, you can see a lot of interesting things.

Bim: Look at me! What do you see interesting?

Bom: (looks) You, cute, dirty hands! (Bim hides hands.)

Bim:What binoculars! Give me now to see (Looks) Bom, I see you!


Bim:And I also see that you were not soaked in the morning!

Bom: Well, forgot! Well, it happens! ... And let's now see the guys with parents

We look at the children

Bim:Oh, see how the guys are burning.

Bom: I wonder why? .... maybe they want magic?

Bim:Santa Claus, and Santa Claus, you promised to surprise us. You are the best wizard in the world. Show the guys focus.

Bom:Or what magic?

Together:You are welcome.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, didn't you forget anything? After all, soon the new year, and the kids have long been waiting for the most important magic - gifts.

Santa Claus: I did not forget the gifts!

Here is my bag (inspecting) Somewhere!

Here under the Christmas tree, Ile in a snowdrift,

Or in circus, in the wardrobe?

Well a magical lace

Without difficult it will find a bag:

As if fishing rod, I will abandon

A few words will say good.

Where you need, fall,

All I need to find!

(pulls the lace)

You fly lace twisted

My magic, golden,

Straighten, lengthen

To find my bag!

Pumps the cord into the open door, slowly pulls back. Pulls into the hall with a saucepan, angry

What are you, lace-leisure

I decided to joke for a holiday?

You are looking for a fly,

More with my grandfather do not joke!

Throws up, pulls the boots

Joking again, mischievous?

I'm not used to this!

If you do not find gifts

Well, granddaughter, help

They took together, once-two or three!

Draw a bag with gifts into the hall, distribute them to children

Santa Claus:We are with my granddaughter in the road. Farewell,

And adults and kids!

Merry New Year meet,

We congratulate everyone from the soul!

(Children to music from two entrances run into the hall, crossing the progress to diagonally, form a dance and dance around the tree).


Dear guests ours! We are in a hurry to congratulate everyone.

Let them come in the coming luck and success!

Let for you, people are good, not afraid of worries,

It will not be just new, but a happy new year!

1. Happy New Year! Happy New Year! With the song, the Christmas tree, dance!

With beads, crackers, new toys!

2 . As beautiful in our hall, we called guests here.

All the people are having fun - we meet the new year!

3 . Soon, together with us there will be our favorite Santa Claus,

He will not forget anyone, brings the Gifts of WHO.

4. Pope, Moms with us nearby, we meet New Year!

He and adults and guys will bring a lot of happiness!

5. And today on the day wonderful, we head the dance,

We are a friendly song, hello, hello, new year!

Horticulture "Winter Song" (Sledge)

6. On our Christmas tree hang garlands, beads and balls.

They sparkle and shine for adults and for the defers.

7. Digging the lights - the Christmas tree smiled.

And she placed every needle.

8 . You dressed up on Divo, so hard, so beautiful,

All in toys, lanterns, gilding and lights!


Let the tree burn today, let him sparkle at this hour

Together, chorus, friendly, loud

We will light it now

Let's say a friendly "Once or two, our Christmas tree Gor!"

The Christmas tree does not ignite.

Leading:Something does not ignite our Christmas tree, let's say such words:

One, two, three, four, five

Time! We will take hands ( take hands)

Two! I quietly say ( knock on feet)

Three! Smile to each other ( smiling friend friend)

Four! Pray for a minute

Five! Hands are preparing

Six! And clapping: "Once, two, three!"

Seven! Let's say smoothly:

"Our Christmas tree, Gori!"


A friendly hands take, go around the Christmas tree.

A cute guest smile, the song is joyful!

Song "Fir-tree"

All children are sitting on the chairs. Two children stay near the Christmas tree and whisper.


What do you whisper guys?

What is your secret there?

We want a surprise to arrange

There is no amazing.


Is there a surprise here? That's interesting

What do you show us?

Children together

Circus representation

We will show all guests! (sit on chairs)


See, look, lights ignite,

And really the view here begins.

Here is a miracle look! Our circus lights lights!

We will sing, and dance, in the circus a new year to meet.


There are no free places in the circus, just give me the answer:

Who should come big, with a long white beard?

Children:Santa Claus!


Be sure to come and gifts will bring.

In the meantime, we do not miss. Circus representation start!

Listen, watch all

We start our parade Alla!

Parade Alle


In the circus, the music today does not merge,

All cheerful clown entertains.

Under the merry melody, two clowns run into the hall.

Bom: (Joyful) Bim!

Bim:(Surprised) bom!

Bom: How glad I am to see you!

Bim: And I am even more glad! (hug)

Leading:Clowns, say hello to the public.

Bom: Where are bagels? What are bagels?

Leading:Here is the audience!

BUT! Public! Bow you, dear viewers!

Laugh, do not want?

Where you bought a senory

Is this red tomato?

Amazing question!

This is my own my nose!

Cloon Redhead, Konopatoy, - stroke yourself on the head, show freckles,

I really like the guys. - three cotton in your hands

Nose like a red tomato. - smooth nose alternately with hands

And in the eyes of his pads. - Using hands depict eyes and clap cilia - fingers

Tears are pouring like a crane - " collect tears in palm

In multicolored pockets. - show pockets palm to hips.

And in his pockets, there and here, - the hands are folded into the "bud", raise up, open the "petals".

Red roses grow.

Then he cries, it laughs, - the index fingers vertically to the eyes, then to the lips.

Then he is kind, then he holds out - They smooth their hands, then throw fists forward.

Oh what awkward it is - Hands on the belt, the slopes of the body to the right and left.

But I need it to everyone. - hands cross on the chest, on the sides and on the belt.

What are you tired of sitting on a chair?

Watch - ka, see

And there quite fell asleep. (laughs)

To shake up, do not yaw

We will dance together.

Dance "Ice palms"


The performance continues, everyone is surprising!

On the arena of the Balagan Bound Wind Hurricane

Rush, as in pursuit, circus horses.


We are not easy horses, we are circus horses!

We love to run and ride, not to catch up with anyone!

"Dance of circus horses"


Attention! Attention!

Cowboys arrived

They are cheerful people.

Like famously and ready

Surprise of course everyone

"Dance Cowboys"

Bom:And I can declare the next number ?

Leading:Here are the program.

In the robe, the gymnasts hoops are wrapped.

If the number was good, you praise in your hands.

Dance exercise on a trampoline

(Bom runs down with a cry).

Oh oh oh. Theft! Kaul, robbery, loss!

The thief sneaked in the morning early! He stole everything from his pocket.

Stop, bom, shed! Sorry, you, do not shout!

You can't live without cheating, you have no pocket!

Bom: How! Why didn't you say before? Guard! Pocket stole !!!

Bim: Again you confused everything. What is what happened?

Bom: I lost the circus program for which I was announced.

Bim: What to do now? And let's now arrange an intermission, and then come up with how to find the program.

Bom: Intermission!

Bim: In the intermission, children will play!

The game

Bom: Oh oh oh. The intermission is over, and we did not find the programs that we will do?

Bim: Or maybe the Snow Maiden will help you find the program? It is necessary to call it loud: "I call you the Snow Maiden, come soon, we are waiting!"

(Clowns repeat words, attracting children).

Music included Snow Maiden .

Snow Maiden.

Before the new year from the country of snow and ice

Together with the grandfather frost to visit you I hurry here.

Everything is waiting for me for a holiday, everything is called the Snow Maiden.

Hello, kids, girls and boys!

With new happiness! Happy New Year! With a new joy for everyone!

Let the worship be fulfilled! And there will be great success!

Hey, Snow Maid - Master Snow White Sister

Clowns you help and the program of finding.

Snow Maiden.

1,2,3,4,5 - We begin to search.

You go to the right (clowns). You go to the left.

How to hear the noise yes the knock, then the program here!

Clowns are looking for as soon as they meet, the children clap and have it, as they diverge - sit quietly. Once - clowns look at each other, shrugged, the other time they searched each other. At the end of the program.

Snow Maiden:

Well done boys. And now, friends, I will continue!

I declare the next number of our program!

Circus arrived, Circus arrived

And under the dome of the arena

Charleston wanted to keep!

Dance "Charleston"

Rugged clowns and start playing

Game "Caps". Two identical paper caps are interconnected with a thin thread, put on each other. Bom puts the cap on the head. Bim also wants the same. He comes up to Bom, removes the cap from him from his head, puts on himself, not seeing that Boma stayed on his head the same cap. The cap falls from the head of Boma. Bom runs behind his cap, puts him on his head, and at that time the cap falls from Bim. So the game is repeated several times. Snow Maiden allows Bim and Boma dispute, breaks the thread and puts the caps on the heads of both clowns. Bim and Bom joy hugging.


Ay da Circus, in surprise! But we interrupt the presentation!

The steps are approaching ... I do not understand, whose are they? ...

Suffocate and gripped, enter the hall Felt boots.

Volumetric boots, stitched from foam rubber. Inside each - the child, on the head of the hat, on the neck of the scarf, on the hands of the mittens.

Under the merry song "Music Santa Claus" in the hall includes Santa Claus.

Santa Claus:

Hello guys!

Hello, guests are expensive!

Hello Snow Maiden

Where were my felt boots?

Oh, the people are how much, and I bare.

Here is a shame.

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, don't worry, you will find your felt boots. Let's best congratulate everyone with the holiday!

Santa Claus:

The granddaughter, what do you say, how can I celebrate the holiday in the sland? Yes, I do not go for a holiday without a boat! So far, the boots are not found, do not even call. I have a santa frost or who? (goes out)

Snow Maiden:

Dear children, our guests, we lost the felt boots,

Maybe you saw them? (wait for the answer of the guests) (everyone is looking for)

What to do? And do not cause us the police? And what, let them seek! (Ring) Hello, Police? Santa Claus gave felt boots, we can not find them without you, please only quickly!

Included a policeman


Police caused?


Called, the boots are disappeared! I can't find anywhere!


Do not worry, a citizen, squeezing. Well, citizens, viewers, show your feet! (not finding boots, says). So, citizens, the business is clear that the case is dark.

(Sees footprints, goes after the screen and speaks there)

Here they are, darling! (All together go to the music).

They came down with their feet, looking for, and they ride with snowflakes. Snow Maiden, Zovi Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden:And suddenly it is not his felt boots, he has a magic boots! They not only speak, but also to sing knew how.


So check! Hey, do you, run-away, can you sing? (Valenki nod).

Well, sing, and we will listen.

Wovenka sing Chastushki

1. We played with snow,

The holiday here already goes!

Oh, probably, we are from grandfather,

From frost will get!

2. Grandfather is tired and before lunch

Loe on the bench, lie down

And we are quietly from grandfather

Fucked to walk!

3 . Do not see what we have

Male mittens!

We were fed to order

We are big boots!

4. In vain, we, having sow,

Were in vain, what are you writing?

Why in this room

Nobody slaps us?!

Snow Maiden:These are they, I learned them by voice.

Policeman:Then what we stand, let's go to Santa Claus (go)

Santa Claus comes to the music

Santa Claus:

Dear friends, I found my boots!

Happy New Year, Happy New Year

Congratulations to all guys!

Let them be joyful in this sky!

Went through storms and blizzards,

To achieve your goal.

And I thought one thing:

In the circus dreamed of long ago.

Here is the desired hour,

I am very happy to see you!

Well, the circus people,

Stand together in the dance!

"New Year's dance" ("Hello Winter Winter)

Santa Claus:

Are you not afraid of frost? Beware, beware of how to see, witness - in the middle of frost. Well, show your hands, yes back to remove, to whom I touched, the corrule, but joking!

Game "Corrosion"

Santa Claus:

What a fun circus idea, but I'm not a simple santa frost. I not only can hand out gifts, but also to perform in the circus.

Bim:And what do you know how to do?

Santa Claus:Yes, I am a wizard! And now I will please you with focus.

Sounds Music "Focuscripts"

Focus 1 "Water - Water"

Santa Claus:

Look - once or two or three

Before you these banks

Emptiness they have inside

The Snow Maiden brings water, distinguishes it along the jars, closes them with covers, on which a little watercolor paint is applied in advance.

Santa Claus:

You are water-water

Friend you are my beautiful


Not simple and red

Shakes a jar with a red lid - water is painted in red

Santa Claus

You are water-water

Friend you are my student


Not simple, green

Takes a jar with a green lid, shakes it - the water is painted in green

Santa Claus

You are water-water

Bright like frost


Not simple and blue

Takes a jar with a blue lid, shakes it - water is painted in blue

There was water colorless

And became multicolored

Focus 2 "Magic Casket"

Santa Claus:

Here is my magic box. Let the Snow Maiden pulls out of her handkerchief of any color. I turn away, closing my eyes and guess what color in the Snow Maiden handkerchief. She stands sideways to the audience and children, highly raises the handkerchief in their choice. Clown plays and helps D.M.

(The color of the handkerchief suggests the first letter of his question to deedorosis).

TOokoy color this handkerchief? Red.

FROMquach, grandfather this handkerchief ... blue.

Z.nut, what color .... Green..

J.selate kids of what color this handkerchief. Yellow.

It comes out with a blank bag.

Santa Claus.

I will open you a secret -

Nothing while there is no

Reply, children are friendly

What to find in the bag do we need?


Santa Claus:

I will open my bag ... just quietly, everything .... Hip!

We will put a little, together on the bag will take it

Hands praise, flood legs!

Once, two, three - here is a gift. (pulls out an egg)

Bim:Santa Claus, are you kidding?

Snow:Grandpa, what happens?

Santa Claus:

Witchcraft did not work ...

In my hands, the egg fell apart,

Oh, where does it bearing?

In the lounge is not advocate.

(Misses the egg)

What happened? What happened?

Oh, (takes off as a head) Egg is ourselves.

(scolding himself)

Well, have you done old?

You missed eggs!

Calm down, Santa Claus,

Do not burn and above the nose ...

Now I will catch an egg

In the hall will surely return.

(runs out of the door) (because of the door)

Wait, wait. Caught up with!

Hear grandfather, caught!

It is very difficult for me to carry

Bim soon, help me.

(Bim and BA rush big egg)

Santa Claus:

And the egg has grown,

Oh ... Heavy it.


Quieter ... (Finger to the mouth)

Who is in him knocking

Santa Claus, he grieves there ..

(From the egg there is a knock and growl, the dragon comes out)

Bim:Is it for the beast of the forest?

Snow:We are not familiar with you!

The Dragon:

I am a dragon, now my turn!

I will be the main thing for the whole year!


Oh, what a terrible beast you are

What should we do now?

How to save from fire?

We urgently need water.

Santa Claus:

Our Dracosh is a heart friend,

will not offend us, of course!

You have an honorable guest, and I give you a title of symbol of the year!

War it all year!

The Dragon:

Well, thank you! It's so nice! I will try to justify trust and be a good symbol! Good and honest!

Together with you I am Drako!
So, there will be a good year!
We will sing and dance.

we will continue the holiday.

Dance "Dragon - Rock"

The Dragon:

Only I have a question:

What you be sad, Santa Claus.

Santa Claus:

Star see I became, friends ...

Without gifts kids.

The Dragon:

In the shell you uplook,

Smile on the face of Rernney ...

(D.M. peeks and pulls gifts)

Bim:Hooray! I see gifts ....

Santa Claus:Happy new year to you, friends!

The Dragon:

I promise you, friends

That next year,

Only joy and love

(Distribution of gifts).

Santa Claus. Well, be deuberring healthy, live together, without worries.

Snow Maiden. And do not miss you, we will return to you exactly in a year.

The Dragon:

I promise you, friends

That next year,

Only joy and love

I will give him away.


That ended our New Year's circus performance.

In the arena performed, everyone tried everyone,

For guests in our hall have fun laughing.

Goodbye, goodbye, we will come to you!

And today on the farewell, you chose to us together!

New Year's circus presentation in the older group Dow. Scenario

Averin Elena Sergeevna, Music Director of the MCDOU BMO kindergarten №20 combined species.
Description. Scenario of the New Year holiday in the senior group. This scenario can be useful for music leaders and educators of senior preparatory groups.
Purpose. Create a festive mood in children. Develop the work of children.
1. Develop creative abilities.
2. Enable children to express their individuality.
3. Create a festive mood and a magic atmosphere.

Holiday traffic.

Lead - Time runs everything forward and forward,
That's on the threshold: New Year!
Holiday is time to start us, friends,
Put, dancing, you can not miss here!
Children are included in the hall and stop the swarming, facing the audience.

Child- We all waited with impressive day when myself comes,
With the first snow and blizzard is our good winter!
Child- on top of the snow marine, everything is circular white-white,
In white now at home. Hello, winter winter!
Child - Any of us waiting for the winter when the new year comes!
There will be a holiday and fun, and Grandfall Frost will come.
Song "New Year"
Child- Hello, Christmas tree, how we are glad that you came to us again
And in the green needles, the freshness of the forest brought!
Child - on the branches of your toys and lanterns are burning,
Multicolored flappers, beads different hanging!
Child - How good that in this hall we met with you again!
We waited for this holiday for a long time, and he came to the frost in winter!
Child "The new year knocks on the door with a song, a fairy tale, good."
Everyone now believes in a miracle, every house is waiting for gifts.
Child - Spread the circle of sewn, become a dance,
Together, we joyfully lived together to meet New Year!
Horror "Christmas Choir"
Children sit down.
Lead- On the forest clearing - the age-old spruce froze white blizzards.
Snow Maiden lives in the licks
Sripped the snow slightly heard here it goes.
snow Maiden comes to the music, sings a song.
Snow Maiden - Hi, hello, my friends, I want to want you to:
I am silver and gentle, you are important on your holiday.
Happy New Year Congratulations, happiness, I wish.
Santa Claus sent me, he passed the letter!
Leading: This is a surprise, how interesting, where is the message of Grandpa Frost?
Snow Maiden gives a letter.
Lead (is reading) - My little friends, waiting for you in a circus with impatience,
I will be very happy to the meeting, I love your kindergarten.
Signature "Santa Claus"
Guys, Santa Claus invites us to the circus.
It's time for us to immediately go, and we are late
Snow Maiden - Hey, boys and girls, having fun near the tree
In the circus calls you Santa Claus. And not a joke, but in serious!

Lead - Snow Maiden, and how do we get there?
Snow Maiden - They say, under the New Year, no wishes -
Everything will always happen, everything always comes true!
Blizzard, blizzard, you are a blizzard, silver snow,
Skide, tackle, go to the circus all of us!
Time! Two! Three! (Waves the magic wand.)
Snowflakes run away.
Snowflake- We are volatile snowflakes, we are transparent like ice
We are beautiful, we are air, only the wind we obedient!
Snowflake - We are silver and easy, they flore like a moth.
In the world, we fly and all roads know.
Snowflake- from snowflakes - dance silver solder
And under the ringing of crystal ice, the miracle will suddenly happen!
Snowflake- We are ice snowflakes in a circle dance,
We really want to spend your circus.
b] Snowflake dance.
Song sounds "Circus", all clap.
Lead- Well, we are in place.
The circus is very good! Everywhere is festive, light!
Merry laughter rings here!
Acrobats and juggles, trainers, dancers
Invite to visit everyone !!!
Snow Maiden - All Santa Claus entrusted to make me
And punished it we were waiting for
But not sad here and did not bored!
You can scream and laugh today
You can joke, squeeze, tumble.
Can be feet with my feet loudly,
And best of all artists pat.
Lead - So, the most respectable public, adequate respect,
Sit down ... We begin the presentation!
On rope Ballerinka, Like light fluff.

And dancing, and spins, and at the same time it is not afraid!
Gymnasta - I have everyone in sight, boldly, without a stick
On the rope will pass on the path!
On thin, thin wire go I'm not afraid
Forward - Back Stick And I will even bother
And you have so, friends, maybe it may turn out!
Just need as I ride a little!
Rattle dance.
Lead- In the next program, the program is in front of you
Famous Mag Fakir! Surrected by a whole world!
Meet the public idols - the famous Fakir!
Our guest is a wonderful magician - Bogdan, he has a wonderful gift!
A focker comes to mysterious music, crumpled. Leading makes a table with a tray. Three cans covered with chiffon cloth three cans, half filled with water. The covers from the inside are smeared with a bold layer of Guaishi (red, blue and green) and are decorated with a tinsel in the color of Guashi.
Magician- Hello my friends!
I am very glad to meet you, I will surprise you wonderland.
It is all walking all and on the tricks are divided.
Music sounds, the magician begins to show the focus.
You, water-water, friend you are my beautiful,
Become you are not transparent, become, Voddy, Red!
Under the quiet mysterious music, says words and shakes the jar decorated with Red Mishur.
You, water-water, bright as anaya,
Become you are not transparent, become, the water, the blue!
Under the quiet mysterious music, says words and shakes the jar decorated with blue Mishur.
You, water-water, friend you are my jetty,
Become you are not transparent, become, water, green!
Under the quiet mysterious music, says words and shakes the jar decorated with green tinsel.
At the end, the magician is crushed in front of the audience.
Snow Maiden- That's so miracle wonders, multicolored water!
Present magician! Yes ... pleased children! Ah, yes the wizard.
The leading removes the table.
Magician- It turns out not always, I just study.
Lead - Wizard, make sure Santa Claus come to us.
Magician - I have a question for you, and what is your Santa Claus?
Child - Our Grandfather Frost with a white beard, in the red fur coat fur
And always under the New Year all gifts distributes.
Child - without grandpa frost Snowflakes do not fly,
Without grandfather Frost, patterns do not shine ...
Child - frost with white beard, with lush mustache,
As a young boy, dancing with us.
Magic music sounds, the magician makes passes and sentences:
Magician -We for our holiday Santa Claus hurry!
To us for the holiday of Santa Claus, an unusual appearance !!!
Clap appears in a d / m costume
Klepa - Happy new year of all children! Happy New Year to all guests!
Grown, big steel. And did you know me?
Snow Maiden- Yes! You are Cloon Cloep, and not Santa Claus.
Lead - Yes, cool, the children quickly exposed you. Nothing, Santa Claus is on the way. He will soon be here, I know for sure. And we continue our presentation. Since you came, Clap, declare the next number.
Klepa- Attention! Attention!
Today in the arena, the best trained horses in the season!
Horses, they jump like the wind, there is no faster in the world!
Santa Claus goes on the horse
Santa Claus - Hello guys! Hello, guests are expensive!
I poured through the storms and blizzards, to achieve your goal.
And I thought one thing: I dreamed in the circus for a long time.
And I got the desired hour, I am very pleased to see you!
Santa Claus appeals to parents.
Mama, daddy my hello, live without burning all 100 years old!
With you, children and guests are expensive,
I celebrate the new year in the circus for the first time.
Well, the circus people, stand together in the dance!
Santa Claus- Good with you, but only, do not burn lights on the tree.
Snow Maiden- Grandfather, the main focus show - the Christmas tree lights light up!
Santa Claus - so that the fun does not disappear, so that you do not bother,
We will be a festive Christmas tree together!
Together, say: "Once, two, three - our Christmas tree, Sveti!
Lights on the Christmas tree are lit.
Santa Claus - We started the holiday, but I forgot to say hello to each other. But it can be corrected. I propose to greet ... heels.
Game "Hello" (Children move in two circles, the end of the music stops, turn to each other and "greeting" foreheads, noses, hands, shoulders, etc. How to greet says Santa Claus)
Children sit down.
Santa Claus - In the circus on the Christmas tree, I hurried friends with him grabbed
These friends are not simple - very funny!
Snow Maiden, do not yaw, and guests are presenting to us!
Snow Maiden- These artists of foreigners. Lesson-monkey
They will appear in front of you!
Let's meet them together with you !!
There are monkeys for music.
Monkey - Hello! - Hellow!
- Why is the colors on the level of knowing?
- We are not very strange monkeys. We are monkeys - foreign.
- We arrived, friends, from Africa Country.
- Happy holiday you congratulate you and tell you everyone:
Together - Heppi New EA!
Dance monkeys.

Santa Claus - There is no little music in the music circus!
I want to sound the song on the circus arena!
Song "Hello, New Year"

Santa Claus- And now - attention! In the arena - predators!
But everyone is asked not to worry and stay in their places!
Our wonderful trainer is easily controlled with tigers,
In her gentle hands, they turn into meek kittens.
Trainer - Trainer in the case of thin
With a tiger friendly, like with a kitten!
And now the big gun on the end will make a jump!
Dance of the trainer with tigers.
Lead- And now in the circus arena - a circus warm-up.
Santa Claus- In the circle of us Music calls - become a dance!
Horticulture with Santa Claus.

"Will not release" the game

Santa Claus - Snow Maiden, Hurry and the next artist announce!
Snow Maiden - And this artist knows everything and so
This is the famous Fakir MiG magician.
Under the eastern music included Fakir
MiG magician - I'm a great snake caster spell with my music.
Do not scare cute friends here trained snake.
Fakir and Snake.

Santa Claus- Presentation continue. You do not miss the circus.
In the circus arena - merry equilibrists.
Moms and dads - noble artists!
Santa Claus dresses the 4rdels in the clown cap and under the merry music offers to turn hoops.
Santa Claus - Come out soon to dance the whole kindergarten people!
This dance is not easy, repeat everything for me!
Dance of Santa Claus.
Lead- Titched grandfather, tired! He danced so much!
Let the tree rest be resting who the poems will read it.
Reading poems.

Santa Claus - And now, my friends, I will bring gifts.
Well, where is my bag with gifts?
(Puts out a bag, unlocks clown there)

Santa Claus - Oh, and who are you?!
Clown - In the circus, all clown is called me,
Spectators are bored with me there is no!
(Shouts loud) Hello Dedushka Moroz!!!
Santa Claus - Hello! And how did you get into the bag, I do not understand anything?!
(At this time, the remaining clowns run away from behind the Christmas tree)
Clowns (Shout loudly) Hello Dedushka Moroz! (hiding behind the Christmas tree)
Santa Claus (frightened)- Oh, who is it?
Clown- I am a clown!
Santa Claus- I do not understand anything? Well, now it is good
You will see you!
Looks at, at this time the rest of the clowns will run away.
Clowns - Hello Dedushka Moroz!!!
Santa Claus- Well, from the heat in the eyes two!
(Clowns are running out again for the Christmas tree, so 2 times)
Santa Claus- Oh, here you are, what chali, played grandfather!
Clown- If the clowns came, nobody will not leave!
If clowns came, the holiday is fun to go through.
Clown - Because it's good to play under the Christmas tree.
We start jumping together with friends, dance.
Dance clowns
Santa Claus - Our holiday ends, and tricks in the circus continue
Knock a staff now, and smelling snow from you!
I knock the staff, the snow lifted.
Lead - Grandfather Frost, all this, of course, is good - and we sang, and danced, and the guests decreased. But still you have forgotten something else!
Santa Claus - Yes Yes Yes! Oh, at all forgotten. I doll to you snow,
And even for the beauty you will give you noses!
Oh, how Santa Claus loves, pinch children behind the nose!
(Refers to the child) Do you want to give a spongen for nose?
It will be beautiful! Red or blue!
And now it's time to go, goodbye, the rate! Something very me is hot here ...
Snow Maiden- Santa Claus, and where gifts?
Mysterious music sounds.
Santa Claus - I have a star in my hands. (Stretches the palm, shows). Did you fall from the sky?
VOTE. Yes!
Santa Claus - You ride around the hall. And in gifts turn!
The light goes out, the magic music sounds, along the walls of the hall, the ceiling "runs" a ray of light - as if from a star (the star from the foil is attached to the flashlight, which holds Santa Claus). When light in the hall lights up again, there are big trays with gifts before the Christmas tree. Santa Claus distributes gifts.
Santa Claus - I handed all the gifts? No one forgotten?
Be happy guys, dear daisher!
I congratulate everyone from the soul!
Let the New Year meet friendly and adults and kids.
Snow Maiden - Be all healthy, let the happiness waiting for you,
Let cheerful, joyful will be the new year!
Lead - That ended our New Year's circus performance.
Old year is over. Hello, New Year!
Many days happy you guys waiting.

Elena Anatolyevna Kripichenko
"Circus New Year's, special circus." New Year's holiday scenario for senior group

How nice that today







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{!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}! {!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}! {!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}! {!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}!

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Together{!LANG-4d262e1f278c302870670bd0609088de!} {!LANG-e56d183f7a30d1be48ce32dbb34f9e1b!}{!LANG-d24c7520a335613dcf5eea0849485ea0!}

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{!LANG-e745783943265cf22e6d160e1a14d948!} {!LANG-d31f03243cc88136ba922ef46b24fc69!}








Red roses grow.







{!LANG-4157e9fe6e48c7727eb182211790ccbd!}{!LANG-76dd74aaf1799d46eba9e4dd548cc711!} {!LANG-3e3b7c301f36990e8f143f2f2ddeec7e!}!







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{!LANG-f2f11f28082feea483bc04d116341671!}: {!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}! {!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}! {!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}!


{!LANG-f2f11f28082feea483bc04d116341671!}: {!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}! {!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}! {!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}!


{!LANG-f2f11f28082feea483bc04d116341671!}: {!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}! {!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}! {!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}!


{!LANG-f2f11f28082feea483bc04d116341671!}: {!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}! {!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}! {!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}!


{!LANG-f2f11f28082feea483bc04d116341671!}: {!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}! {!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}! {!LANG-374e0954da79acb1d84b29eba4ce44c1!}!





{!LANG-af96625fea95421e70212901b23f85dc!} « {!LANG-a997a4256ba859a5844d7c687c99c054!}»










{!LANG-8b90cf74e08660a4500a0dbec6e62a5d!} {!LANG-abb8fc4da73ced2fa71f4046308ed7c3!}

{!LANG-edff728215be42d4c0168a3db8befeef!} {!LANG-b7ab6828b496f551f23c9c614ea36523!}

{!LANG-5cd7847db59129f4b3861f0e07b35e4d!} {!LANG-b7ab6828b496f551f23c9c614ea36523!}






{!LANG-dd5929af9fee47e26176cd3697e628e2!} {!LANG-a669578abfabaa1f592d3066618a8ebc!}




{!LANG-0323f7fb589120998622894b2a1f014a!} {!LANG-7f0303ce2cfb163ade17210e4310fc08!}




{!LANG-789d3ebf5815f8148fcf749a604e8b84!} {!LANG-383f6edf33fc3eed57a609fe62197e78!}





{!LANG-58c4ed5291b64b8aca95f1dcdb67c9cf!}: {!LANG-8aaf49fbea8a3cf649a400e3c763c63f!}{!LANG-72e0a371c00b5a13a2e3a26cc934c118!}




{!LANG-29ba294795fd01aa8f282e0bf1934c30!} {!LANG-91abe006004daf026777198cae846a68!}.











{!LANG-dc8be310be386cad5d07d5413c7a3b39!} {!LANG-71cffbf2bc80ab646b9390bc0ea94f3e!}







{!LANG-95605fcf1a5ab60035332ddd2afd1ea7!}{!LANG-713ffc9a69c3d601b2f8cddfeb4960dc!} {!LANG-bb653131f3128829b29dc81a51533871!}{!LANG-6038af51fc92d0cf112d255c0296d974!}

Clown: {!LANG-390a0c3a4266594e6d6e7c561af4a654!}{!LANG-71d46da93ad888439bd13eddb486a5a4!}

{!LANG-95605fcf1a5ab60035332ddd2afd1ea7!}: {!LANG-100ccab8205643d41de2d48614ce5eca!}{!LANG-bf9253d54743e4ebbe777bcabd1e935c!} {!LANG-0afd973cf667a5d23141ae61c73828e0!}: {!LANG-76f0b3102e0d879e9bf46afbba20496e!})

{!LANG-4157e9fe6e48c7727eb182211790ccbd!}{!LANG-11489cc8dac3c83e7896186b3c01644b!} {!LANG-3e3b7c301f36990e8f143f2f2ddeec7e!}{!LANG-bd1a3a7872fe22b4787de853d1df91e5!}

Santa Claus{!LANG-00b5b218755dc932d3cc74511ab8a8e8!} {!LANG-4959a96f3c22b4c1992f3e5d3526fd83!}{!LANG-bc46971424c31d08b012c48fabd8eaac!}



{!LANG-2d5e3bea3cd036947a7f25073a8b539b!} {!LANG-db088de3c6857e6365f696eae578c551!}


{!LANG-90461f8efa3b00e2e1c9bea3fb3ae106!} {!LANG-dab1e1fef96ad15b18a744ad385733f5!}{!LANG-072aa8dee19bc732a58784619dc30f52!}

{!LANG-00543ddfa5458b38ffff71a1b482e79f!}: {!LANG-83a16c3c7864e2e2fe200c8300aa0ed3!}{!LANG-bbbb2fee8a7a756e4f60a0f0043c6af2!}


Santa Claus{!LANG-5da8b12bb6f84eb2b4cb51ec48adb0d2!} {!LANG-4ad508078e18d4bfb15ac19f57fb5730!}{!LANG-413219ced32bc094fb1708e727acc231!} {!LANG-c40ca213b127459d263ff8f995834346!}{!LANG-a9b5c9484abc9317ec4ebc611f6305e3!}










1 {!LANG-b8ce89c0e36f4fab684a44e6f017848e!}




2 {!LANG-706509701cd25330640853d5fa3a4185!}




3: {!LANG-28f724471f6d464bb6513cef7cb845cb!}




4 {!LANG-d9daf6139f3440bc23602b8ac35ed1b3!}














What is your secret there?

1 {!LANG-9b2bc449cb4eadf5a6b69b5c28abdbca!}



2 {!LANG-cf057cfed4930d81530d347b3a102b3e!}


3 {!LANG-7271a3a251212c5111d76696dab82830!}




4 {!LANG-52602c70689068be908c32c415278878!}


















{!LANG-738b7b9568fafa22453e26dbbbb40ead!} {!LANG-d51620e76981a7c5dede33f883f030a2!}

1 {!LANG-4f63af0d44338eb9ca67d1a763891daf!}


2: {!LANG-7f6be4931095cc3a982d8c5ce835bb06!}


1 {!LANG-07fc277148f0e8dbfed7e2099f621b2e!}




2 {!LANG-b39d151433de4c5bb27591e02efd4612!}




1 {!LANG-421b45e6aa5eadca21ae702a9eb02d5c!}

2 {!LANG-c1f29ff3732a0decacf8d934f42ad133!}

1 {!LANG-484330bb4f276497d15ec546d30a7b84!}










1 {!LANG-2462ea094e0e20d60b7408d85a5b41a8!}






2 {!LANG-f585617070459fcbcb4d0de45cff32b6!}


























1 {!LANG-c3498612d6c45d82859aac5011c82f69!}




2 {!LANG-044cc2527ae596a368371704f0762ca8!}
























1 {!LANG-94795b5797bb38ad3e4dc2e50fc70e8f!}




2 {!LANG-eae7cb0b5cd29956fb9cc1ac5743fb30!}










1 {!LANG-cf057cfed4930d81530d347b3a102b3e!}


2 {!LANG-2def9785d31d9c2b00e4bf0670bdb485!}





















Hello guys!





















































































