History of military music in Russia. Regional traditions of Russian folk song creativity Music traditions of my family

History of military music in Russia. Regional traditions of Russian folk song creativity Music traditions of my family
History of military music in Russia. Regional traditions of Russian folk song creativity Music traditions of my family

State budgetary educational institution

higher education of the city of Moscow

"Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Shnitke "

holds among students and universities who study folk musical creativity and traditional culture,

Fifth All-Russian Open Competition

I sing my fatherland!

Objectives and objectives of the competition:

  • awareness of the wealth and beauty of the heritage of ancestors;
  • study of culture, art, creativity of the peoples of Russia;
  • promoting international cooperation aimed at identifying the diversity of cultural and national traditions of different ethnic groups;
  • strengthening mutual understanding and friendly relations between representatives of different ethnic groups;
  • combining students of different nationalities on the principles of peaceful coexistence and creative understanding;
  • preservation, support and popularization of national instruments;
  • expansion of the horizons and the intellectual level of youth;
  • solving the urgent tasks of spiritual and moral education, the formation of moral values \u200b\u200bof young people;
  • creating conditions for creative self-realization of young musicians (musicologists and performers) and their social adaptation in the field of culture;
  • performers and their social adaptation in the field of culture;
  • identification and support of gifted creative youth of Russia and other countries, education, patriotic and aesthetic education, strengthening of a single cultural space, the preservation and development of the cultural potential of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The terms of participation

Students of the SPO and universities are preparing a performance (no more than 15 minutes) and a presentation of their small homeland (Ethnic, region, Area, Lock). Information material may affect aspects of local history (history of settlement, natural conditions), ethnography (housing, handicraft, traditional costume, rites), musical folklore (folk instruments, songs and instrumental genres, authentic performers and masters). The message must contain the study of music under study and music illustrations, including personal execution by a contestant or a group of participants in instrumental or vocal ethnomy languages, as well as samples of choreographic folklore.

Deadlines and venue

Ul. Marshal Sokolovsky, house 10


ChairmanScherbakova Anna Iosifovna - I.O. Rector MGIM named after A.G.Shnitka, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor, Member of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education and the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation.

Deputy Chairman of Alyabyeva Anna Gennadievna - Head of the Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Theory, Doctor of Arts, Professor, Member of the Society of Orientalists of the Russian Federation, Member of the International Council for Traditional Music ( ICTM.) With UNESCO.

Zaitseva Elena Aleksandrovna - Candidate of Art History, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, History, Theory of Culture and Art of the MGIM named after A.G.Shnitka, Member of the International Union of Music Workers, Academician of the International Academy of Creativity, Artistic Director of the Folk Ensemble "Key".

Vasilenko Alexander Ivanovich - Laureate of All-Russian and international competitions, Senior Lecturer of the Department of People's Performing Arts MGIM named after A.G. Shnitke.

Shabshaevich Elena Markovna - Doctor of Art History, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, History, Theory of Culture and Art of MGIM named after A.G.Shnitka, Scientific Director of the Center for Scientific Creativity of Students.

Ganicheva Julia Vladimirovna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, History, Theory of Culture and Art of MGIM named after A.G.Shnitka, Senior Researcher of the Department of Publishing and Research.


Project Coordinator - Zaitseva Elena Aleksandrovna 8-916-535-11-81

[Email Protected] Mail.ru.

Information, as well as the results of the competition will be published on the official website of the MGIM named after A.G. Shnitke

IN application With the mark "I sing My Fatherland" should be specified:

  • FULL NAME contestant
  • Educational Institution, Education Level, Department, Specialty, Course
  • Speech topic
  • Contact phone, email address

Application to send by email. Address: [Email Protected]

The entrance fee indicating "For participation in the competition" I sing My Fatherland "" in the amount of 1000 rubles should be paid for by transfer to the settlement account of MGIM named after A.G. Shnitke. Skan (photo) of receipts should be sent by email to the address [Email Protected] until 05/10/2019.

Musical traditions of my family. Chastushki.

Party "HREF \u003d" / "REL \u003d" BOOKMARK "\u003e Parties, and when just a lonely deep winter evening I want to sing, accompanying myself on the piano. We have a special honor for us - People's Russian Songs. We know the many, I sing, laying out a song on the voices, men's, female, children's ... and yet about one genre of Russian music, loved by all members of our family, I want to tell you more:

"In the song Joy, in the song Mountain,

In a song and fun.

Only in the song I find

The heart is a comforter "-

learned? Of course this is a chastushki! There is no such person in Russia who would not know the chastushki. I did not remember at least one of these, then naughty, then sad songs, be it a city resident or rustic. What are the shades, experiences, mischiefs and tensions, it does not carry in their four lines! Diva is given! A chastushka is a huge world, sparkling and mischievous. "Little Yes, delete" - talk about the chastushki, because in these short songs a lot of humor and wit. A chastushka is a cheerful story, a small music story. New Year, Maslenitsa, Easter, Trinity, Birthday - No Our Family Holiday does not do without chastics.

Traditionally, the chastushki was performed on one melody with whole series during the festivities under the harmony, balalaik, "under the tongue" or without musical accompaniment. Some scientists believe that the chastushka was born for a very long time that the songs, similar to the chastushki, hooked and danced the stray artists - scomerculos - still in the XVII - XVIII centuries. Others are convinced: a chastushka as a special song form appeared not earlier than the middle of the last century. In the famous four-volume sensible dictionary of Dalya, the words "chastushka" (in the sense of the "short song") is not, so the second point of view seems to me more convincing.

"... she lives like a man

And in the people there is no fee.

She all love and transmit

From the generation to the generation.

You will hear once - no rest,

All my life will be together.

You kids, just seven years old,

Chastowka 100, maybe 200! "

At that time, only young guys and girls sang during the dance, on the walk. In a close circle, the guys and girls, having trick, under the sounds of the harmonica, chastushki sentenced.

The word "chastushka" came up with Russian writer Gleb Uspensky, before that, as soon as these funny short songs were not called: "Shuttle", "Misochochka", "Tarautka", "Matanya", "Freak". Most chastushki are very fun, no wonder the chastushka nicknamed - a musical joke. In ancient times, the elderly people did not consider the chastushki serious songs, they believed their fun young, but time went, young stolel, and the songs of their youth were not forgotten. Gradually, the chastushka became the song of all ages: Girls go to the forest behind the mushrooms and berries, they sing Forest chastushki, there are a fighter on the war, they sing the front-line chastushki, there are chastushki - Nedos:

"On the birch Tractor Les,

All knees rimmed

Well, who is what business

Maybe his nest! " -

nevertheless, the main topic of the chastulent joke is love and lovers. Meetings, courtship, dating, parting. Chastushki about love is called "suffering." With a special warmth, suffering performed by my mom:

"Let's stand with you near

Plecer about the shoulder,

So as not to do, it did not suffer

For you hearth ... "

A song in our family is suitable with soul. Otherwise it is impossible ...

In the best samples, a chastushka not only keeps the inexhaustible riches of Russian speech, but also willingly absorb the words and expressions brought by a new time. There are constantly creating very new chastushki, in which the old one is only a melody, a familiar shape and inexhaustible people's humor.

Musically, the specifics of the chastushka consists in the absence of an individual entry. There are local tips on which most of the chasts of one or another region are fulfilled. Meet the Pavlovsky Chastushki - the result of our family creativity, the music of folk, words - Orcilukov.

Pavlovsky Chastushki.

Our town is small

Pavlov is called.

We sing about him with a soul

The song is poured.

Pavlovskaya land

In the world not found.

Here the people of Masovy

Metalists, bushes.

Does not miss all year round

And dancing and sings

Pavlovchanin, Pavlovchanka-

Amazing people!

All Russia knows us

Releases the city of groove.

The half is swearing

Brakes break!

Pavlovsky streets,

Curves of lanes,


Gusaki Fight.

Someone goes abroad,

On marine shores,

Well, we caress us

Siegyglazaya Oka.

Yellow Pavlovsky Lemon.

For Russia, the whole sign.

From the ground grows in the pot,

A slice of the sun on the window.

Means Million money

And in Pavlovskaya side

Lemons ripen on the window.

Field folkrs,

People noble

From old to small

Hello from Pavlov !!!

The emotional tone of most chastushki is a major, the musical basis - short one-piece, less often - duplex, melodies, performed by half-talk or singing and singing. When listening to the chastushki, there are alive of their connection with the long traditions of our people, with his character, with the centuries of his history, with all the family and close, that for all we are included in the concept - Russia. Everything, literally everything, can be expressed in a chaccino, these short songs: sly, wiggy, sincere, funny and sad lovers many. And in our time, each person knows if he knows what a chastushka - will answer in the affirmative, and perhaps and fulfill one of them.

What attracts so attracts in the chastushki? And the fact that you can perform a chastushka everywhere: on the street, in the field, on the walk, at the meeting, on the stage, at a party with friends, at the family celebration and hiking by the fire. And adults and young people and children can sing them. Russian chastushka is amazing. The word "chastushka" is understandable to everyone without excluding. So let him live a chastushka, accelerates sadness - longing, teaches the mind - reason. Let's save it in your heart - I will save, hide and mischievous, she deserves!


"Sovie Russia" Publisher "Soviet composer", Moscow 1989.

Military music of Russia Organizationally undertakes on the Moscow Earth in 1547 and since then has always been and remains a tuning of the soul of the Russian serviceman.

Military music of Russia created in the army and for the army became a unique phenomenon in the musical culture of the country. In the works written for the military brass orchestra, they found a bright reflection of the heroic history of our people and high achievements in the field of artistic culture.

History of Military Music in Russia

Military music existed in Russia with deep antiquity. But only at Ivan IV in 1547, the order of the Big Palace was created for the first time to manage military music of Russia.

Peter I attached great importance to military music, as a means to strengthen military discipline and lifting the moral and combat spirit of troops. The first military orchestras arose in the formation of the first Russian regiments - Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky. It was these orchestras that played parades in honor of the victory in the Northern War, and the Transfiguration Police march began with time the unofficial anthem of the Russian Empire.

In the days of the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, the shelves were distinguished in battles along with banners and orders to reward silver Georgievski pipes as the symbols of military valiation and fame. This tradition continued in the Russian army for a long time.

During the reign of Catherine II, an increase in the states of regimental orchestras occurred. The military-patriotic and socio-cultural significance of military music was particularly increased during the Russian-Turkish wars. Outstanding Russian commander A.V. Savorov said a wingted phrase: "Music doubles," the army triples. I am inspired with the lessed banners and loud music. "

The development of musical art at the beginning of the XIX century was largely determined by the events of the Patriotic War of 1812-1814. Military marches, which sounded during battles, became the symbols of the valiant of Russian troops. Patriotic gust, the growth of national self-consciousness associated with the liberation war against Napoleon, was brightly manifested in the field of military music. There were many heroic-patriotic works and among them Marsha O.A. Kozlovsky, N.A. Titova, K.A. Kavos, F.ANtonolini, A.A. Diffeld and others.

In the second quarter of the XIX century in Russia, A.S.Dargomyzhsky, M.I. Glinki, A.A. Alyabyev and other composers enter into a heyday strip. At this time, the first steps are made to the creation of original works for wind orchestras. The winged expression has been preserved: "The Military Orchestra is a business card of the regiment."

Special influence on the development of military-orchestra music was the activities of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov on post by the Inspector of Military Music Chorans of the Maritime Department. The transformation of military orchestras, held by him on a fleet and the training of personnel training for them served as an excellent example for imitation when conducting such reforms in the army.

In the second half of the XIX century, the use of military music in battle became limited due to an increase in the density of fire and maneuverability of troops that occurred due to the development of military equipment and weapons.

In 1882, the first military orchestra in Russia was created in St. Petersburg, whose duties were not only the provision of military rituals, but also participation in protocol state ceremonies. The musicians of the orchestra were successfully played in the palaces and during the receptions of foreign ambassadors and events held in the highest presence.

In the Russian-Japanese and First World War, military orchestras took an active part in military operations. Many domestic military musicians fell on the battlefields, and distinguished military units were often awarded with silver Georgievski pipes. In peaceful days, military orchestras continued to participate in the construction of troops, in numerous parades, in the musical design of military rituals.

The post-revolutionary years of the 20th century became a period of spontaneous emergence of military orchestras, most of them are not able to respond to those facing them. For centralized management of military orchestra activities in 1919, the Bureau of the Military Orchestras of the Red Army and Fleet was created.

It was during this period that the "Kremlin Music Team" of the Garrison of the Moscow Kremlin was created, which became the professional team with the Presidential Orchestra of Russia with the time.

Increasing the number of the Red Army in the 1930s dictated the growth of the need for military musicians. Therefore, during this period, a network of military-educational institutions has increased significantly, including the military faculty of the Moscow State Conservatory.
In the same period, military orchestras are involved in working on radio, records records and music for movies.

During the Great Patriotic War, military orchestras performed with concerts on the radio and on the front line, raising the morale of soldiers. The works of domestic composers prevailed in the repertoires of military orchestras, as well as folk music, but marches remained the basis of the repertoire.

In the postwar years, spiritual music along with mass songs remain on the advancement of domestic culture.
The circle of military rituals was noticeably expanded, the daily performing practices of military orchestras: the musical design of the solemn events and parades, the fighting study of troops, military maneuvers and reviews. The contests, holidays and festivals of military music were traditional.

Starting from the 60s. The XX century, Army and Fleet orchestras of our country become permanent participants in the international festivals of brave music and begin to travel to foreign countries.

Due to the high level of performing skills and creative potential, military musicians played a prominent role in the development of domestic musical art.

In the modern period, military orchestras provide not only holding military rituals, but also take an active part in all significant public events, conduct a greater concert and educational work.

Uppo Ignat

The origins of the Russian folk song. Second life of folk music in remixes, movies, scenography.



MOU "Secondary School No. 79"

Competition of projects "First Steps"

Folk music:

Traditions and innovation

Artist - Uporov Ignat

Student 4 A class

MOU "SOSH № 79"

Teacher - Uporovova I.A.

perm, 2009.


1. Introduction ......................................................................4

2. Folk music: Traditions

2.1. "You're from, Russian, originated, music ..." ............ 5

2.2. Genre variety of folk songs .................. 6

2.3. Music folklore ....................................... 7

2.4. Folk Tools ....................................... .. 7

3. Folk music: innovation ....................................... ... 8

  1. Conclusion .................................................................. nine
  1. Bibliography ............................................................... 10.
  1. Muchny app ................................................... ... ... 11

Explanatory note

This project is relevant and is of interest to any person - a musician or a town man. After all, all folk songs about our lives. Folk creativity is a school of patriotic education.

The child grows from lullaby songs to the epic, preparing to comprehend the complex world. Folklore attracts the attention of children and young people to the history and culture of the native land. People's songs contribute to the comprehensive development of the personality.

The song and music helps to overcome the linguistic and cultural barrier arising between the grandfathers and grandchildren.

The work is built as follows:

The second section reveals the origins of the folk song, its wealth. He introduces musical folklore and a variety of musical instruments.

The third section reveals the role of a popular song in a person's life, tradition and innovation.

The application of this paper presents a music application, musical tracks of folk melodies in modern treatments, as well as a presentation and videos.

1. Introduction

The role of the folk song in the life of a person

Customs of our ancestors and far away

and very close today. They are hidden

in manuscripts, archives, alive in many

the features of our days. And even wipe,

it seemed right, they come to life in the hearts.

MM Gromyko

Slide 3. The Russian People's Song is a treasury of song creativity, "sample of truth and beauty", the invaluable heritage of the Russian people, which is the representative of Russia, and therefore the expressive of its interests, history and culture. Russian People's Song is a confession of the Slavic people about Russia, her great past, present and the future.

"As a peak of folk poetry, where the word is of paramount importance:" The song is affected, and the entanglement comes, "said the Russian folk songs left the trail of an exalted state and insight in the soul of each of their melodies, speaking about the spiritual qualities of the Russian man. Having covered all his life, they express his fate, life, labor, mental world and character features, therefore possess the enormous wealth of their diverse and diversified arsenal, the inimitableness of their shades of intonation: these melodies, then elevated, simple, strict, contemporary, then Gentle, touching, sad, then mischievous, mocking, ironic songs of love, wedding, ritual, dance, labor, yammchitsky, etc. "1

Russian folk songs have been and remain their favorite people, they have a special way to human soul: they make us kinder, cleaner and stronger, healing our souls.

Based on the folk song, all modern academic professional vocal cultures and schools developed and developed, the characteristic features and features of national musical crops were developing and developed. Acquaintance with the folk song is expanding the idea of \u200b\u200ba popular musical - poetic language.

And today, the Russian folk song lives in the people with their circle of images, an original musical expressiveness, with his "woven", dressed in the clothes of the artistic truth, which in itself deeply touches, giving birth to experiences.

Nevertheless, the Russian folk song enriched and today enriches all the musical genres. The singing writings of the people sang and today singing individual singers who own natural voices, keeping art for the current generation of people, singing, especially for Russian youth, which should be aware of the greatest value, spiritual beauty, infinite musicality, what are hidden in the Russian folk song.

1 Withersky k.z. "Tough-minded Belkanto". - Perm LLC "Typography" book, 1990

2. Folk music: Traditions

"You're from, Russian, originated, music ..."

Where are you, Russian,

Brew music?

Whether in the pure field,
Whether in the forest of the Molch?

In joy? In pain?

Or in bird whistle?

You say, from where

Sadness in you and delete?

In whose heart beat

From the very beginning?

How did you come?

How did you sound?

Flew ducks -

Drops dropped.

Sleeping geese -

Dummy husli.

They are sometimes wearing

Found, they were not surprised.

Well, and song?

With song

In Russia was born.

G. Serebryakov

Many folk songs were composed in the distant time from us when the music did not teach anyone when there were no musical instruments, music schools (and ordinary too), when it was almost impossible to meet a musically competent person. In those days, the songs composed self-taught, lovers and masters sing and playing the tools that came up with themselves. They were very talented people - it can be seen by the many beautiful vintage songs that have reached us.

The most ancient folk songs (peasant) were composed in the villages, then in cities (workers, revolutionary). Melody and words almost always composed at the same time, often the same person. The folk song was created in labor, it is an integral part of the existence of peasants, these are their joys and grief, dilutions, winter sites ...

People's songs were not recorded (after all, they were composed by people who did not know the diplomas), and they were hearing, passing from one person to another, from the family to the family, from the village to the village, from generation to generation.Slide 4.

Acquaintance with folk creativity begins in a person with a pellery, with lulled songs, Pestushek, Pleeshek. Old Russian wordget away, lulling means not only to speak, persuade, but also to talk. Often sang spiritual poems on the music of the lullaby. The lullaby song introduces to sleep, soothes. Lullabous songs are conspiracies, charms based on the magical strength of the influence of the word and music.

From the very first minutes of his being, the child is not in the chaos of sounds, but in the authority of the words and music. Even the most ordinary docks were accompanied by songs - sentences. As a result, the child is unnoticed by the two or three, it turns out to be quite prepared for independent creativity. He passed the necessary musical - creative school(see a music application, p.10)

Genre manifold of folk songs

Genre is a French word, it means a historically developed appearance, the type of work in art. The following genres distinguish in music:

  1. According to the method of execution (vocal - solo, ensembles (several people), choral; vocal - instrumental; instrumental - solo, ensemble and orchestral)
  2. By appointment (march, dance, song, lullaby song, chastushka, etc.)
  3. At the place and conditions of execution (theater, concert, chamber music, etc.)

Slide 5. "Song - Soul of the People," we hear from the musicians. One of the three whales, which keeps all the music, called the song D. B. Kabalevsky. There are very different songs: Lullaby, children's booms, counting, teasers, wedding songs, songs are broken, lyrical, telling about the female share, epics, narrowing about the expressions of the ancient heroes. In the songs, as in a peculiar folk encyclopedia, the whole life of human life is told, that is, the genre content of Russian folk song is diverse.

In the Russian village, the song accompanied a person literally all his life. The songs of the baby's taukali in Sybank, the older children sang counting, teasers, fun. They sang guys and girls when drove round dances. They sang behind the needlework, on the road and houses, at work and on vacation. No songs did not have a wedding ceremony. And a man left about the sounds of a funeral batch - Songs - crying.When the landowners forced their peasants to collect harvest in the gardens, gardens, they demanded that women and children sang songs so that their berries, vegetables and fruits would not eat. When people hardly worked, the song helped them to do something at the same time, as a team, and made it easier for their work. For example, when building some at home, a barn, barn or in the work of Bralakov with a song, it was easier to keep up or pulling a barge, loaded with a master's kind.

The Russian man has always been sensitive to the beautiful, he loved the fields and forests of his homeland, her nature and melted it in verses, and in songs, and in drawings, and in music.

Slide 6. One of the favorite genres of the Russian people was and remains a chastushka. Chastushka - cheerful, mischievous couplets, more often satirical content. Get the Lododes, Lazy and Legembokam, Sneaks and Excursers.

The word "chastushka" comes from "frequent", that is fast. Some - where the chastushki is called"Rivets". These are rapid songs in a clear rhythm. They have a very short ringtone, just one verse, which is repeated many times with different words(see the new application page 12)

Musical folklore

Slide 7 Folklore - folk art. Englishfolk - People, Lore - teaching. Together these words -folklore. - translated as"Folk wisdom."It is so, respectfully and even exalted, accepted throughout the world to call oral musical and literary folk art. In fact, in the works of oral folk art, people's experience, traditions, worldview were embodied, that is, folk wisdom is really transferred.

Music folklore is folk songs and dancing, epics and instrumental naples. Unlike instrumental music, folklore does not know the authorship. The work lives in oral tradition, transfers from one performer to another, sometimes modified. "People's songs, like musical organisms, are by no means written individual musical - creative talents, but works of the whole people," wrote A.N. Serov. Each of them is to deport the whole life of the people, his history and life.

Slide 8. The most ancient Plast Folklore, Ie Folk Music, - Peasant Songs: Calendar Songs (for each year - their own), sharing, sentences, later appeared and urban: Soldiers, workers folk songs. Children's folklore - Pestees, patters, riddles, nobyts - also reflected in children's folk music(see a music application page 11)

Folk instruments

Slide 9. The man listened to the long singing of the robe of onion, strokes of the batons on the dry trunks of the trees, whistle of a cut coat. The story did not save the names of folk craftsmen, smearing the first musical instruments - husli, balalaiks, pity, horns, swirls, cracks, spoons. Balalaika and harmonica is considered a musical symbol of the Russian people.

Guitar - string plug-in tool, one of the most common tools. Any vocal - instrumental ensemble begins with a guitar. Tourists, going to the campaign, do not forget to capture the guitar: one is good in the evening by the fire! The guitar sounds at home and in the stage, in the forest and in the concert hall. And in my project -"Folk music: traditions and innovation"Folk songs and melodies will be in modern handlers performed by the guitar.

3. Folk music: innovation

Slide 10. For many centuries, the peoples of the world composed songs like the chronicle of their lives. They are joy and sadness, good luck and difficulties, rites and games, memories of the past and dreams of the future.

For the poet, composer, artist, as for each of us, there can be no nature without a person, like a person without nature.

The folk song as a source of living water gave composers inspiration, taught them beauty and skill. Simple songs in the compositions of composers are often converted into richly decorated orchestral melodies.

Folk song, and wider all the musical folklore, it is the basis of professional composer creativity. "Creates music to the people, and we, artists, only arrange it (we put out music, decorated)," said M.I. Glinka. In many works of Russian composers, we hear folk songs, dance rhythms. And without exception, Russian music is imbued with an intonation from native folklore, the smallest turnover, which create the difference between one national musical culture from another.

Folk music, folk tales, epics, legends formed the basis of many works of great composers:

  • P. Tchaikovsky First Piano Concert (Ukr. N.P. Vezhnjanka)
  • M. Mussorgsky Opera Khovanshchina (the opera sounds melodies, very similar to folk, and genuine Russian folk songs)
  • N. Rimsky - Korsakov Opera - Tale "Snow Maiden" (songs of Lelia, every way Walking from folk tunes. It is these songs and shepherds of the naigershi Lelia warmed the cold heart of Snow Maiden, filled with his love)
  • M. Glinka "Kamarinskaya"
  • G. Sviridov "Kursk songs"
  • S. Prokofiev Cantata "Stop, Russian people ..."(See Music App)

In the films and cartoons, the directories use folk melodies, rhythms, songs, but already treating them in modern rhythms (see the music application).

  • K \\ f "We are from the future"
  • M / f "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Snake"

4. Conclusion

Slide 11. Folk music is a mirror of the life of the people, in which not only certain events in the life of the people, but also the spirit, the atmosphere of his life is reflected. Folk music played and continues to play a huge, decisive role in the emergence and development of professional musical creativity and execution.

Through the musical folklore, we come into contact with the traditions of their ancestors, rites, customs. Activities that are built on the principles of folklore creativity develops artistic - figurative, associative thinking, child fantasy. The nature of the musical folklore itself suggests its improvisational basis, combining poetry, music, plastic movements.

Sensing and singer - the characteristic features of Russian folk music and grown out composer music from her. If some song says that it has become a folk - this is the highest rating of a song or tool music.

5. Bibliography

1. Video materials from K \\ f "We are from the future", from M \\ f "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin - Snake"

2. Gromyko M. M. "The World of the Russian Village" - Moscow "Young Guard",

1991, 446С, IL.

3. Cretskaya E.D. Music 2, 3, 4th grade - Moscow "Enlightenment", 2002. -

127 p.

4. Maksimova TS Music grade 4 - Volgograd "Teacher", 2006. - 141 p.

5. Mikhailova M. A. "And our gates have a worshiper dance"

(Folk Holidays, Games and Entertainment) - Yaroslavl: Academy

Development: Academy Holding, 2001 - 224c.

6. Popov V.S. "Russian People's Song in Children's Chorean" - Moscow,

"Music", 1985 - 80c.

7. "Once, two, three, four, five, we go to play." (Russian Children

Game folklore). Compiler Novitskaya G. M., Naumenko G. -

Moscow "Enlightenment", 1995 - 240 s.

8. Children's reading readings - Moscow Rosman, 2007. - 464 p.

6. Note Appendix

1. Kotten - Kick


Oh, you, Kottenka-Kotok,

Cat Senter Test!

Come, cat, spend the night,

My Sonchka is swing.

I'm a cat, cat

For work I will pay:

I will give a piece of cake,

Fully crown cottage cheese

Scarf scarf

You need a neck.

2. Barasheny



In the mountains go,

On the forests roam

The violin is played,

Vasya sweat.

3. There was a goat on the bridge

And wiely the tail.

Hooked for the railing,

Right in the river pleased.

Who does not believe - this is he.

Go out of the circle!

4. times, two, three, four

1. times, two, three, four, 2. I'm jumping, I danced,

I was led by a literacy - I broke my knife

Only on the field ride began to regret mamma.

Perm region 5. Gori, Gori clearly Author of the recording of St. Petersburg Conservatory,

6. Chastushka

  1. In gym class

Walking on sports

I'll play basketball,

And then I'll go home.

  1. In the lesson we sit

And in the window we look.

Play, Popovo

Together we will go home.