Russian group masked. Famous rock musicians in masks

Russian group masked. Famous rock musicians in masks
Russian group masked. Famous rock musicians in masks

The main thing is not to lose your face - we hear this phrase again and again. For modern musicians "Face" includes not only their own creativity, but also the image. Our music portal So carried away with the style and fashion, which created a whole rubric "style icons". However, this time we will go from the opposite: Eatmusic gathered 7 musicians and teams who decided to hide their faces under ton cosmetics, masks and make-up (although we admit some have already revealed). And the fact is that the cosmetics does not "smooth out wrinkles, and the skin becomes smooth." The point is not in this ...

The main thing is not to lose your face? Create yourself a new one!

7th place: Deadmau5

The name of our hero is called Joel Thomas Zimmerman, and the "dead mouse" is a "working" pseudonym of the Canadian musician and DJ. The takeoff of his musical career is the case of trajecting the Faxing Berlin in the hands of Petya Tonga. Since the same time, Deadmau5 has improved: one after one he began to release digital singles, created its own label Mau5Trap Recordings and hit at least 15 dance compilations for the whole year.

6th place: buckethead

On the 6th line of our "cosmetics" "Buried" Brian Patrick Carroll, known to the whole world (and this is true) on nicknamed Buckethead. And for more than forty independently issued albums and work with many famous musicians (Guns N 'Roses, Praxis, Serj Tankian, Deli Creeps, Science Faxtion, Cornbugs, El Stew, Arcana). Such seriousness of work does not interfere with Buried Bryan to be frozen on stage: He wears a bucket from KFC on his head, theatrical mask, Dancing with nunchaki, and in general it is recognized that he was brought up by hen.

5th place: Lordi

Yes, oddly enough, Eurovision participants in 2006. Yes, oddly enough, Lordi Eurovision winners of 2006. And it's great! Back in 1992, the Kiss Fan Club Chairman decided to create his group. The composition similar to idols was typing, pseudonyms are already invented, and on KISS all this is unlikely. Then the participants decided to decorate their image on stage: each group member has its own costume and mask of any monster or a demon made of latex. Everyone leaves for almost 2 hours! Isn't the Milot?

4th place: gwar

If we talked about Lordi, you must not forget about GWAR. Back in 1984, the creators of the team removed the horror films in the same terrible (including in quality) costumes. And in order not to take a details without a case, the musicians began to use them at their concerts. In general, the GWAR music is the ridicified set of patterns and trends used in the metal. And yes, about competitors above they say that "Lordi is toys." Personally, we agree. And the main thing is not to lose your face!

3 place: DAFT Punk

Of course, the French blowing Daft Punk does not cut each other with axes, but if you judge the merit, then put them above Lordi and Gwar in this chart can be definitely possible. Tom Bangalter and Gi-Manuel de Omem-Cristo hid under masks of robots. If at the beginning of the career guys just tried to hide the faces, spoil photos and so on, then with those who came popular they took the image of futuristic robots. So they photographed, gave interviews, live performances and appeared in the clips, and also starred in the continuation religious film "Throne: Heritage." Specially designed suits for them include intricate helmets with LED illumination, as well as metal fingers gloves. Oh, yes, about music DAFT PUNK. Although, this is a completely different story.

2nd place: Kiss

Lover, dragon, aliens, cat, foxes and warrior Anch. Do you want to add something? We are not. Well, okay, very little. KISS - the legendary Glam group from New York, founded in 1973, known, of course, with its outfits and shows using bright fireworks, exploding / smoking guitars, blood bursts from yogurt, "Fire breathing" Simmons, and raising the drummer or Guitarists for height using hydraulic lifts.

1st place: Slipknot

You can arrange a battle in the comments, but we decided to put this group at the head of the list, the main thing is not to lose your face. Slipknot is a US metal group formed in 1992. On the account of the team 5 studio albums, 35 million copies sold and one Grammy Prize. But they are known, agree, not by that. Slipknot uniform was not immediately adopted: over the years and the release of new plates, their clothes were transformed, and more dangerous by reaching their apogee to the release of the fourth album All Hope Is Gone. As a rule, it is working overalls different colors With stripes with a sequence number. We admit, B. lately And from them the group moved, speaking in jeans and jackets.

The main thing is not to lose your face, probably, an important covenant for any artist. But, as we managed to make sure, some of them are absolutely optionally to show themselves. After all, in the end, the lack of talent is impossible for the mask. And the musicians collected by us are clearly there.

In the 90s, Paris Electricians often appeared on people with black bags, and for photo shoots preferred to buy a variety of idiotic Halloween masks. Even at the beginning of the 2000s, DAFT Punk could look like, for example, like this. Helmets invented for musicians by an unknown friend from France and their favorites to this day were once with wigs - one with curly hair, the other with the leaning, - but then Gi-Manuel de Omem-Cristo and Thomas Bangalt decided: let them be better Lysimi. Paparazzi caught the face Daft Punk is here, then there - there are more than a dozen photographs - while headdress of musicians have become a cult of cult:, for example, it is described in detail about their modifications in different era - from "Discovery" to Tron.

What for

In an interview with Rolling Stone, the musicians spoke simply: "We are interested in the border between fiction and reality - therefore it was interesting to create fictional charactersnow existing in real world».

What masks

Giant eyeballs hide the identities of American avant-gardeists for more than forty years. In 1985, one of the participants of the group mask was stolen - a person named Mr. has appeared in The Residents group. Skull who has chosen as a new skull. The eyeball, however, returned - but the group found it "too dirty" and decided not to use anymore. The Residents image is still associated primarily with eyeballs, but now a man named Randy Rose, he is hiding behind the head of the old man.

What for

Elusive The Residents never give an interview and therefore did not bother to explain to anyone, why are masks. For this, actually worn.

What masks

Trash-metal parodists from Virginia was put on not only masks, but also frightening costumes, invented a story: In fact, Gwar was born not in America, but flew from space in order to destroy the remains of life on Earth. Frontman David Barheads - that is, of course, Oder Urungus, "Intergalactic Barbarian Humanoid with Devilish horns," found dead last week, so that Gwar will put alien costumes again, it is unclear. The Lordi group, a wildly similar to Gwar, the cells called them a "children's version".

What for

On the one hand, to attract attention - GWAR and became popular primarily thanks to the costume show. On the other hand, if you believe legend, they were born.

Photo: Getty Images / Fotobank

What a mask

Once Joel Thomas Zimmerman, changing the video card, found a dead mouse in the system unit. As she crashed there and how much lay there, it was unclear - but, judging by Zvononia, who had reigned in the room, long. After that, Zimmerman changed the nickname with Halcyon441 on Deadmau5 - and an electronic musician mask, now the stadiums already collecting in America, chose the appropriate.

What for

Dislike for DJs and the accompanying desire to distance from them: Dedmaus does not see anything interesting to reduce live tracks, and hopes that those engaged by such activities will die out as dinosaurs.

Photo: Getty Images / Fotobank

What a mask

Developed specifically for SBTRKT, inspired by tribes, no Africans, not that American Indians - at least triangles, according to the creator of the mask, most likely came from Congo. A simple idea is to convey the spirit of ancient rituals - sometimes it receives the original embodiment at concerts: the Bestival festival is almost the same as a London electronics, masks distributed a huge crowd. It is curious that he was experiencing, watching from the stage for a two thousandth crowd, similar to him.

What for

"To create a new identity that is not associated with my face or my biography. The music you create you or your creative alter ego is not necessarily related to those who are actually you are. " ( from Interview Complex)


What a mask

Multicolored, torn, with pigtails made by drummer-vocalist Lightning Bolt Brian Chippendal as if for Mexican wrestling or circus presentation in purgatory. Several years ago, during a speech at the ATP festival, Chippendal reported that he had to create a new mask, because one of the fans stole the old: "I have been trying to watch where my mask has been done. This strange Briton ... it somehow needed him very much. " By the way, British Chippendale calculated and with the help of his brother (!) Returned the mask for himself. But I put it only new.

What for

Chippendale, it seems, did not ask, but it is so clear - for consuming intimidation: He puts on with a mask only during concerts that Lightning Bolt has no exaggeration among the most people.

Nowhere to buy, how to do - it is also incomprehensible; Apparently, it is true only to steal during a concert, which usually looks like this

What for

Each has its own history and their explanation. The first of Slipknot put the mask Sean Crakhan - he was just afraid to go out without her scene. But vocalist Corey Taylor, for example, claims: Masks - this is the second essence of musicians; It, for example, expresses inner worldwhich Taylor hates.


What a mask

Of a huge list Musicians in masks (Of course, in the comments will ask "And where is Clinic, MushroomHead, Mr. Bungle, Mstrkrft, The Mummies etc.) Electrkrft, a sinker - almost the only one who does it with a clear selfish goal: to not know and not broke Promoters or viewers for the next very bad or completely canceled concert. After a Moscow speech, at which Zombie stupidly put the random tracks from iTunes, the audience even asked the question whether the musician came to Russia in fact.

What for

"My mask has nothing to do with the rebellion. I have no relation to the rebellion. I just want to do great music And disappear in heaven. " (From the material Dazed)

The world of human passions

For Melomanians, the scenic image of the artist is no less important than his music. Therefore, most musicians do everything to attract people to their creativity. To reach the hearts and shower of listeners in the course there are shocking clothes, numerous scandals and fights that the performers themselves provoke.

Mask is one of the most mysterious attributes of the stage costume. This important item in the image of a musician can perform as a function of strengthening the perception of creativity, and symbolize an ardent protest against social injustice. Sometimes some performers want to hide their appearance from fans and stay mysterious.

For teams playing heavy music, a mask serves in protest purposes and, as a rule, complements the brutal image of the musician. Famous Pussy Riot feminists, fierce rebels against Putin's power, put on the heads of Balaklava and became famous for the whole world. They became heroines of all foreign news tapes, turning into the most popular domestic group of modernity.

Pussy Riot.

In their support, in protest against the prison opinion, the Queen of Pop Music Madonna at his concert also put on the head of Balaklava. The group also received the support of many other legendary musicians.

Participants in the Finnish shock of the Lordi group perform in masks and costumes made by horror films. During the concerts of the audience, zombies, vampires and witches scare. Before the start of the concert, Mr. Lordi himself deactivates all the musicians. New musicianwho came to the Finnish team in the place of the previous one, receives a new mask and passes a fighting baptism.

The most implacable competitor team Lordi on the world musical scene is the TRACH-METER GWAR team from Richmond. On the GWAR stage, there are not only of their opponents - Lordi, - but also all politicians and businessmen who they do not like. During the frightening musical and theater representation, many improvised blood is spilled.

American trash metal group performs in monsters masks from alien powers. In the texts they sing not only about the destruction of individual high-ranking officials, but also all of America.

Not all rock musicians are so radical with respect to masks and suits. So, American avant-garde group The. Residents, famous for the fact that he released one of the first clips in the history of music, uses masks to remain unknown. Formed in 1969, the experimental rock collective from Louisiana released for his long musical career 60 albums, storing secret information about the personalities of the participants.

The Residents.

The Hollywood Undead group from Los Angeles, playing music in the style of rapcore, to preserve anonymity at first, was content with the most simple masks, putting them on not only at concerts, but also during an interview. Later, the Hollywood Undead team mask became more refined, and in last years They have curly cuts and bright glow.

Hollywood Undead.

For musicians playing electronic musicMasks serve as an excellent means of strengthening impressions from cosmic sound, ultra-modern special effects and witty samples.

Canadian Joel Thomas Zimmerman somehow discovered a dead mouse in a broken computer. Later, he began to play Dubstep and progressive House, putting on his head a helmet, similar to Mickey Mouse. The musician took himself creative pseudonym Deadmau5. Mouse helmet at concerts glows neon lights and bright blie.


The fans of Deadmau5 so loved this helmet that they enthusiastically create something similar at home and offer new models Joell Thomas.

Participants of the popular French disco-house of the Daft Punk group at the dawn of their career were used by ordinary masks, and on the threshold of the 21st century they thought about upgrading their stage attribute. Guys invented amazing storyAccording to which in 1999 they became robots. Since then, the musicians act in helmets from the future and overalls from Iva Saint-Laurent himself.


The Swedish duet The Knife bribes the listener theatrical nature of his music and melodies with splashes of nature sounds. Olof and Kerin Drayer Anderson are fans of books Charles Darwin. Musicians not only composed several tracks dedicated to evolution in nature, but they themselves were not averse to putting on black masks, similar to the beaks of birds.

Karin Drayer Anderson organized solo project Fever Ray, which also hides his face.

Not indifferent to nature and London Electronic Experimentator SBTRKT. He specifically went to African jungle to chat with aborigines and get a fringe for his ethnic mask.


Musicians-electronics often draw inspiration in watching movies, and therefore their interest in masks famous heroes Film is not accidental. The leader of the BL3ND House of BL3ND from Los Angeles performs in the mask of the legendary chucky doll from the film "Children's Games", canadian Group Mstrkrft, playing a mixture of electric and rap, exploits images of famous maniacs, and the Belgian techno musician Dr Lektroluv performs in a green mask resembling Shrek.

Every year there is a huge number of new musical styles and trends. This means that talented performers will still repeatedly surprise the public with bright scenic clothes and mysterious masks.

Electronic geniuses from France - one of the most titled media masks. The history of their stage image began at the beginning of the 90s - to overcome shysteriness and emphasize the attention of the listeners not on appearance, but in their music, the performers died in the masks of robots. Already then they created the legend of the explosion in the studio on September 9, 1999 as a result of which the musicians became robots. In two decades, the image was repeatedly transformed, and the last stage costumes French duet created a fashionable house Yves Saint Laurent.

The stage mask of the Canadian DJ - a stylized huge head of the dead mouse - was invented by a musician after history with a dead rodent, which he found in his computer. DJ shared this story with friends on the Internet and got a lot positive feedback. First, Deadmau5 was nickname, and then became the basis of a very popular stage image.

Louisiana experimental rock band at the head of their work has delivered anonymity. For this, the musicians protrude in masks that are made in the form of eyeballs with rosters of different colors. With fans and journalists, the musicians do not communicate, but give only a ready-made musical product and video clips. It is worth noting that the group one of the first began to shoot video clips, produce interactive CDs and introduce various innovations into musical use.

The pillars of the American nu-metal - the group constantly finalize their stage masks from the album to the album. All began with a drummer joke, who appeared on the rehearsal in the clown mask. I liked the idea to close the face and soon became the main chip of the group. Gas masks, clown mask, pigs, Pinocchio with mouth sewn, hockey or latex mask - all of them are transformed into a favorite gloomy manner of musicians and are complemented by another fraction of a group - overalls. In the choice of masks, the musicians were guided exclusively by their internal preferences and the desire to express their "second I".

Scenic images american group Have a lot in common with Slipknot, and on this basis, a lot of fan battles broke out at one time. But if SlipkNot was expressed using masks dark side My I, then MushroomHead musicians initially for masks just hid. The group itself was organized as an experimental sidproject already well-known musicians, who in the early 90s played in other groups perfectly different styles. In case the project fails, in order not to stain their name and not lose the love of fans, at concerts guys wore masks. However, it happened that the hobby project was more popular with the main groups and soon ranked the main place in the career of musicians. At the beginning of Ov creative activity Mushroomhead concert performances were colorful - among the musicians the devil, the bearded grandfather, a clown in the cap, a man in a gas mask, nobocherat, a man in the insect mask, on the dancer dancer in a mosaichist mask and a stripper in a pink wig.

A unique example of popularity among the widespread population demonstrates the eccentric Finnish Hood Rock Group. According to many experts, their victory in Eurovision 2006, they are obliged precisely to be vivid scenic images. All the musicians perform in masks and suits of various monsters, which are created by the founder of the group - Mr. Lordi, in the world of Tomi Putansuu. Each musician has its own pseudonym, stage image and a fictional biography of his character. Hella - live doll, the result of an experiment of a crazy scientist, Amen - Son of the Egyptian God of Anubis, Oh, the Terrible Minotaur, Mana - the conductor between the world of living and the dead, the founder and the ideological inspiration of Mr. Lordi - half implancing, an incredible forces that loves to walk along the stage with a huge ax.

Alien monsters alone from the very first among the musicians dressed up in masks. Having created in the mid-80s images in the best traditions Lovecraft, performers in each new album play the attack on the planet Earth. Also on the scene commit ritual killings Reasonable politicians, well-known persons and, of course, their main competitors participating in the Lordi group.

Famous Rock Musicians Masked mostly, the psychologists of the world are united in the opinion that the masks are trying to escape from reality, hide, appear in an amplua. And everyone who at least once in his life has experienced "mask" will not challenge it. For the mask man becomes another, plays a different "role." Life changes color, brings new emotions, causes new desires. And who knows how to live easier, in a mask on the face or with an open "pick-up"? But why are famous rock musicians in masks appear on stage? Why do they hide their faces during performances and after their end? So, let's voice those heroes of the musical Olympus who love masks. 1. Kiss Rock Musicians were the first to transform their faces to the unrecognizable state with white paint. Initiated the "transformation" of J. Simmons and P. Stanley, and the rest of the guys from the team were supported by them. I got my image taken from popular on that day comics and "terrible" films: Stanley put on the Mask of the Star Child, but then changed the bandit Although the child failed to forget, Simmons appeared by a demon, Chriss - Cat, Freili - Space Ace, Vincent - Winning Anchor, Carr - Fox.

2. Lordi Hot Finnish team of rock musicians playing Hard'N'Heavy, in 2006 became the winner of Eurovision. Such a turn surprised, even horrified by many viewers looking at the broadcast and are not fans of rock creativity. Against the background of elegant, beautiful contestants, musicians in costumes, orcs, monsters and some kind of unclean, strongly stand out. The suit and mask of each "Lordi" are made of latex, and makeup in front of the performance takes more than an hour. Who knows, maybe in front of them and the door of the Hall of Glory Rock and Rolls will open? In each new album, the musician appears in new masks, I wonder where it takes the beginning of such a violent fantasy? After all, the stage image each of them thinks independently. The team members always appear in the public in their suits, so it is difficult to describe how they really look like. Even at the meeting with the President of Finland T. Halonen, real "orcs" came, despite the request, come in a normal human form.

3. Gwar Another team consisting of cosmic monster-like musicians is GWAR from the USA. If compared exterior appearance Two GWAR and Lordi teams, then you can see similarity. And the participants of the GWAR shock collective are not tired to argue that it is the insidious "Lordi" that is engaged in the image plagiarism. On his speeches, "Guardski" tear into pieces of stuffed politicians, media persons, and for dessert, they are severely straightened with Lordi leader - T. Putaansuu , Bouta blood pours river. Mitigate or glow the passions of the strippers present on the "bloody" performances.

4. The Berzerker The team, who took the appearance of Vurdalakov and Goblins, apparently, shortly poured his head over the external ways of the participants, as the above groups. As the basis of the "face", the musicians took rubberized masks that correspond to the terrible appearance of orc-like heroes. Judging by criticism towards their creativity and external view, most of Clips are prohibited to show in many countries due to the storoboscopic visual supply of the material that causes the attacks from epileptics. The derivatives did not harm the psyche to the participants in the composition, in 2009 after the collapse of the group, the guitarist Ed Dacy became a lawyer, and Luke , vocalist - glamor photographer.

5. MushroomHead Musicians of an extraordinary group at the beginning creative path tried to be unrecognizable only to then if experimental music project Fall, do not get criticized in your address. After all, they continued to work with other, more serious teams. The arrival of popularity has changed everything, now the masks have become a necessity recognizable by the chip. Initially, J. Hatrix performed in the form of the devil in wedding dress, equipped with football overlays on the shoulders; St. Felton tried out the gas mask; J.Sekula turned into a bearded grandmother; T. Schmitz reincarnated in a clown, crowned with a striped cap; J. Kilcoyne became Nosferat; R. MOORE has to be in the insect-like mask; J. Lenkey made a jerk; J. Popson surprised everyone with a big ugly nose. Also in the group there are dancers - M. Vukcevich is coming on the stage in the mask of the Mazochist, and his girlfriend Jessica is in a masquerade mask and a pink wig, this couple does not change costumes. Just performs light, in some shorts! Closes the team clown and juggler named Chamberlain. After a small "pale parsing" with musicians from the Slipknot group, speaking in similar masks, Musrumhada chose a reasonable solution and changed the image to the same type X-FACE masks.

6. The Residents Perhaps the most interesting line of behavior in music creativityWe chose the participants of this American team formed in 1971. No one knows how musicians look like! In the clips, on the bills, posters, guys appear in stage images. It does not know their real names! With the world they communicate through faithful managers. And many suspect that the musicians themselves are hidden behind these trusted persons. According to musicians, anonymity gives freedom for creativity, which and did not have to dream. Since 1985, "Residents" appear in masks, "equipped with" large eye-eye apples with different color iris.

7. Los Straitjackets Musicians put on rubber masks and position themselves as an instrumental composition that creates compositions without words. But over time, they have albums on which invited vocalists "tell" musical history in Spanish.

8. Slipknot among megabytes of information about the team allocate only the most important thing on our topic. The idea, to create a group, came to the head of S. Krakhan, who also did not think to hide the face behind the mask clown. For the first time, he appeared in a mask at rehearsals in 1995, which he had a lot of friends. Some later musicians We also decided to choose suitable masks for themselves, reflecting the inner world of each of them. The overalls that appeared on the musicians in 1997 were sewed to masks. As the group members themselves say, they do not want to distract the listener to the little things, i.e. Present face musician, facial expressions, most importantly, this is music! Them exterior It is constantly changing, it seems that the change in the perception of the surrounding world is reflected in the appearance, which becomes more persecuted. Today, S. Krykhan, we see in the image of a clown, with a leather "face", decorated with rivets and lightning; Kr. Fan - Pinkiao, with a stamped lightning mouth; J. Ruth - in a somewhat modified with the time mask of the Red-eyed Joker, also with a cross-mouth; M. Thompson - hockey player, brutal and cruel; S. Wilson - a man in a gas mask, in which the "eye" glasses are knocked out. And what, and can be seen well and breathe easier. But his last scenic chip is the green goblin "friend" man-spider. J. Jordison was joined in a dramatic Japanese cabuki mask, a little tinted. And with time, a supplemented ternovy wreath and hands-roots. Paul Gray, who left us in the late spring of 2010, put on a pig mask donated to him in childhood. Then he "tried" a silent beaver, who, instead of his mouth, two broad slots. And then changed it on the dark color mask with mouth from the grille. K. Taylor glued to the mask of Dreda, and then brought it into the image of Frankenstein, ominous and passionate. In the album "All Hope Is Gone" measles appeared in a white rubber mask without a "head", with side slots and slightly twisted "eye", and another circled in a circle.