Traditional Russian folk musical instruments. Folk instruments

Traditional Russian folk musical instruments. Folk instruments
Traditional Russian folk musical instruments. Folk instruments

Many of the modern musical instruments have a rich history that begins in prehistoric time. Historians argue that the first person attempts to exercise awareness of labor activity caused shock-old musical instruments to life, whose names are now also on hearing.

Vintage products are of great value. They are designed to protect all the historical musical tradition. Many of them are no longer used at concerts. But just the fact that they can be compared with the products of modern factories, they are very expensive for the whole musical world.

Impact - the very first?

The most ancient origin, as many researchers believe, have percussion instruments. They helped primitive workers to make a harder physical work.

After all, primitive people worked mostly collectively. To one person, then it was impossible to get a good result in the hunt for a mammoth, to divide the carcass or rush along the river a huge tree. People had to act together.

It was obvious to them, obviously, simple drums that had another feature were communicating between the members of the tribe for long distances, such as modern mobile phones.

Music xylophone

In addition to the drum, the shock, existing for a long time, includes triangles, plates, as well as bells of different sizes. On the bell tents of our churches, a whole system of bells is always satisfied, reporting to citizens, as in antiquity, which should be visited by the temple, give the honors to God.

The shock also includes xylophone. Many music historians suggest that this is the most ancient pure musical instrument. His sound ancient people knew when they hit a dry log with a stick and heard music. Primitive also had excellent hearing.

Nevertheless, the drum is now out of competition, especially at the concerts of rock and pop groups. This is a universal means to instantly start the audience.

String music

Apparently, pinch string vintage musical instruments appeared later, the names of them all familiar. It:

  • harp
  • balalaiacs
  • domra,
  • gusli
  • mandolin.

Russians, as well as Spaniards, can proudly declare: Ancient string tweezing musical instrument guitar is our music!

Probably, a person from any country in the world strings always cause the sweetest and aesthetically painted sensations, contribute to relaxation, rest after hard work.

In addition to the plug-in, there were invented broken strings with the times. These include, of course, violin, alto, as well as cello and many others, with purely popular names in different languages.

Complex the history of the wind

Not a very simple story have brass tools.

To create them, they needed special, invented later, metals, for example, copper.

Trumpet, Trombone, French horn is known to the world of arts also for a long time. They were popular already in the Middle Ages.

They played their role, and they are now used, military, especially on the battlefields, inspiring them to feats.

Our time - electronics

Modern music is impossible without electronic drums. They give musicians unique opportunities to create earlier unimaginable sounds, extraordinary, unique coloring of trendy compositions, as well as the transformation of classical music into digitized works.

Speaking about the relationship of modern and old generations tools, you can not forget about wooden tongues. This is a harmony, accordion, accordion, lip harmonics. Wooden musical instruments are very comfortable with their portability. Most recently, we have, especially in the villages distant from the center, the harmonist was the most important person on all holidays. Considering the music in retrospectively, it is necessary to pay tribute to keyboard, the brass (organ, fesharmonium), and most importantly, string keys, that is, a piano, which has many predecessors and followers. This tool is not only in the old century, but also today it takes central place in all music events.

Listing all this, of course, who does not end the list of types of musical products, should be borne in mind that they all undergo with time large changes and externally and in terms of sound. Even, for example, violins made by one master can be completely different in sound.

The piano and piano also differ. Some enthusiastic masters are trying to recreate the tools identical to those ancient, relic.

There are a master in the Czech Republic, manufacturing tools identical to those who played, for example, Chopin or Beethoven. Its products are in great demand.

These piano and clalliers help recreate the player of the Great Musicians play, feel its special color, which in most cases is still unique.

Video: game on xylophone

From the first it was just a hobby, hobby. Today, people passing by Voronezh are specially visiting the city to visit the "Museum of Forgot Music", created by Sergey Plotnikov. Once he was a member of the ensemble that performed ethnographic songs using obsolete folk musical instruments - now plays only for the soul, and all his time dedicates to recreating and restoring musical instruments to tell us as much as possible the number of people about wheeling Liru, Gusli, beep, Kalyuk, pity and other unique masterpieces from the history of Russian music. In an exclusive interview with the portal "Culture.rf", Sergey Plotnikov told about the most interesting forgotten musical instruments.


Sergey Plotnikov: "I have two favorite tools - a hussley and a wheel liera. Gusli is a tool on which you can play almost everything. You can sing spiritual poems, the epics folded, perform dance, broaching naples or just musitizing. Not all modern songs are suitable for the hussley, but the songs of Viktor Tsoi sound well.

Folk care were three species: Laruned, wonderland and helmet. The most ancient option is limited husli, which came out of use in the XIV century. They have a small number of strings - 5-6 pieces and not a very large sound range. Sadko, Stavr Godinovich, Dobrynya Nikitich - all the epic heroes, in theory, should have played on line-like care. Then there were wonderful huslies that people used until the 1980s. Hussley helmets were very popular in paintings and movies. But they belonged to the national tradition of Mariers and the Chuvish. Russians in a folk tradition - walled husli, and helmets were considered a tool of a noble society, so the peasants were not used.

Previously, when it was not yet known to produce a wire, intestinal and custodial strings or a string was used for the hussing. Then the strings became metal, they sound much louder. By the way, in the Middle Ages during the game on dancing the volume was one of the main advantages of the instrument.

Wheel Lather

Wheel Lather is a very specific and interesting musical instrument. He appeared, most likely, in Central Europe in the X-XI centuries. Either in France or in Spain. Initially, two people played on the tool, the keys were located not from below, as now, and from above, he twisted the handle, and the second performed music.

In Russia, the first information about the wheellie relate to the XVII century.

Peak popularity - XIX century. Lirniki - a kind of philosophers, performed exclusively spiritual poems and gospel stories, biblical parables, poems about the separation of the soul with the body, about the afterlife. The recording of the XIX century has been preserved, where the ribornist is asked: "Songs are sad all, you know what you know?" He says: "I know, but I will not play, because it's all empty."


At the Festival "Live Older" in Rostov Great

This distinctive popular musical instrument appeared in the middle of the nineteenth century.

In Russia - 50 types of harmony. Externally, they are all similar, but have a different system and different sound. Each province tried to come up with a variant of harmony or remake an existing tool for his performing tradition. Mostly they bought them to play at weddings. The harmonica was the most expensive tool. Even existed such a concept of "Garmoshki's price". In Yelets, asked: "How much is the harmonica?" The seller answered: "30 weddings." Wedding accompaniment of harmonic cost 10 rubles. 30 weddings worked - and paid a price of harmony.


Beads, as well as the husli and domains of churchmen in written medieval sources were often called "demonic vessels." There is a mention of the German traveler Adam Olaiari, who writes that in Moscow during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, five cars were collected by musical instruments, exported to the Swamp area and burned. In writing sources, angry reviews of clergy about musical instruments, which were accompanied by the Church of Action were often found. The main thing - all tools are preserved to our time. The story of Jacob von Schlyanin is interesting - the German who lived in St. Petersburg in the XVIII century. He writes that the beep is a tool of mobile. In the XVII century in St. Petersburg, the beep was popular among sailors and soldiers. The peasants actively used the beep in the XVIII century. And this tool used chomori.

Scoop, by the way, were very enterprising guys. They walked around 60-100 people to boyar or a rich peasant to the courtyard, gave a presentation without demand and asked for money. Has anyone ordered their concert - they did not worry, the presentation was given.


All musical instruments have reached this day, only one is physically preserved - the Old Russian Domra.

Domra was widely used by burghers in Russia in the XVI-XVII centuries as a solo and ensemble ("bass" domra) tool, but starting from the XV century, after the release of a number of church and state decrees (one of them is 1648, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, "On Correction of the morals and destruction of superstitions "), the scenery was subjected to persecution, and the domra were destroyed and forgotten.

Now the domrists play on the "new-fashioned" tool.


After Domra came out of the use, Balalaika appeared in Russia. We used to see the modern (Andreevskaya) balalaika and cannot imagine that she was once completely different. The ancestor of our balalaika is most likely Kalmytskaya Domba, two-string balalaika with a very long neck, where one of the string is a game. She sounded more than Asian manner.

Over time, Russian ridges have rooted and added the third string. Balalaika in the folk version appeared at the end of the XVII century. Jacob von Schlyanin writes that he rarely, when you do not meet in some yard a peasant, who on this anti-grade musical instrument plays his little things to the yard girls. The tool was easily accessible, it could be bought in any shop or make it yourself.


The Vladimir horn is a very complex musical instrument, from which the sound is extracted with lips. Long tube makes a low sound. Holes increase notes. In structure, a tool is very simple - a pipe having five holes, and variations can be played a great set, it already depends on the abilities of the performer. No wonder the shepherds played on the horn, they paid more than those who did not know how to play it. So there was a big material incentive.


"Museum of Forgotten Music" at the Festival "Times and Epochs" in 2014

Remember, Valentina Tolkunova sang: "Somewhere I cries ..."? And this tool is in the cartoon "Prince Vladimir". But in general, only those who are engaged in the folklore heard about the suggestion.

Some say that the name of the tool is given because it sounds puzzily. Others add that they played on the cemeteries on the storms, so it is a pity. Juolek was called the central part of the tool, the barrel with the gaming holes. The names of this musical instrument have a lot. In the Kursk and Tver region, the instrument was called a horror (a horn was made at the end to enhance sound), in the Voronezh and Belgorod region - food.


Kalyuka is a herbal twin or overtone flute. We all in childhood whistled in such tubes. Kalyuka is made from any hollow grass - a manor, coors. A thin jet of air, falling on the sharp edge, dishes - and the whistle is obtained. We blow weakly - the sound is low, blowing strongly - the sound is high. There are holes below. Such a simple tool was taken to the night duty of grazing horses. Under his sounds went to the pouch. To go to the field for a long time, and so that it was not boring, the tubes were cut into: played, we have rushed home - and thrown out. Seasonal instrument. From the grass - the folk version, and now plastic are made. The principle is the same, but it is easier to play.


The most ancient whistle brake instrument, a variety of multi-flute. It is unique in simplicity and performing opportunities. It is five bonded tubes that are made of a cantham or cocoic, as well as from wood, metal or plastic. In the Russian tradition, each tube on Kuhiklah has its name: "Goodness", "Podep", "Mountains", "tie" and "five". It is believed that this is a female musical instrument on which the ensemble of three or four performers play. When playing Cuzhiklah, they give voice sounds similar to the sound of the tubes. The tool was particularly popular in the Bryansk, Kursk and Kaluga regions.


Everyone is confident that this is a traditional Scottish tool. And in Scotland and Ireland, he is called "Bagpipa". Each people have a whirlwind like. The French - Muzett, in Spaniards - Gaita, the Ukrainians - the goat, the Belarusians - Duda. The description of the Russian habia is in the villages since the XIX century, but before our days, the Russian cheese has not reached.


Because of the television and movies, most had a stereotype that only the peoples of the North play Vargan. And there were times when there was not a single person in Russia who would not be "Drew" in Vargan.

Even in the boyars houses girls trained the game in Vargan. This is our, Russian tool, but we mistakenly attributed to the Eskimos.

I often ask me: "Did you share the secrets of skill? Suddenly a competitor will appear. " I say: the more competitors will appear, the more orders will be. The more tools are done, the more people who want to have them appear. The department of ethnomiscology in Russia is, and the departments of folk instruments are not yet. Such enthusiasts like me, very little. "

For the provided photos and video materials, thank "Museum of Forgot Music".

04.05.2012 | Russian folk instruments

Gusli. - String musical instrument, most common in Russia. It is the most ancient Russian string plug-in musical instrument. There are wonder and helmet hussli. The first, in later samples, have a triangular shape and from 5 to 14 strings, tuned along the levels of the diatonic gamut, helmet - 10-30 strings of the same setting. On the wonderful people (they are also called calls), they are usually brying in all strings and the unnecessary sounds of the left hand, on helmet, or psaltyrevoid, strings are protected by both hands.

Gusli in the form described above - in essence, purely Russian phenomenon. Many Slavic peoples with similar names are musical instruments: Husle - Serbs and Bulgarians, Gusle, Guzla, Gusli - at Croats, Gosle - Slovenians, Guslic - Poles, Housle ("Violin") Y Chekhov. However, these tools are pretty diverse, and many of them are brook (for example, Guzla, which has only one string from the horse's hair).

Researchers began the XX century. The striking similarities of the modern Chuvash and Cheremis hussing with the images of this tool in medieval Russian manuscripts were noted (for example, in the XIV century service, where a person playing hobs, and in Makaryevskaya, more than 1542 in the capital letter D. In these images, performers keep the tricks on the knees and gear the strings with their fingers. Completely the same way at the beginning of the 20th century they played the festivities of Chuvashi and Cheremis. The strings of their holstery were intestinal; Their number was not always equally. Psaltirevoid huslies are believed to be listed in Russia, and Chuvashi and Cheremis borrowed this tool from the Russians.

Pockey-shaped huslies, who else and at the beginning of the XX century, mainly among the Russian clergy, were an improved type of psaltirevoid hussley. This tool consisted of a rectangular resonance drawer with a lid, which rested on the table. There were several round cuts on the resonance board, and two concave wooden bars were attached to it. In one of them, iron slices were introduced, which was wounded with metal strings; The other barrier played the role of the steering, that is, he served to attach strings. Piano-shaped guzzlies had a piano system, and the strings corresponding to the black keys were placed below the corresponding white keys.

For keying gezzles, there were notes and a school, compiled at the beginning of the XIX century. Fedor Kushenov-Dmitrevsky.

In addition to psaltirevoid hussing, there were similar to the Finnish instrument of Kantele. Probably, this kind of holstery was borrowed by Russians from Finns. By the beginning of the 20th century, he almost completely disappeared.

Balalaika- Russian People's Treated Plug Musical Instrument, from 600-700 mm (Balalaika Prima) to 1.7 meters (Balalaika-Double Basin) Length, with a triangular slightly curved (in the XVIII-XIX centuries, also oval) Wooden housing. Balalaika is one of the tools that have become (along with harmony and, to a lesser extent, a pity) with a musical symbol of the Russian people.

The housing is glueding from individual (6-7) segments, the head of the long grind is slightly bent back. Metal strings (in the 18th century two of them are residential; in modern balalalac - nylon or carbon). On the griffon of modern balalaika, 16-31 metal lads (until the end of the XIX century - 5-7 intrusionists).

The sound is ringing, but soft. The most frequent techniques for the extraction of sound are confused, pizzicato, double pizzicato, single pizzicato, vibrato, tremolo, fractions, guitar techniques.

Balalaika-Double Basse

Before turning the balalaika to the concert tool at the end of the XIX century, I did not have a permanent, ubiquitous system. Each performer set up a tool according to its manner of execution, the general mood of played works and local traditions.

Introduced by Andreev Stroy (two strings in unison - note "Mi", one - on the quart a note "la" (and "mi, and" la "first octave) got widespread in concerting balala retreats and became known as" academic ". There is also a "people's" Stroy - the first string "Sol", the second - "Mi", the third - "before". At the same time, it is easier for a sober, the disadvantage of it is the difficulty of playing the game in open strings. In addition to the specified, there are also regional tool configuration traditions . The number of rare local settings reaches two tens.

Balalaika is a fairly common musical instrument, which is studied in academic music educational institutions in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

The term of study on the balalaica in the children's music school is 5 - 7 years (depending on the age of the student), and in the secondary educational institution - 4 years, in higher educational institution 4-5 years. Repertoire: processing of folk songs, translating classic works, author music.

There is no unambiguous point of view during the occurrence of balalaika. It is believed that Balalaika gets spread from the end of the XVII century. Perhaps comes from the Asian Dombra. He represented a "long two-string tool, had a body of about one and a half of the length of the length (about 27 cm.) And one bundle of width (approximately 18 cm) and neck (neck), at least four times longer" (M. Gutery, " Thesis on Russian antiquities ").

The modern view of Balalaika acquired thanks to the musician-enlightener Vasily Andreev and masters V. Ivanov, F. Padersbsky, S. Nalimov and others. Andreev suggested making a deck of ate, and the back of the balalaika is made of beech, as well as to shorten (up to 600-700 mm). Made by F. Pedersbski family of Balalak (Piccolo, Acceptance, Alto, Tenor, Bass, Double bass) became the basis of the Russian People's Orchestra. Later, F. Padersbsky received a patent for the invention of balalaika in Germany.

Balalaika is used as a solo concert, ensemble and orchestral tool.

Harmonica (accordion)

- Tongue key-pneumatic musical instrument. The harmonies are called all hand harmonics, not related to the accordion and various and accordions.

The design of the harmony, as in most other types of manual harmonics, consists of the right and left half-row, on each of them there is a keyboard with buttons and (or) keys. The left keyboard is intended for accompaniment - when you press one button, a bass sounds or a whole chord (Note: The "Turtle" harmonic does not have the left keyboard); Melody played on the right. There is a fur chamber between the seams for the possibility of pumping air to the tool sound placards.

Distinctive features of harmony, compared to the accordion or accordion, are:

  • As a rule, only the sounds of a dictional sound hand can be removed on the harmony, or with some chromatic sounds. For example, in harmony-chrome with the 25-keys in the right and left keyboard (25/25) with a "up to" tonality, these are sounds: "SOL-DEZ" of the first octave, mi-bemole and phase-dyes of the second octave. At the harmony with the 27st keys on the right keyboard, in addition to the indicated sounds, pre-diezes and a c-bemole were added.
  • Reduced range of sounds (quantity of octave).
  • Smaller sizes (dimensions).

It is impossible to approve reliably, where the manual harmonic was invented for the first time. The view is widespread that the harmonic was invented in Germany, at the beginning of the XIX century a native of the city of Friedrichrich Christian Bushman (christian Friedrich Ludwig Buschmann). However, there are other data. The Germans themselves consider the Harmonian of the Russian invention, but according to the research of the Academician Mirek, the first harmonic appeared in St. Petersburg in 1783 by the efforts of the Czech organ of Franceca Circus (he came up with a new way to extract sound - with the help of a metal tongue, fluctuating under the action of air flow). It is considered a popular Tatar tool from the second half of the 19th century. There are other views on this problem.

Russian harmonies are divided into two types by the type of sound removal: first, the harmony, in which, when stretching and compressing the fur, each button, when pressed, gives the sound of the same height, and, secondly, the harmony, whose sound height changes in Depending on the direction of movement of the fur. The first type includes such harmonies as "Livenka", "Russian Wreath", "Chrome" (the most common in our time). To the second type - "Talliana", "Cherepanka", "Tula", "Vyatka". You can divide the harmony by type of the right keyboard, depending on the number of rows of buttons. The most common harmony in our time is a two-row "chrome", but there are also three-row tools and tools with one alongside the buttons.

  • Single-row harmony: Tula, Livenskaya, Vyatka, Talyanka (abbreviated from "Italian", there are 12/15 buttons on the right keyboard, and on the left - three).
  • Double-row harmony: Russian wreath (first double row), chrome.
  • Automatic harmony.

Wooden spoons Used in the Slavic tradition as a musical instrument. The game kit is from 3 to 5 spoons, sometimes different sizes. The sound is extracted by hitting the rear sides of the scraps. Sound timbre depends on the method of sound recovery.

Usually one performer uses three spoons, two of which are laid between the fingers of the left hand, and the third is taken into the right. Blows are made by a third spoon on two in the left hand. Usually, for convenience, the strikes are made on hand or knee. Sometimes bubrels hang to spoons.

In Belarus, when playing, only two spoons are traditionally used.

In addition, the spoons are widely used in American folk music and a minstrel show. The British Art Rock Group Caravan uses electrical spoons on its speeches (spoons equipped with an electrical sound amplification device) on which Jeff Richardson plays.

The basic information of Adyrna is an ancient multi-line pin musical instrument. Used by the ancient Turks and cripples. Initially was made in the form of a bow of wood and leather. Pegs are attached to the horns, then stretch the strings. Sometimes the tool stylted under horned animals (deer, maral, goat). Tool Game Technique - Bruise Strong Fingers. Video: Adyrna on video + video sound with

Basic Acoustic Bass Guitar - String Plug Musical Instrument, Acoustic Variety Bass Guitar. Belongs to the family of guitars. Video: Acoustic bass guitar on video + Sound Thanks to this video you can familiarize yourself with the tool, see the real game on it, listen to his sound, feel the specifics of the technique: Sale: Where to buy / order?

Basic Acoustic Guitar - String Plug Music Tool. Unlike the electric guitar, acoustic guitars have a hollow case, which is a resonator, although modern acoustic guitars can have built-in pickups, magnetic or piezoelectric, with an equalizer and volume control. Acoustic guitar is the main tool of such genres as the author's song, Folk, occupies an important place in the Gypsy and Cuban folk

The main information of the harp is a string plug musical instrument. It is believed that the beauty of his appearance, it exceeds all its neighbors by the orchestra. Her elegant outlines hide the shape of a triangle, the metal frame is decorated with carvings. Strings (47-48) of different lengths and thicknesses, which form a transparent grid, stretch on the frame. At the beginning of the 19th century, the famous piano master Erar has improved ancient harp.

Baglamazaki Basic Information - Greek String Plug Tool with Three Double Strings. Bang Mazaki in translation from the Greek literally means "Little Baglam". That is, Boglamazaki is a reduced version of Buzuki (which is often called Baglam). Used as a solo and ensemble tool. It is part of the Greek National Orchestra, along with Buzuki (Baglam). For the orchestras playing the style of "Rebet"

Balalaika Balalaika - Russian People's String Plug Musical Instrument. The length of the balalainek is very different: from 600-700 mm (Balalaika Prima) to 1.7 meters (Balalaika Subcontrabas) long, with a triangular slightly curved (in the XVIII-XIX centuries, also an oval) wooden case. The housing is glueding from individual (6-7) segments, the head of the long grind is slightly bent back. Metal strings (in the XVIII century two of

Baseline Banjo - String Plug Musical Instrument with a Bubne Case and a Long Wooden Cum with a vulture, on which 4 to 9 residential strings are stretched. Guitar with a resonator (extended part of the skin indoor tool like a drum). Thomas Jefferson mentions Banjo in 1784 - probably the tool was brought to America black

Bandura Bandadura - Ukrainian People's String Plug Musical Instrument has an oval body and a short neck. Strings (on old tools - 12-25, on modern - 53-64) part of the vulture (so-called rebounds, longer, low sound), are attached to the deck (so-called edges, shorter, sounding high). Stroy Bandura Mixed, in Lower Register

Bariton Guitar Basic Information - String Plug Musical Instrument, Guitar with a longer Menzure (27 ") than the usual, which allows you to adjust it to a lower sound. Invented by the company "Danelektro" in the 1950s. Bariton-guitar is a transitional model between the conventional electric guitar and the bass guitar. On the baritone guitar there are also six strings, as well as on a regular guitar, but they are set up below.

Basic Guitar Basic Information - String Plug Musical Instrument, Guitar Variety, designed to play in the Bass Range. It is used in many musical styles and genres as an accompanying and less frequently solo instrument. Since its appearance in the middle of the 20th century, it has become one of the most common bass instruments, especially in popular music. Bass Guitar Party Music

Basic Information Buzoki - String Plug Musical Instrument, a variety of lute. Comes from ancient Greek kifara (lira). Also known as Baglam, distributed in Greece, in Cyprus, in Israel, in Ireland (Zuk) and in several modified form in Turkey (Turkish Buzuki). Classic buzoka has 4 double metal strings (archaic - Baglam - 3 double). To the Buzuki family

Basic Information Valich - Madagascar String Plug Tool. In classic form, it is a cylindrical segment of a hollow bamboo barrel. The cortex strips packed from the trunk (from 7 to 20, most often 13) serve strings that are protected by fingers. During the game, the performer holds Valich on his knees. Modernized rolide is equipped with metal or housing strings and rings. Her length is

Major's Basic Information (UBO, KISSUMBO) - String Plug Musical Instrument, distributed in Sudan and in tropical countries of East Africa. The housing is hollowing out of the tree or is made of dried pumpkin, covered with a wooden deck from above. There are no slices; The strings are tied by one end to reed pegs at the bottom of the case, and the other to the flexible bamboo rods, which, seeking to straighten,

Basic information - Vintage Indian String Plug (Plexitor) Musical Instrument. Wears the name of Sarasvati Wine, named Sarasvati, Goddess of Knowledge and Arts. It has the form of lute. The sound of wine is soft, rich in shades. The inventor is considered to be Narada, the son of Brama. The most ancient explanations of his species are found at Soma, the author of the musical composition "Ragavibad". Images of the so-called Bengal wines are found

Viower Basic Information - Spanish String Plug Musical Instrument Close to Litua and has six double (tuned in unison) strings, the first string could be single. The XV-XVI centuries of Viower was especially popular in aristocratic circles, the rules of good tone and aristocratic education demanded the ownership of the art of the game at Viuela, the musicians who played at Viuele and wrote for her were

Basic Guitar - String Plug Musical Instrument, one of the most common in the world. It is used as an accompanying tool in many musical styles, as well as a solo classic tool. It is the main tool in music styles such as blues, country, flamenco, rock music and many forms of popular music. Invented in the XX century, an electric guitar had a strong impact

The main information of the guitar Warra (or TEP-guitar, also a warrior guitar (Warr Guitar)) - string plug musical instrument developed by Mark Warrow. Belongs to the family of guitars. Guitar Warrow looks very similar to the usual electric guitar, but on which it is possible to play bypond, as on Chepmen sticks, as well as pizzicato. Receptions, traditional for bass guitar, such as Sleep-end Pop, Double Tamping can be applied

Basic Guitar Harp (Harp Guitar) - String Plug Musical Instrument, Guitar Variety. Modern manufacturers of Charles A. Hoffman and Jim Worland Outstanding harp-guitarists Muriel Anderson Stephen Bennett John Doan William Eaton Beppe Gambetta Michael Hedges Dan LaVoie Andy McKee Andy Wahlberg Robbie Robertson (during The Last Waltz) Jimmy Page Pat Metheny Jeff Martin Michael Lardie Video:

Basic information Hitaron or "Big Guitar" (in Spanish Suffix "-on" indicates large sizes) - Mexican string tweezky musical instrument with double strings. A peculiar Mexican acoustic six-string bass guitar of very large sizes. Despite the obvious similarity with a guitar, gitarons was invented separately, it is a modification of the Spanish tool Bajo de Una. Due to the big size, the gums do not need

Basic information of the Grand Gaitar (New Russian Acoustic) - String Plug Musical Instrument, which is a classic guitar, on which 2 sets of strings are installed at different heights: nylon and, closer to the vulture, metal. A similar idea was also proposed by Stradivari, but did not get distribution. Invented by Chelyabinsk guitarists Vladimir Ustinov and Anatoly Olshansky. Thanks to the efforts of the authors, received

The main information of Gusli is ancient string tweezing musical instrument, called which in Russia is understood by several varieties of lying harp. Psalted huslies are similar to Greek Psaltire and Jewish Chinnor; These include: Gusli Chuvash, Gusli Cheremis, Pockey-shaped and huslies, having a similarity with the Finnish Kantel, Latvian Kukles and Lithuanian Cankles. We are talking about tools that existed

Basic information Good - string tweezing musical instrument. Despite the fact that good looks like a guitar, has 6 strings like a guitar, and is cleaned into the case, like a guitar, is not a guitar. It distinguishes its number of essential qualities, and above all, the presence of a special resonator, which enhances the sound and tells him a peculiar timbre. The origin of this acoustic resonator was

Basic information Dombri - Kazakh two-string tongue musical instrument, relatives of Russian domra and balalaika. It is also found in Uzbekistan (Dumbyra, Dumbrac), Bashkiria (Dumbyer). The sound of the jab is quiet, soft. Removed by a tweak, a blow of a brush or a mediator. The game on Dombiba accompany their singing folk patriors - Akyna. The execution of the domain of musical compositions is the favorite form of artistic creativity of the Kazakhs. Under

Basic information Domra is an old Russian string plug musical instrument. It has three (sometimes four) strings playing on it, as a rule, with the help of a mediator. Domra is a prototype of Russian balalaika. The domra consists of a grid with rings at the top and from a wooden housing with a shield in the bottom. Also below the strings are attached and stretched to the cells. O. Information

Basic Dumbyer - Bashkir String Plug Musical Instrument. Close related tools are also common in the Kazakhs (Dombour), Uzbeks, other Turkic peoples, as well as Tajiks. In comparison with the Kazakh Dumb Dumbyer, a smaller length of the griff is noticeably different. Dumbyer is a traditional tool of folk careors-SESEN. Under its accompaniment, epic tales and cubairs were performed, as well as songs. Dumbbey had

Basic information Zhetygen - Kazakh and Turkic ancient string tweezing musical instrument resembling the form of a hussley or a lying harmon. Classic Zhetygen has seven strings, modern reconstructed - 15. The most ancient type of Zhetygen was an oblong box, swept out of a piece of wood. On such Zetagen, there was neither the top deck or the rings. Strings stretched out with hand with outdoor

Kabel's Basic Information - Karelian and Finnish String Plug Musical Instrument, Related Houchs. The vintage Kantele had five residential strings, modern supplied with metal strings and their number reaches thirty-four. During the game, the Kante holds on the knees in a horizontal or slightly inclined position and the fingers of both hands are protected by strings. Solo play on Kantel, accompanied by runes

Keepy-Korean Multi-Brown Musical Instrument. One of the most common string tools in Korea. The appearance of negotia is referred to the VI century. It has a flat resonator body of an elongated shape with two holes at one end. The number of strings may be different; The most popular is 12-stringed Karay. Each string corresponds to a special mobile stand ("FILE"), with which

Basic information KiFara is an ancient Greek string plumbing musical instrument, similar to the professional version of the Lyra. It has a deep cavity used as a volume resonator. Kifara is one of the most common plumbing musical instruments in ancient Greece. The Greeks personifies the universe, repeating its shape of the sky and land. Strings symbolize different levels of the universe. Attribute Apollo and Terraticra. Kifara, like

BASIC INFORMATION Classic guitar (Spanish, six-string) - string tweezing musical instrument, the main representative of the family of guitars, the tweeter string musical instrument of bass, tenor and soprane registers. In modern form, there is from the second half of the XVIII century, it is used as an accompaniment, solo and ensemble tool. The guitar has great artistic and performing opportunities and a wide variety of timbres. The classic guitar has six strings, the main

Basic information Kobza is a Ukrainian lunge-like string plumbing musical instrument with 4 (or more) pair strings. Cobz consists of a housing and a grid, 8-10 intrusionists are located on the jiff with which the chromatic gamma can be obtained on each string. There were also tools without lands. Cobza's predecessor is a small lute tool likely Turkic or Bulgarian origin.

Basic information Wheel Lira (Organular, Hardy Garde) - String Plug Musical Instrument, in shape resembling a violin case, which is rightfully considered to be the predecessor of Nickelharp. The performer holds Lira on his knees. Most of its strings (6-8) sounds at the same time, vibrating as a result of friction about the wheel rotated with his right hand. One or two separate strings, the sounding part of which is shortened or lengthened using rods

Big information Cora - African string tweezing musical instrument with 21 string, common in West Africa. On the structure and sound of the bark close to Lita and the harp. Cora - central instrument in the musical tradition of the Mandinka people. It is often used with Djembe and Balafon. Traditionally, the core play grots - stray singers, narrowers and keepers of legends.

Basic information Koto (Japanese Citra) - Japanese String Plug Musical Tool. Koto, along with Hayashi and Xiakuharty flutes, Drum Tsudzumi and Syamisan belongs to traditional musical Japanese instruments. Similar tools are characteristic of Korea's culture (Karay) and China (Cyysysincin). Japanese citrus Coto (the old name - "CO") without exaggeration can be considered a symbol of Japan's musical culture, as well as

Koatro's main information is a string plug musical instrument from a gitz family. It is common in all Latin America, and especially in Music ensembles of Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela and Puerto Rico. It usually has four strings, but there are modifications of this tool with another number of strings. Video: Coatro on video + sound thanks to this video you can get acquainted with the tool, see

Basic information, device Lavabo (Ravap, Rabob) - a string tweezing musical instrument, spread among the Uigurs inhabiting the province of Xinjiang in the north-west of China. Sports with an Asian shubab. Lavabo has a small wooden rounded housing with a leather top deck and a long neck with a bent head. The latter at the base is equipped with two corrugated process. Usually on the neck there are 21-23 intrusions (silk) Lada,

Lira Basic Information - String Plug Musical Instrument in the shape of a clamp with two curved racks protruding from the resonator body and connected closer to the upper end of the crossbar to which five or more living strings stretched from the case. Origin, historical notes arising in prehistoric times in the Middle East, Lira was one of the main tools in the Jews, and

Basic information Lute is an ancient string plug musical instrument. The word "lute" probably comes from the Arabic word "al'ud" ("Tree"), although the recent studies of Eckhard Neubauer prove that the UD is simply an Arabized version of the Persian word RUD, which has string values, string tools, or lute. At the same time, Gianfranco Lotty believes that in the early Islam "Tree" was the term with

Mandolin's main information (ITAL. MANDOLINO) - String pinch musical instrument of small sizes, similar to the lute, but with a less long neck and with a smaller number of strings. Originated from Mandora and Pandurine, etc. Strings refer to not with fingers, but a mediator or plectrome, in Tremolo technique. Since Mandolin metal strings make a short sound, then broken notes

The main information of Ngombie is an African string tweezing musical instrument, something like harp with ten strings. The strings are attached, on the one hand, to a wooden housing, a resonator, skin-tooth skin, and a bitch existing from it - on the other; The bitch is equipped with small pegs for setting strings. Sometimes the design is crowned with a carved figure made of wood. The first five strings differ in octave from the rest.

Pipa Basic Information - Chinese String Plug Music Tool Type Lute, plays an important role in Chinese folk music. Pipa is one of the most common and well-known Chinese musical instruments, bent back neck, 4 strings, configured in quarts or quints. Pipa is widespread in central and southern China. From the VIII century, also known in Japan under

Basic information Seven-cereal (Russian) guitar »Title \u003d" Severy (Russian) guitar "/\u003e Seven-time guitar (sevenrumsk, Russian, Gypsy guitar) - String pinch musical instrument, one of the varieties of guitars. Origin, history The seven-terrain guitar appeared in Russia at the end of the XVIII - early XIX century. Its popularity is associated with the musician Andrei Osipovich Skhery, who for her I wrote about a thousand works. According to one

Basic information Sitar is an Indian string plumbing musical instrument with a richest, orchestral sound. The name "Sitar" occurred from the Turkic words "CE" - seven and "Tar" - string. The main strings of Sitar seven, hence the name. Sitar belongs to the Lutnova family, in Asia there are a lot of analogues of this tool in appearance and sound, for example, Tajik "Setor", with

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Russian folk instruments prepared: student 4 "A" class GBOU School No. 633 Nikitina Alisa Teacher: Kirillova O.A. Moscow 2016.

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In the musical culture of our country, Russian folk instruments occupy a special place. They are distinguished by timbre variety and expressiveness: here and swirle sadness, and dancing balalalache articles, and the noisy fun of spoons and ratchets, and the dying piercing piercing, and, of course, the richest elbow palette, absorbing all the shades of the musical portrait of the Russian people. Russian folk instruments can be classified under the generally accepted division system: Strings (Domra, Gusli, Balalaika, Bead); tongue (bayan, harmonica); brass (horns, pineapple, sweater, kuongly, vagan, whistle); Impact (spoons, tambourine, ratchet, firewood, beater). Get acquainted with some of them. Classification of Russian folk musical instruments

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String Musical Instruments: Husli under Gusley Walking messs in love with the young men and the Virgin. At the weddings of Gusli died and young blessed. Under the brute force of the magic strings, everyone had fun - old and Yun, a huscro person, heard an important person, he was soul. Husli received its name, thanks to their strings, which, as if he was buzzed when crossing strings. But in the ancient times it was the buzz called any musical sound of the string tool. In contrast to wind or shock musical instruments, any string plug-in tool is not different as a hussley. In ancient Russian festards, they usually played, giving them a horizontal position. The number of strings in the fence was not fixed value, that is, they could be installed in any required quantity. Metal strings give a special, characteristic sound. That is why husli and received their recognizable epithet "Dawn". Experienced talented guzzlyers have always moved the gemslight strings with their own fingers and have never used mediators or plectors. In the former time, the hussli could be heard on any distance: whether the farm is a simple farmers or rich princely teremes. Venujn-Husar was the keeper of Russian ancient traditions, and precisely, thanks to them, we got the opportunity to look into the infinite depth of our great past.

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String Musical Instruments: Domra Domra - ancient folk string tweezing musical instrument, ancient known in Russia. In its normal form, the domra has three strings on which they play using the mediator. It is believed that Domra is a prototype or a descendant of the first Russian balalaika. Three-string domra meets in several types: Piccolo (the smallest), small, alte and bass. The housing of the domra and its vulture is made of wood. The neck, as well as all string instruments, consists of two parts: heads and cervix. Sometimes, however, the neck is performed solid, in the form of one detail. Rolling rollers Doms serving to configure the tool should be scrolled manually. The housing of the domain is preferably made of maple or rosewood. It is clear that for the manufacture of the grid, solid wood is taken. Rings in modern times are made of metal, and in previous time they were also made from solid wood. Strings are made of steel wire having a different thickness. Domra - the tool is the most important beautiful, with a vote with a gentle. When you string hand touched into the old world, you are transferred! It is sensible, joy, kindness and all consonance! That will be loaded, it will shine! All the charm of sounds is given to her and gives the miracle to us she!

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String Musical Instruments: Balalaica Balalaika - Russian People's Three-Build Plug Musical Instrument with Triangular Lightly Curved Wooden Case. This is one of the tools that have become a musical symbol of the Russian people. The name of the instrument is typically folk, the sound of syllables, transmitting the character of the game on it. The root of the words "Balalaika", or, as she was also called, "Balabayaka", long ago attracted the attention of researchers related to Russian words, like a balakal, balabontit, to balabolit, to balagor, which means talking about something insignificant, chat, disapprove, buzz , Kalek. All these concepts, complementing each other, transmit the essence of the balalaika - the tool of a light, funny, "brandy", not very serious. The housing is glueding from individual (6-7) segments, the head of the long grind is slightly bent back. Metal strings on the griffon of modern balalaika 16-31 metal lads (until the end of the XIX century - 5-7 intrusion lads). In the modern orchestra of Russian folk instruments, five varieties of balalalaks are used: Prima, second, alt, bass and double bass. Of these, only Prima (600-700 mm) is a solo, virtuoso instrument, and pure orchestral functions are fixed behind the rest: second and alto implement the chord accompaniment, and bass and double bass (up to 1.7 meters long) - the bass function. The sound is ringing, but soft. The most frequent techniques for the extraction of sound are confused, pizzicato, double pizzicato, single pizzicato, vibrato, tremolo, fractions, guitar techniques.

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String Musical Instruments: The beep beep (another name - washed) belongs to the ancient string Russian folk musical instruments. Wooden housing of the beep is watched by masters, to give it an oval or pear-shaped form. Ground beep is relatively short, without lads and with a straight or curved head. Three strings are installed on the flange. A resonator hole was done on the flat deck of the beep. The length of this musical instrument does not exceed one meter. Its limit sizes are 30-80 centimeters. The arcuate shape of the bow at the beep in shape resembles a bow. The musician when playing on the beep concerns the bow at once all strings. However, only one (first) string is used to extract the main melody. The remaining two strings are called bardon and they sound in one tonality, without changing their sound. Permanent, non-stop buzz of the lower strings is a characteristic feature of the beep, and all the other old pinch musical instruments. It is interesting to know: in the dictionary of the Dalya, the meaning of the word "beep" is interpreted as a genus of a violin without removing on the sides with a flat bottom and a covench, in three strings. Unlike the same hussing, in the ancient Russian letters, the beep is not mentioned until the middle of the XVII century. Instead, in different chronicles of the XVI century, the Wamk tool is mentioned. The beard was not particularly encouraged by the Church. For example, in the lists of the "Ferry Book" - the arrangement of laws, the Orthodox Church - the impossibility of "buzzing".

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Language Musical Instruments: Harmoshka What for Pumping - Small Guys! Together with my mother, they play hormones! Lose all the harmonica with Mishkin's palm! The harmonic, or the harmonica is a tongue musical instrument with a key-pneumatic mechanism. On the sides of the tool are two keyboards: the melody is played on the right, the left is designed for accompaniment. Under the harmonic, there is a number of musical instruments, both hand and lip. The sound in these tools is achieved by oscillation of the tongue (metal bar) under the action of air flow. In manual models, as in the harmony, air is injected using a special reservoir - fur. The true origin of such a musical instrument, as harmonic, is still not fixed. Some sources claim that the harmonica was invented in Germany, others in Russia. According to one of the versions, the harmonica came up with Frantishek Kirbynik - Czech Master of Organ Art in 1783. According to Academician Mireg, the action occurred in St. Petersburg. The main design that we can observe in modern harmony gave a tool in 1829 by the Russian master living in Vienna, Demianov. It owns the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a housing and two keyboards. It was 7 keys on the right side and 2 keys on the left side of the harmony. Already in 1830, mass production of harmony was organized. They made their Tula master Ivan Sizov. Literally in one decade, the instrument was distributed over all Russian provinces. Harmonic became a national tool for all classes. A wide range, a loud expressive sound of harmony as it is impossible to fit into Russian flavor. Russian harmonica is two types. In the first when stretched, either the compression of the fur each button gives the sound of the same height. In the harmony of the second type, the height of the sound when you press the button depends on the direction of movement of the fur. Another separation of harmonies is carried out by the number of rows of buttons. There are single, two and three-row harmonies.

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Wind musical instruments: horns usually, the horn is made of maple wood, juniper or birch. Often the horn takes its name from the terrain where he was produced and acquired the highest popularity. The horn is widely used in the arsenal of shepherds, warriors and watchdis. The sound of the horror always caught the attention and hearing of a person and served as a kind of signal for his birth about the attack of some Likha. In addition to feeding signals, the horn could serve to play song and dance melodies. The repertoire of the birthrooms is presented quite wide. It is not distinguished by the complexity and the device of the horror: a conical straight wooden tube, with five playing holes on top and with one hole - bottom. On the opposite sides of the horns there are fallen and mouthpiece adapted to extract sound. The slurry was made of a horn of a pet or wood (for example, barks). The sound of the horn is quite sharp and sonor, at the same time has a hidden force and softness. The sound range reaches a dozen notes, of which millions of various melodies and compositions are born. Will be in the shepherd field, will play in his horror.

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Wind Musical Instruments: A poultry Characteristic sound of a pity gives a special picker (tongue). The role of the Razba resonator performs or natural oxole (cow) horn, or a wooden (bark) funnel. Thanks to such nozzles, the pity in some regions of modern Russia is mistakenly called a horror. The sizes of pity (usually, about fifteen centimeters) directly affect the height of its building. A special mouthpiece in which the pee is located is inserted into the tube, which allows it very easily, if necessary, replaced with a new one. On the surface of the tube, a few holes have been done to expand the sound band. These holes are located in the same principle and in exactly the same order as on the swirls. The poultry age was lost in the bottomless depths of the Millennium. The Russian People's World Music Instrument is not accidentally called a poultry. After all, in the root of this tool, these words are contained as "sorry", "pity". With the sounds of pity, a person heard a clear pity for someone. A sharp, crying sound of a poultry arises, thanks to the unique abilities of this tool. The usual material for the manufacture of a poultry is reed and wood (Willow, Buzin). However, at today's time, the pouring tube is increasingly manufactured from plastic or metal.

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Wind Musical Instruments: Sweet Different Sources Give Spere Different Names: Nozzles; Tsevnica. A lot of common swirles with a longitudinal flute device. Swirls can often be seen in various documentary and artistic films, where it acts as a musical instrument on which the shepherds and lovers are playing. The most ancient, reached to this day, the sample of the swirl was found on the territory of modern Smolensk region. The usual, the classic shape of the twin attaches to the swirls in the music workshops, where today it is made of metal or from wood. True, all the same, made of wood, made in the greatest popularity. The classic sweater has six gaming holes on its surface. In addition to an ordinary swirl, there is still a so-called double sweater, allowing the musician to significantly expand its musical opportunities and his repertoire. Here is the reed dry and call .. Good Pan! Putting carefully to the thread thin and in the slider of his hands!

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Wind Musical Instruments: Curly Curly Bottom End Stems Tubes Closed, and the top is adapted for the game. Stems can be rearranged from one place to another (depending on the need), since they do not have a fixed connection. The upper ends of the tubing tubes lie in the same plane and are lined up in one horizontal line, which adds convenience when playing. The trunks can be configured: inserting movable traffic jams into them; Filling trunks with wax or sandbags; Drilling new holes in their walls; Shortening or extending tube. Kuhiklas (Kuviklas, Kuvikuchka) refer to the family of multi-swords, for the manufacture of which the stalks of the hollow stems of the root or kouche go. It was so before the reed called. In order to make cuongles, you can take some other plants: elder, whose branches have a soft core; umbrella types of herbs whose stalks have a hollow core; Bamboo plants. Cuggies are made of three-five tubes of the same diameter, but of different lengths (approximately 100-160 mm).

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Wind Musical Instruments: Vargan However, some of the past enthusiasts of the past suggest that the direct predecessor, the Armchair of Vargana is an ordinary hunting or military bow. It was enough for a person to fix one end of the bow in the ground, and the other end to rest in his sky or teeth, as a deadly weapon, immediately transformed, turning into a musical instrument of the original species and sound. Over time, a plate, wooden or bone appeared, Vargan, which has long begun to produce from metal. In this form, Vagan exists and today. The game on the Vargan is carried out as follows: · The metal frame-arc is applied to the lips; · Through her, the musician pushes and pulls the air; · At the same time, the musician finger leads to a small steel strip-tongue. In the twentieth century, Vagan was banned as "harmful relics of the past", however, human memory kept and reported information about this exotic and bright musical instrument. Today, the sounds of Vargan pleased their adherents with mysterious and mysterious sounds of the musical instrument of our distant ancestors. Vagan is ancient musical instrument, widespread in ancient Russia and modern Russia. For many millennium of its history, Vargan has not significantly changed her sound, or its form. Vargan is a tongue self-sounding musical instrument. The game contributes to the harmonization of all the functions of the body, the use of consciousness and strengthening the vitality. The time of the origin of Vargan is covered in the deep veins of the past millennia.

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Wind musical instruments: whistle whistle can be simple, geometric shape, and sometimes it gives a curly shape in the form of any animal or birds. It is not possible to establish the accurate age of whistle, since clay items are not subject to long use and storage. Surely, the first whistle has long turned into a simple clay lump. Nevertheless, in the foreseeable past, we can easily meet the leaves of the whistle. The device of this musical instrument-toy to the brilliant is simple: in a small clay chamber, by blowing it, they create twist and fluctuations in air, publishing whistling and thin sounds. In former times, our ancestors used a whistle, as a magic tool intended for communication with the gods of stribog and Perun. Currently, the whistle from the magic instrument has become an original musical instrument or an ordinary children's toy. - Bird and Slist, Walking Crafts! Well, well, say, say that you are inside? - Belief does not believe, my good, and inside - nothing but two dry peas and your breath.

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Impact musical instruments: Firewood Almost this way decided to go our ancient and wise foreigners-ancestors. They invented the prototype of a modern concert xylophone, just at the same time he was much more interesting and curious. Xylophone-firewood, in its original performance, was an ordinary knitting firewood, however, the musical abilities of this tool exceeded the level achieved by its modern fellow. Xylophone-firewood is configured by the same principle as its modern fellow: to reduce or increase the sound tonality, it is necessary to increase or decrease the volume (length, thickness) of the keys of this musical instrument. Ancient, exotic Russian folk shock musical instrument Firewood appeared in deep, gray antiquity. It is made of wood which is a characteristic material for the manufacture of many other musical instruments. People have long known that wood makes a sound when physically contact her. To do this, it is enough to construct a musical instrument that is sounding on the principle of ordinary xylophone.

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Impact musical instruments: spoons spoons - not just a cutlery for everyday use, and this is also the original Russian folk musical instrument. It is difficult to find an older and more experienced device to play rhythmic musical sound. Obviously, spoons like a musical instrument, as many years as the most common table inquiring. You can even put forward the assumption that it is the spoons that are the very first and most common shock tool on Earth. Vintage wooden spoons were manually made, without the use of modern high-precision machines and equipment, so they were turned out to be more thick-walled, were much stronger and possessed lower and high-quality sound. Many player musicians hang all sorts of bubber and bells to their spoons than, no doubt, diverse and enhance their sound. The game on spoons recognizable on a rhythmic drawing and openwork multipitus, which, of course, adds spoons of nationwide love and popularity. There are different spoons, and sometimes playing on them. Buck the rhythm of such. Immediately in the dance will go any. Spoons - Let not piano. But they have their own piano. There are both forte, even trills, like the string of the cello.

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Impact musical instruments: ratchet Classic ratchet is a set of wooden rectangular plates, one end of the durable lace. When shaking a ratchet, sharp cutting sounds are published. In order to make a ratchet, need to be added twenty smooth, smooth, equal size plates (about 6x20 centimeters). These musical plates are cut out of strong and dry wood (preferred, oak). A wooden gasket, which has a thickness of about five millimeters, is inserted between each next plate, which allows you to achieve loud and sound sound. One edge of the plates, at the same distance from each other, is drilled by two identical holes (about 6-7 mm). Through these holes, a durable cord is stretched. The ends of the cord remaining free should be tied in the node. There should be a free and strong ring, which allows you to achieve a more comfortable and simple crack on the crack. - What kind of crackling on the whole district? - We are the third with the girlfriend! - Oh, ratchets are good, straight holiday for the soul!

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Impact musical instruments: tambourine tambourine is known in Russia from time immemorial. To establish its accurate age today is not possible. The tambourine presents a round wooden base, on the one hand, which stretches a durable leather membrane, which is the main sound source. At the request of the musician, bubboards or bells can be suspended. The side walls of the shell can be cut, and ringing and grinding plates are installed there. In the previous times, any musical shock tools, which, many later, began to receive new, their own names: Litavra, were named in Russia. xylophone; Drum and so on. No less fame in antiquity used the so-called root tambourines: Tulumbas, Nabat. Their sizes were so great that at least four horses were required for transportation. Rolling (military) Bubnes were used in Russian troops (in infantry and in Connection). Thunder rolling tambourines, together with the piercing sounds of pipes and a dupar, was so terrible that the troops of the enemy turned to flight and without starting the battle. The sounds of modern tambourines are extracted with fingers or palm. The tambourine itself is slightly shaken and tapping. How the bear went to dance, sing and hit the tambourine: - Boom! Boom! TRAM - RA - RL! Fly, mosquitoes!

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Impact musical instruments: a beater beater - very ancient Russian folk shock musical instrument. At first, it was intended for guards and watchmen who went through the night streets of cities and villages, tapping a beater at certain intervals. These sounds frightened night robbers and thieves, and ordinary people served as a signal that everything was in order around. Over time, this musical instrument firmly entrenched in Russian folk ensembles. A rare holiday did without the dimensional sound of the beater. It turned out that the beater beat the musical rhythm of the melody. The beater looks like a kind of wooden frame-box or any likeness of a simple drum, covered with skin. On the upper end of the beater, as a rule, a small wooden ball or a piece of wood was tied. Rocking the movements of the beater, forced the ball to spin and hit the surface of the frame or membrane. At the same time, clear, knocking sounds were heard. The beater Tuk-Tuk-Tuk, sleeps the animal spider, sleeps the cow, fly asleep, over the ground the moon hangs. Over the ground a large waters tipped. Sleeps plant potato. Fall asleep soon and you!

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Russian musical instruments have large technical and artistic features. To them, under the power, the execution of various works - from simple, frequency speakers, padded and dance to complex original musical writings. Many of the considered musical instruments are in development, their design and sound quality is improved. This process directly depends on the achievements of leading concert performers. Thanks to their close cooperation with composers, a highly artistic original folk repertoire is created. The circle of musical images transmitted by folk instruments is expanding, the other becomes the aesthetics of their sound. The development of Russian folk musical instruments At the present stage, today's state of the instrumental folk musical tradition instills certain hopes for its preservation and further fruitful development. Russian folk musical instruments are an original phenomenon in world musical culture. Inseciously linked in its development with a spiritual life, practical activity, household construction, aesthetic and moral and moral strata of the Russian people, they express the wealth of its inner world, inexhaustible optimism, mind, the depth of feelings, the special specific features of the nation.

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National Academic Orchestra of People's Instruments of Russia. N.P. Osipova is only given to him to accommodate the Russian field into the concert hall. Music and wheat ripelack sounds the mornstable swirls, the Music and wheat ripeness of the balalalac sounds the mereswie of the hose. She gives us Russia. The Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments has become unique not only in domestic, but in the whole world musical culture. It is a special synthesis of Russian folklore and European academic art and has a unique characteristic timbre that has become a certain extent with a musical symbol of Russian national culture.

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To raise love for the Motherland, you need to know and understand the folk traditions. Revealing the origins of the creation of folk instruments, developing an emotional-holistic attitude to life through the works of musical folklore, we are all learning to understand, respect and not destroy the cultural heritage of our ancestors. Output