All theater Baikal dance on May 7. Buryat National Theater of Song and Dance Baikal

All theater Baikal dance on May 7. Buryat National Theater of Song and Dance Baikal
All theater Baikal dance on May 7. Buryat National Theater of Song and Dance Baikal

In one of the Pavilions, Mosfilm passed the shooting of the final stage of the television competition "Dance everything". The Republic of Buryatia, we recall, represented the Buryat National Theater of the Song and Dance "Baikal". Fans were a large amount, three full stands. Shooting lasted five hours.

Among the fans were noticed by deputies of the State Duma from Buryatia Aldar Damdinov, Nikolai Beev, Senator of the Federation Council from Buryatia Tatyana Mantatov.

Theater "Baikal" performed the fourth. Our artists performed a dance room with a national flavor. But demonstrating the elements of those styles with which they learned on the project: Vog, hip-hop, ballet.

For example, Anastasia and Dab Dashinorboev showed amazing support, Julia Zomoeeva danced on pointev, Genghis Tsybikzapov, Valentina Yundunova and Aryun Tsydipov danced Vogov, Fyodor Kondakov and Ekaterina Odeodeva Samba, solired Donara Baldansere and Alexey Radnaev, Chagdar Budaev performed an acrobatic number.

After the speech, the audience rose together and shouted "Bravo!"

"I am in love with each of you," said the jury of Alla Sigall.

The evaluation jury in the final was not put. Each of the judges chose one finalist. Alla Sigallo chose the theater "Baikal, Vladimir Derevyanko - Formishen" Vera ", Egor Druzhinin stopped the choice of" Evolvers ".

Licacy, shouts "Hurray!" They came outside the pavilion. The organizers rolled out a large cake with a project logo on stage. All congratulations on the victory of the dancers of the Baikal Theater, the festive fireworks thundered and the huge certificate in the amount of 1 million rubles was awarded the winner.

Of course, the Baikal Theater deservedly won, we had time to love the guys, and they worked a lot on our project!.

Behind all these acts, the inhabitants of Buryatia at the TV screens are monitored. The most active fans came to see the final directly to the Square Square. On the occasion of the finals, there were installed a large screen.

Buryat artists, politicians spoke with words of support. Dozens, hundreds of citizens fisted when the winner was announced.

This is such pride for our theater, for our republic! I want to cry from happiness! Thank you, "Baikal!", "Elena said.

Victory dance:

All ether:

Friday, February 07

13th lunar day with element fire. Favorable day For people born in the year of the horse, sheep, monkeys and chicken. Today it is good to lay the foundation, build a house, dig up the earth, to start treatment, buy medicinal fees, herbs, to hold a matchmaking. Go to the road - to an increase in welfare. An unfavorable day For people born in the year of the Tiger and Rabbit. It is not recommended to make new acquaintances, gain friends, start teaching, getting to work, hire a nurse, workers, buy cattle. Haircut - Fortunately and success.

Saturday, February 08

14th lunar day with element Earth. Favorable day For people born in the year of the cow, tiger and rabbit. Today is a good day in order to ask for advice, avoid dangerous situations, hold rites to improve life and for wealth, nominated for a new position, buy cattle. An unfavorable day For people born in the year of mice and pigs. It is not recommended to write writings, publish work on scientific activity, listen to teachings, lectures, start a planned business, get settled or help to get a job, hire workers. Go to the road - to great troubles, as well as to parting with loved ones. Haircut - To the increase in wealth and livestock.

Sunday, February 09

15th lunar day with iron element. Beneficial deeds And sinful deeds committed on this day will increase a hundred times. A favorable day for people born in the year of the dragon. Today, you can build a dugan, suburgan, lay the foundation of the house, build a house, start a planned business, learn and comprehend science, discover the contribution to the bank, sew and cut clothes, as well as for a hard solution to some questions. Not recommended Move, change the place of residence and work, bring the daughter-in-law, give daughter to the bride, as well as to hold the funeral and commemoration. Go to the road - to bad Wests. Haircut- To good luck, to favorable consequences.

On the TV channel "Russia" starts a new super project "Everybody dance!"

The best dance groups from all over the country are starting a dance marathon. They will come on stage to surprise and hit the audience and prove the whole country that they are real professionals! We will see dancing who worry the whole world, dancing who want to dance everything!

Every week, supercommands of professional dancers will compete for the main prize of the project and the title of the best dancing team of Russia.

On the main dance floor of Russia will be a lot of real elements - dance, movement, rhythm, music and beauty. There are no borders in time and space - in the new show "Dance all" participants dance everything! The variety of styles is surprising, and the number of participants is amazing! Their task is not only worthy to present their own style, whether folk or ballroom dancing, hip-hop, break dance or contemporary, ballet or flamenco, but also become the best on someone else's field. Participants have to be constantly reincarnated, destroy stereotypes, overcome themselves and act in the new role. They will prove that genre borders in dance art are sufficiently conditional and the real professionals are subject to any style!

In the first issue, participants will only present themselves and their genre will meet with star jury and other contestants. But from the second release will begin a competition. Each speech of the participants is assessed by a professional jury, at the end of the release, the leading summarize and all the results of the teams appear on the standings. Commands that have taken the last lines in the table turn out to be in the nomination on departure. Who will remain in the project, and who will go out, it turns out after the audience voting in the studio. The amount of audience votes is summed up with the points of the jury.

In each release of the show - bright and unexpected reincarnations, joint numbers with invited stars and live emotions of participants, judges and spectators. But the main thing is the opportunity to get acquainted with the best dance groups of the country, admire their talent, make sure that there are no boundaries, and everyone can dance!

# SchuyTartvans # DanceTVSSION

Evaluating the speeches will be an authoritative jury: choreographer, actress, deserved artist of the Russian Federation Alla Sigalova, actor theater and cinema, director and choreographer Egor Druzhinin, Artist ballet choreographer Vladimir Derevko.

Leaders: Olga Shelest and Evgeny Papunaishvili

City: Ulan-Ude

Structure: 20 people

Leader: People's Artist of the Republic of Buryatia Frankhalov

Foundation date: 1942

Dance styles: Folk Buryat and Modern Stage Choreography

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With this article read:

Buryat National Song and Dance Theater "Baikal" is the keeper of culture and traditions of Buryat Mongolian nation, which were formed under the influence of Buddhism and Shamanism.

The team included ballet artists, vocalist soloists, the Buryatia Folk Town Orchestra. For 75 years of the existence of the theater to admire the talent of the artists, no fan of their creative activity stopped, moreover, the army of fans is becoming more and more.

Among the troupe there are artists who were awarded the titles and high awards of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Buryatia. The repertoire is the rooms for concerts, songs and dances, as well as large-format projects, for example, ethno ballet and ethno-opera, performances based on the myths of the Mongolian people.

In addition, the theater holds charitable children's Christmas trees for children - orphans, disabled people who have fallen into a difficult life situation helps young contractors in the development of potential.

Each fan of the Baikal Theater can count on a concert for a new portion of the rhythms of nature and life, solemn acts, shaman, hunter dance, birds and animals. All speeches are accompanied by a lively authentic song, non-decoding with traditional notes.

All the participants of the theater carefully refer to the execution of the repertoireTherefore, to watch their performances are incredibly interesting and exciting. Theater actively takes part in festivals, competitions, receives high awards. But the participants of "Baikal" recognize that more than all the awards for them, only the love of the audience.

Among the theater's awards, it is worth noting the first award of the International Festival called "Fashion Mongols of the World" in 2005, after another year the highest award at the Altargana -2006 International Festival in Ulan-Ude, the Golden Heart in 2006, the Russian Government Prize in The sphere of culture and art. No participation in contests passes without the well-deserved top award "Baikal".

The solo program of the Baikal Theater is worthy of performances in the Kremlin, because the Minister of Culture of Russia A. Avdeev is adhered to this opinion. Participation in the show "Dance everything" will help the theater to reveal for the viewer on another new side and discover special faces and opportunities.