The organization of a subject-development environment according to the Federal State Statistics Service. music corner

The organization of a subject-development environment according to the Federal State Statistics Service.  music corner
The organization of a subject-development environment according to the Federal State Statistics Service. music corner

Musical subject-developing environment in preschool educational institution.

Boldankova Irina Gennadievna musical director
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten number 9 "Golden Key"

Target: to increase the level of competence of teachers in creating a musical subject-developing environment in groups (mini-centers, contributing to the harmonious musical development and self-development of children, followed by its formation and bringing compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.
1. Introduce into practice new approaches to the organization of musical subject-developing preschool environment ensuring the full-fledged musical development of preschoolers within the framework educational program Preschool education taking into account the requirements of the federal state educational standard for preschool education;
2. Organize a developmental musical environment that contributes to the emotional well-being of children, taking into account their needs and interests;
3. Create conditions to ensure different types musical activity of preschoolers (play, motor, intellectual, cognitive, independent, creative, artistic, theatrical), taking into account the gender characteristics of the pupils;
4. To promote cooperation between children and adults to create a comfortable developing musical subject-spatial environment.

Everyone knows and has been proven by scientists that music enriches spiritual world child, has an impact on the development of his creativity... Development musical ability depends on the psychological - pedagogical conditions and, of course, from a well-organized subject-spatial environment.
Musical subject environment in groups should be focused on the material covered by the lessons and the individual capabilities of the children. Not a single type of musical activity can fully develop on a pure verbal level, outside the subject-spatial environment.
The content of the musical developmental environment should be guided by the leading type of activity of preschoolers, systematically become more complex by age, and be problematic in nature. All this allows children, acting with familiar and little-known objects, to reflect, think, compare, model and solve problem situations, create.

Musical subject-developing environment in preschool groups organized in three main blocks:
music perception
music playback
musical creative activity.

Each block, in turn, provides for an orientation towards the integrity of a certain type of children's musical activity.
Decoration of musical mini-centers in junior groups preschool age has a plot basis, in the older - didactic.
The structure of mini-music centers is designed in the form of modules that have integrity and at the same time - transforming details that arouse keen interest in children. The musical object environment is commensurate with the eye, the actions of the hand, and the growth of the child. The benefits of the developmental environment are sound, aesthetic, attractive, easy to use, make you want to act with them.

Junior group
- Albums with pictures for songs learned on music lessons(or wonderful cubes)
- Flannelegraph, figurines for flannelegraph (large and small animals, birds, musical instruments, transport)
- Music library with recording of children's songs (tape recordings of songs learned and taught with children performed by the musical director, children, educator, sounds of nature)
- CD player
- Attributes to musically - didactic exercises on the development of pitch, dynamic and rhythmic hearing in children. For example, for the development of pitch hearing - "Bird and chicks"; timbre hearing - "Guests have come to us", rhythmic hearing - "Who is walking", dynamic hearing "Bells".
- Non-sounding instruments: balalaika, mute keyboard with stand, accordion.
-Sounding: accordion, drum, tambourine, spoons, rattles, rhythmic cubes, bells, singing tops.
-Land of 3 steps, hand signs.
-Any toys (2 ducks, 2 nesting dolls - large and small), handkerchiefs, masks, ribbons, sultans, elements of dressing.
- Noise instruments- jars, mittens with buttons, bottles with different fillers: peas, acorns, pebbles.
- Tree and 2 birds (above and below)

Average gru ppa
-Album with pictures for songs learned in music lessons in previous groups(several albums are possible: by the seasons, about animals)
- Children's drawings made at home for their favorite songs;
-Flanelegraph with figures of animals, birds, images of musical instruments, transport;
-Figures for tunes, jokes, to spread rhythmic patterns with their help on the flannelgraph. For example: big and small cockerels for the song "Petushok", suns for the r.n.p. "Sun", balls, flags, Christmas trees, airplanes, etc. (6 small and 4 large)
- A library of songs learned by children in this age group, in the previous groups, being learned at the present time (in the gramophone performed by teachers, children).
- CD player
-Music- didactic games to develop emotional responsiveness, musical memory, musical thinking and games to help solve the problems of the previous age group. For example, on the development of pitch hearing - "Swing", on the development of rhythmic hearing - "Who's walking" (complication due to the introduction of different types of games); on the development of dynamic hearing - "Bells"; for the development of musical memory - "Sing a song from a picture."
-Mute turntable with records, balalaikas, violins, pipes, accordions, mute keyboard with stand.
-Toys-instruments: rattles, spoons, drum, tambourine, metallophone, rhythmic cubes, bells, maracas, whistles.
-Cards with tools, handkerchiefs, masks, elements of dressing.
-Land of 4 steps (2 toys large and small)
-Five removable elastic bands, stave.
-Hand signs (4 tbsp.)

Senior group pa.
-Flannelegraph, chips (stripes long and short, circles large and small, flowers, Christmas trees -6 small and 4 large), pictures for flannelegraph to create a plot of a song, dance (modeling)
- Albums with drawings for songs ("Musical ABC book")
-Albums with drawings for songs that children fell in love with (possibly author's, with drawings of one child)
-Attributes to muses. fairy tales (pictures for flannelograph), for dramatization ("Turnip", "Teremok")
-Pictures for the development of poetic and songwriting(for example, to the poems by A. Barto) "The Bee Buzzing", "The Steamer Buzzing", "The Doll Dances", "The Doll is Sleeping", "The Horse Rides", "Teddy Bear", "Airplane" "Magic Pictures"
-Toy microphone.
-Phone library with recording of songs: sounds of nature, muses. fairy tales.
- CD player
-Music and didactic games: for the development of pitch hearing "Three bears" or "Funny nesting dolls", for the development of dynamic hearing "Bells", for the development of the ability to distinguish the duration of sounds (long, short sounds, dotted rhythm) "Rooster, chicken, chicken" ; to distinguish genres musical works: song, dance, march "Three whales"
-Non-voiced instruments: balalaika, mute keyboard with stand, accordion -3 pcs. different sizes).
In the picture: pipe, violin, saxophone, button accordion, accordion, accordion, flute, whistles, trio.
-Instruments: rattles, spoons, drum, tambourine, metallophone, bells, maracas, rumba, triangle, rattles, xylophone, music. hammers, various noise home-made tools: keys, bottles, felt-tip pens, mittens with buttons on a hanger. Jars of kinder with different fillers, somewhat the same (Hoop No. 3 2006, "Musical hands. No. 3 2007)
- Plastic cubes (on the verge of sticking pictures by songs)
-Lesenka -5 steps (toy B. and M.)
- Handkerchiefs, masks, ribbons, elements of dressing.
- Music staff, sheet music.
-Hand signs (5st.)
-Portrait of composers D. Kabalevsky ("Bunny teases a bear cub"), P. Tchaikovsky ("Disease of a doll"), R. Schumann ("Soldier's march")

Preparatory work ppa
-Flannelegschraf, sheet music.
-A manual for teaching children the ability to determine the form of a work.
-Pictures for creating plots for familiar songs: to encourage poetry and songwriting.
--Ribs with names of notes in words
-Drawings with texts of nursery rhymes, for which you can come up with a song.
-Pictures with musical genres(song, dance, march) to encourage songwriting.
-Illustrations for muses. fairy tales
-Attributes to fairy tales and songs for staging them.
-Fon library (cassettes with recordings of songs performed by adults, children, individual cassettes for self-recording of your musical poetry)
- CD player
-Albums with drawings for songs learned with children in the current year, and in groups of previous ages.
-Albums with drawings of children to favorite songs.
-Plot pictures, encouraging songwriting.
- Musical and didactic games (the same as in senior group, but with complicated tasks)
-Non-voiced turntable with records, balalaikas, violins, pipes, saxophones, accordions.
-Instruments: rattles, spoons, drum, tambourine, metallophone, rhythm. cubes, bells, maracas, castanets, rattles, xylophone, button accordion, accordion, noise on a hanger (see in the older group)
-Land 7 steps, hand signs
- Sheet music (large), staff, stripes (6 small and 4 large)
- Handkerchiefs, masks, ribbons, kokoshniks.
-Portraits of composers.

Municipal budgetary preschool institution

"Kindergarten number 38"

Creation of musical subject-development environment in kindergarten groups




  • Musical development a child is conditioned not only by classes with a teacher, but also by the opportunity to play independently, experiment with musical toys, and freely engage in creative music-making.
  • Independent creative activity of a child is possible provided that a special subject-developing environment is created.
  • For the development of independent musical activity of children, it is very great importance has a music corner in the group (music zone).
  • Development creativity children largely depends on the equipment and its attractiveness.

MUSICAL CORNER Is a place where children learn about music and its beauty.


A creatively designed music corner will help:

  • not only to plunge into the world of music and expand ideas about it,
  • but also develop the imagination of children,
  • activates emotional sphere, thinking, speech.


  • Compliance with age, the requirements of the Program, Federal State Educational Standard.
  • Rationality of location, accessibility, mobility.
  • The presence of a music library, audio library with songs, fairy tales, music
  • The presence of attributes from waste material, unconventional equipment.
  • Availability of illustrative material to familiarize children with different types of musical instruments
  • A variety of children's musical and noise instruments.
  • Aesthetics in the design of equipment and the corner itself.
  • Creativity (creativity) of teachers in the design of the corner.
  • Safety of equipment and materials for the corner of musical activities;
  • Variety of didactic games for different types of musical activity and their correspondence age characteristics children;
  • Availability and variety of illustrative material on musical works;
  • Availability of portraits famous musicians in accordance with the program;

Important, so that the music corner is:

  • in a lighted, easily accessible place for children;
  • in addition, he should be isolated as much as possible, since, on the one hand, music lessons and children's games require concentration auditory attention, and on the other hand, “sounding” activity should not interfere with other activities of preschoolers.

  • When registering music corner you need to remember about the age and individual capabilities of children.
  • So, for children 3-5 years old, it is better to build on storyline ,
  • For older children - on didactic .

The musical subject environment should correspond to the eye, hand actions, and the child's growth.

The music corner should contain:

  • cupboard,
  • shelves for musical aids,
  • a couple of tables
  • chairs for didactic games.

Developmental environment benefits should be:

  • aesthetic,
  • attractive
  • easy to use,
  • evoke the desire to act with them.

It is better to put in the corner record player, with which children will listen to music, as well as melodies that promote psychological relaxation and mental relaxation.

There should be toys in the music corner. musical instruments:

  • drum,
  • pipe,
  • miniature piano,
  • glockenspiel,
  • also musical toys.

Usually, stands are hung on the walls of the music corner.

They are fixed on:

  • photos of children's performances,
  • portraits of composers,
  • colorful posters,
  • pictures with musical instruments.

The equipment of the music corner is divided into two levels:

for the teacher and for children

  • Top shelf place tools that are used by children in a metered dose (for example, a metallophone), and those with which children can only work under the supervision of a teacher, in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological standards of the preschool educational institution
  • On the bottom shelf- drums, spoons, triangles, maracas. It is necessary to pay special attention to the sound quality of musical instruments. They should be well tuned and make sounds familiar to children. Remember that poor sound quality can cripple and clog your child's hearing experience!


  • Vanka - vstanka
  • Musical "singing" or "dancing" toys (cockerel, cat, bunny, etc.)
  • Musical instruments with fixed sound - organchiks, barrel organs
  • Noise instruments: rattles, bells, tambourine, drum
  • Unsound fake musical instruments (accordions, pipes, balalaikas, etc.)
  • Attributes to musical outdoor games
  • Flags, sultans, handkerchiefs, bright ribbons with rings, rattles, autumn leaves, snowflakes for children's dance creativity (replenished as needed)
  • Table screen with glove toys
  • Musical pictures for songs that can be performed on a cube, in the form of an album or separate colorful illustrations.


  • It is advisable to leave aids, attributes and musical instruments

from the younger group and add:

  • Glockenspiel
  • Noise instruments for children's orchestra
  • Books "Our Songs" (each book illustrates a song familiar to children)
  • Flannelgraph or magnetic board
  • Musical and didactic games: "
  • Musical Instruments "," Voiced Palms "," Rhythmic Sticks ", etc.
  • Attributes to movable music games:
  • "Cat and Kittens", "Zainka", "Hares and Bear", "Pilots" and others.
  • Musical ladders (three-stage, on which there are small and large birds or small and large nesting dolls
  • Ribbons, colored handkerchiefs, sultans, etc. (attributes to dance improvisations but season)
  • Table screen and a set of toys
  • A tape recorder and a set of program audio recordings


  • In addition to the equipment of the middle group music corner, the following is used:
  • Rattles, tambourines, drums, triangles
  • Musical instrument toys with chromatic and diatonic sound

(metallophone, piano, button accordion, accordion, flute)

  • Illustrations on the topic: "Seasons"
  • Musical homemade toys (Children will be happy to take part

in making instruments for a noise orchestra)

  • Musical and didactic games: "Learn a song by two sounds", "Bells", "Musical ladder", "Rhythmic loto", etc.
  • Attributes to outdoor games
  • Children's drawings for songs and familiar pieces of music
  • Table screen and screen for children's height
  • Musical ladders five-step and seven-step
  • Attributes for children's dance creativity: elements of costumes for familiar folk dances


  • In addition to the material used in the senior group, the following is added:
  • Musical instruments: maracas, tambourines, harp, children's piano,

metallophone, bells, triangles, flutes, drums.

  • Portraits of Composers
  • Album folders: "We are drawing a song" with pictures of children in which they

reflect emotions and feelings about the music you listened to

and favorite songs

  • Manual "Emotions" (cards, which depict faces with different emotional moods) to determine the nature of the melody when listening to music
  • Visual aids: " Symphony Orchestra»," Folk Instruments "
  • Homemade Noise Orchestra Instruments
  • Musical and didactic games


  • Material for creative role-playing games:

Stuffed Toys

soft musical toys;

dolls - tumblers,

figurative musical "singing" or

"Dancing" toys

  • Musical and didactic games:

  • Figurative aids
  • Portraits of composers (works of which children sing or listen to)

Tchaikovsky P.I.

Tchaikovsky D.B.

Prokofiev S.S.

Rachmaninov S.V.

2) Illustrations - manuals like "Lotto": cards

with pictures drawn or pasted on them

  • All kinds of pictures:
  • Little books "We sing",
  • Musical pictures to songs that can
  • be made in the form of a large album or separate colorful illustrations,
  • Illustrations on the theme "Seasons",
  • Illustrations musical instruments,
  • Pictures depicting animals singing, dancing
  • or playing on musical instruments,
  • Albums "We draw a song"
  • Albums for viewing:
  • "Symphony Orchestra",
  • "Folk Instruments"
  • "Dances of the peoples of the world",
  • Graphic tutorial "Emotions"

  • Unsounded children's musical toys and instruments
  • Sounded musical instruments and toys
  • toy-instruments with sound of indefinite pitches
  • toy instruments that make only one sound
  • fixed melody instrument toys
  • toy-instruments with diatonic and chromatic scales for creative music making

  • Technical means

It is advisable to have a tape recorder in each group and arrange a music library of discs with musical repertoire

ATTRIBUTES for outdoor music games and for children's dance creativity

  • Theaters

Types of theaters:

  • Picture theater (Flanelegraph)
  • Finger theater
  • Puppet show

THE ROLE OF THE TRAINER- to encourage children to apply the skills learned in music lessons in Everyday life kindergarten.

Whether this environment becomes a developing one, whether the child wants to and will be able to master it in his activities depends on:

  • from the competence of an adult,
  • his goodwill,
  • interested attitude towards children,

Child and adult

act together -

both of them should be

comfortable in a musical environment.

Elena Ignatova
Equipping music corners in groups

Independent activities of children

The main condition for independent activity children - creating musical corners.

Requirements for music corners

1. Aesthetics.

2. Availability of all the necessary benefits.

3. Taking into account age characteristics.

4. Pedagogically competent guidance of children by the educator.

5. Convenient location.

Software content

1. Provide independent musical activity for children.

2. Promote the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge about music.

3. Stimulate the development of children's creativity.

4. Develop curiosity, desire for experimentation.

Musical corner - I junior group

1. Musical instruments.

Noise (rattles, bells, bells, toys - tweeters, singing tops).

Percussion (drum, tambourine, hammers).

Winds (various pipes, whistles).

Musical toys with fixed sound, melody (mechanical or battery operated).

2. "Songs - pictures".

3. Music library.

Songs, dances for holidays, leisure.

Works "Hearing".

Musical fairy tales.

Folk songs, children's songs, lullabies.

4. Pictures.

Musical instruments.

Musical professions (singer, dancer).

Illustrations "Hearing".

5. Breathing games, articulatory gymnastics.

6. "Songs - pictures".

7. Didactic games.

8. Printed editions(poems, riddles).

9. Didactic material.

Ladder 3 steps.

Sounding objects are substitutes.

10. Card file for finger games.

11. Attributes for dancing.

12. Attributes for musical outdoor games.

13. Costumes, masks for theatricalization.

14. Different kinds theaters.

15. Scenarios of holidays.

Musical corner - younger group

1. Musical instruments.

Winds (pipes, whistles).

Keyboards (metallophone).

Percussion (drum, tambourine, musical hammer, gong, cymbals).

Noise (bells, bells, rattles, toys - tweeters, singing tops, rattles, wooden sticks).

Unsound musical instruments.

Fixed sound musical instruments (mechanical or battery powered).

Singing, dancing and playing instruments.

2. "Songs - pictures".

3. Music library.

Songs for children.

Works "Hearing".

Orchestra sound.

Musical fairy tales.

4. Pictures.

Musical instruments.

Genres (march - festive, military, children's, sports, toy; dance - merry dance, waltz, sports, round dance; song - children's, choral, lullaby, folk).

Musical professions (singer, dancer, musician).

Orchestra (noise, folk).

Illustrations "Hearing".

5. Breathing games, articulatory gymnastics, voice games.

6. Didactic games.

7. Didactic material.

Music staff.

Ladder 3 steps.

Carpet, cards.

Cubes and balls with sounding fillings.

Benefit "Emotions".

8. Card file for finger games.

9. Attributes for dancing.

12. Various types of theaters.

14. Scenarios of holidays.

Musical corner - middle group

1. Musical instruments.

Winds (pipes, whistles, trumpet).

Strings (psaltery).

Percussion (tambourine, drum, spoons, gong, cymbals).

Noise (bells, toys - tweeters, maracas, rattles).

Keyboards (metallophone, piano).

Unsound musical instruments.

2. "Songs - pictures".

3. Music library.

Songs, dances, games for holidays, leisure.

Works "Hearing".

Classical and folk music.

Children's songs, children's folklore.

Dances of the peoples of the world.

Lullabies and relaxation music.

Musical fairy tales.

4. Pictures.

Musical instruments.

Genres (song - children's, lullaby, pop, author's; dance - round dance, on ice, youth, different nations; march - sports, funeral, military, solemn, toy).

Portraits of composers.

Musical professions (singer, dancer, musician, conductor).

Orchestra (folk).



Illustrations "Hearing".

6. Didactic games.

7. Didactic material.

Mute keyboard.

Ladder 5 steps.

Carpet, cards.

Benefit "Emotions".

Plastic containers with different fillers.

Sounding objects are substitutes, made together with children.

8. Card file for finger games.

9. Attributes for dancing.

10. Attributes for musical outdoor games.

11. Costumes, masks for theatrical performance.

12. Various types of theaters.

13. Printed musical publications (fairy tales, poems, riddles).

Music corner - older group

1. Musical instruments.

Strings (harp, guitar, harp).

Winds (pipes, horn, whistles, harmonica).

Percussion (drum, spoons, triangle, tambourine, ratchets, gong, cymbals)

Noise (bells, toys - tweeters, maracas, rattles, cymbals).

Keyboards (metallophone, piano, accordion).

Unsound musical instruments.

Musical toys with a fixed melody (mechanical or battery operated).

Sounding objects are substitutes, made together with children.

2. "Songs - pictures".

3. Music library.

Songs, dances, games for holidays, leisure.

Works "Hearing".

Songs for children.

Lullabies and relaxation music.

Orchestra sound.

Musical fairy tales.

4. Pictures.

Musical instruments.

Genres (song - children's, lullaby, choral, duet, folk, pop, author's; dance - sports, dance, polka, waltz, round dance, dances of different nations, on ice, youth; march - military, children's, soldiers, sports, festive , mourning, carnival, solemn, cavalry).

Portraits of composers.

Musical professions (singer, dancer, various musicians, conductor).

Orchestra (brass, string).

Ensemble, choir, concert.

Illustrations "Hearing".

Dance schemes.

5. Breathing games, articulatory gymnastics, voice and speech games.

7. Didactic material.

Mute keyboard.

Conductor's stick.

Ladder 7-8 steps.

Carpet, cards.

Benefit "Emotions".

Musical puzzles.

8. Card file for finger games.

9. Attributes for dancing.

10. Attributes for musical outdoor games.

11. Costumes, masks, elements of scenery for theatricalization.

12. Various types of theaters.

14. Scenarios of leisure and holidays.

Music corner - preparatory group

1. Musical instruments.

Strings bowed and plucked (harp, guitar, violin, balalaika).

Brass metal and wood (pipes, flute, harmonica, trio, whistles).

Percussion (drum, tambourine, spoons, zither, triangle, costanets, ratchets, gong, cymbals)

Noise (bells, squeaker toys, maracas, cymbal).

Keyboards reed and percussion (metallophone, xylophone, piano, accordion).

Unsound musical instruments.

Musical instruments with fixed sound, melody (mechanical or battery-powered)

Sounding objects are substitutes, made together with children.

2. "Songs - pictures".

3. Music library.

Songs, dances, games for holidays, leisure.

Works "Hearing".

Musical fairy tales.

Classical, folk, modern music.

Songs for children.

Dances of different nations.

Lullabies, relaxation music.

4. Pictures.

Musical instruments.

Genres (song, dance, march, opera, ballet, concert).

Portraits of composers.

Orchestra (symphony).

Ensemble, choir, concert.

Musical professions.

Illustrations "Hearing".

Schemes of dances, rebuilding.

5. Breathing games, articulatory gymnastics, voice and speech games.

6. Musical didactic games.

7. Didactic material.

Mute keyboard.

Conductor's stick.

Ladder 8 steps.

Carpet, cards.

Benefit "Emotions".

Musical puzzles.

8. Card file for finger games.

9. Attributes for dancing.

10. Attributes for musical outdoor games.

11. Costumes, masks, scenery for theatrical performance.

12. Various types of theaters.

13. Printed musical publications (stories, poems, riddles).

14. Scenarios of leisure and holidays.

Related publications:

The main form of musical activity in kindergarten are musical pursuits. They combine all kinds of musical activities:

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Equipment: mayonnaise jar, self-adhesive paper, clothesline, scissors, pencil, leather (or strong, dense fabric). Step.

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Tatiana Moskaleva
Organization of a subject-development environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Musical corner.

One of the important conditions of upbringing and educational work in preschool- correct organization of a subject-developing subject environment... Right organized developmental environment will allow each child to find something to their liking, to believe in their own strengths and abilities, to learn to interact with teachers and peers, to understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, and this is what lies at the heart of developmental learning.

Developing the subject environment is the main vehicle formation of the child's personality and is the source of his knowledge and social experience.

Wednesday surrounding children in kindergarten should ensure the safety of their lives, promote health and temper the body of each of them.

Organization of a subject-developing environment in kindergarten bears the effectiveness of educational impact, aimed at developing an active cognitive attitude in children to the world around them items, people, nature. It should be formed taking into account certain principles developed in the works of leading teachers, in particular, taking into account the age of the children, since each age group has its own specific psychological and pedagogical characteristics. For the development of an independent musical activities of children are very important musical corner in the group, (music and theater zone) ... Group presence musical instruments already arouses in the child a desire to learn how to play them, and with the help of musically- didactic material can be used to solve a variety of educational tasks in an accessible way for children game form(for example, the development of a sense of rhythm, timbre, dynamic hearing, etc.).

The main requirements music corner are:

1 Aesthetic music corner, its individual elements.

2. Availability of all the necessary benefits for this age group.

3. Pedagogically competent leadership of independent musical activities of children on the part of the educator.

4. Convenient location music corner or music and theater zone.

Music corner can be decorated in a very interesting and bright way - in the form of a stage podium, on the steps of which there are the necessary manuals for musical education, you can also issue music corner v junior groups- on various characters sewn from fabric, it can be Parsley, a matryoshka, a snowman, it can be in the form of a Christmas tree with toys, etc.

When selecting equipment in music corner the age of the children must be taken into account.

So in music corners in the nursery and ml... gr. must be:

Material for creative role-playing games is soft toys; soft musical toys; dolls - tumblers, figurative musical singing or dancing toys (dog, cat, cock, bunny, etc.)

illustrations musical instruments, sheet music, pictures of animals singing, dancing or playing on musical instruments.

Fake musical tools - toys ( (what it is)- these are unsonicated planar musical tools made of thick cardboard or thin plywood that are needed to create a play situation in which children, fantasizing, imagine themselves as musicians.

(piano, accordion, balalaika, etc.)

Baby musical toys and tools for creative

playing music: (children's piano, accordion, with middle band is added metallophone, etc.)

5. Sounded toys ( musical hammer, hurdy-gurdy, guitars, rattles, musical tops, etc.... e. children examine them, try to extract from them separate sounds or a fixed melody.

5. Noise instruments: (tambourines, rattles, drums, maracas, small and large bells, bells, spoons, etc.).

6. Also needed in music corner: Musically- didactic games: ("Birds and Chicks", "Guess what I'm playing?", "Where are my kids?" "Wonderful bag").

For musical games can be made musical a ladder of 3 steps. On the 1st step, a mother bird sits low and sings low chick-chirik, and the chicks sit high and sing in a high voice chick-chirp. Pitch development game.

Musically- didactic games should be varied in content and colorfully decorated, then they will attract the attention of children, make them want to play, sing and listen music.

also in musically-theatrical area must have attributes for mobile musical games and children's dance creativity:

Hats - masks, Hats - ears, horses, rudders musical... V corner dressing up kerchiefs of nesting dolls, aprons, etc. multicolored flags, sultans, handkerchiefs, bright ribbons with rings, rattles, glomeruli, dense inflatable balls with cereals, colorful cubes, autumn leaves, snowflakes, bells, depending on the season.

Now it is very fashionable to make homemade musical tools and all kinds of junk material.

Music corner must be located very comfortably so that children can freely come up and take tools and aids.

In order for children to have a constant interest in independent musical activities, it is necessary to update the benefits 1-2 times a month in music and theater zone bring in new equipment.

For listening to classical music music, children's songs and musical fairy tales , as well as during activities such as drawing or to wake up after a nap, a tape recorder is required.

You can even arrange a music library of discs with musical repertoire(children's songs, folk and classical music, voices of birds and animals, noises natural phenomena and water, Russians folk tales and fairy tales of the world). The music library helps to develop deeper musical hearing of children and acquire musical knowledge , provides all-round development the personality of each child.

V the music corner should have theaters:

Introducing children to theatrical play and theatrical puppet starts already in early childhood... It is important that the very first encounters with a theatrical puppet create a joyful atmosphere.

Types of theaters:

Theater of pictures (Flanelegraph)

Finger theater

Puppet show

1. Theater of pictures (Flanelegraph). (How to make) Cut out the characters of fairy tales from cardboard, and with back side glue the pieces of flannel, such figures will adhere perfectly to the plywood covered with flannel.

With the help of visual accompaniment of pictures and toys, children learn to follow the actions of the characters in short poems, nursery rhymes, and fairy tales.

Finger theater (a doll can be made from cut-off gloves, eyes, ears, pigtails, etc.)

Games with finger puppets help your child learn to control the movements of their own fingers. By playing with adults, the child also learns valuable communication skills.

In more early age it is better for the educator to use the explanatory-illustrative method.

The teacher plays up the actions with the toy himself, and the children watch, iron the toy, greet, sound attenuated: woof-woof dog, chick-chirik bird, meow-meow pussy (the bear is walking, the bunny is jumping, the doll is dancing, sleeping, etc.) In turn, the child learns these methods and subsequently will play himself.

Play for children musical Children like instruments very much, of course, at first they will be rattles, bells. By the way, you won't be able to own a bell right away. You must explain to the child that you need to hold the bell with two fingers for "Ear"... Only then will the sound be loud. Then, you can try playing with your left hand. (first educator, then children)... It will be much easier for a child to handle bells, this is also a bell, but closed. Moreover, bells are of various types - on a wooden handle, on a fabric cuff, in the form of a rattle.

Starting from 2 ml. gr. Caregiver observing children during self-study musical activity shows new games, techniques, supports the initiative of some children, notes what kind of help another child needs. In addition, the teacher should be able to notice when the children have exhausted all the possibilities of this game and replace it with another. Therefore, the games, tools necessary for work are in a place accessible to children, the rest can be removed and changed as needed.

The role of the caregiver is to encourage children to apply the skills learned in musical activities in the daily life of the kindergarten.

Self musical activity in a group, being one of the indicators of the level of development of children, gives performance about the volume of skills, abilities, knowledge that children received as a result of the work carried out with them. There is a transfer of methods of action mastered on music lessons, in completely new conditions, situations; the child is already acting on own initiative, in accordance with their interests, desires, needs.

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