The most unusual musical instruments. Glitter crystal in shooting "RBC style new unusual musical instrument

The most unusual musical instruments. Glitter crystal in shooting "RBC style new unusual musical instrument

Pikasso Guitar (The Pikasso Guitar)

Picasso Guitar is a strange musical instrument created in 1984 by the Canadian Master of String Tools Linda Manner for Jazz Guitarist Patrick Bruce Matini. It is a guitar arc with four griffs, two resonator holes and 42 strings. The tool was named because of the external similarity with the pictures depicted at the famous paintings (1912-1914), the so-called analytical cubism Pablo Picasso.

Nickelharp is a traditional Swedish string musical instrument, the first mention, which is dating from about 1350 year. Usually modern nickelharp has 16 strings and 37 wooden keys, sliding under the strings. The game uses a short bow. The sound published by this tool looks like a violin sound only with a large resonance.

Glass harmonic is a rather unusual and rare musical instrument consisting of several glass hemisphere of various sizes, fixed on a metal axis, which is partially immersed in a resonator drawer with dilute vinegar. When touching the edges of glass hemispheres rotating through the pedal, the performer removes gentle and pleasant sounds. This musical instrument is known from the middle of the XVII century. Interestingly, in some cities of Germany, he was prohibited by law, since in those days it was believed that the sound of harmonica acts too much on the mental state of people, scares animals, causes premature birth and even leads to a disorder of the mind.

Erhu, it is also called a "Chinese violin" - an ancient Chinese String Bed tool, created in the seventh century. It is the original two-string violin below, which is attached a cylindrical resonator, equipped with a snake leather membrane. It is a very universal tool, it is often used as a solo instrument, as an accompanying tool in a Chinese opera, as well as in modern musical genres such as pop, rock, jazz, etc.

Zeusafone (Zeusaphone)

Zeusafon, or "Musical Lightning", "Singing Tesla Coil" - one of the forms of the plasma loudspeaker. It is a tesla coil that has been changed to reproduce sounds, accompanied by a beautiful luminescence of air ions in the high voltage electrical field. The term "singing of the Tesla Coil" was invented by David Nunese after the public demonstration of this device on June 9, 2007 in Neuperville, Illinois, USA.

Hydraulophone (Hydraulophone)

Hydraulo - a strange acoustic musical instrument acting on the principle of transforming fluid oscillations into sound. It has several holes through which the water flows beat and when one of the threads is blocked, the tool produces a sound formable by not air, but water. A Canadian scientist and engineer Steve Mann was invented. The world's largest hydraulicophone is in Ontario Scientific Center, Canada.

The singing tree is a unique musical sculpture located in the Penni mountains near the town of Burnley in the county of Lancashire, England. The sculpture was built on December 14, 2006 and is a three-meter construction consisting of steel galvanized pipes, different lengths, which, thanks to wind energy, publish a low melodic hum.

Termenvelox is an unusual electrical tool created by the Russian physicist and the inventor of the left terman in 1919. The main part of the Termenvelox are two high-frequency oscillatory circuit, configured to the total frequency. Electrical oscillations of sound frequencies are created by the generator on electronic lamps, the signal is passed through the amplifier and turns into a loudspeaker into the sound. The game on the Termenvelox lies in the fact that the Contractor manages his work by changing the position of the palms near the tool antennas. Moving the hand around the rod, the performer adjusts the height of the sound, and the gestures around the arc allows you to affect the volume. Due to the change in the distance of the musician's palms to the instrument antenna, the inductance of the oscillating circuit is changing, and as a result, the frequency of sound. One of the first and most outstanding performers on this tool was the American musician Clara Rockmor.

In second place in the list of the most unusual musical instruments in the world, Hang is a music shock tool, created in 2000 by Felix Roner and Siberian Sherler from the Swiss city of Bern. It consists of two interconnected metal hemispheres with a resonator hole measuring 8-12 cm.

The most unusual musical instrument in the world is the stalactic organ. This is a unique musical instrument located in the Lurea Caves, Virginia, USA. It was created in 1956 by mathematician and scientist Lyland Sprinkle, which for three years processed the stalactites hanging from the ceiling to obtain an ideal sound. After that, it attached a hammer controlled by electricity from an organ keyboard to each of them. This tool covers an area of \u200b\u200b14 square kilometers and is the largest musical instrument in the world.


OKTOBAS - tool, outstanding, first of all, in its sizes: The largest instances can reach a height of 4.5 meters and be 2 meters wide. He appeared as a result of the experiments of the treble masters, which believed that the size of the body of the double bass was not high enough for low sounds. With the creation of this impressive tool, they managed to solve the task: the range of octabs - from to subcontrolls (16.4 Hz) before the counter-inclination (55 Hz), thereby creating a lower-visible tools of this kind did not make sense, because the lower limit of the audible range was achieved for Human (16 Hz - 20 kHz), and lower sounds would simply be heard. However, the widespread OCTOBAS has not received due to the fact that he did not have the expected force and saturation of the sound. Nevertheless, this tool and today can be found in some musical ideas. Due to the impressive size of the technique of Games at Oktobasa, has its own characteristics. It is playing standing on it, putting on a special stool. At the same time, the pressing of strings is carried out with the help of a special manual mechanism - for this, 7 levers are made in octobas, which allow you to press all the strings on any of the lands at the same time, from 1 to 7, respectively.

9 Cigarbox Guitar (Cigarbox Guitar)

By the name of this string tool, you might think that it is made from the box from under the cigar. And there is! Initially, cigarboxes were made from the cigar boxes, as well as another suitable container. This is due to the fact that often the first creators of this tool (black American slaves of the XIX century) were not possible to buy a guitar, but there were a desire to play, resourcefulness and sweater materials. Why did the cigar boxes usually came across the arm? The fact is that at that time the cigars were kept and transported in wooden boxes, which, as they say, were made not from the bad wood. Naturally, these boxes, as a rule, no one kept, and threw them a lot.


In fact, this tool is an upgrades of the guitar, by adding additional strings to expand its audio range and other practical purposes. There are different versions: Forms and design depend only on the skill and fancy of the wizard.


Conceptually this tool in a sense is opposite to the previous one. Figuratively speaking, citrate is a hussley with a vulture and frets.

Depending on the size of the citrate, there is from 17 to 47 strings. On the first four-five strings located above a vulture with frets, they usually play the main melody, and the rest is accompanied by accompaniment. The most popular citrate was among the inhabitants of Austria and Germany of the XVIII century.

6 Wheel Lira (Organizer)

An ancient musical instrument, outgoing a buzzing outlet sound, arising from friction of strings about the wheel, rotating a musician. On some strings, the main melody is performed using the keys, and others publish a constant bourdon background.

5 Wheel Harp (Wheelharp)

An original modern tool that has some similarity in the principle of sound recovery with a wheelhelet: The sound also appears as a result of friction of the rotating drum on the string. But on this similarity ends. When you press some key, the mechanism moves the corresponding string towards the drum, the surface of which is covered with rosin. Besides the keyboard with a range of 3-5 octave for the game, two pedals are used for the game. The left pedal controls the damper (shuffling the sound of the string), and the right-way rotation speed of the drum.

4 glucophone and hunk

Glucophone, like the previous tool, is the invention of modernity. Initially, his prototype was made from a gas cylinder. The glucophone consists of two bowls, on one of which are petals (drum tongues), and to another - a resonant hole. Each bowl is adjusted in the desired way to give the necessary pure and rich overtones of sound. Various modifications are possible: change the geometry of the shock elements, the change in the volume of the tool and the thickness of the wall of the housing.

Hang is similar to a glucofon metal percussion tool. Unlike glucofon, Hanga, instead of sounding tongues, there is 7-8 tonal areas surrounding the central dome on one of the hemisphere.


A rare musical instrument consisting of glass hemisphere of various sizes, rolled on a horizontal rotating metal axis. The hemispheres package is partially immersed in a resonator with diluted vinegar, so that the edges of the hemisphere are constantly moistened. Immediately after its creation (the middle of the XVII century), the harmonic began to conquer its magic, fabulous and, sometimes, the mysterious sounds of composers, musicians and just listeners. For her, such famous composers as Mozart, Beethoven and Strauss wrote. However, despite such success and universal sympathy, because of various prejudices and superstitions, harmonics began to lose its popularity, and in some cities in Germany even was banned. As a result, the twentieth century glass harmonic has become a rarity.


A tool having a long history and wide geography. Archaeological finds and ethnographic studies confirm that it was distributed in many nations throughout the globe. Different peoples have this tool under different names: Homus, Vagan, Kumyz, Shakobobov, Temir-Homus, Yayar Baths, Malellommel Dan, Kosesyan, Markanzano, Doromburi, Mukkuri, Murchant, Dambalis and more .. In addition to small differences in shape and Materials used in the manufacture, general principles of the game and sound recovery are similar. For the game, the tool is held with hand and pressed the body to the teeth so that nothing prevents the free fluctuation of the tongue, which is the primary sound source. The tongue is driven by a free hand of the artist. Strengthening sound due to the oral cavity, which serves as a resonator. Accordingly, the change in height and voice timbre occurs for changes in articulation, respiration and other techniques, among which there are both simple and requiring some artist's skill.


The electrical tool developed and created in 1919 by the Russian inventor Lvi-Sergeevich Termen in Petrograd. Since the creation of the first ("classic", with two antennas) several modifications and upgrades of the tool were created.

In the first, classic, models created by the Lvom Termen himself, sound control occurs as a result of the free movement of the hands of the performer by the electromagnetic field near the two metal antennas. The artist plays standing. Changing the height of the sound is achieved by approaching the hand to the right antenna, while the sound volume is controlled due to the approximation of another hand to the left antenna. It is this model of the Termenvelox that received the widespread distribution in the world.

To your attention the top one of the most unusual tools in the world. On all they are still playing musicians, no matter how ancient or strange these tools seem to be.


it was invented in Russia in the past century. Or rather, in 1919. This name tool received from the surname of its creator - Lev Sergeyevich Termen. This unusual tool is the first in the history of an electrical inspection tool. Sounds are extracted, it would seem unaccompired by the movement of the hands: Know yourself moving hands within the radius of the electromagnetic field next to the metal antenna. The left hand usually adjusts the volume, and the right is responsible for the height of the sound. Just learn how to use two hands when playing this tool is not so simple!


or in other words - multimedia media table. The thing is unique and more - beautiful. Touch - and the sound is published, and moreover, the tool can be programmed for almost any requirements. With the help of the multimedia table, you can not only surprise the clubbers, but also please the bright presentations of colleagues and partners, for example, or notify visitors about the diversity of the menu in the restaurant.


Musical hello from Indonesia. This tool consists of a set of small bronze gongs, which are placed on a wooden stand and fastened with cords. In the middle of each gong there is a small bulge, hitting which with a special wooden wand, it turns out a soft sound. The wand is winding either with a rope or a x / b to the cloth to give a greater depth of sound. There are a masculine - with higher wooden sideboards and convex gongs - Bonang and Women's - with the opposite, lower sides and flat gongs.

Subcontrabas Flute.

looks like a large curved flute, and sounds are extremely strange. The length of some tools can be up to 4.5 meters! Not just just playing such Mahine, you will agree. Sounds, extractable from subcontractable flutes can confuse many - they look like such as if someone just blew into the pipe.


they also referred to its appearance Kontrabas Anaconda. However, the tool sounds far from being so quiet as a snake, but rather as an elephant: loud and rolling. Serpent was invented back in 1590, but by the 19th century was released. Today, it is not playing musical maniacs who master new and new old inventions.


translated from Latin first of all means the curved staff of the August either, or a military tube, also bent. We used this tool most often as a warning signal in wartime. But in the Middle Ages, the notorious Johann Sebastian Bach glorified the Litus by writing under him the Ojesuchrist coins, Meinslebenslicht.


You can safely say, Ukrainian Lituus Sorudiorov. Trembit, like their ancient counterparts, are primarily used for alerts of various kinds. And since they are popular in the majority in the Hutsulse and East, the Carpathians are widely used by the shepherds. But this wooden pipe is sometimes included in orchestral executions.


it consists of two metal hemispheres, interconnected and remotely resembles a notorious UFO. This tool is still in childhood, for invented only in 2000. As a rule, Hang is placed on the knees or between them, and the sounds are extracted by the imagination of playing: fingers, brushes, palms.


it is quite justified called the singing thaw. It looks like the Japanese invention and really funny: as a note with eyes and mouth. Pressing the head and manipulations with the "tail" gadget is driven and gives the sophisticated sounds. What only the Japanese do not invent! This toile-toy is only two years old, but it confidently occupies positions in the market, but, by and large, entertainment, and not musical.

Glass harmonica

externally slightly resembles a weaving machine and consists of a glass hemisphere of various sizes. The spheres are riveted on the metal rod, which in turn is fixed into a non-resonator with water and vinegar, but so that the sphere is immersed in it only half. Having improved the simple game on wet glasses In the 18th century, the inventive Irishman conquered the world with a new tool. They admired the great composers and writers of that time, but nevertheless, someone went down the rumor that the glass harmonic was the fisheries of the devilish whims: it causes premature birth in women, it is extremely unsatisfactory for the mental state of people and scares animals. The tool was forgotten to our times, until in the 20th century, composers decided to return the tool to the selected "voice."


the view is very strange and even incomprehensible tool. At first glance, it is not for him that it will see how and where to attach it to extract sounds. Vargan refers to the tongue musical instruments, and the sounds from it are removed by the appropriate way. It is necessary to clamp it between lips or teeth, pour or change the position of the lips - and the sounds will be heard. It is often called a pagan instrument, because the story cannot find the origins of the emergence of it. Recent studies show that Wagan could well be invented five thousand years in South Asia and spread throughout the world due to its compactness, non-uncomplication and undoubted unusualness.


Many have heard this musical instrument, without being suspected, for example, in old horror films.

Termenvox was invented by the Russian scientist Lv's Termen in 1928. He makes a rather unusual, even a little terrible vibrating sound, which is adored by many underground musicians. However, it is the sound of the instrument that did not allow him to gain wide popularity. The termenvox game is to change the distance by a musician from its hands to the tool antennas, due to which the height of the sound changes.


Despite the fact that Banjo, and Ukulele quickly found the army of numerous fans, the hybrid of these two tools, a banjolem, was never popular and never. In essence, this is a very small banjo, only with four strings instead of five. The tool makes a pleasant soothing sound, but to play it to people with big hands quite problematic. Maybe that is why, and may, due to the incompleteness of its name, the name of the Banjolem remained a niche instrument.


Omnikord is an electronic musical instrument presented by Suzuki in 1981. Sounds in it are created by pressing the corresponding chord button and impact on a special metal plate. Being incredibly easy to use, the Omnikord had every chance of becoming popular, especially among newcomer musicians. But never became. The famous melody from the song CLINT EASTWOOD British Group Gorillaz is perhaps the most famous product played on this musical instrument.

Bariton Guitar

And bass guitar, and the usual guitar is one of the most popular tools in the world. However, as in the case of a banjolem, their hybrid, despite the deep and rich sounds, not a special prevalence. Thanks to its design, such guitars sound much lower than usual. Currently, they are sometimes used in recording studios to give the main guitar party more saturated shade.


Despite the intact of its name, the sounds this tool makes very pleasant. Most of all, it looks like a metal manual drum. It consists of two cups, on one of which are "tongues" of the drum, and to another - the resonant hole. Each bowl is fine tuning.

The tool made some popularity among street musicians, but it is still impossible to call it all the same.


In the 80s, on the popularity wave of pop music, this tool almost entered Mainstream. Nearly…

In essence, this is a regular synthesizer enclosed in a plastic guitar case. As in previous hybrids, it is played mainly only as needed. One of its main advantages is compact.

Few know that Matthew Ballah, the leader of the popular British group MUSE, regularly uses the keyflower in its speeches.

Okrug synthesizer "Evi"

Evi is the most popular brandy synthesizer, but is still unknown to the huge number of music fans. It is a mixture of saxophone and synthesizer. The principle of the game on it is almost the same as on Saksa. However, the "Synthesive Past" tool makes it possible to connect to a computer.


The most mysterious tool in our selection. He was invented by the inventor Raymond Scott. There are few things about him, except that this is a huge prototype of a modern synthesizer. The only remaining electronium belongs to the composer Masharsbo, and it does not work.

Musical saw

This saw differs from the usual only by the fact that it can be thickened much stronger. When playing a musician rests one end to her thigh, and the other end holds his hand. The sound is extracted with a special bow. It must be said that the unusual sound of the saw can be heard in the compositions of some folk groups. However, outside the genre of ethnic music, she did not get widespread.

"Waves of Marten"

Perhaps the most unusual tool in the selection. He was invented by Maurice Marten in 1928. The tool sound simultaneously resembles a violin and termanvox. The design of the French invention is quite difficult: when playing the musician you need to press the keys at the same time and pull the key for a special ring. By the way, the participant of the Radiohead group Johnny Greenwood was using "Morten Waves" when recording multiple songs, giving them a unique sound

Music works are written in different countries, in a variety of genres and directions and immediately can be executed in any city on any continent, because professional musicians do not have to be able to speak in the language of their colleagues, they understand each other in music. Fortunately, musical instruments are just as universal as a music certificate, but not all the musicians are satisfied with the available variety, some are incessantly looking for something new, unusual, if they do not find, invent their own.

Perhaps the most popular musical instruments in the world are string and brass. Therefore, there is nothing surprising that some musical masters come up with any improvements and changes to the already established traditional device and appearance, for example, violins, guitars, shoes, or dooms, and examples do not need to look for a long time.

Unusual string

One music master has built a violin, which "part-time" was also a telephone, it turned out something average between the violin-phone and a violin. Apparently, the tool did not take root, because the world did not suddenly play him, although it was invented at the end of the 20th century in 1998.

But, apparently, the most innovations go to the guitar.

This tool is known throughout the world, but now one inventor stuck to the guitar even more popular, and he created a guitar-machine. As a result, an externally, the instrument became similar to the Kalashnikov machine, also world famous, but only weapons. Guitar received a name - escopettara.

From the machine to the guitar body, the butt, automatic mechanism and the store for the cartridges, which houses the control panel, and instead the real guitar neck was mixed. But the most original thing in the design is that not a guitar was made like a machine, and the real automatic was converted into the guitar.

Stratocaster - Super Guitar!

We are accustomed to the fact that the guitar has six strings - this is a Spanish guitar. True, there is also a Russian guitar - seven-string, but the six-string has more fans and almost displaced the seven-terrain guitar. It can be concluded that the more strings, the less the guitar of fans, but a certain artist - Yoshiko Sato disagreed with this thought.

He took twelve guitars, completely disassembled them, and from the resulting spare parts collected one new one. In his guitar it turned out seventy-two strings, which is without a small, almost equal to the piano keyboard. It is difficult to imagine that there is a musician who wants to master the game on this tool, but is it important for the inventor? The main thing is the fact of the invention and the name of the sonor - Stratocaster.

Casio guitar DG-10

At the time when all sorts of keyboards "Selfgraies" filled out Russian shops and markets, this is 1997, the Japanese Casio campaign appeared a new musical instrument - a guitar DG-10. By content, this musical toy was an electronic stuffing in a plastic shell, but externally was a real electric guitar.

On the instrument, I could not even play a musician, making small settings, like on the Selfig Keyboard. But here is the principle of recovery of sound. The guitar had plastic strings, it was possible to play, like an acoustic guitar, which started the corresponding sound. Sensitive strings increased the volume from the strength of the blow, that is, the stronger the blow to the strings, the louder the sound.

Since then, technology has been very far ahead, and a nano-guitar appeared, however, it is impossible to play on it, because it is cut out of silicone with a high-frequency laser, and there is no such little musicians in the world, because the size of the guitar is less than the thickness of the human hair.

Against the background of silicone "gitres", the instrument of the Canadian guitar master Linda Manzer, just a giant - he has four griffs and forty-two strings, all real and done specifically for a guitarist Pat Pat. The tool is given the name "Guitar Picasso", it is simultaneously guitar, lute, viola and husli.


In the world of wind tools of oddities, too, although visually, in comparison with guitars, they are not so noticeable. For example, a little-known French tool - a bombard, something like the oboe, and the sound publishes significantly more loud and strong, and for its extraction requires tremendous efforts, and the musician is forced to rest without losing and ten seconds.

In Europe, in the Alpine countries, the wooden brass instrument is widely known - the Alpine Horn. But in parallel there is a little-known alpine horn - Vakrapuk. It is used for its manufacture of various sizes of livestock horns, which are compiled in the order of increasing the diameter into one large curling horn, the joints are fastened and decorated with red matter.

Quite known in the whole world Scottish cheese and already seems to be familiar with the musician to blow into the tube to fill the bag with air, which goes through several pipes of creating sounds. And in neighboring Ireland, there is a similar, but little-known Irish lady, in which, for filling the air bag, special fur used, driven by the elbow of the right hand of the musician.

The original is the Australian Spirit Instrument - Didgerid, the sound of which is most like a loud buzz. Manufacturing technology There is already one and a half thousand years, the material serves as part of eucalyptus trees, in which the termites have shredded the core.

It is considered an unusual ancient Chinese instrument - Ocarina. His story has more than 12 thousand years. He seemed to the Europeans for Europe for a long time, but in the 19th century, after some modernization, he sounded beautiful and originally. In essence, Okrina is a flat bundle of small bamboo tubes, each of which, when the musician blows in her, publishes a gentle high sound on the timbre resembling a flute.


In the fourteenth century, the musical world has enriched in a new tool - a keycorder. He became a representative of a new generation of musical instruments - keyboards. The keycorder quickly gained popularity, and her peak came to the Middle Ages. In the nineteenth century, the tool was almost forgotten, but in the twentieth returned to life when the need for the preservation of musical historical culture appeared. Today, the keycorder seems exotic, but for his time, he was quite ordinary. As a similar, but modern example, you can bring a story with a cassette video recorder, it became exotic in just fifteen years.

Following the keyland, another key musical instrument appeared - Clausius, who in spread and popularity surpassed his senior "fellow". Of course, the piano, it became the top of the technical development of keyboard tools and eclipsed with himself everything that was before him, but all, the originality of the harpsichord remains unchanged.

The most original musical instrument

Architect David Hanoelt built a house that issues sounds when the wind pass through his walls.

But the most original tool on which you can play is a two-handed saw for firewood. It can be played with a bow, changing the height of the sound degree of flexion of the metal canvase saw!