Self-learning playing guitar. How to learn to play guitar: Detailed guide for the most independent

Self-learning playing guitar. How to learn to play guitar: Detailed guide for the most independent
Self-learning playing guitar. How to learn to play guitar: Detailed guide for the most independent

Guitar is an excellent tool whose popularity continues to grow among young people. Learn to play guitar every ... but a natural question arises: " how to learn to play guitar from scratch at home?".

This is obvious ... First, to learn how to play guitar from scratch at home you must buy the tool itself.

But which one? I am sure you know that there are both classic acoustic guitars and electric guitars. Think about what kind of music you love the mostWhat do you want to play.

If you are a fan of not very hard music, such as pop or author, then at home, you will suit you a classic guitar (with nylon strings) or acoustic (with metal strings).

If you are passionate about rock, metal or blues - Then you better look at the electric guitar (electric guitar). Although in any case, from scratch, I recommend to start learning to play on the most ordinary acoustic guitar.

Often, the newcomer cannot afford an expensive and comfortable tool, but there are also its advantages in it, you can fade your hand in the learning process and explore all the subtleties of your instrument that later will have a positive effect on your general guitar learning.


It is very important that your first guitar meets certain requirements:

  • the guitar should not be very expensive (very expensive, not necessarily good);
  • the size of the guitar and the grip width must match your height and size of your palm (guitars have different sizes);
  • the guitar must be comfortable (do not hurry, if possible, try more than different guitars - you will have a better idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is more convenient for you);
  • The guitar must build well - play on an upset guitar this murder for the ears; ATTENTION! It is best to go shopping with someone who knows how well! Let this person check the following:
    • if with a pulp pressure on the surface of the grid (and strings) changes the height of the tone - do not buy!
    • if the strings are grated on some frets - return the guitar to the seller, let him play it!
  • Remember! If you decide to immediately start learning from the game on an electric guitar - it may be too difficult for you, since the replacement of strings and the tuning on the electric guitar is much more complicated;


What else you need to buy immediately:

  • the guitar case (for a start it will suit the usual inexpensive case, you can even sew it yourself);
  • set of spare strings;
  • mediator for the game (preferably hard or medium hardness);
  • / (At the initial stage, it is quite possible to do without them, develop your hearing!);
  • The belt for the guitar (at the beginning you will play sitting, playing standing is much more difficult);
  • - You must hear Rhythm (for any musician it is very important to play rhythm, especially if you are going to play in the group);
  • Guitar Combike (amplifier with column). The kombik should not be very powerful, because you are still practicing only at home. Up to the first performances, there is still a "some time", so spare your neighbors. 30W combice is perfectly suitable for home jam sewers;
  • You also need to purchase Jack Cable - Jack. Reliable, thick, with good shielding - on the cords should not save, the cheap cord will be found, it is very annoying;
  • Something by itself a row (pedal, effect, guitar processor - for majors); Distortan is a classic genre, but there are many other interesting and useful missions. However, at the beginning it is better to rehearse on clean sound, on clean sound, you can well distinguish all errors and flaws when playing guitar;

What is unison in music?


Before proceeding with "physical exercises," you need to prepare yourself psychologically.

It should be remembered that at the beginning of learning the game on the guitar is always difficult - Your fingers will be sick, and the hands of a nonsense from fatigue, but this will pass with time.

It is better to practice less, but systematically, distribute your occupations by day of the week + engage in any free time, unless of course there is a mood, you don't need to force yourself, otherwise you will quickly get bored and you lose all interest in mastering the guitar.

A frequent error of novice guitarists who do not know where to start learning the guitar game - they want to play only the compositions of their favorite band. I assure you - a good guitarist equally great plays both heavy metal and classics, both yard songs and the most difficult jazz places!

Never try to play too complicated exercises, skill comes with experience and gradually:

It is important that you play confident and clearly, the speed will come with time. The main thing is to completely devote yourself to your beloved business.

Probably, you noticed that some people manage to learn how to play guitar well in a short time, while others spend months and years for this, and at the same time they cannot get rid of many mistakes when playing.

What is the case? In talent? Partly, yes. But more on the skill of the guitarist affects not his talent, but how he honors his skills and skills.

After all, even being a talented musician, you can lose my past skirt in a short time, if you do not work on yourself and do not strive for the better. After all, the game on the guitar is not work.

Even a professional guitarist should not refer to your tool as a milling machine to the machine. After all, music is primarily art, not a way to earn or acquire glory. And art is something beautiful and high.

Before you start learning to play a guitar from scratch at home, a small lyrical retreat

Did Pushkin wrote his poems to get rich? Did Beethoven compose music to famous? Of course not. All this came to them with time. First of all, these people worked out art for themselves and for people.

And few of the great musicians put fame and wealth above the music. When a musician or composer begins to compose music, he seems to be immersed in the most intimate depths of his soul. The music he composes and plays is as if his soul voice transmits the emotional state of the musician.

It is unlikely that the musician will be able to write a merry and cheerful composition, being in the poor arrangement of the Spirit, when everything around ceases to have meaning for him. Music, if she is written sincerely, from the soul - exactly transfers what is on the soul of man. If in words this spiritual state can not be transferred (or it is possible, but not quite right), then the music transmits it in absolute accuracy. She never advis.

Chords on guitar for beginners, pictures, decoding chords

It is said that music is an art to peel and delight without words. This is all the essence. And most importantly - to understand it. If this is not realized, then the success will not. The musician, which relates to the game on his instrument, how to work or the means of obtaining fame and money, will never be able to establish mental contact with the listeners. After all, music is a special language that does not need to translate. On him the soul of the musician speaks with the soul of the listener.

Learn to play guitar, learn to feel the guitar

But to achieve success, it is important not only to understand the essence of music. You need to be able to play it. After all, even the best composition, played without feelings, will not sound as good as I would like.

Let even withstand all the durations of the notes, let all technical techniques: forms flashes, flags, legato, and so on, but if the musician does not feel his tool, it will be bad. If you refer to the guitar, like a living being, love it, then you will succeed.

After all, the guitar also feels pain. Yes Yes exactly! Guitar can sing, and cry. The main thing is to achieve full contact with your instrument. Make sure that the guitar is always configured.

After all, the game on even a slight upset instrument is somehow subconsciously beats off the musician to play him, even if this desire was strong before. It is like in a relationship - even if the slightest distrust of a close person appears, it can lead to severe consequences.

Learning to play guitar under the metronome

Also not be lazy to do with the metronome. The more often you will play under the sound of the metronome, the faster you will develop a feeling of rhythm, and this is hardly the most important thing in the game technique.

If different flags, forelags, slip, bends and other techniques can then learn over time, then with a sense of rhythm it will be worse. Play so that you clearly come to the beat. And, which is very important, learn how to play at a slow pace! Do you think it's easy?

Put on 40-45 VG and try to play some kind of composition on the fourth or eighth notes. Most likely, you will be a little ahead of the metronome. And from this you need to get rid of. Many novice guitarists are trying to play quickly quickly. And you know why? Yes, because they are trying to get rid of problems faster.

But in this way they do not get rid of them. Moreover, the situation will only worsen. Is a hamster running inside a rotating cylinder, will make it easier to keep the balance if he runs faster? It is unlikely that he will simply not stand it, turn into and falls. The guitarist should be able to play both at a slow pace and in fast.

Let even he is a Speed-Metal lover, but this does not change from this. Even in the composition with a rapid tempo, notes are often found, and they must be withstanding them. Many this does not work. Everyone is rushing somewhere. You need to cope with this.

Learning to play guitar not straining

Another important nuance: you must be relaxed during the game. Do not hold the guitar like a sledgehammer - you are not at the factory, and do not swords. You play music. And at the same time it is necessary to get rid of any voltage - both emotional and physical. First, do not press too much on the strings, even when Barre.

Intervals in Music, Solfeggio, Table

Yes, at first you will face a problem: I didn't give a string enough - she rattles or jerks, pressed too much much - the note will sound higher than necessary. Passing strings, you not only spoil the sound, but also spend your strength in your left hand - during a long-lasting game bundles will be stretched in your hand, and the hand will quickly get tired, and then even hurt. Get the left hand to rest with each convenient case is very important.

During the change of chords, for example, even the tenths of a second, during which the hand is relaxed, will play a big role. Do not squeeze the vulture as if the enemy is shrouded. The same applies to the right hand - do not squeeze it into a fist. Concentrate efforts only on those fingers (more precisely, even on the sections of these fingers), which you hold the mediator.

Learn to play guitar by a mediator

The fact that you are squeezing the rest of the fingers, use to anyone, and first of all you yourself will definitely do not bring. And do not drive the mediator too deep - it should be pressed with extreme phalanges of the fingers. However, it is possible hold a mediator Note, but the main thing is to achieve minimal tension in hand. But at the same time, the effort should be controlled so as not to die the mediator.

Being relaxed, you can play rapid solo, speed passengers. If your hands are tense, you may also play it, but the sound will be quite different, as if not a person plays, but a robot. All that you should be from the robot is an automatic actions, a clear entry of strings.

From the rest should be rid of. Music is an art to transmit to others what you have in the soul. And playing without enthusiasm, concentrating only on, and not on music, you will simply seem a robot - insensitive and cold, unable to feel and share feelings with others.

And so that you will quickly master the instrument and learn to play a guitar from scratch at home, listen to a variety of music (and not just favorite groups) is very expanding the musical horizon.

Try to hear as a guitar sounds in the composition, emphasize the attention on one guitar, namely on the rhythm guitar. For example, I have a habit of listening to the song, while your hands are unconsciously moving to the beat, as if I play a guitar. One way or another it contributes to the development of a rhythm feeling.

And the last thing I would like to add to the question of how to learn to play the guitar on your own from scratch - be patient - Only stubborn workouts give a good result. But the result will definitely be! Learn to play the guitar and learn to play others! Forward and song !!!

Video - How to learn to play on the guitar from scratch

What could be better than a company of good friends,
I gathered in nature by the fire, and songs under the guitar until the morning?
Such gatherings remain in memory for a long time.
and cause the most pleasant and
Romantic memories ...

And learn to play the guitar is not so difficult. If you want to play for yourself or in a circle of friends, then it is not necessary for several years to study in a music school, studying Solfedzhijo and a notice diploma. You can master the guitar at home yourself. Of course, it is good when there is a familiar guitarist who will help with choosing and setting up the instrument, will give several first lessons and will advise something. But on the Internet there are quite a lot of educational material for beginners. In this article we will tell where to start.

How to choose a guitar

The first thing to do is to purchase directly guitar. You should not immediately run to the store and buy the coolest expensive tool. First, ask the familiar, relatives. Maybe someone has long been gratifying an old guitar for a long time, which you will be given for a while or will give forever ... You can also look at ads and acquire a guitar from the hands.

Examine the names of the components of the guitar so that when reading the literature is not confused in the concepts.

As for the guitar itself, it is better to choose the usual classic with six strings to teach. The shape, the size of the deck, the color of the tool is your taste, the main thing is to be comfortable to keep it in your hands. When choosing, carefully inspect the housing, the neck, the grip head - there should be no chips and cracks here, check the rings to pull the strings. Pay attention to the height of the string above the vulture: what they are higher, the harder will clamp chords. Strings are better to choose nylon, they are much softer metal and allow you to keep your fingers safely. Pay attention to the iron thresholds separating the frets. They should not be written along the edges of the griff, it can lead to serious damage to the fingers.

How to set up guitar

So, the guitar is selected, now it is necessary to configure it. To be able to customize the guitar is very important. It must be done before each occupation, as strings, especially new, quickly stretch from the game, which leads to the upsetting of the tool. There are several settings: by chalkton, electrical or online tune or "on ear". For a beginner, it is very convenient to adjust the guitar using an online tuner on the Internet.

How to develop fingers

For beginner guitarists, the most difficult task is to develop fingers under chords. Do not wait for high results at once. At first, the fingers will not obey, hurt much, especially on the left hand, clamping the freight. In the future, it will pass, and the skin on the pillows of the fingers will load a bit.

Here is one good exercise for training. The index finger put on the first paw of the upper string, clamp it and the big finger right hand remove the sound. Further, on the second way of the same string put the middle finger, without removing the index, and repeat the exercise. Then we do all the same for the nameless finger, putting it on the third way, and the little finger is on the fourth. We remove your fingers from the lands in the reverse order - from the maizin to the index. Through each time, try to increase the pace. This exercise allows you to develop your fingertips, make them more obedient.

We will be useful and learning any gamps. Gamma is a set of sounds that are located in a certain sequence of tones and halftone. There are many gamps - Sol Minor, salt Major, to Minor, etc. In the future, if you will be deeply carried away by playing the guitar, you can explore them all.

The game is busting on the guitar also contributes to the development of fingers. Start with a simple bust when the big finger of the right hand pulls the fifth and sixth strings alternately, index - the fourth string, the middle-third, nameless - the second and, accordingly, the little finger is the first.

When the fingers get used to the strings slightly, you can move to the study of chords, which there are many for the six-string guitar. There are special collections where the lyrics and the chords tables are printed. I advise you to acquire or print such a collection so that it is always at hand. It is more convenient than sitting constantly before the computer monitor. To begin with, it is enough to learn about 10 chords to be able to play simple yard songs.

If you firmly decided to learn how to play a guitar, then try to take a serious thing: train regularly, study notes and chords, develop the speed and dexterity of your fingers, and the result will not wait long. The main thing, remember: perseverance and work - everything is pulled.

Friendly hike is difficult to imagine without a fire, warm company and favorite songs. And here one unresolved still (for some) task: "How to learn to play guitar?" If you have already matured for this practice, if your hands are ready to play on anything else if your soul breaks from the motives familiar since childhood, and fingers are looking for support for melodic busting - Congratulations, you are ready to learn to play on it.

Of course, a huge desire, it is already half of the case, but you also need a guitar. We hope that you know that guitars are there:

  • classic;
  • acoustic;
  • Electric.

The tool may have:

  • 6 strings;
  • 7 strings;
  • And even 12 strings.

Beginners in order to learn how to play the guitar will be quite It is enough to master the classic six string guitar. It is desirable, as training, take nylon strings. They will help keep your fingers safe - and this is very important in the first stages.

So, with the tool decided, there are still accessories. Since we are learning yourself, you should be prepared that no one will be to customize the guitar every hour. So us need tuner. You can also purchase a cover to quietly travel with your tool, the stand for the left leg and the mediator.

How to learn to play guitar: novice to help

So, you got the desired tool, why startSo that the divine music of this Russian rock watering out of it?

Or, simply speaking, how to learn to play the guitar yourself from scratch? Of course, you will need video lessons for beginners. But this is not a guarantee of success.

Get ready for the fact that between your bold statement "I want to play on the guitar" and the real "I play on the guitar" will take some time. Before chords in the melody, you will have to comprehend some of the basics. However, do not worry, through it all novice guitarists passed, the main thing is to pay for at least 30 minutes a day. Conduct at home regularly, and very soon you will surprise your friends quite a decent game.

So for starters, Examine from which details your tool consists. Now it is your friend, assistant, comrade, adviser and the best way in life - so you just vital to know what guitar is.

Each guitar has corpus, neck and head. Carefully consider the photo of the Guitar Building: Pay attention to the strings, the frets, the lads, the resonator hole - all this you need to get a sound. To keep the instrument correctly, it is very important for you to know where the stand is, shelter, the upper threshold.

Right landing

Before learning how to play the guitar on your own from scratch, you should understand how to properly keep this thing in your hands. Of course, you need to take the right position. And it is to keep your back straight, not clouding and not throwing down the body back. Left leg at the same time is on the elevation. The right foot rests the base of the guitar. Next, we will tell you how to learn how to play on the guitar yourself from scratch, video lessons will also be at your disposal.

Proper hand setting

We have not figured out how to extract sound from the tool. After all, the guitar necessarily needs an approach.

We will figure it out with your hands:

  1. The left hand tightly covers the vulture.
  2. The right hand is responsible for extracting clean, ringing sound. To do this, you need to relax it.
  3. Set the elbow right hand on the intended line of intersection of the shell and the stand of your guitar. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a conditional line up from the stand to the shell.
  4. Prepare fingers for the bustle.

It is impossible to learn how to play the guitar, until you learn the position of the fingers. Each finger has its own position And responsible for his string. The numbering of the string occurs from the bottom up, in the order of the sound: from the highest to the lowest. Since we have 5 fingers, and the strings of the whole 6, then the distribution will be as follows:

Now it's time to find out what rhythmic drawing of the right hand. Speaking with simple words, this is the way you get the sound. For example, you touch the thumb (P) to 6 strings. The index finger (i) put on String No. 3, the average (M) is on the second, and Unnamed (a) - on the first. At the same time, please note that your index and thumbs form a cross, and the thumb is also ahead of the rest.

Learning to play yourself: First exercises

Learn to play guitar from scratch will help simplest exercises for the right hand:

  1. Let's try bass 3, 2, 1, 2, 3.
  2. Prepare fingers to the game.
  3. Cook with a thumb 6 string - you got a deaf low sound.
  4. And now alternately pull the strings number 3, 2, 1, 2, 3.
  5. Then repeat the bust, but already hooking with a thumb string number 5.

Bass brute force 3, 2, 1. Cook with a thumb of 6 string, and then pull 3 strings together: the third, second and first.

We study chords

We left to set the left hand on the tool, which will help extract chords or sounds that form a pleasant sound of your instrument. First clamp the strings located on the jiff, it will be a bit unusual, but As you exercises, your fingers will get used to.

  1. Slightly bend the thumb and put it parallel to the lads.
  2. At the same time, it should also be kept a slightly rounded, having fingers closer to the lade thresholds.
  3. The pillows of fingers touch the strings only by the upper part, so we recommend the girls to make nails even before they decide to learn how to play a guitar from scratch at home.

We are already familiar to the numbering of strings on the guitar, now let us study the numbering of lado (they are usually denoted by Roman numbers). One way occupies a place between two iron lines located on the grief perpendicular to strings. They are called lade bellows. The numbering of the lands occurs, ranging from the head of the guitar. Newbies usually draw chords, starting from the first three lads (AM chord in the tonality of La Minor). In the string schemes are numbered from top to bottom (1, 2, 3 ...)

Many consider the mastering of the guitar with an unbearable task, which goes for many years. This is partly so, but only if you want to own a tool at a professional level.

Much more often, people want to learn to play the guitar to perform their favorite songs in the company or just for the soul. In this case, training does not take a lot of time and time: in two or three months you can easily learn the main chords and ways of playing.

You should not lower your hands, even if you have already had an unsuccessful experience. Talent is only a tenth of success. Much more important purposefulness and regular practice.

What do you need

  1. Guitar.
  2. A wish. It is even more important to the tool itself.
  3. Time for classes. It is too easy if the desire is strong enough. Especially since you will be enough for 30 minutes a day.
  4. Tutorials. There are no problems with them: you can buy a tutorial in the book, watch video tutorials on YouTube, and find chords on the Internet.

As you can see, nothing supernatural.

Choice and purchase guitar

We assume that you have a desire and time you have. It remains to get a tool. They say, a new guitar will come true, but it is not. When the strings hurt the frets and crash into the fingers, and the guitar does not hold a system, no question of any progress.

A bad tool almost certainly will learn all the hunt.

Therefore, it is better to find a good guitar. At first, you can lend to the tool from someone from friends, and then, if it goes and you will like it, get your own. Not necessarily expensive and branded, the main thing is more or less qualitative.

There are two main types of acoustic guitars: classical and dreadnought (Western). There is an opinion that classic guitars are more suitable for beginners due to a wide grid and nylon strings. The first feature reduces the chances to accidentally hurt your fingers an unnecessary string, because the distance between strings is more than that of the dreadnight. Yes, and the nylon strings themselves are softer metal, so they do not so much in the pillow of the fingers and the corns are less stuffed.

On the other hand, if the execution of classic compositions is not included in your plans, it is better to immediately take the dreadnought. Such a guitar sounds louder and a call due to metal strings, and it is more convenient to take chords on a narrower griff. Again, when playing on metal strings, your fingers will not be loaded faster and there will be no more corns.

As a compromise, you can take the dreadnought and replace the metal strings with nylon at least for the tutorial.

Going to the store for a guitar, take a friend with you, who knows how to play: each tool has many trifles and newcomers can simply not notice them. Choose the guitar not only in appearance, but also by convenience. Pay attention to the possibility of adjusting the grid, the mechanism of the flask, strings.

Acquaintance with guitar

The tool is bought (or taken from acquaintances), and you are one step closer to the goal. Carefully consider the guitar.

Most is called Deca. It is fastened to the neck, ending the head with slices: with the help of them strings stretch.

The vulture is divided into the Lada with metal spills, to which strings are pressed to remove the sound. The first way is at the grip head, the last - at the deck.

Strings are only six. The countdown begins with the bottom, thinner.

Guitar tuning

Before trying to play, you need to configure the guitar. Do not be afraid, it is even a newcomer. And without this skill you can not play.

Along Tuneor

You will need a tuner in the form of a separate device (you can buy in a music store or on the same Aliexpress) or applications for a smartphone. In both cases, the setting is in a very fair tension or weakening of all strings in accordance with tuner prompts.

By fifth Lada

This method does not require any additional equipment. Its essence is that the strings, clamped on certain frets, sound in unison and can be configured relative to each other.

According to the rules, the first string should be configured on a note by MI, using a tuner as a reference (for example, its online version) or another configured tool. However, it makes sense only when playing the team so that all tools sound in one tonality.

If you play alone, and even more just learn, then the first string can be configured arbitrarily, approximately picking up its tension. All others are configured as follows:

  1. The second string is pressed on the fifth Lada and weaken or stretch until it sounds just like the open first string.
  2. The third string is pressed on the fourth Lada and set up in unison with an open second string.
  3. The fourth string is pressed on the fifth Lada and adjust the third string under the open third.
  4. The fifth is pressed on the fifth Lada and adjust under the open fourth.
  5. Sixture in the same way pushing on the fifth Lada and set up in unison with an open fifth.

It sounds complicated, but in fact everything is easier simple. Each string pressed on the Fifth Lada should sound in unison with the previous, lower string. The exception is only the third string: it needs to be clamped not on the fifth, but on the fourth Lada.

The configuration process itself is also extremely simple. For example, to configure the second string, you need to weaken it, and after moving the open first and gradually rotate the ring the second, while the sound of both strings is alone in one tone. That's all.

We try to play

Finally, we got to the most interesting - actually the game. It seems, there is nothing complicated here. Know yourself click on the strings with your left hand and hit them right: you have ever seen it a million times and probably tried themselves. Why then does not work? Strings rattling, the pillows of the fingers are lit, and the joints are tired and registered.

It's all about the experience that comes with practice.

Take the guitar and sit on the edge of the chair or the sofa, putting the leg to the leg or putting the left foot on the low stand, for example, a stack of books. So the tool will not rest in the chair and move off his legs.

The right hand should be relaxed, and the brush is not crossed. Left covers a vulture, but the thumb is always parallel to the lads. Squeezing the neck that there is no strength either do not need, otherwise the brush will quickly get tired.

You already know that the numbering of the lands begins with the head of the grid, and the strings with the thinnest, lower one. Try to play arbitrary notes, pressing the first string with the index finger on different freaks. Try to fully press the string so that it sounds clean. It will not be easy, but over time the technique will work out.

Try to play on other strings, as well as connect the remaining fingers, giving them to get used to it.

Playing melodies on one string

Just remove sounds boring. Therefore, to be more interesting, you can learn simple melodies on one string and train them. Here are some melodies for example.

Classic "The grasshopper sat in the grass":

"Smoke over the water" Deep Purple:

Entry to "Iron Man" Black Sabbath:

Melody from the film "Boomer":

"Imperial March" from "Star Wars":

Share the game on one string for a while. Bring your actions to automatism and achieve coordinated work of both hands. Care until the melodies are sprouting smoothly and clean, without stopping and nothing.

During this time, the fingers get used to the loads, and therefore it will be possible to move to more complex things.

Play chords

The next step on which you have to get up is a game of chords. It is much more complicated than the melodies on one string, but do not be discouraged. Having studied chords, you can already play full songs.

The principle here is the same, but you will need to press not one string, but at once several: usually three, less often two or four. There are many chords. However, for the performance of most songs just five to seven. To begin with, we learn three main, so-called threshing chords: AM, DM, E.

All chords are denoted by Latin letters depending on the main note:

  • C - up;
  • D - re;
  • E - mi;
  • F - Fa;
  • G - salt;
  • A - la;
  • H - si.

If there is a small beech of M next to the chord designation, it means that the chord is minor. If there is no such console - major. Chords are read either by lettering designation or by name. For example, "A-EM" (AM) or "Salt Major" (G).

Accord schemes are called applications. They draw a row with strings. Lada signed by Roman numbers. Arabic designs strings and - in circles - fingers that should be pressed on the strings (1 - index, 2 - medium and so on). Nolik opposite the string means open sound (unclean string), and the cross is that the strings should not have.

Let's return to our thickening chords. Here are their applicatures:

To take the AM chord, you need to press the second string on the first Lada, the middle-a fourth string on the second Lada, a nameless finger - the third string on the second Lada.

For the same principle, the rest of the chords are taken: we look at what freaks and which strings need to be pressed.

Through these three chords, simple yard or army songs can be played. But it is better to learn three more chord, with which the repertoire will significantly expand. Here they are:

With the first two difficulties, it should not arise, but the third is slightly different from the previous ones. It is used by Barre - the reception when the index finger is clamped up all the strings on one Lada. Chords with Barre are a little more complicated than open, but, in captured, you are mastered and their.

As always, to learn was more interesting, you can train immediately on some song. For example, on the canonical "pack of cigarettes" of the "Cinema" group or "Watchturas" from "Boombox".

You can also find any other songs on the Internet that you like (for example, on request "in Labuthen chords"). If unfamiliar chords come across in the selection, you can try to find another or just learn something new.

Fight and bust

There are two ways of sound recovery: bust and battle. Some songs are played only by busting or only the battle, others with both ways. Chords are used alone and the same, the difference is only the fact that you move the strings with your fingers or hit them.

Boring, like the battle, there is a huge amount. And in different songs, they, of course, are different. Usually, in parsing, along with chords, it is indicated by which prosperity or battle is to play.

Consider for example a few most common. You will learn the rest along the way.

What's next

Now, when you met azami, studied chords and scored a little hand, the main thing is not to throw training. Fingers will be root and tangled when permuting chords, and the strings will not always sound.

Never stop and just keep playing. Every day you will get better and better, and in the end you will achieve the goal.

Finally, a few tips that will help themselves to learn how to play guitar and will not be given to despair:

  1. Always use several sources of information to replenish the possible gaps and inaccuracies of one teacher at the other.
  2. Play every day: Regular exercises will give confidence. Remember that talent is only a tenth of success, everything else is practice.
  3. After you study a couple of songs and you can easily fulfill them, be sure to invite friends and play for them. Listeners will help develop and indicate disadvantages.
Articles about guitar Views: 11386

Putting a goal to master something new for yourself, we often rest in the same question: why start? The same problem arises from a person who decided to learn how to play the guitar. About how you can comprehend the basics of the guitar game at home and pretty quickly, our article will tell.

What is important - below is the easiest and fastest way to learn how to play the guitar. Here we will not offer to learn your notes and theory. Only practice!

  1. Guitar. First of all, you will need a guitar itself. But do not rush to spend money. If you can lend a guitar from acquaintances, you will certainly use it. Suddenly you won't like it? You can always buy a guitar, but sell an inexpensive tool very problematic. But if you still be desire to become a great guitarist, this article will help you with the choice of guitar: How to choose an acoustic guitar?
  2. Setting. To the guitar pleased you and your neighbors with your own sound, it should always be configured. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to configure it yourself. The process is not particularly difficult and is well described in almost any tutorial. On the Internet you can find an online tuner. If you have a microphone in your computer, then using it it is very easy to set every string according to the appropriate note. If not, it does not matter: look for a tuner online that makes the sound of each string. The sound string is very easy to adjust your tool.
  3. Proper landing, hand set. Please give special attention to the right landing and hand set. This is very important, because The wrong game will not only hurt your progress in the future, but also can cause the overwork, the clamp of muscles and other unpleasant "sores". On the Internet there are many materials with photos and video by hand and landing. But ideally, it is better to take 2-3 lessons at a professional guitarist. No matter how hard you tried, but visible from the side. A good professional with ease will detect all your mistakes in the bud that the benefits will be beneficial in the future. Proper landing is a big trump card for future progress.
    In general, there are 2 types of landing: classical and rocky. Each type of landing has its pros and cons, here we will not describe them. With hands forming easier - there are several unshakable rules here, which will help you with ease to clamp strings, play the battle and bust.
    As for sound recovery, it is worth paying special attention to the right hand. Proper sound intake is a necessary condition for the purity of your music. In tutorials there are a lot of exercises for the right hand. First, follow them separately, only with your right hand. Then - together with the left, changing chords. This will develop hands coordination. As a result, it will not be difficult for you to play rhythm right hand, and left chords to clamp chords.
  4. Chords. Now that the guitar is configured, you can proceed to learning chords. They are in all tutorials and on the Internet. Start with simple, for example am, em, dm, etc. After taking out several chords, try changing them. For example am on DM, etc. The quick change of chords is practiced as follows: Take 2 chord and go from one to another for one minute: am-dm-am-dm ... and so minute. At first it will be hard, the fingers like wooden will relite you to look for the right place in the freak. But after a few days of stable lessons at home you will feel progress.
  5. Technique of right hand. If you are not an ardent fan of the electric guitar, then at first, forget about the mediator. You need to master your finger technique. There are 2 game options with your right hand: battle and bust. Accordingly, there are different types of combat and different integrity. It is not much difficult to master them, this is a matter of time.
  6. Songs. So, the minimum set of knowledge and skills we have. What's next? The simplest thing is to proceed with chords, battle and hindrances on songs. Find a few simple songs that you like, and play them. Slow songs are performed by busting, fast - battle. At first, it will be difficult to remember chords and rearrange your fingers on time. However, this skill develops quite quickly. And after a few weeks later, it will not be difficult for you to play a large half of the repertoire of the average "accessible" guitarist. Yes, and do not attempt to immediately sing on the guitar. And do not be discouraged by the Zood, that you can not sing at the same time and play - this stage we all passed :) For a start, spend the accompaniment to automatism and only then begin to sing along.
  7. Composition performance. How to learn guitar compositions? Looking for a note literacy requires serious effort and time. Simple Varaint - Play Tabutura. These are schematic images on which it is painted which string to clamp. To date, there are many computer programs that represent music in the form of tabulation. The most popular - Guitar Pro. Download a few simple tabs and arouse. This will allow you to learn new techniques of the game and climb the new level.

    So how to learn how to play a guitar from scratch yourself and at home? Of course, the path described in this article is not the only true. If your shoulders already have some musical experience, or there is an insurmountable desire to find it to the question, then you can immediately start learning from the theory. Learn notes, gamma, frets, and how it all applies to the guitar. However, in a person who first taking a tool from such an abundance of theoretical information, every desire will most likely make music in the future. I want to immediately learn the minimum azam.

    Creative success!