Writing on the topic: The death of human soul in the story, Gogol. Methodical development "The death of the human soul by a

Writing on the topic: The death of human soul in the story, Gogol. Methodical development "The death of the human soul by a

MBOU Erakhtura Secondary School

Methodical development open lesson in literature"Merities human soul In the story "Ionch" A.P. Chekhov "

using technology

"Development of critical thinking through reading and writing"

Buryakov Oleg Nikolaevich,

teacher of Russian language

and literature

The death of the human soul in the story "Ionch" A.P.chekhova

Methodical development of an open lesson in literature "The death of the human soul in the story" Ionch "A.P. Chekhov" using the technology "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing"

Discipline: Literature

Number of hours: 2 hours

Subject lesson: The death of the human soul in the story "Ionch" A.P. Chekhov.

Type of classes: Combined lesson using the technology "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing."

Receptions used: "Letter in a circle", "Mosaic", "I know - I want to know - I learned", "Double Diary", "Composition of Sinway".

Objectives: didactic (training) - introduce the stages of the life and creativity of the writer, reveal artistic peculiarity the story of "Ionch", the tragedy of everyday - everyday life and the spiritual destruction of the person in the story;

developing - Continue the development of skills and analyzing skills artistic work, development of culture oral and written speech, development skill characteristics literary hero;

educational - moral education.

Method: Commented reading in combination with the heuristic method, messages to schoolchildren, elements of linguistic analysis.

General competencies:

· The ability to work with the information flow;

· The ability to ask questions;

· The ability to solve the problem;

· The ability to produce your own opinion;

· The ability to express your thoughts;

· The ability to argue your point of view;

· The ability to cooperate and work in the group

Intergovernmental ties: Literature, Russian, history.

Ensuring classes: visual aids, portrait of the writer A.P.hehhova, the text of the story "Ionch", the presentation of the lesson, interactive boardPhotos Documents

Handout: reference logical scheme to the story "Ionch", dictionary literary terms, illustrations for the story, markers, pencils, notebooks, handles, drawings.

Literature: Text of the story "Ionch"; Tutorials: E.S.Rogovser "Russian xIX literature century ", V.Yu. Lebedev" Russian literature of the XIX century ", dictionaries," Russian writers in Tomsk ", according to A. Bychkov" The course of Melikovsky life "and others.

Regulatory - technical documentation: KTP, Pouring plan.

Stages of the lesson:

Name of stage classes

Name of technology elements

Activities of students

Teacher's activities



Preparation of workplace

Check readiness guys to work



Writing in notebooks Topics lesson, statements

introduction teacher


Stage "Call"

Reception "I know - I want to know - I learned"

Works in groups

Correction of activity


Stage "Sales"


Wrist record

Under the dictation of the teacher


Reception "Mosaic"

Answers to the questions

The teacher asks questions


"Letter in a circle"

Work in groups

Help students


Problem situation

Analysis of the situation



Analysis I chapter

Analysis II chapter

Question answer



Reception "Thin and Thick Questions"

Analysis of the IV chapter

Lecturer edits work


Reception "Cluster"


Help in work


Stage "Reflection"

Reception "Essay - Sincaway"

Review of the literature used


Creative work (drawings)



Analysis of the lesson



Essay - miniature.

Explanation of the teacher


Scenario of the lesson


The introductory word of the teacher.

1. The message of the topic, the purpose of the lesson.

2. The words about the author: Art Talent, A.P.hekhova was formed in the 80 years, in the era of the revaluation of spiritual values. All Czech's work is a call for spiritual liberation and destruction of a person. The writer does not preach, the author's voice is open in his works. He knew how to grab overall picture Life for the smallest details. His aphorism: "brevity - sister of talent." In his stories, the topic of spiritual destruction of man sounds, especially in the story "Ionch." In this today we will try to make sure. But first let's talk about the author A.P. Chekhov and his work.

Stage "Call"

Reception "I know - I want to know - I learned." Take a sheet of paper and write that you know what you want to know (work in groups, fill in Table 1, 2 counts). So, do you know what? (Students from each group say they know about Chekhov). What do you want to know? (read out their records from the 2nd graphs). And now I suggest you read the text that contains biographical materials, as well as some information about the work of A.P. Chekhov (students get acquainted with the text, write down new information in Count number 3). The teacher at this time adjusts this stage of work.

What did you know new from Chekhov's biography, name His works that you have not heard before, listen to the message "Chekhov in Tomsk"

In Tomsk passage. A.P.Chekhov.

Chekhov visited Tomsk during a trip to Sakhalin in 1890. A difficult and dangerous journey was undertaken to attract the public attention to the "religious island". But there was another goal. Chekhov felt the need for high-quality renewal of life experience, enriching the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world. Tomsk initially appeared in Chekhov's road plans. Tomichi also had an idea of \u200b\u200bhim. The newspapers reported the premiere of the "Ivanov". The newspapers were reported: "A well-known Russian writer A.P.hekhov, author of the drama" Ivanov "arrived in Tomsk from Omsk. Meeting with Tomsk was not particularly joyful. The cold was terrible, stood frost and snowed, so the serve and boots had to take off only in the hotel "Russia". Here the writer was quite a few visits of representatives of the local intelligentsia. As a result, the opinion on Tomichs had a very unflattering: "Tomsk is a boring city. If you judge smart peopleThat came to me in the room for worship, then the people here are the most predictable "," In Tomsk, unplained dirt. " The main occupation of Chekhov during his stay in Tomsk was the processing of road records. In Tomsk, 7 essays were written out of 9, which made a cycle from Siberia. In general, Tomsk made it an irreparable impression: "Tomsk-city is boring, not sober, beautiful women Not at all, weakly Asian. He is remarkable by the fact that in it mruut governors "" Tomsk is not worth a copper. In a letter to native Chekhov writes: "My God, how rich Russia good people! If it were not for the cold, takes Siberia Siberia, then Siberia would be the richest and happiest land. "

Have any interest in life and creativity A.P.hekhov? Deserves attention?

Stage "Sales"

So let's move on to creativity, i.e. To the subject of our classes and try on the example of analyzing the story "Ionch" to reveal moral issues works of an amazing writer.


Moral - Internal spiritual qualities that are guided by man, ethical norms, rules of behavior defined by these qualities.

Degradation - gradual deterioration, decline of man.

Reception "Mosaic" - Checked text knowledge.

Linguistic analysis The text of the story "Ionch" (each group works on issues that are listed in the presentation at the next slide).

Questions. (Based on the text read in advance).

· What central theme Story? (Protest against vulgarity, sorting workers, spiritual mesh, man's self-try).

· What the main idea (idea) works? (She lies in the appeal "Take care of a man!")

3. Reception "Letter in a circle." (Each member of the group is a sheet of paper and pen, each records at least one sentence on a given topic, then transmits a sheet to a neighbor, which should continue his reflections).

The word of the teacher.

It is necessary to analyze the first proposals that the story begins, because They are carrying the greatest load In this paragraph. Talented and intelligent Turkish family - decoration of the city of S. It would seem like that. But is it? Re-read the beginning of the text. Syntactic analysis first sentence.

(When in provincial city S. visiting complained about boredom and monotony of life), [then local residents, as if justifying, talked], (that, on the contrary, in C. Very good), (that in S. there is a library, theater, club, there are balls), (that, finally, there are smart, interesting, pleasant families), (with which you can get acquainted). And they pointed to the seven Turkish, as the most educated and talented.

First, pressing offers, then the main thing. Such a construction is not accidental. It draws attention that life in the city of S. is boring and monotony. So the locals and the locals and "as it were, justifying". (IN literary work Idean - moral value represent even such seemingly minor art elementslike the positions of the main and pressing proposals, the order of words, the use of introductory proposals),

We are represented by the situation, which was the young elders doctor (the names of Chekhov, as a rule, "speaking").

Problem Situation: What makes the surname of this hero make?

What are the views, the character of this person?

To solve this problem, refer to the text analysis.

Analysis I chapter.

So, about Startsev it is known for now that he was recently appointed to the Zemsky doctor.


Zemsky - This means the precinct form of medical care of the population in pre-revolutionary Russia.

In the city of S. He was considered an intelligent and hardworking person. Pay attention to the artistic part (reading the last sentence 3 paragraph of the story). "He walked on foot, slowly (his

he had no horses yet), and flew all the time. " What do you think is our hero? (Hero is healthy, walking gives him pleasure and causes good mood. He is full of strength, cheerful). Whether an introductory offer is alarming, i.e. Artistic detail: "He was not" his horses "? This comment is specifically for you, readers, and what will happen next.

Elders at the invitation of Ivan Petrovich Turkin gets acquainted with his family.

What novels writes Vera Josephovna Turkina? ("When Vera Josephovna closed his notebook, then five minutes were silent and listened to the" raucion ", which the choir sang, and this song passed what was not in the novel and what happens in life." And how is the game of Catherine Ivanovna in the piano? What special did you notice? ("Ekaterina Ivanovna sat down and hit the keys with both hands; and then immediately hit all his strength, and again, and again").

Name examples of Russian words that Ivan Petrovich is distorted in their speech. What is he famous? ("Maiden, tenless, conquered you thank you").

He tells the anecdotes, the opposition, offers guests, including elder, funny tasks. What conclusion? (We see through artistic detailsThat in the city of S. Boring, monotonous life. In the most "enjoyable" family, there are negative people who are neutlative, no different from the rest of the inhabitants. Vera Josephovna writes novels about what is not in life. Ekaterina Ivanovna does not invest in his game or a drop of a true feeling, Ivan Petrovich enjoys a long-learned set of words).And what is the elders? (And he was satisfied in the evening, held at Turkish, everything was "ten").

Analysis of the chapter 2.

It took more than a year.What has changed this year? (Elders were in labor and loneliness. And now he is again at Turkish, where Ivanina fell in love with Catherine).

Picture graphically: what kind of love it was.

The rashless fake is frivolous

Pretending it is not love rusty

Output: "Thanks" such love, the heroes partitioned. The cat leaves to Moscow, and the elders have already "has a couple of horses and his Kucera Panteleimon in a velvet vest."

Analysis of 4 chapters.

Reception "thick and subtle questions".

Each chain group asks questions, subtle questions - a single answer, fat questions require reflections. Sample questions:

How much years have passed? (4 years)

What changes occurred in the Turkish family?

Did the attitude of Dmitry Ionchi changed to them?

Continue the idea: "If the most talented people In the whole city, the urgent ... then what should be the city! "

Take output to 4 chapter. (Cut off last way To love. Nothing delays the degradation (vocabulary), the loss of the human person, moral (vocabulary) of values.

Analysis of 5 chapters.

Reception "Double Diary"

Hero at the beginning of the story

Hero at the end of the story

The elders loved to talk about the hospital, there was a noble goal - to help the sufferers, served the people the perfect, sublime, humanity goes forward, cancels the death penalty, you need to work, he treated for free, kind to sick, attentive, doctor of elders.

Such as all, just Ionch, from love not a trace, a lifetime dying of a person, spiritually and morally devastated, moral drop, got it, got off, hops hops, suffered a breath, three with bubbles, believed in the evenings. Yellow and green paper rub. At 70 puts on the account, plump, red, there is a number, two houses, greed overcame, the throat was poured fat, the nature is irritable, the voice is unpleasant, alone, nothing interests.

Creative work: draw Dr. Startsev and Ionchcha. Protection in drawings.

Reception "Cluster"

To understand how the death of the human soul occurs, spread the main milestones on the Starmeva life path

Picture a graphically logical connection between the main stages of life.

Life career Evolution of tastes Development and finals of his novel with Catherine Ivanovna life Path Those people who surround Startsev, the path from Starteva to Ionchu.

Output: Is the image of Startsev typical? Is this theme askoga - degradation of a person's personality? What happened to the hero? (moral drop in man. It all began with minor shortcomings of the hero: the desire for the benefit, insufficient sensitivity to people, laziness and reluctance to deal with vulgarity)

The ramumous life for which the arresions of the elders excluded him from among the living people, deprived the ability to think and feel. If a person is not capable of resistance, a death of a human soul occurs - the worst retribution. Fencing OT active life Wrapped for Startieva Catastrophe, it is equal to Turkish, immoral and soulless people.

Personal liability of man for his life, must be struggling with Tina ambient, resist vulgarity, laziness, mesh, egoism.

Stage "Reflection".

The outcome of the lesson. ("Reflection"). Reception "Composition of Synkievin" (Sinwen is white verse, consisting of 5 lines in which students express their attitude).

I line

One keyword, sentence.

II String

Adjectives characterizing i string.

III String

Verbs, actions.

IV String

Students express their attitude to information received at the lesson.

V String

The expression of your feelings, thoughts.

An overview of the literature used in the lesson.


Write an essay - the thumbnail "Take care of a man."


E.S. Corner. Russian literature of the 19th century. Moscow, 2008.

Yu.V. Lebedev. Russian literature of the 19th century. Moscow 2009.

Russian literature of the 19th century. Ed. G.N. Ionina. Moscow 2003.

MP Thunder. Chekhov. Moscow, 1993 (ZhZL series)

G.A. Flaky. Chekhov and Russian realism. Leningrad, 1999.

In many of their stories A.P. Chekhov appeals to the problem of the rebirth of the person, spiritual degradation of a person. One of these stories is "Ionch", in which on the example of Dr. Startseva, the writer shows the fall of the human soul.

At the beginning of the story, Dr. Elders - Young, Thinking, educated personnot lost its individuality among boring and empty residents of the provincial town. The doctor is not yet rich, walks on foot, as it does not have horses. But he is able to think, dream, understand people, love, finally. We see how the power of love elevates the hero above the gray, monotonous reality. However, at the same time, we see the other, as if the opposite side of the soul of the Chekhov Hero, whose "some cold heavy slice in the head". It makes Starteva, along with the sublime dreams and hopes, doubt, "To face Lee, Zemsky Dr. ... Sugge, get notes ..., do stupidity?" The same "cold piece" in the head makes Starteva think about giving the bride at the moment when he makes a marriage offer.

However, while love is ruined over the hero, this dark - landed, cynical, pragmatic - part of his soul poorly manifests itself. But his love is rejected, and what do we see?

All the bright and young crowds out in the soul of Dr. petty, stupid, insignificant: "Startieva stopped fighting his heart." Already three days after the refusal, his life is included in the usual rut, and the episode with the matchmaker is estimated by the hero with some irritation and even relief: "How much trouble, however!"

Meanwhile, the real "troubles" - worldly, ordinary, vulgar - capture Starteva from the moment that love loses its power over him. And now we have a Czech Hero four year later: its calcality, irritability increase, appear, frank dislike and unacted arrogance towards people. He forever lost freshness of thoughts, romanticism, greasibility, naturalness, but he began the top three horses with a kucher and great practice in the city.

The "heavy cold piece" in the head of the hero was growing up to the size of the heart, filled all the soul of Startieva. Only the only time "lights down in the soul" - when meeting with the former beloved. There was regret and pain for their empty life, which "passes dim, without impressions, without thoughts." However, remembering money. Startians again felt that this light was in the soul ...

Thus, the doctor of the elders disappeared forever. Ionch was left, which "fell, obesity", "became heavy, irritable", whom "Be overcome", "which" in the screw played every evening with pleasure "and" loved to remove paper from the pockets mined by practice. "

What did the hero make such? Wednesday? Indeed, the city was gray and boring, the people with whom the elders communicated are basically empty and limited. However, the hero in his youth opposed them, despising the inhabitants, rejecting everyday vulgarity, spiritual worthlessness of existence. But after a few years, the doctor himself was imperceptible to those who were secretly ironed in the soul, becoming an ordinary personality, the average in spiritual sense of this word.

Therefore, it can be argued that the surrounding reality cannot change the person so much, as the features of his personality, warehouse character, inner spiritual installation. Gray medium, closure in the world of ordinary. In my opinion, only contributed to the degradation of the Chekhov hero, but were not the root cause of this. The instability of belief, the weakness of nature, the absence of an inner rod - that's what did not allow him to keep everything bright and beautiful in his soul, to resist the vulgarity, destroy the "cold piece" indifference.

There is a continuous all-consuming, but emphasized did not disinterested and not bringing the true pleasure of work and, as a result of him, money, fame, weakened by Dr. Startsev entirely, making it from it a banal boring ion.

Chekhov does not blame her hero in the desire to have a good house, live in prosperity, indelted - all these are natural and legitimate human desires. It is terrible that elders loses interest in their work and the fact that first of all the doctor is needed - humanity, love for people. Thus, on the example of ionchcha, the writer also proves the idea that any work depreciates and is shuddered if a person does not invest a part of his soul into it.

So, Czechs show us how easily and imperceptibly can spiritually degrade a person; As a free, thinking nature can become worthless and ordinary. At the fair opinion of the writer, nothing can be worse than the death of the human soul!

The mystery of death has always worried the human mind. Perhaps each of us is afraid of death, this gloomy and ominous face of inevitability. Materialists believed that the widespread was hidden - non-existence, and the existence of any person compared to the eternity of the Universe, just a brief moment.

Such a briefness of human existence compared to the eternity of the universe may seem like a simplicity of the creator.

Awareness of the goal of the existence on the Earth of man and his soul, provide us with the opportunity to step over the face of the doom.

If a person in life seeks to receive exclusively for himself, his soul cannot be considered an elevated, and a positive person will show the best soul quality Even in the face of death.

Thus, the fear of the death of someone is doing even worse and fall, and others are higher and noble.

In addition, the death of a person is a huge stimulus for the struggle for life, it develops the power of will and the desire to overcome difficulties. That is why it can be argued that death is also a great teacher.

Causes I. the process of death

There are two main causes of death: premature and death in the expiration of the natural life of a person. In the second case, a person can be compared with a lamp, in which the oil ended and there is no way to prevent care, and you can only prepare for it.

The death process is also described in detail in different Tibetan exercises following which the process consists of external and internal decay. If you listen to eyewitness testimonies who survived clinical deathYou can select the following steps:

1. Denya

Reaction: "No, not me" - the most common and predicted in a person when declared a deadly diagnosis. Depending on how strong support is supported by a person, his close, so he can take control of the events under control, this stage is overcome easier or harder.

2. Gnev

During the second stage, the dying strengthens his anger on people carefully about him and in general at all healthy people, since it can not take his fate and suffer: "Why should I die?"

3. "TORG"

Dying enters into debate with higher forces And asks to extend own life: for example, promises to be perfect believing. The first three stages characterize the crisis period and can develop with frequent returns back.

4. Depression and death

At this stage, the person no longer worries any questions, he has already humbled with the thought of the approaching death. The dying now is simply humbly waiting for his death.

The secrets of the structure of the soul. How is the distribution of shower

The soul in all people has a spherical shape. This is a matrix surrounded by energy bodies.

There is an individual shower equally for everyone - it is imposed on the physical body in the solar plexus.

For a while to death, the forces of the subtle world (angels) begin to turn off the soul from the body. At such moments, all pains are leaving (even if the human disease was conjugate strong pain), a sense of joy, rest, the fear of death takes place. This case is characteristic of a light person, but if a person is negative, he begins to see the dark beings (devils, etc.).

Thus, a person in front of death is visited by the creatures that will be taken after it: either in bright or dark worlds (ads) for punishment.

For the objective distribution of souls after death, the whole hierarchy of light beings is responsible. It is even taken into account - right up to thoughts in the head, up to all actions and secret human thoughts!

Most often, the human soul first rises into the distribution of the shower where all the actions (achievements and sins) are weighed to determine the subsequent fate. This process lasts about 40 days.

Then the soul is subjected to the following transformations:

1. If a person is predetermined by the next embodiment, his soul is placed in the new Baby body.

2. The soul can be directed into bright worlds (paradise), and the higher the level of the soul, the more period between further incarnations.

3. The soul is lost, a vicious man, sentenced to sending to underground worlds. The negative, accumulated by a person in his entire life, is burned in hello heat so that the soul makes the necessary conclusions and no longer made past mistakes. Then the soul is directed to the next embodiment, but it will not be "fabulous." The testing of past sins continues until a person change.

4. But if a person lived the life of the criminal and the species around him only evil, then his soul is instantly after death goes to the dark worlds (he simply falls under the ground). And dark soul There it is delayed for a long time - it happens that for thousands of years. The prospect is unenviable ...

What is waiting for the soul in court and purgatory. Scary court

As a rule, the Court is accomplished on the 40th day after death, but sometimes it can be increased to 2 - 2. 5 months. After the trial, depending on how much the soul scored for the life of advantages and minuses, it is sent either in purgatory or on decoding.

A terrible court occurs after the completion of the next cycle of the development of souls, that is, during the period of changing civilizations. On the terrible court, the souls are not forgiven even the slightest weaknesses, and higher teachers are particularly strict in the evaluation of the quality of the souls. When identifying a certain percentage of marriage, the soul is derived from evolution, such life turns into a complete emptiness, and instead of eternal existence, it is waiting for oblivion. Global courts have only 5 (by the number of civilizations on Earth). They are distinguished by the colossal number of shower sent for decoding.

In the purgatory, the souls of some people are cleaned, it suffer more tormented longer, and not subject to development for their greater sinfulness is destroyed through decoding.

How to decoded

Special machines managed by souls are engaged in souls. The disassembly process takes place through a computer, the soul disassembles and disappears forever as a person.

When decoding the soul feels how it is split into pieces and is experiencing strongest flour - in fact, such as the body is broken into parts.

Control your actions, desires and thoughts - Take care of the immortality of the soul!

Topic: "The death of the human soul"

(According to N.V. Gogol "Portrait")

Literature lesson in grade 8.

Objectives lesson:

Reveal the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe story;

Learn to see creative method artist, understand and feel itworldview;

Instilling interest in the Gogola writer, Gogol-personality in the history of Russianculture.

Methodical goal: Demonstration of the method of analyzing text as means of forming and improving the ability to perceive, interpret and evaluate the work.

Equipment: Portrait of N.V.Gogol, multimedia security, work N.V.Gogol.

During the classes:

Teacher: "Portrait" - fantastic story. We have already read the "Portrait of Dorian Gray" (O. Wald) and " Shagreen skin"(O. de Balzac). These works are largely similar. But our task today is to comprehend the influence of art per person. The writer believed that art is designed to serve a man, turning his heart to God. But art should be struggling with evil, with hostile To God forces. The question that Gogol tormented, sounds like this: "Is the artist to win a good one in the soul of man?"

The "portrait" is not just one of the "Petersburg Hands", which speaks of the appointment of the writer and his creation, is a work where Gogol's look and the task of art and the artist himself are expressed with the greatest fit. What is herself to Gogol fantastic, supernatural?

Teacher: In the "portrait" the power of money is embodied in the form of a degree of Petroyhali, his money, his terrible portrait. Fantastic becomes ordinary.

When we read the second part of the story, the charts are clearer, his lifestyle is clearer, it is like raising the space where events occur.

(Pupils are easily focused on the habitat of Chartkova, identifying new and new ones of his personality.)

Assistant student:The young artist Chartes find a mysterious portrait, in which part of the life of the devil himself is kept, and the image of this Devil-Roshovist arises against the background of real St. Petersburg.

Teacher: The devil and the "Devilish" in the work of Gogol. This topic is already familiar to us. It was in the "evenings ...", in the "May night ...", in "Vie". Other things are now worried about: the devil is damn - damnshchina - the characteristics of the Chartkova (Charts - Chertkov - the features of the face - the devil - the devil trait). Comment, please, this chain. What associations do you have, comprehending it?

Assistant student:We see chartes who found a bundle with money and began to change in his eyes. Turn to the text:

"Now in his power there was all that he looked at him with heightened eyes, what he admired me, swallowed salons. Wow, how a regulatory was hammered in it, when he just thought about! Dress up in a fashionable fracture, to talk after a long post, hire A nice apartment, go for the same hour to theater, in confectionery, in ... and so on ... "

After all, "he went out into the street alive, the brisk, in Russian expression:hell Not brother. Gogol walked, hovering on everyone Lornet. "

Then he is the samedamn Started by his professor, "what a dumbfounded professor was still still standing on the bridge, depicting a question mark on his face."

Teacher: Why did Chartkov "stumbled" past the teacher?

Assistant student:Chartes remembered the instructions of the professor: "Look, brother, you have a talent; it will be sinner if you destroy him ... Look, so that the fashionable painter does not come out of you ..."

Teacher: How else does the money use?(He gives back their evil charm, changes art, begins to please rich customers, loses moral cleanliness.)

Teacher: How do you understand the expression "moral purity"? (Chartes becomes a "practical" person.)

Teacher: "Practical man" is bad? (Yes, for Chartkova, this is death, because the artist must be free, he must be a dreamer, a dreamer, maybe, in the opinion of the uninitiated in art, somewhat frivolous. He begins to worship Mamon (Syrian word - "wealth". Gospel from Luke, 24 ch.).)


- How was the portrait of a usurist?

By whom?

How is the fall of the artist, who drawn a portrait of the Roshovist? (They master envy to his student.)

Why is there no holy in his pictures? (All figures are devilish eyes.)

How does he belong to the family?

Why didn't he burn a portrait?

(Students retell in detail, as the artist survived the death of his wife, daughter, young son. Especially interesting is the episode of the "Resurrection" of the artist after many pets of suffering. The images of the baby and the Mother of Mother, created by the artist, submit students to understanding Gogol's thoughts:"Who made a talent in himself, the cleaner of everyone should be soul. The other will say a lot, but he will not forgive.")


This artist, talent is from God.

The power of money, the doomedness of art where the cult of profit is triumphant - it is main topic Tale.

Roshovshchik - the generation of century-bankers, the XIX century, he does not know another subject, except for money. He gives money to growth, at percent, he sells money, receiving money for money.

People go to him in the hope that gold will bring happiness ("you can not believe in God and Mamon").

Scary price losses understood the old master:"Who made a talent. That cleaner must be soul" ...

Teacher: What does Gogol teach?(Creating beautiful and kind art can be spiritually clean, good person. Gogol seems to read the preaching about cleansing, about devotion to the Great.)

Yes, right. Nikolai Vasilyevich always spoke about the role of mobility. The devotee is a person who took heavier work, often ungrateful, deprivation in the name great goal, or in the name of the loyalty of his dream, a noble idea.

The artist is the author of the portrait of the Roshchik - dreamed of portrait as the "Spirit of Darkness", in which he reflected "all the hardest, oppressive man" ... did he have the right to an image of such phenomena in the world around us? We know that it came out of it.

Assistant student:Each real artist must have freedom of choice. Gogol, apparently, he himself believes that the artist has the right to portray everything as he seesunderstands, feels. But at the same time the writer says:"Who made a talent, the cleaner of everyone should be soul."

Teacher: What is the charts?(He is a pity. Gogol talks about him: "All the feelings and gusts turned it to evil." Act - "Torgash", the century-banker is generously paying Chartkov for services, he fards him and gold and uniform. He is rich, known, write about him In the newspapers, sales of writings, he, with his post ... but the particle behind the particle of Chartkova is in return to his graduation and soul.)


"Glory can not give pleasure to someone who stole her, and did not deserve; it produces a permanent thrill only in her decent. And therefore the feelings and gusts of his [Chartkova] turned to gold. Gold has been made by his passion, ideal, fear, pleasure, purpose. ... He began to become boring, inaccessible to everything, except for gold, a unreasoned soul, a disturbed collector ... "

Teacher: But something had to wake him up if something was left in it?(Yes, there was one event. He came to the Academy of Arts to give his judgment about the film of the Russian artist sent from Italy.)

Teacher: Let's turn to the text.


"Clean, immaculate, beautiful as the bride stood the artist's work in front of him ... Included tears were ready to turn on the persons of visitors who surrounded the picture ... Mustrally with a hole in his mouth stood charts in front of the painting ... The whole composition, his whole life was awakened in One moment, as if youth returned to him, as if the extinct sparks of the talent broke out again. He was suddenly flew by the bandage. God! And destroy so ruthlessly best years his youth ... "

Teacher: So what feelings are experiencing charts?(Gogol says at the beginning of the spiritual excitement, about the terrible flour, which he is experiencing a hero. But he is already spoiled with money, "freedom" and, as the writer notes, "they took a terrible envy, envy to rabies, shrule the bile on his face ... ")

Teacher: But why Chartkov "disappeared angel"? (Probably Chartes compares himself with humiliated, defeated from heaven angel, not recognizing himself that it is more demonic in it than Angelic. Perhaps Chartkov is given last try To stay in this world a person ... "Disappeared angel" is a symbol of falling not only the hero, but also the death of his soul.)

Teacher: What associations do you have with the image of an angel? (Of course, with a demon who depicts A. Pushkin, and Gogol himself says about it.)

The assistant student reads the poem A. Pushkin "Demon":

In those days when I was new

All the impressions of being -

And the eyes of the maiden, and the noise of Dubrov

And at night, Solovya's frying, -

When sublime feelings,

Freedom, glory and love

And inspirational art

So much worried about blood, -

Watch Hope and pleasure

Longing suddenly autumn,

Then some kind of evil genius

He began to secretly visit me.

Our meetings were sad:

His smile, a wonderful look,

His stinging speeches

Cold poison poured into the soul. Inexhaustible slander

He tempting the providence;

He called a beautiful dream;

He inspired despised;

He did not believe love, freedom;

Life mockingly looked-

And nothing in all of nature

He did not want to bless.(L823)

Teacher: The word is capable not only to destroy, but also to protect. All the philosophy of Gogol - in his words. And they are next to us, it is only worth listening by opening the book. Gogol is an artist, Gogol - personality, and life confirmed. Learn from Gogol patience and work is to learn to live. So what, according to Gogol, is great Power Art and appointment of the artist?

(The evil soul can not bring beauty into the world, because good and evil are incompatible. The Roshovist after his death received the material shell in the form of a portrait and continued his black affairs among people, - this was the terrible crime of the artist who created this image. Gogol believes that the artist does not dare to betray his calling for money, wealth, if he wants his art to serve a person."But someone made a talent in himself, the cleaner of everyone should be soul. The other will say a lot, but he will not forgive.")

Teacher: The question of the purpose of the artist was very tormented by Gogol. All my life, this writer was looking for the opportunity to serve the Fatherland and more than once doubted in choosing his destination. For this there were several reasons: the responsibility of the writer for his work, faith in the mighty force of the impact of art per person and, of course, the deep religiosity of Gogol. However, we will talk about it in more detail in high school. And now I will stop your attention on your homework.

Homework. The teacher offers several topics for essays:

- "Gogol's word in the story" Portrait ";

- "Charts - Hero or Antiger?";

- "The image of the Roshovshchik in the story of N. V. Gogol" Portrait ";

- "Antitza as literary reception In creating the image of the chartkova. "

In the stories of the 1990s, Chekhov still examines life not in general phenomena, but in its private expressions in the field of life. At first glance, small and unimportant topics are derived to social student generalizations. Chekhov writes about intellectuals, their illusions and misconceptions, the insolvency of their life programs. It was brightly manifested in his trilogy "man in a case", "Gooseberry", "On Love". Heroes of her "are associated with a hidden generality": Belikov's gymnasium teacher with his motto "How wouldn't anything happen" to follow my life to follow the instructions and decrees; Official Chimsza-Himalayan subordinated the life of the idea to acquire property - the estate with the gooseberry.

Alekhin, who loved, could not cross over the usual ideas, and love itself died. Each of the heroes subordinates the life of a narrow program, concludes it into the case.

The image of the teacher greek Belikova ("man in a case") developed grotesque. "Story" defines everything that surrounds it: all furniture in the covers, in any weather in caloes and with an umbrella, in dark glasses And with your wool in the ears. The case is a way to hide from life, get away from decision making. Belikov is weak, timid, lonely. He is pathologically fearing. Therefore, he teaches the dead ancient Greek language, so he follows decrees and instructions in all. However, this "man in the case" strangely keeps the whole city in morally. His ominous appearance hovers over all the affairs and conversations of citizens. Belikova's death is the acquisition of an eternal case, no wonder he "lay almost happy to the coffin." The image of a "man in a case" became a symbol of the desire to hide from life. In the story of Chekhov gave a grotesque characteristic of the behavior of the intelligentsia in the late 1990s.

In the story "Gojberry" official Chimsza-Himalayanian realized the fanatic dream of life - bought a manor in which he wanted to breed the gooseberry. Little official, Soldier's son, reborn. Becoming the owner, he argues about the need for corporal punishment for the peasants, turns into a stupid man in the street. Chekhov draws it grotesque: it looks like a pig, a thick dog and thick cooking in pigs look like a pig. The fanatical idea that has been subordinated to life, in general, a good person, is also a case that makes free spirit.

The same case in the form of cut off from real life Conservative ideas about sin and virtue ruffles love in the story "On Love".

In the trilogy, the main topic is incorrectly understood meaning and purpose of life that led to the wreck and moral reincarnation of heroes. Anatomy of the emptying and death of the human soul especially bright Chekhov showed in the story "Ionch".

The hero passes three stages in his life, each of which is characterized by repeating, but undergoing changes in detail.

Dmitry Ionchych Elders comes by a doctor to the Zemstvo hospital with high ideals of serving people. He is not deprived of the romantic perception of life, loves music, dreams, falls in love. He is able to feel beauty moon Night, sharply worry.

Initially, he does not even take care of the money from the poor. He himself is not rich - walks in the city. When the cat refused to Startsev, he suffered three days with all the seeming dustiness and the depth of love, and then comforted and thought only that love brings unnecessary troubles.

Chekhov does not say in detail about the years of the life of Startsev, but puts only the main milestones.

The hero, which had previously different from the inhabitants of the city with sublime dreams and hot feelings, is getting used to the measured, half-life of the averages. They are no longer annoying Startieva. They did not change, but the hero himself changes. He now takes money from all the patients, stops arguing, buys a couple of horses. He is too lazy to love, and he thinks: "It's good that I didn't get married." They call him now Dmitry Ionch.

Moral emptying is completed by the fact that the door of the elders turns into the ion - the lazy, dusted, deprived of the alive thoughts of the average man. He now takes not only money, but all that patients bring; Rides on a troika with buckets and kutcher on goats; In the evenings, he considers money, considers houses scheduled for sale. The circle of his interests is now - only wealth, although he himself does not know why he is so much money. Neither the desires nor the dreams of ion are no longer. The process of identity degradation is completed.

Czechs shows that the medium, environment, philistine morals affect the person, but these are only aggravating factors. The main reason for the devastation of the hero - in himself, in its inability to resistance, confrontation. M. Bakhtin wrote that "man or more of his destiny, or less of his humanity." Chekhov's heroes do not grow up to themselves, these are incomplete people.

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