Sophia Paleologist. Sophia Paleologist: the path from the last Byzantine princess to the Great Moscow Princess

Sophia Paleologist. Sophia Paleologist: the path from the last Byzantine princess to the Great Moscow Princess
Sophia Paleologist. Sophia Paleologist: the path from the last Byzantine princess to the Great Moscow Princess

In the middle of the XV century, when Constantinople fell under the onslaught of the Turks, the 17-year-old Byzantine Princess Sofia left Rome to move the spirit of the old empire to a new one, an emerging state.

With her fabulous life and travel, full adventures - from poorly lit transitions of the papal church to the snow-covered Russian steppes, from the secret mission, who stood behind the hoop with the Moscow Prince, to the mysterious and still not found the collection of books, which she brought with him from Constantinople, - We introduced a journalist and writer Jorgos Leonardos, the author of the book "Sofia Paleolog - from Byzantium on Russia", as well as many other historical novels.

In a conversation with the correspondent of the Athenian-Macedonian agency about the shooting of the Russian film about the life of Sofia Paleolog, Mr. Leonardos stressed that she was a versatile person, a practical and ambitious woman. The nephew of the last Paleologist inspired her spouse, Moscow Prince Ivan III, to create a strong state, having deserved the respect of Stalin after almost five centuries after his death.

Russian researchers appreciate the contribution that Sophia left in the political and cultural history of medieval Russia.

Jorgos Leonardos describes the personality of Sofia: "Sofia was the niece of the last emperor Byzantine Konstantin XI and the daughter of the Paleologist's daughter. She was baptized in Mr., giving the Christian name Zoya. In 1460, when Peloponnes captured Turks, the princess, along with their parents, brothers and sisters went to Kerkira Island. With the participation of Vissarion Nichesky, who already became the Catholic Cardinal in Rome by that time, Zoya with his father, brothers and sister moved to Rome. After the premature demise of her parents, Vissarion took care of his guard over the three children who switched to the Catholic faith. However, the life of Sofia has changed when the Papal throne took Paul II, who wanted her political marriage. Princess was sucking the Moscow Prince Ivan III, hoping that Orthodox Russia would go to Catholicism. Sophia, which originated from the Byzantine Imperial Family, Paul sent to Moscow as the heiress of Constantinople. Her first stop after Rome was the city of Pskov, where the young man with delight adopted the Russian people. "

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The author of the book considers a key point in the life of Sofia to a visit to one of the Pskov temples: "She was impressed, and, although next to her, there was a papal legate, who watched her step, she returned to Orthodoxy, neglected the will of Pope. On November 12, 1472, Zoya became the second wife of Moscow Prince Ivan III under the Byzantine name Sofia.

From now on, according to Leonardos, her brilliant path begins: "Influenced by the deep religious feeling of Sofia, I convinced Ivan to throw off the burden of Tatar-Mongolian yoke, because at that time Russia paid a tribute to Horde. And indeed, Ivan freed his state and united different independent principalities under his power. "

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The contribution of Sofia to the development of the state is great, because, as the author explains, "she started the Byzantine order under the Russian court and helped to create a Russian state."

"Since Sofia was the only heiress of Byzantium, Ivan believed that he inherited the right to the imperial throne. He took over the yellow color of Paleologists and the Byzantine coat of arms - a double-headed eagle, which existed until the revolution of 1917 and was returned after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and also called Moscow to third Rome. Since the sons of the Byzantine emperors took the name of Caesar, Ivan took himself and this title, which in Russian began to sound as "king." Ivan also increased the Archbishop of Moscow to the Patriarchate, giving it to understand that the first patriarchy was not captured by the Turks Constantinople, and Moscow. "

© Sputnik / Alexey Filippov

According to Jorgos Leonardos, "Sofia was the first one who created the secret service, a model of royal security and the Soviet KGB in Russia, the sample of Constantinople. This contribution and today recognize the Russian authorities. Thus, the former head of the Federal Security Service of Russia Alexey Patrushev on the day of military counterintelligence on December 19, 2007 said that the country honors Sofia Paleologist, as she defended Russia from the inner and external enemies. "

Also, Moscow "owes it by changing his appearance, as Sofia brought here Italian and Byzantine architects, which were mainly built by stone buildings, for example, the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Kremlin, as well as the Kremlin walls that exist so far. Also, by the Byzantine sample under the territory of the whole Kremlin, secret moves were dug. "

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"From 1472, the history of the modern - royal - state begins in Russia. At that time, due to the climate, they were not engaged in agriculture, but only hunted. Sofia convinced Ivan III subjects to cultivate the fields and thus laid the formation of agriculture in the country. "

The personality of Sofia was respected under Soviet power: according to Leonardos, "When the Ascension Monastery was destroyed in the Kremlin, in which the remains of the Queen were kept, they were not only not getting rid of them, but by decree Stalin placed in the tomb, which was then transferred to Arkhangelsk Cathedral".

Jorgos Leonardos said that Sofia brought 60 carts from Constantinople with books and rare treasures, which were kept in the underground treasures of the Kremlin and not yet found.

"There are written sources," says Mr. Leonardos, - indicating the existence of these books that the West tried to buy out her grandson, Ivan the Terrible, for which he, of course, did not agree. Books continue to seek to this day. "

Sofia Paleologist died on April 7, 1503 at the age of 48. Her husband, Ivan III, became the first ruler in the history of Russia, which was named great for his acts committed with the support of Sofia. Their grandson, King Ivan IV Grozny, continued to strengthen the state and entered the story as one of the most influential rulers of Russia.

© Sputnik / Vladimir Fedorenko

"Sofia suffered the spirit of Byzantium in just the Russian Empire began to emerge. It was she who built a state in Russia, giving him the Byzantine traits, and in general he enriched the country and its society. Even today in Russia there are surnames that go to the Byzantine names, as a rule, they end up, "said Jorgos Leonardos.

As for the images of Sofia, Leonardos stressed that "her portraits were not preserved, but even during communism with the help of special technologies, scientists recreated the appearance of the queen on her remains. So the bust appeared, which is located near the entrance to the historic Museum near the Kremlin. "

"The legacy of Sofia Paleologist is Russia itself ..." - summed up the result of Jorgos Leonardos.

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Ivan III and Sophia Paleolog

Ivan III Vasilyevich was the Grand Duke Moscow from 1462 to 1505. During the Board of Ivan Vasilievich, there was a consideration of a significant part of Russian lands around Moscow and its transformation into the center of the community state. The final liberation of the country from the power of the Horde Hanov was reached. Ivan Vasilyevich created a state that was the basis of Russia until modern times.

The first wife of the Grand Duke Ivan was Maria Borisovna, the daughter of the Tver Prince. On February 15, 1458, the son of Ivan was born in the family of the Grand Prince. The Great Princess, who had a meek character, died on April 22, 1467, without reaching the thirty-year-old age. The Great Princess was buried in the Kremlin, in the Ascension of the Women's Monastery. Ivan, who was at this time in Kolomna, did not come to the funeral of his wife.

Two years after her death, the Grand Duke decided to marry again. After a meeting with his mother, as well as with the boyars and Metropolitan, he decided to agree to the recently received from the Pope of the Roman proposal to marry with the Byzantine princess Sophia (in Byzantia, it was called Zoe). She was the daughter of the seaside despot of the Paleologist's foma and had a niece of Emperors Konstantin XI and John VIII.

The fall in the fate of Zoe was the fall of the Byzantine Empire. Emperor Konstantin XI died in 1453 during the capture of Constantinople. After 7 years, in 1460, the Sea was captured by Turkish Sultan Mehmed II, Thomas ran with his family to Corfu Island, then in Rome, where he soon died. To get support, in the last year of his life, Thomas moved to Catholicism. Zoya and her brothers - 7-year-old Andrei and 5-year-old Manuel - moved to Rome 5 years after the Father. There she received the name of Sofya. Paleologists entered the patronage of Cardinal Vissarion, who retained sympathy for the Greeks.

Zoe has become over the years in an attractive girl with dark shiny eyes and a gentle white skin. It was distinguished by a subtle mind and prudence in behavior. According to the unanimous assessment of the contemporaries Zoya was charming, and her mind, education and manners were immacular. Bologna chronicles in 1472 enthusiastically wrote about Zoe: "It is truly charming and beautiful ... low growth, it seemed from 24 years; The eastern flame sparkled in the eyes, the whiteness of the skin spoke about the meaninglessness of the sort of kind. "

In those years, the Vatican was looking for allies to organize a new crusade against the Turks, intending to involve all European soverees in him. Then, according to the advice of Cardinal Vissarion Dad and decided to give the Zoya for the Moscow sovereign Ivan III, knowing about his desire to become the heir of Byzantine Vasilevs. Konstantinople Patriarch and Cardinal Vissarion tried to resume the Ulya with Rusy with the help of marriage. It was then a great prince reported to stay in Rome by the devotees of Orthodoxy a noble bride - Sofia Paleologist. Dad promised Ivan's support if he wants to wander on her. The motives for the marriage of Sofye, Ivan III, of course, were associated with the status, the brilliance of her name and the glory of the ancestors played a role. Ivan III, who claimed the royal title, believed himself by the successor of the Roman and Byzantine emperors.

On January 16, 1472, Moscow ambassadors went to the distant path. In Rome, Muscovites were honored with a new Pope Sikst IV. As a gift from Ivan III, ambassadors were presented with a pontiff of sixty selected sobular skins. The case quickly went to complete. Pope Sikst IV reacted with deceic care to the bride: he gave Zoe in the dowry, except for gifts, about 6,000 ducats. Sikst IV in St. Peter's Cathedral made a solemn ceremony of absenteeism of Sophia with a Moscow state truck, which was represented by the Russian ambassador Ivan Fryazin.

June 24, 1472, having gone from the dad in the Gardens of the Vatican, Zoya went to the distant north. The future of the Great Moscow Princess, only only to find out in Russian land, while still on the way under the crown to Moscow, insidiously betrayed all the hopes of Pope, immediately forgetting all his Catholic upbringing. Sophia, apparently, who was encountered in childhood with the Athos elders, opponents of subordination of Orthodox Catholics, in the depths of the soul was deeply Orthodox. She immediately openly, brightly and demonstratively showed her devotion to Orthodoxy, to the delight of Russians, applying all the icons in all churches, impecably conducting themselves in the Orthodox service, in the Orthodox service. Vatican plans to make a princess conductor Catholicism on Russia suffered a failure, since Sophia immediately demonstrated a return to the faith of ancestors. The papal legat was deprived of the opportunity to enter Moscow, carrying a latin cross.

Early in the morning of November 21, 1472, Sophia Paleologist arrived in Moscow. On the same day, in the Kremlin in the temporary wooden church, set near the Uspensky Cathedral under construction, so as not to stop worship, the sovereign was married with her. Byzantine princess, for the first time, then saw her spouse. The Grand Duke was young - only 32 years old, is good, high and stantha. Especially wonderful were his eyes, "Terrible eyes." And before Ivan Vasilyevich was distinguished by a steep character, and now, he has breeding with the Byzantine monarchs, he turned into a Grozny and powerful sovereign. There was a considerable merit of his young wife.

Sophia has become a full-fledged great princess of Moscow. The very fact that she agreed to go looking for happiness from Rome to distant Moscow, says that she was a brave, energetic woman.

She brought a generous dowry on Russia. After the wedding, Ivan III adopted the coat of arms of the Byzantine double-headed eagle - the symbol of the royal power, placing him and on his press. Two heads of the eagle are facing west and east, Europe and Asia, symbolizing their unity, as well as unity ("symphony") of spiritual and secular power. Dudding Sophia was the legendary "Liberia" - a library (more known as the "library of Ivan Grozny"). It included Greek parchments, Latin chronographs, Ancient manuscripts, among which were unknown by the poems of Homer, the writings of Aristotle and Plato and even surviving books from the famous Alexandria library.

According to legend, she brought with her a gift to her husband "bone throne": his wooden cable was covered with plates from ivory and walrus with stories cut on them on biblical topics. Sophia brought with me a few Orthodox icons.

With a visit in 1472 to the capital of Russia, the Greek princess, the heiress of the former majority of Paleologists, at the Russian yard, formed a rather large group of immigrants from Greece and Italy. Many of them occupied considerable public positions and more than once performed important diplomatic instructions of Ivan III. They all returned to Moscow with large groups of experts, among whom were architects, doctors, jewelers, masters of the mint and weapons masters.

The Great Greekin brought with him her ideas about the courtyard and power of power. Sophia Paleologist not only made changes at the courtyard - some Moscow monuments are obliged to her appearance. Much of the preserved now in the Kremlin was built precisely under the Great Princess Sophier.

In 1474, the Assumption Cathedral, which was erected by Pskov Masters, collapsed. Italians under the guidance of the architect Aristotle Phiorewanti were attracted to the restoration of it. With it, they built the church of the risosity, the grain ward, named so on the occasion of her finishes in Italian style - edges. The Kremlin himself is a fortress guarding the ancient center of the capital of Russia - grew and was created in her eyes. Twenty years later, foreign travelers have become called the Moscow Kremlin in Europe "Castle", due to the abundance of stone buildings.

So by the efforts of Ivan III and Sofia Paleologist Renaissance bloomed on Russian land.

However, Sophia's arrival in Moscow did not like some of the court Ivan. By nature, Sophia was a reformer, participation in state affairs was the meaning of the life of the Moscow Princess, she was a decisive and clever person, and it didn't like it very much for the idea. In Moscow, it was accompanied not only by the honors rendered by the Grand Princess, but also hostility of the local clergy and the heir to the throne. At every step, she had to defend his rights.

The best way to approve yourself was, of course, childbearing. Grand Duke wanted to have sons. I wished this and Sophia herself. However, on joy of unfriendly, she gave birth to three daughters - Elena (1474), Elena (1475) and Feodosia (1475). Unfortunately, girls were short enough after birth. Then another girl was born, Elena (1476). Sophia praying God and all the saints about the gift of the Son. There is a legend associated with the birth of Sophia Son of Vasily, the future heir to the throne: as if during one of the manty campaigns to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, in Clementev, the Great Princess Sophie Paleologist was the vision of St. Sergius of Radonezh, who "whisper in the bowel Paul. On the night of March 25-26, 1479, a boy, named after Grandfather Vasily, appeared. For the mother, he always remained Gabriel - in honor of the Archangel Gabriel. Following Vasily, she had two more sons (Yuri and Dmitry), then two daughters (Elena and Feodosia), then three more sons (Semen, Andrei and Boris) and the last, in 1492, - Evdokia's daughter.

Ivan III loved his wife and took care of the family. Before the invasion of Khan Ahmat, 1480, for the sake of security, with children, the yard, haruves and the prince of Sophia was sent first in Dmitrov, and then on Belozero. Vladyka Vissarion warned the Grand Duke from the constant spirit and excessive attachment to his wife and children. In one of the chronicles it is noted that Ivan drank: "The horror of Nayd on Hy, and Buregati from Brega, and His great Princess Roman and the treasury with her Ambassador on Beloosero."

The main value of this marriage was that the marriage of Sophia Paleologica contributed to the conclusion of Russia by the transferencing of Byzantium and the proclamation of Moscow by the third Rome, the stronghold of Orthodox Christianity. After the marriage at Sofye Ivan III, for the first time, he dared to show the new title of the Sovereign of All Russia to the European political world and made him admit it. Ivan was called "the state truck of All Russia."

The question of the future fate of the offspring Ivan III and Sophia was inevitably. The heir to the throne remained the son of Ivan III and Mary Borisovna Ivan Young, who, on October 10, 1483, in marriage with Elena Voloshka, the son of Dmitry was born. In the event of the death of the father, he would not slow down in one way or another way to get rid of Sofia and her family. The best thing they could hope is a link or expulsion. At the thought of this, Greek covered rage and impotent despair.

During all 1480s, the position of Ivan Ivanovich as a legitimate heir was quite strong. However, by 1490, the heir to the throne Ivan Ivanovich fell ill with "Kamchugu in the legs" (gout). Sophia wrote out from Venice of Lekary - "Most of Leon", which was self-administratively promised Ivan III to cure the heir to the throne. Nevertheless, all the efforts of the doctor were fruitless, and on March 7, 1490, Ivan the young died. The doctor was executed, and rumors of heir poisoning crawled in Moscow. Modern historians belong to the hypothesis about the poisoning of Ivan the young as unverified for the disadvantage of sources.

On February 4, 1498, the coronation of Prince Dmitry Ivanovich was held at the Assumption Cathedral in the situation of great pomp. Sophia and her son Vasily were invited.

Ivan III continued to painfully search for a dynastic dead end. How much pain, tears and misunderstandings had to experience his wife, this strong, wise woman who so sought to help her husband build a new Russia, the third Rome. But the time passes, and the wall of the fierce, which, with such a zeal, was erected around the Grand Duke of his son and Snow, collapsed. Ivan Vasilyevich wiped his wife's tears and cried himself with her. Like ever before he felt that the light was white to him without this woman. Now the idea to give the throne Dmitry did not seem successful to him. Ivan Vasilyevich knew how voluntarily loved Sophia Son Vasily. He sometimes even jealously to this maternal love, realizing that the son fully reigns in the heart of the mother. The great princess was sorry for his young sons of Vasily, Yuri, Dmitry Vasil, Seeds, Andrei ... and with the princess Sofia, he lived together a quarter of a century. Ivan III understood that sooner or later sons of Sofia raise the rebellion. It was possible to prevent the speech only in two ways: either to destroy the second family, or to cope with the throne of Vasily and destroy the Ywan young family.

On April 11, 1502, the dynastic scratch approached its logical conclusion. According to the chronicles, Ivan III "put Opal on the grandson of his Grand Prince Dmitreya and his mother on his great Princess Elena." Three days later, Ivan III "He granted the Son of his Vasily, blessed and planted on the Grand Prince Volodymerene and Moskovskoye and All Rusi Self-adjustment."

On the advice of his wife, Ivan Vasilyevich released Elena from imprisonment and sent to his father to Valahia (they needed good relations with Moldova), but in 1509 Dmitry died in the Nighners, in Turma.

A year after these events, April 7, 1503, Sophia Paleologist died. The body of the Great Princess was buried in the Cathedral of the Kremlin Ascension Monastery. Ivan Vasilyevich followed by her death fell in spirit, seriously ill. Apparently, the Great Greek Sophia gave him the necessary energy for the construction of a new power, her mind helped in state affairs, her sensitivity warned about the dangers, her all-standing love gave him strength and courage. Leaving all the cases, he went on a trip along the monasteries, but the sins could not be ruined. He was broken by paralysis: "... he took his hand and leg and eye." On October 27, 1505, he died, "formerly at the Grand Due to 43 years and 7 months, and all years of his belly of 65 and 9 months."

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The Great Princess Sofia (1455-1503) from the Greek Dynasty of Paleologists was Ivan III. It originated from the genus of Byzantine emperors. Marriage from the Greek princess Ivan Vasilyevich emphasized the connection of his own power with Constantinople. Once the Byzantium gave Russia Christianity. Marriage Ivan and Sofia closed this historic circle. Their son of Vasily III and his heirs considered themselves successors of Greek emperors. To pass the power of his own son, Sofia had to lead many years of dynastic struggle.


The exact date of birth of Sofia Paleologist is unknown. It was born around 1455 in the Greek city of Mr.. The father of the girl was Thomas Paleologist - Brother of the last Byzantine emperor Konstantin XI. He ruled the Sea Despotat, located on the Peloponnese Peloponnese Peninsula. Sofia's mother, Ekaterina Akhayskaya, was the daughter of Franksky Prince Achei Centurion II (Italians by origin). The Catholic ruler conflicted with the Foma and lost his decisive war, as a result of which he lost his own possessions. As a sign of victory, as well as the accession of Achei, Greek despot and married Catherine.

The fate of Sofia Paleologist was determined by the dramatic events that happened shortly before her birth. In 1453, the Turks captured Constantinople. This event was the end of the millennial history of the Byzantine Empire. Constantinople was at the crossroads between Europe and Asia. Taking the city, the Turks opened their way to the Balkans and in the old world as a whole.

If the Ottomans defeated the emperor, then other princes and did not constitute a threat to them at all. The seasis despotal was captured already in 1460. Thomas managed to pick up his family and flee from Peloponnese. At first, Paleologists fell on Corfu, then moved to Rome. The choice was logical. Italy has become a new home for many thousands of Greeks who did not want to remain in the sentence of Muslims.

Girl's parents died almost simultaneously in 1465. After their death, the history of Sofia Paleolog was closely connected with the history of her brothers Andrei and Manuel. Minors paleologists sheltered Pope Sikst IV. In order to enlist his support and ensure children a calm future, Thomas took Catholicism shortly before death, refusing the Greek Orthodox faith.

Life in Rome

Sofia's training was engaged in Greek scientist and humanist Vissarion Nicesky. Most of all, he was famous for became the author of the project of the Catholic and Orthodox churches, concluded in 1439. For a successful reunion (Byzantium went on this deal, being on the edge of death and in vain hoping for the help of Europeans) Vissarion received rank Cardinal. Now he became a teacher of Sofia Paleolog and her brothers.

The biography of the future Moscow great princess from an early age wore a press of Greco-Roman duality, the adept of which was Vissarion Nicene. In Italy, there was always a translator. Two professors taught her Greek and Latin. Sofia Paleologist and her brothers were kept at the expense of the Holy See. In the year of Pope issued them more than 3 thousand ecu. The money was spent on servant, clothes, doctor, etc.

The fate of the Sofia brothers has developed directly opposite to each other. As the eldest son of Thoma Andrei was considered the legal heir to the entire Dynasty of Paleologists. He tried to sell his status to several European kings, hoping that they would help him return the throne. The crusade did not expect it happened. Andrew so died in poverty. Manuel returned to the historic homeland. In Constantinople, he began to serve Turkish Sultan Bayazida II, and according to some sources, even accepted Islam.

As a representative of the outstanding imperial dynasty Sofia Paleologist from Byzantium was one of the most pleasant brides in Europe. However, none of the Catholic monarchs with whom they tried to negotiate in Rome, did not agree to marry the girl. Even the glory of Paleologists could not eclipse the dangers that emanated from Osmanov. In accuracy, it is known that the patrons of Sofia began to match it with the Cypriot King Jacques II, but he answered with solid refusal. Another time, the Roman Ponlofik Paul II suggested the girl's hand to the influential Italian Aristocrat Karacholo, but also this attempt to play a wedding fell.

Embassy to Ivan III

In Moscow, Sofia found out in 1469, when Greek diplomat Yuri Fuchaniot arrived in the Russian capital. He suggested a recently widowed, but also a very young Ivan III project marriage with princess. The Roman Message transmitted by a foreign guest was drawn up by Pap Paul II. Pontiff promised Ivan's support if he wants to marry Sofia.

What made Roman diplomacy appeal to the Moscow Great Prince? In the XV century, after a long period of political fragmentation and Mongolian yoke, Russia reiterated and became the largest European power. In the old world, legends were about the wealth and power of Ivan III. In Rome, many influential persons hoped for the help of the Grand Duke in the struggle of Christians against Turkish expansion.

One way or another, but Ivan III responded agreement and decided to continue negotiations. The mother of Maria Yaroslavna failed to the "Roman-Byzantine" candidacy. Ivan III, despite his steep temper, the parent was afraid and always listened to her opinion. At the same time, the figure of Sofia Paleologist, whose biography was connected with Latinians, did not like the head of the Russian Orthodox Church - Metropolitan Philippe. Understanding his powerlessness, he did not counteract the Moscow sovereign and distanced himself from the upcoming wedding.


The Moscow Embassy arrived in Rome in May 1472. At the head of the delegation was Italian Jan Batista della Wolpe, in Russia known as Ivan Fryazin. The ambassadors met Pope Sikst IV, shortly before the replaced Pavl II. As a sign of appreciation for the rendered hospitality, the Pontiff received a large number of sable fur as a gift.

Total week was held, and in the main Roman Cathedral of St. Peter, a solemn ceremony was held, at which Sofia Paleologist and Ivan III were in absentia. In the role of the groom was Wolpe. Preparing for an important event, the ambassador made a serious laughter. The Catholic rite requested the use of wedding rings, but Wolpe did not prepare them. The scandal was hushed up. All influential engagement organizers wanted to fully complete her and closed their eyes on the formalities.

In the summer of 1472, Sofia Paleologist, together with his own retinue, papal legacy and Moscow ambassadors went to the distant path. She met the pontiff, who gave his final blessing to the farewell. Of the several routes, Sofia satellites chose a way through Northern Europe and the Baltic. Greek Tsarevna crossed the whole old world, having arrived from Rome in Lubeck. Sofia Paleologist from Byzantium adequately tolerated the far road - such journeys were not for her. At the insistence of Pope, all Catholic cities were organized by the Embassy of a warm welcome. Sea girl got to Tallinn. Next followed Yuriev, Pskov, and behind him and Novgorod. Sofia Paleologist, the reconstruction of the appearance of which was conducted by experts in the 20th century, surprised Russians with his alien southern appearance and unfamiliar habits. Everywhere the future great princess was met with bread and salt.

On November 12, 1472, Princess Sofia Paleologist arrived in the long-awaited Moscow. The wedding ceremony with Ivan III passed on the same day. Snesh was explaining the reason. The arrival of Sofia coincided with the celebration of the Day of Memory of John of Zlatoust - the Saint Patron of the Grand Prince. So the Moscow Sovereign gave his marriage to heavenly patronage.

For the Orthodox Church, the fact that Sofia is the second wife Ivan III, was reprehensible. The priest who would be a similar marriage should have risked his reputation. In addition, the attitude towards the bride as someone else's Latinyank has been gained in conservative circles from its very appearance in Moscow. That is why Metropolitan Philip has dodged to hold a wedding. Instead, the ceremony was led by Protopop Colomna Asia.

Sofia Paleologist, the religion of which remained Orthodox even during his stay in Rome, nevertheless came with the papal legate. This messenger, traveling along Russian roads, demonstratively visited a large Catholic crucifixion. Under the pressure of Metropolitan Philip Ivan Vasilyevich gave to understand Legate, which is not going to endure such behavior, embarrassing its Orthodox subjects. The conflict was exhausted, but Roman Glory pursued Sofia to the end of her days.

Historical role

Together with Sofia, her Greek retinue came to Russia. Ivan III with great interest treated the heritage of Byzantium. Marriage with Sofia became a signal for many other Greeks in Europe. The stream of uninterests was formed, striving to settle in the possessions of the Grand Duke.

What did Sofia Paleologist do for Russia? She opened it for Europeans. Muscovy, not only the Greeks, but also the Italians. Masters and scientists are especially valued. Ivan III worked out Italian architects (for example, Aristotle Phioravanti), built in Moscow a large number of masterpieces of architecture. For the Sofia itself, a separate courtyard and choirs were built. They burned down in 1493 during a terrible fire. Together with them was lost the treasury of the Great Princess.

In the days of standing in the thief

In 1480, Ivan III went to the aggravation of the conflict with Tatar Khan Akhmat. The result of this conflict is known - after bloodless standing in the thoughs of the Horde left the limits of Russia and never demanded Dani from her. Ivan Vasilyevich managed to reset the perennial yoke. However, before Ahmat with disgrace left the ownership of the Moscow Prince, the situation seemed indefinitely. Fearing attacks on the capital, Ivan III organized the departure of Sophia with their children on the White Lake. Together with his wife was a grand permanent treasury. If Ahmat captured Moscow, she had to run further north closer to the sea.

The decision on evacuation, which was accepted by Ivan 3 and Sofia Paleolog, caused indignation in the people. Muscovites gladly began to remember the "Roman" origin of Princess. Sarcastic descriptions of the elder to the North are preserved in some chronicles, for example in the Rostov arch. Nevertheless, all the seizures of contemporaries were immediately forgotten after the news came to Moscow that Ahmat and his army decided to retreat from the Ugra and return to the steppes. Sofia from the genus Paleologists arrived in Moscow a month later.

The problem of heir

Ivan and Sophia had 12 children. Half of them died in childhood or infancy. The rest of the growing children of Sofia Paleolog also left the offspring, but Rurikovich's branch, which began from Ivan's marriage and the Greek princes, was fade in the middle of the XVII century. The Grand Duke was including the Son from the first marriage with Tver Prince. Named in honor of the Father, he was remembered as Ivan Jung. According to the law of the seniority, this prince was supposed to become the heir of the Moscow Power. Of course, this version of the development of events did not like Sofia, who wanted that the power was transferred to her son Vasily. Around it was formed a faithful grouping of courtest know, supporting the princess claims. However, until time, she could not affect the dynastic question.

From 1477, Ivan Jun was considered a fellow father. He participated in standing in the thief and gradually studied by princely duties. Over the years, the position of Ivana junior as a legitimate heir was undeniable. However, in 1490, he fell ill with gout. Drugs from "Lomotes in the legs" was not. Then from Venice discussed the Italian doctor Masta Leon. He took up to cure the heir and instructed for the success of his own head. Leon enjoyed rather strange methods. He gave Ivan a kind of potion and felt his legs with hot glass vessels. Deals from treatment only intensified. In 1490, Ivan Jun died in terrible flour aged 32 years. In the anger, the husband of Sofia Paleologica concluded Venetian to the dungeon, and after a few weeks and was generally publicly promunished.

Conflict with Elena

The death of Ivan the junior slightly closer to Sophia to the fulfillment of her dreams. The deceased heir was married to the daughter of the Moldovan sovereign Elena Stefanovna and had a son of Dmitry. Now Ivan III was faced with a difficult choice. On the one hand, he had grandson Dmitry, and on the other - the Son from Sofia, Vasily.

For several years, the Grand Duke continued to fluctuate. Boyar again split. Some supported Elena, others - Sofia. The first supporters had significantly more. Many influential Russian aristocrats and nobles did not like the history of Sofia Paleolog. Some continued to root her for the rest associated with Rome. In addition, Sofia sama tried to surround himself with his own Greeks, which was not worth favoring.

On the side of Elena and her son Dmitry had a good memory of Ivan Jazh. Supporters of Vasily resisted: he was the descendant of the Byzantine emperors! Elena and Sophia cost each other. Both were ambiguous and cunning. Although women observed palace decentship, their mutual hatred for each other was not a secret for the princely environment.


In 1497, Ivan III became aware of the conspiracy prepared for his back. Young Vasily fell under the influence of several careless boyars. Among them was highlighted Fedor Stromilov. This deque was able to assure Vasily that Ivan was already going to officially declare Dmitry to his heir. Reckless boyars were offered to get rid of a competitor or seize the Sovereign in Vologda. The number of like-minded people involved in the subsidy continued to grow, while Ivan III himself did not recognize the conspiracy.

As always, terrible in anger the Grand Duke ordered the execution of the main noble conspirators, including Deak Stromilova. Vasily avoided the dungeon, but the guard was pressed to him. Sophia fell into opal. The husband reached the husband that she drives the imaginary sorcerer to him and tries to get a potion to poison Elena or Dmitry. These women were found and drowned in the river. The sovereign forbade the spouse to come across his eyes. To top off, Ivan really announced a fifteen-year-old grandson with his official heir.

Fight continues

In February 1498 in Moscow, celebrations were held on the occasion of the coronation of young Dmitry. At the ceremony in the Assumption Cathedral there were all the boyars and members of the Bulk Threat of Family with the exception of Vasily and Sophia. Opt relatives of the Grand Duke for Coronation were not defiantly invited. Dmitry was put on a monomacha hat, and Ivan III arranged a grand feast in honor of the grandson.

Elena's party could triumph - it was her long-awaited triumph. However, even supporters of Dmitry and his mother could not feel too confident. Ivan III always differed in impulsivity. Because of the steep gear, he could put in the opal of anyone, including his wife, but nothing guaranteed that the Grand Duke would not change its preferences.

After the coronation of Dmitry passed a year. Suddenly, the mercy of the sovereign returned to Sofia and her eldest son. In the annals there are no evidence speaking about the reasons who prompted Ivan to reconcile with his wife. Anyway, but the Grand Duke ordered to revise the case against his wife. With a re-investigation, new circumstances of the court struggle opened. Some denunciations on Sofia and Vasily were false.

The sovereign accused of the slander of the most influential intercessors of Elena and Dmitry - the princes of Ivan Patriceev and Simeon Ryapolovsky. The first one was the main military adviser to the Moscow ruler for more than thirty years. Ryapolovsky's father defended Ivan Vasilyevich as a child when he threatened the danger from Dmitry Shemyaki during the last Russian internecial war. These great merits of nobles and their families did not save them.

After six weeks after the Boyarskaya opals, Ivan Ivan has declared their son from Vasily Novgorod and Pskov Prince. Dmitry was still considered the heir, but the courtyard members, feeling the change of the mood of the sovereign, began to leave Elena and her child. Fearing to repeat the fate of Patrikeev and Ryapolovsky, other aristocrats began to demonstrate the loyalty of Sofia and Vasily.

Triumph and death

Three years have passed, and finally, in 1502, the struggle of Sofia and Elena ended with the fall of the latter. Ivan ordered to attach to Dmitry and his mother of his mother, then sent them to the dungeon and officially deprived the grandson of great-road dignity. At the same time, the sovereign announced his heir to Vasily. Sofia celebrated. None of the boyar died to change the decision of the Grand Duke, although many continued to treat Eighteen-year-old Dmitry. Ivan did not even stop the quarrel with his faithful and important ally - the father of Elena and the Moldovan ruler Stefan, the Kremlin host the owner of the Kremlin for the suffering of his daughter and grandson.

Sofia Paleologist, whose biography was a series of takeoffs and falls, managed to achieve the main goal of his life shortly before his own death. She died at the age of 48, April 7, 1503. The Great Princess buried in a sarcophage of white stone placed in the tomb of the Ascension Cathedral. The grave of Sofia was next to the grave of the first spouse of Ivan, Maria Borisovna. In 1929, the Bolsheviks destroyed the Ascension Cathedral, and the remains of Great Princess were transferred to the Arkhangelsk Cathedral.

For Ivan, the death of the spouse became a strong blow. He was already in 60. In Touré, the Grand Duke visited several Orthodox abode, where the prayers were diligently indulged. The last years of a joint life was darken with opal and mutual suspicions of spouses. Nevertheless, Ivan III has always appreciated the mind of Sofia and its assistance in state affairs. After the loss of the wife, the Grand Duke, feeling the proximity of his own death, made a testament. Vasily's rights to power were confirmed. Ivan followed Sofia in 1505, died at the age of 65.

In fact, the niece of the last emperor of Byzantium Konstantin XI Paleologic was called Zoya. The new name is Sofia - she received in Russian land, where she brought strange circumstances and unusual turns of fate. Until now, her name is sheavenly legends, speculation, although almost all historians agree that this woman had an indisputable influence on the formation of the Russian state of Ivan III.

Prophecy Uncle

Foma Paleologist, Father Sofia Paleologist

It seemed only Zoya in the soul always knew what the death words of her uncle mean, the servant said: "Say Fome - Let the head spruce! Where is the head - there are Byzantia, there is our Rome! "

Father Zoe, Thomas, perceived them literally, trying to preserve the main relic of the Orthodox world - the head of the Apostle Andrei. In the ends, this shrine has gained its place in Rome, in the Cathedral of St. Peter. But this did not change anything and did not affect the revival of Byzantium.

Foma himself, as well as his sons, remained titled exiles without their land. And then the Father laid all his hopes for a cleaned daughter by Zoya. It is not known what thoughts he invested in her smart head, what far-reaching plans voiced during their long conversations. Unfortunately, after a while, the girl remained orphan and was on the care of the Vatican, and specifically, Cardinal Vissarion Nichesky, who sought to instill Catholic values.

Choosing a groom

If you compare various sources, then the Byzantine princess, although there was a pleasant exterior, but did not shine special beauty. Nevertheless, she had a groom, of course. True, she herself secretly frustrated alleged marriages. As then they will say - because the applicants on her hand were Catholics. But it is later.

At that time, when the Vatican wanted to attach Zoya, no one could think that she was waiting for the groom of Orthodox faith.

Sofia Paleologist was notified with Ivan III Vasilyevich. Zoya Paleologist, the niece of the last emperor Byzantium Konstantin XI, after the fall of Byzantium from the sword.

Moreover, the breaking for her future husbands of the widowed Moscow sovereign Ivan III, the Vatican built far-reaching plans - not only to enlist the support of Moscow for a new campaign on the Turks, but also to promote the spread of Catholicism.

Subsequent events have shown that Zoe, who in the past communicated with the Athos elders, opponents of the Florentine Union, skillfully hid his true faith from Roman patrons. As soon as she stepped into Russian land, it became obvious and clear to everyone. Here she changed her name to the Byzantine name Sofia.

As evidenced by the chronicles, the bride and the bride liked each other, although at that time the bride was elder, she turned almost 30 years old. If we consider that in those times they got married at 14-15 years, then even her boyfall (for some evidence she looked for 24 years), the situation did not save. Probably, her belonging to the Byzantine genus was likely to play a large role, which imposed the imprint on the perception of this, undoubtedly smart, diplomatic, educated woman who can adequately present.

Karamzin wrote about this marriage as follows:

"The main action of this marriage ... It was that Russia became the most famous in Europe, which chtila in Sofia the tribe of the ancient emperors of Byzantine and, so to speak, was in their eyes to the limits of our Fatherland ... Moreover, many Greeks who came to us With princess, they became useful in Russia with their knowledge in art and languages, especially in Latin, which is necessary then for the external affairs of state; The Moscow Church Libraries rescued from the Turkish barbarism and contributed to the magnificence of our yard with the message of the magnificent rites of Byzantine, so that with this time the capital of John could be really referred to as a new tsarman, like the ancient Kiev. "

At the origins of the "Third Rome"

In different sources, differently assesses the role of Sofia in the formation of the Russian state. Sometimes on this historical segment, her name is mentioned casually, and sometimes they speak about a person, "who literally began writing the history of modern superpower."

Indeed, the heiress of Byzantium brought not only a rich spiritual legacy to Russia.

  • Primarily ancient library Liberia, More famous now, as the "library of Ivan the Terrible" (they did not find it to this day), but also their ideas about what the capital of a powerful state should be and what power should be. The library included Greek parchments, Latin chronographs, ancient manuscripts, among whom were unknown by the poems of Homer, the writings of Aristotle and Plato and even surviving books from the famous Alexandria library.
  • After the wedding, Ivan III accepted in coat of arms Byzantine two-headed eagle - The symbol of the royal power, placing it and on his press.
  • By legend, she brought with her a gift to her husband "Bone throne", now known as "Trone Ivan Grozny."Its wooden core was all covered with plates from ivory and walrus with scenes cut on them on biblical topics.
  • Sofia brought with him a few orthodox icons, including, as you suggest the rare icon of the Mother of God "The Holy Sky".

A. Vasnetsov. Moscow Kremlin under Ivan III

During the lifetime of Sofia, Moscow, more similar to several united villages, acquired a completely different look. Much of what was preserved in the Kremlin was built during this period. Ivan Ivan III, the transformation of Moscow was to the soul, so he was actively invited to the capital of Italian architects and masters.

At the same time, historians believe that Ivan III, who soon began to refer himself to the king, hardly had some complaints about the Byzantine throne. In any case, there are no such evidence.

Yes, in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral after the wedding of Ivan III, the image of Mikhail III, the Byzantine Emperor, who was a detonator of the Paleologist's dynasty. Thus, allegedly showed that Moscow is the successor of the Byzantine Empire, and the sizes of Russia - the heirs of the Byzantine emperors. In addition, the symbol of autocracy appeared - the Byzantine double-headed eagle.

However, the reality of those years far from modern speculation. If Ivan III, really dreamed of Byzantium, he would have read the heirs in common with Sophia Son - Vasily, and not the Son from the first marriage - Ivan, and then the grandson of Dmitry. Yes, and about the two-headed eagle, not everything is so unambiguous - modern researchers argue that he appeared in the State Practice of Russia, almost two decades after the marriage of Ivan III and Sofia.

All life - intrigue

In essence, the whole life of Sofia after the birth of the long-awaited heirs turned into the struggle for their place under the sun.

Because of the intrigue, she got into opal several times, but then again returned to the court and all the means strengthened its position. In the end, the favorite son of Ivan III, Ivan Jr., died due to incorrectly conducted treatment. At that time, there was no evidence that Sophia was involved in this, although it wanted it to many. But she carefully collected "compromising" on all who could damage her. In particular, to the wife of the deceased steying and her son Dmitry, who methyl to the throne.

Soon, including with the help of the papers collected by it, the king realized that his Snow was a cunning and a grudge woman who humiliated and laid his own family and children and practically prepared a conspiracy against him. He sent a loved one with his grandchildly to jail together with his grandson, and their supporters of KazNIL. The general son of Ivan III, Vasily, was blessed and planted on the Grand Due to Vladimirskoye, Moscow and All Russia's self-container.

The last shelter Sofia

Finally, Sofia could breathe with relief. But to rejoice at the fact that everything was so good enough, I did not have to go long. Soon she was seriously ill and died, at the end of a forgiveness from her husband for the former Snohy, which was returned from prison to her homeland, in Moldova.

Sofia died on August 7, 1503, she was buried in the Moscow ascension of the Great Monastery of the Kremlin in a massive sarcophage, on the cover of which the word "Sofia" was properly.

This cathedral was destroyed in 1929, and the remains of Sofia were postponed to the underground chamber of the southern extension of the Arkhangelsk Cathedral.

Soon she died and her husband, whose affairs were continued by Vasily III and Ivan IV Terrible.

In the middle of the XV century, when Constantinople fell under the onslaught of the Turks, the 17-year-old Byzantine Princess Sofia left Rome to move the spirit of the old empire to a new one, an emerging state.
With her fabulous life and travel, full adventures - from poorly lit transitions of the papal church to the snow-covered Russian steppes, from the secret mission, who stood behind the hoop with the Moscow Prince, to the mysterious and still not found the collection of books, which she brought with him from Constantinople, - We introduced a journalist and writer Jorgos Leonardos, the author of the book "Sofia Paleolog - from Byzantium on Russia", as well as many other historical novels.

In a conversation with the correspondent of the Athenian-Macedonian agency about the shooting of the Russian film about the life of Sofia Paleolog, Mr. Leonardos stressed that she was a versatile person, a practical and ambitious woman. The nephew of the last Paleologist inspired her spouse, Moscow Prince Ivan III, to create a strong state, having deserved the respect of Stalin after almost five centuries after his death.
Russian researchers appreciate the contribution that Sophia left in the political and cultural history of medieval Russia.
Jorgos Leonardos describes the personality of Sofia: "Sofia was the niece of the last emperor Byzantine Konstantin XI and the daughter of the Paleologist's daughter. She was baptized in Mr., giving the Christian name Zoya. In 1460, when Peloponnes captured Turks, the princess, along with their parents, brothers and sisters went to Kerkira Island. With the participation of Vissarion Nichesky, who already became the Catholic Cardinal in Rome by that time, Zoya with his father, brothers and sister moved to Rome. After the premature demise of her parents, Vissarion took care of his guard over the three children who switched to the Catholic faith. However, the life of Sofia has changed when the Papal throne took Paul II, who wanted her political marriage. Princess was sucking the Moscow Prince Ivan III, hoping that Orthodox Russia would go to Catholicism. Sophia, which originated from the Byzantine Imperial Family, Paul sent to Moscow as the heiress of Constantinople. Her first stop after Rome was the city of Pskov, where the young man with delight adopted the Russian people. "

© Sputnik. Valentin County

The author of the book considers a key point in the life of Sofia to a visit to one of the Pskov temples: "She was impressed, and, although next to her, there was a papal legate, who watched her step, she returned to Orthodoxy, neglected the will of Pope. On November 12, 1472, Zoya became the second wife of Moscow Prince Ivan III under the Byzantine name Sofia.
From now on, according to Leonardos, her brilliant path begins: "Influenced by the deep religious feeling of Sofia, I convinced Ivan to throw off the burden of Tatar-Mongolian yoke, because at that time Russia paid a tribute to Horde. And indeed, Ivan freed his state and united different independent principalities under his power. "

© Sputnik. Balabanov

The contribution of Sofia to the development of the state is great, because, as the author explains, "she started the Byzantine order under the Russian court and helped to create a Russian state."
"Since Sofia was the only heiress of Byzantium, Ivan believed that he inherited the right to the imperial throne. He took over the yellow color of Paleologists and the Byzantine coat of arms - a double-headed eagle, which existed until the revolution of 1917 and was returned after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and also called Moscow to third Rome. Since the sons of the Byzantine emperors took the name of Caesar, Ivan took himself and this title, which in Russian began to sound as "king." Ivan also increased the Archbishop of Moscow to the Patriarchate, giving it to understand that the first patriarchy was not captured by the Turks Constantinople, and Moscow. "

© Sputnik. Alexey Filippov

According to Jorgos Leonardos, "Sofia was the first one who created the secret service, a model of royal security and the Soviet KGB in Russia, the sample of Constantinople. This contribution and today recognize the Russian authorities. Thus, the former head of the Federal Security Service of Russia Alexey Patrushev on the day of military counterintelligence on December 19, 2007 said that the country honors Sofia Paleologist, as she defended Russia from the inner and external enemies. "
Also, Moscow "owes it by changing his appearance, as Sofia brought here Italian and Byzantine architects, which were mainly built by stone buildings, for example, the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Kremlin, as well as the Kremlin walls that exist so far. Also, by the Byzantine sample under the territory of the whole Kremlin, secret moves were dug. "

© Sputnik. Sergey Pyatakov

"From 1472, the history of the modern - royal - state begins in Russia. At that time, due to the climate, they were not engaged in agriculture, but only hunted. Sofia convinced Ivan III subjects to cultivate the fields and thus laid the formation of agriculture in the country. "
The personality of Sofia was respected under Soviet power: according to Leonardos, "When the Ascension Monastery was destroyed in the Kremlin, in which the remains of the Queen were kept, they were not only not getting rid of them, but by decree Stalin placed in the tomb, which was then transferred to Arkhangelsk Cathedral".
Jorgos Leonardos said that Sofia brought 60 carts from Constantinople with books and rare treasures, which were kept in the underground treasures of the Kremlin and not yet found.
"There are written sources," says Mr. Leonardos, - indicating the existence of these books that the West tried to buy out her grandson, Ivan the Terrible, for which he, of course, did not agree. Books continue to seek to this day. "

Sofia Paleologist died on April 7, 1503 at the age of 48. Her husband, Ivan III, became the first ruler in the history of Russia, which was named great for his acts committed with the support of Sofia. Their grandson, King Ivan IV Grozny, continued to strengthen the state and entered the story as one of the most influential rulers of Russia.

© Sputnik. Vladimir Fedorenko

"Sofia suffered the spirit of Byzantium in just the Russian Empire began to emerge. It was she who built a state in Russia, giving him the Byzantine traits, and in general he enriched the country and its society. Even today in Russia there are surnames that go to the Byzantine names, as a rule, they end up, "said Jorgos Leonardos.
As for the images of Sofia, Leonardos stressed that "her portraits were not preserved, but even during communism with the help of special technologies, scientists recreated the appearance of the queen on her remains. So the bust appeared, which is located near the entrance to the historic Museum near the Kremlin. "
"The legacy of Sofia Paleologist is Russia itself ..." - summed up the result of Jorgos Leonardos.