Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol Auditor. Auditor (Collection) - Gogol Nikolay

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol Auditor. Auditor (Collection) - Gogol Nikolay

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol


On the mirror Necha, beating, if Ryzh Kriva.
Folk proverb

Comedy in five actions


Anton Antonovich Snovenik-Dmukhanovsky, Gingerbread.

Anna Andreevna, his wife.

Marya Antonovna, his daughter.

Luka Lukich Flap, caretaker school.

His wife.

Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tipkin, Judge.

Artemy Filippovich Strawberry, trustee of godly institutions.

Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin, mailmaster.

Peter Ivanovich Dobchinsky, urban landowner.

Peter Ivanovich Bobchinsky, city landowner.

Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov, official from St. Petersburg.

Osip, servant it.

Christians Ivanovich G. G. Lebid.

Fyodor Ivanovich Lulukov, retired official, honorary face in the city.

Ivan Lazarevich Rastakovsky, retired official, honorary face in the city.

Stepan Ivanovich Khackkin, retired official, honorary face in the city.

Stepan Ilyich Ukhukhertov, private attracting.

Svistunov, policeman

Pugovitsyn, policeman

Shimportord, policeman

Abdulin, merchant.

Fevronia Petrovna Psypokina, Merchash.

Wife Unters-Officer.

Bear, servant Governing.

The servant is intractable.

Guests and guests, merchants, mothers, petitioners.

Characters and costumes
Remarks for the Lord Actors
Gingerbread, who has already been in service and is very unlucky in his own way. Although the bribemer, but behaves very solid; rather significant; somewhat even resonant; He says loudly, nor quietly, no, nor little. His every word is significantly. The features of his grude and hard, like all who began service from the lowest ranks. The transition from fear to joy, from rudeness to arrogant is quite fast, like a person with a roughly developed soul propensions. He is dressed, as usual, in his uniform with the loovers and in the boots with spurs. The hair on it is cut, with a smarter.

Anna Andreevna, his wife, Provincial coquette, not very older years, brought up in half on novels and albums, half at the troubles in his storeroom and maiden. Very curious and if the case shows vanity. Sometimes he takes power over her husband because it is not that it is not that answering her; But this power extends only to the little things and consists only in reversing and ridicule. She moves four times in different dresses in the continuation of the play.

Khlestakov, young man twenty-three years old, thin, slender; Somewhat is silent and, as they say, without the king in the head, one of those people in the office are called empty. Says and acts without any consideration. He is not able to stop constant attention to some thought. The speech of his detachment, and the words fly out of his mouth completely unexpected. The more executing this role will show pistols and simplicity, the more he will win. Dressed in fashion.

Osip, servant, such as the servants of several old years old are commonly. Summary Surroundly, looking a little down, the resonant and loves himself to read morals for his Barin. His voice is always almost even, in a conversation with Barin, he takes a harsh, rippled and somewhat even a rude expression. He is smarter than his Barin and therefore it is guessed, but does not like to talk a lot and silently swear. His costume is a gray or a worn fruit.

Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, both low, short, very curious; extremely similar to each other; both with small abdomen; Both say pator and extremely help with gestures and hands. Dobchinsky is slightly higher and more significant by Bobchinsky, but Bobchinsky is unleashed and more Dobchinsky.

Lyapkin-Treipkin, a judge, a person who has read five or six books and therefore a few Volnodumen. Hunter big on guesses, and therefore every word gives its weight. Representing it should always maintain a significant mine in his face. Says a bass with an oblong stretching, wheezing and sap - like an old clock, which are first hissing, and then beaten.

Strawberries, trustee of godly establishments, very fat, clumsy and clumsy man, but with all that prone and a swarm. Very helpful and fussy.

Postmaster, simple to naivety man.

Other roles do not require special involutions. The originals are always almost before our eyes.

Lord, the actors especially should pay attention to the last scene. The last uttered word should make an electric shock at all time, suddenly. The whole group should change the position into one MiG OK. The sound of amazement should escape from all women at once, as if from the same breast. From non-compliance, the entire remarks may disappear all the effect.

First action

Room in the house of Governing

Phenomena I.

Gingerbread, guardianship of godly institutions, caretaker school, judge, private attracting, leak, two quarterly.

Gingerbread. I invited you, gentlemen, in order to inform you a prenection news: the auditor is going to us.

Ammos Fedorovich. As an auditor?

Artemy Filippovich. As an auditor?

Gingerbread. The auditor from St. Petersburg, incognito. And with a secret prescribing.

Ammos Fedorovich. Here are on!

Artemy Filippovich. That was not care, so fed!

Luka Lukich. Lord God! Also with a secret prescribing!

Gingerbread. I seemed to predicate: today I had any two extraordinary rats all night. The right, such as I never understood: black, unnatural magnitude! They came, sniffed - and went away. Here I will read you a letter that I received from Andrei Ivanovich Chimyova, whom you, Artemy Filippovich, know. That's what he writes: "Safe friend, Kum and benefactor (mumbles in a low voice, running soon by my eyes)... and notify you. " BUT! Here: "I hurry, by the way, notify you that came

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Auditor. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

On the mirror Necha, beating, if Ryzh Kriva.
Folk proverb

Comedy in five actions.


Anton Antonovich Snovenik-Dmukhanovsky, Gingerbread.

Anna Andreevna, his wife.

Marya Antonovna, his daughter.

Luka Lukich Flap, caretaker school.

His wife.

Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tipkin, Judge.

Artemy Filippovich Strawberry, trustee of godly institutions.

Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin, mailmaster.

Peter Ivanovich Dobchinsky, urban landowner.

Peter Ivanovich Bobchinsky, city landowner.

Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov, official from St. Petersburg.

Osip, servant it.

Christians Ivanovich G. G. Lebid.

Fyodor Ivanovich Lulukov, retired official, honorary face in the city.

Ivan Lazarevich Rastakovsky, retired official, honorary face in the city.

Stepan Ivanovich Khackkin, retired official, honorary face in the city.

Stepan Ilyich Ukhukhertov, private attracting.

Svistunov, policeman

Pugovitsyn, policeman

Shimportord, policeman

Abdulin, merchant.

Fevronia Petrovna Psypokina, Merchash.

Wife Unters-Officer.

Bear, servant Governing.

The servant is intractable.

Guests and guests, merchants, mothers, petitioners.

Characters and costumes

Remarks for the Lord Actors

Gingerbread, who has already been in service and is very unlucky in his own way. Although the bribemer, but behaves very solid; rather significant; somewhat even resonant; He says loudly, nor quietly, no, nor little. His every word is significantly. The features of his grude and hard, like all who began service from the lowest ranks. The transition from fear to joy, from rudeness to arrogant is quite fast, like a person with a roughly developed soul propensions. He is dressed, as usual, in his uniform with the loovers and in the boots with spurs. The hair on it is cut, with a smarter.

Anna Andreevna, his wife, Provincial coquette, not very older years, brought up in half on novels and albums, half at the troubles in his storeroom and maiden. Very curious and if the case shows vanity. Sometimes he takes power over her husband because it is not that it is not that answering her; But this power extends only to the little things and consists only in reversing and ridicule. She moves four times in different dresses in the continuation of the play.

Khlestakov, young man twenty-three years old, thin, slender; Somewhat is silent and, as they say, without the king in the head, one of those people in the office are called empty. Says and acts without any consideration. He is not able to stop constant attention to some thought. The speech of his detachment, and the words fly out of his mouth completely unexpected. The more executing this role will show pistols and simplicity, the more he will win. Dressed in fashion.

Osip, servant, such as the servants of several old years old are commonly. Summary Surroundly, looking a little down, the resonant and loves himself to read morals for his Barin. His voice is always almost even, in a conversation with Barin, he takes a harsh, rippled and somewhat even a rude expression. He is smarter than his Barin and therefore it is guessed, but does not like to talk a lot and silently swear. His costume is a gray or a worn fruit.

Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, both low, short, very curious; extremely similar to each other; both with small abdomen; Both say pator and extremely help with gestures and hands. Dobchinsky is slightly higher and more significant by Bobchinsky, but Bobchinsky is unleashed and more Dobchinsky.

Lyapkin-Treipkin, a judge, a person who has read five or six books and therefore a few Volnodumen. Hunter big on guesses, and therefore every word gives its weight. Representing it should always maintain a significant mine in his face. Says a bass with an oblong stretching, wheezing and sap - like an old clock, which are first hissing, and then beaten.

Strawberries, trustee of godly establishments, very fat, clumsy and clumsy man, but with all that prone and a swarm. Very helpful and fussy.

Postmaster, simple to naivety man.

Other roles do not require special involutions. The originals are always almost before our eyes.

Lord, the actors especially should pay attention to the last scene. The last uttered word should make an electric shock at all time, suddenly. The whole group should change the position into one MiG OK. The sound of amazement should escape from all women at once, as if from the same breast. From non-compliance, the entire remarks may disappear all the effect.

First action

Room in the house of Governing

Phenomena I.

Gingerbread, guardianship of godly institutions, caretaker school, judge, private attracting, leak, two quarterly.

Gingerbread. I invited you, gentlemen, in order to inform you a prenection news: the auditor is going to us.

Ammos Fedorovich. As an auditor?

Artemy Filippovich. As an auditor?

Gingerbread. The auditor from St. Petersburg, incognito. And with a secret prescribing.

Ammos Fedorovich. Here are on!

Artemy Filippovich. That was not care, so fed!

Luka Lukich. Lord God! Also with a secret prescribing!

Gingerbread. I seemed to predicate: today I had any two extraordinary rats all night. The right, such as I never understood: black, unnatural magnitude! They came, sniffed - and went away. Here I will read you a letter that I received from Andrei Ivanovich Chimyova, whom you, Artemy Filippovich, know. That's what he writes: "Saverny friend, Kum and benefactor (mourned in a low voice, running soon by eyes) ... and notify you." BUT! Here: "I hurry, by the way, notify you that the official came with the prescription to inspect all the provisions and especially our county (significantly raises his thumb up). I learned this from the most reliable people, although he represents himself a private person. Since I know that you are behind you, as for all, the sins are found, because you are smart and do not like to miss what is swimming in your hands ... "(stopping), well, here your own ..." I advise you to take precautions, for He can come to every hour, unless he had arrived and does not live anything incognito ... Yesterday I ... "Well, here, the family went here:" ... Anna Kirillovna's sister came to us with her husband; Ivan Kirillovich very stolen and everything plays on the hidden ... "- and so on, and so on. So what is the circumstance!

Ammos Fedorovich. Yes, the circumstance is ... unusually, just unusually. Something no wonder.

Luka Lukich. Why, Anton Antonovich, why is it? Why do we have an auditor?

Gingerbread. What for! So, you can see, fate! (Sighing.) Until now, thanks to God, chose to other cities; Now it came to our turn.

Ammos Fedorovich. I think Anton Antonovich, that here is thin and more political cause. This means that: Russia ... yes ... wants to lead the war, and the ministerial is, then you see, and sent an official to find out if there is no betrayal.

Gingerbread. Ek where enough! More smart man! In the county town of Treason! What is he, border, or what? Yes, from here, at least three years of download, no to which state you will not reach.

Ammos Fedorovich. No, I will tell you, you are not ... You are not ... The bosses have subtle kinds: nothing is far away, and it winds on the mustache.

Gingerbread. Motes or does not wind, and I, gentlemen, prevail. See, in my part I did some orders, I advise you. Especially to you, Artemy Filippovich! Without a doubt, the passing official wants first of all to inspect the bodies of youth - and therefore you do so that everything is decent: the caps would be clean, and the patients would not like the Kuznets, as usually they go home.

Artemy Filippovich. Well, that's nothing. The caps, perhaps, you can wear clean.

Gingerbread. Yes, and also above each bed in Latin or in another language ... This is already in your part, Christians Ivanovich, - all sorts of illness: when someone got sick, of which the day and numbers ... It's not good that you have patients with such a strong tobacco smoke that always Distributing when you enter. Yes, and better, if there were fewer them: immediately attribute to the bad lookout or the physician of the doctor.

Artemy Filippovich. ABOUT! As for his clothes with Christian Ivanovich, I took our steps: the closer to nature, the better, we do not use drugs. A person is simple: if he dies, he will die so; If he recovers, then it will recover. And Ivanovich's Christian was difficult to express them with them: he does not know a word in Russian.

Christians Ivanovich makes a sound, partly similar to the letter and and several on e.

Gingerbread. You would also advise you, Ammos Fedorovich, pay attention to the ones. You have there in the front, where the petitioners are usually, the worst of home geese with small hysniks, which are so saming under their feet. It is, of course, the household is trying to make anything commendable, and why is it a watchman and not to have it? Only, you know, in such a place indecent ... I also wanted to notice it to you, but everything somehow forgotten.

Ammos Fedorovich. But I will take them today to pick it up in the kitchen. Want, come dine.

Gingerbread. In addition, it is bad that you are dried in the presence of any rubbish and over the cabinet with the papers of a hunting arapist. I know you like hunting, but all for a while better to take it, and there, as the auditor will erupt, perhaps you can hang it again. Also, your attachment ... He, of course, the person knowledgeable, but from him such a smell, as if he had come out of a distinguished plant, it was also not good. I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but I didn't remember, I don't remember something. There is a fund against this, if it really is, as he says, he has a natural smell: you can advise him to eat onions, or garlic, or something else. In this case, it can help with different medicines Christians Ivanovich.

Christians Ivanovich makes the same sound.

Ammos Fedorovich. No, this is no longer possible to drive: he says that in his childhood, his mother hurt him, and since then he gives a little vodka.

Gingerbread. Yes, I just noticed so much. As for the same internal order and what calls Andrei Ivanovich in the letter, I can't say anything. And it is strange to say: there is no man who would have had any sins for him. This is already so God yourself arranged, and the spreadshes speak in vain against it.

Ammos Fedorovich. What do you think Anton Antonovich, sins? Sinwhis sins - Maine. I say to everyone openly, I take a bribe, but what bribes? Kick puppies. This is a completely different business.

Gingerbread. Well, puppies, or other - all bribes.

Ammos Fedorovich. Well, no, Anton Antonovich. But, for example, if someone has a fur coat costs five hundred rubles, and the spouse shawl ...

Gingerbread. Well, what about the fact that you take bribes with the puppies? But you do not believe in God; You never go to church; And I, at least in faith, firm and every Sunday I am in the church. And you ... Oh, I know you: If you start talking about the creation of the world, just the hair end up.

Ammos Fedorovich. Why, after all, he reached his own mind himself.

Gingerbread. Well, otherwise

Comedy in five actions
(final edition - 1851)

On the mirror Necha, beating, if Ryzh Kriva.

Folk proverb


Anton Antonovich Snovenik-Dmukhanovsky, Gingerbread.
Anna Andreevna, his wife.
Marya Antonovna, his daughter.
Luka Lukich Flap, caretaker school.
His wife.
Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tipkin, Judge.
Artemy Filippovich Strawberry, trustee of godly institutions.
Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin, mailmaster.
Peter Ivanovich Dobchinsky and Peter Ivanovich Bobchinsky - Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov city landowners, official from St. Petersburg.
Osip, servant it.
Christians Ivanovich G. G. Lebid.
Fedor Ivanovich Lulukov and Ivan Lazarevich Rastakovsky - retired officials, honorary faces in the city.
Stepan Ivanovich Korkinkin Stepan Ilyich Ukhukhertov, private attracting.
Svistunov and Pugoditsyn - Policemen Dervorda Abdulin, merchant.
Fevronia Petrovna Psypokina, Merchash.
Wife Unters-Officer.
Bear, servant Governing.
The servant is intractable.
Guests and guests, merchants, mothers, petitioners.

Characters and costumes

Remarks for the Lord Actors

Gingerbread, who has already been in service and is very unlucky in his own way. Although the bribemer, but behaves very solid; rather significant; somewhat even resonant; He says loudly, nor quietly, no, nor little. His every word is significantly. The features of his grude and hard, like all who began service from the lowest ranks. The transition from fear to joy, from rudeness to arrogant is quite fast, like a person with a roughly developed soul propensions. He is dressed, as usual, in his uniform with the loovers and in the boots with spurs. The hair on it is cut, with a smarter.
Anna Andreevna, his wife, a provincial coquette, not at all at all older years, brought up in half on novels and albums, half on the troubles in his storeroom and the girl. Very curious and if the case shows vanity. Sometimes he takes power over her husband because it is not that it is not that answering her; But this power extends only to the little things and consists only in reversing and ridicule. She moves four times in different dresses in the continuation of the play.
Khlestakov, young man twenty-three years old, thin, slender; Somewhat is silent and, as they say, without the king in the head, one of those people in the office are called empty. Says and acts without any consideration. He is not able to stop constant attention to some thought. The speech of his detachment, and the words fly out of his mouth completely unexpected. The more executing this role will show pistols and simplicity, the more he will win. Dressed in fashion.
Osip, servant, such as the servants of several old years old are commonly. Summary Surroundly, looking a little down, the resonant and loves himself to read morals for his Barin. His voice is always almost even, in a conversation with Barin, he takes a harsh, rippled and somewhat even a rude expression. He is smarter than his Barin and therefore it is guessed, but does not like to talk a lot and silently swear. His costume is a gray or a worn fruit.
Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, both low, short, very curious; extremely similar to each other; both with small abdomen; Both say pator and extremely help with gestures and hands.

© Publisher "Children's literature". Series decoration, 2003

© V. A. Voropaev. Opening article, 2003

© I. A. Vinogradov, V. A. Voropaev. Comments, 2003.

© V. Ratvin. Illustrations, 2003.

* * *

Over what Gogol laughed. On the spiritual sense of the comedy "Auditor"

Be performers of the word, and not the hears only, deceiving themselves. For who listens to the word, and does not fulfill, he is like a person looking at the natural features of his face in the mirror. He looked at himself, moved away, and immediately forgot what he was.

Jac. 1, 22-24.

My heart hurts when I see how people are mistaken. They pushed about virtue, about God, and meanwhile nothing.

From the letter of Gogol to the mother. 1833.

"Auditor" is the best Russian comedy. And in reading, and in the stage on the stage, it is always interesting. Therefore, it is generally difficult to talk about whatever the failure of the "auditor". But, on the other hand, it is difficult and creating a real Gogol performance, to force the bitter Gogol laugh sitting in the hall. As a rule, something fundamental, deep, on what the whole sense of the play will slip away from the actor or the viewer.

The premiere of the comedy, held on April 19, 1836 on the scene of the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, according to the testimony of contemporaries, had colossal success. Governed Ivan Sosnitsky, Khlejakova Nikolai Dur - the best actors of the time. "Total attention of viewers, applause, sincere and unanimous laughter, call the author<…>, "Vince Peter Andreevich Vyazemsky recalled," there was no lack of anything. "

But this success almost immediately began to seem like some strange. Incomprehensible feelings embraced artists, and spectators. Characterized by the recognition of the actor Peter Grigoriev, who fulfilled the role of Judge Lyapkin-Tipkina: "... this Piece is still for us all as if some kind of riddle. In the first idea laughed loudly and many, supported hard, - it will be necessary to wait for it to be assessed with time by all, and for our brother, actor, it is such a new product that we may not be able to evaluate from one or two times. "

Even the hottest fans of Gogol did not fully understand the meaning and value of the comedy; Most of the public perceived it as a farce. Memoirist Pavel Vasilyevich Annenkov noted an unusual reaction hall: "After the first act, the perplexity was written on all persons (the public was elected in the full sense of the word), as if no one knew how to think about the picture, just presented. Before that perplexed, it increased with each act. As if making calmness in one assumption that the farce was given, most viewers, knocked out of all theatrical expectations and habits, stopped on this assumption with unshakable determination.

However, in this farce there were features and phenomena, performed by such a vital truth that two times<…> The common laughter was distributed. Other occurred in the fourth act: laughter at times was still overwhelmed from the end of the halls to another, but it was somehow timid laughter, immediately disappeared; Applause was almost at all; But intensive attention, convulsion, strengthened adherence behind all the shades of the play, sometimes dead silence showed that the case that happened on stage, passionately captured the hearts of the spectators. "

The play was perceived by the public in different ways. Many saw a caricature of Russian officials in her, and in her authors of the rebel. According to Sergey Timofeevich Aksakov, there were people who hated Gogol from the very appearance of the "auditor". So, Count Fyodor Ivanovich Tolstoy (on the Nick American) spoke at a crowded meeting that Gogol is "the enemy of Russia and that it should be sent to Siberia in shackles." Censor Alexander Vasilyevich Nikitenko recorded in his diary on April 28, 1836: "The comedy of Gogol" The Auditor "made a lot of noise. It is indispensable - almost every day.<…> Many believe that the government vainly approves this play, in which it is so cruelly believed. "

Meanwhile, it is relifically known that the comedy was allowed to stand on the stage (and, consequently, to the press) due to the highest permission. Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich read a comedy in the manuscript and approved; According to another version, the auditor was read the king in the palace. On April 29, 1836, Gogol wrote Mikhail Semenovich Shchepkin: "If it were not for the high intercession of the sovereign, my play would not have been on stage, and there were already people who have trouble banning her." The sovereign of the emperor not only himself was at the premiere, but told the ministers to watch the "auditor". During the presentation, he slammed and laughed a lot, and leaving the lodge, said: "Well, the play! Everyone got everyone, and me - more than all! "

Gogol hoped to meet the support of the king and was not mistaken. Soon after the setting of the comedy, he answered in the "Theatrical Drive" to its ill-wishers: "The generous government deeper than you, the high intended goal of writing".

The striking contrast seemingly the undoubted success of the play sounds bitter recognition of Gogol: "Auditor" has been played - and I have so vaguely, so strange ... I expected, I knew how the case would go, and with all that feeling sad and annoying Purpose elapsed me. My very creature seemed to me disgusting, wildly and as if not mine "(" the passage from the letter written by the author shortly after the first representation of the "auditor" to one trial ").

Gogol's discontent with the premiere and sense around her ("everything against me") was so great that, despite the persistent requests of Pushkin and Shchepkin, he refused to participate in the play in Moscow and soon left abroad. Many years later, Gogol wrote Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky: "The representation of the" auditor "made a painful impression on me. I was angry with the spectators who did not understand me, and the very most faithful thing that I did not understand. I wanted to run away from everything. "

Comic in "Auditor"

Gogol was seemed to be the only one who took the first statement of the "auditor" as a failure. What is the case, what did not satisfy the author? Partly the inconsistency of old water techniques in the design of the play with a completely new spirit of the play, not stacked in the framework of the usual comedy. Gogol persistently warns: "Most of all it is necessary to fear not to fall into the caricature. Nothing should be exaggerated or trivial even in recent roles "(" Previation for those who wish to play as a "auditor").

Creating images of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, Gogol imagined them "in the skin" (according to his expression) Shchepkin and Vasily Ryazantsev - famous comic actors of that era. In the performance, according to him, "Cartoon came out." "Already before the beginning of the presentation," he shares his impressions, "see them costumed, I painted. These two little men are essentially pretty neat, plump, with decently surprised hair, found themselves in some awkward, pretty gray wigs, conclusted, untidy, disheveled, with extended huge manicians; And on the stage were to such a degree of crushes, which was simply unbearable. "

Meanwhile, the main installation of Gogol is the full nature of characters and the likelihood of what is happening on the scene. "The smaller the actor about mixing and be funny, the more funny role brought to them. Funny will be found in itself, it is precisely in the continuation, with what is employed with his business every one of those withdrawn in the comedy. "

An example of such a "natural" execution manner can serve as the reading of the "auditor" by Gogol himself. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, who was present once on this reading, tells: "Gogol ... I struck me with an extreme simplicity and restraint of a manner, some important and with the naive sincerity, which is not like anything - is there any listeners and what they think. It seemed that Gogol only cared for how to delve into the subject, for him the newest, and however, it would be more or rather to convey your own impression. The effect went out extraordinary - especially in comic, humorous places; There was no possibility not to laugh - a good, healthy laugh; And the culprit of all this fun continued, not embarrassed by common cheerfulness and, as it were, internally having to do it, everything is more and more in the very business - and only occasionally, on the lips and near the eyes, a little markedly fluttering the wizard smile. With which perplexity, with what amazement Gogol said the famous phrase of Governing about two rats (at the very beginning of Pisa): "They came, sniffed and went away!" He even slowly looked at us, as if asking explanations of such an amazing incident. I only understood here, as incorrectly incorrectly, superficially, with which wishes only to make skewers - it is usually played on the stage of the auditor.

Throughout the work on the play, Gogol mercilessly expelled all the elements of the external comism. By Gogol, funny hiding everywhere, even in the most common details of life. Gogol's laughter is a contrast between what he says the hero and how he says it. Here in the first action Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky argue, which of them began to tell the news.

« Bobchinsky (interrupting). We arrive with Peter Ivanovich in the hotel ...

Dobchinsky (interrupting). E, let me, Peter Ivanovich, I will tell.

Bobchinsky. Eh, no, let me ... let me, let me ... You don't have such a syllable ...

Dobchinsky. And you let and not remember everything.

Bobchinsky. I remember, by God, I remember. Do not interfere, let me tell, do not interfere! Tell me, gentlemen, make mercy, so that Peter Ivanovich prevented. "

This comic scene should not only be mixed. For heroes it is very important who will tell you exactly. All their life is to spread all sorts of gossip and rumors. And suddenly two got the same news. This is a tragedy. They argue because of the case. Bobchinsky everything needs to tell, do not miss anything. Otherwise, Dobchinsky will complement.

« Bobchinsky. Allow, let me: I'm all in order ... So I, here, please see, ran to the box. And not the caretaker of the boxed at home, cooked to Rastakovsky, and not make the Rastakovsky, went to Ivan Kuzmich, to inform him the news you received, yes Iduchi from there, met with Peter Ivanovich ...

Dobchinsky (interrupting). Near the booth where the pies are sold. "

This is very important detail. And Bobchinsky agrees: "Near the booth, where pies are sold."

Why - ask again - Gogol remained dissatisfied with the premiere? The main reason was not even in the farce character of the performance - the desire to laugh in the public, and in the fact that with the caricature manner of the game sitting in the hall perceived what was happening on the stage without applying to themselves, since the characters were exaggerated. Meanwhile, Gogol's idea was designed just for the opposite perception: involve the viewer in the performance, let it feel that the city marked in the comedy exists not somewhere, but in one way or another anywhere in Russia, and there are passions and defects of officials In the soul of each of us. Gogol appeals to all and everyone. This concluded the enormous public importance of the "auditor". In this and the meaning of the famous replica of Governing: "What are you laughing? Laughing! " - facing the hall (just to the hall, since no one laughs at this time). The epigraph also points to this: "Necha's mirror has a penalty, if Ryzh Kriva." In peculiar theatrical comments to the play - the "Theatrical Track" and "the" Auditor's "isolation" - where the audience and actors are discussing the comedy, Gogol seeks to destroy the wall separating the scene and the auditorium.

In the "Auditor", Gogol made contemporaries laugh at what they were accustomed to and that they stop noticing (allocated by me. - V.V.). But most importantly, they are accustomed to carelessness in spiritual life. Spectators laugh at the heroes that die exactly. Let us turn to the examples of the play, which show such death.

Gingerbile sincerely believes that "there is no man who would have had any sins for him. This is already so God yourself arranged, and the Solitical women speak in vain against it. " What Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tipkin objects: "What do you think Anton Antonovich, sins? Sinwhis sins - Maine. I say to everyone openly, I take a bribe, but what bribes? Kick puppies. This is quite another thing. "

The judge is confident that the puppies are bribes and for bribes can not be considered, "But, for example, if someone has a fur coat costs five hundred rubles, and the spouse shawl ...". Here is the grank, who realized the hint, parry: "But you don't believe in God; You never go to church; And at least in faith firm and every Sunday I am in the church. And you ... Oh, I know you: If you begin to talk about the creation of the world, just the hair end up. " What ammos Fedorovich replies: "But after all, he himself reached his own mind."

Gogol is the best commentator of his works. In the "Previation ..." he notices about the judge: "He is not even a hunter to create a lie, but a lot of passion for the dog hunt ... He is busy and his mind, and a bootiness just because in this field there is a spaciousness to show himself."

Gingerbread believes that he is firm in faith. The sincere it expresses it, the funnier. Going to Khleshtakov, he gives an order subordinates: "Yes, if you ask why the church is not built at a godly-good institution, for which the amount was allocated to that five years, then not forget to say that it began to build, but burned. I imagined about this and report. And then, perhaps, someone, forgotten, sffer will say that she did not start. "

Explaining the image of the Gogol, Gogol says: "He feels that sinning; He goes to church, even thinks that he is hard in faith, even thinks even repent. But the temptation is great in all of the fact that he sails into his hands, and the tempting of the good of life, and all, not missing anything, it already happened, as it would be just a habit. "

And here, going to the imaginary auditor, the gingerbread is crushing: "Sin, in many ways is sinful ... Give only God, in order to leave the hands as soon as possible, and there I will put such a candle that no one has put it: I will put it on every feet Deliver three empty waxes. " We see that the gingerbread hit as it were to a closed circle of his sinfulness: in his final reflections, the sprouts of new sins arise unnoticed for him (the merchants will pay for the candle, and not he).

As the gingerbread does not feel the sinfulness of his actions, because it makes everything on the solar habit, and the other heroes of the "auditor". For example, E-mailman Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin reveals other people's letters exclusively out of curiosity: "... Death I love to know what is new in the world. I will tell you that this is a successful reading. Another letter with pleasure is read - this is how different passes are described ... And what is the editivity ... Better than in the Moscow Vedomosti! "

The judge notices him: "Look, get you ever for it." Shpekin with children's naivety exclaims: "Ah, Batyushka!" He never comes to mind that he is engaged in an illegal business. Gogol clarifies: "Epolemaster is simple to naivety, looking for life as a meeting of interesting stories for the transition of the time he reads in printed letters. Nothing else remains to do the actor, how to eat how much it is possible. "

Simpleness, curiosity, the usual doing all kinds of inappropriate, the liberty of officials in the appearance of Klezlekov, that is, according to their concepts of the auditor, suddenly replace for a moment the attack of fear inherent in criminals awaiting harsh retaliation. The same invented free-dimensional Ammos Fedorovich, being before Klestakov, says to himself: "Lord God! I do not know where I sit. For sure hot coals under you. " And the gingerbread, in the same position, asks for pardon: "Do not destroy! Wife, children are small ... do not make an unfortunate person. " And further: "According to the inexperience, she is inexperienced by God. The deficiency of the state ... Excuse yourself to sue: there is still a state salary even on tea and sugar. "

Gogol was especially unhappy about how Khlezkov was playing. "The main role is disappeared," he writes, "so I thought." Düre did not understand what Khlekakov is. " Khlestakov not just a van. He himself does not know what he says and what will say in the next moment. As if he says to someone sitting in him, the tempting of all the heroes of the play through him. Is it not the Father Lie itself, that is, the devil? " It seems that Gogol is precisely and meant. The heroes of the play in response to these temptations, without noticing, disclosed in all their sinfulness.

The temptable of the custody of Khlestakov himself, as it were, acquired the features of the demon. May 16 (n. Art.) 1844, Gogol wrote S. T. Aksakov: "All this is your excitement and mental struggle there is nothing more, as a matter of our friend, just known, is Chort. But you do not miss that he is smoking and all consists of inflating.<…> You beat this cattle in the face and do not embarrass anything. He is exactly a small official who climbed into the city as if as a result. Dust will launch everything, it will creek, snaps up. It is only a little to strain and go back - then he will go to brave. And as soon as you come to him, it will wait for it. We ourselves make a giant from him ... The proverb is not a gift, and the proverb says: Chort boiled to master the world, and God did not give him the authorities over the pig. "1
This proverb means the gospel episode when the Lord allowed the demon who left the Gadarin's demonstrated, enter the flock of pigs (see: MK. 5.1-13).

In this description, Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov seems so.

The characters of the play are more and more feeling the feeling of fear, what the replicas and author's remarks say (stretching and trembling with all the body). This fear is as it is to apply to the hall. After all, those who were afraid of the auditors were sitting in the hall, but only real - sovereigns. Meanwhile, Gogol, knowing it, called them, in general, Christians, to the fear of God, to purify the conscience, which there will be no auditor, nor even a terrible court. Officials, as if blinded by fear, can not see the present person of Klezlekov. They always look at themselves under the feet, and not in the sky. In the "Relief of Life in the World", Gogol explained the reason for such a fear: "... everything exaggerates in our eyes and scares us. Because we are your eyes down and do not want to raise them up. For if they raised them for a few minutes up, they would see over only God and light, from it the outgoing, illuminating everything in the present form, and would have laughed at the blindness themselves. "

The meaning of the epigraph and the "dumb scene"

Regarding the epigraph, which appeared later, in the publication of 1842, let's say that this folk proverb will mean under the mirror of the gospel, about which the contemporaries of Gogol, spiritually belonged to the Orthodox Church, perfectly knew and could even refresh the understanding of this proverb, for example, the famous Basney Krylov " Mirror and monkey. " Here is a monkey, looking in the mirror, turns to the bear:

"Look," says, "my cute is my!
What is it there for the face?
What kind of shelters and jumping!
I would help with longing,
Whenever at least a little bit like it.
But, admit, there is
From the grooves of my such crusher five to six;
I can even count them on my fingers. " -
"What the grooves consider work,
No better on yourself, kuma, turn around? " -
She answered Bear.
But Mishenekin advice only disappeared.

Bishop Varnava (Belyaev) In its capital labor, the "Basics of Holy Art's Fundamentals" (1920s) connects the meaning of this fable with attacks on the Gospel, and it is precisely such (in addition to others) was the meaning of the Krylov. The spiritual view of the Gospel as a mirror has long been and firmly exists in Orthodox consciousness. So, for example, the saint Tikhon Zadonsky is one of the favorite writers of Gogol, whose writings he reread repeatedly, "says:" Christian! That the sons of the century of this mirror, this will be the gospel and the immaculate life of Christ. They look in the mirrors and correct their body and vices on the face are cleaned.<…> We will offer a climb and we have definition of our eyes, clean this mirror and look at us: Does our lives of the life of Christ say? "

Holy Righteous John Kronstadt in the diaries published under the name "My Life in Christ", notes the "non-defining Gospel": "Do you have chisthes, Holy Lee and perfect, not reading the Gospel, and you do not need to look at this glory? Or are you very ugly sincere and afraid of your disgrace? .. "

In the statements of Gogol from the holy fathers and teachers of the Church, we find a record: "those who want to clean and remove their face, usually look into the mirror. Christian! Your mirror essence of the Lord of the commandment; If you put them before you, and you look at them intently, then he will open all the spots, all the blackness, all the disgrace of your soul. "

It is noteworthy that both Gogol addressed this image. So, on December 20 (n. Art.) 1844, he wrote Mikhail Petrovich to pose from Frankfurt: "... Always holding a book on the table that you would serve as a spiritual mirror"; And a week later, Alexander Osipovna Smirnova: "Take a look at yourself. Have a spiritual mirror on the table, that is, some book that your soul can watch ... "

As you know, a Christian will be judged by the Gospel law. In the "Destination of the" Auditor ", Gogol invests in the mouth of the first comic actant that on the day of a terrible court we will all be with the" curves of ries ":" ... take a look at any one with the eyes of one who will call for a full-time rate of all people before Which of which the best of us, do not forget it, will wipe your eyes from shame into the ground, and let's see if any of us will get the spirit to ask: "Does I have a cry of a curve?" 2
Here Gogol, in particular, is responsible to the writer M. N. Zagoskin (his historical novel "Yuri Miloslavsky, or Russians in 1612" Khlestakov gives out for his essay), who especially indignantly against the epigraph, while saying: "Yes, where I have Rowzh Kriva? "

It is known that Gogol never parted with the Gospel. "The above is not to invent, which is already in the Gospel," he said. - How many times mankind has already been recalled and how many times it turned out. "

Comedy in five actions

On the mirror Necha, beating, if Ryzh Kriva.

Folk proverb

Anton Antonovich Snovnik-Dmukhanovsky, Gingerbread. Anna Andreevna, his wife. Marya Antonovna, his daughter. Luka Lukich Flap, caretaker school. His wife. Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tipkin, judge. Artemy Filippovich Strawberry, trustee of godly institutions. Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin, mailmaster.

Peter Ivanovich Dobchinsky Peter Ivanovich Bobchinsky

city landowners.

Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov, official from St. Petersburg. Osip, servant it. Christians Ivanovich G. G., county doctor.

Fedor Andreevich Lulukov Ivan Lazarevich Rastakovsky Stepan Ivanovich Krakkin

returning officials, honorary faces in the city.

Stepan Ilyich Uhhhukhrotov, Private attracting.

Svistunov Pugovitsyn Derportorda


Abdulin, merchant. Fevronia Petrovna Plivlekina, Master. Officer's wife. Bear, servant Governing. Servant restaurant. Guests and guests, merchants, mothers, petitioners.

Characters and costumes

Remarks for the Lord Actors

Gingerbread, who has already been in service and is very unlucky in his own way. Although the bribemer, but behaves very solid; rather significant; somewhat even resonant; He says loudly, nor quietly, no, nor little. His every word is significantly. The features of his grude and hard, like everyone who began heavy service from the lower ranks. The transition from fear of joy, from the lowestness to arrogant is quite fast, as a person with a roughly developed soul propensions. He is dressed, as usual, in his uniform with the loovers and in the boots with spurs. The hair on it is cut, with a smarter. Anna Andreevna, his wife, Provincial coquette, not very older years, brought up in half on novels and albums, half at the troubles in his storeroom and maiden. Very curious and if the case shows vanity. Sometimes he takes power over her husband because he is not that he is not answered; But this power extends only to the little things and consists in spontaneous and mockery. She moves four times in different dresses in the continuation of the play. Khlestakov, young man twenty-three years old, thin, slender; Somewhat is silent and, as they say, without a king in the head, is one of those people who are called empty in the office. Says and acts without any consideration. He is not able to stop constant attention to some thought. The speech of his detachment, and the words fly out of his mouth completely unexpected. The more executing this role will show pistols and simplicity, the more he will win. Dressed in fashion. Osip, servant, such as the servants of several old years old are commonly. Summary Surroundly, looking a little down, the resonant and loves himself to read morals for his Barin. His voice is always almost even, in a conversation with Barin, he takes a harsh, rippled and somewhat even a rude expression. He is smarter than his Barin and therefore it is guessed, but does not like to talk a lot and silently swear. His costume is gray or blue worn fruct. Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, both low, short, very curious; extremely similar to each other; both with small abdomen; Both say pator and extremely help with gestures and hands. Dobchinsky is slightly higher and more significant by Bobchinsky, but Bobchinsky is unleashed and more Dobchinsky. Lyapkin-Treipkin, a judge, a person who has read five or six books, and therefore somewhat liberated. Hunter big on guesses, and therefore every word gives its weight. Representing it should always maintain a significant mine in his face. Says a bass with an oblong stretching, wheezing and sap - like an old clock, which are first hissing, and then beaten. Strawberries, trustee of godly establishments, very fat, clumsy and clumsy man, but with all that prone and a swarm. Very helpful and fussy. Postmaster, simple to naivety man. Other roles do not require special involutions. The originals are always almost before the eyes. Lord, the actors especially should pay attention to the last scene. The last uttered word should make an electric shock at all time, suddenly. The whole group should change the position into one MiG OK. The sound of amazement should escape from all women at once, as if from the same breast. From non-compliance, the entire remarks may disappear all the effect.

First action

Room in the house of Governing.

Phenomena I.

Gingerbile trustee of godly institutions, camera school, judge, private attracting, leakage, two quarterly.

Gingerbread. I invited you, gentlemen, in order to inform you of a prenegenial news: the auditor is going to us. Ammos Fedorovich. As an auditor? Artemy Filippovich. As an auditor? Gingerbread. The auditor from St. Petersburg, incognito. And with a secret prescribing. Ammos Fedorovich. Here are on! Artemy Filippovich. That was not care, so fed! Luka Lukich. Lord God! Also with a secret prescribing! Gingerbread. I seemed to predicate: today I had any two extraordinary rats all night. The right, such as I never understood: black, unnatural magnitude! They came, sniffed - and went away. Here I will read you a letter that I received from Andrei Ivanovich Chimyova, whom you, Artemy Filippovich, know. That's what he writes: "Safe friend, Kum and benefactor (mumbles in a low voice, running soon by my eyes)... and notify you. " BUT! Here: "I hurry, by the way, notify you that an official came with a prescription to inspect all the provisions and especially our county (significantly raises thumb up). I learned this from the most reliable people, although he represents himself a private person. Since I know what to you, as for all, the sins are found, because you are smart and you do not like to pass what is swimming in your hands ... "(stopping), well, here your own ..." I advise you Take the precaution, for he can come in every hour, if only he did not come and does not live anything incognito ... Yesterday, I ... "Well, here, the family went here:" ... Anna Kirovna's sister came to us with your husband; Ivan Kirobilovich very stunned and everything plays on a hidden ... "- and so on, and so on. So what is the circumstance! Ammos Fedorovich. Yes, the circumstance is ... unusually, just unusually. Something no wonder. Luka Lukich. Why, Anton Antonovich, why is it? Why do we have an auditor? Gingerbread. What for! So, you can see, fate! (Sighing.) Until now, thanks to God, chose to other cities; Now it came to our turn. Ammos Fedorovich. I think Anton Antonovich, that here is thin and more political cause. This means that: Russia ... yes ... wants to lead the war, and the ministerial is, then you see, and sent an official to find out if there is no betrayal. Gingerbread. Ek where enough! More smart man! In the county town of Treason! What is he, border, or what? Yes, from here, at least three years of download, no to which state you will not reach. Ammos Fedorovich. No, I will tell you, you are not ... You are not ... The bosses have subtle kinds: nothing is far away, and it winds on the mustache. Gingerbread. Motes or does not wind, and I, gentlemen, prevail. See, in my part I did some orders, I advise you. Especially to you, Artemy Filippovich! Without a doubt, the passing official wants first of all to inspect the bodies of youth - and therefore you do so that everything is decent: the caps would be clean, and the patients would not like the Kuznets, as usually they go home. Artemy Filippovich. Well, that's nothing. The caps, perhaps, you can wear clean. Gingerbread. Yes, and also over each bed in Latin or in another language ... This is by your part, Christians Ivanovich, - all sorts of illness: when who got sick, of which the day and numbers ... it's not good that you have sick such Strong tobacco smoke, which always go when you enter. Yes, and better if there were fewer them: immediately attribute to a bad look or to the physician of the doctor. Artemy Filippovich. ABOUT! As for his clothes with Christian Ivanovich, I took our steps: the closer to nature, the better, we do not use drugs. A person is simple: if he dies, he will die so; If he recovers, then it will recover. And Ivanovich's Christian was difficult to express them with them: he does not know a word in Russian.

Christians Ivanovich makes a sound, partly similar to the letter and And several on e..

Gingerbread. You would also advise you, Ammos Fedorovich, pay attention to the ones. You have there in the front, where the petitioners are usually, the worst of home geese with small hysniks, which are so saming under their feet. It is, of course, the household is trying to make anything commendable, and why is it a watchman and not to have it? Only, you know, in such a place indecent ... I also wanted to notice it to you, but everything somehow forgotten. Ammos Fedorovich. But I will take them today to pick it up in the kitchen. Want, come dine. Gingerbread. In addition, it is bad that you are dried in the presence of any rubbish and over the cabinet with the papers of a hunting arapist. I know you like hunting, but all for a while better to take it, and there, as the auditor will erupt, perhaps you can hang it again. Also, your attachment ... He, of course, the person knowledgeable, but from him such a smell, as if he had come out of a distinguished plant, it was also not good. I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but I didn't remember, I don't remember something. There is a fund against this, if it really does, as he says, he has a natural smell: it can advise him to eat onions, or garlic, or something else. In this case, it can help with different medicines Christians Ivanovich.

Christians Ivanovich makes the same sound.

Ammos Fedorovich. No, this is no longer possible to drive: he says that in his childhood, his mother hurt him, and since then he gives a little vodka. Gingerbread. Yes, I just noticed you. As for the same internal order and what calls Andrei Ivanovich in the letter, I can't say anything. And it is strange to say: there is no man who would have had any sins for him. This is already so God yourself arranged, and the spreadshes speak in vain against it. Ammos Fedorovich. What do you think Anton Antonovich, sins? Sinwhis sins - Maine. I say to everyone openly, I take a bribe, but what bribes? Kick puppies. This is a completely different business. Gingerbread. Well, puppies or than others - all bribes. Ammos Fedorovich. Well, no, Anton Antonovich. But, for example, if someone has a fur coat costs five hundred rubles, and the spouse shawl ... Gingerbread. Well, what about the fact that you take bribes with the puppies? But you do not believe in God; You never go to church; And at least in faith firm and every Sunday I am in the church. And you ... Oh, I know you: If you start talking about the creation of the world, just the hair end up. Ammos Fedorovich. Why, after all, he reached his own mind himself. Gingerbread. Well, otherwise, a lot of mind worse than it was not at all. However, I just mentioned the county court; And in truth, it is unlikely that anyone will ever look there: this is such an enviable place, God himself patronizes him. But you, Luca Lukich, as the caretaker of educational institutions, you need to take care of particular about the teachers. They are people, of course, scientists and brought up in different colleges, but have very strange actions, naturally inseparable with the scholars. One of them, for example, this, that has a thick face ... I will not remember his last name, I can't do without, not to make a grimace, here is a solar (makes a grimace), and then starts the hand from - Apply a tie to iron your beard. Of course, if he will make a student such a face, then it is still nothing: maybe it is there and I don't have to judge this; But you find yourself, if he does this to a visitor, it may be very bad: Mr. The auditor or the other who can accept it on his own expense. From this damn know what can happen. Luka Lukich. Well, right, to do with him? I spoke him several times. Here is another other day, when our leader came into class, he hijacked such a face, which I never had yet. He did it from a kind heart, and I reprimand: why the free thoughts are inspired by the youth. Gingerbread. The same, I have to notice you about the teacher in the historic part. He is a scientist head - it can be seen, and the information gathered the darkness, but only explains with such a heat that he does not remember himself. I once listened to him: Well, the depression said about Assyrians and Babylonians - nothing, and how I got to Alexander Macedonsky, I can't tell you what was happening to him. I thought that the fire, her God! I fled from the department and that the forces eat to hive the chair about the floor. It is, of course, Alexander Macedonian hero, but why break chairs? From this loss of the treasury. Luka Lukich. Yes, he is hot! I already noticed him several times ... says: "As you wish, I will not felt my life for science." Gingerbread. Yes, such is the inexplicable law of destinies: a clever man - or a drunkard, or a face that will make such a sictage that even though saints. Luka Lukich. Do not bring God to serve in the scholar part! You are afraid of all: everyone prevents, everyone wants to show that he is also a clever man. Gingerbread. That would still be anything, - Incognito damned! Suddenly looks: "A, you are here, ducts! And who will say, here is the judge? " - Lyapkin-Tipkin. - "And to submit here Lyapkin-Tipkina! And who is a trustee of godly institutions? " - "Strawberry". - "And come here strawberries!" That's what's wrong!

Phenomena II.

The same mailmaster.

E-mail. Explain, gentlemen, what, what official goes? Gingerbread. Did you not hear? E-mail. I heard from Peter Ivanovich Bobchinsky. He just had in my post office. Gingerbread. Well? What do you think about it? E-mail. What do I think? War with the Turks will be. Ammos Fedorovich. In one word! I myself thought the same. Gingerbread. Yes, both fingers got into the sky! E-mail. Right, war with the Turks. This is all the Frenchman shit. Gingerbread. What a war with the Turks! Just we will be bad, not the Turks. It is already known: I have a letter. E-mail. And if so, then there will be no war with the Turks. Gingerbread. Well, how are you, Ivan Kuzmich? E-mail. What am I? How are you, Anton Antonovich? Gingerbread. What am I? There is no fear, and so, a little bit ... merchants and citizenship confuses me. They say that I came to Solono, and I, here, God, if he took from another, right, without any hatred. I even think (takes it at hand and takes to the side)I even think if there was no donos on me. Why is the auditor really to us? Listen, Ivan Kuzmich, you can not, for the common use of our use, any letter that comes to you in the post office, incoming and outgoing, you know, it's a little printed and read: it does not contain any report or simply correspondence in it. If not, you can be seal again; However, you can even give the letter printed. E-mail. I know, I know ... Do not learn this, I do not do it from precaution, and more of curiosity: I love to know death: there is a new one. I will tell you that this is a successful reading. You can read a different letter with pleasure - this is how different passes are described ... And what the editivity is ... Better than in the Moscow Vedomosti! Gingerbread. Well, tell me, did not read anything about any official from St. Petersburg? E-mail. No, there is nothing about Petersburg, but there are many of the Kostroma and Saratovsky. It is a pity, however, that you do not read letters: there are wonderful places. Here recently, one Lieutenant writes to the buddy and described the ball in the play itself ... Very, very good: "My life, a cute friend, flows, says, in empires: a lot of young people, music plays, the Standard rides ..." - with great , with great feeling described. I was deliberately left him. Want, read? Gingerbread. Well, now not before. So do mercy, Ivan Kuzmich: If the complaint or reports fall, then delay without any reasoning. E-mail. With great pleasure. Ammos Fedorovich. See, will you ever go for it. E-mail. Ah, Patty! Gingerbread. Nothing, nothing. Another thing, if you did from this public something, but this is family-minded matter. Ammos Fedorovich. Yes, the bad thing was brewed! And I confess, it was going to you, Anton Antonovich, in order to pass you a doggy. Native sister to the Kobyl, whom you know. After all, you heard that Cheptovich with Varhovinsky started a litigation, and now I am luxury: having travelers on the lands and in the other. Gingerbread. Batyushki, not cute me now your hares: I have incognito damned sits in my head. So wait for the door and - Shaust ...

Phenomena III

The same, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, both are part of breathing.

Bobchinsky. Emergency! Dobchinsky. Unexpected news! Everything . What is what? Dobchinsky. Unforeseen business: come to the hotel ... Bobchinsky (interrupting). We arrive with Peter Ivanovich in the hotel ... Dobchinsky (interrupting). E, let me, Peter Ivanovich, I will tell. Bobchinsky. Eh, no, let me ... let me, let me ... You don't have such a syllable ... Dobchinsky. And you let and not remember everything. Bobchinsky. I remember, by God, I remember. Do not interfere, let me tell, do not interfere! Tell me, gentlemen, make mercy, so that Peter Ivanovich prevented. Gingerbread. Yes, say, for God's sake, what is? My heart is not in place. Sit down, gentlemen! Take chairs! Peter Ivanovich, here's a chair.

All sitting around both Petrov Ivanovich.

Well, what is what?

Bobchinsky. Allow, let me: I'm all in order. As soon as I had the pleasure of getting out of you after you have learned to be embarrassed by the received letter, yes - s, - so I also ran out ... I, please do not interrupt, Peter Ivanovich! I'm all, everything, I know everything, s. So I, here, please see, ran to the box. And do not make a box of a house, turned around to Rastakovsky, and not make the Rastakovsky, went to Ivan Kuzmich to tell him the news you received, yes, Iduchi from there, met with Peter Ivanovich ... Dobchinsky (interrupting). Near the booth where pies are sold. Bobchinsky. Near the booth where pies are sold. Yes, having met with Peter Ivanovich, and I tell him: "Did you hear about the news-that that Anton Antonovich got from a reliable letter?" And Peter Ivanovich was heard about this from the keystics of your Avdoti, which, I do not know, for something I was sent to Philip Antonovich kneezev. Dobchinsky (interrupting). Behind the barrel for french vodka. Bobchinsky (Waving his hands). Behind the barrel for french vodka. So we went with Peter Ivanovich to the renal ... You, Peter Ivanovich ... Ento ... Do not interrupt, please do not interrupt it! .. I went to the renal, yes on the road Peter Ivanovich says: "Let's go, says , in the tavern. In the stomach, I have ... in the morning I did not eat anything, so the gastric jogging ... "- yes-s, in the stomach, Peter Ivanovich ..." And in the restaurant, he said, they brought fresh salmon now, So we snack. " Just we just in the hotel, how suddenly a young man ... Dobchinsky (interrupting). Non-free outfit, in a particular dress ... Bobchinsky. Non-free outfit, in a particular dress, runs the room on the room, and in the face of a sort of reasoning ... physiognomy ... actions, and here (turns his hand around his forehead) Many, a lot of things. I seemed to predicate and I speak Peter Ivanovich: "There is no something for anything-s." Yes. And Peter, Ivanovich, blinked with his finger and suggested the innocent-s, the Vlasae's innocent: he has his wife three weeks ago, and such a breathing boy will also be the same as the father, contain a tavern. Suscom to Vlas, Peter Ivanovich and ask him slowly: "Who, says this young man?" - And Vlas answers this: "This is," says ... uh, do not interrupt, Peter Ivanovich, please do not interrupt; You will not tell, God will not tell her: you emphasize; You, I know, one tooth in the mouth with a whistle ... "It says, a young man, an official, - yes, - traveling from St. Petersburg, and by last name, says Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov-S, and goes He says, in the Saratov province and, says herself attests himself: he lives the other week, does not go from the restaurant, he takes everything to the bill and does not want to pay a penny. " As he told me, and I was so over and entered. "E!" - I say Peter Ivanovich ... Dobchinsky. No, Peter Ivanovich, I said, "E!" Bobchinsky. At first you said, and then I said. "E! - We said with Peter Ivanovich. - And how can I sit here when the road lies to the Saratov province? " Yes-s. But he is this official. Gingerbread. Who, what official? Bobchinsky. An official, which was known to receive notation - the auditor. Gingerbread (in fear). What are you, Lord with you! It's not him. Dobchinsky. It! And no money pays and does not go. Who would be to be, how not to him? And the rise in price is registered in Saratov. Bobchinsky. He, he, by God he ... Such a supervisory: everything was examined. I saw that by Peter Ivanovich ate seed, - more because Peter Ivanovich about his stomach ... Yes, he looked at the plates to us. I carried me in fear. Gingerbread. Lord, nice us, sinful! Where does he live there? Dobchinsky. In the fifth room, under the stairs. Bobchinsky. In this very number, where the passage officers came up for the last year. Gingerbread. And for a long time he is here? Dobchinsky. And the weeks are two. Arrived at Vasilla Egyptianin. Gingerbread. Two weeks! (To the side.) Batyushki, swatushki! Take out holy worships! In these two weeks, a non-commissioned officer wife was carved! Arrestants did not give the provisions! On the streets of Kabak, unclean! A shame! Pouch! (Grabs a head.) Artemy Filippovich. Well, Anton Antonovich? - Riding the parade to the hotel. Ammos Fedorovich. No no! Forward to put your head, clergy, merchants; So in the book "Acts of John Masona" ... Gingerbread. No no; Allow me very much. There were difficult cases in life, went, even thank you even received. God will lead and now. (Referring to Bobchinsky.) Do you say he is a young man? Bobchinsky. Young, twenty-three years or four years old. Gingerbread. The better: young more likely. Trouble, if the old feature, and the young all at the top. You, gentlemen, preparation on our own part, and I will go myself or, at least with Peter Ivanovich, privately, for a walk, visit, will not tolerate passing troubles. Hey, whistle! Svistunov. Anything? Gingerbread. Go now for a private bait; Or not, I need you. Tell me someone in order to help me with a private bailiff as you can, and come here.

Quarterly runs to your way.

Artemy Filippovich. We go, go, Ammos Fedorovich! In fact, trouble can happen. Ammos Fedorovich. Yes, what do you fear? The caps were clean on the sick, and the ends into the water. Artemy Filippovich. What a cap! The patient was ordered by Gabersup, and I have such a cabbage for all corridors that we only take care of the nose. Ammos Fedorovich. And I focused on this check. In fact, who will go to the county court? And if it looks into some paper, it will not be happy about life. I'm already sitting on a judicial chair for fifteen years, and how to look at the memorandum note - a! Only hand Mahnu. Solomon himself will not allow that in her the truth and that it is not true.

The judge, the trustee of the godly institutions, the caretaker of schools and the mailmaster go and face returning quarterly in the doors.

Phenomenon IV.

Gingerbread, Bobchinsky, Dobchinsky and Quarter.

Gingerbread. What, trees are standing there? Quarterly. Stand. Gingerbread. Go to the street ... or not, wait! Go to bring ... and others where? Are you only alone? After all, I ordered that both Prokhorov were here. Where is Prokhorov? Quarterly. Prokhorov in a private house, but only a matter cannot be used. Gingerbread. How so? Quarterly. Yes, so: they brought him in the morning of the Dead. Here are already two ears of water poured, still not stem. Granified (grabbed the head). Oh, my God, my God! They go back to the street, or not - run before in the room, hear! And bring to the sword and a new hat from there. Well, Peter Ivanovich, we will go! Bobchinsky. And I, and I ... Allow me, Anton Antonovich! Gingerbread. No, no, Peter Ivanovich, it is impossible! Awkwardly, and do not fit on trembling. Bobchinsky. Nothing, nothing, I'm so: a root, the root of the drowsy behind the trees. I would only a little in a slit-that, at the door of the stage, see how he has these actions ... Granified (Taking the sword, to a quarter). Running now take the dozen, let each of them take ... ek sword as scratched! The Damned Dick of Abdulin - sees that the old sword is governing, has not sent new. Oh, the crazy people! And so, fraudsters, I think there are requests from under the floors and prepare. Let everyone take into his hands on the street ... damn it, on the street - on the broom! And it would take out the whole street that it goes to the restaurant, and would take it clean ... you hear! Yes, look: you! you! I know you: You're going there, eat silver spoons in the boots, "see, I have an eye elder! .. What did you do with the merchant Chernyaev? He gave you two Arshina Sukna on the uniform, and you pulled the whole thing. Look! Do not take the ranks! Stay!

Phenomenon V.

The same and private attracting.

Gingerbread. A, Stepan Ilyich! Tell me, for the sake of God: where are you fighting? What does it look like? Private bait. I was here now at the gate. Gingerbread. Well, listen, Stepan Ilyich! The official came from St. Petersburg. How do you ordered there? Private bait. Yes, as you ordered. I sent the quarterly button to the sidewalk with the dozen. Gingerbread. And drierord where? Private bait. Dervorda drove on the fire pipe. Gingerbread. And Prokhorov drunk? Private bait. Drunk Gingerbread. How did you make it so? Private bait. Yes, God knows him. Yesterday, there was a fight in the city, "went there for order, and returned drunk. Gingerbread. Listen to Well, you do this: quarterly buttitsyn ... He is high, so let it be for improvement on the bridge. Yes Post the old-fashioned fence that near the shoemaker, and put a straw milestone, so that it looks like a planning. It is the greater breaking, the more means the activities of the Grador. Oh my god! I forgot that near that fence was filled with forty cart all sutu. What is this bad city! Only somewhere put some monument or just a fence - the devil knows the scoop and will apply any rubbish! (Sighs.) Yes, if the arrivals official will ask the service: Are you satisfied? - To say: "Everyone is pleased, your well-being"; And which will be dissatisfied, then after the ladies of such displeasure ... oh, oh, ho, ho, x! Sin, largely sin. (Takes instead of a hat case.) Give only God, in order to leave hands as soon as possible, and there I will put such a candle that no one has put it: I will put it for each feast of the merchant to deliver three empty wax. Oh my God, my God! We are going, Peter Ivanovich! (Instead of a hat wants to wear a paper case.) Private bait. Anton Antonovich, this is a box, not a hat. Gingerbread (casting a box). Box so box. Damn with her! Yes, if you ask, why the church is not built at a burning institution, on which the amount was allocated to that five years, then not forget to say that it began to build, but burned. I imagined about this and report. And then, perhaps, someone, forgotten, Sdura will say that she did not start. Yes, to tell Hermorord, so that he didn't give her will to his fists; He, for order, all puts lanterns under the eyes - and the right and guilty. We are going, we are going, Peter Ivanovich! (Leaves and returns.) Yes, not to produce soldiers into the street without everything: this trashing headband will only wear over the shirt of the uniform, and there is nothing at the bottom.

All go.

Phenomenon VI

Anna Andreevna and Marya Antonovna run on the scene.

Anna Andreevna. Where else, where are they? Oh, my God! .. (Holding the door.) Husband! Antosha! Anton! (Says soon.) And all of you, and all for you. And I went to dig: "I am a pin, I'm a kink." (Runs up to the window and shouts.) Anton, where, where? What came? auditor? with a mustache! What mustes? Voice of cityhold. After, after, Mother!
Anna Andreevna. After? Here is the news - after! I do not want after ... I'm just one word: what is he, Colonel? BUT? (With disregard.) Run! I remember you! And all this: "Mama, Mama, wait a chance, scribbling at the back; I'm now. " So now! So you did not know anything! And all the damned coquetry; I heard the postmaster here, and let's be a mirror to be chewned; And on the other side, and on this side will suit. Imagine that he is dragging behind her, and he just makes you a grimace when you turn away. Marya Antonovna. Why do you do, mammy? Anyway, after two hours we will find everything. Anna Andreevna. Over two hours! Fuely thank you. Here lent the answer! As you did not guessed to say that a month is even better to know! (Hanging out the window.) Hey, Avdota! BUT? What, Avdoty, did you hear, someone came there? .. I did not hear? Mustache! Waving hands? Let it be waving, and you all the same asked him. Could not know this! In the head of nonsense, all the grooms are sitting. BUT? Soon left! Yes, you would run over shivers. Go, go now! You hear, the shoots of asking, where we went; Yes, asking good things: what kind of visits, what is he, - you hear? Consider into the click and find out everything, and what eyes are: black or not, and go back back, do you hear? Rather, rather, rather, rather! (Shouts until the curtain is lowered. So the curtain and closes their both standing by the window.)