Problematics and artistic features of the stories I. Idean-artistic peculiarity of prose and

Problematics and artistic features of the stories I. Idean-artistic peculiarity of prose and
Problematics and artistic features of the stories I. Idean-artistic peculiarity of prose and

Each writer and poet has its own style of writing works. Ivan Bunin was a master of small prose. What kind stylistic techniques Does the author use in his works?

Ivan Bunin wrote his stories and poems on a certain circle of topics. He never described social problems, and wrote only to philosophical. The writer loved to consider the secrets of life and death, raised the problem of love, the problem of the interaction of man and nature.

Consider, for example, the story "Mr. from SF". In it, two heroes are opposed to each other. One is interrelated and nature and happy, and the second opposes it and therefore unhappy. Mr. SF sees the city of dark, all the girls are short-legged and not attractive, but Lorenzo, who does not care how he will live tomorrow, sees a clear city overlooked by the sun with attractive girls.

Let's turn to accuracy, the reliability of the details capable of transmitting odors, tastes, colors. This is the second, but important Bunin feature. Recall the story " Antonovskaya apples", Which is almost completely built on descriptions and memories. Thanks to the details, we can imagine all the colors of that era, we can imagine the taste of exactly those apples that eat peasants.

In many stories, Bunin does not call the names of the main characters. This is also an integral part of Buninskaya prose. Remember the stories Clean Monday Mr. SF. In these stories, the main characters have no names, but they are all important for the writer. He does not give the name to Mr. Because it does not matter, thereby emphasizing that this means nothing: neither name nor financial situation The hero does not give him respect and honor.

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Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - the brightest figure in the literary environment, outstanding writer Realistic direction, a talented poet, a real artist of the Russian word.

The man is creative and subtly feeling, Ivan Alekseevich knew how to anticipate large-scale events that enhate serious changes in society. He had to witness at that moment of atrocities, prosperous cruelty and ignorance. With horror, waiting for the collapse of the Great country, he finally decided on his attitude to the revolution, which caused the bloody brahubic War. The current situation was the reason that the bunin soon was forced to leave native country. All these events had a significant impact on creative activity Russian writer, denoting her features for many years ahead.

Among the most famous works, dedicated to the topic The revolution of 1917, the Roman "Life of Arsenyev" should be attributed. The story looks incredibly truthful, realistic. Bunin is one of the few authors who remained faithful to his own beliefs, refusing to accept new orderdisgraced by the revolution.

In the late 80s of the XIX century, Bunin begins active literary activities. The first steps in the creative path of the writer were marked by such stories as "on someone else's side", "Cans", "on the farm", etc. The central theme of these works was the problem of the poverty of Russian peasants. The severity of the separation and drama of the internal experiences The author brightly demonstrates in the story "on the edge of the world", which is based on the plot of which is the resettlement of the peasants of Ukraine in the Ussuri region.

In the 90s, the authorship style of the Bunin is subject to some changes. The main features of the works of that time becomes democratism, the knowledge of life is traced ordinary people, people. During this period, the writer meets other authors representing the older generation.

In addition to the realistic direction, the Bunin in his work begins to resort to newly unusual receptions for him earlier. For example, some features of impressionism are traced in the author's works. Fabul is blurred, the music rhythm is clearly identified in the stories.

In particular, the story "Antonovsky apples" is filled, it would seem not related to each other episodes reflecting the gradual fuss of the nobleman and painted with light romantic sadness and longing. In addition, there are amazing beauty of landscapes filled with tenderness and love of their homeland.

But still central theme Works of Ivan Bunin remain social problems. In the story, "Meliton" we are talking about the difficult fate of the former Meliton soldier, who had to go through the harsh soldier's test (he was driven through the system), and then lose his family. Or, for example, such stories like " New road"," Ruda "," Epitaph "in which the author drew the accusatory paintings of social disadvantaged - terrible pictures of hunger.

Of course, in the creative collection of a writer there are many talented works dedicated to eternal problems Life and death. These works of Ivan Bunin include the stories "Fog", "Silence". They also shown the unfair beauty of Russian nature.

In this way, creative way famous writer And the poet was a variety of, multifaceted, philosophical and socially significant. He made a great contribution to the development fiction Silver century, leaving B. general Collection Great works of domestic "production" whole storehouse everyday wisdom, beauty and endless talent.

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The first prosaic works of Bunin appear in the early 1990s. Many of them in the genre - lyrical miniatures that resemble poems in prose. Poetry, as it were, leads to the prose of a writer, who acquires a peculiar lyrical character, contains a special sense of rhythm.

In 1897, the first book of stories comes out, which includes the stories "to lead from the homeland", "on the edge of the world", "Tanka" and others. The main topic of these works is beggar, ruined peasant Russia. He writes about new capitalist relations, about the village, in which hunger and death reigns, about the physical and spiritual fading of the nobility. Excessive and sad fate of impoverished under the pressure of cruel civilization local nobility. Bunin sees the ideal of life in the patriarchal past with his starrow well-being. The feeling of hopeless sadness and regret causes the author to launch and degenerate the noble nests, the moral and spiritual cloister of their owners. The lyrical epitaph of the past sounds the story of "Antonovsky apples".

The rejection of decades, focused on the renewal of art generated by the capitalist city, make the bud of the rioon on the verge of a new century quite lonely. Attempts to respond to the malice of the day are miner. He is aesthetizes loneliness, the closure of experiences. In all the early self-determination of the Bunin, a steady circle of interest, his views as a certain system developed only in mid-1910 in early creativity We detect democratic trends that continue until the end of the 90s. (The story "Dream" indicates the proximity of the Bunin to the democratic wing of the literature and transmits the feeling of close changes).

The Bunin has manifested conservatism of thinking and remoteness from what is called "time requests".

Observation, chain memory, roving caused not only artistic purity and perfection, but also the well-known limitations of his work of 1890 - the beginning of the 1900s, focused on moral and spiritual, purely aesthetic tasks.

It was during this period that many features of the writer's peculiar dating were revealed, and, according to him, from now on, it begins with "more or less mature life, complex internally and externally."

After going to the collection of the stories "On the edge of the world", a young writer, according to his own words, "suddenly disappeared from St. Petersburg, and not only disappeared, but was silent for several years." The last statement, however, is not exactly accurate. Bunin writes a lot in verses and prose, putting his works in metropolitan and provincial publications.

So, in 1898-1900. In magazines for children "Shoot" and " Baby reading"His stories" in the village "appear," cuckoo "essay" Cossack move. But the author himself treated them critically.

The way to find yourself in prose was difficult and long. The easiest "Impressions of Genesis" of the young Bunin was expressed in lyrics.

The reading public Bunin was perceived for a long time as a poet. And independent among early prosaic experiences - the story "First Love" with a characteristic subtitle "From childhood memories", that these are experiments in the field of other people's styles, a kind of creativity "on a stylistic pattern.

More independent essays "Dementievna" and "convulsive" anticipated the characteristic Buninskaya beginning in the genre of a non-smooth episode, where all the narrative is cemented by the mood of unsurpassed artistic perfection and skill.

In the late 90s. Bunin translates a lot, according to him, "someone else's easier to transmit" .8 comes out of the press of Buninskaya Translation of "Song about Guyavate" Henry Longfello, marked by Pushkin Prize.

In 1899, the Bunin was acquaintance with the writer N.D. Telveov, who introduces it in shortly before this arrangement of realist writers "Wednesday". Bunin becomes a zealous member of this association, and the realistic method will strengthen it in his work. It is no coincidence that researchers believe that during this period "began" a bunin-artist. Not feverish beating of the pulse of the capitalist city - "iron painful thunder" - so tangible in verses V. Brysov, K. Balmont, I. Annensky, Mature A. Blok or in prose and Kurpra, P.Sheleva, and a dumb "sorrow of the fields" Bunin fucked. The excitation of the Bunin-Prosaik from the mid-90s. By the beginning of the 900s IT. It is manifested primarily in expanding the scale of the horizon, in the transition from observations over the individual fate of peasants or small noble nobles to summarizing reflections (an example: the sketches of the oblique life, which broke the "cast-up", develop into meditation about the whole country and its "sad forest people" ( "New Road")). The formation of the Bunin had to for the period when classical Epoch Russian realism ended in a replacement of uniformative realism appeared unprecedented projects of schools and directions that deny each other, the writer was convinced that in his time "an incredible impoverishment and death of Russian literature" occurred "(Bunin I.A. Collected Works in 9 volumes, T.9, p. 529). He felt a sense of loneliness in the literature. The cause of the crisis and separation of the writer's forces Bunin saw in the "general declaration, instability of public opinion." (9, 530)

In the first independent prosaic works Bunin manifested himself characteristic of him subsequently the beginning, where the story is cemented by the mood of the author of the narrator.

It takes a fairly significant place in his work, despite the fact that Ivan Alekseevich acquired the fame of Ivan as a prose. However, Ivan Bunin himself argued that he was primarily a poet. The path in the literature of this author began with poems.

It is worth noting that Lyric Bunin passes through all his work and is characteristic not only for the early phase of the development of his artistic thought. Peculiar poems of riunin, unique in their own way art styleIt is difficult to confuse with the creations of other authors. In that individual style Found a reflection of the poet's worldview.

The first poems of Bunin.

When Ivan Alekseevich was 17 years old, his first poem in the magazine "Rodina" was published. It is called "Rustic Beggar". In this work, the poet tells about the sad state in which the Russian village was located at that time.

From the very beginning literary activity Ivan Alekseevich Lyrics Bunin is characterized by its special style, manner and themes. Many of his poems early years reflect Ivan Alekseevich, his thin inner worldrich in shades of feelings. Silent smart Lyrics of the Bunin of this period resembles a conversation with a close friend. However, she struck contemporaries with artistry and high technology. Many critics were admired by the poetic gift of Bunin, the author's skill in the field of language. It should be said that Ivan Alekseevich learned a lot of accurate comparisons and epithets from works folk creativity. Powstsky highly appreciated the riot. He said that every line his clear, as if string.

In early work it is found not only landscape lyrics Bunin. Its poems are also devoted to civilian topics. He created works about the severe proportion of the people, all his soul thirst for change for the better. For example, in a poem entitled "Initiation" an old house He says Ivan Alekseevich that he is waiting for "destroying", "bold votes" and "mighty hands" so that life flies again "from the dust on the grave."


First poetic collection This author is called "leaf fall". He appeared in 1901. This collection includes the poem of the same name. Bunin says goodbye to childhood, with the world of dreams inherent in him. In poems, the collection of the motherland appears in wonderful pictures Nature. She causes a sea of \u200b\u200bemotions and feelings.

In the landscape lyrics, the Bunin is most often the image of the autumn. It was from him that his creativity began as a poet. This image will be covered by its golden radiance of Ivan Alekseevich to the end of life. Autumn in the poem "Listopad" comes to life ": Pine and oak smells the forest, which is drying over the summer from the sun, and autumn comes into their" Terem "" quietly widow. "

The block noted that it is to know and love the native nature like a bunin, few people can. He also added that Ivan Alekseevich claims to take one of the central places in Russian poetry. Distinctive feature both lyrics and prose Ivan Bunin has become rich art perception native nature, peace, as well as a person in it. Gorky compared this poet to skill in creating a landscape with Levitan himself. Yes, and many other writers and critics came to the liking of the Lyrics of Bunin, her philosophicity, laconicism and sophistication.

Adherence to poetic tradition

Ivan Alekseevich lived and worked at the turn of 19-20 centuries. At this time, various modernist flows were actively developed in poetry. The word perment was in fashion, many authors were engaged in them. To express their feelings and thoughts, they were looking for very unusual forms than sometimes shocked readers. However, Ivan Bunin adhered to the classical traditions of Russian poetry, which in their work developed Tyutchev, Fet, Polonsky, Baratynsky and others. Ivan Alekseevich created realistic lyrical poems and did not seem to the modernist experiments with the word. The poet was enough events of reality and riches of the Russian language. The main motifs of the Bunin lyrics remain in general traditional.


Bunin classic. This author did absolutely in his work all the vast wealth of Russian poetry of the 19th century. Bunin often emphasizes this continuity in the form and content. So, in the poem "Ghosts" Ivan Alekseevich defiantly declares the reader: "No, the dead did not die for us!" For the poet of township to ghosts means devotion to the departed. However, the same work suggests that Bunin reacts to newest phenomena In domestic poetry. In addition, it is interested in poetic interpretations of myth, all subconscious, irrational, sad-musical. It is from here - the images of the harp, ghosts, dormant sounds, as well as special observance, a belonging balmont.

Transformation of landscape lyrics in philosophical

Bunin in his verses tried to find the meaning of the life of a person, the harmony of the world. He argued the wisdom and eternity of nature, which he considered the inexhaustible source of beauty. These are the main motifs of the Bunin lyrics, passing through all his work. Ivan Alekseevich's life is always shown in the context of nature. The poet was confident that everything is wise wise. He argued that it was impossible to talk about nature, separate from us. After all, any, even the most insignificant air movement is the movement of our life.

Gradually landscape Lyrics of the Bunin, whose features we noted, turns into a philosophical. For the author in the poem now the main thing is thought. The many creations of Ivan Alekseevich are dedicated to the topic of life and death. A very diverse in the subject of the Bunin. Its poems, however, it is often difficult to put in a framework of some one topic. This is worth saying separately.

Thematic faces of poems

Speaking about the lyrics of Ivan Alekseevich, it is difficult to clearly determine the themes of its poetry, as it is a combination of various thematic faces. You can select the following faces:

  • poems about life,
  • about her joy
  • about childhood and youth,
  • about longing
  • about loneliness.

That is, Ivan Alekseevich wrote in general about a person, that he touches him.

"Evening" and "revealed the sky"

One of these faces are poems of the world of man and the world of nature. So, the "evening" is a work written in the form of a classic sonnet. And Pushkin, and Shakespeare can find philosophical sonnets and sonnets about love. At Bunin, in this genre, the world of nature and the world of man. Ivan Alekseevich wrote that we always only remember happiness, but it is everywhere. Perhaps this is the "garden autumn garden" and pure air pouring into the window.

People are not always able to look at the usual things an unusual look. We often just do not notice them, and happiness eludes us. However, neither a bird nor a cloud will either elude a bird's poet. It is these simple things that bring happiness. The formula is expressed in last string This work: "I see, I hear, happy. Everything is in me."

In this poem, the image of the sky prevails. This includes, in particular, the approval of the eternity of nature in the Bunin lyrics. He is a leitmotif in everything poetic creativity Ivan Alekseevich. The sky personifies life because it is forever and unusually. The image of it is described, for example, in the verse "revealed the sky." Here is the center of reflection about life. However, the image of the sky is closely connected with other images - light, day, birch. All of them as if illuminating the work, and birch gives satin light.

Reflection of modernity in the lyrics of the rioon

It is noteworthy that when the revolution has already begun in Russia, its processes were not reflected in the poetic work of Ivan Alekseevich. He remained Verne philosophical subject. The poet is more important to know not what is happening, but why this happens with a man.

Ivan Alekseevich modern problems corrected S. eternal concepts - Life and death, good and evil. Trying to find the truth, he addressed his work to history of various nations and countries. So poems appeared about the ancient deities, Buddha, Magomete.

The poet was important to understand how general laws A separate personality and society as a whole develops. He recognized that our life on earth is only a segment of the eternal existence of the universe. From here, the motives of fate and loneliness appear. Ivan Alekseevich premeditated the coming catastrophe of revolution. He believed that this is the greatest misfortune.

Ivan Bunin sought to look at the face of reality. He was interested in the mystery of death, the breath of which can be felt in many verses of this author. The destruction of the nobility as a class, the impoverishment of landlords aroused his sense of doom. However, despite his pessimism, Ivan Alekseevich saw a way out, which lies in the merger of a person with nature, in her eternal beauty and peace.

Very multifaceted Lyrics Bunin. Briefly as part of one article, it is possible to note only its basic features, bring only a few examples. Let's say a few words about love lyrics of this author. It is also very interesting.

Love Lyrics

In the works of Bunin, the topic of love is one of the most common. Ivan Alekseevich and in verses, and in prose I often chased this feeling. The poetry of love of this author anticipates famous cycle Stories Bunina.

The poems dedicated to this topic reflect various shades Love feeling. For example, the work "sorrow of eyelashes of shiny and black ..." is filled with sadness of farewell with her beloved.

"The sadness of eyelashes of shiny and black ..."

This poem consists of two stanz. In the first of them, the author recalls her beloved, the image of which still lives in his soul, in his eyes. However, the lyrical hero with bitterness is aware that the youth passed, and the former beloved is no longer returning. His tenderness in the description of the girl emphasizes various means of expressiveness, such as metaphors ("sorrows of eyelashes", "Fire Eyes", "Diamonds of Tears") and epithets ("Eyes of Heavenly", "Tears Disposher", "Shining eyelashes").

In the second stanza poem, the lyrical hero is thinking about why the beloved still comes to him in a dream, and also recalls delighted with a meeting with this girl. These reflections are expressed in the work of rhetorical issues, which are not known, should not be answered.

"What ahead?"

Another poem on love theme - "What ahead?" It is filled with an atmosphere of calm and happiness. To the question "What ahead?" The author replies: "Happy Long Way." Lyrical hero He understands that he is awaiting happiness with his beloved. However, he is thinking about the past, he does not want to let him go.

Lyrics Bunin: Features

In conclusion, we list the main features that are peculiar to the lyrical poetry of Bunin. This is the brightness of the details, desire for descriptive details, laconicism, classical simplicity, poetization eternal values, in particular, native nature. In addition, the creativeness of this author is characterized by constant appeal to the symbolism, wealth of the subtext, close relationship with Russian prose and poetry, and philosophic. He is often connected with his own stories.

Researchers of Bunin's creativity believe that the most important stage of the prose of the Bunin of the Duoktyabrs' period of large-scale content and the most important problems is the "village". One of the features of this story is a philosophical character. However, the philosophical and romantic searches of high spirituality in prose began in 1890-1900.

End XIX and early XX century. In Russia - the period of revolutionary lifting, the growth of democratic aspirations in realistic literature And at the same time ideological roasted part of the intelligentsia. The pre-revolutionary nature of the era imposed a print on all art. When the crisis of the bourgeoisity of ideology was marked, the "old" literature was splitting on a number of warring areas, clearly affected the impact on many significant phenomena of the decadence ideas and at the same time, when the search for an exit from the circle of dying ideology was conducted, artistic experiments and discoveries were performed. In the bloom of the talent was the Pleiad of artists who were proud of Russian literature and art - A.M. Gorky, A. Block, Young V.Mikovsky, A.Akhmatova; Paints I. Rupin, V.Serov, N. Renich, M. Sestersers; composers s.rahmaninov, A.Lazunov, A.Cryabin; opera singers F. Shajapin and L. Sobinov and so on - and at the same time the art itself has experienced shocks, almost the largest existence of realism is hardly.

Bunin himself estimated the current situation critically, without understanding the agitating of the public around the work of the decadent direction.

"First of this century It began to be unparalleled in the Russian life of the Wakkhanalia of homerical success in the field of literary, theatrical, opera ... The big wind was approaching from the desert ... And yet - why so chopped out of delight not only the whole new crowd, which appeared on Russian street, but also The so-called advanced intelligentsia - in front of Gorky, Andreev and even a Skaist, went crazy from every premiere Art Theater., from every new book "Knowledge", from Balmont, Brysov, Andrei White, who cried about the "mental transformation of the world", all twitched on the pop, sat down, went up, looked out of senseless, blissfully, with a very dangerous crazy, brightly and wildly sparkling enthusiastic eyes? "The sun goes back and comes - why was this cautious song sang almost all of Russia, just like the spent rampant" because of the island on Strazhen "? Skitalets, some kind of singing with a thick neck, pretended by the Huslar, Histie, growled on literary evenings In the public: "You are toads in rotten swamp!" And the public in his arms demolished him from pop; Skitaletz all posed before the photographers, then with the guzzles, then in an embrace with bitter or salyapin! Andreev is all stronger and grim painfully squeezed his teeth, pale from his dizzying success; Slophal rustling of thin cloth, boots with lacquered with legs, silk shirt. Gorky, stitching, walked in a black cloth blouse, in the same pants and some short soft boots. "

I. A. Bunin tried to preserve against the background of the world around the world the opportunity to be people reflected absolutely in all his works. And I saw the Bunin beginning of this not only in the works of written in the periods of revolutionary years in Russia and in emigration, but also in children's creativity. He actively writes poems for children, trying to convey them to a wide mass by publishing, once, over again, moving the way to the authorities who estimated his work as an indecent one. Even the Bunin lyrics in children's work treated with disregard and alertness. Not giving widespread its verses.

However, this did not stop the poet, and his poems came to people bypassing the mechanism of censorship and criticism from the authorities. Bunin poems read children and adults. People B. revolutionary years Not enough that kindness that was in his verses. Hungry days, permanent links and emigration, death and destruction. This is what they saw both adults and children. Against the background of all this, the descriptive Lyrics of Bunin looked very brightly. Adults tried to burn children from all the horrors of war and poems Bunin on that period of time were one of the ways to achieve this goal. It was after the revolutionary times, after the end of bloody skirmishes and hunger, the creation of the government, the creativity of the Bunin was introduced into school Program And first characterized as "rehabilitating".

One of the controversial is the question of the so-called "crisis critical realism"In the literature and art of that time. This problem is exactly formulated by L.I. Timofeyev:" ... Critical realism XIX. in. and critical realism of the XX century. - These are not definite concepts in relation to public progress. Realism of Bunin, for example, or Kuprin, in relation to the course of the history of its time, is over the other level than the realism of the XIX century. ... "3. We are talking Not about the exhaustion of the possibilities of realism in the artistic reflection and the image of life, but from the specific historical content of its contradictory evolution in the literature of the beginning of the 20th century, about the historical position of critical realism in its attitude to the public and historical and literary progress of the era. These contradictions affected the creativity of I.A. Bunin.

The characteristic of the Bunin-artist is impossible beyond the establishment of its literary genealogy, places in a row as the predecessors of the Great writers XIX. in. So contemporaries - prosaikov and poets of our century, and, in addition, those who have experienced the effects of riunin. In the alloy of the epoch, saturated with revolutionary shocks, life experience Writers, social and aesthetic traditions, the peculiarities of the talent are identified by the main trends of Buninsky creativity, changing from the 1890s. By the beginning of the 1900s and further - in 1910.

In place with Gorky, Cuppe, Shmelev, A. Tolsty Bunin was on the general direction of the pre-revolutionary literature and opposed his works by the wave of decadency. All of them unites with differences social view Deep national start, characteristic of realism. However, Bunin remained the largest and completely special figure in the literature.

The creative method of Bunin is basically deeply realistic, and its poetics and style firmly relied on the traditions of Russian classics.

At the beginning of the 900s. Bunin for Gorky was the successor of Tyutchev's traditions, Feta, Majkova, heir best traditions "Manor culture (during this period, Gorky appreciates at the Bunin above all its poetry and in particular poetry for children).

Naturally and organically joined the poetics and style of the Bunin deep psychologist, weakened traditional plot, increased expressiveness of the detail and image - all these and other features of art turn XIX-XX explosive However, Bunin was not a "traditional" writer. The feeling of the catastrophicity of being, the vulnerable and ridiculous ordination of the Buninsky stories of the 1900s. You can contrast vitality, craving for strong agents, mentality, dreaminess, ardent imagination that fill the stories of Kuprin. Bunin met chip in the late 90s of the XIX century. In their lives and fate there was a lot in common, they were peers, divided in 1909 an academic Pushkin Prize. Artistic world Kurrification, which has a realistic foundation, differs from Buninsky confidence in life, the passion of art temperament, light, optimistic tones. Bunin and Kubrin seek two poles of perception of surrounding reality. If the question of the continuity of the Buninskaya prose is considered, the name of A.P. often pops up. Chekhov. The criticism of the boring of the century put the prose of these authors in one row, and Izmailov writes: "You can't talk about Bunin, not a disturbance of the beautiful Shadow Chekhov, Bunin is more than" his schools ". It is flesh from flesh, blood from the blood of Chekhovsky Czech mood, Chekhov sympathy ". The base was served, first of all, then: that Bunin, like Czechs, is primarily a narrator (similarity of types artistic thinking). It is descriptive story line So often impregnates the creativity of the Bunin and it is she plays a leading role in the children's lyrics of this author. He tried to force people to think and fantasize, especially in part of children's poems. I. A. Bunin It was important that children see not only the drama of life, but also had non-standard and vivid thinking. Bunin, like all writers, was to a certain extent maximalist, and as a result tried to change life from the inside. He saw a change in life from ornamental years and therefore tried to invest as much purity, beauty and kindness in children's poems.