Proverbs and sayings about speech. Proverbs about speaking and writing

Proverbs and sayings about speech. Proverbs about speaking and writing

The native language is the best, the most melodic, the sweetest and the most “delicious” for every person. The mother tongue is not just a means of communication. This is the spirit of the parental home, a national sign and a symbol of every nation.

  • Body language is an anchor.
  • Language gives a message to a language.
  • The language is one, both on weekdays and on holidays.
  • Sing well together, but speak apart.
  • God gave two ears and one tongue.
  • A long rope is good, but a short speech.
  • A good speech is short.
  • Good speech is a pleasure to listen to.
  • Without a tongue and a bell is mute.
  • A strong word turns the deed.
  • The language is soft: whatever it wants, it babbles.
  • The language leads the squad.
  • The tongue runs in front of the legs.
  • The tongue is small, but rocks with mountains.
  • Good speech is sweeter than honey.
  • Your language is the first adversary.
  • He said redly - the huts went, but keep silent - it will come in handy.
  • The shackle is strong, and the word is even stronger.
  • Clever speeches are pleasant to listen to.

Proverbs and sayings about the power of good and evil words

Remember how pleasant it was for you when your mother praised you for your good mark in the diary, and how upset you were when she quarreled for self-indulgence. And all because the word has great power: they can calm or please, or you can offend or upset. About the power of good and evil words - the following selection of proverbs and sayings.

  • A kind word and the cat is pleased.
  • A kind word inspires.
  • A truthful word is like medicine: bitter, but it heals.
  • A wound inflicted by a word is heavier than an arrow wound.
  • He said a word - he sent an arrow, wrote a letter - he fell into a trap.
  • You can pierce with a word what you cannot pierce with a needle.
  • Affectionate word and bone aches.
  • An affectionate word is better than a soft cake.
  • The word is not a nut, but people are dying from it.
  • The word is not an arrow, but it stings in the heart.
  • A good word will build a house, but an evil one will destroy.
  • It's a good word to say - give a road in your hands.
  • When you let go of the word, you can't drag it in with a hook.
  • From the word salvation, from the word and destruction.
  • The soft word aches my bones.
  • With a living word to win.
  • A truthful word is power.
  • The bird is fed, the person is deceived by the word.
  • A word spoken without consideration is like a shot without a sight.
  • The razor scrapes and the word cuts.
  • The word is not a knife, but leads to a knife.
  • You can kill in one word, resurrect with another.
  • The word of the mountain turns.
  • Unsolicited word - fat without salt.
  • An extra word introduces annoyance.
  • You can't drink a thin word with honey.
  • Once you miss a word, you can't turn it back.
  • The word burns worse than fire.
  • The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out - expect trouble.
  • The word is not a sparrow, you cannot catch it by the tail.
  • The word broke - you can't grab it by the ring.
  • You will not kill with a word, but you will be puzzled.
  • A bullet will hit one, and a well-aimed word will hit a thousand.

Proverbs and sayings about talkativeness

From the previous collection of proverbs and sayings about the power of words - good and evil, you obviously understood what value they carry in themselves. The word must be cherished, cherished and not thrown to the wind. And what people thought about those who talk a lot, the following selection of proverbs and sayings about talkativeness will tell you.

  • Do not rush with your tongue, hurry with deeds.
  • The word is silver, silence is gold.
  • Think first, speak later.
  • Whoever hurts, he talks about it.
  • My tongue is my enemy: before the mind it prowls, it seeks troubles.
  • The mill grinds - there will be flour, the tongue grinds - there will be trouble.
  • Braid to the waist, tongue to the knees.
  • If you chatter, you can't turn it back.
  • The chatterbox is spoken, but unclean.
  • The short mind has a long tongue.
  • The smaller the heart, the longer the tongue.
  • It is superfluous to say - only to harm yourself.
  • Eat more and speak less.
  • Himself from an inch, but words from a pot.
  • Keep your mouth shut with the talkers.
  • The clever is silent when the chatterbox grumbles.
  • The clever one listens more than speaks.
  • What he knows, he will say everything, and what he does not know, he will also say.
  • Let it out from a sparrow, and it will grow up to a cow.
  • To grind with your tongue is not to chop wood: your back will not hurt.
  • Know how to say, be able to be silent.
  • The chatter is red and variegated, but empty.
  • A chicken is not a bird, a quitter is not a man, a chatterbox is not a worker.
  • As a magpie with a tail, and a chatterbox with a tongue.
  • Better not to finish than to retell.
  • Lips and teeth - two constipation, but no hold.
  • A kind silence is better than a thin grunt.
  • More action, less words.
  • Not everything is good with what is said.
  • He sharpens the lyas, but fools people.
  • He spoke from three boxes.
  • The words are thick, but the head is empty.
  • In words, he is quick, but in reality he is not an argument.
  • A big talker is a bad worker.
  • A sharp tongue is a gift, a long tongue is a punishment.
  • A donkey is recognized by its ears, a bear by its claws, and a chatterbox by its speech.

Read also:

  • Proverbs with adverbs, numbers and antonyms
  • Proverbs about family, people and people

10 proverbs about language and speech


Body language is an anchor. Language talks to God. The tongue is small, but it owns the whole body. The tongue feeds the head, and brings it to beatings. What he knows, he will say everything, what he does not know, and he will say that. Language will bring to Kiev. Red is speech by listening, and conversation by humility. Sing well together, but speak apart. In verbosity, not without idle talk. Much has been said, but little has been said. Do not rush with your tongue, hurry with deeds. Do not rush with your language, and do not be lazy with your deeds. Nobody pulls the tongue. Keep your mouth shut. The less it creeps in - the life is quieter. Pours from empty to empty. What can I say about something that cannot be turned back? Soon the tale will tell itself, but it will not be done soon. You can't keep up with your tongue barefoot. Melet day until evening, and there is nothing to listen to. Whose cow mooed, and yours would be silent. Speak at a good hour, keep silent at a bad hour. Not everything is done that is said. The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won't catch it. Silence is gold. He won't go into his pocket for a word. He spoke from three boxes. My tongue is my enemy. For the sake of a word, he will not spare either mother or father. Be able to say in time, be silent in time. In secret - to the whole world. Bite your tongue! He paused as he took water in his mouth. It is like a fish. The word is not an arrow, it hurts the heart. Speak your tongue, but don't give your hands will! You can't talk everything. The child will not cry - the mother will not recognize. I should drink honey with your lips. Whoever has what hurts, he talks about that.

It is well known that the people have accumulated a wealth of experience, information about different aspects of life, phenomena and processes. This information is passed down from generation to generation orally, is reflected in proverbs and sayings, and is included in written sources - medical books, collections of proverbs, etc. There are also certain folk ideas about the language (the article uses proverbs and sayings from the collection of V. Dahl "Proverbs of the Russian people").

Word language in Russian proverbs, it is used primarily to designate an organ that is a source of speech, serves to pronounce sounds. This is evidenced, in particular, by the following proverbs: The tongue is tossing and turning, I want to talk; I do not want to utter, and my tongue does not move; It fell - as it fell from the tongue; As it fell, it blurted out; You can't keep a horse on the reins, and you can't turn back a word from your tongue. Many proverbs characterize the speaker's speech: The language is soft: whatever it wants, it babbles; Boneless tongue - grinds; His tongue is long; His tongue is like a razor; Its own language, its own and speaking; The tongue is a millstone: it grinds what has not fallen on it; You can't keep up with your tongue barefoot; Apparently his tongue itches; Weaves lace with tongue; It beats with a tongue that is woolly with a string of veins.

Sometimes instead of a word language other names are used, for example, metaphor words: Language - balabolka; He has a milestone in his mouth; Wet plaque (scoop): whatever does not splash, it will splash; the words mouth, mouth, throat and others are used according to the principle of metonymy: From the excess of the mouth they speak; You can't throw a handkerchief over someone else's mouth; You can't take it with your throat; fill your mouth with water! Lips and teeth - two constipations (fences), but I will not hold back; The mouth is wide open, the tongue is on the shoulder.

If the word language correlates with speaking, then speech - with listening. Word language usually used in one proverb with talk, a speech- with the word listen: I sit by the stove and listen to people's speeches; Red speech is red and listen; Speech hearing is red.

As you know, speech consists of words. Here are the proverbs that characterize the words themselves and the speech of the speaker: "There is" - the word is sweet like honey, and "no" - the word is bitter like wormwood; All week he said "eh", and on Saturday he said "what"; You cannot utter this without fumbling your tongue; He adheres word to word, as if he fences cells; Word by word, that on the shovel gives; Word by word goes vaguely; Word by word crawls on cockroach legs (molded); He gives the word to the word crutch; Word for word clings; not every word per line; Chew the word and say it! A pastry word behind the cheek; You will not finish (you have not found out) the word; Have bread for dinner, and a word for an answer; He won't go into his pocket for a word; The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won't catch it; Having fired, you cannot grab a bullet, and when you have said, you cannot catch a word; And I would give it dearly for a word, but you cannot redeem it.

2. What are the meanings of the word language not marked in this text?

TM: Language is not the only means of communication between people. When communicating with each other, people transmit certain messages to each other not only through words, but also through special meaningful actions, such as standing up, bowing, shaking hands, friendly hugs or kisses. Among such non-verbal means of communication, it is customary to distinguish between gestures and facial expressions.

Gestures are significant body movements, mainly movements of the head or hands: a pointing gesture of the hand, a shrug of the shoulders as a sign of bewilderment or ignorance, a nod of the head expressing agreement, or, conversely, turning the head from side to side, signifying denial.

Facial expressions are significant movements of the muscles of the face: a smile, a raised eyebrow in surprise, or frowning in a discontent.

Just like language, the systems of gestures and facial expressions have developed in society gradually and quite spontaneously. But there are also such sign systems that were specially developed by people for more convenient transmission of information related to certain types of their activities. Such sign systems are usually called artificial.

Artificial sign systems include traffic signals, traffic signs, uniform insignia of military personnel (shoulder straps, stripes, cockades, etc.), as well as symbolic recording systems used in music (musical notation), mathematics (numbers; signs + - = :; notation for root, logarithm, integral, etc.), formal logic, chemistry, and a number of other sciences.

Thus, facial expressions or gestures in the overwhelming majority only accompany sound speech, giving it additional emotional or semantic shades. Artificial sign systems can transmit only types of messages, limited in their content, associated with the subject area for which they were created. The language is capable of transmitting messages of any, unlimited types of content. This property of the human language can be called its universality.

Assignment 5 . Briefly describe one of the sign systems you know. What signs (sound, light, graphic) does it consist of? What meanings do these signs express? Give examples.

TM: Literary language Is a variant of the language used on television and radio, in periodicals, in science, in government agencies and educational institutions. Speaking in literary language, a person seeks to speak or write correctly, and this allows him to count on the fact that he will be well understood by any addressee.

There are non-literary variants of the Russian language: vernacular, jargon, dialect.

Assignment 6 . Fill in the empty cells of the table.

Assignment 7 . Outline the article "World languages" on the textbook "Russian language" edited by K.K.Akhmedyarov, Sh.K. Zharkynbekova. - Almaty, 1999.- S. 5-10.

TM: Speech in the traditional sense, concrete speaking, both orally and in writing. In this case, speech is defined not only as the process of speaking itself, but also as the result of this process, i.e. and speech activity and speech works recorded by memory or writing.

Speech is usually characterized through opposition to language, where language is defined as a system of signs, and speech is the implementation of a given system of signs, but together, speech and language form a single phenomenon of language. If language is a tool (means) of communication, then speech is a method (type) of communication produced by this tool. Speech is material, perceived by the senses (hearing, sight, touch), while language (the language system) includes abstract analogs of speech units. Speech is specific and unique, directed towards a specific goal, conditioned by the situation of communication, unfolds in time and space, is a type of free creative activity.

A comment:

specific - quite specific, substantive;

a phenomenon is the same as a phenomenon;

abstract - abstract;

analog - something that represents a correspondence with another object.


TM: Dialogue speech is a form of speech in which there is a direct exchange of statements between two or more persons. The conditions in which dialogical speech proceeds determines a number of its features, which include: brevity of the utterance, wide use of non-speech means of communication (facial expressions, gestures), the large role of intonation, a variety of incomplete sentences, syntactic design of the utterance, free from the strict norms of book speech, predominance of simple sentences.

Monologue speech is a form of speech addressed to one or a group of listeners (interlocutors), sometimes to oneself; in contrast to dialogical speech, it is characterized by its extensiveness, which is associated with the desire to widely cover the thematic content of the utterance, the presence of common constructions, and their grammatical design.

Written speech is a form of speech associated with the expression and perception of thought in graphic form. It includes two types of speech activity: writing (productive), reading (receptive). Written speech can be carried out by means of mass communication (book, press, etc.) and individual communication (letter, statement, congratulation, plan, abstracts, annotation, etc.).

Oral speech is a form of speech, consisting of the ability to understand sounding speech (listening) and the ability to produce speech in sound form (speaking).

Active speech is speech that always requires programming, proceeding from the inner intention of a person, involving an independent choice of the content of an utterance and the selection of linguistic means.

External speech - speech, voiced, formed by means of a natural language, with the help of which people communicate with each other.

Internal speech - various types of language use outside the process of real communication, not accompanied by dubbing; for example, “speech to myself”.

Assignment 8 . Outline the article "oral and written speech" on the textbook "Russian language" edited by K.K.Akhmedyarov, Sh.K. Zharkynbekova. - Almaty, 1999.- S.



Brief description of the book, articles in the form of a list of the main questions

    A short note about something: make a note in a notebook, take notes for memory;

    short press release: newspaper note.

A comment

Interpretation, explanation to the text.


General conclusion drawn from the study of particular phenomena

    A means of communication with the help of graphic signs that allow you to fix speech when transmitting it at a distance;

    Written text sent to someone to communicate something.

Excerpt from the text, quote; what is written out of the work, document


Retelling something (usually in writing) in your own words


A short written statement of the content of something


An essay, a statement that describes something

A certain sequence, a short program of presentation of something

Summary of speech, articles, summary of conclusion


Critical assessment of a scientific, artistic and other composition, performance, film.

A summary of the content of the book, article, and a report with such a presentation.

Scientific, journalistic essay of a small size in a collection, magazine, newspaper

    The main idea, a position proven in any composition, in speech;

    Abstracts (plural) - briefly formulated main provisions of the report, lectures.


TM: Description as a type of speech is used when it is necessary to describe a phenomenon, setting, portrait, to give a characteristic, a holistic image of an object. In texts of this type, a static picture is always presented, which consists of indications of an object and its signs. The main thing is to indicate the signs; the words calling them, as a rule, are placed at the end of the sentence; the development of thought is achieved due to the fact that each next sentence adds to what has been said new features of the object as a whole or its parts.

When creating description texts, one should adhere to the following structural and compositional parts: 1) introduction (general impression); 2) a description of the details; 3) conclusion (conclusion, assessment).

There are several types of description: a description of nature, a description of the setting, a description of an object, a description of a portrait, a description-characteristic. The description is used in various spheres of communication and depends on the point of view of the author or narrator, on the genre, style, belonging of the author to a certain literary direction.

Narration as a type of speech is used to convey information about actions and events developing in chronological order. In the scientific literature, the narration is presented in the texts of biographical notes, about the history of scientific discoveries or the study of a scientific problem, and in texts characteristic of science about processes, i.e. about the sequential change of stages, stages of any phenomenon; changes or development of any object; the sequence of the mechanism; conducting an experiment.

Storytelling is characterized by a chain link as a common way of connecting sentences in parts of a text. The main composition of the extended narrative assumes three parts, interconnected: 1) exposure to the narrative (the beginning of the event); 2) the middle part of the story (its development); 3) conclusion (end of the event).

Storytelling as a type of monologue speech is used in all functional styles of speech.

Reasoning- This is a type of speech, the purpose of which is to clarify a concept, prove or refute a thought. From a logical point of view, reasoning is a chain of reasoning on a topic, presented in a consistent form. In this case, the judgments follow one after another in such a way that the second one necessarily follows from the first proposition, and as a result we get the answer to the question posed.

Types of reasoning: 1. reasoning-explanation, 2. reasoning-proof, 3. reasoning-thinking.

1. Reasoning-explanation assumes that the main statement is true, so there is no need to prove the truth or falsity of the thesis. The main thing is to reveal the content of the thesis.

2. Proof of the truth of the thesis and becomes the main task of reasoning-proof.

Both types of text have the same construction scheme: exposure (introduction to the question) → question → answer to the question (thesis) → proof of the thesis → conclusions ... The scheme of reasoning-proof and reasoning-explanation in practice is quite often implemented in an abbreviated form: sometimes the question is omitted, there are often no conclusions, often there is no exposure. In all cases, the omission is explained by the fact that the reasoning is understandable and without the missing components of "ideal reasoning", since all these missing components are easily conjectured or implied. The essential elements of reasoning are the thesis and its proof. Exposition, problematic issue, conclusions can either be present in the text or not.

3. Reasoning-thinking includes explanation and proof, in which it is necessary to give examples, compare or contrast, indicate causal relationships, limit, expand or generalize, etc.

The text-reflection is built according to a scheme common for all types of reasoning, but unlike proof and explanation, it contains not one question and answer, but a system of questions and answers that consistently complement and condition each other : exposition (introduction to the controversial issue) → system of problematic questions and answers to them → conclusions.

If it is necessary to build a statement of the type of reflection, one must begin with understanding the topic and selecting material for its disclosure in a system of questions. Not all questions that arose at the pre-text stage are then reflected in the text. But they can also remain in the text, performing the role of clips between separate parts of the text-reflection.

Assignment 9 . On the basis of what functional-semantic type (or its types) are the texts built?

Text 1.

Computer facilities have the ability to process and compare information automatically, without human intervention. These means, comparing information, can work with artificial, abstract and even false information that does not have an objective reflection in nature and in society. But we give a new definition of information, based on the previously demonstrated fact of the interaction of data and methods at the time of its formation. Information is a product of data interaction and methods adequate to them.

Text 2.

A digital computer is a machine that can solve problems by executing commands given to it. A sequence of commands describing solutions to a specific problem is called a program. The electronic circuits of each computer can recognize and execute a limited set of simple commands. Before execution, all programs must be turned into a sequence of such commands, which are usually no more complicated than:

    Add 2 numbers.

    Check if the number is not zero.

    Copy a piece of data from one part of the computer's memory to another.

These primitive commands collectively make up the language in which humans can communicate with a computer. Such a language is called machine language. When creating a new computer, the designer must decide which instructions to include in that computer's machine language. It depends on the purpose of the computer, on what tasks it should perform. It is common to try to keep machine instructions as simple as possible to avoid the complexity of designing a computer and to keep the costs of the necessary electronics down. Most machine languages ​​are very primitive. These languages ​​are difficult and tedious to use.

Text 3.

This method of writing algorithms is quite convenient and understandable for a person, but it also has very significant drawbacks.

First, it is cumbersome and can be overly verbose.

Secondly, in essence, one and the same indication in words can be formulated in many different ways, which means that it is fraught with a serious danger of ambiguity of understanding.

Thirdly, such a rather arbitrary formulation of the algorithm is practically unsuitable for automatic computer-assisted translation of the algorithm into the language of the machine.

Text 4.

The first Russian female mathematician S.V. Kovalevskaya was born in Moscow into a wealthy family of retired Lieutenant-General of Artillery Korvin-Krukovsky. The girl grew up versatile, but she was especially fascinated by mathematics. At the age of 15, she began to systematically study the course of higher mathematics.

Kovalevskaya left for Germany in 1869. She attends lectures by leading scientists, and since 1870 she has been seeking the right to study under the guidance of the German scientist K. Weierstrass.

In 1874, Weierstrass presented three works of his student to the University of Göttingen for the award of a Ph.D. degree, emphasizing that any of these works is sufficient for the award of a degree. The work "On the theory of partial differential equations" contained a proof of solutions to such equations. Today this most important theorem on differential equations is called the Cauchy-Kovalevskaya theorem. Another work contained a continuation of Laplace's research on the structure of Saturn's rings, the third set out the most difficult theorems of mathematical analysis. The degree was awarded to Kovalevskaya ‘with the highest praise.’

S.V. Kovalevskaya dreamed of scientific work in Russia, but her dream did not come true: in 1891 she died in Stockholm.

TM: A scientific text can be concisely presented in the form of a logical diagram:

The main thesis

1 argument 2 argument 3 argument

Illustrations Illustrations

Conclusion (summary)

Schema comment :

The main thesis Is a statement that requires justification. It includes the subject of speech (what is said in the text) and the main analyzed feature (what is said about this subject).

Arguments- these are the grounds for the thesis; proof.

Illustrations- examples confirming theoretical provisions.

Output contains an analytical assessment of the situation, outlines the prospects for research.

Assignment 10 . Read the text.

Proverbs and sayings about language

Language will bring to Kiev.

He who thinks clearly expounds clearly.

Briefly and clearly, that's why it's beautiful.

The anchor of the body is the tongue.

Give the tongue some porridge.

With whatever language you like,

They kill with their tongue like a dagger,

Tongue weaves that lace with bobbins.

Do not rush with your language, and do not be lazy with your deeds.

A master in a language, but a lefty in a work. (Adyg.)

You can't knock butter down with your tongue.

Weaves lace with tongue.

Tongue cabbage is not shredded.

Tongue and sandals cannot be weaved.

The whole world will ride the language. (Tat.)

Speak your tongue, but don't give your hands will.

The heart of a fool is in his tongue, the tongue of the clever is in his heart. (Arab.)

The tongue is a millstone: it grinds whatever hits it.

Language gives a message to a language.

Tongue like an ax - stabs to death. (Vietnam.)

The language of a person can bring him both glory and shame. (Cargo.)

Language feeds bread and spoils business.

The gossip's tongue is longer than a ladder.

Your tongue is a lion: if you hold it, it will protect you, if you let it out, it will tear you to pieces. (Arab.)

Your tongue is your horse: if you save it, it will save you, if you let it go, it will humiliate you. (Arab.)

Language will help you find the right path. (Vietnam.)

The tongue does not blush from lies, it is already red.

The tongue is sharper than a sword. (Azerb., Tat., Kirghiz.)

Sheep's tongue and wolf's fang. (Laksk.)

The tongue is not a shoulder blade: it knows what is bitter and what is sweet.

The language is soft: what you want, it babbles, and what you don’t want, it also babbles.

My tongue, and I do not speak my own speeches.

My tongue is my enemy: before the mind it prowls, it seeks troubles.

My tongue is my enemy:

The tongue is small, it rocks up to the mountains.

The tongue babbles, but the head does not know.

Language breaks stones. (Ossetian.)

Tongue like a razor.

The tongue of the needle is sharper.

Language will tell you what the head does not know.

The language leads the squad.

The tongue is long, the thoughts are short.

The tongue is as long as a baker's shovel. (Turkish.)

The tongue feeds the head, it also leads to beatings.

The tongue runs in front of the legs.

The tongue runs in front of the legs.

Language will reach everywhere.

The tongue chatters, the head does not know.

The tongue is as lascivious as a goat.

A tongue without bones: whatever it wants, it mutters.

Boneless tongue.

A tongue without bones, works for both the host and the guests.

A tongue without bones, but it breaks bones. (Arab.)

The tongue is boneless, and it breaks bones.

The boneless tongue grinds.

Language is the translator of the heart. (Arab.)

Language - one, ear - two; tell me once, listen twice. (Teretz.)

The tongue is a millstone: it grinds whatever hits it.

Language is a disaster for the head. (Laksk.)

I'll sew your tongue below your heels.

Eka bore it: neither the horse nor the winged could catch up!

Skin on boots, tongue on the sole.

What's on the mind of a sober is on the tongue of a drunk.

What hurts someone, he says about that.

What you cannot do by force, you can do it with a word. (Azerb.)

What is not foldable is not okay.

What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax.

What's on the mind is on the tongue.

What he knows, he will say everything, and what he does not know, he will say that.

What is said in person is not connected with evil.

The more sparing the language is, the more valuable your head is.

Than gilding your tongue, gilding the matter. (Mong.)

Instead of lying, it is better to scratch silently.

Tongue brings trouble to man, horns to cattle. (Bash.)

It is often bitter, but it heals. (Whale.)

You can't drink a thin word with sweet honey.

Hood Permyak, but he knows two languages.

Although the word is not a nut, people are dying from it.

Although the tongue has no bones, it breaks a lot of bones. (Armenian.)

Good speech is a pleasure to listen to.

A good deed is a good song.

Good speech is sweeter than honey.

A good speech is short.

A good proverb is not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.

A good song invigorates the spirit.

A long rope is good, but a short speech.

Eat bread and salt, and listen to clever speeches.

Clever speeches are pleasant to listen to.

Clever speeches can be heard in the dark.

Know how to say, be able to be silent.

Be able to say in time, be silent in time.

The brave horseman did not dare to speak. (Darg.)

In a sober mind, a drunk on his tongue.

A void-head always has a long tongue. (Armenian.)

The ears of the right one are laughing, but the guilty's tongue is dull.

Bad people have a villainous tongue.

The knife has one blade, the tongue has hundreds. (Vietnam.)

His tongue is like a razor.

His tongue is well suspended.

He has an answer for every demand.

The sage has a tongue in his soul, a fool has his whole soul on his tongue. (Tat.)

The liar has a short tongue. (Armenian.)

He who has a bad tongue sows anxiety. (Karakalp.)

Each head has its own quality, each language has its own taste. (Taj.)

His tongue has no threshold, his mouth has no shutter. (Tat.)

A fool's tongue is more dangerous than a dagger.

What a fool has on his mind is on his tongue.

Expect the end of every word.

He is not stupid who is stingy with words.

Hurry up to listen.

The same word, but not to say so.

I should drink honey with your lips.

It was said for a reason, listened for a reason.

Stumble with your feet, but don't stumble with your tongue. (Tat.)

Think first, tell later.

Forty perishes from his tongue.

The nightingale is not fed with fables.

First he will say, then he thinks what he said.

Listen more and speak less.

You can pierce with a word what you cannot pierce with a needle.

The word is silver, silence is gold.

The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won't catch it.

The word for the word is different: with the word the Lord created the world.

The word will give birth to the word, the third itself runs.

He said a word - he sent an arrow, wrote a letter - he fell into a trap.

The word is not an arrow, but strikes.

The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won't catch it.

The word is silver, silence is gold.

The word is a commander of human strength.

The word is the key that opens hearts. (Whale.)

Words are good if they are short.

There are many words, but no warehouse.

Soon the tale will tell itself, but it will not be done soon.

Soon it’s said, but it’s not going to be done soon.

Rather, the eternal snow will melt

The fairy tale is sweet and the song is true

The fairy tale is good in shape, the song is in harmony.

It is easy to say, but difficult to do.

It has been said - not proven, it must be done.

No sooner said than done.

What has been said is worth a hundred rubles, and there is no price for the unsaid.

The spoken word is silver, the unspoken word is golden.

The spoken word cannot come back.

He said how he tied it in a knot.

He said redly - it went about the huts, but if he kept silent, it would come in handy.

I would say a word, but the wolf is not far off.

You say a word, and they add ten.

You say from a fingernail, and they will retell it from an elbow.

You tell the chicken, and she - the whole street.

A secret for the whole world.

Its tongue is the first adversary.

The best is straight and simple

She herself will tell the magpie where the nest was made.

Both honey and poison drip from the tongue. (Kirg.)

With the song and work is argued. (proverbs about language)

Life is longer with a short tongue. (Turkmen.)

The mouth is not a vegetable garden - you cannot close the gate.

The mouth is wide open, the tongue is on the shoulder.

The mouth is large and the tongue is long. (Whale.)

A speech without a proverb that soup is without salt.

Speech is like honey, and deeds are like wormwood.

A wound inflicted by a word is heavier than an arrow wound.

A saber wound will heal, a tongue won't. (Adyg.)

A spear wound will heal, a tongue wound will not heal. (Kazakh.)

Working with teeth, and laziness with the tongue.

An empty mill grinds without wind.

A straight heart and a sharp tongue make others resentful. (Whale.)

Bite your tongue! Put some water in your mouth!

Turn your tongue seven times before speaking. (Vietnam.)

Before using a proverb, you need to know what it is eaten with.

A truthful tongue breaks a stone, a lying tongue breaks a head. (Uzbek.)

A truthful word is like medicine: bitter, but it heals.

Do not get around the proverb, do not go around.

They don't sell proverbs in the bazaar, but everyone needs them.

A proverb is not a feed, but good with her.

The proverb is not a reproach, but a thief will scratch.

The proverb says not to the wind.

The proverb does not pass by.

A proverb is an assistant to all matters.

A proverb will never break.

The proverb goes on - like a hut tosses with a broom.

Talk less, you will hear more.

You sing motively, but it's disgusting to listen.

There are no bones under the tongue to stab him when he tells a lie. (Armenian.)

A proverb is a flower, a proverb is a berry.

They recognize a person by speech.

Singing well together, but speaking separately.

The soul grows with the song.

The soul rejoices in the song.

Pour from empty to empty.

The stump is not a outskirts, empty speech is not a proverb.

The father of the word is the mind, the mother of the word is language. (Karakalp.)

Even a cobblestone cracks from a human tongue. (Kayam.)

The tongue will not dry out from friendly words.

From one word - but a quarrel for a century.

A sharp tongue, but a bad head got it.

A sharp tongue will lure the snake out of the nest.

A sharp tongue is a gift, a long tongue is a punishment.

A sharp tongue is a gift

Sharp ax - and the sound is toothy.

Sharp on the tongue, but not used to business.

He has a sharp tooth, he has a sharp tongue.

He won't go into his pocket for a word.

One warm word will warm you in a hard frost. (Whale.)

It is one thing to say a lot, and another thing to say a thing.

Once you will not be able to hold back your tongue, you will not be able to settle the consequences for a whole year. (Tat.)

Dressed simply, but in the language of speeches with a hundred.

Undertook with the language, secure with deed.

Consider what you are saying;

What you are not asked about, do not say much about that. (Ossetian.)

Legs with approach, handles with a tray, heart with submission, head with bow, tongue with judgment.

Nobody pulls the tongue.

Nobody would have known about you if he hadn't blabbed himself.

Neither a knife nor an ax is sharper than a human tongue. (Assyr.)

There is no fairy tale without truth.

The unhappiness of the head is from the tongue. (Arab.)

The unspoken word is gold.

An unkind word burns more than fire.

The unspoken word sometimes thunders like thunder.

It is not that it is tricky what has been negotiated, but what has not been agreed upon.

Not the hostess who speaks, but the one who cooks cabbage soup.

Do not rush with your tongue, rush with deeds.

He will not profane with the mouth, but profane from the mouth. ...

Don't turn your tongue into a mill, you won't get flour anyway. (Tat.)

Fear not the knife, but the tongue.

Not much thought, but well said.

They do not like them not for their black face, but for their evil tongue. (Japanese.)

Do not give vent to the tongue in drunkenness, in conversation and in anger.

Don't believe every rumor.

Not every word is put on a line.

Not every proverb is right to the point.

Not every song is sung to the end. (proverbs about language)

Don't always say you know

Not everything is good with what is said.

Don't throw words to the wind.

You can't close your boots to the people. (Kazakh.)

The popular word is a firm word. (Mord.)

He spoke up - he got drunk like honey.

He spoke seven miles to heaven, and that was all - through the forest.

On the tongue of the medok, but on the heart there is ice.

There is no duty on the language.

You can't put a scarf on someone else's mouth.

In words, that on a harp, but in deeds, that on a balalaika.

At one veche, but not only speeches.

Beautiful on the face, and nettles on the tongue.

There is a saying about every Yegorka.

For a great deed - a great word.

The head is wise - a short tongue.

Silent as he took water in his mouth.

Silent means consent.

Rumor has no wings, but flies.

My chatty tongue gave me a slap in the face. (Cargo.)

You can say a lot in a short speech.

Verbosity is not wisdom.

Many words are donkeys' baggage, and a short word is the decoration of the world.

Much has been said, but there is nothing to listen to.

Know a lot and a little buy.

He talks a lot - his head hurts.

The mill grinds - there will be flour, the tongue grinds - there will be trouble.

Meli, Emelya, your week.

Melet day until evening, and there is nothing to listen to.

There is a long road between saying and doing. (Spanish.)

There is little truth in who many words are pouring out of.

The tongue is small, but it owns the whole body.

You can't listen to people's speeches.

The best medicine is to always tell the truth.

Better to stumble with your foot than with your tongue. (Arab.)

Better to stumble than make a reservation.

Better to stumble with your foot than with your tongue.

Better not to finish than to retell.

The best habit is to keep your mouth shut. (Arab.)

A superfluous word causes annoyance and brings to shame.

Needless to say, to harm yourself.

A gentle word will melt a stone.

Whoever is quick with a word is rarely a dispute in business.

Whoever bites his tongue will save his head. (Uzbek.)

He who talks a lot listens a little.

He who speaks little does more.

Whoever says what he wants, he himself will hear what he does not want.

He who speaks sows; who listens reaps.

By the way, keep silent, what a big word to say.

He speaks redly, but there is nothing to listen to.

Red is speech by listening.

Red speech with a proverb.

Red speech is a proverb.

Brevity is the soul of wit.

It is good to listen to a short speech, it is good to think under a long speech.

Briefly, but clearly.

The cow is lured with salt, the man with the tongue. (Cargo.)

When the head thinks, the tongue rests.

Move your thoughts not with your tongue, but with your mind. (Tat.)

If you want to save your head, don't grind your tongue. (Darg.)

Think well when you speak.

When you speak, think. (Whale.)

What is the speech, so is the warehouse.

As is the mind, so is speech.

What is life, such are the songs

With old age, the teeth are duller, and the tongue is sharper.

From an empty cage - an owl and an owl, from an empty head - empty words.

Pours from empty to empty.

You can't erase a word from a song.

And sews and flogs, and polishes and flattens, and everything with his tongue.

And there is a proverb about your arrogance.

And on the tongue quickly, and on the hands of the dispute. (Japanese.)

And I would give it dearly for a word, but you cannot redeem it.

Knowledge of the language opens the way to the heart. (Azerb.)

Knowledge of a hundred languages ​​is like a hundred minds. (Ossetian.)

Sucked on the song - finish singing, at least burst.

Shut your mouth, don't talk for a year!

He spoke, so it is necessary to finish.

For bad words, the head will fly off.

You can't keep up with your tongue even barefoot.

You can lose a good head for a bad language.

They beat on the top of the head for the cuckoo (verbiage)

You can't keep up with her tongue even barefoot.

Living with neighbors means being in conversations.

A living word is dearer than a dead letter.

The sting is sharp, and the tongue is sharper than that.

Eat mushroom pies and keep your mouth shut

Eat the cabbage, but don't waste it.

If the tongue is motionless, the back will remain unbroken. (Tat.)

If the heart is black, even if the language is golden, there will be no benefit.

If you squint with your tongue, your back will not get tired.

If your tongue were from bast, it would have worn out long ago. (Tat.)

Don't fall for him.

His tongue will pierce the frozen ground. (Tat.)

A bad tongue is an enemy to the head.

A bad word like tar: it sticks - you can't peel off

Silence should be better. (Arab.)

I thought for a long time, but said it well.

A kind person speaks little.

A kind word to man that rain in drought.

A kind word inspires.

Good silence is not an answer?

There is neither constipation nor prohibition for the tongue.

A long tongue shortens life. (Armenian.)

Long tongue with intelligence is not related.

The long hem of the leg wraps around, the long tongue wraps around the neck. (Mong.)

Keep your tongue tied.

Keep your mouth shut.

Keep your dog on a chain and your tongue at seven.

Two constipation - lips and teeth, but I can't hold my tongue.

Give the language free rein - the head will be cramped.

The lip is not stupid, the tongue is not a shoulder blade: it knows what is bitter and what is sweet.

City gates can be closed, but people's mouths cannot. (Pashto)

The city is built not with a tongue, but with a ruble and an ax.

You can't take it with your throat.

Woe in a foreign land to the tongueless.

You can chop off your head, but you can't prohibit speaking with your tongue. (Whale.)

Naked like a falcon and sharp as a razor.

They talk about Thomas, and he about Eremu.

To speak, to say so, not to speak, and not to speak.

It is easy to speak, difficult to do.

Speak, but do not speak.

Speak less, think more.

Speak little, listen a lot

Talk only about what you know.

Silly speech that dust in the wind.

Silly speech is not a proverb.

Where words are rare, they carry weight.

Where the song is sung, there is a happy life.

Where there are many words, there are few actions.

Where two people work, the song is heard.

Every forty perishes from its tongue.

He talked all week, and on Saturday he said that.

You can't listen to all the speeches.

All the troubles of a person from his language. (Azerb.)

Lie and don't lie.

Lies like a gray gelding.

The tongue was upright, but the bad head got it.

You can see a bird by its feathers, and a person by speeches.

The wind destroys mountains, the word raises peoples.

The news got on the tongue - now it will go through the cities. (Kurd.)

Twirls her tongue like a cow's tail.

In the meeting, shorten your tongue, at the table - your hand. (Turkish.)

Bitterness is always hidden in sweet speeches.

We live in the cool: the tongue chatters and the breeze blows.

Verbosity is not without idle talk.

Take care of your feet on the road, but in conversation - take care of your tongue. (Mong.)

In a good hour say, in a bad hour - keep silent.

Be according to what is said, as according to the written.

Fairy is not a fairy tale: you cannot erase a word from it.

Know more - talk less.

Pain without a tongue, yes it does.

God gave two ears and one tongue.

Conversation while away the road.

Take care of your tongue - it will save you, let it go - it will betray you. (Arab.)

Without a tongue and a bell is mute.

You can't make a boot without the Russian language

You can't live without a proverb, you can't get away from a proverb.

The woman's tongue is a damn broomstick.

It is legitimate to turn to the proverbs and sayings of the Russian people when studying the attitude of the ancients from the Lavans to the manifestations of speech defects, guided by the opinion that proverbs and sayings are one of the most ancient types of folk art. “The art of the word was born in ancient times in the processes of human labor. The reason for the emergence of gt; that art was the desire of people to organize work experience in verbal forms that were most aptly and firmly fixed in memory - in the forms of couplets, "proverbs", "sayings", labor slogans of antiquity "2. Through proverbs and sayings, observations from the natural world and the environment were passed down from generation to generation.
1 Dal V.I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. (IM., M., 1912-1913.
1 Gorky M. Collected works in 30 volumes. M., 1949 - 55.Vol. 27. '4 * 12.

a person of reality. “Proverbs are a collection of folk experienced wisdom and superstition,” wrote V.I. Dahl. - These are moans and sighs, crying and sobbing, joy and gaiety, grief and consolation in their faces; it is the color of the people's mind, an original article; it is an everyday folk truth, a kind of legal code, not convicted by anyone ”.
We have systematically analyzed all the main collections of Russian proverbs and sayings. Selected all proverbs related to speech. When analyzing a large number of selected proverbs, we found that they can be conditionally combined into five large troupes. The bulk of proverbs and sayings about speech reflect popular views on the beauty of speech: its complexity, expressiveness, pleasant tone, meaningfulness, brevity. For example:
A sensible word is worth a ruble.
Speaks as if written.
Good speech is sweeter than honey.
Speaks as the river flows.
Sits - like a candle burns, says - that with a ruble
will bestow. Attention is drawn to the power of the word, the influence of the word on others. For example:
A bullet will hit one, and a thousand with a well-aimed word.
A bee stings with a sting, and a man stings with a word.
The wind destroys mountains - the word raises peoples.
The tongue is boneless, but crushes the bones of people.
Fear not the knife, but the tongue.
You can't drink a thin word with velvet honey.
A bright word is food for the soul, a bad word is a stake
head ".
A large number of proverbs and sayings reflect the relationship between speech and human mind. For example:
The clever one is glad to study, and the fool is glad to teach.
When you eat, chew; speaking - think.
As is the mind, such are the speeches.
Clever speeches and pleasant listening.
The tongue is guilty of the head: an empty tongue is an empty head.
You can recognize a donkey by its ears, and a fool by its words. No fewer proverbs and sayings are devoted to the relationship between what is said and what a person does, that is, they reflect the connection between speech and human actions. The discrepancy between the words and deeds of a person is more often emphasized:
Speeches are like snow, but deeds are like soot.
A big talker is a bad worker.
Sweetly beats, but does not know the case.
He speaks a lot, but to no avail, and even that is not good.
From word to deed, a whole mile.
Rechist, but unclean.
The tongue is smooth, but the soul is disgusting.
The necessary unity of what a person says and what does is often said in proverbs in the form of edification:
Judge by the person, not by his words.
Cities are built not with the tongue, but with the ruble and the ax.
He who speaks little does more.
Do not rush with your tongue - hurry with deeds.
The young man has a word with a deed.
Not the hostess who speaks, but the one who cabbage soup
Not the one stupid who is stingy with words, but the one who is stupid
really stupid. Among the proverbs we find (albeit to a much lesser extent) those that reflect B7

assessment of individual components of speech: voice, articulation, speech hearing, rate of speech, phrase.
About the different pitch of the voice:
You have a voice like a woman's hair (thin and long). Speaks as if from a barrel.
About articulation:
He has a lip like the bootleg.
Speak fluently, if the tongue is suspended, okay.
The tongue of the cow is great, but it does not allow to speak,
The ox would say, but the tongue is like a stake.
Chew the word, but say it.
Cloth tongue (clumsy).
About auditory perception:
One about Ivan, and the other about the idiot.
To him about Taras, and he: one and a half hundred.
You can't whisper to a deaf person.
The deaf do not serve two services.
She even has an aspen stake in her ear.
On the pace and fluency of speech (haste, slowness, stuttering, stuttering):
Talk - don't work, no need to rush.
He says he is pouring peas straight into the wall.
He talks about how he sleeps.
Says as if he hadn't eaten bread for three days,
There is no end to his words.
He says that he will give birth (with attempts).
Word for word goes ahead.
What is not a word, then a weight.
Better to stumble with your foot than with your tongue.
Stop, don't stagger, walk, don't stumble, say, don't stumble.
Hurry up the stutter, you won't understand anything.
About phrasal speech (verbosity, meaninglessness, difficulty):
In verbosity, not without idle talk.
The rope is good long and the speech is short.

Eat rolls, but less slapsticks.
There are many words, but no warehouse.
He speaks as if in agony.
The language that carries the broomstick.
He gives the word to the word crutch.
He says how he pulls a yoke onto a horse with pincers. Says how the harrow plows (hard, awkward). He speaks with a whistle, smacking his lips and whispering.
Thus, in the proverbs and sayings of the Russian people, we do not find a reflection of that wide palette of terms-definitions characterizing speech defects, which we spoke about above and which are found in dictionaries. This is explained, apparently, by the fact that the ancient Slavs attributed speech defects to the number ("julez, striking a person. Laughing at a free person was considered a sinful, blasphemous deed.

More on the topic Proverbs and sayings about speech:

  1. Fesyukova LB .. In the world of wise proverbs. Set of visual aids, 2007
  3. NM Selezneva on the MORAL VALUE OF LEGAL EDUCATION With a mean soul, learning is worse than ignorance. Folk saying

What proverbs and sayings of the Russian people say 1) about speaking and listening 2) about writing and reading?

  • 1. Speak little, listen a lot and think more
    The word is silver, silence is gold
    A living word is dearer than a dead letter
    Good speech is good and listening
    In a word, not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won't catch
    Eat bread and salt, and listen to clever speeches
    With a smart one, talk that honey is drunk
    The tongue will not dry out from courteous words

    2. Learned to read and write, and learned to sing and dance
    Reading is the best teaching
    What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax
    The book is good, but the reader is bad
    It is not good for a book to read, if you swallow one tops

What proverbs (sayings) of the Russian people say: 1) about speaking and listening; 2) about writing and reading? Explain the meaning of the proverb that you especially liked.

1. What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax. 2. Good speech and good listening. 3. The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won't catch it. 4. Eat bread and salt, and listen to clever speeches. 5. With a clever talk that honey is drunk. 6. It is not good for a book to read, if one swallows one tops. 7. The tongue will not dry out from polite words.

Speaking: 2,3,4,5,6,7

About writing: 1


1. Who wants out of life

and do it away

be, that


not afraid .

2. Who's mind

e tons of fun

be woe fights

tsya .

3. No need to praise

be if you don't know

e shit like bread give birth

tsya .

4. Talk smart

be... what honey drink

be .

e teach

be- always fit

tsya .


1. Not from ur dew O sweat.
2. Not true you will pass the light and not the gate back and sew.
3. A good proverb is not in the eyebrow but in the eye.
4. Red Iago d it tastes bitter.
5. Small ruff and prickly.
6. Without threads and yes needle and fur coats do not sew.
6. The spool is small but expensive.
7. Look for a friend better than yourself a not worse myself.


1) A living word is dearer than a dead letter.

2) Bad friends for half an hour.

3) The proverb is not said for nothing.

4) An old friend is better than two new ones.

5) One bee will train a little honey.

6) Without salt, without bread - a thin conversation.

7) Have a friend - do not feel sorry for yourself.

Friendly magpies and a goose are dragging.

9) Better not to finish than to talk.

10) Good speeches are pleasant to listen to.

Friendship theme - 2, 4, 5, 7, 8.

Thanks to this key. I'll turn on the radio now. I will shout down all the singers I can whistle, knock on doors, No one will say - do not make noise! vinnie7777


Is freedom a colloquial word? utub6

Divide words into syllables and for transfer FATHER, FATHERLAND, FATHERLAND, FATHERLAND. moses

Once upon a time there was a frog. The frog is like a frog. Small but from three syllables la-gush-ka. And there was an elephant. Big, big. And from only one syllable Elephant And a small frog nagged a large elephant Just one syllable ha ha! But a two-syllable heron came from the swamp. And she swallowed a la-gush-ku of three syllables all at once. That's how it is! Write out different forms of the same words from the text and put stress. Break the words small, big, swallowed into syllables. Disassemble the same words in composition. devova

Select 2 overviews There are people in the world who mrpss

I need a statement about the language! Help sergei29

What has helped and is helping people to pass on the jajabinks conversation experience

Describe the consonants scc with z zhrkn according to the plan 1. Hard or soft, paired or unpaired 2. Voiced or voiceless, paired or unpaired

Continuation of the previous lesson



Tips on how to introduce a quote as an argument for an essay-essay on the Russian language.

1. It is easiest to design statements (quotations) in the form of a sentence with direct speech. To do this, you need to know the statement by heart.

2.Fragments of lyric works, arranged in accordance with poetic lines, are made out without quotes.

3.In order to learn how to draw up partial quotations, we advise you to practice using

  • support words that are in bold in the statement; if they are quoted verbatim, they must be enclosed in quotes;
  • information about the author of the statement
  • clichés for the design of statements (for the design of a sentence with indirect speech)


To enter a statement (quote) into an essay as an argument, use CLICHE.

We remember (remember) the words (who?) That ...

According to … ,…

... (believed, spoke, wrote, argued ...) that

Let's turn to ...

You can quote a statement ... about ...

I can confirm my opinion with words ...


Consider examples of interpreting utterance # 16 for argumentation (using pivot words)

correct speech property of every citizen... (Cicero)

I recall the words of the ancient Roman philosopher and orator Cicero that correct speech is "the property of every citizen."

According to the ancient Roman philosopher and orator Cicero, correct speech is "the property of every citizen."

The ancient Roman philosopher and orator Cicero said that correct speech is "the property of every citizen."

Let us turn to the words of the ancient Roman philosopher and orator Cicero that correct speech is “the property of every citizen”.

It is possible to quote the statement of the ancient Roman philosopher and orator Cicero that correct speech is "the property of every citizen."

I can confirm my opinion with the words of the ancient Roman philosopher and orator Cicero that correct speech is “the property of every citizen”.


The ability to speak correctly is not yet merit, and inability is already a shame, because correct speech not so much the dignity of a good speaker as property of every citizen... (Cicero)

Tsitserόn Mark Tullius (106 BC - 43 BC) - ancient Roman politician and philosopher, orator.

Academician teachings

About the limits of good and evil

About old age. About friendship. About responsibilities.

Speech construction

Letters to friends

Letters to loved ones

As a person can be recognized by his society, so about him can be judged by his language... (D. Swift)

Swift Jonathan (1667-1745) - English writer, philosopher, public figure.


Battle of the books

Barrel tale

Gulliver's Travels

Proposal to correct, improve and consolidate the English language

Human speech culture is a mirror of his spiritual culture.
V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Sukhomlinsky Vasily Alexandrovich (1918-1970) - Ukrainian Soviet teacher. Born into the family of a village carpenter. Member of the Great Patriotic War.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

· Created an original pedagogical system based on the recognition of the child's personality as the highest value;

· Built the learning process as a joyful work;

· Developed an aesthetic program of "education by beauty".

Follow the rule persistently:

To words It was closely,

Thoughts are spacious ( N.A. Nekrasov).

Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich (1821-1877) - Russian poet, classic of Russian literature.



Peasant children


Forgotten Village

Reflections at the front door

Poet and citizen

In memory of Dobrolyubov

Russian women

Jack Frost

Who lives well in Russia

Accuracy of word use is the basic law of the culture of speech... (Leo Tolstoy).

Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich (1828-1910) - one of the most widely known Russian writers. Educator, publicist, religious thinker.

War and Peace

Anna Karenina




Sevastopol stories

After the ball

Educational literature:


It's safe to say that a person who speaks a good language, in a clean, good, rich language, thinks richer than a person who speaks a bad and poor language. " (A.N. Tolstoy)

Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich (1883-1945) - Russian writer and public figure. Author of socio-psychological, historical and science fiction novels, novellas and short stories, journalistic works.

Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin

The Road to Calvary

Peter the Great

Stories and stories:

Count Cagliostro

Nikita's childhood

Russian character

Mermaid Tales

The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio

High the culture spoken and written speeches, good knowledge and the flair of a family language, the ability to use its expressive means, its stylistic diversity - the best support, the most reliable help and the most reliable recommendation for of each human in his public and creative activities... (V.V. Vinogradov).

Vinogradov Viktor Vladimirovich (1895-1969) - Russian literary critic and linguist.

Literary language

Poetry by Anna Akhmatova

About fiction

Pushkin's language

About the language of fiction

Stylistics. The theory of poetic speech. Poetics.

Remember that your intonation- this is mirror your emotional life, traffic your souls; the culture of feelings and emotional interpersonal relations is inextricably linked with the culture of intonational "design" of the statement. (B.N. Golovin)

The simple word "hello" can be said sarcastically, abruptly, friendly, dry, gloomy, indifferent, ingratiating, arrogant .

it a simple word can be pronounced in a thousand frets. And write? To do this, you will need for one "hello" a few words of commentary on how exactly this word was pronounced. The range of intonations that expand the semantic meaning of speech can be considered unlimited. It won't be wrong to say that the true meaning of what was said is constantly not in the words themselves, but in the intonations with which they are pronounced. (I.L. Andronnikov)

Andronnikov Irakli Luarsabovich (1908-1990) - Soviet writer, literary critic, TV presenter.

To the biography of M.Yu. Lermontov

Lermontov's life

Stories by a literary critic

I want to tell you

Lermontov: research and findings


For preparation for the exam You can use the tutorial " SEMI-FINISHED WORKS. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. COLLECTION No. 1».

Detailed instructions on how to use the collection here or if you want to use the collection of semi-finished essays, write to [email protected]