How fairy tales help in life. The role of a fairy tale in the life of the reader and its moral values

How fairy tales help in life. The role of a fairy tale in the life of the reader and its moral values

"The value of fairy tales in human life"

In every fairy tale we read, you can find, like complete list human problems and ways and means of their solution. The subconscious choice of a fairy tale reflects the problematics of personal moments in a person's life, their aspirations and beliefs. The famous American psychologist Eric Berne argued back in the middle of the twentieth century that it is even possible to program the future of a child with the help of fairy tales.

Fairy tales are not as simple as they seem at first glance - they are like a multi-layered cake. In childhood, we see the first layer, it is the most understandable, and with age, more deep meaning an embedded concept in a fairy tale. And the shorter the tale, the more it has the amount of information embedded in it. And in this case, parents need fairy tales no less than their children.

As an example - I propose to analyze the fairy tale "Kolobok". Everyone, you, remember well how the bun runs away from home to see the world. He certainly has a great desire for adventure. By characterological characteristics, he is energetic, sociable, quite active, mobile, lively, has good character and an endless desire to know something interesting, unknown. The type of temperament is rather sanguine.

On the way to unknown adventures, he meets several characters who become a hindrance to him. But Kolobok knows how to negotiate with everyone - even the most negative hero from a fairy tale was able to convince to let him go. Over time, already being confident in himself, as a formed personality, the traveler loses vigilance, his self-confidence, insolence suppresses such psychological processes, as attentiveness and observation - and he, with the help of deception, is eaten by the Fox.

This plot of the tale is found in the tales of many peoples of the world. It is instructive because it carries the wisdom of the people, which is passed down through generations from ancestors to future descendants.

What lessons can be learned from this tale and what to teach the child by telling it:

1) Don't lose your sense of self-control. You can always find a way out of the situation and confront the one who offends: call friends for help, be cunning. After all, Kolobok could have been eaten by the Hare if our hero hadn't cheated: "Come on, I'll sing you a song!" Or, nevertheless, just run away - this is what Kolobok did every time, singing a song.

2) Do not trust the first comer. In life they meet different people, both benevolent and vice versa. Just in case, you always need to be ready for anything, because not always bad people directly and frankly make it clear: "I'll eat you!" Most, in relation to you, can act like a cunning Fox, lull your vigilance with flattery and skillfully played kindness; therefore, you have to be very careful here to guess people's intentions.

3) Choose the right way in life. It is worth talking about this with the child at the very end. After all, the Kolobok was baked with a corresponding purpose, Grandfather and Grandmother pinned their hopes on him, and our naughty hero ruined the life of himself and them. Each person has their own abilities, this is a sign of the purpose of everyone in this world. According to these signs and the vocation of the soul, people, as a rule, try to choose their profession, type of activity, occupation. And certainly by doing right choice profession - a person will be able to realize his talents in life, and with his successes bring great benefit to himself, his family and society, and get from his professional activity also a pleasure. Assert yourself.

As a result:

Do not rush to refuse. When you are asked to “scrape the bottom of the barrel,” and you know that there is nothing there, you will still scratch it. Granny had enough flour for Kolobok ...

Do not leave children unattended. After all, Kolobok is none other than a baby who, as soon as Grandmother turned away, jumped off the windowsill and went into the forest!

Don't forget about your childhood. Why the main character fairy tales so recklessly decided on an adventure? Probably because he became rather sad to lie on the windowsill alone. Therefore, you should not rush to scold the child for disobedience, but rather remember how you yourself once wanted to feel “grown up and independent” in childhood, saying, at the request of your mother, to help: “I myself!”

Don't try to replace reading a fairy tale with watching cartoons. Even when you're busy, take time to read with your family or before bed. 15 minutes a day is not much for a lively, emotional display of a fairy tale by you for your child, but it is very important for its psychological development.

Before reading an unfamiliar story to your son or daughter, quickly scan it with your eyes. V modern interpretations you can find, for example: "... and tore it into a thousand small pieces." This is too much. Therefore, in this case, you can replace this tale with another, or replace some of the actions of the main characters with softer ones that do not reflect manifestations of aggression and various negativism, because the child can form the opinion that only evil and cruelty can be strong and reasonable.

Children should know and understand that in life there is, in addition to the "external", "internal" side (the main educational meaning of the tale). Talk about this with your child, subtly, carefully choosing the moment. For educational purposes only, raising the child before doing the right thing in such situations. And even better, if the child has recently been guilty of something, then choose, according to this situation, an appropriate fairy tale with coverage of the instructive and educational moment.

Social teacher: Serebryakova Yu.A.

The first books in the lives of many people are fairy tales. The world of these works is colorful, understandable to everyone. He especially pleases children who love to fantasize, surprising with various magical creatures, worlds and stories in which the main character always triumphs over evil. It is on such works, including Russian folk, that more than one generation of kind, sympathetic and sensitive personalities has grown.

The role of a fairy tale in human life. This is one of the problems raised by the author in the text.

In our time, people often cease to be pleased with things and events that usually aroused their delight, everything gets bored and becomes familiar. Only fairy tales remain multifaceted, they always have something that can be overlooked from the first, second and subsequent readings.

As we grow older, reading them over and over again, we find new morals that can be inferred from stories. Therefore, it is important to read them not only in childhood, but also in adulthood.

Fairy tales are guides to magical, "longed-for" and beautiful lands, giving us answers to questions asked by people from generation to generation. A person throughout his existence asks “about what is important and necessary for everyone” and will continue to do so. A fabulous works so truly and unique in that they provide answers to questions about fate, and what happiness consists in, and about many other things.

A fairy tale is a collection of wisdom, tested by our ancestors, a storehouse of ancient knowledge.

And only a person living with her in his soul will be able to heed the answers given to him by the work, and it will answer "not about what does not exist and does not exist, but about what now is and always will be."

The author believes that the fairy tale plays important role in a person's life, develops him, fosters in him kindness, responsiveness, love for the world around him. “And people living with a fairy tale have a gift and happiness. ... ... ask your people about the first and last wisdom of life and with an open mind listen to the answers of his original, prehistoric philosophy "

I agree with the author and believe that fairy tales are an important part of both a person's childhood and adulthood... They instill in us love for our neighbors, thanks to them we are immersed in magic worlds, memories of which accompany us throughout existence, supporting us in difficult times.

This problem was addressed by both Russian and foreign authors of works. In JK Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, friends trying to find weak sides Someone-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named finds a symbol whose meaning no one can explain to them. The answer to this mystery lies in the tales of the bard Beadle, and it was thanks to the information contained in this book that they were able to defeat Voldemort and end the war that led to the suffering of many magicians.

Let us also recall the novel by Lev Grossman "The Magicians". Quentin, seemingly grown out of the age when everyone loves fairy tales, does not stop re-reading his favorite piece- "Fillory and Beyond." He grew up with these stories, and they helped shape his character. A shy and modest guy was never in the spotlight, but when he found out that he is a wizard, and Fillory really exists, his knowledge of this country became irreplaceable, only with his help friends were able to get there to destroy the enemy, destroying all magic.

Thus, fairy tales are one of the most important works in the life of people, which plays a big role for them throughout their life.

Updated: 2018-03-21

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  • For parents
  • Preschool education

Each person has their first and most beloved fairy tale. A fairy tale that we carry in our hearts through our whole life. And it is different for everyone. And why? What is the deeper meaning here? In every fairy tale we have read, you can find both a complete list of human problems, and ways and means of solving them. The subconscious choice of a fairy tale reflects the problematics of personal moments in a person's life, their aspirations and beliefs. The famous American psychologist Eric Berne argued back in the middle of the twentieth century that it is even possible to program the future of a child with the help of fairy tales. Fairy tales are not as simple as they seem at first glance - they are like a multi-layered cake. In childhood, we see the first layer, it is the most understandable, and with age, we discover a deeper meaning of the embedded concept in a fairy tale. And the shorter the tale, the more it has the amount of information embedded in it. And in this case, parents need fairy tales no less than their children. As an example - I propose to analyze the fairy tale "Kolobok". Everyone, you, remember well how the bun runs away from home to see the world. He certainly has a great desire for adventure. By characterological characteristics, he is energetic, sociable, quite active, mobile, lively, has a good character and an unlimited desire to learn something interesting, unknown. The type of temperament is rather sanguine. On the way to unknown adventures, he meets several characters who become a hindrance to him. But Kolobok knows how to negotiate with everyone - even the most negative hero from a fairy tale was able to convince to let him go. Over time, already being confident in himself as a formed personality, the traveler loses vigilance, his self-confidence, insolence suppresses such psychological processes as attentiveness and observation - and he, with the help of deception, is eaten by the Fox. This plot of the tale is found in the tales of many peoples of the world. It is instructive because it carries the wisdom of the people, which is passed down through generations from ancestors to future descendants. What lessons can be learned from this fairy tale and what to teach the child by telling it: 1) Do not lose a sense of self-control. You can always find a way out of the situation and confront the one who offends: call friends for help, be cunning. After all, Kolobok could have been eaten by the Hare if our hero hadn't cheated: "Come on, I'll sing you a song!" Or, nevertheless, just run away - this is what Kolobok did every time, singing a song. 2) Do not trust the first comer. In life, there are different people, both benevolent and vice versa. Just in case, you always need to be ready for anything, because not always bad people directly and frankly make it clear: "I'll eat you!" Most, in relation to you, can act like a cunning Fox, lull your vigilance with flattery and skillfully played kindness; therefore, you have to be very careful here to guess people's intentions. 3) Choose the right path in life. It is worth talking about this with the child at the very end. After all, the Kolobok was baked with a corresponding purpose, Grandfather and Grandmother pinned their hopes on him, and our naughty hero ruined the life of himself and them. Each person has their own abilities, this is a sign of the purpose of everyone in this world. According to these signs and the vocation of the soul, people, as a rule, try to choose their profession, type of activity, occupation. And, of course, having made the right choice of profession, a person will be able to realize his talents in life, and by his successes, bring great benefit to himself, his family and society, and also get pleasure from his professional activity. Assert yourself. As a result: - Do not rush to refuse. When you are asked to “scrape the bottom of the barrel,” and you know that there is nothing there, you will still scratch it. Granny had enough flour for Kolobok ... - Do not leave children unattended. After all, Kolobok is none other than a baby who, as soon as Grandmother turned away, jumped off the windowsill and went into the forest! - Don't forget about your childhood. Why did the main character of the tale so recklessly decide on an adventure? Probably because he became rather sad to lie on the windowsill alone. Therefore, you should not rush to scold the child for disobedience, but rather remember how you yourself once wanted to feel “grown up and independent” in childhood, saying, at the request of your mother, to help: “I myself!” Tips for Parents - Don't try to replace reading a fairy tale with watching cartoons. Even when you're busy, take time to read with your family or before bed. 15 minutes a day is not much for a lively, emotional display of a fairy tale by you for your child, but it is very important for its psychological development. - Before reading an unfamiliar fairy tale to your son or daughter, quickly scan it with your eyes. In modern interpretations one can find, for example: "... and tore it into a thousand small pieces." This is too much. Therefore, in this case, you can replace this tale with another, or replace some of the actions of the main characters with softer ones that do not reflect manifestations of aggression and various negativism, because the child can form the opinion that only evil and cruelty can be strong and reasonable. - You should not read sad fairy tales to your child at night. Because it will be hard to imagine what a child can dream about after such a fairy tale. - Children should know and understand that in life there is, in addition to the "external", "internal" side (the main educational meaning of the tale). Talk about this with your child, subtly, carefully choosing the moment. For educational purposes only, raising the child before doing the right thing in such situations. And even better, if the child has recently been guilty of something, then choose, according to this situation, an appropriate fairy tale with coverage of the instructive and educational moment.


« The meaning of fairy tales in human life "

A fairy tale, or Kazka, a bike, a fable (its most ancient name is from the word "bayat", "talk") is oral story about fictional events, a notion about what does not happen.

Fairy tales are collectively created and traditionally preserved by the people oral prosaic artistic narratives of such real content, which, if necessary, requires the use of methods of implausible depiction of reality. They are not repeated in any other genre of folklore.

The difference between fabulous fiction and fiction that is found in others folklore works, - primordial, genetic. The difference is expressed in a special function and in the use of fiction. The originality of fiction in fairy tales of any type is rooted in their special content... Conditioning art forms vital content - the main thing for understanding any poetic genre... The originality of a fairy tale cannot be grasped if you pay attention only to its formal properties.

Folk tales have never been an unfounded fantasy. Reality appeared in the tale as a complex system connections and relationships. The reproduction of reality is combined in a fairy tale with the thought of its creators. The world of reality is always subdued to the will and fantasy of the storyteller, and it is this strong-willed, active principle that is most attractive in a fairy tale. And now, in an age that has crossed the threshold of the wildest dreams, the ancient thousand-year-old fairy tale has not lost its power over people. The human soul, as before, in the past, is open to poetic charms. The more amazing the technical discoveries, the stronger the feelings that affirm people in the sense of the greatness of life, the infinity of its eternal beauty. Accompanied by a string of fairy-tale heroes, man will enter the coming centuries. And then people will admire the art of fairy tales about a fox and a wolf, a bear and a hare, a kolobok, geese-swans, Koschey, fire-breathing snakes, Ivanushka the fool, a rogue soldier and about many other heroes who have become the eternal companions of the people.

There are three main types of Russian folk tales: fairy tales, everyday tales and children's tales about animals.

Fairy tale. A large number of images of a fairy tale took shape in ancient times, in the very era when the first ideas and concepts of man about the world arose. Of course, this does not mean that every magical fiction originates from ancient times. Many images of a fairy tale took shape in the relatively recent past. In every new era the fairy tale had a certain fantastic material that generations passed on from old people, keeping and developing the old oral and poetic traditions.

The Russian people have created about one hundred and fifty original fairy tales, but there is still no strict classification of them. Fairy Tales - Specific works of art folk art... Each of them has its own idea, which is clearly expressed in all versions of the same fabulous plot... In a fairy tale, their poetic forms, a certain composition, and style were also established. The aesthetics of beauty and the pathos of social truth determined the stylistic character of the fairy tale. There are no developing characters in a fairy tale. It reproduces, first of all, the actions of the heroes and only through them - the characters. The static nature of the characters depicted is striking: a coward is always a coward, a brave man is everywhere brave, an insidious wife is constant in insidious plans. The hero appears in a fairy tale with certain virtues. So he remains until the end of the story.

Russian beauty and elegance distinguish the language of a fairy tale. These are not half-tones, these are deep, dense colors, emphasized definite and sharp. In a fairy tale in question O dark night, about white light, about red sun, about blue sea, about white swans, about black raven, about green meadows. Things in fairy tales smell, taste, bright color, distinct shapes, the material from which they are made is known. The armor on the hero burns like heat, he took out, as the tale says, he pulled his sharp sword, pulled a tight bow.

The fairy tale is an example of national Russian art. It has its deepest roots in the psyche, in the perception, culture and language of the people. The fantasy of fairy tales was created by the collective creative efforts of the people. As in a mirror, it reflected the life of the people, their character. Through a fairy tale, its thousand-year history is revealed in front of us. The fantasy fiction had a real foundation. Any change in the life of the people inevitably led to a change in the content fantastic images and their forms. Once it arose, the fabulous fiction developed in connection with the entire set of existing folk ideas and concepts, undergoing new processing. Genesis and changes over the centuries explain the features and properties of fiction in folk tale... Developed over the centuries in close connection with the way of life and the whole life of the people, the fantastic fantasy is original and inimitable. This originality and uniqueness are explained by the qualities of the people to whom the fiction belongs, the circumstances of origin and the role that the fairy tale plays in folk life.

In a fairy tale, a person communicates with creatures that you will not find in life: Koshchei the Immortal, Baba Yaga, the many-headed Serpent, giants, dwarf sorcerers. There are unprecedented animals here: Deer-Golden Horns, Pig-Golden Bristle, Sivka-Burka, Firebird. Often wonderful objects fall into the hands of a person: a ball, a self-shaking purse, a self-assembled tablecloth, a self-striking baton. In such a fairy tale, everything is possible! The fairy tale begins with the fact that the main character, for one reason or another, leaves his home, and then from the ordinary world. Everything that the character of a fairy tale does most often happens in someone else's, strange world: in the copper, silver, gold kingdom, or in the distant distant kingdom, the thirty-tenth state. There are almost no signs of Russian life in a fairy tale. Unless the people themselves are Russians. Returning to human world... The hero passes from one kingdom to another, becomes a king. However, one people lives everywhere. Other peoples are somewhere far away, overseas (overseas merchants, overseas wines).

The world of the fairy tale is the world of polytheism, i.e. paganism. The ancient rulers of the elements help or try to prevent a person, natural forces: Sun, Month, Wind, Frost, water, king of the sea... You will not find a priest in a fairy tale - all sorcerers and witches.

The protagonist of the tale is always young. According to the views primitive man, wisdom could only be obtained from ancestors. But the ancestors are in another world. That's where all these trips to different kingdoms come from.

Many fairy tales talk about a military feat. But fairy-tale heroes they are fighting not for Russia, not for the Russian land. They procure for the king some wondrous, wonderful object.

The fairy tale has been transmitted orally for centuries. Sometimes deliberately, sometimes accidentally, the narrator changed something, added something. In this way, works were created that were similar to each other, but not exactly the same.

Household tale ... Everyday tale is also called socially-everyday, satirical or short story - from the word short story¦. She appeared much later than magic.

The novelistic tale accurately conveys everyday life, the circumstances of folk life. Truth coexists with fiction, with events and actions that in fact cannot be. For example, the cruel queen is corrected by swapping places with the wife of a shoemaker-fighter for several days. In a fairy tale there are two worlds, in everyday life - one. Here everything is ordinary, everything happens in Everyday life... V everyday fairy tale the weak and the strong, the rich and the poor are opposed. The tale respects good, skillful workers, ridicules the inept, idlers. In an everyday fairy tale (it is not without reason that it is also called a roguish tale), theft is quite permissible. In all the oldest legends and myths about heroes who brought to mankind some knowledge and crafts, this or that discovery, this knowledge and discoveries were stolen from higher beings, the gods. The most beloved hero of a fairy tale is a soldier. Dexterous, resourceful both in word and in deed, brave, knowing everything, able to do everything, cheerful, cheerful. The soldier usually returns home after 25 years of service (which is why he is always an old soldier!). On the way, they happen to him amazing stories... Failure in the fairy tale pursues everyone who is in real life dominated over the people, robbed them, offended. The peasant takes over the master, the worker over the priest, the soldier over the general, and the younger, offended in the family, over the tyrant old men. The beginning of the tale corresponds to the actual, unfair state of affairs, and the end necessarily destroys this injustice. In a fairy tale, the hero often achieves victory in battle with the help of wonderful weapons. In the household - positive hero does not use force, military exploits does not. There are no miracles here. There is, as it were, a contest of the mind: who will outwit whom, who will turn out to be smarter.

Animal Tales... Fairy tales about animals, like fairy tales, arose in ancient times, they reflect forgotten beliefs, rituals, ideas. Here is the memory of ancestral totems, and the centuries-old experience of communication between primitive hunters and pastoralists with animals. In ancient times, such tales were told before the start of the hunt, and this had magical meaning... In our time, they tell children. And they talk about the habits, tricks and ordinary adventures of wild and domestic animals, about birds and fish, the relationship between which is very similar to the relationship between people. And the nature of animals is likened to a human one: the bear is stupid, the hare is cowardly, the wolf is greedy, and Lisa Patrikeevna is more cunning than the cunning, will deceive anyone you want.

There are several types of animal tales.

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, and they had a chicken - a pea - a wonderful fairy tale! Short, nothing more. Such tales are designed for the smallest. Listening to them, the baby learns a lot, develops the mind, imagination.

About 50 stories of animal tales are known. Their heroes are a fox and a bear, a fox and a rooster. Especially often it is said about the relationship between the fox and the wolf. The fox and the peasant deceived, pretended to be dead, and then threw all the fish from the sleigh onto the road. Such tales are for older children - those who have already begun to explore the world outside the walls of their home. And the tale of how a man and a bear shared the harvest ("you - tops, me - roots"), teaches ingenuity, gives the child initial knowledge about plants that feed humans.

In fairy tales for the little ones, there are often poetic and song inserts - this makes memorization easier, and develops hearing, and entertains. And long, endless fairy tales are both a game and an exercise in speech, in logical thinking... Especially useful are the so-called chain-like fairy tales, where one must very carefully monitor the order of episodes, their logic.

There are fairy tales and animals for teenagers and adults. The fairy tale "The Fox Confessor" parodies church confession. Reading a fairy tale, a person worries, worries, and when finally everything ends well, he feels pleasure, like from any other good book. The fairy tale today is not a dilapidated monument of the distant past, but a bright, living part of our national culture.