Portraits of famous women of the 19th century. Mix beautiful women in Russian history

Portraits of famous women of the 19th century. Mix beautiful women in Russian history
Portraits of famous women of the 19th century. Mix beautiful women in Russian history

The first one of the most beautiful women of Russia today, though not Russian by birth, but undoubtedly one of those who amounted to the glory of Russia.
Nina Alexandavna Griboyedova, Georgian Princess Chavchavadze - "Black Rose Tiflis".
Born and grew in Cinanal, where the estate of Prince Chavchavadze was located - Dadiani. Already in early youth, Nino was distinguished by beauty and an article inherent in Georgians. Griboedov, who served in 1822 in Tiflis, often visited the House of Prince and even gave his daughters of music lessons. Once a joke, "Uncle Sandro", as called His Nina, told his little student: "If you and then try so, I get married to you." But when he visited this house again after 6 years, after returning from Persia, he was no joke - he was amazed by the beauty of grew up Nina and its intelligence.

Princess Nino Chavchavadze

In her unrequited for 30 years, Gregory Orbeliani Gregory, but she did not get married a second time, rejecting all offers and courtships.
In vain, the grooms are rushing here from different places.
Many in Georgia brides, and I do not have a draw of my wife!
Perhaps these words of Tamara from the poem "Demon" inspired Lermontov image of Nina. And the "Reluler Synodla" (Cinanal) -Griboyedov. In any case, her love and loyalty to the tragically dead husband became legendary in her life; Nina Chavchavadze name was surrounded by honorable and respect, it was called the black rose Tiflis. But she did not keep out people, on the contrary, they stretched to her, she helped many.
There are several picturesque and verbal portraits of Nina. And those and others convey a captivating and decent admiration image. Here, for example, some Sinyavin undoubtedly loved in her, exclaims: "No, there can be no such perfection in the world: beauty, heart, feelings, inexplicable kindness! How smartly! I'm afraid, no one will compare with it. " General Albranta writes to his friend-Tiflests: "Nina's smile Aleksandrovna is so good - as a blessing! When meeting, tell me that I worship her like Moometanians - the Sun ascending! ". But the evidence of contemporaries: "One of the most charming creatures is a handsome, with a rare mind. Everyone converge on the fact that it is an ideal woman. "
Of course, she suffered from loneliness, from the absence of children. He blew his relative to give her a newborn daughter to her upbringing: "You are surrounded by children, and I am completely alone!".
Her pupil of Catherine later recalled that aunt Nina left daily, where - the girl learned when he had grown a little, and she began to take her with her, on her husband's grave.
Nina Alexandrovna Griboyedova, nee Princess Chavchavadze, died in June 1857, at the age of forty nine incomplete years, during the epidemic cholera, which came to Tiflis from Persia. She refused to leave the city as most of the rich families. "In the city there are only two physicians and the community of sisters of mercy at the Russian hospital. I will not be superfluous. " She was the last words: "Me ... next to him."
..T, in the dark grotto - Mausoleum,
And - the modest gift of widow -
The lamp shines in the semit
To read you
That inscription and so that you
Reminded herself -
Two grief: grief from love
And grief from the mind.
Jacob Polonsky.

Varvara Asenkova - since 1836 Actress of the Alexandrinsky Theater. The first appearance on the stage of Alexandrinsky brought her triumph. Assenkova, there was not only talented, but also very elegant, charming and feminine. Basically played in watervilles, her "Hussar-Maiden" was specially famous. Nevertheless, soon she was not less successful in the dramatic images of Ophelia, Esmeralda, for 6 years of staying on stage. Having reynt a huge number of roles.

Varvara Asenkova

She admired Belinsky and Nashchkin, the young writer of Nekrasov dedicated her the poems of "Ophelia" and "Memory Asenkova".
... little I saw
Beautiful heads;
Your voice gently sounded,
Your every step was deft;
Your soul was gentle
Beautiful, like the body,
Slander did not bring it
The enemies did not overcome!
.. Your sunset
Was strange and beautiful:
Burned down a deep view
Shrill and clear;
Weak health, envy and gossip provoked its disease with a charchotka and early death. At the funeral, she had such a huge number of people that they were compared with Pushkin's funeral. In Soviet times about the short and tragic life of Asenkova, a wonderful film "Green Care" was shot

Yulia Samoilova (nebid countess Palen) is a beloved woman and muse Karl Bryullov, his "Italian Sun".
Young Julink Palen.

Her beautiful person can be seen in many of his paintings, for example, on the "portrait of Yulia Samoilova with the adopted daughter Jovanina and Arapchonk"

And at an even more well-known "portrait of the Countess Samoilova, which removes from the Ball with the adopted daughter Amacyilia," and in the "death of Pompeii", its features are granted to several female images. Julia on the mother line took place from the genus of Skatenna (yes, the most relatives of Catherine 1 - Martha Skavron). This woman basically lived in Italy and herself looked like a luxurious sultry Italian. Countess was different not only by southern beauty, but also an independent free character.

The "last of the kind of Sakavronsky" constantly angry the sovereign by the fact that the entire fashionable and exquisite light went out not in the royal village, to the summer imperial court, but for a few miles from him, in a large estate of the Count Slav (near St. Petersburg). The emperor suggested to sell it to the "royal treasury" the Count Slavs together with a luxurious home built on the project of the famous St. Petersburg architect and the artist - Alexander Bryullov. The Countess obeyed the imperial proposal, similar to the order, but said to someone from the high dignitaries, in the royal rest: "Pass the emperor that they did not go to the Count Slav, and to the Samoilova Countess."
She had two absolutely adorable adoptive daughters, whom I have already mentioned, and we can also admire the portrait of Jovanin on the famous Bullyl Picture of "Horseman" (by the way Amacilia there, too, is a little girl on the balcony).

Yulia Petrovna Vrevskaya - Baroness, folk heroine of Russia and Bulgaria. After the death of her husband, he devoted himself to serving the Fatherland and the case of the liberation of Bulgaria from Turkish Iga, becoming the sister of mercy in the period Russian-Turkish war. At the same time there was a wonderful beauty woman. According to the reviews of contemporaries "Yulia Petrovna is distinguished by some special charm, something sublime, which is especially attracted and is not forgotten, it is charming not only appearance, feminine grace, but also incessant kindness and friendly." Portrait of Baroness Julia Vrowskaya

It died quite young from the typhoid, at the end of the war, in the fronthouse hospital, in the Bulgarian village of Biala. It was friendly with V. Hugo and especially with I. Turgenev, who immeasieled it and admired. Interestingly, Turgenev, as it were, premeditated the legendary Vrevskaya fate, predicted a lot of Yulia Petrovna in the novel "On the eve", and after a quarter of a century, the history of Elena Stakhova and Dmitry Insarov repeats. About the life of the Vrevskaya, her feat, or as they previously talked Mobility, her love and death was written by the Tale of the Bulgarian Writer G. Karashovanova "loyalty for loyalty" "Her friendship with Bulgarian Stefan Grozkov played a particularly large role in her life, in which the filamental desire to make something significant to liberate his homeland, enslaved by the Turks . The hot patriotic feeling of her friend touched her tender heart. Without seeing Bulgaria, she fell in love with her "- writes Kasosetov. Yulia Petrovna Vrevskoy dedicated their poems Y. Polonsky - "Under the Red Cross", V. Hugo - "Russian Rose, who died in Bulgarian Earth", I. Turgenev "Memory of Julia Vyravskaya", in 1977 was lifted by the Russian-Bulgarian film "Julia Werevskaya "with Lyudmila Savelyeva in the title role.

... what are titles and zvenya
Compared with the soul of Big? ..
You wanted freedom to brothers,
You wanted to Bulgarians of happiness ...
You died away from Russian rivers,
To become a legend proud through the years.
And the last snow circled outside the window
To make a spring of freedom ...
Bulgarian poet Elia Ganchev - "Julia Vrevskoy"

Sister Merciful Yu.P. Werevskaya.

"On the mud, on the smelting raw straw, under a venue of the dilapidated shed, on the ambulance hand turned into a marching military gospital, in a ruined Bulgarian village - she died from Typha.
She was in infamousity - and no doctor even looked at her; Sick soldiers, for whom she cared, could still stay on his legs, alternately climbed from their infected lair to bring her lips a few drops of water in the shard pot of a broken pot.
She was young, beautiful; The highest light knew her; Even dignitaries were aware of it. The ladies envied her, the men were dragging behind her ... two or three people secretly loved her. Life smiled her; But there are smiles worse tears.
Gentle gentle heart ... and such force, such a thirst for the victim! Help those who need help ... She did not know other happiness ... did not know - and did not have ever denied. Every other happiness passed by. But she came up with this for a long time - and all, dusting with the fire of the restless faith, surrendered to the minion.
What cherished treasies were conceited there, in the depths of the soul, in her very cache, no one ever knew - and now, of course, will not know.
And why? The victim is brought ... The case is done.
Let her cute shadow be offended by this late flower, which I dared to lay on her grave! ... ". I. Turgenev "Memory of Yu. P. Vyrevskaya"

Varvara Rimskaya - Korsakov, (in Mergasov's greatness) - her portrait still admires visitors to the Paris Museum of OBCE.

At one time, the original beauty of this "Tatar Venus", as she was called in Paris (and she really is a native of the Volga coast, from the Kostroma province) produced a furyor in France. The masquerand of Varvara loved to appear in exotic, even defiantly frank outfits: the priestess tanitis, whose costume consisted of a light gas cape that does not hide the outlines of a magnificent figure, then the dicarks in fluttering ribbons and scraps of fabric, allowing to see those present "the most beautiful legs in Europe" . Her behavior was more than boldly even for France and caused some discontent of the queen Evgeny Montiho. Lion Tolstoy mentioned it in the novel "Anna Karenina", under the name of Lydi Korsunskaya, for example, in the scene on the ball: "There was not the impossibility of a naked beauty Lydi, the wife of Korsunsky." Thinking Corsakov only with a rapid fashionable "secular lioness" were quite surprised by the release of the book written by her, even the epigraph of which was distant from the frivolity "deprivation and sorrow, I specified God, and happiness made him know it."
On the Internet, Varvaru is sometimes issued for the wife of the Composer of Rome-Korsakov, but in more serious sources of its relative or other connection with the author of the famous opera, I did not find anything in except for the surname. Her husband Nikolai Korsakov was first the leader of the Vyazemsky nobility, then the military, participated in Sevastopol battle and was awarded the St. George Cross.

Women of the genus Yusupov were famous for not only wealth and knowledge, but also by their beauty. In my list of them are three. The most famous Zinaida Nikolaevna Yusupova - and as one of the most beautiful and charming women of their time (and the richest), and as the mother of Felix Yusupov - the main acting person in the murder of Rasputin. Many portraits of Z.N. have been preserved. Yusupova, the most famous written by V. Serovy. On him, the princess has been about 40 years old, but it is still unfortunately good.
Sometimes it is confused with another Zinaida Yusupova - her grandmother - Zinaida Ivanovna, also beautiful and difficult fate and character of a woman.

Zinaida Ivanovna Yusupova (nee Naryshkin)

There was an old belief about the curse of the genus yuspot. The ancestors of their - the sons of Tatarry Murza Yusuf, during the times of the Golden Horde, were crossed in Orthodoxy and were cursed for versoity. According to a curse, from all those born in one generation of Yusupovy to twenty-six years there will be only one, and it will continue up to the complete retrieval of the genus. It came true strictly. No matter how many children do not bother - up to twenty-six lived only one.
Zinaida Ivanovna married Boris Nikolayevich Yusupov was still a very young girl, her son bore him, then a daughter who deceased with childbirth and only after that he learned about the family curse. Being a woman is judicious, she said her husband that "give birth to the dead" is not going to continue. The beauty had a lot of fans in the highest light, and even went rumors that the emperor himself was not indifferent to it. In any case, on the Fond General Clotte of the Chernetska artist, made by order of Nicholas 1, where the most famous people of the empire and the most famous beauties, Zinaida Ivanovna are present.
Zinaide Ivanovna was no forty, when the old prince died and the princess became what was called "living for himself." The legends went about her dizzying novels, but the most famous scandalous history of her hobbies with young people was known. When it was sharpened in the Shlisselburg fortress, the princess refused the secular fun, followed him, settled in front of the fortress and bribes achieved that he was released at night.
This story was well known, she was shuffled about her, but oddly enough Zinaida Ivanovna did not condemn, recognizing the right of a beautiful princess on madness when this story ended, for some time she lived by a climate on the foundry, then, coming out married a ruined, but the tricky Frenchman He left Russia, refused the title of Princess Yusupova and became referred to as the Countess of De Shvo, the Marquis de Serr.
On history with young people, Yusupov recalled after the revolution. One of the emigrant newspapers printed a message that trying to find Yusupov's treasures, the Bolsheviks discovered a secret room in the palace on the casting avenue. But they found no jewelry there, and the coffin with a harnessed man. Most likely, this was the one sentenced to death, the peopling, whose body Yusupova bought and transported to St. Petersburg. However, in the family Zinaida Ivanovna read happy. All her husbands died in old age, her daughter lost during childbirth, when it did not have time to get used to her, I loved a lot, I did not refuse yourself and died surrounded by my relatives.

Zinaida Nikolaevna Yusupova was born in 1861 in the family of Prince N. B. Yusupova, the last representative of the oldest kind. The owner of factories, mines, profitable houses and places were unheard of rich. Zinaida Nikolaevna remained the only heir to the genus (sister Tatiana at the age of 22 died from Tifa). The daughter inherited from the Father not only wealth, but also the best character traits. Smart, educated, she was one of the first beauties of St. Petersburg, at 18 years old Princess already engaged in active charity: she became a guardian of the shelter of soldiers' widows. And a little later, dozens of shelters, hospitals, gymnasiums of St. Petersburg got under her patronage, she helped the families of Chernogorstsev who were victims in the fight against the Turks, and trains and lazarets were equipped with the first world war on her funds for her funds for the wounded, including In her estates.
A rich bride was claimed by the most notable grooms, including the August Officials, but the princess was waiting for real love. She has already been 20 years old, there was no penal from the cavaliers, the old prince sent the daughter of the prince for the prince, but everyone received a refusal. Once, to respect the Father, Princess agreed to meet with another cavalier - Prince Battenberg, the applicant for the Bulgarian throne. He was accompanied by officer Felix Elston-Sumarokov. As a result, Battenberg was denied - Princess Yusupov fell in love with first glance in the Guards Lieutenant and the next day he accepted his proposal of his hand and heart. Wedding Princess Zinaida Yusupova and Felix Elston-Sumarow took place in the spring of 1882 and for a long time became the main news of St. Petersburg: the first beauty with such dowry went under a crown with a simple Guards officer? However, Felix was the grandson of the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm IV. The old prince of Yusupov go against her desires did not. A year later, the young people were born - Nikolai, called so in honor of his grandfather, the old curse of the family turned with two sons of Zinaida Nikolaevna: the middle died by a child, and Nikolai in 1908 was killed for duels, without having lived until his twenty-sest of only six months. Junior - Felix remained the only heir.
"Mother was delightful. High, thin, elegant, smoothed and black, with shiny, like stars, eyes. Smart, educated, artist, good. Nobody could resist her charm. But she was not honored with his diving, and there was simplicity itself and modesty "- this description gave Zinaida Nikolaevna her son Felix. You can imagine how beautiful it was in the greatness. The princess is not blunt and not poured, grabbed her natural beauty. . From all the cosmetics used only home cooking lotion. And with all the modesty of the behavior, the first fashionista of St. Petersburg was considered: her outfits were driving everything crazy, and in the collection of jewels, the Moji star, the Queen of Mary Antoinettes, Pearl and Diamond Diadem Carolina - Queen Neapolinsky. One hollow-glass Spanish guest visited the reception of Yusupova and recalled: "Princess was a very beautiful woman, she possessed such a wonderful beauty that remains a symbol of the era. At the reception, the hostess of the house was in Kokoshnik, decorated with giant pearls and diamonds ... they did her like on empress "
Portrait of Zinaida Nikolaevna Yusupova in Russian Suit

The favorite jury of Yusupova was a unique pearl of Pelegrin .. This pearl can be seen in the portrait of Zinaida Nikolaevna Brush Fleming. Then, in a distant emigration, her son Felix will sell Pelegrin, and the trace of the mascot of a beautiful woman will lose.
Z.N. Yusupova, Straot of work V. Serov /\u003e
About the mercy of Princess Yusupova went legends. Certificates of those who were treated in her hospitals were preserved that officers here were invited to lunch and evening tea, that guests sat at the beautiful table and were casual conversations that the princess knew about the state of all seriously ill and was very heart.
Zinaida Nikolaevna died away from Russia, in emigration, in 1939 and buried in the Cemetery of St. Geneviev de Boua under Paris.

Irina Yusupova, daughter-in-law Z.N. Yusupova, the wife of her son, the Felix itself, will be presented in a post dedicated to the beauties of the beginning of the 20th century.

I love you, beauties centuries,
For your careless doors,
For the right to live, breathing inflorescence
And throwing the death of the animals on the shoulders.
I love when, stepping like flying,
Purge, laughing and ledge.
The essence of femininity is always golden
All those who poet, sacred candle.

Bella Akhmadullina.

In an additional investment to this post, the story of other wonderful Russian women. This is the widow of the hero of the Borodino battle of General Tuchkov Margarita (Mother Maria), who left us after himself not only the amazing history of love and loyalty, not only the temple of the Savior of the Unpremorous with the Savior Borodino monastery, but also a bread called Borodino; "Curtain Vityazy Thunderstorm" Freulin Smirnova - Rosset, Anna Kern, daughter A.S. Pushkin, a fastener actress Pearlchugova, who has become Sheremetyeva, Anna Olenina, Tatyana Potemkin.

The attachment:

Vladimir Ivanovich Gau was born on February 4, 1816 in the roar. Watercolor artist Vladimir Gau left us an excellent gallery of portraits of your era. His works are in many museums and are the subject of pride of collectors. The artist portrait genre, Gau wrote many portraits of the royal family - Emperor Nikolai I, the Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich and hundreds of portraits of Russian nobility.

Vladimir Ivanovich Gau was born in the family of the artist. Johann Gau did not receive art education, he became a self-taught artist and became famous for his time as a landscape artist and decorator. He taught it and sons.

Vladimir Eduard Gau's older brother is known as a perspective artist. His paintings are numerous images of Palaces of St. Petersburg and his suburbs, the Grand Kremlin Palace and his halls. In 1854, Eduard Gau became an academician "for the art and knowledge in picturesque promising watercolor art."

And the little Voldemar since childhood also drew. But unlike the father and brother, the image of a person's face attracted him. Not directly the father agreed with this propensity of the future of the court painter. After all, to be an artist-portraitist - it meant to listen to other people's comments, find the strength to draw as the capricious customer requires, and also be able to flatter him.

Therefore, first the father gives his son to learn from Academician Karl von Kügelchen. The old artist lived near Revel, in the manor Friedheim. With patience and zeal, he spent at the work of a young artist, and Kügelkin saw and appreciated the gift of Portretist, and therefore managed to convince Johann not to resist the desires of the Son.

Soon, with the assistance of Kyuhelchen Voldemar Gau, at the end of the 1820s began to receive orders for portraits, which turned out so much that a young artist hardly managed to fulfill.

Being a portrait artist is not easy, but very honorable. Indeed, in those distant times to maintain their image in his youth or in a mature age, for themselves or for memory closest, I wanted many. Therefore, everyone treated artists who knew portraits with great respect.

Then, yes, and now, about big artists say that he writes a portrait, it is written, and does not draw. Hence the word - painter. Here is a painter who would be able to convey the image and soul of man, waldemar Gau.

In 1832, the tsarist family arrived on the sea bathing. By this moment, many knew about the young artist here. Therefore, it is not surprising that the rumor about him has reached the imperial family. Empress Alexander Fodorovna wished the artist wrote portraits of her children. When portraits were ready, the Empress immediately realized that in front of her a real artist.

Alexander Fodorovna took him under his patronage, and in 1832 GAU was enrolled by a volunimizing student at the Imperial Academy of Arts, and "at the expense of a high patron". In 1835, V. Gau was invited to the royal village, where they were written by portraits of the great princes Alexander, Konstantin, Nikolai, Mikhail and the Grand Duzhon Mary, Olga and Alexandra.

In 1836, Gau writes the portrait of Alexandra Fedorovna, who becomes one of the well-known and best portraits of the Empress. Alexander Födorovna is depicted in the living room "Cottage" in Alexandria. Calm, a little tired face, the empress - she seemed to think, looking in front of him. Proud of straight posture, noble appearance ...

In 1836, Vladimir Gau finished the Academy of Arts with a Big Silver Medal. Soon he went abroad for further improving his skill. In Russia, the famous artists who admired Russian to know, but to learn how to learn in Europe.

GAU visited Italy, in Germany. Here he met the works of Italian and German painters. Watercolor portrait genre in Europe was more common, and a small size. Such were the needs of society. With each European yard worked watercolor artists. Written portraits were often replicated by a lithographic way.

Returning to Russia, Vladimir Gau became a court painter. In 1849 he was assigned the honorary title of academician watercolor painting. Get a portrait of Vladimir Gau's brush, dreamed of many secular beauties. Among his models there were almost all members of the Imperial House.

He wrote portraits of the royal family and Russian nobility performed in the interior or in the landscape, portraits of the actress of the Imperial Theater: "Singers and the East of Beauty" A.M. Stepanova, Dramatic Actress V.N. Asenkova, Dancer V.P. Wolve, actress M.I. Shovel. Unfortunately, not all portraits we can see today, we can only have ideas about surviving lithographs.

Most portraits of V. Gau are the Russian aristocracy of the XIX century, and therefore in each of the elements of aristocracy in the external manifestation. This is a clear calm face, a straight posture, a turn of head, clothes - all this moves from a portrait to a portrait.

Female portraits, poetic, penetrating and expressive are especially beautiful. They feel the virtuoso possession of the technique, the ability to catch the characteristic features of the model. Portraits of St. Petersburg beauties provided the artist success in the world.

Look at any portrait of V. Gau - delicate Miloids of women, surrounded by the magical radiance of watercolors, nobility and dignity, a pensive or dreamy look, languid expression ...

Images of the Countess of Emilia Musina-Pushkin, Knyagini A.A. Golitsyna, N.N. Pushkin, M.V. Stolypina, one of the "fashionable women of forties", portrait O.N. Skobeel, mother of an outstanding Russian commander of General MD. Skobelev, Portrait of Anna Alekseevna Olenina, which A.S. Pushkin dedicated his verses explaining in love. "I loved you ..." Or

"But, admit, whether
My eyes are my eyes!
What a thoughtful genius in them,
And how many children's simplicity,
And how many languid expressions,
And how many bald and dreams! ... "

In 1842, Gau married Louise-Matilde-theodore Zanfteleben, the daughter of the St. Petersburg tailor. The artist's family had three sons and six daughters. In the meeting of the Russian Museum, small pencil sketches and watercolors, transferred by his grandson Magnus Viktorovich Ginz, tell us about the events of his family life.

A part of the family portraits of GAU are located in Russia, and part abroad. In the meeting of the Yaroslavsky Art Museum there are portraits of his eldest son of Garald in infancy and three daughters - Mary, Olga and Eugene.

Vladimir Gau - Artist of the Epoch of 1840 - 1860s. In his portraits, the reflection of the atmosphere of those years. Already, no one decade, the brush of the artist Vladimir Gau tells us the history of the life of people who lived many years ago, thanks to him, we can come into contact with the past not only well-known people, but also with the history of the country. The bright example can be portraits of the Great Princess Elena Pavlovna.

Elena Pavlovna, gifted by a subtle artistic taste, posed the artist herself and appreciated his talent. Elena Pavlovna, known for active activities for the benefit of Russia, hit everyone with his mind, a strong character.

Poet V.F. Odoevsky wrote about her: "It was all interested, she knew everyone, he understood everything, he sympathized with everything. She always studied anything. " Elena Pavlovna, being married with Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, knew how to be useful in state affairs and the emperor himself.

When the widowed Empress of Maria Fodorovna died, according to her will, Helen Pavlovna passed the management of Mariinsky and obequious institutions. Maria Födorovna knew that he had passed them into rugged hands. And indeed, since that time, all the problems of medicine were always in sight of Elena Pavlovna.

This woman seemed to have everything that was needed for happiness. But it only seemed. The Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich was a completely different person, and the beauty and grace of his wife, who admired poets, did not worry him. She buried daughters - alone in infancy, and the other two - Maria and Elizabeth died at a young age.

After that, Elena Pavlovna completely devoted himself to public and charitable activities. It was she who created the first military community of the sisters of mercy during the Crimean War. Great Princess for its activities and merits in the liberation of peasants from serfdom in society called "Princesse La Liberty - Princess Freedom", and Emperor Alexander II awarded Elena Pavlovna Gold Medal "Reform Worker".

Among the hundreds of portraits written by V. Gau's brush, like every artist, there are excellent works, and there are less successful. In many of his portraits, there is no so-hearth heat, heartiness and trust, which is felt very often between the artist and his model.

In his portraits, some restraint is felt, and somewhere coldness, but it is also explained. The circle of its models, and rather portrayed, is an imperial family, Russian to know.

Unless he could feel the creative mood, silent communication and understanding, which could be between the artist and the model, so necessary to fulfill the difficult task of creativity. In addition, the court artist should be ready for the unconditional fulfillment of any wishes of the customer, as he warned his father.

In portraits depicting people close to the artist, interest in man, to his inner world completely different. In the period of the 1860-1890s, the work of V.I.Gau becomes single. At this time, the watercolor portrait was supplanted by a developing photo.

Vladimir Gau - the court artist of the Imperial House died on March 11, 1895, was buried at the Smolensk Lutheran Cemetery of St. Petersburg. His wife Louise Gau is resting here.

At the beginning of the XIX century in the Empir Empire in fashion, naturalness and simplicity. Even the cosmetic effect of the lady tried to achieve natural ways: if the pallor was required - the vinegar drank, if the blush was a storm. For a while, even jewelry leaves fashion. It is believed that the more beautiful woman, the less she needs decorations ...

Whiteness and tenderness of hands during an ampyr is so appreciated that even the gloves worn over the night.

In the outfits noticeably imitating antique clothing. Since these dresses were made mainly from thin translucent Muslin, fashionista risked to catch colds in particularly cold days.

Madame Reamenier - the famous Parisian beauty, the most famous owner of the literary salon

"Portrait of Madame Remight" - a picture of the French artist Jacques Louis David, written in 1800.

To create spectacular drapes, beautifully outliving natural data, the ladies used a simple intake of antique sculptors - moistened to clothing, it is no coincidence that the mortality from pneumonia was very high in those years.

The French "Journal de Mod" in 1802 even recommended to visit the Montmart Cemetery to his readers to see how many young girls became a victim of "Nagya" fashion.

Teresa Kabarryry.

Paris newspapers were shot by mourning chronicles: "Mrs. de Noel died after the Bala, at the nineteen years, Mademoiselle de Jujinis - at eighteen, Mr Shaptal - at sixteen!" For several years of the domination of this extravagant fashion, women died more than those preceding 40 years.

Terezia Talien was considered "more beautiful Capitol Venus," she was so ideal. She introduced a "naked" fashion. The easiest dress weighed 200 grams!

Only thanks to the Egyptian campaign of Napoleon, Cashmere Shawli entered the fashion, which widely popularized the spouse of the emperor - Josephine.

In the 20s of the XIX century, the figure of a woman resembles an hourglass: rounded "swollen" sleeves, an aspen waist, a wide skirt. The corset entered the fashion. The waist should be unnatural in volume - about 55 cm.

Vladimir Ivanovich Gau. Portrait of Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharova - Pushkin.

The desire for the "ideal" waist often led to a tragic consequence. So, in 1859, one 23-year-old fashionista died after the ball due to the fact that the ribs squeezed with a corset to her liver.

VGU. Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharov. 1842-1843

For the beauty of the ladies were ready to endure different inconveniences: the wide fields of the ladies' caps, who hung on the eyes, and came to move hardly to touch, long and heavy bells of dresses.

P. Deerosh. Portrait of singer Henriette umbrella, 1831.

In the authoritative British magazine "Lancet" in the 1820s, it was suggested that in muscular weakness, diseases of the nervous system and other illnesses, women should blame the weight of their dresses, which made up about 20 kilograms. Often the ladies were confused in their own skirts. Queen Victoria somehow dislocated an ankle, coming to his hem.

In the second half of the 19th century, the thrust for artificiality was revived. Healthy blush and tan, strong, strong body became signs of low origin. The ideal of beauty was considered "Osin waist", pale faces, stockiness and refinement.

Laughter and tears of secular beauty should be beautiful and elegant. Laughter should be not loud, but crumbly. When weeping, you can drop no more than three-four tears and observe not to spoil the complexion.

Camilla Klodel

In fashion painful femininity. We are talking about mental illnesses in which impassivity borders with madness, a symbol of such a beauty can serve Camilla Claudel - Muse and a student of the sculptor of Ogusta Rodin and body diseases, like Margarita Gautier, a deadly sick tuberculosis of the Kurtisani heroine "Lady with Camellias "Alexander Duma.

To give the face of the matte patenity, the ladies took three times a day the gross chalk (well-purified chalk could be obtained in pharmaceutical stores; to use chalks intended for the card game, it was impossible) and drank acetic and lemon juice, and circles under the eyes were achieved at the expense of special Distracy.

Blondes and brunettes, hinds and pyshnes, high and miniature - the standard of female beauty changed at all times.

Looking at portraits of recognized beauties of past centuries, contemporaries are good if they reveal their "pretty" epithet. And even at all will be intensely forgive shoulders, wincing the "tastes" and the standards of the beauty of the long-lasting days ...

What are they, the most beautiful women in the history of mankind? Beautiful women were a lot at all times. Not all of them left a trace in history, but also those whose names were synonymous with female beauty, so much that even just listed them very difficult!

Each year, the most famous magazines and Internet publications publish their beauties ratings. All of them are different, in all - different names. Well, beauty is a subjective thing ...

Remembering about this and about the fact that the tastes do not argue, let's just "run on" in world history, remembering the most beautiful women in the world of all times and peoples to reach a rating not by beauty, but by epochs. Well, who from the beauties are worthy of the first place, let everyone decide for himself!

With all the desire, to include in the list of the most beautiful women at least the most famous, such an undertaking will remain with the impracticable, there are too many beauties around, so this thematic article will definitely be continued))

So, let's begin….

Ancient world


"Beauty has come," the name of the great wife of Tsar Amenhotpa is so literally translated. About her appearance we can judge except for the BlaS found at the beginning of the last century. But legends say that such beauty has never seen Egypt. Contemporaries called her "perfect", and her leak could be seen in all the temples of ancient Egypt.

Once upon a time I, not particularly "understanding" the beauty of Cleopatra met a small story told by the same not connoisseur of the beauty of the queen, when in her presence an artist began to paint with paints all familiar White Bust Cleopatra.

And then the beauty has fascinated and played in another angle. Therefore, it is worth believe the words of contemporaries claimed that the queen was a true beauty, possibly beyond the correct features of the face there was also a glowing skin color, and an unusual shade of eyes, and a smile whiteness. How do you like this modern interpretation?))


What was really the last of the Ptolomeyev, we probably never know.

Its image "not to see" and because of the romantic bedspread, wisen wisen and directors, and because of the mud, in which her name roman historians smeared. Her lifetime images remains.

Well, let's believe Plutarch, who celebrated the huge charm of the queen of Egypt and her irresistible charm, which literally crashed into the soul.

Middle Ages

Queen Tamara

The wise government and a beautiful woman, with the name of which binds the "golden age" in the history of Georgia.

The poets called it the "smiling sun" and "slender cane", the unfortunately praising her mind, the enchanting beauty and talent of the commander. Her hands sought the Eastern rulers and Tsarevichi Byzantium.

She quite successfully fought (in the literal) with a former spouse, defeating it under Tbilisi, and gained happiness in the second marriage.

Eleonora Akvitan

She was the Duchess and Countess, the wife of the king of France Louis VII and, later, the King of England Henry II, Mother 10 children, among which were two future English monarch. Its role in history is impossible to overestimate (no wonder it was called the grandmother of medieval Europe).

... And one more was just a beautiful woman, the angelic beauty of which he was heated by the troubadras, and the eccentric behavior drove men crazy.

Agnes Sorel

The favorite of the king, who managed to make friends with the queen, the legislator of the mod (it was thanks to her the diamonds became "best friends" of women, and fashionable dresses were exposed to one breasts) and an incomparable beauty, whose beauty recognized even Pope.

Her life was bright, but short - one of the chambers of the morality, not thinking, he poisoned a pregnant girl with a four-child girl mercury.

Simonetta Vespucci

Incomparable and beautiful. The first beauty of Florence of the Renaissance and the "Heart Lady" Giuliano Medici. Botichelli drew Madonn and Venus from her, men went crazy, but, oddly enough, no one came to be jealous of her. Yes, and women did not envy her and praised for the meek temper and a cute manner of communication.

... Simonette died from CHAGETHING at 23 years. But she was beautiful and death ...

New time

XVI century

Barbara Radziville

Romantic history of love and the tragic death of a 30-year-old beauties of Barbara for several centuries excitement of minds and historians, and writers, and artists.

The recognized beauty and beloved wife of the Grand Duke Lithuanian and the king of the Polish Sigismund II of August, was called the wedding, "the Great Lithuanian Lithuanian" and compared it with Elena Trojan.

And after his death, she caigned the role of a black panne - bringing, which wanders on the corridors of an old Nesvizhsky Castle.

Diana de Poitier

Freillin and favorite of the King of France Heinrich II.

Her beauty saved the life of the father's rebel (the king, like many men, could not withstand tears, flowing out of the beautiful eyes) and allowed the "to take" to the hands not only Henry, but also all the power in the kingdom, making her genuine queen of France.

XVII century

Ninon de Lanclo

She was a curtain and hostess of a literary salon, a writer and an educated woman who knew several languages \u200b\u200band owning several musical instruments.

Ninon was strikingly beautiful - to deep old age. And at the same time - intelligent and ironic, freedom-loving and extravagant.

Angelica de Fundant

"Adorable Creation" and one of the numerous favorite of Louis XIV.

Her destiny is a visual illustration of male cunning: only a year she wore the "title" of the official favorite. And then - heavy childbirth, a dead child and a farewell gift from the king - the title of Duchess de Fontand.

Official resignation. Rejected and so reconciled after delivery, she retired to the monastery, where he died at the age of 20.

XVIII century

Madame Rememier

Julie Reamenier. Clever and beauty. The banker's wife and the hostess famous for the entire Paris of the Salon, where not only writers were going, but also opponents of Napoleon's politics.

She captivated with his charming beauty, forced her head to lose and broke the heart. But - did not cross the borders, preferring to leave his fans in the category of friends.

Kitty Fisher

What was she - Kitty Fisher? The story about it is silent.

It is only known that she was the priestess of love that she was loved to draw artists that her beauty was fatally jealous that she was beautiful and did not know the measures in the make-ancourse. This led her to death from lead poisoning, which at that time was kept in Belilah.

XIX century

Lina Kawalieri

She was called the first fashion model and the last "fatal woman of an excellent era." Artists wrote her portraits, and postcards with her image flew around the world with millions! They filmed a movie about her and wrote books ... She was an opera singer, whom the whole world applauded.

But the cause of success was by no means an exceptional voice of Primaudonna, and its unearthly beauty. The dark-eyed brunette, which broke the hearts of the men and made sobbing the halls. Beauty with a broken heart, suffering from lost love ...

Natalia Goncharova (Pushkin)

Her name is forever connected with the name Pushkin. "The purest charm of the purest sample," the poet wrote about her. She was his love, his muse, mother of his children.

She was directly and indirectly accused of his death ... Fragile beauty with an Osin waist. Aristocratic pallor. Gentle hands. Charming smile and expressive eyes. Classical antique beauty.

Is it wondering that the emperor himself was among her fans?

Beauties of the twentieth century

The beginning of the century

Faith Cold

30 Rings for 4 years. Millions of fans around the world and huge queues in the synatographer (and this is at the time when the First World War was raging!). And the remnant death of just in 26 years ...

Who would have thought that a quiet and obedient girl, the "Poltava Galushechka", as her mother called, will be prepared by the fate of the "Queen of the Screen" - such a bright and so dramatic ...

Lily Elsi

The sophisticated beauty of Lily causes admiring sighs today.

But she herself did not think herself at all. Shy and insecure in herself, she saw in the mirror only an excessive thinness and not at all spectacular appearance. She was transformed only on stage.

Twentieth years

Greta Garboy

Cold Scandinavian beauty and piercing look of blue eyes. Huge talent and halo of secrets.

One of the greatest actresses of the last century was called "Swedish Sphynx" - for unwillingness to give interviews, appear on the premieres of their films and distribute autographs to fans. But it was just heated interest - all her films produced a furor, and an intriguing look hypnotized and conquered ...


Blonde in pants, with scarlet lipstick on lips and unchanged cigarette.

Queen of the screen and revolutionary in fashion. Sultry woman and style icon. Restark and Musa Remark and Hemingway. She was smart and formed, but believed that women's beauty is more important than the mind. After all, men are much easier to see what to think. And they, justifying this statement, stacked her legs with stacks!


Love Orlova

Do not everyone know that the first kinodius of the USSR was from an old nobility. Hence the sophisticated, "aristocratic" beauty, which even the images of the housekeeping man of the aunt and writing Duni could not hide.

Her fenced and copied. Psychiatrists have entered even the term "Orlova Syndrome". However, the ideal was practically unattainable - a waist of 43 cm, always straight back, slender legs in high heels - and the eternal struggle for beauty.

Vivien Lie

Her life was full of dizzying attacks and falls. Two "Oscars" (one of which is for the role of Scarlett in the "gone by the wind") and crushing reviews for the play "Romeo and Juliet", the roles of Cleopatra and Ophelia, passionate love, sweeping all the obstacles, and a painful divorce, the most severe work on himself and poor health.

She was a gifted actress and a stunningly beautiful woman, and her fate could mostly become a plot of the film.


Rita Hayworth

The famous Hollywood actress, which has become a princess in third marriage. Without hoping for nature, she slightly adjusted her appearance (and it was in the 40s of the last century!).

Then first performed striptease in front of the camera (let it be just a high glove) - and became a sex symbol of America of his era.

Betty spare

The owner of a completely fantastic figure (91-45-96), it was a real sex symbol of the 40s - 50s and the highest paid model of the pore.

Having started his career at 13, she worn the crown of the Queen of Beauty in various contests, posed more than 300 journal covers and smiled envisaged from all biglides of the country.

Epoch of the fifties


Sexy blonde with an overwhelming soul of a child ...

Talented actress and an unhappy woman, bright and dazzling in the cinema - and naive, trusting and at the same time closed - in life. Her Aura captivated all without exception.

She was loved by the camera and directors, and she loved life ... Probably, therefore, it seems such a ridiculous official version of her suicide.


The famous Italian actress celebrated the 82th anniversary. She does not hide his age. Moreover, actively removed in advertising and leads a secular life, hitting everyone with its slim girl's figure, perfect hairstyle and make-up.

In her "piggy bank" 181 film, 12 awards of film festivals (including Oscar), 2 sons and love of millions of admirers of her beauty and talent.



He was told that at birth, God kissed her into the cheek. It was not only an outstanding actress and a fashion model, but also a goodwill ambassador, and her name forever became synonymous with only talent, but also femininity, true beauty, generosity and charm.

Her eyes have always radiated good and smile, she had an angelic character and amazing performance, she pretended to people without a balance - and became the reference of the real lady.

Bridget Bordeaux

At the beginning of the 50s, she produced a real Furior, appearing in the movies.

Then, on the beach in Bikini, then gave fashionable "Babett's famous" Babetta ", became a model for Bust Marianna, the symbol of France, and on the eve of his 40th anniversary announced their care from the profession and decided to completely devote himself to protecting animals.


Claudia Cardinile

One of the most beautiful women in the world has never dreamed of an actress career, planning to become a teacher to teach the literacy of children in Africa. But fate ordered otherwise.

Striking beauty, witchcraft black eyes and his majesty The case made her star film star, beloved actress Lukino Wisconti and Federico Fellini.

Irina Alferova

Charming cornflower eyes and soft feminine beauty brought actress more hassle than joy.

In his youth, she was in his appearance: men showed increased attention, women frankly envied. Yes, and in his career, the beauty did not particularly help her: the role of Dasha in Constance is rather an exception to the rule. So the actress itself does not like when her beauty praises - prefers that they would appreciate her acting abilities.


Childhood in the family of alcoholics, participation in the TV show and the immersion that followed this in a rapid life - with clubs, endless parties and cocaine. She could all overcome.

The amazing persistence of character allowed her to achieve world glory - one of the most beautiful women of the planet became the first actress with a 10 million fee. Although personal life was not so successful as a career ...

Kim Nessanger

Kim's beauty flourished only by 17 years. But what a lush color!

The title "Miss Georgia", a successful career model, then no less successful - in the movies. She was a sex symbol of the 90s: Posted for "Playboy", starred in the erotic melodrama "9 1/2 weeks" and even received Oscar for the role of a prostitute in the film "Los Angeles Secrets".

End of century

The sultry Italian, the model in the past and the actress - in the present, she even crossed the half-century frontier, but still "dissolve" by a look only.

Her beauty is almost perfect. Directors saw in her and Maria Magdalin, and Cleopatra, and Kurtizanka. She was the "face" Dior and represented the Dolce & Gabbana brand, starred nude for a gloss (even being "in an interesting position") and posed by legendary photographers.

Claudia Schiffer

Growth - 180 cm, 41th foot size - In adolescence, Claudia terribly complexed and shy his entire "not female" parameters. And even an invitation to a trial photo session, she considered the mistake.

Well, and then were - the cover "ELLE" (later - and Cosmopolitan, Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire, Playboy, Vogue and other magazines), countless shows of leading fashion houses, contract with L'Oreal and Chanel. And the Great Lagerfeld for which she became a muse.

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Beauties 17-18th century.

Ningon de Lanclo -Ano-recognized French Kurtizanka, one of the most charming women and famous women of the XVII century, although it is not quite fair to call it by the curtain. She not making it from this profession and money did not play for her any role, she did not trade with her charms, and gave them to those who liked her, and immediately threw a lover, as soon as he was bored with her. One day Ningon refused Cardinal Richelo, who offered fifty thousand ecu, if she agrees to become his mistress.

"Elegant, perfectly folded brunette, with a dazzling white face, with a light blush, with big blue eyes, in which the decency, prudence, madness and sweetness, with her mouth with delicious teeth and a charming smile, Ningon held with nobility, but without Pride, possessing the striking grace. " So described the already thirty-year-old curtesan one of its contemporaries.
Moreover, it remained very attractive to very old years. Count Shoisel, subsequently, Marshal of France, fell in love and began to care for Ningon, when she passed sixty years, although it was twenty years younger. When Louis 14 - the "King Sun" wished to see the signature Ningon, he expressed regret that "this amazing woman refused to decorate his yard brilliantly her irony and funness." Indeed, when the All-Favorite Mentenon suggested her place at the court, Ninon replied: "At the courtyard, it is necessary to be a two-day and to have a split language, but I have to learn hypocrisy too late ... By the way, Ninon can be considered to be the" godmother "Voltaire. A year before She met a ten-year-old boy named Aroua, a novice poet, saw talent in him and in the will, he left him 2000 francs for the purchase of books. Voltaire, until the end of the days retained about the "beautiful aunt" the most warm memories.

The first two of the previously represented 18th century were famous not only for extraordinary beauty, but also to some extent influenced the foreign policy. The first lived in the Catherine Epoch, the second-time of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Sofya Witt - Pototskaya.

At the age of 13, this little beggar, together with his sister, sold his own mother. The older sister became a concubine who bought their commandant Kamenets-Podolsky Joseph Witta, but he was bored quite soon, then Witt paid attention to Sophia, who grared and began to become an extraordinary beauty. But it was not here, it was, Sophia had not only beauty (and apparently consistent with her confidence), but also in nature. In the end, the begging strolina was not a concubine, and his wife first Witt's commandant, and then an apple and fabulously richly rich Polish Pan S. Potoksky. Between them, Feldmarshal Saltykov and even the bright prince Potemkin also captivated. To some extent, she assumed that Poland was attached to Russia, because It was from Pototsky that the signing of the appropriate act depended. "Sly Lis" Potemkin sent Witt Sophia in Warsaw, practically making a bet on it, and did not lose. Stanislav Pototsky fell in love with a beauty and actually between the freedom of the Motherland and Sofia chose the last one. For the beloved woman, Pototsky arranged a fantastic beauty Park, and called "Sophia", the discovery of which was timed to the birthday of Sofia. Guests were amazed by luxury. The appearance of the Countess was the main miracle - it appeared at the light of thousands of fireworks, surrounded by Nayad, dressed in Greek Hiton with diamond diadem on loose hair. And in the dark sky burned and sparkled the letters C and P - Sofya Pototskaya.

Countess did not appreciate such love and soon changed her husband with his son - an incorrigible player Yuri. The graph did not survive double betrayal, and Sofya remained rich and free. With a young lover, she only broke up when he lost his whole state and endowed huge debts. Under the end of the life of Sofya was engaged in affairs and even charity. Her life was similar to an adventurous novel, and death to mystical legend. After the earthquake in Uman, the temple, where Sofya was buried, collapsed and among the ruin the coffin was mercoccal, apparently rendered to the surface with underground shocks. They also said that the Earth does not accept Countess-Srinst. In the end, the dust of Poyotsky was restored at the village cemetery.

Emma Hamilton - the wife of the English ambassador in Naples Lord Hamilton, which became solely due to its unearthly beauty, as it was at all ungiven descent. Before the meeting with Hamilton Emma was a simulator and actress (represented "live paintings" on works of art) and was very popular, even Goethe is counted among the fans of her art.

Having become acquainted with the English Admiral Nelson, Emma fell in love with the rest of his life, like her. Being friendly and having some influence on the Queen of Neapolitan, and through it and on the king of Ferdinand, she resulted in a large extent helped the British fleet in the fight against Napoleon. But after the death of Nelson stayed with a little daughter without any support and died in poverty. A number of books and films are devoted to this extraordinary and charming woman, as well as the song performed by A. Malinina.

Romantic and at the same time, the tragic image of Lady Hamilton in the same film created one of the most beautiful actresses - Vivien Lee.

Princess Maria Kantemir - daughter Moldavian Lord Dmitry Kantemir, sister of the poet of Antioch Kantemir and the last love of Peter 1.

Children spent in Istanbul, where her father at a long time actually was hostage from Turkish Sultan. Nevertheless, Maria received excellent education at that time: he studied the ancient Greek, Latin, Italian, the basics of mathematics, astronomy, rhetoric, philosophy, was fond of antique and Western European literature and history, drawing, music. At the end of the 1710, the family returned to Russia. With Peter 1 Maria first met in the house of the Father, in the near Moscow estate. After moving to St. Petersburg, she became the mistress of the king, which was not prevented by her father, who dreamed of cumulative to the sovereign and to free Moldova from Ottoman Iega. And Peter 1 wanted to get from Mary of the heir, which Catherine Catherine could not allow, who made everything possible so that this child was not born. After the birth of the dead boy, Maria and the Father went to his Oryol estate, where the Lord died soon. And in a short time, Peter 1. Most recently, a film about the love of the emperor and the Moldovan Princess was shown on the central television, in which the image of Marya recreated Elizabeth Boyarskaya.

Alexandra Petrovna Struj (nee lakes) - Her unearthly features, were transferred to the brush portrait F. Rockot, most likely a portrait, and rather steam portraits of newlyweds, were ordered by the artist immediately after the wedding of the jet, and therefore Alexander Petrovna is about 18 years old.

The portrait of the Store inspired by the poet Nikolai Zabolotsky on one of his best poems "Love painting, poets."
... you remember how from the darkness of the past,
Barely wrapped in atlas
With rokotov portrait again
Watched a just on us?
Her eyes - like two fogs,
Semi-cough, semi-foam,
Her eyes - like two deceptions
Millet-covered failures ...
When dotteches are coming
And the thunderstorm is approaching
From the bottom of my soul flicker
Her beautiful eyes.

Madame Reamenier (Julie Bernard) - Undoubtedly, the most beautiful woman of France era of the French revolution, born in 1777 at a small official and his beautiful wife. When a girl was not yet 16 years old, she married the banker Jacques Reamen, who was her older than her for 26 years. Relations between spouses were more friendly, Reamen provided his young spouse full freedom, which she enjoyed quite reasonably. Having received a beautiful house in Paris as a gift from her husband, she organized her salon, which was soon very popular.

The charm of Julie, her mind and political views attracted to her the salon of many famous people. One of the contemporaries of Mr. Lemonier wrote about her: "Madame Remiene never bearing a diamond, her toilet exquisite simplicity does not allow anything other than pearls ... Her beauty has that feature that it is more attractive than blinding at first sight. The more you see it, the more beautiful you find. " Julie had an amazing chance, a special inner musical rhythm and no doubt her beauty did not know equal in Europe. In the fashion of that time, she wore a transparent dresses that did not hide her flawless forms, reminding the ancient statue. But appearance is not the main reason why her salon for several decades was one of the main literary and political, intellectual centers of France, but perhaps all of Europe. She possessed not only by beauty and charm, but also an amazing talent to attract extraordinary personalities to themselves. In his salon, in different years there were liesby most famous people of that era: Scientific Andre - Marie Ampere, Evgenia Bogarne, Bernadot - the future king of Sweden, writers Prosper Marim and Standal, artists David and Eugene Delacroix. It was the color of French art and science, the names entered into world culture, all of them managed to unite Madame Reamenier.
Her friends appear, among them Onor de Balzac and Viktor Hugo, as well as the famous Madame de Stelle, with whom Juliette tied for many years of friendship. The amazing beauty of Julie attracted many fans to her, incl. Prince of Augustus Prussian. The prince fell in love with Juliette, and it was a man, in response to whose love for the first time her heart beat. The Prince August wanted to marry Julia, wanted it to be, but she sneaks with her husband, sorry him, who had already become old and almost beggar, and could not.
In 1803, Napoleon sends Madame de-Steel from Paris, and Juliette openly goes into the opposition of power: "A person who has expelled such a woman ... cannot be in my presentation nothing else like a ruthless despot. From this time, all my creature against it. "
Fuushe, one of her then friends, very much wanted to present her to the court and even hinted Madame Reamen on the possibility of a more intimate relationship between her and the emperor. Lovely Julie proudly rejected this perspective. But her charm is so great that even the court artist Napoleon J.L. David did not resist what to draw a portrait of a woman who was in French story with an implacable opponent of Napoleon Bonaparte. His most famous "Portrait of Madame Remight" is now in Louvre. Later, she inspired another great artist - Francois Gerar, and then sculptor, G. Shinar, who created a wonderful bust Madame Remiene.
In 1811, Bonaparte sent Madame Reamenier from Paris. In 1813, in Italy, closely converges with Queen Hinghenzia and Carolina Murat, and in Rome, her French salon possesses the same attractive force as in Paris. Among his visitors, there were Balanch and the sculptor Kanov, who made her bust, which he after redoned to Danov Beatrice.
When Juli, it turned 40 years old, she unexpectedly forgot about his principle to build her relationship with men on the basis of only friendship and fell in love, passionately and for a long time. It was a famous writer Rena Shatubin.
. "Beauty, who does not know himself equal in Europe, the title honor and noble character," What other wealth needs in this sad life "is the words about her Madame de-Steel. Much later, another famous woman - Anna Akhmatov- Wire: "And again Madame Remiere is good and Goette, like Werker Yun"

And yet the name Madame Remiene became the type of couch, on which she lies on the famous picture of Jacques Louis David.